HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-05-20, Page 2IV '°n► e ' tc May 20th It _ _. _ �, 11 11 __.. '*� PURITY-�—ACCURAIGY— A SPECIAL EXCURSION WILL BE u,,, �► ##"" #"+___ _*"# ruA on the Canadian Pacific from � "I ; , V , Cmderich to Toronto on 'clay 0 7th, to thio tit oodbine Races. A special, fl County News _ �%�% lnlfredi*nts give to iieod!e IGa�,' DURINQi the SPRINQ cheap rate 52.36 (return good going 2 ib picot ourstivs Power--P,o+Ma�r *o our* s,r.� 3 cin special train on the morning of m+�ny olid varied ogmPlainter ifioli,dtn j the 27th a,nd good to return any diso"so of th* blood, .aiintente of tht 11 ' (? • train on the 27th ox the 28th. A , o b .e of • d xa special train will leave Blyth atfor cord © I'Sl veraob tr u re th Bi ne Something tp restore the ap- 7.35 a. m. As this, MI a very low e ■ i Many at the Ingredients are lust Mite, strengthens the nerves, V 00 I Purify the blood, oi* tone up tk;ho � rate a large crowd as ezcpected ade what floe prote�eaion Pr�rtba ton tZ�f:. . stomach, and fill the body with Secure your tickets at the. u. P. R, ailments named, but the combination, ,foil vitality, office. .-.� _..„ - edit or ions Are pe Ulla • an t • m and give it curative power . Goderich. D4>ng>i►nnor►. t' ennall. peculiar to itself Bland's Iron Pills Therefore, there is no real, substi- COURT OF REVISION, TOWNSZTP We ;heard of .a. collision last week Cliff. Rivers has taken a Position ail Miss Allem of Boston, iTass., has cute for It. it urged to buy any PreD- It Are specially intended for this of Hal:lett.--Notice is hereby given iupon the C. P. R. near the big mill clerk in Chas. Elliott s store, been visiting her uncle, R. Dr s,dale %ration: s id: to be " . st as ood" you purpose. They �, ill reinforce that the meetin of the Court for10.Y U A ,with the incomio, train ruin -Ing into 1V. Gibson of Seaforth called on and sister, [alis, Fred. Mess J a a r g g , r,, of an y be au a it is inferior, cos#e: les..a the flaagging energies and impart the .Revision of the Assessment Roll [ a freight train, It seems that a friends here one day last week. ?.uricii, She leaves probably this week to niaake, and yields the dealer a larger nevv strength .of body and mind. iN rom Tho NeVi'S-Record of iMo ul eat ine was viakinn u a fret' ht ,G• Mannin and wife of ,Win hang pf the township of Hallett will be g g , g p - g g g for North Dakota. _ profit, held in the township hall on Satur- $ 1 freight train got on to the main line, visited the latter s mother on Sun Alex, Smith, cattle dealer, who has Get it today of your druggist. 100 I l�)_fi 2tk,t, X 9 near the harbor hill braid e. Some of cls last. � I Doses one laollar. Prepared only by* day the 2�th dog pf May at the y g y s been residing on Oxford St, for a hour of 10 o'clock a. m. for the pun 9 the men on the freight train flagged I • W. Oliver has recovered from his couple of years, has purchased the re- C, r.. Hood Co„rowel[, Maas, U, s, A WE 'ANT U pose of hearing and settling coin- Clinton, May .,0th, 1891, [the 'incoming lane, but too late to,recent illness, and is able to be around silence formerly owned Uy J, C, �r� plaints against the sail, assessment Mr. Peter Cooke and family who stop a collision. 7.he cow catchers agairk, Clausen and will move there short[ , Is TO KNO vv U►rf. roll. Persons havin business at h ve bee residin i town d'urin the!and platfprm,of each were smashed in Thos, Sm le has finish.d the cern- y Ennis and Stpppan}, the banlrrtipt g a n g n g I y Last week DTr. W, Mpix purchased brokers,• have made appticatipn to the. i 1 the court will please attend at the i winter . have removed to their farm 'the collision and it was quite a Piece, ent foundation under his house at from the estate of tine late James. Cons ids x And that your recipts will be of hard work to extricate them. Two present, occupied by Mn## Palmer. Murra pl' ted T change to be allowed said t-Ima and place without further again Sor the sunimer, y, the reshdeire an Ifn street $lied with the best goods ob- g , to resume business. tamable, T'riTe guarantee pure notice,—James Campbell, Clerk. I Mr. James Anderson has removed , Passengers only met with any serious R. E, Manning, manager of the occupied lay Harry Axnohd. We learn dru Kullett, May 12th, 1909. .his residence to that recently occupied injury Sterling j3ank here is giving• up house- that Mr, Moir has. presented the re- ` Mrs, Patterson of North Bay was ,* gs, perfect service, accuracy and promptness, by P. S, T. Robb on Huron St., Mr, We are spiry to hear that Mrs. (keeping, Mrs. Boles and Harold have sidence and lot to Dr, and , Mrs, Set- caught while crawling under a. trai�fi. Robb. havin removed to the residence l Alex. I irl.bride who spent the past gone to Clinton where they will re- lexy who moved into it on Saturda and fatal[ g , y.. y injured. CI.INTON COURT OF REVISION--- lately owned by R, Fitzsimmons I winter with her daughter in Dayton, � side. Af. Beninger will Occupy the Mr, John MacArthur was called to �...,,,.. Notice is hereby given that the which he has purchased. (Ohio, in a hospital in that city had house vacated by. Mr, manning, Toronto on Saturday owing. to the 1 to under o a o N Court for the'Revision of the Assess- .Rev. Messrs. Newton of Bayfield ani,. g r4 peration there. We I Arthur Bunyan, who has Itelci the serious illness pi his son, �lrnold�.wlnp I LOW RATES W, S• �' ”:�LME I ment Roll of the Town of Clinton iHodgins of Seaforth will take a trip :trust that Mxs. I{ixkbx}do will be ,position as junior in the Sterling Banld is laid uP w•ftY a severe attack of to Seattle, Wash. ; Portland, Ore.. • I will be held in the town hall, to Britain shortly, leaving. New York Ispared to her family and friends for here for some time•, has been trans typhoid fever in the hospital. Tacoma, Wash. ; Everett, Wash, Manf g Chemist. lint n n hursda the 27th of i Jul 1st, The former entleman, will many years. (erred to the Adelaide street branch `y'ord has been received b relatives Bellin ham Wash ; Victoria B. C, C a, o T y, y 'g y g , , 14Tay at 8 p, m. , for the purpose of keep posted up fn the doings. of fair Mrs. Walter Brough and little 'heir, ' pf the bank at Toronto, I3 -Is position here of the death of William Charters Vancouver, B, C, ; San Francisco " hear }u and settlin com Taints Canada, duxin� his a a�;ence, .throw I returned from Tproftto las t week to, here has Kasen taken b Earl Rivers, g g p � her lake side residence, y a one time prominent resident here, Cal. ; Los Azigeles, Cal, Etc. Good. X IENCE- sgainst the said Assessment Roll. The News -Record. And we would b© who for the past year has been clerk He died of cancer at Denver; . Col,,. going May 20th to Sept. ,30th. Re- —RELIABILITY E PER. Mr. William Lee we are sort to persons having business at the court pleased to :chronicle his impressions of I , y for Chas. Elliott. whterc ho hall resided for a skort time, turn limit Oct. 31st, 1909. For iia- - - will please attend at the said time Merrie England upon, his renewing, his state, is not improving in health, so ' . __. While here he was engaged in the kets and full information call on any" ,quickly •as his, friends would Wke, but 1 • and place w-Ithput further notice,•- acquaintance there, grain business and resided. in .the Grand Trunlc ticket agent, • . •''; DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, D. L, Macpherson, Cleric. Clinton, The Misses 'Miller and Beesle nar- �it is to be hoped that the ``good old y .. Colborne Township hawse now owned and occupied by will be at, Holmes' Drug Store, May 7th, 19:09, �rowly escaped from what might have Vummer time,may prove a genuine in- 1 n i t fn Dr, Chesney,. He was a charter inem Clinton, on ,Thursday, May 20th,; land, been a serious accident on Friday ev- igoratpr, A yearling colt be o g ng a Joh ber of Hensall Lodge 1, O, 0• F. and Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al- . y, Ien'ng. They were rmdino in a road ( Schwantz broke its leg recently, continued his. connection through life. ways ctase my Coughs and colds."' Thursda June 17th. Hours all I a Mr. Woodcock has been tal.e>e, to the clay, Glassest properly fitted. DiS- STANI{EY COURT OF REVISION.— cart, when one of the nuts holdinlX,;thd hospital, He had recovered twice al -I M, Schvgantz had the misfortune I3e was a magistrate and a member cases. of tba Eye, Far, Nose . and Notice is. hereby given that ' the spring and; seat in, position came off, I ter being there on two Previous oc- Friday to lost, another valuatile horse. of Hay council and* an enterprising 'Throat treated, , Courtfor tine Revision of the Assess- i0ne end of the seat,.. contain}ng. the nasions, but now we fear he is past I George Youngblut of A�uliluin shLppect public sp}rued citzen. About 20 • merit Roll of the township of Stan- two young ladles, came down with a• :recovery, having. been geized with a two carloads of export cattle from Zurich - Iver serious attac]c of Aral s -Is years 'ago he moved to Ashla.ncl, Wis,, ley will be held in the township (thud,: Mr. James Howe Howe captu,r. y x p y' • • •McGaw station last Saturday. where he resided till a year ago when miss Mabel �Yenzel of Crediton, vis- hall, Varna, on Tuesday, the 25th N eel the horse on .William-treet, For- I Mariner Campbell hs in town fox a I A number of pair fa. meas toile theax he -ivas taken ill and has -visited Dos + A CREAT SCHOOL . May at 10 a, m. for the purpose of tuviately no one was injured : I brief season,. awaiting his company cattle to Clinton for shipment last }ted" at the home y. Mr. and Mxs, C� chartering a steamer until they our- week, Moines, Iowa and Dallas, Texas, and Eilber. over Sunday. Great. in Reputation, Results, . In- hearing .and settling complaints chase a new one, Ca Iain John Put y. lastly, Denver. All the old timer resi,+ Mr J. P, Rau has disposed of his a ainst the said Assessment Roll. p . The first break, vn the Tamil of 'Mr, dents here speak very highly of him. I driver to, N,, M. Cantin of St. Josepkt- fluence and Thoroughness 1 Now is Persons havin business at the court Lean had his hand terribly bruised.- and Mrs. Joseph Cook of th„ I,akc the time to miter .the opular g Holmesville, 'luTay 20th, 1891. At hex home on the Bl-Indr Line, Staff.. and has Purdtased another from his P gill please attend at the said tame Captain John Elliottt of the London,Range, occurred yesterday in the la_. ley,,,.Mrs. Malcolm-Smatli passed away, brothear IIegryI. and lace w-Ithout further notice, Rev, Mr..A., Welsh from• N. 5.. visit•; IFusiliers visited Gilder ch last week mented death of their daughter, R,ae on Ma 7th iii her 79th 41F=TT.T0,21r p y year. The Mr. 'F. Hess Sr., has the bowling J, E. ilarnweli,. Clerk, Varna, May ed here on Sunday last, las a valuator for a Middlesex Insur- hael Kingswell; Mrs.. Kingswell was deceased was one of the oldest and round •all leveled .0 and seeded and , - 4th 1909. Rev. 1V, Ayers leaves for Conference , ance Co. He succeeded the late-- Mr. in .her thirtieth, year and bad -been ill best. known residents of the section, in f the. weather is favorable the reem a , g , this week, held'fn Berlin. (Barclay, a one time citizen of oua for the past twelve months; Her which clic res}ded' as was attested by will be in good shape in a month, TORONTO, OXT. Mr. Fred. Elford . "is working in town, when the late James . Gentles husband survives. She is one of ' • a, the large nunnber which attended her NIr. W. S. Rub' of the Bxonsoic ' Whitby " and towns east at a commer- and his hotel, the old Huron, flour- , large, family, being survived by sever .funeral on Sunda afternoon, I y and prepare for profitable employ- BY PRIVATE i5ALE. A QUANTITY',ci a nc ished• about half •a century, or more sisters and four brothers: Tho fund y Line, returned Monday night from ment. Olar . raduates readil ob of Household Furniture including ,al ge y' i , On Tuesday week. our citizens •were Pigeon, Mich., where he attended the- j g y For 11Taniioba.—Tine followin er-. a o. Mr. Barcla was a brother -in - lain ood posit ons. •Our: Hand dining room chairs, :kitchen table,;[ g p. g . Y al 'tools place. on Thursday to �Co1 much. shocked to learn -that David Fold funeral of his mother, who .died. last. g sons took train her on, ,T.uesday morn- law of Mr. John Gentles of Kincar- bornE cemetery. hck had died very . suddenly at his. week, some Catalogue is free. Write for • cools• 'stove, large glass supboard. in Sor Man-Itoba vvherc "the o for a cline. one today. Students admitted . at May l4e seen any time next week at : g y g. . I Mrs. I3orace bIorton. is havin her home... The deceased had been ail:n; ( Poles arc being distributed for : ex -- any time. College open the entire Mrs. I: Brownlee's, Alpert street, (trip for etplorat>ron etc ..Albert ITaI g I for some .days but on Monday stated stead, John Halstead, James .Phipps, ,verandah panelled. in, with glass. It tension's .to the rarer telephone ,sys- ear. Clinton. !. , Nile .: that he was feeling all right. He tem and ten to .fifteen miles of new - y (George Holland, John McCartney, overlooks botH river and [aloe, arose on .Tuesday .morning and Was line will be erected, It is. confidently W. J, ELLIOTT, Susy Rumball, We wish: the crowd aI Hay is.nine dollars per ton 'and po- . Mass •Sadie Carter of Auburn. was in the act of starting a fire in the . Princi al. • jolly good time going and .while there. tatoes sixty cents per bushel. . .. visiting relatives around Nile the past kitchen stove . tvhc.n h e fell to the expected that one Hundred ch ,;C trot p F, W. CUTTLER, PAINTER AND I The president and secr'etar . of the will be connected w h :enrich .Central ; i y wee[{. floor and et fi �e Corner Yonge and Alexander Sts,, p' 'ed. Ile, was found thus ► fore fall, . . Paper hanger. All. work• done guar- - _ Rebecca , Assembly of. Ointario, were I 'Mr's. Mcfntosh i1 LoclnaisH is visit„ b anteed. to ive satisfaction.. Prioes Mast hu sda t `'nstitutC a y other memVias of the family on en, -.I Coroner Campbell. wad..called to- , .. g Hill,sgreen, May 20th, 189,1,, in town, T i y o i mg with: her daughter; :lairs. Isaac tering the"'room. The deceased was Hensall last. week in connection with ` moderate. Residence nearly opposite• . Rebeeca Lode iiy"connegtion: "with'the`Hetherin ton. .: - C l e t ut g g Born in Waterloo .county, , moviner froiirl',the; sudden death : of Mr. David Fol; ' ���� 0 1 g a e Instil e,. Clinton, Mr. Francis Coleman has . been; very i I.O•,O.F. in Goderich There were some Tine W: M, S. met WedneVlay at the. there to the Parr Line Hti to.wnshi + • side «*illi. . "inflammation the est fifteen charter members with whom y p, .lick, who forrincrly .lived on the Parr p . home of Mrs. Isaac Hetherington for aho'.nt 50 years ago,? years ago ha' Line' -In this township: j2 - , week, btit is now. recovering. • i the •lodge was . instituted that after- the •annual meeting and 'election oi. was marriecT ' to Piargaret Shuart.. . a rRATFORD.' ONT.V4 DRAIN TILE AND BRICKS. SfE ( Mr. Isaac Jarrett took his thresh- noon. and in the evening the work was officers• The results were ;a follows wntln his family he moved .ta PIensalk have a good stock of the on•'hand ing engine. to. 'Seaforth, on .Saturday �eontinucd. There: were some fifty or President, Mks. Chas. Girvin 33 ears a r With twenty-two .years.. ex- y go, Deceased w•as in his erie ce t ' its cr di ranging in sizes from 2k in. , up to,last, to get it reps}red.. sixty persons to become inenibers. Vice=President, .mrs. John Dustow 78th year. His wife• predeceased_ `hint " P n o e t this col- 12 in. We have also a - oocl stock Mr. Jas. Love is im rovin his A' sale on Wednesda of last vvee'. I o,j lege is recognized' as the great- g I P g y Secretary, 14Irs,. R. Echlin a few years ago,. IIe leaves three E of white brick on hand. � ,We• also barn...by the addition .of a new.., roof crime' resident properties belonging to Cor: Secretary, Mrs.. Dunbar . children, one son Geon, e ■ '� est practical trainin, school in , I , g of Hensall; . Western Onta ` ' - make"nicE red brick,. tuorks" s4 mlle'and a general.renoyati,on. Itlne.estate of tine late CTcorge Acheson Treasurer, Miss"C. Shepperd: and Nlrs. Vale of Exeter and Mrs, rip. 1. east •of Egiriondville."Kruse Bros..I. Logan's river . appeared to be 'Three new members were reteivcd Dew of Heiusall: The deceased was , , , rho attracted a fair ameunt of interest. T}nree departments Egmondviile P, 0. "70-1.�12 chief .attraction for. the -,young people ,'l lie properties, 'which changed•'owners into the society -and lairs. G'irvin be- consistent member f the li'Iethodist COMMERCIAL I of 'this nei• hborhood n the 25th; were ,as follows, :. IXouse on :truce St. p ! g P ( , � came a life member liy paying "the church and was seldom Absent .from _ SHORTHAND I : The 'Rev. Mr. Casson of Hensall de- [occupied by. Mrs. Goldthorpe for $025 usual ice. This makes two life mein- his p'ace at".any of the services. TELEGRAPHY. slivered' an able sermon in the Metho- house• of Bruce street, lately occupied• hers. for Nile,. as Miss Shepperd [lads I . Oux classes are 'the lar st i dist church here on Sunday evening (by I!'., P. • Paulin, sold to 'Phomas been a life member for some Mime. i . '- e 1 g 1 " last. Mr. Casson is a clever, young.0'Connor of Ashfield, who is'moving The next meetin will be."held at the - + ' ,' our courses most practical, and g , �Whal,'Relieved the Mari s (man as well as an elogaient speaker, to:,town, for".$4000 ; House on. Bruce:hofne:of. Mrs. Stanley Cook, �� our instructors erperieneed,: • L �� � � - I " ui • street,. occupied by.Mr• Cousins, sold .; The L:pworth League. anniversary u:t ( • Our .graduates are assisted to • - �15tt%esS. . tt I liave•'Ct'arted 1#us,.aess in tilt`. ito Mrs, F'eagan . for 8740 .botise,otn (connection " with tlfe Nile Methodist . , os tions and succee s ne �. p i d it no ' 0l1 ' sfo[tcc r cr . d Ir v . It'.II.Z ADG,PT. CHILDREN. Bruce street, oecup.ied'•by Mr. Murray, churcli will -belied on May 23rd and This-haptiened oii,a train not. lona . Our ran a 'of" BO 5° others. Enter now. Get our (po. Pop .ty an e a g „ 3' . 1.now received a Cliofce stock ,f . sold to Mr. Pennington of., Sault Stc. 24th. On Sunday special sermons will, ago, t1 man. rushed .in from 'the car. . . free catalogue. t The GhYldren. A -Id SOct t 'wishes ri• ' i' 0'8.0 • 1 oris Bruce St: : Marble anti Granite which I rif �Ma e, .or , i eon be pteaeheil` by Rev, kI. E, Currie of behintt', eFide. I in great agitation; . . . IS lflrg er,.: lI1CP,r M }, fer for sale at rhea acct late; i't kno� n that theY• [lave' both Catholic occupied by Mr. Spain, sold to . Mrs:, Londesborp and on.11ionday evening and said Elliott,' 111IeLaeblan 1 and. Protestant children for adoption, F; McCartne , . „ - eonsistent with efficiency and y of Holmesville for. the annual tea -meeting . and concert., (las anybody in the _car any wh-Is and' better Values. . PRINCIPALS s Anyone wishing to adopt. a child'3g20 will be Yield. ; The.re will be a".'choica'7c ? A .woman, iin'the car behind'has gerfrCt workman hip. I X thAl1 We have CVer should apply to C, R. Miller, A.gbuti . .. program of instrumental and vocal fainted "' 'Instantly.. dozens. of. flasks( . -� O -. ties/ m TTo. 1, . Ott St, Berlin. . : Q , I :. music, readings and addresses will be were produced. The man, vvlio had Besf Material. Chaste . ' small profits, Quick .returns. ;r,,",,,, ,.:. .Repeat it :='Shiloh's� Cure will, al -,rendered by the following talent asked for. it picked out the largest , had before. . ' ; ways cure' my coughs and colds." Iti iolin selections by Miss Heinfeke and. one, drew time .cork, and put the bottle. Enter Any Orme Designs Furnished. Es,t mat- pQ p lair. Ideinnekc, of Goderich readings. to. W6 .lips. With a long, satisfied . j ` Ars. iver, Cemeter work- 1 ---"-"""-"" " [b Miss . Gertrude Hai t ' the talented si h l c handed it back and remarked: l g y a �H1.Ol�lWEEKS I y i Bo s 2- Yece.Noriolk or CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE specialty.; . ' . , elocutionist• of Iicnsall solos by bliss ; That. dict nip a lot . of . good.. I y p Wia hair n y' double breasted shits from has been tested in' the erucibie of. g m �' n 0 g Hart Miss- 12eI tech and �T-Iss Jiclti- needed'i;t; for ft• alwa s itzakes. me .fee! ex erieface, vvfth the fire gfpublc Beina personally eannected 6 D��` LOUlU ilii of St. Mars addresses b Rev,. neer tp see a vFoman faint." ' opunion; and has; not been found" with some. pf"the +;est menu-: Rev, R. L. Rutledge, pastorpf.First, y r y qi1:�0 lip. t0 $3,54; ['Viii[ .. wanting. Thesuccess•ofoui gradu facturin hooses I will be - li1e Methodist churcli, London; lies so- Dr: Dougall, Rev: H. I,. Currie and the-blOOli]er nclter Or BUT'D�ODD'S KIDNEY. PILLS CUR- C. W. Webb of Stratford. ales has not been '.celled. riot the to fall o •ders from designs at , I cepted the .invitation of �Vin;liam1. , lain knee, largest, but the hn� hest grade the shortest notice:: t11D 1uTRS, TI3011TPSON S DItOP'SY;; Official Board, subject to the decision I WORK THAT ltiT:.IILEVS. p modern Business School in 'Western . T • -- . ' of the stationing committee. Mr. Ontario. . PLEASE GIVE ME.A CALL. It. started with Backache. and grew Rutledge was sent to'his present ap- Belgrave Booth's Kidney Pills Have Done . Bo s 3- iece Suits .sin' Intlfvndualiiistiniction. Yovacatipn worse' till file doctor said slne�pofntmcnt on account. of the removal Great Service• for Peppe �Vho Work y. p ' Dail Courses. Enterainyday. � gle-or double breasted in' Write for`particulars. . must die. of the then pastor, 'Rev. IV. 13: `Ona-; Mr. Jas. Netherby has quite.recov- .in Clinton. A �lI ES DOI ham to Torointo to.fill tlic vacanc cred from tris -recent illness.. the.new stripe patterns, CEO. SPOTTOY, PnieIraL Holt, Ont., May. 17: (Special).-Ad11 I 1.caused b the death f` v' y. 'Rea, Cls 1V.;ll}v'ers tittended-.the dis luTany Clinton people work every 3 11 , .. y. o Re . Dx I from .6 ..A. . the'couritrystde hese is ringing with;T,otts., A.t that time tvvo ears a o trio meeting at'Gerrie last week. day -in some, strained unna'tur'al .po.si- . . the wonderful • 'cure of Mis. Samuel ! v . , . (, v . ) 14Trs. .R•}vers enol ch}lclren 'are vist -' tion, bending constantly over a aleck, . ■ Thompson, who lay at the paint' of l e R, Vtlitting had been already, an -i ®n. joltin wa ons or cars Youths Sluts double . ited to the First' church ' Lond'oii Ing her aunDt, Mrs. Pritchat d . at "NVy- . riding g g , d"eatln for vvicelcs, . svvolkcn with Dropsy (and it is ex eeted that tine statiauin, g• Bending aver heavy housework, lifting breasted, "ion tlo'.lsers, ' so that the doctor five different t -Imes p g oinin g SEEDS . Tiles ` , reaching, ulling all these strains I . committee will approve of that favi-+ 1tlrs.. Tucl.cr of,Durham visited her p bs ,1n the new brown stri es decided ti tap hex but -des `sted a Ue-Ration, mother, [ilia. Brydgcs, 3rct linty of tend ti uvea,, weaken and injure the ri + We have a.complete Stock. cause, as her husband said; It m ght :Morris Iasi wee[;: kidneys until they fall behind n. their aVy blue did grad's. Having purchased a. anachine for be better to let hex die in piece.'' ( Two of the foundrymen vvei�e sum + !work of filtering the poisons• from th,© . of Seed Peas; Earley, 'applying Rubber Tires, vve wish to i moped before Police Magistrate Mor John Owens left for his home' at . After the doctor had given her up . blood.. Booths Kidney I tris cute sick . Ujts and Potatoes. say that we are now. prepared to fur- (llodd`s .I{•line ('ills coxed her, ton last week on a charge of carry- Thessalon Friday, after spen(Iing a kidne s put nevv siren th iii bad ish, and put on`such. tires at reason- , ling •liquor to a fellow townsman who cot4ple of Weeks with, relatives here; y ' g bid rates. ( Mrs. Thompson s terrible troul;�e � backs, lair. IZerrnari s cure proves it. l ' s' Pe ion of s .. started with. pain in the back, She is on the Indian list. They. did not' Miss b., Stella . Policy 'of City hospi- I 1Tr. I;. IlCrinan of Victoria street, We parUcmlai y unvite nn, p t We also do all kinds of Grinding, I rew worse a it the doctor treated her appear to face . the charge, so it is tel, Cf enevra, N. Y,, spent a few days Clinton sa •s : "1•~or cars T suffered of our SEED CORN which is No. 1, g n t this week wf i.h her s}seer a ' b y ' nything from a .pair of, scissors to.a' for jaundice for eight weeks. Then supposed they found out .how serious ,..Trs. (Rev. ) with a most annoying and distressing One TIMOTHY and CLOVEI,S we ircular saw, This week we installed. lit was, and made themselves sc,tircr, Rivers I - uarantee lire. lie, feet anti legs began to swell, and, I , wealtness of the bladder and kkdneys K P machine for grindinn horse clippers it was realized that Dro s was the Further progress regarding the .Tela Robt. Campbell, G. T. R, assistan� and could find' rel-Ief in .nothing I We are nicn,i Pnis for~ OanadaCar- which docs perfect .work, l y.. • •-.(phone Company,may Ile. to orted this agent of Clinton, Sundayed at the a trouble. b or seam months .she suffci , ,►age Co. BU(;lGIL$, and lI•e likewise do all lcnnds of lathe I wcelc. .The Cp. has purcltasecl the., G. hontc knf �It�is partlrlts,i i4Tr/. and• laT�,s, tried. I4Ty sleep would be brokciy four I + a ed, T'he doctor said there was no ; or five times each night with the jr- T%�� Ue�le/ is STANDARD WIRI+ FENOE lock on short order and at reason" hope ; she must die. IN, W, through Whitechurch Vto Lucke- John Campbell. [ regular and frequent secretions bf the ' ble rates. As a last• resort Dodd's.Xidne' ('ills .nowt and a line across to int. Augus-I John L.:Stewart sand his mother at -i kidne s This would cause me to AND POSTS: y ,tine will bi built forthwith. Tine ur- tended. the funerals of two brothers of r Machinery repaired, Horses shod: I were tried. 7'1te n nprovement was , y p 3 We have also d few hips rif the (;}ode- � chase of the Bell To.ephone line to tine Iatter, Messrs. McKenzie of. Lasa . stiffer math a languid, tired feeling in r /y � � rich Oats oin hand at prices and terms SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. slow, but gradually hei.stnength came the morning and I would be just asl s, mp/es , +, Belmore is nearly completed, Tha Qicford, last wcetc, to suit customers, tlacic, To -day 11Trs, Thompson -Is a tve111 unrefreshecl itis when I had gone to woman. She says, ,arid the Country- operations of the Co. are being wel lairs. T. I3. Miller of Vancouver, B. bed. The urine was highly colored" , C., is visf,ting hri biothei, lull, II, ^ 3�r ' comect by the farmers in every dared•• piece Norfolk _ . p side knows, she owes Iver life to and filled with briclt altnst and sedi� Jb oil .,� �le & W s t , tion. • Wray, and her. sister, Mrs, Daley, anc11 ment. Booth's Kidney Dills cleared > Docld s ICidncy >?Ylls, � . oihrr relatives in this. v'icinfty. Stilts, t]'aVeller s slim FORD &MO,LEOD8 plea, Ii tkne. disease fs of the i�.idncys, or .•_-�-•�-:--• --_--••� file tsr_Iie to its natural ,ilei and nn Eiees frOlYl �� to 33, rievt'- from the=. Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney I' At a meeting of the Belgr,i,ve kuleth- a comparatively short tine ilia kicl- Repeat it I'Shiloh's� Care will al- ndist Quarterly Board, Ifarry Hopper, est St les rriaCle fiU be rtlrl. ,,, .. -_ .-... _... - .... - - ..-�----• . Pills wild cure it. icy secretions leas been re•dtrced and �i y • i , . . . ways Cure my coughs and cOlrlg." was;once appointed to att�en<l the Confer- have felt stronger find better,. the, off at one-third less than. LTO FARMERS AND �-� � _ ' at Lon lc n, and Richard Irwin to languid feelYng leas gone ands I am regi[lar prices. `tom ® l)o It N''OW. attend tltc district' rrieeting last week nevv abke tp enjoy nay nights rest OOA �,j �1 nt C#orrir., OT1 ! E 11 � he time to get rid of your ( rhe 1�'rench postal stril;c Ifas com- ` and awtilc , refreshed ,incl string. low is t 'line •elcclriC storm last week cti;i y • 'ORDER, YOUR YEAR'S $UP- rheumatism. You can clo so by apilly- 'menced. l eonsiderabie damage in Fast Wawsa- Booths Isidney I ills procured from Chawberlain!s Liniment, None Cat Pefor C. Tlains, who shot and nosh, Three ar four b fins were W. S. R. Holmes, the druggist, also . IiLY NOtV. TIT(✓ BEST TN .. __ Ing . I p • 'TT3E MARKET, S7 1�k:It TON, cases out of ten are simply muscular.kcilled Willlann T:, Annis on Long, Is- struck li lY ht relieved me of a miserable and long I have opened out at the Standard y g ning, but nine, of them U'r IF' ORDERED ANTI PAID rheurnatisnn due to cold Or damp, or land Inst August, hits been found ail- standing rano of nc�nitnatisni enol I Talevatar, fn connection with my n g were set on fie, Afnong them y were will always feel grateful in rrconantaen� 00R BEFORE MA.Y 31st, A DIS- grain business„ a full stoalt of limo- chronic rheumatism, and yield to the'iy of manslaughter. [Vin. Johnston s and Cyrus Scott's. „ COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TON Chop andivfgorous :application of this liniment. ding them highly. thy and Clover Seed, Corn, WILL BE ALLOWED. Feed of. -all kinds., Please give me a I Try it. You are certain to be de- � " "'""""""" lighted with the quick relief which it CONTAINS NO, CA U'STTC ACIDS. 0 r, (),dere lett et Davis Rbwland.a call. y affords. Sold by W. S. 1t. (lollies. I Premier Stolypin of Russia will re- r • , will be promptly attended ta.-......- _ ....-_,,y It's healing and drawing--that's,'aain, at the head of the Cabinct•. said�fto beton, the verge of n tiny; are Jacobs *: Sir I'.dward Morris will probar,iv why Putnam's Corn X�:xtratstar is bet-' l The C?plied Stairs Senate ester . y .CLINTON �. iW.,% `0 have a majority Of sixteen in, thW ter than cheap acid substitutes, In. Repeat It :•-"Shiloh's Cure will al- day, voted for a duty of 25 Cents a 19r • S rf • i y y i g , l„ n _. . IWr l.Me ve: isoNewfoundland I arliament, silt an Putnam's only, was cure rn cow lis aad ca., s. ton o Iron Ore. 0 11\ F.. . -. - .. ... . _-�.i._ ..., .. ., . .... .._ ...