HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-05-27, Page 5I , 4 I # . I I . 4 I I , May 27tht 1905t � I . , I... Clinion No%-Rlsaoril , ,, . . . '5 � . . . . . . . . ­_ - .. -_ I . � . .1 . � . 1. 4 I I , A. - � I ­ , 11 ­' I I I . . - - 1. I � I ­ . . ­ . I - . 1� , ,­_­;dl�;j .111, -1 .. - ­­­_ -1-1- � ­ 1_0 i - i � .;.. I I I I I 11 I i I 11. 101 - , 1. I I �­ - -.6. . I I I ­.. 1. %, .1 I . . 11 11 . __ - � - ----. I _- ; � � ... - " ­. . _. - 1. - I .. - ___ - I , � ­ , ': to) � . - ` ' . I 11 � I 11 I "WMMM"O" . ' ­ L I I ­­ , ,, , I ­ - I # � Brucelleld. 4, . ' ' �* ' . I .. .1 . ' .- , ' MIN . � I �� Ilyt , - : . � Xr. and Mrs. J. T-Re1il and far .. � I I 10 , I,, i Reid, leave oil Th * I ,I,E,,R' 4tua the former's sister, Miss M%ggle ,. " 'T'O' � -AND BLOO�D PURIF , ",k, PE�wRUPPNA AS ,A' '.. , 'F RIC' � I i �tllsolay to v1slit, ie* , I I ,. ... . ! latives ill the Stl e Oregon . Alter *Ira. Paul Oasavant W1440,Prom 0,119 Monros SOW, 7' ,opska, , . * , . . I which they will extend their Arip. to . " ' ' Jrr,f- AV00Y.Wellogy, 0049 S. Zavren ' acoma , I . I Kanscsol, 0oncerning Pemna, Read Her Letter Below - W Stq 8014 T . I I :04tish Columbia. While the primary . f - I In $Pring and Early summer ,a Tonic Is Needed, Give#R�rEzperisnce With,pomna. -X*4,j.ff$rZ6$W2W object of the trip Is for the benefit at - � ". ­ ­ . . a ­ . - I , M;;j, � . . "' , I-_ -1 ,_.-..,.:.._ .:::.:;.-:�.;;.."..:.:..:.�:.:..;:".:".: 11 - - �, .:: . . . . . ,-, -!;,.-.**Ii�� ': .:::.i� . - I � * ��:-:':':-* . I r�"---. I Mr. Reid's health be may, it he sees , 7-�i',.,,..`-� ... ":�:;,, ,,, ,�.. "!;,!;�.".����-*'.���".��.,�i���i!���!i.'.i:�; . .. � � -a Suitable pla�e, loco -to in the sun- i�. ., ;.. :..:7 �--,�;,�K",��* ,;,.,.i, --i!__ . The source otgood bloQd ixfteeh air and voll-ftested food. If auyQ1nj futerfores with dlgw �� .." 6, . 1L_ , . I 12 `e , - .1 5�,.;�*�.!*..,.,.�;,.��!ii":i,..��i'�,!:���:i.*��!��."-i���*.�".C.�� tion the blood becomes.impum . .�A 4 � ce. The mauy friends of the I. -?' .k"', ,. . - I. ` � , � ,set provin .�,.:i.-I..".....�"..�.....".. ,:::i�?���:�ii:;i-,:;:i::I�*.i::.�::.i:::i:::i'::�� � . . ,,,,,e-..-.--,��:-- I - famil are sorry to a F��, :i� A catarrhal condition of the stomach prevents perfect digestion.' Suoix a condition allows tho "I. 7 I �.'- . , 1* ::... - .,:--::::::::: I '... �; 'I wo them go but �,�.�"�*'�'��":,^,�41'�"",:,:, -..ii�!;i�!���!�-,.,�!�:�i������]]�:��!;���!,�.��i�ii"���: :,.- . ;.. "I - .1 I , �1' . food to ferment auddeoompose in variouswavo,iustokdof digesting. The blood is thus contaminated .. I �. I e?.`.- . i 4 .M. -I . ,� �, .r.. ��*s � wisit them success. I; t.;",_":�..*��::: -;- . . ., - .:;:.-, , - - t ki;`,-,F;*�: gi�... : ..::�!�:�!,',�,.ii;�i�,�...i�i��, " � r,� iii. :1j�.;..';1,.�L,'­.­.'.': With V1340110, materials that do not belong in the blood, . � . , .. ­­ � I . � :,:..::::::::::;:::::::::;:;:.:.:;:.:::".... _ ! _�;J. 1 � . . ��i�l�i�i�����������;��i�i���i��i . i I I I * , .::::::i:i:i��:���l����.�i��il��il��!���l���i���".��iii�����i�i * This gives rise to oprin %: I . . i ts- � ......i....... I I X �:�ii:ii�����i��ii��i�l��...I��iiiiiiiiii...'."i�iii����iiii "'.1i: ",.*, q fever, eruptions on fAxe ", general lassitude and coustipation.. ..., ... " � : , ..,.., p ! . �11 * � :::::.:.:.:.�.::::::::::::;:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.Ii����i������:'�i ��i�i;i�ii�i�i�!,-Y.� _ . ....'. ���:;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;,;.; ..�.,.:.AX;:,�,;;.;: Jfer=a 00=004 all these difficulties by striking at the source of them By eradicating the am- . ".q.,.: ` , * * , , , ` .1 - � ... `I.` , * - - - . . , I , * .. '. . . . * - , , * - - '. . . . � - , ..' , , - - I - - - - II , , - - - - - , , , - - - - .. .. .. ... .. . ., . . . 191 i 4. . I . ... ; .. . ,� �1 ., .1 .. , . .1 $tanlev Township -'-,- ,�������i���i'.-.��l�������i�����l��;�����i��!�i-,?�',�i��;ii�����]11;::::::::.: .... .'. %,�� . - ..,. tarrhal condition of the stomach Form af.onoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::: � . - � . . . . . . .,.. �­_ ­. .... . , restoreq. dige4tion, the blood Is thereby puri4ed, and. _. ;_ . ....., . . W I i�i�����ii�:���il��ii---i����i*"..i-..,*�*'.'.ii"�...Ii*l�i.,.!...,.!--..ill��--.-..���i�l�I �!��i�,���:;�,��...i'ii!,-..-.,.�*.I thi Whole M"hiner � . '.. lgisscsXa-val and Eva Stinson spent : i`�__ ......... __ _............::::::j:j .','�'1-..'.:.'.;1..;.;, _y of theL . . .. �,. � . ,;.;.;.. ....., body Is put in workinc order, I : . . '... I'll I .... . . . . tile, past -week visiting friends !a I 4 * *i�i "." Pit . - .1 I I :: .... ::::!�I;illil��i� 10-1�11�1'.-.i�l� i�:�`,':i:�i�:�?.�*.f ., Peru% has probably made a mg IMIX an , :,.,.* .. . re remarkable record in cases of cat=h of the stomach t v .. � .":: .1 .., . ... .:. ,.,. . ..!. t -.-;����*��,�,..�: �i�ii�ii��i�!�;i;,,,�i�','l . � Blyth. . . W_,.',*..*..�i��i��i " other medicine.' These ones axe very frequent, and we Im , .,.; I , .... , . . .ve 4 host of testimonials in which Perani� ,# . ) .�-, ... I '. �1. .. .. . hagroceivedlaviolkprabeforpromptaAdpermaue,ut relief in cases of catar&of the stomach � *.. I I.. ... , Miss D. Hodson attended tlieteacii- ����i�*.�i�i�iiiii-l-�i�-i�������i�:�ii���il�� - ."'!'. .1 `i�' I I . % .. . ��ii :. .ii�].'�."..�, `!-_.f'-� -`4 I �'�'�` ""� . . :jjjj .. I I -era' convention at Ei xeter last weeX. - , ". ;i����ii��i���i�i��i����i�����i����;;�iii�:���ii�ii�i����iii��i��i�i�i�ii��i :�:i��ii�iji�lji�i�i� . �i.., . i -, ;��;`11.ii?i'l I ...... �i�*.."".'..'...'."��*.-,.�i��� ' , - _ . 1.§!11!;i`11`1 11 .. .. - .. - I 51T G. W. Anderson, With his little 4. �-, ii��������i�i�i�i���i�i��i����j� - .. . . I , �. � i�-.I!`.: ..�,.i!��'.�ii;,:��.�i:;i,ii!;�;; , I'M �. 1$ V 1 __ g. "%_M��- ,� 1��2R;ff:l .. ,;!I!i.�,��I����!:�i;:�.,;:�:..,:i"",.,".i;,*, i:::: -...m .1.. . N 0 , . - �i`:�:;!�:�i`:!�.n- -, I � daughter, Ruth, of Wyoming §pent - ...��i��i�������i���i������:i�l��i�����i���iiii�ii��..������iiii��::::::: i *�"`?" .. , W :.-"i�;!i�i:����i���;:��:i!�!�� in, iiiiii�ii - � ,-. VACIPria Day *� --.-.-, '.'�;iE � ...% .1 I :!���!;�"-"!-�i���..;"�!�i�.";�* .-.:���i'ii'��.';'-��.*%.,%,k�,I .:::.;::::1.::,::,::-.::;::.: I At the hame of Mr. '1_- .--.:::;:;:;:;:::;1:-; ..... � - :.k..:-:-X-X-:.:­-­ "': 0",.."i�N ii!;�i;ii;�ii!;.'�..,;i� i: . e_': ���;:;:;:;:;:.:.::::::::::: ..".....�.,."...;......'��."-. I %. . i�:i�i�ii��i�i;i���]..� 1-1- I—. ­ I �'ix-i�!�!�i���� .. . ­ "': , . N . kli:i§i� .�i�� 1; :.,- ... � I ...i�iii i�i�-�i i�:..,.:ii'-*��'*��*�*�;,:".i��-i-.'*�'a :.. - i�i�i 1p".i... �!1!1!1;1���,,�.��i ..`ik . , I "'.111".... �7 Jos. Richardson, �111111;11���i�ili�i�� �` �i�����lil���i�i�ii�iii:�!:!:I:i 111. 111,11.1. .- ON I . .. .... - .11 I - � ...... ii�ij',j��ijijii. ...........M. 4) I .. ... I 1, ..... - ., - ..... .0 , ."..... ... ....., -,� Mr. and Mrs. R . :- . -1-11;4-11- - !:il,fi;l�:iii���!il���i��-,..�i������- - ::.;.. - , !chard Peck at Sea- , . ���i�.".������������]����������� , Iii�l.ii����i�i�i!i*�ii�������������i��i��i� X �"I'�����iii���i�.�,��.*.*!�i�i�i�i��iiii���i�l�i, .. , .: -1 . i -i ... , * - 'i �'. --: ::X'. . � .-..i'%�:�,.iiiii:jijij�j��i]�li�iiii::::::::::::;:. � , �11' - ..­ . xx �.� i��i..�;..*.'.,*i�i��i�i���-'%'.�l�--i��i�l���,.*�l�l��i.*ii :: *1 * - Q .. ....... �. .�;::.. - " . I rth spent Sunday and MondAy at tile I . . * i�i�i�i�i�i�iii�ii��i�� . -!�!- .'�;�.� _-*iiii!���i� I I ..:.X.: -:,X.: �����i�i��i�� .1�1�i�!i��i�i�i���� 1 : �-..�. , ,;.::,%:-:.:�.:.:.:.:.:;:;:i:;:�i��.* _���i;i�iii�iii�i�� .1.i��ii!-* 1111, I � .:.:.:.:.;:;:;:;:;:;:,:.:.:.:.:.::: , `IiNi . :�*; :: *�i�i���i�i�������l'.�����i���������i�������I����i���������;�����i������i�i��::::::::::: 51 . :,. . � 1� former's home, , .. :.:.i::: ii, "" i�i�, .:.,.:n:.:.:.:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:,- -.. , L Misses E. and S. Clarke of the I '1� I if -..-.ii���������i�i�i��������������������]�����������i��'-.�'.���:. �%'!:,'�..,�l�i,*-:i.'.-':���:.'I .*��i�.'��i�i�i-,.i�il�l�:.�i�����i�i�����-',,*������i��������,�*.�;�����,'�������-..'*I��--.*�i 1. . � e�: .M... .�...%..���������...���ii�����., . !!:��.-.'.������������������������.,��������i������j���i�i,*�i�i.;.;.:.:.:,.:.;, I .. _`* . -. ., -, . 1:�:.:i�.lilif.i::..,::-e"*",** .... :.�:;:;:;:;:;:::::!:;:;:::::::;:;::::::::::::::::::::���;��� , i ... I . PAUL :-:-:-�i�-,.; � .m..; ..i,.*:�:;":i:i:l;ii�:ijiji�i:ii.�i�i:i�i�l,i�i�i:i:i:i;::�:i:�i�i�i�i�i�i�:j:j��i-.i�iji .. i�i�i�i�i�i�i�:�j .:... I i;ij Bab7lon Line left for Detroit last � C .. 1�j�!�j�i�ij ,, .. ,. -� -�:ii,,K�:�i.` . week. . I I . f .�i;�. , 4. .. ,....-..- , J.:i-.:i*, ����i�����������--qliiiiii;i�����i�i���l�ii�,:� IT I �'. V . ".N. -IX, "j: ?:ii��`.Ii:�iZ�:� I'' _� . . ::_�___ ... 11��I�iii�'�_- � ILY . I 0- * I ... , , 6�-,�:*�*,� . . ..�ii �i; � , ,� -WI.L -,*;It . . ,�. � *:;:;:::%..,:::: �:,:`iiiii� �.,, friend, Miss Gortie McGee of Tacker- !" .. _. , , "`�;§�;!!�*-!� :. " Mr. Ed'gar Armstrong, with his I � ., , .11 � li.'Iiii�! 111. 4 1 � C._�'_ :X �i�i�­, . .. 1!1i.� �::::,i 1. . r ::" , . ... ii�, - - - . , . .. ... iiiiii.ii . . , " Smith, wer6 guests on Sunday at the , � . 11 ""',­` "" I , 4 ­ "' ` "I �. . 1 7'T IN -1009.0 %oi.'.'.'.'.'.* '..'-.. N....'. ... ...'.1"...". ...'P..., , 1 .11....;.�.1.1'41..,�-111.�.-I...,..- li= .�l*.,..",.,.,!.*.It.:.,*.-.'.*.'.'.'.'."""-.,,.'.'.'.'.'.';;;;;;.,...:.,. -.`.,."-x::" . ........ ...f... � . .,., _-: . =W, * -.".,.:,..,',',.',.*."",.,,�,�,.":; .. I . _'�� - - N_ a,_!_ ..- �.,_. '.....: . ... X"... Im"Mi..."I", _.. P;�P/ I name OL Tur. Jos. Richardson. , � I 0 . . � . . - 7 I Constance � I I Mrs. E. L. Farnham and son spent the 94th with her parents at Sea. . forth. I . * I Rev. Mr. Conway c,t the Nile preachL% I ed here: on Sunday, Rev. Curiy takidi,X . the work at the Nile. . I . Quite a number around here took in � the- sports in Clinton, whilo others . ; went to Brussels. . � I I Ali. RolOrt Clark, Miss Jennie Love� " . � Mis , 0 Stella Clark and brotherr. spent . Sut1day the guest of the former's. sisr . -------- . . 1; * : ` q.; , . "K:. . " .,i !:iij:;2;X:�j� ,�il: .�!� .... ?::�-i::-i.':::'��, , i* . ­:iiii�..`,iiii�ili: ,:::i�i�i�I�i�I�i�i���i���i������; ,,, - "'P., ��- ,�i���i���i�:���i�i�:�i�i�i�i�:�!������l����i������������������.', .7,w. ,:;Ki. "Ill, .-,:*:*i:��X ..X . .!��i��; �ji�:�i�:j,.ii .�ij:: , k . . .. �:i!�i�i�:i..'i�, .,.'������l�i�ii�iii;�'�!�iii�;�i.�����.'�i! . , ".. I . ::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:i:i:i:i: ��i����������������.�������iiiiii�iii-.'����i�i�"!!��ii il-',*i;���i���!.._--.,��i� !, I" ;:",. ` 1'.'.'.'.�:��:;!..�, :i-`;�i.*.-�.'i�*-..�i.'i�*.;� '. . '..'... "�i�*ii"i���i�������������������������i�i�i� . -�!�.-��. -ii.-. , " - -k .... .* * . ..*�_ . . ........... � ...... i�i��i�ili�i����!�. -,�.-.. ;i;�i!:�!"..�:�ii��������:�!;i;�;i�� . -iii .. . , :0i., ;i.-`.`,*�-.-`:1-*--,: _ i-:i::::ii.i�i�i,*,i`, , - . .��j�, : " �i������i��������i����i".�i��ii��i.. `:-X-:-:-:.:.x�i: " ;,���-.'�i�i�i�i�. . I i.-.;-:,-:-.-::-- x k , : -.i��i.'-.'i,,'..-.�!�ii;ii.'.�� .�i�li�i�����..���;������*,*,-*�����'..�','i�;!�!�.'-�-.'i�!i.:;ii�i-.i���!;,���i�:i:;.i���;!�i�: ` , '� ­ , . - 7 .,�iii�i�!�.. --x, - ... � i!:i��*-.'.�ii�:�����:i�.*,'-.:��".i�-'..i�'. ;i,i.*.��i�..-,.*�i���:ii;iiii;.;i�� :i :�:�:::::-���::�i:,::i:�::;:::;: . 1.1 i��iii:ii�:� . '1% i�i ....... ;..���i�.11'��.�iiii.'-I� .-.ii�!;!���I�;i��i��:�:i,,':..":.-*i I " X � .1 ..... , . ,.N.M. EX., " , *ii_".��ii�i�:ii;! .. , . .. ,��,;";...:,;.�.;...::,::."**"�i�i��.,:ii!i�!i..�'ii�:�:;i�:il"I . --.Z�i`.:�-, -*.ii'.�iii�i�:�i;! ... , - *�!' . . _ . .�:�i�:��'.-*�i.�.�*.�i-'.�i�i���i�i .;`-��!�-,�ii�iiiii: i�ii!.�.-'�;;�:.,.;,..: ,11�-. .","��i.�����i�i�i���""**"*","","*,*,*"**;*;.;.;.;.;.;.Z� ........... , . . 1? --.-1-1X1." ...'... :: *�:::::: p � . , nil!_ - - .. . ........,..�'....,.,....��������f����������.*������.'.����������. ... "I.." ...... .... ".....'.. . i*i..*:i�::j,::��j�;: r * :i��X ,?'. *' :. :., - - i i.'�:*..;:i���ii'�'!���i.".��!��:i..�:j��.,-�i�:���ii:ii�i��i: - ­i1:i.`.,.Kii::iiZi�i I.ii::*.:�i:......��:�."-".*�i�:�i;:i: .`.i�i "�::;.;:-::--:;.:::::: ........ ii�;!` ,.� ""........�.::�i�i'."*�,�,.�:�i.:::::�:i.,-.-:.;.;.:.; "..."­ i:i?:�i."i�:�i' �i�:!.�ii��*..'.*'.*.i�:�."'.--.'-*,���!ii;��-.*..i - , 1-i ""' '-,*-- .-,._, - .,. .;...IX:. ": ;:;:;:;�j:,:.:.,. . , - .... X`:�: : . ....... ....".1.i i� ,.�i:�� g.... i 'RXI .._­ ........." i .... `:....!:Kii:...1....1.. . :: ... .. _, . �` ii�*,.'.-�.ii:�*i*�'-'.-;*�-.�",i*;i !*:-K*ii�li�i��. 1i.**--'.1---i..-*1.' ...,_..... :::i��ii:*::?-_:i!��:::* - - .:.................. .;._;i�:�:,'ii:i�!�i�! - X . . , -.ii:*.ii,*,ii�:i-� ��i���,.����i���'�e.�]�i�i���i���������: ::-;::,::::,.::,X.::.:, . . *i:i�:.�;:;:;:;:;:;::::: ...::1-.:: qa:: -:::!i�!i�:;��:i���, ` " . . . - . . ;:::::::::::i;i:�:. .-.�i­ %�;�� o:. x. - i��;�;:::::e.,i: -i�ilili�i�:�i .. j:i:j:i:j:j:j:::j _i- iiili:"-Iiiiiiil��iiiiii:i iiii.i�!�ill�i�i�:�i .... ., . i:� -�� . , �i�!�!�;iii�:�i� `- 'i5. `ix:: . 11 _. . I ---------- I ... �.` : . 11 .. "i *!i],* -Ii.. . .,-i--,..-,.----*i,i: ....".....".1 . I :*iii�`: " .... ............... ... :;.., , . .. --...::: ,'..�,:..� 1'��Z:XZR ... - ,CtIR. c , , ;,...,;..:,: ..........­.- - , 4 ...... %.W.U.: . . . . . _­ .... :-X.N., --- � . . I IWAM . --% -.% i-lGe... �%- ; . I 0 .... - . , : - _...... - I r�.1.144- � I . ... A . . ... I . . I � - . . . . . . . � . . I I . . I . I . - - - - � - I I - . . . . ters,:%rs. John Price of Leadbury. 31offes up the System. . .1 ---. __ .__ , . . I "I- I � . . . . . - I ,r chool flag was floating over the ' ... k%~ * W W ho'ho-0 U " 11 �A' - - - - . � 47k^ . #%0%#%0%0%#%1 - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - � with my eyes being red and Watery, anct . I I . � �� I � school from Friday till Idonday, even.. ' . Mrs.� William Mcl�oberts, Waverly, Mr. Caleb )EL Borten, P aftimor ' .6 Travelers Association) 280 ray general health was very poor . . oUco* 011lcer�, 2112 North Pam street, j� es Mr. William Hogs, Prosid nt Commercial * ing in honor of 24th of Ma I . 30rin.,writeo: . ­ Md., writes*' .. I �, .. . � � . . I .. . Broadway, New York, N. Y., writes: . . - 66Finally 46 friend adv1sed me! to trT - - � Y. * I'll am perfectly wen of the catarrh I 1.13For spveral y9arp I,,was troubl6d with catarrh, of .the head, throat and . 1U endoise Peruna as the most effectual remedy for catarrh I have been Perrina. I had tried almost everything - Mr. Thos, Tudor Jr. spent a few took Peruna,and Manalin. I reeo*m- stomach. M , . 9 I I I . . else, so I purchased a bottle of Peruna, I . days in our village last week. . . I . any times. I would Vomit befi3re and after eatin .. . Able to find in my travels In this country or Europe. I can truly say that and commenced to take it at L 1: . � mend your medicine to every one And "I took, seven bottles of your Peruna, and I am glad to say that it has I have spent thousands o � f dollar,% in this country Alone trying tofind A oure, . I .once$ and. , L I , . . . . Seeding operations Are about over . '. cannot. praise. It enough., It Is a Ano cured me. � I . I. I . 1. . . before I had finished. the first bottle L . although AL few, I L I . . and It was not until I was Induced to give. Peruns a trial that I obtained any*' - . . for this season havle medicine to take any Season of the year. "I feel moie like living and working, I and am L not bothered at - All wit . h - L e . found I was Improving. I . . . nt L ' , . f, . .. I I thing like porman nt relief. As a tonic it is. simply great, It ought to be i In - L � I � ;Some to sow , yet, but,if the prese Taken in the,spring ,it tones up the my old troubles . I . "I wrote you for special advice con- . L . I � . . I . the gtip ofovery commercial traveler on the road. It cured my wife as well , � 'weather continues a few more day's L ' oystem, and acts as a gentle Stimulant.'! I '�X take great pleasure In recommending'Pdruns to all ouldrers with' . - . cerning my eyes, which I received. .:E . , . L will see everyone throiugh in' this vic- - .. I I .. . I . , asmyself. We have not had the Slightest symptom of catarrh'for A long iimo 11 continued to. take the Pernha until 1 halt ' ­ � . A Good Tbnl�.- . catarrh, and 1 thank you. for. what yod have. done for me, for none but . 14 arlater letter Mr. Hogs sayg;-11I have used P4�runa for many years us . . inity. . 1. - i ' those Who, haveL suffeied as.I have can Appreciate a, L never without a bottle In ray gri . I am the gest feeling'and younge.11 . ed six bottles. . . . I I Mr. Joe Leonard, Flat 3, 231 Allen St. . L I . p . . . p ,. youn,, #'Now my eyes are absolutely well, The teleplmne poles are erected and I .. I I found Peruni to be." , , . t.. � - . . 4 . . . f -York, which I think is entirely due to Peruna." y . . Buffalo, X. T., writes: . . . . - . . , . 1� . I . . looking man o, .my Age in NeAw . . . . . our citizens are anxiously waitmg for Z.. � � . �. . . . . - -.- �: ..� I . . . and I feel like a new man In every way. I . . .. "I have good reason to endorse Peruna _� I %1-1_1_____-_o__#%-_. . .1 � .1 %o%r%~%^.^~ - . I . � the phone to �e placed 4n, Mr, Clatke!.s , I . . . . . . . � . � . . I I. . d1I honestly advise any one similarly I " L .. ' I I L L . as I have found it a, good tonic, stim . S,pleadid 'for La aripp . .. taking Peruna, Which 'I did, I took able, I can highly recommend it to all afflicted to try Perun - . a have a chat - I . I u- - .1 e. . Pali, hi chest. ; . . � . &.10 . . . I . . I - . I . ; . � � I .. . L.. three bottles, and 1 can.say I amefired. whoare sufferingwith the abovediseases . . . . k")."'tth . . . . with friends abroad. ­ . . � . lating the system and'.sustaining it Mr4 V rahk H. Pleldor .210 Pleasant Mrs."A. W. Gustin, 02to Lak . . . . . . I I . c Av64 St. 41Thankg for kind advice and FAruna.11 I 'am happy to be able to say it has helpea Better, than for. Vi�ars. . . - . ' The bright,, -glowing, warm days of . undef glMat pressure, imparting un- Avo.v Montgomery,.Ala'.i formerly prin-, Jo oph . . . . . � I I . I L . I _ usual endar . I . 4 .v Mo., writes: "When I'began . . 'Mrs. Mahala Reid,, Corbyyine, OuLb L.. . I t . . L uie,wonderfully.�' . . . . . , . . . , I . I * � Teal summer have, come with early . and,a. and' enabling me to,o2pal of' Haynesville 111gh Schooll taking Feruija I had quite a severe pain Hay Fever and. Catarrh. . - _ - . . . � .1 I - 'work md,h longei and.11hrdor than the .writes:. . - . . . .. . . . .. . . I Eyes ARed and Watery. - r . . Canada, writes that she had constipa- . � I '. sunrisings and late Sunsettings, with � . . I afid a0he Iii the left of my chest. I suf-: mlsj� M me 'R, : Smith, ,444 Z . tion, rheumatism and kidney' troubloi� I , I . � L system could. possibly do,wore It not si . . . BY . list . , . I .1 . .1 I . . . L . erunq Is a .forod.a great deal with it. . * '. , 1X6uud,St.$Columbus, Ohio, writes: -Segal St., She took Peruna And Manalin, And is. i � 1. � � . . - splendid rarnedy'fo� is grlppe, and a 'It wroto-to Dr. Hartman and asked 4'Havo 'used Perund -and Camden,N.J., writes:. �' :. .- now-com letely recovered, bott0rtbaX, . . the beautiful flowers and foliage which for the great powers with wblch� it on I can truthfully say that P . . .. Mr, William S. Hearn, 1003 � � . scent the atmosphere and breath6. . d6w � ed me. . It . .1 . I ' . for oatArjh� . . . . P L . I 110 . . . - . � . - � ..gives one. jaPPY". Q;#bn.111 good tonic for building op the system. I him! what I should do, Re advised ray -hay fever. ' The roAdta Win- rcmarl�.-, "For about -two yeak6'1 was,tioubled -b � . ve and purity ought to arOuse an ­ . . .4 . 1. . .� . L. .1 L . L. ' I she has eeufor:�ears.-: . - , ;, . . : . . I .. I ... I .. . � I . L . . . . . 1: ., .. --� , I L . . . ,6��: , . awakening ofthankfulness that fills '' I : I- . 1. L I . - - ______*� . . . .1 . L . I . . . I .. I . . I I L . � I I . L � . .. I I . . � . I . . I L I .. I . . .1 . I . I . _. . I . � I . - . . . . . I � . I L. . . . ­ I . .. . . , . L I I I . .1 � 'the soul With Jay. Surely the . #"##*"""' * , , . . . . . � . . , * . . 11 . . I . . �, .: - .. .. . :"!k I ... ,:. ' ' . . . .. . - Births.' � .L .1 I. I. . . .. . - . . . . . L , . . . . . � , .. . . . . tural words will be read with glad-, I Z I . I .1 . . 'L . ..Goderich; ­.'.- ' -. -' , Goden'ch. . � . -MAr *1 , . . .. . . I . . . L . . ­ . � I . . . , riages, - .1 I , . I ness, "The winter is past,� the rain, 4 I I . I �. . � . . ..� . . I 1. . I . . . ' . . . [ IT, "I ' , .. . - : . . . . : : - IE . � .. I . �L. . Tlie'bblfSCL belonging '. to the cat to , . ' 1 __ _J_%AL 0. gone ; the flowers. appear 0 1 ,h ,�la:te 1% ia' Turret, Qaecil'! came in'On Sat7 -HIL-L-At the rest( I .ATT-Ifi Stanley.: on May � 21st, . . . . . 1. . �eX_a Th - News From .Gdderich I , . of 0 . . George,L' Aelioson,' Is not urday evening to discharge bride's 'mothei', -Clinton," 01 � T . ­ L . .� �. v - - 0 ' . NOBLE7 .1�nce I . ilig' . e . . . s .1 . . 04.1 , to Mr. and.Mrs. 1.1en y Erratt a, -, �! n h of. the, a' ging � J. L ., . , , '� . .. . ­ . ,grain . . at L . the . .. � . . . . P ,.. �, of the birds is come." : . 1. .. I I . L ­ . : .. . � . -, " . I . � I I -6. . .. I . I ... . I I I I .. I .. . ,offereid , Jor so , le, with the rest b,f - the the elevator.. . I .1 . . ,. � ..LM&y,... 26tb, by Rev.. XIV. E. Kerr, i son. . . . . .1 _ .. I . .. . I . I . ; . . .'. ­ . , * , " - I � I .. 1: �Cstate, Mr*.� and Mrs.: Hoyer,, having I I T . oront %. - . . . L . ' . � . . Miss Ida Cornish gave the subidet. EL01SE. A.L SKIrIMINGS, Correspondent, ' I . am L K ' ­ Mr. Sam�- :0rulkslianic 6f ;a . L Margaret, YqUngeStL daughter .. - pt SAMPSON-Ifi LorAesboiC, Un , , � . ' , . . . . ca it�--rcmovink ir . eays St. ' May I at the Epworth League Tuesday �v- .. .... , ,. . . . . . . L . . , . I . . . L spent the Vict��ria 'holijiAys the guest' . L Mrs. Thos..Hill- to job') KOhk of 1 � 96th, to Mr., - and Mrg. Thomas- . . L , ` , , , " , , . . . evening las I t. I 1. _ S, I.. , ., 1. .. . .. - . . �� I � . .. . . I.. L � LL.I.... . � . . .. On Sunday � evening last Rev.- � Dr. of Mr -'and Mrs.�.W, L. Walker'.' - �. � the. Huron Road,' Huliatt.' � n, a, a . a . , . . . . . � . . .JL I rent I ._ I .. . . L . L sampso n . I L . - 4**##*""**""**"#***.*******#******"+*####"*##W L Dotigal, took. as: his text Job 29`7'15, ' Mr, Reiin .. . . . � . '. I . . I . . . . .. L ' ' . Mr.. Wra. .Clarke is having a ;Weh . �. . . 1. - - I. I . . � ,. I 1 13 1 a!d, dii,inity, Stude . - . . - 1. .. 1, : I , -O' May 15th, to Mr. and � . � " . I . ­ . ... ., nt, at . I . . I RAMSEY n . . . , � 11 ,-1 IV . 'bavW Ramsey,' Wdstfiel I d, a. . � . . L . . ''. - :"V�hen my :children were about. me. -, Trinity College, - Toronto, arrived 4 � I . . . . . . I . drilled. at Ift's -home near here. Mr. � E ,ngir;eer Joseph- M;Iler is. spending Mesdames Green and'J. Pi.' Brown ;'The sermon `*hs:a. beautiful illustra-' home for his vacation on. ' 'Thursday. L .. . .L � -.;.-- . I i�s. . . . . L I ' I Edwhrds of Brussels is doing t�t a few weeks, at.,the. ho,m6 -of his par- received by telegram last week, the .. . . Goderich. i .�,.,", . daughter. L L q . � . . I- tion of . I ' - is vaca- . , I I L . t . . work. �. . .1 I 6nta, .-Engineer and Mrs. James: xill� sad now% at the' death, of Mrs. Arch' .a -happy home. - Ae depicted'He intends' to spend part oL hi .L . . L . . . I ' I 'Mont L h, ' I . well.. the sorrow of parents when. -their - tion* - .with ' ,' gra dinother, . Mrs. . - WALTON-IA*'Wingbam, on the l3ih.' . . Mr. Ernest Adams h3,s sold . his er# * Ad,hails from a t. . lbald Hall.44y, - (nee-*,, '.Nliss Carolina . . * : ­ . . . I his n Mr. J. W... VoLriatter, Who has been . . -driving horse - to Mr. John' . . . I . Gree . . thdr children , give sorrow to thplr� Tye at Haysville, *.. i - , . � , . connected with the Sig'nal for :�Weuty May,- the wife of Mr.. ,1�eortard Wa�+' I L . I . M6C1yw .: The bid.'- Turner. resideno ' ' n) of. Wheatland,- , Dakota.. Mr �. . . . I . . �. I . I . ­ , . . . P, on, Essex . L .. . kTa�" I I . .. - I ton,"'AL Son, , I ... . . . . . . % . . - .. . , ,."J, . . . . ' mont for a good figure. I _. I . street, has' hall,the old fence �tor Archie L Halliday. . is 4 bio,ther i)f Mrs.. ��rentS, L by. commit�ing­erime. 1. . Professor Geoffery Ho t ;t�ri,re,!'tilal,�ev.en..Yea.ts, has sevbred., his cui,116c_ . ­ .i I . .. . I � . . . n . . . . '' , L " , . . .11 I . . . . L . . L I . I . .. . I � � I . ... .. . �. � . ' from San �Ahtonlo,'Texa .1 s . t d Will tak,6 a ' , '- . IL � L .. .. I I .. . .. � Mr A . . . 1 . - - ,� ac- other LL da L y. , . . . Mait . Armstrong has Purch S� .down And a new one built arquAd . th . a a. W; Smith, � . . . . L L . : L �, .. I Mart�rr�pre - aided at the organ mor. . . ' toil thlif6with, an :trip ' . . Deaths. '' . � . I i L ' . . I . . , §L . � I.. . ceptailAy. At the off eriory *Mr. Jaines and will spuid'Ahe coming sea' " ­ ' west before ' ett i L . . . . � I . L . ,ed some good cattle for grazing 1pur-, estate4 - '. .. � . . I "God L a*,o th' k- 11- � s u lig, � it Th . I . Son " ­ -at L . . _. a , i,ng down in business , . I.. .. . . � . . . 1. I I . .,. . . - . . . .. . L I ,. I . I 'L I , , . L . . � .. . . . .L I I . . ' .1 L . a ing, .wa! omson sang in a * Veititifully , SyMpo`_ home. L . o d L I � -poses. .. The EpWorth . League' of' ' Viciorla' St. -George.'s . church � 'on Sunda last '' . L '. . . 1; .-. I . . . ,again. L . . WATT -At: the home or Mr., A. Rel . � . . . . . . . . . L I . , - ' C . � . . . * * : . . y , , theti' voice ,;'Lead me Lordi O.� gently I ' lqr.� and ' Mrs. . . Joseph, Barry And : -.4 � . . I I � . . . ..... - . I . . , .on Nny..26th, George Watt; age&'- -� � , - - , . . I 11 . .%treat .6hurch, celebrated 171hLMA bv i it. iS ouir sad duty to'chronicle : the. I -or. gaVO-the 0aughter, MisS',Irene- of Landow,. w'erel . I . I L I . . . I . . - . .. . . � 1. I .. I . I . L . y L ead me." . Before the past I I . 83 . I . L a concert, it being the anili�ersary of deatho'n May' l8th of Frances Railency'bbnedir.tion � Mrs. Martin played "'O . 1�1 j. 1. L Live Stbek-Markets : � ` - , years. ., . ; . I . : . �. . ' . .1 . . . . . . . xod guests on Victoria .Day oi .1 I . i . . . . the forming of the'league her'e, T!fiore Pottori.wife of Samuel Ethl: i . � . , IRAMSAY-Iii . Goderich, 'May . lath, � L . � I , I I . � . in, a, ' t the Save the King'! after' whiAT Illr,' 610ir Birry's *6ther '�nd s-isters-i Mr.- and. . . . . � wi;i� alargq attendance. A very. nice early age of ,17 years. Mr. land. Mrs: ! iG6d 'bless our L nidive. land" . fill- ille Irisses n I L. � . . . . Toronto, May 24tl11'_R6cbiptS ' 0.1 Mealia Mugford, wife 'of W. J. . . I I ogram was I arranged .. L f 0 ' , . a - . , L . arry. I . .... � live stock at the Union Siaek. Yards Rarnsay,'aged 48 years, 8 months - , L " I '. I . � . . L I . pr . . r the eveh� -Potter, her patents, now xes'tdo ' in issin'iigng' u ,kiih -"The National An. i L Mr. - �f Waiihing-1were z5 carloads, consisting. of - *1179 and 3. LdayS. ' . - � . . . STEADY . . P I . . and. Mrs.; Bowman . i I ling. .Rev. Mr.. Miltyard. presided. Will Goderich. '.A little over. two . . . I � . . . . L . . - I I . . . years. them.P' At the . morning servide bi) ton were the guests- on Su'di I . I . , I . I .. . cattle, 34 sheep and.mie calf. HLIN-In. Goderich, on May I 9 th,,� L L . , ' � . Dre* -made biiL devv,ut as'a. soloist; in, ago, Mr. and. Mrs. Echlin with . their,this . church this choir ,ang "�he POP�. Victoria, Day'64 Mrs,.:Mesner ,and Xls.s' ]�C . rendering "He ,,givoth His beloved family, of Ono son, .'. Cecil, and4 two ular sacred solo "Face, V) Face." Hayn ha ' n'e4;Miss S -man. The quality of fat cattle :was good. Frances Rodency, Potter, wife at. . . . - .1 . . . I it W. . . I ving joi . Bow .is a hol''L , f MPLO YMENT sleep" in a -, praiseWorthy . manner. daughters, ' tile Mi.4ses RUtl' I . . I -Tradej considering. that I- Samuel Echlin ag6d 4 i and Next - Sunday will ' bo the i '12hll- there. , � . . . . I . . ' I , 7 years, 9 .. . . . . . I I I . L . , . . � . � . I . �., . "The . Preacherls: Vacation, r was- Char- Cepha, removed from the Nile . to dren's .S; S. anp,iversacy.'t 'W - . I Mrs: Captain- Angus Macd6liald left day, was good, esPecially for butcher months and 16 days� . , . . I . . .. . . . it, - ,; I I , � . . . L ..L . . raingly . givcri� by Miss- Levy. Mrs, Goderich, Mrs,� Echlin then !)"JnX' in L Mrs. Josiah MCIlroy. was confined� to on Friday for.Torofito wi�ero she will cattle, Which were. reported as. all'MITCIAELL�ld Wilkie,. '. Bask., on, .. . 1. . Bugging fol"O'. . . . Idi.4nd 12 carl6ads of exporters as .,May.lith, John, 8rd .Son ol'llich-* L . . . ... . . wed with her fa�orfte good health and not untfl� about Eos- the -house last - week,.from aL. severe ,spend the holiday gedson with. 'Alrp and so I . . Can be given to a Dumber of sacred solo.: 'Through all' Eternity.', �ter time -did she evInde -any, svmPtOms - attack of cold. . �. I . ­ - ; .' . . wel. . . I .. . . . I I a:rd ' Mitchelli, late of Grey' . . � .. I . . . . I I I . "Hall to th I a Lord"s Annointed,", was . of disease. ' . An -cF.dernie � of gore I I . I ... 'L . Mrs.. T.weedlie. - . . I L . 1. , �Pricqg I -for ill- classes of cattle 1 were ,township, n ear. . I . L . smart girls on habd'setving or f L _ . .' . . . . . I I ' . I . .. . i Ms 26th y I . ""I . . - Th Mrs.. Col'inson has opened "Green- firm ,it LIP St . I . .. . .. y renliered, by Messrs, Pdweua and' throats passed over the town, aboUt.,, a steam 0jarges. "Unadilla" and , , - 4or the summer Mr. .. week's iluotations. CASEMORE-In.. Wingha:m, Na,� 13thi. . : Belcher I . . Leland" from Sandusky, arrived holi�6" . and . �L ' I . L y . . I ,operating machines. Apply .- A 'fine �14uartatte ".Jesus that time, and,Alrs.-Eclilift possibly . on ' . Exporters . I James Casemoie,'L aged' 69.: mrs. � . � . . Lover of My Soul-," ' . I I I Tuesda , of last -- week, 'both c6rryin& Mrs. Frank Wood, are registered there I "Export steers sold at.&50,5 to $C-25', COULTE,S�wLIn 'East Wawan.)1,11, Orr -, . � . ' 'k,nost 'svni- toDk'a cold, and fancied it tot be, trif- clirgoosm coal, for the b4 MillL � .. ' for the, -pt - osent. . 4 . . . � . . . . . . - to Mr. J. McLeod, for . eman. .1 pathetically rendered-bywaMse's'srs, Hale, 'ling. She was a 'lovely, imothet, and a . .1 .1 I 1. �, . � bulls, $4.50 t.o. $5. . � Monday, May 17th, Waltor Coul- . 'L ' : ' 1 Kiss Cdllinsofi, head milliner for . I . . I I . - I . .1 Drew, ',Belcher. and Powrie. An - in- devoted wife'and ,her memory will be, . i Mr. and -Mrs.. Hodson and family in� I ' . Bqtchers. .. tes,� aged 51 ycars-� . . I I L. . . 1: � I . I . I . � . , 1 41 rs. or ,, - spent the - . � i I '� � terinission. ho now are. M' P k .' I L Victilria ' h li- I - I L followetl,� which; - !tend retgrniing, to Almoute,.-Wheirelb. . 0 . Best load'i sold a't from $5.25 to -PHIPPEN--4n, Lower Wiwrpima,' On: . - I . I I ..61,.N*cd long, cherished by �hosq-w � I ev' day with BCrlift friends., * - 1 . 1. . . . 1. � . rs o'' can do. better. than . 1 $6.50 ; medium, $5 to M25'; common, . aTgaret Sirnpw.)�i. : le -L I , . c -.# the several. PC ons ..t mike - the - nec-Aeft to 'mourn -their loss. Mrs�­ Echli't, . . by Femaid.ing In . . May 16th, M I . J . - T , OL Y essary *Preparations to liioperly.-enact Joined the Womm's, Missionary, Society 1 Goderich. . I I . 11 Mr, Lorne Chrystal of Toronto was $4.60 to $� , L e . � 4. he dadson lif . L 0.75 to, $4.50 pet, liet of the late Gao,.- Plinipen, tru . ,!L . . I . . . _ fg -11 � the followiat-.diaidgue, .which, opened ,. church anA the 1pasfor's'l . . ... . .. . . '' and, in town - Sunday -'and ' Monday. '*. . . . . . laws,. . . . . . . . - "hor 65th � I . .1 .1 . .: -L'. . .. - I ... .. I . � � .1 L . . .. .� of -Xortlr�st� . . I L Mr. E. Norman Lewis ­x%L P. dence.' the ,lady ine'nibers of North street cWt. . Milk I era al.d Soringers . . . � .... year'. . L L OTL­ I L' . . Gfintm. the 2nd part 'of .the program, Those Thursda. . evening'class, -and was also family are now at their late iesi choi I I . COULTSS�-fn East WaWanash, _ . L 0) , .. y , L . r dispensed -with their . hit-,. Oil Prieds for milkers and springers . .. I who took part in the "Trip -L 1xid a devout member of the church. Rev; i - Mrs. (Rev.) McLaughlin, was called Sunday evening 'last. .Th I . May .g7th, Walter Coultas, aged! 51 ' . * . . I - I ' . . � . . � . armed- the caste,, were Mr. Powrie, Dr. Dougal officiated at the .funeral, from Toronto this month, by th, 1 I were unchanged, at $35 to $60 each. years, 11 months wid. 11 .days. . L ' - L .. . - v 3 tl1­ very . pleasing. 'L a � L ­ Sheep. and Lambs. 1. I I � . .. I ., . L .. L I . ,;,. � , . who plirsonated Judge Clairmont ; %'Vill assisted by -Rev. Mr. ,Tones of Aublkirn.. ness of her'sisterl Mrs. dharlic.NeW- On -Victoria Day, Mrs. -Merner, d . � ; p , .. Drew, "Bernard" theaccitat,.l., Aliss At the request of the late MrsiEchlin, ton, who We are glad to note has Miss Hayn, took their. guests, 11 The run of sheep. and lanibs wag ---� . .. 1. . I rn . I ', L . Mr. and i. *-O,-%.,Ib,.W.%w.%�,%w,,Woftw,%,,%-,%- * . I . I . . I L - I rattled , c t.r.0it � to. forming,, a � fishing party, which delight-' Prices steady, ; at $3 to $ . 6�50 per , I I t . h . Judge's son ; Mr'. .Karslakc' "Rosy orite hymfi. "Sliall, we gather at th . . . I . . * :.�, * * . . 0 L . . . . Ada ,Moore h "Maud" :Bcrn,tKd'$ : be- Dr.- Dougal ead her favorite P:10,11u, quite 'recovered. .Mr. John Nellon, of Miss Bowman - down to the harbor ight, 'Price - a I unchanged all round. I i . L ��lli, TO* isly, Heilry, ihe (JxXX, and ,ill present� sang her. fAV- Clovdand.. came'up irorn, Do .'Veal Oalves. I . -C .. I I L o.spend Victoria Day intown.'. I . ed all. . .1 . I . Cwt. I I �. :. . . , I , . To\Th . D . I � Darlin'." Mu Cook,�s popularsolo, and river ?'I,- The . beailtifillL ' -Casket '%'as Miss Trotter, , teacher, spent'her 1. Miss 'Robson - of Ilderton, spent . . . . Hogs, . . L.� 11 . . I . . . . the double ,quartette. I 'Down whare, the covered with .floral tributes, among Victoria holiday$. the guest � of Miss � Victoria Day the guest of "diss Dins- 1 ,There were none offering, biit H. P,. . ,a e , � . � - I I 'Lilies.bloom,11 were delightfully Tend- them bei * ng , a lovely' Pillow Of PWI.Spence. . . . . ...4 . . more. I . Kennedy reports . ,prices unche . Laged it All 'L' ' . . . I , .. .1 cred by Mosillames Biiggins and Given, and-whitc roses, carnations, Easter �Mr. Tommy Noonan, the "Star"I Conductor Statham and fanifty� of $9 for�selects, fedand watered; $7.- # . Having lately sold out out business, and Misses Nicholson and NValtevs -with lilies and lilies . of the valley with printer arrived in town last week. Stratford, how occupy. the house . 'on . i . � . 65 to $7.70, . L. a, b. cars at Country FAvitso. - ­ # Ao John P. Sheppard &, C Nessm Powrie, Drew; Belelle): 01nj ,,Moi'her" .in gold letters .00, a White - The Mi.ases Essie Smith of Lhe I,' Art E Igin Ave., formerly occupied by Mrs. . . I I I 0, we de- lHale. A pian tribute of I. : , points. - * .. L . .0 sire to tbarhk the public for their pat- vcn, bY Mo,$- Satin ribbon, tile family ; I store" &�d her friend, Miss Bri'mi- J. C, Rarrison. . .1 I ror4age while we conducted the bitsin- , ter ,Millyardi the accomplk;,lied a:c- lovely wreath of the Same flowers, combo, spent their Victor . 11'4011(14s' Migs May Elliott is vhqiting , 'her --- -_ . - I . Does your . watch . ess, and we would, 04 behalf of out companist of the evening, and Mrs� tribute of Mrs, & n, Hick's S S. at Toronto. L I , L t L Airs. Cbrystal of ToronLo. . . run -correctly? .If . . Le'adbury . successors, solicit for them the pal-IJames Andrews. The chorus fln,ile, class ; wreath of pink.carnatiolis from I We regret very much to learno'l the Mrs.. Alex.. Craigic has been. illdig- I L . . . , L . . I . . I ronage extended to us. The -new firm was gi�en by the choir and Was "The Miss C. Million ; Vir' Wilkin, a lovely'llineS4 of Mr. Angus McKay. ,PIC111:15Y paged the past week, we are sorry 1 Quite a number from a.round .,.here �, . it does .'not- leave I a in I 9 and carnations; is what the Attending. physician . . , - . it with us. . bave taken possession and will Collect Lord i X' g." The entertainment wreAth of roses, lille took in the Brussels SP,()rts on Mon , . earn, I I . . 4 all book accounts, And paq ,tit accounts Was r6ally most creditable 'to tin from the schoolmates of .Miss Cepha nounces the attack to be. I I Mr. Henr"y "Robinson, was laid up . (fay 'and all reported a good time. . � I : contracted by us in connection withl holri and 9,11 Who assisted, ;L vi:,r).! Echlin, wreath. of Carnations and lilies I - Mrs. Latimer, wife of - Mr. We.lter for a few days the:paat week. I The many - friend's of Mr. Jas. Ful- 11, . � .1 . .our business. good audience was -present. . . of the valley, and' from Miss Ruttis'iLatinier of the G. T. R., has r.,turned , l I ;, ton Sr. will b6 pleased to, .hear. that L � ' . I 1 $ . I Dr. Walter Turnbull- has been Cleet- frle!nds, the Misses Jennie Proudioot frofti the Stratford geocral helf,q)JUl he is recovering from his 'serious sick- Given the opportuDity, # recovered from the, Healthful Little Chil . drdn, MISS. I I . . . we will return it to you 0 . TYNDALL & CARR. vd a Public school trustee. and May Thotupsan, a bunch 61 white almost wholly I I I I - . Mr. and 'tits. Walter'p,,, Kelly leii, Carnations. Miss Minnie Gibbs, Salt -'o eratloft she had to go uhtler in bat!' � I 'I p . . I I Mr. Charles Tyner and' mother of, . . . on Friday for Toronto to take in the, ford, a spray. The pallbearers were city, . . I A mother should not expect that SUMMerhill Visited.. at the home of With our personal guar- . �. races. . I W; 11(nnet Graham, Walter moore'l Mr. Dustow of the N110,han rcturnpA her children. will escape All the ills to Mr.' John Searlett's last week. antee of its correctness, . . I I Having bought out the business of , � I , George M, E'll-lott, Fred. J. Pridliam, ItO town, and, has registered,at PRose.- Which babyhood - and ' Mrs., Nesbitt of Listowell spent the � $ I � Tyndall & Carr and' have taken pos-1 VOW ns are in .full William S . I . childhood are 24th under the parental roof ' I And our charges ore rea- ession, We take this opportunity j harulaft avid Richard WilSOA, d0116.11 . I subjectl but she can do much to les- - Mis a Lizzie and Annie . . . . V ., *-� � of bloorn, and As Local Option will- not The mourners froni A distance, were,il Mrs, Querrio of Toronto, w-�% the :SCA their SeVerity-and Make boby's so Rutherford $ sonable. ' i $ , :oifeiting the patronage that was bloom for another CoUP16 of years, we Ceel,l 1�,,chlin, Sault Sto, Marlc,, 8011' guest of Mrs. W. L. Walker for f Lucknow visited at Mr. 10. White's $. irm andWould say will give our readers another r I last week. .: I . � , I . " . 1. . given to the late f the battle for health ,easily won. Baby's 0 , e I 0600 of the late Mrs. tchl,.ti, And Mr, Victoria holiday$. Own Tablets sh4uld be kept i' W 0,nlake -no Charg I we lire .. #,ropared to Supply all.the do -,%r making did tonit, ftlidelion win,,,, - - brothers Mpssrs. %Vill patter, Cl&agOL;41 Miss Alice Wells, aft6r three ineritha, home where there ... ,,,,n every Misses Jewel and Anp,ice..Bartlift OE ` : foe'eia"ll"Ing,your Sunday at, the' I i tiands � of'� the $OnDtail public. . We� � iA- Pick 4 Oft , le On,es, Clititon spent bom'� of � , L 9411 � "' �61 the I M6 la,ige �`dan� (4corge, Lu,;knoW ; Satnurl, Colborne, 1period .of trial at Joling. llopM iiq firis- T -hey are mothers' bVet-roady belP -Mr. and Mrs.'80arlett,18. � I -,tond keeping a full stock 't clioie� tollons, with theit'jiiiey , - . ivatiZh. itift'd re0ort- - . a which we 0 . stems, ' aul The ;, brothers of Mr. E'chlin; also 'pi 11, The action . . . I I$ f6og­ tool, was acecPW As a I UZS(,-in- 'and Baby's best frietid. � . I . . . -1- I I F g s , I - I %rocerie. , will sell at close put them into a kettle with one gal- were present, , Messrs. ift that Institutian, in com- of the Tablets is gentle but thorough, [ I I imi 'It' ' needs.. L . ,p . "chi' Wesley And training, i . . . I , ,n at Nile and th-Ar da- panr with Miss Marga.ret N011,411(00t. They Core colic, fndigostlori,� conatiplt- DRAIN TILn -AND- BRICICS.-Wt ., . I r till and Ift9ket a" st66k bc- loft of -told WAter. Then put,them oh Richard L , . N . - w* 4,0p --- fore buying elsewhere. Cash paid tot the range for & hour, bringing them ter, Mrs. R.' W. Clarke of Toronto- T-10'ge twd' 'Young nurseg-lo-trainhig tion, diarrhoea, allay the-,irritatioA will open our first kiln, on May th,o 'buttdr and eggs And all kinds 61 farm to a J.,pil. Tak-o' 00 the retnge, ah'I TWO Cousins of Mrs. goblin, also At- � will not get leave to Visit 110ir h6m- at teething time, destroy Worms and 2kh aud tdch we will again have L, � L I . I I produce. I istrain, and wlim cool, add two Ictn', tendod the, funeral, Messrs. John Curi^ CS here, llnt,.l next Season. - prolftote� healthy., natuial sleep. And in stock a,'l sizes -of tile from ii X All GRIGG I ous, two orangm, sliced with four ningliam, Brussels,, and RiChard Gov -1 Mr Eldis ban told out his bilthrd al inches up to 19 inches And we we . . � . - ' I the mother lima bie guarantee e)f lbs. of white sugar, adding OneYMt let, Clinton. The funeral took place tabl�A to Mr. FraAk Wood of Xine'alt- g'ov&nmerit analyst thit this tnedi-! wilt open a, kiln every week duringi � Co. 1,eake, and stir,every day, for five on i JEWELER. AND OPTICIAN' L I P. 5H11PPARD & Priday -L to WIldrue cOMettleY, dine, *bo will carry on the business. cine contains no opiato or narcotlej tile season, we also, make Woe, � 4 days then strain again, and I?ut In, Ravd. . tuorot Marrhiga Lfc6ftsoi . a.. Dr. Dolagal and �X,Ones, OffiOiAt- Mr. ,t!dis bas hot yet determined 0- 8401d by mediciae dealers or by, waill white and red brick, Our works axell 18 .J. P. Sheppard - Xate V, Sheppard. bOttleri, but do not Put Corks, In tight ing at tile gravc,. The funeral WaA on any oth�r line of business for the t6t 25 ceAts a, box trom. the Dt �Vlj-] half mile east -of .Xgmondville.- Phone 88. . . as ferniefiting Is not done. I Very large. 'am6l Med'eine Co., Brockville, , 1"4%��,*w 16-�A&�A" 4 future. . if brit. I Kruse Bros., B'gluondville P. 0. 78-4 * %- A" I I . . . I UP , . L_ ---.b",M - 11-1-1- I 1-1 ­ 1. ­ .11 -1 . "' ah�­...­ Aihiad�, ­­­ 1� I i� I . 4 ..-igir - - i ______.____ .... ________._ . ..... i - . - .. - , � " .. . . , .� I . ___ _. __ I.e