HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-24, Page 32 ..1-1 I. I --11 ­­­­ 1-1-1-1 _­­­ -.1--- .11, � . -----1__-1 I � t-13118ITy— ."ImultAcy-1 Luolmliiiw _1; Mtoa Newo-Reowd 0 . . I 11 .1 ­ ____ .. . 1-11--11.- I-.,--- , I * June 24th,o 1900 I ; against George McKeniie, ,who is on ' ft Our Formula � 000 #*"."#0##".*#"**"1 Tbe 4se referred to last voex ""On uOunty B e S (i PNP"w#PNPPP WPR"ppwAoowpmwpwwwm - , h U r, W List, was board last, 841� ir . T 79 11 . . DURING the, SPRINQ the 104ian . I . at-hered. roducis In "004,0 SOMPSH1110 si II urday afterwqxx before Robt. Graham . inedigine ,thot has on umpproolcho4 I , , , and Reeve Joynt. MoXiewl , ia ad- . Perorel of 101sr" of L I ,16, YOU NEED mJit"te'd being intoxicated and testified Scrofula, eexems., eruptlow� catarrb. I � � that the liquor had lacen procured for rheumatism, Anemlao nervousness, that I I him by George Heath and that Wm. . tire4 feeling, loss of ap � Something to restore the ap- I , petite, etc, . _ ,platite, strengthen the nerves. J. Stringer bad also procured liquor I , - � for ' Hood's Sarsaparilla effects its won- . NewsmosRecord -NKr*&edrNderS 4erful cares, not *Imply bvicause It . i e blood, or tone up the for him W.Ithin the past thirty days . containo sarsaparilla but becaltift It SZ1111114yet and fill the boy Nvith Stringer denied oil oath that ba ba� ­__ - combine* the utmost remedial values rich ,vitality. procured any liquor for McKenzie , of moro than 20 different Ingredients. . withfA thirty days, 'but the magistro4t4 Morris Town$hiplp . each greatly strengthened , and en- , , BglgrikV.e I Seaforth riched by this. peculiar combination. Bland"s Iron Pills es evidently thought otherwise for Mr. JOCIC Mist" 4s visitim., fill Mrs. Hill of Londeaboro Is visiting 10, There is no real substitute for It. A they imposed a flue of $10 and the . The marri ge of Uiss Nan Killoran, urged to buy any preparation ,said to -I , Detroit aud Chica be ,,just as good,, you may be sure it Are spec: luten4ed for this to be , - go her son, Tblos. Hill. � daughter of Mrs. John Killoran. to is Inferior, costs less to makes. 4n4 bey will reinforce . pui-pose. 4% paid within twenty da , P, Mr. F.. A. Cle ry Wi r, Tlhd,, the dealer a. larger profit. ; 10 y if A � Mr. Adam Smith of Deloraine, Man.4 Richard Burrows of HarristQIL Is I _ same upon McKenzie, the fines , . the ftggIng energies and Impart ... .ys or in 0efault C vil.Sitin@ friends Ila Morris 4pdOrcyg Visitor at Wm. Hooper's. I a of 440 was yle Is xne4icine makek, heiiltby and . , - - t celebrated in, St, James, church on .1 * new strength of body hud u4nd. of payment, the parties to: be. com- Fxom The News -Record of I 1v, I st=j� thea�'Llttle SoKlera'l In your zilitted to jail for thirty days. In 06 . . r�'Jas, Maxwell, 6th Une, has .his . R. F. McKenzie moved 14to his new June Uth, Rev, Father CorcorZ per� _t to . , lil corpuscles that fight als, case of Heath Jie admitted procuring June 24th, 1891, cement, wall completed and is .now house across the street last weak. forming the ceremony. The boautiful ease germs constantly attaelOns *ou. . ' I - . ..."1111 . . . . . . - �� ......... ... -.11111111 LL ­. the , liquor but denied any knowledge , . ready for the framers. Win. Thuell I Mr. Robt. McMurrao was a delegate bride was given &WAY by her -brother, Get lotn':41%, of your druggist. 100 n, the prohibited, Mute* .ttmding the Syn . Doses lar. Prepared pilly by , , June 24�h, 1891. has his stone wall also completedand a . . od In London last Air. Jas. Killoran, and wore a KOWA C. L Hood Co., T4il -Mass.. U. 0, A. I WE M�Awrr v list, and the magistrates gave him ready for the framers. A mullber 'of week. of white duchesse satin, with the Leon- ) Mr. T. TiPling left Monday morning other farmers are. Improvigg their] Mr. and Mrs J. A. Brandon spent wiltion -----1 1. To XWOW US the benefit of the doubt and O'llowed for Dbtrolt Where he ha�s accepted a .f rms, by puttin Sunday among,' triends Ili God . , al y,eil and orangq blossoms. - , bim. to go, on suspended sentence. Li- a g up wire fences. , ericb. and carried a slvaf of bridal' roses, . Mr. Robert � oColi le , .. Position as foreman , I I 9 nell th , 0 team of Miss Cleary, sister of th ' I - of Cus- cease Inspector Cannon was present , in a shop. Ills. Mrs, Rolit. Thompson, ,who has I T. S. Brandon sold a fin, , e groom, was. And,that your recipts, vnll be family remain here for the" present. ' horses to Jas. Robinson for MAnIto'ba. a very pretty bridesmaid in a mauve. toms Department, an old' Halifax filled with the best. goods ob- and looked ifter the p�osccutiou, The . pent the past year visit.,ng, friends 1 tainable. We guarantee pure Cape attracted considerable attention The funeral of the late Mrs. Wade. s 11 The trustees of Belgrave school are gown and p'joke bonnet alad carried a newspaper mah, died at Ottawa. I Robinson last Friday. was quite largeJ the West, xeturned home last week.; having their school gro,unds put in a lovely bouquet of c = roses, The 1 . ,o, drugs, perfect service, owcuracy * and will no doubt be a timely waror- _ We are Pleased to -state that Mr. better state of repair, TO . I Rov. Dr. Eilward Everett Hale (rie(I and promptness. � ing that it is a serious offence to pro- ly attendied, Relative,s and friends groom was ably supported bv Dr. . curia liq ' ' X. Cardiff, who pappicned With a bad At his home at Rovbury, Mass. I I I . -uor for a person Who is on tile were present from Toronto, Berlin, ­ Rev, and Xrs, Rivers will be home Lco Kil.loran of Toronto, brother of. . Al.wl — I proll6ited' list. It is a significant fact, Bayfield, Godericb, an fall two weeks ago., is kriproving as 'this week to talke charge of Rext sun. tb I d other points. , e bride. During the Ceremony solos, I : welt as might iiie exfiected. day's services. on the circuit, � I ­ - . , that similar prosecutions. occurred - in Mr. J. W. Green has accepted the . were rendered by Mrs. O'Connell and I t Mrs. Win, Watson, 5th line, Mrs� Jas. McCallum, who had her Mr. W. flays. Repeat it :—I'Shiloh's Cure will al� The aame week at Kincardirle, '.Walker- . Position of manager of the Wlar on . who I . The bridal party drove � W. S. RAOLMES, ,uftiaw. "Clio . underwent a successful operatioi% bride,s mother, ways cure ray coughs ,and colds." I . � .. ton, Wing -ham and L V - Mrs. Green is at prgsent visit. I re- arm broken 4 few weeks ago' while to the botne of the , V Ing her hupband'a relatives klei,r Wing. cently, Is getiing along , nicely we going into, church, W recovering, where a luncheon was served. Mr. ,_,� . Man gchetaiet, * 1. , J* A, McLean of Wiinnippg Apil his ,hain - ir I . . " . , �. are pleased to state. .. 41 Dunc. McCallum has purchased 4 and Mrs. Cleary �Jeft on tNl honey.: , . -sister Miss Eui)ied McLean have been The Synod of the di � Mr. T I . S. Scandon sold his chestnut.line tearn 61 high-priced. heavy draft moon on the 3Z train, the latter I y1siting their- mother, Mrs.. R. ' Me- ocese of Huron , . . """"""##""""" Lean. . held its regular session ,ta London las4 1driver and a three�year-�Qld colt, t. Young horses from David Chaniney, wearing a trikn navy suit, witit tus. ILI a,;;:,? week. Rev. Rural Dean Craig of Clin- r. Jas. Robertson of WhItbwater, Messrs. Jerry Brydge% and John can hat, trimmed with fruit and folds —RELIABILITY — EXPERIENCE— John Murelyinson. has arrived ]lame ton was elected one of the clericlil da14 Man., for a , handsome stim.- Ferguson are putting up cement silos. of rose silk. �i,They will restile iiiWind- � I I I : Zrom. Tennessee where he splint the, Mr. Patterson of Wawanosh has the 0r, where , the groom is a risiro., . — I", I I _., . I . . egates, to the provincial s'ynod anAbIri iMMIsa Bertic Watson was called home I contract. young barrister. � M1 � winter. He will remain here most: of J Olin F ansford, a lay .,Ipleggte. Oa tald from Lansing, Al-ich., owing to �, the . . 1-'\ the S�mmcr, .� . . � I -Tohii Crowe, who has been Prouln,olal Loan of$8,600,000 Repeat it:�'Shilohls Cure w'll a. I executive, committee were placed Rev. serious illness. - of her mother, Mrs. : . spending A quiet and pretty wedding took � I . . a couple of weeks with his brother- vays, cure my coughs. nad comls," Rev. Prof - McKay of Vancouver, an I Rural, Dean Craig twit Mr. Johr4 Rails-, 1W. H. Watson. She was accompanied ' Place in Chicago on June Oth, when THE� GOVERNM& 1. . in-law, Win. Wray has left for Wimit, M ss Jessie � �4 NTI OF THE - . - old - Lucknow boy, was in'town over ford, Clinton, and Mr, - Philip I -jolt, Vy a friend, Mrs. Xcoun, who returned peg. I . .. � .i I . . . i Bell Anderson, formerly ]PROVINCE G -F ONTARIO, tinder thct Sunday visriting his mother and -sis. Goderich. I to Lansing last Monday. Miss Wat- of Seaforth, ,�ras united in marriage authority of Chapter 8, of th Stat- , DR. OVENS, SURGEON,, OCULIST, ter. I I . Rev., Mr. Livingstone of LIstowel, I son I will remairk home for a few Wm- Watson, having purchased Mr. to Mr. 0. Vernon Harter of Chicago. lites of 04tarioi 1909, invites e su � b- . . . . . . � 1. , Jackson's housp', bad it retnoverl to Iii.9, I % I I will be at Holmes' Drug Store o moiriths. . I' The wedditig took place at the bride scriptions from tile Public for a. loa ' , 4 Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKenzie . n t Thursday. - . I I . I coriler lot Olt main street. Where he � 11 Miss tva Croll, the expert composi- and groom�s future homc, 149 Howe of $8,500,000 on bon& of tile Province - Frtday, July Othi and thereafter. on Winnipeg are visiting friends in Luck- Mrs. Johnstont of BrAish Colu4ila, lwill..make a very comforia,iolo dwelling I , Wedhesday Aug. 4, Sept. 8, Oct. 13, is 14 town visiting h,er.pilrents. 'formerly of thei 6th visit I of 04tario or "OntArIb � now and vicinity this week.. Mr, %c- 'tor, I , line, is 6n a , house ,of it. Mr. Riley at Lovidesboro street. - . � . .. . I , Governmelit, Nov. 17, Dge. 22. Hours Iyom. 9 a, Ke le is an old-Lucknow boy-, Mrs. Win. Xurr' � to her sister, Mrs. Win, Armstrong, moved &t. . . 18tock", ' . . . in. until 3.30 1). ml. Qlasses properly.' Az . . .. ay and Master nerce ' . . . . I I The death occurred in' -Seaforth, on I The tonds will be dat Fair are, visiting Mrs. Dr. Campbell, Morris council Will meet on T,�Joil, . . I ed .1st June, fitted. Diseases . of the Eye, Zar, ' . I . _". I � . - . 11 Juno 1,6tb, of Mr. Samuel Slaitb,, at t 1909N, and payable on the Ist of Juill Nose and Throat tKeated. . I . . . I I I Detroit. I - I day, 28th inst * ' . I I I I � � the age of 76 years, 4 moriths, 14, 1939, in 1delionlinations of $1,000 -each., I . I . I . New BankWa, House.—Mr,-G. D. Mce. I Mrs, Lizzie Sellers has g ne on a . . Nile I days. The late Mr. Smith had been -with coupon,s attached for interest at D 0 1 0— � . . - Taggart is now esta,bli - . � � . She Coald Not - . , shed in.t6o�neN,r i holiday y iai-t, to the West. : I . ­ iiii poor health for some time, Ills. the I I . . . . . . � . brick buildine on Albert St., especial. There - was a barn raisin at rL 'RON,.* W. Conway is at present away illness.being due to the 114firmities, of rate of four per cent� per aizrium, . able 1 n the Ist of June - .9 . Pay alf-yearly a' ly constructed for this gar' s 3rd line, on Tuesday after- on his vacation. Lasi Sunday .his his declining years, T c -deceased W.as . . . .. li�siness. Tbere!A ' I I . I I . . . . h . and Ist of December in, each. year at, , TO FARMERS AND , I Hold A Teacap, is a fire and ,114urglar 'proof vaulf with noon. I . 1. � work hero was . sp rt. well known, in ,thip, vicinity, especially the office of the Pr'ovinci' . . . I I r kIl the pr . . . � . ppli�ed-, by Robe McKillop t . ol where. lie resided Toro4to,' al Treastorer, � . — # . ecautions for abisoigte, safety Walter Yuill is 'drawing gravel for Young of Goderich. �- I I I ' � OTHERS q: * * - I ' . that. the most competent firm , on, the' tile foundation of a -large barn he is Quite - a h,,,Avy : hailstorm visited far a number of ye�,�rs-bcfore coming or at'the offices ofthe-Bank . . BUT DODD'S XIDNE)�. PILLS CVR" continent fit quell . . � ., of Montreal, Ili Montreal, Canada,)Iand , I � � matters, Gouldie go,p.g .to crept this summer, � '. ed these parts on Sunday night ,,veek, .to Seaforth, - The late'Mi. Smith Was - ' . . , . ED MRS. -JAMES H. WHITE. I and McCulloch, Galt, could dbvfse. I Last Sabbath atterno'n, in the ab ­but we are glad' to knoAv, I thare -twice marricd.,knd is �survlvcd by . his til New York, N. Y., at the: holderls. - , I 0 � . .1. .. I . . . � I . . ,� I was .1 I option. Bonds -will be made payable I .have opened out at the Standard � - ' * . . 1TIve general office is nicely fitted up,sence of the pastor, Walter.Hall ' of very little damage 4one. ; . - widow and'three sons, The, sons ;are to bearer, -but.on.request will be reg - Elevator, in connection, with my' They took away her backadiia, . cured ,,with counter, etc., of natkve Woods, Winghani took' the service in thel Miss Cassic Kellitosh 'has returmil Messrs. Samuel and ,Ta'mes.*who re. - . . . . - . - ter urinary , trot.)�Ic and made* her rill be � �Ij_ Sunshitte Methodist ch . . compan_ side in McKillop .and . George of . istered, in the lame . grain business,, a full stock of Timo- . . . . 11 I ,and the other apartments M � . R . . %� of the Provincial a.we.11 twoman. .. . I . . . I . ureh. ,. , to her home at Lochalsh. .kc , . , I . . �. � .e' T and eddorsed as . payable thy and Clover Seed, Corill anu . . ted so as %to make It pleasant asi Welt i ,We observe that alipther member ied by her mother, she will . I..... 91na. I � . : . I .. Inilly, to the otder of certaAn ,persons,!'ba Feed, of all kinds., Please gIve, me � -Prevelle, Gaspe Co., .Que., June 21., as profi,tgble for. those Ildving- business Joseph H. *and Mrs. Bowmag.of,Wing- shorcly for the West, where they Pur- It is With deep regret that:" . .. Call.' � . . . (Speclal).-�-After suffering � for four to transact. As Mr. .G. D. McTaggarU liam,;formerly of this,townsh;P'. pose. stalrizig-Jor soind time. . .- . we aoro'corlibrations, and oh request. of hold- � , I � . - � called .upon to relate the death of, ers will bd exchanged . for "Ontario I — . . �, � , , � years from ills,. w-hich.many ' woman -is 'favorably.known, and having 'falcen has been added to the family circle of ,Richard Ryan, who. has undergon3 Ferd-nand J.,..son. of I%Tr.' - and 'Mrs. Government Stockll.itt any.t!me. - I a . . * * -knows, and'being., treated by a doctor' over the business of his latia father, I Next week. W�. R.' Mooney, .5th line, ,an operai-ion in the hospital, is im-, F, B . which! "Ontario Government Stock" will. .who.. failed to give her religf, I& s. ,Xr6 M. MeTaggart, an . d havifig ' the leaves .for Toronto- where lira ex ects proving nicely ., .. Lnd expects , orgard of Egm6ndville,� i * een in ! bpa . r.interest from the lot day of Junq- . . - 1p . to be occurred June 10th. -He had b . W 198 SMYTH., .Jam6a H. 'White, a farmer's wifeliv� .necessary. experiencef ' courtesy and I to * take a -Position., - ... - �.. I well ,enough to:returk to his hOPIc a delicate , state of health for . iome, 1900, principal pa - .. I ­ . ' near . I I wher - .r - , business is i - I The - Shoshone -(Idaho) J�6urnc4l � Of 'this Week. .� ...., .. .� . I . 1 . I , yable, on the Ist day I . .. ing .here, is again a welt womd1l; I , ewith to ciix y on the I , I . . . . time and his death, altliotigii sird'den, of June, 193R,,' and inte . est . . . . Dodd's Kidney Pills dured.her. � la. ibarik of discount and deposit, it � Is June 41-h. say's -11L �1 Tbe-'members ot1the Wo - i ,s : Mij; ' I . K at the. . . . I I .1 . I . I � . I. ittle Margaret I man - was not unexpected. Ale"was in� t - � � .. � . . . . � hi%�ra e of1f6ur percent. per annum.,%vill. . � . . . 4 'My'troxibie started from.'a %trairl,'ti ,but fair to presume that the 'public ,31autideTs w�as so untartunate as - to.,-sionary Society are �busy nnaking gar -'16th',. year. .. . . . . 1, t6e Paid balf-yearlk by cheque on - thrl- ' C 0 - -Mrs. White statlei. "I had a I pain al- . will find this' house , a'great convk-n- run a pin. into her knee � I inent the "Fresh. air children.)' .' .. .. I . _� . . . The Leading S ha '111! I .- I . . . . I ast evcning . s for, . . �, . I Ist day- of June and Isit 4a ' . . . I v�ays'.across my back and, a steady lence, I . . �. and it required; the jft6nJjOTj 6f.two � Thursday, Ahey in * * - I . I . � _ y of Dec- . . .. - I I I . . . . , OR_ ' ct in tbe � base� 7 . .. . . . ember in ga6h Year. "Ontario Gov- . ... 4 es..--�-Li'x-Mayor White- pl�ysiclatu; to remove iti " ' The iroung m _. pain in the, back afiny.neck, and , I ' �eilt of the church to work on th,�% * ernment Stock,' n I . . had u'rinary trb�.�,Ie that causCd . :me a head showed ,us'the pther, day samples, lassie referred.: to -is the 'eldest daugh- . . quilts prepared, 1y the ladi' I ' , The .A�eirage Rural Pupil - . . . .lay -bq subscribed for . . . . . . . . . I � . ' . 1, � . . I -1. M . . -in - LIS.at their ,. . - . , , . I I in sums , of, 1$5o Or multiples tberelat, - I great deal bf annoyance. . . of potatoes ab -out Ahe size' of the ay. iter. of.,W. I . and Mrs. aunders, previous ceting. .., - - I . I . . i . . - .. . . . . . 00C * n - the butYka. , . . fiailryears I suffered in this crage. qgs.'of the gallinaccous, do.mos--;fdtmerly-of'this�.townslitP, and.grand- . . .1 . � I , . . . . . --- . ., . of the Treasury Department Only by . , I I 'For . , s �Ito School 800 Dakys iiid will be transferable i ' . I i . 1. . � . I . I � I . . . . I . I . . tic,fowl. He grew ,illetrt in his! ..own daughter.of kfts. � T. -Matinders '* * ' . �' . . . . . .. . . .. .. . -_ . --- - . . STRATFORD. ONT.. I way .and the doctor.' I consulted did., . � �� . . � . I � of I � . . . . . w the holdei or his attorney in sitllilg* .. . . ' I . . . I .- � . . . , ., ,-- .1 , � . , 0 riot do. me any, last�ng good. In ' th3 PlOt" It is ...untisualir early ,in- the grtisSels. . .. - . � . . . .1 . . I . . ­ �1,�4-,�*,`,,, . r ' , . "I � -,�... manner t ' stock�' ., - , . . � I Zurich ' � - I - 7,�:R -'a" . ­ o'transfers of bank Courses are practic . . Our morning I wag dizzy, and I- 11nally.. f , .season ,:.to have. home grown spuds fit I - -on June 911h. Aho. inafiimol5ial' 'knot . . � .1 . . - �. . . ­�,Om �_ - al ' , . . . � ,,,�;MW.'­ The'issue Price during. th' mouth of� go , I . ­� �,,. � J e for ta)lle use, oil the l3th of Juna, and iwas tied at Knox chtireb. Ca' ' J6hn G . ,..,:��, ,F.,�':, teachers experienced, and. our - so nervor.s'I cou�.d not hold a cup. . I . 11, . Ignary, by . alster had the nii6fortulle to: ­�?11,<i-,,�V'­��.p unc, . 1,909, will be 102 for. each Slob � , ,,­_ .1 P, , ­ I P . ...... 1". __ � � . graduates capable to Jill rtsl)QA-� k"Then Lstarted to use DO - Xid the fact will n6t at all support --.., tile Rev. Dr.'J. A. CSark, betWeen An-' break =6 of his legs on' , ,Sa I 1 ".1 ,, , . dd's -� I turday . I I I _ �", I .11, � , , and after the -30th. (lay at June, 1909, - h a C I , �&, . �.� " . 1 . ' , sible positions. We are ree,bivin.w ney, Pills, nd'I go�t.rial' contention of the'uninformed .that ,ve; dre,w.. Al., Warwick of 1regerville, Al.� week .while getti 9 barr I o salt , . ­ 1�., � � ..... - I .a. let: right 1-.0111 . w . 11 � ­ I .: .1 . the issue. -price Will be 102 and . tIID- . I r;,ile com . '. .1 I I " ,�, I I . many applications for office IrCIP. .the start. Three, bokes. l6urci , _. live.in.,.a byperborean latitude. . . . berta,'. formerly, of the 2nd line, Mor- at: 3fernei's -,v&relious�. Pxrt Of 'the .1.1.11 - "'. .. :.:�­ ,�. 1 . During a single day thig:­%v,eek . . I - , . . . . . . . 1. I .1 . I . I risi � and Miss .'jessie, dauglitc . I . . . I- . . ­ I . ­ ;_ I I .. Interest accrued,from, the Ist of Jurke" ' we I pletely_ To -day -I 'am.awc,ll wo�ian.11 . .1. I . � � ... . I . .r. of T. IflooT gavla way and t[ho salt rolled oll I , .1 11 �: 1909. , - - . . . . . . ,, . . . — I . � . . . I . I I I I., . . . .. - W , ' . . . : . . the NV. I 'Idnir Will ork the I I 0 - received seven applicaticits 16f "of . C.'..Ki'llicy , , L, �': '. , .. . , , _. Y. ,MdLiu.khlin: of'.Gorric . I . .. wl,ccl_ba,.ro . . e or I � .� i* I 1. -­ ­ , , . I -1 . - B NDS - 0 `1 . . I flee help and four for Co mcicial.. ., , :Mrs. Whit 'si troubles* - ­ . I . I . . d. -1: .. I I . c_... .. :... .. � 1 t s . tr I 11 . � I I ; ,: ..ALL . . AND. INSCRI 3ED M . ... . - - : - 1. � 1. ! I ., ank] .. .1 I I � . � I � . , � I . .. , tk6ables. .So are the troubles ot.nino Holmesville, :June, .2-1t1i 1 1891, , - I '.1 I I - — . - -1 t I I STOC �,D TINDER THR�AU- - . . � . . , , . 1� � . ,4 � I J� - . ... � � - .. � - .. 1. . 11 � '. - I . . . I I . . . . � �, " 1- . -ur graduates. succeed., out'of.tin of .the wfiftint. worn on* of ` . . I I . . . � I I �811ss - Lizzie, Allan,. who. spelit til-, . I I . THORITY THE SAID Abt AftE, L teachers. 0 1 .. - . - . I a ,.$ . . .: � , . ­ I . . I K ISSU,F I . � I I . Quite i - . 'I , . . _�' I I r.., ­6tu - .1 . ::1 ... '.., � . op. asn.orreothers. Three -dep -3 Canada t6-day�­,­That-- is -Why D-outIN I � a number .. -from, tills. Pace � . 'k is ., ,.� 11 . . aitibent' � I . . . . �. attend , , en .. Wiftigheim I . 1 wi ter, in Boston, �Ma .1 r rned- to � 11­',� il, � -_ FREE ,FRO -1%1. -.ALL ONT'4,RfO PRO� , . . � I I �hem. . .. . � . . ' �!::��, , I - , . I . � . I I —Commercial, Shorthand and TeI6- ' ed, thia. canip. meettlia. In Kipp � . . I , I I 11 I graphy. Catalogue ' . . .. . X,dwy Pills always cu.tla . ,. . On StInd.ity last, . ., . . 9F 1 I., . : . ., � 'Mr home , and spent, th-�cd Weeks vi�- � . �'WCIAL TAXESSi�CHARGES,-SUC-f- . .. . " . 11 . . . . .. I ___, �, � � . . �. .. . ", . . . . free. . . s .. 1, . 1. . , 1. 1. . .The annual'nicetipg- of. districi ,,\Ta,'iting. -her Pirent -Of*� Blake,' ha's gona I It .'_ , � .. .6ES,Sf0N-'-' DOTY . . . . . . .1 .. . . -----"-..;— i :� . . I - . ..s. . � ,ANil). .151POSI- � . � . � I I . . Mr. H. B, Evans has: purchlis&l - ��,* , . - � . . " . I . I . .. 1. .:: . .. . - 1 ,(,.,22 I. 0. 0, F, - ; ' - -0 St I , ., .. ,� � . . � I � . . I ) I . Was held. in Brussclsj - .� Paul,' .Xinnesota ' Iox t ,;�;,, . TIONS. WHATSOEVER. �' ­ I * . . r .. WQ .. ,�. �, :, j� - . . .: I . , horse and buggy and he Will ' soon on the oth in months. � Theit she Will go to .,__'I,, ". �"_,�,_, . . , , ae . e C. P. P. conductors. * re sending start on -is agency, business. ' . 11 . , Splblc� , ,�"; B it. I - -will - � Elliott..& XCL 11ilog " Th . . I i . a Il I ! J.. st-i the D.� D. G. �if. 'W. ,,,,��;,�,,.,v,� � . Purchasers 6['Stock.-6j. O, , 8 . . . . 'Haines presiding. ' Stai , Wber6, Slk - ­­ �� I I be .required to send , . -to J I on L.r�,�� 1�1 . . y Subjcctg of .tit- ane,:. .W`ashin�t 0) e , �,;��. g�. � � - cortiflecf � chccquo� . a committee to Alontreal . interview Miss u " � iiiiii , . . I 1. * ' , I � I S sy 'Jeakins went to Alitchell terest to the working of the, -Order �in. is'.0194ged ag li, trained nurse. She' ' ' ii ­­ 1, - with the i aydble,to , -thef' I . � I . � . � I . is .'I 1,11 .),liplication, p . I PRINCIPALS Sir Thoias . Shaughne§s� xegaiding on-Moriday to visi.t ,friends. I . ed in a lively. boutid to ted -some of- the., World - I . . � . I - .. I certain grievances. � . . -- � Shei-.will 1 the district were discuss . , ..,of the. IiProvin-,ial Tr'easnrcrof�', 1 . . I I � _ . . stay for a -few dlaysi I I .:­ ibut,harmonioll"ann6j.-The, vi itor I �Mr.:' W..1-1.. 'Hoffman Iiiii- -handed I.. I :", Cntario..11 . I . . . . . . . � , ' � � . . . . . L. s 1% . I . . . . . I . I . . . .. . . I � : , �Mr. and Mrs. - J, Cook of Lebburn!ic-p6rt' having had :a very ,I around R list for ,subscriptions toAlle., , . I This loan : is., raised upon, -%,ne erpilit I . .. I . . ­ .1 . I cn;oyan e . . . I . . � . I called on friends in the, villagc� While time. and.were royally, entertained to band -anl. has ill ew-ouragin., . I -the Coq S DRAIN TILEi ,.&ND.- BRIC . �. . met wi I I k of ,.. .Ian elaborately gotten, up dinner ,Vy jbc,results.. 'He �Will bave I ' KS.—WE 'Passing.. through.. . I . . _solidat6d R FALL TERM OPEN . 6 kiln- on may the I Rev. W. ' . . . � I no trouble . in I Ontallo, - and is chargeable thereupon. . . will open our :�rst , . Ayers has purchas'd %- fine Brussels bretherm, S. -A. Maguire 1, Procuring the. $150 . neede ' I .e . . . m 0 ' d' for un!- . � .. I 1, Subscribe.rs sh6uld sta,te whether , . a .. � 291-h and tdcn Wt will again have Tontine colt from W, Stanley who is Winghairl. �was�.electcd D,tD. G. Al. 4lid : . I 1, 170 'A UG. ' 30tk ". . � I . -forms. , .. �. 0 Inspector Robb, East Huron ty bonds or "Ontario Govern, . - � I . 'h stock &'I sizes of tile from L ,2�,�at Present breaking it in.� Mr.- A.yers7 J- W; Dodd Was re-clected Secretarv* I IM 7illianis''Is leve'llillv" -lip � � . . . . I . � . . . . � Our graduates are assiste'd to the ! I . . . � �.., . J, i A, 11, ,, I , 1. .. . mOnt Stock.1.1 '.: . . I � . . � best positions. inches up to 12 inches, and we we has returned.from. his.stay up North. , I -e- the land behirtd Dr,,'Calirribell!�'.0frice * . county coury-il Example,: -A subscriber for $1,000,. . Write for the ill I I . Di . . , I 1, W. M. Da,vis, the engineer who ill his report lto',the a e- . -dL . . I son. Preparenow toeriter tb will open A kiln every week , .ring oh't forgC4 tile picnic, on Wedm%� eclltlY 'visited Winghaml rePort; of to be Used,as a. private ti�pw n reen. saidi aniong other thin s-�-,' *;:. .. . will have the .. . : o - 9 optiori of'%king, either . 'sedson. We also - make nice day in Wm.. Cantelon's grove, 11 42011-v the cost ofAmIalling-a system -Of eter's men Eire putting a' In a few years male teachers . . _. Gavernme'l1v nning of terin. . I the li'gg � I. 0ail Courses for those who wish to . ' - . .. , I *at- I 31r.. J. Pre I I -,vll, a bpad, or "Pil,turily ' I I White and red brick. Our. works are pposite Mr. ,Hart Hicks. ,Everything erworks has.,sent his report to Town new cOvcillig of galvanized irom on only be found as principals ,Sf Stbek. " A s ibscriber for $150 Will be, study at home. : ­_ *.1 - . ... half � mile eas . C urban, ! I I : ' of Egniondville.--m- promises. it to .be the best of the sea- Clerk F erguson and' a special meeting the d'eck above the CIO k ill -the Luth- 9chools_-, - ., �� g"ven .,,Ontario* Governnivi ' � Kruse Bro P. . . . . I . I s., Egniondville . O.�784 -son. Come - ..*and see the football of thb Town COUncil Will be held_'on 'Cralft, church e , ` . � . -is bonds are, I . tit, Stock,", ' . � *1 The average rural Pupil has about ., only . in th2.denulnina-- CLINTON BUS . [NESS - I I . � . - 1. Arhaft, * tow r. ...: ,. . . . . . ' I . I . ---9 I come - ,and see the baseball Pri4ay to deal with the report. Mr. The many '. friends of'Mr. , C,,,r,pL,r 800 days* in which -to -comp',cte . his t.10A of $1,000. . � 1. . ' 11 . . . . I � I . COLL18GE I . . . . ...: Imateb, c6rne and see the the people Davis estimites -that tile cost of drill., Walper's. - dau ron I son ation, . I . I , A. J. M.ATH)n-SON,, - I . . I ghtcr, Of illia 13 .p ` . .. . TIMBER, and see everything else; , : :. .. ling two ,wells aridinaki Line, will be pleased to. learn ubli6 school edue '' . - GEO, SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL. , -'. . hg Connections, � I . . thatil Th � . . . I , .. . 1. I � . I , sho c,clirolled. attendance in - Eas, I Proyincial. "'yeas . I . .. - And: Lumb6r .Suitable for .bans, d'riv- I - John Halstead, Geia."Holland Aivi I& aud.Provid.lng new. machin4erY -Will 130 is I'Movering from her -recent . I , t . . I urer. , ; ll' f�fig - sheds, etc., - for 'Sale. Apply to, Halstoid returned Saturday ,from I I., . I I I . . I . . .� . . I . . a�j $4,442 it flowing Wells are se, severe: illw!ss. I 1. ...Huron -for 1008 ivas -seventy jess 'tharl T . I I . cured, If . . . !_ . . I .1 rery ' Departillcot, . pa alnent, .. . - I I � ili, 4 I I . O.. . � D. Cakt.qlon. . . � �.. I. 17. tour of inspection in Manitoba. They ft -is neces ' ' . , � J 1 I if tha Previbirs: �ycar. . � 1. .., reasu . I . . . . . �. I . . � I .1 I I I .1 I sapy : -to pump the watc,r . I .I ­___� . . I .. I . �. I Nothing worries . � 11 _ , tin,3 3td, 009� - I � . . I bertainly &a* A -good deal daring t,Wr from the wells the cost would . I . � the trustees mor' I Buildings Toronto, J , I � I . . be $5,- 1 . . , 1 Napers inserting this advelt..i�,e_ . . . ,r 'Ontario'865- To Provide sinking fund � and i�- ' ' Grey Township . - without authority from the De- - . . I .1 . ,absence, -but seem to prefe I , than providing pure drinking -water PRIVATE rz,ALE.—A for* a while yet. , They May go o . I . . fQr ihe schools. Drilled wells .... nwilt I SEEDS I , QUANTITY . LI t terest for debentures for twenty *years . I . . � . I . . . . . . I � ' of .,Household Furniture 1ndluding ., there at, some ' future - time , - but 'lot the ;annual cost tilider tha . first figure David Pitppic I . . � sat,sfactory. . .. .1 . . . Pftrtment Will not be paid for J t,' - We have a complete sto& dining room . chairs' hitch I just now. - - . I . .. . I wouldbe $341 and,under, the of Brucefleld .was a Therc,is'.a. tendency tp overload the I.'' .. 1. . . I en table, � . . ... . . other Visit0i With.Milton Rand's - O�er * sun-, I . . . � of Seed Peag,.Barle ' cook stoves large glass supboard. I . I I $451. The increased number of con- day. . . course of study� . . . . . . . . I .. . I � . . . . . . �. . . . . I - - . . . I . . - . I Y' May %3e seen any time.next, week at I - sumers wit!) ilke number wlya-are al -I Last week Jas, Houston, f6th con. I I aln advising, the trustei.,s to fly' the . . . . . I . Oats and. Potatoes. - - A, 11 n days when the' school is in I . . � . . . rs, 1. Brq-,vftIce1s,. Albert : street, - . Beatntoller . '- ready using water, should bring. the bad asmall bee hatilin Ale ' Ag 0 1 � � I . I . . � I . . . . I . 9 A , .fro . I I I . .. . .. .. Clintoi.a. . I : .. iWaterworks so they would n th. - . . . In session or upon certain seldeted' days, . I � We partirulArly. invite Of I . .1 , . ­ �, ... 0 Th3 new residmee of Wardl� Gledhill,the general ratepayer any extra tax. , Some sections 'of Grey . I Schoolhouses, , PrCnIiSe%,;,an.d teach- I . I of our SEED CORN vvhIL-i111n;P1_P4C117,n I � . . 1. in the village is going 'ahead rapidly es, I Were -visited era are improving. . I I I I I �. . � . .. . . now. Mr. Sproul of G�dericli, bai� � I . I I With quite a hail storm last Sunday . . � � . � Otir TIMOTHY and COVERS -we . I week. . . . . I I __ � — , . . - guarantee pure. I I I � MONUMENTS - tile contract, for the tnason. work', and, I I _.. . �, . . . . Miss Bella'Monk of ,Seaforth wft 9 I . I . . . We are n1sn I I . I the past week things have 'qegun, to . I . . . * VisltP I r With -Miss Bertha Ra ds a ' Repeat it :—"Shiloli's Cure will at-' . I I agents for CatiadaCar- I NEVER PARE A CORN n and . � - riage Co. BUG CHASTE DESIGNS. BESTMATERIAL look like business. This wilit �.e ,� the . I . . 'endg last w' . ways cure my coughs and colds.", . I'll IM:, :�.. ­ . 1-F..- � ­­ GIES', and ­ . . ; otbivr fri ,eck, , � . I � I 1. . . first cement hollso in our toi�n. - It's a sure WAY to, get 46od poison- �Xiss l3e.rtlia Arnistrong I , 10th coft,, I I I . . 1. I 1%1%1%AW I .. STANDARn WIRE F.EXUP, ' . JAMES IDOICI ' . 'file Solis of. Temperance v,ill have,in.g. yse putnam,s. C,arn. Extractor. I was at Clinton last wee!� writing ,at a . I . I AND POSTS. I . I � I THE BICYCLE IS F AST � . OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. 111mr wunual .Piolio at Bayifwld OAlIt's Safe, Painless and sure to cure'In inusical examing,tion. ,,. - , Three men were killed.lit, a collisr-,X . . . . ­ Saturday. _ � I , ' I We have also a few tings of the Gode- 1. . . � 1. . a day. , . . . . . . I The annual Sabbath school and day'On the Great Northern, nea, r Valleouv�, COMING. BACK INTO pop. . . ­ � Much syllipitthy is fel . It . cchool Picnic of ,c; ,�. No. �, Grey, er,, - ­ I . . . rich Otits on hand at, prieet and tern . t with Mr I till to suit customers. ns . a ,. Mrs, Aaron Fisher, whose infant . � . ... will ' .,, . . 1. I VLAR F A. V 0 R. AGAIN, — , '' 11 a daughter haA bech ,t,,tkcn from thorn , . . be, held In A, Disliop, s grove, Fri- � , � . I? . . . I , OL) - by the hand.of death. I Dung intiori. day afternoon, June 25ill. 1 11CWHY WALK WHEN, PLEAS- I . ; Huhhe't T . r of Toronto, who, GUARANTEE'D DANDRUFF CtyRr., . 11 On Monday Albert Kurschiriski shot' Miss Olive Crawford was last W . Cox I is visitifig ,it Chas, Ro ell's, 4,)(l' � 11 I Ut 10 I E X E R 0 1 S r,i � , � . � a ,hawk measuring. 4 it, .3 in. I from tip Visiting friends in Clinton, - her r.arental liblile, z % C(,)11 -.,l . AN.t D . FORD&M'dkOD H&V in g Purchased a machine tot ton tip of the has been Ill Nvith - lieware of the druggist who t(ql` I applying Rubber Tires, we wish to' Wings. The hawk had Jesse Mountain and wife visUed What was feared to be typhoid 10,v" s, SIGHT-SE18ING ARE So ., . I er you Oat any. other hair tonic is just I - it she ll�q good al ParisianSage-110 COMPLETELY �,N , RE' - . .. I . bterk troubling Mr. Kurscliinsld'sllchick� friends at BeIg knows Cr.'Tt D, I . say that we are ttow prepared to fur. raVo .on Sunday. ,but We are pleased to state tllt� en$ but did not long' sdrvivc Its* do, Mrs. Rusk of Goderich has been is convalescing nicely now alld the b(s,ttcr, . � I I - ish: and put, on such tires at reason- predations. . . . It I ble rittes, . . 1. . 14'rne 0 Ithe guest of -Mrs' T.. G. AIIE:n for a' datiger is past, . W'. S. R, flolnics is, the agent for IN THE WHn!" 'I : We also do all ItindS of Grinding, at Lobb, Saginaw, Mich., is few days. . ' 0. atyl Mrs, 'llutchillson and OOAL Visiting liis� I uncId, William Dtirst. I Mrs. Pariqiati Sage, and -lie won't try to I AM A 4h. * nytbing from a pair qt'selssors toa I We are pleased to state -hat W.'Clarke are taking a dkiNqllg,tour to give you something just 0.8 .good, be- I ORDER YOUA YZARIS SUP- Ircular saw. Thla.week we installed Jas. Manning and family IlIvO MOV- Oliver Is able to be around after his Ripley and Vicinity, for a. few da yp cause lio knows that Ilarls,jall ,c,4age I CLL-'Mq-MAXD . A?N D RA� . �. PLY NOW. THZ BEST IN machine for grinding harso clippers ed frolli their late home oil the, fatAl recont illness, ' ,thhq week, Among th(ir 1.1tatly rela- is guaranteed to ettre dandruff, stop THS MARKET, $7 PER TON, which does perfect work. to the �housc owned by A. Ileddlia oill Miss F',ditli R(�)erts has left for tires avid -friends there, .'Ire, J. falling hair, and cure, ,,ill diseases of .CYCLE BYCLES AND XH,1,.',-,1-* ' tUT IF ORDERED AND PAID We likewise do all kiii(Is of Iatlie tile corner. Afts. Long and Visq Mary I New York, where she will ilpend a Breckenridge and �Jrs. .ysountr, Cousins, tile i . FOP. 9EFOREMAY gist, A DIS- tork On short order and I tile house VbAtt- o s0111) in two W(TIfs, or money back, TIRES AND SU,-;DRlI.;g Op COUNT OP 40 CENTS A TOAX ble rates. � at reason- ed by Mr. and. Wrs. ManninLg. ,month *itfi -friends. ' of the ladies. 1 14C knows that Parisian sage is I . I Arch. Cous-os was here last week' Mrs. J 117. Clarke and daughter, highly reconityiep(led ,as tlle ,most(plea,g* ALL XINDS 19 STOCK. . , WILL Bt ALLOWED. I Machinery repaired, Horses abod. , We are pleased to see Mrs, 901MA4 from Clinton looking after the. Coll- "l May, are visiting C. .,Ind Mrs, ant and rejuvinating hair dressing 1. I I I i . . to much imV.toved as to, be out and' *%Abl� . i * I I 4 1 * I I I I It, 10 I I I. 1, i . i I I I I I I I I I I. 4 : 0 * I I I I I I 'I , "I. I I I Orders left at Davig & R0*1anwo SATISFACTIO14 GUARANTEE-% enjoy the fine weather. . Itract of building stime more cement IlutchiftsOn, Of tile 5th line, Their1known. It makes the' hair fluUy and, � *ill be protiiptly attended, to. . I � .. . . 1WalkS In our village. many relatives In Grey and GOd0rIch beautiful, 50 cents for a � large klx)ttle I I ' ,.. , — I Geo� Jackman has purchased the are, pleased to see them again. It is at W, ,(jl, 11, I-10111let, He Will quarall., Albert Turner business of "I'ClYlPle Clark, merchant nine years since Mrs. Clarke was ill tee It. Nta4e liti America Only 11 I � ' ' , '018D & - filloh's cure WiU Al- tallor, !Wr. Jackmd?�, takes possession! Canada, The two ladies tneirtioned (4frolly Nlfg�. Co., nuffato, X. y., , W IN J k1tevenson Be I . �We .3 t Repeat it .,—'IS' I 11 and LAW9 MOV'ERS . 1ways, cure my coughs andleoiav, ,immediately. . are sisters, Fort E'rie, Ont, SHARPE"NED. I . . I . . . . � . #