HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-10, Page 6a a 6- Cliatoo NewiwI l _ .•. ....A WONDERFUL COLD o'i,Fti Fiat go 0 -AW ae Nit l.oaited. i RIMAUW `TV ArV1113." ... . The passenger train had halted in ,.,,.,-. TRA Ur nuuU � .lust thiilat's it, a cold cured eaten o �+ rsdnuterr-tltAt'a w•bat happens when . man afternoon. ft noon. vasa"leered to #firm ToeRhlas Ant gators Have Glows YOU use ""Cataxrhozone." You inbaie riot do a sniff Capable of KIIIIPX a Man. its soathinlg balsams and out goes �, xao]ated rural !sh amti>iement for the pasaengera, Nat brig ago a British`scienttst and 1�,e111arkabi Gi6V�rne$8 0 the the cold—sniffier are cured headache discovered an awkward country lad animal lover contributed to tae world sitting on a stump not #ar drataut, the result of his studies of animal Famous French Conjurer. is cured --symptoms, of catarrh and Seizing the opportunity for some fun, lice. Net the least interesting of hisgrippe disappear at once. It's the he .cried: Hello, sonny l Do You live observations was "How Animals De- healing, pine essences and powerful, an - in these parts?" tend Themselves." His MOST WONDERFUL .FEAT ,tiseptics in Catarlho2one that enable Yaas, drawled the youth. "The larger animals in general,'" it to act so gdickly. In disease of the "Say, do you have any, fools around he says, "are provided with weapons — nose, for irritable throat, bronchitis, here?" more or less effective, The carnivosa A Mysterious Performance, Seforo. the { "Nary one,"" came • the response. have shay teeth, with which theyoughs and catarrh its a tnarve>- "We sent for a carload last week, but p Court of Louis PhilippePhllfe That Walk Safe even for children. 25c. and $1.04 wasn't lookin! for them yet„ rend their prey, and the toothless ant probably the Result of .a Subtle Bit sizes at all dealers• eaters have enormous claws, capable of killing a man. of Peychoiagical Roasonino.. The Care of the yoe, "Many reptiles use their tails large g link connecting the names of Cogil• When .one is using the eyes for strike down their game, while a large close work it !s wiae to change the calve, the great charlatan, and the number .of Iinimals are supplied with The trial of the election petition ' focua. at intervals .and gaze eft at a •pun int odors or secretions that 'are French conjurer Robert Houdin may 4, diatanee. If the distant view is of E agdainst T. E• Pxousc, At. P. has beelq equally potent as a defence. lit ter- be Lound in a story that may be justly a ourned until Septem rr i (green mountains and fields. it will be tarn groups we find enormous home. termed "The Most Incredible Feat a!' l e m air n h roe rmed. insist restful. I# thea ; t and tusks that are intended entirely . Ddagie Iver Peafo Messrs. Dennis O'Connor, W. K. a A ; 'can be frequently changed that will for purposes of. protection, In some In 18M Houdin, than at the height rest the eyes also. One should never casae they are upon the tap of the of his popularity, was invited to St. Kelly and J,"' LowFy were ordained to. .� nae the eyes for study or work before head, as in caws of oxen. Again, as Cloud to give a performance before thea the -priesthood at London by Arch- _ breakfast or after the strength has court The bishop McEvoy, been, reduced by disease or a nervous fit the elephant or some cetaceans, Ging, the royal family and c gtrain. A book should be held about they are highly developed d teeth• conjurer had only his swung son as an Two old, residents of Smith's..Falls, eighteen inches from the ,eyes. Tho "Our common horned ae ioffs als for assistant. and could rely on no tricksIsrael Earle ltd --^ McCormack left} NOMESEEKERSO light for work should be steady and pend upon their head weapons EXCURSIONS of light or mechanism, as the erhtbi- a a far an entire room diffused rather defence, They are of two marvelous in a TO than spotty. ,, �� , ,., , kinds and subject to a marvelous: riooms of he palace. one He finished witti of Mr. Earle has been found ift for Sand Island. a btho. Alberta I vartatton in the different families. ManitObB, 8aiskatobewan, LIF> , "One group, represented by the coin- the following extraordlnary perform- lake, and a search is being made for Mr. McCormack, gp.da Trale.lr,. Teroatr2.00 p.m. o. 'the poet's exclamation 110 Life i mon cow,. is called the hollow horned ante: APRIL 1, RO MAY 4, 10 JUNE 1,10, E9 I feel ,thee bounding in my venue," is 1 ruminants, because the weapons are Borrowing several handkerchiefs, he AUL 13.31 AU9:1a34 SEPT, T, 21 a joyous one, Persons that can xar-lhollow and persistent—that is, they wound them into a package, which he C.P.R. conductors ilk the west object Y tWnuhao Oet•+� W vt+"dw1 J Y ver make • it in honest to are never shed except in one instance laid on the table. Then,he ,went about to recent regulations. adopted by the 9,eo.d.el.0 _ . Nonhr,..t poisw•t sly or ne iii y the prong -.horned antelope, among the guests distributing cards on company to prevent people from. riding) thelnsr'lucs, are among,the most un- "Another great group, represented which were to be written the nomes. fres and their Grievance Committee) is. SOW MOUND -TRIP RATES fortunate, They do not live but ex-�. ' Wi. • ,,,a ,,,,,,,, 312.00; Edmootoe .od plan , by the deer, -have. solid horns that of place,9 to which ft was desired that now waiting on the report _ of Vfce- $42,°5' 14 w cher 0-'; in tuopo�. McWs ist ; for to live implies .more than to are oast at certain times and grow y President --Whyte, who is at Montreal ;Wd 10 roavrn witAu 60 d`" from going date. be. To livo is to be well and strong--� again very rapidly. the package be Invisibly trnnsported- TOURIST SLEEPING CARS to arise feeding equal to the ordinary I "When a stag loses its horns it re, Houdin then handed the cards to the, 'interviewing the Executive in regard ���ata61.6er.iuUraw king, asking him to select three at hoz• to the matter. s away from ens woods, y �, , eas6e.ec�ced q wodera•rata alsassh di,ties Of the day,; and to retire not tires to the dense agent• overcome by tllem- to feel life bound its kind, and remains secluded until and and from them choose the destine - At a banquet to the overseas side - Early appilcation must be made in in the veins. A medicine: that it is armed again. The growth of the tion he liked best. ASK FOR HOMESEEKERS' FAMPHLCT. g new, horn is very rapid'. The first card read, "I desire the gates to the Imperial Press Confer - ASK has made tllousands of people, men "In the rhinoceros we find a cur!- handkerchief to be found beneath one once Lord Rasebery made a"plea for p�iy,eess.rwtDp,R paoT« 'ih0.wo., and women, well and strong, lias ac- ,ous arrangement, the horns in•some of the candelabra on the mantelpiece:' colonial aid in the defence of the em- Dat P.r Act., compiished. a great work, bestowing being easily moved, seemingly. only "That,!' said the king, "is too easy ! ONLY DIRECT• LINE ' NOAHANSE OF EARS the richest blessings, and that medi` { held by the skin. They form terri- hire. .., • for the ability of a conjurer of the, cine is Hood's Sarsaparilla. The ble weapons, however, tally though toability of Al. Houdin." W, JACKSON, AGENT, CLINTON. Weak, run-down, or dttailitated, Iron.i different in their construction from The second read. "'The handkerchiefs any cause, should• not fail to take it, I the ivory, y tusks of the elephant, with are to be taken to the dome of the If You are Worth $50,000 'Don't Read It builds up the whole system; than- which theare often matched, being Invalides." formed of hairy fiberlike matter. „That," .commented'the king. •'is bet.'This. Archbishop Duhamel of Ottawa d;ed i gee existence into life, and makes life Boma species have a single horn, suddenly. more abounding. We are glad to say while others have two," ter. However, anke it is , but too Lar, not This will not interest you it yet: Yonn, a Delaware farmer, these words in its favor to the read•= for the handkeachiePs, fiat for us. The are worth fifty thousand dollars, but Abram g, ars' of our columns. third card suits me," said the king. "It if you are a man of moderate means dropped dead at,Loadon. He .was 70 THE CxIRI THAT IS. PALE. is desired that you should send the ' handkerchiefs into the chest of the and cannot afford to employ a. physic - years of, ge• Montreal's Venerable Canon. She is in danger, her system is run ion ryvhen you have an attack of Mr. Roy White's seven -pear -old son last orange tree od the right of the diarrhoea, your will be pleased to fell -into the river at Welland and was The celebration -by Rev. Canon Elle- down, weak—she needs nourishment, avenue:" know that one. or two doses of Cham: good of Montreal of his 85th birthday, needs richer blood. -More than, all Houdin expressed his willingness to drowned. must have been a, source of gratifies- lease site needs Ferrozone, ,needs it be- attempt the feat, and the king whir. berlain's Colic,: Cholera and Diarrhoea tion to all .the many friends of .that icause it brings, back the nerve energy Remedy Y venerable gentleman, who is both a which rapid' growth and stud have pared as fader that immediately sent Y will' cure it. ryear reined has SKINS IN SUMMER. vigilant apostle of the. church and, g y a group- of attendants; to guard the.fr- been in use for many pears and is SICd(S cid though he is, still a devoted dfs exhausted. The old. time vigor, happy ange.tree in question. thoroughly. reliable. Price. 25 cents. e hardest time for the human' ell- of old IsaaR Wait -on and an spirits and new strength return with The conjurer placed the package of For sale by all druggists. — Summer is tli • Quite a- common Ferrozone• The delicate maid is en- 'handkerchiefs under 'Ali opaque glass - skin. Its delicate tiny pores, if worked' enthusiastic golfer: sight is that of tile: canon- going over bell and then; waving a wand, order under the best conditions, wouldhave a the course at Dixie in 'a time which Isnerg't forth, thil ed and rebuilt. rough time because of the heat. How. uta man a :youngster 'to the, blush. Isn't it worth, whsle using Fcrrozone ed the package to proceed a the piece when they have to work when impaired or p y when it surely does so much. At all chosen by the king; When the bell". damaged by sunburn and heat spots?' No And . he invariably spends his sum- y was raised the bandkerdifefs were wonder one has rough patches, freckles, etc.' I niers in the pursuit of the frolicsome dealers in 50o Notes. gone,. but in their place was a white Q� Zam-Bak heals sick skins. When a salmon or the wily trout. Probably aT THIS patch of skin on face, neck, or arms is no Montrealer has a better knowledge turtledove. -'A trusted attendant was sa sent to the •orange tree to open the P� ° blistered by the sun, apply Zam-Buk at C the, Maritime nd he. es. than has chest .He . returned bearing a small once. It will cool and soothe beautifully, Canon Elupon' ;and o never fails is AN ABSENT PART and new skin will be quickly; formed.:When impress upon his' Montreal friends iron coffer covered by rust, you are footsore, or have some chafed the , much-needed lesson that there 1s • :Are he handkerchiefs in, _this cof- � .ALE � TIME OF places, Zam-Buk Will give you ease, When :no necessity to go out of Canada for Tho, Budding Actor Was a $access as; fer?" asked the king. �pK Cps' the mosquitoes raise lumps on you, . »recreation at any time of the year. Carlos.the Fiddler.. "Yes, sire, and, they have been there, Zam-Buk will stop that terrible itching and •! But the canon _ has some peeuliari- friend YEAR smarting. 'Keep Zam-Buk handy, use it ties. He, is a vegetarian,and although the song � wealthy joined' too.* for calong �hamtebe possible? The THE 1 freely, and this will be the happiest summer :not' a teetotaol ler, he is one of those of mine, you have ever spent, viewed from the skin Anglicans :who believe that: drink is cut .with a .traveling opera company. handkerchiefs were given I ou :hardly' health standpoint. All druggists and stores. the cause of most evils: He makes it I met him loafing and strutting about a quarter of an hour -ago." a rule never 'to have any liquor in a hotel in a' stroll .town," said the .,yet it is so, and your tilajesty will his house, 'except, as in following the veteran •actor. be even more.surprised when I prove Everyone needs, sofnethieig. example. of St., Paul, to keep a :little "`Come over to the opera house that this coffer andAts contents were alcohol ready to meet any stomach and see the sbaw,' said he. placed • in the.chest of the 'orange tree to create • and. maintain What Heaven'` Is.complaint. A few years ago Mont- "I' went, but I saw no signs . of sixty ears ago. neign to remove strength :. for the daily. . The wife of a minister was enter- real reporter went. to see the old gen; this young man on the .stage, nor . Y y Lrom the neck al. the turtledove the twining ,some #viands the .other day tleman in regard to sortie• parish bus! was his name . on the program. round :of duties, when one of the visitors asked the nets -and had an interesting interview. Afterward I met him in the lobby. of bey of 'the casket" There is nothing better dominie's wife if she had ever paint- At its conclusion the following col the hotel. Louis Philippe unfastened a ribbon ed amental picture of Heaven:. She- loquy took place: •"`I did hot recognize --any of the holdin}� a small rusty 'key, unlocked than an Ale or Porter, .the said that she had not. Moreover. "Do you ever take anything?.. ' . characters as you;.' I remarked. `What the coder, found it document bearing rulity and merit of which The scribe, :like most newspaper has been . attested by she declared, she. had not thought it part are you playing?' _ the seal of Cngltostro at read: necessary to do so. men, answered in the.affirmative, and 'r `Why, I am. playing. -the part of This day, the 6th of. June. Its, this iron then ..the canon, said: chemists;' physicians and ` ass you mean :to say," inquired Carl os she Fiddler, said he. box, containing, zzix handkerchlefa„ was e of the visitors t with a .show of "What will you have -an orange or, ",There was, no such part.! placed among the roots or an orange tree on „ u have, listened t0 an apple'?" .:,. "`Oh, yes, there bas: Didn't you - surprise, ee'I naiere rm ngnanf a i�lotgtmagic• experts at the .great exhib- surprise, that yo. _ your husband's sermons without feel: notice 'how they talked about him?; 'which will be executed on the .same day bitions. Ing that you know What Heaven is t — off .the std a filer to get the sixty years .hence before Louis• Philippe like? - Very Di.fferenf. ehorus•,orst act,: in ,orddn't •the sou- of Orleans and his family. irSM FOR L. I mean to say that'l have not�giv „ br:ette nut her, hands over her eyes,. Beneath the parchment convening en the matter much thought. When `: "How• dare you! exclaims the .an: "Oh, girls, ant'gh o wllen gry composer to his critic. "How look off 'L.; 4 E. and say, this inessage.was Pound a packaneeon my husband dies .I w g . dare you, sir, characterize my music Carlos the :Fiddler is going to have taluing what seemed to be the sis ever he goes. That will be • heaved I y a • dance ' on the green lett !is hasten hand> erchiefs placed on the table a as you biive?" . enough for me, announced ,the ..I don't understand you," demurs Orrnw awilsl;misss�?,"'thebet 'she. did. ��y' minutes baro e., In his memoirs clergyman's wife. the. Critic. • Y g p.. r One of the women toid her bus- ,„ Houdin offers no. solution for .the �LpND'041I "You' said that -my rhapsody �lim- Then, again; in 'the second .act, mystery. A shrewd annalist has ex band that night what the minister s promptu was 'a burn tune !" . when the bell , is tolled without, wife said, and the brute .remarked: "Bum tune! Oh; my good friend, doesn't the prima donna say: "Hark plaitied it as being -no more ban a "That's what I call love that never I said no such thing t I Said it was that bell t That bell- can stand an. clever bit of ps.TchOlogy on the part grows cold." a vag•ant melody:' awful lot of parkins, for who is of: the conjurer, who knew the charac pulling the rope but Carlos the Fid- ter of Louis Philippe and knell' him to. filer? be exceedingly clever In small. things. "'That is true, young man; but they —Bookman. -- only talk about you. You do not HOME SEEKERS' EXCURSIONS show yourself on the stag;, during the His Qualifications. TO j whole performance.' He was pis'udiva hit cause earnestly. am awareof that, ,but you must •'I am wealthy." he sald, "and could WESTERN CANADA remember I am. as .yet a raw recruit. mfike ample provision for you:' Still -I feel I am on my way to fame' She nodded and checked one point E. X4 anil glory, though the path tray be strewn .with thorns;' off on her fingers.. POSI'L''ION—SEATTLE. (. "Oh, it `the hope and optimism of `'I hale .had experience with the Hi • PiR4}?ORTIONATE RATES TO;OT- youth could be with us in our later.. world," be continued. ER POINTS. v years i" sighed the veteran actor: She checked off another point. VIA CHICAGO JUNE 15th, "I have posted the faiwOhius point, Keir Hardie Has His Troubles. he wenton. •'and I have the steadfast-. VIA SARNIA AND N.N. CO. JUNZ. ess. tite age anif'the wisdom to Sward. 15th. ( rap dames Keir Hardie, M.P., at- and guide you well," - tempted to address a public meeting • � (STEAMER LEAVES SARNTA: 330 . He ulused.for tin answer. M. at Oxford the other night on unem- I P_ ployment and labor, but "some under "The points you make are strong graduates caused great disorder by ones," she said, 'blit they lead undeviut. WINN2PEG• AND RETURN $32.00 I SHOE '�L�Sg throwing rotten .eggs, oranges and ingly to the conclusion that yet, wooed EDMONTON and RETIiR1N $42.50 apples, Free fighting tuck place mn1p an excellent father for me. You Low Rate for Round Trip. BRIGHT AND I[NSTA:NTANEOUS and the meeting ended noisily. Mr, have :111 the necessary, qualifications, Keir Hardie was only • allowed to but just note L am looking for a bus. Daily until, September 30th, ]000• One application—two rubs—and a 'short tine, the greatest band," - One nd ,', spook for a , PP disorder prevailing. The under- - For Tickets and full. nformation— your shoes .are shined for three days. graduates interrupted at the outset Co,rsiderate. JOHN RANSFORD, Town Agent. by singing the National Anthem and ••IInve you done anything to earn ;the A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agent, 2 in 111 softens the leather--- Rule Britannia. A proctor interven- O ntitude of the people'.," keeps, out moisture --Won't stain the. ed, but with little effect, and the "Yes, ` answered Senator Sorghum, meeting was brought to an abrupt clothes—and Eillanci- conclusion. "although tbP,v don't know about It. 1 T BEE CURED' Mr, 'Victor Graysoti, in spite of his have Iet thein off of a lot of speeches b to al a plications, DEAFNESS CANNOT pates you from bottles, ;. t: w,�., troubles with the labor party, is by Y was tempted to make." y, p p as they cannot mops, brushes and hard no means deserted by them, and has Got Him to Sing. reach the diseased portion of the ear. p , received an important position on the By calling Charles Pym, a young (There is only one way to cure deaf- " SNI){: �0 stuff of The Clarion, certainly one of man who had attempted suicide a few ness, and that . is by constitutional Work;. NO substitute the brightest, if not the most original- days before, to, the pulpit .and having remedies. Deafness is caused by an 'even half as good. ly written' organ of the advanced so- him sing La gong, Rev. J. A. Vining, It I inflamed condition of the mucous lin- tial ttnd Labor, har.ty Baptist minister of London, Ont., for- li ejAAgg t Waiters on Horseback. mealy of. Toronto, has gtlrrecl un a ng of the Eustachian Tube When 1�C. fAtitl Z$C. �/]IS In eat Prench houses of days gone Si' Great ileal of comment. Rev. Mr, Vin- this tube is inflamed you have a rum- 210 rtiiNs aNr"t'�. by dinner was announced by the blow- ing was speaking a few days noo on tiling sound or imperfect bis ring, and NO,Tua► Ing oil hunting horns, and It is on rec• discouragements, and drew a picture when it is et>Itirely cloyed, Deafness is or'did Aa that at certain gala pen%tg the of the young man the 1vn out of em= the result and unless the inflamma- dishes were brought In by servants,in ployment, becoming (1'scouraged: and tion can be taken• -out and this tubo Pull -armor mounted upon enpartsoned attempting t0 end i iii own life by restored , to its noitiilal' condition, .the . horses, a pt reign we could only loot, taking chloroform, He pointed 119i way to the. higher Power which gives hearing will be destroyed forever ; for during the reign of chivalry. Of strength to the weals, and then called . nine eases out of ten are 'caused by the attendants nt dinner the carver and upon Pym, if he were in the congre- I Catarrh, which is nothing but an server took precedence over all the pation, to comp forward and ging, that inflamed eondition of the mucous st~>- others. They stood probably on ++nett the people might know he was now faces. tt N i Dside of their lord. `1'he server, It may strong, while he. lewd been weak. Pym HELD 11N be tfiout[oned, tuns the ottleer Who came to the Platform, sand in his b640- We will .give Our;• 'Hundred Dollars WILL Old plaeed the dlshes on the table. tiful tenor voice sang `+Though I Have far any cash o3 Deafness (caused by - WAndered Far Away. . _ ' Tit For 'I'rt. Ever since iiia attempted suicide catarrh) that cannot be cure +ley • �� . J�1 �� First "Poacher --you told me to ti - some of the managers of London Ball's Catarrh Cure. Send' far civ amusement houses have attempted to ICulars, free, ' , mind you to punish •'Willie Thompson secure the young man, who has one 6OMIr1V FS ARS A1.RI~A111C 11IfYUOCt WAY this morning for Impudence • Second of .the best tenor voices in the. city, l•', J. chENEY .& CO., To.cdo, 0 Aii;i RN Tc'aclier-•t'fl do it tomorrow, 1 m to sing from their stngQg. , Thaay reeve Sold by Druggists, 75e, r called before the athool board todtt,:' tit stte�essful, but that minister sue- Talte Ball's Faintly Pills for con• �s r�1�,t„t�, �for lnsttbotdivatlot .— Lippineott'ti. seeded, stupatiotl. �v e the daze for J1004 I tho 1000 Af I 1 ill(' 11 " 1 .,1 - f . `1'�"' �►'°.`` �►�•` `►'`'`" �►moo �►"`' �►vr NOTHING COULD BE lore A...• V �� la by members, of your family who are away from home Thk a PmdGffinsaAdyance Subscriptiou To The News -Record, which gives, All The Happenings .worthy of Printing in the whole district. . Editor and Proprietor I aYt .ra aVt �`� �M, /%" rt` /� `►� (iii!•• art /��� a(ti r�.e j'• ��'•�••,�, ��.®s- ®�/.s- �r/s. Sys... �1/.s►.w- s