HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-04-08, Page 8ki M. . Monster. Boot and Shoe Cleaftwu Saturday, March the 27th, and following days will wit,im the greatest Slaughter Sale of Soots and Shoes ever put before the people of Clinton and surrounding country. in going over our stock we find. that we have to sacrifice a Dumber of lines in, order to make room for our great stock of Spring Goods, Come and buy early before the lines get broken, Wall Paper We claim for it artistic merit, and we think will appeal to you both for its beauty and its practicabil- ity. We assure you of Exceptional Values in .Many Patterns. i, m now$_"" April 80, I FREE LESSONS IN ART NEEDLE WORK, We have much pleasure in announcing a eerie' of free lessons in Alt Needle Work to be giver by one of the most expert teachers from the Corticelli Silk Co., limited, in connection with a display of finished work,. commencing April 8th and continuing until April 24th. You are cordially invited to avail yourself of the services of this needle expert. There will be no charge whatever for lessons. Classes twice daily, 10,30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 30 to 5 p.m. Both teacher and display of finished work came direct to Clinton after a most successtul series of lessons and exhibition in the store of the T. Eaton Co., Limited, Toronto, The completed work will include the greater portion of the Art Needle 'Work. Display made by the Cor- ticelli Silk Co.. at the Franco -British Exposition. It, will be well worthy of a visit, and we heartily invite you to see it whether you care to, take.les9ons or not. . Fashionable Dress and 0*0 a This sale is for cash only. No goods on approval, W. D.• FAIR UO. "I IA I �' s ' 01� lix 111 - No possible satisfaction can.equal the personal visit to this store when the matter of Dress Cheapest—Always ays the Best 40 pairs Men's Gaiters, all sizes, regular $1.50 to 3.00,,;16 clear at .00 Often Chea est—Alw Goods come up for consideration. We take second place to no store in the county when comparing values. QX me 's Don Ola oxfords re lar $150 to 250 to clear at 76 Our New Dress Goods are lnow all in stock and those who are familiar with the displays of other stores appreciate our success but the more. We that enable us tohbua test stock of the lowest notations on thress Goods in e' buy for cash, and handle quantities y . q market, and give our patrons the benefit. If you have not already seen our display of Dress Goods we solicit a call as often as you like whether you buy or not. 14 pairs women's Dongola and Patent Strap Slippers, regular Mr. B. R. Higgins of Brucefleld was French and Austrian Broadcloth, Traveller's Samples $1.25 to 1.75, to clear at ............................. ....... .65 in town on Monday. Stripe Worsteds and Venetians, Mrs. A. J. Grigg and Miss Helen are « ° � • • Satan Cloths and Satin Directolre 9 pairs women's Dongola and Patent Strap Slippers, regular visiting friends in St., Thomas. ' _ , of Spring Suits... tt $1.75 to 2.50, to clear at ................... ................ 1.35 Misses Kilty and Cluff have returned Silk and Wool Cashmere, ; from the Normal School, Stratford. Silk and. Wool Henriettas t, Ten only, Ladies Spring Shits 30 pairs women's DongolawAOxfords, regular. $1.50 to 2.50, to Miss Edna 'Pennabaker left this mor, Silk and Wool lioiliennes ready to wear, new Style skirt clearat ..................................................... 1,00. for month's v in ver O1 ging m n visit Tiver- Chiffon, Panamas and V 'les, _ and long coat, daintily trimmed ' ton. 9 pairs misses Strap Slippers, regular $1.50 to clear at......... .65 Messrs., Albert Seeley and •T, ,L. xyle San To Crepe and Crepe de Cherie in brown, blue and green. go to Toronto to -morrow on bus!- English Serges and Cheviots, CEO 25 pairs women's Buttoned ,Shoes, regular $12.00 to 300, to ness. Selling rices 50C sJC 75e 1 U t0 2 per and clear at .. ..... . 1.50 g p , i , p p " y • Mr„ Silas Davis went to Toronto this New stock Of Collars ande an ' morning to spend a few days swith Priestley's Dress Fabrics in Black Voilds, Etomine, 50 p$ so to 3.00I ife"to clear at aced and Buttoned Shoes, regular .ao his son. Panamas Chiffon Broads Jabots • • • • • • • Mrs.. John Rbbertson Monerieff, is r , Etc., from. 75c up to..$1.50. Great showing of New Belts, spending ' Easter with her mother, ^ Gloves and Hosiery for spring 12 pairs women's Grain Leather Gaiters, regular $1.50 to clear at 1.10 nibs. E. Moore, Al1aert St. Carpet News a' Master Broder McTaggart has return- New Leather hand Bags. ed from Toronto where he was at- Saturday, -April 3rd, is the last day of the tending,St. Andrews College.. v New styles in Voile Skirts. Also reductions in Men's and Ladies' Mr. and Mrs. Percy East of God- Carpet Sale. Don t miss this chance to save 'rich were guests on the big show from 25 to 35 per cent. on a new carpet, les New Spring Wash Belts. Patent Leather Shoes. Day° of Mrs, David Steep, aunt of , Wool Carpets Wool Rugs. Saturday we put on sale 50 doyen Ladies' and Mrs. East. Union Carpets Tapestry Rugs Miss Minnie ,Evans; who had ;Been, vise Tapestry Carpets. Brussels Rugs Children's Linen Collars, with ane, i wo and three ' itfng her aunts, the Misses. Rudd, rows of insertion, sizes 12,12f,- 13, 13 and .14. Re-. James Twitchell W Sonsdosa, leaves today ,for her home in,Minne-i Brussels Carpets Etc., Etc.. gular 20c and 25c, stile pile' Sc each. Mrs. Ramsay and her two children of Clinton. Plattsville returned home Tuesday after visiting her mother and. sister; Mrs.. and Miss ,Gilchrist:.; Mr. A. 'D•. Beatop was sh Toronto and Weston from Friday until Monday . and while in the city attended the �. / great` missionary congress. Mr. and Mrs.: Ed. Scruton and 'thein i; ♦ little son left yesterday for Vienna in. Elgin county where they. will' vis- / �. it among relatives. for a fortnight. . • Mr. John Guest of town and his sis- ter, Mrs. Bunn. of Elginfield, .leave. N. today for a week or so's visit with friends at Clavering, near Wharton. Prof. Brown, the organist of Wesley 011V church, is expecting Mrs. Brown and daughter .who Ieave England by the �r a �•� �.••e �►,� �,� �.� �,� ��s �•� �,�.1. 0 . Allah Liner . Corsican the last week Additional Local NewS• in June. ' A Mrs. Worthington. returned to town .� Nat,i,onal -Portland PAT. ' SPALDING WON PIPL.' THE C.' A. A. A. CONCERT. . There are two reasons for:'painting Our house—last week after a three years regi-. `�` appearance and protection, and three reasons for dence in, Los Angeles, California.) The finish in the: Singles totana�I -Tlie C. A. A. A. concert in•" this Cement Co. Durham While there two of her daughters, Ment in the bowling alley was played town hall on Thursday eveniq; last ' ' ' ' ' Josic; and Annie, passed awn using Sherwin-Wsllsams Print; durabtlsty, economy y. 'last night .and .resulted in Pat,S,941- drew the largest -crowd •of tile; season, . ti • . • ". dim winnin .the. i e, with Short even standing room being at a As Mrs. T. R. Walker is. leavin Clinton, the Mrs. T. M. Johnstone of the Nile • � g' Ask our dealer for w had been visiting her g g p p q e g pre+ and appearance. y h g parents Cantelon a good second. The next•mfum. Those furnishing the program agency for the. above,eom'pa.ly has been transferred. • at Varna„ was. the guest of her pair were Ike Ratten►oyiry and;Noninan all did well, especially Master Stan- to me. aunt, Mrs. East of town, yesterday Fitzsimons. bury of Toronto who charmed the. Those desiringcement for earl work do well S���J,� , ������� and .today, while on her way Home. i audience with , his well -rendered songs. y Mr. S. B. Clement; son of Rev, B. WILLIS CHURCH. I The proceeds will furnish the C. A. to leave orders with rime - at once so that a' supply f PANTS AND VARNI,$fff$ Clement, formerly of Clinton, has A. A. with all .the necessaries for a may be procured....P at been appointed chief" engineer .of the Rev,. Mr. Young of Hamilton Made in Canada 7i1fJhfiv�iv-AlaU'1J'Ch MontreaUbrontoAnn e Temiskaming and `Northern Ontario preached in this • church. on Sunday busy season's sport. f ...,Railway, the • Ontario, ' Government last and his excellent discourses were AN ACCIDENT. �. S. J. ANDREWS road I much enjoyed by the congregations. I M J A S 'th t h parrs n g � . F'u 10 pairs men's Patent Oxfords, up-to-date in style and quality. Regular $4.00 and 4.50, to go .at . .......... ................. 2.60 15 pairs men's Tan Boot's, regular $2.75 to 4.00 to go at......... 1.75 12 pairs boys Laced Boots, regular $1.50 to 1.75, to clear at...... .78 ,A* Q r: nines , mi me wit an Mrs. A. A. Alexander,. who has been.Good music was rendered by the. accident the other day while driving - visiting her son, Mr, Alf, Alexan- choir at ,both services. Mr. Campbell up the London Road. His horse tN�N•++N�Nt+NI+tN+Nt�NN+N�NNtN�fN+NH der forthe past couple of weeks, of Toronto, , who was in town over took fright at a flock of birds, returns home today.Mr. Alexandei Sunday, favored the evening congregm which suddenly flew out of a. brush J. B. Hoover Nelson Bali. tion with a. fine. -baritone solo, • in will accompany her for a few days heap, and darted .into the', ditch, dum • visit. splendid voice. ping Jim out, and would then have . A , r Mr. O: Johnson leaves. today fox. MOVING. I beat ail'records to town had it noteh Sh I. . . �`� • Lloydminster, Sask., with. another I got tangled up in a wire fence. Jim • L 1 O Z carload of horses• He has made the was bruised. somewhat taut otherwise Mr., D. Dickenson. moved this week trip so often that it has become little injury was done. monotonous and hc,would .much pro. ly rooms in the Plliott block former-, • I M rlomm fer to be by his ain fireside. c occupied a Mr. Beattie.—Mrs. Hut -'DEATH OF JOHN RIDOUT, 4• chison of. Hamilton has taken posses- � ! � i Rev, Dr. Medd of, Forest, bro-$ S: C Rathwell Shoes C. Hoare Music +r �� sion of the house vacated by Mr. i . Mr. John Ridout; a resident of + Rightle they of Mr, J G Medd town ]tag ' Dickenson; havang bo>ight ,it,—Mr Clinton forforty pears, dies' onSat-been acting as examger at Forest John Farquhar has moved on to ha urday morning last. He was a sun jj for Queen s. University in their ex -farm in Hullett and Mr. George Jack -w o£ the late Judge Ridout and was�y �jtra-mural work,. He has also been 1 ,a rm e, rs Ii YOU • son into the house he has vacated born in Toronto sixty, -eight 'years l examiner for Montreal College. which he has purchased.—Air. Radcliffe ago.. He was an unassuming and up- • �/r Mrs. Harry Fraser and her daughter, is now occupying, the pi;ace. ,on the right ;man who was .Held in the.great- This is the time of year If you are thinking of " • ! ^ 5. Laura, who have been visiting Mr. f` citlutK'r+ London Road. formerly occupied. la'y est. respect in the community in ' and Mrs. J. G. Medd. and other s you want Good, Strong buying a piano, call and - ' friends fm town and Hullett for a Mr, JacA�son ••and Mr.' Wm. Watts now which he lived. .for so many years. A good horse is,worthy of a.fine saddle 'so owns the house and five acres which The surviving members of the family Shoes to keep your feet see our high grade New - few weeks, left yesterday to return n a good picture demands a• good mount. Let Mr. Radcliffe has left for the Londoil are his brother and sister, Mr., 'Char- S dry. When you visit the combo. Also Sherlock:- Road.—Mr. herlock= �. g p' g to their home in Qu Appelle,.Sask. Road.—Mr. Hawke bas taiken posses -'les Ridout and Miss R.id'out of town.' Horse Show on April 1st, Magnin organs ianos every nook. and, corner of -your home be beauti- , Mr. James Douglass,of Caledonia:, -who sion of the cottage he purchased on A member of the Brethern, thio p g p fied. call and see our stock of always in stock Brig around paintings and etch was one of,the judges at the Huron l) . P� Bring our l p ',� g Townsend. street and Mr. Govfer has services at the. funeral on Mon - and we will convert them into _ Stock Show last Thursday, was, ac- moved intq Mrs. G. B. Hanley's day were conducted by Mr. Summer- heavy shoes. e 2 companied by has wife and they house.—Mr. George Cooper moved up Ville of Brantford. The pallbear- .&3RTZ1S'.r1C 3320AILXTT'SZ'• SPOTS, were guests for a couple of day's of from Seaforth last week and is oc-lers were James Scott John Rang- �e.havethem ranging in price ,A large assortment of Mr. and Mrs., James Snell of Huf- copying the house, on Princess street , torki, John Holmes, C. E. Hovey and from $1.25 to $3,50. Nriolim, to choose from, no matter how costiv or simple its fittings. lett. vacated by Mr. T-Iawlce, the Messrs. Brown.. The following lines are'manu- a. Our extensive stock of specially selected picture i Sergeant Welsh was in Lucknow on ___�_ _ _ factored by C. A, Ahren's & Co., 0. •-----�---- � We keep the latest in � mouldings Cannot fail to give permanent pleas- = Tuesday attending the funeral of his - -� - Berlin, p ore. cousin, Mr, Thos. Lawrence, hard- -- sheet music., t All %' Iii Bals. at 3 ware merchant,. who died on Fri- • All English Kip at 3.00 . day last, aged seventy years. Mrs. _ Good Strong Split at 2.25 . to ice. NE�V MI,LLIN- we are agents here for • Lawrence is a native of G the These lines aro worth looking at Hoover i township ;ind a daughter of the late � g ColUlYll)ia phono�;rap11S C. Lindsay of the Cut Line. ERY • STORE. and Victor Gramophones • Mr. John Crooks of Morrish ik Croolts (OPPOSITf.'biOLSONS BANK) We Do Repairing and ree!ords. RZ'�. T''UW.L'L7R� .&M3D F'TY-W= �,A.� ]'�S.'CJ IRW0:R8 ♦ returned Tuesday fr n a business trip of several weeks through the oN+�N�+NNNN�bs++N��N�+N�eN�+N�NO���N�•N• West .in the interests of tho tailoring c + $ THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR ALWAYS DOES ITS DUTY S department 'of "Iluron's Leading ' ��,� .w r► .►,iii. n►, s �,` �,� �, •�, .� i ,mss ,i► ,i �,+► �.,,� e . Clothiers," 110 covered a lot of We, Glee Satlsfactlon territory, visited numerous places of more or less importance and sent or, - brought home a bigsheaf of orders. r Tire News-Rccord is always much -w•= ' '''° (' MISS CANTELON & Co. t ` Advertising in The News, -Record Brings � ��- --- t it a S to Advertise in The., pleased to hear of the progress of our local concerns 'and is glad to Z ' J �± know that friend John lead a, pleas- ant Special display for "�aturday. Good Results. ant and successful trip. NN�N���N�����r���rr�+N+��N� �NN+��N����ir�+ . News—Record