HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-04-22, Page 1he- Clinton W,. 1�Tews-I. eeord.
3 t1t, Yoor, CLINTON o ONTAR10v THURSDAY9. APRIL 2nd 1909
Number Whole 1573
The, News will be, sent to any address, in Canada to Jon, Ist 1910 for 30 cents„
Miss Margaret Livermore e New Advertisemonts
'W lgkea� Subjects. fot next Sunday., Morning, r� S. S. Cooper, mine host of tb
kk entertain- if > the. Wheat $1.10 to 4.12.
ed a load of lady friends at bar The going forth of the word' I;, Ev- Normandie, has had a cement Water Oats 42o to, 43c. Hat Days M. & C,__I
home on the London Road on Tbuvs. ening, 1p See Our Values-Tozer's-8
Xcuses.) tank placed at the street corner in Peas 85c to 90c,.
day evening last. After a delicious The Ladies mission crit Decor4tcm141. D. Fair
'Which .111, raearis a waste rele hold their front of the hostelry. Thirsty horses Barley soc to 58c.
4upper an enjoyable evening "W94 monthly rueeting at -the pas the hot And dusty summer m Butter 18c to 20.c Farm for Sale --W. Brydone5
Of to our tor's ha)aW oaths
store and et us. show you spent in games, music 4114 MAP10 sug" on Tuesday plealug. weal Appreciate his, thoughtfulness., Eggs Ise to IR, Private Salew-Mrs. Brownlee -5
the 0 did values we ar. The company on departing gave A PRESENTATION. T. . r . Live Hogs $7.10. Let 'Us Measure --G, W, Barge--ar
a very hearty thanks to Mr., ON PT. 011URCH.
have, e REAL THING rty vote of See p Our Linoleums-W. Walker -4
And find and Mrs. Livermore and Miss Mar- TO -MORROW NIGHT'S CONCERT, --5.
The gentlemen boarders of the Rat- Next Sunday being the Sunday Wanted at the Rattenbury Ho
Increase Your Crop-W.S.R. Holmes -Z.
tenbUry, House on Monday preseuted'sellool. anniversary, Miss Anna Hall, A large number of tickets
have Fashion's ,Favorites --S. C, Rathwelf-$
Mrs, Rattenbury with A Abeautitul Pyangellst, will preach both th? Y. M. 0.
�-;,$argahws SEEDING. morning already, been sold for A.
ton. Fern, it being, the occasion of her and evening. Special music will
be conceri' which -morrow
People who are anxious about times takes place to
Wtholay. The $,ift was tau is expected that Miss,:1ovening In the town hall. Tba pro- Wesley C
I :.silvor and, precious 04 appred- Provided, It
one . The Clocks, Wat- And seasons Would 60 well to, 10OX ated and the tern is so placed that Hall *111 also address the League on,grara promises to be very o hurch Organist
good and
clues, Rings, Bracelets, back. Last year seeding. did Hottva gi its beauty may be Admired by the Monday night. Many will kye oldliglitedv there will doubtlesEi, be a big attea- I
Pins, Chains, Cuff Links, generally until 22ind; in 1907 not un- guests Of the House. to have the privilege of hearing Miss dance to assist a worthy Cause.
TOArticles and $ter- to 24th; i4,1908 we bad heavy snow Hall again as she has lots of - warm
J* Silver Novelties, Solid flurries on, the 30th and May 2nd. so SALE OF CATTLE., GOOD STAYERS,
friends among those with whom she
,n'g Plated Silverware, etc. nobody meed despair. Plenty of time labored during her former visit, Mr. J. P. Sheppard,. who left
ARE ALL BARGAINS. yet to sow seed', . weed out weeds, Forty choice, well led steers were the
carry water, And then eat the festive shipped by Mr. G. Chesney on We'd- At the regular meeting for the el- 6MPIOY Of J.'& N. Fair to enter into
radish or the tear producing onion, nesday to Liverpool on Account . of lection of officers in the League Mon- the grocery bu4iuess, was With thd
641 641 Gordon And Ironsides, These were. a -day night the following officers were firm for twenty-three years. and six
THE RELIABLE$.!' Prime lot, displaying, breeding and chosen for the ensuing yea months. He was ear s trustworthy ii, every
evidencing tfte- g respect And the firm parted with him
an* Aeffilawg r .-The boys of Mrs, E. Cantelon' . reatest care and the President, H. P. Plornsteel,
s best of scientific feeding. Needless I with regret.
class and of Miss Green's class of btardly . to, inform our reaAers. let Vice, Miss Gertie Sage Mr. Harry Glazier who succeeds to
Awaler and Optician. they 2nd Vice, Miss Minnie Kerr
the Mosley Sunday school have form- came from the stables of Mt, John 8rd Vice, Miss Effie Rathwcli Mr. SheppArd's position as packer,
e -a club under the name of 9 'Wesley Ralislord, who will have About -fifty 4th Vice, Mis has been with the mill since Oct. Ist,
s Carrie 1891, and is Well liked by the numer-
Church. Rellables" with officers as more ready. by the middle of May. Reo.-Secretary, Thos, Anders
follows . "None but the best" is Mr. Rans�- Cad Oil ous patrons of the edtablisliment, Prof. W. Brown,
President, J. Watt ;ford's motto.. Assistant, Wilbert Halstead You can hardly speak of 'the mill
INCORPORATED 1869 Treasurer, R. B. Carter The good people of Wesley church
Vice, R. Cantelon. I I , without ring.' reh
Cor. -Secretary, ng in Harry s nam
TEMPERANCE WORK Miss Mabel Kerr . 0 in have listened with delight to the
Secretary, (). East* some way or other,
Treasurer, F. Cutler, Pianist, Miss Elva Wiltse mr. P. 0. Reynolds w 9 Ill fill the selections rendered by their new or -
A well attended meeting In the'in- Assistant, Miss Marjorie Manning. ganist, ,Prof.. W. Brown, The Prot -
The meetir%%s are held every second terests of Temperance and Christian, place vacated by Harry to step . for. is a. graduate of the Incorporated,
Tuesday at the homes of the teachers, work among the lumbering The Sunday school bold its annual ward. Everybody hereabouts
THE BBY91 0 NK OF -C9NA01 camps of knows Society of Musicians, the leading So -
Paid -Up
New Ontario, was: jhe)(I Ii Willis churcW meeting on Tuesday evening, when "Pat" as industrious and obliging. �ciety in England -for training proles-
Capital $3.QW,000. Reserve $4.6w,000 most encouraging rep engineer at the.
reports wereiprosent, Bill East became
Total Assets $50,470,000 HAVE CUSTOME on Suhday afternoon after Svnday� vol. Popr Bible classes an con sional Musicians. He was for.'a titna'.
school,. Mrs, W. connection mill thirty years ago but after serv-
HEAD OFFICE, ' MONTREAL. S,. Harland, presi-: With the schoo'l are now organized 'Th I ing seven . years he took up assistant organdst . of the Cathedral,.
It linton mer- dent of the local W. C T. other Newcastle -on -Tyne, England, which,
speaks well for our C - T. U., occupied staff of teachers and Officers wb_� ser' work. thirteen years ago he returned he resigned to become organist
chants that due of their'number, Mr,' the air, Miss
r . Sproule, who had ved so efficiently last year were re- and ever since has I anti
CLINTON BRANCH—E. R. DEWART, MkNAGER, NVesley Walker, was given the con- been commissioned by the W. 0, T, I ook�d after the choir director of the Parish Church
tract of furnishing.the house O't Mr, to visit these elected.. The school - is in I splendid power, He pun.... rt- Corbridge, and conductor of the dor
Unions of Ontario punctuality
IshaPe And doing fine work, self and the nci&borhood if it'.wished
COUNTRY BUSINE5SEveFy facility afforded to farmers H. W. Cowan of Montreal. The pur. •camps. last winter, gave a very- -vivid At last night's meeting could of c . depend upon him 4xidge Choral Society...
and others for the transaction of cliaser is manager of the. Inland NAvi-.axid 'interesting acco" ing Qames SieV-i ep with as much
unt of her six- J. ....
0 days co the town fiell,
their banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for gation Co. of that city and' was. mar- tYAWO visit to these ens,. W. S. X �Holmcs and A. confidence as
collection, ried recently L at the manse, Loudes- camps. She had -visited in the 62 ton each gave a sliort address on the I Mr.*, POiley Freeman is the head. mil-�
boro, his bride be" held; 34 Laymen's missiortary Congress . held ler and a good one. BaUffeld.
ing a sister of Mrs. 'days some , 32 camps and'
Special Attention Paid to Savings Bank Accounts Leckie, Mr; Cowan. was in Clinton the. meetings, and everywhere she went in Toronto Which all three Attended.
I . . I I .. LITTLE. LOCALS, Percy Biggert of Barrie is home OIX
day- before his marriage, and noted the she was gladly - received- by those A, 0 U W. - MEETING, a' visit.
good: .stocks- which are carried here, rugged fello 9 ws,,.who.are cut off prac-1. Air. wee Icy Walkei has bought 'Mr. Frank Cameron left last week -for
hence -06 order. tically . from obvilization and its many I An open meeting of the local lodge Jas, Hamilton's fancy driver, Seattle, Wash4, where ho'bas securest
refining Influences for several - months No. 144, of - A; 0. U. 'W., was held in The. bowling. club, meets on. Friday a position.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-. each year,',, enduring . hardship and pri-,the . lodge roar, Tliesday � evening. night -to ree;organize , for I the � �Veason.
The MOLSONS BAND Mr, John' Whiddon, principal of;
The special,' - services on Sanday ration untold. Miss Sproule recount-iThere. svgs a large attendance 0,f b6thl Reuben Carter has engaged for the
INCORPORATED 1855, ed mimbei of. 0 - Fort Credit Public school, .and his
next,, at which the VcnerabI6 Arch ., a her dangerous and sexes.. The purpdse of the meeting season with London Roadfarmer,
Zie OIL . I ' I. � , . n�other, . Mks. William :Whiddon 'of CapitalPaldup - $3,500,000 Rest.Fund $3,500,000 deacon-'Mackert thrill experiences ..and. hardships, lWas to stir up., the lodge 16 more ac-- -A number of men hw6e.- bleen eugaged
ntford will
visited friends in the Goderich,
preach* mornin ),I from camp to camp, - some- tive and'6nthusiasti.0- work, Grand for some days � in scraping Albert
g and: evening,, arei the "1 91
of a series -of r through the woods and Master Workm a Morris was. . -pies. ''street ankh drawing'� away; the earth lege .last week.
Has 65 Branches In Canada' commencement s ;I*vl times walking
which had accumulated. ife And family Of De -
and Agents and 06rreepondents in all the orincipal, cities h across lakes and Portag6s and. ridtlig tent, -And in.a very able, eloquent and Dr, Metcalf, w"
that will be held throw
De -
in the world. on team loads_ Of bales. of hay 'address be'showed that, the I M4 T'. H. Cook is -on the sick list. troit spent •a few days' in the village
,in summer in cqmmemorat.;oA, (I the and pointed I I .. .. ..
A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. 50th other camp supplies. - The W. 0 T protectionand benefits, *of this society Tom has' working at high. res- last week at their .summer
Year, , of the eixisten66 of St. residence
U_ is. doing - a very successful rc. s to those, of none'other. Her sure. since. he entered: tht livery busi- Revs. XeNei�' 4 Hiles are. holding
Paul's thurbir in Clinton. St., Paul's and 4 second
regr .tion men; With 'less, but now he is compelled to talro union special services this week, . The
has the honor 'of being �a doq& landable Work ' among. these, d the insurance rates.,
line insurance bom- services held. oldring the. . past two
SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT a church, the oldest in the hip- whose religious welfare is' not arid' those of,regular. a rest. servi
AT ALL BRANCHES. tory, of Clinton; -which is a, small lean scarcely be• helped •by any other PAIII.i0s, and with those..61 other fra-1 Mr, John Johnstone has sold his wedlis being so well attended and so
nstrated, be- house.on
Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. matter, slut 'being a continuati.)n � of ireligious- - denomination - or . !church ternal societies, and detno" Mary. street. to Mr John great interest manifested in'them' it
agency, because of the - peculiar condi- yOnd -Cluestion that this. society is N&,diger for $850_ Mr.' Nediger has Was thought wise to continue a little
the, Ancient British Church they niat-
tions existing among these men as to one of the most economically : manag- had- the place ]based 'the past couple longer.
orally , lay claim to a history" runningi
back to the early - centuries. These :sar- -able': in reserve Of YeUs- Sacrainental. services Will be hold..
Ciinton Branch C..E. Dowding, Manager one or the reli
their ,nationality ity and religion. The ed,
il4dies have a,rnost unique, 9pportun.: funds And. one of the �be*st fraternities :A meeting in the interests of the in the. Moth
vices .will be announced in due' order. Methodist church
on Sundayl,
The Venerable ity among these men because of their if no,t.the very bestIn these. L' d"s Day Alliance wIll'be-beld, 'in mornin . m.'. . . .
Archoleacon.of Brant- resVects . or 9 next. at 1.1 -a'
ford is too well known here to need interdenominational character, and that are- operating in Canada todlay.1the Baptist church :tliis evening when • Mr; James Fowlie is having. som&.. ,
P should. receiveAn their cffWs the His facts and figures n- an address will be delivered v: Rev.
any introduction to our 'readers. os- gures were most 60 b. imptoyements to his store by. having
sessed . of a striking deportment, -he is hearty -Support of everybody, vificing. Tbis society. in file .32 years' W• B Caswell of Brantford. cellar. dug and
d a -cement foundatiolt
READYMADE ORDERED pit at s -In renewing a
seliolar Th, Willis , c' of its -existeftee.fhas paid to widowsi. his. 80�6rtnti6n Mr
a e peaker,'a learned. And, hurch anniversary Willi put under which will make it more.
CLOTHING Morrish Grooks a man: of much - research, It will b be, held week item, ne.,�t, Sunda* aTid9 Ozphans some, sib", 00,0,000 and its Thos J, Cooper 'of'Xt1larn.6y11 Man
ZLOTHING aft c Lnigtcr-ladds" convenient..
.4imate so.ecoriomi economically. "I alway like to get- Tile:
great leisure in. store for thoae., *who Xay.:the 3rd. . I- � . ;. -. . -' t; i I Foqtel:,' Who lately.:our --,'
ed that '. it Cos :Ncws-.R�Dcord which -reaches 'me
'attending St., P Costs but 44 cents regul-
Purpose aul'i UE xt -Tile best attendanc in
.� for eha,scd the property- of Richard. El•
e in -the -history every dollar -tlia't is Paid.- death arly and gives, me thehappenings �01 lion .move *d in. thf�. we 9 and'becam"er
Sunday. in Claims township.'nt of
of the Men' Bible Class so fai., � I - s uty, 'Ora d ',M s. the old ifome* town andelt
Di'trict Dep' n a
On Sunday eyening..-Rtv. C.- R-. Willis church, was recorded, last Sun-�, i . I . . . a. residQ. Out. village. We all wel.
ter Morris was -present and'
a a more day -afternoon,' and the lesson was Come Mr and Mts, Foster.
Guano made a strong plealor , spoke
briefly on. the'sple'Adid- -work ' in
rigid observance of the Lord's D ably, bytions.
0 My. Mr. W. Bry��qne. iohtari6, and in Huron county. Dr., 'Personals,
It was just. such a discourse as' rhight T116 Class is growing, th,cre. being, now Stephenson of London was present to
be -'expected from the able and broad- nearly. thirty names on. the ioll, and Olds For 4hom everybody has a.
:3 is open to• every young and old Put on the. "screen Iscreen - work, ". but on at- Mr.� Erne Rey.n left on
minded rector of *St. Paul's,
oversight - by return -to his school. near Durhaltf. word. -
man who is a member. or adherent - of court of - 'some delay. or ov(.,
the express company the slides had Mr. Dick Collinson,
WE8�LEY CHURCH.. Willis efiluch- or Wishes to bb. was -Lha,
'Fine not arrived, The Master Workinan,'Mr:- guest of Miss G. Kennedy.
The services in Connection. . . I , soloi were rendered J over
with the' ,last Sun- John Torrance, o0cupie'd-thpich it
Epworth League anniversary -day -by Miss. McRae and, Mrs. Chowen-1 ai veri . day.
Were of Land. usual .were eigjoyed- ably. Mr. B. Hill pleased the Audience Mr. apol Mrs. Wilfrid G. Pickett re -
nature. and the
a very interesting 1with his musical selections, Mr. turned from their honeymounj trip 94
sermons by Rev: G. F. Salton ..were CENTRE GREY,LICPNSES. Hill plays the. mouth o)cgan:. and . ac- Saturda
uch Appreciated, He referred
ferre d to the himself wit organ Dir . 7 days,
iconipanies h the guitar, W9. J. Paisley spent a f6w�.
many changes wUi6h had idlien. place T46 Centre ' Huron license.. h0al(t, 'and Is an 1, Miss Ford all
expert at bot of last week in the. Dungannon d
since he as. a Junior labored COMPrising J. B Hoover, CliAton, rendered a pleasing piano x010. 9 T Xintail districts.
. With 1 '. he
Our new stock of Spring Hats is now, fhemchairman .William Patterson,. Ail- '
. in the old Rattenbury street meeting was the .culmination of the Mrs. George Leigli . of Toronto is
afforded -burn, And Adam Flay
Church, and the. pleasure it 5egcfbrtb,, met- work of the provincial -organtzer, Mr, spending some �Weeks- with her sls-�
complete, comprising. all the newest shados b$mln being with them again in $eaforth on Monday to. co'fisider Ryan, who .provincial
remain a, da `,or or twoN ter, Mrs. A. D. Beaton.
the 4POica.tions for..licenses for the longer 'in town, to in! Misses Sa. . da."ahol Libbi
The morning sermon dealt with vis- tiate, *free 0 e Hisbotandl.
and shapes, in all sizes and at all -prices,. - ensuing. year. There' were - thirty-da,6
Mr. Fred. Cox,.
ions dreams, based: ApAs 2- initiation fees, any who desire to taker. His I;bndon, were
Applications - and all. were. favorably advantage ' is. guests 'of
17, and Prov. He emphasised of offer while 'he their. uncle •and 'Aunt,
Ithe fact t.Mt:.we were living in a ver�' acted Upon. Goderich..- leads with here.. The, ladies and . youn . g. men -Mr.- and -Mrs. :Ji Ratteobury, the, 7,
u and - Seawth have � six past.wee
-materialistic. age, and. that the. terry- i nine, Clinto should make a special effort to. - get
Working Hats in good qualities and colors at 500- d01A was to each, Brussels has three,. (xis town- 'Miss. Lou Stevens. addressed the W6s-
Centre our' chiphas four, Colborne two in, and do Jt now, for -We do not
o and Me- h -now. what.
largely on the .things V011ch. are tan- K".116P only, O�e and: that - do'Wil in the tion
I two days of procrasti-na. ley Leaguei on Monday evening and
'hie , And visible, thereby los-1411r, Slight in this matter 'may meg.n. the League of the Methodist church,
Boys' and Youth's Crush Hats in all the very latest 91 soutli.�east corner. Goderich and Hui- S6aforth,*on Tuesday. Sftc was ae-. 1
of the things Which are apprehended
styles and colois,.at from to. 1.56 only by the -inner senses.. He called' lett., townships have no licensed. 1104- - cor�panfed to Seafoirth by. Miss
special attention to the fact that all es, the latter. because of local option,ourtice.
Seatorth rang in for the sixth on A Highly Estefined Citizen "Attie- 'C
0 50 the important achievements,* whether a Mr. R.. B. Caldwell, Toronto, in,
Men's Fedoras in black or colors, from $1.25 t 2. in Art, science, Commerce, politics orlvery narrow margin, Two of the speetor of the, Royale Bank, was.
Goderich houses and one I'
religion were accomplished? by � those . 4 Brussels town for a. f6w. days the Past week. Mr. S, o. n4mintr.
Were only given short term duringi. I
-King" and "Fitwell" brands, so well and favor' who, saw visions and dreamed dreams, 0 Manager Dew tit of the Royal and
known, in stiff or soft styles $2.50 Not visionary castles -in -the -air build- which certain repairs -must be made, Mrs. '�Dewart entertained! - tile"'
. � clinton.—Joe E. Reinhardt, Waivet- The numerous friends 'of Mr. S. G.
*ers, but, those who, -h 1v Ins and a few friends -ono ev-
%' ley; S. S. Coope Plumra 'r . will be sorry, to, hear : that
"Ing had to r, Normandie.; Joe e
iveale4.into them unsech and deeply- ening during his stay.
"Borsalb Rattenbury, Rattenbury House ; Dav- of late lie his not' been enjoying, .as
no" in any style and color Misses MIA* XiltY, Mollie Cluff and,
'hidden realities, laid hold on them by Id Crawford, Commercial ; R. Gra- good health as formerly. and that
'faith and . brought' them to light,' ham, .0rabam house ; C. H4 Pugh, Edna Copp, having Completed their oft
SAturday last he 'was seized by A"
;Many striking examples were produc- Normal course, left on. Tuesday for
"Stetson" brand, which is so mell known as one'of Shop,
fainting spell. no-WELS out of doors
�ed. and an earnest appeal wag made Guelph to attend the Macdonald 1n fainting
best brands made Brussels.-Josqph Querin, And alone at the time and lay for
;to aspire towards the attainment of stitute until midsummoir. The Whit�
!the highest ideals of true manhood,iia McDonald and E mfgh,.- Central • Renry ney •Government gives free board 1"WOnty . minutes or more on the cold
I Christ Jesus. James,' American, 2 months to fix round before assistance arrtved. He
and tuition and also� pays, the. rail� g
up, )ias since recovered to a great extent
way fares of tbm teaqliers who take
The evening sermon Was based on
Goderich�-Frcd, Davis Bedford
Special attention diVen to this course and a, very -large nurn'bor tyora the effects of the scizure,
job 83-14, 1 For God speaketh once., non. Saults, Saults House; Mrs. An.
are in attendance.
yea twice, yet man peree"Veth it hie XIng, X-ing Edward'; Mrs, Lijlh-� Mr. J, X, Snider, provincial license
not. 140 referred to the
many tOiCraig, Huron, 8 months for repairs e" inspector', was In . town on Friday Londesbaro
ORDERED CLOTHING ,wham God was sPeaki-ig who.do riot M� park, 8 months for repairs last. lie was on a tour of inspect- ,hear His voice, and gave. several i1- William Babb, Ocean House; E. R, tion of the hotels in the. Centre Ridq Mrs, 11, Snell entertained a fe%V, Or
All Fits andWorkmanship ilustrations as to the reason Why Swartz, British Viclialige ; Thos: Ing and was Accompanied by Inspec. tier neighbors and' friends Monday ev..
I they having eyes see not, 'having cars Johnston, Colborne W. W. Saults: ening of this. week.
hear not:" The great reason, was that shop. tot AsquLth. The number of hotels Wiss M. Brogden Visited
in -
they, are not in tune with God. 110 13roAdfoot, in the provinc6 has largely defteas- friends ed in the past few years and thoje Clinton this Week. •
urged such to bring their discailed AM) Commercial ; D. T. Pielcney, Royal Mr4 James Stevens.. that remain have been vastly Inn- Thos, M111MV received his first
out -01 -time organs to Christ, 40ar,
whOIJames Diek, Dick House; S. H. Cartel proved in every way. Mr.1,51nider's Of coal Of the season and is deliver..
"A Square Deal for Ever Matt." could Put them in order and mo(d. norhan, Grip flouse •; Mrs. Christiana The subject of this 'Paragraph was that ing,in the village this week.
y their lives harmoniously blessed. branch of the work is to,see
Stephens, Queen's ; M. Dawson; 8110P, born in the township of Colborne on the licensed houses are property , The saw Mill Was elo§ed Tuesdray-
The Pastor will preach next' Sun- Jamestown. -Thos.- McEwen, Beer after a vmlsy 'season's work, almOst
day. Ilia morning subject Will be and wine. the 18th of March, 1837, and corse - equipped and maintained. 1170,000 feet have been sawn during.
"The fruit of quently is now In his 73rd year, but
the spirit" And th3 Long, the season's run.
evening, "Tho sacrifices of Praise and rithel,_
MORRISH CROOKS service -11 All Are welcome, John Putland, Ivigoroug physically And alat mental- Londesharo'. The many friends of Edward Mann -
Is not an old Man by any
MnleswOtth.-Mrs- R. *AiVer. Ily he i Ing of Blyth, late of Londesbord, 'Will
Miss Scott Of the Deaconess' 110016 Colborne, Tow6hip,-Jonathan Mill- means: A devoteil member of the Mr. C. Hutton left Wednesday be Sorry to.leArn of his Continued Ill -
Successors to Hodgens Brosi 016thlog Stort in Toronto will give An address In the, or, Carlow ;14VM. (flat' eat Anthony At- Methodist Church, 4 staunch, Liberal, morning to resume duty as engkicel tress,
school room on, Monday evening at g laft,s 09orner. I a, man vbo is out -spoken anal sterling on the 0.'l ,. It. at Toronto. Mt. Ilut- Thos, Shobbrook Of the 13th: Coll.
o'clock, The public aro cordially in.1 MtXillop Tov4ship.-toulg Wolff, and lives the Golden thile-gueh Is ton has spent the past six weeks at we 4re sorry to hear tontiAlles very
Vited. Admission, free. Dublin.i James 4910vens as we all know him. 1ifs borde assisting in the saw mill, poorly,