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The Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-10, Page 2
9 1. mton Ne -RCCO .luno loth, 1509► ... . �i 0URAcY•- � Till DQS . Time , "� t�„/�.'�i Qf Eh4 oorpusel+h► in your bland that nty New^ Gathered N RANI, Nr�+�i"""" A D NINE If DURING the SPRINti. .�-�. to hslyis htsf sailed you, agoi s #alat�rs, e DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURM R4 tight #t you against ilia dlssQ#A DAN, 11icGEE'S. HEADACHE. ';*'"p rm • #hat constiuritly w,d,yin�ir Your �- 'for aalilth. Thea aarpusolsa Kira nwada. • IIA Used ilia Old Reliable Kidney_ x the Ns+ o! _ O e ders ood's 8 grills! h hs and Sea omethingtprestore the ap Remedy arul Found a Speedy anti W adicp petite, "rengtheta the nerves, Complete Cure for His Troubi,e. • , Thin medicine effects beta iter croon airs purify the blood, or tone up the ,-,, �-..� ._,T cureR, not pimply because it contains stomach, aiad fill the body with James River, An#igoltlsh County, - sarsaparilla, but because #t oot»binert rich vitality, o N. .5., June 7th• -•(Special). -It has SenQ�th Zurich Goderi�ch. the utmaek remedial vaiuea ,of more � • R again been proven in the Casa of Mr. : than 29 different ingredients. each. " k own, farmer Mrs. P. Scott of Brussels, has been Mrs. Henry Demuth has left for her. . Rev. Mr• , Clement, has had his roof greatly strengthened and enriched by Bland's lrQII PINS Dan+, McGee, a well o0. hero attendi her son \Ir• Stewart home at Port Arthur after an extend- pannted a blas). lead calyx, with the this peculiar combination. Thera is living near here, that Backache is on is ' from i i visit with her parents, Mr. and trimmings of the house and verandah no zeal substitute: fpr' it. it urged to Are specially intended far this 1 a s mPtotu of Kidney trouble andA Scott, who is suffering on as at- est + P , I buy any preparation said to be funk ( of purpose. They will reinforce yet Todd`s Kidna rills cure it tack of appendicitis. Mrs. Casper Weber. of two colors a rich maroon 'with a ' as good'" you may be sure It fa in- i the f3aggin energies and impart th Y rett shade of brown. ferior, coats lean to make, and yields g� mind. I trickly and completely, From The New -Record , of Tha death occurred in itiicKillop, on Miss Darin Elmslie of ilia Bronson pretty. � the denier .a )nisei profit, I ICtew siren hof body and nil quickly , ackache for two � � � p .son is having a new I I suffered from B « June 1st, of Iielen. Llizabath Kerr,'Line has laic for London, wham she Mrs. Joseph. IVa Get It today of your dru$Bist. Pre, months,"- Mr. .McGee states. It! June 10th, 1891.' . daughter of 31r, and Mrs. John L. intends remaining for a time with foundation placed, under her re.-odence pared only by C. L Hood Co., i.ov. ell, • • started from a strain and grew stead- Kerr, aged 6 pears and 5 months. Rcv, R. Redmond. rPon Elgin avenue. Masa, Ti. S.A. 1�T ilp worse. i also: had occasional:' at- ; Clinton, June loth, 1+30'1. Mr. Stewart Scott's many iriends� A large number attended St. Bout, We are sorry, to, learn of the con- �--*-- •A•dv T U 1.tacks . f Lumbago. I was always tir- - i be sorry tq bear of his illness face church on Tuesday week to wit- tinned illness of Mrs, Lacey who is ' .�. tea o g Rev. A. Stewart occupied the pul will o rpof ed and at times my eyes were puffed ur St. Methodist caused. li an attack of appendicitis, illness, the marriage, ceremony ai Mr. til at the residence of her daughter,! The relation -w Queen's University T � ]KNOW Yv US Z len. In tb,3 mornings 'I bad pit of last Sunday y y 'Eugene Kunz of Formosa, to Miss Mrs. James Farr, to the Cbureh was discussed n the .+4 Q e and swol church last Sunda mornin RAV. Dr, Dr. Gunny of Clinton was in tpwn • • bitter taste in my mouth, Y g _` regarding Mary Anh Foster, daughter of Nr,, and, Mrs, Hussy of St. ,lugtts+fine is General Assembly yesterday, and the And that your racipts will�be a ,, o 's Kid- !Gregg' of Toronto takirya, Mr, Stew I on Suoday in consultation+x g . „ , best and ob- Then I decided to try D dd I fit's lacy in Willis church. the illness of Mr. Stewart Scott, Mrs. Alonzo Foster of the Babylon building a very pretty residenc•i on discussion, wall be continued. filled w ith the be 8 s Y a P taitamable, . ViTe guarantee pure ney Pills and the result is. that Coda John Robertson of Toronto re- Hays, eldest son of Mr, Line. The ceremony, funs performed Anglesey St. of red Diff t. ( An old man diad in Detroit ycsteta s erfectservice,accurure I am a well man. I advise all persons Mr, o b : , I Mr. Charlie H y , by father Stroeder. This funeral of the late Felix Ilan- g , o t ens. 'n from Backache or Lumbi o (Presenting life insurance company, and Mrs. R. S. Hays, has taken a Ion took place on June 2nd to St. dap :as a result of the heat.. .and pr. }np n suffering g The latest ;sport regarding the . pro- . to. use Ilodd's Kidney•.Pills." was in town Monday. He is reliably (position in the local branch of the p Y Peter's church. The requiem high visit uD Edward at • Dominion Bank.. osed electric railway from St Jos- q g , The Czar will visit Ki - Mr. McGee caught his Kidney I>is-Ige>vtleman, n . _ g _ ZcRae`vwhaal gave fine a of July. �' 1.ansa in its early stages, and Dodd's 1 Miss M. Bevan, who had charge of epli to Stratford is that the original Cowes about the Q ills urea it almost at once.: the mantle 'department with G. F. survey along the `L,urich Road to Hen + Bush fires axe . re oxtad near I11k g R n�� ES Kidney P _ c i salt and. Exeter will lta used, If 'the address, At fiha offeriorq, Dlxss. Nei- >? W t7s •"* "' ' lected Kidne Disease develops in ' Pay while he was in business hare, Gre Townshi . road is ever to be built this. would. lie Macdonald sang "Nearer 1VIy God Lake, Ont., and in the o west fromhe . )reg y y p to rheumatism, Dropsy, Bright's Dis- is visiting friends in town, at present certainly be the sensible route from a To Thee " 117iss. Griffin, organist.. No . Hudson s .Bay Junction t Miss Lizzie II, Taylor of Clinton, is flowers were -upon the casket but a Pas, Mau Chemist, g Y ,financial and revenue producing stand- g ease or Heart'Dfsease, Dodd's Kid- the nest of Mrs. H. B. (:hent. ney Pills will cure any aryl all of Mr. J, A. Cooper . is visiting in visiting with her grandfather, James point: tall candelebia with many wax sand- _ -_ NL�•NNN**+l�N9-�N! these. Inglewood. Smillie and' other relatives; Father Loiselle, the genial pastor of les lit, stood .at tho Bead of it. Atter Mr, Frank Jackson is ifsiting his Richard Mitchell, who was visitinglSt. Peter's, church, Drysdale, took the "Requiem in Alteraum" was sung . RELIABILITY -- EXPERIENCE- p b the choir, the casket was bore ' parents and friends in town. He has ,relatives here has left for his home a sudden and severe sick spell last Y : Three municipal officials, convicted I spent the last two years ity hauaas .in the West, week, His many friends hope that he out by six pallbearers, who were Mar- ;ot stealing 'money from the_ city 'of City, lyut has .bou,at a photo) rat:11 At high noon on Wednesday of last lr'al soon be restored to bs usual tin Dean, Williamston, Mich. ; Pat- Repeat ft :-"Shiloh's Cure will al. Boston, have been sent to jail. I business at Barrio and will settle g .+led health. rick, Centralia,!; Felix, Dunkirk, N. Qwiin to the scarcity of, cash, wheat) week Rev. E. G. Powell nice. the mat. . Y, ; and Richard and James of ways cure my coughs waa frills." g dawn them til a week or two. Irimonial bow; at the residence of H. . is the western States shipments are ' Lt, Rance. -The 'following, deserved and Mrs. TyermaA, between. 'Fred. Os- , Stratford ; all sons of the deceased,. . being sent west from New York. remarks appeared in last Wednesday's' ter, a well known young farmer of the East WaWanos)1 and one son-in-law, .John Flanagan of Stratford, ' The interment took �` DR: OVENS,, SURGEON, OCULIST, . Mail :-"A Member of No. 4 Com- (10th con., and Miss Alice Lillian, �� . will be at Holmes Drug Store, pang"-i"Enclosed please find 59 votes (youngest daughter of the host and Miss Vero. McDowell returned home place at the R. C: cemetery, Col ^'hursda May 20th, -land, Repeat it : "Shlloh's Cure will al- for Lieut.. H . T. Rance and the 33rd 'hostess, in the presence of about 5O from .Blyth last weep: »nine, . THE BICYCLE. , IS FAST Clinton, on , y, Y Y , Thursday, June 17th, Hours all ways cure my coughs and corrin." Cattalion. Lt. Rance is a young of- guests. The ceremony tools place in John Bell Jr., spent Sunday with in, C. Cr George a the guest of her y' �9 friends near Westfield. son, Mr. George Crabb &t Kincar- COMING BACK INTO POP - day, Glasses properly fitted.. Dis ficer in, • ie service, he is the most do, the parlor under a floral wedding bell,, eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and sarvedly' popular and efficient of our suspended from an arch of evergreens) Mrs,. John Solar spent', week with dine, Throat. treated. . Gordon Knowles, aged two, yco:rs, junior officers of the battalion, The and: apple. lossoms. �s Miss Keller of Gaderfchl friends recently, ' The Woman's Ittetitute met on ULAR. FAV 0 R AGAIN. I b ' mite a number from . around here Th;irsday at the . residence of At> s. "W . Y, WALK WHEN PLEAS- was smothered" in a pilo of sawdust boys of No. 4 Company, are lust)., Durham, played ills march- the pcinci-; � Thames Ticllb•orne. The district con- ' '' flier's foundr at London. rood- of. him as an officer and a ' man,. ; pals tools' their places, the bride being ; spent Monday last in Goderichr in his fa Y p P vention was commented Upon b ' the URE, EXERCISE .AND_ grid we all hope to see him on top;' given away by her father. She, was (• Miss Kate Dunbar, .0th line, is re-- p y . TOFARMERS ;AND for we think in Clinton he the most becomingly attired In cream silk covering after liar long illness. ofricers why went down to Clinton. SIGHT-SEEING ARE SO Jas. VanCamp o -q W -d ham call•ed.,on Mrs,',$• Clark spoke in most pleasing DRAIN TILE -AND BRICKS: WE most popular - of any other officer. in I Eoliene, trimmed With silk guipure) ' g terms of the lecturer Mrs • Ashle COMPLETELY CENTERED will open our first kiln on May the the service." with bridal veil and beautiful boquet, East wawanosh friends on Monday. y' OTHERS p . . They were unaccompanied, .After I Jas. Noble, bth line, attended the and said that: she had travelled a - 30th and Iden ive will again have l great deal in the United States and. IN THE WHEEL 9, 71 I in stocl a',1 sizes of file from 2 hearty congratulations' the party sat wedding of his brother Jahn, in Clin- g I AM AGENT FOR TIiII Su ni ilii)) Ju e 10th; 1891. down to an elegant dejuenner, prcpar- ton, last wee was a. close gbservor.hf what she see , I have .o opened out at the Standard inches up to. 12 inches and we we S. ra c .n Miss Annie Densmore, who hms around her..: She laid -great stress on p ' ` kiln ever week drain ed in Mrs. Tyorman s best style, The I . Elevator, in connection with my will . open a y g D2r. J mss Mannm -ha.-I ahr�u�» foi�y c ice u*iierous confined to her bed for lour or "five yn some,: special cases, where moral CLEVELAND. AND RA ck f Timo- the season. We also make nice a g wedding gifts were ho , n . • , f short reform must be biought.on to: annihirl grain business„ a full sto o rods of fence burned last week. It, Ch' white and red brick, Our works are . and yseful: Mr, and Mrs. Oster will weeks, is able to he up ora CYCLE BYCLES AND. KEFI' thy , and Clover Seed, Corn, op an" 'Caught from. fires he had set in a ece, I laic,• `which :she. felt, would: be .a good ' Feed of all kinds., Please give me a half.. mile east of E•gmondville.- g _ , r' 1 take up. their residence orn the groom's time. each '.dap. stye , in the right di.rectton. The TIRES .AND SUNDRIES OF , i 1.1. Kruse Bros., Egmondville P. O. 78-4 of land adjoining, which he was .mal. . farm: .- •cal (ing; readp for cultivation.. This means president Anel gthcr officers, and mym---•--a lot ofrk (ion, m. Un Wednesday eveninn last Robert F TO`hers ail agreed that Mrs. Ashley will, ALL- I�INDS INS CKJune Rod'.and:Gun . ,4ne Houston and •Miss Maggie S. McNair in the near future be invited to ad . ALE. . -5 UARP rIMB);R Below : is the standing. of the public,entered into a matrimonial: alliance at , '�" . FOR S (,� dress the Woman s. Institute in God- �n/ G f rn driv-school Here for May, based on Bili- the home of the bride; . 16th con., The winter campaign against the N Y . . l�! .. SMYTH...and .Lumber suitable or ba s, j wolves in Northern Ontario,-sugges= �rfch. The invitation extended', the /��. encu attendance and punctuality : when ti the aid of rev: D. B. McRae Alalert 1. uisners Ing sheds,' etc.; for sale.. Apply to g Ro t...EVat-+ y k vas happily tions. for thinning, out tliesc pests in Woman's Institute, to attend firs plc + -f D. Cantelon: •- .771 Sr. 4th -Sara,: Ncsb tt, b +of.,Cranbrook, the not=. .� pP y - kins. lied in the rescues of.about 2;:01 the Algonquin National Park and . the nit gotten up. by the Farmers . Insti �1 9 i . I. p tote to he . held'at "Morrisdale" LAWN MOWERS 5 is Clarice nests. Ccremon was performed ''on .n©ed need. some .further action ii, that /(?�SMRAT lj �� �t I Jr:. ,4th. -•Dora p t g, B Y I rtf n, of .the Province »ordering on Park'on Wednesday next, was grate- SHARIiENL+D..iaithwafte, IVm. E. Miller. aha lawn. Miss Fannie Houston, sin -!Poo. a fully�acceptett `and'arrangemrnts are ,J��/�/FOR SALE. A COMFORTABLE` Manitoba aro prominent features of cotta a on Rattenbur . St. east in I Sr; 3rd,• Winnie Thompson;, label -,ter of• the groom,..was bridesmaid and , left witb a committee. of three of the •F.O.,RD. ONT. g Y ' I the June number oft Rod :end (inn an the finest location int town. '£arlor, bert Mellwecn, Lizzie. Lowery: `Neil. McNair,;brotner of rile r.d.- i•'aS l Canada published by W'...7. '.i'•aylor:;' members ,to, finale .the arrangements With twenty-two ears' ex- dining room 3 bed rooms; kitdicn I. Jr. 3rd.-Wm.Mair, Ma!W, Bingham, groomsman, Woodstock, Ont: Sportsmen, every- for livery, lunehcan, etc: The mcm- Y Y perieAce to its .credit this col- -.. summer . kitchen, conservatory, • Wm• Murphy. ` where Are � deoply ,interested , in : this hers who form the committee are E E. W .. J S C O B S lee 'is T. nfzed .as the' rest- woodshed coat .shed stone. fouw1a. ,Ir.• 2nd -Eva Johnston, i44a►:ie1 Shep-. « wolf campaign. -because. it '.s: o:t 'di tit .Mesdames.. S. Clark, Charles Reid and g g g ' Repeat it •- Shiloh's Cure .will al est practical trainfng'schooi in tion, •cement cellar, hard and: soft )pard, Annie. K'right:: ++.. the .feature of 'our big • game . itf:liends harry. Martin: Airs. George Bissett, P Sr. Pt. 11.-M.ai+ aret Murphy, Fran- ways cure my coughs.an. colds. Western Ontario. waterI , `.electric -light. "One of the I : . .. to:a •-c.bntideralilc ettent upon )resp- .tea sstiy on unny�It c most coriifortablc and cos »Dine:• in-ces Oakes, John 1'4eir. , � Life" wli, cn sheTsaid.: i1. our Three departments y' , ,. , { Jr. Pt. IL -Wm, .Iordan, Cly, i ing down,' the numbers ,af fly :ir rc- Clmton wftli • fenco and werl,r-tn ltntless and ever vigorous 'foes ' What lives are happy, bright and useful,, is COMMERCIAL hedge. Large' garden. and large xnd Tyner, Illanclie: ATell�cen. Be 11 . ,I has . been done and what is ra osed It not, because• we )rave aimed to make SHORTHAND I smaI fruit trees, Must Ue. sold Part L Albert Lovett, Wm. Cous- P p them so. 9 instead of trusting to late TELEGRAPHY. . ins Jane wrLglt+t. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant of Hullett Sun; aPPlfas to a much'. w der ii;! t than at once as owner .is, leavir g int .ilii e • 1 Ontario and the lessons learned will . to bring us happiness. The woman west. -R. A. 14ioo,re, Ilatte►►buL, .S i,., • da,yed at J. A. Brandon s, 1 who can see- the sunny " side Our classes are. . the largest, Barry Hooper :attended i onfci',* n , -doubt be .put' to use in sev et,,t of �' . I a he of Life, the one`who can find tho'dri+aht -Suits • . most practical 1.and I east, . Clinton• lute. the oilier Provinces.• Ev eta vvt c i+; t +, ,, BOY8, . our courses, m s p a last week.. I spot tuff the hard .places, tiv ill ' ac- MOTTiIS TOWIIS)�1A wolf .is not ,a pest and', tri•aib.le1. our. instructors etperienced,: Mrs.: McKenzie of Tivertori..xisited _ . , . . • :, comhlish ,more, _ and` get more: real : � . are assisted to, r sportsmen will lead with .� til atlu Our graduates: -i Mar . Cloake is•home:on a friends inBelgrave,. I . ., . Our'ran a .Of Bo s _ iVT. ss Y Y, v :a d 7ne :happiness: ,eut,of: life, thaia .the on2� : y positions and succeed as Hoe; BY PRIVATE E iSALIa,-;;A. QUANTITY I +: f i%el rat a is visit}c. intorest of the good.. v o c i p vi a fram.•Toronto. Miss 4tcgntouth o gra. f t• . o osals for rcnr..viryr it wlio .habitually sees all'thcs dxr;tpla�-.. others. Enter now. Get; our: ., Of 'Household Furniture including ,.. des or, '. and o..,, he .px .p , Suits •IS )I.fLr .r, .ii10E:r • ldico f Il nd ' aisited ,,it., .ng 'her parents at Lon b o •dinin room' eliairs kitchen. table W, IT. Sho 0 0 oA -.with increased zest next winter: `cs • lie s. are many things tvhichl!ail,., free .catalogue. _ , . , ._ _ . +. ' k ( John Crowe ,;of Dobbinton is spend help us'to fi►rd • the sunny side of k. stove;. lar a lass. su board. John Watson s last wee Fishing including .a *fine' illustrated , coo t , ,. g g . P g aiyd better r�alueS pp• �j j •r , • ing a couple of week, at IV.n}, Wray.s.; life." The foundation, stone of a sue- u.Ui �IIeL�ehlan May 'be seen anp:time next week at Miss ;Katie,. Manning,. atll ai is c e n T. R. reliei'in 'paper :showing how anglers may, :.with ElliottL •Joyce M L a G g• a ssfi 1 lift', is a'thorou h knowledge . Airs..'). Brownlee's, Albert street, .visiting. friends. : in Palmerston' and rents i Bel- mach pleasure, and profit to •tb(m c 1 g g than we have •ever. ,� PIt1NCfPALs , .: - agent,' is Visiting his pa. n. of.•our work. :We cannot expect to -be .. . .. . .. Clinton. ' Flesherton. w i selves•, ..mount ' th+e best. of their speci . (grave for :a fo days. successful .in• life, if we have acq�ilred had before. . A. T.. McCall, 'Wife and two sons of. mens occu les .the next lace .even I.. I • Wm: Geddes and. daughter, � .11abel, + p place, careless . Habits, and have allowed .our 1. . Chatham; are visiting with friends on .,. ;t,,, 1 stories •being given up ,to topics' of .. . . F, W. CUTTLER, • PAINTER AND .the t s have left;, .on a trip. to .,Gan. .,fin ,*1 , Y •selves t think that knowied a of our. 7.th line: - ::. .' I . • . . ,,yIhiclt the flsfierman is never weo,r . o g Watson fevv. days.the west.. IAs dcscriptiva work, suffrcieilt..to get o tr work. dofie . - . . Paper hanger. 'All work .done guar- Prices Aifss Dora spent a ti change, one paper , Rev: O• W. Rivers is at the `London ? in' some wa is. enou h.' We, should . last }veep): with 1VIiss Fern.. CcicniieC:til„ . of f;shing in 'the iVast Indies, tivtll Y g .. $OjiS=pies@ hiorfolk or . • anteed .to. ive satisfaction. g moderate. Residence near) opposite, Y' •Conference• - I know, our ,wort. •,Ahoroughly. If we are Jamestown,. show Canadians that tine, have' . nap Harvey Watson returned from Me- I .. Itom;e makers we' should make that double b><easted alliin from Institute Clinton. Collegiate ... Mrs. J. F. ` Matliewson-and children .: -last , Frfda to visit .need to envy their fellows elsewhere. , • lite Manitoba,a y. of Flesherton, is visiting lier mother, 'Fortuna dog article. by Mr, R. - Clap Our speefai work, incl find out some- 1.5U ;i;p t0 $:5q, With .... ate) : '. he.'A fine his sick mother. Fo n Y,. )ram, -Dogs as Companions_ at I4omu thine; which• ,will h2l pus to become Mrs, John Markning., Atli line• i . p home in time to talk to "her hoale Hear- tl]@ jJ100i31@r, , 1i1Cli@r". Or .. 'rhe residence of. Patric): Kelly,8th' reached , „ first class' makers. before she passed away: d, a escr� o ooase int l.. ^:p tY a:57iatise .was given Mrs. plain. ll;n@e. M& won line,, is, being .enlarged and improved. n ew :. , files is &West rook' cut' All crta,l'' a Messrs G P b Bissett, for her excellent `. read- . . Iffm ents It will be veneered with bride, ari,d packed 99 bunches of pine. shingles .13iitisli: Columbia :Capon trip, a sou- iii The 1Vatiortal Anthem Dein. The Russell Smith Drain By- le bt g hunting stories, fish g g Boys 3 -piece Suits, sin - • .and of .game for . J: A. Brandon last, week in eleven n 'sung, the five o`,clock tea .was served,. Law were read at last Monday's and game protective. topics, a 'sum- gle or double breasted, it1 I have Ctarted, business in the , urs. and 30 iiimutes an 3 no rush on:�' ... ho a . , .. ,; and Alis. Tfchborne received much council meeting, provisionally , adoptod ma.r of the ' report on. the Canadian . Wm. Woodman., `tivho has-.1"de his Y for her home -the new strip a atterns, p p "`"1 old p.ostofirce property andli:tivo.,, . , novo received :, •choice stock: cf • raise excellent made and copies ordered to be printed•. National -Park, and a: tiler r n' I'h p Ihdme with ,Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hill of + p= Y- bread; walnut sales and Christmas n .. from $3.5(1 up... , Marble and Granite which. I of- John and Mrs.. Jackson,' 8th Ifne,. sisal .Culture, are representative of . Belgrave, intends going to the. House sales which. she l:Cpt Sot the occasipn. holiday, things, ah= . t- left on Tuesday morning on a If 't n where h will the xvealth of other goo', . fRfi`e'`atC no C Ahxt 6th 1 lid . fer for sale at cheapest is o • tri tii visit heir sons in the West. g. . o et and P send the remainder of iis,cla S. ipCaring ..in the number. Indeed, ani v vo c n . an,s wa Youths ults, double r' consistent with. efficiency.a p Y Airs: Tichhorne for the use of her S• Pardy, of Evelyn, Middlesex Co., s ortsme'n, whatever .may.be the spe-'Jiome . breasted, '1on.g "tl'0'.lsers� perfect worlmanship. is a visitor' at F, McCraclten's 4th Mr. Fred.' Scandrett left last .week: P • with' �Mr: Bolton . of Listowel; survey sial line they favor, wi11 find some- Beni Material. Chaste designs: line, He has not been very wdl but I i 1 e engaged strive in thing fin this, issue appealing to them I ' in the 11eW bfOwn stripes,, SEEDS. we hope the .change of air and scene , or ; they .will, by g . Small profits, ,Quiok returns. out new.'townships in the, west this with particular force; .while the wh�olc. y navy blue dIld I grass, We have a com _ lete~stock will »(Haft him` . summer, north of Prairie River, .. on 'Of the contents will be found of geti,- i'�hP Ottawa �rOa/e1!'Itt� p Designs furnished. Estimat Milford Sellers returned Monday +era] interest to ail concerned in. the . of Seed Peas, Barley, tho c, N. R.,` S.tislc, ... 11E ent now Contains . ern given. Cemetery work &, evening of last week from Guelph There passed peaccfuily aura, . at Spirting advantages ..of the Domin-� . - Oats and Potatoes. specialty. . .. where ,Mrs. Sellers is int the hospital, . . y' Bel rave. Sunda forenoon lffar El». ion. - -- lacing personally connected after having undergone a serious sur- g f ' Y _ . len Geddes, wife .of Wil.lfam Watson, 14 Members. rs y.inviteinspPetion of with some .of the .R7est mane ' gical operation._ in the 44th ear.of her a e niter' a The creation of the labor `Ve fii•tirulari, r portfolio of our rSEED CORN which is No, I. factoring houses, I -will be able ° --= .+. lingoring illness of about � one Year. THE LADIES' FAVORT'I adds a sixteenth Minister to the Ott- the . -to fill orders from designs at , . Mrs, Watson was 'Morn nn, the 3rd con, Awa- C`abtnet. Light ministers man- Our TIMOTHY and CLOVERS,Win guarantee pure.the shortest notice: gllatn of Morris, and was marruzd ciuite Wherever Parisian Sage. is Known It .age the business .of the 'United States: I ' Has, the Call. PLEASE CIV); NIE A CALL. (len eatli r. for farm work` Yoting to. Mr. Watson. She has resfd- I When the Tories were. fn power at We are n,lct+ neem s frit. (,,nada Car. .. } The exec t w e fed fn Bel rave continuously with the, Parisian Sage,. that most efficient of Ottawa, • s Cabinet of twelve Minis- Traveller 'tS riaae Co. BUGGIBS, and on Tuesday left many of the share- g d rs f e Nortli:ITuroit'Tele honeIexception of a couple. of years spent all'hair restorers, is A. very delight= tors excited the indignation of their' STANDAItD TVIfIE PIJ: OF JAMES D , hole t;Liberal opponents. 'l lacy promised to AND POSTS. Co. holders l home Nort meeting was not'in' Northern Michigan, Mrs: Watson fol anti refreshin Clair ,'dressin . Be -Be - (was of an amiable Anel )cine) clisposi- sides possessing these ;qualities it will crit it Lown to eight. They were Saffip/es *,ti as' largely.attended asit might have. We have also afew Ni s of the Gide•positivelyf° p � been, The shareholders approved of soft, attractive- � •opposition but. rtion, beloved by, all Iter and and y Y strorr an roniises tit rich Oats on hand at prices and terms the work Alread done. and re-eleetect neigliVors, and was looked upon .as A . have fallen lamentably short of per•• to suit customers. R. Vanst ne Win. Maxwell George counsellor and peacemaker .among her R• Holmes sells it and will return formance in power. Can any otii� 30 only, 2 -piece Norfolk „� - R o circle of friends. In rcligaon+, slie vvas+ your money if you arc dissatisfied; { point to a single promise they ,have , T1168NSpotton, W. J, Gicer and II. B. El -I Stilts t I RUMOI a strict Presbyterian and &•.Christian Just read this., • After using . one )sept n Tho Labor portfolio . merely ,, traveller's Samples, I Nott as provisional directors and .. Iof humble type. Site 10aves-to mourn bottle of Parisian nage, 1 now have a creates a new Cabinet Minister with- Sizes fr0111 20 t0 , t18'di'- D , gavo then, (rower to proceed with tl>c of hair and I found , i FO D&MeLEO . Having purchased a machine tor+ • her. demise, her husband, twcr sons batter growth out any particular necessity in th est styles made, to be rU#1 applying Rubber Tires, we wish to 1 work of the company until . suc.lt time and one daughter -Han ey, Will. and Your Hair Restorer pleasant to use. requiremenes of public business. Tho as the charter is granted, when , ant -off' atone•thlyd less than .- -- say that we are rtow prepared to fur-+ ,•. Isabella; also her aged father, -David After the first application, the den- I)cpar.tinent of Labor 'itself ly;ll do i � ish And put on, -such tires at reason- rotlter irreeting of, the shareholders will druff disc p be called. It is Hoped flint consider rGeddes, six brotli,�rs and two sisters, disappeared pnd my haft stag° business :last as it. liras dot. lnr sr.v- 1@Ular 1+11C@s,. ble rates. h h r and The brotlr,rs are -•David, Ro:ri rt, John ped falling out, And it has been re- oral years ; IN"only difference. will be ` We .also do All Binds of Grinditig, � able work will Abe don., this vex . & OOAL A. large number of farmers have tele- �L•, William,' • Ad&nx ,and Dan. The stored to its na:Niral i•oto+y,�MI Mw ti &t hiflterto it Itis been to .:a.ny ex- nythin� from o, stair of scissors to a g sisters arcs --Mrs. Wilson, turd Mrs, V, recommend your Parisian S, to a tent a m1r,-l,olitical department, the • ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- ircular saw. This week we installed phone connection.- VanNarman, ,nay lady friends.-•-•Lottic Veal, 1.11. ?Vit: tstular Minister 1;avinrt anairs.ve;holly Mr. John Johnston, a former rc•si PLY NOW, THE ]TEST IN machine for grinding bliss clippers , I (lope Ave,, ,Rochester, 4 , 1i , to the permanent officials ; whereas mIIE MARKET, $7 PER TON, which does perfect tvorlc., dent of lVl.ngltam, cued In ,)itnginnota _ __. on, Friday, Mr. Johnston walked into - .' henceforward it will have & politimi . BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID We likewise do all kinds of lathe o ' � )read who at once Is a practisinx pol- ' cistern and from the fay) Ilactutecl Repeat it :-"Shiloh's C'ttre will al-` FOR BEFORE MAX 31st, A DIS- +ork on short order and at reason- ipierced +i is line { ways cure m coli hs and Colds." i Repeat it :••-•"Shilnb's Cure Will xl• iticiarr And a man whose. polittt!al ,bS COUNT OF 40 CIJNTS A TO14 one of Itis rr�bs which a g, w y Y g ble rates. from the effects cit which lac diid. :1yr. � wags cora my coughs and golds.'" oAl�ital is his aeiv'itq in labor matters WILL BE ALLOWED. )Machinery repaired, Horses shod. - � a J L' �� Johnstan was air. many ,sacs rt re» 1 •�, fctr tii,? benefit of the government,-•»: �. Orders left at Davis &; Rowland's SATISVACTION GUAUANTEED. respected resident; of Wingham ii•nd NEVER PARE, A OMNI I 'Bruce Herald, . will be promptly attended to.. worked as A section man on the G. T. It's a sure way to, get % iitod poison- Numbers of Anarchists from Russia -,... • R. For some time he, had been liv- Ing. Use Putnam's Cori, 1' xtraetor. have taken refuge in Australia. i , CLINTON th with one of his daughters At Lt It':s safe, painless and sure to cure in Dr. Theodore 'Barth, lolly irne of the Repeat it :---"Shilolt's Cure will al» _ .� f3 , � ou amaon. a da radical leaders in Germany, is dear), Ways cuita my coughs :and Colds." 6v els toil . 4