HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-05-27, Page 1m „ linton ew,s-I�ecord. M WESLEY CHURCH, THE BAPTIST CHURCH., HomesvlYe. I.ondsbcrn, New Advertisements t ,0The pasfor will Preach mext Sun The pastor will preach next Sundal?,. We are glad to know that Miss Don't forget the - regular meeting of Watch Faults --A. J. Grigg -5 day. His - morning subject will be : Subjects . Morning, The new life rn Lizzie Gould is improving, the women's'institute. to: be held at Brick: and Tile --Kruse Bros. -5 "Livia h faith`; Evening;. Bitter Christ” ^ Evening, "The baptism of aw-ke-ting, g Y , g ; `` g Mrs. F. Leonard amtson spent the the ,home of Mrs. Potters on tele 3rd Quality and St le•—Couch & CO._4 waters made sweet-" All are wet- Jesus.." ••. holiday with friends in tii'oodstook:and of June.. The subject ;for discussion .. Y come. Brantford, will, be, "Strawberries as a food and AMrAUTOrt TSeele owns: the onI We are sorry to know that Mrs. l the best method of canning,A+11 axeTUNE WEDDINGS. hfan} fla Retuirns. ��?e���n3*11 �� y y Snowden is on fire seek list but hope welcome. PP3� Dame rumor says there will be sev- auto.in in town and took his. fairnll to hear of her speedy recover • y yI p Y Y• + Mr, Norman Carter visited at Mr, ire rent month put for a spin on Monday. Being, an! Mips Livermqre of Clinton was the R. Carter's on Sundav last. oral weddings during f and in each case one or both of the .expert mechanie, Mr. Seeley will be guest of Mrs. Sweet on th3 24th, ! Posters are up for the concert by Is a oder for Inaz� puzzled people, Pardon contracting parties will be residents able to keep the machine in good rc- Mr. H. R, Forster of Locust Hill the Jubilee Singers in .the Methodist p p p of town. One of the events will take pair as well as drive it. He carte up to attend the wedding, of has church on. the evening of June 3rd, the suggestion that oar judgment and .ex--. place in Stanley, and another out Ing forward to many a pleasant run brother Oscar. iThe proceeds are , in aid of the Ep- West. this summer, Miss Mabel . Dempsey of Goderich worth League in nialcing :up the y erlence may, be of some aid was the guest of her parents this paint the parsonage. Ad- p y Presents of AT THE S. A. HALL. ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH, •week, g p mission 25e and 15th Silver, Cut GlasB, .Art Good, and Chins are In connection with the social opera,- Next Sunday willebe the anniversary The many friends of Mrs, Stanley Jackson Bros. of Exeter, who have tion 4f the Salvation Army, Captain of the laying of the corner -stone stone of are pleased to hear she is Improving Fen gathering iron n rags,shipped! \\� Y p Mrs. (Rev. ) g g a d g, always in order.: Styles and: prices x>tght, l3untpn, fixe Gracc►?BcRore•rMeat. agent,; St. Joseph's church• zry 'the :�. ��. ) ' �A. Fear- of Exetercar loan this week,will give+ an illlustrateed lecture en• Rev. Father Hanlon will, preach and isited Mrs. Geo. Tebbutt.titled "Father, dear father come there will be; high mass. There will D7iss Amanda Ilplland of London..Mr, Goo, Cockerikie visited friends - home," in the S. A. hall. on Friday be vespers at 7.30 when Rev. Father visited under the parental roof. in the vicinity this -vee]-, evening of this week. All are wet- Laurendeau of St. Augustine will be Mr, D. M. Scott of Stratford was Mr. Jas, Campbell has purchased I• 1/. ��41 141. llr come• the preacher. in our village this week and purchas- Mr. Fiddle Mannings pony. ! The day's ofRerings will be in aid ed cheese for 11 5-16 cents per pound. The young' people of Loitdesboro Ep- A MAY WEDDING. of the new church fund. Mrs. George Ludlow and her little worth, League, who went to Constance gempler and.Optician.. Clinton daughter, Susanna, have returned to last Friday evening to take part in A quiet but very pretty v,•eddin, DEATH OF REV. DR. GREGG. their home at Proton Station after l'tW concert there were greeted by a took place at the residence of the spending the 24th with her a mother good audienceProceedsmount- bride's mother, Mrs. T. Hill, last Rev. Dr, William Gregg, for some + ' , The proceed Mrs. James Richardson, ed to about $20." evening when her youngest dcuightcr, years a professor in Knox Collc+ge; an s It is expected . that the ladies of I Air. Robert Smith had, the misfor- Miss Margaret, was united in wed- one of the most distinguished. of - the 1St: John's church, Iioimesvillc, Wilt fume. to inflict a severe cut . in : , hfs INCORPORATED 1849 locks bonds to Mr. John Noble a leaders in the Presbyterian church iii shortly• meet for th!e purpose of re hand Whits butcherin Tuesday at prosperous and' Vviiiiiar young farmer Canada,, died.. in Toronto yesterday, g y organizing the Ladies Guild in con noon. A piece . of meat he. was hang - of of the Huron. Rioad; Hullett. ` The He has been ill for only a few days, i;- News -Record' very heartily wishes :Tr. but the end was expected, as he had ncetipn with the church., Ing up slipped and in trying to rc- Mr. T. lacks on Jr. + which _ _ cover his hold,. of it lits Band come in and. Mrs, Nu�rlle �•i long and happy, r lar- been stricken with pneumonia; - contact vVitki the knife, : Several slit- rn in Cl;itton on May 22nd 1662 THE ROYAL 'BANKOF C9N90,A tied life. in, his advanced years . he could not x s• Mr. Jackson. Jr. on Saturda " St. Helens cites were requircid -to .close a the , . y last: . Paid -Up Capital $3,900.000. F{eeerve $4.Td000 throw off. Mrs.. (Dr.). Stewart of P Total Assets - - - $50,470c000 A SHOWER OF GRANITE, Clinton is a daughter of Dr. Gregg. i gash. passed another milestone. Represent - Clinton and Mrs. Jas, Websit^rJr. aiI Mr. John 13ransclon has 'pt in 1 is Ing the Jackson Mfg. Co. be has cov- BEAD OFFICE, .MONTREAL. Almost two Score of the: friends of Prof. Gregg was a man of highsoho� Luc,':(.:r accompanied by tha lsrttca'sr g i, eyed Canada,from the Atlantic to the - Miss Mary Dowson met at the home larly attainments and attract+we' in brother, Mr, L. Reid of ",in;;•y., vis- annual carload of binder, twine and is Pacific and is well known across h t character. He was of Scottish dc- delivering . it this -vecic, i w a o the CLINTON BRANCH-- R. D•EWAI 11VIANAGiER, of Mrs. Annie Beacom, on Thursday se n+ 1 ou h b was born in ire- lied friends around ,t, llelans Qty r d continent as pne'�1 the most energQtkc, evenfng and liberally showered . her a t, a th g C 0 Monday. M Awe and Miss L. McCool uf'and successful of travellers. As a with granttewar0. The xeaspn of the land in 1.817. His. "father; 'a rulirt I g! illi. Garnet Amoy, t;lt,i itt�ti . bcenl�'ingham visited the latter's parents citizen ,1tG stands for progrsss every f . GOUNTPY BUSINBSSEderp facitikpaf1'prdedtofarmers <+shower" will be seen :during the member of the Presbyterian .Church, in the employ, .of Mr. Henry Woods, on the 1111, time. Personally he is most r ,, and others for the •transaction pf ' their banking business. Sales noted -will be cashed or taken for month of'June. ZVliss Dowson, wino is was living at Ramelton, in Donegal left for his home. in, line ici+y lastI W. Grantham ttiok in the sports at l Y genial Count and here the .bo attended the and popular and, s the friend of. every !C one of our most amiable and popular Y, y week: !.Brussels Monday. He ran in tliu, five man, wpmannarid child in Clintoir :all collection. Classical School-* .I•IF Nir. and Mrs. T..Jpbb�, of. Win liam mile race comin in 3rd• place.' He _ {young ladies, returned to, thehome- spent soma g pf wham will join The News. -Record Special Attention .Paid to Savings. Bank Aeeolints I stead. in' Stanley on Tuesday, but will Years iA riiereantile -and business life, visited friends ground St, Melons last out ran' his opponent Air. nIacdougall , Ili wi, liCtn `�a4Ian Ha p in a short time in a few -Abort weeks and then he. entered Glasgow Univer- Clintoni s>i�g. y Ppy Returns �. � week;. � who beat hint "in, the GTaco two of the Day,"' •. - � � r sit front .which '•-w a graduated •• as , become a.pexinanent resident of ..lin 3°• h. g < Rev.' H. Mogen attended the years ago. Try the Marathon dfs- r tori. Bachelor of Arts, following this by Presbyterial,iiecting at I3russcl�. onflance next W111., taking an M. �A. in Ldinburgh,, . Taesday and Wednesday of :ast tircek There were°more fishermen than fish LITTLE LOCALS. 1 B'agfield He was licensed to preach in 1846,_ also the officers of the W. '-..1I: S: at the river Monday. , The, fish were. �" after a.course in the Free PreAayter and 1Vlission Band to ether with two away for their holiday s L I and M •s..' i 1` The Rev. 'Mr. CharlesiY.orth has rented + g a Y o y a well as 1 W l rani Whiddon of Airs. 'CarlIng's cotta e,—Mr. Proctor tan Church College, and in the , salne . delegates frmn each socbzty: those who ` sought thein:.' Goderich sperm Monday. in tlio villa e, INCORPORATED 1555. 1 Mr, and Mrs..,Arthur Fisher g _ y, year came to Canada." ' Mr: Hugh Anderson is •cpn6ned Mrs, Dr. Hamlin of :Detroit' visited t r of Ben: Capital Paid up $3;500.,000 Rest. Fund - $3,5001000 has. moved" into Mr. Overhur s house ..He .was Ordained in 18.17 became and Mr. R, Mennell into Mr. Brown's. ; + to his bed after his.recsnt fall. We relatives in the village over Sunday; miller were the guests of tier, parents, Has 65 Branches in: Cana. da' iVIiss Butler' takes ossession oi, the pastor of Cook's. . church, Toronto, in hope, to see Min. around again. ( Mr: Edward Crawford 'of the 13th Mr. And Mrs. James Wallis, on Sun - 1857. Tri 1-8-64 .Ile. was appointed lee- 'fine Misses 14Tar acct and .Lillian con. had -'the misfortune last week to da and Agents and Correspondents in all the principttilcities place vacated by, Mr; Mendell; tuner at Knox College and in 18721 gy is the world. Mr, A: kIpoPer, who recently ac-. g Clark of Ashfield .,spent the 24th loose a.horse and' two colts. 'Mr. Albert Richards. of Ancaster GENERAL BANKING BDSINESS, TRA�iSACTED... cepted a sewing machine agency, has a professgr.• under file parental roof,. _ spent a few days in tlge viiiage the �I ► VICTORIA- DAY, fir, and. Rirs.' David Farrier' visited guest of Mr. James Donaldson.. - the machines on e.rh itipn, irti Mr. W: friends in•.Aslifield on -Sunda last. �Wallt6r,'s, store. A. oodl crowd attcaded the aures Y I Mr. T. J. Marks was in Lundlra 'a .Varna.g y g the funeral of the' late" John. 1NI.. few'days this" week,ENT A- weeting of the• Boys' Assocation .in the tick on Monda tattler thol ;..• ,SAVINGS BANK DEPARTM� Y � FitzpatricIc of London took..place, from.: iiev: 14Ir: Flfndc will"take he ser- ' 1C2i; Eugene Storey of London is the ' AT ALL BRANCHES. will be:held iii 'tire. council :Olamhcr auspices " of the Citizens band. 'The Edward's ' + • +Ills son F.elwiird s residence to :: St. vice in" L le. Erglisb church next : Sun- guest of thin."'and Rlrs. Thomas "Icing interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. at 8.3.0 Friday evening.. Seaforth, : Wingham and Clinton C c+1 Wigustine on Monday" morning at, d'a -this week.. . The ladies. ofd St. Paul's church are legiatcs c6mpctcd- for the iianu,o,,ae'eight o'clock. �rRiTa in the Methodist church Will' M , S r Alex. McLeocti principal of`7,ur making arrangements ' to hold . an ex- trophy. which Iran for, some tinie. 1wen ` Mr. 14Iic1. Iiumplircp and sister,"Lin future be held at 7 m, instead ich Public school, was firs guest of ' Clinton Branch G. Dowding, Manager p tra large sale of work and a.. supper on cYhibition .. in Jeweller Grigg's , Mrs. Cranston,- spent, Sunday at ,the of. 6.30. his parents a few days hs last iarti; ' ' in the not.. distant future. window. Seafortli was dgfcatt& ay home'of . t1wir sister; Mrs. Ld. ' Taylor i . I Mrs, �, Richards and dau i>,t ' .. .: ;. ,� , • Mrs. Thos;Wilicy Occupied her: usual g er,• ,Miss -- a'4ingham, by a score of 1 ' 0.' and ('I'll- pf=Fast' Wawanosli, -Ell iclrh •d : I _ place in.church Jest :Sunday after an i s,. who neve silent the OPEN, AIR CONCERT TO NIGHT:. ton then defeated tha victors b •2-0. to R , Y 11Ir, Ch ebb `Jobb of •Toronto and illness extendin over are than ; ix winter with .Tier son, Mr, Iss c. Rich. ' only aving two • ' th'ee g, to Thp -open air -concert . rven b the Through ,o Y h ° of i Herb,. :of: VFinghain visited their months: :r1t times Tier recov •r . .v.a. ands of . 3russels return, d to the Nil READYMADE 0.1 E'D g - p practices, the I6cnl team %Ve.re it,A . hi t .Y s ' p,. Whyte Dyke -band � on Friday e- ecmug stste'r, t4lr .henry ,Woods;. pn> undayalmost des aired of but she made a Inge last. week.,. � �, p� �T Y good.conditfon but it was easy -to be tldi urnin f Gucl is' p lorrish OU Crooks 'CLOTHING last,', 'was very much enjoyed b the. ++ Bliss A e . U o ph luck • stru le and' is: oiv . e b in I . •Mr• and Mrs. Sheppard. /of 1Galt igrerd, CLOTHING hundreds .who heard it.. The band has' seen that they have "a :better- know-. I spending a faw: days holidays with her A • :l Y h alth. Her rid friends enjoying. a : the guests of Mrs: She ard's' sister, led a of the pints of the . dare . than I, au y goad e k o en a g. PP 'much improved .since last season aril ledge P K mother. ' distance will be.: much pleased to re- Mrs. Jphn'Tough, a few days this is now. •'open. for .engagements. 'In, the other:tcairis.''l heir .line-up: conszst-� The home :_oP Mr, and D7rs. Jas• ceive through •The News -Record th- week, ; future, tha,P will, play on Thursday ed of D. Ross,. B, -Johnson, W. Man Barbour was the scene of a, very glad 'news. „ } Air. Will. Robinson and ,lady of evenings. Their urogram to -night. will ning, 'J:,' Cameron; H, . White, l)• Happy event on May 19th .at n' o'clock - Varna. circuit has Avon the distinc-' Seaforth .spent Sti.nday in. .the yiunge: he ; Stewart, F. Maevenzie, E. •Mustard,, when their . eldest daughter, "Ethdl:I- -ordered Clothing,W, :Smfilie, D. Courtice tinct 0. Copp• bonds f wed- tion, per mcmbcxslii,,�, of presentingi Dr, 1lfetcatf, wife and family of De „ „ ,was welted in the holy bo o the '+best report at the District meet- troit arrived' last week and will spend: March Canadian 1<Iedley Baugh The first game * in the .I•luron and lock to Mr. Fred. Culbert of .Crewe, I ,' Clinton., « Reimich . PcrtIi BasehalI League was pIayol in The bride was given. away by hsr ing held in. L<rlast week and: it 'donee. weeks at their summer rest- Forth I Two Step . "Capt: Willie . Brown" • the ark in. tha afternoon between ! fu w f is doubtful -if any fri she Conference QUALITY P a father and wore a beautiful gown, o . will' make a; better shown Mr. Wil- Mr. •'and Mr's. Tomplin anti son of l Waltz. "Dream'of Spring". Rockwell Blyth. and Clinton, the home ti+air> ' lavender crepe de chene, She was at- . g � kincardfne were the nest r : Our lai a staff. • is', Intermezzo City Spells" Neilsson i 0 t C rLn th Bar- I liani Rathweli read the repo> t to the guests of . Mrs. • g , „ ;, wine ng by 0 7: onside g e, tended by. her cousin, Miss Maud B On xe ation here last Sunda Templin.s brother Rev, W.. L. Hiles working overtime en- March "Mission ,. Miller lack of. practice' the game was very boor of Lueknow, and Mr. Arthur c j rg ivas but one am cal at the the past -vecic; ' ' . • . g ' ' Waltz. • Sweetheart Ilays' Reimich fast and read enjoyed b ,he lar o_' Tee b p p ablln us to. fill orders ,� Cake" greatly 1 $ Y „g' Culbert, Mirother of the groom, acted Two .Step Wedding Cake. Neilsson crow of s >a e . Earle or -1 marriage toatt, court of revision on Tuesday against Miss Mamie Macdougall, who is at- " „ s ptGt t �s y. i as.best .. man: The marl age the work of Assessor (William 1-I. Sto ; Itending 'Sea, Collegiate, .spent a being. la every"day overture "Car. -_Big lowSoothwell. Clinton, pitched a great gaino and place in the . parlor under a nicelyi 5 I - ;r : til •t i g• Ifew days tinder the parental roof: bele laced On Out- `March Car. Director • .,: Iii el v+ duI. The .Appel ant � as + r 1 os. y g p `with the exception of one. Innings was g „ -_Bigelow � mane arch of ever neons from which Baird who was utisucc<i ! ' Cake Walk "Auntie Chores"` Miller, , ell: � ~tial. '1'hfsi 14Ti�. Peter .Ker of Clinton was in s��fxsfs t < I books, b customers well .supported. The batting of Ear- was .suspended a large «lute b , the villas ' �> I "s in has }leen Mr: Stogdill s : first year as . g on Saturday last, x, l who are an lone 0 et g., Y very heavy, There were sixty-five guests pre e. , , •' t � God Save tlr„ King ]:e and Alexander" was.. .• ., ,. g , assessor so. the icsult must be very I Nlr. and Mrs. James .Buchanan of • . v •Y; fit.,,}: Q„ st,;tl':. they either idriving in, Or scoring near- Consisting of friends and• aequaintances i h� Goderich sent Sunda. 1r the village. the best style aiid work DEATH OF MRS' OWEN, � satisfactory both to h mself and t p y ag y. , - iy all o£ Clinton's runs, The . home .of tite contracting .parties. Alter the council which appointed him. ( -Mr. George Chesney of SeaCarth was 't <• S > . manshl i Possible for team lined as follows ; u• John -i . the repaired to* the dining . 5 .f On :Thursda last .Mrs.. Alicia Ow.cn Ceremony Y P 1;1, y The, council on Monday inspected in the village on Tuesday on business. their mono We.•Can departed' thi life $on 1b., L:.ICert 3b., W. McConnell s. room which'was decorated with ever -I y p d s eat bar residence tri I the cement file made'-, by Thomas Keys On Sunday morningin the MetliadiS 1 s., T. Dawkins -c., W. Earley 1+,i P. greens and hags and where, a tasty Fit,,, • bVe you better' Value Map ewood, New Jersey; On Friday g and Alex Foster aril found it o. ]c, church Mrs. Tcinplin of iCincardina y Couch" a.f, A. Alexand'er',2b. M. Me- p the remains arrived at Clinton s:ta- + . + wedding supper Was served'. The res{ Messrs, Keys ,arid Foster do this world .rendeed- two ver, ro riate solos and.. satisfaction O r Ewan l.f, •G. Gudmundson r.f. ents -were numerous and ver Tett Y y app p r,r ;f tion and Were falcon 'to the residon + Y pretty sixteen cents per hour and they) art; which' were very much appreciated Iiia. your, money thisspring of file sister of the deceased tifx whcch showed the �estcem in whucli the dole , it with care and thorou htless:: 'congregation would )bee pleased to hear a s J. W. 1. MEETING, g, I ,�t - our. couple are held. than ever before, ha�v- R. -Combo, from -whence. the• funeral - youlig 7'1rAt old rail fence on the Iiabylon'Mrs. Templin• often. in an extra large took place on. Saturday, The offic at- The annual meeting of the 'West . Line whicli. has for years caused!thel Mr. Shortt of Buffalo was A guest �' : �' in ' clergyman was Rev, C. R;.Gunne Huron Women's Institute was held snow to ,drift so bacit will b e :and at the Albion, hetet a few ua s' this �. ran :e of patterns ai2d g gY , Y. Y Y g 4ii p and the pallbearers E. R. Dewart; E. on Friday last in C. O, i+', hall . and Hullett Tn'Wns_ hip bye be a :thing of the pasta Iutere.:;t- week. ,tssi g y qualities to ch O o s e M; McLean,.. J. Rattenbury, II. T. was opened with the prestderit, Airs. led parties have raised thirty-five dole Mn and Mrs. Harry Armstrong of Rance, G: D. McTaggart and And Jenitins; tri the chair. Tlie rc oris of " Messrs. Richard and Jos. Blake at tars which will pay. for tine wire, Tho Goderich were. guests Monday .of the, from. McGarva. the officers were .very encouraging .as , tended' the races in illitclrell on Mon-� old rails -Vitt apoGt buy fila Posts so lady's parents, Mr. 'anti: Mrs. Alex; they show,, in both membership and flay I that the only expenditure the council Robinson of the Commercial hotel. The late Mrs. Owen was the eldest i . h finances, a large' increase over last) . Misses Ha1ey pf .Glititon 'spent the need Incur will be for putting in the l Airs. .Pflug and slaughter, Mrs. Mil- b daughter of the late Thomas Barry, year. The election of officers result- 24th lir this vicinity. �iposts, say about ton dollars. ken, and family of Waterloo, are the . inspection' one of the first merchants in Clinton ed as follows ; Mr. Wrn. Morrison lead the rnrsfor An early inspection and who carried an business here u i Rev. Mr. Sawers- of Brucefield t>c- guests of her daughter, Mrs. Daniel * p President, Airs, W,,.Jenkins, 1:Ioltties-•time to have valuable driving, horse Icupied i;ho. pulpit in the Presbyterian Macdonald, of these 'goods will as I to 18-70. Airs. J. H. Combe and t ille d:.e last wee ' - sure aof havin a ;Mrs. J,, C•• Stephenson, " formerly of Vice Mr. Thomas Qui ey who`has for. the, church last Sunday, Rev. Davi ield I ode Robert Bailey and lady of large stock' Of new and I Clinton, were also daughters of b7r. Sec,-7'rCasu'rexvansilTs Zlcle��clrWntt (past week cin sobeen in Listowel taking the work on. flat Brucetield• Goderich spent Monday, in the village: gBarry. + , charge. ,., + Air, Henry Beacom of Clinton was tip -to -date goods from Clinton came home for Victoria bay. . Mr. "Davidson Sr:, father of .Rev., visiting friends in the, village this The subject of this !notice 'became Auditors Mesdames Levu' 'Tebbutt , - -- Mr, " bavidson, passed away. on Frl- weep. m hick to noake your se- tire' wife of Mr. Witham Owen who. and Fri rank 'Gall. - � - id'ay last at the advanced e, cif urn -i A party of gypsies, ruin -boring aYabut lection. isettled in this town in 18.58. He was District Directors Mils SalkeldTuckeramifh, Towhshig. ety. years, He was a native of Aber- sixty were in our vile� ii,go on Thurday a partner of the firm of •Rattenbury Goderich ; Miss John 'W'ilson; I dv`'ll th Ideen,shire, Scotland, but carne to this last on their way to 'Clwen Sound to a I& Owen who carried on, business on Winghairr Airs. Pefters; Londes- Kruse C3roS. of 1.gtnon l e, country it great many years ago. By take; boat for. fort Arthur tin route Albert street nearly opposite I+'air's baro ; Mrs, Kearns, Clinton • Airs. brWis And tile makers, have sold sincci those who know him he was very for Winnipeg nod the 'West. The. won%- flour will, The cottage at the corner L. Tebbutt,, I•lolwesville, the middle of February nearly four highly respected. II:s aged wife stir- en were small of stature gild were of John and Queen, streets so A. discussion fol:owod re pr aniza- �andred loads of tile, This will show g 1v#Nes him, The fun•^rat on Monday dressed in the most gaudy calors. long oecupied by Mr, R. Holmes was tion of branches. in other*places. Ttrel.to some extent how great is the detook place to Bayfield' cemetery, tits Most of them smoked and tho Prices Qualities and Colors to suit all comets. by Mr. Owens in 1860., Shortly matter of holding a picnic was also m5.trd upon, their yards daring a sea$ -I services being conducted by Revs. children chewed tobacco. The women ' Q after the familymoved to Jowsvills d:seussed. Mrs. Ashfe fhcn favored on, I , Y Sawots, and Brown. The pallbearers told fortunes whoa they gat a chance, Fit and Workmanship guaranteed, Mich. and subsdguently to Chicago the audience with a short talk after Iwcro ; John Sparrow, Sam%% John- which was seldom, antl swore worsti 'N. „ whore they wgie at the time of the wb ch the meet:ng was. adjourned till (stone, James Eslor, James It. -Jahn- than troopers -without xnv provoca- great fire which almost totally wilted 2.15; Ha ffel+d g � stone, William Clark- and Douglas. trona .They 'were in short the tough - out the city. Later. Mr: Owem and At the afternoon session Airs. Link- Mr. Davidson's Urthday. was Vay 24th est gang that evrr struck Bayfield to i! family moved east where the two later of WIngham gave a paper Ill- Mrs. Brown of Port Dover. is t113and his Nit ral took place on the liths and we .were all glad when they mov A.,Squalre Deal fox Every Man, . 'sons, Samuel and Alfred engaged in "Formation of eharactor In hone guest of. her daughter, Mrs. Jahn n2r, and'Mrs. 8. C. Rathwell alld ed on. is manufacturing business and have training of rchildren." Mrs. (Tarte Sturgeon, fancily of 'Clinton enjoyed Victorian Mr. Robt. McMurray is attendini; become very wealthy. Four years gave a reading on "C'h"rfulness." `" Day with reistives in this vilIagc tend Orange fraud I,odgte of British Nortlri ! ago Mr, Owens joined thr !great major- Mrs. Ashley then followed in an ex'. � Vic iiity. i America at Teterboro this 'week. da 41 �fty and his remains were brought book cellent address on ''tb'omoWs mission THH LOCAL MAUXET., Miss Edith Dowson was itn Clintons Mr. John Pollock and sort Clifford, , for interment in the old town, to from a broad view point." Whoat $1,25. on Tuesday, and his nephews, Harold and Clarence, CROOKS wbic, lie engaged in business nearly Kittle Miss Donna Mulhollaatd! ilaen, MORRISH , ,y Oats h8a � ATiss Mary 1?caivstrn, who kiss britt Pollock, left this work for Srlltfrk, y s ago, 'rhe remaining mem- sang a solo very sweetly, Peas 88e, clerk in the big store of Tozer Man, Ilarotct lids a situation a -+rain lift ear _ ' bars of the familyare their two sons, A vote of thanks was Xendor(,d CCL'9a1111'is to Hti�" -:115 Rrl'�a. Clothing �fnii� . ' , . , Barley "Cite. 13rowtx pf Clinton for the past two Ing liftri as purser ort wills uncle, Grip - of ' Samuol and Alfred of Now York, and Mrs. Ashley for her very alilo zddrms Butter l8e f6 i+r. or ttirt�c years, returned to they home. 'taut Tony Poilocit's steafuer. They itheir (laughter, Miss V,'mma 'Owens of also the Members of Cf, 0, I+`. Apr tli� I,,ggs 170 to, 180. � stead ori Tuesday to remain for a,'othrr three of t1w, party will engaged ..... __ _ ....... � . _...._ . Maplewood, N. J. use of their laatl. Live hogs $7.50, low weeks, On the fishing Industry.. 13