HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-05-20, Page 71*
XAy lothil 1909,
- - -winarb- -ija--w -
Clinton News-Rillicord
- _ __ �
1. � I I � . � ..- . . &I .A. -1 �- I
I I I -1 11 � I I I � t I - -
%. ID. XcTAQGART , - .
X* D. MOTAOGART . . ;:
I , 1. ".Pffl_- . T'l I w i -r
I Vol � , rt Brost , I IrMll
'D Ul
. ,DANXER-S--' I . .,
. � The.�N`cws-Record has not gi, regular
, collector and consequently there has
. *
. poert a tendency oa the part of.irially
. . of, our readers to allow their subscrip-
AL %NIK I ING 13US1_ tiou tQ fall into arrears. I
A GENER 4-'k '
b"I. 0,004 to,the w1u(ION'", 440, , Illto"
looking out gulting the'troex.
"Bills." be 414ed PrIlsently. "have
you nQ,,Ice(I bo%v i1riny crow* are O.v-
Ing'About the placv� I Upver observed
them before."
"Yes. -you in' lordt" too wrvaft %asp-
ed. "I've- -'xtotleed 'em. frequent, *..Iry
AW-Aul, aw*klul your pardon, kilt', I'm :
ready to. put the, boots on," .
Richard -watched the operation tn
grim enjoyment. The Ot waa 4 tight
one. but Bills accomplished the tent
at last, though the persfilratIcii cutn*
out on his forehead In copious profu-
,"Thank you,,Il said the Texan Simply-
and departed wittiout giving any fur-
41XV4 031KOWN. 4 4-M ew"" V . "
much Ingenuity, some varied expeAl.
once, quite a collection of aliases arld
a passion for acquisition. fie had re-
celved no, Invitation to the above men.
tioried social rouctlou. though he IlOPe4
to profit thereby In ways best 4nown
to lilmself.
Ur.'blichael Corrigan, returning from
a business meeting to the city. tool.
the 12 olclock train for Irvington And
wout Into the smoker, where he seated
himself and lighted a short blnck pipe.
Vie pet aversion of his reflned broth -
or -lo -law, Jacob Renwyck. who visited
most of his disgust upon his itufortil-
ante wife. Ills buslueso transuctlorts
in, the city evidently ploased Uncle 511-
chael vastly, for that gentleman kept
1 7
,.. ;I i- - 6 1 . I...
! �Vow, Goa'% you w how obs"41* YOU
Are?" -i
"All rigov, assout:W Mr. corripno
,,li,ve warned you. Arid tharo all I'vor
got to say, ,They're alit my dlamooft,"
. #,just wait a moirmut, Allchmel", *am
Air. Iteowyck. wall -140 artRr him 011
want to show you wbul,"ou ItIllotle
r ,
itand you have taueo. You say tber
man has a cost In his eye. Very good;
I'll admit that, but I venture to say,,
that in the state of New York thery
Are from twenty to thirty, thousaoil
people with casts in their eyes. Yom
clalill.th'at it Is a mark of rascality. lio
don't agree with you, Nly QW4. fAtheir
had a cast In his eYe-PP
"Dowt 4oubt It In the least.,, spappeit
The label on your paper shows e I ..1veness. 'Ile I ther directions, . Air. Corrigan. "That explains It I've
� NOTES date, to which your paper is paid, Wo Bills * sdo*led at "IlItitt angrily [Luc upon the serlhut!s, serl�" � chuckling to himself and rubbing his 1.
NPOSS, TRANSACTED- , 'longing. glance toward the door, Ile enjoyed his ride with Ails,; flar.
I 0 would .Ask 5,ou to read it carefully turned toward the door. He was drunh cast a plump ,white hands in the manner of often worldered"
I)IS00UNTED. PRAXTS ISSUIE enougli, to put his threat Into exeCU- but the Texan was already filling the riet hugely, For three long. bilssful one Upon wbom. good fortune has: do- "Come, come," laughed Mr. Ren.
and should you be one of those in tion. and well Richard knew that such 11 chambers of his re . vOlverl so Bills Per- hours he cantered with tier on beauti. so , ended suddenly. wyck; "you gain nothing by. being pev
. . INT EST ALLOWE13 ON DI Q- arrears, kindly let us have your re- � nell to force sat still and watched him. expert. ful country roa4m, where the air was After a thn
,4R . I I � an exposure would be a deathk , , e big attention was Ar- sonaL lint listen, you saw a man Ill
. . mittance, . ts hopes of winning Harriet encing a separate And distinct spasm sueet and Invigorating. where the rested. by two men on the sent oppo- the train-thongti you confess Y013 .
I OTES PYIRCU- Thesingle dollar may'not seem of h I I as inch cartridge nestled into. its crib: scent of wild flowers caule to. them and
. POSITS, SALE N . � . "Walt!" site blin. They were engaged In a only glanced, at him -and Immediately
� .
* much, importance tfo you, but to the $,t the sharp command the valet Richard laughed softly, as at some the fragrance or the wild woods sweet- whIsperell conversation while . they ate recognized him as a bristly murderer
, ., ,
ASEP - - - - - - - - � � - -l office.where several hundred of dollars ,. er still In the 4eepeulng their lunch from A brown paper parcel, who has committed the crime of being
turned suddenly; then big master pleasurable memory. . dusk. A bim- .
I are $0 looked up, i . I - times be wtm oil the verge of
. . . t W a matter of 1 changed hlo tone and continued In, an "By tho way. Friend Woolsey, I dre(l TO a casual observer there was voth- hungry. Did you see murderer No, 1,
. I � - * Confe-941119 011, Of thrtwing bllllsQlf Up- to- Unusual. in the appearance of the get off the train? N3, of course not�.�
. 11 "... I considerable moment. even voice: "Miss Ileawyell; Is dressing dolyt know why 1. think of It Just now, ,,I .
I To those in arrears we make this for A. ride with me, And at present you but a mighty funny thing happened on the morcy of tier gentleness. but a t
I , wo passengers. They were roughly Ile is probably dining In the bosom of
, H, T, RANCE- -'- - special '.call, and trust to be favored Can% see her, She Will probably lie down in Texas a couple of.years ago. � warning something ht%ld lilin In check, clad, Unshaven and apparently poor, his humble but honest family, wbIle,
with you ' I , ilies. after which and. In spite of big Impulses-Ilke tb� having the air of workinguieg out of 1, you, my dear s1r, are aching to.clap,
NOTARY PUBLIC CO,*"V'EY_ ,r subscription, at Ilia earliest down In twenty min I had a contract with a fellow -chap llor In the opera -lit, remained all I .
IAL, REAL I I size. and a ,
�,#i % - iCER, FINANC' possible raoment, . you inny do its you like, and be hanged aboutyour ge as I remember su a job. Air. Corrigan would probably him In the penitentiary." Mr, Ren",
AN I . him .
- ions to W. to you' in the meantime I would be hi log disregard for Englishman, Once she turned to have not noticed them at till except wycl�, paused to laugh. !*Really, PAP' I
ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR Address all communicat in, with a charm , I with sparkling eyes, I I
. . I . J. M small I . that one of them-tbe better looking. cliael, yon amuse me.,-AgeJs,.resp9jk-,1 I
. itchell, New& -Record Office, Clin- obliged If you would get me that keeping promises similar to yours. He "Do ,you know,." site said. "there tire .--.I---- -...--,.-- �
I . TING 14 FIRE INSURANCE ton, Ont, I bottle of whehine oil on the closet broke his contract." . times when you remind me so of a who If lie had been shaved and well , .
. . . shelf,,. then find we'a piece of soft . In the awkward pause which tollow- , -9 elad might have been called good look- I (TO BZ,CONTINUED.)
, COMPAN113-S. . . . . . . . . white rag." ed the surviving partner In. the Oeij man I chanced. to meet that -that - Ing -had it slight east In big eye, 4 1
. I j)IVISION COURT- - OFFICE,' .SyMpathy- The valet wanted to refuse, but his drew a flue head on the tassel of the "Ttie eowboy?" Richard asked. phYsteal blemish which the old gentle, -
� .. CLINTON, A Woman's. servarit's training, together with a cer- She made no answer. but flashed and Ulan had ever regarded as .a sort of
� Are you discouraged? is your doctor's window curtain and smiled. gave free re4n to tier t -ager horse, while
I ____,_�� bill a, heavy financial load? Is your pain. tain compelling something In Rlcbard's.� "Where is he now, sir?" . the Texan spurred it; r hur. laying a name plate on the f rqnt door of a scala- - 1 .
�, e broug;ht Aden& wag. Ile saw tile Man only a moment THE BOOK BORROWER- .
; N..&. , � - IL heavy physical burden? I know What eye, enforced obedience. H I Richard shruggW. his sboi
these mean to delicate wonilm-r aver firm hand upon tier bridle arm. . r two liefore getting.out of.the train, . .
I . been d1scourayd, , too; but learned ho to one of Lord Croyland's handkerchiefs 11DId-did. you kill him. oir?" feebly I, 0 .
%, BRYDONE. cure myself. want to relieve our - or- 'from the bureau drawer and laid It began the unfortunate Bills again, feel- And If I were be -would It make a and In the stress of far more impor How ColleQtora Havo Circumvented W. .
I dens. Why not �nd the pain an stop. the with the bottle of machine oil on a Ing a, sudden And unaccountable difference theu�a difference, I mean, tant matters the Incident Passed out. . Wicked Type. . I
. . I � doctor's bill? I can do this go you an In wl n
BARRISTER, SOLICITOEL Will if you will assist me. table In the ce * draft blowing on his spine. . � .uning your respect a d trust, or III% Inind. It was recalled litter on. The book borrower Is the sworn foot
. BLIC. ETC. Au you need dd Is to write for a free amily and"- . I
NOTARY, PU . x of the remedy which has been placed ard thanked him, seated himself again "Well. no," said Richard dre # Ile was sitting on the front Porch of or the book -collector, and raany stories
711N. Perhaps and began tearing the handkerchief In- a the funny part or It. "How absurd you arel". she laughed. 116stmore. witere he v the I
. , lileck-01 114TON. my hands to be given awa� I . "I didn't That' . had Just taken are told of the plans adopted b. .
(WFICE-Sloaae this one box will cure ou-It as done so, In swift Interruption. "Have I not gIv- .
I . for others, if so, I s1all. be happy and , to narrow strips, .while Mils stood I AJed him to. a tree and shot Away � en you both already? Aly cowboy Is lu,neii(q)II. whCn a tramp tintered the - hatter to defend, his treasures from the
* . --.----- you WIU be cured for 2c; (the cost Of a watching him, his human curiosity be. portiono.of him that didn't'count." . place and caride timidly to the house, .
" _____� : Sostage stamp), Your letters held confl- I but a memory, and Xou�wby. gracious, - assaults of the borroWer. Especially is
. entiallY. Write to -day for mv free treat- ginning to get tile. better even of his , -,Count, sir?" how late IVs getting! Wo begging for food to the usual profes- collector opposed to, the uufeeling ,
shall never . � the .
.. �CHARLES B. HALF- ment. MRS. F. E CURRAIL Windsors Out. anger., . "Yes. parts that are not vital.. you . , alcual whine. � .
I . I be in tlm� for dinner! Come!" - . ' wretch, who borrows one volume out .
I . ConVeYanopro, Comi6ssioners, . . "Sit down, Cardinal," oald Richard understand -such as cars and fingers, If Richard till(] Was Harriet enjoyed Air. Corrigan had small patience w1t1r of a series and forgets Ao return 114
I pleasantly. "You have twenty min 4, like that.
Real Ests�te and Insurance I . and kneecaps and thing. their afternoon, the same could not be tramps, and was about to order him This: wasone of Colerldge.'s weakness-
- utes to wait, so why burry? I have Why. -you wouldn't believe It. Hills, I .
� . Agency. Money to loan. _. ... [091, 1111111 found that morels chair to be very b t you can chip Away at a man. for said of' Bills. For three long hours off the place when something �hanged es and wag so pronounced that Lumb
. � . '
, - ... 1-1 ll I I'll u You the servant did penance for his sins, his mind, The fellow had a cast In We .
- I 'T� - a _ . . comfortable Indeed. You were enJoY-. half a day if you're only careful. knowing not which ached the most--� eye, no recognized him Instantly. It . described him as Ila. maker of odd vol, '
: OFFICE - - - HURON' ' � J., Whitefoord Mae -
I . - ROMESEEKERS' EXCTJRSION$ lidi it ,when It came In. Don't let me: see, I had plenty of leisure time on my his. head. big heart or his tender feet. struck the old gentleman at once as umes." The late . .
. � V- � It hand4-almost as much as I linve now - .
. TO spoil your afternoon. Try.It again. I To Walk was agony. TO sit was to being singular that tills man should Kenzie, a well known collector. ones �,
, . , . . � WESTERN CANADA. . � The valet, still wondering and un. -so there wasu!t any butry and rush en n I ot -two told the,prdsent . writer that when any . I . .
. DES. GUNN & McRAN.� suffer with it gnawing. burning beat clalm to be starving w1.1
I It. That was a rifle, I had a I � , , - I I .
. about � feet began hours before he had been eating- heaft- one asked him for the loan of a s ngI& ' '
S Via 0111CAGO -and ST. PAUL, e2italn, took the, indicated Seat, .UAr that ever Incyea.sed its Ills I ,,, . � I . � .
� . Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L -RX- -, MINNE APOLIS or DULUTH. , rowly watChing his master while - the, hatful of cartridges and an extra gun, to'swell. At the end of the first half Ily from a brown Iiitper parcel In the volume out of.a set he.always replied I
�1_ Edin. . . . I ... Texan crossed the I room, returning to to use whert the.other got too hot for hour lie dete � ruiltied to run away, to train. Tramps, did not tisually travel that. 116 would r . ather )end him I .tbep . , . . .
� bi April 6-20; May 4-18,1 June 1-15-1 I river and quick firing. A double acting revolver hide, himself souiewhere In the wilder.' by tralb-hot' Inside of them, at any . . .- .
. . I . I 'the -table with a small screwd Is better for housebold'use.1' , . � . . I whole ten. fifteen ortwenty volumes : I
. . offtee-Ontatio street,, Clinton. N4. 29 July 13--:27, Aug. 10�24, Sept. 7 a formidable revolver. - no seated hlm� � ness -of New York. where, ..his ninatbr rate-Nylitch was an a ' dditlonal cause .. � . � ..
ot office or resi- , I Once more Richard pansed- to laugh, . . r4 les than have them left as: ..
calls at front door . -21. 1 self and began taking the might seek for him In valn. I.Mmedl- for suspicion. Uncle Allchael deter- of the er, I W111law - .
dnee, Rattenbury street. . . . . . . weapon .to, twirling his gun around airily In his I � nitued .to Investigate . the matter fur- odd volumes on his. hands. , , . . I
I . pieces, oiling each part carefully ancl quick. fingers In retrospective joy. 'tely, however, n Btumbling block pre- I . uqd bibiloptillejA0119 '
. � . " . I .
Tickets good, for 60 days. ,%en running.a. greasy rag through the . . . sented Itself. . To' got Into the boots ther, so he led the tramp to the back . Roberts,. the reno w. , . . I
Di. T. T. McRae, ato. I Winnipeg and return $32-00, barrel. Bills became more and more l'oh, � I say!" he cried...- "You just . I out of thO house, where a plate of bread in -fThe Book . H'unier. In'Loudgri" that ,' �
� . , , �
University of.Toro . Edmonton .arid r . li hv t fellow When. find been diffleul.t. To get out of th I �
- . . 1i c9 , ..
I . eturn $12.50, Interested in thissingular andto him Ong . proved, to 6e au titter Impossibility. .aud meat was. set before him. Ile ate the bookplate of..a c6rtain Prone' I_ .
office b,ours at hostiltal :- �m .Proportionate rates to other points. Richard of� I.b4gfin to pick off his knuckle bones. ' . ingly for a' hungry mail, but took � . I . .
, I . ..
I., in.; 7 to 9 P.. � . . . . . . )infamillar proceeding. but , t be and to .run. anywhere with such an spar � lector, bore this text from the parable ' I . .
I to 8 P. . usual oc- Knuckle bones, you know, seem 0 I I � In the premises with a seemingly earew ' .. .
. I LOWRATES - ' . I . . fered, no explanation of bW un . very sen,sItIve to sudden shock. and In 'agoplging linildicap - was out of the I I of the ten virgins: -(36 rather to them . . � I .
._�_ �s of utter I I ,Ut less e.Ve, W -bile. the acqoxll t he gave of . bat sell and buy for yourselves."' .1 I
I&- , cupation. - After five minute ce I had no -question. True. ,he might have c .
. ' I I
� FO I ' this particular. 'install was far frohi satisfactory. He 't, I
� .R SETTLERS I silence the valet. could stand the strain - them 60, but Iii view of:the thought of himself .1 . . -'sir," said a man bf wit to an aC I . ��
9 --DR. J. W. SHAW- , . � . . . I I I earthly cause to complain.- Perliaps I -clilmed to hav,ecome from.Altiarty on.. e . . ;
' - -
To certain points in Saskatchewan. no longer. - . you are wondering how. I could sitoot erows. and knuckle bonog.he preferreq foot, its was shown I by the travel staln- . quallitance'wholament d the difficulty, I . :
. I
. "Er�beg pardon.- sir,".1te asked. and * 1,11 tell you.,, to bear'llis martyrdom. � I whl6ti .he found in persuading .his .
. . and' Alberta,. " each Tuesday,duiii-bg � _ . so accurately. Well, ed condition oft his shoes; which was . .
� , ,. . - . . I
k . . the tremor In ,his voice Indleated7 his I I It friends to returnthe volurneis that her . � .
. �OFFICE- � March.and, April. , 1. . . Richard leaned forward and confided Richard fo nVIllm seated�. on the ' I
. � Join, � I clearly A lie, for hit CorHgan bild .
I .1 . . � I .. . - you, a -i I . a of the bathtub, with his feet In . I bad lent them-,lsir, your acqual'utanices , - - �.
I �, I . I . I I ItheRsiness, "but wot . are . .; in a pleased whisper, I'll had justoilcd. edge ' .seen him travelingla.uh outfrelyoppo-_ - - that -It Is � much more . - - . . �
RATTENBURY ST.EAST, . Full information- from of, sir?" � . . I I . . � � 1. . .1 .. half.an Inch of warm water-a-muti- find.. I - suppose, . . I
I I my gun.,, . ., �. . . . . ' . . . site direction, and was were convinced . .
. I
. � JOHN RANSFORD, Town -Agent. , 'j4CIeaulng my gun," returned Rich- , - Ills . *neer reduced, like his bootsi to A. Pitl- . 0.1sy to retain the -books themseilves -. . ... .
B now began. to sober'up with � I . � . � than ever that a cast in the eye was . . it ,� .. �
. -CLIN�TON.- � A. 0. PATT190N�- Depot'Airellt-' ard laconically.. "What did you'think ,. � I I ' I . � an what is contained In them. .. � I ,:'. .
. : - � . . . . I I astoi)isbing rapidity. Uls pntty�lllw able pulp. . . a mundiel. He declined th . � . . I
� � . . . .. . I I . shavin-?" I I . I . � � 46 -ed. the brand of , n:tO.lIMIt. book borl,o : .
- - - . . � . � I was doing -i t, I complexion had grown grayer still. Bello, Woolsey," . Richard .ask to give the fellowmoneY And watelled - An ingenious pla - . .
I - , I . . I ; . I I '110 -oh!" said Bills is�d into .. � . - . . . roWIng is told by J. Ashby Sterry-�, In * � .. I I
. I
... . . . and lap � . I while his eyes were watery, wandering cheerfully, "what's up?" him .susDiclously until be left . the . t 00 . I
� . . silence. . I . . I . 'IN' lord." the -valet walled, "for . all the.books of a cor ain cunning b k.
I DR. 0. W. THOMPSON . TDO JUCKIII011 JUIltual Fife � . I . about In the fruitless hope of detecting . . . . . 4 . .place, 'feeling Insttuctively that sdmo- I coll6c.tor he had the Pelee written In -
. . Richard 6egan to* whistle. It was a, some aventle of escape. .Even his hair r4awills sake, 'e 6. me, .sir, for. -I'd . . . -. I
. . � thing Would bring him back again. - I � . * . . ... �
I ,.. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON � ' merry, happy. little tune, but somehow - issly on It rather Pave you 'shoot tile In the parts , on the plain, figures. . When any,, One . asked, � . . . -_ .
----..-- .. .1 . I . restIc �? - I him'fo the loa - . . .. ..
. -
� I .. 4.0sul.ance GumpgnU it got on the valet's nerves. Ills mind I seemed to stir' . Is head' W,ot doesn't count than wear these.lere -Rlcbard_ wild was s1ttin- I . h -of a book he'invaria 1. ...
� . k;peclal attention given to diseases . �j lind a feeling of weakness and nan4e4 lawn with MISS Harriet, .Pad also seen . .r, .
. work dud draw I for� . . blasted boots for attother minute. Air, . el . lily replied. IlYes� with pleasure," and, -
:� ye, Ear, Nose and Throat-- -Farra and Isolated Town Property-�- coin I n . came over him. . . . . . . . . . the tramp as .he limped. tli�oligh:.th � . I . I ..
. . .
of the E . I - . . � ences. The gun had a very unsympa? .. '!Wot--�wot became of the gentlenian. Williams, sir, if you'll be so good." '' . open carriage. gate Into the iroa Ills looking Ill the volume. further added, . . . I .:. . .�
wn . e . '&dl workAs 12. ]-is., . .1
-Office and Residence- ' .1 ok . .. . It" . cbolt� click .1 . . . a See the price of Oils � . 4. I W1 A - . I . I .. .
. -OFFICERS- ,� sIr?7 he asked, w b a . I ought Riclial had ridden over to Tarryto In U st . it- might happen'to � . . ,i.
. -Only Insured I degree b * y. the six enorw6u,,; en tr --ale . I . CroYthud,'l th' I of pipe tobacco for: Ills. in * , (or whatever
. tLetic to , which was lessened In no In - "Tbat'll cosi'm6 a pair of boots, to
n,Yff OT TWPPnM .. ,C) i- �+�' Q-alnrth F - . - � 'Ad . fila voice . . .. . . . aste it d . �d" 0
UJMV14., 0 1. ZVI o - - '�
8 doors west of the Commercial hOtCL
-_ -
. -DR. F. A. AXOX.- .
.. .
. .
(Successor to -Dr. Holmes.) .1
Specialist in Crown and Bridge,
wq;k. . �
Graduate bf the Royal College Of
pental ' Surgeons of Ontarld.. Honor
graduate of University of Toronto
Dental Department Graduate of the
Chicago College of Dental Surgery
. Will be at the Commercial hotel
Bay.field, every Monday from 10 a. In.
to -5 P. M. ..
censed Auctioneer for the CouiitY
of Huron. All orders entrusted - to
ine will receive prompt attention.
Will ciell either 'by percentage or
per sale. Residence on the, Bayfield
Road, one mile south of Clinton.
. .
P. . .
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. . . � . I. . I I
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Clinton .- News- 11-4cord -
I .
. -
I . CLINTON '.' - ON.T.
� I
Terms . of subscription$Iper year in
The lost In Curroot "Literature'
12 doMPL2TC NoVitLe YZAnLy
11 -
MANY sHonT wromes ANb
$9.60 Pril VtAIV a :98 011- A COPV'
fCVtI4yN'M&""'.6MPL091" SEL11pr
. r I -.._-L- �
. I I
I'Gentlemau9l'6 repeated Rl,!hard ab�
sently. "Wliatgentletuan�" ..
,,Wly; the -target gentleman, shl, thd
one As was losin' parts of 'Issel r. that
don't count, Ain Williams, Sir. I
meftn�- " .1 - , I q . % . . I
'lob, Y ',, d the Texan.
.. es. yes!". laughe,
"I . Was thinking of: something
You mea . n illy contract man? .1,
remember exactly. .He was alive when'
. . . .
I left bim,,t bellev . e, but I rather think
' ' . . .
tbe7crows got . blin'lu the eti&ll There
was,. another'pauAe. .111 " n-hich Rl6iird
listened Intently. "All!!' he eXCIaltned.
041 believe I bear Miss RenwYck COM -
Ing downstairs. -nadn't you better see
. ! � . � I
her befoie N,re* go� for our ride?".
Bills' breathed . hard. thought . f or
aw. , IiII6,. then looked up timidly.
. .
:1.11! lord'I-7 . ' . . .
115on't call me * . Rlc
� ard so slitirply that the servant*nearly
,fell out'of his . chat . r. 111. have no right
to tbat,tifle now-gince welve parted
compa � ny. NO,, Vitt just Plain Arr. Wil-
itams. cow puncher, man .eater, any-
. thing you like except an English noble-
* . - . . .
. 1.
Man." . . . , :
"But-butr�m'. lord," peisisted Bills.
. rising unsteadily and becoffilng ther re-
spectful servant once more, *11 4on't
want. to leave yo , n. sir. Candid, Ale.
I 0 1 1,0.1
cigar as . he disulissed .the wretched. .
valet to seek relief below stairs. " * But
' ' '
I rather think it. .was. money .Well
spent.,J. . . .. i I . .
I � .
. I ; �
CIIXPTER XIII. . , , � �
N Wednesdny . morning two*
. Items appeared ifi one of,the
I ..
I New York newspapers.. -neither
0. of which . would' strike a cas-, I
. . .
ual, reader- as being Impiortant: but, AO.
. far as thlaiiarrit.tive is concerned, they
� I .
led. . to collapileations. The first was
. . . �
up � obviously exaggerated report and
'read as follows., - " .1 � I .
.� L . TEXAN:. FATALtT "INTUilED. - '
Mr. Richard Williams, son of the, fa-
mous millionaire and cattlo�king of San'
. Antonio. .s T.ex.. was,.severely injured on
Sunday last In'an at . ltdmobile accident.
He.was talcen' to St; Luke'i hospital.
*where our reporter called, last evening. .
Mr. Williams was too prostr.ated by the
shock to 'be interviewed, but -we learn,
from . one. in authority diat the young man
is suffering *from concussion of'the brain,
besides sustaining a fracture of the shoul-
der and Internal Injuries. The accident
v I vas due to the carelessness of an ineX7
peilenced dhauffeur, who gave; his name
Eta Peter Wilson. but whose address had
not been ascertained. up to a Imte hour
. Iasi night. The police are making In-
�wrles. , .
The above Paragraph chanced to
. catch the ev6 Of a, certaln. Air. Logger,
. w_ i, A +.it -n the mornlni*- train for
was stopped by the vagriint, At ibe.en-
trance of the. drive. - Richard �aw him
head In his saddle, c6nfer with ,the
. .
man. ro . r - a,moment Or two,"then turn -
I . nto the stable yardi PrdSentlY lle.re-
a . ppeared and -crossed, to 'his. muster -.
. .
with the tobacco Which .he had I Be, I
. . . .
cured. . . I . � � . I .. � . ...
. "Navy Capstan, in' 1prd,'! he stat6d
. . .
triumphantly, "the kind. WOt YOU I
- . I . � . .
smokes -at, lon3e, sin, .. . .
. ..
. . . .
4Thanks,"..�afd Richard. . -By the
way, Bills, What was that quepi look -
'Ing be . ggar saying to You Just now?" -
Bills started. slightly, as on,qusbalned '
, . .1 .
. 'in stich-evil company..
of being Seen . . . . .
.. IlOhl., Ihn? -Yes, sit'. Wly,''*'e was .
awsk I fill -big wqy t6 the station, in' lord. "
A ru . in I sort, I calls.,im, I sir, beggla'
your pardon torl'-. . I . � .
. ,,Yes, yes, Bills,"'nicliard reproved,
with.'a show'Of Impatience. "That Will
. .
do. You may go.l* I � ....
. The valet bowed respectfully find
departed, while �Ilss Harriet looked
. at her dompaulon. in.polite'surprige. . -
. "Why tire -you so short vkth lilin?"
she asked. ljo me,he Is perfectly de-
liclods. I don't belleve he.ever laugh-
ed In all his life' did be?" . -
"Don't know, I'm sure,"' draw ' led
Richard lazily.' 111 curb Ills tongue
MI, # 11A- js�jncllned
be) You may ta-ke At a S t'.
, . . .
'%Ilblcb , wl . 11, of, course. be'srefunded
when . t . be volume � Is. returned." Sit Wal-
ter -Scott:$ Plan was - Ingenious. When. .
he tent a book,from his library he put,
in its place. a *ooden block hearing' .
. .
the ndme'of tbeb . orrower and tbeiduto
. .. 11 '
of the. ,loan.- Alanv'j�er.e the ittintlIPMOS
leveled by. qollect6rs agaInatthose Whor �.
. .
. .
would borrow or steal their. v6lumeg. *
I . .. . 1.
. . .
gom I e . ti . mes these. were . macaronle �
. p.hymeswritten by students -as. fores.
Ample, -the f ' ollowing.' which was .in-
ser�bed 11poil a*Lattu book used In, Ah-
. .. . I
ordeen. University'. . . . . I 4 t 1,
. st, quisquis furetur . . . . .
I . This little Libellum . .. I
.. � . Per-Pboebem, per Jovem I I
1�11'klll him. I'll fell him; ,.
�. . N _
. �
� In ventrem tills , i
. ill! stick my scdll)ellu ' in . I .
� .And -teach him to.steal, - I
. .. . My. little, Libel) atil. . . .
. .
in file library (if . 'it fambUs 'G4'ISV�V.
col � lector there was, recently the' COPY,
of . Seotfs-Minstrelsy of. the Scottish,
Ii6rder'�.whlcb belonged at one time
to Willfain LNlotherweli and In- which '
the, poet' bad insetibed thd foLlOwInit
I I .
verse: . � . .. � .
William Motherwell says the Work Is big.
�who shall. gainaay'lilm? '�, I I
He that daies.do It - I
. May the melkle'OHI flay him! I .:
. 4 I vloleut denunciations ,
. advanod � $1.50 may be charged 11,
I, wur j,doment's bettar than thet c6rlli-ll
Williams . F.Ir, , it .-berve You L% L . 9
Ide6d f �vill. it Wits only the drink
NY - � . '
I Chicago. Ile wasan intimate friend of
from necessIXY. 0 %3
to be loquacious At times I am forced
I . ,
Even mmv .. . . . .
w I I
'ere written akallist. the book btealer I . I ..
. not to paid. . paper .discontinued
arilears are paid, unless at
.that the'w6rker'plaedd befiire.b�fnl oil -
wot made me.forgit ineself, Lord WIIT
old Bill Wifflalins and Would have
I .
to7_aI1-.slt on him." � - . � . I
I .
ln� the sixteenth century. when books'. I . . .
until all -
' publisher. , The
the table. . Ile wished.thit tbe.T.exan
. I
I �
liams sir -I inehn-good Oil Wa! �,W lord.'.
I ' , I
gone to -look afterthe s himself ex-
'I 'necessitated
. . . I
, ,bed *
Miss ReUWyck lung
1) eclolig. that) now. Yet . . � . I
. .
were inove r , . . �
. .
' '
the Opinion of .the i
every iubscriPti011 is
had.not-placed himself so as to coin-
. .
, .
you �von't,'tlilllk of-shootin'. at my
cept that urgent business
. ,,Do you k-now,ll'abe said, Ilyou arer
. I '.
even tile 1110(tern Poet fillcI4 it needful, � . .
� . .
% date'to which .
donoteron -the label..
mand the only exit from room.
� . :1, -
Bills spo e
knuelde. bDues When I was only fo011u',
. �
the continuance of his journey west.
his friend
becotrillIg an American very rapidly?
� . .
to anathomittize j)olitely; - I I . . .
� I . -
Presently the nervous .
. I
I I .
sir ... �wheu"- , . . .
Mr. Loger therefore wired
11vally,. I Am beginning to be quite.
. To the lost books my fancy clings'. 'L I ��
&dvertising raties-Transient
. I . . .
tisements, - 10 cont6. per nonpaXiel
again. The effect of the brandy was
wearing off rapidly on account of his
. I
"Obi Is that, It?" Richard interrupted..
, I . .
lug that Richard
from Pittsburg, stilt .
.� * 'hurt -and lay at the Point Of
N-1110 of. in y success - with a firSt'PuPlI-"
I .. '
the Texan
. . O'er thdm:m.v memory groveleL . -
. I swear in spi;lt when I a" 1. - 1*
line for first instrtion and 3, cents
growing fear," ... . �
6. It was a joke, then?"
I ...
"Yes, sii%" . . . .
had b on
a Now York'ho9pital.
. death In .
I'My dear young, lady,"
. . I
answered in A tone half banter. bat
The gaps ainong the novels. �
v 1',Iloved and lost" ,
ppr line for each subsequent inserV,
. "Yoll-you don't expect' t6 'uve ;to , .
&' Iklyl What A delicate *humor' you
,, . receiving ifils informa-
On l.
. � as deeper than sho.
Ill wqrnest, which. w.
, The .1$ .:
I rnouru with sorrow te.nder.
Ion. Small advertisements. .not to
. . I)
imm, it use for that .$ere thing, do
Englishmen have! Am .1 to under-
Rine greatly ligi-
tiou the father bee .
dreamed, yon's'hould wish it I'd
Whoover has'It also has I .
' one inch ',Lost
exceed Ill such as 9
. Illinins?" , �
you, Mr. W . I
stand titut you will continup to be my
tated. He bad not beard from 111char'&.
gladly become-er�a kah6varoo." - - .-
� �
I . The curses of tne tender. .
"Strayed," 'or "StOcal":-etc in-
oiv.11 said Richard ancon- j
"Don't kn .
servant an the original teirus of agree-
'. nd .had begun to
for several days A
Allss fl U,Wyck, litughed till '
e .
Tbe lady .(Bessie -CraigmYIO) Who �
serted once for 35 cents arid e1=11
' '
*ceinedly. -41 mig,lit, und then. again, I
.. . . - . . �
Mont?" .
worry even .before the recelpt of Mr. I
. .
the silvery echoes reached the eilts.of
e etp c - .
wrote these till s . resses b r giatt . . I
subsequent Insertion 10 cents.
might not. it depends. .Pretty .little
.,It Would make me -'appy. in'. lord,:
Loger's telegrain.' Ile wired at once to
Allebaci Corrigan, who lounged on tile
tll(lo. for the fu(.t that ,,no one her-
Coin' ded for publitla-
toy, isn't lt?IP Bills licked Ills lips and
� . .
oil, so lappyll" . .. .
. i he knew his son
the St, Regis. where �
udit, . . .
front'vera . I
rows poets," thotigh that 19 not tile I
.+,Ion must, as, li� guarantee of gi)od
said nothifig. Tile Texan continued-
. "Very well." said Richard. "I'll gi,Ve-
to be stopping, and received an answer
,,By George." lie chuckled- to him-
opinion of Charles Sayle., who thus I I I
faith, be accompanied by the IlAcae
"You see,. I always try to keep It in
you another trial. But understand mJe,
to the effect, that Richard "MillillmE3
- rubbed his hand$ in the
thregicIIS the possible thief of . .1
of the Writer. .
. working ordbr, because you call never
� . I
Bills, there must be no more non.
had not been Been since the previous
Fair as
tuatiner characterlstIC Of 111111- "that
pid a . I
'Mari'lage Of C" 4 .
tell when you've got to willp it dut and
sense!" �
�,Ionday morning, though lit s dress
young man Is tiluking progressl"
. bs me of tl�ls book. .
Cursed be he who to I �
get down to real , enjoyable work.
Why, really wouldn't' believe It,
"No, sit." I
, ,
. I
suit case and other belongings We're
In No. 026. which had not
11, tile ev(.�11111,r ' hen .Nir, Rerlwy-CIC
,, Nv
With al) his race. Let it be desolate .
brought ftlow If so be It'was great- .. .
'Editor and.Proprictor
' nills.'but I haven't shot a man since
"No more brandy!" ,
"No, sir.01 .
still room
been given till, �
eglue up front the city ,�jr. Corrl ,nn
him asWe arid related tile dny's
For that be wickodly. ImPloUslY tPOIC . .
That was anoth er's, Let great serpents . . .
I ---�
I . .
I left Texas -two whole weeks," he
his head
I .
"And you will obey me implicitly In
.,Bl!l '%VjIII&ms. who loved his son as
experlence with tile tramp, suggesting
. . .
look � .
with dull 006 Of liat% I
I . �. . - - ---
added desponde ntly, shook
.and then began dripping of In the pis.
everythitig?" , .
,11 .
-so lelp Mel"
lie loved no other being on earth, coin.
mitted the 'deep Witter harbor and lm-
that a detective boemPIOYcd while the
i In the
Iot'of dtamonds Wits
At bitil ii-gleel)hl d of fate �
n( a im.w
the nearest
- .
. tolls lock. ,
will. .
I "All right," smiled the Tokan. ,11,11
provemetit business to his most trust-
lioll, e two gentlemen. as bag al-
so. Th .
To cast his cors' Within . � .. I
I ,,I suppose," said tb6 Talot, by Way
give you an order as a starter, Just
ed subordinate. although affairs had
ready been stated, never got.on to-
This is as compreflonstvo ' a ent-se as
. .
of filling in the gap of another pause,
get those now riding boots of Lord
reached a critical stage, and started
I of theni of-
pother peaceablv, If one
that wilich overtook the fated "Jackt-i I
Trains, will arrive at .and
I. I suppose that dnwn W'ere.you live,
Croyland's. will You. put them oil
for Nen, York on n special train.
fered a sliggestl6n tile other foand rea-
flaw of Rhelmsll�-and as illeffectURI.'
from blinton Statiolf as follows '.
iilf, they-tbey don't mind-er-Mur-
_ - them In for me? I may be out
The other newspaper Item app otired
gorouSlY, and in this
son to combat It vi,
Dundee Advertiser.
derlti* of people, Mr. William$, Sir?"
for several hours, Yoll will walk up
In -the social column under the he ad of
cale, Air, lteuwycL took the opposite
. . ____.." - .
. Going East 1 7.85 a, in.
"Shucksl" inughe(l Richard. "What's
and down In them until I return.'?,
"Gossip." - It read its folloWs:
61(le wti-11, n vengeAnce, poohpoobitig
, I .
A Tryinj Position. . .
49 44 1 - , S,01 p.m.
a man or two? A bang -a yell-lind
It,s over, Of course they dle,bard
I tested Bills, "them
On PrIday evening of the present Wdek
n ntertainment will be given in the
a e
� the Possibility of theft. from .start to
I .
Mrs. Oldwornpai was ,seriously ill'
I it 4( 5.15 p, tn.
I .
Going West 11.07 a. m.
sometimes, but thitt's their afTaIr."
boots Is too Small for.you, sir -I mean,.
your lordshil)-"an' my foot Is bigger'n
I iracob
beautiful country home of Mr.
Flenwyck, at IrvIngton-on-tho-Iludson.
"Wily. my dear ltichuel."' he 841d tn
wid found lierself in it trying position. .
This is how she dosoribedhor troubla �
, . . 1.25 p. m.
94 49
The Irresponsible person took tip big
whistling once thore, while the MUZ-
yours, sir.11 .
"I know that answered
Among otlier features a littlo one riot
play will be presented. entitled "The Man
ft tone of, undisguised SeOrn. "What y011
. 1 and simple, The
Is pure
to a friend: . . I
"You, danglit6r, Harriet,
I 9t
. 0.10 I P.M.
It 44 11.28 p. M.
'le of Ills careles8ly'liclil gun seettled
nlebard Pleasantly. Singular h0W` Y31119
and the 131rd,11 in which MISS Imogene
of the season's moat
say nonsense.
house Is OVIPDOO fVOM top to bottoin
see, my
mt-rriad ono, of thom homyPath doc-
to point persistently at tile pit of the
-which, by the
had never before recognized how
Chit tendon, one
charming debutantes, will talto the part
with it I)erfeet 'SYStcla of burglar
torg. niad lily 'daughter 'Xate ail ally-
7,50 In*
valet's stomach, in way,
Pleasant his Master could W! "Well
of the bird, Willie tile charming and
I assume
alarms, which I set Mysolf -etiob night.
path. if I call tile homypath lily .
Goitl South al
there -was growing a queerly respon,
kill two birds with one sto ne. Not
accomplished Mlstl Renwyck Will
a ,costume br-
Unless there is colluslou with Botno
allypath son-in-law And his wife Will
ap It. N . 4.23 P, ru,
give feeling,
only will you break those boots for
tile lea(ling role. wearing .
I .dered speolelly for the 0400.81011 and the .
Person oil the Inside I not Only defy
get Mad, r,ril it I call illy allypatlil . .
then lily honiypath son-ill�
Going North. , I 11.00 a.
#,Beg Pardon, sit, -but It lan!t.
me, but per contra, at the same time
I I famous nenwyek diamonds. The enter-
an y light fingered getitlenlall to enter,
gon.in-law L
law Ilis wife will get mad, an' it
94 it . 6.85 P. M.
loaded, is it?" .
"Not Rlehard "I'll at.
$'On may be r*emInded of Whitt Itmeans
unent. we understand, IA given to
tair dg-
few lhtimato friends In honor
but I give him a cordial Invitation to
p%ld �
I go aliend r.nd get woll Without Pith-
. I . I .
yot,lo smiled
litter. Besides, i WOuldnIt
to brealt A contrite t With Me. Am
I tingulalidd guest, Lord George Fitz -Clar-
try. No, sIrl It YOU Want to put a
er (if Ivin then they'll b:)tll get niad. .
tend to that
enco do Courey, Iloward. earl of Ctoyland.
Gutting giln In your own house. so
So I don't sep but I've got to die out-
hurt you, my, boy�, no, not for i3OO-
The valet bat lIMP And speechless-
The affair promises to be an unusually
by U,, lucans. In Mille I have no 1100M
right."-Londou Answers. .
IThe News -Record will be setkt tOl cash down. of
Canada, to JVLI%. Ist, I T= -�gs riot A large one, yet the
Ile made no movo to obey the harsh
brill ant one. ark-
Thlfj breezy but otberwlse Unreal
for.artillepy or till army. of Vtnk0rt6I)J1-'
. I
to nay'addras iA
1,010, for 50 cents.
par . Atilonut ,seented to lZrate
0 �
corarua.,ld,. so nichan', '110tued .oli,
, 4
I life, Item OdUAllit the Attkut1011 Of Ono
. .