HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-04-08, Page 2a
mtoa ROWS-IM000rd
-Aprit 8th, 10"I"
I*_rV%Ty_ '"_A000"Cir-
11. 1. GHUI AWAI TRI ft" ft cm
I **"""**#*4*"*"*
, VAID 11100 Huron Cou .. . . . . . : News Gather*ed Not bo"U" It ""IsIns 4w"WROP
Mr, Farmer I ' � . #_ I Wt b"N"s it I* 0 1"041040 At. 0"llow
DODD'S XIDNUY PILLS WILL DO . r"944 gompos" of M04 thwo twooy,
- ' ' I 41flemitt, mm*disl =0 111"11�
f Doult hug the bapk 40's � 1 . � strano'honod and = 6�vmo "
.. inatlo". ,It sffoetw 'Ph*.
I oullar 00mbi
,*, ,Sipy JoOgQr. ,but 4CQMO It ig Causeil by Sluggish Circul4tift . nomonst 0"M of troublow of tho 101004
. % , _ t out and. be a WAU 8rought Olt. by Deranged X1.4neys � fo rr NewswRecord Rea' ders stomaght Jivor and bowols.
", I 17i Figing to $train Impurities Out of � . .
oeselence so you artl the . 131004. . . . , r . .'' I � . . . � - - 1. 11 . Thus 11o4liv Sarsaparilla eurosr �
popable ,Qf 40ing. ., . . Stayner, Out., April 5th.-(Speelai) I I . I . nerofulap ecxemat anemia, rbeuntstfora,
. , . . I - ,cat*rrb, nervousneaso that tlrs4 lool. .
I PLYS, . 00
. - - -14 the spring the kidneys alva". - Vorsis.Towaoblp. BeAmAllar Talklail Over Tole ing, 47Xpepsla, loss ,of appetite, And
. A , '' - , � 11 r ey have add3i I � .. . .
. - need attention. Thi , anal I . � Mr. Vtlnbarx� Black ,#be, spent some Mrs. Maedol has been owthe Sick - phone, builft up the system.
I , dos the �wfuter's accl4nu-, .
'Wrere , - I Illing 4nd �
� t, work ilk Strait . i weeks visiting friends around ,here, list of late, An * im ' Tbero Is no real silliptItuto for IL It
ng P ;X with, I%tjou of impuritieki a blood � urged to .buy any ,preparation "Ad to I
�, , T road U'D . ,ut of the r .... i �� .. "I . S' 'A $I ,portant question will be
ti�vfja 4- sive .. L has returned to his home near Thess-, 1 Mrs, James Manning bas been - in brought before the Legislature
Ud expeti stook Voo4s and it they . ... ... I by & be "Juist An ,good!* you, may, be M;ft It ,
, , arext All out at, order, it
aa fast as you will taa,ke them 10 sure to tell on them. 11 is only a alon, Algoma.. Goderich 'waiting on Mr, Manning's motion, Of which notice bar# bteri giyell is Interior, coots less to makN, *u4 ,
Ir 14"Y' . . . . est method� ot treat- From The News-Recordof Miss Anna Black ot,Winuipeg left mother, wbo has been ill. . 1by Mr. I. 13. Lucas, X.P.P. for Centre :rieldo, the dealer a larger pro
stion at tbe,b , . At.
� que , last week for Thessalon where She - *A I
. t Wi.lir not tok ing them Arvid Ernest, Colwell at this Gordon White left last week for Gray, He contemplates notbing, less -
slid I ,e US , Get It today of, Your druggist. Pro-
aw you, where yol� -are April Otb, 1890, will spend the summer, She visited will than the taking over by the 'Govern- . red . -
J 14 zLst I% place adds his testimony to tbe, great � here for three mouths. . Cypress River, �qgsk., where he I I pa I only by 6, L 1%oo4 Co6, Uwe% Ir
, JqSiag money, and how you Can ment of the Bell Telephone, and other UASS., V. 0� A.
rAore. tttv,u make up Again by mass of truth that the one sure cure Mr James A. Moore has sold his join his cousin, Arthur Ross,
wing . I for sick Kid rpril Oth, 1890 , private systems in the Provigice. - .
ney,s is Do.dot's Xidway Clinton, A r . . 1. I I rr . I
� I 0 r r fine i50 -acre farm on the 8th fine 4to Mrs, William Loug, and her daylight- . . -
I . I . Pills, S& I
I "Some-ttwe ago,,11�says Mr. Colwell Rev. Mro Edge wrl preach *bbath William Ilryans for the sum of Pt,600, er Mary have xeturned to the farm, ' Mr. Lucas will move "an ,Address to I .
r .
: Douglas Stock Invigorator School Anniversary services in the It is, understood tbat.thepurchaser's After Same mouths' residence iii'llis, )Excellency, tile Goveruor�Geueraj.t A, bill granting, a, vote to every. m
. � . An
111 bad severe pains and Soreness in , , Ara
I , rob., ' Mitchell, next Ron Edw4r1a will ,work the place. Godericb. .ying that his excellency WgIcause and woman, over 21 ye%Ts at are has
the small of iuy back, .and sometimes Methodist elm the to be laid in due course and -form be- passed its second reading in the Brit.
�Mo Best for "Orsox, c4ttlet . ut in � my Sunday. This,farm was taken up fifty years Ambrose Vaustono has bought the iSh House of Commons.
Atoo "0916 noticed'a brick dust seditro . L ars. ago by the grandfather of Mr. Moore, farm which recently belonged� to Mrs. 'fore the Parliament of Canaaa, .1
. urine, so of course, I knew New Merchant Tallors.-Mes r itla
tl� , that my L ,avo who took up 400 acres and sold' 125 Hartt,, but does not get possession desire of this I -louse, that such legy - Tile Coroner's jury in the, Wl�dsor i
aftepted. I procured Walton'arA Morrison of London. b , I L
.�? A Oull Pall for 75 COnts Kidneys were , tion may be passed by the Parliament Station accident At Montreal exonerw-
I SOT the tailoring business each to Jolin.and Colin MeArthurA,'for- until April 1010, William Orr's three- , J
. . .,..;.. . rr �� - I . _1 _ --- , .lie of Dodd's Kidney, Pills, whieb opened out 14 r , I Jy well-kikown residents at the year lease not expiring'yntil, that,of Canada, . As may be necessary, W the railway and its empro,yes frora
- - .ed by ,V, Met .
Ir . ess in the premises lately ,oc p , ,,,, r
� - h 9LA4 soreu r oil e line. . date. � either ; I I the charge of c&rolessneo I
�� ." . - "a SAXIA. ON14Y 13ir , and restored the urine to its natural Sheppard, Smith's black. I I , ,s. �
. ,
�� I I . color. I .always recommend Dodd's John Leslie Jr., left yesterday. for The League meetings lately have 1. "To enable the Proxinco of *On� , __.� _r. I .
, ,,,Jr..,, , .
; an usui-Ily interestinK tario to expropriate upon, fair and I - . I
� been mote th �
I I wo. SO. Rio HOLVES Kidney I London, where be will. take a c . ourse
*1 I . , . EW w4wanosh owing to the special singing niusic, equitable terms all the property with, One In Severi, Called by Consumption, i
. . . . . .Evqybody needs medicine in the,on carriage training. - - , ny per, I A dreadful plague.1lideed when yaq, I
. I S Ad recitations Which have been pro I ill the ,Province at On lar,o, at g
I prin-g and the medicine they need is -�r � � r . , . I
manf,g Chemist New Vets. -J. W. Elliott and Peter , Will. NeVietie has engaged with A, vided. . Son, company or corporation carrying consider that in inciplerkt stages it oan� I
� � I v . .. � . Dodd's Kidney Pills. They Clear the I Cook Jr., of Goolerich township are 0. W. Hardisty for the summer.. I . -ithin the. be cured. TaUe care of the little colct . i
I ad . miss Vera Manning was t4kon, by a' a telephone business w
____ blo , at im. urities and by givineig the home from Toronto. They sitecess- H. B y of Blyth Province of Ontario ; or, in th' I
, 0#"#*"#*",** . p .
.1**" .. , , . i " . � . . radford and famil " � I h ei.alter� before it liecomes a big one. When the
. ,blood ,free circulation, speedily and i surprise one evening, recent y wl.m . . � I
. , r
I I ully passed their examinatiowq with Sundayed at the, home of Geo, Snell. native. . . throat is sore and it hurts, to expaiid, �.
� XPE 10 - .naturally chase away that tired feel- . - about fifty, friends a
"HSLIABILITY - F_ ,honors, ,and will bAVe V. $. attached Miss Maggie Buchanan has returned . ,rrived unexpect., � I inNerviline And Ila* �
. . Ing. It is caused -by sluggish eircula- to their names. I edly, The evening was very pleasaP,t" 2. ,'To vest in the legl$laturesaf the your chest, rub
. ,
-home after spending A, few days n . I ly one of Potsouls,,Xervil�
. ,� tion, and Dodd's Kidney . 1- , Jy spent in, games and other amuw several provinces, or the Legislature. mediately apip
. -7"L I . . Pills always A Pleasant Affair. -Amid fluticring Brussels. soreness are
. ... � I -asters
. . . ... c . , r ments, after which lunch was served. of the Province of Ontario, full power ine PI - Pain and
.ure it. side r .
. r hearts and pleasAfit faces a irierry Mrs. Charles Campbell of the �_ . Animation and
on. OVEN%,.S-U-RGEOX, OCULIST,, , . 1 time was spent -at the residistice at road is able to be out again after her I I . . and authority to control and regu�ate , at once relieved. Inft
will be at Holmes' Djur I 1. . - the territorial jurisdiction at orie$s gra ally disappear and fatal
, , Store, . I I . - . witkin sox . du
. ellutgn,'on Fridayp,-hol4rSi 11 to 4 13elgrave . Mrs. Geo, Connell, Clinton, on I'Ved- recent illness, I r : each province, or the Prqv ,- nee of rillness is at once, avoideds. Nerviliha . .
. n6sdar. evening, April 2nd, wlien her A little glad . GoUrich. I � � liter irritant.ove'r
r I
P. Tn. on Friday March 26th, - " * to the bome of ]At.. and.Mrs. John Ellis . I Ontario, all persons, � companies or Plasters 'act as a con
April 23,, May 21, Juxle,18- Glasses Charles Burney of Exeter Suudiqed, daughter Elizabeth was mart 4 d . Pilot mound, 1A n., March .t.1th. corporations carrying on. a telephone the seat of pain, and As. an exterior
properly I � ittqd� . Diseases of,th I Mr. William Carter, at t_llillatt, T-LOV'r I recently, .' ' .. I an the applica ion In. curing colds; jXL the rwis-, .
, o eye, with friends in Belgravc, , . , I . - . , - an - an business therin, , reserving to, t
- throat tre4 I ted.- .1 adge ,performing, the "..'emony, John Biggin- Ofr Clinton Spent a few . Dear Miss SkimmingS,1 in Tleurisy and headaches they .
ear, nose And . I Mr. And Mrs� J. L,; GDjddeg visited Mr. F I ardent reader at ypur Goderich � car- I Parliament of Canada the control and cles,
. 6 ,.,;. . � � 11 � . The br,de and groom were ass4ited by r days last Week at the home of Rortit, ' ' . . have no, equaL Keep these- remedies .
, . leld recently. regulation of Inte rovincial business. � � I
- 1.7. . friends in Bayf I . rqspondence,' I am from Clinton, but i _rp .. . -
. . I .
O.- ._ � ... . I r -":- � John Ferguson has bought a fine Miss Kate & Connell of tiown And Henry of near Marnach. - � e oy the GQderioll news in - The only., ?� . right in your holbe. . .
� ' * "' threeyear�old heavy draught co,it- Mr, J. A, Melville of Hamilton As I The little child at Mr. and Mrs. - I Ili . . ely r I � . .
,A GREAT SCHOOL! . Mrs. Wiley of Belgrivo has - been first. couple, - Mr-, J.. Connell ii,ud Miss Page of near Marnadh -has. been very News -Record,. We ate hwOng lov I Mr. Lucas explained that the object . , , . I r. . r . .
. " sick at the home ofMrs. William No- Ida Britton of Hullett as second ill with pneumonia but .. is n6walmo�jj.. weather here, now .that the winter of his resolution was to start a move- . � I
Great in Reputation, Results, In- . I .1' r by I well again, . . . . .-is nearly over,. With. r ,kind regards, Iment' for Governinent-own6d tele- The London, Times -comme . nds Can- I ' '.
thery. I couple. The bride was given Away I ; � s. Ae McLean. : . . . I s naval. policy. � , I . .
'Auence Ana ThorouKtiness I .,Now is . her brother, Mr. W. D. Conacil. all Mr, D. Ferguson and daughter,Mra. Mr . ,phones. Manitoba and Alberta, owned ada' .. .
. I There is an. unusual amount of sick- . (ya
fte time to enter the popular . ownship, The bride 'Was I Churthil I of Goderich,town4hili'vietted' I . .. .. I . -
� ness this spring in and around Bel- Goderich t Mr. Tromanhauser spent a; few days'their Own telephone systems ' he said, � Tile London Stan rd thible the
.. . . . .. 11 * , over Sunday week eek, and hap ,returned to.and a few weeks ago I -Ion. George P., creation of A Canadian fleet would qla
- I � . grave., . � . �� � Charmingly attired.in navy met satin vith the former's here last.w . �
ELLIOTT � , with cream silk lace trimming and, daughter, , Mrs. W, T. Noble -of the Toronto. I Graham stat�d at Otta'Wa that'if * On- * more useful to. Britain '�han .all alli-,
:Arthur Brooks Of Centralia' spent ' .. � . . I � - ane .
,;�� I � . - " � . e
F ., I , � . - . . Waster Dan,. MacdonAld, late of I tarlo wanted Governmerk"wned tel' e with a wond7class'navp .er,4 �
. , 1. Sunday week with ,his jathcrjrl�law, crowned with a wreath 'of ),pple blOS, 5th line T . . ,41 pow . 1.
, .
. I I , .1 .I 10 I . . held a. pretty boq�uet of I' mr. Hibbert and family have get Porter's stationary store, is head � phones, the Legislature should take . . . 1. � � . .
.. . � . 4' Findlay Antderson. . I soms, and . :action in the matter. The . action -
ON21.- ---O- Robert Owens has been *very 'All and natpral flowers presented to her by rettled in their new home in Hullett, n0erk in Howell's hardware store. He Same .1 I . . I .
� X They ... Will be greatly missed by 'the dresses , the window -with much taste., � ucas also
. TORONTO. I I under *the doctor's care with a nurse . rs. Jolin Gibbings at town. The at- i . . . I is now being taken,. � Mr., L ,
� : . in attendance. . . I I tire of. the bridesmaids was ill Pleas� people of the neighborhood in which 0%. Friday evening .61 'this we4 the stated that if the Government would .
and prepare for profitable emplor- . . ,be, grave, I ing harmony with 'that of Ahe they have been living..', . 11 I take over the trunk. line .. , .. . _�__ ", . .
Mrs. Jerry Bry4ges on . ... . I iterAry society of the Col,legiltite In,; province would become a, 1' , ,-. b �
iment. Our graduates . readily ob- � . �
ositious. Our Halt& road has been quite ill, ' . lbride. The presents to the bride were . I .- I . stitute-willconclude � , . I"
tain good -p . I . us:, and, valuable. 'The tables . . . . . I I , their series at I wires s I trung by rural telephaae cOXn_ I - . .
I some C ,atalogue i� free. Write for , Mrs. - Wray, has received the gad,111IMPF0 ' ' . -_ . meetings for the term with -a concert, I � . . � I I .
� loaded with enough good thinars . . Dun alknon. � � �'A prize is to be giveTi'by Dr. Strang �panie& � . ... . . I
- . - . . � . I
cite today. Students admitted At )�ews of tile death of her sister, 'Mrs , were a � 9 . 1. � I . . . . . .
. I � . to satisfy the palates",of 100 people. I . . . � - � , . ,
ege open the entire Sanson of Trenton. . . . est number of.votes . rei � . . . . . � � I . . � � . .
any time. Cfoll I - ' I concIdded with - ra, usi, - . . I . 'for, the high 'Contestants. - - I I
. . Mr. T. G. Allen has returned trom, ceived by Any of the - Ill Godoric� at the.Auction House - - .
year. I . I . . The ,home of Mr,''and Strs., .' Johli The, evening . . ers ' ,
. I . . I . games; etc, Mr. W. Kay piliyed the Peterboro after an � absence of' ,ten Now Sehool Read
. I Wightman, on the gravel ro.Ld, Was ' - ' . � I We were sorry , to learn; that Mrs. . . I . every Saturday afternocn. , We' sell
. W., I J. ELLIOTT, : plessed! with a ba. I by boy recently, . I Yedding. Match as the', �brlde'andas- days� . . . .. . . ... I . George Narris fractured her, w'rist" ' I . � . . I anything and everything anywhere '�- � I
. . . �etsmith sistants were .entering the parlor.' I Rev,.W. A. - Smith .attended the' The Department of Education: will and at Any time, - ' I
, . P-rincipal- P� W. Scott' ;was . in Tuel I � I. I . sonle time ago,. but she is. glad - that within'the next few days call for .ten� ' I Merobandise,
' .. .1 Missionary Congress.. io, To,ro.nto last she will soon be -able to usd it.: .. I . . . . . -Estati,- Liiie-: ,Stocki Etc. -
Corner Yonge and Alexander Sti,j - township recently getting poinUrs oni 'The grocery stock Of the :estate , � : Real
I I . . � "" . on week. , .1 .. . . . . 11 . . I �etiug of the' , , �Iders for the printing of the new series, q.:. W . �
. I I � . bridges. and other municipal n4bters, iR. R. Walker, grocer, Was sold - [ . At the last.me . A. ,1y..F. - . I �: Beckett, : Auctioneer, " P.. -
. . : . I . . - I . � - . .
- . . . .. . . . . including municipal teleplibileg; Which Saturday to Messrs. McMurray Audi 1116v. W - Conway preached educationi- A. of St. Goorge�� church oil - 23rd I of school ,readers which have been. in - 0. Box ,-, 183 Ooderich. "Plioner -
. . � I , 1. . , _: a - t , .is . Adopting, . ... I I at sermons on Sunday week to large Y* ai ', ....,course of compilation for' some. time , , 108, �, . . 1. . .1 - 63w -s . I f
I . . . that ownship. .: I Wiltse for,671c on the dollar.. I . March, an exceedingl fin,s ess Y 1. . . I .
I . I � . I . ." . . . . congregations.� . 1, past, and it'is'expected that the new .. . (
. � . �
I . Daivid iONV"CAS! of Tbe:isalon, Thomas I I . I . . I . I . . ., . . titled "Missi.ons," ..,Was: read - -%vith I i .. I ... I . . .
1"� SRI tic TRM FROM APRIL. IST . � I. .The .)N7..,*, S. held 1-tt monthly .meet- . I .. edftion will be available for the 'schools . . i* . - I
, . of Winnipeg, �nd Isabella Owens of '. I . . 1. . . . . clear enunciation -by the writeri, .Miss . . . I _. .11 . ..
. . . . . .. . Ing last -week at the home. of Mrs � . I . immed,ately- after' .thei oonfing mid- I I . . . . . ..
. TEN ' ' . Portage.weie called. home owing to . Goderich Tp., Aprif 9th; 18W , .. � ,� . .' Edrie . Tye. * At the conclusion of . r, , 11 . . 1. � . . - . I � � . . 1. � . I � ..., ..
. I � .
UENT AL. - I . . lames Whya:rd. ' , ummer - vaLation. - . . 1. . I . I .
I * . . . . miss Tye's address aheatty, vote. tit ,- I I . .
� . I . . . . . '.
. . I . � . . the, .fatal iliness of their father. Ill i Mrs. Smith of .'Brussels .and' Mis. . . . 11
� I . Andth6r of Ae. pioAcer settlers has Master Beii1e. Murphy, Ila * s been I - thanks was extended. her, on =,otion . - Th'6 ' new* readers. Are* to -be - dccldedlj�'. , . .jACOSS , .i�
. .
. . � . . an. attack of 1 - McCracken of Cleveland havo.been viS ' . . I
� . ON . . ... - . passed.away in the person of . James with a grippe iting at th6 parsoamage. .. I . of Miss W41ton-and the rector. . . inore 61 a British, And - patriotic . dha,r'-. . 1. - I .. . 0 . . � . I � , - . I
. I � Owens, - who died on the .22nd ultimo Mr. Samuel Barr's children. are ill " . , Thursday last was millinery�. open.- jacter-than any -of the former readers. . . . . � .
. .
I I school, . a in, , - the mumps, . . . ... . .. .Mr. Jesse Xquiltain. talks 61 going . n' . I I ve�Tbe elemen , tary . history to be. author- - ,
.. We have a large his 78th year� Mr. Owens had�na;t w.Ah, at. , ., . . I .� . . I . I . J g day. Hodgens Bros. truly:, ba . _. ' . i , . . � .. .
' been in the best., of health for, some . - . McBrion has gone to I I ,win- "Ned by . cat'i n - Ing 0 . I
high�grade school, . with. Sgien� Mr- Win. . � Pa- recen - Meeting .'of L. O.: L. the largest show rooms, and I - the department at E -du a , I show*, f I
did equipment. Instructors time, .but pneumonia . � � . At .A t . d6ws, the latter fallinstically at-'w.li cont,�In sonie of the stirring and I I I . I
' , . .
s . are im - .off in a few days. lie . was born. . . . range - We were Shown a sWe;t brid-1 valiant deeds of Calladdans jn� �he Boer , . . .: . .
. . . kota, so we loarn.' I . No. 324 Alex.. Durnin, Was presented _ . d . .
,are experienced. Course-' b . . Mr. Geo., Lziitbwaite is now engago- I We . I I - 1 I . . . , ; S 0 . . .
, up-to-date and pra n the County f. Form agh, Irela d, . . ,with a pastmaster'S Jewel and an ad of white'liiiir braid, .trim- war, 'the North4V.est' rebellion and . �X .
thorough' C- 'i 0 an .. ll ed in sellifig the� celebrated. OaReW dress. He has -been. an active member ill bonnet .1 . I
tical. Our 'raduates Are in de- in 'the year 1881 and came to. Canada med with pale . blue ribboh, with other parts. of . the world. . .
I . .
. 9 , , .. , .. 1. orgalk. He i.s,the ' right man in the 'al. the lodge and intends'g6jilg west. I . . I .. I . . . . .. � .
mand as office assist iv.hen fo.urteen years of !age. He. set , . I � _. ... . I I . - I.— . � I _ . � French. -rosettes of for-get-me-no,ts and . . . . , I Ing - - �
ants anid - rlg I 'p ace. , ., � I I I .. I . ' .. .. . --;--,- � . ..e I �
. it I 1, , . � . . . .1.11 : I I . .. I . . � . , W � pr .. .
� I I and .1 , . I I I
� I
. I I 1.
Business Co)legi" TOachers, , - tled in *Tecumseh .. townshlp,�*Simcd,e I I 11 ... . .. I I .11 I .. __ � . pale- blue. strings; Then. , A P�sycnL � . :� : � I I . I I . . . ... . . � .1 1,
free patalogue- �- I cointy where. helcunced the shoemak�, Miss Lizzle': Whitely, recently or- . . . t- . - � .1 . . � .. eaut' I , . . .1. .. .. . . I . . .. I .1 . � . . . . . I 11
Write for our . I .. b.. :, many - other b iful hat$, We -aaso. :. � 1. - . . . . � . . � . .. . . I � I . I � . . : . .. I
" , n
rA. t*Y,
I -
I (11" A I
1 19 y dt 10 I'
I I.
11 I
=0 I
. . I � ing. trade. ; in - 1854 - lie tisme to. Fast .9 st of St. Stephen'. s, dh�rclx, Hur- Repeat I ,--"Shilo Is Cul:6.will alm. * .. , I . . ' ' 1. , I . 1. .- : ' '
" ,
Enter at'any time. I � I ani I . . I .. were shown at Hodgens' 14ros. the . 9,.peat It :-"Shiloh's, Cure will Alm; ... . .� I.. . . ., I , . I . , I , �*
I . ..live in'Chi.4ge� Ways. onto my cbughs� and o,,OldV'.'.., . ' , I. ' ,olb.," ... I I ... � .1 I � ...
. , Wawanpsh'ana settled on the fari-A on.Roid,'has gone to , . *beautiful ,silk embroidery , donu liv , . I . . . .
I . . ' ways cure mycoughs and', � .
. . We wish� the . young lady' a. pleasant. I. % 11 . I � 1. 1. ; . . . � . . 1. I . . I . ,. I � ... I .. '. . I . � . I
, 'a:rt, ofiwhich this village is ' ', new � I .. . ..... �� . ... . . Miss Mtfhro, who will leave -fol *.Clin- � �- - . . �. . ood8'' ' - . 'k .
Elliott & Met' Alan 'locaPted. After clearing up j � home :in the Garden city. ` ' .... � . I . . . . I . . I � .. I "I .. I � I .. . . � : I G.. 6 I ..
, . . . piece of . . ,: i ' ' I � .. I . I I .. . -ton on April 3rd. .. - -1. . . - . I. . � . . . I. . . I i . 11 .. . - .1 ..; I .1 .. I . 1. '. ..
� . , �
I I .. . . . . I . I ..
. . land and putting'u'p ,a log bous6, p r. ' . Grey.Town.s] ip. - - . .. ', *i 1. . .. ..
. he Mr. Samuel Shop a d of tile. N1161. . . . U, . Miss Donagh's window m* as in ost asi-, DE114TAL I � .. . . � . � . .
PRINCIPALS. . . I . I . . . . LAVAiORIES IN S L E F411-. . . . , I .
' . *
. . . . worked at. his trade and became wid-. and Mrs. S. .Treleaven .and 'son - of . 1. . .. . . .. thetic, .raw$ 9! thickly. formed apple -. . I . ' .. . 1. I . .
. 6 . . I .. .. I � NG C � ARS., .. . . � I—. . . Finding it wits .going to be' -
. I. e1Y kn6wn, aswell as very useful ,to Dungannon, were among xelitiv.es and I Mrs- O. Harris, who went to Clint- foliagewere laid *upon..the Mee cur- I . I ' '
. f, I I � . I � 4. .'., I.: on 'to see her erandparents w1io *ere ! 14 .�_ I Some of the Wiastern: "rAflr"ds have impossible to leave .Clinton. .be- ..,.
the sett, ers Of ,lose uays. e, was
I .
one. of the. kindest of neighbors and
friends in the a ns p as we . . I ? � . . . La ns, ,walle go en fa . y a, .4r bas-
. . . I .
both sick has returned home again'. ' kets. were -filled with roscs,fwhicl n were,
. .
. . � .
betA. Calling -attention 'to dental lava-
. fore spring tr.9de would be well
advanced, we. have deeided to
. I
. �
, I I .
� always rcad� to assist the needy" Ile
wa's a Presbyter ian and A Conserva-
Master W m. . H. Johnston, � son at .. I
James Jolluston . at the 1 � 6th con. is -1 oinas . Sttachaii, was iir,i. tumbling, out. . The Model . WAS in
, . Hamilton last week Attending ,the. an-. whlte.� A Marie . Antoinette bontiet of
the, -
tories which have recently been in -1
traduced ilil.sleeping cars on their lin-
remAin here fbr the greater pa -it
ol-the spring busin , ess. , . Our sale
. I �.....
, , .
tive.. His wife predeceased. him seven
very. low with iniflam .of nual sessions of the. Hamilton .9�nod
- . .. . laven6r tulle fril'.s .And -trGmings to
lungs.. A. younger son. is also ill with - 'Meiville
99,: -Pullman
As a mAtter.of faot,*,06. .
, having clettrel dat the greater
part, of the. stock We had, enables
years,. but he is �s�urviVedi by three solis I
. as the lay delegate-. from, * . -
inflammatory rheumatism.- We slu" ,ere-, . . . I match. Also A hat colvered , witit,
Company have decided o
us to buy tiearly a complete ne
I ..
. I .
And.as many daughters, John and
� I I . . hurell, Brussel .� , 6
0 S.-., . moss; and alternate fows'. for trim-
ly. cape for their recovery.. - . J. .
. all new sleeping cars that thoy'liuild-i
' .
stock - which -we will Conti w
. I
David of � Thessalon, Thomas of Wia-
nipeg, Airs... Mooney
. - i.
. , - Will, Cusic.left last week- to . POP"'Ming of French button � roses and
A bachelor gen'tIOMa4i Of the tOww lit Point, Sask. - '. . buds. Camer6n and %oore'opened
nd I' all the . pros6nt',�lecping cars
a 111 . .
whelf'they ai.e. nbxt put 6rough - 1he
I s,ellninga Prices�ihat aresuret
, r X u,t
. tile �usiness,,for- the bal-
. . � �
, ,ofHeroward,'
S -ask., Isabella of Portage. la Prairie,
.' -
ship, has bef.A'for some time stodYW,g I Miss Agnes, Knox. jocg� �O the Mac- with an orchest . ,. . . . 1.
. � ra. .
in the'-donald
. .
shops dental' lavatorie� Which will
, .
. .
- ,Lnee of our. tim.ehefi'.". . . ,� .
I . . . . . .
I ,Elizabeth it home. Hii brother',
court ip., It is surmised that Institut , .
Sb . � .e Guelph,. to take a Mr, and Mrs.. Howard Thom,.4on, - of
will complete- thi" L
future - '
doub,tless be in
. . . uch appreciated' by
. . We have &,-complete n 6w.'.
� .1
Matthew of Portage la Prairie and
near, .be ,course. . . . . . the C.P. R. staff left an tile 24th
their patrons; Already Some of the
range of tbe very newest, Men's
two sisters M�s. NeVittie,of Mini-
. O'. .
Arch matrimbilhil by Consent. - I 4iss P16rcnee Armstrong has res- for Toronto, where they will reside
- sev tat' . I
M�. T. C' Sturdy, who took e k NO., 3,
Pullman sleeping cars operated over
ay System
and Boys' Ready-to-wear Oloph-
. en's Suits,
Ing, consisting of M
. .
toba'and Mrs. -George Peacock. of
�.. . I
. unied War in ,, S, S. � 146rils, by . . :
im oried' shire stalhong to the West.! Aheir own 'choice. - . .
. after a -few days illness, . 11 We expect all our old frien,,Is .%,I,xl
the Grand Trunk Railw. . are
provided wIth this no*. and special
aing-le and douhle breasted. .
I . I I � .
. .
also survivo.him, 1, .
. � I . I . .
. I .1 . I . �
I � � ..
1p . .
ern States returned Wednesday, hav- On Tuesday of last week the spirit ter, after ,.heir ,%Aql1tCt,S
� . . return At Eas
. A, ased -Of the animals at fair I 1110.11. %JT_%T 1-11 -_1 I I I � . I
sanitary feature. . . . .. .
. .
. I . I I I .. I �
.. I
. Youths"qtilts-Weare.giving
narticular attention to this lino,
; . I
. . I
. . ... - � , .E, �r . Of. am . , 'a . llowL1 Ee - I , . . .. .
-1 I I . . . . ... I .. . . . .1 . .. I . . but,had tbey`�,aen Olydeg . be, 1. stay. in the�. Xi S*1 Mesdames Kirk- . I . - .. I . . 11 . There is the growing youth from .
. . , prices .. I sident of the 13th con , . wa& called br4do,.,V Mott, Wyatt and - Graham, . . . . I . .1 I I . I 16 to IS years who does not ieall�k.` . -
I I NOTICE TO .0 �DITORS.-IN THE could I ardly h e in ' � . I . .. . I
. : � . RE . h Ay' given the &Way, - away- from time. He had not been a I . . I . I . . - WORK '- THAT. WEAKENS. I '� I feel - -like payinig the price for a' � .
matter of the estate of Ann Craig � . I . . .
I 1. .: * . .11 � a I I . . . . .� I . � .
. ' � . ..r . . . ., . rugged man for Years and- tooli 06 I � - . I'' � . � . . � I 1. . . . . tailor�tnade suit yet wants some- .
. - 1 z aw I I �
. . of the -town of Clinton in the couri . � r . I I I .
' 1 ' . of Huron, . widow, deceo, ed.-:- - I . stroke of paralysis -last winter, Plexlr- , Itepeat it-:-"Shiloh's Cure will at- BOOth's�ltlidney, Pills Have, Done . thing better than -the ordlnary� I
NEW ' F RM ,ty , W . . isy set ill'and. another stroke of par- ways . cur-- � in I y cou hs and -'Colds. .�i - Great Service for'People Who Work . ready -to -Wear. To meet tbis're, .
. . " '
. . . . .
Notice is; her vn .. I Zurith � ,� - I . -9 . . . .
r I . . alykis lotlowf'.O. ,,ofrom . � � in Clipto �' . quireuient. we have selected puita i
See. 38 of.Chap. 129 It. S. Or., 1897, I . .. .1 imbich- he ol-itAt I i , , . . . . - I . ' I I
I He was 72 years of age and.was born I I . I . . - � .. 1. n . - inK lenyths. patterns of the new
OF UMN DEALERSr � . ' . . , � I ..
. 1� I that all persons having claims or The.Sunday �school In -connection . .. . . :% Many Clinton - ordere suirings, and are having ..
. I . . , I in the towpehlp,of McNalb, RchfrevA I - people Work every them mode tuilar to orderea 1, ��
I - � demands against the estate of the with the Evangelical church Will � be . McKilloe, To*viship . ' . day in.*scimc strained unnatural post- 8 13 up "I .0 . . . I .1
- . . .. ce West to Maxillop � � . uit lo evet;y detail. These Suits .
said Ann.Craig, dee.ea.,4ed, who -died heidin the morning in future,. ,earn- I - � I .. tiob, bending.'constantly over, a desk, will aopeii to the boys who - � .
The undersigned have secured the ' . about 41 years ago., All ' ' I ...
*atabouNa totmerly, ,6Lcupied I by, on or about the 15th day of Feb- ii%encin.i� at 9M.- @' - .. I . I I (Intended for' last * issue,.) riding on jolting wagons oi cays, want to be Ili it. . I � I
, . � Mr. iti4 Mrs, W. Rands of the: 1'2th' ,
ruaty 19.09, are required to send bY -Miss Maggie Ragan of .North. DAaco- The Division Court at SeAfOrth bending over heavy housework' lilting . . I . . I . �
Mr.. W. G. Perrin and'are on the . con, celebrated their silver annivev., ? I . I � . I .
post, prepaidj..,6r dblivei' to the un-Ita and Miss Kate Hagan of Detroit . . took.a number at p�rsons from MeXil- reaching, putting, all these strw.us . I I . I
market for All kinds of grain for dersigried executors, been visitinj at the old home-*_ry on Friday.of last week. Their � . I . . . 1.�
which they will P'4 the highest on or before havei � . I . many, friends have been wisning - them, lop out to town an(,,, day last week. tend* to wear, weaken and Injure the, � . . . � I
the, 'Ist day of May, 1009 ,theirl,ptead on the Parr Line. � . t Henry Stimore.has been in a, criti- � kidAcys until they fall behind in their Boys, 2,-Plece Suits
. poWble price. . . . . chrigtian, ati . d surnames an!4 ad. I Miss Xatl'Orino XcInath,, for years .4 many xettirns. of:the waniversary a tat cond�tion for, a. number of d'ays. I work of I filtering the, poisons from the . �� I I
' I dliesses with full particulars in resident of Zurich, died on Saturday their 'wedding -day, not,stopping short His Ailment is thought to be'appendi- blood. Booth's Kidney Pills cute sick Never before have. wo.bad tbe
13RAN,OORN AND .'Iweek at HawksVille, ai- the home of of the golden jubilee. itis. . . . . kidneys, put new . n bad ranger of. Boys' 2 -Piece Suits we
l . . . Writing of, their claims, alintate f Air. rand Mrs. -H. M, Smith mud c . I . areshowing ibis Spring# The .
. SHORT 8 ment of their accounts and the na- her daughter,. 'Mrs. 140 , 'Gtorge 1401, Frank Hadkwell, anol,backs. Mr, 14 rma ' cure Prove$ it. bloonjer knicker is a new. feature ;
.;lay Fr6y, r where , ' e I!$
r . . . ' L I Me rfor daughter at Dubue,. Sask., were here Stitt left I - treet, � hi)Ys- Vmar. We have thein
. ture 'of the securities (it any) holia she. had made her ho �Cveral recently visited.at the bome of Mrs. Webster . or tho west last Mr. E, Herman of Victor.& S in
We will 'keep oil hand tit our , by them duly Verified by'. statutory yeari. She was. 85 years at' age, I , week. - I . . Clinton, Says .. L I 'For years I Suffered with Ole suits or in add knickers.
warehouse a supply, of . Bran, Corn - declaration, And take notice that The annual business meeting at the D. Livingstone, who Is Urs. Smith s nh who, sol4l h-.glwith a most Annoying and I distressing .1 .
and Sh 'Grain taken In I . mother. Mr. Smith is the Station ay � I thirability, Price,and Style nee .
I art$;. . I ex� # after the said Ist (lay of May, 1969, 1 1' ,vangelical church was held Oto Mon. agent At Dubuc,. I . farm here some weeks ago, ill.oved to -weakness of the bladder and kidutys tile tbt ee points we iire going
.. change'l . � said executors will pioceed to dis- day week. ,Mr. John Procter was el- . . � Myth 6n Monday. and, could find relief in nothing I to get the boys silit trade :
tribute the assets of the said d6,'tcted trustee for a term at ? three I Mr. land Mrg,'Matthow J. Stewart Mrs. Munn has been at Kippen At- tried. � My sleep would be brokea four . on this spi Ing. .
. ' " ecased, . among the- parties entitled years. The - financial report shows left. this Week for a trip to the west, . tending the inarriago of a, niece, I or rive times each night with the It-. I - 1� . .1 . . .
t the .
, congregatlon.is itL a, fienTir ; .
thereto, having regard only to, theAlla ,h� and expect to visit friends in, our Many of out people beteabouts have regular arid fr6quont secretions at the � . .
. .Ford .& McLeod claims of which t4ey shiiii then baq�'ing Condition, , The plate collections .three prairie provinces'and in' Dakathi,. been Suffering from colds and bron, oladiloys This would cause me to . ' � I
. hotice, and the said exceutorg will duri�llg the year were eighteen dollars' Last week Mr. Richard Mitchell chial iroubles. . sufler'with a languid, tired feeling in Tailoring I ..
--d'-ww" . I Shipped two Carloads of -settlers) eft- .
. . � not be liable for said assets, higher thaa, thoprovious Year. I John Welsh, Who lima' been confined the morning and I would be just is
I n1l Winter, 1% as when I had gone Cur tailor ng etock ih etittrely
I . or any part thereof,. to p,AV,l The death at Johil, Delchert Sr., ects to the west and they were ac� to the ,louse , . not show- unrefrealidd to kiew, and being my own eutter, I
, ,persons or poison of whose claIM which took placcon.Tuesday of las.t colill*llied by-t-wo of his sens,i Mr. Ing ally sigils Of improvement. bed, The urine was highly colored I
I and Mrs, Mitchell And daughters will � arid noblinving a cutter's salary . �
I COAL . notice aball not have been recelved,week removes one of the pioneer bus- follow In A few 'days. They Vill to. Aaron Mully' is rcMOViA% the. uu- and filled with , brick dustgLnd So& : . to pay enables us to give you au
. I by them or their Solicit& at the Inclq$ Men of Zurich. I -le had been In cate In the Saskatoon district, derbrush from the front of � his Place, ment. Booth's Kidney Pills cleared ordered suit lit a I . light price,
. ORDER YOUR YEAR'S $UP- time of such distribution. ) Datea"business hore for ovet iforty years, h m Its Appearance the Xitme to its natural color and in ___ ____... --1 11 -
PLY NOW- T14Z 13EST IX Clinton, March 90.nd, 1909.-DanicAtandplily within the lastfa� I
�A� YeD, __�� I quite a bit. - a, comparatively short time the kid -
T1419 MARKET, $7 PER TO* I . ; The sate at Findlay MeIntoshIg one Iney secretions has been reduced vp.to.dilte r, (1rhishIngs. .
X, . X, prior and Blizabtth Taylor, V,x- has he lived retired. Ile R lamas PlumbrIdge, the farrii labor. And 'I . Hat.$$ Etc.
. I
,130T IF' 0RI%RP,D AND PAID cautors, . mourn his departure his widow and TI cl,q recently was well attended and,have felt stronger And better, the - ,
'POP. ttpoRr, MAY 8ist) A Dis- . seven children. 110 was in Ilia 69 til or Who: forced some sharp instrument tile stock sold at high figures. Ilors- languld feeling, h ' 1
� COUNT 'OF 40 CENTS A TON - year. . ,down the throats of his employ,or's ps wentupto $300 each ,and ,cows ,at now able to enjoy mynightIg rest I . .
WILL BE, ALLOWED. cattle in, Elgin county, has been Ad. ng .
Repeat It :-11ShIloh16 Cure will A)- 1 05 each, The� sale netted civet $3000 and awake refreshed and Str . I ,
Orders loft it Davis A, RawlaMls IVAYS e5tO MY coughs and.coldi." . I . I . I an asylum. I W� S. R. Holmes, from E. ifl-ob. ,I
. 1judged Insane, andwill m with Thamas Brown, the PeO10'd Booth's Kidney Pills pr()cllr._.d 0 � ,
*111 be prowtly atten&4�to, . A— A Painless Corn Cure[ I � . auctioneer, as salesman. I the, druggist, also 0 we 0
. , ,Easily applicd-costs but & quarter- * A Committee of the Trunk line As� - ... � __._,�*�. relieved me of a miserable and long.
. � . V1. Marion Crawford, the novelint, that's Putnti.m1s. Cora NIxtraetort fifty sociatfon meet$ at Now York to, -day I . ill it.1st,anding case of rheumatism and I CLINTON I
i J, -4 was �Cporteol to be dying at Sorrento years In use. Insist on I'Putilarft�!$." to consider tile differential jrej,,�,llt rat� Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cum w I W 11 always feet. grateful in r000mmom
I 0 . Sl .11 Italy. � . I only, / ;es. of the Canadian Pacific Despatch. Ways dut,, thy 00U91A .Wid colds," ding them highly.,, 1. .. ... IL'.."'.1 I I—— ... I L" .111 ...,. -11. A
. . . . � I # I I 'I,
.1 - 0
Ilk, __ L__i
. I
. __ _10M.- !.. --..a- - __j - I - - . - ___ __L iAMIL, _ - - � . , ,