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The Clinton News-Record, 1909-05-06, Page 4
r a ` 4 : , cliaton Nowt -RAtoo 1'1I MAY 1.#'hl�I' Godorich '� ow"* Bluth. _ �- ,Ai,llhul�'n 1.11 �I Mr. and Mrs. C. hale of the Huron �M r. A`ex. Elliott has unproved the On Tuesday of last week Mr. and Last Saturday Miss Wtnnte Bows - y an ,: , Road visOod et fix. G. Johnson's on lo9k of his pause. by a coat of paint.: blrs. R• McCammins and family left 'beealne the proud Possessor a# a new • . ]ring Footwar I ' Mo►aday. I ' * Mass Maggie McEwen, teacher in S. Myth for a new home in far away , Scalle Williams' piano, Owing to the Back °weather seeding S. NO. 11, has resigned, to take el- California, lMl> : MtConnmius was.' R. Rabexton mored into t'ho hotel on • �t agcxatigns have been suspended, 4 feet at the holidays. I for several days. eonCned to, bed before Monday and is prepared to accommo» AT JA C A S � N y 1►Tr• k�. II• Pgwcll was rare a bust • leaving with alt attack Of sciatica it► Messrs. hlcBrien and Mason have I , date the travelling public, lrcntcd the Walkxce farm tot; the term ness trip to Wingbam one Thursday one of his legs, but ser wa to say, Roy N'aegffo has started to attend We have received s fal'1 assort ent, 'f1'tam e of one year. last. ,one he had freedom from aides. Al- the Blyth school . lowest to "the highest grades made, and we Etre not after he got full under way on the The Ladies' Guild met at the home Mr. Wra. Cautelon has +'ween laid P bQastlr When We Iia our present attack 1s wlxh011t ways taking an active part in Orango- I Mr. J. Johnston has completed a g Y A of. Mrs. J. U. Lowery on, Wednas- up for the past couple of weeks with ' • . master of the primary g exception, r a touch of bleed poisoning in his foal. Iism .and being p new cement ,buildin outfit and starts elCoe tion the beet sled most beautiful ever shown day, g Ilodge No. 963 and else Com. in Cott, -,work this week 1rtt�t> more work,ahead inilint011. We trust Bill will be abia to 1* around of him than he .can complete this Rev. - W. H. Dunbar had cltat°gc of wand in the Scarlet Chapter the last meeting of the A. Y. I}. A. again in a short time' lot the district, previous to his leaving season. .. ° Mr. M. Hill spent Saturday and Mr. Hanley Canteklon disposed of a the two societies joined aud'presented The Pastor of the Baptist .church LAMPS' 844TS t° Sunday at. Mr, G. Hill's. fixuu ,horse last. ee . 'I him with an address read by 1tev, will preach. the second of life series of u e h . has been Thi farmers of this district are des- W. H. Cooper, a,nd a•post master's sermons on the life of '`Joseph" next have, made special efforts in thief department to give the We h AIr, Flarry, Iiay s, who s b e I _ N8 have a. large rata a ` sfek is able to be around' again. pairing over their spring work. Some jewel presented by Mr. H. Robinson, Sunday, entitled '"Prison; xeg,ulations ladles the choicest goods: that are made, and of beautle+s, The more expensive ones will be found in the Relln1o, + g of them, tins doubt, are beginning to the present master. A number of hie under God•" The Lord's ;stepper will the Hagar and the Queen Quality sines at trout $3.60 to $5, Miss Bolla Ball has, returned home. think the have been slcegmq when friends and well wishat s "went to be o�.rsarved after he service. Among the ocher makes will be found excellent values at ' Mrs. Beacom has returned homy . y they should have been ;•ceding and to the G. T. R.' station with them. I The following officers have been . $1.25, 1,50, 1,75, 2.00, 2,2ii, 2.50 and 3;00 from SaltfQrd where ye was vision; Iroap their harvest and now fall. Mrs. McComm' y y the Epworth League for ,�_ , _.�_. her mother who is vex M. ng ins was a ver active elected b Mr. R. ,G. Reid of Stanleyvisited And winter is upon them again. Imember, of the W. C. T. U. and will the ensuing year Mr. A.t g pre- bo vex Ia Boys, Girls and (llttidren's Shoed we have full ranges at all friends in the village, cert Cantalgn is: maker y much m>Vssed should a Local Hon: Fresident Rev. A, E. Jones Mr. Albert M• %#iV.l ce:-formerly Iparations to, overb ul Ilia barn the Option campaign take lace. President, A, F. Johns }trades at low pitted, Many your dhildoet to the store and kava: M , e t a , of t; P theist properly fitted. Many a child's. foot is ruined by tieipg'igt• .,, ,,,�,,,_ this neighborhood but who; hacree• comin7 summer. , • 1st,vice, Miss C. B. Ferguson properly fitted at home, g a On Friday afternoon of .est week steaded in the Battleford district,. I. Mrs, Will. Cole of Columbia,ville, 'another of the residents of the vel- 2nd v te; Alf• Rollinson _ y & + l g• . , . 3rd vice Miss )�., Denstedt Our .Custom and Re Sask.,, a low ears a o has 'oiwil Mfoh,, is visitin at ]ter parents . Mr. lage was carried to his long resting pair Department. under Mr, Decry, and .btr . the great and, rAwm . arm of• the , . 4-th vice, Miss E. Knox Wilkin, id giving res i; . g g y and Mrs. George Cantelon. I place to the person. of the late , hom g t; t satisfaction. tfo s All work promptly and skiff.. ;.,, benedfets, life happg, event ' takiil Service will ba held at Sharon on as McCreight, Fie was thq third son Secretary, Miss .Mae Ferguson fully done, Yours for the best possible service. '* I place in the manse, Battleford, cn the, Sunda evening, next at 7; o'clock.. and there was also a daughter of a. Treasurer, Miss Mary ,Series Nov is. the time to select 14th ultimo when the Presbyterian Organist, Miss Lottie Jackson. Sunday 1 family all of whom have passed away F T u pastor united him in hymen's bonds Mrs. B. Webster, who has been within a few years of each other, a d . We are pleased to learn that there .FREDO D J A i/ K.S O your Wall Paper.. with Miss Bertha M. Johnston• of v stttna in Ashfield, has returned is going to, be a Polling -booth estab with ids ,Man. The J tin le home" , , the mother also died a little over a lisped at the village for the, conven- ' happy g .Miss Mabel Cluff of Clinton spent year ago. Mr. Alex. McCxiight, thT fence of the ratepayers of the south- " Always Reliable ''T,INTON We IIaV"e the newest and have taken ug hnusekeelti i.•, c,n the father, was .a res.dent of C'1 Aton over, groom's farm. .His num,!,•. n5 Iciest., Sunday and Monday at Nie. John West part of East 1Vawangsli. . t Cluff's and Mr. George Fiudie's.. I25 years ago. The Sa�rbath school of the Metho��� 111111111111111111111111111111111 - m0$t'artistiC patterns in and about. Summerhill wall unite + ! The members of the Bl th 1Tetha- .. . Z he sleighs were out on Monday` and y dhst church held , its annual meeting very heartily in extendiny.conaratula- in ties several sections school children dist church held their ,quarterly nteet� at special. rices. tions and good wishes. ' in heir 1st ect h ride •of the seas- g y for the las tion of officers on Friday 0 Wim,, �,®,%,0 �b� �� a� �� �� d� p Q g d t a g xis sacrament last Sunda A few , a ezLt t d' . 'on,.. In the years gto come they will from the Jackson church made their The evening shows the relative .. ' I be able to relate the unusual expex- - way out notwithstanding the stormy standing. of the pupils of U. S, S. No. Holines+ville. fence of sleighing on the and of May. day. On Monday p,. m. the quarterly 5 Hullett and Wawanosh, for April, Ove O a e I • All Paper Trimmed Free , " I Mr. .John Beacom sold to Mr. An; bltsiness meeting was held to close used on test papers and general prop A - . The Vi omens Institute will holt drew McGregor, his. famous, road tip the business of the year, when the fienc . - their ,regular meeting on =May 13th at Rev. W. I1. Cooper, :received an invite- e a - horse, Victor, for which he received a P Sr. Divis;•on. - r . Mrs, N. W. T, ewartha''s. Rev. Mr,. handsome figure, Victor is. a hand- tion to remain 'for a second year on y '5th Class:.. -Mellor, Plunkett Roy � That is exactly hoW'we stand inconnection with the plttiinq Snowden will deliver ail address on pe and can the circuit. Mr• Alfred Carr was a Nae els. d Department as we have just been obliged to peva into•ettock a large Cooper s hook Store u , Y • Some bay ,pacer of good type at to attend the d'istrt t g' a assortment of ]!ten's and Boys Suits intended for the West. We !' the Problems. of the da in relation g Sr, nth. --Ruth Jackson, Fxomilda • to home life." Everybody welcome. ° in about I 2.30, Jaolc likes the pgtntind del �.g � ld in Clinton on 19th have been unable yet to decide on a loco bion, but are still making, CLINTON. On Friday last Mrs. Snowden ra- fast ones and Andrew knows. where to meet g to a ,Pfeffer, Winnie Howson,. Grace Plun a .preparations fi)r a move when the propsr time, comes, go to .get a good one. of this month. 1.kett Zella Doyle, Mary Raithby, Al- I l ceived a telegram announcing the �sud- tt h ` is. erectin J ek n a d Tile Addition of thea new sfock of Clothing and also of a splen- r i - , Mrs. ,Geo. Sterling as Moen, under I Mr. Mclntosh, w _o g a lister Mann, Laura a. so , M y . den death , of. her btotller, Mr. Scarra a did assortment of new Boots and Shoes necessitates the adopti,pn of # d the weather but is feeling better i/ow• cement stable, - ii somewhat. hindered Denstedt, Ernest Jackson, Bella .Sial- A •x scale of,prices the lowest ever placed upon reliable merchandise in. a. . of near. North Bay. As Airs, Snowden Mr. Richard Young has moved home llln� slivA%. auJ, *WJOJs quaoaz• aq� fit ker, - Albiert Doerr, Wesley McClinchey, P the town, We don't handle shnddy, but place before. you :ti, good' O TO was unable to attend' the funeral, hr- from Beacom's bush wh•.,:e lie bas ' c c m Tete. r u rville Blanche. Ferguson, � . clean stock puichased from the hest houses'in the trade, and.feel. I soon .b q p Clara T be , g daughter, Miss Effie,' went on Satur confident we can dote rices that will lease you and sell the oudil• - W.� H. Watts &Son for &cod I been,, working all ;winter in Robt. I zx. Lux Hill reports as having: the Lila Howatt, Alfred Lenip, Elma ,3 q P P Y R da The man' friends here extent shoe repairing.. We -ms1{e a spec,- i y y Elliott's 'saw -mill. Mr: Elliott lbs . br£ck work bf a house, finished and his yungblutt, Wm. Lemp. , ality .•of repairing jird ,,lo it while their, sympathy. about 200,000 feet of lumber cut, It me g, Mr. and; Mrs, James Snell of Hal- n a:re waiting, for fihe weather . to Jr, `4th. -Russel Kin Ivain..Arm- you wait. is fine lurrp�Cr and well cut. Qf ,-ourse put oil the roofing; . Istrong, Verda Asq'.uitli, Esther Me- . � ;eeial for Saturday onl -Blend-u of several line�:of odd lett visited at Mr. W. Stanleys the ,, „ , ; P P y P v . ) Jimmy Dean won't saw, if -he cant . Saturday Mr ,E`,shipped, ' Cltiichey,• Jennie Stalker,, Earl Raitil : 0 . , tweed pants at $1, regidar'I 2u'and 1.50: . . d . Our Charges - are Right; other day• I- .On Sat ay WatsonW pP The ma friends of Miss Louise do vt right: • two car loads of cattle and Cummins - by, Fern Symington, Robert Phillips, About 2a Men's Stilrc regular $0 ail to clear at $.65. a TO FARMERS AND OTHERS .1 We I T many Miss Kate Perdue stayed a faw he Laverne Robinson, Lloyd Ferguson. a. - Mens heavy Split Blucher Working; Boots, . the best in the, . Tebbutt will t,•a pleased to; hear thxt . , & Heffron one. Tiley went over t have several airs of ' our own made days fast :week witli her ..i,t.r, Alis, Sr: 3rd -Edna Robinson, Gordon" trade, at $1.25,. . P she .ls : doing as well as possible after 0. P.. R. Ladies D6dgola Bald, patent tip, regular $1.06, special for Sat. . boots which we will sell cheap.. Just John Beacom. l eor a ambold left n .1vTon McClinchey,� Willies Carter, Arthur urdayonly$1.25. • the operation site onlerwent, Mr.. G W o 0 a the thin The sacrament was administered in . thing -you want to'keep your feet, The -quarterly business .meeting i•5 ., day for Begin -where lie hag., "a Lemp. a Men'sliackbib Overalls agd•stiiocks6pecta160c, ,dry while the season .is opening .up; Coles church last Sunday by the t' n i large ,store -of that town. Jr. 4th -Henry Taman, Ellen; Phil- connection with the Methodist � .-churcll astor, pose ,o n a g . h. Come in and see them. was held on .Mo day when -Rev. Mr, .P ,Rev, ATr, Hiles. - He tivill. be very mucic missed as he. lips, Lena; -Plunkett, Effice Stoltz, ,Ag: p - The Lord. Bishop of..the .diocese vis nes Creighton Reggie Mann. �) Our stand is ,opposite the postoffice. Snowden was: invited to . remain for is an active socfet wgrker in the 1 r •ver Mr. George 'l'ebbutt '']ted: St. James' church, Middleton, on her'places. He was` . Enrolled• attendance 41. o Ail Lines At G"reatly Reduced Prices. 11 I We have started a branch . another a g Tuesdav when .five .candidates from church and alio-tither Average 32• ab business at Londesboa ointl was. appointed . delegate to the As- secretary of the. Y, M. C. A, a ' the a I jointly.. the parisli received the rite of con-. --4. F. Johns, Teacher. a Sale Prices Strictly Cash,: . with Mr.. McKeown's harness trict meeting to be held in Unton, Time •of leaving in the local society. firmation. There were present besides .. Jr, Division, • ' a shop. All repairs 'taken there: The factory is already making seven p t} y � t E$liel Stal- a P• his Lordship, The Rev. C, R. Gonne, :. 1•ix. A; F. ,Carr s e t afew - days ' or a ht. cheese a 'da rett good Sr.. 2nd Jobn Stewar , will have our best and careful g y' P Y Rural Dean, and the Rev. W. .11. Dun- with his father. and sisters... ' her, Olive a 'Taman; Elwin iiaitteb)', attention, for a:start.. ". f k : rt iu th is r son. bar, both o whom too to e 11 1. The_ News -Record will be sept to L - `.' Archie Robinson, Berd Fa gu0 °. v ss Canada to Jan. 1st service: ' His L'ordsh'ip s' address, ! Jr: 2nd-Lcnoxd Yungblutt,; Gracma . I. . %."f. o atiy address in, aP�� STE, EL . .., I W• I1• Wates• & -v� 1910;.for 50 cents: which was .listened` to by a. large and . StAnlev Township ;Symin„tan, Victor Yungblutt, ,Lewis . ,. ... aPPrecative congregation was based Ruddy, Fred.. Marl. • e,d� �� d� �� dm �e1 d� o� �� �� �� ��� upon the `t,G'th.vcrse of 11th' citiapter of Mrs. John -Beatty, ,who has been Pt, 2nd -Iona McClinchey, .Georgina - Ir fir. + .. .. . . acts and `was 'most forcible and veYy ill; is improving we are' glad to 'Beadle Luxeatiia McKnight, Marry . ractical exposition of the text. At ' . g .. • P. Y• `Beadle. I . I . . .. I C the• clgse of the service . the Holy . Miss Rheta Keys 'of near, Dashwood Pt, 1st,. No-. 3: -Maggie Taman, -1. . Communion was administered.% His sp he home ' of hex Gert a Ladd, I3arvcy Armstrong, Les- . . . cizt Sunda at t ... . coul C:' 00, Lordship, the clergy and a• iew father, Mr.. J, T, Keys. lie Schultz, Ezra Clhtultz. No..2.-- • .. friends . ,ware afterwards- very hospit- Miss - A11te ..Peck is at "present . the Ethel aTurdoch," Rubens Naegele, Har- . ODS. ably entertained 'at dinner by Mr. uest'of 11Trs. W. Wheatley of elm-. odd Naegcie; Luella Rob" Edward. • STAPLE' AND FANCY DRY GO f; .11 I . And. Mrs Ji1tn Middleton: ton Earl, Harvey Dowson, Andrew Dow- TL' ES D ESS -MAKING I fihe follow;,ng' is the report of S: S. Epworth Lea ue in connection sen,' . Victbr :Lemp, y,,O. 1. -Glen , MILLINERY MAN R I The!; . �*-�� y No. 9 for the months of April, based:.with the 'Goshen Afethoiiist church ` R•aitliby, Frank R. Lad , , Fran'.c "` .l' 1 on attendance, test papers and stand- held their. usual mbeting..on Sunday Scrimiseeur; :Clayton Ladds; .: ing. on the April prpmotion exam 'Enrolled attendance 32.:, I_.," cvcni,g. TLe topic was. taken by 11Ir. - . 5th Class -,Irene Nliher: Average ... 24,-. ' I ` . x. 4th=Walter Nelson T rima Can John .Taylor 'whgsc address was btiCb . T �Qi S J 1. -Clara A.. Sclater, Teacher, , felon, .'dela Finla Ann:c .Cooper; interesting. and liclpf it to .ale. who' attended the service. ; ' ' .::." Etta 'Cote. . This .trade ,nark the cover the earth, stands for.:40 years of paint and Mr. Will" Dowson and ., Mr. -William ' ' , rn �+ ��%s� �+ e� r /i f JL• hilt -Jean Middleton, Stel7aCve ' varnish"inakin' during which quality has been'the first consideration: SI.u,� me V V f slI Fabi it J. Taylor each 'had the titi:sfartune, to: AN ' i�PE'v VERDICT gr g . _ , son, P.dna Wise, • Tellesilte .Mudie,. . , Y It. is your pro'te'ction when-askicig your dealer for, paints,; varitiShMv ud' C": in Iude line los3o a valuable horse1. recently., _ Tho .iRry in the Kin>ade inquest r, Fred. H le, �coa g . a I e, .A stains, colors, enamelsp etc. - .. aumnier. Wash .Goods;. faslilon5 are fast devehopin , Elliott M rtfu Todd Arnold Miaar Por the news of Stanle h t in an o en� verdict. The .case a , roti -h. . , .Bert Finlay,. - trict read Tho. News -Reno d. �nd t dis-. has 'so far cost the crown '$10,000: nw�t; it'd lfyoei would.lae prepared for the waim da3's B y.1 I 1t 13 .Wise to give heed to them... .V�We a re,dlsplaying" a I• Sr. ,3rd -Roy. Connell, Sadie .Cook;: - SHOW* WILLIAM10 large'fresh stock of weld chosen fabrics. Ralph Cantclon, Lloyd lVIiuer; olive," -, ICJ,. 2nd -Lola Huilfe Emil 'Connel' `�W� I RecommendXARNISHES. . 1, . Y ... P&:/%� %S A N® Earle Cooper, Charlie' Qcioper. p.., I IN SCOTCH ZEPHYRS the large ,laid effects are favored, an 1st. 2nd --Tom kTudie,:.Edyth Stirling, • • • �: Made m Ccnada• THE ONERWIN-W/LL/AM3,.ta. Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg. Dr Williams Pink i':ll� extremely light fluffy Zephyr or unusually soft texture, comes tii.two Bruce Grigg, Jean Cook, Blanelie lyct- • and three toned effects that etre expressive' of the season's best fashions, son, George Middleton. .. ' . The veil pronounced plaid combinations are wonderfully attractive , PC 1st Sr. --Gladstone Grig,g.. r ' and varied, all prices from 15c to 35c.' See our window display; i,. 1't. Is•t Jr -.-Alit ed :Ilud'ie Cecil .. '•a' The Particulars of,a Remarkable. Cure. Told by '�� Extra value in Scotch Gtiigltams. Grand Washing materials that Connell, Wi11He Stir1•n�: ' .. I � I . . IP . . rank high among summer fabrics'tor outing dresses, blouses, etc. East Average attendance 30,.. ==s a Presb terlan Cler¢vman . The � Sufferer colorsI. , stylish checks and'stripes, to a wide range1.. at 12jc and 15c.yd. -E,. J. Johns, Tea cher, OJ - - . x SUMMTR STYLE BOOK -Now, with the Easter excitemenf , - - oorr _ -- Brought Back' from Death's . D _ over, itis flute to thf n'k: sertdusly of the Summer Gowns. Before de , . cider , it is necessary to et in touch with all the newest idoas 'as villus- I . . ; Porters' Hill � h t b g _ _ •�� crated in McCall's Magazfne: Here you will find dress designs for,every . " . St•. Andrew's 1Vlanse;. had a ways been ailing In sheer des- i occasion, all on the authority of the beg t destgncrs in America..1 . . The many friends of Mr. O• W. Pot- ,- peration he had asked his wife- to get � Y Cardigan,, P.L.L, 19:08. ms' P Pills: They ter .Will be sorry to hear. that she is him Dr Willie inkI i f. 1. ough. I have never' been; sick my- : is . c- 1husemele aning ince . confined to her bed with neuralgia',, soon began 'to rielp him. %h app deli, and have.not had occasion to use N kt tits and strength be •an. to.im rove, . We are glad • to 'say site is, improving 1)r, William's Pini Pills, I thought p • g P a little, aad- to the astonishment of his .family ISH R R. ;AND SO ARI, WL;: < . V you ought to ]{now of the ci;maxkabte . .. ,:.a , Xr� ;. . , • , \ . Mr. James Young sent Sunda un- and friends he rapidly regained' his . cure they have wrought in i4lr..C►1d- �1 �$..Y4 tN. ,C"H f der the parental"^ro f P Y, , . health.' Now though the burden of fill a full and corn„fete stock of Furnl' urc . 4,: - r, i , \ �?� Xa, . I a lug's case, Wcll nigh h four-scort years is upon refire W r . a?.,? ,y.�i' a Miss Myrtle Beacom Spent few c.. g �, e ,\ .. I Duren a visit to mp home in.nleri- , , „� k �� da s with her. uncle and aunt; Mr: ' g he is able to do a fair day's work, and House Furnishings,, . �, �, � .. , Y f omish N.S. some ears it a I . was . .. . f�\ and' lVirs. Jordan last week. I g + Y g + and is in the enjoyment of posed„health . 5 `S.? R, % ;r ' reeved. to find our. nett door netgli- . ;, ;t; I Miss Iiutlu Tichborne is at present g even lite asthma has ceased to:trouttile 4 �Y •A 1, I. a " in Goderich whore she "is learning and friend, Michael O�.dtng, very low. him as in former years. LINOLEUMS ' In 2 and 4 yard widths. ' : Y N. �� " " dressmaking, I . He is not expected to, pees my . "'� flr`'' Mr. Bbrt Lob and sister's enc Sun- mother informed me, ``And you must Mr,: Oldirtg himself, as well as. 'his OILCLOTHS 2yards wide, 25c square yard. . . �'\ x. b + p he 's iia le to Ines hbors and the writer of this' letter , • � t da at Mr: i John 'I Torrance's. go ,over and see him . as i b g � 11Y Fr has ver :his co - I pass away at any .rnomeAt," "Not confidently believe that his- rescue RUGS In, all qualities and sizes. A visit to our Aug Room . , Mr. F ase, severed- n k, b , neetion with Wm. Elliott Sons and etppected .to live,"' that lyes the open- from the verp.jaws of death--seemtxug will please you. The prices tie RIGHT. \ k k ion not only of the dbcl or who at- ly so miraculous , fs due. under the A FEW PAIRS: has taken ,a position with Mr. Noe , . r,\ , . '.x . tended liim, but of his wife and fain- }ilessing. of God to the timely and.con- OF CURTAINS To clear at bargain prices.1. ?� .:. es of the' 8th eon, �,. , ,.:.. ;.: Mr. John Weston sports a . new I fly as well: Upon visiting him myself tinuqus use of Dr, Williams Pink . UPIiOLSTEItING Is gomplete with all kinds of eot+erin , cards and i A Ft ,3u \" r j4 I driving horse, ( I found abundant evidence to confirm Pills. DEPARTMENT gimps, All calors: g ' 4' ' \\ ` : k,a`a For the news of Porter's Hill and their' opinion. REV. EDWIN SNIITII M•A• „; ` _ `� + PICTURE Just visit our Moulding Department and your \ ,� \` 1 F& .,: \ \ : k' t� � L',,,. ncjglcl )rhood. read The News -Record, ,I Mr. Clding had for years been ai- FRAMING xn:titter of choice will be made cagy. \ .< aL ,; „ ',,,c, . ,� Mr,. Albert Evans has- ongaged with -flitted with asthma and broneliitis Mr, Olding himself writes a�- I am - . :.1, I ... I �,\, :, � \. , ,} a`�1.,;cz\ x j� R• R. Sloan for: the season. ,but now a complication of diseases pied Rev. Mr. Smith has written you p �' '; \� `;;, ,; ; lw�°��> ` Mr -Willie Macdougall ltas• hired, for was ravishing his system. He hail about m"y wondetful cure, for I con- Another dozen. Of those $ 2.90 Beds � : a`, � ' ' I bed for months fidently bcdeve that it it had not . \ \ �\ \ the domino, .with .a London Road• been confined to his +, farmer. ! and was reduced.' to a skeleton. been for Dr. -Williams, Pink Pias, I l e he � e Miss Mi,.lio Halstead Goderich 'Though evident] lad to see me lie would have een dead ion ago, It i� b >�e next I It ,' Halstead, r P, y g r g P� !� • P ` .: •, spent a low daps with .her ,sister,,. conversed with .the groat diiiieulty, would be�tmpossble to exst.ggaeratp Mrs, James 11, Harrison of the est land seemed• to the ,that it was the ( the desperate condition,' I was in when . c(M. last `week. beginning ,of the 'ensu Fl© was. 'dai,'y i I began to use the Pills. No one . ' ki% Lucy Marshall 'is working, •, at :growing. weaker ; his feet were swoll- thought I could, get hotter. 1 scarcely ; . . . Mrs. deo. Vanderburgh's for a few en to twice their, natural size, and,dared hope myself. thin Dr. Wi)t:iatns' N'�j ��rr • p Y the cold hand of death, was upon Ills ibut they did and I have ever since en- ew 8 ringMilliner wThe Past week has been too storm brow, "Its no use," ice said feebly, (Pink. Pills would bring me though, fox the far cr t d s ediri•+ ''the doctors medicine is not help- bttt they did and I have ever since _ Our des la „ .e and we ,show, in an orf irsal way m s . o o any a �,. ra p g y Nearly ail the scholars at school .tug ane and I am -going down pidly,'rt �tnJoyed good health. fihslugh f , am .11 what re 'newest ip the large centres,: Wo cordially i �,. _ _. _ .. aero' sick with the cold last wecic,.l1 prayed with' him .as for a man soon sei+enty-nine years old people are al < invite yotx wh I ,Nearly everybody has a, cold' around to , ass , into etern4t and wheni"I' was remarki on ]tow our I look � y y p y y �g e young I. . 11 . . . Porter's Hill, . [took his ,hand in parting, it was thel•1-ane 1 feel young. I can do a fair r The Misses, Pickard left dor Toronto 'last time I expoeted to see flim in l day's work, and 1 am better in every. Ito, I 'AND A�'i"r,NTION last illond',ay 'where they iotend .to, the flesh. sway than. I had, been for years. I can- ` + � + • reside, j• Thred years later w•l}iie on another not say too muelt in praise of Dr. ldVertlSlllg 1Ml The Nei 4'JNeeol� $rin Oull Rlw. !to any address xis, Canada, to San, Ist,',was seemingly In bet` t health than x opportunity I cart to r Y take every , 0 Record will be sent to vi;+ik, to .m mother's, Michael tkling Williams' link Pills and The Neaes i ' � , , � recommend them ���� �esulfi�� , .. 101 , or Go ectlts, t had ever Moen hirci, f r, lap I raid, he to frfcnds who Ore ,Ailing." J 11 " j +1 ._. . -�� � ;a J I.