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The Clinton News-Record, 1909-05-27, Page 4
4 COMO* hTSr SAW' l'A May 27th 109 _. . . God'erlcbTownshl • Mrs. Pouter of Toronto, witlk her son and daughter are, visitini Mrs.' Wm Perdue and other friends and re- lations in that neighborhoodf. Wedding Miss Retta Keys and her bxother of rhe thirty-sacond annual meetin of I , g be a sari of rural high school in Anes and twos unto proficient before Stanley spent Sunday with their tho West Huron Teachers' Association which the science subjects could be adding by threes, multiplication cousin, bliss Flossie Cole. was held in the Public _ school, Exet- taught so as to aid those who will i Should be taught by drilling thorough- Miss Annie Beacom and her sister, sir, on Thursday and Friday last. devote their lives to agriculture. ,ly w1th the smallest numbers before ' Alis 1;,2fie liathwG?1 ai Gunton visited Thursday Morning., The Science should 'fire taught experi-'advancing further, and. then gave a at the homestead on the Bayfield Lin) In the absence of the President, J. mentally. The note books• should be number of simple and excellent dc. - on Monday. SV. llogarth, Inspector, Tam accupi,ed filled and all summaries, drawings arrd.:vices for rapid calculation,. The ad - Can easilyh� Selected I A,garden party under the auspices the chair. Eindividual work preserved. Themoue-;dress was very much enjoyed by the, of Coles church will be held on the Thu fgllowin committees were a ted specimens in botany needn't be teachers and business men present, at this store, grounds of Mr. George Cooper` at unpainted : Resolution—Mossrs, W. g. `very many, but they should be well Pupils of the classes of Misses early date.- Weidenhammer, Wm. McKay Biuett, done. �I{insman, and Howard sang a number Mass Eva Burnett of Clinton was and N. W. Trewaxtina, and Misses Vos-' Consi,derable discussion afose in re -1 of school songs so as to delight everyl home Sunday .:and Monday. per,, Hamiiten and Consitt. ; ference to Fifth Class students from one• Auditing. Messrs. A. McLeod and J# 'rural schools entering the, second and j Mr. Gladman, Barrister, spoke o;, M. Robertson: ithtrd forms of the collegiate. The Ethical Training in Schools. Ile held Chinaware Summerhill. The'President, ]raving arrived, as- rural teachers are quite indignant that it is just as necessary, to,teach sumcd the chair.. (that the collegiate and high school children. ethics as it is to teach the Air. George Johnson Jr. spent the teachers are apparently trying to 1411'regular lessons of the school. The Class 2•1th at hio home here, l The subject, What to do with Tru -'the firth class by their refuAng to'teachers can teacIA moral lessons• in C'ut Class I Miss Muriel Moore spent Saturday ants was introduced by Mr. N% S'P, grant fifth class pupils 2nd and 3rd connection with -the teaching of such and ,Sunday visiting, her cousin, Miss .Trewartha, ' form standing, subjects as history and literature. Etta. McBrien, I His experience with truants was Mr. G. S. Howard oT: Blake, then 'The p good one and receive Lamps Mrs. W. H. Ball spent last wpok very limited and he explained the introduced the subject of 1'aday's ed. a hearty vote of thans, visiting •Goderich friends. ]kindly yet judo sous. way in which ha work," He being a rural tea,,4;r an + Rev, A. H. Going being present, Miss Rands spent the 24th . with dealt with, the few cases he had had. a heavy school, showed wlata heavy was called on and .gave 'a .short ad - Tea Sets friend's. in Mitchell. He then said lie thou_ht the teacher labor lay before tile. teacher. 14e ud- dress. Eighty-five teachers were Mr, IG- Hill deliverell a -fine librse to should snake 'the school -work pleasant, vocated several ways iii which the present. 1 ime a t should be m interesting s de Y a ehib ld of Sealorth. p r. Ar ateachers c if 1 rs 1 ht Me can n he d 'k e t s work A T ! The man friends of aMr,' >I• Ida es with games, and good lessons could , ay lr. F. Wright took up Business, Dinner Sets y y before entering Ole Schee. tion*: t y Correspondence, explaining clearly are I pleased to see be is able to be be taught the pupils in connection having good order, and by giving how to fold the paper, place in the • around again. 1with ,the teaching of Tommy and the plenty of -busy work t'! lho luwcr envelope and put .fn the enclosure I Miss Murray of..Blytli• is, vi siting. Crow and Darfydowtidilly, `,l'he teach grades, cher sister, Mrs, T. J. Linstsay, or should show the very great value of g how to write the letter and arrange i r x. e , Lowery ' attended' the n shouldeducashow � Thursday Evening. the . matter contained therein, show - teachers' eonvent0a .at Exeter last) Miss Swann then toolt• her part anis At the evening session in elle Opera fug how necessary it is to writer Gleam C O P E R S ;Thursday and Friday, and was elected in a Humorous way, she explaimed that ant and profitable two ly' etc, Many very useful hints were House a pleas given and the teachers were much ' resident. We congratulate him.. if the child were lazy, she would+ in- hours were spent. The president 9e. - p g cupled the chair. interested. This was. etre last of Mr. BOOK him in his work ; if he loved p Wright's addresses .all of which were BOOS( STORE - —"" nature outside, she would introduce. Miss Mabel Bailie recited nicely, nature into school ; if he *were timid `•'The Runaway Engine.'" The plisses well received and very highly. valued.. ' •' Timely Suggestions,. Mr. Ca Bluett spoke on School ]sib - she would gain h% confidence, thus Kinsman and Dow followed •n a well 01..1 IVTQN Some . strggestlons recently appeared making him feel at home,, and if he rendered instrumental duett. Mr, P • ra and i a pleasant d cony nc- ries n n Peas. an i in the • Galt Re ormer, which mi ht 'didn't like school she would intro- C, Laverton Harris, Secretary of the ing way spoke of the real value of • � • g these libraries. Ile would allow the +very well be given for Clinton as duce something to relieve tile. mono- Humane Society of" Ontario, delivered use of the books dt;rfng school hours I they apply equally well hare. They tong, of sekool work, an able .address on the work of the after the pupils .enoed for l +axe :' I Excellent thoughts were advanced in society. As a society they look after uils had bg g k. If .your store front, residence or both of these addresses. neglected children. and are the friends �sThe idiscussionewas contnuous li,nued.'b, r Air, 4 - fence is dingy, order it painted, The discussion was continued by of the lower animals.' He took great Huston. y If your awning is old,, toric or fad:` Messrs. IIogarth, Shore and 'Tom. Pleasure in speaking to the teachers. g since the may have re ! Miss. Winona Howard.taught ht a Read, GO TO ed, et a new once. Mr., Delgaty then took up ably ° the Y y great Influence in in and Spelling lesson to a Second g subject of ]low to Reach. the Indiviid- traintlig, cliildgen tobecome noblemen g g If ;your'si,dewalk,.,gate or fence needs ival in Class Instruction, In doing it, And 'women, with sympathy and love part class of bright little boys and W. H. Watts Son !or . 'good repairing; fix it.' lie advocated the giving (1 . Genera, for all living creatures. The society girls.. The teaching was done in a shoe repairing. We make a specs- If your advertising sign is old, or questions to g g ) or anizes ,Bands of Mere. among 'the very pleasant and attractive manner. alfty of repairing and ,lo it while faded, 'take it down or paint ft. i q t the class but would- t g - Y J The Association was so well pleased you wait. Resolve never to throw paper in .allow general answers ; (2). Discreet school children and Mr, Harris hopes that • a hearty vote .of thanks was questions; and (3') Questions that.will the day is coming whena Band of tendered, Miss Howard. Our ..Charges. are Ri ht the street. '• interest even. the dullest. lie 'would Mercy will be formed in every school g g Valle all -the dandelions -Out of your encourage. every t>bpughful effort and he looks !or the co-operation of! Mr. Baird introduced the subject .of lawns, they soca its ,beauty. and independence of thought .and ac-• the teachers, of this grand old count, New Copy Books, and spoke iavor.- TO FARMERS AND OTHERS We Destro the our weeds that are g y. ably of them. In -his opinion a No.. have several airs of our own made 1. Y young. contplish thin by.a great deal of men- of Huron in this. work. . . , P straying on our Property and on. �- 6 should be added containing • a -set boots which we. will sell cheap, Just . Y g y, P y tal.'drill. Dr. Strang, of the Goderich Ca , your neighbors property.' The discussion • was' continued b legiate, gave, as he always does an of hardlines in small ladies hind. the thing you want to keep pour feet Burn all the' rubbish possible,. al- y ay ' ' The discussion was continued by, sev- !tlry while the season is opening up. t ' Messrs. Lowery,;. Tom, Wright ., and excellent address on his tiisit.to Eng -,mal members Come in and'see them. low no one to throw It on the streettl Forrest, .who *.advanced thin following land and Scotland and.spoke more , .some suggesting that good thoughts, the duel •uipii :.h,:uld especially; on his impressions. . Those alleys or vacant lots. ' i school sections provide the kgpy nooks . Our stand is opposite the postoffice. the not -to .spit on the side- never. know that he is cunsidi:ry t so that had the -greatest influence on hinii of booksellers will not handle them. We. have • started a branch walks, ty the teacher, and, that wWca c•s- were, the rich green in which nature The children could in this way pro- business" at Londesboro. oitltl . Organize' a. block improvement so clothed everything,i cure the books at the two cents each: j y pedally interests ,the pupil nhi�.fld be he wonderful pro.- . with Mr. McKeown's harness•, ci'ety, and allow no weeds to grow on formed out by the teacher' ;in l it • fusion of:roses, the good, roads, pthe ..The Question Drawer was.- opened sidewalk area or vacant ropert , • in curious liicndiii of the old and the and the .questions answered .in an. able shop. All repairs taken. there P y slbpukd: be made the staiting p6jgT,, •for g and scholarly manner' b. Inspector. will have our best and careful your block, further building. new, especially, in the highlands, the y y P attention. Irrespective. of. the size. or your) ,Inspector Tom in a spleudi.1 � ;.d• advantCes; of railway arrangements, Tom end DStrang. house make your lawn the finest. dress took up the subject of ?'liir.t the excellent' work of the police force I Some discussion arose in xeferenco H. Watts c Illuminate the front, of your store Class Arithmetic: He held tliat the of. London, the necessity of seeing to a trip to arks, Niagara ne6lft year. . W. 11. �f atts von , fn the business, section. i Votes of thanks we> a tentiexed ttiosc� pupils must .know' the Simple Rules London ,from the top of An omnibus who contributed so cheerfully, to, le t thoroughly. They must be quick and and the unfailing courtesy of. every- night's entertainment, Mr., T. F. accurate. in cancellation .and faltering body. He would advise every tourist Wright of Remington Business Col - before beginiiing' the regular tlrirer_in Britain to see the view from .Ster''lege, Toronto, contrif,Autcd,so mucIrto class work:' The pupils' should, n�uli,i- ling and Edinburgh. The .best tribute, pfly by a .mixed number consfs5in of ,we .can pay to this splendid address is the success of the Institute, and to co g the iTrustees and Teachers of the Exe- whole number and a 'half . a third a that it awoke longings in the hearts oue, + ter school for their kindness in giving seventh, etc. of many for the time and - means : to STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS I sills and accounts and the everv= take a similar trip. I heir school and decorating so ni d'ay farmers' Arithmetic should be The singing of the national •anthem The singing of the. National Anthem MILLINERY MANTLES DRESS=MAKING] taught in the third classes. T1ta Tzrought the meetdng to a close.. brought a most successful Institute to, a close. problems and questions -rust be prae Friday Morning., tical; interesting .and. • short.., ,'rha " The election was then: reeceded! • cc Redaction And,. Compound Rules The t l p Q�� . t~7t . le.. should , with the' ;fol awing result. Hosier of baht ould be made easy in the • third , Y President J. H. Lowery, Clinton , . FORTIFIED AT FIFTY- _. . First teach thq� tables . and _Vice,:) resident, Miss A. M. J,ohnstoni, The woman of style this ear will a more, atter=: y y p y two step questions for •tune, .weight 1Jxeier ; Sec -Treasurer, � W.: H- John= tion to the choipe and uali•t-y of her hoslery than for., and length.' -Mr,. Musgrove the President Sion, Kippen. -Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Bringtlea'lth many a season, for, not In -a •long time have the styles g � Co incii.ors, N. -W. Txewartha, . Hol- continued 'the discussion. mesville • iQeo. Baird Clinton J. S: and Strength: to women, at - a' • tended to bring the. hosier into such . rominence.; y P. i Mr: CT, •W. ,Shore then addressed Delgaty, B'ayfi'eld ; Miss McLeod, Kiri- Critical Time. We direct, your•, attentiori.to. tile following plain Gotten,. the association on making the school' tail;; y, - E. -Hayfield ins, G cLeod, Fancy lace and embroidered'in all colors.sueh• as Sky, room, attractive. He •thought the ' The first .threeggwere called o for Few, women reach the age. of • fifty. y , burden of doing so is primarily placed' t1 without enduring m.ch suffering. and Pink, Grey, Champagne, Tan and Black.` _ upon:tlte teacher and' secondaril u on speeches and'. felicitously responded. Ganxiet . Between. the ears of fort - 1? The auditor$ -report showing re- Y Y • the tru'sees. The .teacher should do five and fifty health becomes fickle Bo .s Hosiery c©tpts amounting to •&161.92; and' ex= Y ' Boy ',s work kn .the school -room •fn . a' and acute weaknesses+, arise w�itii, incur pheasant 'and interesting -way and p°nses amounting to, $96.02, leaving. matte attacks, pains in the hack and a balance q11. 65.90 was r@ceivedi and Cotton stockings in good strong; Weight for present then he should ,explain to •trusteed sides, frequent headache's., nervous : the Toa adv adopted -wear, double ply heel and toe sizes from V to .1U;' the groat outage of proper light _ The .resolution committee brought in ailments and depression •of spirits: ing; seating and ventilation if these . The secret of good health between best hose' made for boys rices 20 to 25' Cen ts. � the following report.: y p he not properly, attended .to. Ir the forty-five and fifty_ depends upon the teacher, does his' part wisely good re.- i Resolution Committee.• -blood supply. If it is kept rich, red: The, New, Dutch Collar. sults Will follow. The address was Resolved :—L- that in regard to the and pure, good health will'be 'ane ,re- • - good and' created much. interest which New Curriculum we recommend that $tilt, and women will pass this trill - Follow the fasllion.and wear a Autch Collar, visit. ivas shown in the, discussion that iol- the following committee 'be 'appoint cal ..Stage in safety, . Dr, .Williams oar Neckwear dept, and choose youi<New Dutch Collar, lowed in which the '.following foci ed, and'tq report. 0; E+. A. Miss- Pink Pills help women of mature You will find a nicely assorted stock from, wh'ieh to part Messrs. Elliott, Delpty, Johne 'Augustine;: K, Watson, Messrs, Long; years, as Ito other medicine can, for Ston and' Tom and Misses Swann:.at)d Tigeit, Woods, . Trewartha• and the, the make the ,rich red blood that eeleet your Collars or Jabots,: Linen Cellars in all sizes. iVliili `an.. Inspector. Y 1 li f moans o' d heat d brings' re. e on hand- this week. See these for. ourselves. g g o h' an b y Seventy-three 'teachers were present, r II We' recommend .that two 'text from. suffering. Mrs. r.. Donavon; at the morning session. books in Compositiongafid . Grammar, I Newcastle, N. B. says +: "About two Summer. Blouses, Thursday Afternoon.,, combined, he adopted, one suitable years ago i was greatly run down Mr, J. W. 'Hogarth, delivered the far Juntur clxs'ses'and one for Seniorand•very miserable. I did not know, Warm days awaken interest in . the large and. variedpresid'ent's address 'cn:his "visit to classes. what was wrong with me. I was assortment of cool 'white Waists that we have in'stock. ` English schools in i`%G& The address III. We reeommeitd IbIt 'the YBSa- hardly able to drag myself 944th, t showed careful ' re aration and` that, lations;in regard to the ?ublie School Our waist dept: .will'be . found '.Well eq'alpped to.wit P p g had severe headaches and no dope- Mr. .Hogarth . had taken' very careful Speller he Adopted. tite. I, felt so wretched that I hard - every need for eitfier the Lingerie or Tailored' blouses, note of what is being done ill those IVa In regard to the H,. 'School. Ew ly cared whether I lived or, not. • I prices range from fib cents to $4.50. schools. His . address showed - than trance examination we . ,'recommend had often read of what Dr. Williams' school maiters Aiffpr very. ,much •from.At,at the ,following subjects be: added pink pills had done, for others and, I conditions (fere but that the trit.must to the present course : Phy.siolorgy,, decided to try them, and I'. can now gess Novelties. be, a very pleasant and interesting one. )hawing, Canadian History, and a truthfully (qy I found tham all they Mr. Hogarth gave, a large ,amount of Ycriod, of British History; are recommended to be. Under their Viewing the great variety. of dress ;'Novelties here, information. ; V, to our orinion We think'• teachers% use my health gradually came back ; the Ladles of town and surrounding country can Only Mr. T. F. Wright of the'Remingtorn should ' be allowed.to teach at 19 I could eat better, sleep better and settle down to one eonclu= Business College, Toronto, gave an ex- years of •,age. •• felt strunger in every . way, wed be - c cellent address on penfil'anship, He VI. ,We recommend that No. 14 read fore long I was enjoying as good slop—for the very•Newe.t claimed that penmanship is a sclenco.•5 instead of 7, and that the holidays health as ever 'I had done." things and' for the richest and should be taught'scietitifteally. ,If remain as they are at present; ),,,Dr. Williams* Pink Dills cure by go- gelectlons-thls is theplace. done so we. should have very -much All other resolutions from the ' 0. ing to the. root of the trouble in the better results than we now have. He E. A. were recommended to be adop` blood: Thi y actually, wave new • y' Corsets. held that writing should be plate, •ted as they are on tttg printed sheets. blood.. That is why they cure such easily and quickly written.' Ile.wotrld T>yo. ;following new resolutions Were troubles as rheumatism, neuralgia, _ oh1. , ,1 Wo have, made arrangements b0 careful to teach the muscular move•• recommended. (1) That the Oto- indigestion, kidney troatales, head - went and to•have the pupils seated rah Text Book be revised ever �s and with the well known B. & I. corset g p Y Y aches, sideaches and bacicacttr, , Properly, iso metallic holders should five ,years to show the. revised maps. ,the ailments of growing girls �i,nd wo- 7. 06. to have one of their most ex- lie used. j (2), That in the opinion of this. As- man of mature years. Said by all perienced demonstrators come to us Teach movement first, Anel form at sociation pupils who clave passed medicine dealers or by. mail at 50 fJuno,iterwards, Thb capital letters should fubllo School Graduationtion exartioation cents a box or size boxes for $2,50 for one week -9th to lia tiro be taught first at with the small. let- should on entering, a C9llc nate In-Williams,B g !< from Tho. Ili. Williams Medicine Co., iii which time we will be delighted tots, to . prevent a cramped style. Ho stiti to y resolve, :due cirri -It for the Brockville; Out. tb have come and eea these rvauid commend the good litters, work covered in, the', Pablie School . • . j goods and hear her views nn bow rather tom condemn tite poor ones. and o, diploma issued by the Pdu- The a,d!dress was instructive and very cation depiitment. 134 l to adjust the corsetand also the interesting. 'Mr.. Wright certainly The report was -adopted h% lull. Summerhill kind voa should wear to get the knows his subject.The secq arirs 'wer0 appointed a The meeting of the A. Y. P. A. of 5 - best results, Come hi and see: Mr. Weidenhantmer, B. A•, address- .committee to forward these resolu- d tho Association on Seieneo in Con•► tis s to I Jr Chas G Frazer Seere- St Peter's church was held as usual thorn whether you buy or not tinuation Schools. 110 'held that the tary Public School .Department, M0. H. on Tuesday evening, Old incumbent bo- 1 ' alae present course was too extensive A. ing in the chair. A very bei i iful ]EVERW COURTESY AND ATTENTION for time allowed and thought' . the Mr,, T. F. Wright then took, the program was rendered5y the younger remedy was to reduce the amount oq iubject of arithmetic , and in: the members of the association, who hall' u . AWAITS YOU : I° ME. work required or extend the time to course of an able address taught that heel carefalt�y and eirtctently trained three years „instead of two, 110 figures should be plainly made, that thought the Continuation class ghotiid addition 'should be taught by' addingby Miss hands, Some Furniture Bargal"ns, at s :Below will be found some extra, specials on the very class of g9ods -needed at this time of the year. Cobbler Rockers,. solid oak - $2,00 Large Rattan Choirs, full roal - - 2.40, Verandah Chairs, real _ 2.50 Verandah Chairs, green - - 2,50 Mattresses, regular $5,00, for - 4.50 CU) _ - 4.00 " 40) for - ° < 3.50 " 3.50 for 3.00 Ga -Carts, regular 4.00 for - 3175 " 3,`25 for - M 2,75 Sewing Machines, gall prices, our leader; 6-dralver drop head - - 19.00 42 Iron Beds, all pxice4, from _ 2,90 to 35,00 Our special at $'2..90 has been a great seller. The Store W e a1�. r Pbone 28 of Quality. 11 r _ Night or Day , Furtilture, Dealer and Undertaker a Relindo.Oxffopds : :For Women Are quite the lirettiest combir. ation of style,, tyle and comfort -lade, They make the boot look petite and dainty-, but not at the expense of crushed toes and squeezed insteps. They do . i.t artfully and fit scientifically, .. Nerve -ease heel cushions in every pair. Ask any Re'lindo wearer, and go by what she says. We .. have the Sole . Agency for Clinton, F ED. JACKSON Always 'Reliable " CLINTON D.r I tellt You want the most: econom ical paurt, not the cheapest M paint. You want print , that k �- will . last: a � Jong time and look well, not paint that is cheap. b the gallon . and ex • p Y :pensive Eby the lob..' Ask tile. W. agent. about i$ ER19//H� /LL/,o4Iva dV/S /y PA .T AND' AR Made in tondo }Y&J%'fAw#-NluAMsea MontleatToron Tmni ll + tl'ts•mti•'m•bmbm 0•� �•m�•m•!�•Q1•si•m'�•�•dm•�•®•®•�14�•mbQl�i.m'b� 1oad.ed.er .• , • i h t Clothing " nd i connection w t he O.l • � That is exactly how we std n g , '� gDepartment as we have just been obligees to pass into stock a lara+e assortment of Men's and Boys Suits intended .for.the West. We .• have^beeu unable yet to decide oil a location; but are. still making. preparations for a move when the proper titre comes: !Che addition of this new • stock of Clothing and also of a splen- a did assortment of, new Boots and Shoes necessitates the adoption of u scale of prices the lowest ever placed upon reliahle merchandise in 9 a the town. We don't handle shoddy, but place before you. a good clean stook- pui chased from the best houses in the trade, and feel that the confident we can quote prices will please you and sell goods Special for Sntuptiay only—clpwn�up of several linee of odd r� tweed pants at $1, relrullar 1.26'and 1.60. :a About 25 Men's Suits, regular $6 50 to c1Par at 4.85. Men's hekvy Split $lecher Working Bootsy the best in the trade, at $1.26. Lad'iea Dong'ola Bats, 'patent tip, regular $1.05, special for Sat-. 0 urday.only $1,2$, 9 Men's Black bili Overalls and smocks specia1150c. a • ' d All bines at Greatly Reduced Prices, Sale Prices Strictly Cash. a A PLU TEEL RR E �m�m•aS•(atym t�•m�en dim �� asi•ie �i •a►•d �•��s m{s.m� ¢l �o•�%o•e Advertising xoThe News- tecord Brings Good Results. ,'0" 1