HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-04-15, Page 7Promotion Examination Clinton Public School Parents wishing to send children to school are requested to have them vaccinated and have them at school on the inorn,ng of the opening day, April 19th, so that the classed may be organized without delay, The following is the report of the Promotion examinations kid last week. From 3rd class to 4th class in Div- ision '2. Marks required to pass,400. Harvey Harland 523, Leona Elliott 491, Al. Doherty 467, Lulu Connell 449, Lulu Howe 447, Lillian Mennell 438, Willie Britton 411, Laura Menn- ell 412, Russell Moore 401, Roy For- rester 400. Laverne Cook 398, rec- ommended, Willie Pinning 379, recom- mended. From Division 5 to Division 4, marks required to pass 400 : Frank Pennabalier 456, Harriett Caiitelon, 455, 'Wipe rio.herty 448, Jessie Armitage 443, Gii:ord' Beaton 433, Foster Copp 431, Norval Mc- Lean 122, Wilfrid Crich 418, Lloyd Rice 401, Francis Reynolds 400, From 2nd class to 3rd class in Div- ision 5, required' to, pass 350 : Nellie Watkins 466, Lyda Morrish 455, May Rutledge 433, Bessie O'Neil 410, Winnie Draper 400, Georgie Kaufman 397, Vera Trieh 391, Clar- ence Finch 381, Meda Cooper 380, Joe Nelson 380, Elsie Barge 379, Maida Armour 357, Mansfield Cook 260, failed. From Division 6 to Di%ision 5, re- .quired to pass 340 : !Kathleen Dowzer 413, Lois llolmes 412, Erskine Evans 409, Leota Har- land 406, Nellie Kemp 403, Jennie Baines 402, Buell Higgins 396, Mild- reCook 391, Charlotte Sheeley 343, Mary Chidley, 391, Margaret Kerr 389 Leona Nediger 385, Lulu Bailey 376, Alice Peelcitt 370, Elmo Dohrifty 36%, Alberta Jackson 363, Maud Rutledge 355, Ina Trowhill 350. From Part 2nd to 2nd class in Division 6 : Bessie Chowen 219, Mabel Mar- shall 213, Claude Higgns 206, Hanna Argent 205, Marion Gibbings 204, Florence Smith 203, Earle Cooper 193, Dorotha Ralteriburv 192, Leona Hearn 189, George Evans 181, Aileen Armour 180, Hattie Oreig 179, Fred. Grimes 175, Beatrice Britton 153, Flossie Nelson 142, Addis Jones 132. From Division 7 to Division 6, re- quired to pass 122 : Marjorie Barge 200. Pretoria Ship- ley 187, Wilhiir Welsh 187, Ernest Livermore 185, Alec Agnew 182, Cecil Peckitt 181, Elsie Graelis 179, Wil- fred Seeley 177, Frank Smith 176, rrawt0:11pil 15th, 1909. Pearl Gould 175, Agnes Fair 164, Orval Murphy 158, Ernest Hall 152, Nettie Glazier 149, Fannie Hellyar 148, Earl Livermore 145, .Earl Steep 145, Herbie Grundy 137, Thoren Per- due 137, Alex. Bell 122. From Part 1st ision 7 : Ruth McMath Mb.ry, Rathwell Eagleson 133, Jean to Part 2nd in Div - 82, Edna West 79, 77, Murray Mc- Neil 77, Helen Forrester 77, Harry Lawrence 77, Carl War- rener 77, Leslie Rice 15., Fred. Wallis 75, Joseph:lie Yesbec 75, Lyda Liver- more 74, Merritt Nediger 73, Nellie Marshall 72, •Evelyn Chill 70, James 70, Kate 65, Charlie 57„ Walker 70, Asa Deeves Spalding 68, Mary Carter McGuire 59, Cecil Cooper Beaton 56. From Divison 8 to Division 7 : M. Andrews, H. Rance, N. Edmist- on, D. O'Brien, C. Dunford, B. Gunn, G. Shipley, D. Fair, R. Shrenk, E. Argent, E. Wasman, E. Hill, A. Wal- ker, B. Harland, S. Draper, E. Jac- obs, G. Wagner. Leadbury Mr. and Mrs. T. McCulla have re- turned from Minnesota, after a four months' visit with their daaghters' there. Many friends welcome them home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCulla., Strat- ford, visited friends here last week. Mrs. Kinny and Mrs. Driscoll spent Easter with the former's daughter, Mrs. Nesbitt of Listowel. Miss Mamie McEwen of Wingbam Business College spent the Easter holidays under tfie parental roof. Miss Emma and Master Tommy Murray of Blyth spent Easter with friends here. Rev. Principal Wallar of Huron College, took charge of the Easter service in St. George's church. Mrs. Boyle and family leave for their hom,e in Almonte after spending the winter with friends i.n this vicin- ity. COLONIST EXCURSIONS TO THE PACIFIC COAST AND MEXICO. Daily until April 30th, one way sec- ond-class colonist tickets will be is- sued by the Grand Trunk. Railway System to the following points at very low rates :- Vancouver B. C., Seattle, Wash., Spokane, Wash., Portland, Oregon„ Los Angeles, Cal., San Francisco, Cal., Mexico City. For further particulars and tickets apply to any Grand Trunk Agent. Goderich. Mrs. Ross, motherof Mr. Jo Ross, is taking care of. his Wail They have removed to their old honae on Toronto street. Mr. Charles Turnbull, of the Bank of Commerce, Toronto, spent. Easter- tide at St. George's' rectory with his parents. At St. George's church. on Easter Sunday, the reading desk, lectran and pulpit, were draped in white, and de- corated with double daffodils and ferns, arranged in a pretty fashion. The altar drape was also whtte. In the front were Eater lilies and myrtle, drooping lover .the sides hke a fringe. Many Easter lilies„ Azalea, daffodils and a number of foliage plants, most notably a pepper tree, were banked on each side of the ohan- cel steps. At the evening service Rev. Mark Turnbull took for his ;text, St. Luke' 24-5-'1Where can you point to any thing more suggestive than that ? " he asked, "What do the words suggest to you ?" To me they, suggest, that the dead are living at. this moment alive than anyof us. "Language" he said, "is a strange thing, it often leads astray. We say the sun rises and sets, when it do`es.,. no such thing. It stands still while the earth is moving. Words .do not often carry our meaning. The sermon was replete, with common sense. The anthem was beautifully rendered by the choir. The offertory voluntary was "Sing to God" executed in a, very spirited manner by the organist. Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. John Schornhals'ispait Easter with their parents at Milver- ton. Alfred Quaid visited his sister at Wingha.m during Easter week. Miss E. Jones, our teacher,spent the holidays 'with her parents at Cre- dit Forks. James McLeod of Detroit spent Easter with friends in the village. ' Mr. an,d Mrs. Nels Pearsoni Sunday - ed with friends at Auburn and vicin- • ity. Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Hayden, .0 Goderich Sundayed with his parents' here. David Martin leaves shortly*, for the lakes for the season. Harry Hawkins, atter a few weeks of illness, is improving again. ' Miss Victoria Hawkins lett last. week for Mackin,ac via Chicago. Edward Graham of Toronto who has been visiting in the village, and neighborhood', left last week for the city again. • , r".