HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-04-22, Page 3AP941 320d, Im t Mien Novi Uaor4 ,� 1 •' ' _ 4. t� _T If` w y 'IVN­�� .11� -_ 1, i . 0 0 ,A 'f, i %1% - David Scott,. Pioneer of East Way►. I� *rm Homo surrounMalss A cheap and %ao iII0 ' of Two Crop that :swiss Moiety I , - , I %who 00010 11 Mr. Bowyer's� Hill empowering town4 Removias 3tulmps , Avers ,, chi councils. to site, a raze not ex. + . Wh st+°tt eat. P p ' ,,.. ceedIng '$10 for the tlzat kept roadside, In an unlooked for way Mr. Karry Given even a moderate yield an acre ,,.-.,, — ,: farm front and house surroundings in Nolan of Rhinelander, Wis., leas found of corn will produce enough, ensilage tot I I I I - each school section, and to regulate a new method ol removing the stumps fur4isii all the i9ed of this kind that There, passed peacefully away at payers with a seat at t1o. coup it the rules to govern ,the competition, that every farm or homestead, rs .pla- will be rcipuired by two cows during .% " . , incl tho approval or the Municipal sued with. Mr. Nolan speaks thus: len feeding season, , moon on WedAesday,. Aprll ;7th, after a table, being councillor and reeve Ior „Ryer B g short Illness, one of the old resldents several years.. fWlxen S.; S. gp. 13, E,i Committee ,and passed the hollse. This Y farmer and reader will be An Acre 1I 11 "' ". and ,a pioneer at East 'Wawanosh, in W., was formed he was elected a bill met with favor from -the officials ,interested to.learn away ta.,remove A a e of a fabs, with, three cut- � y e the perspii .of David Scott Sr., J. P., trustee, and for 40 Fears occupied of the Department of Agriculture, stump W, the small outlay 'of four cents seaso ill field flys tans of hay in . - COR .N. the ripe old age ar 7$ years and that stiles, being, all the time Seo,- and a bulletin on the subject mag and five minutes work. This method and hay which, it cut at the - ` I ed was born in the Tress, i the Board• shortly be Issued by tba Department. which I learned in an unlooked for right time, and properly cured, ranks ' ,� 2a days, Deceased ;Scotch Block of Esquesing Tp,, Hal- - The newspapers and, journals devoted manner last April is as follows : With i v food value with tbxan, fox which the „ to Cu., and was life third in a tam-. In Pg1xtrr. dtr, Scott was. an Inde- to the #axmers' interests have also a tvewo inch auger. hors ,y two -foot hgle a eTage price tin late years has ranged 'G fly of seven,: being a. son of Peter and Penden'Canservative, generally hay favorably commented on the bill. Of',in the bottom of each stump, Into around. 1:20 Pex toff. ' =s Annie Scott, ober were pigpeer5 of Ing sup,tiorted the candidates of that course it I's optional than township this Pour a pint of a mixture made oB �7+ _._ that count P sty, -6t not invariabl councils may offer the prizes for � 9, combined make , '1 occasons h supported i year only. It is th huric acid. As soon as. this i Ensile a and oration' and onel whicli y ,a y, as on, sever•. y .Ona equal parts. of Nltx�ic ,Acid an Sul- an almost ideal ration is a PP d L'bexal or Y Y e opinion of many P q t s m ,lure can be produced at very much less cost - "' At an early ago he started out for ' Independent candidates, He had been that such competitions wi71 excite a is poured in An ail tight plug first than an other of III first as an, agricultural labor- i, inemiler of Knox Cilaurch, llelgrave, 'spirit of friendly rivalry along the dipped into soft paraffin must. be value. Y anythittg like equal -er, and shortly after as a carpenter `:, g g y RUN o Syrup since Us formation as a coo re anon lines of the bili and have a tendency driven Into the hole. A stump] sa order used will rot in thin emphasize the name' and framer, being very successful at and as. dna of those who bye bees, pie- to beautify, and nialro attractive the y .days and vv>,th Nor as the value of alfalfa found bNy W40CROW14 BRAN "' farm Koine surroundings, the .roots can be spread on the land in winter feed . D for the latter tr11 ade. Par4 the timber for the old church, gs, Mr. Bow ._ nisi As. a soiling crop this isms means that de th x r yer received a largely signed petition and used as manure, I had sixteen -as the bases of a supply of green feed. you want the beet the purest- . "T Ixn lata%0; and' .ambition His a_ s tl, fist break in the acres. the xixgat wholesome add reliableggY from Harwich farmers in toys,, of the o[ stumps on my Newbold farm during the summer, ht is invaluable,.,fie game west�uee>a's: bush in,family circle. He is survived by his bill —Ridgetown. Dominion. Hina n?i;1es from _dthinelander and clear+ Cuttin fox this u s c table syrup it is possible to - a eef !i p rpo a air +begin : produce, " 1851, gud'took up the n which he g 'wid'ow •and four sons : iPpter W,, ed it all in this >tuanner. witbe the first of June and continue was ' `" 4 lived, also, tbat now occupfe hie i Wp. E•,, David S. and Cyrus W, p , til corn takes its plaice ia, late autumn•, � perfect axial genuinely! deli , $on Peter W. Scott one of the - three daughters : Mrs, Win, M• Scott „ , _ We wish to say in conclusion that el Crown 13rana Syrup] ,.11 + i + Repoat it Shiloh s Cure mill al this method has been tried in other 'Phare is no wap open by which that. you ll enjoy its flavor about ' . Councillors, ]n 18'65 he was married'Mrs^ Tphn E, Fails and Isabella E. ways cure .my coughs and zolds. .ten times more than that of any to a Scotch lassie of that; famous The funeral took place on Saturday, parts and we have ourselves seen the Ontario' farmers can. so xjuickly and sq. !, other make: results. After the hole its made It: largely increase their incomes as they It costs and Scotch B1nek, Miss Elisabeth Elliot, ,and was largely attended, interment B Y you moi a than ordi- They at once .settled on lot 35,. con. "being made in Brandon cemetery. would be better for two men to do can by the more extensive growing and nary syrup and et xt fs user BI Thin s in Canad:rt, the fillip as. the acid should be ex• intellx ant use pf corn and alfalfa, be e= 7, and have resided there continuous- The pallbearers were his four sons > g. g g ( better, and more wholesome iii ly ever since, .and two. sons-in-law•; The services ^ posed as little to the air as possible. every way, It is the greatest ` • Canada has the largest consecutive Care should be taken that none pf L " --"" ^� food for growia children, and '• were conducted by Rev, Mr, Ferguson, , ,,,- wheat field 111 the World, 9G0 by 3011 the acid comes in contact with the ten be given in any quantity In the early days of they townships assisted by Revs, Rivers and Hartley can Brand Syrup" q is put history he was honored' by the rate -'and Mr. W. J. Tay,or, miles. clothes or hands. Meant Diesinesa. up C 2, 5, Brand Sorb, airtight Canada rhes the most prolific and ex x Dittleton-Where's Fixson going witUI tins, affix ixft�ff. lids,. ' tensive sea fisheries in the world. I The acid ' should be kept air -tight" .rhe sledge hammer? Canada has the largest grain mills ,and in a cool dark place.; It can be. Yallvton-To ci111 on the handsome KI When you buy"'C:ownBrand'R in the British empire. ,obtained at all druggists in 100 lb. Sally' pe,s{liy, Somebody told Utin she you obtain a Syrup as clear es, A Pioneer f Canada has the largest elevator in i cases • or less but rya. axid of guaranteed purity Hagg Joins the g the less y'ou• get had a heart of stoue,-Judge. ...,,... and wholesomeness. . the World at Port Arthur, -capacity :the more, the price will .be —From „ • ruRE ,. seven million bushels. Nouse and Farmers' Friend,. 1 B Theon who Have Gone Canada, has the world's largest lift What Becomes of the Corn. ne� ftaobbnrg Starch Co. • Ir ' loclu at Peterborough. People often wonder, particularly ! rJAZTsn Canada will have the longest bride Do You Lack Self Control, those who have traveled for hundreds$:TABLI$HED 1 ' Beft�re•,g of miles through the corn belt, what $b8. span in the world at Ruieb'ec, If you are .constantly kepdd up, Her- becomes of the corn'whieh is grown Of(ka: 4oy • . ' . Canada has the largest nickel' mines nous p p every year, Ia the year 1908, when ort. MONTREAL, TOROftu: lIIANT 4.09 in the world. , perhaps depressed -look to your .the total cr was 2,6E',6,000,000 bush- r One by, one the older generation -is Mrs. McQuaig and Joseph, of Pgrt Canada leas the richest silver de- °ver -worked nerves. for the, cause. They the t hal c,000 bushels were consu h- leaving us, the last to go being John Huron ; William of Flint, Mich. ;posits in the world ,at Cobalt,• are starving for the nourishment • that ed in flour and grist mill products, o Ferrozone so .quickly supplies. Be- P Corbett of the 4th' con„ Hap, olio John of Point' Edward Mrs. Cook Canada has one of the lar est 5'in le ' 8,000,000 bushels in the manufacture , ,,..w died on the third Inst„ in his seven- _Seaforth ; Mrs. Calvin oI Lotto ;. Mrs. canal locks in the w-orld at Sault Ste; ,sides its tonic action on the nervous of starch, 9,000,000 for malt liquors, ' system, Ferrozone has marvellous production of dis- tieth year, after an illness of several �Perlep of Winnipeg.; Mrs. Callahan of Marie. 17000,000 in the Canada has the lar (blood -forming ,properties. It thus sup- tilled li uors; 40,000,000. for glucose, gest hard on puree q . months' from Bright s disease.' For London, and the two youngest, Fred. bred buffalo left in life world, viz, near- plies strengthening materials to eve- 190,000,000 for export and X3,000,000 ' I three months. he was confined and Miss Nellie at home. Of these el- 1p 000. cry nook, and corner of the body and for seed;_ making a total of 518,000;: , SEEDS FREE • . to his room. On the morning. of his even -were present at the funeral on Canada has a greater railway .mile brings -the system to a condition of 000 bushels, or 19.3 per cent of the en- ( ' If you ask, you can have a acka a of ,-., perfect heal#i To be strong, to eat dee cro seed of this marvellous 'Russian Giant death he felt better and got up but Tuesday, 6th inat. The pallbearers age than Australia and New �7.ealand, .well P. The remaining 80.7 per cent. , uv died sudden] bile si 11 I .t n ; were the four sons and two sons -in- or Italy and Spain combined . and more , and work long without fatigue,. or 2,,143,000,000 bushels, seems to have I,ettuce included absolutely free with -our y w t i g_ gn.h'is law, Messrs. Callahan and Cook,. The all the South American use Fexrozgn'e ; its the best nerve sys- been used. almost entire] for feeding '! - new handsomely Illustrated 1909 Cats- I. chair. About fifty years ago he came funeral. to Exeter cemetex as r I r• a I tem tonic known. At all dealers in . Purposes, -Corn Reporter. I g (; js. t �, ' i logue. This lettuce is nearly as lars hot ge and . y w ve y countries , with his iiarents aiid ally settled on ,the largely .attended,. showing the respect The thickest k1.nown coal seam in 50c. boxes; ricin lab age, . soli y !and hasda ch; buttery 1 'gip}• � s,xz•1' gg lot where he died. His wife, a Miss and esteem: in whiohi the.' family and I the world=47 feet -has been found . - Eliminiating Fog. flavor. If you prefer, you may choose a . A , Drover, from Chiseihurst,..died twen- 'd'eparUed one were held. In. religion at - Stellarton, Nova Scotia. All navigators .with be interested,in _ package .of our Colossal White Sugar . ty years ago. To them were .born he was a Churchman, in politics' a I Canada has one of the highest tides Indians Who Like Luxuries the news which comes from Liverpool A Beet orapackageofOstrichFeather•Aster th? t . Sir- Oliver Lodge recently suc• P' ' I Write to-dai end name year choice: shoe fourteen children ten daughters .'.and! Conservative, and he was also an al- in the world -59 feet -in Noel Bap, Some Furnish Their Homes with Opera, mention name of t4,. paper. iotitr sons, thirteen of whom are most lifelong member of the Orange Bay of Fundy. p ceeded in completely clearing away See..d.ofthi.manegouuRnt.i"mGtantiettnea Dm�HunterSeedCohLimited for a radius of, sixty feet a thick fog • . �; still alive, viz. ; Mrs. Brown, Mrs: Order. The funeral was conducted by Grand .Trunk Railway has the. hors: Chairs and others Travel !n b9 moans of electrical .discharges. Th `r`�'O°`"'i'rfr" London, Ong C Marks and Miss 111ary of Detroit ; Rev, John .Hart of Iiippen circuit. est' and.. longest railway, and highway g e - 9 L',ridge-the Victoria -ori the continent: -` a Hearse. Marine Journal' states that the Lodge �, system consists of driving electricity . • . � Grand Trunk. Railway operates one. Nowhere, is the .Indian's simple- into a fog laden atm'osnhere at a very • . '. . of the , longest- ; .submarine tunnels-. . g mindedness more apparent . than in high voltage from a series of .disks at . 1 NA11/1/1MMMM . t Monsieur Gantin.. of Ste Joseph Sarnia-on'the continent. ,' the They are either devoid of t top of poles., The curient'acts dt- • p e homes .. hr � • ' , I T. Eaton Co..is largest department furniture or crowded` 'with encum- rec�tly upon, the constituents -of the • store in Empire, employing; +9,550. brances. The occupants possess 'iron . fog, . the eleefric influence whirling -'%gaY.n''rt�nloting RaliW1�S Floor space in Toronto,, 25 acres ; 'm and brass bedsteads ..or :display_ as those hither and thither, causing them " '.. • Winnipeg, .10 acres. highly polished; gradually to fall to the ground. A test their chief treasuxe.a. Japanese.W..are. ­ Z The C. P. R s 120 -mile yard in Win- elaborate) carved folding -bed ed . 1s soon .to bq. made of the apparatus in nipeg is the largest in tire:Empire. lanket%' bi0ndoxi., , - Y g . ' ' used. Rolling themselves in b . Mr. N. M. Cantin, ; .of ,5t. Joseph , The proposed routo.fs is. virtually the I 'Canada has more' than' one-half of they, seek repose on the"floor. . same as proposed formerly when the, the . fresh water area f _ th lobe.'' '' was a caller on Mayor ' ])ingnan 'this ... Y .. o e &1. forenoon on the subject of the city Project' was up, namely; frons Stxat- - I One home boasts as its principal .. . J. i1.I . y ford 'to Avonton, Carlingford; :Russel- . . furniture four opera -chairs of uphgi- $100 REWARD; ..$100.' 1 ' '- . guaranteeing ,bonds for the Stratford dale, anti Fargruhar • to Exeter if the. a stared leather; wLt`< movable seats; wheel' X017 W1Sh aYl thin .111 Ja Others Than Druggists May The readers ,of this S g p and St. Joseph Radial Railway. A road' goes that way, or via Russel- such as are to be in any thcat- paper will be • charter for this road was obtained dale Cromart Chfselhurst to' Hen- ter. i •' . pleased to. learn that there . aneSe or .Chills �7PiLre call iC11d iris e Sell 'Patent or Pro riletor h Ct � from the Ontario Legislature in 100; y' ,, P y is at least one dreaded disease that - - �. sail if that route 'is deo dad. upon.. I Our, StOCk YOU 'Will find the OOdS and renewed this year by -the same Either of these routes would be very MediC111es and.— A Spokane Indian was the proud science has been able to 'cure- in all g" body. .The old. charters .obtained; by, , 1 Possessor of a• shining blaela . hearse, its stages; and that is. Catarrh: Hall's , pleasing to Stratford peso e, .as they Mr. Cantin in 1903 d .b certara d t. .bearing four ornamental ., sable le Catarrh Cure is the only Positive r` ood.d,n : t}1e rl n Y - would: traverse ., the centre of a rest Un e>. hie ifiarmacp Act as. it stood.... g.huge'b p p p e cu e. g p Ces , rlgklt. Stratford citizens in IM5 have both since;19.05 others the dru fats r plumes. Ricking his, cayuse into. town now known to the medical fraternit : friary le of. unreserved. country between . , • : n ... gg wee Y �. gI 1: , ,. lapsed. i one, da he, encountered a fanerM. Catarrh bean a constxtuti,onal dis= P • the Sarnia and- the. Goderioh lines of. permitted to -sell patent or propria Y g h. T e hearse eau ht his font h,, f as . requires . a constitut' •his,' ` ` .the G. T.'R'. It. is ro sed to la ;0 •tory ,Me wines And the'followin , list4. g . Y of , .Lona] treat- • - The .s Mr. Contin states .that proleet p P. Y .: g . • • the Procession, n l' arils 1. Silverware,. watches is now in shape for the commence 1D. rails and Have an . hourly service turpenbine, Epsom salts, .senna, alum, lowed a .yeses .Io sweats -ochry to r me t . Hall's Catarrh Cure 'is taken '1 borax castor o!' sulphur,. lauber's: the cemetery.. Nothing would do i.ut ,internally, acting 'directly upon ; the Clack ment of construct ion; in: fact Mr. R. from 0 a. m.' to 9 p. m. • The nature , .,.G . .. S, Jeweler etC4.' H. Sherwood large e ,York city of the round to: be Covered will salts, cream: of tartar, carbonate. of that he must have the grand .chariot blood and• mucous surfaces of the �s AY13T. article a g Now > g g soda, glycerine'. for hls own. 'Disptlsing of some system, thereby destroying the foun- ''bought. t. fr0111 115 Will be engraved* contractor, has undertaken. tq .start make a most economical 'road ..to .op- . y. g g" ved free at once from the St. Joseph end crate in the matter. of grade's. and I Mr. ,Bowyer has -succeeded in havin,1 land, he Purchased the hearse ' artd dation, of the ' disease, and giving the building to either k:xeter or pHensall curves so. that 'the rospects of thea the above dist 'enlarged.'by the ad'dI- was wont to take. his wlfe.aud rum- patient strength by building up the 0. Charge, . t; P and wait for his a from. the , sale enterprise ought to be; its promoters .tion of carbonate of magnesia, citrate •erous children `ouL for' a drive sitting constitution and assisting 'nature in . PY L of .the fonds. Mr. Chas. M. Schiwab -think, most. favorable. of magnesia, Rochelle salts, bluestone, on'the , floor -of the hearse, bouncing 'doing fits work. The proprietors have :, • h great steel magnate,h s , ' 'The Mayor 'assured Mr.. Cantin ,that , coperas,, salt ,petre,. spirits of nitke, . from glass side to glass side as the so much faith in its curative powers the g 1 as also' Y ro road` berame 'sou h agreed. to fill a large _order for steel' a road covering. -the territory p rhubarb root . solution of. ammonia,: _, g ,. trying to, appear that they offer .pee, Hundred Dollars raids on the same terms. Mr. Schwaili` posed would be ver attract:ve to, phosphate of . soda, gum camphor; dignified and nonchalant, .but grinning for any case • that `it. fails to cure. • P Y chloride of lime ui I. . from ear to,ear. l.hu biave rend for list' of testimonials. visited St. Joseph last summer as 'rhe people of, Stratford, provided. thea , q nine:'literally `, .•,ti . Can in' ues and looked in detail§ could'ill all be arranged with They are.also, also; milder the' Bowyer oni the ]box outside the ��utside the Address : F. J. CHENEY CO., • • •� Mr t s g . t a oo ed to g . .. . e . ^•>t the prospects of the latter's gentle- .equal satisfaction. As a - result .af amendments. permitted to. sell • helle Proudest` man in Americl.-=The Lcain- Toledo, O. 0 •. Woust r man's enterprises. Mr. Cantin and the 'Interview, Mr. Cantin is to , put bore;: tincture of iodine, and arsenate calor for May. Sold by all Druggists, .75e. . .. •• , , 7 'fake Hall's Famil . Pills far coo- f?: associates are ',also, ready to begin at .a Pxoposftion into shape -for sub'mis- of lead !n unbroken packages, duly y Jeweler and Engraver. lesser of Marriage Licet>w. . the Stratford end within sixty 'days ,%fon to City Counei and Board of. labelled ; and'.carboliC aotd' in five per I stlpation.1. . after matters are brought ; to a satis- Trade. Should an agreement: be ar- `cent solution in - unbroken packages, Dr. Hamilton Follows Nature's Plan. ' ` • factory head With this city.. Other rived at, it would Chen; if the -guar- I the merchant .to keep a register of tho -1. INKMNNV%0W0kAA#% A . mm�icupalities are also. to b. ask .antes feature remains, be submitted names of all urchasers of carbolic : 'No physician was :more successful ' prisoner named William Murray) ' P Y: to'vote guarantees of blonds: � 'to the peoPle.--Stratford Herald. • acid, ...I. . treating stomach and Ifver. troubles - escaped from . jail at Milton . . • • Avoided has . - . • . • •�+ than Dr Hamilton He avoi alp . medicines and `produced a. wonderful 1.Street car No: 55' took fire from' ': is r , . ' .. Chose the Easier Way vegeta comlpoaitio t , al- 11 pill of bre a the . i w of Cit Y.ifee 4 , ways cures. Dr. Hamilton's Pills ate motor at Hamilton and was burned. . False V e . Maynard had 'been, naugh..y, caul his noted for. promptly curing biliousness, At Edmonton, Deputy,Warden lSted� . father,' after ,showing h,.m kv; fault, I sick headaches, constipation and, atom. . had. sent him u to his man of the Alberta Penitentiary,, was . p room ...rix;lc ach trouble disorder. They work. like • .. God to forgive him for being a bad i a charm -very mild. -yet searching and murdered by . a convict Who hit him COVEN•"a We believe the ch%of cause. of the are permitted: to. look at arc those boy, health -giving, Nowhere can a better on,the head• with an axe. EARTH movement cityward. is found in the they are warned not to pluck. One I tonic laxative be found than in Dr. • , of the greatest social evils pf the day , Three-year-old Harold was present; ' , false view of city life presented to.'is found in the undue prominence but seemed to take iiq ii,itice .of :rhe Hamiltons Pillar Try them and be . g given by the daily Press. to .,the but= j convinced. 25c at all dealers. Repeat it :"Shiloh's Cure �wll� al- .i the young People on, the farm in the conversa.tioh. It was his turn harry- daily press, says the ,Montreal Wit- •texiiy pastimes of ihit rdle rich, to evert/ibefore many -days to,.receive pun- ways cure my coughs artd c arils. Hess. Youth laves pleasure, and the sports of thoughtless youth, to ishntcnt, and his father tv,.Vk Iain ac•' w, the glorification of commercial suc- rosy • his knee Oh, coii't, napa,-1 he Repeat !t :-"Shiloh's Cure will al ""—"� ,_ youth aspires to Success which is cess gin the city, acid the failure to sand, ''I .would rather M tai•s.taiis ways cure my coughs and colds." ZVix, James Elliott, General Manag- ► • + , .' .- spelled with a big S ;- and the les- show 'that side by side and all around and ;ray.'' -The heline ti or for. Play. - .... er of the . Mosons Bank; will . retire Not �l3llg its ei�Sier t0 L111derstltld t it tiliS --d11e palilt sod dinned into the ears of youth onl these things ,are the alloy in which won t CIO fOr eV ung any 2YlOre thaltz Ong mad% ' .. and a number of other bank changes , f the farm, d,ay in and day oiat,,is thatr the sun never enters, ar�d lives spent .___..- The Welland Canal ope4ed last IA toil and conditions that are never " ' cine will care a1I . That s the reason we 1ivake & - the cit is the one place i which n Repeat it :-- Shiloh s Cure will a1- week, are announced at Montreal'. y n ways Cuire my coughs and cotds."• _ s�,,,, ' for every e. Ask. our dealer for illumined by the miracles which . Na- !'�^��' � pts � 'Y Pleasure and Success axe. to, be. found • Shocks of carthgftke were felt in • Soldiers in Constantinople tramped e�, tura is constantly working an vat- New Brunswick, the streets all day yesterday, firing _• . . at every turn. The two things �"tea- ley, on hillside, and ami,:C the waving ' . , I I Tho 25 large mogul engines ore the 4SHERWIN WX LIAMS Lured" in the city press day after tree tops of forest and orchard. Pacific Grand Trunk Anew elevator Company is planning profniscuously in the air.I . . day aro society events 11 and sports; ansY __ ...mow Canadeiaa Lo ©motive ComPanf�ghinl10 build one hundred t levators is the the undertakings and achievements' of $ton,. are welt under wkv ;, delivery of west. at .once, :- PAI V1 `s AHD. YAHN/SHESj�� these captains of industry. Tho slit• Repeat it :=-"Shiloh s Cur,+, ririll al- the,flrst two will bo made .this week ,to H, T. Reason & Co "s warehouse .at � � ffl ' er side of city life is presented l,ut ; ways Cure my coughs and colds. , and the delivery of the total will be London, Ont., was damaged by fire, ' Made id Canada. Tae E?NEeW1d-W1WAM8 Co. Montreal, Toronto, Wfholpep. completed' by July this year. These . Loss $10,000 to $15,000. . . _ _ . __ _ once !n a period of years--as�wlten - """" engines have a total weight nn driv NEXT 1lOMl✓SEEiCERS' EiYCUR- ; . Wholesale starvation in Shaelttown Rheumatism, era of 138,170 lbs,, total weizht of `""`" SION forces disclosure. The ugly fact Is engine loaded 101,97,6 lbs. ; weigat of Catarrh Cured or Money Back., . ' not obtruded that there are thous- More than nine out'of every ten tender 143,300 lbs., or total of 305,-,'- ALL RAIL: VIA CHICA(l0, April 201; - - _ -_. _- - - _- ands who are always on the verge lot cases of rheumatism are simply rhea 270 lbs, loaded. The driving Wheels: • The cause of Catarrh is a germ. It matism of the muscles, duo to ,cold or are 03 inches in diameter ar{d the multiplies in the lining of the 'throat 'fail dna Beat -Steamer leaves Sarn k Shacktown conditions ; that f:)r the damp, or chronic rheurnatfsfn. In such, cylinders 20 in, x 20 In,, working and nose, spreads to. the branchial Ia 3,30 , m. on, Aril 21st -weath . one who Succeeds (frequently by cases' no internal treatment is requir- pressure 200 lbs. tubes and' finally reaches the 'lunps• p p ` or permitting. . • The News -Record will be sent to means •less respectable than thane ed. Tito free application of Chamber- In addition to, these. X25 eight wheel , Cough, 'syrup cannot. follow to life adopted by Morgan the Eauccaneer) lain's 1-iniment is all that it is need- engines have been ordered froiri the lungs -it goes to the stomach- and . �jt;nhipeg and return X32,00, ` t ed, and, it is certain to give• •quick re- Locamotrve Works, Longue l:r,;nte, fails to cure-('atarrhozono is; Ialialed, lldmonton and return $d2.90. - , there are ten thousand who spend.'ten i . lief. Give It a trial and coo for ,your- P. Q. to be delivered by July next. � It •goers. everywltcrC-•gei;s right after . +� hours a, dao, amid the heat and dust,, sett how quickly it relieves the pain The weight of these engines on driv« the germs-�-loins thein--�healn the, sore-Proportionate•an ardd="`f ss, in Cj�,tada to Jan. •^l the foul air, and the constant wh.:•xr and soreness, The medicines usually errs 74,060 lbs., tender loaded 1,•43,300 ncss•--stops discharge- And backing- i - enCa rates to other points � q of factory life., that for boats of lit- given internally for rheumatism . are lbs,, total weight of engine ,and ten- c�u.ifes• ,r�vory ease silt Cat"arrW. You're, 6 Western Canada, Tickets goat] for r tle ones , the; only, green grass they poisonous or very strong medicines, der loaded 204,038 lbs, Driving,' wheels 14bbolutely certaln of cute for Catarrh, 60' flays, see from spring time to autumn is They are worse than%useless In cases 69 In, in diameter eyelinders 18 in, throat irritation, colds or btunchitis, I Secure tickets .from John Itanstord, (� �r•��i that qtr which they are warned motto .of Chronic and museVAr rheumatiam..V 24 Ia. Working steam pressure 200 it you use Catarrhomko. 25c and 'Down Agent or from A. 0. Pattison, . 1 s I ���0� ��� � "' v e�1ts. 'tread, and that the only flowers they p'or sale by W. S, It, Ilolmes, Clinton lbs. . $1:00. All dealers. Depot Agent. . a.-_ fi+ . I I v,, • '�= 1 k ,w % w, i I ,y+.�� • may, � yd U ._.. ..... ... ....:..,-..w.J...__.. _' � _.J. l �.-.� .+� ._ 'ems\' i=.-_ _- _- L .. _.i .__..;,Y - _ ,���Y .I' ' -1 ....�L......_-