HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-03, Page 3to 3rdt 19%
-Illr—T—r I I IV" -"-"W— , - 11 -- --"W-- — -r,T- — )
CIW*4 Nows-R4or4
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whn't, th* Weather Prophet Aelgialental Orders,- I I .1 . fte smiled rad)-antly at tile Idea. but . - � 11-1.
I .1 . . Iffureti Re#pwent. found no answering smile oil her 0* r � - .- ---- -, --
� . I Forecasts for June W on by a vort'a face. Alayllug went white to .. I . 011 Allc��:
I I I . Annual Training. -The Huron Regi. the lips. at the thought or what ralght ff-�Nltt' ,- I
. . - -1 -- - � - . I meiRt will -train at London frolaJuno happen ,were the plan to miscarry 1.111.1 1. .1".., ...1.-1- .
I � Turnout, He did not think of the, girl. only of � I 1. I �
lilmself, for Ua.vlln- despite his atb, This bs an entirely new idea, aod will Cape. ;
. A Reactionary Storm Period isrea- And New Moon at so7gr call so node, By RVTH CAMPO . L. letle prowess ,was 110 � day., Interest ,go
� ) Advance PaTtY.-The Quarter Masr- � I o moral hero. . , pie, who rv$ldo in ,natural The 44's Mao- - �
. � gas 43stricts. be gas rinir likes the plago I I I
tral on the 3rd, Uh and 5th. Tbe, storm-prOduclug causes are at A mIA ter a w pro- INS, by A 1�1, � � � �
,:ad tl%e advance ,,party ill copyrigbte4, t04 TIe was not afraid to fight, Indeed, Of the lower Sunbbine 6re-pQt, thus making I .....
'Bu, . - . I I � ,.
� Moon is lull, At A tot4l eclipse nodt, inium. at tbls period. t many sc4t-lcoed to London by the first train on Literar.v .Prevv. he rather welcomed the opportnultY, I !t Possible to burn gas, inyour furnace without .,
I on the 8rd, And At greatest declilia- itqring,',higbly electrical thunder �torm:(Juue 7th for the purpose of arrang- ' - - . �. . . . for be was reasonably certain to knock inconvenience. buch, Is got possible in a V' ��,.` 41m
, -
. I—— -1 .
I . will vWt most parts on and touching Ing tent$ 4114 CtC., for the Regimen t. With A, derisive book the r ut his man. but to, wall, with 000�0` fornacewberotbe ordin,arygAs 19.g is inserted; I ., 11 . .
t1on south 04 'he fith' Iligh len"Per-Iltbe 17th. The culmination of A pro- shot bOack to an auto and to dare a rival to. . for, should the gas give u %�f - ...", -
' ,
Ature, low barometer and thunder Giricers Commanding I'D" Company Past the pedestrians And v Is In 0 t, ,a coal or W004 1 :", I "
,lolIged seismic strain will com,e -,vith- - IxeeP on were. not at nil to bli liking fire could not be started until the g4ks, pipes . . 11, ,�. 1,
. . � ,
the IwAl furnish the Advance party, lie a cloud of dust Dorothy . NVbell tile faint bUMl%Jtag of tile "' - t'� I
storms will I)e till,, order at this time. Jn three to four days of Iloon pl, t no re- wora disconnected. .6 � I �
. ,will be notified lat,er a - garded It angrily And eta 1110- �, ',---.11FM ... If
: Storm - conditions L s. to the num Now Iq 411"
will develop and;l7th. Du . tuped bOr ter told of the coni To provide against swooting in the summer �r- "IR A -
. Ing of the gray . -� �-..� .,"�� �
I move in regidar order from west to . . ring the seismic the .Moon,ber of men he Vill be required to foot. bted � � .
I . , . racer Dolly smiled aplig time, Sunshiae Furnace is quipped with 4 ' cLFA -�
p , . ly. ,x�otle- .... I .---,,,,`,
;works from Full Moon at extreme do- scii,d- The officer commanding, the "That's the third time he's. done Ing slg s of a bolt on the, part of Ile nickelled steel radiator a e - . HEA � A ...-
*Act' but local thunder sbowe" "a � "n r � � �, ,. �
.Clination south, over the celestial that thin I believe be's doing it. on n4 dome. All - I 1.
� June Are more'sporadic, loein& liable advance party will report on the ar- bolts And riveta axia nickelled, all, rods . . ::1.
� . ew Moon at e* I ". cOmPaillon as the frantic sounding of .. ��, t�
. =p)Atbd. This. special treatment, be, .,.
. 1equator And up tON - e- If he pltsses us "gain ""'- � the hOrn tot(] that Blount ,was near, , I I , ,--
to break out S�raultaaieouuly in widely rival Of himself 8.411 the advance par- PurP05 11
. scattered localities. � Begin , treme declination north. ,U " intimat- I NVIiiit she .i.yould do was not told, caning quicker and greater radiation z,)
iting. at this - she caught At his cont. frow the rAdiato
. . .r and dome than cold chill
' . .,�
� period, we jenter a m-trked seismic ad Above, these seismic plurturbations, for at that Justaut there sounded An` � 11) an ecstasy Of fear Afayling threw iron could possibly give, acts as protection ..., . 11 I
� . a .,No
� cycle that1will last up to the 20.th ,we predict, will be heavier first in tile The Quarter Master will, arrAnge foil other warning.. and now a gray car WT. bet, bbld and dashed for the side for the bolls, rivets and rods, from. inroads of . . .
southera berniqlibere. Next, along the I the necessary furniture for the ordor� shot past III pursuit of the red., ot the road just as Blount, to avoid an gas, When cast iron comes in contact vith
of Jana. The Ftf I Moon ,On tlier llrA� t equatoria.1, belti. and lastly iIn volcanic ly rooln. "They bare a rl- � ' I .
� being at An e0ilise'riod'e, auf causing 1 . ... -ht to the r0ad-" de- Accident, took obanhis on, the rod our nickelled steel it is coated withourspecI41 ,,, ,
l 4- �: - ,
fended Lawrence Blayling indulgent- ..'
�, an eclipse of the Sun on that d ' and earthquake regibris lying In t -he I Traiasport&ti , - side. . Anti -Rust treatment, which. prevent$; the . � :�* - 2 1
. I I ate'uortherit hemisphere. Let us , on.-Specit'l trAW 10,111 W.' He could afford lobe generous to Slightest POSSibilitY of rust comme � I . I
I .
part from that node -until After the�, . sce' if leave Godeileli and Brussels. Mayllng ran directly IWO the pAth onchig I
17th., beiAg at New M seismic, and volcanic reports do not AS SOOU a d0fe4ted toe, since ,Dolly bad es- Of the Auto, and t en, with another anywhere in Sunshine Furnace. I I I
, Oon and - causing I i as the train schedule is,,received of- cliewed autatti . b
, come in from extremes of the Earth, .obtles and bad taken to, quick twist of the steerliig wbeel.. .
aA eclippe of the Sun ' ficers commandbig companies will be pedestrianism. 11 I I
Under thes ' , on,that datq- I A Regular Storm Period is cantral Blount throw the car at the stone .. . .. . . I . . . I . .
I . e conditions, as scientific notifled of the tione their companies AlftYllu- bad no car. but he was a I . I I
.. , On the 21st, covering th3 1911L to. the . fence, .
I , I .
. . have seen And ' . 13
1,caders should long ago must be ready, to entrain, good Nv;lkor and the holder of the �� :
confessed, there is. a prolonged strain ,23rd. The, culmination of the June distance champlonslit The next instant tliere was the 11 I 11 . � . I
.. from one eclipse to the' . . . . ,solstice ':alls precisely on this period. Dres.q.--LI very uOn-COMMISsioned of- tested every Satu Pwhlcll wAgcOU- Sound .of exploding t1res, and the . ' 11 * .� .
other, excit- I In all problaitrility the preceding period . ficer and man Vill carry his grea , rday. driver was thrown heavily op �
maximum tendency to eart The . to �Jie . ,
h- s.period ti I I Nlarathou races had roused the frozen ground. Harland Broso, Clinton,
,wi,11 be prolonged.4nto tbi by'�oat rolled bandolier fashion, over the k I
ing k! and volcanic perturbations. . Of athletics, wherefore the Ile lay still And white, and with a lit- � .. . . , 0 a to.
, ..
.qua a I 10 I love
From June I to 10th, centr;i. , ,daily thunder storms each afternoon !right shoulder, Helmets must be dicsliance ''I ,. .
.1 on the and ev,cA;ng, Great fluctu&tiOns Of the) worn by. all except I runner and the distancl) . tle cry of terror Dolly ran to his side. ' —.
� I . I
3rd, will be the first decided .seismic 1, officers ; Haver- Milker were the local bero6s. Tenderly she raised his bend Into her . .
period, the prohable effects, be:h& he4v� I " terapdrature, Isacks wtil be carried. Kit bags Vill Till$ had given Larry Alayling his l4p and. with her hnndkerchlef'stanch. .::,*",.",.-;.*.....*�,...*,.;*.-. 11 - -- - I - . .
I ." great humidity, and- startling qectric� 'be packed in boxes. One box being ,%I- chance with Dolly. for his long legs, car. ..,.t-..--�'!".*�-.*,*.it,.,.-.,.*'�4�',. ...o;.-,;.-..-!-,--
i,est south of the cv c' 1.1.-;;1.;- ..... .. �
. .juator. ad the flow of blood from The cut:ln . ",.,.;".,.;�-"t.%.�'� ..,..
i . f 41 dlsplay� are to be expected *at this lowed for each company, Officers Will - *'.1.*tv�2, I . I ., �
his forehead, while �Iaylin- r, .'-�,*-.,i,.*,*,�.,-,...-.--,�-..:.; . -, *,�.`..,4.4
A Regular Storm Period is central prolonged period -especially from a3out tood - ,-.. , .
. wear blue serges ana krvice caps ana � I ,:.*.*1'1:%*'11'.,'.* .. . -, -
to'.Sunday the 206, -"".,-;-"�",.,., , , I .'-'.' '4',,.,.* .;.;.*
an the 10th, lastingfrom, the 8th, I I wonderingly by. I Ydur ;'..-I�"".�.",
I .. ;, .....".. 1
� I _to Thursday the must all wear swords. . . . "Can't you go for a doetor?" she .-.',%'- ...
� the 13tb. We enter the June solstibe 24th. High winds with possit�ia tor , I . .., ...
a - -. .*�""�. oney -..., -. I .
I itsked when at last she lool.(%cl up. ,,If . ,: -'..--.-'.i!'--." . ..:.
. . In regard io Helmets of the men, . - I. .,-.I .... I. .. . �
t this time. Magnetic, and electrical nadoes will -probaby attend sorde . of I . . :,.*:;. .-..'.-*-,:.1:.1.1j�.,-*,1.t- . M "%-.1. -
.:... .
. . but of the ordinary, I these storms. (>ver, every man must have Ws belmet a,'.edn.t I - � ='- . you had done as I told you It would. . .�.,..:",..":-,--;,.-.-.',-"* ,'-.*-*' , I .
, "
.;;.I----!.,....-1 i. .........
manifestations, , �Iowing 9treams . ` ;;---%I-.- .. .
t parts of the And rivers will be most natural as a ad and pipe clayed, . - -- I%-' .'..... - �Earas4 , I I '..
� - :;�-Z----- - have been all right, but you, b, -Id to , -, .j...,-":.,�.;-,.f: i."i
w - i5--,�Ir .r-, - . 'N" , '.. 11 -:;�,.;::'t1v1:1',-*1 .,.
,;;r--,, . - ..,.,,,. -
�, .1 .� . J% -d. - I ,A '... %......- � 0/6
.�, ,;:--.. 11-11."�"*.,.,.-",.*..'�l.;i�.*I -
I I -P it Scared chjej�(Irl. I thoug&t ;.;:.f,.. nVC8ted in .
I consequence of the Ju" solstice Officers commanding. conippLuies -,xill :)- i- � .1 world 114 v-;..; . w
� earth within three days of the lith., 0 run at the wrong moment for all the . .. hen i� ".""', -:4F
dwi, . I `N- .:,,,--,1..V-',U:-, .
� *" reach t1le be field responsible that those regula- ----% I that athletics made mon,brave, but I . - I - tAV 1�1�ron & 3�.Zie Debent- .;.Ii.;.i.i"*.;:,:".,!Ii;.;,!,.;",�i;;-" . i.!:.
I From Thurs ay the 10th, to Sunday, storms. High waters .,% I - I
the 13tH, ri�ariy viciovs tburkder storms centra.1 rivers before th,. and of jvne, 1 � . 4..:- . ; . . .......... I. I
, tions are carried out. \N , -- was wrong. it seems to -niah-P then, :,- iftre4. An - ;i'"J-""!""";",'-, I
� will be natural. The" dates also but we do not believe that the most . I . . . absolutely
, 11
. . I I - -;-M�
..- M,
constitute another - possible seismic destructive or m4,dmilrn flo ds need I - � I - foolish. . That action of Nlr. Mount's . � I secure Way to make -',',1,1-,.--.'-i .1,.':;..;,;,, -1111!'�
a .Xommands.-Capt. Rance will act as' . . was braver than any-WIng Tou ever ... , .,:,.;. -, - 101.WN
. I I Your savings earn '.4..... ,-,..'-.N'-.'.%' �',,,gl..
". " -
� period, the effects falling most forcib- b� feared at this time, or evcn during I Junior Na,jor during the, camp, Y . -%, dared thinir of.,, I . I � ,. a ;;. . .V!-:� - ,,�. .
� I � 1, r". ...�;F...
. I . Lt. '1111�.. . higher rate of interest, .,*-'1;,, . .
. ly on and near the eouator. n, arth thiA. y6ar� � Hearnan will Command 'IF" company � "I guess I won't nee - .,.-".,.%"- ..:-.�.-:.
. .....
I 'I I . , d g doctor, Vil E�aclj Debenture issued for $100 ana upwards, . I.... .. - -. -
I I -1-.,-.i- "I.:......-. - .
currents and volcanic unrest W.11 be A Reactionary Storm Period is cen- and Lieut Pickard will command OQ11 f . I,t." inurinured the lujilred -mar You can arrange to have your Money returned at end " - I
.kT I noted at this ti . me, none of -which tral on the 20th, 217"tb and- 2,qth. Look compiny. . I .1 , . - A. . . ... .. �
. I . .1 . .. / .41 I gn �,\�. , "That Is all the tonic I need. It would , ;:i:.; -,J;-.;4.
. most necessarily be dangerous or for low barometer promptl I on th3 . . . .--- � � .4 . of fro& One. to five years. Interest is paid half- "'.., -
I %%--" . 11-11re been all] right If you bad kept to Our I.`,.,
. y Service Rolls. -Certified copies . -�:! . I .� yearly. ,!-, -Ifin".". .
* , ,:,-. I
r and fodr, 26th, attended by sudden aO,d severe , the -road, but 'Nrlipil '11iirling ran di -let tells all About our Debentures and I
fatal. Higher baromete of ,: oO z Z . Oree 13001, -,,., . "."..'e..
I 11
cooler weather will follow, for severa,l thunder gusts� T . hese storms Will pas,A the service rolls must be in hot lat- �-,, - I . rectly In my Path I,,- . . I - . yvhy they- excel - as an investment. Ask fo I, ...-.,-,;,,-: I
, I . I r it. ,
eastwardly ovej . . � -- 1 ,,you ri"Ited your ,life for lit&" fill- � , . .. I I -, -:Z--. I
md� I r tba country during . . " .-Iff.",
days after the storms of this. per; ter than ,�iie,!.-Ist of June. 4"OT?
. � A . - --n . I I
.. . 1.-- . .Z I ..
I -.N.';-..- , .
" ... !
1. � I I , .. W:., §;, & FXie'', , I
e. I . . I / . \ � . I I "Dudley, .f.."
. '. .... --.Z, ;-
A Reactionary S-torm. Period has its the 26th, 27th and 28th, ,b �.Tig char- - .. . I.. �. � Ished D611,il rniudly, .you '. I- . - Huro' .
I I I . , . ............. I ..., . R . I
. (�' , t *";Ig;.;J,. -I ,.,.,�-" .
ven.ter . // were splendid." - 1%%..,!",,.,%"-. ,--.4.;,... :.
� on the l6th, l7th and 18.th,,. acterized by the peculiar local phcn- . V . -- -.-.*!1...1-,;,M- * ' Loan and S
� . k`-!-"� ....... �h.I.!,-1,-,W.;'; -%,W, �4vings Co.
. V I%. , I 11 . .j g.. .. 1,
' "I gUes4 I had better get a, car- Ul.-.! ,0.1-;ii67I . . -.1
'with New, Moon and Svin's eclipse, on, oniona c( ,4 % . - �-..-..,,,,,,,,.".,.i?4.",.,,i":".-'.�:.,.,,'.'?,,*,..- �
,)mmon to JUUO solstice . Even. , Advertiser, - . ** � .. ".411., LOND ;. I �
I , .. -
I . - i-:-:."- I - I , ,
. I I - .1, 11k,y1lug 'sheep- -.',',.'-.i.�.-.;-.z.-.,:;i.t....-,-..,"- .r.,;,.;... -.i,- .
th2 17th, But for the June solstice storms. . . I . . -t'. . . \ -, .1 ;�,.; ........ :* ON, CANADA . -
� , . riage anyhow," q11111 . -� , I i .; I -N � � . .
� . . . ... - m �
. . . . 00�-; . -- .-.?-.:.i,4..Z.-,;;,.-;,-..-..-;;-.. . I ..
. . . . � . I . � . . I - I . Ishly as he started for the� tow'n. The ..'..-.'... - . .
. . .. . . . .1 I ., .. 1 1964
- I . . ...... I ........ .."I.....-". . . . � .
. � Needs. the New eja,%dian. � ". . I 1-v seene was not to bl.s. incing. I ..I... -, . , 11
. � � . . . i;.
. � - I I � I I 1, . . I , . "-.,.-.,.,-,. , ., " m,Ts OyPR P .0D0.0no
- — I I .1 .1 I ... t.,- ......... 1. -
I � I . " . .. % . I - The. two bestdc.' the rond did not .. "' - -':,' ,.� '.*I - . . .- I . .
� . . . .1. I . . Newspaper �Director. . . I . .... I I I-% I .. ..i.I....,!,.,..a.I ..;"" -,.1-,.;.... I . . I .� . I
� � . I . I , .... .. .1 . I . ..' .... .1, - -.,;;:. - . ,
. - .
. I .. . even Seem to tealize that he was gotie. I, �'..., . I i. , ..
I . - I I I I ,..:. . . -.- - �
. ,:;�� . : . I .. � , . . :
a ,,..- , 11 . . -r's'ey6s; they reni - . 1. ..
. . AW . Wo have just re, eived from. -the pub- . ... for Ili each oth( . I.. � .
, , -
The Farmer' Must Have Pro Ushers, A. McKim, 1,1 � -1, � I
. I
. . - I � mited, ot-Mon . k, � . " . I 1. .1 . I . I .
- .. I � . I . I 11 I . . � . treal. and Toronto, a copy of th, 1�09 I �. �,. ' ,- 4%I old. 6U story iind4onud, It dell ' btful- - � . . . I., I . . . .
. . I . I � I . � -,... . ly new. Blount had Wou by a turn- . I . -- -- . I
. I . . . . . —� 7--—-.;�� �--- �
� . �
I ctloon. . ,an Newspaper . , Ic- -17- _� *
i Canadi , , I. ", , , ^�d cor And' aching I
I'Mition of the . ., . Out. Ills ruin --------- I
te . . 0� � I! .11 - head. _~
- �
. . 1. -1111, . .1 - .. r ! Directory.. I . .. . I . '�I * . . 1�"�' . . , A~ .
I I I . . .(t_;��' �were - forgotten. . I W%*#VW^A -7-
. I
. . __ .. 1 4 . .. r . . I � � � "YOU It � XSXE T . OUR Lnm FOR . to . � . : . �. . . .. . . . . � . ... . I t 11 . . ;� I I .
� 1. . I .� I This is tfie SiXth - Edition of till's D - X., . 11 .. . . i . I .. . . . I 1. .. It. . I
. . W% F .; � . I - . .1 . I . . .
I : , . . I . . . I � . I , I .
I .. . � . � . - valuable work, which fill it very ka.ikl . MED DOILY PROUDLY. . of the Outure.. � .
. . - : � � S . I � . - The Farmer '. � I . , . .
. . .. . . . .
- -
. . ask of every I business . I)a I an, did speed, and he Jett all, others far his land And def.i di�ougbt 'as well as I . � .apanese . '413k . . ... . :. � . . , I
I dollars and costs jor't . not stopp�ngwheir 1. . . � - Wa, , r, .0 * , `
� .
I To the E ditor of The News-Re=4 I f a� cab drl 1. I � - need in Canada ii,nd deserves a.,place Ned him' over the I gr6und * . I . I . The future fariner ,w . Ilt - subirrigat ' � . . �.
iver in Toronto was firicA,twd I . at a splen. e ,,
. . on the d i , �
Dear Sir, -Will you ii1low, me � ,.a whether h6 is 'an "advertiser Ot 'not, behind, . , 1* I I . I � I floods. He. will'- bocoui6. A scientific , . I I I . I . . � � %, -�
. . I - I - I . I
little spao6 in your valuable pa,por a policeman -held up his. hand for �him- All sumnic, I I . I . . I . . I .1 , ,,, i . . I .. � 1.11 . .
. to, to do. so. 1. The Canadian Newspaper Director� ' r, with- *budjey 131oulif forester, and every farm will produce . .. . .. . I I . I I 11 . � . . I I .1 .
I . . . . I � � . .
I . . I � �
discuss a matter of interest to the. -Now, w�y should `iiot the and Paul I -Ir "' 'contending for DOI. :' I . � .. 1.
. . � same' 4w. back .up the farime'r. '. If lisis and describes 14U periodleals-in .,azer wood and lumber as well as wheat and . . . I I . I . I .. I .
. . — ----- � I - � -- . I . . � I ��� . . .
farmers and to the townspeople as these re6kless automobile ',Canada '.and Y�ewfoundlaxd.' Of th 1�--!s. favor, he'lind seen'little of. her. -apples. A single ."wre �wftl,-Prcduee' � � . I I . . . .
I � ' . . . . � I . 1. I . . I I . "I, I �,
driver '-do I -coe� $he had IoTea tile. swlkt, easy otion what ten acres yield. n w. Women -will' - .' . I .. ... I .. . .. . I . lslll�, . . -
. well, at least those.who en oy the . q . 1315 are il�ily, 101s weel(ly or Semi- � in .. 1 9 . -
, . I I . . . . -.�,
I .j .no -t stop when a'rnim or -riroman hold o the ,,he ba work outdoors as, heartily as men-' in . . � . . . . �'. . . 0',
0 . N the pleasure of driving oft. the roads.. � "kly, 261,3, moiitbly or Semi-moutblyj f. . high Po'wered cays, dud d . I : , . . . ' * . . . 11 I . . . . . I .1 . I . . ;
. tip their hand for them to stop :when I W'L been n' . fact, ,they will be the . . -: When 'Wish anything ill' Jap- , I
� . nable ,to resisi thidir "charms. . I . .' YOU .1
, ,%e -----,In t I they ,,know U -� It- are Publishqd� less frequently. B J . . horticulturists, . . I . I
1,. __-,a Toronto paper I have 'noticed - -eir hoxSe*Will sciiie. , L and I ut Since the athletic a .. the -truck gar6udrs. the'rb *111 . . . .. .
� � . ' ' I . '' �
dasoriietbcnc� 'Increase over -Chesterton the - of cars. were be closer rotation between the J)roducer � * I .
.1 , �stated that the Automobile As.socia . botq"d . � ,This Is.a considerable. . fad bad stru k . and , . I
I I , think thev,law S I anese or- Chin are . ca spect, ,
. .
I tion were going to go through . the. . " the last cilAidn' , - I . -� . I - owners . . . I - I a"Im . 11, and in .
� country and putt up danger signals near Now: it the farmer, was, to carry hits decidedly out of it. , I . �'. ' ' and the 'consumer, Ignoring ;1, horde of ' . I . . .. � .. . I , I * , I . . � ..
I I * ' . . .
. . ... . . � I . ' . . I I
all dangerous places on -the gnaill. shot -gun and if the reckless drivers i in 'addition to this, thc�Dlrectory 'Not alone wbre they ;vgardedu-' middlemen who freouently . waste more . .our stock. You WillAind the', goods - ,
. . per- . . . . .
. . I .; I . . � .
� ads,, such as railway crpssin - . didnIt stop put a.chargo of shot in supplies a comprehensive - Gazetteer .sons too lazy to use nature'$ owli than Is destroyed by Ignorant.belp'and - � . . , . . * I .� . ..
TO gs and giving the population . . . . . I
. . . - . . �
bad curves. Now Sir, I am a farmer his it,ichlne I think the law augglit to , the chief in- -ull-fins of locomotion. but In addition I Insect foes combined. Under.the alit- I . good, and - the prie.es. right ' ' '. I I . . I I
. back him up. dustries, the railway, telegra�pll with the sch � . . . . . ....
and have occasion to be on the ,road The auto driver knows , - . and they .got. themselves very much dl* AM'-'. 001 theJarn, will be. I . . - I . .. I . . . . .. I I �
. . ., . � . .
. I if thc.horso-i�' . ;Panking fabilities and, other intcrast,- ,liked bY speeding Past -pedestrian ppr,m vhlued not only- for Its gross weightof . . . . .
/ a good deal and my' horse . � cares Some one is going . . .. . . . . :. .. . . 11 . I . I I � I I . .. . . I
. is very to. be hurt and if' � i g features. of every. ne.w.spiLper ties and raising, a, dust. that made pro4uctsI but for Its poems and its edu-. . .. �. I
'Aow : t age in . -same - . � I
the, farmer bad" 11, ,a I city
- is . . � .
much afrald of these machines, I gun ,he k own arid, vill j�Caifada.,- - .'. � walking unpleasant- I. . 1. cation, - As our schools lice.olne plaaes . .t . I The . . in. Silverware' Watohes, : � -' . � . .
I ail they' ,are goin ' would L I . .: . I . .. I . I . .
wonder what sign 9 , LUtbe �uto didn't i This work . pontaidis ov�; ' for apply ., - . . . � I . � . .
� ptop. bei, will� , burt som6thing, 'How- r 43G'p,,geS. "They sbbul,d, be kept off the course ,Ing As. well 'as acquiring . � I ' . ;� I
r, -I think somethinj �aug . ;. . I I . L ge', .farlu, homes. will. b 01-- . - . &&-J.0 ' � 1: rki. Otd A le . , I.' L 11
to give the farmers it they are going . I It is splenq: I -C-100 It . wele
eve id�y t�ound, E�ndf is ccrt�ialy at least," said 'Dolly Severely.' "The know*1 our . . ny artic I
� .
so fast that they need signals f64 I . I., . I . .bt. to be 1. - ' I .1 .11 . 1.� � . . L . . 'Ll� - L I .. �. I L.. . � 1. . I I .i
e . I L.
.. a credit alike to. the puki i '. r . * nere� ., ts -of the *garden. '� bo4kht from us "ll b : - . I
. . done. Tlikuldrigr you ,for this space ir, . . � Slx� S ind to roads aie. for the"people and not., i * conio.. Intogriii: par ' .
School and t1le.;S
. fear they would run into a railway Canadia I . . Ily.for a few�selflsib persons who hriv6� sa. b6ol L far ' n , i. The all!- ' - - .. . I_: 'Wi on Etv
I 1your valuable pa�ier- .- Sign$d, . . n liewspapers generally. L L . 1. . gr ed 7 free 1,. �
. - I ' . . . I I * .. . .. -1 �
-train, - or. a river, or some bad cury I - ,, .. . A. McKim, Limited, afe-particuift'r m0eyenough to bu'y cars.11 . . aneebetween the 1101no and the, school - . - . � � . I . 11 1''. . � . 1� . I . . 1. 1.11 . I ........ 1. -. ..., � L . 1, . . . -
.. I Of . . . . L I
. . A VARI-ItI R' L Uayllng. smiled, - but said nothing. will become ver . . � Ch, i . . . I . , .
AN'by should the farmer not have s0rnj '. � I I -ly well quali - ralley. ffill. . . .. ,
. � ., . � I I . Y close. A.N � . . . ;. I . . . . I . . ..
�, . ., L Red to edit ,And. Publish . . . . I . I . . . .
.. . .. I , . I , .. . .
. . .
. . signaJ too. I read AA. the. -paper where. Brucefield, May 22nd. - .. I this, the 9tanaa,rd . I Nof so long Ago Dolly had protested Of flirmA b nlriiads; the nearest to . . . I . . . . L. . . .
. .. 11 � � . par- . I . L I
I . . . I I . L . . book of referen2e ' L I I . . . 1. . . � 1. . . .11, I . .
. . . . I
I : I . .1 . . Linst the dellberatetashion in which a4lse thAt webat,e, but the futfire.wIll. . I . .. . . . .1. . I . 1. .
I . � . I .. . . I on �.Canad,lari publications. 'they. , are 490 . . I . � I . 4 L . . L I . _ L L I L .... . . L . . . L .
. . - I 1, the pioriears in the ped6strians 'occupied the'r�kd to the. tehf,*l Its wealth and huadredfola- it' . , . - . I .... � . . I I
. .. . I . AdVerti4ing .',kkt,-nc-y I ' � I - delightg.-Ilad . . . I a I I � I . .. 11 . . ... ; .; . - . . . . 1. . . .
I . . . . � Annoyance of autol'sts., . - I . epenildnt. - . I I . . � - . � I . I I
. 1. I . I L .. . . � . I . I . I I
i . . . . . *1 . .. - I . .. fleld- in -the - Dominion, the - M�Kii� - Now the shoe phiched the other foot, . .. . I . . : I I I
..-M L .�... . T. -n I � '
. . I . I Agen�y having becit founded and d-chinged .her qpInIons. L I. .. .. . . L - � .1 . . . I I :. I "" . ' L
. . ..
"Fruit Cure For Drunkards.. . I - . uary, 1889 . , . t in I on� she ba . HEA
. I . 1. I . . Theie might, after all, Lbe a chance to . LTH AND B�AUTY. . � �. -1 - . .
. . . L . �, ... . ... I . I.. 1. . ,agoi by..Mr.� -Anson,,McKini, who is. win her hand before the walking fAd. � - , . . . . . . I � I 0 . 114 1. . UOU - r .
� . wenty ycarsI, � I I . .
I . . . . . I. . L . ' ' . . ate
, I - , 1. - .1, * � .. . � L 1. . I ... still at the head 'of the business, ' -L : . I . L A p*ple-iemedy for nt.uralgla is to .. . . . . . 9 L' .
, .
I . . .. �� , . . . . . I d�od. . . . � apply grated -horseradish, prepared th�e *, ` - '. . . . L . . I I . I . . Of .. . � _ I
1. - I i.. � . I I I ,-During all this time they have becul . Thesituatiou Wals not due to. the fact . - : " Jd'Avel i .Issuer I
. 1. erand,Engraver,
. -I Same -as f6r: table use, to the templ�n . . . I . . L� . . Marriqge' Licenses
L rvidence bf the effects of .1rit-Itf -'When 'a wonian -can bardly b. con- the acknowledged leaders in thb�-:llne that Mayling cared for Dolly while'she I . I L . .. I .
feeding on drug and- drink victims is,trolled -grapes ate. given- Once she in Canada, and tlio 'Agqn�, ' . f, . . ... . . . L I I . I - .. ... . I
, .. L .y I.;usirkess did not care for him,. but, StC,phen when the tend or -tee is affected Land 4t� , ' , L' ' ' . I .I.L. 1 . .
. . .
I . .
published by the National Food' I ' te- I IMs been coa.-iod to . eat- .the gra-lies has 96cri developed from a ,�ary small. Stanford. Dolly's father. had uiade-a' to the"WrIst,whbil the PalnL IS in. the * . Vvwvvvvvvw,.Vw%ov�,vvwk"ko�owg^^AAAA%^P#VVV
form Associatian, as gathered: from.litive a soothing eveCt, arid she asks I)eginning-then" performing only 16, Che. aral or Shoulder. , . 1. .. - .. ... 1. I I . ^^^A-%� 1. �
- � -- 1. . I . - . .
. the fortune.. sterton, And* MayllUg. . * — I I
s6, Starfiford Hill, a -'for more. ' 03--;ia'ge's come second In functiofts. of the middle -man -to ,t vc.1 � argued -that the easlest way.to win a . ATrdid 'leaning o t bQws Or, tboy . . . . - --
i L U. be el . I I .. -- --- I . . . . . � L.
. will bocome'rougli aud.ugly and s I , . �, I I . . � 1. -
]ionic for women in conn..ection Nvithivalue for tbis-purpose. ' Lemon. ' i* ' 'fortune was to mar�y one. I I poll
� I -1111uO large producing cnf�erpnsc which runs . .
the Salvation Army., . in hot water is helpfuil ,in a CaSO Of into. .. . I . the contour of the arm. Battle th r p w
.1 � " . . e c Me . . I em -
rie-jainting *instead of brandy.. - 11 I . .
. the millions, NVItlithecomfugoftbeathl"Oe r- $1.50* Roatid.T "I � L Q1'00�0.ne.Way` .
No flesh ormustard, pickles, vi . I It goes without's . � as (mrefully as.tbe hands. I . . . . L. . . ..
ayiltip then thaAl.the he 'b.qd Seen his,opportualty to win. . I � � CRILDREN HALF FAI�E.� - - . I �. I .
� . . and lie had pr6.5sed- . tile Advantage . 'irs whle'� give Ali' L . . I . . ... . 3AGGA(JE F.P,E,E. . I
gar, and the like is used in thehome, -The treatrnent ,of a very, Severe - T%IeKim. Agency. 1,s in closer touch with. - Long. Straggling ha L ' ... . . � . - . I . . ..
. _ I . I L . . . .
. I . . .
ISO( . . I . appparance of roughness to�r the eye- . T . . .. � I
. .
The (fiet consists of grains, nuts,jpalls'i 'a',' tb4t 6f a slave -to opie.un, ,was : thbL 'publisW,rs ..pl-the DoIninio th.-�n hard.-, Now lie was training Dolly for . � . GODERICH TO DETROIT .. .
I aas, milk cheese, grapes, oraage!k, I . . . . I A ' 1. L I . 4 . . . . . .
.be L Sh6 W`3S-LPut to IIA arid attended n, Y'ht , , tile 1 -idles' race, which, was to be a, brows way be. teraiiorarily rer0olved ' ' ' ' � . I . � �.. L . I . .. I
.. I 11 . % - any other-firin, andlare.therefotd' able . ' '
stewed figs and prunes,' banamis ana and day ; - lfom�tpatbi d modi e! 11cs were feature of the coming week's sports. With tweezers -or permauently by elec
. �
. ot " n3ah-Ing, the in - I ... . I. . . . .
... . . . . I
, I
. . . ; There I IL ,, ' , . - 19th ' . . .
. . ' . to get the-ir,ost reliable iii1ori-nation. ,trol.vst,;,. � I � L, -'L' "'
-t and adn�inistcred every bout. for And lie AY, J U N rE, �
I her fruits, andplenty Of iiin . f3x,�Y- I., -�hi, Price. of the, lq,�'6 Directory is I W111S . . DStl'�f his
marmalade. On this dlet it has been eight hours ; she was fed With hat $2,00, . � ... . opl)ortunitles. - I . . . . s a beauty specialist who. its, C .. . L . . . - I I . . & . .
I .
found that the most ,)rostrat Is 1 milk and grapes :Alternately for - three, . .. . . .1 I . -'ruzee, whom he chose Sums— hat' - AniS, that there ls-ridth. � - .. . . , , . . . ol . . . 4 . .
v cz.sL I � � Blount and I .P.Itj_
I . . , . . L . L
. �
- ays ,, hot and T' � - L - I to.reg"Ird as his di-.4appoluted rivii1s, '1119 to coalvare with, -the .pilio* nap, . . T'ILNERARY . OF THE L
are up in less than a fortnight, wltere� 1 d. urkls�h baths also . . . I . I . . . . 1, I .� L I L
-is when me -at was a part ot the diet, helped to induce Sleep, In three . I . . 'hL 1; It . , I L Eleventh Annual Excursion
., . . . persisted In runnhig their oars� Over i's S - (mil. it. )r Producing beauty, .
,paticnts oft(n had to remaln in bad weeks her mind was clear and li,�'r . A VEGETAULE 'CONTSTIPATION. Alic triangular course on Which tbe' Tll� SleOP111�- -out of doors fad ln I'down . - 1. . I I . L . .
I .
. . . I
,. ` races were' to . I � . . . .
for weeks and evcq months. ,-conditionnormal. - , : , CURE. L .1 L be tried, and Dolly 10 Mro" dlqYs, aud.otbor ... darftl' to - . I . . I
. .. . L . . I L Because they Contain: mercury, . a,Ad wtixea .more 'Ungl"V Caeb volds whivii, call forth renion . 1.
- . I .. . . and L more , 1. I . . nstrances . , GODERICH—DETROIT , I
- ------.I--- . —r!-��mn�n�----- I mineral salts' many pills ,are hirsh. tim6"the cars passed them with the from ,old fashioned - Persons will' be . . .
. - . 7--. - I ' , . . . I . I
. 4 0 . The easiest and, safest lUative is Ar, "honit" that was capable of so Inaliy thro�vn ta,U) the shade, the.spe6lillist . . I I .
. " " "******"""*O0000******"*O000**004060$* . . L . . . . . 1UNE 1909 *, * L .. L
L .1 . . . � . - . I , Interprettillons. L I. Says, by ,this now beauty Sled,). Slie . . . . I . L
.L . I HfUnilton's Pills of Mandrake, and . � . . . . . .
I . . I . .. . . . I . : �Buttornut TWy . clean the stomac.h, V, -bat made It worse was th'it shii Phices t1iree liti.le rose jeaf pillows. .. . . I . . .
. I * : intestines a WJ bowolg-drive , out really cared for I)udlvy Blount.. had % * vhloh Site calls' car pillows, under A, . I L . Steamer Greyhound I . I
# The News. -From Goderich I I ; waste matter, tone the kidnq�, -aud sho was both hurt.aud angry ,at the. Pilth-MIG btad. Hellped on the couch - L I . . L .
. i I
I . . . alm fashion In which he lind AlItin- "13A ;91201 A way as to rest the nerves" . ,. � . . . . . I 1. I .
I .
I I . (lorever cUre constipation. As a geA- c . W141TE STAR LINE I L I .
ELOISE A. 51KIrIM1140% Correspondent I I j�ral. tonle and syst ni cleanser no doned all -effort to wln bar f6mbr, when 'Ire otbe'r pillows tilled wlth� various . . . . �.
. . ,a . th- she had decided (lint walking wds tJI6 Co.inpounid.s. There are. three large . IL � . � I I . . -- I I I . I
. . . . iing is so' mild And officient. as Dr. 11 I I I I . .
I : I thing. � squnre pffloo' I I I LEAVE DETIkOtT POR CODERICH . I
, . * I Ha,n, I . $ tille(I with pino u6edl6s
# I 0 . Itor's � Pills of Mandxake and . . .
**** 0444 **** *4"* *"* t*** *"4* 6"**4*4 "***+#**#*4+*#9 Butternut. Sold everywhere in ,r)(511Y bad expected that he %would 100selY'Paeft-ed and several of clover . . Friday, Juno Istli, 8 a.m. 0011trAl Tim'e. Ai1rIve0odet1ch6':S0P.W.
. . . 250- uulkO 901110 f',gbt ngalult tbd new fad, toP And lavender. . ' . Special TrAln leaves Goilericli for, Clinton and Way . I '.
. . . . . 11:30 P. I Stations
. I of ateaLner from moowiglitTrip. I
Air. James Johnston of the Ucel . n,,. on arrim ,to StrAtford .
Mr. Barker is now manager of t1w , box"s . * � � .. . b0t 1118tead be had laughed when she Wonien who are conipelled to do . -- I �" - - — , . I
Rigs factory nowoccupies the brick Wood department oftheorgan. fac- - - urged him to take up the exetvNe.- * drueli bouSeworl'. and w. hose fingers are .� I . I LEAVIL GODERICR FOR DETROIT . � .
cottage on East Street, lately ownvd tory, �.hnce the illness 'Ci Ur. Angus - . ' . "Vold would do woIf to leave the oat vonstautly,111 wd�Lor,should try tile plan SaturdaY, June loth, 9.40 a. m.. panwim Tillie, stopping tit port Iturob. .
. . I ot w. I
. - I an,d occupied by Mr. Horney. I McKay, I . . SPI!,CIAL HDITIONS, . In the garage for AWfille," she mun- aShing their blinds in the ordinary. .. . Atrite at Detl,olt &oo p. W, . � .
solt-d. "A'Valking Is good ior you." Way Ulth so.qi) And water. and while � (Sunday � in Dettolt, �iToledo, Pat-lkl-1311Y or Cleveland.) . I . . . . .
� .
I � .
. The Judges at the ro, ter rinl� cxtw- I Mr. Prang has sold his fne"'. bri--%. The (I nadian Sportsmen. ,,, ' 4 get plonty of that when the tar wet of rubbing dry salt well over the A SPOCIal Excueslon Train from StrAtford thomorning of iYunt loth, a .
I . val were Messrs. J. Orecii, Murdoch A,sid(nee, a I
MeLcod aUd Hector Rays, ' on ""t'orn "�t'l t6 �Nlr' A copy of it sl)ecial edition of the brenIcs dt)wII,,, be reminded her, III euticle. This will remove nil grime ping at Mich Dtiblits, Seafortil, Ciffiton aud 11olmeaville,
% a) av, M d- Alex. McNevin o11Q of thp
Ir I , eillp'lly"'s (Iinadian-Sportsnim has re . top- .
Ladies of tb�, (]our in,ill. Xtr. 11rang til'; rE v Led keep the linndw . 11 .
I cd - 1he prizes as follows - ache" th"Is gueqc( I'll sti(Itc to WheOlg. Dolly. mind land sh.11tis and will .,,,.a arelve fit Goderich 0 a, ni.
fniation I#t you do the walking," � Prom wifighaili,ila -te., tsdco tftornin,�
i Mooth and white. A Slice of lemon , ,13eiarioe, i I train. June loth, contleetif tit
11r. 1�illiam Bl&!(C regarding the llsport� ()I Itings, and of . ton S. 40 a. inq With SPOCIM Train for ooderith, �
Fancy -Miss Lulu Philips, 0mv (Orl , a houqe owned kyy I office "a Is replete with into
Miss Mnrgaret Lawson, Peasant Girl ; ncar'tliz stand pipe, f)�lly bad .shrugged bar ehooldets to is Invaluable 'for preserving 'the Iwo Alsts & speciAl ExCUMOn TrAin front Onelph, E'lralrd, eta., via .0. p. 1%, � .
� Cas the mdst famous horses In thL1 ,1111108 'show her Indifror6fule, but she Was teXtUto of the skfn And Should bu I � . I I
Gents Fancy��14. tleman, Sailor I I Captain T� 14.' TirittWway w(nj; 11�0 of racing. Tho Canadian ,14portsint'n none, the less hurt AMI nogry And 1)ro- mblied over the liands while washing. I PROM DET110IT UTURNING TO 0009glCH' I .
C� Hayes, Indian. Ladles, CO'aic- to Port Arthur, Ifayinil ht,en g(ftt it)r was founaod tbirty-njnc years ago, is ,*,(1ed to show marked Interest- In One woman whose skin is the Ad. Leave Detroit Motid4r, 3une Mat
Miss Annie Ross, Warket Girl-, Mlss:io prospect so.,ne ,I W`() P. M, Port Iturdn 5:80 p. nt. Atrlt6
. n nCh9 Property in today at its best and 0garded as a �Nylliig tn order to t 00(lerich 0. 30 P. tn. . I
N'na Kerr, Chvyenno. 0clits' or ,J�oysl -,hat region. � teaeh 1116unt a inlrAtion of -nil washes her fado,, Witp, I . ..Spodal 1'ridne learis Godora(di 11,91) p. in, for 01intot, Viii 0.1ni 8trAtf6rd, . . .
I (A., Comie-Joe Kelly and Oerild 1',,Md, . I-011016-M-Abority by all Interested in lesson that lie seemed too Indiffeleent lukewarin water. the best toilet sot.)) I, Guelph, glikilra, eto" oil ardVal of stegimee froin Peoltro E, . I
)ust twins. to learn.
. 'old 1 CA'Aan T. C. Trefljewgy and bli racing and racilig stock. -
G . I bride, Arrived at 'Pcttv.aaa(�' (�ft�ltlj _ . . and it piece of soft old flaptiol enal. I 17110M 00DERtCH RI&TUPINING,TO J)EitgolT I
Court Ooderipli V. 0. F., will attewl .%I, I. An Pra:,or's red car passed them for 0911i 1110011 fettillig and rubs It Very .
. ay and on Wedne9diy Nvpq, ill � I . '0110Y U!)WAfId wIth an old linen tovwil, � t0a,V460oderichoh 14st trip for lbetrolb`.VuesdAy, June o2od,at 8:80 A, tn,, .
.service in North street church an the' gllpst,s of T, It. Tretlwway.,, I I , . About tlie tenth time Ili their eirenit (Soto the Time 8: 40 a, rn.0 Canada Tinie) . . .
second Sunday in Jime. Mrs. 11ussy of Ashf101d 1.4 bulld;n-, It Chalnuirlain's CoUgh Romody Owl YDest of tho course Dolly had it sliddcn- in. Then obe sips A cupful of bot wAtar. -- , , I I
t The 33rd Regimprit on the Market. apirdtlou. In the wortiffig gho daslieg cold water I hteddir *111 65 96fVed In th4l b6aittital dinivix r6obt for this Uduftlon m sot.
will sta into, pretty new house on Anglespa ,14t, ' ' I ,q ,hav(,. used Chamberla Ws Cough 11.11r. I'llount 1� lift gray, car t4unot over hor faeo And nock ano pAts It Luooh..at the Louth Coumet, I
. camp at London on Tuesday June 11�xt- Mr. it-nd Mrs.. llran�, intefitl to If%' dry with a Turkish towel and stpA a - . I ill I -- A & F F f 11 I .
for twelvt days. I've Itenledy tiod Mid it to bo the best ()n be far bobind," all(,- "Id. I'Let us oet- 'on at Goderleh, 0,
We called upon Mrs. Dawson, M -11t- in a �,,bort time, for V.a,n&)uver, wh,rO the mirket," says EL W. Tardy, (,di- tend th,it %ve (In not bear And WAk,j ellpful of hot water agaln. ,1�bo has G,Zaeriel ;:; Moonlight Zilduftl ;; .
I 1 -they intend to reside in futurc-. 1rh,Ar jor ()i Tile . %tftd *0 never W10(l A costrietto And nttributeg , Leava D60 8,86 O'clock FdAy evening, ,Tuild 18th. . I I
lanq street, on 1Vvdiv%,T,1y (I 1, Ik ,%vnt1n(,l, Gaijisboro,,Tcua. bIrn talco the s1de of the road In, gxdtifstod Train " USUD61 ftota Rtratford tLud Way stattons, I .
I . �St Soni is w�w preparliag liffilself at th� "Our bahy bad spvcral cold'.4 ih(* J),1L!Jt III)o .you think that he will?, dslt�d 1110 bollilty of her skin to the generona, - . .
, �1 I I WHO I
, 0
I *4 I
weelf, And found li(-r in fair war of' re. J,Siratft,rd 11minvas Call�ge, to , nuotis y 1114o. of water, both Internally and exter, WRITZ STAX UNZ U. X AYIDIft, Zrouraldn A96nt .
covery. Her boy's foot too v� lec",- winter alide ChAnIbetlain's, Cout.rh Rem. iNltl,vll?)g 1) I I 9
. V U 9(1t-.Pat1v them. ... edy always gavp it r(Ttl at ("tice aa(I "Of eoilt-se be will turn'oiftt,ft baid ":L'Y, .
. ' -
"ng till rlgllt' but She wag V($ry $;()r -I ROM, Ur Xlemcnt is bavin,t, th- Cured it in a slAort time, f alwa,�s Dolly confldenoAy' 11110 wowt try to I excurmon,trains fil"O"', Wi.-Ighafn and Stnttford.
rV that AnDthitt son bad .quifered tllt� trimmIA-i of llig 11ous(i, painted rpil. recommend it wlCik opportunity pto- pull ug (lown, and wbon be so" thAt , , I Through ticketri to Detroit t.n I return. on .sale by MR, agents
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loss of his ftger And thumb tit the I Mwq Ritturah, 11rmvit paid' a visit spntS itself,,, ive, do: not Intend to wov-l� out ho Wfu . tleptitt it :"981illohlo Cure W Frow Milton $.#1.1.00. Froh) Londesiboro $2, 05. Also opeoid
-�organ fA I've, to tani-11 .
, ttory. � to Toronto on Thursday last. gists, For ,,ale by, all drug -1 Ili 11141-1 , . I train to the moonligfit gs usu4j.
I I Ways Ouf�i =y tot.glis and .qolt1i.11 ' I
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