HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-10, Page 3F__---,
E .
. .1
4"44,10tho 19% .,
Britaln"s Great Militarg Camp,
CHat" News,pRocoa
Get Rid Of the Breeding places non. c, A. Mantel died at Montreal,
The Galt Horse Show Is a great
1. and You Will Got Rid of Isuccess.
Imagine a town with a populatioW as all tknes thea 0 %"A11*F1IItq,_ W- - = - --I-- I
,p areenough, mentber � Mr. W. W. Cox of St. Catharines I -
Targe as Dallas, Texas, or Lincoln, to populate a firSt-class, city, and ev- was found dead in bell. I - I
. the F11089.1 -
Neb., in which there is Ao jull,yor .
. all& ery milli -and every woman and Child, . . 1.
to -in the camp is ,subject to the ___ '.I Sunshine Furnace is the triumph of sixty. ,
one years' experience -growth from a small
no civil orga*atiorki no police, A no 0 - IT PREVENTS I. b .
tax collectors go , will one man, General. H. Smith- III t
. street cleaning _4 It No simpler way to kill a, cold, and I I I 6,% acres of floor space, from ahalf dozen .
11 -, o. civil couirts, no Dorrien, .general officer commanaiu$ in. The, hot weather is here at last our childhood to treat with kineness, , OR I 9 a
� � g department and. no de- chief. No civil policeman � I :rl't�,V,op,� i0o 1,SQQ# from an annual -age sheet Of 44,000 M
. dare set- And comes wlt4fit the house fly. When' .h -'as been exposed. Its habits are, stamp out to one f $670,000, from a capital of to 0 f
s I fit. sore throat than by Ap. N, , , -*o
partment of Public works and which his toot -viitibin the boundarie "of the science knew less about tiv house 11Y 1 thy. It breeds stable and garbage Plying Nerviline-rv,b it In freely, and coo, (rom obscurity to recognition as L
I is probabily the best organized And camp, excppt as 4 visitor, b its in. s b *3 000, 0 Largest goo
. The law than it does now it was considered paths and carries the filth it revels jiv then Put on a Nervillne Porous Plas ,Makers of Furnaces _ I I
best governed city In the world. Such of the camp is administered - , , , Cos in the British Empire. .
. _ ministered by about that &the house fly had his hum'b'le part, and across the sugar and 111i , in
. ;s Aldershot "camp', the chief . . tracks it . . ,ter on the chest. These, remedies Ilunt "" W) n
". et Milit- forty military policemen and so ox- to play in the general oral scheme of butter and the beefsteak. Out pain, destroy every trace of con-
� I
, , a It paddles
. ary.station of the British Empire,andI.ce}lent is the -discipline that they Ilavll things. Now we know differently, ,or its feet., plumed with the vile rotting% gestiOU, cure the cold and tendencyl I �1 , 5 . , S H I m F - - I
the largest permanent settlement of little to do. They seldom .are in evi- at least we are be -ginning to find! out smatter, in baby's milk, , It probably to br6uchit�s- Thousands find Nor. 91 , um wil ;
Its kind in the world. deuce, except at the railway, station, just how importilut was placed on the market the'first furnace to be wholly I
. - a part the est every disease. It must villas the best and
at Aldershot town and at Waterloo (Toes play. The I . � romedy for �J s I solely designed by 4 Canadian Company. P-0 W
The word, Ocamp', is 06 misnomer. knowledge is becont- I be exterminated., It can be driven out Pains, aches, bruises, . I q
- neuralgia, , , I We employ sk. consulting staff of furnace, experts, who are IF .
It dates from the days when there station int London, where they exam- Ing general, too. At Philadelphia the at every' city. -Iii, an. age of know- sciatica,, colds and winter ills. Not ' continually experimenting, with new ideas in order that Sunshine
� ' the the passes of the soldiers on leave following warning has, been . , y Is it Penetrating and po 1 .�,,�4 hall, ne .
really., was . . sent ledge, screens and cheap disinfectants Q111 werful, . to travel on its past reputation for
.5 a camp on Aldershot plain, , I p 11 Furnace & , not have
And the oieu . lived under .canvas, wait- who are. going up to London, ane in- through the press , there is no excuse for flies in ai%y but it Is safe and economical. All 111 goodness. . .
, , "* ,
ing to be Sent abroad or to be dis- spect the men to see If they are clean "The house fly, the dirty fly, the household. Cleak up. your premise4 dealers sell Poison's Nervillue. Largo . We buy niaterlaN in such large quantities that its quality is I
banded oil their return from a foreign and tidy. Of course one secret a the typhoid and cholera ititantum. fly, will and report to the health. department bottles for 25c., the plasters same . � guaranteed to us. . We have our own testing rooms so that.super. .
your neighbor who does not. Go .are of substitutes. I
war. Now it is ,t I vision of construction is -exercised down to the finest detail.
, a town of spleudibil orderliness of Aldershot is that elle soon swarm in thousands or millions I rid price. Bew I .
mon are under military law, and they, unless precautions are taken, The breeding ,places of les and you , I . I�r IBXitish soldier lives and is cared for .y irtrac- house fly. , which we Were ta.ught ' iu'wilt got rid . of the fly." I_�_ 0
and petmallent buildings where the ,,now if they are caught In all , ft. . tiont of itI -the Punishment will be - in ai stylet Well is equalled only by � I Thomas lie, a Collegiate llistitute I the best clubs and the, best hotels in certain and severe. ________ I . I student, was drowned at Chatham.. �Is
London. . . 0, :
... I paid a visit to this city of Sol- , Tho Synod of Qti'Appelle has elected
I '
Aldershot is a 'wonderful town. It diers a few days ago, and the domilianj Rev. A., K. Birks is President ofArchdeacon Hardy, assistant Bishop of
I . . I , . ' .
lies about 35 miles south of London ,impression with which I came away 7 . .1 . the diocese. Harland Bros. clintoI
on a high plateau stretching for a i was that any young man in search, of . , I ll . , .3, Out. .
dozen miles In each dire I ,comfort and a good time was a foot to the London Conference. .. HOD. Mackenzie King, the new Iffin.
was . . - I
. , otion, and the remain in civil life it ' . . I . ister of Labor, was given a . .
"camp" is distinguished from Alder*; . , he could by any . . Watin, wet-
means get admission to the British - . . .
shot "town," which is just as old army, The Soldier of John Bull is . I . . Come at Berlin, Oat.4
world and sleepy as it was before the - 0 . I - . . .
camp was established. It stretches better led, better housed and better Rev. A. K. Birks, the new President,; 1880, and has since held chirges at I I
for about three miles in• one dixectiollicloth-ed. then any other Briton, outside is a son 'of •a Methodist preacher, his,Thamesford, Durham, Teeswater, Of Interest to Farmers and Mechanics' .
. and a mile in another. All t the wealthy class. He .is better cared father, Rev. William Birks, having al- Stratford (Waterloo street). London
I .
this area Farmers and mechanics frequently I I
is ,covered with permanent buildings for in illness and ]its health is better so been a member of London(Colborne street), Seaforth and Lon- meet I
. ,
in which the sqldlers ' Lpire are looked after than Any one else in the once And was at' one time st.atioi&ed. don (Askin street). . with Might accidents and injuries,
. of the ei ' country,. The sanitation of his city of at Holinesville. . . . . . which, cause them mull annoyance, I . . .... . I � I
I �
housed, fed, amused, nursed in sick- residence is a model to every municip- ' I � I His work in his Present charge has loss of time. A out or bruise may be . I
ness, and' preached to on Sundays, end. I He Was born in Mount Forest and been, conspicuous.. Entering upon his cured In about one-third the time us- Whatever amount of money one
- -
in which a great part of. the adminis- ail'ty dn the world'. and there is pmvid- " The Debentures of this Company . I
I ually required by applying Chamber- puts by in an investment --whether are such an InVostment,, safe,
I I school, the St. .Thomas high . scbool,,paign just started, he set himself to Liniment as soon as the injury I I I
tration of the British arm a.1 over ed for him clubs, . libraries, theatres was educated in the Ingersoll vublicl labors with 9, $25,00 building. cam- lain Li .
and music halls which are the equal - - It Is ' $iOO.-the first beyond question. Assets totalling
the world is �carried - on. . and Victoria University, He secured . tlie.task and has brought it to a sue- is received. This liniment is also val- � $10,000 or . I . I � I . .
. of any in London. His clubs, ,..a fact, ' consideration Is the security of over $10,000,000 are pledged to .
There are usually about 40,000 sol- are excelled - in appointments and the degree of B.A. in 1886, and tbat'cessful conclusion, cable for sprains, soreness of - the I . I
I �
d,,ers In the camp. At times the numw equlpmefitonly by some of the first, of L.L.L. in 1890. . . .. . . I � 0 muscles ; and rheumatic pains. There I the Investment. their redemption. Thus their
. . . . . If added to the security there is security Is absolutely,safeguarded. -
. . . The present enlarged ed:fl(m will is no danger of blood Poisoning result- I . .
her rises to about 110,000 and' some � - class clubs of the West end of Lond . I I to"
times it falls to 30,000 or so, but at - -Springfield '(111.) Republican. - 04 He was ordained. to the ministry in stand as a monument * to his zeal, . Ing from an injury, when Chamber- - a profitable. dividends'the Invest-, ' They, pay 4 percent., PeX annum. I
. . .
. . I lain's Liniment is, applied before meat becomes an Ideal. orte.- Put I , I.,
. . ,)re the , your savings into this ash .
. I exactly the kind that the saving and profitable, form of favestmenli.
Pirts become inflamed -and swollen, . . .
For sale by all druggists. . people. of Ontario most desire. Write as for full part[cphim .. ,
. I
I 1. . I . .
. .
. .
7. I .
Hon. I. B. Lucas, Mo Pe P., Centre
The Wizard Edison Sags he Will, . . . . . . .
I. . . .
.11 . . . .I .
. . -. .. .
I .
. I
. Greg, Becomes a.Membeir of .. . . -
. I
.be Able to Pour Houses. , . . . � . .. I SEPTEMBER 10th TO 18th.. .
. I . 11
the Ontario Government The Management ' f the L'
. . . 41 0 Western
. I . . . .
. I
. L .. Fair, Londbu, Ontario, have just is- 'Loan & Savings Coi, London .
sued their 1909. Prize List. .It is a I .
THOS. A. EDISON SAID TO BE from the excavations. ' Even L after L' . . � . ... . . .. . I .. .L � . . very neat and attract . . . . .. I . Aw . .. Ont...
. making due allowance for ' those , con- . . . 1. . I I L L . . . tive book and con-
NOW READY WITH HIS REV- . L I. 'AS K � does not no- tains a number iinportant challps. , . .
. . HON. I B. L111C TABES PRO* His present' appointment . ..
. I I . . L .
ditions,* practical builders here In . - cessitate 'i'by-clection, as 40 C1111JI11- k- large number. of new Sections L hitVel "' L- . .
. sure, - Edison VINCIAL OATH OF OFFICE. . L; ' . I I , ,
. OLUTION. .. New. York ,said they'felt L I . ..of 1 been added and increases made i "sdv- $1.50 Round Tr*,p $1.'00 .One way - .
I � . I I . . . . � � meat s attached to the positioii
. L would find himself in a losing game - . ,� I . * L- .,his . .. . .
i L I . . Minister witnout portfolio, ... I . ural departments. Especially Is , t - ..
. . . . ,. . -case in the Cattle and Stocle ' . CHILDREN HALF FARE.. HAGG R. ' L '. ..
Says $1,200 Will 13julild Concrete Hom- if he contracted, to put .up � thbso.'Enters. Lthe Ontario Government With.`'. , - ,. . L L the . . 1 AQE FREE: . . .
blQcks of detached one -family houses . . . � . .. . . 1. . . . . L . I I . .
es Equal to Stone Structures Cost- I . * The now -Minister is an ei!c classes, and there Will no. doubt ipe the •- . . .1 . I . . . . .
I ' ' I . I . . . . . . I .
ing $20,060 to $30, 000-111luir-ihers Are and st6am-h6ating apparatus inolqd- , Hdnor at , ly good L speaker and: a pronounced i L GODERICH TO DETROIT.
. for $1,200 each, with the plumbing out worn in by His - . epti6nal- filar this year ever. held . .. . I . I
. I - .. -01610 ot b,t- . . -London. Stockmen who have � y
' . Thursdav"S . in
I .
. . I
I . . .
. ,mates,
mistake . . . . I . , . I . a . . . . .
_ . _ . . I
1 L ' ,L . Jor a Prize -List and prepare L. ..L . ,. . . La.
I Ll . ' P . expressed that . I I - . I . � on the death at I previously exhibited at London should, cATURD'A 'JUNE 19th.•-
Skeptical -House Finished in. Fort- - ed -. 0 inion was exprei LL a ting. . I . temperance ,advocate. He has �.,. acted . not CT
night. - . . I t ke had beelic made in. the - . as Deputy Speaker of the Hbusei and send . .. I., ��
L , . e9tiT . '. Mr. Henry Carscalle . . 11 and: before .contracts. were en- Mr. Isaac 'Bensoil, --Lubas,' K.C., I . . I .. 1. . I
Thomas A. Edison has sent I L of Wag.clioscu Chairman Of, theiv stock for .this . .splendid E.khibi- - �. . .
, Word td tered: into, for building such houses M -P -P, for. Centre Grey IftS . . . . L � ' ., ., ITINERARY -OF THE. . . ..
I I .
. I L . . w . L .
. . . I
the New York newspapers that has the, last the Private Bills Committee, lie is tion. L . . .
� ' e,estimiites�, would be ,revised and I Thursday' sworn ,in as member. of the. member of t . � A . a Prize . Lists, entry. Forms and. all I . I ' -
. '
'completed his scheme for building a' . . 1. he special commit cc ap- . . . . 1. Eleventh 'Annu . . . .
Changed 'materially. ...., .1 Ontario. Government without - I necessary information . . . . al ExCursion .' . .
L fol -lo. Mr. Lucas was summoned
ed to e0s1lattlre - , will be prompt- .
, - -Concrete house for $1,200, which, . it . ' . 'thoilt Port' Pointed , by -the -L to revise ly *given on application to the Secre-L.
Edison estiffiates' that the - , Pointed act. . I
preserkee of the Ministers i.e. I -M �... L... I .. I . I. . ... -D E R I CH---�-D E T R 01 T ''. . ... ... 1.
-constructed of stone in the same de-. . mould's the Ca,bk%6t chamber, i Where L in ti , . tary, A. M. Hunt, London, Ontari6. I .
.sign would cost -between $20,000 ' aod needed Ao begin-, the'work Of L building Hi , , . � G 0 . .
such nooses •- oil wholesale Aines ' ill. s Honor I.
r. Lucas-,' it is understood, suc� . . . . .
. � . . � .
. 430,000. The fact that Edison includ- - W. the Lieuteuant;4Cfovernor `adlininist�orcd. ceeds the late Hon. Dr. Willoughby as .. .
es in his $1,200 estimate the heating cost $25000, .and that -the necessary . . .
. . . . . . ' .. .1.. .1 . I JANE' 1909 I . : � . . . 9, ,.
I I. the. -statutory :oath of allegiance and a member of the Governmerkt. Ile i ' Day Dreams.' . . . .. . .., . . .
I . . . .
and pluirlVing forSthe house is constiu-.. Plant will cost $15,000.. more. -'Althe oath .of a Member ' n- I . . �. I . . . . .
least six gets . . .of the Execit- scribed his name the CabGnet regis� If YO14, have a particular piece of . . I
ed by practical men here to - mean he of moulds must ,bL' tive Council. .. ' - . . 1. . - � . � . Stea * . . ". I .
has fixed his figures without previous- used to keep :the mm and the plant' I . 1. I . " .. .. 11 ter yesterday- afternoon. This ,Js a work to do, ,get It done. .D'en't wait '. *.. . ... mer Greyhound . .-
ly having . consulted Plumbers 'and busy. , Edison says it, W111 take plant
F1611. I. B. Luc' very interesting port' for the mood tostrike. you . . . . I I .
, ,on of State pl�o_ - ' I . I .. . .
. 0 as is one., of the erty, and contains the signature Don't dream! There are more pre- . . ,WHITE STAR UNE'
-.steam-fitters. and without taking into days to got up the n�oulds.,. The 'li- most .Popular Inc , p of I . . .
I . mbers of the I,eglsia- - . I clous hours wasted In da I . - �.. .. . . .
,consideration the eight-bour day aril
Squid concrete can be - poured, into them. :tUre. Ho. has' been more than clevery Minister silice confederation, the, y' -dreams . . I - - � . . . .
-the prevailing rat -es of7lwage . Ili six hours'. 'The m6ulds.will be�k . eWdubb6d the bo . I one . firstentries being. those of Jblin Sand- than .any of us Would care to think . I I
� . . . I . .
S. The i � I � Y_memb.br ot'� the " . about If we counted them. ' .. � , LEAVE' FOR GODERICH . I I
ill.ka.,se :or Ifout days lJntil the conor rea . . III I . . ..
price he cites could not prevail . etc I House" •- by - son of h,,s youthful, 1 field Macdo.nald and his Ministers. Friday. June 18th, S a. m. C
I . . . . entralTime. Arrive
I ., .1 . . . Th� queer thing about dity, dreams I . I . . P4 In.
ly a singe house is be. bullt,:Iiardenii And th6u:it -will require four lapPearafico,. d - . I . . I.. - I . . . . , I . 'Sp6clal Train leaves Goderieli for Clinton and Way'Stations .to Stratford..
�on 1! � . an . some amusing. ailep. 1. Hon. : Mr.-' Is. tbat so few of them ever amount . _ I . 11:80 P. m -i on arrival 1. . . . . .
That he wants to 'Ile understood clear days 'to' - .remove. 'them.-. That * .means � dotes, are t .-Lucas., Will still-, continue � I .. . . orsteamer from Noo.olight-7:r1p. - ,
I . . . . I . - .
. . I
-., . � mistakes in which to reside in Mkrkdale. His, motion at to ntilythingi the 'dreamer Is. - only . I . . .
ly. What he -means is that it the, reim the - house, will . be finished in a fort-, I strangers. to him .. i -i vt� - . . I I I . 1.
I. � . li.uticipat6d therecent Legislative session -.aim' semiconsciou's when building his n1r. . LEAVE GODERICH FOR DETROIT
.night. .With the six set of moulds if for that reasou� He -is a ' �qg castles, - . . . Saturday� June 19th; � 0;.*0 a. - Ill - Cana la T . line stopping it I poit Huron.
. . . . .
. lorced concrete houses were. built in 1, . . I . . Aative .' 0.1 towards Provincial, . . ,go. . as.. a -rule, they have. no � . We at Doftlott 5.00 0.1m. p I
. - schedule is .adhered to, .144,'Lamvtou county, and entered . I ,.
-blocks, by his design and. t1ilrough-that- , J. . . I . t6e Leg. ' - Control of tele- 'practIcal foundation. . .. . . I . . Ar .� . I . . . .
houses ca 4 phohes suggests the possibility that .. . . . . (Sunday In Detroit, Toledo, Put -In -Buy or Cleveland.) � � . .
the use of his moullds, the cost of . . n be. built Ili a J.ear.. .. The: islature.'for I!tllol riding. of Centre Grey',. til Wbile. you 'are at Work-, ' . I I - . . . � . . I I . . . .
- .
initial. cost ' of .the case-irofi inouids w . the. Pf 6mier has I . keep your - . . . . I . I . . . . ...
each house in a block would � here he hod made nis b . - special work along mind oil what you. are doing, anq, do... I . . A Special Excursion Train from Stratford tbFy morning f June. 19th, stop- . . ... . I
not' be ' 10111c, - in, 1:898 'the lines er!l , .01 . . . . . ping at MitchAl. Dublin, Seafort h, Clinton and Hoolmeaville,
greater I wily .be compara�ively' great, Edison and has held . 6f' the'op' t'011 P11 L 1! c not let it wan wbnt you - . . I
. ' .. I .. � I . and arriVe in Goderich 9-a. rn. . . . . . I .
. . .
ater than about $1,200. MU611 . d the scat. since � that date. . utilities tot his new: to do. , dei off : ib*
, says, and in: the long tun will ' be : . .1 I . . . . I . .. . I .1 . . woula like to be doing., Only by keep- . .. From Wingbam, Belgrat e,'otc., take m, ruing train, June 19th, connects at I I I I
He also says that figure is depend- icheapet than the wooden moulds now . . � . . � . Ing your mind. oil what you: are doing : - . . Olinton 8--O a. m.,mith special Train for Goderich.
. . . - - -_1 - I . . . � . .1 . .. , % Also a Special Excuralou Train from'Guaiph, Elnilra4'etc., via Q. P. R. .. . .... .- I
-ent upon the houses being built ' on'used and which, because g0ni'ttv - ''the . ... .1 1 _7_�____-_-______ 1 now can -you bring fresh find ketin . . � . I -
. . _. . . .. . . . -_ .
I . 1. . . . . . I
soil which yield sand and gravel'2xiiiense -of concrete' con'stkuef 7on. � - * , I . . . '. . .. � '- -7 to.tbe things you Mce doing when .� . - .. .
i '
. . . I . .• 0 . . . . . . _. I . ... . . . . . . . FROM DETROIT REfURNfNG TO GODERICH . . . . . . . .
. . the time for doing them dolnes. Think-, .- I Leave Detroit Monday, Jun� 1:(O p. ui.j.Port liut - on 5:110 p. ni. AaTlv*
. - I � . . .. , .
I .. - Ing, toomuch about even great happl- . . � . . I'll . .
. .
. . - There is a -Good Demand:for.B I T111I
. . . . .. : . - I .. .. . . -.1 . . at erich 0: 30 P. M, I .
. . . . . I . . . . I . . . . '
. . . . .
... I I . . .. . I 1. . I . ". .. . . ! K �'ness takes the "edge." off It. .. I Special Trains leave G6derleb 11 31) I), in. for Clinton, Wingbam, Stratford. .. . I . . .
. . , . . . .
. The best ,time for day dreams Is : I .. Guelph, Elmira, etc., on arrival of steamer from Detroit. ' I . I . . . ..
IDrafters,. . I . . I I . . I . - .. . . I
. ... . 1. ..... �... . .... -.- . - I .
Who Are Entitled to' . . - I . . . . . . . i. .. after you' have gone *to, bed, . . .. . .. . . I
.. . I. .. . . I . I., I. .... I .. I .. I ... I ... . . I . % . ; . �... I .. . .. I . . .. FROM GODERICH RETURNING TO DETROIT . .. . . . . .
. . . . . 1. I . .. . 11. . . 11 . . . . . . 1. . I LeaveGodbrich on list trip for Detroit Tuesday, June Vad, at8:80a. w..'
. .. 1. {Note the Thml�8:30 a. m,, Can da Time) I I
. I .
. . . . I .4
. . . . .
. in Local. Option Contests �, , , , . � . . .. .. . I I I The Better Part. I I � . . . - I
. .�. served in the beautiful dininff room for tM4 Excursion at Sor- . . .
. .
. I . I .
. . . . . . I The fbllowinA article, published 1h. i I � . A delightful little stork .is told of .
- .. ., . . . I I I . I . I hh Araft breeds. There is no PQsSlb- I I meals will I . M, . Lunch at the Lou * . I I
.. .. _. the Breeders'.. Gazette of May . 12,. fifty of overstocking the marketo' .so Prosper Merimee, the FrDneh author. . ch Counter. I I
. ' �
. � . I . '. . . .. .. anent the horse breeding question; . esti * it- long as our industries . Ile was once guest at a. royal bunt, I Goderich Band . hl nlight Excursion a . t Goderich, 95c. . ..
The persons entitled. a . . . 1. .1 . .. . I . I on, grow tries and" Population when hares, I - pheasants I hud other - . - I . I 010 . . . . .
to vote in, wives, as tenants. . I lusttates in 'a very. -Pointed man tfie apace as they have in, recent . I I . Leave Dock 8.30 o'clock Priday evenlug,-June 18th, . .
1. . .. . . . .. , I I
� I
'Local Option contests are the ni�ni� . I I .... I . . � impo II . 1. k . game woreAriven befdre.lftle einperor. I Excursion Train as usual from Strati rd •and Way Stations, ' I I
cipal electors of the municiplility I * rta cc ,of -the commoKc years. There, 1. I
� -T�nants to' be entitled to vo . � . . I i:al side of Is m0tkey Ahead for. and his followers, servants . e-
- in 1. .. to.must" - . every producer of good draft horses,. . .. . .. I I I . .
. . . . . picked up. the victims of the sport � . WHITE STAR LINE, E. H. AYER, Excursion Agent I
which the contests takes place, ..their have ,resided in, the m,unicipality; for ,
the breeding of good horses, and - of I There . . I .. � . .
. .1 . . .. . � re are enough - pure-bred draft .Among all the mep1bqrs of the' ^ * I . . .
onable . precautio I stallions i, I I X . I
-qualifications are fully set out in Sec..1olle month before the next election'. ... . taking overy.� reas i n the 0burl,try 'to siro - E cursion Trains from W"n-gh-am. and Stratford.
. ... . . I I . far Ing.party Prosper Merimee alone �bad . ... . .r I .
Municipal Act . . . . I d nior colts than � . . .. . .. , .
tions*68 to 93 of the 11 . I . � . that efforts In. horse -breeding , §houll have ever* had no trophy to display. I . . . .1, . . I . .
. ' . .1 more;'colts they. .1. . . .. . I . . . . .
' I
.and may be summarized as follows , ' Owners, or men whose. wives, are be directed, in - such � -a, way . - . . Thr6j, h tickets to Detroit and return on - . I :
. 1. . .1 4s the OPPOrtunitk to produce simply be- "How. 'does this bit asked 9. I . sale - by' R R. agents -
. I
I happen? .
owners, in the municipakty, . may vote to Promote the work along high cause Of mares have not. rear someone'. . . . .
i , . . .� . . 0 � . I Frons Cliliton $2.00. From Londesboro $2.05. Also speeial
Municipal electors must be British :'whether n the. city, or not er and . better lines :- , . . . the "Where game Is so plenty the merit . . . . .
subjects,' assessed on the last . , . the' mioonlight.as usual.. .
they lljy6 i Ifted th great disparity in values be
. I
revised I r ' -liqldcr whose lease - - " 'I "AttEll.tion has been repeatedly called' tween small chunks and the gobd big Of f0liarusman seern.4 to me to lie, In . � . . .. . . . . L . I .,.
assessment 'roll for the municipality, Any lease -Bolder lease itins , draft horses sired by the host stat- bitting nothing." replied Ailerimee, � . � � .
as owners, tenants, to I ase hold'e'rs, for . I . to the Strong. OpInAnd for r6ally.clloicL� if I .
less than five ears is entitled) draft * Horses and the . . ons .from mares rich in draft horse With grave courtesy, "so. I fired be .
larmers', sons or income tax payers. . , * Y. . comparative Wood.. � .� I 0 � � twe;en the birds." I . .. I I
to a vote as if he, were. an owner. . scarcity of suitable material to 611 it, " I .. q. . .. . I � . ,
. . I . ,
Income tax payers must be . The demand is insistent and comes' . . .L .. .� . . . . .. . . �
W I A person who., is merely a roomer from' all parts of -the country. Ouly! I : I . . ... . I •.•The. N��smkeord CinIa'for an income of not less than $40Q. In another person'shouse I-, not there- the other day four chubks the heavi-Chanitierlifir's Cough Remedy the Besil - A DRAMATIC INCIDENT. � .. . . �1, . . I
-other electors must be assessed for by entitled to be a . voter, ',,-u� if I P I I i '. � L I I . . f ... 9�'�
prty ud according to the tol- mall I a est of which weighed in good fleshl . . .1 0lowin.g table : With h5s family occupies part 61 1 . -Wr;te I around 1,800 pounds, were purchased I have used Chamberla-n's Cough HloNV the soss U.ndertook to -Upa bouse w a monthly tcnant, and on the Chicago market for a total of " i Modern Allegorical Drama. ' . I ,.hers
pthe occup,.,es represents enough $1,350. � dy and find it to be the host on . LiA In towbsliips and vi3ages .._.... . ill r9,
$160 1 This was an average of $337.' Remedy L Poeqn,th, one of NIT. SllvagP's corn- 9 .
. of the assessment to quality him as 50 a head. These horsest were shipped the market; "' says E. IV.. Tardy,^ edi- n,��ieq- t, '-q - much-Oise-ussed 1.
In towns of not over 3,000 popu- I . * . , 1 fty, th
. an occupant, he May be Put upon the to Se. tot of The Sentinel, Gainsboro, Tom. Hlingn,riAn plity, "The Devil," , was '
lotion I ........... ....... I .... 200 attic at an additional ekliense'01 ,,Our baby had several colds the past n.n Minced to RTM..ar In the ,city of I .
In towns with over 3,660 pops- ' I list if h2 pays his rent to the owner. $200 for c ' xpreSs, making them stand winter and Chamberlain's Cough Ott"AwA, anti, realizing that it was an Muoh good reading for little money.
lation .... I ..... I . ......... . I ....... 800 If two persons are on the assess- the buyer at practically $406 each at edy, . always gave it rel�ef at once and I msi,l of se)rne intar-Rt. fba man* L ..
In cities ........ - The News -Record and Weekly Mail and Empire, one year.. L
. of oneof theditilynews- 06 49 ...... $110
....... ............ ......... 100 meat roll as being joint tenants, or the Pacific Coast. Even at they cured it in it Lshort time. I always NO,'ing d1rec" Weokly G10he ............ ...... 4 ........... 1.75 ,
I joint occupants of property, . rated at Were not the , best that we can pro- decided that in order 0 bare 44 Ad Fainily Herald and Weekly Star.. ........ 1.75 . .
A voter assessed as occupant of give two .votes duce. When a really recommend it when 'opportunity pre- L covered he would Ad 64 . Weekly Witness ..... .......... ..., 1.75 1
,, toppy drafter For sale by all rug- lay. properly co I 44 I
a less than enough to seats itself." 6 .... 4...
prdporty may have A votp no With, thrn neither of them is entitled , to makes his appearance on the Chicago . ts. I f;VhT_itc? lip 1F e porformarea himself., I Hun ......... .. .
t d Pth it
standing that the owner is also a Vote Oill Such rating, I market -one with Style and quality, gis I Vnw,, he Is a rrp.n of old-fashioned I of 1 04 .L 94� Free Press ...... :::#.--4-. -o " 4"' I'60
voter for the same property. 0 I I oinivs on tbo, srbiect of the drama, 9. .48 st Advertiser ..... L ... i. 1.75
L. with size enough, to weigh a ton V TIJay His SktanjC Ma. . .... 1.75
. r -uld as in this 4i , 66 Farming World ............... "" L60 I
, I , fat,. and bone and toot enough to .qeoiq in necomplishinst the 44 .1: Farmex's Advocate *"� , " , * , * * " I I I "
A farmer's son cannot) be plaCorl on- jocify S111%r,
handle it -sellers do hesitate to Eight prisoners and two wardens "I' of the I .
The list along With his father unless A Vr,_G8TABLB CONSTIPATION n , ether eliaract,sTA and there . Dal, L .. 1401110 Magazine 2.25
double the *
the farm is assessed for doL , ask $500 for him. He may need 200 were killed in a, fight In the prison at 'll; no triumph of virtue, he was shoel,- is . is y News, Toronto......... 2.30 1 .
-amount necessary to entitle one per� . CURE. pounds of fat to put him, in the best Tifts, Russia. . ... .d, TJp went to the dfAeo. sm,j wrote 1 64 66 star 46
of shape, but n hot roast, deolnrllnO� that such plays 49 0. . Globe
" ...........................23(1
son to be a voter. Sirmlarly 'Because they contain mercury good horses are so � In the mod- 1i . .'. . ,, ,., I ... 4. ... I .... ' ... ..... 4.25 .
,three and scarce that buyers take then% at big: The United States imported 670,000 Rhould not be D*rn)ittp.d I . Mall ...;.........I.........,,,........ I ....... 0 .... 0 4.25
•or more times the minimum amount -mineral salts, many pills aro'harsh. ' I cords of Spruce Pulpwood from Canada, orn theatrfl, and more to the same 144 44 World � of .. 3.25
pri,ces even .t at it Satardayl Night
,1 ..... I ..... I I - ... � 11, ... I 12.54
is necessary to secure three or it they do I . . , I
mote easiest and safest laxative is Dr. 'ack Something last year. roi%t. $a is
Notes. L 14amilton'g Pills o.f Mandrake and in condition. I . Next, day this was followed bV A Free Press, London ........ 11 ........ 6. 1. " , 3 25
. . '
. Butternut. They clean tho, stomach, . . I . . lotfliLr from tb,- rnninover oft I bt%'Ru8q(1ll it it Free Press, Evoning Edition ................ s 2.75
Two or more persons There, is nothing In this branch of Lady. Aberdeen stated' at Now York Thentrp cauef,11inor all AdvPrtisina and � . . I .
* assessed as intestines and bowels -drive out the horse trade to indicate drat auto- that 12,000 persons die of conSOmp- df,mandliNj rotmrn of tbe. .1411aaor, I .
.Joint tenants or joint owners of pro -,waste matter, tone the kidneys and trucks are capturing the horse's fi auto- tion in Ireland yearly. . Y)Aqqoq. Tbi� unkindest mit. of all wrib It What yota Want IS 110t in this list, vre ca .
petty may be put on the list, if the I ,� . *ned in the ,conclusion n supply
forever care constipation. As a gtA- of use -fulness. The industries th . nnnt,Ai ion of the
-property is assessed high cuotigh e, it at less than ii Would cost you by SendinIg direct,
to oral totile and. ,system cleanser noth� out the country , or of 'pi go,ir" . .7
are ju it state . Prince. Hoary of Prussia stated at tnttor, when t'ho rnArAaet. uTlawnt
give a vote to each of them. ling is so 'mild and efficient its Dr. tial stagnation awaitino, the Adoption a meeting of thO N&Vy League in'Ber- it I,% tlaid. nt the authorship of the I . .
I .
N a 1i
-Unmarried womriv or widows are en. 114aulilt011's Pills 'of Mandrake And of ,the ?tariff selioduleg, the country has lin that Gbribany heeded a powerjul fttfonlk ad4dt. leo of literature LA remitting, plea -m do so by Express' Order, Postal
titled to (he placed on the votot's'list I nlAternilt. Sold everywhere in -25o, more horses titan . I "From the ipnotftt Note orregistered ,letter ,and address.. . .
tit n ever before, but pric. navy, to assure peace. r-,nd the drAynn AlsplaVed in the, Atti"10
it they have the same quahficDAG, boxes• es for good horses are the highest . I t Ans"Tno that it was Written by the
I .
that would give votes %mcn. _. they ever have been. 'FeW. of the hot- John Murphy, a butcher, became sud. oir-no, boy." .
market I
I see reachina ally denly insane while at Work in a Tho gt�ff 6011hiAor that it ptetfjr go6od' 1 W6 id MITCHELL ' .
Character , the ma,ority packing -house at Somerville, Mass joke 'Ok, . R,O, . � .
Married men may vote vii propertyi Repeat it :""Shiloh',,i Cure will s.1- high-class 6 on "thlb Boss to I 5
. **__ , , � 0"
,owned by their wives, Or held by their ways out,- MY Couglift and -Iolds," show the ueed'. of more good blood of and killed flvo of his fellow -employee " � THO NEWS -RECORD, A Clinton: .
I lk
- -