HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-05-20, Page 3%_-. - .... . .
Noy 24th, 1 91
Clintoo News-Reaor4 •
'W "-pw-a-.-_•-T_ - - p
Mr, ''rank munro, Formerig, o a vtV , +�
in Weft. w►
'V1�1ed$ a s rata aging 2 Pounds, at 4 3c per women sitting on the 'loot and
.t1`n, snctgkting cigarettes with the utltiost
•S u n s h i n.e"' " . 1.
sangfroid, was the strangcl sight pre-
Pound,,"Seated in the general waiting root- at
the Windsor street station' this morn. An odd -fashioned,
ing. They formed part of a gang of ' ill -working furnace is a non -
about twcaty gypsies who had ,come
"We have just sold 1.00 broilers, barely high enough to allow a man , in on the Quebec train from some- 17i'OdUeCr.
(Truro, N. S. News.) hats and bouquets, of pink arnations, ,. p to et into in a stooping position. whexq fn, the Maritime Yrovilices, and It consumes the coal, but through leaks and
made pretty `fir:desmaids. The, groom' averaging2 Pounds each, at doc. per g
Avery pretty home wedding took,was attended by fir. Harry Chisholm 16, live weight," wird Supt. Graham The window is simply"o, wire screen. Iwere on their way to - Winnipeg, "to cracks wastes the heat.
lacer the home of Mr. and Mrs. brother of the bride, Wo kept hens in one of these all last• start a season's peddling, on the It is not economy to have such a furnace in
I► of the Ontario ,Agricultural College, ;winter. The houses arta set on tunr prairies. The party was evidently your own home, or in your tenant's home. 1.
,A:lexander Chisholm,. Clifton, crit May
t' The wedding marches were played "That looks like ma'lcing, money, ners, so that by hitching a horse to (made u
• _,� by Mrs. George Black. ,> them they, can be moved from lace • • R .of about half a dozen Tamil- If you .are thinking o£ building you should. be inter-
ttth,, when their daughter, Miss. Geor (roes it not , It certainly represents l p ics, Children, and parents alike were
r e fife f F an Munro At the cvnclusaon of the cereliipny,, a hi h cost of T'o'ed for those who buy to place. It is surprising how the dressed in pfetures�lve garments of the ested in Sunshine Furnace. It adds 10U per .cent, to
gie, became the w o r . k , I g Y chickens will thrive in one of these home comforts.
o Winnie son of Mrs. I). E. Munro► a luncheon was screed, after tivhicb the broilers. If, however, I were run- you let the contract for your house decide
f Winnipeg,
u- the Newly married couple '.vete driv- moveable colony houses with' a run. nstanee, shad short, gaily -colored pet- As soon as y
of auburn, Ont. The parlors were beau i ning a poultry plant on a commercial , The " Sunshine" man will be
tiful1decorated. with carnations and en to Truro 1. C. R. station, accam- basis, I ,mould not produce broilers in a corn field, and they will not da '. coats, and yellow shawls,, and wore on your furnace.,
ay y
fi rs potted 1 nt' and the Parried by, a -'.timber .of friends. for the ,.early market, X belfevta there the corn Harm, but rather good• reel' handkerchiefs over their heads, pleased to tell you )test how the zooms ought to be
Vid owe ..and stood
e p a s, a Mr. and Mrs. Munro left by Marl- .
bridal party, stood in a hewer of is more money in selling eggs until' Cost of 14inter Eggs, while the men were dressed like stage laid out with an eye to securing greatest heat. from ril
(time Express fo. their future home
blooms, �, p the price comes down to, 25e. per "If ,proper provision is, made in re- brigands, even to thetlVellington boats the smallest consumption of cowl.
,in Winnipeg, %isit)ng cu route Que- dor, than there is in using then: for gard to feeding the cost of producing and baggy trousers. .They . carried If you 'avant to experiment with the question don't
Guests to the number of fifty wit- bee, Montreal, Toronto and other •t a Fof hatching early chickens. eggs in w} -ter is not so great as is'with thein. into the waiting -room all
sAecif "Sunshine," .��---
nessed the ceremony, which was per- cities, and will be at Home in �Vinni- purpose
M McLeo f Clif- _s MoreoVer, chiel�ens prodhiced when eggs generally, believed, We made an ex- sorts of bundles, -lade up of bedding, If you want to`settte the question specify "Sunshine,'
formed by Rev, . r, d o peg in the, course pf a few week drop to 25c., come at .at'Qut the time periment' last wirtter, feeding corn, food, cooking utensils, and the like.
_.. �!
ton. The presents received b. this popu-
Y the summer ruts begins, when the wheat, meat scraps,. ' dry and .tngist l Squatting on the floor, fhb menL ..The bride was beautifully gowned •lar bride were numerous and valuable cost of feed is a comparative trifle. mash, clover chaff and mangels, We smoking pipes and the women smok. I�� 2It r e em ire. consistin of silver, cut glass, linen „ c oultx lant, did not allow an than for clover or in cigarettes, they quite shocked the .MC -
in a 'white silk mot sell. n , p g . n a commercial
style, with trfanznings of rose point Viand cheques, The groom's gilt was again„ Prof, Grahame went .one `'or mangefs,I because the cost was •trifling station attendants by their primitive
lace, her veil being caught up. with a handsome pearl anal diamond ring, i raisin poultry in a considerable it could hardly be estimated, but we habits. After a deal 06 persaasion,. Clinton,
Ma flowers and carrying a bouquet' and' to the bxidesmauds, whale pearl wa on an ordinary farm, I would' aaot- kept an accurate account .of the other the women were induced to take• the C1 r''a n S i�►S Onto'
of bxidal roses. She was attended rings. (have any perm,anent poultry houses. feeds, and we iound that 'eggs in Jan; gbildren into the lavatory and girve
b her sister; Miss 'Mattie, Chisholm{ The News joins all friends in wish- With permanent houses there is al- uary cost 8e. per doz. in 'February them a good wash, and afterwards an -- -
and cousin, Miss Gladys . Crowe, ivho, Ing Mr. and Mrs. Lvlunra a happy maT^ I ways serious danger of an qutbrea'lr of 12 c,. ; in March, 61c., and in April, even greater amount of persuas)onll}ad.
wearing dainty white, with picture tied life in their Western home, i disease, and chickens do not thrive so 6c -per dozen. There was .a manure to be used to get the party to sit 111111111111116., W
W as where they are moved from pule in front of the hen house At on the seats instead of on the floor.
. place to place. TAe best plan I know which the kens were allowed to. They had draxk eyes and hair, and olivtl /111 C owrN
of is to have a movcable, house, that scratch freely, complexions, and looked like Syrians,
will hold - about 25 liens. We have "The Furred Rock," concluded Prof. They had plenty of money -so, much , � � B R � N a,
HOW the Whitney Gwern�ent �sonle of these in use at the College Graham, "continues the most popular that in addition to big silver earrings .1
r 1®Q 000 farm now. They are 10114 feet, built fowl in Ontario. We have for some the women wore necklaces ii-ade of 0, R, N
Will Save, Another .�! � � of single ply of boards, ton rued' and time been producing over 100 eggs per silver dollars Witness.
. .�Awqup
. 1grooved, with building Paper at the day from this fowl, and still wo are ..
exposed end and. straw above to more than 600 eggs behind in, orders �
for the Pet�ple.. absorb the moisture. ' The bui:ding is received for hatching." Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my, coughs and colds." I �d
. y
.-• Miss M. A. Glynn, agent for Tol- :�1.11 I . ,
Old contract ... ......... $80,000 that time, man, the money -lender, has been ar1.
New contract............ 60•,000 It is understood that the tenders The Penalti� of Extrava once• crested at Winnipeg and will be prose- /
Annual saving• .. .., ;0,000 were remarkably close in the totals, cuted on a. charge .Every Meal ' I years-100,000
figures. for particular items. Six
Between $20,000 and $30,000 is thO firms sent .in tenders; tho only one During the first quarter of tile, cur- minion Government will shortly be on � . •
tidy strm which the'W'hAney govern- tendered for the whole contract. rent ear, .accozdin t . the Investor's the market main for $50,000,000 with I`Ob1EN':S PERIOD pI+` PAIN. At breakfast with porridge "Crown
.inn t will save the eople of the pro rinting contract is divided`into'• Y g which to meet the Grand Trunk Paci_I Regularity of the system can only x,
n P !like printing Review of London, Indian and Colon. }3rand Syrutp is delicious..
Vince on the new contract for the pupah,fiv.c sections of Which the first fc•tic mal borrowing in- the British money fie loan, maturing..liabilties cost of be secured by maintaining strong
lie printing, was awarded es- g + healthy ofrculation: If feeule run- �j Used with plain puddings or made
g Y are awarded to the Metliodi,st . 'Book market aggregated nineteen millions;'constructing the Governments section ' , u with pastry, odd scraps of cake,
terday to the Methodist Book Room I Room and the fifth to the E. H. Har- ; five hundred thousand pounds. • 01 this. of the 'Transcontinental, etc,, while: down, nervous, be sura that circulation � p
and E. H. Harcourt & Co: is poor. The natural result • is cones. '✓ etc., it makes a delightful after dinner
court & Co, total upwards of nine million pounds, the mayor and city treasurer of Tor- dessert.
, From this and other recent occur= . The first section includes, the ,print- nearlyone-half, was taken b Canada onto are now in London for the pur- tion that exacts so severe a penalty.
, Y Besidos bei- a food foimet and nerve At supper it is jast"the thing to eat
terkees it would appear Ahat this is a Ing of the orders of the day, vok'es pose of.' floating a .civic loan of $6 - g
great your for the Methodists and al- and roceedin s bills and .statements alone: i g ' I tonic, Ferrozone adds additional v}go>; with bread and butter, toast or biscuits.
P. g ,
so for the people, for on April 20 the land the binding of these. 1 Two-thirds of the.amoutit .'borrowed ' I - the heart and .Ensures strong blood
vernme t ave tine corktract for cti ro included '�y Canada was far ihe.pominiem CTov- I, It is no wonder the British investor circulation. Thins . is the.. only means I. , is syrup at its best and in its most
go n g In the second se on a
printing the new school readers to the'. sessional papers,. ,parliamentary crriment itself, but municipalities.have is beginning -to experieAce..as uneasy of preventing. congestions that cause ,t. / delicious -and wholesome
p g the secs o al p p ,. p Y
T. Eaton Company, prominent Metho- returns and bulletins, Of thxse latter been exceedingly free borrowers.; as feeling. It is not surprising that the pain, headache. and nerve weakness. . i� . . form.
d vin to the people, number well. Winnipeg has. taken eight bun_ rate . of interest , charged on Dominion The whole s stern, is renewed. and for- . `' It is prepared in a perfect �.
dists, and made a saving P P a great -and ,ever -.-creasing . _ n n P ,g g , Y \ '' '
loans has so greatly increased.: We tified with strength, vigor and - en- ` .,k. �. - manner from absolutely:-
of the province estimated at $500;000 • arc issued every year, especially, by, died thousand pounds'tla}s year, thus , g f? t
for the remaining nine years of the department of agriculture. ;making the total borrowings of that have been borrowing too much and durance. For girls and women :noth-. 'i -to- 1 •a pure ingredients, .It is far
b P
contract. . . I .The third- section Is conve ned }with city two 'million three hundred thous -,must pay the 'penalty for our extrava- _.ing equals Ferrozone, ,50c, at all deal- ahead :of: all other kinds in l
For• the past ten ears the firm• of the printing of Tile Ontario -Gazette. .`and pounds within, ten months. The gan,ce. ers. deliciousness of flavor and ' .
arw}•ck Bros; Rutter has done the 4 Job work, departmental .searches; Government of Alberta •has also bot- 7,}1e i}story oS this Grancl Trunk --- ..- perfect w?iolesotneness— a
w ,
i t a cost f $80 . de artmental forms, etc.; comprise; the. rowed four: 'hundred and eleven thous- (Pacific project: is a history of expety• don't. yo.0 think it'•s worth i
government printing a o , ,�l p
400 to $90,000 a year. The new 'con- fourth section.,. and pounds, '.virile. the Grand -T 1c bangles and costly miscalcula- Hon. Adam Becl's company us erre qr ,,� while insisting o>; "Crown
tract is for $60,000, so that, as it I The, filth section is 'made up of the Pacific has taken .. an even million tons; and the period of error, does not 'pared to supply the city of London: Brand Syrup? " .
has five years t0 ruin, commencing on rualing, printing d,nd• binding;,, of such. pounds. seem even yet at an end;-1Veekly with two and a hall million gallons �pWAilp$gpRO your dealer has it for you in
July 1 of this year, the province will ,lank books as are required liy the Nor : is this the• end of it. ' The 1)o'Sun.' ' of. '•water daily. . .ill �,,��qq�.�,� z, 5, io and 20 lb. air -tight tins
be the gainer by at least _ $100,000 iu I everai departincnts, _ �n,0.�'1f with lift-off lids. Order. some r
- - _ .. 11 ._ _ _ PURE P to -day .
• Chamberlain's Liniment.BLCSYR� Y0 . .
. This . is a new preparation and a The Edwardsburg Stifth CO.
The .�band�ner �ravet�rds . �f school Reader �mntr• act. good' one. It is especially va}uatye as Limited
• a cure for chronic and ,muscular-: rein'. ` ESTABLISHED. 1858. :-09
. matism, and for the , relief from pain
Ontario. which it. affords in acute . iniiamma- '.vows : cARDrrtAr.; oat, Offices: MONTR$AI„1'URONTO dtidBRANrr+URD
The pupils and parents of Ontario. sale • and ,no dead stock, rhe grocer y,tory rheumatism. .Those who have
. d'emanded the first consideration at and other merchants handle certain ,used it have invariably. spoken 'o,f' it
Ithe hands.,of the Ontario GovernmeRe; staple, constant selling articles al, a in thiek,'. iaf a st terms of d praise. n3,ce - --
(. back,'. shoulder and still n_ck
ermanence was riot assured b cat+�e . cent. and v'
i e of Por Ho e. have been , e i e t r. �f school books, and ike 'Profit of 20 per a c cu 1i s ,
The co 1 t P p nth n)at c c ba p p e m e
P , . re ue. to rheumatism of th vscl s'
early church sites;..
�a ,
i 'Il
hese ea s owing t i`
t q o u
Government d
h t n rriment twos n t uu,d
t o a f t -T o o i
discoveryl' e c h,, h `G c b c
theY n c- o `ih ontra t 6 r 1
d ,g o1.}n a et Cold: cite texposure o
shY os �:•
obrought z c
usually ro I b
Y u a P
g� s b Y
hich an '.v tl i' i' i'
ea '. c ue i 'tie i ,
c n v en
h o n k• h } ua �tti;'
S b 1 L1 i
las e, t e best o e
i t cemetery...1 r. ffect o a ss
e h sb' i h b t m n
M t odP i. it•il a e
g b r�'1 • r ss 1 ve on u• 1
Liberal:- cured
.abandoned c P g i k
a •e c 1 ed a
i u
I a b -
d m�
r a P
b P Y
Pt q Y Y
3 .
been used by high School students as up of the :country, were fit queiitly the 'people. Thea Governiiicnt . aid • ; it the .interests .of the masses, nr. i tt uuldj in `this ltninient:freely and massaging .,
with the head- abandoned. Moreover, ` the. uneas u l'shin i i nude : a Iain hin stoci 't•f it:.clf `.' i
a baseball ground`; ie Y, would let the contract for .}r b i _ g 1 ale a g, g .. the affected part's.. Soreness .of ., ` the ,
,food of the ioneers was in tha veins.l M. r ' cued the lo'.vest Eaton :'r::..'
stones serving as bases b P the new' readers to the lowest tinder had it eae muscles, whether induce b 'violent
.L. Y ., d' Y
of man oC 'those :'. who laid . Ontario's h 1, >v I z•i:''` i
What has occurred in Pott{ Hope is y. v o �.er. The. Inion Go.'s was the lowest •tender Cor' any ,xe'Ason. '.v ,u t c� , ar,d exercise or injury, is :all syeal• by ,this
un •o r ,
u arallel in. other arts w datl nh The were )foiiee s, ton C .'was award- awarded th'econtract �to nie�e,,f the$1 `'''
not without a p P Y S tender and the'. Ea o liniment: For sale by w. 'S. R: Hol-
with 11 .tli nstincts f the pioneer, ! , * d t aril ix to '''•
of the Province. The frontier coun- w a e. i, t o P r ed the contract. -The pupil ,or li,tren� firms that tendert a f, s ,y
i Ines, rrri ra-er at the i
ties of Ontario are full of abandoned' and as soon as..prinieval conditions lice•= '.tbo can purchase a complete set of ninety cents: Had it done so what a Taken on City. and Fa p p ty ..,,._
p '''::::::;::.
Even the sites.of of man an to disappear. the moved on to 1 better rinted: and " h wl" the Liberal' a, ers would have '; ':i ::: lowest current. rdtes. No charge for inspee=
graveyards.' Y g Y. the new, urger, bo c p o, P P
r kn to only a lett! . where these conditions still "Is -ted- 1 i - set a and the "I told you so's' cif tion or renewah on maturit `'-
of these are owry y better tiound readers for d,l ren is in p; Y •), Y F ?
fie1d� In otlibr cases stern necess,t deman3- 1. 1' ician would . raw 'be 1
of the older residents �In one Y stead of having to pay, -1.15 fora seta mho Libcra Po it . S i , cli,^s E AL TERMS OF REPAYNTENT
in Wliit township two or tliiee field 'ed .removal. As a con,sequence '.'tire f the 01d infexior readers '.dill not heard on ever side.
I. For muscular pains and a a LIB R ee;:
by. P o Y
thick ail reparation can't penetrate Loan's cam feted tom tl •and with The
r hundreds f cases which lie: f Liberal press Y P s P P P Y
stones in a pasture field mark the are n ds o s s in w t a. care's brass farthing whose imp.i.nt is .It is the duty o the L b 1 ,. ,
Ion 1 -that's .why Nert dine heats them all i t t rivac
f f the is not a trace of family conneetfon h t: i ns to find ftiult with tae stn c es p y,, a
last resting place o some o y ,on the books,. All this tall'. of the and poll c a k right > "I wouldn't:' live t` -you' .:
r etween those now cn the.land and the . ; •, ,;titter -it sins g n � 'Application forms and any information :y
cholera victiims of the forties. In late b Luton compar..y using the hooks to Whitney Government, . no t u „ rites Pl?
without Nerviline in ,my,ha se.. w i e s.
e tee on re west, *Writ t u
d hie leave) cru t' ust ' lits desire mail d f
August the crash of a self-tainder will .bo fes w h' mbled o d advertise their store is 'so much.. rot. what the' latter does;, and' ort•. t q
• - :' es J.B.JBCottam•, of Mastown,.N S •'••'••'••
come from a field in another part of beneath the surface, To buy a set from Eaton ,,he buyer •question of the school reader contract Incor orated x864. Assets over $x1,500,000
1 Y "If you have -rheumatism or sorcriess . P
township, on the highest It. would t.,e idle to attempt to pro- Mist. xemit`40 rens nd the nostago they are hard driwcn and i•erribly dis: Y
the P, g l m t, tt r
i the muscles or in fact any need The Huron acid ' Erie Loan and . Savings Co:,
rt of which the bodies of some of serve these old buttal places where would come to more than the vino 'a ointed but the Goveriiment can n
Pa , . PP , .
honest liniment, Nextiline fills Richmond'`St. London. : i
i . the conditions a're as staled. - It is better the tilt ort of ;an t14. ,
the pioneers. have mingled w th e cents. The parent.: or pupil will eon- rest easy,. knowing it has Pr ig i
h ill. I can 'recommend it iti�hiy
t e b ,"t ::
1 t reclaim that the surface above the resting k e r is at t err 366 Talbot St:, St. Thomas. , , t
soil their labor helped o m g tinu'e to bug books as required from:' of the People; who ojo o h I liay.c roved that in one .
r m the forest. From a hundred ,place shall be rich with the .fruits of the retailers who will -continuo to final emanci ation from the- 'F.oss because P
'from P
i r cases could' 13 cultivated soil that that }t .be left in f 'r r nt 1 d tkent and application of P`oison's N�tivilino there
other townships sine la a e t handle them at a profit o 20 pc e ,school. book rfng that. b e
tdlenes's, for the growth o€ ;weeds, But - r c n t+ h here vii} tie well Cor over tweiit years: is more virtue .than in a whole.•bottle :
reported a Profit lag @ o g , as t '. be bled l m y ,
Nor is it possible to avoi,l these, sornewherr, prefekabiy in the county only the,bne series . to ' han3le, ` sure-lttdgetown Dominion. o. ordinary .Ifiiiment. Try one of the ;,
In .,early days the whole re istry office, there should, be ..pre- large 25c. -bottles. qumvwron & i :i t
things Y Y. g
h' ole were d4voted to served the•names, . a• record 'of -•the. ,' I.
cner ies cit t e people @t es,
r, al
h fin . ' .......• '
nt of,the e
1 d statem s o •••:..•.::..., ..:...;.;;,::.;
,, 'ed
r anL,f::i:•
When h a
h i :�ii•
�• the land.
�' C r
rrn e g
i::::airi:pie' 1'.i'
i it
u' d to
f h 1 a
those m
`n lace o a e 'w o
'd or }e T..
wayside, a •o a EVANGELIST 1 the g P. E'�/Ai9t�i�
fell by Y `� SeW�7tOl�t`i'
wplanted the seed whirl 1 r
�h�Gi �✓. . ♦'
of the new -horn infant went out , in anal sweat � R ��L�ll �/reo.�"iofer �he� C�S�,� By �,{�;�.��i<$, ,�
the night, the nearest hill top was produced the abundant fruitage that _ _ _ ____. __
used for place of bur+,al. Even' later we who live in these happier times "
r(�ae*,. Wife also reaps Benefit .
on when churches were WU
built and rn oy in such full measure.I Toronto Y WVWVtMMNINIMM
regular graveyards located near themyi Star, Johnston,hcC[c3t11vlwing .
Mrs. B'iti'die Ellis lSVt MNM '
tina Street, Sarnia, 0n
- . - testimony of what Zam Buk has clone for •
__ -- . _ . herself and her husband:-
The Canadian' Pacific Railway will On certain of . the. American roads "Some time ago my h osband was tonring
• �r this ear, it firs said begin the. the tics ,used for: many years past through Michigan on the car, klerald of e W arsQ �{ p , �n Y + ' ++ even elist: The' Japane's
+y+C�o(il Savings �a&`l�fsa Have di�e,+�n: building of plarots for the creosoting have been treated, 'aud the fact that hope.. a; . a singing g .
g minister in the car had a son, who in some .
way ties.., One of these will these railways are continuing the of rail manner contracted a serious skin disease,
�a�°•,(;e����, probably be t utlt in floc vieitr}ty of wont'and extending it tri new 1•ines, and my and, unaware of rt,.canitt .
. London; and others at points tbrotlgh indicates that they are convinced this from him, He was all broken out it,
____.__. _ the West, where the ties can be dativ-that the policyis a good. one. Tbs sores, which gave great pain, and lie tried •
. • cred vt`i�h least expense. life of an ordinary tie s reckoned at first one remedy and then another, but none •
savi'iirrs ac- i The saving effected 1)y this treat- `sown, years. After. treatment jack of them did him any goad. When you. wish anything In 'Jap -
An interesting report has been= is- eleven of tlic people bad a o g are rue and tamttrac ties will last for "When all else had failed,, we finally ,
count,. 7}fat is to say there were ti- meat is very pronouneed. , Ties p decided- to try Zam-Buk, and see if this anese or. China ware calf. and inspect
sued dealing with the 24th anntve,, teen times `• more depositors than becoming dearer, annually, and are sixteen years, and oak tires for eigh- ps}ra would succeed ,n healing the sores
of the introduction' of school ars before in 1885. In harder to obtain cacti season.. Ex- teen years, and stopping rite itching and irritation. I our . stock. Yo 17. will find • the. goods
sary twenty foul, years
in the United States, f revious ears tltc vatic) . of periments have been made with steel, It is stated that . the first expert• an, pleased to say that a• few applications of .
savings banks the fi ty p Y Zam•13uk made a marked improvement,
worth of revicut be- increase was only twice. and concrete to tante tly: place .ol ments in,this work on tho Catiad'ian and perseverance for a short time wetly good and, • the prices right.
and it is welly wood for the purpose, but these tests Pacific will Kee made this summer,
cause of the participation of schools Canada has already nuado t onside:- P Zam-13uk effected a c0rnplete cure.
direction o Have hot proven 'satisfactory. Ap- and that. treatment, will be given -to "About the same time sores also broke .
in this province in the scheme. able progress in the i . patently the railways must continue about one hundred thousand ties. out all _oven my bask, and spread rapidly, ,
)anks school ban' -.s, and Japan., quick to t use the material which has' always until my back seemed one big sore I This The same in Silverware, Watches,
In 1830 th,re were 36 savings1 'Also _,
o -
in i}ie iTnitrd States, Having 38,085 recognize a good thing, lies been in use for this ptirposc. was very painful, and as y u -lb al had
f ti t that adoptt±d'.freta. So' have Western Aurs= Whooping Cou'h, proved so' beneficial for My linshana, I Clocks, eTewelery, etc. Any d,rtlCYe
depositors. At the popular c a 1' New South Wates, South Ails- - - -- p .g g detergnned to give it another trial. My
time was 12,660,020 we find that one iia ia,
nurse rubbed my baric well with Zam-Id in bought from us will be engraved free
8 f the people hada saw- trall�x and Part Rico. The news a- T ARE YOU DROWSY This is a more dangerous disease We .continued with t,. eatment; and in
in cver.y 33 b P P ., than is generally resumed. it will e '
�, ie tnovcrnetit has also reached Ila- AFTE'll 1i1I;ALS g Y P h a remarkably short time, considering the
Ings account. In 1885 there were "i;9 tt 'a surprise to man to learn that more .
;savings banits, with 325,017 depost- wait,. where a bill lra5r bv'is�itins rocl ocn y seriousness of the case, my back was quite of charge.
population then being 55-,- which differs • in its p o Is there a fulness in your stomach- deaths resu.t from it than from scar- cleared of tite awful sores.
tors. Th. pop g , s r -ow ii,ng on this continent, ,n drown lar des:rr, to sleep• -this let fever. Pneumonia often results "0ti still another occasion I had need t0
155 ;";83 there was one lir every iG0 of those •t • , central y' 1 Chamberlain's ugh 'Rent" use Zana-Buk. While cooking something
' • s ac- that it is Prodded that tlrN sn't natural in healthy folks and only from it, Cllarnberla n s Cr► },
the Prof1'e who lead a saving school in Iiono,ulu shall be the o111- on the stove, 1 happened to burn my finger ,�
increase in 50 'years aE SC lop t, eCGrs when the liver .is torpid. You cdy liar 'been us'ed in many epidemics very badly. 1 applied Lam•Iluk., >tirid bound '
count, an need a stimulating tonic-- need Dr. of whoopin cough, and always with Ili ilia morning, the pain bad
Whooping g lip
tire Gttt,er.
twice the number bf those, wllo prac- tial banlr and that the bo. and 0 r
th,i accounts shall tie Ttept there. 1lamiiton'.14 Pills to stir your liver tho jAst results. Delbert Mexcig. of ceased, and. the burn beale.l nicely.
aced the sav>,ng of t)toney with , tr For skin diseases, eczema, ringworm, con
��Oiu Jan -1t is noticeable that there i seaicc- andPut life into slecpp organa. You 11 llaiilatu, Iowa, says of it : Myboy
banks as their depositors,tooth w}v^re rho scare feel brisk and >rively-••you'll eat, digest took whooping cough wheat Wino cyton- btcod-poisoning, and all kinds of eeuptions,
t)ary 1, 1000, arrording. to The ren- ly a case bn t K nee well after regulating with.ths old, He hard it in the winter. I Tani-13uk is absolutely without conal,
. u fiat's of fbe t;ii- leas '.cern ab,andoned.afte hay.n, o nd sleep w lr t, tt ,ats0 cures cats. Burns, bruises, sprains,
SUB of thr. va).io s 5 d anrthin of the r. I1atr)iltcn s fills, No niedlc)m3 so got a bottle of ChAmherlain's Cough Jntx eter and engravero issuer b# iYiarrtage i,tCenses
ion, the national population was esti- bail adopted, an l; T7 scratches, ulcers, piles, salt rltettni,
r hen is scarcely possible wb^res tliti niversa.11y used,. so mild,. so sure to Remedy which proved good. i can•:. prairie itch, etc. All Druggists ;and Stores .
mated at 06,,7,70,120. Th,re were t kill] n systrin f s lyr. Iiarnilton's fills. Sold not recommend it too highly.'' 1+'ur. sell at 500, a box, or post-free fioru �,
],453 sac ings hanks lta� my 8,7{1a,8•l8scltool .attthoriir_s . gi'.ty th., , , h. ne tt a irVVJWV1i11�1ih11/N1��1r,NWIIWNWVIA
by' all dealers in, lac. boats. • sale.. by `4V. S. R. Holmes. Barri-fluff Co„ Toronto, !nr price.
,depositors. Const'r,V.1 ally one In every their active sympathy .and support. r '