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The Clinton News-Record, 1909-05-20, Page 1
I r +� CLINTON, UNTAR10, THURSDA,Yi MAY 20th 1909 W111.0lC Number 157 The News -Record will be seAt to aixy address hk Canada to JaA. Ist 1910 for 30 Cents. THE BAPTIST CHURCH. WILLIS CHURCH. Valuable Sheep Worms Wheat at Ullih WaterNew Advertisements t Rev. Mr, Charlesworth- will on Snri- Rev. Dr. Stewart exchanged pulpits riled bu Useless Mark. For Sale -D. Cantelon-5 day a. in. next preach on "Christ and with Rev, Mr. Sawexs of Brucefield Route Card -G. W. Nott -0 y, It ' Adam" ,and In the evening on "Tito on Sunday. Doj'�$. The price of wheat on the local mar- July 12th Demonstration -5 Great Se orator." The yours eople's ,octet , will en- ket for several days past has been Separator.'" g r Y County Council s- Lane --5 1 Certain the members of the Y. M. C. Mr. James Snell of Hitllett, one o>I'S1.25 Per bushel. This is high water Girl Wanted -r -Mrs. Macdgnald-S CARD OF THANKS, A. on Friday evening, the leading sheep breeders of Ontario, mark within the recollection of the • Y g Weddigg Gifts -W.. 11, Hellyar-1 I wish to express my deep gratia d..ad fourteen, of his flock worried by present generation, hilt as It so here Spring Need's. -W• S. R- Holmes, --s weddinglft� TH> LocAL MARICLT dp�s last week. Some 4f the sheep Pelts it cOzncs at a time when there tude for kindness shown ' to 'Mrs. Court of Revision -H. W. i Irwin -5 have since died. They were .,i� very is little wheat in the district and • Sloman during her ; 'long illness aird Wheat X1,'25 valuable lot, one of the ewes taking what there is the farmers axe almost Walk -Over -J, Twitchell Sons-9 prize at .the Toronto Fair last • also for the kind sympathy extitentled Oats 43c. Wedding Presents -W. Cooper Co. -4 to myself and family in our Iliac Peas 83c, I , toe ,busy to: bring out. Is a poser for man puzzled people, Pardon y fall so Mr. Snell's loss well be gi.rte I _ Y p p p bereavement, J, Sloman. Barley 50c^ heavy• Every sheep breeder is "s*ject• the suggestion, that our judgment and ex- H, p B. EXGTJRSION• Butter 194 to 20c. to there depredation§ by a lot of use- A Public Spirited Citizen Eggs 17c to 18c. less dogs which aro tQ be fgt,nd In Bauffeld. perience may be " of some aid. Presents of The tenth annual excursion of the Live Hogs $7.50. every, com triunity, The court of revision will be ln,ld Huron Old Boys' Association of Tor- Silver, Qut Glass, Art Good and Chins are onto will take place on Saturday, ---- �*��------- at 11 a. m. on Wednesday next. A P130T0 OF STEvVART J. Y ' Mr. Charles Stalker, • of Saginaw,Jul in order, Styles and rice9. right. trains, one to There and the other da he Nightcontsue of ainedcontat edr4nao Satphoto of Kept In Gaud Trim Mich., an o' 'd Bayfield boy who left! always y p Y g r (here nineteen years ago, is now visit - to Wingham, both due to arrive at Stewart Jackson, 'son, of Mr. T. noon. The faro to Godexich" will be Jackson Jr. of town,. who is .taking A Winghamite was in Clinton re- Ing his mother, and his sister, Mrs. ;1.85 and to Wingham $1.75, children part this week in the musical 'comedy, Gently, and called, at the House . of M. Rupee. 950. and 90c., respectively.. . "The Westerners," which • is being Refuge. The new wing has ticen fur- Mrs. John Howard, an old and es - Dished and occupied, and. the additions ( teemed resident of the Drysdale ne,.%h'+ u ' DEATH OF MRS. J, BIIIYDONE. onto. to the waterworks system are a borhood, died on Sunday evening last Clinton Mrs. Fisher and Miss Mary Kennedy' QUICK improvement. Everything seems land on Tuesday the remains were in- f0weler and 0ptlelan. y received word of the death, of -their QUICK TRAVEL. to. be in the hest 'of order, The rooms terred in the cemetery here, The ser- ---- - -- neige, Mrs, James Brydone of Mt.. Mr. Hy Iy arrer, son of Mr, Peter . are clean, tidy and comfortable, and ; vices were conducted by Rev. Mr. While order is strict, kindness is the Davidson of Varna Four the loss of a Four cons and as Pleasant, bear Portage la Prairie; Ker, who was ticketed through to rule. There are nearly y one hundred ' many .daughters Man., which took place on, Thursday Aberdeen, South; Dakota, by the r ,T. . last. Mrs, Brydone pito was adough- T• R, town ticket agent, writes that inmates, and as some of them are loving mother, William and Harry on INCORPORATED 1869 ter of the late Algv. Fraser of Stan- leaving here Friday morning, he had a past the ninetieth milestone of human Clic ge, princitead,pal James to MARC,Public ,. life, the duty of caxfng for diem is George, principal pf the e Public ley .township, was about fifty-two splendid run, close connections and •aro t gears of age and had been, in the west rived at his destinatipn at sly o'clpck no sinecure':+ Mr. and Mrs, 3iutch seem : school, Mrs, Pollock of . Kincardine Mr. W. S. Harland admirably adapted for the position,'towrishlp, Mary in the West and Mrs. about thirty-fh a years. Sunday, morning. I THERDYIL 04NK F C4N90A and their, duties are faithful.y perms 'ngrish and another married .sister is One of our best known and most re-•. WATER ON THE HILL TOPS. ONT. ST..CHURCH. formed.. Huron H..luw of Refuge id Stephen township. The deceased was spected citizens, in the person of Mr. 4 is innate, are ae- I +cry. hi ,hly esteemed by all wlto knew '; W S : Marland, observed the 69th, 'Paid -Up Capital $3,900,000. keserve.... $4,600,000 1 The services well managed and i $50,470,000 James 'Flynn of town, John Holmes es ,next Sunday will be�parently very comfortable and satis- her and the whole community extends anniversary of his birthday on Tues - Total Assets - "' of "Tuckerstnr,th and Joe 'Issard of conducted by Messrs, Hartley .a•lld fled. -Advance. its sincere sympathy. day,, having been born in..Hamilton one HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL• Ggderioli township were'discussincth�: Kerr,' The pastor will spend :rte dapthe of ba4kward spring' on Saturday last" in Toronto listening to Gipsey S:lnithi -- Ifotirtecnh`ycarsdgflago the hfamily mo CLINTON BRANCH—E. R. DEWA11T, 14ANAGER. when 'Mr. Issard' said,; "I have been -the world -famed .evangelist. Bl th. Londesbor©. Ct1 to Clinton of -Crich the subject of farming in the township for forty There will be an. open session of this paragraph has over since Contin- COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers years and never saw so much mois• the S, S., the lecture room ,.nd class Miss Floody; leader of. the Dietho- 'It was announced in our columns of ued to be a resident. 11Zr• Fred. Rum and others forthe transaction of tuie in the ground at this season of rooms being• in process .of renovation. dist choir,. was unable to fill the last 'week's issue that the , young ball was here before him .and Mr. T. e' b Ki business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for the year before: Why it is full of: osftfon last.Sunday..owing to illness. ;People of the •Epworth Ied'guc of Lon- Jackson Sr. came the same year so th it an ng n „ LITTLE "LOCAL. P collection, water even to the hill tops... desbora were going to* give 4n enter- in point of . resid'ence this ,trio are Mrs. J. Wilford " . attended the ,. D:s- ,. Miss Margery Barge is ill with tainment at. Constance on the evenirrg now our oldest citizens. Clinton didn't) Special Attention Paid toy Savings Bank .Accounts ST. PAWS CHURCH: t4nsilitis. a x h on - 1 filet W M. S in Se fo t Thurs of May •24th or 25th, but the date. amount to much in 1814 clic only. Miss L. Ratrice Strutchbury, sopra•+ A, recent arrival' contemplates build. dap last Glias been changed to Friday evening of industries ' were McTaggart's fanning no.: soloist, Toronto, will render t 0 Eng, a house on Ontario street. Rev.. J. L. 'Sued preached ' to stir this week when an excellent program mill factory and Dinsley's wagon►.shop, Od'dfellows on 'Sun ay evening last . -!will ' 'be - delivered ' in the Methodist Mr. Harland was a mcn Vnr and active Divine Redeemer'' and !,I Heard' s The barbel ,flops will close each There were forty . three -linkers present t Voice. of Jesus .Say at. the morning Thursday evenin at six o cock, I elvirch'' of Qonsturg. Aalmissrvh 151 office trearei in the- old Rattenbury Y g and a large congregation. Tlie sermon and 10 Gents. street church ior..man ears and BANK and evening services in St. Paul's y Y The M O LSON S Lawn tennis has been reviveol'th s was a most appropriate and eloquent Mondny. of this week was arecord when the new church -was decided on next Sunday. Miss Stutehbury is ' a 55, member of the D.iendelssohn choir and season . and Mrs, I1. Agnew .Iia§ . very one. -- I.stoolc " day 'for .Londcsboro, dour cars his services as a,member of the build-- INC uild•" INCO.RPORATE•D 18 00 000 kindly given the players the use ofd The Anglican S,. S. convention field .of fate cattle "beth shf cd. Messrs. in committee, very hi hl .. ap Capital Paid up - $3,500,000 Rest: Fund X3,5 , soloist in one of Toronto :s large I g g pli r g g y . churches. her .lawn. here � en Tuesday. and `1'ednesday of:;Watson ani- Rezd shipped• a car each prec'iated. In school matters and . ors iin Canada n "Cunni Iles bought. the residence last week was largely attended and, and T. Mason two cars of: choice the Board of healthy"he hl •for years Ha8 63 BranChe$ The A. Y. P. A. intend serving lunch of 'Mrs. R.' irwtn and is rcnwating it. Even his services fresel la. short he 8 P tomemberson June lst which is thy and Agents and LOrres ondents in.all the prineip:Ll cities rn; every respect .very successful. •� cattle'.' Sortie Of. the. stock.:.was dCliv- g" : Y•% in the world. It is.`eonjectiired'that 'he,niay devote pastor'" Cooper exchanged Cul is Bred from.. Colborne.. has.b.een a public . spirited citizen and, closing.evening of,the season. it to hospital purposes. A 1 P INESS TRANSACTED: with 1tev. Mr. . Tyler of the Walton I 'Dir: Puffers has patrchased the cele- Cho whole community . will heartily jeitx A GENERAL BANKING B.US or7EERENCH :OF° IIRETHERN. 'i The monthly meeting of tli�•wom L en's Instituto will' be held at the circuit last Sunday. bxatcd stallion St. Blaze, with The News Record in wishing hitt . A conference "for. Bible 'stud and,' lin •f Mrs-. 1. Heli held Thursday tthA public meeting will be Ileid this I .'Last'we'ek Mrs. John Manning • had many happy returns of* the day, SAVINGS Bi�NK DEPARTMENT y q.1e q F) the misfortune o fall from a step lad- I ministry of the word of ' God will be afternoon next. A" 'good attendancc.is evening' to discuss the nuxchase of the �' p AT ALL. BRANCHES. field by the.Bxethern• .in their hall" requested. electric light plant .which Mr. Lxvin'g- der "onto ,.i the damper. of the'stove. ate.o nci stone is anxious to dispose of. ,S was s anding on a step ladder, Baufield.' interest allowed at Highest Current R lover 1�imen s restaurant; c mme ng ' .Miss. Lottie Cooper, daughter of Mr.. John Coo er" of P iVIessrs: Wi'ford and Carr and" . Rev."!whifcivashing the ceiling when. she rbc -i with'a prayer meeting Saturday even- p ?inni' 'eg, fprnierly of came dizzy and' fell.. She. put out .her.., Miss' Fee of Zurich was the ,guest ening. These meetings will be, at _ 3 Clinton 'and -brother . of Mr. George 0ooper "attended;' the. Distract meeting C. E. Dowdi`ih Manager I . + ,n d arm to break' the fall and in so doing of Mrs. lI. 'Darrah this -colt. Clinton Branch - C gr g- and 7 o crock also .on Monday at.1.Q.30 Cooper of Goderich . township, died in Clinton pn;.TuCsda and lied es a y y' sprained li'�r sliouidei'. It .will be ,I4Zr, .James Campbell is having a. tri, Numbers of rcccntl , at .Saskatoon, Sask. a.m. • and '3 and 8 p y I A' great amount of.freight has;, been "some time before sheAs able to use summer cottage erected on Chiniquy , the . Brethern are expected from rushed . over this branch of the C. '1':' her . arm.: street. Guelph, Toronto, Brantford, London THE CONCERT: R„ (R. 'the last -ten days: This is .owing, I Misses Flo -and Winnie and Mr. Ben Rev. Hiles and Mr. James `'Vallis And Detroit,.'.etc.: The people o£: the The co cert 'fn `tlic -town hall next we undcrstand> to- the > : -threatened Tunni of Colborne visited t If :ar ' attending'llistriet taectin at ORDERE:D'. ; . n . �. ngs .. READYMADE b s ed o ri ai g • town, are cordially; .: invited t4 be "Honda' evcnin ionises to be One strike' of the d0ckwhollopers at Owen, John Mean lin s over: Sunda- Cliaito phis wee?{, y g promises g y. n nt 'at these eetm g. :C purposes s CLOTHING lwOrrM OPUQkS CLOTHING press m g of the `best ever , given' to. a Clinton Sound' which the ompany pu po e Miss Minnie Snell 'visited over. Sun D1iss Vl'illiatn "of Seaforth.: was the audience., Tltc L^'I!gar trio, assisted by to meet in para 1•+y':. larger shi ments WESLEY CHURCH. I P day : with 1VYiss Lizzie Ma}n guest. of Mrs:. H. Li tle: a iew., days _ Miss L. Katrica "Staiclibury will ren' from .other. ports. What Owcn Sound Rev. Mr.: Curry .will preach League the past week. " h'e list f officers ' of the. W. M. der a, Choice Program 'of .vocal :and in -twill lose by . the strike If it goes . on �anniversar: ' services at the Nile nett lvlr. 'George Erwin.., and".d'au titer, - In t .. 4 P g 1 y t g g s 5, the name of Mrs. John, .Hodgcns strumcntal music consisting of cello will '4e'gained •,• by Sarnia,,Goderich Sunday and•Rev. Mr. Conway of that Miss "henna Erwin, spent Sunday at was, inadvertently. omitted. This es- •solos by Miss Constance Veitch, vocil'�and other points for shipment Thea place will take the services' here mor=. Seafort.h". eyed Clothing teemed lady has for many years been solos by'Miss L. Katrice Stat6libury, Company is - improving the yards; Ding. and evening: ." I. Mr. and. Mrs. A..Darrah spent ."a' Ord*..,.an .active and zealous member of.. the mandolin and piano by Miss. Patti a, switches; .etc.• along tho•.line, J. Chamberlain who has been en- 'few •'da s. the past week. at Clinton. society, M. Brazill, violin solos - by Miss Marie l Mr. Rich. McCommins, . who. with gaged with Mr. ilutton" up will Satur.- I Mr. William. Johnston' of London tt %f Rev, J. Greene will occupy .the pule. Smith. Miss Veitclr has just returned, phis family aleft Blytli a. £ew 'weeks tig0 .day 'night last, ,.has engaged with Mr. was the, guest of Mr.- Ken Moorehousd �ll' Ll pit ` next Sunday' p. Tri, and. from" touring the U. S.. where she for. California, had. r:athrr a tiresome Carter, a few days the past week,. " evening,`•fn the" absence of the has. met '.with the greatest, suc= trip ,'across the ., continent, and, ori. Miss A• -B,11 attended. a recital thtts •Rev, William .Hinde, late incuhnbent . Our large staff is ` aster who: will spend " a " cquple cess. Miss. Stutdibury is one Of '1 or -reaching the home of tits. relative,Mr. -cele given by Mrs, Smith of. Clinton, of Trinity parish, and Mrs. 1`Ielen -working overtime en-. I P Of days in Toronto with mein- onto's- most popular sopranos. Miss Turnbull, lie was' obliged _ 10; undergo l Thos. Millar . purchased •a fine heavy Hud'}e were married on Saturday last, O .fill orders azill s. a member= of the celCt0..ated treatment in the hospital. • We ..all draft Icor, item . ,Joseph .1Vla nin f x th " most sus fc}ous. evetit..befn cele- abhng, us t bees of his family. while there Px i I �.. + .. P. n g +?. e. r g he'wi,1l 'no doubt avail himself. -of the Mendolsohn , .choir and bliss MaLro" ho e" that when he reach his. dost. , WYlleh are ;every .day p , the, sum of17. Joe bought the tyrated in St. George's, church, God ' ' .pportunity of hearing• the great cyan- Smith is also an artrst,of.repute, Al-.InattO.n' incl settles down that �iis'sante "horse some time for $120: Crich, I .Rev. Mark .Turnbull. The b@Ing ,"phaced on. our. gellst, :Gipsy Smith: together these artists ,hyoid give one heatth. may improve,.- . i It pays to get ,good horses. ' happy couple have talc up. their. . �; books., b customers - ' through-, Mr. S. R. Smith of Clinton was abode in "Woodhotme " the. handsome y of the best programs ever heard in I . In ilii, district as elsewhere throw h h r a.l]x�011a O @t VICTORIA, DAY. Cilinton. 'mho mans Cment have spar- p spring g" , a'o p , g. who are I t . g g P out: the province the s r}n wgrla .. tS. r t>rtid this week -buy}ng cattle to ship residence of the bride overlooking the j ed no expense in obtaining the best very backward. Saturday. The' shippers say there are Bayfield. 'River. We all : ,juin in the.best:sty Band work I Victoria Day *111 be celebrated in good attendance �•�: .E. ,. f.� 3. Clinton with football and' baseball POsslble talent- and a• — - f a lot 'of thin 4attle through. the •coon- extending 'our best wishes to Rei!: manshlX' possible for'.. q _should encourage their. endeavor. Pro'I ,try this year. Th'e farmers must be Mr. and. Mrs. Hinde.for, many happy ft3 ;y s 3. matches which will' ftirnish an" excel. ' their mune We van , rams will distributed. 1VIa 24th in ;s Y I Cunstairnee 'sav°in " their;. feed. ears' of married life. . : •• ' � ; . � y' i lent" afternoons sport. 'The baseball the ark. ' .. g y give you better value g S' will consist of :a league_"match; Blyth p sol�l t,a ,_. ire 1FTatthew Armstrong has ISI Cti n £ vs. Clinton which alone will fee worth • 5 and :tat a o o r , •. .- ,.a • .and delivered thirty-five : export Cattle • iii the • rice of admission. In` the even- . •. I am Tired �f Pk'PrGtChl��.;.. E`dS� ,<<,'• i. it 5... :; your money this spring P I - 1 weighing on an average over ,fouxteeh Ing there will " " be a Concert in the Mal! Ha ReturnS Q 9 ^ n Y Pry.. hundred pounds. This is a good bitneh than ever before, hav a f i towr; . hall furnished bp, a company € Ing an extra large from. Toronto so that' the program t and hard, to beat and docs prediC to . Sermon That Ar' Merelrg Dir. Armstrong S. Son. as feeders of 'w}11:be extra • good. Come in ,for the Ibeef cattle, �.� i, t range of patterns, and g. r _; g sports and stay for the concert. titc ' r' The entertainment to be ivcn in Pleasing to the Ear. qualities t0 "C h O O s'e Coria Da of coirrsc .falls on Moet � g k p "' tt;s;. £ s' from.. xt�' x r, the Methodist church here on P titTay _REV. S. L. TOLL, HENSAI.I:. �;, Fi : day ne t }':' fy?; evening of this week is expected to i' fi£ 3i The line up" of the local ball team s x r ^ be one of the ,b'est over held litre , , lv ci ' i.wi}1 be as follows E. Johnson lb., f t- _ � �^; ;;1 •, . .hope many will take, advantage of tlrisw� L.. Kerr 3 b•, W. McConnell s.s,, T. ' i and, enjoy a good . time, Rev. S, .L. Toll of Hensall delivered , I have signed statements from the ; . • Hawkins e., G. G. GUdmundson r f , An earl inspection x -c} r T. j:< Mr., Robt. Clark attended th^. God -i g business sten as to the correctness of l l , y G. Riley c.f., A. Alt;. ane 2b., lV ^ a. Stroh teiirperance address in the of.these Dods will as- crich District meeting held at r✓lint0n any statements: Ewen 1•f., W. Earley p., E. HoOmi an sday evening durinx� ' g ° • _. ,_ this week. , to'wtt rail on Tae r Local.Option .has eli:mirtatcd the 1 , sure you of having a 1p., L. Ellsworth p, s., Mr: John Britton is improviug after which 1hC;said, n part l lar a stock of new andit's;' loafers. .� g (OPEN AIR CONCERT,' , his ruClatlrnce Clarke hid quite .alriglto fol Local Option bec`ausc ivca,cIt rrm.ovcs, tctnptatf0n froth• the tlpAo-date goods from , I know of one poor fellow who ;coui - The White ` Dyke band will render B x painful operation performed last Stat- It Lilts the public btir and the treat- P d+ 1 u hleh -to -make our se- � , y the following following program to -morrow eve .,; tirday by the removal. of th^ tonsils. Ing, system and saves the boys. not. coni. to the village Without get - 1 lection. : ening ,: }£^ urday by the removal of his tensile., g y ting drunk. ,Iter Local Option. was ... �Maxch '`Old'(�ucbe4" A. 4V. Hughes I4 Tile tr;aflte'can't exist without ' vo0 adopted . and the bar cut out lie kept Intermc?zo, "R inbow" P. Wcnrich' J. # { boys. sober fbr two months and until ho j Waltz ''Are you Sincera" A. Gunible ; � M. ' London Road. I I have one child, the dearest little' attended the Laurier demote tr,ttiun itt :;. Descriptive selection ' Rural 'Celebra- boy on the continent, but I would i ('1}moll where the wide open bar was tion''. Will Huff i Mr. Thomas Waldron has been con -.'sooner see him laid in his gravC .th•zn too mucht for hint and lie became so %March "Lieut: Santelmans" Geo, rued' to the house for some, time. Iris grove up and become a victim of the'intoxicated that the 'police had , to Prices Qualities and Colors to suit all earners. � Fosekrans i illness became so severe that he had drink habit. `take hint in "charge. ' T%vo Step "Prairie 1Vlary" 'gatsford to have the doctor called in this ii It's a libel on the farmers to, sa There. are a £ew soaks who. will get I Fit and Workmaflship guaranteed. iNvaltz "Luella" " �y A. J. Weidt Mr, Ci . Howard week, but at time o£ tvrfting rte is liquor .no matter -tow, but there is that they wont go to towns vlrero March "Black Watch B, J. Bill ugs improving. not one -fiftieth as much drinkin in they cant get a drink. Cornet Solo " Sclecteii" vv. 1). 13. Born in Hamilton on May 10th, Mr• James Nott " continues very Iiensall as before Local Option was I The hotel accomtn0d'atigtn in llensalt • ' Serenade °'Ethel" J. 1I. Bowel, 1.883. Mr, Edward Howard on Sunda low, He appears to be gradual- has never boon so good as today. Y p + y adopted. s# March "Parade Day" Jeo. lto:tekrans passed another milestone. He has growing weaker. I There is not a ghost of a chance of: ' ASquare Deal for Ever Man." Local Option has paid ilertsall� q Y God i�avr. the Kin;;. bce>ti a resi•dcnt of this town for � Dies• W. Grant is improving cis . •repealing Local Option in 'ticnsall. Synopsis of Rural Celrbrtt':ion : twelve ears or so, Our -business men have done a larger y but has, steadily as can be expected. I All honor to the ladies of the iv. Ca iEarly Morn, B:rd Whistle, C'leelt as well, travelled Hutch in this Air, Richard Tasker of the incl of trade, They get the money that led T. U. who earried it. ans Strikes Four, Start of to the Cele- 'Country and the United States anti. Stanley has been sufferinz with a,tho bar, They have not one-third as I I am sick of preaching easy; ser. ry y ` years mons,' that are merely pleasing to - � bratioh, Arrival at tl>'„ Grounds, In- has for a time resided in cities so far i severe :attack of Pleurisy. While lilt- nuc}t on their bgolts as' three 1 vitation to the Platform and l�a,ticc, apart as Las Angeles, Cal., and K,bursr proving, lir this week expori.�nced a ago• the car. . MORRISH �✓ ��KS Going try see the races, Watch the villi,, XC mucky. Two nutty of News • light set baek, I Tout Parlcner, Jack anid. Charlie, Mae -f The min:stcr who does dirt throw :Ulan on the T191i6 Ropa. ',acting for Record readers he is prot`a'alyly best Mr. Gorden Waldron of ",ttrcnto donell, Rainey, Youngblut and other himself heart and soul into the fight . `Ilotne, Asking the Band to o.ity an- known as an amateur tragedian of spent part of the week past a1, the leading business mere sap they have is hardly worthy of the name. SUCc63sors to Pledger►, Bros. Clothing §tare , lI done a larger trade. They are not we, must have enthuslasin, courage otlrir Diarclr, Arrival at Ilorrin, In- undoubted ability, Thu NewsylLecoxd yid home here. i 'trodRing "Home Sweet Ifci ,rc"', 'Fin. Ioins his many friends in wishing hint I Spring seeding has been progre:tsing Ikieking Local Option. Ask thein about and conviction to long as %his eviltale, marry happy returns of the 'day, livery slowly. A. exists. a