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The Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-03, Page 4
�t+�► ��xs�&e�oJl�l Juno ardt 1900 _ . Varna Cader'Ieh Township Stalnxev Township Overtaxed Nerves The annual re-uniolx of th'a Walker•-- Mr, and 'Mrs. Josh. C'oo't afro taro- The Roth annual re -union of the Wath p• e Hedinovd Keys. families will take fly of t.'Inten and Miss Milly Hostuad• leer family will be held at t4a Horne A Distress Signals > ;dace at the home of Mr. J. i'1. Walk- of Goderich $uudayed at M*. James of Ur J. C. Walker, Marlette, b'fieh., oneFurm' ure sins +er of Marlette, bitch,, on. ki?Cdaesday, H. Harrison,'s, +an Wednesday of Heart week. Alt. re- ""'""''"" y�.r, w i next. These re -unions are uiw,gs gag- Seeding is now nearly cpmpletee�,Ind latives are cordially invited to attend THE TROUBLE CAN ONLY. 13F, 4� erly looked forward to by theso fam• the farmers are bt;sily engaged sowing the same. CURED BY ENRIVRIN•G THE !lies and the gathering, is +he loccosion, their roots, ... bliss C. Johr'ston of Bannockburn' BLOOD 'SUPPLY, • �o€ mveb Soy among the r�ld• a rd the v' ' Prase !young. No doubt several of lite cera A baseball match between, the boys visited relatives in this vicinity Last When vatic nervous system is ear- w.. of the BayfiEld Line school anal S: week, hustcd the trouble makes itself eve 01 neetion from Stanley will attend the : deist in many ways. You feel always Ic r;311 of 1000. 111r. Lon Red',no4d is,S..No. 8 was played in A1r. ri:etrben Mr. J. Duncan of London spent a ys y Griggs field an Tuesday evening afifew days last week with his brother, fatigued ant! unfit for work, Severe Below will be found soma extra; specials on theliresixient and Mr, J, B, b1'alker sec this week ;arra resulted in a N11A iy '.kir. Andrew Duncan, headaches distract ouan a$ily� b. selected vetary. Both these gentlerncza reside ler the home team. � ;your back is very Mass •o£ �t1od8 ltlfif'fletl at this time of the year. int Marlette. Mrs. A- D. Anderson and children, t you sleep badly ;your appetite weak Mr, Robt, Elliott of Goderich. had Gordon and Laura,. who have been is uacertain ; you are nervous and+ ir- ;fit this ,3ip!"e. at.;out 75,.000 feet sof lumber destroyed visiting her father -Is home and also ritabl'e ' and after any exercise you iOliSt$►i1Ce by fire in Beacom's bush on Saturday t'with her brother, Rev. W. G. Richard- tremble and .perspire excessively. It Cobbler Rockersk solid oak - $,2,00 .night last, The stable ;;las burned and , san of Arthur, returned to her home' the trouble is not checked your case Large Rattan Chairs, full real - 2,40 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Latimer of Til- a Pile of -green lumber, ibut the mill at iVyoming this week. � goes from bad to worse, until you feel "4rerandahChairs, red _ 2.50 was saved. The lumber was Tiisuied. that our condition is hopeless • and 'verandah Chairs' green 2,50 bury spent the 24th the'guests of the [ Rev, J. McNeil of Bayfield is spend r Y P Mattresses, regular $5.00, for - 4.50 • latter mother, Mrs. A.3. Snell. Councillor and Mrs, W. J. Stinson 'In this week attendin the General that insanity is threatened, 4,50 for 4,00 Chinaware I of Stanley spent Sunday at 1r. Jc,hn. Assembly, o Your nerves are calling for help. s' o far - - - shat Mr.. Joseph Hugtll of Toronto spent Stewart's. y` The are starved because the " ' a few days around here visiting hits Miss Charlotte Johnson of near y y do Go -Carts, regular 4.00 for 3.75 C �. Cla$S + ' Miss Bessie Ross of Clinton spent a B Mefieldr visited at the 'tool � pf rzzatad from, the blood more nourish- ., - relatives, '> iment that it can supply,* 3,25 for 2.75 1 few days 'with friends in ti:;�lcrfch .poly.. New rich . township, Y h s the secret of nerve strength sewing Machines, all prices, our leader, 0 -drawer Mr.. and Mrs. walker and children of • .Mrs, W. Elliott and Miss u•,ur 'Jna food f Clinton sbcnt Sunday the guests of Johnson last week. I And Ar. Williams' Pin's Pills for Pale p - 19,00 aro head Laws their aunt, -Mrs. A. B. Snell. I A garden party under the auspices .puss M, Garden of mAr Brxu{,ford. People cure nervous disorders becaase 42 Iron Beds all rice, from 200 to 3,i 00 Miss Nellie Sutherland of Chisel- of Cole's Methodist church will be spent Sunday at the home of Mr. W. they feed the weak, exhausted nerves p held on the lawn of Mr. Geo, A. Rathwell, Our special at$2.90,'has been a e burst spent Sunday the 'guest of her Cooper on Thursday next. In connect- 'with rich, red blood, The case of P great seller: Tea Sets parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dr. Sutherland. tion with the garden party the Ladies' I Miss Rachael Beatty and ?dist Edltrl ,14Irs. Emma. Rall, of liamiltan, Ont., Mr, Andrew Snell is again Hilt ver i biossop spent Sunday at il,° home of furnishes proof that Dr. Williams' b'a y Aid intend holding if the grounds. f Mrs= John Reid Sr, Pink Pills will cure even the most we}l. ha cy- at which different to- kinds of + stubborn cases of nerve exhaustion. The Store r DI11IIer Sets* k fancy -work new -and up-to-date �vitl. Tine sate mill owned by Mr, Robert Phode 28 Elliott of Goderich which has been Mrs. Hull was left a widow and was of . ua It a W wal be sold. The White Dyke .Band rvi11 Q r y Night or Day sawing lumber in Mr. J. Beacon's forced to work in; a mill to, maintain West Tuckelrsmith, he in attendance. Admission Iso and g J erself and her two little children. Furniiture 1)ea}ler mnd Undertaker 'J', •JN •.., . Mr. and Mrs, i boer Cosens of Wing- 25c �butli Caught n luta the valiantttefortsevening She bravely faced the battle of life,: . g Mr. Harvey Alexander met the mss- g ham spent Thursday fast with friends fortune of being kicked by a colt last some of Goderich , and Shanley Ito snob condih she Aeve before.r had . N'ptwith» �. P here. . JweelC. 'The injuries though serious men the, fire was put ou, but Mr. Ed, Bedford, who has spent the might have been worse but Harvey .is not befgre Lt had destroyed cpuvid- standing the. splendid spirit she dis- + arable o0 1 played the work played havq .with a Jpast few gears at the Soo, as renew- dorm, fairly well .and will, we, hop©, good maple lumber, BOOK STORE ing old acquaintances lure, soon be able• to tape his place on, the Miss Millie Cameron of 13:t;1field Welfcate constitution, and some years farm again.' Spent�Sunda at the home of T1lr, L, ago Mrs. Hall noticed signs in her- Miss Carrie Shipley and Mr,' Perry g y self of a nervous collapse. .She eon Plumsteel of Clinton, conducted they The following is the report of S. S, Clarke, P + leo, A for the month of MaThe i slAted a doctor who gave her some CLIIVTON the service in Turners Church, on r k Ts1-Mr, William Rathwell is attairdiug medicine and told her she ''would be Sunday afternoon. The League ser- names marked "with an asterisk miss- Conference which, is lre•- all right in a few days." But relief vice In the evening was -in charge of ed some of the weekly tests. ing held in London •City this weak . did not come and it was finally a. W 6th Class.—Irene Millar. �DZr,: Plumsteel. ( ;Mr, J, u. Raid spent Sund:i,y at thq daily occurrence for her to faint at Mrs. Rgbt. Moore and her rriather; Sr. 4th. Walter Nelson, Emma Can home of. Mrs. George Stevenson >+n - g 7111 her work. These fainting spells telon, AdeIa Finlay; Annie C't opCr, ion Line. If you want to et all the comfort that is possible in a shoe ,fou _ Mrs. W. Townsend spent Sunday: witl! „ quiclgly developed into pronounced . Y S Etta Cole The tollowinT ' should wear Goodyear Welted Shoes. This means a .welted shoe Mr. Amos Townsendt l I a is the May montlily.re- hysteria and chronic irritability, and y Mr. Aphrew Steep of Godcrich town- Jr: 4th—Ed*a Wise, Aima • I,ll.rtt, port of S, S. No, 14, the names be- Mrs. Hall says that death would made on a Goodyear machine, Previous to the invention of the Stella Nelson , Bert Findlay, Jean ing in nrder of merit 'have been. a relief. She consulted sev- Goodyear mt4chine, welted shoes could be made b hand only, In O TQ ship spent the holidays whiz friends Middleton*, Georgina Hudie, Morton b„ Y Y e here; ; „ ,� Sr: Jth�-G, E. Stephenson, ,M, hl,'eral doctors tint got no help, and she buying x. welted shoe you are alwHps sure of getting solid leather Mr. Harry We'bsdale spent 24th here., Todd ,Fred. Hudie , Telf esillry Hudie,, Fisher,` Reins biCBeath, felt that she was almost bordering shoes because it is impossible to make s, .welred shoe with shoddy. r W. H. Watts & Son for , good Arnold. Millar*. Jr. 5th—J. H. Jones J. W. Kehl, on insanity, In this condition she paper. We carr h y o shoe repairing. We make a Speci I Sr, 3rd --Sadie Cook Roy Coiuull ' y y .in stook a large variety of welted shoes. y g Ralph Cantelon, .Lloyd Millar, -Olivet e� Sx" 4th -P. A. Iietr e, Oda fiiIoIJeath, was advised to try Dr. Williams' Men's Tan Ruasta Calf Bluchers 100 1.5 a alit of repairing and ,ie, it while Hannah DinsdalePink Pills. Gras iii at eveir the os- , $ 0, and $5.00. Goderich. p. g P IZen's.Ox-Blood Calf Bluchers $4.00, and $5.60, you waft. Gole: Jr, 4th,—]i, A., Fishery 1I. 'C. Kehl, sibilfty of help 'she decided to, do so. , Conductor Judge I. has been promoted Jr:.2nd—kola pIudic, Emily Connelly W M; McBeath. i,After taking three boxes'she actually lben,s Black Box Calf Bluchers $3.$0, $4.00, $4.50, 85.00. Our ,hairges . are. Right Earle 'Copper, Charlie Cooper, y Mens Black Velour• Calf Bluchers $3, $3.50, $4,'$1.5o, $5, to taking charge of a Toronto train, Sr, 3 Parse Collins, Anna IXopd, founds some improvement, and from Men's Nice Kid Bale and Bluchers TO FARMERS AND OTHERS .1 We, and he and Mrs: Judge will hereafter Pt. 2nd-' George Middleton, Jean Maggie Parsons, ,that time on. this improvement was 83.00 to $4,50, Cook Blanche Nelson, Ed th Ster Mens Oxford in Pat. Leather, Kid and Tali Calf $3,50; $4., have several- pairs of :our own made-17eside in that "city. * x * y „ , Jr. 3rd, --L. E. 11'asmAnn,, A. Me steaady and increasing daily ...until Ladies' Refindo-Lace Boats, all leathers ling', Brt:ce Grigg*, Tom Hudie ,., Murtrie Jessie Collins. after `a few months she felt the cure Ladies'Queen ualit Boots $4.00, boots which we will sell cheap. Just Sr: Pt• 1st.-•-Giad'stone, Gngq, . ! Sr. 2nd, -Anna, L. Fisher; Gracie G. ,was complete. She says :—"Dr. Wil- ' Quality $��+$4.50, and 85,00. Ladies Peerless Boots $Z,W, $2.25, $2 50, 300 and 3 a0. the thin p, Jr. Pt: 1st.= --Willie ; Stcrhng, Cecil Ladies' Oxford Shoes. choice styles 2 -, $ $ g you want to, keep odr -feet . y Mullett T�wnshi Ross, W. Cr Johnston, ,Hams Pink Pills have done what doe- $l.Zo $i 60, $1,75, 2, $2.25, itry while the season, is' opening up. p Connell, Al red Hudie. istr Part—W.: Parsons Ma is Coo tors failed to do and what T ;myself Ladies' Oxford Shoes in expensive grades $3.00, $350, and $4,00, Come in and see them. ' gg Coop- .tors con. Gr known as the Wil Average attendance 23, or, Bella, Collins. thought was impossible. '. They have All the choice leathers rn Trtn, OhocoI to and Nice Kid. ': ' ' her: The best spellers :. in the montlzlp treed .rice from -the terrible trouble . I .' Our stand is o posits the ostoffict:• for the season to.M>": Robert -"E.,J: Johns Teacher. Repaying while Oil W1It. . P P item McMichael farm;, has been rented ' We have started a branch spelling matches .were : suffered and 'my old joy in•life has' you business at Londesboro jointly of Seaforth"for grazing purposes.. 5th.—Herbert Jones. been, renewed." When Mrs. Hall 'be - with Mr. McKeown's harness. Miss Mary .E. Blake was in Blyth Holmesville. 4th.—Herbert, Kehl. 'pan Making Dr. William's Pink Pills shop. All repairs 'taken: there.. a few days 'recently. T 30. --Jessie Collins. 'she weighed- only one. hundred pounds Will have our best 'and careful Mr. and Mrs. Luke Lawson of Clan- • Mrs. Wood of New � ork City and 2ikd': --Anna Fisher, while • under . her renewed health herFRE attention. ton spent Sunday in this township. Mrs, (Dr.) Anglin of Kingston, who• JACIS41T. n _ weight�ha increased to one hundred h s Messrs. Leiper & Moon of ne.tr Har came 'home. to nurse them sister, Miss � and thirty pounds, ".. Watts" lock lost a valuable horse which died 'Gould, im her.'serious illness, have re- tt , AIWayS Reliable CLINTON.' W H • atts & SQ�i turned tp their res active homes, Misq The F163t Draft of • I Dr.. Williams Pink Pills can. be had very suddenly lust week, ! P - from any. dealer in me6eines or will Gould being •now on the'lair way to _ recovery. StationS be sent by .mail at 50 cents e: box .or �~ '°'r Miss Bettie Stanley has returned -to Thr, following is the first draft of isS'r Medicine' I . to .0 h6 arm. her position in Toronto; `her mother, stations' of, Ahe •London Conference 1 a Co..,. Brockville,° Ont.+ wife was yer 111 now recoverin - y , g Those marked. with an asterisk are iucel v 141 .: thiose fn . which a change -has . been Rbv, r Snowden andr'lllr " Geer •e• The obit iii g made : o Q eSt$on 0.0at ding Conference in. Tebbutt are .ten STAPLE AND. FANCY DRY, GOODS eift London .this week. Wingiranz.Diatrict.' Not'Yet Settled MILLINERY MANTLES' DRESS-Mht IJP AKING J Mr. C. L. Fisher of Winnipeg was � *Win9.114in W, Z. 'Rutledge, N'. S: W.. Pickard's the. past _(supernumerary). (superannuated,' T:. . kiall entY-seven persons were killed yp rwash (superatinu Cv during We caller at Mr. automobiles in New T•grlc alone blr. e e t lst i Kine Feiguson, J. C., the ast twelve months YOLt Want th m •' H xh x Ha ead of. Godes eh P P t most ecori0121- has rented the palace of which' he Y 1 Hannuated); The dao se mum (su i se of duan Hosier�% of otiality and Style. Luchngw—J: E. Ford. Y of this. kiutt►gs . M Stas taken •.possession, arid' is . K grlkgig - , . _ is found .in the reckless drivin c f hi h , sCa �a11it; ' not file cheapest section Brussels•—):. G. Powell:. g . i The woman of st le this- e r will a more. atten as , ect on man. on the •G. T. It. !powered -engines through crowded thou �4. p y .Y. h pay, f Teeswatei.—R. S. Baker, o. , I iVZr:.11'. Miller: is making an cin- - oughfares. by men intoxicated either J� .:. a>il�t. YOtaf Want ahit that/ tion to the choles and clualltj' of her hosiery than for Ethel John Henderson. k p • p provement at the. froat� pf his�`tore i;:y F r i -J with the speed of motion or in the ,Or- man a season for not in a,1on time have the. sti les ,„ o dw ch chi, Baa. y , r ' g, , y erecting a' .cement :platform. , Gorr'e=Hector v dinary. way. A case in point occurred will. last many a IOrig time. and• tended to bring the hosiery into such. prominence.', . r.1. W. recently in a 'Coiknecticut town where W. . 111cKenrleh.. / W o eter—G, t We direct �our'attention to the follo'zvinQ lei 1 Lofton a drunk -en youth ivis, arrestetf .while Took we11 not '" that is r , Bluevalt>-J: W: Andrews;' W. NY., � pmt �' p Porters Hill driving' his auto through. ci�iwded .. - Fane lace and embroidered in all colofa such as Sk;;�, Leech. ,:' Fancy .. streets at thirty-five miles an he•ur,, ' Ashfield- Thos. E. Sawyer. eap..by the gaff d ex- Pink,�Grey, Champagne; Tan and Black: (, bliss Grace. .Torxanco spc+it a few In this city, and on Ontario county i ch on an days in Seaforth last week visiting I Salem-Hggh Watson. ( ' y , L 1. ` roads ; cases frequently occur in which . perlsNe by the job.' Ask the S --W agent about friends, Bethel -Moyle . D. Madden,, ii �i� disregard o Ba 's Hosiery. .Ripley=B. 'Snell: regard rs shown for the safe: , sin _ a ✓ illiss Jamieson and be tancTeMr. Bervie—Wm. Patterson and W. 1VI, 5. , ' of pedestrians oY people in ordin- SAM Cotton S4ockln 9 1 Scott; called on fri�cnds around'. hereg •n good strong weight:for -present Tivert n—�. E. Co k, ary vehicles, The writer was witnesWIL���� lately:. o o i wear, double. 1 heel. atld toe sizes from - -6. to •'1U the f ' *Wbitechurch—(D, 'D: T•): of one _ease not fond ago in which a l0. y , iVlr, Cliff and 13e'rt Lobb` spent Sun- „ maelnno.;�vas'iorced through a crowd . Bet rave—W. M. Pomeroy, X. V. best hose made for bus rices 20 tea �25 cents. day at Air. John Cox's re•7>.itly: g y� ,�4/IVT�' SND.. �'�.4l�NI� M y p li'alden •at college: alighting from...or getting on .an .e1ec- r i The friends are sorry to hear that ;tric car, and a, man was knocked. tdowni Mide ill. Cana oda, •% i 71A�/P #-�![lA/' Cd Mgntreal.TomnlaWinni � Mrs. John Cox4s not uripmvin g .ver Godo rich District. • l The New Dutch CoYlar. Y rapidly g Goderich (North St.)—H. S. Doug -'an 5le adly.hur rte The. commeas atnt ftQvaanq UI the Follow the fashion --and .wear a. Dutch Collar, visit ' Miss .Eva. Cox had a birthday party •a11, ,B. Clement (superannuated), • Injured own fault.. J Goderich. (Victor'ia St).—R.. Nwi 1 ,Coommon law, last Saturday afternoon. 'I'hr�e wez'C' ard• , ►give,foot,pasy our Neckwear debit, and choose your New Dutch Collar,• , and common sense which - will fin 1]' f i.0 b about thirty-five persons there. h,aally senders the right of way, and:retuirc you d, a icel assorted' stock rom wh h t , Clinton (Wesley Churclij--�V. J, Joi- y it _ y I report : a good .ti,rrie and also the pros- aX driversl of +vehicles to accommodate; selebt your Collars or Jabots, Linen Collars In ail. sizes eats .warp numerous. liffe, Joslas Green (superannuated) *Clinton (Ontarlo St,) F. W. Cos- themselves to this condition; .were on hand this week: See these trr yourselves.' I Mr..Robert Beacom v.sited his Sts e, a 11,11, 14trs. Thompson of the 16th eon,. ens, H. D, Newcombe (superaiunizted.) wholly .ignored. The view ofthe brit of -those, who, operate . motors Scaforth-David Re, ers Cleo: Buir J y d * recently. g ' a seems to be. .thin Taka 91 Sul Iri"ler Blouses.* Mr, Howard Cox has -returned from, gin (superannuatedi). oth r traltic should give place t these fast -run . +, Sorin Bank after spends Cou•itt Ho mesville=T. J. Snowdou,q Warm days awaken interest in the large. and varied g, gg a ' Bl th— H. Cooper, t?m: ills yaing death dealing cars',, W:e have justpassed into stock a splendid assortment of. the of weeks with his, sister,• Mrs. lisw- I y P , 1 • Mvery latest styles in Fancy Shit ts, Ties, Collars; Hosiery, anti ntber assortment of cool, white. waists that we have in stock, syn (supernumerary). } The • auto, under present-eonditions, Jniallwares, Shoes in Ox -blood, Tau, Patent Leather and Velour Our waist dept. Will be found well..equipped to shit � We are glad to hear. that Mr. An- "Dungannon --••L, .Bartlett. is --taking numbers operated into a,c- � Calf, and our prices are rock bottom. every need for either the Lingerie or 'Pailordd blouse, drew. McGregor is improving.and,{hat Nile-Wrii,, Conway,. !Dunt—as infinitely greater menace to g he is able to be out again, 13en,miller- Wm, Baugh. •p fe and limb that is the electric car a We have also added to our clo,hing department a "made prices range .from 60 cents to $4,50. Mrs, Start and her daughter aLcpm- Auburn—A. L. .zones, r the steam railway train, Locomo- � to measure" system and have a splendid range of 9amplcs (panted by Miss. Sarah Start anti her Walton H.' D. Tyler, Ives and. electric cars are in the Q for your inspettion. We gurrantee the fit akrd styli to be Press Novelties, neice, Miss Willa :smith from Curri'e's Londesboro--henry E. Cttrrio:,: ands of trained drivers and men equal to the vers best oideied clothing: and made by exper. Iia field -CV• I:: Hiles.. st'ho are under constant supervision at iencpd tailors, spent a few days recently with thei>` * �' * If a saving of from .$� to $3 on a snit means auything to sister, Mrs, C: W.. Potter, who has Varhw -1G•. H. Taylor. in regard to the use of, intoxicatin , � you consult us hefor�e-buying. Viewing the great variety of dress Novelties here ' � � • � �• . h x ' not been very. well lately, but we J. M. Keyes at college . p quov. Moreover, they run only on ei Look over the followipg items carefully, they may inter- the Ladles of town and surroundin counts can only y hope to hear of her improving,. before Exeter :Uistrlet. e.eognized routes. Drivers of motor. d estgnu: settle CiOW.tl to one nf)t1Cli1- long. P xeter (Main St,)=Y'azra A. Ft�at. ears are riot similarly skilled thea Q price eaareWSbirtA, newest, Rtripesand fano enlrrs. Regular • g *Exeter (James St,) — Richard .are not udder the same sgpervisioni B c e y here $1,25 and $I.50. Our price .,..�t.00 slon—for the ver' Ne Mr. Robert Sloan is renewftr aa- est Linen Collars in all the newest shapes....., ,, 2for .9es things and for the' richest quaintance around So forth, Hobbs, .Jas, D. Kastle (superannuat- and control as to the fisc of intoici- Airs, .tames Macdonald -is spending, .r£ ed)' cants, and they run everywhere, echo Slee- .Croeh;et, Fancy Woven and Silk at lowest possible prices. ' * 1 S eeial in working cel@f:tlil113--th1S 18 tale, ln,(e.. . J I�'arichIII•�•-William Godwin Iq, estion as to their p K shirts. Geo ): at on the ordinary highways have d p ` l� few days with iliends at Seaferth;, Aha pricy dozen re SBlllc c Ot and ite`r3tri striped drill Shirts. g H. Thom son (superannuated), Mr. and Mrs, Reuben (Trigg ' spent' *rlEmi ville-�-G, H. Rivers and A. T. not yet been finally settled, the ,dues- Bova' 9 - piece `fib o�'se�.5, Hoag at Mr, Sam, Emmerson s, � p` Norfolk SnitK, very pretty patterns and. vvpli , I-Ti1r. John Stithtw is home for a F. B, ,tion as to whether they should have made; reg, price $5,00, Our Price....,, .. We have tirade arrangements Ccntralla--w. H. Butt, any right at all on, these highways is ."`••..`....••'• week ork account of his health, We *Hensal]--co. Jackson. still air open one, Assuredly power Watch this space next week for some ver special quota. 0 with the well known B. & 1`. corset hope to hear of her health Improving y tions in Dr y p Co. to have one of their most ex= before Long. ILippenJohn Xlart, should exist to wholly exclude: them p Gonda pTfces. Crediton --Root. 1lfclts, 'from certain -Highways, and to prohib- d pertenCed demonstrators come to us Graod Beftd T. A. Steadman. p it running on any highway at cer for one week -0th to %th of Jpne Syl an-- A: M. MCCutlout h, Main times, .On some days of the � Hon, P. 11, roy, tile, bank. wrecker, Ailsa 'L nit—John Kennedy, ]week, and on certain specified roads, % NSTEEL in wbi:e'4 time tae will be delighted has been set at breaking stones in tike 1,Ucan—Geo. >J. Kerr, ;women, children ,arid the aged should1to have yott tome and see these 'penitentiary. tlranton-• C ly. WClls. be free to go, and come without fea>wL Mrs. DuVaI wife of the '1I d *� goods rend Bear her views �b how, � f h � o crater 1'voocihant-yW. R. Vance. 'cif being run down by an engine cap- . to adjust the Corsetand also the of the Presbyterian General Assembly' *Xfrkton,�-T. T. Oeorge. I able of fravel�ling fifty miles a ll;ur, � � Smail Profits and More Susinesii. died at Winnipeg, ' W. Johnson at college. and which may be in the Bands of a kind You should Wear to get the The Consolidated I.lewator Comp>iny J. � drunken drivei.�Sun,, �,b4y,�,��,�,a,���,;����C,�;�m��o���� best results. Home it and sec , u' It hullo a new .1,700,000_tjustzel ele- vator at Port William, ; TuLciccramlth Townshli them whether you buy air not ( The rats of fife United 'States eat +p " Mr, John M. Biggar of ]'etrolea _ $100,000,000 'worth of grain yearly, Mr. ,John White, a much respected timed' while driving, in his buggy, V ,AND AMMON ON r 11on, Thomas Price, the Labor Prom- rosfdeiit of this township, Ilan been I A little girl was saved frothdrown- • . �.. ipr of South Australia, is dead. vkery ill for sour; time, and meni+,bers ing at Ottawa; by a Collie dog. Advertising' In The News*]Record Brings YOU HERE. 1 Count Zeppelin's airship was disalil of his family have been called home,1 19arf Grey visited the Royal ALI!- ed Waite attempting to mak-, it land- William and his wife from Orey town- Lary 00110ge at Xi'agstol� wand inspect, d �esu�ts ire Ing at C7oepoington, slit, and Georg-, from tho West. ed the ed-totsC��O . lit ,i ,