HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-04-22, Page 74
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61110 trail placlas bacon fol tluu va>rletaa s"Iftt iMlstatst'letwt gfMtl"'i�arafi crit► ssb44f,tft" � � sarsrf► lMtiAlala. aa
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U. D. NOTA:GC#AUT , ,c 11,
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The News -Record has not ,. 'ri tlar .
^ oa r readers Alloon w xiPy- t
collector and consequeutlp thole 1>as
I "A �to fall into arrears 1
Tit lapel oil your paps shows the "Well, as I was sayinB," went on .sand I'm afraid:' muttered the oth- a lazy drawl, "and. besides, I stay
NOTES' hoc o r is aid, We -= A way, es.," the young man re- "�y,'Ml`• � "'ilacis; girl" he burse Rkhard, ""I went to a swell dinner at er under bis breath, "that the house of for *everat tuontb2 in Texas, You
NESS TgANISACTED date ., w l+ I ur P in Y" y out presently. "I thought, Houston once and haven't Stopped lords is about to lose a valuable mim• know."
W#44 ss,cOt,� to read it carefully piled. with a ghost of a smile. '"Ah,'" smiled Richard. In his moot In- her
ISCOUNTED• Dli4FTS ISSUER , Isliss Harriet started and fixed a
D alai aahoul# you be one of those in Really, the couverSation was grow- blushing about It set, [ squandered
• - oil re- !n interesting! For the moment Inch- nocent and beguiling manner. "so you Seven different kinds of forks :before .'"�i0 fear," said Richard softly.. catch- Searching. gaze on too speaker's face„
INTEREST ALLOWED ON �E illrpals: 1t#fd�y let up have your g haven't torsotten your lithe trip to • the dessert came and found myself
" "" mittaaae. and forgot he was Lord Crosland, al -Id Texas?" infy h[s remark• but her bather nodded fir aver e
i NOTES PURGH" a dollar ma 'not seem of thoggh a resentment which he could those awful cow with a choice between a butter knife "Be careful o! the stirrup, sir;' "Umph!" be returned. "I see. Good
POSITS. SALE N The .lagk old Y "No—no, sir. An os and an oyster sticker to eat ice cream
much iinpllrt,a WO to you, but to the not exhibit considerably modified his gentlemen, sill" faltered Bills, with ft warned t y deferential Broom. "He'll instructors, those fellows pn the plains,
._ -- o "' ffihelp several hundred of dollars amusement, with. It was depressing. shy when you raise your toot, sir." eh?"
ASE11. -- o co Don't believe ttI" the old gentleman shudder of remembrance of some prac. Bills curbed his smile and supplied Richard thanked the man, stepped `"Well, father," assented Rlebard.
are so joked 'up, it is a matter of <� ,a tical jokes of which be bad been the the needed !n(ormatlon, then made
n asserted flatly. No, sir, be exclaim- near the horse quietly and for a Ino- with a laugh. "bcytratner was n Bair
I eoas>dertlble moment, _.
e. with a snap of his, jaw under his ,victim at the hands. of some of the cow himself ready to take the 12 o'clock t tleman known colloquially as Dog
�, . — — To ,#•lyse in. arrears we make this d, , punchers before he left fol New 1.York train to New York. Faced Sam, though 1 dare say his par
, — ►* p. T. R A`NCE'" ectal Call, and trust to be favorod white mustache; no, sir. ]\o member and civilization.
' .---�'` .. ,,• • •. special of that generation of vipers could ever 'Is there anything else, m' lord?"' be .eats never bothered to christen him at
14, ." tA,'Ry PUB ' G`, CONVE with y>ur subscription a4 the earliest he anything else than 4—than a"— ""Gopol Now, attend me. caret: I asked. all. Jolly sort, those—er—cow .chaps,
.', � AMR, FINAN L, REAL, possible moment."Yes," said Richard, who was per- ' 'Pon my wordl"
E AND FIRE"E�VSUR- Add'ess all communications to W. "Snake, naturally,'" Suggested 'Rfelt• Do you know anything of the reasoun spirlog before a mirror; "I'.d be un- � There wag a short Silence; then Mr..
v,hy your master is in New York?
1.'•'--'""': ANCE ,AGEN`r. REPRESEhc;� J- Nh'Frchell, News -Record Office, Clin- and in a bitter but carefully veiled akw commonly grateful if you'd show me ,:= itenwyck blurted out abruptly: "Well.
i 4 FIRE INSURANCE . tf)ti 'pili, 1 ler, his heart lodgln,g in the very bot- ""A little, sir. but not much . some how, to keep this blasted single bar- '/ , the horse is yours, of course.. You rode
TING 1 r tom of his boots at this sudden de. for a toreign
a COMPANIES• -._ business. for the -Jape, reled eyeglass in without, bursting a s him for a full half hour."
velopment of Renwyck's unjust hatred government, sir:" 4/,
�I DIVISION COURT OFFICE, - blood vessel." I Richard took out his watch,. glanced
A Woman's $ympatizy of his father, which. In addition, boded Richard took a the ghtful turn up at tt and closed 1t with a snap and a
, CLINTON. Are sou discouraged? is Your doctor's` !Il for the puccess of his love affair. and down the room, then faced the CHAPTER VI. sigh.
bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain "'That's !t," continued Air. Renwyck, man again. �� "Twenty-elgllt Minutes' I he exclaim-
- - - a heavy physical burden? I know what with cool deilberation, nodding vigor- ,,You look rather an intelligent man,Arigan,
luncheon Richard was present- . / v�{ ed !n well assumed dismay. "'By Jove,
these mean to delicate women -1 have . ed to lairs. Renwyck, nee Cor- N I've lost my wager!"
RYDOr1E been discoura ed, too; but learned how to ously—"a rattier!" guIfills, and can appreciate what I am
W, B , cure myself. [ want to relieve Your bur" ",yes,'" smiled Richard, the humor o! going to pas to you. Your master findsea kindly disposed mid- ' � y "Hold on there," cried the old gentle -
dens. Why not end the pain and stop the ,.
i„ doctor's bill? I can do this for You and the sltuation appealing to him in spite it necessary to lie low for a week or portions, whose ho eemo money bad enabled Pro -
a man, but laughing in spite of his ear:
ii , BARRISTER, SOLICITOR will it you will assist me. of its, possibilities, "I've heard him two. Understand?" P R . J ` neatness, "you can't squirm out of it
NOTARY, k'UBLIC, ETC. Ali you need do is to write for si free to marc above her and who had since Y
NO box of the remedy which has been placed Called that, too, in—in: `o poker game." "very good, sir." 9 Zi / that way. Why, bless my soul: you
I1 + ck—CI INT!9?"l. b o hands to be given away. Perhaps The adve»turer was sinking every "In the first place, Lord Croyland an been desperately endeavoring to live `I could have stuck on. him till he drop-
11 p9a'FIC>J_Sloane Filo this one box will cure you—it has done so
11f for others. If b I shall be happy and moment deeper into the mire. He did thorized me to discharge you immedi- up to the obligation of her positton. �, � s • ed dead. No. Lord Croyland. I'm not
you will be earedfor
r letters held co tl not think the present Instant was ately upon your arrival:' To her a lord was a lord, indeed, and " /, % a weigher, nor do I shy at a margin of
postage stoma)•
o stage
Write today for my free trent- °auspicfoua for declaring himself, a '1 be. servant looked np. quickly, a at first she was rather inclined to stand i /"a two minutes. No. sir. Hawk is yours!"
CHARLES B. HALE Ment, p4RS, F. E CURRAH. Windsor. Ont. viper. yet tell his name 4e must soon, ,;,earn of suspicion in his fishy eye. in awe of the Earl of Croyland's title, � � For answer Richard made a twitch
for even now they had pastsed, the iron '"Askin' your pardon, sir," he gold but before luncheon was over she had
Conveyancers, IllUomi>:issionecs, �� lost. her nervousn, ss and was begin- .. t ' , of his thumb and finger, opens the
Real Eancer :tad insurance gateway of the Renwycks' country deferentially, "but 'ow am I to know, / horse's mouth and pointed. to a badly,
home and were whirling up a winding Sir, that you—that — ning to feel toward him as though he ' w swollen gum.
Agency. )dopey to loan. a .t A s «. ';' avenue lined with trees. What the re- '!Chat I am acting on the level?" fln were a real American. Miss Harriet
"FIs has a bad tooth, D[r. Renwyck,
, FFICE — — — HURON' ST• suit of this declaration would be he ished Richard. '•1 admire your caution. Renwyck was charming, sitting oppo- . which perhaps accounts for his ugly
O TO 1VIANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN could but too well imagine. His heart To begin with, you'll have to take my site Richard, who, having crossed his
.first bridge' with flying colors, grew temper. I•'tll It and you'll find a very
AND ALBERTA. Sank; his hopes vanished. word. If this, however, has no weight. more confident; though careful not to different animal."
NN tSc IaIcRAh,. The aura 've route is via Suddenly into his brain there flashed I am to freshen your memory with a '. , "ghat bus that to do .with the bet?"
DRS. FSU Chicago an St. Paul, Minnca- a brilliant-idea—nothing less than an little matter at'togr pound six and a overact his role. Thanksa• to the !n- demanded Air. Renwyck obstinately. .
C.S• alis or D4tluth. inspiration. To avoid trouble the Earl jeweled cigar cutter. Follow me?" • . structlan of the exemplars BlI1S, he Richard fastened In his monocle aft
DF. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. , P
Elia. CALIFORNIA; MEXICO AND FLO'R� of Croyland had coolly appropriated. The valet licked ,his, lips and said was steering a safe course among the er .a desperate struggle and smiled
. IDA. the name of Richard Williams. A fair nothing. Richard went on: •_forks too. The Texan discussed Amer- The roan sought fav every equ2ne LrtcJL he and Instantly lost his labor, for when-
ee—Ontario stroei,; .Clinton. Nigh Special Round Trip Tourist ezchange was no robbery by the laws; "If you still have doubts on_ the sub- lea with his host, who admitted can- _ knew to unseat luta master• ever he, smiled it dropped out again.
Office Spec didlq that Richard's, views were
calla at front doer of oflicti g= ILsi- Rye in effect to principal of lofe and war; and If Richard bor- ject, Lord Croyland, is In 9psssession of merit stroked his neck. The animal - ""Couldn't think, of accepting a dit
cellos front
'street. rowed the Englishman's title for the an inquiry from sl'friend of yours in broader than those of any Englishman stood with drooping head and a look ferent animal, y' know. Really, as
Winter ilesorts ; for ,full infor- time being an imminent -calamity Scotland yard—an inquisitive duck of he had. ever known.. Concerning the Bills says, it wouldn't hit of! with my
motion as t0 rates, routes etc., the name of Drake. [dare say he's of docile ingocence which to o prat-
DI. T. T. McRae, might be averted. At all events, he present policy of Great Britain Mr. tired eye was' a. precursor of certain conscience."
I University of Toronto.' apply would meet the girl he loved, whlch asking after your health. Nell?" Renwyck found his guest strangely mischief. There was an instant's "Croyland:" said the old gentleman,
hospital JOHN .R,ANSFORD, Town ,Agent.
wou.the' eetet object in view, and, be- "W'en would you have me leave, reticent. The conversation then turned,
Office hours at pi A: 0: Pattison, Depot Agent. pause:. The young man gathered up..: thrusting out his hand, "I didn't take
1 to 3 p" m• 7 to A P. m.. sides, the proposition "appealed to his Sir?" asked Bills most .deferentially upon various topics, social and per- the reins, Stooped slightly, then sud- to you much at, first. But If you'll
or address J,. -"D. McDonald, sense of humor. His spirits rose at again, without n change of .counts- sonal, ending in horseflesh, which denly shot .upward, landing squarely came with me to the house I'll Intro-
..--•----- . D. P. A.,. Toronto. once. nance. with Mr. Renwyck was a passion. in the saddle and slipping his Peet into duce you to something that 1 keep
T HAW — "Er—pardon pie, Mr. Renwyck•," he Richard regarded the man critically. ""Lord Croyland;' he said, "I'm really the swinging stirrups, It was a 4a atrtebY for friends." .
a --DR. J. W. S "That's ilei the point, Friend Wopi- worried na to. what to do with a horse
observed, with a faint sugbestion of j miliar range trick and deftly carried Mr. Renwyck led the wag with his
Mutual Fire what d, with
was the English-. soy I think I can arrange to give you of mine called' Hawk. He is demoral• out. wife. while bliss Harriet and the guest;,.
:-OOFFICE- TDO McKillop Mu "" a position—that is, for a time at least. izing my whole stable." came sauntering after him. t.
t man's drawling manner, what jolly How much does your master pay you?" It is difficult to say which were the
fine grounds you haver What. Wye "And what is the trouble with ""
. RATTENBURY ST. EAST, - insurance Company "Twelve pounds a month, ir, an' my .+ more astonished, Hawk
the grooms, squatted,
Ren ""Lord Croyland, the young' lady
Hawk? Richard asked. Wvyck or. FIawk himself, .who squatted, whispered. "1 don't admire you espe-
call 'em!" �� keep." , "Everything," exclaimed his host
. —Farm and Isolated Town Property Restmore. I ""Very well:' nodded Richard, "I can ""A magnificent animal, but a very reared and wheeled sharply to the left. ciaily because you know how to man-
—CLINTON.--. "Ha, hal Very good.. Really, you I Failing in the first attempt to rid him- age a horse—I've known other men
' Only Insured— mow, quite up to Croyland Park." tit do the same for you, with the promise devil. I beg your pardon, Mrs. Ren- who could do tbat—but"— .
—OFFICERS .. .of a ,at bonus for good behavior. Now,. w ck, but it's true. Why, Sir, there self of an unwelcome a hrden, the ant- ", " .
Think 'so? said big flattered. host. y mal reared again, spinn[ng on the, - But .what?
DR. C. W. THOMPSON J. B. McLean, President;. Seafoxth li' ,,I"m glad you like the place. Here we. listen. I'm going to trust, and isn't a man on .my place who dares to pivot of his heels, but sial+ped at : the "I do admire you for knowing how
caused is rose?"
L�� O. ; Thos. Fraser, Vice -President. Orel speak candidly. Lord Croyland's got put his leg across his back:' ou
PHYSICIAN, AND SURGEON Bxucefield P. U. ; T. E. Flays,, Sec. to fie low-Jap—er-you know:' - "Ever try an outsider?" asked the stab of steel between his ribs, to manage father. May I decorate y.
He drew, the mare up sharply be- �� Then began a battle which with th lar attention yen to diseases Treasurer,. Seaforth P. O: neath the Porte cochere aad tossed the "'Ow long? guest, forgetting lits part in his inter- Mss Renwyck to hold her breath in
t�pec —Directors— reins to a waiting groom. In a mo- `"Fora week or perhaps longer. I est faiths horse•.
of the Eye, Ear, Nose` and Throat...... am to be Earl of Croyland. You are ."Yes "" returned. Mr. Renwyck, "There admiration and alarm and her mother CRAFTER .VII.
William Shesrley, Seatorth ; Joh went ,the pseudo :noble guest was nearly to 'faint with terror.: Her. fa- RILE dressing for dinner aft
i--OiieB and Re�lde(QCe-� Standing On' a wide .;portico whose pit to attend me as sny.man, address me was o jockey up here last week. I of- they forgot his wager and h!s.dignity er a delightful afternoon
Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea as Lord Croyland and render me such fered him $20 for every minute he
HURON ST: SOUTH. CLINTON.forth ; ,John Watt, Harlock ; Tohn lays' and trellises were twined with and danced !n excitement, shouting with Harriet Renwyck.
James Evan wistaria in the seasons Scat luxuriant. assistance as I require. Is that antis kept the saddle. By' a stop watch he . encouragement to the daring rider. Richard took ills first lesaou
doors west of the Commercial hotC>1• $ennewies, Brodhagan , bloom. From a seat on. the lawn 'a factory? earned about 30 cents and told me that . The roan, now thoroughly enraged, to modern English history and geo;,z'sr-
j S• dao Beechwood • James' Connolly,
vision in a bewildering white morning The valet's lips twitched, but he he wouldn't have the beast l'or a sought by every equine trick he knew phy, The well trained Bills attempte", r-f�,,l-.
Holmesville. • gown arose and came toward him.. answered, in a level toner precious gift" to. take full charge of the toilet., but
—AGENTS—, : Too bad, murmured Richard: to unseat his master, but in vain. It
—DR. F. A. AXON,- The Texan �cas•conscious of an electric "Beg pardon: 111r. Willialins; but !t ., " he bolted to right or left he felt a upon this the new master put his foot
s Robert Smith flaariock • E. .HILL- current turned slowly to the crowning cawn't be done." "'Really, I .should like. uncommonly weight swing inward at toe turn; if down'firmly.
(Successor to Di. Hplmes:) "Why not?" demanded Richard. he reared two Maddening spurs were ""Bills." he said, "just about eighteen
chley, Seafotth ; James Cummings- notch of ecstasy. He saw for the sec- well to try him.
Specialist in Crown and Bridge E mondville ; J.. W Yea .Holmes= and time in his life an oval face "CaWvn't reconcile it with my con ""you!" cried Mr. Renwyck In genu dug into bis flanks, while the effort to years ago, if I remember right. `my i
g framed in dark hair. a palr of melting science, sir." ine surprise.. He. paused to laugh. "I nurse came, to the conclusion .that I
work, . Ville. . ,,How lnuch is this delicate organ of- lower his head was checked by un iron
e es and a. nose with, just that saucy g know you .Englishmen are pretty good hand. was Hien old enough to get into my
i Graduate of the Royal College o[ Parties desirous Co effect insurance Y . ours worth; Bilis?"
• • which seemed to dare him to plant yours horsemen,' hard Croyland, but. I'll. tell `Presently the horse stood still; as breeches without her able assistance.
Mental Surgeon of Ontario. Hanoi or transact. other business will be tilt wh c he "Twenty-five pounds it month, Sir, sou what -if you ride Hawk for halt
of Toronto a licatio a kiss beneath it, and a figure thatu. were good though he. were blinking deeply, then 'The conditions remain unchanged: Stu, -
graduate of University promptly. attended -to on 'lip
had once held in his arms. E, W could an'—the ,bonus as yo g an hour without a spill I'll make you a suddenly plunged. away on a Head down and talk to me about London:" "
' Dental Department. Graduate of . the to any of the above officers addressed t o? . enough to .mention; air." ' present of him:" straight .line. For• .twenty yards he Gingerly availing himself of the edge
Chicago College of Dental Surgery. ever let i g .
g g to their' respective postoffices: 1, Se. ave „ The valet had the whip hand of him, . +Done!" said Richard. ot. a chair on account of thfs Conde
Chicago. s ecte.d b the 'dirpctor who live Lord Croyland, said. Mr: Renwyck, raced, then spread,' out. bis legs. and .
g In P y indifferently enough, as 'ii adorable and no one knew !t better than the "'On conditions," added the other slid, in the budding hope that his rider scenston of inexperience, the valet de-' .
Will be at the Commercial hotel nearest the scene. craftily,
Bayfield, ever Monday from 10 A. m. girls like that were as plenty as black- arch conspirator;' therefore he hasten- might continue on, but in this: be' Was tailed an account. of his master's. move -
y y berries, "allow me to present you to ed to clinch, the bargain before the "And those Y' meats for the past three years. On the
bub m. "" terms thereof should rise. bitterly disappoInted.. He Pelt .the
P. my daughter. w If you fall you'll buy him at my agony of a cruel curb that gripped his whole, the story Was. Interesting.
The adorable girl smiled and'eatend• All right." .he agreed, "I'll do it— own price." tongue and found himself forced back though distinctly unflattering at times
News -record ed a hand, which Richard took, striV- on conditions. I engage you for one ""Done again!" said Richard quietly. upon his haunches, while his tenacious' to n member of the nobility, Outward-
Q month,. that's $125, and a like, sum, .11 rider still remained astride his' back. ;y Bilin was as eshresslonless as a
oensed - Auctioneer for the Count Ing to prevent his own from trembling. But here Mrs: Renwyck' and her
County .CLINTON ONT. ""miss Renwyck," he murmured, look- you serve me faithfully, at the .end daughter protested vigorously. They Now, Hawk was not a sin le 'minded
• of Huron, All orders entrusted to � g sphinx; inwardly he enjoys his own
n ing squaiely into her eyes, you conte `of�It'�. 1 nd sir?" would not have their guest murdered brute and bad,' so to speak: another narrative hugely.: It was seldom be
" me will receive prompt attention.. Terms of su. bscription-S.1 per year i ' An -the other Lord. Croy a
char ed il, Vince me that America is the very before their eyes ,for u foolish wager, project up his sleeve, V4 ithqut. warn- had .so glorious an opportunity of lay-
} Will sell either by percentage or advance $1.50 may. be g, " "I'll square you with.him 'all � right. Ing he dropped upon the turf and roll• Ing bare his' private.- 'opinions,. of his
J per sale. Residence on the Bayfield finest country in the world. s There were other horses. in the stable
p y not so paid; No paper discontinued You. know who I am" -he paused of which Lord Croyland might have .. - �--
Road, one mile south ei Clinton. until all ar1'ears are paid, _unless] at and fixed' his keen gray eye upon the ed. Richard jumped.. w all„ o a oid tvhV master.
CHAPTER -V: his pick, so why. jeopard .life and on his •feet, ran backward to scold -V Ph!" grunted Richard as'tre tried
11 the opinion of the' publislier. The T
dive Is one thing, to swim man, adding, as his square 'chin limb on this crazy, cranky brute that on one of Lord Croyland's dinner
• date to' which every subscription is grew encore dominant "but no monkey the vicious hoofs, and as the horse
denoted on the label, about Is another, and'to to get g had proved himself so dangerous? rose be mounted with a flying vutrlt, jackets. "fio 1 um responsible for three,
aid is den • shined I have . sort of bonus for while from his audience came a cbeer entanglements and one scandal o!
United States Subscribers P safety out is still a third. Hav- After much discussion the matter. was•' It Advertising rates—Transient . adverIng taken the plunge, Richard' that too. Just please remember that compromised. They would inspect the that was music to the vanity of man which I still wear honorable scale
".. note that we. have to tisements, 10 cents per. nonparicl Williams was now. at leisure to con- . I can hit -it half .dollar at seventy-five horse after luncheon and then decide. and a further irritation to the horse. Drop that part of it. I'm a seeker
will please
Cent postage on each pap- line for first insertion and 3 cents template the deeps In which he found yards -size .44—and I wont be trifle Mrs. Renwyckbeileve that her guest .The roan repeated his esperimeut,fhe utter general information only."
pay one ten P g Statca. per line for each subsequent insert himself. Here he was in a strange with. 1, too, have a sensitive- con- after once aeeing the '.animal would second time, but with the same result: }tills looked disappointed, but strove
er going to the •United p -
r s bseri � ion, Small .advert not to house under a borrowed name slid ti- science. Bills, but it has its limitations. change his mind: then once more bolted on fife run, this,, to earn his., salary on less tasteful
This means that you u F' inch such as " Lost "
tion must
be paid .in
advance• 'exceed One. , + tie, with little knowledge• or espe,'1- Now; then, what do you.'suy? is with : To Richard; who had .been born in time for the Pour foot fence of. the lipes, IIs v. of a shrewd. man, and his
ri tion "Strayed," or "Stolen " etc.,in "Very good, 'm lord,: Said Bills, . paddock. To dash bts rider against a . knoWWaedge of 'the requirements. of
When you see
your 5s1bsC rp sate to ,enable him to carry off the � the's�addle, so 'to speak, without re- /
expiring please remit $1.50 for an,- . serted once
for 35 .cents and . e.Ach position successfully. 'Prue, from h,M another deferential bow: fleeting ,on his mother, the prospect of rough oak post was a most commenda Riclard's vase led him to give valuable / .
ill•not subsequent insertion 10' cents.' associations.` with the earl in Texas be Richard Chuckled ed and gin in to conquering Hawk was as wine on a ble design in a horse, but the rider. [niolmatiou. Ile described Hyde park.
other year so that you w
�: -- 'c tions intended for publi,ta' could recall some of the Englishman's hands- Matters were beginning He ,thirsty toper's tongue. Since leaving 'was otherwise disposed. The. Texan Piccadilly: the Strand and .many other
--, les ajsy c")pies of Thei News�ReC- Communications
l Ord.
p tion must, as. a guarantee of good oddities of speech. and manner, to assume a more .cheerful aspect Texas his very knees bad pined to• gave his steed a loose, free rein, but haunts :o( the fashionable set; also a
• faith, be accompanied by the name which his' own - soft southern accent paced up and down for a moment or • rip a horse's barrel: and now it was as he neareQ the barrier checked him ..Club or -two and various prominent ;
then turned to the waiting I
a . — of the- writer. readily accommodated itself, but this I two longer, with the greatest difficulty that his sharply stud applied the spur. Hawk English 'people likely to be mentioned
was a flimsy. scaffolding by which to ; servant. " we',11 get rising spirits were held in check. . quivered, crouched, then took tate fence !n general conversation:
J. MITCHELL, build a successful fraud. Though well con', Cardinal Woolsey, Miss Harriet was divided between like a soaring bird.
W ted Richard's environment had right down to business. I want you I fear of an almost certain accident and a smooth road stretched Richard was assessed of a retentive
s 6EARS' d p e e
Editor and Proprietor ed Outside memory, which Ile now stored full of
afforded shim small opportunity to be- to go to the cite this morning and the wish to see this young man ride. away till lost behind the crest o4 a dig
tent hill. Lp this highway the big odds and on
wtilclt would help hila -
. come familiar with the tnonners of po- bring the a condensed history of Eng- There was sometbing about this easy, pass muster, provided, of &Ilf5e;�lie did �
lad and n map of your Jolly little is- roan thundered as tbough .old Tam o'
lite society, and his knowledge of Eng- loose knit figure nhich Inslilred confl-
s s - ' land and irnglisb customs, like that of land. Then I'll need some rather siren- dente. There was something, too Shsuiter cowered upon his back, with.not run foul oP the initiated, .in rylifefi
t many better informed Americtlns, was uoua coaching. Did you bring the—er Just whit she could not say—that re case he shuddered to think of the. par-
a horde of witches streaming' far out stbilittea. His alleged sojourn in ttrcIME TABLE meager. 'Un the other had, he had —4 meanlords trunks x behind. United States, especially his.whiter in
ARKaI T leafy of common sense, • much of his "Your lordship's Doses, m' lord?" called n memory of plunging cattle, aTRniC M art p face that loomed through clouds et The heart of Itlebard had been sing-
DlCslcns Trains 0.11 arrtve at and def es, boxes, of course, Thank dust, a steady arm that swept her Ing. with a conqueror's joy, find doubt Teans, accounted In a ,with re •for
(tpi ylRltiHT1S SLC., father a native shrewdneag, a PUnd Of ` dh, y occasional apps. bili even with this in
son ma from Clinton .Station as' foIIOWs : ready wit. a cool courage In an emel'• you. Did you bring them.?" " from the saddle. and then—oft. non' legs bis reckless toil nue might have
InyonosendingasketohAnddescript v ''Theyare in the below, m lord. his favor the position was a tt isnd
uoscs>>eBCertlanouroptnlonfreeW ether an BUFFALO AND GODERICH. DIV. gency and In general naive enough to , mme lily sir:' sensed She liked this smooth shaven tal;els up the song but for an unea•
, enyton ibnrobabl7 a n bted jonPatenw 35 a. in. brazen out the affair until such a time 111 ave em up 1 j Englishman; and yet -she could like
ti,nestrfottyyconaaent�al.t�UB netted check. As he lun<lecl to the oThera was 'another feature of the en-
bevtfre4% Ideataertoncyforsecuring patents. Going East 73.07 m• as he might see fit to make a clean Bills, turned to go. but Richard Zu unshaven cowboy too. road-1)econct the'Pence ltc" Spied a little
Patents taken through Alunn do 1 P terprlse which troubled him sorely. It
ryeousL�mtke.wfthoutoharge,tnthe ,, t" 5.15 . p, M. breast of It and trust the, rest to luck., checked li[tn. When they finished luncheon they sed Paced tt)stst who had clapped ap
A�1 hh i repaired to the paddock, and allwk was comparatively easy not to are.m to
a�Qa�if� mtrica� s Going West . 11.07 a, in. Having made his preparatio down your away it0 towntandsback.I vi nt was led Prom the stdock two groolus platrse. with two' pit white hands, appreciate a joke find to Intersperse
1,25 p. M. luncheon, he was pitting up a
l Ahandbomely inuetratodweetciarms for " " hanging 'R'nrily to the double, haitor
lotion of any eClentlflo Journal.„ the rooms which had been assigned to •you to take a memorandum of the + 7t was net so much the gentleman him, small talk with a few stock phrases
Osnada �'6.96 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by "i $•40 1 p.m. rbee the matter names of Lord—of my friends in
rs, him, thoughtfully turning t straps. 1Ie tuns n potWelfpl roan; With self that troubled IUcbard'a mind, but delivered 1n a British drawl, but w eED
all nowedeale ss y 11,28 p, . m.
over in his mull, when a servant an- London and here in America. I wan a glossy cont and massive shoulders. the thought.of n doubtful compliment he looked into the eyes of the woman'
p� 31178roedway, New York he loved he longed with o11 his heart
ch0lsh Mae. &S at..Washington.D.0. nounced the arrival of Croyland's man to know about my family, veermee The small liesld told of blood and Sptr- shouted down the for
If`''n 7:50 a• M. to be for once and all time an Anted-
. South Gills, have been and whom t have it. The ears lay back, anti the White ""Very Saari sent for an Englushman,
u At N 4.23 P. m. "'Ahl" said Richard, very eager to You understand? General it. " wide
IIs sighed [o tits sweep With
11,00 a, m• might rove to be the .tion. Now' get those boxes and Iet's of ices eyes gleamingr. wtck,ss gement any lord!
Going; North l encounter what nitgk p „ to bear out Mr. 1tt nwycl.'s statement per Richard of course grit on his wide free plains, Por a gallop wlttr be>~
• l {h s across the fragrant prairie; to speiih to
u u 6.35 P. m•
drawer$'" anti closets the 680 Loral
tiro spongy park• where tba doff- tones, fe"ltt; an ,A "M to
as to his nasty temper,
t'Ulupb!" Richard criticaliy,
Croyland fiiaught for pointer's thirstily,
"fly the wuy:' be excialwad sudden-
prous task -of saddling was cwttP100d" It fan' a aK-flai0, tIM% e�tto"14
Richard rojocted the bit chosen by . •nd dismounted at 'miss sorrier$ silflllrt
ly, "there to something Important whICb
the groom, selecting another with. 4 . 'The bt}rse stool] sttll, lair bead drestpetll
,,,00hs as if he wanted to put the
I' alinout forgot. I've got to run the
deeper curb. Than he buckled 00 a spin. but this time in utter wearliaarsss,
gautlet of tbut table at Iuneheon in
pair of spur* and looked to the ;tirtb not misebiet. 1110 giosay coat tatiif
hio wlderpte"41 �
about bait an hour, and I want YOU
to brush we up In the matter of cut-
i APOlf, He sighed for a high pow- lltreakod with foam.
meled cowboy saddle. but was forced uostrlir lsdamed and red. wlAiW M# -
A binlpleand offectivo remedy for
Jury. Do you understand .the game?"
to content himself with a flat SPated barrel heaved to the past of 7410 Itri�pa•
tit West A"
a;oitg 1Hawk's muscle quivering tvlth•
""Yet,, air; morin' fn, the best circles
as a gentleman's gentleman, i know
English riding affair. to which, Mfr. ed breath. IIB shivered
Reawyck remarked, hs would feel offered no resentment of his r 440 .
. Crebolenb
They combine the germloidalatalue of
all about it. sir.""
more at home doubtless. aria about his neck in a rough taros. +
I erq •"Jutnpel'?"
„I,e9 the uppr.clative
"you might throw In a few lords.
The Texan turned, smiling, to Iris ""Look here,. young than." said .
host. Renwyck'# greeting. owhere did YOU.
thin Properties
Wvsthtbeeoo gr P
rico, Your druartlbt 0r from us, loo in stamps
you know, Bills, just to keep in prat-
""Half an hour; did you may, Mr. Rea• learn to ride like that?"
sh," tcturned
head groom; four foot eight, sit', with
tire, so you won't forget."
wyck? I'm afraid you ate about to "I was uncommonly keen on rldfn�
Lstusnta, X11,118 co., Limited, Agents, Mohtreal, tion
"'Yes, m' lord,"
lose a valuable horse." as a boy." said Richard, falling Into
Tit lapel oil your paps shows the "Well, as I was sayinB," went on .sand I'm afraid:' muttered the oth- a lazy drawl, "and. besides, I stay
NOTES' hoc o r is aid, We -= A way, es.," the young man re- "�y,'Ml`• � "'ilacis; girl" he burse Rkhard, ""I went to a swell dinner at er under bis breath, "that the house of for *everat tuontb2 in Texas, You
NESS TgANISACTED date ., w l+ I ur P in Y" y out presently. "I thought, Houston once and haven't Stopped lords is about to lose a valuable mim• know."
W#44 ss,cOt,� to read it carefully piled. with a ghost of a smile. '"Ah,'" smiled Richard. In his moot In- her
ISCOUNTED• Dli4FTS ISSUER , Isliss Harriet started and fixed a
D alai aahoul# you be one of those in Really, the couverSation was grow- blushing about It set, [ squandered
• - oil re- !n interesting! For the moment Inch- nocent and beguiling manner. "so you Seven different kinds of forks :before .'"�i0 fear," said Richard softly.. catch- Searching. gaze on too speaker's face„
INTEREST ALLOWED ON �E illrpals: 1t#fd�y let up have your g haven't torsotten your lithe trip to • the dessert came and found myself
" "" mittaaae. and forgot he was Lord Crosland, al -Id Texas?" infy h[s remark• but her bather nodded fir aver e
i NOTES PURGH" a dollar ma 'not seem of thoggh a resentment which he could those awful cow with a choice between a butter knife "Be careful o! the stirrup, sir;' "Umph!" be returned. "I see. Good
POSITS. SALE N The .lagk old Y "No—no, sir. An os and an oyster sticker to eat ice cream
much iinpllrt,a WO to you, but to the not exhibit considerably modified his gentlemen, sill" faltered Bills, with ft warned t y deferential Broom. "He'll instructors, those fellows pn the plains,
._ -- o "' ffihelp several hundred of dollars amusement, with. It was depressing. shy when you raise your toot, sir." eh?"
ASE11. -- o co Don't believe ttI" the old gentleman shudder of remembrance of some prac. Bills curbed his smile and supplied Richard thanked the man, stepped `"Well, father," assented Rlebard.
are so joked 'up, it is a matter of <� ,a tical jokes of which be bad been the the needed !n(ormatlon, then made
n asserted flatly. No, sir, be exclaim- near the horse quietly and for a Ino- with a laugh. "bcytratner was n Bair
I eoas>dertlble moment, _.
e. with a snap of his, jaw under his ,victim at the hands. of some of the cow himself ready to take the 12 o'clock t tleman known colloquially as Dog
�, . — — To ,#•lyse in. arrears we make this d, , punchers before he left fol New 1.York train to New York. Faced Sam, though 1 dare say his par
, — ►* p. T. R A`NCE'" ectal Call, and trust to be favorod white mustache; no, sir. ]\o member and civilization.
' .---�'` .. ,,• • •. special of that generation of vipers could ever 'Is there anything else, m' lord?"' be .eats never bothered to christen him at
14, ." tA,'Ry PUB ' G`, CONVE with y>ur subscription a4 the earliest he anything else than 4—than a"— ""Gopol Now, attend me. caret: I asked. all. Jolly sort, those—er—cow .chaps,
.', � AMR, FINAN L, REAL, possible moment."Yes," said Richard, who was per- ' 'Pon my wordl"
E AND FIRE"E�VSUR- Add'ess all communications to W. "Snake, naturally,'" Suggested 'Rfelt• Do you know anything of the reasoun spirlog before a mirror; "I'.d be un- � There wag a short Silence; then Mr..
v,hy your master is in New York?
1.'•'--'""': ANCE ,AGEN`r. REPRESEhc;� J- Nh'Frchell, News -Record Office, Clin- and in a bitter but carefully veiled akw commonly grateful if you'd show me ,:= itenwyck blurted out abruptly: "Well.
i 4 FIRE INSURANCE . tf)ti 'pili, 1 ler, his heart lodgln,g in the very bot- ""A little, sir. but not much . some how, to keep this blasted single bar- '/ , the horse is yours, of course.. You rode
TING 1 r tom of his boots at this sudden de. for a toreign
a COMPANIES• -._ business. for the -Jape, reled eyeglass in without, bursting a s him for a full half hour."
velopment of Renwyck's unjust hatred government, sir:" 4/,
�I DIVISION COURT OFFICE, - blood vessel." I Richard took out his watch,. glanced
A Woman's $ympatizy of his father, which. In addition, boded Richard took a the ghtful turn up at tt and closed 1t with a snap and a
, CLINTON. Are sou discouraged? is Your doctor's` !Il for the puccess of his love affair. and down the room, then faced the CHAPTER VI. sigh.
bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain "'That's !t," continued Air. Renwyck, man again. �� "Twenty-elgllt Minutes' I he exclaim-
- - - a heavy physical burden? I know what with cool deilberation, nodding vigor- ,,You look rather an intelligent man,Arigan,
luncheon Richard was present- . / v�{ ed !n well assumed dismay. "'By Jove,
these mean to delicate women -1 have . ed to lairs. Renwyck, nee Cor- N I've lost my wager!"
RYDOr1E been discoura ed, too; but learned how to ously—"a rattier!" guIfills, and can appreciate what I am
W, B , cure myself. [ want to relieve Your bur" ",yes,'" smiled Richard, the humor o! going to pas to you. Your master findsea kindly disposed mid- ' � y "Hold on there," cried the old gentle -
dens. Why not end the pain and stop the ,.
i„ doctor's bill? I can do this for You and the sltuation appealing to him in spite it necessary to lie low for a week or portions, whose ho eemo money bad enabled Pro -
a man, but laughing in spite of his ear:
ii , BARRISTER, SOLICITOR will it you will assist me. of its, possibilities, "I've heard him two. Understand?" P R . J ` neatness, "you can't squirm out of it
NOTARY, k'UBLIC, ETC. Ali you need do is to write for si free to marc above her and who had since Y
NO box of the remedy which has been placed Called that, too, in—in: `o poker game." "very good, sir." 9 Zi / that way. Why, bless my soul: you
I1 + ck—CI INT!9?"l. b o hands to be given away. Perhaps The adve»turer was sinking every "In the first place, Lord Croyland an been desperately endeavoring to live `I could have stuck on. him till he drop-
11 p9a'FIC>J_Sloane Filo this one box will cure you—it has done so
11f for others. If b I shall be happy and moment deeper into the mire. He did thorized me to discharge you immedi- up to the obligation of her positton. �, � s • ed dead. No. Lord Croyland. I'm not
you will be earedfor
r letters held co tl not think the present Instant was ately upon your arrival:' To her a lord was a lord, indeed, and " /, % a weigher, nor do I shy at a margin of
postage stoma)•
o stage
Write today for my free trent- °auspicfoua for declaring himself, a '1 be. servant looked np. quickly, a at first she was rather inclined to stand i /"a two minutes. No. sir. Hawk is yours!"
CHARLES B. HALE Ment, p4RS, F. E CURRAH. Windsor. Ont. viper. yet tell his name 4e must soon, ,;,earn of suspicion in his fishy eye. in awe of the Earl of Croyland's title, � � For answer Richard made a twitch
for even now they had pastsed, the iron '"Askin' your pardon, sir," he gold but before luncheon was over she had
Conveyancers, IllUomi>:issionecs, �� lost. her nervousn, ss and was begin- .. t ' , of his thumb and finger, opens the
Real Eancer :tad insurance gateway of the Renwycks' country deferentially, "but 'ow am I to know, / horse's mouth and pointed. to a badly,
home and were whirling up a winding Sir, that you—that — ning to feel toward him as though he ' w swollen gum.
Agency. )dopey to loan. a .t A s «. ';' avenue lined with trees. What the re- '!Chat I am acting on the level?" fln were a real American. Miss Harriet
"FIs has a bad tooth, D[r. Renwyck,
, FFICE — — — HURON' ST• suit of this declaration would be he ished Richard. '•1 admire your caution. Renwyck was charming, sitting oppo- . which perhaps accounts for his ugly
O TO 1VIANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN could but too well imagine. His heart To begin with, you'll have to take my site Richard, who, having crossed his
.first bridge' with flying colors, grew temper. I•'tll It and you'll find a very
AND ALBERTA. Sank; his hopes vanished. word. If this, however, has no weight. more confident; though careful not to different animal."
NN tSc IaIcRAh,. The aura 've route is via Suddenly into his brain there flashed I am to freshen your memory with a '. , "ghat bus that to do .with the bet?"
DRS. FSU Chicago an St. Paul, Minnca- a brilliant-idea—nothing less than an little matter at'togr pound six and a overact his role. Thanksa• to the !n- demanded Air. Renwyck obstinately. .
C.S• alis or D4tluth. inspiration. To avoid trouble the Earl jeweled cigar cutter. Follow me?" • . structlan of the exemplars BlI1S, he Richard fastened In his monocle aft
DF. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. , P
Elia. CALIFORNIA; MEXICO AND FLO'R� of Croyland had coolly appropriated. The valet licked ,his, lips and said was steering a safe course among the er .a desperate struggle and smiled
. IDA. the name of Richard Williams. A fair nothing. Richard went on: •_forks too. The Texan discussed Amer- The roan sought fav every equ2ne LrtcJL he and Instantly lost his labor, for when-
ee—Ontario stroei,; .Clinton. Nigh Special Round Trip Tourist ezchange was no robbery by the laws; "If you still have doubts on_ the sub- lea with his host, who admitted can- _ knew to unseat luta master• ever he, smiled it dropped out again.
Office Spec didlq that Richard's, views were
calla at front doer of oflicti g= ILsi- Rye in effect to principal of lofe and war; and If Richard bor- ject, Lord Croyland, is In 9psssession of merit stroked his neck. The animal - ""Couldn't think, of accepting a dit
cellos front
'street. rowed the Englishman's title for the an inquiry from sl'friend of yours in broader than those of any Englishman stood with drooping head and a look ferent animal, y' know. Really, as
Winter ilesorts ; for ,full infor- time being an imminent -calamity Scotland yard—an inquisitive duck of he had. ever known.. Concerning the Bills says, it wouldn't hit of! with my
motion as t0 rates, routes etc., the name of Drake. [dare say he's of docile ingocence which to o prat-
DI. T. T. McRae, might be averted. At all events, he present policy of Great Britain Mr. tired eye was' a. precursor of certain conscience."
I University of Toronto.' apply would meet the girl he loved, whlch asking after your health. Nell?" Renwyck found his guest strangely mischief. There was an instant's "Croyland:" said the old gentleman,
hospital JOHN .R,ANSFORD, Town ,Agent.
wou.the' eetet object in view, and, be- "W'en would you have me leave, reticent. The conversation then turned,
Office hours at pi A: 0: Pattison, Depot Agent. pause:. The young man gathered up..: thrusting out his hand, "I didn't take
1 to 3 p" m• 7 to A P. m.. sides, the proposition "appealed to his Sir?" asked Bills most .deferentially upon various topics, social and per- the reins, Stooped slightly, then sud- to you much at, first. But If you'll
or address J,. -"D. McDonald, sense of humor. His spirits rose at again, without n change of .counts- sonal, ending in horseflesh, which denly shot .upward, landing squarely came with me to the house I'll Intro-
..--•----- . D. P. A.,. Toronto. once. nance. with Mr. Renwyck was a passion. in the saddle and slipping his Peet into duce you to something that 1 keep
T HAW — "Er—pardon pie, Mr. Renwyck•," he Richard regarded the man critically. ""Lord Croyland;' he said, "I'm really the swinging stirrups, It was a 4a atrtebY for friends." .
a --DR. J. W. S "That's ilei the point, Friend Wopi- worried na to. what to do with a horse
observed, with a faint sugbestion of j miliar range trick and deftly carried Mr. Renwyck led the wag with his
Mutual Fire what d, with
was the English-. soy I think I can arrange to give you of mine called' Hawk. He is demoral• out. wife. while bliss Harriet and the guest;,.
:-OOFFICE- TDO McKillop Mu "" a position—that is, for a time at least. izing my whole stable." came sauntering after him. t.
t man's drawling manner, what jolly How much does your master pay you?" It is difficult to say which were the
fine grounds you haver What. Wye "And what is the trouble with ""
. RATTENBURY ST. EAST, - insurance Company "Twelve pounds a month, ir, an' my .+ more astonished, Hawk
the grooms, squatted,
Ren ""Lord Croyland, the young' lady
Hawk? Richard asked. Wvyck or. FIawk himself, .who squatted, whispered. "1 don't admire you espe-
call 'em!" �� keep." , "Everything," exclaimed his host
. —Farm and Isolated Town Property Restmore. I ""Very well:' nodded Richard, "I can ""A magnificent animal, but a very reared and wheeled sharply to the left. ciaily because you know how to man-
—CLINTON.--. "Ha, hal Very good.. Really, you I Failing in the first attempt to rid him- age a horse—I've known other men
' Only Insured— mow, quite up to Croyland Park." tit do the same for you, with the promise devil. I beg your pardon, Mrs. Ren- who could do tbat—but"— .
—OFFICERS .. .of a ,at bonus for good behavior. Now,. w ck, but it's true. Why, Sir, there self of an unwelcome a hrden, the ant- ", " .
Think 'so? said big flattered. host. y mal reared again, spinn[ng on the, - But .what?
DR. C. W. THOMPSON J. B. McLean, President;. Seafoxth li' ,,I"m glad you like the place. Here we. listen. I'm going to trust, and isn't a man on .my place who dares to pivot of his heels, but sial+ped at : the "I do admire you for knowing how
caused is rose?"
L�� O. ; Thos. Fraser, Vice -President. Orel speak candidly. Lord Croyland's got put his leg across his back:' ou
PHYSICIAN, AND SURGEON Bxucefield P. U. ; T. E. Flays,, Sec. to fie low-Jap—er-you know:' - "Ever try an outsider?" asked the stab of steel between his ribs, to manage father. May I decorate y.
He drew, the mare up sharply be- �� Then began a battle which with th lar attention yen to diseases Treasurer,. Seaforth P. O: neath the Porte cochere aad tossed the "'Ow long? guest, forgetting lits part in his inter- Mss Renwyck to hold her breath in
t�pec —Directors— reins to a waiting groom. In a mo- `"Fora week or perhaps longer. I est faiths horse•.
of the Eye, Ear, Nose` and Throat...... am to be Earl of Croyland. You are ."Yes "" returned. Mr. Renwyck, "There admiration and alarm and her mother CRAFTER .VII.
William Shesrley, Seatorth ; Joh went ,the pseudo :noble guest was nearly to 'faint with terror.: Her. fa- RILE dressing for dinner aft
i--OiieB and Re�lde(QCe-� Standing On' a wide .;portico whose pit to attend me as sny.man, address me was o jockey up here last week. I of- they forgot his wager and h!s.dignity er a delightful afternoon
Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea as Lord Croyland and render me such fered him $20 for every minute he
HURON ST: SOUTH. CLINTON.forth ; ,John Watt, Harlock ; Tohn lays' and trellises were twined with and danced !n excitement, shouting with Harriet Renwyck.
James Evan wistaria in the seasons Scat luxuriant. assistance as I require. Is that antis kept the saddle. By' a stop watch he . encouragement to the daring rider. Richard took ills first lesaou
doors west of the Commercial hotC>1• $ennewies, Brodhagan , bloom. From a seat on. the lawn 'a factory? earned about 30 cents and told me that . The roan, now thoroughly enraged, to modern English history and geo;,z'sr-
j S• dao Beechwood • James' Connolly,
vision in a bewildering white morning The valet's lips twitched, but he he wouldn't have the beast l'or a sought by every equine trick he knew phy, The well trained Bills attempte", r-f�,,l-.
Holmesville. • gown arose and came toward him.. answered, in a level toner precious gift" to. take full charge of the toilet., but
—AGENTS—, : Too bad, murmured Richard: to unseat his master, but in vain. It
—DR. F. A. AXON,- The Texan �cas•conscious of an electric "Beg pardon: 111r. Willialins; but !t ., " he bolted to right or left he felt a upon this the new master put his foot
s Robert Smith flaariock • E. .HILL- current turned slowly to the crowning cawn't be done." "'Really, I .should like. uncommonly weight swing inward at toe turn; if down'firmly.
(Successor to Di. Hplmes:) "Why not?" demanded Richard. he reared two Maddening spurs were ""Bills." he said, "just about eighteen
chley, Seafotth ; James Cummings- notch of ecstasy. He saw for the sec- well to try him.
Specialist in Crown and Bridge E mondville ; J.. W Yea .Holmes= and time in his life an oval face "CaWvn't reconcile it with my con ""you!" cried Mr. Renwyck In genu dug into bis flanks, while the effort to years ago, if I remember right. `my i
g framed in dark hair. a palr of melting science, sir." ine surprise.. He. paused to laugh. "I nurse came, to the conclusion .that I
work, . Ville. . ,,How lnuch is this delicate organ of- lower his head was checked by un iron
e es and a. nose with, just that saucy g know you .Englishmen are pretty good hand. was Hien old enough to get into my
i Graduate of the Royal College o[ Parties desirous Co effect insurance Y . ours worth; Bilis?"
• • which seemed to dare him to plant yours horsemen,' hard Croyland, but. I'll. tell `Presently the horse stood still; as breeches without her able assistance.
Mental Surgeon of Ontario. Hanoi or transact. other business will be tilt wh c he "Twenty-five pounds it month, Sir, sou what -if you ride Hawk for halt
of Toronto a licatio a kiss beneath it, and a figure thatu. were good though he. were blinking deeply, then 'The conditions remain unchanged: Stu, -
graduate of University promptly. attended -to on 'lip
had once held in his arms. E, W could an'—the ,bonus as yo g an hour without a spill I'll make you a suddenly plunged. away on a Head down and talk to me about London:" "
' Dental Department. Graduate of . the to any of the above officers addressed t o? . enough to .mention; air." ' present of him:" straight .line. For• .twenty yards he Gingerly availing himself of the edge
Chicago College of Dental Surgery. ever let i g .
g g to their' respective postoffices: 1, Se. ave „ The valet had the whip hand of him, . +Done!" said Richard. ot. a chair on account of thfs Conde
Chicago. s ecte.d b the 'dirpctor who live Lord Croyland, said. Mr: Renwyck, raced, then spread,' out. bis legs. and .
g In P y indifferently enough, as 'ii adorable and no one knew !t better than the "'On conditions," added the other slid, in the budding hope that his rider scenston of inexperience, the valet de-' .
Will be at the Commercial hotel nearest the scene. craftily,
Bayfield, ever Monday from 10 A. m. girls like that were as plenty as black- arch conspirator;' therefore he hasten- might continue on, but in this: be' Was tailed an account. of his master's. move -
y y berries, "allow me to present you to ed to clinch, the bargain before the "And those Y' meats for the past three years. On the
bub m. "" terms thereof should rise. bitterly disappoInted.. He Pelt .the
P. my daughter. w If you fall you'll buy him at my agony of a cruel curb that gripped his whole, the story Was. Interesting.
The adorable girl smiled and'eatend• All right." .he agreed, "I'll do it— own price." tongue and found himself forced back though distinctly unflattering at times
News -record ed a hand, which Richard took, striV- on conditions. I engage you for one ""Done again!" said Richard quietly. upon his haunches, while his tenacious' to n member of the nobility, Outward-
Q month,. that's $125, and a like, sum, .11 rider still remained astride his' back. ;y Bilin was as eshresslonless as a
oensed - Auctioneer for the Count Ing to prevent his own from trembling. But here Mrs: Renwyck' and her
County .CLINTON ONT. ""miss Renwyck," he murmured, look- you serve me faithfully, at the .end daughter protested vigorously. They Now, Hawk was not a sin le 'minded
• of Huron, All orders entrusted to � g sphinx; inwardly he enjoys his own
n ing squaiely into her eyes, you conte `of�It'�. 1 nd sir?" would not have their guest murdered brute and bad,' so to speak: another narrative hugely.: It was seldom be
" me will receive prompt attention.. Terms of su. bscription-S.1 per year i ' An -the other Lord. Croy a
char ed il, Vince me that America is the very before their eyes ,for u foolish wager, project up his sleeve, V4 ithqut. warn- had .so glorious an opportunity of lay-
} Will sell either by percentage or advance $1.50 may. be g, " "I'll square you with.him 'all � right. Ing he dropped upon the turf and roll• Ing bare his' private.- 'opinions,. of his
J per sale. Residence on the Bayfield finest country in the world. s There were other horses. in the stable
p y not so paid; No paper discontinued You. know who I am" -he paused of which Lord Croyland might have .. - �--
Road, one mile south ei Clinton. until all ar1'ears are paid, _unless] at and fixed' his keen gray eye upon the ed. Richard jumped.. w all„ o a oid tvhV master.
CHAPTER -V: his pick, so why. jeopard .life and on his •feet, ran backward to scold -V Ph!" grunted Richard as'tre tried
11 the opinion of the' publislier. The T
dive Is one thing, to swim man, adding, as his square 'chin limb on this crazy, cranky brute that on one of Lord Croyland's dinner
• date to' which every subscription is grew encore dominant "but no monkey the vicious hoofs, and as the horse
denoted on the label, about Is another, and'to to get g had proved himself so dangerous? rose be mounted with a flying vutrlt, jackets. "fio 1 um responsible for three,
aid is den • shined I have . sort of bonus for while from his audience came a cbeer entanglements and one scandal o!
United States Subscribers P safety out is still a third. Hav- After much discussion the matter. was•' It Advertising rates—Transient . adverIng taken the plunge, Richard' that too. Just please remember that compromised. They would inspect the that was music to the vanity of man which I still wear honorable scale
".. note that we. have to tisements, 10 cents per. nonparicl Williams was now. at leisure to con- . I can hit -it half .dollar at seventy-five horse after luncheon and then decide. and a further irritation to the horse. Drop that part of it. I'm a seeker
will please
Cent postage on each pap- line for first insertion and 3 cents template the deeps In which he found yards -size .44—and I wont be trifle Mrs. Renwyckbeileve that her guest .The roan repeated his esperimeut,fhe utter general information only."
pay one ten P g Statca. per line for each subsequent insert himself. Here he was in a strange with. 1, too, have a sensitive- con- after once aeeing the '.animal would second time, but with the same result: }tills looked disappointed, but strove
er going to the •United p -
r s bseri � ion, Small .advert not to house under a borrowed name slid ti- science. Bills, but it has its limitations. change his mind: then once more bolted on fife run, this,, to earn his., salary on less tasteful
This means that you u F' inch such as " Lost "
tion must
be paid .in
advance• 'exceed One. , + tie, with little knowledge• or espe,'1- Now; then, what do you.'suy? is with : To Richard; who had .been born in time for the Pour foot fence of. the lipes, IIs v. of a shrewd. man, and his
ri tion "Strayed," or "Stolen " etc.,in "Very good, 'm lord,: Said Bills, . paddock. To dash bts rider against a . knoWWaedge of 'the requirements. of
When you see
your 5s1bsC rp sate to ,enable him to carry off the � the's�addle, so 'to speak, without re- /
expiring please remit $1.50 for an,- . serted once
for 35 .cents and . e.Ach position successfully. 'Prue, from h,M another deferential bow: fleeting ,on his mother, the prospect of rough oak post was a most commenda Riclard's vase led him to give valuable / .
ill•not subsequent insertion 10' cents.' associations.` with the earl in Texas be Richard Chuckled ed and gin in to conquering Hawk was as wine on a ble design in a horse, but the rider. [niolmatiou. Ile described Hyde park.
other year so that you w
�: -- 'c tions intended for publi,ta' could recall some of the Englishman's hands- Matters were beginning He ,thirsty toper's tongue. Since leaving 'was otherwise disposed. The. Texan Piccadilly: the Strand and .many other
--, les ajsy c")pies of Thei News�ReC- Communications
l Ord.
p tion must, as. a guarantee of good oddities of speech. and manner, to assume a more .cheerful aspect Texas his very knees bad pined to• gave his steed a loose, free rein, but haunts :o( the fashionable set; also a
• faith, be accompanied by the name which his' own - soft southern accent paced up and down for a moment or • rip a horse's barrel: and now it was as he neareQ the barrier checked him ..Club or -two and various prominent ;
then turned to the waiting I
a . — of the- writer. readily accommodated itself, but this I two longer, with the greatest difficulty that his sharply stud applied the spur. Hawk English 'people likely to be mentioned
was a flimsy. scaffolding by which to ; servant. " we',11 get rising spirits were held in check. . quivered, crouched, then took tate fence !n general conversation:
J. MITCHELL, build a successful fraud. Though well con', Cardinal Woolsey, Miss Harriet was divided between like a soaring bird.
W ted Richard's environment had right down to business. I want you I fear of an almost certain accident and a smooth road stretched Richard was assessed of a retentive
s 6EARS' d p e e
Editor and Proprietor ed Outside memory, which Ile now stored full of
afforded shim small opportunity to be- to go to the cite this morning and the wish to see this young man ride. away till lost behind the crest o4 a dig
tent hill. Lp this highway the big odds and on
wtilclt would help hila -
. come familiar with the tnonners of po- bring the a condensed history of Eng- There was sometbing about this easy, pass muster, provided, of &Ilf5e;�lie did �
lad and n map of your Jolly little is- roan thundered as tbough .old Tam o'
lite society, and his knowledge of Eng- loose knit figure nhich Inslilred confl-
s s - ' land and irnglisb customs, like that of land. Then I'll need some rather siren- dente. There was something, too Shsuiter cowered upon his back, with.not run foul oP the initiated, .in rylifefi
t many better informed Americtlns, was uoua coaching. Did you bring the—er Just whit she could not say—that re case he shuddered to think of the. par-
a horde of witches streaming' far out stbilittea. His alleged sojourn in ttrcIME TABLE meager. 'Un the other had, he had —4 meanlords trunks x behind. United States, especially his.whiter in
ARKaI T leafy of common sense, • much of his "Your lordship's Doses, m' lord?" called n memory of plunging cattle, aTRniC M art p face that loomed through clouds et The heart of Itlebard had been sing-
DlCslcns Trains 0.11 arrtve at and def es, boxes, of course, Thank dust, a steady arm that swept her Ing. with a conqueror's joy, find doubt Teans, accounted In a ,with re •for
(tpi ylRltiHT1S SLC., father a native shrewdneag, a PUnd Of ` dh, y occasional apps. bili even with this in
son ma from Clinton .Station as' foIIOWs : ready wit. a cool courage In an emel'• you. Did you bring them.?" " from the saddle. and then—oft. non' legs bis reckless toil nue might have
InyonosendingasketohAnddescript v ''Theyare in the below, m lord. his favor the position was a tt isnd
uoscs>>eBCertlanouroptnlonfreeW ether an BUFFALO AND GODERICH. DIV. gency and In general naive enough to , mme lily sir:' sensed She liked this smooth shaven tal;els up the song but for an unea•
, enyton ibnrobabl7 a n bted jonPatenw 35 a. in. brazen out the affair until such a time 111 ave em up 1 j Englishman; and yet -she could like
ti,nestrfottyyconaaent�al.t�UB netted check. As he lun<lecl to the oThera was 'another feature of the en-
bevtfre4% Ideataertoncyforsecuring patents. Going East 73.07 m• as he might see fit to make a clean Bills, turned to go. but Richard Zu unshaven cowboy too. road-1)econct the'Pence ltc" Spied a little
Patents taken through Alunn do 1 P terprlse which troubled him sorely. It
ryeousL�mtke.wfthoutoharge,tnthe ,, t" 5.15 . p, M. breast of It and trust the, rest to luck., checked li[tn. When they finished luncheon they sed Paced tt)stst who had clapped ap
A�1 hh i repaired to the paddock, and allwk was comparatively easy not to are.m to
a�Qa�if� mtrica� s Going West . 11.07 a, in. Having made his preparatio down your away it0 towntandsback.I vi nt was led Prom the stdock two groolus platrse. with two' pit white hands, appreciate a joke find to Intersperse
1,25 p. M. luncheon, he was pitting up a
l Ahandbomely inuetratodweetciarms for " " hanging 'R'nrily to the double, haitor
lotion of any eClentlflo Journal.„ the rooms which had been assigned to •you to take a memorandum of the + 7t was net so much the gentleman him, small talk with a few stock phrases
Osnada �'6.96 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by "i $•40 1 p.m. rbee the matter names of Lord—of my friends in
rs, him, thoughtfully turning t straps. 1Ie tuns n potWelfpl roan; With self that troubled IUcbard'a mind, but delivered 1n a British drawl, but w eED
all nowedeale ss y 11,28 p, . m.
over in his mull, when a servant an- London and here in America. I wan a glossy cont and massive shoulders. the thought.of n doubtful compliment he looked into the eyes of the woman'
p� 31178roedway, New York he loved he longed with o11 his heart
ch0lsh Mae. &S at..Washington.D.0. nounced the arrival of Croyland's man to know about my family, veermee The small liesld told of blood and Sptr- shouted down the for
If`''n 7:50 a• M. to be for once and all time an Anted-
. South Gills, have been and whom t have it. The ears lay back, anti the White ""Very Saari sent for an Englushman,
u At N 4.23 P. m. "'Ahl" said Richard, very eager to You understand? General it. " wide
IIs sighed [o tits sweep With
11,00 a, m• might rove to be the .tion. Now' get those boxes and Iet's of ices eyes gleamingr. wtck,ss gement any lord!
Going; North l encounter what nitgk p „ to bear out Mr. 1tt nwycl.'s statement per Richard of course grit on his wide free plains, Por a gallop wlttr be>~
• l {h s across the fragrant prairie; to speiih to
u u 6.35 P. m•
first Check and get it over With. "Show
have a look 'at my togs,
"I sir,"
as to his nasty temper,
t'Ulupb!" Richard criticaliy,
nbrse like a rlatns rs er WW ho oa e
the up. and down motion of England
her ill his natural native' tongue/ at.
him up, please."
The departed., and to the ad-
"It's lucky,'" soliloquized Htichard
,,,00hs as if he wanted to put the
and the riding schooi.
to teal her ice loved her as he loved hall
venturer came another Inspiration.
after the departure of the valet, "that
Bills is such an Infernal rascal or I'd
gloves on with its, doesn't lie?'" fie
forward, running his hand
For a long time Miss Renwyck and.
her father awaited their guest's return
land -else ", he sighed, and It mm�a-
W y, -
A binlpleand offectivo remedy for
I Here was an opportunity which,
n led delicately, lead to bril�
had y
have trouble Wgiftl hhn. 'Set 1 suppose
a;oitg 1Hawk's muscle quivering tvlth•
in great anxiety until they were retiew
ed him to .notice [tow the valet resen
the use of bis Christltin name, "1`01
. Crebolenb
They combine the germloidalatalue of
pant results. Tho valet entered --)1
tee might be called ,birds a feather'
this." IIO frotvued: Oil, troll, its
I erq •"Jutnpel'?"
„I,e9 the uppr.clative
ed at lust by the sight of him coming
down the road at ail easy ranter, ev •
• ed
afraid after all, I 'shall have to ask
thin Properties
Wvsthtbeeoo gr P
rico, Your druartlbt 0r from us, loo in stamps
slight man of medium height, with a
shaven face, o pui
sh," tcturned
head groom; four foot eight, sit', with
dentty muster of the situation.
y oil to tie this neck thing. The ansa
home were ready made And,
Lstusnta, X11,118 co., Limited, Agents, Mohtreal, tion
plexion and a pale, unemotionaly
tnukenlher love wet) sherll me
a clean hoof. ,a,
LL W �• ..
." !r, etoesn"t bet"
Ile rides well, fath
"He replied
I had tit
could be cinched up propi"rly twit A
"t1i' iOrd'"-
The man stopped suddenly, passed
,,,he luggage was presently' brought
Richard nodded:
„Just saddle him, will you, my good
does," the old gentleman
and added something Which qualified
practical basins nr. the buck. '
Four, men were drowned oil POrt
his handover his mouth and stood star-
tip and Inspected critically, Richard
man? H fancy Hawk and I will hit it
a firm opinloti. -
(Til Bb: CONTINUED.) '
Morien, N:S•, by their sailboat up-
ing at Richard, while a look Of recOg-
findt g With joy that the earl's clothes
off togetligr nicely.:'
nition s1.OW11 Illumined big brAln.
filled 111tH to lir..feetlin) aril Willie
n ti