HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-04-22, Page 61, .
■ "
•. t ,,i'
. ,•
Mo" 14011111-20404
April 22a,do
." _ her quicit gliiiit.'e 431it4*t41d the 4' .
in xe"Y's tKM = _ HER NEWEST MOT•.
"c-st -�:vma In, child. boa !soli tlttOrly Swollen >ss slid Feet worn outs"" she remarked, l sherlug no''sachem Gladys Ile $be writes.
. r44 a?r>tify Intq the ,lila, cool pitt"iolr. "'What iXe sits t etude hor ae she sew#. aWsu Kidney Trouble. Llub mttosttd bloodpurfAers are useless. Wbatillon
She fendly nods and smile* at 111111, txttxst dA Is t o Cure the kidneyM. T
have you there?, Uh, Ruch lovely lace Hum a. kiss to hltli she atter blows.
Sollars! i must have one of then!. But To callers she denies herself, GIN
I'm afraid. this sort of work is pulling Lives quite retired Once, lAnt's begun, Gin Pills act IIireGtly* on thew triiilil
" a3nt horning, .noon and night he's there,
you down.. you're looking bad. Peggy." WISE WILLIAK Caressod, and welcomed, lucky Opel - rans--correcte4dloexoo--neutml{zo
When Pv'�19 "1'he girl do*heel guiltily, and herd Ise Ir stat handsome, or a feet;
" `i tongue clung to the roof of her Mouth. f aw N+ TM" uricadd-pu fythebloost- ta3iecetho
Why He old Not Want a l,+liwyor to With grace or wit to not oudowed and reduce swellfngIlliittTtfL*at>+I
Airs. Burkett studied liar curiously. Defend Him- For downright ugtlness, to truth" ,k loge, G00. a box i 6 for i.50. A11 all
By J'ANB MEREDITH. It is a long walk from the vlllage. Tou'd single him in any, crowd, . .._ 1;WK rs 00 seat bo ; fot *ill . Aro
'-�^- . • and. as soon as Ned comes to we'll When Justice Buffuul opened court , It's Just from feminine caprice
"SCea"m. >4 Saw It with m. own sees."' in a e>xlall tow>i in aolktbern Georgia' That Gladys vows lie's ".sweet'" inns °! DFf'T A.--NAXt01iAl. Di3U�1 8i CN IA. Ii0' Ul�li Q A
Y have some lemonade. He makes fa• g "dear," 't�3if
"Do tell!'" moria lemonade." one. -morning last week he called. loud- Declares that fortune, happluis � ..,- TORONTO 104 �p Dom•'
'"Who'd W thought It? Nedt That must ,be the awful mail. ly, "Jones against Jobnsonl" Depend upon. his presence near. w •
""Are you sure be .kissed berg P"raps And she called b1m by his drat Hama A dignified gentleman came to the 1-: ._ . .
he was just ploUing ,a leaf or some, bar and paid: "1 ,am Ur. Jones, your There's Gladcunpys
sir pl his twinkling eye, •.- ...r„,,� -__ -__,-
with such a proud light is lien eyes, But clladys simply won't baileys "-
thing.out of her hair.'' A brisk step oonnOP4 to the entry, the ! honor' the complaining witness. Dry That while she wastes her love on him
_ . _ ._. _.._ .. _ .
""17Pe11, Airs. Demining; sou needn't
4nob rattled, and Peggy turned dizzy.
'bickers were stolen and found in the
Hp's laughin at her In his sleeve.
MY jealousy. perforce, 1 hide,
_ .. .. _. . . _ . _.
Montreal was' without as lir a
S f
tbInk that just because I ain't been
married no Ivan ever kissed me, live
"" .'fled. dear, this is little leggy,
Smithers, who. made that lovely lace
possession of"-
"'One moment, doctor," the judge in-
Although I hate lilt» worse than sin
A tickle lady's latest fad- "
April 0--20, May, 4-18, June. 1,--f:5-"•-
20, July 13--27, Aug. ].0-x-24, Sept. 7
time yesterday owing to the breaking
had es many beaus In my day as ever
, •"„•,-
for me. Peggy, this
teriupted. We must have the de-
That hideous old god, Sitlikfnt
'Winnipeg and return $32.00. i
i ' .
!Edmonton and return $42,50,
W a main,
you hada"
Peggy had Risen mechanically, and
fendant at the bar. Jones against
->sna, A. Fanning in New York Tim".
tro certain points In :Sil,skatchewran
Dotminic Pelletier was Shot Hewn' at
'Dear me, illus. Lanny, 1 didn't
a.. she caught the next wards she
Johnsout Jones against Jobnson! Is
Coo& Thin .
Full: Information from
JO,HX tt,AN8V0AD, Town Agents.
the door of his stable at St. Etienne
mean anything personal' Only It's
: raised her eyes, swimming with tears,
the defendant present? is William,
� "'AL
cls BeauharnoiS, juebec, by an .asses-
suite a step from your porch to Dlrs.
Burke#tis, and Ithought"-
to Airs. 13urlett's astonished axe, De•
tiMous tittle chills were chasing up and
Johnson in court?'"
A tail and shambling negro- shuilied
sin, who hid in a barn near by and
fired through a hole which he :n
'"I wasn't on my, porch!'" answered
down her dot spine. Oh, if only she
to the bar, ducked his bead, pulled his
( ti it -
the door,
14tisg Lavinia. shortly. was right
might rush from the house down toe
woolly forelock in token of respect and
close to the hedge, picking currants."
The last phrase was spoken apolo.
shady Street to the shop; But, no; that
grinned a propitiatory grin,
' '"Ah's Willyum. Johns'n, please, suh,
.. �,
Ind" P �le
Two. young women, cable -mates on
by latent
man stood between her and the door.
the Lueagia, committed SlIWId'e
getically, as If prompted
Peggy tjad never seen just arab a
jedge,''-he said. Bonn' know nuf�
shame at thus spring on a neighbor.
man tlefore. He stood so very tali: and
fin bout no fendant, Bull. AWm, jes
Preiudiced anti unscrupulous yeadprs map. snt;gest other., brt coiltpate it ate
"ob I don't know but It's our Alit
de man wet took d M.1,1 -s"
Object to Strong Medicines.
Many people object to taking the
strong medicines usually prescribed'tby
physicians for rheumatism, There is
no need of internal treatment in any
case of muscular or chronic rheumat-
ism, and more than nine o4t of ten
cases of the disease are of ono or the
other of these varieties. When there
is no fever and little (if ally) swelling
you may know that it is only necess-i
ary to apply, Chamberlain's Liniment
freely to get quick relief. Try . it.
For sale by W. S. R. Holmes, Clin-
- �. �.� . .
Repeat it.:---' Cure will al-
ways cure my coughs and colds." .
ThQ)beatification of Joan of Are will
take place at Rome 'on Sunday.
The body of Swinburne, the poet,
was laid to rest in the Isley of Wight
In an electoral address Mr. Joseph
Martin characterizes the adoption. of
tariff reform as the greatest calamity
that could bbfall Britain, with .the exp
ception of war, famine or pestilence.
- -- _-
c"r" ',
Established 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Crip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach?
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
mens. It is invaluable to mothers with small
Those ofa consumptiveEm
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of the�Ohiilamjl
Sold by druggists.
Send postal for booklet,
Limited, Agents, 1Sont• real, Canada. go7
Now. is the time to visit
California, Mexico, Florida and
the Sunny South. Round trip
tourist tickets on sale to all.
Principal Winter Resorts.
Full information from -
I A. O. PATTISON, Depot Agent.
I?.�- ....`- .. r
Manitoba, Saskatchewan,. Alberta
Special Tmindeave Temato 2.00 p.m. on
APRiL 8, 20 MAY 4, 18 JUNE 1, It, 29
JULY 13, 27 AUG. 10, 24 'SEPT. 7, 21
Second Class dalutts Frees Oatadis stations to peueipal
Northwest points M
Wianipes and return $32.00; Edmonton sad Tatum
$42,50 and to other points in proportion. Tic6ts,
*ootl to,return witiun 60 days from aoins date. -
on prion". Comfortable berths, fully equipped
++tri s, can be secured at n.oderaw rates through
local Ment.
erc'y application must be made
eon ns rates and full information.
Applrtonear ttC.P.R.AtgntottoR.L.Thotnpwn,
ist. Pass. Ase„ Toronto.
April 0--20, May, 4-18, June. 1,--f:5-"•-
20, July 13--27, Aug. ].0-x-24, Sept. 7
Wickets good for 00 days.
�• ,
'Winnipeg and return $32.00. i
!Edmonton and return $42,50,
. -Proportionate rates to other points.I
tro certain points In :Sil,skatchewran
and' Alberta, each Tuesday during
Match and April. '
Full: Information from
JO,HX tt,AN8V0AD, Town Agents.
A. o. RATTISON, Depot Agent,
� "'AL
y Y, straight, laughed In such friendly lash- e c • was you Wil purity. freedom. from actdity, palatableness-Labatt's Ate In surpass -
Laviny, to keep four eye open when ion with his eyes and helped her to "Don't talk like that" the court . ' ed by none, equalled by few -at about halt the price of best imported brands.
there's such doings fin the heart of a tiny cakes and a drink, all cool, sweet ''warned William, ""You ought to have .
respectable community like ourn," was. and sour, with the air of Prince a lawyer to speak for you. Where's
our lawyer? _ _
Charming of fairy book lame! 'From y
the unctuous reply of Mrq. Spiithers: ` ,
"Well, that ain't all I've seen, ei- somewbere-far,, far away -came the "Ah ale' got no lawyer, jedge"--
that," announced! biles Lavinia, rising 1'111 of a riotously happy bird. Peggy "Very well, then," said his honor. The 'Opposition stetted an attack on, The creditors of Ennis &l Ste ani►
to this skillfully patted hook. "'You raised her eyes once more to Mrs.. Bur- , `1111 assign a lawyer to defend you," Iden. William Pugsley _ in;the Ilotse ..pp
know Cousin Sallie left her theater "tib no, sub; no, auhl Pie-e•ease g of New York are not likely to get
ft's face, and this time therQ- were when Dr. Daniel attempted to read.!
glasses behind, and they're a heap of no tears. don' do datt" William begged. the Mayes affidavit. ' p ire's than twenty -Ave cents on the
help. I can. stand. in 'my sec6nd story "Why, you're looking better already, "Why not?". asked the judge. '"It dollar,. .
front with them and see straight into Peggy. And now., if you won't have wont cost you anything. Why donthanged
her*parlor," . any more cake or lemonade, I shall you,want n lawyer?" Mont. D. 1Sh was the wife herself
elf at It is expected. that Admiral Nebo-
Agl rllsb figure bending over a strip carry you off to my room, l want you `"Well, Ah'll tell yet, sub," said Wil, known physician. ' 1 ;gatoft and; (General Stoessel will short=
of redaissftnce lace in the rear of the to see the beautiful silks and embroid. ' !tam, waving his tattered old hat con- ly be released from the wfortress in
shop straightened tip suddenly, and an sties Air. Lameronx. has brought me fidentlally, "Hit's. les' die a`pay-A3� The Winnipeg street railway men, :which they have been imprisoned.
exclamation escaped her lips. But the from Japan and China." wan' tuh enjoy dem chick'ns mase'f.'"- 4 have asked for a Board of Concilia-
women clustered around the front door * . * • * y Harper'p Weekly. tion • under the Lemieux act. • Air. Winston Churchill says it is not
gossiped on excitedly. The gossips at Sirs. Smitbers' shop the British Government's' policy to
""Didn't he take the train. for town Were becoming restless when Peggy • Not $o Particular. I•'lrst Clubman -Let's invite him to Mrs. Mary Montgomery,, who made 'take the %United States navy into con-*
yesterday mornings queried A1ra. Little Johnnie, "9ve years old, whose our game. a fortune in real estate speculation, sideration;; in framing the •British nay-
came back, The girl fairly shivered father was a missionary in India and Second Clubman -Hes a hard loser.'
Smithers, died at )?'ince Albert, Sask; a1 estimates.
with suppressed excitement, and her. .
"Yes. ' But • he came back at early whose mother was dead, had been In- First Clubman Still he always Morris Quatzman, a Windsor bo... .
hand trembled as sht3 stuck' the hatpin y, . -
dusk. with ibis arms ,full of white pa- through her sailor. atructed by his grandmother, to whgln fossa, -New York Helald. ,lied of lockjaw, caused b a cut wrist
per bundles, and when he got on: the ,"Wait, ain't you sera' going to his rearing lied been intrusted, always y BABY FELL ON TO THE STOVE
porch be tossed them 'better skelter on speak?" snapped her aunt. "Didn't to place ladies before gentlemen in his Unusual. • which he sustained in a- fall from, his s
the settee and -and -bugged herl" • , y g?" thought and action, A few nights ago "Yea,'" says the prima donna "i am bicycle. igrs. T. S.,DougaIl, of 623, 1Iora Avenue, .
oil ties' anything?"
"oh."' ," ,+ be was saying his, prayers, prompted gotn to create the character o! Sa- , Ninai a `"
"`Ain't t re t". Yes; i heard lots, aunt, answered n g Hon• Rodolphe Lemieux s resolution I P B, , says ; -'4 lily baby girl . waa
that d adful, by his grandmother, who added: Rime anew, arranging some of her dolls washing on a
the girl, trying hard to keep the sail!- • to increase the pay. of postoffice em- clothes -rack beside the stove, when she fell,
'`lf'anybody but ;you, Laviay Bart, tatron'lrom ringing in her'voree. The 'to .God, bless my father - in India. ""Pott arc?" exclaims the interviewer.
had told that 1 wouldn't believed IV" g g 0 God, bless my'mother In.heaven"'- . : ""This is astoni3hin ! You 'sail are ployees was adopted by the .blouse- of: and her hand, being thrown out to try and
women leaned forward eagerly. g Y Commons; save herself, came in contact with the side of
murmured. Aire. Smithers. ''132s nttine is Sir: Edward Lame- "There, grandma, you've done itl" going to essay the role of Salome?"
the hot stove: She sustained a serious burn,
"It inns look out of place for a sin roux" Done what? ; "I truly am. And ,1 am going to give .. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railwa
g , y "IPhy; you've taught me to put la- the most daring and unusual portrayal have o y sad Ther cries and sereains were terrible.
le woman to say, but it does seem to ""Hefty toity! aniffed Miss Lavinia, ordered. from the Algoma Steel "I 'sent out to the druggist for the best
me ,like a judgment on Doc. Burkett ""Just like'a novel, murmured Airs. dies first, •and here you've made me of the character ever seen. I shall oc• Com an. Sault Ste. Maxie 22' OOU remedy he 1111, to use on a burn. He said
for going off to marry a frivolous, do Marsden. • pray for papa first. But' never mind. rasion comment and. excitement and tonspof of ht ` ' there was nothing to equal Zam-Buk, and
nothing Bostou widow instead of some . ., Perhaps God is not so fussy about po- talk when I a ear.', -eighty pound ,steel rails, sten- sent. back a supply. ,I applied this
And belts just hems from China and. pp. lard section of the. American Societ here 'and it
decent. thrifty girl in his own town. p g a liteness as you are." -Judge. ''Will oil-er-that fa-er-will y soothed the pain so quiokly • that the child
7a an, and he's ficin to ,fay a year y You of Civil Engineers. 'Those fails axe . h►ughed through her tears. I bound.up the
He ain't Stier dead three monilia, and this .time, and: he's brought her the' " dress the part in a more daring man- intended for the Prairie section ,of the hand in Zam-Buk,• and each day applied
here is another man hanging' around most beautiful silks bu over saw, and. Aesthetic Lily. Her than the others. have?" Zam-Buk frequently y,
y line and' are sufficient to, la 170 mil -•1 g ntly and liberal! until the
his widow. Perhaps he's an cid sweet- I'm oing `there to isew on 'em for a `"Aero tomes my little Lily!" ex- "I shalt. i shalt wear clothes.'" -Chi- y i burn was quite .cured. The little one was
g es of track and are .to b� delivered at
heart. Lrerybody knows lice was whole 'week.. and she fia.ve me the, claimed a doting mother to a room full cage. Post. . soon able to goon with her play, and we had I
well fixed.' queerest candy. It came from China. .o! guests. 1 have nursie take, her for : Fort William .on the opening oP nevi '.no trouble with Ler during the time. the Burn
•`Yes, and, they do say," ,Interposed too, and it burns ovr mouth but it's a walk in the. park. afternoon The Poet and the. Editor. Igation this spring, was be'ip healed: I feel ver
y • , „ '„ + g y gratetul.for
Airs: Demming, them .as was around • good -and"- and you have no idea how rapidly it is What do I get for.. this?" demanded . In addition to this the. Coni an ! tbis cure, and would recommend all mothers
when he was brought.home that day, '"Laivzee; Peggyi Why don't oil get . developing her senAe Of, the aesthetic, the spring poet, tossing his latest effu- •� p Y to keep Z,,M,Buk handy to emergenoies like
y from -the Dominion . Steel an,d Iron this.
that she stood around like n stafue, down to facia?" ejaculated. . &lies & a• . the beautiful. Come here, my darling, sion on the desk of ,the marble hearted
j i Company, Sydney, 13.,000 tolls, ei,�htp' This is good advire..Zain-Buk, being purely
never shedding a tear and'jIIst doing 'iris. "Is he'going to inatry her?" Tell us what remember best about editor. ,; curd steel .rails sufficient .for 104 herbal in itscomposition,ispartiotilarlysuited
what.old Dr. Green ordered. like some �"No!". exclaimed Ppggy' :an a. final your walk in the park today. Six months If T had my way, re p , . to the delioate .skin of children, While a
machine:' burst of triumph, ".Ae can't. IAe's her I -Ilya breath came bard. She paused plied the • editor briskly as he swept ,miles of track,` and 2,000 tons of sls• powerful henl$r,. it is also highly antiseptic.
"Perhaps site knew it wasn't no use twin by. the', and he's in the -navy, nay and a moment, then answered in a shrill, the poem Into. the wastebasket. And ,ty' pound • rails . sufficient to • lay Applied to a burn, a cut, a scald or. ti "1____~
to do anything anyhow," auggpated he's been gone fire years -arid" Y, n excited treble: yet some people wonder why we never .21 miles of track intended fdr siding,slt soratch-to any injury of the skin, in fact -Lit
Mrs. Marsden, who bad a retreating Mrs a •m "Ob, mamma, ,the bears smelled aw read of a spring poet plunging Into the These rails are for delivery.. at Prince :will kill all disetise germs, and removes all
. D m Ing rose abruptly, saying: „ danger of festering, blood -poisoning,
chin and weak, 6Sby eyes. "I declare 1 forgot that batch of ful -New York Herald. waves or into a burning building to }Rupert, $.' C, to tie used. on th , .. It fi g,ortin-
g flammation.. At the same time it stimulates
"What's that, . Becky Marsden?" . bread. Like• as. not 'it's all over m save 'the Life 'of an editor, marble' 100 .miles. 'of' iaiiway, easterly from , .
. - . y ` - h the cells.to great activity, and fresh healthy
snorted bliss Lavinia. turning sorprely clean door.'. Viewing the Artistic. hearted or otherwise. New York tt at point and which is now, under skin is, soon reduced tore air the damn e.
on her insignificant neighbor. "What Bliss -Larinla looks The Artist -I saw. you gazing at my Times. construction. • This . shipment will , bo Fift cents spent on a boa of Zatri-Buk )gas
„ , ng decidedly'a ,.
do you know abort it? grie'red, departed In. silence. One by Parotin;, entitled' "Rebecca 'at the - - � . moved entirely by boat around Cape say ,scores of people as many dollars, to say
"Nothing," hurriedly replied bars. one her i isitors left; and Mrs. Smith- Ven," for over twenty iiirnutes. Were Horn from' Sydney to Prince Rupert.• nothing of saving hours of pian!
Marsden. "Only l was reading a.norei ars stood atone; abaQntly dilating' and you admiring .the beauty of the sub-' '
yesterday where. a woman got tired redusting her tiny showcase. jest? BEAUTIFUL .1I0•MEN;
:of her husband and; put sometbing in And ru 'Airs. Bnr6ett s Learned Professor -Er -no, my young .
' parlor the friend: I tsar• Just thinking what an
his.,cotYes that didn t smell nor taste widow was saying: g Pexis is -Full of Them and Nearl AllN I
-.nor anything, anti he'- •" Insanitary age those .people. must have y 1 1
I do 'feel so sorry for Peggy. lvpd, Use- Parisian Sa e
.Lawxee; Bee6�; i always .knew, yoli aired. in to drink from a . cracked jar' g j
dear:.thtit'I beiiere,l'rt ask her aunt fo In this Ueaut show at the metro
was light headed.." snapped AINs La- let' me take her to Bo$tOn when we go, . and a moss grown ' wail,-I3onstoA y pot- I
ctnia. ` Nevertheless tfie oil of pest, . Is two : years ago Gold Medals :were �•y �• p
i;i p , g9a- back., Shea is so handy.wit'h her needle, awarded to five Debentures 1
sips turned suddenly silent and gated '• I know I could get her lots of. work:' @different womeq.. .
at, each other wide eyed. !'Well, if she's so bendy w6 do'l't Arid the, Cat. Came Back. To the .most •beautiful: woman. be -1. Tf oil are lookin for .an
"3iy,- wouldn't' it .be awful If we had , you have her for •you:'. maid?" y Mr. Jinks -I'm so awfully glad,. don"t ` !ween• 2(i and 25;; between 25 and 30 i; ABSOLUTELY SAVJJ invest-
a oison case here y' know, to. be able to offer you an between 30 and 35 • between. 35 • and menta you will. find it in our
p T.lbe,widow Inughed softly, , . . . y
The girlish figure in! the rear rose "She'd simply ruin me, :Ned. The umbrella, to .protect you from this 40 and between 40 and 45. ' . . Debentures. Our Assets of over
now, and a clear voice rang across the , child addres-me." deuced wet, don't y'..know , A society reporter who interviewed $11,000;000. provide ample
stuffy tittle shop: '`I don't believe rail `could be ruined, hits. Winks -It a so very -kind of you, all five women in the interest of hia security for your money. ' The .
""You've no fight to•sny such things. and think what it.would niesn for tbat Sir, 'Jinks,. don't y" know. I shall be papers, reported 'that all of them had Debentures are issued forsums .
You don't know :Mrs. Rnrkett and nes'- child' to be taken rtwsy-from those eery glad to return it to.my husband, beautiful hair, and that each of the five of $100 and upwards; and for .
er wantpd to treat b(ir right, and harpies. The life ni'ust be torture to It rs the one he left at the . club last enthusiastically. attributed Tier 'luxuri- periods of front -one to five years. . ,
you're wicked; wicked women to talk her sensttive Nature'! ' night, dou't y' kuoidt - Philadelphia ant hair to Parisian Sage. The are: a' rofitable invest; 1
Y. P
about her that way:"' ` "It may cost something to• gpt.rid of Leder, W. S. R. Holmes sells Parisian inert, earning 4�o interest,
Astonished silence fen upon'tbp we- the nunt; but, then, I belleve Peggy Sage for. 50 cents a large bottle. Ile Banking'aud' Debenture Book.: .
• men. 'Then bars. Smithers' voice, no 'worth saving,!'_ Danger. free on request.
longer otly and complacent, rose cut- : I _ "I live," confessed the .dreamer, guarantees it to cure dandruff' in two let veailed fr a
"'with m bead in the clouds." weeks ; to stop falling hair and itch- Huron �.��
tingly, Regular. y „ Ing of the: scalp. It makes an wom- a r
"That's a. nlee way for ,roti to speak illy, and all's. Hilda on were going You'd better watch out, replied , y
to your elders. Peggy Smithers. and g ' the up to date maiden, "`or it'll get an. an's hair beautiful, soft and luxuri•- Loan and Savings Co.
to the theater. awful bum from some afrshl " - ant.L.
I'm •nshatned .of you. D'yoti mean to btr, Millington bras nerrousty watt- p p' I, .0 N D O N , C A N A D A .
call Lavinia Hart a Itar?" Kansas Utty Times, xneorporated I s 6 4 .
Ing in the, 111111,' taking a few test im is over tlu,oea.otw
The twirl fingered her bolt .. braid Asse
patient puffs from his cigar; while
nerrouSly.. ;, Dire. Billington Was atilt nest{tits try ," Reciprocal Reticence., >! e s "
No, stunt, but t ennt aft here and. Do.you.expect your constituents to .
Ing to put her hat on her head in such bclleve all oil tell them 2"LA
lt�ten to such drnadful things about $manner flint elle could take rt otl< y
11ii`& Burkett. ;live, worked for her; "`No," answered Senator Sorgbum, PACIFIC COAST
agnfn at the theater .without .,Lear „
and I ':now she g a lac! through and and in 'return they Atlee• not. aspect EXCURSIONS
y e, ranging 'her heir..
through, and she's not doing anything "'Aren't, you .ready 'yet?" called 1111- me to tell them nit. T tlyelrece." tiVash- . EXCURSIONS
wrong. There's a reason"•- linkton. ir9ton Star. ' March 1st to April 30th, inclusive, .. t' '" "_ " '"'•-r'
"W .11, Dilss Peggy'. seeing as you're "'in a minute," replied Mrs. Billing- •.
,the only one in this party that has a ton, her mouth full of a hat in" .The Marathon Craze. . , VANCOUVER, ' B. C, •
risitin ..ac acquaints with Airs: • Bur- "" +, SPDXANE, WASH,
g q Weil be. late!.
Ilett, yov might jutttwalk up there and •'Can't help it; hurrying as fast as I 42.00 SEATTLE, "WASH, The News���1� Club
can." PORTLAND OR Ift��� �
see who that man is �" , F,.
.'lob, aunt, l can't! I• couldn't asi.c Dear render, this is nota shbrtstory SAN FRANCISCO., CAL.
such a question!" 41.,75 LOS ANC3ELES CAL. l
or a news hnppening'or a divorce mete i
"You Ain't need to ask. Worm' ft out dent. it is merely the faithful account . �4. 40,75.. MEXICO CITY, b���®� 19090
'While you're se there. YOU can take up' .of what• goes on every evening from � w`��Above rates are one-way sec- �
flint new set Of Points you've made. 7;45 to.8 o'clock in about 100,000 homett earl class, applying from Clln-
Perhaps Mrs, Burkett might like to In Oita broad fan .e .._.r
wear them with her widows :black..
The last words Came spitefully. '" in this iirnad land. ateW York Times. other Tickets
lnspropor certain
,. ,
-• p
Sttifish Econotrty.' � Full information from : Much good reading far little money. ",, .� "
The girl stood in a pleading attft w6.. •"�C'hy doss flint titaatmttster limit JUIN IbANSFORD, 'Town Agent. ,�
"This is a nice way to treat your old The News -Record and Weekly' Mail and Empire, one year.. ... , . ,$I.EO � i
aunt that's .given you bed and .board, each sneaker to ten minutes?" , A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agent „ Weekly Globe.. .'. 1:70
111 order to save time and enable The Long One••• -'this Is a great walk "" ," • "' • ' • • • • '
for ten years ntsty. Now,ytlustop sniv- _ __ Family Hiarald and Weekly- Star .,. ",.,.. 1.76
►r a him to devote n half hour to introduc• we're having, old man! .......... 1.76 e
tiling and trot along, " 't Weekly Witness.. ..... . ..
Poor Pe words ' ° the Short One -Oh, Is It n walk?. I s, : „ ........... 4 .................... 1.90
tug each of them.-'Nashington Star., Sun
'"bed and board" she never ,hesitated. �-- thought it was a ten mile dish!-�-Nety N E' W - •" "' "• Free Press ."„ 1.76
ggyi Before those
They formed the splrituat lash' which Skiil• 'Rork World, *• "' "` AdvertiserWorld
. ..... ... .... 1.75
"Sho boa nitrnys inarrled w6lL10 --r-�••-�-.-- -- � p� � :" "" 66 Farming World......." ............. 1,.60
her hunt swum; with d unmerciful hand. S ei. but slit divoreeB Itt.tter: Touhh on thb Count:
The Irl never stopped to reckon the "� � " . - Farmet'a Advocate and
g , goes the c6unt Home Magazine 2.25
"`Iluh?" Gunner -Ah there D' R EOT RY .... 2.go 'k
mittens she knit for the shop, dile lase "-Ob� hits retired on her alfmon " that was ontertarued at Newport last " "` .i)aily News, Toronto ,�.
she mode or the interminable days of y �- � it "• Star " . , . .. , ...... 4-1. 1.30.• r •7Y J
Ano sewing as a re4tuni+ense for the Clereln.ncl' Gc"attCr. seits6nf hTe boasts that he belongs - "� tt (lnbt+ r" .............. t
to the upper crust. The Belt Telephone Company " 1. Afait " ..... 6 ..... ".._.._::: 4.20
'�bnoxtous "bed and board," . '..' ... �" "" "" .. , . 3`26
Drearily elle lifted her simple saflor Thousands of Women's ''Club*. Gayer -'I knew it the: first time I met World
of Canada Is about to ub- .. ....... "..... .... "
Nobody knows how many "women's him. P Saturdapl�it#ht .;., .,...,... ;�.5u
hat from the shelf beneath the Counter Gunner-- Bois' could you tell? lish a new issue Of the ,t i" Free Press, London .... ,. ,.."..,"..... ". ,. , 3 25
clubs there are 111 the United, States, `� .t 4... 9.75
and started oil her hateful errand. fhe General I+•ederatfon o! Wometi"s Guyer-Ea911y, His dough is short, Free Press, Uverting Edition-:,.,....,.".,
•The great trees arched protestingly Clubs was,registered in the almanacs he is easily broke and. going state:•- Official Telephone Direct. .
over bet !lead, the wild strawberries' of Milos as having oter 3.000 clubs in, Chicago NeWa" tory for the l islrirct of
bloomed at her tett, find from the Its membership, with 150,000 women
li what 011 Want 1S' not 111 this list we can supply
woodlands came the calls sof her favor. Western Ontario "� , r.
on their' rolls. 1311t,that was in J'anu- Agreed..
Ito, birds. But bey eyes were heavy" ary, 1,00$, and the federation grows ""I'm Afraid Mrs. FIIrt doesn't like including Clinton It at less than 1t would Cofit coil by eending Cllreet, ,
With unshed tears. Was it not bad every year amazingly. It contains, me."
enough to listen day after day to the too, only a few out of the numberless Why not?' Or(teCB ft)l' d 4V COt1110Ct1f1n
"' �><� remitting, please ria so by ��press Order, .Pasta,!
gossip that emanated from her aunt's women's clubs in the laud, since there : ""Perhaps It's because I asked her at ehanges offlrm ilil,mesi etiange
shop without, being forcer! Into a party Are small olubB, societies d olkes the club the other day What brand of of street addressee or for du- Note or registered tetter and address.
nerahip with the gossipertsi` i6 a' '
everywhere which do noi� afgtfate . heir restorative she recommended."" lietltty entries should be ilfll(iW
Ldngufdly 04tid trr.mbliagly all($ themsolvo with any state or national DIdtl t you want to know? p �, +�+�' _ .
MAunted the 'broad steps leading to , organization, but exist simply for thtl ""Why, of Gourde not." ed ATy�, Mrs,
to wi, �� MIT !w� �L
Widow Burkeit s /porch. That mileh plevignte and profit of their 'own metYl� "Then I gnt~ss that's It,"-Cierteland . Mrs, C ,Rrl mballo ' �
disg'ltss0 lilt v mist. her .at the docs. ' Plain baler.,
•>� b�rehl�,-�nat�ert� �az�,r. .. '�aet�l IV.Ctl;ll>�gel� �`t'"�)� 1�'1�'`���OOI+�134 � Clintoni
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