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The Clinton News-Record, 1909-06-03, Page 1
The Clinton � News-l�e�ord. tNP 01 P A COMING EVENT. COUNTY LOOKING WELL. THE BAPTIST CHURCH. Personals. ► New Advertlsementa b + } Mrs.. Thos.. Stanbury of Oak F'ttrk, Mr. William Graham, who leas aa- Pastor Charlesworth will reach on. p Mr. 'Frank O'Neil returned home es- Excursion -»J, .Bailie -5 f Illinois, formerly of Clinton,, leas is- t rasion to travel mach about the coup- Sunday next when his %Beets will be: terda y „ „ , y from Mogsejaw, Bask. Ready -to -we -M � .����� + ;sued invitations for the n}anlage of t ty, says the Etna weather of the past' Morning, Sonship and. heirship , � Mr. N he youngest daughter, 1.1ta I:ouise, Week alas zttade a wonderful difference Eveiu:�try . " ,: Peter Ker left. this mprnin far of Leaving --J. Roberts -5 t y, g �, The Tem tti,tion of Jesus, g Y t p Aberdeen,. South itakota. Teacher Wanted John Woon-a: to Mr. Eifion D. Hotchkiss of ,lie- t a,nd that the grain, grass and fruit is Cow for Sale -Lorne 7` nd troit, the event to take place oa ...coq now, as a zule, as Jar advanced as last A• BIG TROUT. I4Tr. O,1MbILvein of Toronto spent a' Tyndall -5 d e ll 16th, The bride-to-be its a natitve of year at the same time, few da s of last week in town. Take Notice- Plumsteel Bros. --.d y I On Monday Mr, Norman Kenned?k x Hot Weath,r-S. C. Rathwell- 4 this town. DO PORKERS PAY. caught a 2'G -inch trout in the Ba fivld Mr. James Stevens goes to LondotF y t Waterworks -D. L. 1Vlacphexson 5 WHITE DYKES -ENTERTAINED. River just south of town. It weighed I to -morrow to attend Conference, { Weli-z'urnistied--Hoover &Ball-$ Mr. H Wh.te, who has peen attending Mr, D. Cantelon made a shfpmenir oA 3;t Pounds and d;ffering in some point:>a Roomers 'Wanted . Mrs. Connell -a ' Is a. poser for Many puzzled people. ' Pardon The White Dyke round having an out- 167 hogs Fast week. The largest de- from, the regular speckled trout school here, has returned to. his Goodyear1 of -town engagement for 'Thursday ev livery; made to him was by Mr, )'has. ;Mx. Andrew McGarva, who sailed, sev l � Dome to H=all. , We ltd Fred• Jaekspn--1 ' ettin next will give, , an out-of-door Dole ort Goderich townsjti vvho irr0u ht oral Stock Breeders -J. L. Richardson -5. the f�uggestion that our judgment and e- g $ t P g years upon the Pacific Ocen, pro -'Miss Zella .Whitely of I,ondesboro, a€. concert on Tuesday evening instead, tin ten six -months. , porkers which. pounced it a salt water salmon, . Mr.: ter spending a .week to town as After last Thursday avenin s concert Wei bed 2140 hounds. and xei lized W. Jackson thought otherwise, how» returned o ' h ' perlence may be of some aid. Presents of y �' � , � t her home. Remembers Rebellion. of '3 the bandsmen were entertained to :$160.50. Mr. Cole believes that rais- ever, and his classification proved to Mrs, .John Hartley is in' Fordwicht'thid 7 Silver, Cut Glass,. ,Art Good and Chins are dight refreshment in Nimen's cafe by fug porkers pays,, be correct. ' week attending Mr. E. E. Ball, one of their numb er. g the funeral of her THE LOCAL MARXET. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. � , Mrs. Edward Armstrong.!� aunt always 1n order, Styles and prices right; HOLINESS MOVEMENT• CHURCH. � J W Wheat $1.25 to $1.28, j On Sunday last the Rev, C. Mr. J. Elliott tizs been, tr,tits C. Evangelist. W. G. Burns of Smith Outs 50c. ;,; R. Gunne conducted 'missionary Sarnia and Petrolia ejfot,icts this Falls will commence another series of Peas 85c, services in Lucknow, and St. wcelk• looking up drivers for his evangelistic services in .'Clinton. The Barley 55c. F Helens. The pulpit here .was occupied i big livery. , wo on# Hell a� y first services Will b'e held in lrhe meet•+ Butter 15.c to 16c, b Ruv, 1VIr. Tanrock of Hydo Par1r,' visited ,. ,E1,mong those from town who . Toro 0 10.30 a. in. andt1.00hp1Im. eek a ght Lies Hogst$7.50, inuche a prec ated b�rthgYcpn1ere ati wereht W. Jt Thursday Yerry ridgy, . Ing place, and anct Week tum- eweletr and O tEcran. Cllndonc, and should he come to Clinton ga st C. Twitchel„ A. T. Gdoper, , P g • � services, at 7.30. Later announcement Wool washed lac to 17 J. W. Newcom�ie, will tie made of Gospel Fent services Wool unwashed He to Ile. ho,,wvill 'be gf'adPy zecetved. John Maeketiiie, , which well be conducted in i;linton i Mr, John Ransford conducted mLs. Mr. Many Watkins has been Ill for duringthe summer. y y , Past week, for a few days rater - AN AUCTIONtfER FOR, 40 YEx�RS. sionar services tri Tr. nit clxarch the ROYAL BANK •CHARGE, The name of Mr. David 14c4lison of Mitchell, on Sunday last, er seriously so, but he has pow s` w +town does zot, appear in, the revised At its meeting on Tuesday evening considerably improved and it is. hop q Mr. E, � R: Dewart,. local .manager of list of auctioneers as sent out this the A: Y. P. A, •decided , to. servo - ed. that he Will shortly be his form - the Royal Bank; is receiving ptolho- iweek, by the county 'treasurer. rorty- luncheon .in the council chamber of or genial self again,. He has always tion by being transferred to. Montreal, tthree years a'gp Mr. Dickenson was the town, hall, on July 12th: The fol-� been so robust -lad active that _being Mr. He is a thorough banker and has appointed Division Court bailiff and lowing were appointed .a comitlittee, Of, housed up goes hard with ]rim, Fred Rum4all. built management , 'for the luncheon : Mr. rep a good .business for the troy- three years later. he took up wuotion- . g �- _ _. Mr. Fred. Rumball is now past the al her©, leering which he has now dropped' on and Mrs. A. A, I1111, Miss Mabel Cbiff three-quarter century mark and eon- His successor is 1Vfr, Russel Mann account of iIl health. and Miss Gladys Herman. Londesboro.- tinues to bear his years very grace- ing, who has, had several years, exper- ience, i fully, He has a ver in Tisdall's A BUSINESS CHANGE. A FINE ORGANIZATION. Sunda moratin last a• strange dog y retentive memm- private bank and Y g cry and recollects incidents in the of late as manager for the Sterling, Vit' Mr. James Rogers of.Guelpli. has 1. The Citizens' band are now free to was seen prowling around the village Mackenzie rebellion of 1837 when he +Dunganno.n: 'His many:'old.ftl; nds here in an uncomfortable mairAcr. Several bought out tiie photographic business accept any engagements oliexeii, This j was in his third year, and 'in the are glad to see -him located; in - their of 11ir. J, Roberts: The gallery will organization has a fine instrumenta- of the citizens not caring for the mind's eye can se© his fattier and the midst again: tion of reeds and brass ver evenly looks and actions. of the canine kept. , able-bodied men . of the neighborhood bo closed for •a' few day$.,aird will op Y y tab on' him, In the afternoon it was TO -NIGHT'S CONCERT. ea next .Monday with all the ixp to . IVA14nced and in good condition to fur- start on foot and in Indian file. for date styles i+n photos. Mr. - 'Rei ers Aix h.• a full 'musical progr' iu ipr learned he lead bitten, several of the g p g a gar-' Sandwich Rvhexe the Loyalists rallied; The program for to -night's band oras had ten years experience'in Guelph ' tlen parties, lawn socials, moonlights dogs in the village and' this together concert will be as' follows : I and other places and will guarantee or any entertainment where good, up= � with his. queer, action led parties to March 'Winner" E, Hazel work of the highest class. tri -date High-class music is. regiu:red, l believe ane dog was afflicted with by- March •'i The band now numbers over iwent drophob a, A regiment of about #or- i Waltz Caronsola " 7J, . Hazel � Y Bau�eld. Two..Step 'Dancers 'Delight'! E. W. LITTLE LOCALS: members. and have spared' no pains to �ty strong was soon formed and pur Barr organization .a'credit to tb, sued brute, .'shooting and scaring A session .of the division court was make the ed the Berry Y Major Hay .'of Stratford was in town; An ;important feature is the. frim until Iife was' extinct.• The, - head held in the village on Friday last; The BANK March '.'141acon Cadets Southwell charge of the meeting in the S, A. of the dog was sedt. to Toronto by � Judge Holt Presiding. There was onl h j�Y(,LS:ONS � Maltz `+Henrietta" lighting system they carry with them i 8 � hall last night. the medical health officer for inspec- one case that of: Woods vs. Harrison INCORPORATED. 1855. Solo "Selected" •: E. I: Paull The shod stores will 'close : at 6.30 consisting of a light 150. candle-power. , P , tion. Ca fiat Pald u - $3,500,000Rost Fund $3 500 000 Waltz .: "Luella'•' : A. J. Weidt ac ' ' ni strong and capable .of Iuritishing>light . and until the M. bI. U. gets � � concerning , a horse deal. Judgment P P ► , e In ew a ng' eKcep6t .Saturday ana ev- for ver report of the, condition of the • do al for plaintiff wxtlt costs, Gavotte .."Sunshine 1i). Hazel e s fore tiolida s: y . large lawn as. well as . g+ c '''' " g y for the use of the. band. Patrons will the dogs o[ the vi loge,that were vie- Miss r Has 65 Branches. In Canada March „'Love Letter 1.1. F. Neilsson An advertisement eallin �f r n , f Carter and. Masters Garnet,' ,, t,`. g. o tr den) f . and A b principal s' Medley. Good NJ' ht R. E. Reldieth ind• the secretary, M-4. SIV.` G. Moffatt; time of the 'mad, dogs .biting. wilt be Jaek and Grenville 'Athinso n gents and Oorre, pondents in all the pi ipa cities y g the construction of the watetworli I n of Dc�, in the world. God Save the King, ; s stem's cars on e fiv . a very',pleasant gentleman; tq.. deal Wept shirt up, •It Is also stated the troit and Miss ', Chesney. of Scaforth y P ag , with and he bas'sp.ared no labor to .-dog. had been .lik .certain dwelling bous- I arrived lasts aweei: , d h tc ' -� A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. TRANSACTED BASEBALL. The clam, classes at the. e..G, I. k , es and around with .chtl&f.n lit they un ave to etipos� are busy g tna c the Citizens .band the success session of ane cottage, on,tlic; hill for latero ctassea after four ful organization it now is. ,villace:but'in none of the cases, were the summer:. The local baseball team played an now, and. on Saturday, of it i i.00n4. the chii.dren bitten. The iio s that .SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT exhibition game in Blyth on Friday The pulpit; of- Ont. St. - church will WINS TRADE BY -DESERVING IT. pare shut'u are vl g ; dogs, ri : , Mr,- Vharles Macdonald of Toronto p, how lin and w a ng was the nest of ]tis parents,. AT . ALL BRANCHES. evening last, and, were defeated 16 to � tie occupied .next Sunday.morning t r r cn � p ents, . Mr, and Interest allowed at hi hest current ate. y P g g Mr. Chas. H lland and in t to • ing The non -advertising merchants do heir on the diad dog a the cause .1VIrs.. George NTaedonAld, a few days In r st w g r R 13:in a ver poor game, tlXore. bean o a .. he t,n. g of their housing; 1 . maoy, errors err both sides, The C1in» b Mr. C., S. Hawke; not. seek your patronage, your atter-i the past week, tour line u was : R. Johnston "' • tion. or favor -so. why could you con- :l,a5t.week.`Messrs.` Leiper & .Moon Miss •Ma ie Va st l A baseball. match between the fl tri had ;the misfortune to loose their.l Vanstone , and friend of Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager Iib., -C. Riley db and p,, W. McConnell , Y for them Tile .progressive merchants ,, Goderich were the guests of her sis- g and. Clint an Y: M. G. A. baseball teams a attention to . „ •celebrated Clydesdaic -stallion Derry ter, Mrs':.'I`tiomas King, s,s.,�T. Hawkins c., W. Earley p.'and pay Ypu, thus_deservtnJ „ I, on Sunday. . may- be played ori the grounds of the . to have our-, attention in return;' Down, indigestion trelag tire cause of 3b., A. Alexander 21., W. Johnson c,'latter next Tuesday evening: , Y death, The anitual was. only sick Mr, and Mrs. Adam' Thomson of They are on their mettle, :ill th- Y f., M: McEwatt l:f,; G. Gudmimdson Goderich -spent Sunday in tike village, r.f.' Mr. John Ransford shipped. 48 'ex time, to secure :values fore. you that about 24, hours. No : insurance Was h latter' s'. carried: so :the loss will .be over $1000. t e guests.of the latter s. sister, Mrs. Goderich ' aad' Clinton ':will, la n cattle'last Frflap and 11Ir.C: II, will stand inspection 'the , .'will stand . 1.READYMADE ORDERED P .' . iCowvie. . _ 1., » .,Reid,.shipped two carloads of albeit 'advertising. Tho. fact that -he ,.silver-" F.ey; II•. ir. Currie -left; Puesday • the park this evening and,a well con i g 1LL�L1Sjl .� CrQUkS ers.and butchers the same da .• tfses laces u o the •merchant -'the morning to attend conference atLon- CLOTHING Rev.' tiV: L. Hiles is attenduig. Con CLOTHING CLOTHING' tested: game. is .expected.: Play. wild bo; Y P P tt g ference . at Lon to -at 6.20. Chief: Wheatic . has been es ceL,,tii . necessity to .'."make good --to,` meet don don .this week. Mrs. . K , Y P . y 1 Hiles wily spend the week ;under:. the busy in his garden for some mornings live comPetLtion-to 'buy. Well'so. as. to loll. and 1LIrs:' Geo. Longman paid a THE. Y. M, G. A. parental roof,at Kirkto*". past • in planting lour hundred gladiol- be able to sell' to your profit as well flying visit. to' Clinton Tuesday ;: oi.. The meeting of 'th; Count ; us.'.. The Chief's garden is a fragrant -as h:s own!. ; He is placed under a peri this week; • , , ( Dr. .Smith . is attending the meeting i; • quarterly g t y spot in the summer- time: petual test- and M Must emerge al- of. the county council at Goderich this Ready~t0~.Wea'r Cgmniittee of`Huron Yi ung Men s g Miss Elsie Adams. of Clinton spent-wyeek4.THEI} VISITED DURHAlv[, ways with :your. increasing friendship. Sundt at home: Christian Association .was Held . i ` y I Mr. Fred .]Beattie -,and Miss Holmes Wingham -on Monday evening, in the He most. work 'for you--wvfth your ap- Thos; Millar had the misfortune to . f Y. M, C. -A, rooms, Messrs.. Cameron - We trod a call Tuesda mornn- Proval even in mind: He must: find have one of his horses.: get.its feet o Seaforth spent~:Sunday in tlic vil» Y Scott, Maxwell, .McNay and Fiem,ing :ftorn Mr. 'and Mrs, Thomas Jackson bargains .for you ; 1 he mush protect, cut. in the barb .wire fence on Mon- gage,. guests at the Albion: Carmen . being present.. In the absence of the Sr. of Clinton.. When: the s oke of you. in styles, : in quarities, in pricers.. day of this week;' Mr. Isaac Richards .crf;,Brussels and things. appearing- dull in Durham we He is enlisted in your service.. Th,_ ,Kohn H, Shobbrook lost one of .his (son, Mr. Richards of New York, were chairman and vice-chairman, .the, . g PP g c.. non -advertising merchaitt is not. the [rests of the former's mother t;i !f county -secretary,. : r.• Ficin ng was' sfmpiy - agreed with diem tha. we i black' arses Monday of this week. g w, �. I Tim "QUALITY elected 'to act as chairman of - the ha,dn t As muc?Y activity as had a w ng am es. IIe, was drivin out of the, barnyard Mxs Richards, a few,days this Week. 'OfYe • have J ttslr re- . � : � neeting• and- Mr, .I: H. Cameron acted few plats 'ago. We thougYtt as •Mrs: TO CAMP NE XT'. WEEK. , when. the' horse stepped oto'.<t ' piece of lliessrs Dext ,?i itzsfmziions, and' Bert. : CeIved bur dery stock g y Jackson y ' as xecordin-seexe,tar After . d©vo- } • , formerly lIrs. Middaugh, had' hoard. which flew up inflicting a severe. McRae,of Cliiytgit spent Sunday •in'thl� I' Of Spring and SUmtnex' Cignal exercises 'the minutes . of tho'bcen a long time in the hoteL,business On Feb. 24fh 1$33 Company I�Tp: 4, wound in the horse's body which caus». villa e nests at .the -Commercial. r the Clinton of tile' 33rd . Re iment 'Was g ' g Baits, :wlaieh comprises p evious meeting were read and adop-. y. would be attributing the dull -,.Clinton, g ed its death. mhe'Ba field football teain la ed a . Y P y ail the newest shades ted. Owing to the resignation of Mr. i ness to local option. We wer,hurpi•dsi- transferred to. Capta, n Combe , .: wlio .Archie watt has sold his, driving friendly game with the. Varna teamlote Fred. Mill and the 'decease of 141r, ed, however, when Mr. Jackson ex, has had sixteen years service in horse to W. Lyon, ISaturdt y evening lasl6on the Tatter's unci styles t0 Ch009e Stoneman • of Hensall ' and in obscro pressed ,his delight; in the leasure of `that -grade. In points, of seniority. he Rev, •N• M. Leckie ,is prep'arin to' y " Y p , grounds, resulting'; .in a victory : for from. We Can sive you vane : of the recommendatio.i>, of h;s visit Which was. 'so enjoyable 6n nowv -ranks next td the Colonel and .leave Lotrdesboro, .hay.ng shipped his � d a score f - t the t the'account f the absence ' � and.the next azette is ,ex ected to coli household goods this week; Mr, Lee- g yhcl s' ore o 2 to e T1 _ , ;,�, g some extra values tllle reset loon committee of . the o e bee ce of drin,.c and g P o g game- was clean. and favi,' The Bay- W.,F ftt:r Isla ' L. u' k ai .notice of his 'a `.ntment, as k' left Wednesday morning Ham - season `,•`'` <fl, , season R hich ar st " convention .that the number• dr. n Inness sand, then both .joined fn t n PPo ie t Wec ne aq Ino n g foz H field line-up was as follows a . e the servin on tile to gay that a local ti 1 t Major.. : ii on but will .. rctttrn .to reach his v•.>3� t = g i e ounty .committee be Y option b aw would ] . t b to.preach . h bet C S we have ever - , -. ( ..:. Y . . _ ... ,: .. .:: Goat, Geo;. Greenslade. .. .. . .een. increased to .a It vas n6d s' r be submitted. in theft town: at,.t w i command farewell*, sermon' next Sunda Mrs.. , . e sa y, to he No. 4 Comp;iny is. no . n t , y. • Bache, G ,Cameron .and E. StUrgeotyt add five new. mets to the. committee; 1next •municipal.,elect on acrd the ho of Captain Rance who has been trans- Leckie' «,ill: visit lio> molly frhends { y . 11- P Half Backs, .G,, :Turner L. Kin and Our 6.50 Suits are On the recommendation f tile county. and'believed' believed' 'it and e'e carried. , xet r. ' de will act:, as here. until Al:onda next. when, she anti o It y -would b a relied from E e I Y M+ Toms. all . made secretary the.foliowin live men' nam-. Much credit was given to the a the r he Ca which o IVIr. Leel ie 1cai-e. fTam good; Y g s g a yk Junior Major at t Camp P Forwards, W. Murray,. 1.1. Stun es were added i Mr. J. McNay .of..E - Kahn House was now conducted ' b ens at London on Tuesday next, Messrs. , and Kerr of Clin- ,� tr reliable . Tweeds • and . �' g y p peon, J:• Parker, M. Ross acid mondville Mr. T. E. Handford of Ex- I Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, Everything, � The 'regiment will be only hall...ton were in • the w illi e Monda of Worsteds; Well made 1 Y g,y o )' Bruce Moore. eter Mr. R. N. Young of Carlow, the said • was. clean comfortable and, strength fifteen, m•en to each com- this week and with others assiSitecQ. an ' , y • , , s g Referee, I Elliott. x (s fl} d very St fish . ay Mr, James Fox of Brussels.and. Dr. quiet,"rrndemn it a real -pleasure to an •'lhe..officers' commanding will Mi. Leckie with the packing of his u t c will e: played hero y. G ( P : Y g The ret rn .ga n v b P i' tit . maple epactal at 6,50. W. Thompson of Clinton; iv1r. F'ox be guests at the house, They , never cCnsnst of colonel, motor, medical of furniiurc:: Saturday avenin to serve for three years, Mr. ;McNay' dreamed that Durham Would carryvlocti floor, quartermaster, . chaplain, 4 cap- Just thfnit oC'the granolithic . side- Rev, Tlind .occu ted the pulpit of Our X8,00 and $10 i P P P • . s.u.. l :elf for .two . ears . Messrs, Randford, . al option, and the b&ieved that Mr, twins 8. lictitena,nts and 30 ii::il-corn- walk you ire to have this, summer >� tett . y y y , + Trinity ehi:reh .on -Sunda last in _'rho MR �f Isfl .,: Salts are the beat Vale Y.oukg and Dr, . Thompson ,for . ane;'Panquharson's,letter had trAch to do'' officers. from the Metbodist churcll .hill to bsetrce of ev. Condell who was- cY ! a R , ties wive have ever year. The treastiier s report showed wvtth the vietory. Durliam Chronielq. Tito 4 tiattcrinaster, �Mtitor lMc'Pa - join the waIle already laid in front of f g y preachitig'4'Stxinone at Teeswater.. ' a balance of.'$151.10 in the treasury ( g y Y Tho Bcnmiq,er nurseries ntaile L,hglu earl. being ` extra art will leave next.Alooda with th) the Presb. terian church. t DEATH. OF FEL11 HAN'LON, I td1 on Julie 1st. Reports: vera received dvance party from Company No. I '•J. Leiper went to Strathroy thisAnnualspring dblivcry of plants' to our well made, and in good from the . religious. and physical sthild- g p Y ' Mr. Felix Renton, aged over. . eighty- to prepare the camp. week in search of another horse.. village,on Monday. :s + ti Bal I vi n Mo �.: g ity . Both of these ing committees. ]'tans' were submit- t'hve years of age,. died on Monday . at _----=----- The regular 'meeting of thi 'Vbbmen's y the Camp committee for the the residence of his dau hter Mrs. S � Institute will be iteltl on Wcduesday. lines are ;;cad sellers. ted b r g „ x.irxi+W3C3�CE, CxcxU7(`, July Camp. for boys, and it was de- James Dean of Ooderich. Mr, ilatnlon next at the home of Mrs.. J. iVhiddon. • Sdeclal at $8 and X10 � y Y , ' cided to get otit. a prospecus of the was a native of Ireland but came to Subecct, '`The Malta to a Community camp, and application forms for dis- this country at an early age. For of a Wolnen's Institute." ; 4 �lll' X12+�6i X15.00 itribution aiionn those Interested, Thoa some time he lived in the township A lat•gc number came over ?est Sun» , and $IS 00 Suits. are County Secretary gave a detailed re-tof Hullett after which 'he located in, day from Clinton to spend .the after - in the finer trade of port of the spiendfd work done by the Clinton of which lie continued a rest- prion by the, lakeside. Among tlto ' cloths and t tial in •various Associations In the County re -1 for over. thirty years, his house number were, : lIce Rattenburv, , Mercy �i from Jan. 1st to June lei. Itis ic- tieing on the - site of 'Ir. James Towns, Newt DWIls and Be t`Me- t . style and Bnieb. to port showed a total membership oflFlynn's present resideiree. l+ourteerl �y� I+;Wert, any $25.00 Shit. 268 young ti'en and boys rn the six where he spent the remainaex d his W ., .. Assoeiaticns • 7it week -night 131blo' ears ago he moved • to 'Goderich ' m classes with all average attendance of life. Ills wuife, who was a sister, of Aubtuirn Before buying elsewhere glue Our stoelk all 111speCV 10 ; 42 etl.teatictnal meEtings:wftlt an Mrs. Richard 131a1ce of Iluilett; pro- l�w tion'as it would mein mon-oy saved, .As average of 24 in atWndanco ; 11 social,'deceased him sitteEit years, ►,lilt h. ' *^ The baseball team has been r� well ' as satisfaction, events with an average attendance of � following eight children survive thein,' i ��€'� �,, ; ?� , organized, for the season with. thg fol- 30 ; 17 physical events• with an a,t- Martin of Williamson, Mich. i4lrs, , ° ; .� lowing omeers �Etoidance. ndance of 21, and 0 public entertain- i James dean, Godericlt ; Patrick of 5t, j €. . ,3� y iMatiager„ Dr. Ilowson. , ents lvith tin average of over 200 I•n'Ceittralia ; Mrs. J. Flannagan, Rich- : �captai n,• D. Ferguson. `A Square Deal for'Ever Maio There are now 2 cor-lard and James of :Stratford ;,1+«elix of � Sec.-T'reaiurer, Dr. Weir. J � � � t� responding memtbers in the county', and Dunkirk,. N, Y, ; IIL S. Dotnitifcic Rey- i The members of (�ctatt 1)u[rCrin d. _- - 1up to date 54 young men, leaving t'hety holds of New Lisk(ard, The funeral i• • t, i. 0. to. have accepted ari invitation to. r s for otWr parts have• been fol `toglc place Vl`ecihcstlay to the Catholic 3. visit their bxet.licrn Of Court 1'rfao lowetl by correspondepcet and helped in 'cemetery in Colborne, lite services be - home ISHMO RR CRO a tactical way in the faces, to wYiich 1 v �: ` of the We:�t, Londesbaro, on ,, -nday p p ' Ing conducteci by Rev. Tallier ell e, r ? evening, lite lith filet,, When 11ev. J. they have gone 17 Youn% tried have The late Mr. Ilanlon was for, sever ' :' .. L. Small of Myth will Breach a O S t. , tmade a start in leading Bible classes, al years the only mentbtr t)[ the horn- w {: z' C special sermon to them, sudeess e o �i ageas Bros. Clavi:zif gtote t ti ,anti many young men have been belped �• r , Messrs. �:. Robinson and` t). C'la�rkd _- ! 94d t,pliftctl by tate Inguence of the ton Y. rig, C. A. � ori Catltej ecotldtrclbte n of d'��r.in Jollies lliavo exchanged properties and expect Flynn. X331 t7. 0. 1-.. C�(,T_TN'X-TV, 11.1nOWOXIE3 to move their effects at an early date:. it t