HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-04-15, Page 4Clinton News-Rissord April Mho 1009 aur nes ona gns ive. m. it Sur,operbIll, ,SiteraMent .viaS Inhaerved in Saint POWS *Ma last St1440.-. t• 'The GniId met at Mrs. S; ,Lovt- ery* last- week. • Goderich Township Goderich Township Clinton visa gay fllith; spent the •Easter Mr. Chas. Williams, while working Are you a News -Record sUbscriber ? holidays With friends at Ethel. with Mm M. Bu' team had his foot G On Wednesday of last week 0, . very somewhat ertiShed say the sleigh pass. Mr. eorge Hoare is energetleally a promoting a Victoria, Day celdtaration. Vett wedding took place at the ins over it ; ie will be at Work in f- Mr. Jamea S. Miller Will raise bis home a gr. and .Xrs. David prouse few days again, however. Mr. Thos. Shipley, who had his iritehen, tie ceioMbag settdner 4114 re.a°- of the "Huron Road when their eldest I Miss Nettie Sinclair reterned last farni rented by Mr. Willi= Fisher, :Irate it. • daughter, Miss Rose Jana, was mat* 'week front a two -months' visit to is thinking of running it IiimSelf aga4n. last Week to Mr. Luther Allen of ThomPsen, a prosnerous farmer of Mr. Hawke of Clinton. conducted I, 1 ,Ildr. Thos. Archer soK a One driver ed in, marriaze to Mr. -JMIatilall friends at Hensall. miss Cantelon's diSPlaY Of MillinetY , Colborne tOWn0hltil. The priCe Was Raglan. The bride entered the . draserviee at Ebenezer church last Sun- w- has been greatly admired and the $1,70 or therealzonts. ing room on, the , arra of her fattier, , number of hats which left her estab- 1 Alf, MeBrien has hired for the eoraa ' who gave her away, while Mrs. Leith '1,',.',ss . Id c 1 , • a o borne 14as been ca e 11 d lishment last week show how much ing summer with Reeve Glenn of Sturdy, sister of the brhle, played in '"-' h f CI' t ' to the they .were admired. • . is la ome tom n onowing Stanley. .- a most write mannerg .1 SeVeral from here attended a, dance Rens March" and took het place be- !Hess at her mother. at Mr. Ike Carter'a at Stapleten eme side, the green'. The bridal pair stood I Mrs. Ben Itathwell of the Bayfield evening last week. ' Under a .1Ioral hell, which dependedLine returns on Wednesday of this I Mr Dunba'r Sr. took the servicel% ie. Mini thei center of a lovely aro' , oti week from Stratford wbere at her ••• od ci- *le ht ffullett Township Mr. Samuel McCool has sold his ek St. Peter's on Sunday we, the i -a' eVergretns. The bride was attired in °I QIne siie Pell awee1ant WIULe driver to Mr.' Nesbitt, Mr. Jos. Car- cernbent gaving been called to RiXey a direetoire going away suit ot brown there attended the marriage of her ter has sold his also. to -conduct a sacramental service. hairtoUr cheviot, with hat to match, i brother. Sonia . around here have started I The vestry meeting will be held in . and waist of creant, •embroidered chid- I The News -Record will be sent to /41"ighin St Peter's churcb. on. Wednepd,ay, eva on, over cream silk, and carried a to any,address in, Canada to Jan. lst,i IVIiss Lily McCool and Mrs, G. E. ening of this weekboquet of White carnations and fern. 1910, for 50 cents. . Manning spent the Easter holidays I Mr. Thos. W. McCartney's sale was Miss Ethel Thompson, cog= of the 1 The annual vestry meeting in con- e success. One mare sold at $200, groom, wore a handsome . Costume of' nection with St. James' church, Mid- 'under ie •parental roof. Gertie Vodden has returned a colt rising three at $1.70,, cows at slate colored cashmere, trimmed with dleton, was held on Monday evening Miss over $50, two-year-old cattle at $25, silk and lace, and carried A boquet of last, the incumbent being in the chair. Ibmne from Clinton. a cal( at $14 and Pigs at $31. Mr. Pink carnations, The groomsman ws IIVIr. J. Middleton Jr. was appointed I Mr. Willie Vodden of Constance McCartney has rented his farm to Mr 4 Mr. David Nouse, brother of the secretary. The . wardens elected . for IsPent Sunday at the home of his fath.1 Isaac Jones at $200 a year and with bride. Rev. R. Millyard of Goderteh the Year were : Xr. J. IVIidelleton Jr4 ter, Mr. John Vodden. Mrs , McCartney is now visitingoamong , tied the nuptial Jmot and after con- Minister's warden, and Mr. 11. E1-1 Miss Alice Bunking has returned to friends up Brussels way. They pur- gratulations were aionded to the ,ffott, petnile's warden, Mr. John Mida the homestead from Clinton. pose leaving for the west when spring bride and groom, the guests number- 1 dlaton was appointed Lay dMr, Geo. Thompson lost a valuableelegate for I opens up. 1. ing albout thritY, %followed them, to ; the synod. Vetes of thanks. wereipass- cow the past week. Miss Lily Jordan has been visiting the dining room which was prettily I ed to the organist and choir and to I Miss Bertha Manning spent the at Mrs. C. Beacom's., I decorated with evergreens and pink Mr. John Cluff, the S. S. Superinten- Easter holidays as ' guest 01 miss I Miss Rands, our teacher, is visiting and white carnations, and sat down' dent and to the retiring ward'ens for. Daisy sootamer ot Daybeid. at her home, near Brusselsto a most recherche breakfast, the their Past services, also to Mrs. John 1 Mr. Joseph McIntosh sold a, Valli- ' There was a spelling match at last bride's mother receiving them in a Middleton Sr. for the way in which &t,I ie horse last week to Mr. Chas 'Lay. , week's meeting of the A. Y. P. A. handsome costume of black silk, with : she acted as president of theladies' ton of Tuckersznith. .auxila.ry, The Rev. W. H. Dunbar I The News -Record will be sent to The captains were James S. 1V1iller collar and cuffs of Irish lace. The I ; and Joseph Rapson, the latter's stele gift to the bride from the groom. was read' n, report as follows to any' address in Canada to Jan. ,lst, winning: J. H. Lowery didn't go a handktme gold ring, set with opals 1 My dear brethren we are gathered 1910, for 50 cents. together once again to hold our an -1 Miss Nellie McIntosh, who has for down on a single word, and his little and pearls ; to the bridesmaid a it son, Everett, was a good second. Mr. gold brooch, and to the groomsman a nual vestry meeting and I think the past eleven menths' been, nurse - Miller was the last one up on his gold tie pin. The presents from the is our first duty to express oun gra,t- in -training in a Buffalo hospital, is in side. After the match lunch was ser- guests and relatives were costly., thiditude to the God and Father of us thin vicinIty . on a couple week's' visit. ved and a very pleasant evening was bride's parents' giving her a handsome :all for the many .mercies bestowed i 1 The severe storm of Wednesday of 'brought to n close. At the meeting on, organ. The happy couple drove to lupon us in the year which is past. last week blew down Mr. John Ril- Tuesday night of this week there was 1 the .G. T. R. station, Goderich, accom.- • •As I said on Suinlay last, I am now. qr.'s windmill., . a debate on the relative advantages panied by their guests who bade twelve months' in this parish and feet 1 Mr. James Dale bought a fine presented by Ontario and the west. , the happy couple farewell,: amid shoW- it my duty to give a short report of horse from Mr. William Hesk and the Charles Tyner, Albert Colcloughi Grfa ers of rice and good wishes, The the year's proceedings. . ,latter has since purchased one from I Mr. Charlele .Manning. Rapson and Ed. Ball talked for the happy couPle will spend their. honey- Church Services. west, while Tom Lindsay, Jos. Rap- 1 moon at Toronto and some other The morning serv-ide has been. held I Miss Sturdy,the teacher of S. S. son, Lou Johnstone and Harry Hayes places of interest before going to the in this church eery Sunday through- No, 4, is spending her . holidays at heft championed Ontario. Mr. Tyner's' side; groom's homestead at Raglan. They out the year, either by myself , or a- home at Porter's Hill, will visit • Brooklyn, where a recep- substitute. The , service on the whole won. i 1 Mr. George Addison is improving in in The vestry meeting , connection ton will be given them at the resi- ,have baeen well attended. There are health, we are glad to hear. with St. Peter's church was held on : dence of Mr. and Mrs. Barker, the :some of. the congregation who could I Mr. Erne Reynolds, teacher, is home Tuesday evening. Rev. Mr. Dunbar . latter being a sister of the groom. 'attend much better and it is my ear- for the holid'ays from near Durhana. We was in the chair and Mr. C. Tyner 'Tire guests from a distance who were nest desire that they may endeavor I 1 The following is the result of the ade acted as vestry clerk. The financial present at the wedding were Mrs. Ito do so in the future. However, I proznotiOns examinations in S. S. No, ust l' ht d ficit but George Coiner sister .of the groom', think that the. usual 'attendance is e, Hullett eet when all the subscriptions to the Port Perry., and Mr. P. Thompson of ievidence of ' the interest that has been report, up. stipcnd fund are paid this matter Toronto, brother of the groom. taken in the services, . will no • doubt be cleared up. The 1 The township council inet on theSunday Sc:hool • rector gave a report on the work 5th inst. with all the members The Sunday school has been conduc- in this section of the parish and it entted every . Sunday morning before Sr. 2nd, to pass 31.5—Wi1lie Good . . .. . was to say the least encouraging. 1 The following changes vvere made in divine sm.' ice throughout the yearI 890, Dora Mogridge 381 The officers elected for the current the list of pathmasters : Adam Scotthave not felt it my duty to engage Jr. 2nd, to pass 315—Gladys Robier- year are : to take the Place of James Smith, this year in thatwork as I have ton 485, Katie' Wagner 443, . Janet 1 Wardens, D. Barr and J. H. Lowery. ; R. Bailey in place of J. McGee; Thos.; implicit faith. in ' the superintendent Govier 399, Willie Wagner 375, • Mel- Sidesmen, J. Watkins, J. Rapson, W.Ison in place of O. B. Wilson, and other teachers. Both Mr. Old! burne Cox 373. CLowery and TWatkins1 Bylaw No5 was passed authorisinand Mr. J,. Middleton are deserving 011 Result of test papers for Sr. 4th, . . . . ) Delegates to Synod, C. Tined and the highest credit for their noble efcf.-to pass • 390—Murray Fingland 465, i in . J. H. Lowery ce. on Sr. 3rd ,to pass, 365— Ella Wag- n,er 557, Roy Roberton 551, Welling- ton Good 437, Walter Wagner 420, Rosie Daer 869. the • commissioners to, expend • $250 ' each division. ,forts on behalf of the Sunday school, 1 Alex. Manning 436, Sebert Henry 431, 'having fulfilled the command of our Ern,est Pasterson 321, ,Willie Deer A dep,utation representing the God- Blessed- Lord, "Feed my Lambs" and 360. out 011 . , erich Fall Fair asked for a grant hir la from the township in and of the not go I am confident tha•t tebors shall F. C. Hess, Teacher. unrewarded for hath not He town society. The matter was laid said, "Inasmuch, as ye have . done it over until the May meeting: • unto one of the least of these my bre- • Constance The Goderich township Telephone Oren, you have done it unto Me." Company was granted right of *ay, ; 'A. Y. P. A. ' :. ' Mr. Jas; Sutherland has hired With 1 subject to the requirements of the Shortly after my arrival here I Mr. S. Broadfoot Of the Mill Road, Municipal Act relating to telephone was persuaded by the young people Tuckersmith for the summer. companies, the poles, etc: to be of . the parish to re -organize the A: ReV. Mr. Jewitt preached here 10,st exempt from taxation. .. . ly. p. A. 1 must say, that at the The following accounts were • paid : commeneenient I was very muchafrai4 Sunday on missionary work. . Rev. Mr: Coop0 of Blyth preaches IR. Rundle, gravel $5.40 ; F.. Jackson, that a branch . of that association here next • Sunday. . shoes for 'Ann Robinson, $1-75 ; Mun- , would not be successful in a country mr. P. . Proctor .of London spent icipal World, $1.55. . parish, but I have been. very plea'- Easter with his mother, Mrs. Jas. I The next meeting of the (lemma will antly surprised; Frorn the commence- Proctor, be held the first Monday in May. .ment the young, people have taken a Mr._ IS. Broadfoot of Brucefteld pall - I A quiet wedding tog' Place on Wed- keen interest in their . branch of the ed on. our village on Monday. nesday of last week, when Miss Sara society and I think I am justified in Mr Giles Jenkins of Blyth preached' JBell I and Oliver FEdward, both saying that the Success of thet lileet" here last SundaY on account of Mr. '. . , of this township, were united' in mar- ings have been largely due to the un - nage by 'Rev. Jas. HanZilton. The ceasing efforts of the president, Mr. bride wore her travelling suit of navy Fred. Middleton. He ,has endeavored blue broadcloth with hat to: match. to make the meetings bright and in. Mr. add Mrs. Edward left . on a trip Iteresting and has been very success- -IQ Windsor and Detroit and On their' ful. In training the member to plat:- , return i wgl, be at home to t,heir friends form . work, not only has one branch after May 15th. of the A. Y. P A been a benefit to I The last contest of the season in the members, but I think I am safe ' connection with Si,. James' church 'A. in 'saying, that it has been a benefit Currie having a funeral that day.' Mr. and Mrs. B. Stephenson, enter- tained a f ew select friends on Wednese day evening. - .. ,, • Mr. Jas. Rands has hired with Mr. Dickson of the %Gravel Road, McKil- lop, for the summer. •• Mr. J. L. Williamson of Toronto spent Easter -with Mrs. Wm, Snell. Mr, Charles MeMichaei. -of Toronto 1Y. P. A. will beheld in the basement to the surrounding district as well spent .Easter with his.. parents, Mr. I of the church on Wednesday evenizto by giving them many bright and in and: Mrs, G. McMichAt . next. A splendid program is in pre- teresting meetings. , Financially the Mr. Chas. Rile? leaves on Tuesday I paration and a large attendance is, success o f OU r branch has been for the west. expecteda source of joy- to each of the members. ' Ladies' Auxiliary Holmesville. I The L. A. under the leadership • of Mrs. John ,Middleton have been Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Yeo spent -the very •stlecessful 'in their noble Work holiday with their daughter and fam- this year, Bales to the, value of ily doWn at Locust Hill. • $56 have been sent out to the . Ven. 1 ' !Archdeacon Scott, •the carriage on 1 Mr. George Phipps left em Saturday morning for Toronto and thence to same having been paid all the way. the new province of Saskatchewan for' have felt it my duty to be present the summer, and if he likes conditions at as hlanY of the meetings as pos- • there he may locate. George lived' sible in order to open them with a hereabouts all his life and we ' are portion of scripture and prayer. The sorry to lose him but wish him .. sue, i work for the most part is carried on cess. . by four or five ladies of the parish Miss Lilly McCartney of Goderich land I might - say in passing that 1 was the guest of her mother on Good ' see no reason why this numhter should Friday. not be greatly increased and I trust I Miss Tessie Crooks, Goderieli, • also the time may soon come when, all spent the holiday on the homestead. shall realize that they are tesponsible . • BANISH PIMPLES. AND ERUPTIONS Everyone Needs a Tonic in the Spring to Build up the Blood. • If ypu want new health and strength in the spring you must build pp your 'blood with ai tonic med- icine. After the long indoor winter months are past most people feel depressed and 'easily tired. Thisi means that the blood is impure an,c1 , watery. That is what causes pimples and unsightly eruptions. To this same condition is due‘attacks of rheu- matism, the sharp stabbing pains of IMrs. Mackenzie of Goderieli was tile fro the extension litt Christ's Kulp nearalgia,, poor appetite, frequent guest of her sister, Miss Hohnes. dom. pheahaches and a desire to avoid ex-. 1 Mrs. George Crooks visited her Building of Shed. ' I ertion, These . troubles, can all be' ban. holidays, old shed or building a new one was Pills. Every dose of this medicine The great necessity of repalrina,.. the ished by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink sister-in-law at Sarnia during the IMrs. Will.. Pickard spent the holiday pointed out to roe by some of the makes new, rieh blood which. drives at Innerktp, ihe gneSt Of MCS. Id, parishioners with the result that 1 out Impurities, stimulates every or - I Johnstone. ,called an -looting to consider the same, 'gall, strengthens every nerve and I Mrs. SnoWden's sister, from sonsIn was at the Mat meeting decided to ;brings a feeling of ne-W . health, and en - St. Mary's, was her guest during the enlarge the existing shed, but our de- ergy to weak, tired out, alliag Inca I holidaysMr. Will. Jenkins bought one of eision was received with dissatisfa.c- and women. Mrs. Prank Murphy, the tion so we ithen called another meeting I Clark's Ilaitzor, N. S., says : k'A year . Straw sheds from Mr. George Holl- and decided to build a neW Shed In agO I was completely 'min down and , and and' had it moved to his .000 the spring 4tx1 at our last meeting my work became a burden to me. 1 i across the road. When the building Which took place a few weeks ago felt tired all the time, and could drag Was near Where he wanted it, the this detision was confirmed and it myself about. I was oidvised to try !high wind, which was Alien. LloWing, was decided to proeeed with the work, Dr' Williams' Ph* Pills and alter ' struck it, knocking it dowla find at as earlY as Possible. 'taking three or four v.zoxes was ago. n The Bishop's Visit. in, the best of health. I think Dr. 1 Mosta making kindling wood of it. . I Pink Pills will prove a . A Very pleasing event took place, at 1 1 have prepared four candidates for Williams' the parsonage Oh 'Wednesday 0( Inst eonfirrnation, Consequently the bishop frieuld in need to, all who are weak and. -week when Miss Newton of Porteris will Visit thls parish during this ailing." ' 1.1111 became the bride of IVIr. $mitlil Month. As yet 1 do not know the I Sold by all medicine dealers or by The happy couple went away on their date of his visit but earnestly tfugt Mall at 50 cents it box or 6 boxes fot honeymoon by the first train, that When the time arrives there will $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' . Medi. I Sunday services in the Methodist be .a. large attendance. eine Co.; Brockville, Ont. ,church were in behalf of the W. M. S. 1 I will not occupy your time longer ,--wv--'------*-""'""". 1 and the offeringS amounted to some to -night. May the God of all grace • , thing over $80. The pasto preached Ilitt US in all our doings for the Bitillita 1 IMO • 404~1....aiororatyllaralowqmoitosoaw000loAsooloosio40004orio WANTED Man for Farm Work Married men preferred. Experienced in, hand. / ling horses and general farm work. Apply at store.' a # Give Us a Try Before You Buy eo a We are still making preparations to move 0 west. Genuine bargains in all lines of Dry 0 • Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. ' A call will convince the most sceptical 0 • that we h4ve the lowest prices, values con., 10 s dered, to be found in the trade. .0 PLUNST.EEL BROS.. ••14.4844:0,11•4141b41146ba"%41111belbAllarla4111)49.30,.(a..11,11)40b.(1).111.41"ab. 61411bellbal bit theArtorning'" and liev title! Ds church and the extension EPPS-4n .ns. APrit 8th, to Ile,yfield in the evening. gdom. Mr. and E. Epps, a son. OTICE TO FAIIIERS The Canadian Flax Mils Limited want 1000 acres of first-class land for growing flax. Will either lease by acre or purchase by ton. First-class, clean, imported seed now on hand. For further particulars appply to 4maimiw REPRESENTATIVE FOR CLINTON J. 11OLLOWAY.. A. '1/44100101•1111111111111.11•111111ii Just a Little Tonic For Our Business alien% ‘i Not more than one. bed to a customer That is tlie reason we will sell this bed exactly . as cutfor 2.90. Some swell Parlor Suites just newly in. Special Prices on Springs. and Mattresses. Linoleums, all widths and prices right. Oilcloths (many patterns to choose from) 25e sq. yd. • Rugs—We have placed in stock direct from Scotland, the new- est patterns fo be found on the market. Come and see them. And get mu. prices. Carpet Cleaner . and. Curtain • tretcher Rented w. keI Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Phone 28 - Night or Day 111111111111111:21111811111 Ettall • SilleC thCISIM For some time we have been telling you about our high-grade shoes at $4.00, $4.50 and $5 00. These are the best that are produced, but it does not mean that all our shoes are in that class, for we have the best that are made in lower priced lines. Star Brand Shoes for 1adfe,.. .... ......$1.50 and $1 75 Pauit less Shoes for ladies at. . . ... 2 00 Peerless Shoes for ladies " ........., — ... ...... 2.00, 225,150 Art Shoes for ladies ....... ......... ... . ........... . . ... 3,00 3.50 Special Values in, Men'sShoes. wairos oat Mb at . .. • . . . . . Box Calf 13aIs and Blue:hers at. 800 Strong, solid leather %Votk Shoes 1 50 1.75 200 ilea English Ein Bluebell; at 3.00 Our Boston Calf ;tomb at $2.23. wear like iron. Our Repair Department is in full swing and jobs are turned out protnptly. 4 VRED„ KS CN A ys Reliable" CLINTON