The Clinton News-Record, 1909-03-11, Page 9D 4) Saturday, March the 20th,, will witaima the greatest SkUghbW U0 Of Boots 4Aqj ftoo$ even -put before theoull I Ug people of Clinton and ding surr V004try. • Ingomg over our stock we find that we have to 040rificq 4L numWr Of lines in order to make room for of, Spring Goods, our great stock Sale only. lents 80; days. Come and buy early befote the lines gabroken, 1k '.40 pairs Xeres. 041ters, all sizes, regular $1.50 to s,00, to clear At .00 35 pairs men's Dongo14. Oxfords, regnisj- $I.r)o to ?,W to creArat .70 40 padre men's Patent 10 to up-to-date In style and quality. go or $LOQ and ',.to, fords, .15 pairs men's Tan Roots, regular $2,75 to 4.00 to go at.. , ....,, 42 patm, Boys Laved Boots, recular . $1,50 to 1,75, to clear at.,... ILA Dougola'and Patent Strap Slippers, regular Lb N!, to cl4r'oj' lllrt(�I. 75" ............. I ........ ', An Ink Panail !For One Dollae. "O"ft. . 'rhla is the, Vo%intaiu Pencil 'that writes like a lead pencil, always pointed. A time saver for the user. lRolds, A pod supply of iqk And keeps it in excellent condition. we D. FA 1 R 00, Often Cheapest -41ways the Ut ru"111 lit i Of Hodgens 13ro.$, Stock of Carp, ets, 0.11cloths, mole .ms, and House Furnishings We bought Messrs. Hodgens Bros. stock of Carpets and house Furnishings at a rate on the dollar, that enables as to sell the following lines at less than Dost, This will be a great ,pportqnIty. to, refurnish your house or brighten up a room with a new rag at a.0mall cost. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORT04ITY. We Intend to clear out . every) ard of this stock and marked the prices down accordingly. We have fitted up a new Carpet Room and in future Intend cco W -carrying a complete range of Carpets, Rugs and House Furnishings.' The early bird.catches the ,worm..', Come first day If possible Small Ruda , *404--061 13 Goderich are fhe guests of her moth- or,, Mri. W G. Smyth. , . Mr. and Mrs: Jimes Dunford and Er� • late and Cleta, visited Brussels frieqds. AW the. latter part of the week. Miss - Alma Gibson, iAte . of Toronto, is visiting her: Aunt, Y�'­ A. Shier, 7 OAr before taking a position' as milliner. Mr. AithurVA.ncaniP B6wmanvilla - was the guest of his uncle, Mr. All - Taylor, .fox a few. days this week. Mr. Fred. Chant is I-Porne for 4 short • y of Water- holidarom. MidAand.� ROMANO Mr. and Mrs. Ro.bert Cole TO ,loo visited their son; Mr. Nelson Coler of town and, other, Miss Olive -Moon. of LojideAwb. is: W. 1-1. Watts r &..Soo for friendsgood visiting. Mrs. Whitchea. shoc. repairing. N e'. niake, a. speci- this vicinity. from. Toronto this to You Wal, . a the serious illness of his, 'home nifty of repairing ,and. do.iitwhile r. John RuMball. *As valled . . r. s -week owing' efie► Dress grandmoth- Constance cr, Xrs'-Rudd. -Our'�Cha'rges are. Right Mrs. (Dr:) McCombe JVjj. WI, U,am McIntosh has secured and of Milvorton wero,'guests at; ilia the contract for . carrying his mA3"- TO FARMERS AND OTHERS 1: We yea mail inail'for anoth6r term borne - of kr: w. T"O'N611 trrum years. He . -is well,li . ked all of r four have several Pairs * of our own made, G oods., Friday until Monday. along the boots which we will sell/cheap.'. Just Miss Sybil Courtice was Able to re- route. the'thing you want to keep rypi;r . feet sume. her duttpr as. organist• of out. -Quite a number, were received ilry while the, season is open St. .;church'on. SujVday. lip" Ater several membership An the Methodist church Come in and see. them.. For S.0ring Are'Nere b. weeks!. Absence owing to, illae,.,s. on Sunday last. 1. .; Mr. ,arid M"s. Wm. Simllson and Mr.. Miss Evelyn r Clark and.her brother; ..Ovr ..stand is opp�slte the p office, e and 'Mr's.:Hugh Ross -S'P:e'ot a vctry Ephraim, spent Ii9t Sunday' 'as ' the o�t The first'arri'Vals of the new Dregs Goodq• pleasant aftexkioo'fi and evening last guests of their aunt, Mrs. John Price We 'have started a -. brindh for spring, are now on display -On our Dregg *eek- wfth­,-, Id friends near, Elruce- of " L6adbury, blisiness at Londesbord joifttli old Goods counters. Plain colors and weaves will field. Mrs.. George Dale entertalined. quite wtth Mr. McKeown's harness Mr. William Fisher left on Frid4y -list a number of her friends on Friday shop.. All repairs' taken there lead, in sty 161, Although ni.any� self stripes are. 01 have out best, and careful ill be stfong this for Zedicine Hot,. Alberta, with a.evening last: w% show'ni .Satin faced cloths. w, ca as accom- part of ng to show a splendid J. Hobver Nelson sail carload of, bolises. He w". Miss A-unic Rapson. spent . attention. year and we are prepari I panied byhlr. William Bell of list week as the guest of Miss M. range of Colo' re in this popular cloth., Other W H 4- atts cloth�s on display ..are Broadcloths, Venetians, 40 Blyth. Miss S. 'Macdonald W, 4. soff Williamson returns this week ' The Mitscs-MadGrogor �spent part oil e ians, to. Detroit_ after.: . spending some last *week as the guest of her . sister, Panamas, Batiste, -Se I rges, Poplins, etc. in shades ► Do months with 'her parents at Pot- Mrs. E. L. Farnham. etc., 1. 04) of navy, black, -brown, green, fawn, taube, old •ter's, Hill and her sister, Mrs. J, Tucker, rose, greys, Copenhagen, etc. Prices 50c,' 60c, own. It Mr. George Havilla of Fairview, New 750, $5C,. $1.00, $1.25. and $1.5Q. Mexico, arrived In town on Monday, having been. called honic by the serious illness of his mother, Mrs es L. Hearn. -6T :SW 11 T11 riol Jam T h!e'P .6 Is ii-mally, thou ght to cost ThousAnds. of Yards of New Wash • I U Air. Squir�s, late owner of the Lou- desboro mills but Who has been swell price.We prove the living It% . Cliaton all winter, left Ri* on Tuesday with his family-Ussity'-of that 'idea by our Goods. Too' for the .Rernernber, we are still doing busi- Alod&ate Prices. Madoc district where be has bought n"s in the same old stand, and would. A good horse is worthy of a fine saddle_so,a mill. say to our customers that we are pleas- This store has ahvays ajade a specialty, of Air. Frank 'O'Neil left y(,.sterdwy to ed with their patron since we. took Wash Go li a good picture demands � a good mount. Let' return to his business at Aftiose, over the business of 11r. Beacom, and ods and this year will be no exception. every nook and Corner of your home'be beauti- Jaw, Sask., After speallng, st-vi-ral, Would shy that we hope to be able to Our Spring Styles and Already our Wash Goods sales are nearly double 'retain the confidence of the public. fled. Bring around your paintings, and etch,- weeks with bis* faintly He .,Fabrics that of last year, and by the time this ad. reaches 1. was accomt)aftlr;d ',,V1ir.'and Ift"'. you, w . e expect another iings and we will convert them Into Beaman who ha(k bs.,&i his, puc�, S., Not so much by offering'& very cheap Are ready for your inspection. y6u shipment of the famous ,I class of goods, but by giving first-class cannot fail toAdwire them at the first Grafton Prints and Scotch Zephyr Ginghanas to. i A3EVZX8T1C 393&�Var-r S�PoTsi goods at very close prices. glance. !no Matter. bow Costly of simple its, hitings. sell at 12fe and 16c per yard. West Tuckersmith. i Our eXtehslive Stock ofspeCially selected pidture we are getting in a choice lot ()f We Will Tailor you a Suit Mrs. H. Walters spent a few days 'Plea4iskie"s, Currants, Apricots, Prunes, D . ress'Muslins also are here in many dainky, MduildingS Cannot tall to' ivAp, permanent pleas- and Mgs. Also a large aniount Ila any stale and cloth you select ata with Hensall fricrilds this week, of canned designs sand color combinations such as we have urot 1. (1 goodsj pickles, etc. pi -ice that competes closely with fac- Miss BrAyl of ...Usborne, who spent tory made clothing. That, a suit made never shown. TheP rices Will be less than for• last week with friends nere, has re- Coine and Inspect oitr goods and we by us is smell in every detail, needs no. truned home. Assure you satilifaction. The clothes speak for mer years on account of the. drop iii the price 00_ 0 th=nt. Mr. and Mrs, Peffers ofLondesboto veg, of cotton. Pretty Dress Muslins in nearly all H Ver Ball spent Sunday with, friends here, �010rs, 10, 15, 90, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 60e. Agent for H.Atlih ikatailrAn Cleaning Mr. Charles Layton purpaties flighest Prices for flatter and 9tts rilly rtswg thie& Iro''m ;6., and all kinds of product. 0 6 lil,ib sj� Broadloot; EfileSt ROV01iffe bag returned L home to W10011claca'. Miss Mary Modeland has returned TYNDALL* CARR home to Seatorth after An extended AdVertillgilIg ift"The News coird' 0 ing$ 'Visit with relatives here. guedessors to T. Beacom rge Mr. and Mrs. Charles Layton enter - tattled a number of their friends on Fine Merchant Tailor • Good Result�# PrIday evening last., 0- DARN VA91); IAOR13ONS OLD STAND • 9 pairs 'Woinen's Don 6� and Potent Strap Slippers, regular,. The NeN4-ReCord Will be U454%pu WW%jVA %#UK VW00A imuss 150 Rugb for.. ..........$1.75 is $1. to of 75 to Z50, .................. plear-ed'to: receive Items, such 4 patterns, re re 40c for ........ 0,6 2% 88 50 'Rug a $jx4 r. ............... $0,50 Ts ....... 9.00 8.60 ....... 275 •ties' -weddings, paj�* 8 50e for ........ a 66c for ........ 350 50C 0 qj@0 x4 for.:. ........... 9 10-00 Uz4 for 7,50 7,60 & 44 ....... 0.00, 30 pai:r women!s Douggla, Oxfords, regular..,$1,40 to 15o, to ties teas . and. other news of I I . . ................. 10,50 3W for ........... 8.25 46 4.00 8.10 4.50 of at. ........................................... 11.00 Personal, interest, with the Two-Plu Wool Carpets 11-00 3z3j for ......... I..., ..... 12.00 8x4 • for., 8.75 .......... U5. 5.OD 4.OD 9 pairs misses Strap Slippers, regular to clear at names of those present, for . r 2 Patterns, regular 76c for 55c 14.00 SJO for ................ 10.w ................... 4,26 8,15C ....................... 1.00 •5 ' this "Personal" column, The items 0 is . $1.10 for sk Tapestru Ruils . Brussels Rulls cagwar $10D to &00, to PAi::r WoTensa Buttoned. Shoals,. 3 shbuld be endorsed with at ........... ....................... ............. the name of , the seu4:cr_uqt $15.00 Rugs, 3z8 j for.. 12.75 � 17 00 909s, ftft for.... ..........$13.x5' i�00 8z4 15.00 50 d s rls Lace atlad Buttoned Sho bs, for Publication, but as mat-, TapestrU Carpet, 16AX1 "I SX4 for. 12.00 is SX4 13.75 9.75 0 1 �. 80-00 8X81 ........ 24.00, '*.0* !sZome :ttd regular $1,50to 3%, r r 1!1 at... ter of pod faith. 5 patterianj regular We for 30c 011cloths,, 33XX44 ........ 29.00 45.00 ...... 3.6.00 7 Mr. 'Al Albert' Seeley was in Lbadon 8 we f017 as 85c for . 40C sk. 2 yards wide, regular 000 for... . 40c Lace Curtains' pairs women's Prunella 0aiteto, regular 150, to clear Saturday. .6 it 45c for.. 85C • Miss Rdssie L4vis icturaad from 85C for, ...... 28c Re ular $1.25 F for ...... 1 Oshawa last week. Brussels Carpet for,...#. .200 1.50 . ........... 12 is Also redgeti In and Ladies' Mr, R. McLPafi.'of' Pilot 4ound,,gan., is the Mr. Brownlee. k! patterns, regolar $L00 for ...... 8' .00 Linaleums . 2,00 1.60" 69 250 ................ jQ0 .Mens guest of Mr. E. 1,15 for ....... . .75 2 yards wide, regular 60c for Me $00 .......... 126 69 Patent Leatherhoes. Al Jacobs returned last night from 1.25 for ... 95 ...... 8 Boa Me 4:00 ............... 8.00 5.00 .. a two, -weeks' trip to the West 1,35 for 1,10 4 rke for W ............ .3.75 Mr. Oliver Johrtson left for. Saskat- ...... 4 OU for ...... etc., a phewan today with two carloads' if '461, vet Carpet Remnants horses. Inlaid Unoleums JamesTwitchell Miss Campbell of Sealorth was the guest over S unday of Mrs, I J. G., I pattern. regular. $1.25 for ....... .0 :, - 2 L50 for :10 2 yards -wide, . regular . SIA0. f . or .90 for......65c. 75c 15 Remnants Wool Caroets,'-15to'15 TardSenl eal3e" re We tQ.75c, clearing at .26 3 da Stair Oilcloth, raw 12je, sale W Ont. Chowen. 2.00 for 1.50 Sends Jap Matting, reg 15 to 256 for ao Mr. Gee. W. Barge hall added De Peullre of Goderich to his stiff • of Coat makers tarsMiss, M. Newcombe of,-GoderI& .wasr the guest, of Mr. and Mrs, Tuck - at over Sunday. Mrs. Lew Doherty and r rfjl ltjr 13 Goderich are fhe guests of her moth- or,, Mri. W G. Smyth. , . Mr. and Mrs: Jimes Dunford and Er� • late and Cleta, visited Brussels frieqds. AW the. latter part of the week. Miss - Alma Gibson, iAte . of Toronto, is visiting her: Aunt, Y�'­ A. Shier, 7 OAr before taking a position' as milliner. Mr. AithurVA.ncaniP B6wmanvilla - was the guest of his uncle, Mr. All - Taylor, .fox a few. days this week. Mr. Fred. Chant is I-Porne for 4 short • y of Water- holidarom. MidAand.� ROMANO Mr. and Mrs. Ro.bert Cole TO ,loo visited their son; Mr. Nelson Coler of town and, other, Miss Olive -Moon. of LojideAwb. is: W. 1-1. Watts r &..Soo for friendsgood visiting. Mrs. Whitchea. shoc. repairing. N e'. niake, a. speci- this vicinity. from. Toronto this to You Wal, . a the serious illness of his, 'home nifty of repairing ,and. do.iitwhile r. John RuMball. *As valled . . r. s -week owing' efie► Dress grandmoth- Constance cr, Xrs'-Rudd. -Our'�Cha'rges are. Right Mrs. (Dr:) McCombe JVjj. WI, U,am McIntosh has secured and of Milvorton wero,'guests at; ilia the contract for . carrying his mA3"- TO FARMERS AND OTHERS 1: We yea mail inail'for anoth6r term borne - of kr: w. T"O'N611 trrum years. He . -is well,li . ked all of r four have several Pairs * of our own made, G oods., Friday until Monday. along the boots which we will sell/cheap.'. Just Miss Sybil Courtice was Able to re- route. the'thing you want to keep rypi;r . feet sume. her duttpr as. organist• of out. -Quite a number, were received ilry while the, season is open St. .;church'on. SujVday. lip" Ater several membership An the Methodist church Come in and see. them.. For S.0ring Are'Nere b. weeks!. Absence owing to, illae,.,s. on Sunday last. 1. .; Mr. ,arid M"s. Wm. Simllson and Mr.. Miss Evelyn r Clark and.her brother; ..Ovr ..stand is opp�slte the p office, e and 'Mr's.:Hugh Ross -S'P:e'ot a vctry Ephraim, spent Ii9t Sunday' 'as ' the o�t The first'arri'Vals of the new Dregs Goodq• pleasant aftexkioo'fi and evening last guests of their aunt, Mrs. John Price We 'have started a -. brindh for spring, are now on display -On our Dregg *eek- wfth­,-, Id friends near, Elruce- of " L6adbury, blisiness at Londesbord joifttli old Goods counters. Plain colors and weaves will field. Mrs.. George Dale entertalined. quite wtth Mr. McKeown's harness Mr. William Fisher left on Frid4y -list a number of her friends on Friday shop.. All repairs' taken there lead, in sty 161, Although ni.any� self stripes are. 01 have out best, and careful ill be stfong this for Zedicine Hot,. Alberta, with a.evening last: w% show'ni .Satin faced cloths. w, ca as accom- part of ng to show a splendid J. Hobver Nelson sail carload of, bolises. He w". Miss A-unic Rapson. spent . attention. year and we are prepari I panied byhlr. William Bell of list week as the guest of Miss M. range of Colo' re in this popular cloth., Other W H 4- atts cloth�s on display ..are Broadcloths, Venetians, 40 Blyth. Miss S. 'Macdonald W, 4. soff Williamson returns this week ' The Mitscs-MadGrogor �spent part oil e ians, to. Detroit_ after.: . spending some last *week as the guest of her . sister, Panamas, Batiste, -Se I rges, Poplins, etc. in shades ► Do months with 'her parents at Pot- Mrs. E. L. Farnham. etc., 1. 04) of navy, black, -brown, green, fawn, taube, old •ter's, Hill and her sister, Mrs. J, Tucker, rose, greys, Copenhagen, etc. Prices 50c,' 60c, own. It Mr. George Havilla of Fairview, New 750, $5C,. $1.00, $1.25. and $1.5Q. Mexico, arrived In town on Monday, having been. called honic by the serious illness of his mother, Mrs es L. Hearn. -6T :SW 11 T11 riol Jam T h!e'P .6 Is ii-mally, thou ght to cost ThousAnds. of Yards of New Wash • I U Air. Squir�s, late owner of the Lou- desboro mills but Who has been swell price.We prove the living It% . Cliaton all winter, left Ri* on Tuesday with his family-Ussity'-of that 'idea by our Goods. Too' for the .Rernernber, we are still doing busi- Alod&ate Prices. Madoc district where be has bought n"s in the same old stand, and would. A good horse is worthy of a fine saddle_so,a mill. say to our customers that we are pleas- This store has ahvays ajade a specialty, of Air. Frank 'O'Neil left y(,.sterdwy to ed with their patron since we. took Wash Go li a good picture demands � a good mount. Let' return to his business at Aftiose, over the business of 11r. Beacom, and ods and this year will be no exception. every nook and Corner of your home'be beauti- Jaw, Sask., After speallng, st-vi-ral, Would shy that we hope to be able to Our Spring Styles and Already our Wash Goods sales are nearly double 'retain the confidence of the public. fled. Bring around your paintings, and etch,- weeks with bis* faintly He .,Fabrics that of last year, and by the time this ad. reaches 1. was accomt)aftlr;d ',,V1ir.'and Ift"'. you, w . e expect another iings and we will convert them Into Beaman who ha(k bs.,&i his, puc�, S., Not so much by offering'& very cheap Are ready for your inspection. y6u shipment of the famous ,I class of goods, but by giving first-class cannot fail toAdwire them at the first Grafton Prints and Scotch Zephyr Ginghanas to. i A3EVZX8T1C 393&�Var-r S�PoTsi goods at very close prices. glance. !no Matter. bow Costly of simple its, hitings. sell at 12fe and 16c per yard. West Tuckersmith. i Our eXtehslive Stock ofspeCially selected pidture we are getting in a choice lot ()f We Will Tailor you a Suit Mrs. H. Walters spent a few days 'Plea4iskie"s, Currants, Apricots, Prunes, D . ress'Muslins also are here in many dainky, MduildingS Cannot tall to' ivAp, permanent pleas- and Mgs. Also a large aniount Ila any stale and cloth you select ata with Hensall fricrilds this week, of canned designs sand color combinations such as we have urot 1. (1 goodsj pickles, etc. pi -ice that competes closely with fac- Miss BrAyl of ...Usborne, who spent tory made clothing. That, a suit made never shown. TheP rices Will be less than for• last week with friends nere, has re- Coine and Inspect oitr goods and we by us is smell in every detail, needs no. truned home. Assure you satilifaction. The clothes speak for mer years on account of the. drop iii the price 00_ 0 th=nt. Mr. and Mrs, Peffers ofLondesboto veg, of cotton. Pretty Dress Muslins in nearly all H Ver Ball spent Sunday with, friends here, �010rs, 10, 15, 90, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 60e. Agent for H.Atlih ikatailrAn Cleaning Mr. Charles Layton purpaties flighest Prices for flatter and 9tts rilly rtswg thie& Iro''m ;6., and all kinds of product. 0 6 lil,ib sj� Broadloot; EfileSt ROV01iffe bag returned L home to W10011claca'. Miss Mary Modeland has returned TYNDALL* CARR home to Seatorth after An extended AdVertillgilIg ift"The News coird' 0 ing$ 'Visit with relatives here. guedessors to T. Beacom rge Mr. and Mrs. Charles Layton enter - tattled a number of their friends on Fine Merchant Tailor • Good Result�# PrIday evening last., 0- DARN VA91); IAOR13ONS OLD STAND •