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The Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-10, Page 8
In J-00 U09vor X01004 Bolt A Weil Furnished depends not so much on the money spent as where the furniture is bought. 'See -.Our Daintv Bedsets especially suitable for a young lady's. room. The artistic bedsteads, the beautiful coverings, make them a dream and a maker of pleasant ' dreams as well., Take a look at them if. you admire the pretty that is not expensive, Hoover Bail ' C7 RNt'1' CJ RF3 A N a FVN•MR.&TZ a3:M=0'="011F3 National Portland + C;omon+ Cn-- Clinton 0 �UWWUI �A �J,U�U Hot weat6es Is Rear When, if you want comfort out of doors, you should rest in a HAMMOCK. They will not reduce your purse as much as your temperature. We have them Ornamental, Serviceable and Comfortable. W :Oo FAIR COr - Often Cheapest TAlways . the Best mtvail�"RQ►t'd June loth" 19110 Friday MSaturday, 11th %M, 12th Inst. We have decided to repeat a THREE HOUR SALE this Friday and. Saturday from two until five o'clock. Many took advantage of last week's Three Hour Sale and saved money. Every article advertised is marked down to wholesale price, which • means big savings and economic buying. Don't miss this chance: to save money if you, need any of the following articles. Sale Prices Strictly. Cash, NO CHARGING. 15c Prints for - 12% [ 25 per cent, off Ladies' Sprini I $1.25 Sateen Skirts 98c 100 25c Art. Sateens for 19 and: Waterproof Coats. Women's good quality Black 20c 150 - 15 121 For three hours on Friday and«5atur- Sateen Petticoats, three rows of frilling, and dust frill, all sizes. o l.��c Wrapperettes for - 10 day you can have your choice of any Spring Coat or Waterproof Coats in our stock at Regular $1:25, 3 hour price 98c 15c 44 121c Factory Cotton for 121 10 25 per cent, a$; - lOc " - 8 Don't Miss This Chance, $1 Sateen Skirts 79c 15c White Flannelette - 121 121c " - 11 Women's Black Sateen P6tti- 100 " - - 9 coats, two rows of frills, gond 25c Wash Ducks for 20 12'1' .50, 60 and 75c Dress Goods 39c . heavy sateen, all sizes. Regular $113 hour price 29c. A "1 F Mr. H. B. Ker left on Tuesday for 50c Table Linen for 39e Lloydminster, Bask. 69c It 45c 500 yards all wool grey, homespun Mr -'and Mrs. M. Ross of Bagfield 750 « 62c and worsted. yarn Dress Goods, in stripes As Mrs, T- R 'Walker. has left Clinton the agency 'were in town on .Friday last. d for the above com any has ` been transferred to m.% Mrs. Norman Fair, after having been $1,00 " 89c and check.. Just the thing for a -separate $1.25 Lawn Waists 98c p confined to the, hospital for three 1.25 « - $1.,00 Skirt or misses, school dress, good wide.. Waists - months, was able to. return home cc Width. Regular 50e 600 and 75c, ThreeWomen's White Lawn Those desiring the best cement at reasonable prices last week. 1.50 -: 1.15 g z may secure'a supply from me. Mr. Fred. couc and �_iss Luc 156 Ginghams:for - 121c Hours Friday and Saturday price 39c, duin�tily trimmed' with lace and Back C)omb$' 19c lawn insertion, several pretty y pp Y , Couch of bZitchell .were yuusts u 25C Ba., . S J. ANDREWS � 'their aunt, Mrs. A; Couch, Monday 15c " 121C - es, all sizes. Regular $1.25, styl es - and Tuesday. 2 papers of Pins for - ` 5c.3 hour price 98c. 10 Oft hleen East has taken a poli- °~� ♦ Mt;onI in the once of couch �i� ro. 5c Pearl Buttons 2 for ' u, t5c and. 90c Embroidery for 9c and Miss Laura Wilkin has joined 10e iN♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦N�►♦NN♦♦N♦N♦1N♦♦N♦�♦♦*N♦♦♦♦N�rN♦ the staff of clerks. 7 5e Collars for 5e 100Q yards Swiss Embroidery, from`- 3 f2%, i5 unci i.8c 1Fancy Hon. I. B. Lucas, M. P. -P. for Centre 25c. inches to 8 inches wide,. with Insertion to bre ♦ NEW MILLINERY 'Grey, who last week became a item- 35c and 40c Mose forss Muslin for 9c. ber of the � .Provincial Goverunent, 2 pairs Cotton Dose for 25c match, very:beat designs azd fine . quality n without portfolio, is an uncle of 2 ladies' Vests for 8 25c lawn.. Regular 15c and 20c. values., Three 20, pieces fancy: Dress Aluslin r,S, TORE. ♦ Mrs': J: E. Hovey and Fred: Lucas of Paper Collars, er'dozen loc. .Hour Sale price will be 96 yard. in all the popular coloringsand town: P p p p. (OPPOSITE MOLSONS.BANK) Mr. J. W. Elliott• returned on Friday $1,25 Parasols for - 98c designs. . Out these go, regard- -- • a s for - 9'$e less of loss. Don't, seeing ♦ a ♦ from the Leamington district where $1,25 Umbrella , _. he bought a pair• of hand„�uie, «e11- c _ p • matched greys and, a bay -driver for 1Zlc Ribbon for 1oC this lot. Regular 12'1 ea 15e.a- 'Trimmed Hats -half rice: > > g . $1.00,his big livery. Mr. James Hami1- 25c The. Store of De endable Goods 18c, for ;3 hour sale only 9c. + .gr $1.50 and.. 1.75 untrimmed shapesr ton, the coal merchant, accompanied i • ., �\ Lawn Baby Bonnets.from 50o to.$l for lac, • him and brought home a good. driv- s • : ,. eT ♦♦ ♦ hir. D. S. Cook return•.d Dili 'Priday /:from attendinthe. bi-e inial meet- �a? Miss CANTELON & Co. g iog of the C•anradian• Order of Chosen - Friends at Toron�,o There vai a large•. attendance of'deiegates ani t _ the' reports showed much I i•1 greys. •v�.•v�•►�..►��►•��.�:�w�••vi•�o�.••o.•�i�.��.•r�•� Since the last nesting 14,00 new members have !leen added:. Miss May Rance has returned, - home "°'AM from Toronto.; having .completed her two-year course in: the School of CX Jvrom Elocution. ,The numerous friends of t r this talented young lad} will be S. C. Rathwe.11.� Shoes C. Hoare, Music pleased . to -know that not only did she pass -her final examination with -- - ' 0 honors but that she ' headed. the raduatin elan as well: ; The Conlin and Going. �f: People The. News.. at ani.. Around g g g p Hot Weather Miss Lettioe Smith leaves on: ,&,tiirday. After sbi oro., In for. Viinnipeg vhese .r+at,ane_uay ou KhdWe' Londe c� o. suggests something . i. next.•she. will be married ,o, Ds. P. for_ the feet.. W. Winthrop . of Battlefotrd, E aslc. 01111• stock of oxfords Houseadeanln where • time will take' u their resi- The meet_ng` of the Woiiitn'S Insti-' 1GIr. 'Button shipped a car. of"oats ' a; y p Lute was, held at .the home of Mrs. ;this week... and sly ers for sum= deice: Miss Smith is cane i.:in- lip ,. , . , c� id Barrister. Brydone. was in Stratford. Mrs.,,'W:' Foster 'and children have .iaefiers' last Thursday'; afternoon.. Mrs, The induction into lri :new charge tons most popular . young la 1., at , mer wear -is Complete. - , on Tuesday. , . returned . to Torento. " . Peffers 'gave an interesting address on will be: held 30th June meantime.' you will .want a good Piano. all wish her a happy futm v. Miss I I „ Ladies'Tau Oxfords in Butt and Rena Picket. will arca:n fan. her to.• Mrs.. (Dr.) . Stewart returned en Mop Mr. and°Mis. G. D. McTaggart were "Strawberries; Mrs. Brown also. Mr. and Mrs. Leckie will enjoy a. in your parlor. , 1 y. day evening from Toronto. in Toronto this week. gave ail excellent reading on "A Cleve ' Lace 2.50 Winnipeg. I' g well-earned . rest in . Hamilton and Ladies' Ox-hinod Oxi?orde . 2.6U Mrs: W. Cantelon is the guest` of her . or : Woman which was . enioyed' by Montreal. Rev. T. `tiV. ` Charlesworth and Mrs., Miss Susie. Carling is home from Tor- + Ladies' Yat. Oxfords 2.75•and 3.00 Bu a:Neweombe High Grade on Nionda son, Mr -' D. X. .Cantelon of Helisall: onto for .a month's visit. • � every one:. The .next mcetan� will be While 'deeply regretting ; his depar Ladies'. Kid Oxfords from$l.to$3 �' B I Charlesworth left •' + to attend .the annual. meeting. of Mr. James Walker has returned from.. i( held .at the, home ; of Airs, Adams on tare from Londesboro his many friends We carr a full range of child's g , Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred. Match and falnil and Misses Black and Chocolate . Piano and get the best that the Baptist Association of Walker= a three -weeks visit With his daugh-1 y ' the first 'Nesday of July. at 2.30; sub- wish him ever success in has work Oxfords and strapSlippers.expert workman can Toluic. + prie hi .h s: s ter in Elmira. I . visited Auburn friends on ot Sunday.I ject, "Walter, its sources and ,supplies l ' in Beverley church.. . ton District w c has: been, .in se Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon of Ber- Y Outing shoes tall sizes. for . w Miss Annie Reid of Varna spent a its fmpt,ritres and' dangers, .and its PP, sion in Goderich. Mr:.' W. Robb ` is lin 'were Ouosts. of. DodswoYtb , On Thursday last a representative: ' the hogs and girls. iv tli few days this week in town the . uses to the..body in health .and lis -I ,. Thib store will he elmed each Sherlock and Manning Pianos attending as iepresentat a from e 1 this week.. ( �+ I will. dealt with Dr, gathering of the . the ladies ` froin . : guest of: Mrs. Wn Simpson.- ease, t be by, evening at 6.30 during the, s church, and ?vXesdames Hoover,IMr: James Fair attended a meetilyg. Burns and Knox churches met .at, Mr. and Or Organs always in stock, Miss Annabelle: McEwen . has been site- MacCalium. summer except Saturday. g Akam, G. -E. Hall, Pennabaker: and,. cessful in her first ear's todicad exp• of the Millers' Association` in Strut- Arthur Jameson's to ►aid farewell • to Dibble from the Mission Circle. q n Misses A. Bell and Z..Whitcly paid a . ' Leckie 'heli. the following :ad - 0 amination. at Toronto . tlniversit ford yesterday. I , . Mrs t GOmein and see them. Dr. Cools Will be .in, attendance . it the y' Mr. EI• R• Dewart, late local magager fiping visit to the latter s sister at . dress was read by :Miss Belle Scott ec, Misses Ida anA Mabel Naegle, Maud London Monda of this week. 8. C. RATHWAL R ]London Conference .this week, , but, of the Royal Bank, and his .little : )', land a`very beautifully morocco bound.. FergUsgn, Ruby Managhan and' • _ •. will take his: work next week In the: re in Montreal this week' John • Brunsdon and Chas.. • Vey -,Bible and Hymn, book presented' by, Hattie Judd spent Sunday: iii, son we SHOE STORE: Methodist church: -Miss Alta Lind Mt: Reubeiy Graham and his son, Mel- . mouth .are at I,iilon this• .week as Mrs. Gavin Hamilton G-' HOAR E . Auburn. , 'ill `visit Srfend9 .. in Clinton and vin, .are in !London 'attending the delegates' to the. Nigh :Cou.rt !`conn ' Mrs. N, .M. Leelde, President 'of the• Miss :Alta. Linde Cook daughter of Hensall during the next week. Mrs. g military camp on Carlin& He vghts.: the'C. O. F. court here. { Burns and .Knox churches 'auxiliary of. Rev. Dr. Cook. of., Ridgetown, is the.I • Cook and .Canfield wall .also be at , ,..Mr. and Mrs. W. Kemptoiy of ' nea'r 'Mr: �iI. Bell visited rciatives • here the : Woman's Foreign Missionary So— THE PLACE WHERE .YOUR DOLLAR ALWAYS DOES ITS DUTY Conference and •will ' visit for guest this week of the Mayor and Kfntall are' visiting anis week at over' Sunday.' IIs returned •to. Detroit ciety O w1�► �.� v� ��►� •'vim `.�a�•� m while at C}ra ton before atteiid'iuVIrs: Wfltse: n g ,Mrs: W..Cooper's and Mr. `r. Mac Monday ( Dear Mrs. Leckie, -We have, heard Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Bell Miss Jean. ( y' the W. M. S. convention , at St.. and Master Willie tics bests on kenzie's. I rhe musical concert given in the, with sincere and profound regret of Marys.-Ridgetown Dominion: , . , . Mr. and Mrs. J:+ G . Medd and Miss Methodist church • Thutsda evening your removal from Londesboro . and AA/111M NV1/111IIH1/N1/1/1N111IWVN1/1/V1/V Amon those froin .ottt-of-town who Sunday of Mr, slid Mrs. A. iVlcLtan l s .. Among the South u County of Goderich. Florence Garrett attended the last was .a decided success. A large have met here today to sap good --bps. attended e o tth H ron Co n y Mr. James Webster of Lnclanow,`after: • wedding. of. the latter's sister in -audience was present and all ,were In doing so we wash to place on re - Orange Lodge on Saturday last I Mullett yesterday. satisfied. The proceeds amounted to cord our appreciation, of your serKiccs. were : John Scarlett of Leadbury ; visiting relatives in Stanley, called y i c p. o on Belle Paisley returned. to trait fas president of .our society, and of th4: Walter Course count master on old' friends in town on Tuesday $5U. Japanese -are Yr y y ori Monday after having been the p kindly interest you have over hunch Geor a 'Vainderbur director of cer- whfl©. on has way home: Jas: Pie who left last week for ' g g.� guest of her father, 117r, W. J. ( � Tested in all the branches ,of, church emonies ; Adam Cantelon treasurer• Mrs. R. Irwin and Miss Rippie have Paisley, for a few days.,Milton -returned- this we'e'k and left work. Nor would we forget 'our, to ' returned from Redlands, California, y+t; y ' .Robert McMurray, county lecturer; iii Mrs. Levi Siong anther little .daugh-(Vl�ednesday for Exeter where he will!us, pleasant visits to our homes and �---� Robert Manley, William -Crooks, Da- where they spent the winter w I spend a few days: Mrs. Irwin's daughter, 1Srs, J, ter Gracio of Sarnia have been vis- the sympathy which you freely gave vid 'Barr,' Jos. Rapson; ' William irting her sister,,Mrs. J. K. U'h of On. Sunday last Rev. Neil M. Leckio us in -all our difficulties and sorrows, Brown, Pobert Scott, R. T. CoxXiltthe Huron Road east, the past week, preached his farewell sermon to a and the joys which were deeper, more When you wish anything in Jap- and 1✓d. Elliott: Messrs. Harry Glazier and. Jamcs They leave next Tuesday to join very large congregation in the Pres- lasting because shared by you.. We Mrs. R. A. Moore and fainsly., and Pinch are in London attending the Mr. Stong at Sault Ste. Marie. byterian church here, his stib,>ect be- have felt that indeed you :were one of anese or China Ware call and inspect lHigh Court oaf the Canadian Order oa Ina the story of the miraculous • p . her mother,- Mrs... Townsend, left Mrs, W. Flul:er .rett.rned home a, few � lits,and so our meeting today is sa(t yesterday for Winnipeg. Mrs. Town- Foresters as -the representatives of days ago from a month's visit with draught of fishes. ,in prospect of your removal from tis. our stock, You Will find the goods y Court Maple Leaf. goes 150 „miles further 'west to licr son and 'ifs, Mr. and Mrs.. W. I At the conclusion 'of the sorvicc We trust that kindly; relations similar - send ... Captain Walker of London Ong'landl I ,7, Fluker of Chicago and was ac- Mr. Leckle referred to the .kindly to- to those which have existed between;. good and the prices: right. Nesbitt where she will make her g home for the, present with another is in town this 'coli on a visit to comp, baclt, by Mrs. FlUkor and . lations which had always existed bo.• us may await you in Kirkwall and daughter, Mrs:, ,'J, White, Mr. his brother, Mr. James Walker, and J heti little son who will remain with tween him and his congregation and that both to yourself anti. to Mir. Moore, leas bought a 1.G -acre plot other relatives. The Captain paid f them for a month. expressed the wish for the future Leckie the biggest success may. be giv- ; The same 1n S11verWare; Watches, in the suburbs of Winnipeg where lt,'s first visit to Clinton fort ears led a post- prosperity of all lis' friends here. den you in ;ill the branches of our y y Mics Dell O Neil has accepted the family will tape up their apodo, ago, tion on the teaching staff of. the Mr. Leckie has been pastor of the church activities. We trust also that , e Clocks, Jeweler etc. An article y � The many friends were. sorry to see Mr. John Reynolds of Dc,troit, who Toronto Public- school board. As Burns. church, I•Iultett, and Knox Iwe may often, hale an opportunity ofthem leave Clinton but wish them came over to attend the wedding, of the board is particular In its choice, church, Londesboro, for the past four , renewing these relations which Iiavo bought from us Will be;` engraved free. success, his brother in Blyth on Tuesday, is it is a complement t0 Miss O'Neil ,years. He was previously assistant.been so cordial- and assure you of ti, � The following :lienl�)ers of Court this 'oche visiting, Mr. and Mrs.. to be chosen from anlon� so many pastor of the Central Presbyterian, very warm welcome • to our midst of charge. Maple Leaf g James FlynnI unci other rc,latives i:ti applications. church, Hamilton. On June 6th, 1!105 when you re, tttrit again, ,May we ail,: itt�n:led d:vii;c:. 1,,. ae. town and Iitiliett. Mr. Robert Johmoh of Ilalleok, Minn., he was ordained and inducted into the you to accept this Bible and Itymm with the brethern of the C. 0. F. at Londesboro on Sunda everwina Iasi- : Mr, Ed. Mole, manager of the Sea-- a brother of Mr. 0. Johnson of town (above churches and lifts carriod on the boob as a very slight token of oUv. Sunday In writing to 1b1r- W- S. Harland- alvarious schemes of the church ver A. J. Grigg,. J. i�.:slteppard, II, forth electric light plant, was in g y love for you and perhaps as a rc- Bartliff, W. 5. R. 1-I01m•!s S. C. town on Ttsesday on his way back tow days ago said : "Miss Guntno isuccessfully during that period. Iminder oft our pleasant association in r f 1 I y Ire ever blessed 11OV-0 of send'ing the Itatltiveif, J. F. i.tsinan, T. 'lint cls•, after a visit to the old liomestea�d� at; 0f Clinton,Clintoltwino Is visit:n�' here, has xn May a call was extended to Itlm t . Banded me a copy of The 1�Tows by the Beverley church at ICiticwall, .light of the Gospel to those who. Josh,, 't ff. and A. Cook, M. Me- Auburn. His wife has been staying Ewen 11. Glazier It, Sicep II. there for some weeks• in the hope Record containing your picture ani Wentworth county, in the presbytery yet in darkness. i Falland and W. Cuelmorc+. 'rho set - that the change would benefit her it looks so much like you. that it of Hamilton wbfch he decided to aa• 1 Signed on behalf of thio auxiliary,, vice was Heid in the ' Presbyterian but her rheumatism is of so severe made me feel home -side, calling up sept` Belle Scott, Agnes Hamilton Sr,. Jeweler wind Engraver. Issuer of tdarriage Licenaoa y y . X. Bell of Cheboygan', Mich., � A very delightful tea with ice church with Rev. .I, L. Small, i"ccs- a type that ft yields ver shawl yonrsclf and the events of thirty ML ; byterlan minister, ]ll th as the to treatment and on Monday, site en" back shop." viten X worked in your spent a few days lure renewing old rrearn, etc, wets .hitt served by the, wV.wwwr�MAheutwww/w�Mlr preacher. ' y y t0red the hospital, p. acquaintances. ladies,