HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-04-15, Page 12A Monster Boot
and Shoe Clean-up
Saturday, March the 27th, and following day$ will
witoss the greatest
Slaughter Sale of'lloots and Shoes
ever put before the people of Clinton and surrounding
In going, over our stook we find that we have to
sacrifice a nnmber of lines in order to make room for
our great stock of Spring Goods.
Come and buy early before the lines get broken.
This sale is for cash only. No goods on approval.
40 pairs Men s Gaiters, all sizes, regular $1.50 to 3.00,to clear at .99
35 pairs men's Dongc;la Oxfords, regular $1.50 to 2.50 to clear at .79
10 pairs men's Patent Oxfords, up-to-date in style and quality.
Regular $4.00 and 4.50, to go at 2.90
15 pairs men's Tap Boots, regular $2.75 to 4.00 to go at
12 pairs boys Laced Boots, regular $1.50 to 1.75, to clear at .75
14 pairs women's Dongola and Patent Strap Slippers, regular
$1.25 to 1.75, to clear at
9 pairs women's Dongola and Patent Strap Slippers, regular
a $1.75 to 2.50, to clear at 1.35
30 pairs women's DongolatOxfords, regular $1.50 to 2.50, to
clear at 1.00
9 pairs misses Strap Slippers, regular $1.50 to clear at . .65
25 pairs women's Buttoned Shoes, regular s2,0e to 3.00, to
clear_at 1.50
50 pairs women's:and girls Laced and Buttoned Shoes, regular
$1.50 to 3.00, to clear at .50
12 pairs women's Grain Leather Gaiters, regular $1.50 to clear at 1.101
Also reductions in Men's and Ladies'
Patent Leather Shoes.
James Twitchell & Sons
Wall Paper
We claim for it artistic
merit, and we think will
appeal to you both. for its
•beauty and its practicabil-
ity, • We assure you of
Exceptional Values in
Many Patterns.
W. D. FAIR .00.
Often Cheapest, --Always the Best
About this time of .year a number of things
in and around the house would be decidedly
befter looking for a coat of paint or varnish..
Every possible surface has been provided for in
For wagons and farm Implements we have a paint that will stand ex-
posure to the weather; for porch floors we have a paint that will withstand
footwear, moisture and repeated
scrubbing with soap and water.
Making a special finish for
every surface -requires us to keep
5000 formulas constantly in we
but enables us to get best results.
Tell the Sberwin-Williams
agent , what you want to finish,
and he will give you the proper
paint or varnish. Write for book-
let, B-60.
Miss Hattie Courtice has, been visiting
Seaforth friends.
Miss .011ie Cooper is home
for the vacation.
The Misses Bawden ;visited
over the holidays.
Miss Mena Thoms returned
forth on Saturday.
Miss Smith of Walkerton is
Miss Flora Cunningharne.
Mr. Will. Taylor is home from Toror0
to University for the holidays.
Mr. Clarence Sheppard came home
from, Iroquois for the holidays.
Principal Hartley is attending the
0. A. C. ix Toronto this week.
Mrs. J. Rolph of Turnberry was the
guest of Mrs. Wasman last weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Treleaven left last week
;to visit relatives in Lapeer, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford of Galt have
been visiting at Mr. John Rice's.
Dr. McRae and V. E. Duncan of
Brussels were in town on Monday.
Mr. Nixon Welsh, teacher, is home
I from Washington for the' Easter
I vacation.
Mrs. George Pollard of Brussels vis-
ited her daughter, Mrs. Wasman,
last week.
Mrs. William Glenn of Stanley visited
her daughter, Miss Bessie Glenn, in
Mr. Joseph Robb of Bluevale was a
visitor at 'Mr, J. F. Wasman's on
Thursday last.
Mr. Aillsert Seeley was in Wingham
and Lueknow this week installing
gasoline engines.
Mr., J. E. Henry, principal of the
Stratford Public school, is lessee for
the holidays.
Mrs. Robert Pearson and her son,
Leslie of Stanley visited in London
the past week.
Mrs. J. F. Wasman is spending the
week with her mother, Mrs. George
Pollard of Brussels.
Miss Pearl O'Neil returned to Chat-
ham on TeeSday t resum4 her stud-
ies at Unsuline College. •
Mrs. W. Cooper and Miss 011ie Coop-
• er visited Wingham slant Blyth friends
on Friday and Saturday last.
Mrs. Hodgens and two children of Lu-
• can visited Mrs. John Wiggington
for a few days the past week.
Mrs. W. Hardy Andrews of Toronto
was the guest for a few days of the
past week of Miss Pearl O'Nets
Mrs. W. R. Counter and Norman re-
turned Monday evening from a few
days ,visit with Seaforth friends.
Mr. Charles Helyar has returned front
Kempville where he paid his son,
Mi. Roy Helyar, a lengthy visit.
Misses Moir and Delmage of the C.
0.1. teaching staff left on 'Thursday
last for their respective homes in
Guelph and St. Mary's.
Mr. Harry Hewson, teller of Molsons
Bank, was in BerLn on Good Fri-
day and visited his home in EXeter
on Sunday and Monday. '
Mr. Harold Wiltse, teller in the
Royal Bank, London, was home over
Sunday and Monday. Mr. karat,
formerly of Clinton, is manager of
the branch.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nye of Moorehead
Minn.'. are visiting the latter's par-
ental home, Mr. F. Rumball's. They,
are up on their honeymoon trip, the
nuptial knot having been tied in
New. York City, and are now home-
ward bound.
Principal Gundry of the 0. I. is in
Toronto attending the annual sneet-
ing of the Ontario Educational As-
soeiation and will deliver an ad-
' dress before the High School Prin-
cipals' Association on "Proposed
Changes •in, Matriculation." ,
Mr. E. Kemp, tiJondon, 1.1ssited le.s son,
Mr. S, Kemp, town, on, Friday and
Saturday and also his son, Harry,
in Goderich. Since swe last saw him.
Mr. Kemp has entered upon his 70th
year, but' the passage of time bears
upon, him very lightly and he seems
as sprightly as ever,
The following from Clinton attended
the temperance convention in Myth
on Thursday last : Mrs. W. S. Har-
land, Mrs, Jas. Doig, Mrs. George
Lavis, Mrs. Bean, Dr. Thompson,
A. T. Cooper, D. K. Prior, L. C.
Fleming, C. Hoare and Rev. J.
Mr. W. U. Latornell, manager of one
of the Molsons Bank branches in St.
Thomas, returned to duty on Mond -
from DO
in London
to Sea -
•••••••••••••••• ••$••••• •••••••••••••••• •••• •••• ••••
Nelson Ball
Hoover St Ball
o It
A good horse is worthy of a fine saddle -so
a good picture demands a good mount. Let
every nook and corner of your home be beauti-
fied. Bring around your paintings and etch-
ings and we will convert them into
..zsavris•Txc 3:31.1.A.Trr1r SOTS,,
no matter how costly or simple its fittings.
Our extensive stock of specially selected picture
mouldings cannot fail to give permanent pleas-
PIT ma\T vr TY nail sts_isTIS V-CTIsTIOXisA.r...i Dxxiaacrrop,s
•••••••••••••:•••••••••••••••••• ••• • **op. •••••....444.
Advertising in The News -Record Brings
GoOd Results.
Two Po_iwzAR
•Art Needlework Lessons Fr - •
Mies Munro of the Corticelli Silk Co'y, is at present conducting a class of Art Needl
I store. The lessons are entirely free. Tke hours are from 10 30 to 1 p.m. and from 2,30 to C..
classes for them in England and Scotland. On her return this year she held a most successful
Miss Munro is the Corticelli Silk Co.'s most expert teacher. For three years she has bee
0'store of T, Eaton Co., Toronto,lrom which she came to us. It you are at all interested in Art
0 this opportunity to improve is an excellent one. Remember, no charge for tuition.
In cornection with, the class we are making a special exhibit of finished needle work, th
: which was shown by the Corticelli Co. at the great Franco -British Exposition last year. We
$safe in saying it is the handsomest display of needle work ever shown in Clinton and is well wor
We have laid out all our Remnants for quick selling Saturday, all are measu
marked in plain figures on tickets for the piece. Remnants of Dress Goods 4% yar
Remnants of Toweling, Prints, Cottons, Shirtings, Sheetings, Table Linens, Sat
Chambras, Ginghams, Etc. All at about HALF PRICE for quick selling.
350 and 40c Cashmere Hose 25c
150 pairs ladies black Cashmere Hose, very fine quality, in
plain and one and one ribbed, sizes 8, 8, 9, 9i only. Our
stock of these lines are too heavy which is the only reason .2 5
for this deep put in price. Regular 35c and 40e, Saturday
50e and 60c Tweed Dress Goods 35c
500 yards light grey Tweed Dress Goods in checks and
stripes, all wool. Just the thing for children and misses
for school wear. The reason for this big cut is ours. Leeds 35
at the prices. Regular 50c and 60e values for per yard
10c Factorg Cotton 814c
20 pieces, clean, round thread, Factory Cotton, good width
and weight, 25 yards in each piece. You will have to buy
the piece as we cannot cut length at this price. Regular n 1
10c Saturday • sU U2
New Spring Coats
Our New Spiing Coats are now all in. They are
the very newest styles and colorings. Come in and see
them. Prices run from 0 up to $12.
Ask to see our special at $10. •
Readuoto wear S
Ten only, traveller's samples of
wear Suits, in navy and green Pan
daintily trimmed with silk ribbon an
styles tor spring. One-third off regul
New Whitewe
All the New Spring Whitewear
Undersides, Waists, Drawers, Co
Call and see these as often as you I
buy or not.
• New Top Sidi'
Our range of New Spring Top
plete, in Panama, Voile, Broadcloth
new styles are very pretty, and
Come in and see these.
If you are needing any Carpet
Oilcloths or Curtains for house-clea
see our range before buying. We
on your purchase. •
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wheatley visited in i Miss Trick of Ruscomb is spending
Woodstock this weekthe holidays in town,
Mr. and. Mrs, James Smith visitedMiss O'Neil is home from Milverton
• Woodstock friends over Easter. •I for the holidays.
Mrs. Alex. Stewart of Woodstock •Mr. J. F. Wasman visited his mother
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- I in Mitchell on Good Friday.,
lace Wheatley Saturday, and Sun- I Mister Leslie Wasman is enjoying the
day. I vacation with .1iis uncles Mr, Ch4rles.
Mr, Walter Johnston of Goderich is I Pollard of Morris.
at • present visiting his parents, Mr. Mrs. Campbell of Aylmer, Elgin Olin -
and Mrs. 'W. C. Johnston of Huron ty, has been visiting her son, Mr.
street. , W. Glenn CarnPbell. • •
Chief Wheatley spent Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Routledge and
• Sunday with his danghters, Mrs. J. I Miss Maud spent Easter Sunday
J. Waid and Mrs. George XeCarts with Blyth friends.
ney of Woodstock. ' 'Misses Ida and Ma,bel Naegle and
Miss Lela Hoover, who has been at -1 Maude Ferguson of town spent Bas -
tending the Hasergill Ladies' . Col-, tertide at their homes in ASiburn.
lege, Toronto, spent the holidays at Mr., and Mrs. G. D. MeTaggart and
her ,home in town. • ' Mr. and Mrs. James Pak attended
Mr. John Hewitt of Lucknow, accom- an assembly in Seaforth Tuesday
panied by' his little daughter, Mak- • evening. ' •
el, was visiting his sister-in-law, Mr. George Edwards, ,the driller who
Mrs. Shier, for a couple of days 1 is at work on the waterworks well,
this week. , . was compelled to return to his
Mr. George McCartney, formerly of home at Brussels on Friday owing
Clinton and son-in-law of 'Chief to illness, but returned. on Tuesddy.
Wheatley, has accepted the position Mr. John Atkinson of Exeter was in
• of foreman of the Cormack farm of town Good Friday attending .the
two -hundred acres near Woodstock, Oddfellows' Lodge of Instrection,
' where he has been living for the and was the guest of his sister,
past couple of years. Mrs.'. A. Hooper,
Mr. W. K. Greenwood, engineer, re- Miss Tillie McCartney of Detroit vis
turned from Toronto on Tuesday ited her sister, Mrs. G. B. HatileY
• and is again engaged in taking levels of the London Road, and friends in
• for the waterworks system, and ob-
serving. the test of the well, as well!
Miss McGregor of Toronto was the
guest from Good Friday untiS Mon-
day of Miss B. Munro, Corticelli
silk demonstrator at the establish-
ment of Tozer st 13rown. Miss Mun-
ro is a guest ' at the Rattenbury
a.y afternoon after a few days visit
in town. This was his first visit in
tWo years and the litany friends were
Midi pleased to aga'n meet him.
1VIrs. Latornell has been the guest
of her mother, Mrs, Combe Sr. for
the past fortnight mta expects 'to
rental's until May.
,Goderich township over Easter. tl3e-
fore returning to the city on, Tues-
day she also visited her brother,
Mr. George McCartney and her
father, Mr. 'John McCartney, in
Woodstock. The latter 1ia0,, -,AbFen
under the doctor's care for S. fort-
night, having fractured a couple of
•••••••••••••••• 4P4)..............................0...
.,.„. , -,,,--.,; (OPPOSITHAMOLSONS BANK)
'''''''''• , s ,„ez...,,a+1, t10
`"'‘ 4,:e • A.. j'-'
We Give Satisfaction
Special display for Saturday.
$ National Port
. Cement
$ As Mrs. T. R. Waiker
0 agency for the above compao
0 tome.
$• Those desiring cement fo
to leave orders with me at
$ may be procured.
1.•,1111bAll. • • 0•,••,•,••••••••,,,,,,,
ITile Slioe au Mr
$ S. C Rathwell Shoes
# This is the time of year
0 you want Good, Strong b
# Shoes to keep your feet se
# dry. VVhan you visit the co
• 0 Horse Show on April 1st,
0 call and see our stock of al
0 heavy shoes.
We have them ranging in price
from $1.25 to $3.50.
The following lines are inami-
faetured by Cl. A.. Ahren's & Co.,
All IP Kip Dols at
All English Kip at
Good Strong Split at
0 These Imes are worth looking at
We Do Repairing
It pay s to Advea
• News -Re