The Clinton News-Record, 1909-05-27, Page 3�' Ot 19Q Clint" N�t,r #_J**r4 •'3
_ .. . . _. .._I'm .�.........,,
The Fine Points. f : asebalto The Apple and Its ��v�l��
For muscular pains and! aches civ ,_ , • ..
thick oily Preparation can't pegetrate
that's wily Nerviline beats. them all `'
s cllcered to have it oaai aft to tblird, g y g —int Sinks right in. "I wouldn't live •
. „ keeping a war eye on On #hie 'I'aciflc Coast of the United it is easier to: obtain lite foreign n iruiti
hw utharity al Hugh S, l+ ullaxtont Kliltg. The latter made a trove as it States there 1s a war batwcen the i in go.Ad condition than the native 1 without Nerviline in xny house." wilt O
. t n es J. B. Cottam, of Mastown, N. S. Q
who water tut that American Magazine, to t'hro`w', and the stealer lumped back orange and the apple. Orange grow -',fruit. Partly this'N due to the eir- „I have rheumatismx Cne s sunshine Furnace has
he doWt undbrstand much toward second, but seeing the ball era in their o:dvertiseanetrts claim that .orgy and persistence of tW. Italian I . t you A soreness four triangular•grant• bars,
that 'hey i he ca slowed crap' s are ehea ex and more health -i vendor. The ,ehidtlren .of Italy exhibit iq the muscles or in fact any need +sett having khree distiac t rids s. In the
about lite fine •'Points of the Baine Af . s ll n t tehex s Mand, he s o ge p , 1 of an honest liniment, Nervilinc fills
1. fife American hta aztne down. Tinker, who had covered sec- ful than apples. Apple champions re -,some of those qualities of aggressive- vi'p s mad for ex
basebal_ In g I the bill. I call recommend it highly 1? t
Merton 0s-eusses the eaeral-� and base, walked back past bi,m to- ply that. ,the orangs may be cheaper, meas and enterprise of an Imperial and a�waste of a.a alway# followscapshaking.
Air. Fu B .. i because I have +� right-hand g !
. w rd he s or s s osi ion re- but cannot coni are with the A ple race• They' give the lie to the theory proved that in ono
stn a free an wo• oce a t; no such-lilre
I •
ship and study that are necessary to a t h t top p t P p application Of Polson s Nerviline thexq
e f mos in markln as he assed the base runnar, in food value. "The orange," they 1 that sunny skies are enervating. Try 1�ooAstened fi midt hates too�s ide out. cotter
hese fourh gt when
win a good percentag, A ga. i. g p "is insipid fruit of winch most to carr an Italian peddler's load is more virtue than in A whole bottle are made of heavy est iron, and are finished. u w'g e bars,
the analgr leagues. Ho takes the We would have Caught you, Aid pal, say,, an P y p iib bulldog
all-star aggregation, if the bail ba(t been thro.wn." The people soon weary, and itsr. use is through the city of Toronto on .a bot of ordinary liniment."' Try one At the teeth. The teeth will grind up the toughest clinker t and
view that an gg large 25c. betties.
composed of the best individual play- Base -runner turned to snake a retort, limited, while the 'apple lends itself to 'dap, and your respect for the race g
Pis in A dozen teams, would not win , and that instant Kling threw. The an almost infinite variety, of cuisine. will be increased. a
a majority of games from a team second baseman, Evers, took the It may be served raw As oranges are I Tile ,grange and the banana come �o.
r as Sn#eri,ar, catch, and the newcomer was caught served ; it xray be cooked into cause . our floors. The apple elc,des us. The Not Even Nurse Kuowa. UNSHINE I iC I . --
whose individual tom w ,
but which was • better instructed in by a good yard. • or baked, roasted, or fried, or made gonsumer of raw fruit has almost
into pies and tarts ; it can be evap giveiA alp the hope of getting ripe,, That orange juice with Cracked ice
team play, It is. the .old story of the The Signal System,. apples at d can often be taken by a patient who because the grates are made in sections, not only sari nothing but dust and
and whose Advancin years h a orated and transported to the most sound, well -flavored pp ai m0 n t ashes pass through, but after each shaking a different side can be presented.
grephq g ( An important part bt t e game is remote mining and lumber camps,. and i crate price. He has become a banana- salt total no hang else. to the fire. Also, with the Sunshine grate there is no back -break
take the edge pit his speed, by, whose the system of signaling, no part of g t • n because the flavor r That, orange -juice, being+ lasative,tis o e tints at ached to the t;hakin , 15 gently rocking the leve firs on hf'
• 'has been developed so thaO 'eh e s tators. W t its. by -Products, or jelly, older, and eater) of b use a .o At a in o t sick ooms • is m v m t g Yg Y g • er, t t e
intelligence. whr
i8 seen ,by th pee ha . excellent most r , left and then on the rt ht, the ashes are released on both sides,and fail through
he will kill more hares than :a young• kind' of ball a pitcher will deliver is apple wine, are commodities. of wad -`banana can .be compared with that of sometimes even prescribed for typhoid into the pan. g
er dog that "has the foot of him." est use. 1 a Northern Spy,.' but because the
known to all his team mates before Northern Silt' has become too, croon• lever patients. C
How Cobb Was Fooled. the ball is thrown. Similarly, what That chocolate though nourishing S
In this Bart of Canada it is a mat, sive a luxury. And yet this. is a + +
There is a good deal ]Bore in tyle kind' of hit a batter virilllsttempt to ter of common observation that the Country which has achieved some often causes dyspepsia when the d►ges� - i3
make is known to h..s colleague on the tion is weak,. `11
o`` q' 4 make=u of a great baseball player apple fs WvlAg way'to the orange6tantl fame for growing and exporting • ap-
P g bases ;, and, in fact, every play -is di- 1 That the nervous
than an ability to hit a ball out, an still more to the banana, as a fruit p es, There is something, wrong with patient should '
eye to field clearly and a fast pair n rested by signal. Last year the Cin- to be consumed raw, And the res- the means of cAmmunfcatfon between have eights or nine hours of sleep. n • around the bases, cinnatis depended upon ora signals, son is not, that the flavor of the. the Canadian apple grower and the That, sleep will, -be ow n coming Bar1and Bross., Clinton,iOnt.
le s to carr him ,
g p abut their opponents by carefully, not- tt the sick person is allowed to xe-
Brains count in baseball as much. a$ ing ,inflections, and unusual words read orange or banana is;preferred, but thla,t Canadian consumer. ToroAto Star.
in ordinary business, and a sharp ton the cypher, and soon anticipated the list a visitors just before bedtime or _
gue is often able to, win A game, - An play, are listens to a shoo d readings.
instance of the power sof !'roasting" on thollpokout foiow l sigr►s tbe wasaryshown Whooping Cough. That one should never ask a sick
Zurich ( person, "What can I do for you ?"
was given a couple of years ago, when last year, in the ease of Sheckard of i 'phis is amore dangerous disease That dainty service often counts
and Detroit head of 'their One of Mr. Casper, Wal er"s dao h- o� to can
Chicago a , Chicago, who was qut',of, the game for O pa p g than is generally presumed, It 'will ;be more than quality or variety in the
respective leagues, were playing for a few days. On his reappearance at. ters, Bronson Line, underwent an op- a surprise to many to learn ithat more. invalid's meals,
the world's championship. At a , cri- bat he got to first safely, and then oration for appendicitis, 'deaths result from it than from scar- That the nurse should never save
tical moment, Cobb, the most dread- when Chance was at thei plate, Sheck, The police trustees granted the Jube let fever. Pneumonia often results steps when the patient's appetite is On r1�Io1'itgageS O Real State at Current 'Rolfes
ed of the Detroit players, came to and tried to steal second on the first ilea Silver Band $1,50, for • uhe purpose from it. Chamberlain's Cough Rely capricious. A small portion often •
bat. As he stepped to the plate hie ball and' was caught. On being re- of buying uniforms, tidy has been used in. many epideinfcs tempts where a larger one nauseates.AU ��^^ii
was greeted by the Chicago tcatehex, prfmanded by the captain he explain- The bands were published for the of whooping cough, and always With An extra trip to the kitchen is betteru' $net`% t;�$C�3%onflden ids
Kling, with a taunt abbot his ,rebel ed that Ile thought he had' bben Signal- r •
ancestry, for Cobb is a Southerner, g g marriage .bt Miss Marg Foster, Baugh- the best results. Delbert McKeag ' o[ than heaped ire trays. .
ed, It appeared that Chance had ter of Mr. Alonzo Foster, to Mr. Harlan, Iowa, says of its : "My boy That a sick room should never • be Liberal Terms of Repayment
Cobb retorted, and Kling came back picked up two bats, and had thrown Eugene Kunz of Formosa, the wedding; ' took whooping cough when.nine mon- made a thoroughfare or the gathering
with a reflection •on . his patriotism, one of them down with his left hand. to take lace in J
and expressed the opinion that it was p uric, (ths old. He had it in ahs winter. I place for the family.
Sheckard, the too eagle-eyed, had ob- • Mr. and Mrs. J. Weseloh of Water- got a bottle of Chamberlain's: Cough That sponging with alcohol and®�,�e�Quickly,
a disgrace that rebels were permitted served that Chance's custom was to loo, and their youngedt daughter � ,are, . Remedy which proved good. I can water will reduce fever several de -
to play in organized baseball. This
outrageous `'ragging" shook Cobb's use his right, hand, in cases of the visiting friend's and former neighbors. reit recommend it too highly.'' For green, '
kind and he jumped to the erroneous Mr•,Wescloh has'sold hit hotel fir W,at-' sale by W S. R. Holmes, That if possible, a patient should j�'�''+ .
nerve and he struck out. After 1,ho conclusion that the signals had been p ' l.•.xpenses Moderate
ams he went round to lick Kling, g erlbo and is. looking for another bus- hs induced to give up tea and coffee
8 ohanged since he was out of the game, iness opeijing, , .. during convaWseence. In a wed{looped
who professed astonishment that his and that he was 'expected to steal a l In the,year 1909 there will; be four Licensing stallions. condition the are apt to ir%duce ner•+
roasting should have been taken ser- y p Mull iil�orilIili'Ation gladly given :
ious1y, and explained that it was simr base. The generalsh+�p shown' by suo- eclipses, two of the sun and two of vousness and sleeplessness•
he atter excited: cessful managers and capta%ins,is not the moon. A total eclipse of lira moon There were 1&,000 mates in t?ntario That' having a .patient hold her
Ply a ruse to get t b often appreciated by the spectators. `will occur of June `23 y p y g
,parts visible• a couple, of, ears ago that were bred breath will often prevent a spasm of
Kling and Jack Thoney. * In. one game last year, Manager Joie- .here; , a total eclipse: of the sun„ June'.to stallions with hereditary . unsound- coughing. \\ \01offin
I\ \\s that ever man es of the Chicago Americans, changed 1,4, visible here as a partial eclipse at near, This• means a loss, of thousands That toast water is a:soothting .and \ � �Mr. Fullerton say y - the big leagues is obliged to; know pitchers five times in 'one game .arid sunset a total eclipse �of the moon•, upon -thousands of dollars to the far- healing ,drink ._during attacks ofBron- \won it.. In 3' separate •games be)C&Ued, Nov. 27, visible here, and a partial niers. owning these mares. We need chitin. \ \
the strength and weakness of every on his star pitcher Walsh to throw,
opponent. The pitcher must know P • eekipse of -the sun, in December, :visr,bla legislation 'that will ensure the regu-. . That persons subject to rheumatism'
just one ball, Two. of these garlics brie• - lar fn,Spectfon of stallions. The. tgtues.'or;woak heard should not take. baths Loan and Savin+ Co., London, Ont.
what sort of balls every.11iatter favors Chfca o won
so that he can serve hdm some other g �' Miss -Catherine Hess, sister Of 11Ir. tion is how much compulsory legfslar that ,are ice cold.
sort.. The fielders must know • in A Progressive Science. , • Fried. Hess Sr:, died in the city of tion .cwil.l' the people tolerate. -- ANN1/M 1/N1i1/11V/1/1/V1/1/1NN1/1NV Y
What territory each .batter is likeliest' The game, ike the law• as expounded Detroit, on the 12th, Inst. ( when, we procure this legislation; it ' ` .
to, place his hits, and the, catcher and by Mr. . G. T. Blackstock, is a • pro- I The baseball ground has been Nicely will be necessary at. first to are
infielders mist understand every man's grossive science. The successful 'play- leveled up and 'is being pint into good the grade stat igns), as re a n AFTER MEALS ?
basairuzxnilrig peculintritirs. Moreo;rer, .ors study every apparently trivial shape for the season. enough purebred stallions. in the Is there a fulness . in pour. stomach— T Wdre
the men who la with their brain.$ change in the rules, and aften earn, Mr: John Prang of. Goderich is in province to supply the demand. If drowsy, lazy desire o sleep=this V apanese .P y _
collect information about the minor runs and game .and. pennants thereby. town, , this week. Ile has sold• his there werer I would licenses
favor r off sn't natural in,' healthy folks and only - .
league players who are likely to New plays are evolved, such as; .the property , in Goderich and intends, got not granting .shy 1I s o g ad ccurs when the liver is torpid. ; You .
g "dela ed steal " y g g
graduate into the major leagues. A y ,. introduced b Kling in to Vancouver: I stallions. There should be .two dif- need a stimulating tonic- need .Dr.
case in
point was that of a player:.last year. ' Another innovation attri- Mr. and John ,Laporte of. the Sauble ferent licenses. It would not be fair ;Hamilton's Pills to stir your' . liver
from the Eastern League that was`.Jones, of the Chicago Amer- Line, left on Saturday; to , spend a to a malt owning a .$3,000 .stallion to and put life into sleepy organ& -you'll .
o g ,.
u Boston last season loans,; is ,the "bunt and steal." This few ways with their children at Chat- give him the. same license as would be feel brisk and lively -you'll eat, digest • • '
introduced by , - ..• When you wish an thin In Jap - A
'probably Jack Thoney, • although the play is .a development of the sacrifice hail} and Detroit. . given to: a man owr}i o' a $1,500 stal- nd sleep .well after regulating. with � � — p
P y
_.� .ii*} is not mentioned. Not a meiir hit,; arld is worked by the batter, lion . that just ,scraped by the inspec- r. Hamilton's Pills. Nb medicine $b +nese. or China ware.:eall and inspect:
bei of the Chicago team had ever seer; with a man on second, bunting , she tors. The stallions should be inspect niversallp used, so mild, so suis to . •
'him la but Klin and Chance know ball about halt • Way to third base, - . KEEP .THE BALANCE UP. ed every year and the owners should benefit a Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold Our 'StOC�. YOLI Will find the gOOdS
play, g
some of his peculiarities ; and on the talus enticing the :third .baseman up to It has been truthfully, said ,that any be. given: certificates ' showing: their by all dealers 'int 25c. boxes. . • '
-Way to the grounds they decided that ward home, and giving the man. on disturbance of•the even balance. ol. animals to be free from hereditaryiun- • good a]1t� the price rights. ,
if he got ,to second base, the "delay- second,a good chance t'o steal. •Iii the health causes serious'teoulile. Ncitody :soundness of any kind'. A -license .
ed steal" 'might ba worked on him. meantlne the batter, has reached first, can, be too careful oto keep this balance should not be given to unsound stat- id lief .who •has ce fort
The newcomer Breached second, and The counter for. this .play is to. have up.- When, people begin to lose apps- lions—W F. Kidd, Norfolk Co., Ont., Pies . tint .E .. b n v
1.years at the head of Harvard Univcr- The :Sd,YYle. in SilQerw'are �%atches
thenion the first ball pitched he'raced. the shortstop' cover, third base.. 1tfte; or to get' tired easily, the least . I. �_,_. sity, retired from'office yesterday..
imprudence brings on sickness, weak, :
rocs, or deti}lity. The. system needs a WpiVIEN'S PERIOD O,F PAIN. ClOCiS, Jewelers, ' etc Ano silicic
. I tonic, craves . it, and should not be
• denied it., and the best tonic of : Regularity of the sgstem can Only Repeat it .:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-. bought froze. 'us . Will be engraved free'
The F1lthV.. House F1i O' . which we have any knowledge is be secured by maintaining strong ways cure coughs and colds." •
Hood's Sarsaparilla.. -What.-this med- health circulation...If feeble run- gee .
y : of char
. cine has :'doe in keeping health d wn,. nervous; be sure that circulation .
1 n P Y :oI.
. . . . 1 n the' n is.goor. The natural result is .cones. .The. Allan steamer ''Tunisian . struck
. .. ; people het thy,. i keeping up eve. .
with the screen door so much as witlrl tion that exacts•; so severe a, penalty.. -
There was a time when it was . balance.. of. health, .gives ,1t the same. P y an iceberg oil Caape Race and put Anto
the clean • ard. That is tba _lace to _..: Besides been a food former -a d nerve d .. .
taught that for the+ Iiroper• purificationi y P distinction as a preventive. that 1t g .. a St. John s, Newfoundland# damage 1..
begin the, sbrifec The absence of a . en'o s as a cure. Its use has tonic, Ferrozone. adds, additional vigo> - .
sof the air, it was necessary tiiut.there yearly' to the heart and ensures. strop blood ,. _... . , . .
su>table place for .tiles to breed wily illustrated . •the wisdom of the . old g
should be as large a number of fifes o farther to assure thein scarcity circulation. This . 'is.' the only ,moans : •1 , -t is see•. .
g saying that a .stitch in time saves There is more Catarrh n h .W� R�....CUlliter
.round as possible. Now it is posi= :than anything else. Keep the yard ;nine. Take Flood's for appetite of preventing congestions that • cause .tion of the country `than all other dis-I 1. • . .
lively known that,•the common ,hours around the house absolutely- clean and r n b d endurance: p ' pais, headache and nerve' weakness.- s s put. to ether, and uritis .the last6.
fly is a rather dangerous little animal,. sweet,' and there will be a very .mark- strength a gt an The whole.: system: is renewed and for= ea e P . g Jeweler and BngraVer.. isouer of Marriage Licenses
few .years' was supposed to be incur, .
particularly in his role as a distribu- ed scarcity • of, flies.. • R'emove every tified, with. strength, vigor acid en- able. For a. great 'many; years ' due- .
tor. of dangerous diseases. Its habits trace .of garbage, of decaying matter, , durance. For girls and women noth-
are essentials filth It breeds in :and 'see that corners are kept clean. Benm>ilier in a oats Ferrozone 50c. 'at all deal- tors. ,pronounced it a 1ocaT disease and, .
Y y g . q , . prescribed local remedies, and' by con- . YV1i'NV��IIANVIiM1/1MH1/111/1/V .
stables and garbage pails, and carries Around the barns,'. if manure is allow- 1.Mrs. George Newell, spent a day, or ars' stantly .failing to cure with local • , . •
the filth it revels in, and -the tracks ed to lie no more than'a. week in any so last week in. the neighboihbod of treatment; pronounced it incurable. e' n `�,
•of it across sugar and butter and beet- .place;_ .there is -little tie .danger of. files 1 CC Round i O' ' $�0 One Way a� •
;.. - k• Brussels. Science, has. proven catarrh to be a ► 1.070
stake, and brings with ft the possi,iil breeding in .it. • By to ing ;few . pre- Whooping Cou h;: .
Miss. Pearl Fisher is, spending a pig g constitutional disease and therefore .._CHILDREN HALF' FARE.' BAQiQA(3E FREE.
flies of typhoid fever and cholera in-. cautions, the flies will not l>robab.y week or so With her sister; . Mrs.. H This is- a , more dangerous disease requires constitutional treatment. •
Yantum and other • maladies:. It _.pad- ' be exterminated, but Choir number`s g .
dales its feet, gummed with the vilest will be testi lessened eir the hong, in Dungannon,. - than is. generally presumed. It will ;be Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by; . GODERWH TO DETROIT
v over the cease to and with,-, ' ordinary. I Mrs. Wm. Vanstone was .laid up a .surprise to many to learn that more F, J. . Clrenep' &, Co.,:: Toledo, .Ohio,
rotting matter conceivable, o. c k, y lash week with pleurisy and rheuma- deaths result from it than from scar- is tine only constitutional cure on the T T �i Q
-snowy table cloth, the food and ut'en• precautions, the. danger of their con- i tism but is able: to be un a little now. let fever. Pneumronia often results market. • It is taken internally in .dos- S AT -U R DAY � . V N Li 1 :/ `h e
sill in .the kitchen, and through the tamulating food and household genet- Emmerson, Mohrfn and wife and :from it: Chamberlain's . Cough Rem as. from °lo. drops to a teaspoonful. It '
fi baby's milk. There is a sure an9 ef- ably with lite unspeakable .filth which
g g
_ iter- little •baby boy. of the vicinity of Den= edy has been used in, many epidemic§ acts directly on the blood and mucro+
•festive method of dealing with the or they carry with thein, will be obi ITINERARY 1. .1 O F T H E
C. , ando, are home on a short of. whooping cough, and always with surfaces of the system..They: offer+dinary house fly.! .%The remedy lies roti ated,. I vial. Mrs. lYlohri�ng, was ill with. an: the"best results: Delbert � MaXeig of once hundred dpliars for any case . it V SIO. lv�rit Eleventh Annual. Excursion •
11 attack of quinsy'. Harlan, Iowa; says .of its "illy boy fails to cure. Send .for circulars : and
. took whooping- cough when nine mon- testimonial ..
the old, He had it in the winter. I Address : F'. J. CFIENEY its CO.,
Some Things. That Choi ..Well f� got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Toledo, O
WFIY COUGH. SYRUPS FAIL. Rome y which proved good:. I can-. Sold by all Druggists, '75c 1 JUNE 1909 .
. They slip quickly over the sore fr- not recommend it too highly.`•'.. For Talc Ilail'a >+amr��ly Pills for con
I>l�c�w A►linli�t Poultry + P q y . . _ . . .
*. 1. - , - ritated membrances, drop .into , the sale. by W. S. R. Holmes. ••. stipation. StealYler Grohou�nd _ - .
_ __. _ stomach and do little else but harm1.
Idfgestfond It's different With,Catarrh•i
. Remove coops to fresh ground fre- A two -weeks old chicken, says a
ozone—you inbale . it. Every breath
. quently. • welter, .requires as much medizine in
sends healing balsams .to . the inflamed
. Don't feed much, if any, corn in hot a day as w siec-months old child,. Li six,
chick, as• a year-old child,
tissues. Tightness, soreness and in-
flammation are cured by healing pine
If you over -feed you " will have *fat;Some roosters are so gallant' that
hey step aside to permit hens to -eat
essences. The cough goes away,
is strengthened, huskiness is
hens and fewer eggs.
The first food. for chicks is bread and do not get; ,onough themselves.
cured. Nothing so simple, so convt+n-
crumbs well mixed with clean white Don't let a rooster fail of sufficient
cut, so certain to cure as
one. Try it. 25c. and $L00 sizes.
sand. nourishment on thtit account.
A dungliia will eat as much as a pure, Small seeds and cracked grains are
. old everywhere.
bred and forget to thea good account tive natural feeds for small .ch'
g g, l;
meal -or dr bread' is good for
,of it. y g helix.
Feed chicles at first about every three Lots of simple things Make,. good feed.
� .
A man locked up in the police cells
flours, and fess frequently as they. TlXxe is nothing about nature that
at Moncton, N. B., for violating the
Scott act, found a hundred -dollar
grow older. suggests a steady dist' of soft feed,.
in a dish of clams. .
.1-4 It may be advisable once more to,. although a change is good for them.
The Montreal Board of 'Trade by a
recommend occasional wash:ng of Practically and truthfully so, there
large majority rescinded the. Meigben-.
roosts with kerosene. has been, nothing new and improved in
f d
Friday, June•18bh, 8:a.mi Central Time. - Arrive Goderich 8:80 p. m, . • '
Special Train leaves Godericii for cllnton anti %ty Stations to Stratford .
. 11:80 p. m., on arrival of steamer from Voonlight Trip,
Satdrday. June 19th, 9:80 a, M. Canada Time, .stopping at Porb, Huron.
Arrive at Detroit 5.00 P. m. . .
. (Sunday In Detroit, Toledo, Put-in,Bay or Oteveland,)
A Speclat Excursion Train. front Stratford the morning of June 19th, atop. Mitchell. Dublin, Senforth, CI(nton and Holmesvnle,
and arrive in Goderich 9 a, m, .
From Wingham, BelRrave, oto,; take tnorntn trntn, ,tune 19th, counsels at
Clinton 8.40 &. m., with Speelid Train for GMerlch,
. Also a Special Excursion Train from Guelph, Eimlra, etc., via d. P. ii.
Leave Detroit Monday, June 9tst 1:00 p, m., Port Huron 5:80 P. In. Arrive
at Gotlei ieh 9; 80 p. m: .
Special Trains leave oodericli 1i 80 p. lit. for Minim,,
inim, Win 91.
It takes more food to row the n'iture tile last one hundred yeast McFeeireSolrrtron in faVor o tnee tri i, Guelph, Elu,tra, etc,, on arrival of etenmer tram Detroit,
_ 1 >;
°' larger breeds Ot fowls, but you have notwithstanding the talks to sell with)n aha eriipire• , e FROM GODER1CIi RETURNING TO' DETROIT
M't The International fisheries Corn-LLCIt, -
d more to show for ybuY work, stuff. _ Leave Leave Goderloh oo last trip for Detroit Tuesday, June 22nd, at a, m',
11 probably conclude Its
A hen that exercises will lav toren- > owls shd-ld have a comfortable in will (Note the Time 6: iso a, m,, Canada Tta►e)
ty-five per cent. more eggs than a hen place to roost. This means that tile. labors this week. Meals will he aervad In the beautlW dining room fgtthis Fkctmlon at 500„
that don't, and at less cost per dozen.', roost Must be on. a level so dies will Lunch at tho Lunch Counter.
Varieties• of black chicks at f;rSt. not crowd ;, not too high. for them to I A MID 141 d go
show a white or cream' color, but this reach easily, and, since alit; Coldest Repeat ft :•--"Shiloh'9 Cure will al- Goderioh hand Moonlight E*cureion at Goderieb, 25c,
gives way to black in, a short time. hart of the 'twenty -lour hours, the ways curs my coughs and Colds." WILL BF+ HELD IN LBton Dock as
Friday evening. June 18th.
At the first indi,^+tion of. l;;awei haat generated by their bodies while Eattreton Train ae usual from Stratford aid Way Stallone
_ �: y.r s
trouble in chicks a lady gives boiled on the roost should be retainctt ' as WHiTE STAR UNV. k. g. AYER, Etteurelon Agent
01611ton Jul 129x.909milk and sprinrrles ihcir runs with much as possible during lire cell Geoxge 1Vlerrdiih's• body will be ere•s charcoal .and sand. liirjits, but allowed to escape on warm mated and the ashes intarred'at Dork•s . 7 Excursion `1`rainS from �117g�1at71 slid �aJ'itt'3ti�d1"(�s
Pill emptyegg shells with mustatd or hot nl hts. It does not take more ing on Saturday. - AAIYfiit~1 ENTS• ARP .AILMA'ii►`!f' 'UNIMR, WAY a Tlimigh tickets to Detroit an :l return on sale .by ItA, agents \,
and cayennand leave them about fire i,ban ono square foot for each hin to, It is reported In V,ngland that Get- I RRProm Clilltun $2.00. From L,mdesboro $2.0:x. Also, special
vard for egg eating hens to indulge lrrovide all these f.xellitics ,or corn- many has a great ,,!,pot of arms nlrd RIeserve the date for Clinton. train to the moonlight" usual.
in. It often cures the habit. fortable roosting. ammunition in London. .