HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-10, Page 510a^ N90N� ^ . % DOWAIr BrOW4 was �bot And killed 0 1 ­ I . .1 I '! I I C; . - i . .. ­­­ ­ I- �-;� �, � -i ; �Z­ .11-1 Z 1 16; ­;;�­ , ,,, '', ­;;.;;;;;1.;� R. . -7 I- _ _1 , I; , ,� ;,__;;;.; -1 . . "--__N--. ""-1-____ -1 I 4t NOW 014sgow by Jack 'Fraser, , The Ostrlcb . U4,was walkiii.�,,PR�Fefqly a�onr, the ja Arnerlmnized 11HEAPACH& WEAKNESS,, HEART 11 4trftt. rra�vr, b4s, )*on arrested.., � - 11 5, or JUNIE SL"501 ION or COUNTY COUNCIt TROVBLZ11,1'� Forest Ares up, rasing In tho violn- I % I . . I Is. otnZ,�Ilty a V;Oneer, and by nature , ; t . , I 0 rivervativo. Not vatic. I Suffered With for VCa1r,%.-1Pe..ru.1U Cured i:. . - Ity of St. RomuAlo. Quebec, % The county Council met on Tuesd4y Government Grants for 1908 - Teachers' Institute. 42"W111119 hrl�lvoclotltloqiziqw, m9thodi of - � . 'The Orand Jury at Bram,-t - ,01 Alit We9k with a full attendance of 44 per cent. of salaries over . 90OW109grAln, 1`16109 fruits and breed. A&C E4*17 tt, , , . I. : I . turn;t4 ,a. true ,bill for perjur 4.1,stu,embers. . . minimum 1, 49 Was dOWe40c4t9d filitmalo, be bia invaded � I ,. . J" ]Farrell, th y The Out. Xulllcip4 Association for n teachers having perman,_ $5721-00 told in the Ooderich C91legiatO 14- tb" 401114111 Of the Oportoroan sod trgp. ­ ­ _ . . .1 I . e hotellrveper who he . . stituto building on may 21st 0,u4 Per, 404 claimed mariy of their fornivir 3006, �i-b-144'O'bauvin'L �0' .,A ' 0 Iwo Ag C, . ­­­� P I 'ChUged Inspector Orr with rq,4Uery, t treatnitnt of consumption -asked Vitt certificates 1685-00 22ad, 1908. The work of the, four sobject4as bia own. 4"" St-Reurl, Montreal, Con"'Writ".- , `?. 1. b ­ � that delegates be appointed to meet 04 !equipment And accommo- . sessions W-48 taken UP by members of lu. Texes be Is breeding buffok,loeo and $01 conoider reruns, better tb*A - guy, , the Orkt. GOvOrnment a regard, to dtations cr;sslug them with cattle. in Oregon _ . other ror4edy, so It oure,i me wb, : , 1 4 A GOOD SCHOOL. Special Grant on LIJ). Books 1236 -00 -the Institute" fiss'stod by lDr-VVQO9si4 be is raising Chinese �heasants, On heada0he a44 w-oomew I never expected Oub* . . The Huron,,Vounty RIAO League ask4 bought Of Toronto, who delivered three a4� Alaskan Islands be is farming fo�ep, I to find auytbirtg to cure me,. A I i4es4 College, which is P, - link iii. Caoa� J. H. Cameron I This IriteresvAv, and. profitablemeet- . estriclies 10 Arizona And California as bottle PIrOdUce4 a Ob#iigv� In me glad If'the prico bad been ed to be AP int , 971,12 In IV as his grwid mother ralstoA chick. would have paid it gindly. I have taken, air, bottles, and a= *A*61y curek 1 . On's Greatest J1QW.,n of High Grade ed examiner for the High School dis- Ordinary Grautis to Urban Ing was atten&e0. by more than one eno in Connecticut. r Business Schools will commexiee .k huodred ,teachers, ,%ucr trustees, . 14ft" 4=81it MY WAb and bOst WU408 for your:Peruns," 4 400. It -will bev w?I1 f6r I young W. 13. Weidenha,mmer resigned Irom , . '37 10The Consolidated School Statutes. South Atricst however, who really . . I — I I I people desiring advancemetL . I The last Consolidated Sch - started the busineos. Tbb beginning I . -------Iw ; , , t to, inves� the county board of examiners, Total Legislative grants $19512.06 001 Stat Was made some time in the early six I . I � tigate closely the success Of its gracl- 0. Bluett of Creditou was Appoi , ' uteRaAd Regu4tfons were scut to, th(f ties, when a Kaffor ehiel!7 brought to � I . ; . .U;�tcs� and joarn, , ated, The legislatui:4 is to be commended School DOar,ds in 1901. Since that orabarnoton, , - .The advantage,$ of be- to succeed Mr. Weldelihammer. CaPO Colony, six pairs - , ing connected wttb. Vii , 4 Chain. The council docided to visit 1 In for the liberal gr4uts given to schools., .date,' there luve �yceu, Aomerou$ of splendid birds an I" - a- These krants are distrib AMKOXAents to the school 2W Walter Currie, commandant ,of the As this College, is, connected with .bodY, what Is known as GIenqi'&j3rI4go, . uted so, as to F acts, vegul mounted police, The birds throve in ... :;. V% , ce Schools on the Stanley aud" GoOerich town, . 11 studeots may study, at home a] . . reward the sections Whi . captivity, grew even better, feabberg.. I . Ltoge& line. .1 I ell. I P�Ovide 4OW in the ha'Xds of tbe Ki0g1s Pr1A- than they did in their . wild state, and . . or or in part, ano the,ri finish at, Col..- On Wednesday morning the coun j, proper Accommod4tions and eq ter. These will be ready . 1 $20,000, L M� Mont. , wp� for dtstri- multiplied. Fortunes were made. and i- " .: w legeA thereby saviing c4nisiderable passed a bylaw to. raise I. r . 14ution in, a few weeks. This suggest� , Ostrich farming to South America be. I . 1, . led that' the County. Council request yame *n established industry, - ... - " board %All. bridge building by.imsuing debentu 0 1 Houses and Grounds. , .: ... :::::! I to be held, by each steamer bound for Now York with, it ..;;.j:, " _ , SERVANT GIRL WANTED FOR, A F. W, Gladman addressed the council No., 7, Wawanosh. They are substan- trulsto py -g-�. iili*..,L,;,*,.",�*.�i�*.'.-�-...-., 'ference to gt�llts for continuation; tial buildings, ,., e, and the fourt'd, to -be k�bpt is said, 200 ostriches. , * ­ -*,?_*:*�, 0 1, AWagine a drove of these gigantic j....::, - ... month at the manse, jamily of In XL with basement, teach- . 1'*ol.`.� .'...*. I . viass work.' . . in the -school house, 11 r the use of the §: - -I..... - three, wages ton, dollars per Mouth. room,, and excel- teacher, and jty ratepaye . rs 11 .. I.$. .K. _ I WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED 'AS the buildi e w.given for being inglY. Small woncler. that the voyage i.'.",�-.*.,�i;�ll",!;.,.-,.��i".,!,.,..,.,..-..,,;,..� I I MACHINE OPIDRATORS AND F ' . 9 was a Ume of horror and death for the --;%1.'.-'1`. .. .0 And MilnCNWas�. were repaiied, and the class rooms 4at of the school law aij4 regujOILWAb. . ��1111 I I 1:t aPPoint6d to report on the advisabil- suitably tinted, thus making . them : birds, All but A Pitiful remnatit per- 1-1 *Z;:— ��-,i�;--.-�;,.---�ii .., 111 I -AD ving 'a separat building in comfortable and attractive, From New York I .*.1,'.0X..*.1X1.Z111e- - .- . ' the surVivurs were shipped to San ',`s: : EA OY. connection with the House of Refuge! A pamphlet on "Improvement of I At the close of 19001, there were 38 .. ...F.", for t -he accommodation . . Francisco, where Only twenty-two o - .... School 0roundsilt prepar�d Foy ordor omerk teaching in the the original number 4rrived alive, � ... consumptives and report at. the Decem- of the Mir of Education, has beeA Public schools of, this inspectorate. Aftera time the birds. underwent - TON KNITTING CO. LTD., CUN- b,er session of the council. . . The 88 Men received ark average another enforced journey. ' �1. -, - I Report of Ex6c'utive Committee. salArr of $50G, .and tl toqfarm near Anaheim, in sunny . , be given the how to lay out, and a wanderers found 4,congenial borne' . :. 1".. 11 .�':. I TWO OR THREE ROOMERS WANT`4 grocer! ,ct for ftkrn�ishlng beautily the school grounds. It iA_ .schools, the 34 men During the next fourypars three . 11 . JIL OR es for'the goal. . . . ere. paid an, average of '$463, and more imPortations from South Af ­:� N I _ dicates kinds of trees and shrubs to w 1,101L j I -ed. -Apply to Mrs. D.. Conne , That $300 be given . to supplcm&nt Plant, where to plant thern how . to the 73 women an hverage of $398 and were made, the total aggregating about . I I' . MOM while, arraqge the walks and' to provide I" r the four mcn.,in the 'urban schools Wu birds; forty -f itir or which, brought, . I . 2 I .. . — I . I school gardens. . I received aD average of 4995, and thO i dead 77tanks a - � . I , ned to become the ancestors of nd Bat i I I ,be granted for a lockup A little money 20 womon,in average of $419 per s,A� I. , I E X13ERIENCED ThAdHE . . lit Zurich, . . . I . and labor spent , . fully 15 pop ceril, of ,he ostriches now I - . 1, I No. 11, 11110 mAke the school preMi'' The* Average'- sal' , . Goderich township, duties to coni. Rifle Association. 11 . . I ses the neatest teachers in IM5 waa $309, which in- N - .PE--j.RU=NA--q1 . , . made in .1901, when twelve gigantic * mence, after the holidays. State salL, That the county - 1 and Most attractive spot In, tho school! . - I' abian birds were brodghtto the Paii. . . ry Per week td the Indus- . . per. anqum. In the 2.1. urban, divisions the fair, the herd Was divided; half of . . I and grounds what they should be, the Many cases of heart trouble are caused . Such a condition ot the asomach 11w 'ton p. o. � omd for each of three destitute teacher and'pupil there were 8 changes in teachers du'r- -the birds being shipped to an Ostrich by rollex disturbancesA " . I . . . onimitteed to that institu"and they 'must do each week thq work ,Ing 1908, and 4,5 changes, fA the ,. 10,7, farm in South Pasadena, Cal., and the. Derangements' of the ' r . . I I ep overytbingy clowit and n$. I I 11verprodu00" ;symptoms of heart iroub.le. Medicines that paill I ' . __ tlbri� , . . ' . ' rural divisio I remaining six to the Salt River Valley otoinsih and WO st sort. A grant of ,$50 was made for -,ex- ,orderly. ' b. I . . . . . . ArizeIna.--prom "Naturalizing th I . I . ate the symptom&. - penses 4-nd transmission of fruit , to I I . . I . . I.- . . Ostrich," by - Will Rnhinson, in the , catarrh of th8'j3tOmV6Ch 18 a Very fro. Will never lead to it cure, . - I . the Hoiticultural ExhiVition. at Tor. I . � - 'Sclwol Libraries . . Ai3ae . ' nUo . vie . . It Is the off set which Perrino has I I WATERWORKS' . . JR01miesville. . I ease. . I upon, 1 . I onto,. and. that Frank Metcalf qf Bly;t1j, I The best educators reg,ird a'libraiy - ' I .. I I .. . I . I . I . the stomabb'.46411n,g the 2jaucous mem" . I . - I .. . I . Palpitation, shortness of breath an4 branes and restoring the naturat funo-., I an`4 William Lane of Goderich be ip- as an essential part of the equipment' The 'cheese factory is; getting a big I . I . . I I . I -1 bloating after meals are the most prom-' tiOn Of the stomach, tbateausis.Por�WR.�' ' . Town of Clinton. .. pointed to superintend the ,same. - I of 'a school, One 6,1 the .most - impor- SUPPly from the Maitland and lbth - Seaforth Races, --:-The annual Ace jiuent�,Fpap�oms. . I. I 'to h . I . . . I .. Road and. Bridge Committee. .�l tant -functions of thd -schools- is to, concessions these . days.' On - Monday meetof the Senfoith Tu�f Club'will he . � bring one prompt rellet, - � (I . . , thatthe engineci prov1d I - W, Sinclair hauled, in -3500 pounX4 and forth. on June 15, 16 and 17. * The asio. I 1. . . I . Province of Ontario draw up plans'.and .specifications'' tor ity' of . reading the best books. . Chl .thit . L . Gleni�ls bridge on the StA1iyjey-Go& * dren whb form. a taste - for. good read -L W. Williams. drew in. 1100 pounds, W. grarnme for each day. , . . I - ' Town clerk until .. I . I 6tenders, 1119i 4 . e both intej� Mca,rIs about the same and .. W. L - H. purses are,h6i)g offeredi Therewfll . I . . . . .. I . 10 . . ­ od. as' soon leCtually and morally, I Lbbb about' 10100.' That is 4100 pounds be tw-o harness races and one running Mrs. . .k�ni 20 . . . ,race each 'day. As an additional Man,, I � . Sealed tenders wi2, be received -L,y'th6 erl h ' undry, to'advertise ioli re reasonably' . sat ' for which.liberal . I .L . Goderich, , ' ' '' 8 P.- M. ON TUESDAY, i i;N th, as Possible. . . b . I . ., Carlyle has, said , _IcTlnt the true ,milk within aliout three mil ' of Eaiie�ou' Mr. and Mrs. Marshall do not in- 19,Oft, . I ,. . . . ­ es .. of .the attraction, they -have ariarged for ihp - is the guest of her .daughter,,' t�nd fo-romain. in GodQricW y- loug7. ' . . � We recommend that no action be universitYl.of these days is A'collectiory factory, The biggest patrons of 1. Mrs. (Capt.) MoDairmid. Mrs. Mel . vo . An . . for the following sections of th,,. p, 0- taken .0 . . . . the attendance during the entire meet of . r. or. After the boom now comes the posed Waterworks Syst.-,n : 11 ... n'the applic4-tion to pIace;w`iAd of books." "No one thing will - cork- factory are located in that coiner, that most famous of all harness bore".. llcontcmpla.�cs residing here, andasshe sale of rng�� vacant * .to�gcs, so t t - . .. . . brakes oii ,the Bayfietd Bridge to'. 'hold - tribute mo t i I I ' * - C .2.021 ba� "A" Labor pipelaying.* . . 1. re o - ifte,111gent reading W, H. Lobb having 28 cows, -I. Vb ' . Tbe. Bel, -4. The Bel will ite on bhs.a, daughter living at Benrahlier, property is sold -cheap. . I "B" Pump House. . I . the SAOW.,..- , , _., I I It is an education. to kno* how - -to Wifliaffis IS, An,d D, -Burns 14. on exhibition each day qf_�Iie. meet, .f.tod, she will spend her . time between the , - - , - . . - 01-— -0 A( . ..We recommend that our. cngjnoer�tx�, and- what to read. Th6 school Monday, a m 0 two, families. She spent Sunday . *at ' - :. b . p . . . Q" Water Tower. . b . . Maker', Ed. W1111jaims . turned. 'vew Oanadian'b If it. tia'ck ree d. . .. a . . aminp Gaiilq's bridge ' ear Viogfi&m does its best work, ' "choose* whibb, had, g' -ti This will- he the only OPPortunity' that . '11)" Cast Iron Pipes.. ,, - . ­ . . when it develops out fourteen . . - or' ' Benmiller..- I . : "E" H drants, Valves, Etc. I ocendings accorda a taste for the best ,..literature.., and average. of from C75 to 80 pounds.. Mr. many in t he district will have of seeing On, Monday, evening the an . nivers . ary . , , . I y . - . iub to -its requirement.. I E b., -ers I the read'i-lig.h4bit. ' , , -Williams' reputation ­ . -and noneshould miss . "G" Pumping MLachinery. . - . fost as maker . ,_ this great horse;. entertainment was marke . , We recommend our enginec" to e%�l Of the 102 school board& in - . has be the. Opportunity. We -might also say Dr.' -D ug' d* by Rev. to- . . . U . S . . 'C(HI1 Producer Gas Plant. .. . . r this, coiiie i so well established . . I McPhee's bridge on the West Tftspect6rate, 0;� hive b 'a .Purchase, ..With -1 string6fhot.sea wIll. the 8 . views,, entitled "The Lite -of ' 14rist I I . . . Plans and specifications ma)r be seen . . . ' of, tnVe upils, and 'Out 'inspection. , I ... ­ 1, -forth races, " . . - I I - vour figuie 4or a Sqi repair or rebuild said. bridge, � abcor& those in the rooms'. I .. . . .. I I . . I . 11 tUrbs were. gta ' :ta .1 I . I t, and . I I . . paintings by the old June Sit. ; . , . . I . . It" i bx ected that the other 7 sec- . . . . . . . breakwater last Thursdavy fternoo I I - . ;Q,xpenditures. , . , ,. tions will'provide a librark. blefore.Oc- 1. ,. .1 . . . . I Sheriff Reyno . d9Vw in: i i you as well as -the -perfect fit . Administration of - Ju t� 6 ' -$' ;6660� toIlter Ist next. Then, the will receive, ... -The News- From'Goderi ' . : I throw his tdogi Jack ,into the* er for I we, will. guaranted you. We I WILLIS CHIP . Division -Court Jury'Fund.- ,'961000 which the Legi�slaturc.' , I I . . . . I . iust at the mouth wherey the, ,current I . . . ;. I a . . Schop.1 Management, - � 2800 . rural. public -and separate sch;I)o1s, on [ . I .. I - . .1 . . 4 . b .. I . . . I. . . �. � I . excellent pwinimer.- R. S. )XIiiiia j I I 4 ... . . ... I .1 I I . . Municipal Government , '60,01), . Oct. - lst I " 1 190Q.. '. I . ... The "Uneeda C1ub?I-*fie1c1' an. . as sem-l' Cbishol . in Bras . - had a . most -succos, . rendered' immediate' assistance, and -tion . a . I , I . . .. . Statibnary, 1?rinting etc.,. .: `120.0. , .. aminatiQns . .. 1. - I My'last week at.the Oddfellow' . . -0 nothing' worse .than w ducking result- � .." . . l4 . every garment -that -' . . I , .. . . shall. Iful 'Plower" evening, on, Friday last.. . b ' ' I I I . . I Lunit! ' es. and Cbarities.. . ... - , ,600 Th6' drinpai "uniform promotion - cx-� I The 11110ackatill lodge met'on Friday IThree ybun ed ' . I . . I . . . . I .. leaves our establishment be-. ' ' , . . STEADY . Interest . . . . . . . I .. . . I . - . ' . 9 ladiesr- Misses Lulu Phif- Mi. Arthur :Yule .ceturned l9st week . . . . . . I . . . . . . 5;0,0 aminatibn was held in April. Th 't evenifig at Oddfellomfls hall'. and will ipsi Edlth�'Morro.w and Florence Mun- of May, from I s ' I advettis6ment for I EMP . " Miscellatieous . . .2og . ithe teachers . ancl. pu . EL meet on every -other Friday evening, ro had a table plaqedl in the centre . I it . . sojo;jrn - il , tbf" west'.. Comes. an . 1500 -this examination, together*with the .year, 1. . . . of the rink, covered with red, white ­ , . I . .. * . I I I . b * L. 0 YREN TRoads and -Eiridges " . .. . -35267.74 class work of. the term, form the bas� I Miss Mb;ttd Far4ubax of Cifuton is and blue buriting, .on which lay' a. 1. Marriages. . I I I I us� . We' Will gIVOYOU your �, ' . . y IV , .1 . ol Eat I Miss Nellie- Mkcdonald has.retuine&Rs each. roller. skater came, up to, . idence -of the bride's parents, . Hui- . I . b ......i.- I o . . . IV . ivaition,. 858 candidates wrote and'ftom a long, visit with her bro,ther,. 'table One carnation'was handed %out I . . , Can be given to a numberof B . ridge I . . I ,tml . . 235 were sut-cessiul.. , Many of the. can- Mt.. William'Macdonald of Brantford. 40 each. . , ., . b . - . .jett; on June 9th, by' - Rev. Mr. est fil�rics. , Wedo the rest.. .. sniart girls on hand sewing or : . . . - ... 634-60 didates had Prepared , the work, #ior- i - Mr. korney has bought out -the gro- I SOMP 'cotton. seed that had escaped .. Currie, assisted by Re ' Mr. . , . I I . . . . — oughly .while qui-te a.nurnber ,di& ADt cery Ibustries i of Sn9th's from its' receptacle fell along side of Mrs. Joseph -Girrett., � to John 9 t or BrIiish �Amiorican *Cleanin to Mr. J. McLeod, fore 1. . . . . Reedipts , - I . . ' . - Hill , - b I . I . . Ithe Q.P-R track, .and has sprung. ,up . Ribli-mond Jr, of Morris I and Dying Cw 'nontreal. : . man'.. Debentures . . ,vres, were, niabity It.om' the chools of , . h after the re�fnt rains - REYNOL . I I . .,* . . I . . . . .�20000 inexperienced teachers. . . S ; 1. I The . town, assessor has complet6flatai 1. ' , I I CAUGHEY -- In 'St. I . .. . I- . I Registry Office 600. , . assessment rolls of the town for tihe I Mrs.- D. Macdonald has returned - Michael's church, Blyth, on. - :JUne- . : - 1%V1`%11%1%AW% I .. I . I I The Public School Graduation exam- 'Oln her visit to Toronto,. ,. . I . . . . Licenses . '000 21606 ination, is prized, by teacher� a:Tkd fifth present year and the. fbllo�viing 11jures f I I . St.b., by the Rev'. Fat -her ' 14'anlon . The Jackson Mfg, 0 o I . I class students, notwithstanding, its . m, the rolls : 'Value of -Delegates from the Woman's Insti- Harrikt, eldest daughter ' of Mr. I .. . .. 1. I .. . $6,8002.24. defects. The papers for this., examina�' rip - Al: , estate,. $.i,698,775,; business as-:tute- .Will dttefid the Congress .'of and Mrs. J.. J. Md�!aughpy." - to - I - * ,: E ducational Committee - I sessment, $219,214 ; iqcomei, �al .James .B. R'eYnolds- Of Geoi, ,W , ..B '' , . I I tion, are the same as' those for en- . $60,274 ;WOMR0 at..the QVitenW which will -the , police I - 0 - arge I Tom, in - regaA to' the -consolidated t a shows an We were'sorry to Jearn that Cap:.' CRAIGIE-LOWRY-At, -the*, residence . . . wo k. is either too difficult for - school Statutes and Reg,ulations;, ,be ; increase over'last year of $62,940, but tain Donley had the misfortune to, in. - . . . — . - school graduatiot pupils, or It is too . of ,.the bride's parents, on June I . . . : . . acted upon sod that four copies of cask for those who quality on it for. the .business . and -income assessment some way, or other, step into 9, caul- I 2nd, by..Rbv. .John Holmes, Jam- PRED JACKSON'S . OLD STAND : . each ' be'forwarded ,to each �choo,l see- teachers.. - . .. , I both show 'decreases, the fornief af dron'-ol bo -Jing net stain. Only one es IV. Ciaigia, Colborne, to Pearl, - - I 11 I . . 0 I tion, and both inspect'brates in Huron. � The Education ' Department -0ainig , mur-h eldest daughter of Mr..D. A. Low- ' . I . U C That the resignation of W. B. Weld- to be favorable to'. fifth . Population also shows a deqroase . . , of pain . - lot some time, Re has bee -' XY, 11russels. , omwqb"%."Ib"%"qb,Aw,.*A.-%.-w,i.- -%,**, . . . classes in the, 83 '�sjnce last year'.. . . . fishipig up"no�'th for some weeks, . - HOUSTON-McNAIR-lAt P . . . enhammer from the .Board of examin- rural sobools, a'n,d contributes Iiberal-� I I . . . . ,the ' hom . 0s for the Public Sch I Miss Vo of the bride, on June 2ad, , by ool Leaving 'ex- -ly, for their support,- lot the exam -111a.- . ,Ima Wilson presented us on! Mr, Frank Wood'was called . To'T-he P bi 1. * away ' $ - . . . aminations be mcepted. Gn � regulations. compel teachers to Thursday -with a -lovely large. boquet:'on, .Saturday by the sad news , Rev. D, B. McRae, Robert Hous- I : $ . — --.-----.: . Wett, be appointed to believe that the 1)6partiuental autho,r- of. red .and yellow tulips, lillies, ,of the tither's sudden , death due to paraly- ton to WissMagat all .s .W. atch " . .. . . — . succeed Mr, Weidenhammor ", 1`�"!am- itles are strangling these.classe . valley and' fern.' . gig. He left on receiving. the tole -4 of Grey. . I I .I.. . . . . I . . . itior on aforesaid Board. f irk 1008 there were, 84 candidateg for I Mr. Harry Tklibourne took a, very grain. 'The funeral took place on Suii-I BVESWIDLL-HARVEY-Iri Exeter, on - Having lately sold out out business That Mr. W, B. Weidenhanimer of this examination, and 81 of thesepass� bad I . attack ' on Saturday. We trust day last. - .. ;. Junp 2nd, V,most Buswell to'Ger-. . to John P. Sheppard & Co, we dc� Exeter, be appointed as member of . that,he Will soon rat . ly. I . I . trude, daughter.of Air, Thos. -Har- a - 0 # . od Their work wits a, credit, to the I .1 I � 'Fa Its ' - sire to tbaAlc the public for thietr pat� the ,Board of examiners for the High ` I So�fV6rth seems boit upon 'advoo I " — * — Vey, all of Exeter. . I roi;age while We condmted the busin- School District' of W. Huron, I . .. ing the "Dayllghtll* Bill. . : $ , - our that Mr. J, 11. Cameron be ap- �— joutod the town on Saturday at 2 .0 - an June 2nd, Frank Clifford Spack-1 ess, and we would, on, behalf of . A Doe . successors, solicit for them the pat. poilited as member of the Board of' a. ni. and ,pandemon' . 0 man, to Annie neArice aaughter run correctly? If I us. The new firm Examiners - for the High School dis- P, S. lftSpectorforWett Jum reigned for a KEEPING ,CHILDREN WELL. 0 $- $ a while. They had two horns, which 0 - of Mr. Edward Itnig' it does not lea have taken Possession and- wili collect trict, with which his school is coft- I sounded demoniac to the eitizens, of 6 L,ve . .. 0 Road Southlit, L . oxidon it With U . ve 0 , all book accounts, and pay all accounts nected. . . . I . . . , St.: George's crescent. ry mother should be able .0 OSTER-TYrsRMAX- At flif" : '11101110 � I I S . # * contracted by us in connection with That the grant to continuation I . 1. I .. I - _. .- I . I ! judge Holt has his tome o . n 0 to recognize and cute the minor 0 of the bride's ,parents by Rev. E. . I I . , . the 0 ills that attack her fittlo ones. 0 - 'G. Powell, on June 2nd, Fred. 0s. I - opr business. schools be retc,in2d at same amount . aht of his property, AxIntedl a yelloWlr4 0 Prompt action may save ser- 0 1 � ish green, and the fence on the north 0 ious illness-4efila.ps save a lit- 0 ter to Alice Lilliqn, youngest — $ as last year.,, fr $ TYNDALL & CARR. West Huron Inspector's Report. I I t. , " ,,� �-;; side is painted a, sea green, It looks 0 tlo life, 'A simple, safe tome daughter of Mr. 'Hx1gcI1 Tyer Given the opportunity, I bave the honor to submit my re- 1 :" ' L. 11 0 both of Grey township. I . . I .1 , 'very pretty among the trees. � ­ , ­ 0 in the home is therefore a no- 0 . : . Port on the, 'Public Sehools (if tit � in- .1 . '' , -no () cossity, and for - this purpose 0 Deaths, ' w th ur personal guar- - speetbrato of West 1-juron for 100& I-, I . 1, I Mr. Marlton went ,up to Kincaid. I rl Having bought out the business of I . "I', I on Sun,,day in an auto, . . 0. there is nothing else so good 0 . � anteeoof its correctness, Tyndall & Carr and' have taken p6q. Financial Statement 0 . : I ",I ,Crowell came in last vvftaok 0 as. B $ of the School BostrdT I I . '. IBRAMPIn, LD- In Clint and our session, we take this opportuftity, of I pal ' from IM . $ 24477Al 1. A j , '' , � . % cargo of 120,006 bushels , of 0 promptly cure all stoinaeli and 0 Sth, Mrs. William Bramfield, aged sonable, . I ..1. I Wheat for tfieelevator, and cleared 0 bowel troubles, destroy worms, 0 20.years, . . . . given to tho, late firm an,aw Its Municipal - GrAnts' 45904,74 � . for Dcloraine to load coal for Port 0 break up colds, Make teething 0 13LACXV It -At Deer River, Nim., . . soliciting the Patronage thg,t W' . I . I $ we are­,PrePa*d to supply all thede- Special School Taxcs' oft The 1,11'eroll IM100,410d, Part Of Or 0 and thoerfuL, Mrs. Jos, Love$- 0 daughter of Charles nlacker, form. I for ixamirting your tnandg of the general public, We in. 11 , Pronortv tqMA.20 I ,ij � on May 28th, L My, th� only $ 1 tend keeping a full stock -cc r . . ,icutgO Of whmt at the elevator and 0 que,, Casse,lMaij, Ont,�SAYS .'-' 0 Orly of Clintoft,'aged 5 months and '. groc I , 0 have used BA;by's 0 n. Tablets 0 8 days, I erica Which WLV will sell at eload :1 - I . Patt tit the, big mill. I . watch and report., , price I I!, I .. The V.P.R. had 0, testing car last 0 and have : s-' 09,11 &hd Inspect our stock be� . I AlWaTS found them L, I3AYLr,,,Y-IA Hullett on Jurie 2nd, Ing its needs, fore buying olsewhere. Cash pitid for I Total Ae6cipts, , $1111118.13& 0 'wook, jor the purome of tostlh� the () satisfactory. My child has 0 1 the intant soli of Mr. and Mrs, ,butter .and eggs and 'all kinds of farm ' NXneridituros of School Boards .I 1 . . Ilaulind Powers Of the t1191110- It Is 0 grown *I�Adidly tmd is always 0 1 John Bayley, . . . — -4* — t School sites ar,d buildings 1,1071i 24 4 :, '. I... jexpect(j the car will be here and 90 0 ,good naturedAtnee, I began us- 0 PRINGLE-In Goderich on June 81rd, . I 0 0 G S 01 I Libraries, Maps Apparatas otc. 050:45 . , oub,agairi on Saturday mornino Thd 0 Ing this tnedicine. Sold by 01 Thomas Ivan, intatit son of.Mr. $ I .. 11 ("Agi 'ry pound tho 0 Medicine dealers or by mail at 0 and Mrs. ThosPangle, aged I 0 it VaRIGG I P, SkPPARD & co',d'u"' r"Palts' earetak'Ing" etc, 419 , 21.0, 1 `:� ne P018, the VCIOCHY At Which 6-26 cents'a, bok from The Dr. Oi year and I month. , , ' It tmvtfs, the Torce tit the wind etc, , '' I Williams, Aledicine C!o,, Broelt- 0 1 JEWELER AND OPTICIAN n allee for 1909 t .. I etc' , XERR—In Mexill6ii on June Ist, 1 $ J. P. Sheppard - Xate V. Sheppard, t al, I $83435131 I . I I Tht i-119 Nettle 9. O'Whed by Mr. 0 ville, Ont, . O'l Helell Nllf-Zaboth Kerr, daughter of Issuerof M*Ahitge Liettises Phone 83. 2576a.20 J. L Tom Doty was sold for Georgian My fisit-o I Mr. John L. Kerr, aged 0 montlig $ 1 1 ^