HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-04-15, Page 6fret fl 01 Surveging ds o LRL Irudertfrainage wft, Payfor itself in from one to three years. Perhaps example in Ontario demonstrates is more conclusively than the drain - et "the Rittenhouse farm" at Jordan elarbotir in the Niagata Peu" insole. Originally it was wet, so Moell so, indeed, that eltett the ereps- ,were searcely • wottit cutting. In 3.206 hfr. M. F. Rittenhouse of Chicago gam it to the Oovernnaent for on hortfpultntal experimental farm. in WO it was underdrained, the , lines 1410 being laid. *bout fOur and half 3xide apart. In Many pieces the. 40bsoi1 was very, very heevy, •se thet the digging wee hard arid the vest Idea about $25 an aere. Inele08 en the part that was, formerly the" wee - teat it grew ott bushels of oats to the acrethereby praetioally 'payiet for. the 'drainage in one season for, the year previous the oats on tee same lancl were ;we worth 'cutting. ' The Rittenhouse faxm. Nene 'surveyed and the drainage systeen for it. plantie ed by the Department of Physic$ the laPehT. Come 11exteir honey the house erne awed in the Qatari° Agricultural College. Any farmer in Ontario who coateMpeitee under41aitage may On application have bis farm surveyed, the 4reiu planed eed the gnu** determined. Anished map containing this).'nfor., mation and also the size of the tile 'advisable is sent to the owner as soon as Cempleted. The only outlay eon. 'elected Witbthe survey is the travail - lux expenses of one male from Ouelpit to the -lateen CoUsisting of, reilway tare, lueoes end cartage of blotto- ments, The railway fare is only one oeut a mile oxen way for this work. At the, conelusion of each survey a drainage slemonstration is held la the flehl, and simple, praCtical meth- ods 0 fsurveyir%,a. drael, determents its grad h and etuuring. a true bottom are demonstrated, and the benefits of • drainage discuesed. Anyone,' desiring a survey wad plan should apply to Prot. Wra, K. Day, Department of Physics, O. A. 0.1 0000.7 A large number of applies..., tions are already in for this season. 11 al - elder $ bun- out - 1 one army. were resen- option nsaa fright. time!. King- sseciae Boys' 1 ser- nthitis trig tics the in a organs ngly anti. lace with tent treat.ll ath sma visit and trip all Lgent. Agent. Is, berta ea 1$. 29 21 Reeled TES Man Thee* rate. %RS or toleration of laviSh g°41 The Pos4 of a ligpoorite. (.Toronto Telegram. i , Grind Trunk Porno are swayed by interests which urge there to build "I think I'll have te vote for Vitt. ll aey after his speech in the House yes-11410.weqktoebagee;e1:vieell itihte/4pYr ehgasZ Ontario,topt terday,. He is a man." es the ce.ntre and heart a the Canad- The words above 'quoted were utter- !len Weetbeee Syletem. Mackenzie and ed this morning by a Scotch piesey,11‘fahn have to help this provilice •in terian Liberal, who hid read- eha order to help themselves. . Globe and followed its teachingsl Ontario contrasts the Globes ap- through the long years of bis sojourn pro a on in Canada. grants of pubee and, money and ere - Sir James Whitney has refused pub- ldit to systems that weee far less 'ben - lc cash or credit to the Sudbury -Port Arthur line of the Canadian Northern system. His offer is accompanied by' the offer of 4,000 acres per mile—all mineral and timber rights reserved by the Goverdment—or 2,000,0.00 in all as a land subsidy to the builders ot the proposed 500 -mile line through thd clay bet. eficial to this Province than the Cana- dian Northern systeni. The Globe held up both hands fornthe Federal subsidy that largely • btfilt' the Crow's Nest Pass Line for the C. P. R., and thus paid the price that British Col- umbia exacted for the, delivery of its coal lands to the Globe outfit. The Globe is ready to cheer for a federal Ontario catches .a clear vision, of all loan of $10,004,000 to build the praire ie section of the Grand Trunk Pacific. ney's refusal. The eyes of the fair - that it is good to .Sir James Whit - The extravagances of a Laurier are the Globe's ideals. The principles of minded people are not blinded in the dust raised by the Globe's kicking a Whitney are the Globes abomina.- heels. Through the noise 'and tumult eiee, of the organ's praying voice, the Pro- Contrast the atrocities Which Laure vince can catch the accent of fidelity ierism has originated and the Globe to princgile in the straigetfoxward, has applauded With the trensaction clear-cut -words of Sir James Whit -1 which Sir James Whitney outlined ney. and the Globe condemned, The re - Ontario has a special interest in sult of such contrast reveals the Globe the Mackenzie -Mann systerre The as a hypocrite rather than a 'patriot. The Daylight Bill 1 LETTER FROM A FORTY-NINER. The proposal to save daylight in the Here is a simple, interesting ant sumrabr time by Act of Parliament is sincere letter from a rugged 'pioneer Of '49, who braved the dangers and hard - a simple one, entailing only a change ships of the overland trial to Cantor - of time pieces. in April and October. iIt should appeal to all cataph In the summer -time it becomes light victims. aliput four o'clock in the morning, and. ! Santa Rosa, Cal., May 5, 1908,. dark about nine o'clock at night. The Booth's Hyomei Po., Buffalo, average. man in, the towns .and cities . Dear Sirs :—I • was afflictedwith rises about seven o'clock, works from catarrh and tried a rituener or reniedies 8 to 6, and retires about 11. Of the but received no relief. I purchased an •o or nyomei and before r had us - 5 'hours he devotes to rest and recrea, ed the bottle I ;toted a marked ,elief. tion, three are daylight and two dark- 1 used it for a month or 'so amt ness. thought I was cured and .stopped us - Under the new system, the clocks • ing it for a year or • so. Thought • I was getting catarrh again. 'luse it would be moved one hour ahead. The every morning, and keep myeelf clear average man would still rise at 7, ac- of catarrh, I consider it the. beet cording to his clock—though it would catarrh medicine that is used. 'hoe really be at 6. His work woued . be- often recommended it to my friends. gin an hour earlier, and for his re- I am 81 years old. I came to Cantor» creation time he would have four nia in 1844, and of course ara not aw hours of daylight, instead of 'three. vigorous as 1 was 68 years ago' MY Exactly the same amount of time as address , is 841 4th Street. Yours at present woied be spent in work, truly, W. Mock. recreation and sleep. The effect , of • the hill is to steal an hour's daylight Heomei (pronounced High -o -me) is from one end of the day—where it th guaranteed by W. S. R. Holmes not spent in bcd—and add it to the other only for catarrh, but for 'grip, cottelis, end, where it, is spent in healthful re- colds, bronchitis and croup A com- creation. The total saving of light plete outfit, including inhaler, costs would be on the average, 153 hours a only 81.00; extra bottles of Hyomei, year .—K incardine Review if afterwards neede4 ' cost but ' 60 cents. BURNSRAVNINJURIES 1 Zeta -auk used by eminent doctors in serious cases, isapplied to the gravest cases of eczema and blood -poisoning, and Is widely used in the Army mid Navy. BUT, Zarn.Buk is just Its useful for cuts, burns, and bruises, sustained by the house - Wife in the kitchen, as for the serious vvouridS ▪ stistaltte'd by the soldier 1 Children, too, like Zitin-Dtik, beret/lie 'it stop. s the Satiating of a Cut, or burn, or scratch, so quickly, Zatti-Buk combines the "Doctor"and the " IttStirtittee CO.° Applied to a cut, it barbed.wire scratch, or a wound 'filled with dirt or dye,•it kilis all the poison and disease germs, and " insures " you against afltlanger from bloodimisoiting, At the same time it stinmiates the cells to rapid action, and heals the injury in quick time. Zativatik dureo eczema, scalposores, ringworm, eruptions,. festering Stores, blood -poisoning, open wounds, boils, abscesseso VatittJAC i1tert1) and' all diseases of the skitt and tiallue, • 4111Midllisit dStow* DO/ it Ott. looto tOr 41.070, orpo1ifrso *OM Zg�rnaea Co.,rokotitOo 0001t tectiOt Of POO* rs Ii Lone Rut,. Mem., Anal 1i—ac pee. Ilves„ thee' othan ware horned and a property loss of hetwetut *900,000 and W0,000 wee einued by a Are in the heart et the busamies woon of this town early redone:lay. Four business bloees, two dwellings and two other lemony:0e were deetroyed in a seetion bounded by Franklin, Main, Housietonie and Church, streete. Tete fire is believed to have started in the Clifford build- ing trent az/outer:eon* cornbuetion. The deed: Edward C. Votaress. *god 41 years, electricimal M. Edward. 0. Ventres. aged 35; hfesa Leslie Ven- tre**, aged 12; Mise Alice French. aged 41, bookkeeper; Mhos Isabel Cook, aged 40, bookkeeper; Miss Mary Sparke, aged ete a School teacher. The loss of life oteurresi in the Cliflora Black, in whieh a treneene dons explosion oceurred. While the Are was at it height Miss French was Been to climb out oe • llanthefilled room on to e verandah on the /emend storey with her night clothing and hair ablaze. Staggering to the rallies she leaped to the sidewale, landing in a heap within fine or sex feet of the blazing walls. Some of the horrified onlookers attempted to rush in to drag her out, but the intense heat drove them back, and not untie eeveral hours later was the body recovered. tfi TR Moen Pulls Our gelid Wale Out of Veep* Twit* * Noe Thee the Wrestle* at the sert, aied woe not only means Mee la the often, but bas coreeepoeding btu ewe on the *olid earth Deaf, ha* now been definitely proved by Dr. O. Hacker, a Frassiste physicist * quar- ter et * centers ago Professor te„ Darwin concluded thitt tbere wIlst 1* Mee 111 the .earth as well as In the Auld lea*, but he was unable te detect then*. aU4 eh; only coischudon with that tbe eartles rum was Yee': rigid—at Nut as rigid as eteeL Dr, Hecker now confirms thie eenelueion, but with bis improved instrument; and -metheids he bee been able to de., tect and mertsere tbe amount by which; tee moon pulls the rielid earth out of !shape bele* a dee. Dr. Heeker's meas. Wen:lents, whieb lasted continuomey More than two yew, were to ascer- tan the lunar influence on tbe earthet almeity hy observing the oscillations of a delicate peedulem. It was by comparing his rest*** with the fegures as celeulated for a rigid earth that he was able to detect the tidal de- formation eawed by the pall of bete melon and sun, Dr, Heckerei pendu. len* were a complicated eerie** of bars joined together, and they were installed in a specially designed bilee 11.104 room seventy-five feet below the earface of the ground, where the tern perature remainedpractleally constant at about 12 degrees centigrade, Or 64 degrees F. A continueue ,record of their position with kept ber Means of ohotography. Working here daily from December, 1902, to May, 1905. Seeker carried on the laleirious series of observations that have now estab- lished the existence of lunar and solar tidal waves in the solid but flexible mass of the globe.—New Yore Her. aid. INFORMER 113111)KE LAW. Detectives Buy Liquor For Indians In Cornwall. ' Cornwall, Aerie 12.—An unusual Pence Court ease Was tried, here on Saturday, when a local hotel roan was charged with selling Or supplying liquor to Indians wxi seven different occa.sions. The complaints were laid by two young men in the employ of the Indian Depsetnient, S. A. Robert - eon of Ottawa and O. A. Ramsay of Vars, who were in town for a week or so posing as insurance agents. The first charge, that of selling to an Indian named Jake Anvus, = was proven on the Indian's own teal-. mony, and Lt fine of $100 imeosed, In the second case, Serving .liquor to Peter Beek, it transpired that Beck went into the bar with the detectives, who paid for his liquor, and who drenk with him. The detectives ad- mitted going in with the Indians and buying there liquor, and thereby hangs the sequel of this tale. Tbe hotelman was fined $50 and costs for supplying liquor to Beek. and after the defendant's counsel had threatened to have Robertson and Ramsay prosecuted for buying liquor for the endians, the court adjourned. Later on, all the other eases were dropped. TELEGRAPH 10 BRIEFS, eLord Charles •Bereeford has declined nineteen invitations to stand for Pax - Mr, Sohn Chamber of Toronto is an applicant for the vacant commission. ship of parks at London, Ont, Du Maurier's play "An English- man's Rome)" was hissed off the stage at Berlin' Saturday night. The Grand Trunk half -yearly report shows £443,078 available for awl- dends. .The net profits were £966.427. Mr. S. C. Fox of Hamilton had an exciting, struggle With a men whom he caught trying to break into his house. . . • For the first time since the Spanish war the United States army is re - crafted up to its full strength of 77.- 000 men. George Xilkinson; aged 90, walked to Gananoque, 22 miles, and then. wanted to walk back, but relatives put him on a, train. John Green of London, Ont., was' arrested Saturday, at Brantford for threatening to blow tip a house. The bomb that he made the bluff with was nothing more dangerous than a bot- tle of perfume. Awaiting Royal Birth. The Hague, April 12.—The birth of an heir to the throne of Holland is eonfidently expected the coming 'week, and if all goes well, the. outburst of popular enthusiasm will be suck as has stildoin been Witnessed among the placid Dutch. There has been no 'royal birth in the Netherlands lance that of Queen Wilhelmina herself 27 years ago. Thrice before, since the marriage of "Little Wilhelraina" as the Holland- ers affectionately tall the Queen, have the hopes of thecountry been raised onlyto be cast down again. The constant fear of the Dutch has been that the House of Orange would die out with a childless sovereign, and that Holland would pass under the rule of a German prince, and would thereby possibly become taGere man vassal stete. Sorrento Would Honor Novelist. &Vent°, Italy, April 12.—A, dele- gation from the municipality frees Bernet*, headed by the mayor, wait yesterday to Saint Agnello to beg for the honer of having Marion Craw - ford's body lie at ;Sorrento. Mrs. Crawford replied that, although she /appreciated the honor highly, if her husbature body remained in Italy, it must lie at Saint Agnello, where he lived and worked. , Queen's Wants Professor. Portland, Me., April 12.—The facet - ter Of Bathe* College are highly pleas- ed' because of a request lacervecl from Queen's College, Kingston, Ont. Queen's is seeking candidates for their newly -installed chair of rhetoric and Argument/dim, and wrote Prof. A. X. Spofford of Bates asking him to recommend a New Englander for this helliertant. efilee, • / ee. , * Preece will tolled e duty of $120 oh eoreige balloons landing oe Wrench territoty. Object to Strong Mediehies. ' IVIany people object to taking the strong medieines usually preseribed'hY physiethes for reeureatism. There 14 no need of internal treetinent in any, case Of muscular or chronie theumat- ieni, eut Mere thall nine out of ten eases of the disease are Of Oat or the Other of these varieties-. When there is no fever and little (if any) swelling you may know that it is' only mess., *TY to apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely to get quiek relief. Try it. Per sale f.,)1, W. S. IL IV:limes, Clin- 1 ton. ' ..............—..............-............. Repeat it :' "Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coups and colds." Loet—A French Colony.. The government of France hoe, mis- laid 'a Colon)", and tee govennuent of Mexicohas found it. It is Clipperton bitted, a little isle In the Pacific Ocean, 10 degrees north and 109 degrees hinge tude west, . It Is one of a lerge group of Islands which are visited periodical- ly by a Freneh warship. • Some time ago, when the warship visite(' the Jo- ined, the Frencb sailors found sole diets there in Mexican uniform and. the Mexican fiag floating serenely over the island. The Isia.nd is directly east of the mouth of the Panama canal, WW1." gives it a certein amontit of lin. portance. The platter has been pieced In the hands ot the French foreign of- • flee, and "corainunications are Pend- ing," The warship discovered that the French government had Mislaid the island two years ago.—Harper's. Small tante- Run Away. North Bay, April 12.—Three North Baye boys under the age often, ;Willie Hanley, Leo Doyle and Justin St. James, recently in trouble on .account of a penchant for breaking into stores, ran away from home Seturday and have not yet been located, al- though the Hanley boy was seen in Ottawa. Bad Fere at Pembroke. . Pembroke', -April. 12.—Fire in the large hardware store of Dunlop & Co. on efaia '„street about 6 o'clock yesterday morning, deetroyed the building end contents, and then ' spread to the store houses of Fenton & Sinith, and the residenees of /awes Stewart and Edward Jones. . , BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. • Paris is FuullseolpTathiegral:insdagNe.early All In the beauty show at the metropol- is tee) years ago Gold Medals were awarded to five differetit woreee. To • the most beautiful . woman bee tween 20 and 25e between 2a and 30 re between 30 and 35,.between. 35 and 40 and between 40 and 45. A society reporter who interviewed all .five women in the interest of his Papers, reported that all of them had beautiful hair, and that each of the fine enthusiastically attributed her -luxuri- ant hair to Parisian. Sage. . W. S. IL Holmes sells Parisian Sage for .50 eents alarge bottle,. Be guarantees it to wire dandruff in teen weeks, to stop falling hair and Italie ing of the scalp. It reakee any 'worn - an s hair beautiful, soft and luxuri- ant, GRANO TRUNK RA"' * SYSTEM PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS • IN EFFECT. March 154 to April 80th, inclusive; VANCOUVER, B. C. • SPOKANE, WASH, 42.00 SEATTLE, WASH. PORTLAND, ORS.. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 41,76 • LOS, ANGELES, CAL. 40.75' , MEXICO" CITY. • Above rates are one -Way sec- . mid class, applying front Clin- ton. Tickets sold to certain other mints in proportion!. Vial information front F. R. HODGENS, Town Agent A. O. PATTISON, Depot Agent .NEW' TELEPHONE DIREOTORY The Pell Telephone Company fof Canada is about to pub. lish a new issue of the Official Telephcrte Direc. tory for the District of Western Ontario . including ,Clinton Offirs for tlw conneetio ns change:4 Of firm, names, change of' street addressesor for du. plicate entries should be hand. ed AT ONCE to • Mrs. C. Rurnball,• . il.ocal Manager GEN PIL ere Just SS 110043i for the Steckler lialletiew,, If there is trouble in retabeing tufete-efe yen haw ter Not Tee three err form times or Gnawer duri. the xeneet—if the !Wee is bolo *ad mealdleg—Gin Fills will quickly ,iorve the trouble. They euro the Iddeurys end beal the irriteted bladder. 50e. a bon; for ea.50. At all dealers or sone on receipt of priori, Lee, "-at DliPT. A, —*MOM ORM & ORM fa UM= somas by TOMO Boit .Drug }MY. (LONDON) Indio Pale Ale Brewed front se. looted hops. rhoice 'barley malt and pure spring water, with the utraoet eve. Bottled at the brewer e depot* to ensure proper handling. That is why Labatt's Ale is equal to the One est, surpaseed by Wine, though it Costs eoneumers only Omit half as muck as imported geode. Grasset; the Belgian trapper, who wee implicated in the recent case of alleged canuibalism north of Lake St. Joh]; Quebec. walked 800 miles to appear before tee authorities, Ile was met ett Cochrane by a Provincial officer and taken to Quebec. • It is posseble owing to the Cana- dian trade treaty with Frenee the minimum rate on lumber in the Unit- ed States now tariff will not apply to Canada. Hon.. Rodolphe Lemieul has given notice Of an increase of pay for all post-oflice employee up to fourth- class clerks, , Mr; Justice Cainion has been ap- pointed commissioner by the Quebec Government. to Investigate Montreal civic, affeirs• • Eleven suierrtgettei, arrested in an attack on the British House of Cerra mons, have been sent to prison for terms ntying from one to 1 three months.. C. E. W. Smith of Montreal bas covered judgment for $4260,000 in. New York against the Western Pacific Railway as commission en a sale of , • . Saving an Ancient Preece. It is not only in England that church restorers are allowed to do much as they Ulm An interesting story comes from tial. The' eburell is under restoration, and the .workmen came acrops traces ot a fresco. Its existence had been unknown, and, ac- cording to the plans, the .plaster was to come away, Fortunately a towns- man knew a process by which the plaster could be taken off Intact on canvas. He obtained permission to' make the experiment, and it has been • carried out with success. He Is said to be now the possessor of a valuable fifteenth century painting. The Brus. sels museum authorities have learned of the existence of the painting, and. they are endeavoring to prevent the alienation of this interesting work of the middle ages.—London Globe. Elirth on Express Train. • . North Bay, April 12.-0n No. 2 eastbound 0.P,A. express Saturday a birth took niece on the train. .The mother is a girl of 18 from Sturgeon Falls en route to Ottawa. A traindd nerse Was on the train and the young mother received every attention. A collection was taken up among the bonds. . • passengers* realizing a tidy rimiurosses.. Whatever amount of money one puts by in an investment—whether it is $10,000 or '8100—thefirst consideration is the •security of . the investment: • If added to the security there is a 'prbatable dividend, the invest., meat becomes an ideal one— exactly •the kind that the saving people of Ontario'wost desire. , N The Debentures of this Company are such an investment, safe beyond question. Assets totalling over $10,000,000 are pledged to ,their • redemption. Thus their • security Is absolutely safeguarded. They pay 4 per emit, per annum. Put your savings into this safe and profitable form of investthent.. Write asking for fuliparticulars. oan & Savings Co. 1.60on, \71. tar • SEEDS A package of seed of the D. &'R. Causal White Sugar Beet will be givenyou free if you write for tie heathen* new 1909 • Catalogue. This beet grows to an im eitse size, 'is easily har- vested, and *ids 1;500 to 2,009, bush s tottie'acre in orditiety ion. Makes cows yield more milk. • attens hogs qeicker. If' preferred we 'will send got a peckag , of our Russian. Giant Let. , nice or Osteitch Feather Aster seed inItead of the sugar beee seed.. Write to.'.day and wane your choice, *Also Mention ,nrune of this paper. . Darch.8t'Hunter Seed Co,t Ltd., bunion, (int, irwanowooketwowiewleimea Newse.Reeord 11[11111111111$ bing Iiiisit. for'. 1909. Much good reading for little money. „The eeeeereeteeord and WWeekly Mail and Ellipire, Cale year.. .... . .$1.50 46 fa eekir 010he....o..0.4.•1.6.,' **."*111.1.*********Or 4.'5 it It Viltilq rierahl and Weekly Star .. .. . 1.75 'Weekly Wittiess..*„...,„•"....,...,.... 1.75 st It it . 0 to Sub ' 66 .... ' . M46•6•Olidoil***********4*. 1.60 , 46 id 46 Irree PrOgik.... • .6* ...... . .. . yii i i • 1.4• *I 4. V1,5, 44 It, AfiVerbiSer •itty, ae4Iti* $4.14.161,,•••• illia it ft ' 46 Farmidg Worm .. .. ..".6,464,.... it* v's 1.60 .4 It Vaemei s Advocate and •„,, florae Mitgatine 2,25 ill 44 Daily News. ,..orOnto.....•,280 04 44 ” .1.0,116 41.**d . A •-•.1.1.61.....4. sso 40 te . Stat. .*40.4,1,1•4*ii* ****o 9,26 MI *$ 114 "it Cs. 48 Si it It ' )4 lklight ' ''''' *'.4.46.*****.***.*41.•114.* fad. Maier *8 , *ii**1 14 ".." 4.26 Finteladaress P P Liondon..„.. ,,,.........,6**116 i:i 10 ,a 44.. 325 0._______._,.....,.........,ree Press: Evening &coition ....... „ ........ 215 ... it what you want is not in' this list, we an supply it at less than, .itwould cost you by sending direct. Li remitting, please do no by Express Order, Postal Xote or registered letter and address.. •1) We J. MITCHELL THE tl,ltWS,REcoRui ./ CH on