HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-05-27, Page 610. V.
'C"14" N16"A"W4
May 27th 1"9
It" I
I -
.11 I � EN-
11 p. , 11-j-;�—
� j,� r �j;l
, i4��
The Wbitnev Govemment Hhe
_ _ , , , I r , , — . -
_ , r � , r — - . - I I
A Mau w" flung from 0, motor cyqle
- - - - - - - - . I
I I - r .� I I , , , , , . . . - , , -
i*0,'- "-"W-"�"M ,, _ I——
I i I! P1 0 I 10 I A 11 I . -"— I . - . . -- N 4
11 -1.1 .;io��, , .
Some eight' or teit yo4k a Mr.
running 4, mile A i"Inuto on a track 46t
I � r. 7 I—— , I I I -, I'�r'-�."Ilp.11.11."'.Illf,,111111,111111111111.1l"I
, , � . 01
Alfret FluntrIck, then a a eat, at
Queem's Universilty, found it ii�cerisary
. Fulffiled lira piecig ,
I . - -1.7 oss
LOSAngeles 0Al, and *wopod without
serious injury.
iiiii; �
I` .
I � rr I
to visitt the -lumber towns
� . arA ,camps
. �
. . . 4 .1
. �
. � 11 . I
in, northern California. This visit
'11, -�
"-""-W1-"""W-* 11
)T rr -
rr �
,� l .
I '
I opened his eyes to a new 104 $or
educational &Rd religious effort. He
saw that thousands iutc1Ii6e.r$t
Though It has hiss
, ,a in. 011100 001Y4 3ailwArand UQuIcIPSI Board* which
little inure thou four vearg, the Whit, ball fruiporied 0, two -cent fare
� RepeAt It :--,'Shiloh's Gure wIll al.
ways cure, my coueas a;.UJ V j 11
o 14 ;.,
of men
,were forced I by their -occupation to
ney. 00yerpulent 41, e&d.r bus f "Poo, All
Qlalled electilic 1`411W 4'au'd dosievolliethilig
evory o"Wof the fledg0prWhiCh Its. leod- W rotectpisablicriglits. fleprossilged
I 11
live many mouths at a, time far rA-,
er made In oppoo tiou. Inappealingtor IbA the, munic
�� . ipalitlait should share its
to the� Province In 1904-s"Mr. ,Whitney
. I
�. . �
moved, fro& the refin, ng influences of
I civilization. r The total AhSbnoe of any
the .contemplated taxation of
lisideirtook.11! gives) the opportisulty,to Cossipanio6. He I has tritsispor.
I 1� a . I
r r 'r
elloVating influence had r
. made these
Camps hotbods- of vice And degrada-
dpal with a numberof queationo assets. the levy upors the railways stud given Is,
�tial to the pUbIj0LWeIf,4ro. U01641014
, ted portiossofitto the Witnicipal Corpora-
a seriver.,of iopectle, reforms
Cure Offected In both c&"rs4
. -
I . JIS I . -
, 10 ft THE
. I , . T -
tion. Tile revelatious mado such a
deep Impreission, on the itudent's mind
wbicb, he tions. Hegal4ba ,would help towns
eat ,.
would instituto once be be no Prom- and village&rto,pecure s, propardloposI&I
, far. He has carriel out every on a of of their sej�gge. Analuesidinerit to the
. brr. F. RaSMUSsoa, L
Or:Rll, MarqU ette
$treot.'Xontreal* who is a6 justice
� of the
, .
r . . . , r
. . .
- .1
that te rveolved to devote Ujis life
to the work of i.inproving the - moral
conditinn Of CohnAlan fro"fler lexino-
these pledges, Public Hegh6 Act enables, a
nich musti.
.10 QppQaltlQn Mir. Whitney under. Clp&Jit1Qj to go beyond tb6lil
took to abolish the numbered ballot. lines I ir wst Own -con-
A A . I 11 PrOtectisig the er supply
Peace, -and a man mot inclined
pra to give
A . ise except Where it Is wall due, says -.-
, For many years I was troubled with a
* --
r gr. dAm-Warrior (902), by B-aron (2"j.)
C01fic Pride by Bryon (101).
r � .1
X. , McKie I'lie 010epto" 1%W0% ,This from colltamin4tio". serious 01UPtion Of the skin. This, was not Route,
qrs. ne"o4aty reform, b.a only * L Description.
Cave hi�
. a been Carr _ unsightly,, but very painful. I first XONDAT—Wax I' , oW Stable 0
led 10 closing the contract with the T� tried various household remedies, but as M
; through. 404 the politicAl boss is, no Baton oomparly for a oupply I of (-heap . these eltle Pride is a horse o,f
, � grea
I After a few experiments in Ontario lougorfarokshed With thereadymeano text book% Sir, jamo$ Wbi proved ,altogether useless, I took in Bayfield And go South to Snow- scale and coultil ,t
-crtaining how any electo . 0 ., tuey bus _anding appearance, r
Itimbel; camps bad provvii the feasibil. f)f not Iry tes. (11111110d the h�sf, of UIQ pre-elaction medical Advice. Not one, but several ded Bros. for noon, then to John, big, flat, 01 I ,
, Theprepent Qovernniont's tenure Ot promises, Not Often has it b . � ears bone; alv,yimdatitly, jur-
ity of camp education, the work ,fas , doctors in turn, were, consulted, but I was. Horner's for njot. ed with file Silky 110r, being
een given unable to get Any permanent relief. Some TUP DAY—WIIJ go south on Sa
offlc� has served to dissipate the clqqd . to any public man so soon to establish 4,8 nish
ora;inizod tinder, the name of the R'ead�, ot electoral corruption which time back I determined to give Zam-Duk a � uble, characteristic of his high breeding.
iii$ Camp ASS04;ition. In time the shadowed the Province during thoVer' , such 9 lecOrd for P116lic service, The Line, then ac
- � . a 14t, political cynic 014Y egy at having ac. trial, and aftera thoroughly fair test, I can, ,back,s, 14th ross, t 0 X r. Stein.. 110 'Weighs 1900 poltuds. His, .action,
Pr - . I �
oviucial Governments vVere persuad ter years of the foxwer regime. The coniplialied 66 much good, the, say I am delighted with it, I have the best Con., Hay, for noou, like all the Darnley descent, iS perfee-
ed 'to assist in the work and now debauching of conbUtuencies an Admin- reasons for this conclusion ; because, while thou north to Bronson Lina by, I I I .
, -4 the, IstrAtion basopen its best days. nd
ft of seats In the Legislature are that h a everything I tried failed absolutely to. relieve . WAY VOA. His beautiful head And xieck,
travelling, libraries are circulated ,he I enceforth it Will gra4palli I . Of town 1140 to John Sparks, for deep, Well laid shoulders, W611 sprung
things of tile, past. erate into tb , my pain and rid me of my trouble, throe oight .
� . e sere and. yellow bo .
among the camps by the Departments - Air. Whitney undertook to reorgan- leaf. � ... of Zam-1341c have wo�rked 4 qomplete ribs, t gether with feeV,
of, Bducatipa of Ontario and MaAlto. There is no evidence of such A " I 0 ernsf - �
I ize theProvin6iml: finance$, and tomakeL cure. In my Opinion this Win should be WEDNESDAY—Will , psoterns(,
ba. Lumber comPan-les have ijuilt the revenue useet Lho'expPnditure - le,401on in Queen's Park. The Prime 'in Line to Jas. �rOsa to 'Babylon bone and feather of faultless quality,
, - In Witiltiter iti,justas upright a even ore widely known than it is. 11 T. KVyes for noon, combine, to make, him x. breed,
reading camps for the beilefit of their rour, years I be income of the Province downright, its ever, nd just as "Mr. C, E. Sanford, I.P,, of Weston, thou across to. Parr Line And ,north Ing horse of high degree, be,
men. M hits nearly doubled, and thoosiver "a scorns More King's Co., N.S,, says , :—"I had a ate I of
, oreover, as a result of the [As . ent, has h 11- Pofiticalexpediency, and seems fully to C, Ward's Varna, for night, descended through both sire
I een able fairly to treat. reL,olved that his ,%finisi , ry shall live up I Ing
efforts put forth for the benefit Of the I eczema on my ankle, wbiA had be a there HURSDAY—Will proceed to his own and dam from the Merr ton prince ol
� branches Of the service and public in- to the high ats,"da"d which 10 hAs set for over twenty years. Sometimes, also, the 7
E�hautymen, the laws governing the stitutious formerly .half starved. A INself. As a leading Liberal remarkea disea%e would breakout on my shoulders. I stable where he will reiiialn, until Wales.
. - had I taken solution a'( arsenic, had applied the next morning.
.Sanitary arrangements of tile camps Pckrtiot) Of the additional revesitio when the cheap text book bargain was t I I' MRF,His sire, Stately 0
various , ity, waf#
Are more rigidly en,forced thin former- ops ings. Frans the increaged. taxation of %wit.rded, lolf that 0ovekoment k ointments, and tried all sorts of FRIDAX—Will. proce.e4. to J. Hudie's, imported by us, in 1900, a son of
I therailways, arid a great deal of it on doing this sort 0 thl g . eep, Allings to obtain a cure, but in Valit, 7th coa�; Ooderich Tp., for
ly and every company is compelled to from & CAPANO 114111illiStr4tion 'of never got 1 1 It 1) we 44411 Zain-Buh, on the -contrary, proved highly I nooji, Prince R
btrild a hos � pital* in connection with .Northern Ontario. ,tout, . thence to� Walter omeo, out of Nancy (12710),
ts . satisfactory, And cured the allment. . . for night. ,Wallis',, Ist con,. by Roving Boy, .by Sir Michael (153o)
i camp. The compulsory attendance One of Mir. Whitney,$ promises was , @GRANTS TO EDUCATION "I have also used Zam-Buk for Itching a Darnley, horse. As a ^yearling
of a doctor at. least obee 9, month to that the Government, would takeA Nlnw . piles, and it has c pt SATURDAIT—Wil retui,q to. his. I
- . 11 eteiy. I
each gang has also. been instituted. later of INJ Ineki, Lands and Forests from Mr. Whitnev undertook to rdbabit- L take comfort In belAng my brother- stable in Bayfield to , rem, own, ' Stately City won ,second at 11am4iton,
the north countrK., and Improve the ate the Univ4slty -of Toronto. This � . aiA -until and LanaTk. As a twQ-yoAr-old Ile
I Every year the Association men, and if the publication of my opinion the followin
511114B iniQi"K1AW0- Wit the selection of was one of the first tasks to whilch the of tile healing value of Zam-Buk lvill lead I . g Monday morning. was third at Glasgow and first at
out Instructors to tho luwk�eriiig, mill*l Mr. Cochrane the old iYstom Of absow now Administration set itself, The . other sufferers to try it,, I should be glad. : . Terms. Hamilton, and . as 9. tbree-year-old he
ing, fishing and. railway construction; lete. landlordlem ,disappeared. The institution � hits been reorganized and For the relief of suffering caused. by piles or To inisure a foal, '$15, two mareslwas fourth at Glasgow, in. a very
Camps inOntario, Manitoba and $as- affairs Of the north are inanaved bv it revivified. Itblas peen pli4ced on a sla- ,4;-- .�. .0 . �,
� - , I -0 S W 4 Out equal,
W., JACKSON, AGENT. OLIN'fON. katchewan. The instructors aie Un- man whose interests are there, And sound flaaacial tooting, with a 6eventle For oczema, eruptions om the same owner,, $28, pa strong class .and had -the Islay pre-
, I . � tilcer% piles, Yable .
� Iversity students or graduates. They who knows its needs from long practic. of nearly halt a million dollars per an- blood -poisoning, varicose uicers, children's aMary Ist, IM0. Mares must be, mium both that, year and the follow -
al .experience. The 9"ritice of timber units, Previouslo 1905 the Universi- sore liead returned i ' ,
� I . I I I swing Ax -e,, pick and crowbar during bas ceased. Pulpwood and pine .Are W was st4rved into an angel I a, ringworm,, salt rheum. cuts, I -regularly to the horse, ori ns one,
I � I safe Con�dj- scratches, burns, bruises, and all skin boy will -be Charged fall I . DAN -His dam, Daisy of 'Upper
the day and,teach their classes at sold Only tinder competition. There tion. � I . . . I
. I . '
Mrs. John Rehberg of Stratford tell night. This slimmer about twenty-five are 110 more bargains lor political Par. � The present Pretiiier when Opposi- injuries, Zam-Buk is a perfect cure, .All , whether 1111'foal or not, . Parties ols- Bar, was 'got by Orlal;do,j edusidered
I - I I Ut.t. the Druggists and Stor�s sell at 50c. a box, or posing O. their mares before f aling lions
downstairs and brok-b her neck. 11 irRtructors*wJI be serit out to, the tisaus. -The inining laws and regula tiop leader undertook to readi post-free from Zum-Buk Co., Toronto, for If .0 One of the best thre&year-old stal-
- .1 . tione have been revised and remodelled Public School 'regulations, to Increa0b, pric;6. Three boxes for $1,25, l time -will be charg that was ever sbowil at the
- . -
- .with advantage to^ll concerned. The � I institutions, I I ed full insurance
o peach orchard diflerent Camps throughotit the Dom the money gi ants to these whether in foal or not, Glasgow Stallion Show, in 1889 he
in Niigara county N. Y.'p fouill'a Pit iu"Ou� . . I public revenue feunt tolnerAls has and tO furanibb Ole public with cheap, . I All accidents was Arst at
containing about ' -fifty ,liumau skell, I .1 grown largely. The Government has text bookt;, even if the Government,, I I - I 11 � . I � 0 mares at risk bf owners. - Ayr, third at ,Glasgow,
. . Anyone carju% to learn more con- titketf coke to 'obtain for the Ptoyin, which he proposed to form, had itself . . - � . Pedigree. . Ayr and. East, Hilbride, Second at
- . propo ag . .. :4 . t Melrose. In 1890 he was first at
"Amp Association may receive A-,4 ' ich thed in Cobalt and vered out . I '
ing C I values uneat'r I school system has beed dell. ' Clendries Celtic Pride (129
eions. I 6rning, the work kone by, the', Read- cial treasury a fa' rtion of the to do the Publishing. 'The whole You I
— . , . . 00) (5412) (1,2786) Marybill, and second at the �14. and A.
. . adjacent.campa. Of tl%e slough of despond and irieffIcien. — , light, bay, foaled,. - 3 1
. . illustrated 'report of the work done I . I . Oth May, 903. S. at Dundee, In ISM he was
. . ... . I I . . cy into which ithaa-fallen. Theeduca. Er d first
. last year . by applying . to Mr- A. tional regulations have been 'carefully . .1 I Route . e by J. & R. Hewestont Balter- at Glasgow Sialli�n Show and , had �
Repeat It *.-"Shiloh's Cure will al-; .Fi - tzpatrielr, B. A.,- Supt. ot - Camp MEASURES OF REFORM . I I . . sont Newton Stewart, Wigtownshire. the lower
ways curL my coughs And .,olf'13." . I . . � . . itevised, . The grants to Public and MONDAY -Will leave his own stable Sire -Stately Ci district �91 Wigt6wnsbire
I . Education, 1123 Traders Bank Bldg., - In. Opposition Mr. Whitney corn. .6rateschools have 1) . een trebled.t IN. tY (10,166), Gr Sire- and first at 'the H. and A. S. Show -
� � . I '
. . I . Toronto, Oat.) . 11 mitted himself to a compreb , eniive hanandrural schools get largely - , lot 40,. con. 3, L: R. S .11 , Tucker- Prince. ROM69 (81,44). G. gr sim�- premium. Elis. stock have Iso tak
- . . : . . . � � . . measure of law reforai. This w put creased appropriations. I In- . Smith, andproceed 246, mileg south PrIne . a en
, I . as
� I . . . . � . . . I - . e of Wales (673). Dam Daisy Of a forward place at . all the, principal
I I I through the Legis I The contieqqent increase 1 ,.to the Mill Road, ill ' . . . .
. . I . .1 � lature laqt session. I . a teachers en. east to Geo. .Upper Barr . (11509), Sire of dam- Shows. . . . . .
Reports from different sections - of � 0 . . The, titimber of appeals has been lituit- salaries throughout the Province has h L I
1he Pro;vjnce indicate that crops. are The case of the . London Times I ' ad tile jurisdiction Of the coursty Courts checked the down grade tendency in * Aberbaidt.'s fox noon and t)lea.:. by Orloado (8092) . by Prince of Wales I , GR, DAM -His gr. darn, Barr . Dar-
, . _ I - way of Seaforth and Huron Road (6,73) by General (322), by Sir Walter ling, was got by Lord Erskine (1714),
in better condition than was .supposed against the t?legrapli companies of P.xtOnued, the process of litigatiom 4he class. of instructors available. to, William Dale's for night. I L
. I �
. . JIL Of _Wet, . siniplitled, and its cost lowered. In Teacher' --training facilities have beL . . I . Scott (797). -Gr. -damwBar Darting one ofthe best. .breedffig1orses in
. I en 1 .
after the long spe L ... . co . la Canada, charging,excess tolls, . has accordance with another undertaking.-: extended. Uora akud woreattention-is TUESDAY--�Wjll Pro'ced.by way..'Of (Vol. xxviii). . dam -Lord Scotland r . of 'L
weather. . . been put off by the Railway Commis- c r Sire -of gr I and sire many distim-
. . . � . . . the iquor License Act hits been re. devoted to agriculture and industriat Huron Road- to Ransford's corner Erskine L (1744), by BQydsto'n, Boy gui.qhqd animals, Includ-mg. ibe, mare
, I
. � � .L sion until the whole question ot-tel.e- viseLdand amended, and. thelaw bus subacts to the end'that the average 'rid then t * his own sta� r de for noon, I . Charlie I . yali I ty, for *hich'L
. . c r � a OL (III)s by Prince Of r
The Western Theatre Mianagars".. As- graph tolls is.talr(:n upi . been enforced with renewed energy. If nu4y no longer unnecessarily be L I I MoKcans Lo the Duke
. , . . .. .
. .. r . � Iffloit sellers of intoxicants have ha�n weaned away frotu the. occupation at WEDNESDAY -Will .. proce� . (629),'g. gr, I (Vol. Scotland paid 2400 when a,two-year-
sociation has'bid deflance to the Mr. Justice Ma . . I d 1� iniles 11;), dam -Bar Dandy; ... .
' .'Jor an . ., cilarch of Torqu,to 04 pursued rplontlessly arid thei Govern. hand to the diWaut green 'past ures of w - page 33.. Sire of g. gr. dam old. L L I -
-theatre trust and dec'=edl . � . eat to,.the Lolldulf RpAdl . I . I . . �.
. . 11 .. I dressed the International Peace Corl-' ment has made short work Of efforts to commercial life in cities. '. , then 11 I --:-Good Hope MIN), by Darnley L (222) 1 �. ' ,
operi-door. . I � L L . 26 Mohonk yesterda .* - I miles south, th I , W.k. ELLIOTT, Manager.
I ... I . . ress at,La y , �. quash local option hy-law" on ;TuefA The special courses for teachers at .. . en, I I miles � west - to . .
, � . .. L. .9 . . � .. L� � 1. . I ' .1 . . . th 9. g.. gr., dain-barr' Jess.. Sire g. K. . I R. PENHALE, Owner.
. . . . . L _ technicalities. -lie Agricultural Colle and the intr60 .0 2fid of Stanley to. A. Tasker's I I I . .
, , 1. . 1, . . I ge, . I . I . . . 0 ., . . I � . . .
Seven people, Were drowned near G�eovg'& 1. B. Fraser,. Chief clerk in Mro- Whitney' priornised. to in ductiori of elementary � ultural ana I for moom; then. -by m;ay of . . 11 . — .. I . , -- .. � � .
. I crease _ agric . the' 2nd I . I . .. .. I . . . . . . . .
Ste. Anne des,Monts, Que. by,the up- the Department of Justiae, &&d - - at tile grunt. to agrietilturej and -to devote - technicAl training ill HighSchoofs and con.,- a:ild Bayfleld - Road to Wi'se's .. . . . I
. I . 1. I in rural and 6em -r- L 6i'L L . . I . 11 � . ' � . of the very first class. Ho: -is a I . .Sur . e
setting of a )4oa.t in which a party Of Kingston. - .. . .1 atteiltio'n to. the --inspart . I aral Public schools, lcorn. then north to Jas, Graham's Iceland ' . . I . I .1
I . .
. I
. � . . . . ation of sgrl- are Well calculated to' check the'need- for,aight . ". IL. . .. foal getter. '.. . ..
fifteen were crossin cultural ' knowledge in: the' . . . I . I I I I
. . -- - y.Earl Curry of Windsor , on to urban bentres I . . I Route. Iceland :1678.4, was Purchased when.
. g the river Hear -schooN. drift of populati . . . I
. I . . .
. . . I I
, ,N. The apptopriations tot agricultural less . . .. 1 .3. . . It long ' f
Mr. C. E. Kilmer ot, . Southampton S., was drowned oil the Trans�6tfn- purposes have been increas6d at .east , 1Z to r-tililtilitte those basic industries THURSDAY -Will proceed West , to XONDAY-Will leave his own - stable -a � -year-old at a very. ' 1&fe : b L y .
was run over ,hy a traiv at Walkerton ental. in Sturgeon River.' , - . . upou- I he prosperity, tif which the -wel. 9th con. And nokth t' .,.L . .
l I . I .. fifty per cout.' The Agricultural ()c!l-. o -' WirLia in BAyfield -And proceed , . to N I the Right . ffosl6rable'��EaT;I,.
� . -- � � . al, I a SO [k.L, . I
, ( on � Food, for noon - , arid. has stood AV his stis ' .
Juriez. . . 'i arrested at Veterinary Colleg� taken over Im the il Whitney premised it ieturned to then up th � i d: ever, , ,
and died from his ir� . I I �go has boon Te -eq . fare. of the Country so largely -depends. -Gould's, Hur eL
I Michael Sebora was , nipped. the Ontarlo ,M I . Yeo's, Bayfleld Line God rich Tpa' G.'
. gince for the use of his t '
I . . _ L owes -that bib would 'call in a Huron Road to Benrail- for noon', .thence eas o . onantry, be-,.
. Guelph: - on a charge of shooting . �ith Province. and Experimental Porills P !- ler for night. , � - ' ' Geq.tg6 Cooper's for night. . . 0
. .--- . . I . -t at Mr - Y, , ba . .the'. teachers. to ad ' - � . . . tng ir of many winners, .
. .. . . 11site,ii ... J. J. Checile '" , ire been established in the NJ vise with the. . I .1 . . . . . And �
I I . . . . ags'pa Government on educational questions FRIDAY -Will proceed. 1north 1 mile TUE$DAY-*ilI 90 rorth to Georgb J,many L stallions* - by him, are 'travelling . '� �
, I one.of I
. . . Master 'Gordon - MacFarlane of Mont-. peninsula and'the. Abitibi region. . The creation of the- Advisory Council then south 6n Mait Proct�orls, Cut. -Line, fdr�noofi, thence 1 England, .jn"Iand�,
. . land con. to . a most.. sue- , .
� I , . real -was accidently shot in -the eye, :.In 1901 the p�-esenb Premier stated implements this promise. The V ' "Vast to.4amesllarrls6nils .1-st don � cossiul getters. Iceland, 16734 'is the
.. I ecelit I Harry L -Young's for nodd, the e.. to 1. .1 1 .
Mi-o-na Tablets Curp Dyspepsia . by, I � and is in, A Critical conditiow. thikt, it given the chance, he would do � legialat,it)n p'roviding for reforms in In. . L, r%q . I .. I . t L. . I I ..
.. L I 110tilellbilIg H 0 � . for night, ' L I . - . sire of"B6rrywood Drayman, 22
. Earl eter6c toLiemove obstacles inter- spectoralwork,is certainto have bAl, olmesvillo� h tel for . One, 4oury . . . 107, .� .
- *.th6 per�ple of their st,lit, NESDAY-Will proceed aI( .
Promptly Removing the Cause, , ! I . Grey unveiled ths. Us','i , t ferilig. With tho hequisiti6n. by the lu6ry effects and altbgether the Whit- then to Graham- House Clinton for WED . mg the *exported us in 1905-i and sold,' I �
. or Money Back. ed in the Armoriesat Hamilton 11W11 Psij�lje I Y* 'ney Adinitrietration tilost he ackni).w. I night: . .. 1 $ .. ; � . -his Own stable. . .1 . . . with -
to � cut. I * ' . , . Ist Con. to out reserve at Toronto on the 8tI% , oE
. There is just one way e dy - intri whou fought inLLSouth, Alfrica bervices. After becorning Prime. Min- ledged I o . I I I I . � .
S . . . - buys 4CCOUIPlished,st gftal, SATURDAY -Will proceed by way .of THURSDAY -Will stand. in his own November, 1905�, And the 'winner --at
pepsia and stomach, disorders, trivial � The All -an Liner Mongolian. ar'rived ' ikte-r he vetedd a -proposal to give the deal-by.way of --ftalizing stud rejuve. I , i -stable. I I T.
' . L . I Toronto and Yow-kL Hadial RailwayLa. nating a decrepit 'educational sylstem.. .. London Road to his own stable for- . ' I .. . oronto -Stallion Show. in the ipring,
or Serious and that. is to tone up 'or at Halifax. After her Ion., . . . . . - I
put energy into the st mach .L p fight ,With pe.rpetual .-ranchise!' Re-created �the Nows,' ..,., I . .. . .,� noon. .. I I. FRIDAY�-Will go South, on Sauble of 097. Wallflower (91071), is the darn
0 walls,-flie ice or St. ,�,ohn's, Newfo,undlanE � . I I., L, - _,�'�' ' L I I . .. I :� L .. . I I .. � L , , L. . 11. . .. 'Line to. *allace Johnston's . for - of Sto4e.*all.. (15375.), who won first
. -� - . L . 9� i ., ru I - I
L . I . I . I I I . . . � + �� . The Ab ' . . no on. L 11 L.
that they will be'able to properl . '. - ---.— --. ,---�-- --.--- .
so . L Y The International Limited-bil Ille , . -. . . . ilr be Continued thence aid cup fpr'young stallion L . I
+ . . I . .. I I — - ' acrosss -to Goshen Line "to -.0 �, - at' the I
. , .L I I . . . , . . � �
mit or churn the food, * I . . .!Grand' Trunlk ran into a I . .. . L .: . throughout the season, hea'Ith � 'ind ' William Ra L - London §hire`A6rs6 Sho* 'n 1896. .. : � 1
- - � .:. I
. .L. thwell's for night, . . . , .. I . I
' reight - train. Dodging, � the Repdrte' I 0 IROWICIS' . 1� � L I ..o -
Mi-o-na tablets quickly arouie � L L ft, . . ' . Going th I weather , 'eimitting� ., - - , . . I . . I
stomach from its inaction aifd 'In tile near Paris . and L smashed four Cars, I L L .. .. . L. . � I I I I 0. L . ' . I 1. P , I ; .. . I ., I . SATURDAY -Will, return'to, his owli , . . Pedigree L I I... . � .... I
. .. . Description and Pedigree WherL 0 � I . . until . S11 ' . .11
I ,I Th? passenger triin Was.. hot damatedW Mil. J. H. Cartwright the D puty The �olloWing'�to]?Y is, going'. 'the , itable lie will remain RE��ffecla, (I
short time it is able to do its woik I . Dr. �jam l .. I L . Aitorney Gi-np�stl of Ontari', I a . . . . 1 4084), g. .sire,' Sy- I
I . - M. Barkley o,f Detroit ed'auth ' s a not-, rounds: A teicher, after having &L the follo,�.Irkg I . CliX, (J.1081),�, L�g'. ' ' . �Ilacar% .
. es YOUNG CU;NDRIE is a �r-,ght bay, � I . . . Monday morning. .: . . sire .
. . I.
. . . . 11 Terms. 9 F 1
properly. . . I . � � ority on criminal austeonstitti-4 medical. examination 'In her room re- with two.White hind legs, and . . (3145), g. g. -g. .sire, Cardinal, � (2407),. 1
' . was eleeted-Moderator* of the Pregby.- tional law, but a wild-iiiaubered in 11 cently wrote the following note to the 'L . Star o insure a to, L , I . I . � . . I
Haury Dodd of Bridge Street, HaFt- I withal. That he should find it no & on the face. - IS well.built, on - -short . 1005) I I -
ings, Ont., -says . . "For seven ycars.1 terian - General' Amiably.' in -the,. Unit- ces. 1. falente0off a certain little boy "Youil - . T al, one mare $100 two 9. 9: g. g., sire, Heart of Oak, (
ed States. - ' ' . . i . wiry to seek a. refulle whil6,'enjoyin I g gle � 'y C I 1� � � mares, the same owner, . $25, payable g. g,,g. g. g. r -1,
had suffered and spent much I money . . � � . .. � . . . . I the prbt�qtion of the peace and quiet . . , haAes, shows signs of its- legs, with good muscle .and feet. He a Jr. 6, 14earit-of ..O,%k,. I ' .
I . . .. � . of or tlgmatism� Will you please!ffivesti. was sired '(yy Clendrie -Prince, (�S534) Jan. lot, 1910. Mares must be re- ,(100&), 9. 9--g- g. g-�g� sire Glory (914i) -
doctoring, but all to no avail. I could' . ' -, - . - I . 'Roode Hall -inay atrike*.soine '49 gate and take 'steps -to correct it" to V I.:13. He by: . I turned regularly Lto t i
. . . . . . I . strange, but It I ti up, nevertheless. � .. 0 Henry Irving (4440), the fiorse or -they 9. 9. g. & g. g. g. sire, Glory (984)" �
eat but very little, as.the food would . 11 which slia received a noto..isl.re�y C L , ..
' ' Chamberlain's .Liniment. . I ..It. was while he Crown Offlee sub. � .- I VOL -8 ; he by -IVICGreg6r (107),. Vol. . . all, insurance whether, g., g- g-, g. &.. g. g. k. , e X. (11n, -
ferment and sour, :making gas, Whii.ch ' . . t . , . will.b charged f . Sir . ,), . I
. saying: ! ly in foa I
. . � . ,
I - what Charles has been -doing, hut I ; lie by Darnley (222), Vol I - heL . of 9- 9- 9- 9- 9- 9-1- 9- 9. Sire, '. - Little - 11
. , .1 poena was being'sliscussed and �repar "I dolft IsTiderAtan 1* or'not.' Parties' disposing
CaMed i serious heart oppression, I This is a new. preparation and a ed in doUneetion With the Kinrade have wholloped him to' . nqUeror, (199), ,,*, he"' th6i . r mares before foahng. time will. Roberi 1,413,. g. g, 9. 9. 9- g, g., g. g. S., �
L 1. L I I I . I I by be charged,full iAsurance whether ittlesea Grey, Ist dam (9071)' -
. . ,o as 'a'"' orrow, and --that Loclifergus Champion (499), Vol, I - L iu,'sire, Wh '
was in constant mis2ry, sour , gas good, one: It 'is especially L valua,br Mr.'Cari,tiright had been both- can *hOIIOP him tom -night and you by *Co Va T
would belch from my ,stomach,, I was a L ered a good deal by t h6 perbiitent and ought to help some," - - I I . I . "
cure for Chronic and -muscular rehu� intlistent reporter, and when he saw . I . . . . . . he by LSalmond's Champion (737), Vol.' foal or not'. All aceidents.to . mares -WallfloWer�, (Vol. 1XI,, -XIV and XV.�,
languid and weak and had no imb,tion. mmtism, and for the. relief from pain another contingent bearing down on . a. L � L . . I I he�liy -Farmer ' (284), Vol. � I ;. at �risk .of, owners. . I .1 by Reality (2882), 2'ad. dam, *-Hitchin. '- ,
r did not feel like going ,anywhere or which It afford --- . . I — . I .. I . ., . .* . .L. Flower (Vol. I I . .
a -in actit6 inflarama- hisn, he fled, even though he did repre, - . .1 - . . . - Fariner by'dlahcer (338 ; Glancer by : � ' � -Description. . . . XII., X - and XI.)., L -by *
seeing anyone. There was a copstatit tory", rheumatism.: Those , who have 80" the Attorn�y General, and the - L .U.' I . . .
. L
AW AW . Pioft-(9,37) ; he by Bloom- ICELAND'" .(l'-673 . Tom of .the Shires (268�). Hitchin
. I . '
. I - ch M 'L 4Y bay, White FloVer'won first.at Hertf6rdshire,'k i1st,
th � -own, and despite the fact that mem n to'date D9k119 You" ap . .
dull pain in the pit of '- o stomach. I Us .1 A � �
. . I P geld Z�aal "on (95) ; he by Glan. . .
, I used it have invariably spoken of it berg of the advitinclog brigade Wore . ., . � I cer :blaze, hind- . .
was unable to sleep, was nervous, in .the highest terms Of.Praise- Lame known to him personallv. . . I (337). 1 . legs arid both fore legs . . I
And wou . Id aw4kc-morc tired' back,, larne a -and'Weeklg.' L . ' at Hertfotd in 1880., lot at Warwick -
restless '. . .
L .
I - shoulder and stiff . neck AIM ll� S. Cartwright. the'Master.111. I � . . I . I . Clendrie' Pri. white.. Poaleff .189o. Breeder, . Win*. slitre 16 .1.884, 1 . . I L I
. . L
thee.of ,
than on going to bed. I- tried Mi-Q-na are Oue to rheurnatiSraL of the, raugeles, Chatubers, is it bi . nec's dam, Mary Of Boueb, Esq,, Ashburn. . . . . .
L - ro the Deputy ' Now that the winter is over, every- CIPsid-rie (96447),* Vol, 8 - by What I JAS. JOHN I
and soon found relief, and dri Icas, than usually brought on by exposure to cold . Attorney, General. Arid when,&' law- one is becoming 11it6kested in league L . Iceland is. -a perfe6t type of draft . . . I . . . STON
* . � I ,or rappo Care 1. (912), Vol. I L; be .�y Prince of f au . . .. . I
six weeks Mi-o-na had conipletel y . �dat the Maste't .horse Manager
. I
. . . .Y Cur-, or damp, Are .quickly- cured by apply- . . -'a private door baseball, orone6f the many summer of Walc� (673 ;L' be,by Gen6ral (322) -, great p Itless 6011f0tmailft and For two mares Put to aq one . oi -
� . . it was opened, but by the Deputy At, a - .
. f Eorls . Vnforfultately, 'owing'to t oweri in conditioti Weighs 2240 ,my four horsbs there will.1,,be the usual , .
Holmes, the, t1ruggist, sells the. aff,ected parts. �Soxone* '1301 0ellerAl. not by. the Mas�er.in. t . is only. publi r Walter .Scott (797) - pounds., 'He W . iA. discount . of $1.00 for Leach . ' I .
ed me. � �L I ing. this liniment freely and massaging, t0l 4 h he General by Si
W. S. R. eNews-R000rd . I I
Mi-o-na tablets at Weents -a as of 'the , . . . I Sh7 be by.,Old Clyde (574) -0 by.&otchman I e - . mare. Any- .
� Obakoberit. . ' � . ed 6nee a week, we ate unable to give England and Wis. decidedly successful I in ing maT6S L .
. . .. . . .L . I -,one br L g
. I
box, ,under a rigid guar-Antee to do all exercise or in' In buL Cliwe the - door. (754). Grand dam Lizette (81738), Vol- The farmers ,of this seetka have a!low6d A discount. L some - wili be al- .
large muscles, whether induced by violent "Clowein" said the *Deputy, -coma our readers the a orting haws frolil L day
1--ayed by this I dOkl't .Wknt to. day. In :ox er to overcome this 2 ; by Darmey (222), Vol, * . . . .
Jury, is id, , T . I
. I
that is clainied for them or money linimellt, For I he probe gang out that a. to ,get at ma .11 9-9. Chance to get the use 'of a draf t horse 1 L' I . . I
back. . . . sale by .W� S. It. Rol' 4gahl. . . . didietilty we havwmade Arrangements dam Bell, by ,Lochtcrgusj(439). Henry , . � , "' ,Rl- PENAALE, 6wher' 1. .
. I .. I
. � .
. � I . .. I I .11
. most I . . � I � withlrheNews. Toronto, wherebywe Irvini's danif Sarah Bernhardt (2941); 1 . . . . , .
--- - ---- . I . . And they say that a few bours, later . L , . . . -, . . -- - . . . . . � I . . .
-- �, .
- — I ---- ' - , , .can offer both The News (daily) and by Beaconsfield (1842), Vol, 5 - ' b I . I -,-- , -- .
-- .. . � ---------- �� — a . . --
1 . , . ifw.�. Dele6tfve Jack-Milldr junsped front ilia The New -Record for one � year .7 � . "
I . .-f1d1=--- , . window of the vault io the Wpit OMce $ ,go. toe Lofty (4610), Vo). 1. What C ' T . L .
I � . . We can fully recommend the I are, ,Vs. X . . . .
. 1 . In order to dodge the repoirtera., Sporting Page dam Jean, by Eclipse (268) ;,he b!
� . I . � . . I — . . I . . I of The News as being 'L ) . .
. . .accurate, complete and up-to-date, Emulator (280), by, Chaw,plon (124
$oat I.L � . ... . i . L Speci6l- correspondents report all the It Will . be seen from the e ecor , 0 , -
) I I L -above ped- he .. wsm.R . d 'Club �
, I
I Preferred Ham and E' s to Eastern'League .!Jasoball ganles and. lgree that Clendrbe Prince is a choic , I . . . .
Cl �. I . . I . I 99 .. no Sporting eventof auk., consequence bred horse, having for his . 6 _ 01 . . . � I I
I . I r6 W . . oil this continent is. onlitted from its . Sikes such fo1,909 . � '
. .. I . . 4 fliti . . oysterm � columns. Photos of the players, rn'n- horses as Henry Irving, What Care Lo . �
40.t nel's And "Silaps" of galnesj* etc., make MacGregor, Darnley and -the unbeaten big Lest 0.
I A rut -at editor once got a big adver. the Page particulax-Ir attraoffiro. Send Prine'a of Wales, I . . . . . .
, _ .
. .
I . I
0 tise'lleilt from it Plued which sold not h- for sample copies and see for yourself, Young Clindrie'S dam is Lad, . I I . -� . I I �
ing but oistera, The plare had just A post -card to out, office reque y Wan- . I
. Wing natta, by Rakerfield.—His. grand dam - I .
opened, as;d w lie the propeietor was samples Of The News will be prouiptly Much 'go'cid reading for I ' .
. M % filing to adv rdse he didult have the - attended to. - - I . bl Slr William PriCe ; 9. g. dam . ittle . raoney. .
. . by � L
,� I cash to spend-, so( he newspaper r)ipn 00 ,�nderS61L; g, g. g. da The News -Record and Weekly Mail and Umpire, One year $1 -to L I
I � . took a. eard.w ich entitled lihii to $10 - I., I - I . . worth. . in by KOMI- I it . . 64 Weekly Globe ...... '.' ., ".1 "'. 1.75
worth of oystors, . � . � . if � I of Familr Herald and ...... ... ' ' * "" 4' * I
. Terms, �. if if . Weekly Star, 1,75. * ,
. . � L :Weeky Witneas...,...... ....... 4, 'l, 1,75
1 1 "'A few day# litter a tramp priatet Mr. David Shannon, an old rebident To insure a foal, $0,'payAble 13t , if J* 1 :::-:.,:1l1
. . . :strotted Into The Gazette Offlee and of Edon Mill$, Was found -dead in bed. o L' . :1 , sun ............O"""#",".4....i.. I.W
Avantedit !oh" relates the editor. ,,I , f March, 1011, Mare, must be to, , " - 11 Free press,................ ..4... , .... 1.15
L ..$HOE POLISH . had nothing to give him, X4mes Cox of Blenheim was knocked turned regularly to the horle, or they , :: :: . Advertiser ............. 4 .......
. tnaft he might sleep hadk ib"t - told the senseless And robbed of & large sum of W :: .— 1.15
n the c(ow- .money. ill be. charged full insurance, wheth- 44 94 Farming World .... i;. 4. ...... I A. � L * .
, Shines instatitly at th6 first rub or two of tht PW411g,roosss. and as he had no money I er fit foal or not. parties disposing 61 1 . Farmex's Advocate ; d I . 1.60
. . The ice blockade at Sault Ste. MAI., I . :
. wush or Ooth. to buy' food. I gave him tile meal ticket .a I it 49 Houle Magazine
,their mares before foAling w Dally 14eWs,Tor0'n .
I On the oyster parlor. I didn't lie Is broken and boats frant Lake Sup � h4ne, Ill 9.25
I Will t1lot rUb 61T. rs from him again top more their) A we ar lot are arriving. � C'r' lie- held responsible for 6e insurance ; it - 9t Star 4:
I ok. . It 14 ....� ... 1.4..... .... I . 2.80 �
. i I
L. Waterpr,Dof, Softens I L One day he came into the office looking , Burglars entered the store of Mr. L. money, Zther infoal. or not. Par- 141 9. Globe 1, I.I....O....
. ' a bit drawn and worn. . Turcotte at Calgary, took his delivery ties trying mdres and not returning 4t mail - --.4 ..... 4.25
. and preserves the . I I .1 I . 14 . 4 -I - - -4 . 4 6 .. . . . . . . . . . 44 - 4.2A .
I. I I
I I I. I
L 11 It don't want to, r ga,itisfie World if
. I ,eem di, horsaftild Waggou, and drove &Way them must pay Insurance. . if #4 ......... 3.25 , -1 ly
leather. No, sub. . d . All 'ac- � SAturdav
. with what You've done for 1110, with the safe to a secludod'spot, 1viles-6 / ... :: *: *:::., * I *
Mill cidents to marog at the risk of own� � . 4# . Night 11 — . I .... ...... 2.M
stitute tvetl half . . Oartpr,l said be, land Pill willing to ud- Stole M, and rb. ort. The terms; are the same . de I . Free Press, LoudL on ...... — 1. 4. I I
, ther cracked it, 1: 825 ,
11 . as g9od. � I wit th4b the I uacious blvalve Is Kwon. 'turned tile horse to thd stable. Clendria Prince And Young Clt�ftdrle. : I . .......... '
lot PreOPtess,RvoningEditiola— %0-4—ow. 2175
1 . .. . 11 derfullyflno l'it ot food,, bub,fos, hea. Horace Smith Of Leamington, Ont., i I . . .
1. � I I . � ven'saake can't you getAn ad- from a WAS killed by a street car in Buffalo. 1G. W. NOTT . I
.. I 1,00., .1 11 I L ham and e9g,emporititsiF 11 It is 1'ePoA,6d that Castro hits It -it a Proprietor and Manager , It Wha�you want is not in this list, we
1- --
I I . L . . — . large Alaount of gold buried in Vene. I . it at leas.than it Would ea9f; you Dy sending direct, . I
and , , zuela. , I I I I
. .
I I I 2$oll ,�. George Watson was killec! while
. 1 .1 T.148 . .. �. drilling at Cobalt. I
. I I Burglars robbob threb houses in
. I I , Lolliloil south,
. 1. 'Pts at Montreal
I Tile customs recol
--, �.. -- I . obow, 0, beavy im"rease.
, ,-
- �
. I The steamer Shaughnessy Is ashore
v* . . . I above Sault Ste. Marie. 11
i I I �)
. . . I I - ,6 160" . -1 - ---� '
Heinrich Co-hreld, once, Manager of � . Clandrie Prince
the Aretropolitan Opera. 11011se, Xe,�v -
York is dead. No. 8534 Vol,. III.
A band of fornale cut,throat have
bee :arrested in a Russian villas Ave will standforthe improvement of
SMeterabitrg. ge near stock at his own �tarwe lot 40, con.
Russia Will not Wlthdraiv' her arrur 3, L. It. S. Tuckersiulth,
front Persiq until the Shah makes good I J. F. SMITH, Manager
8 pledges of.ref6rin, I . 0. IV. NOTT, Proprietor:
. U
'is reraitting, please do so by E xpress Order, ,postal
Xoteor registered letter afid address. - I
, 1 1 1 1 1 , *--W-- - . W-*.W.W"..1..� .
I �* -
I Lf
THe NJRWS-RnCoRu� 6W cliftton