HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-03-11, Page 8XarW 11tht "40 _ - . 0. D. WTAGGART I I li!."D. XOTAGGART I Tit I 1,o,i.?, wto o,rf: � -.1.1-11.1 I... I . . I .. �, I I Xd*v. v, .w aggart Bros. 4 � . - I I I 1, urlu,31 ... . � I � -BANXERS- � .. . .. . I .. , . ._ , 'till 11-WFA-1�' Q � _ . the lack of company. The sea gulls alone I` My business." said Treudon briefly .1 - � , , I . � .. . . The News -Record has not axel;ular I , 11 collector And' consequently there has � I � Itiru, a tendency oil t4e part of many . I ol our readers to allow their .5tibscrip- A ,GENERAL 93ANKIN-0 BXJSI- , . t4ou to fall into arrears. I ., -NES$,, TRANSACTED. NOTES, The label on your paper shlowa Vie date to which your pap'lir le pold. We DISC6VNTED, DA-4,FTS I.$SUED would ask 5roll to read it carefully INTtj0F3T ALLOWED ON DE- and should, you be one of those in arrears,, kindly ,Iqt us have, your re- r I . . rO$ITS. SALE RCH� r , mittance. . . The single dollar may, *not seeto of , I ASF . .D'. _ - - - _r - . -7-7�- I Much importance to you, but to the Office ftere several hundred of dollars I I ­ . I I I I 1-1. I I �.. I- aro, so looked, UP, It' As o"InAtter of - . ­ I . . . . I 1, � I . COPIderahle V4omqAt., - I 'r , ,_ - H. T. RANCE. - - - I r To those in arrears we make: this I . . NQTAR,Y PUBLIC., CONVEY- - special 'call, and trust to be favored with io'ut slibsi;rIption a',V the cailibit Af4CE LL . R, FINANCIAL, REA. - � E$TAVE AND FIRE INSVW , possible moment. . A1401D AGE I NT-, REPRESEX_ . Addresis all communica, r t1ons to W. A Mitebell, News-,Recorol Office, Clin- TING. 14 PIRE INSURANC4 . . ton, Ooil� r I * COMPANI)T4. I . ,. ZICE DIVISION COURT ' OF1 � , �_ I I -r . r I . 1. . _ . . i . . . I I IN. I - I �, CLINTO . � __ A Womapl's 5 Are you'disooura y1ppathy, gedi Is Vourdoctor's . bill a hipavy financI41 load? is your pain - _'�. r '' , � i ­ . I., � � �, I , W. IiRYPOKE, � . , a heavy PhYsIcAt burdem? I know what these mean to dell�Ate women -I have been discouraged, too; but learned how cure myself, Xwant to relieve butr? 13AR T03 ,RISTER, SPI4101 dem Wh not ond the pain anofollorp the T, doctor's ID 117 11 can do this for you and it assist me. )gOTARY, PUBLIC. ETC, will you will I All you need do is to write for.A free (IFFI(CE--Mositte Riock�-01 INT,11IN, . . box or, the rernedy which has been placed In my hands to bcj given -away. Perlis, , this one I)ox will'idure youL�lt has done %9 . , . __ for Pt ers. If so. I aliall be happy and I you will pe, cured for 2c (the cost of our iletters bold confl- - -, , - . . . TUDOUT & W kLS ' ' I 1, stage atairm - So tiallv.. Wrtt , to -day. fnr.niv f"ne tr , t, lent. bins. Vi URRAH WI nt, . . 14---.- COMMISSION ,or.. . i.., I . � cliatft Non"RocarO 0 - I r " I . I I I . - I I � . I I � .. � . . 11 I I . . . 11 . - . � - . I I I I . I I 1.411 ,I - I I ;. , I 1 jj I .1 " W, , 0, 0 1 r- 0 d Ir ..*." . , rerrapeau world ' wIllcill theyi had am. . . . 11 . tered, In 'most pl*ces the walls.rm . I , . wo".11 , I � I sheer sool nuovsluble from the Water. . . ­ . � , I In ol;bers turreted rocks thrust their ­ . I I � �� . . . I , gleaming crags upward. Over to star- . I ' ' - - r , E I b I � . ,I board it littlo be4ch shone with Quoit- I . N111111' YST I.. I. -I . � I THE - - k d er grayness In that.spectacular display. - '­.� . pwiq Qmft� I. P Ill,; N A;P ­ � ,_, . - W. . , , t4e areil;Ot light . '! r . � I d I,' -n a swImmor to . i � � .Must hove beL 100t . . . I . � ­ ­ r . '. In here," 0olomeated Trenolou, glarle- . I . 1. 1, � 1. .� . . I hig at the walls. I r, . "Unless lie had a bout." said the � L ....... The end of the ellivern Was 11011 beyou4 . . - . .1. r ; r '_ . captain. ,,Vu; why doesn't b I � - Ir I 11; . .. I � =======:* .e04191M ewer?" � � , . e 'an- , . ' , COPYRIVIHT . 1997 .'�_* , d 17 , . "Better try again. No telling bow I .1 ,. . ­­­ �Z - much, more there Is of tbis'ps F.1, .�11_ �1 1. ILI, I . ­ 11 ­­ � I I - ­ ­ , I . -1 I . ,rhe surgeon raised his ponderous . I I . power-oolution of the world problems.' belloW, And ther Cave roared A. gain With r CHAPTER XXVITI, Why, the old .tool Is crazY11 And his the summons. Silence. formidable and . I UTWARDLY the book Accorded, writing Is crazier, C44't make head un-brokeu. vneveeded. � I III with Its .Surroundings., In or tall of It," *119use, to boutse Search Is 0ow In , . ,that place of desolation And The captain turned several .more ordel.,so, he said., ­Mnst be Ind here a � death it typified tbe.pett,v, neat. pAgeo# They were blank, "At , any Somewhere unless the svuls got him." I r . uess Of offive processes. Pro � perly plac . ed rate, It seems to be the end," he said. Cautiously the boat moted forward, It should have been found on a desk, "I should liope,so,ll rettirneli thle oth. (Ince she grazed on. a halt subuierged, . . � I . er Or Isgusteolly. rock; Again . , a tiny Islet loomed before I wlth pens, rulpra and, other parapher. , . . ,d _ tier, Scattered nails lie took the. book on hls kuees, flut- , n . ,, forming exact angles or parallels. I to It.' It was .*a qa4irto, bound - In war I - tering. the ,leaves between thumb sod rocl;y shore� but they were not human . relies. Occasionally beaches tempted a tiled paper, with black leather over finger. Suddenly he. checked, cast , the hinges. No external label. auggest. . back and threw the book wide open. landing, but all of these led back to , precipitous 016 exbept. one. from the ed Its ownership ol% uses. but through "Here begilineth, a new chapter," , onecorner, blackeoe.4, and formidable Said be quietly, .. I side of which oponiid two snitill caves. ­ Into the first the lantern cast Its. In Its contrast to the peaceful purposes No Imaginable chirography could - . glare. revealing efoptiroess,, for .the of the ,volume., a hole had been bored. have struck the eye ,with nore of con- � .. I arch was wide and the cave .84 ... Ilow . 'A I d The agency of perforation was obvious. trast to the professor's small and nerv, , , The entrance to the other was so oar. A hu.1lethiLd made st. I I 1. . ous hand. Large, roonded and ram - I . "Seen I s(imethiag of' llfe.'I reckon." ' bilug, it filled the page *with few .and row its to send 4 Xisltor to his knees. . But inside -it seemed to .open out. Said Tretition as.tbe captain turned the careless words. . M,oreover. there were fish bones at the d . i volume about Slowly luble hau'do. . I --nelf I 11 06 . ,Tune Z 1904. -On thin date I find in.. entrance. The captain. the surgeon And of 'death," returned Captain sole occupant and absolute monarch of . , I I I ongdon the cockswa PakktUsoo soleMnIV 11 0 , And C f in, lauded. .. ID you, know, this valuable Island. This! morning I was I . � Trovidou', lakmost dread to open this?" a member of a community. interesting If Captain Parkinson reached the spot 1. . "Pshaw!" returned the other, 4'What not prvcljse)Y peaceful. Tonigt be thrust ,his head In I , last leaf. "All his, lovely companions are I . .. � , . Is, It to us?" d gone." the sprightly Solomon, at t I be orIllce. A sharp ezoilamatiob He threw the cover back. Neatly lets the psychic'migger, the amiable Thrac- i toired, on the Inside. In .the- fine and kles, the.cheerful Perdos.a., the gerilai Puts- broke from him. He rose to his feet, , . . and the hIgh1mindeq Eag@n. Undoubted.. turning 4 contorted face to the others., slightly angulair xi]rltIng ithafacterlsitle' ly -the social atin0aphere has cleared-. 11 . Poisonous." he cried, , of the Teutonic scholar, wl�is. the leg- moreover, I am for'tbe first time In my life a landed proprietot. item. several - I'More -volcano," said Trendon. Ile . end "Karl ' ermerhorn. . d . . , Augustus Seb I. square miles. of grass land* item. several* bent to the black h9le and sniffed can. 1409% Spruce street, Philudel6iiia. Pit." dozen head of sheep; Item, a cove full of tiousiy. I . . The opposite page Was b12lnk..','CAp- -fish'; Item'. a bindsomely decorated cave; "I'll - In st-11 voluntee ol Con', , . --T# Real Estate and, Insurance -.1.1-11.1 I... I . . I .. LUM Parkinson turned half a dozen , item.. a sportive though somewhat unruly volcano. At ilmes, It may be. I shall feel. 11 I don. "I've bad fire practice," I - . 0;1 . Agency. M Ity to IOZU, ,. --- --- 'till 11-WFA-1�' Q � leaves. . . . "Germanr' . the lack of company. The sea gulls alone I` My business." said Treudon briefly .. I ' ' 9H -X RI 0. B. HALF3,_ .- i , D011T Iflallij ill I ' . _A3813300 be cried In a note of dls. . .Can you read Go appointmeptr 11 ?*rmRn are not distrustful of m*. Undoubtedly the sea gull is an estimable creature. but I "Decomposition; unpleasant, but not , � dangerous." . ­ I I . . I I . � - . � I - . � TO 11ANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN . . . . I I . � . seript?" - . I . I . . . . O'After a fashion.,' replied the other. he leaves something to be desired in the way of companionship-. hence this diary. the inevitable refuge of the emptv minded. Pushing'the laotern before him, he wormed big way until the, light- was V-�. . I I 1 , . I . . I %, . DRS. GUNN & bleRAE.. , : I . . . . 'The atWetive rou-te is via . . I "Let's see. Es. wonnte sechs-und- .. . . . - drelssig unterjacke.11 he said. "Why.. Materially I shall do well enough. though 1, Vice one trdgiq ctrcumstanct�. My clgn�, .. blotted out, Presently It shone forth � I . . . , L.R.-C.P., L.R.C.S., Chi I . cagd-,and'.St. Paul, Minuca- ,_ .61 - st t. was the man running a haber. a I I rette material, I find, Is short. upon- I � from the funnel, showing.'that the ex - . . ]Dr. . W. Gunh, r � . . polls. or Duluth. - . ' r - - . I �., r. countinX uD­ . . - . plorer had. reached the latter open E'din. . � . - � � CALIFORNIA, mExico AND P LoR­ . . JDA., ' 1. offl, a&_ftta&Io street. Clinton. Night - . ' _' ' . . � calls -0 front dow of office 61 real. I 1. .. , Special Round Trip Tourist' � ' .. Rates in ,effect to ;. piimcipai denfto� Rattenbu ry street. . 1. . Winter rasorts ; .for full infor-, Dit.I.T. T. McRae, I ' rawtion as -to rates, route. etc. I - . . . , University, of Toronto. . . apply .to, ,., � . I , . , Offici hours at hospital .- - . . F. R. Hodgens', Town Agent. - I to 8 P. m. ; I to 9 P. m. ' ,A. O.. Pattison,. Depot Agent. . . . . I . . or address J. 'D. McDonald, I Im . .1 . . D. P. A., Toronto. - - - I . #--DR. J. W. SHAW- . : . . I � I I I L . .. - . -1 . I 11 . I . . . . . -OFFICE- . I � I . I � . . . . , , The. McKillop Mutual Ffte RATTENBURY ,ST. EAST;. �, . . 1 . . I � .., Insulance Com ang, . P . . I . . . N-- . , .. 1. I ate -Farm. and I 'Isol' d Toiwji Prbperty�� . I � - . -.1 . . �. . ­70nly Insured-, , � . . I . . , '. -OFFICERS- . I ... . DR. 0. W. TH6151PSON . I . . I J. 13.' McLean, - President,. Scaforth P' . . . . - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON" . . I . , 0. ; , . resident' � .13rucefi I I � old P�.' 0. ; ,r. E,_ Hayaj. , Sec. ' I . . 13pectO attentiolni given to . diseases * ' . . Treasurer. Seaforth P. Q. I . . I I I . . of the Eye� Ear, Nose and Throat.*.*�.A . . I'. ; , . . . _--D . irectors- : � : , I q * -Office and Residenep- . . . . . i Will.tarn � $1lesney, Seaforth ; Job *Dale, . . HURON ST� SOUTI-L CLINTON . . � Grieve, Winthrop ; George 'Se'a I .'Witt, I Harlock ;' John forth .; .John* a . . . 3 doors west of Ahe Commercial hotelk . Brodhagan ; James -Evan . . � � .Bohewics, Beechwood -, James. Connolly, - - . . . � , . -Ly Im..-M. . . I . . /140, , $ i.. - I . . 1. . I , . . "Hang his cigarettes!" cried tbe sur- geon.' "This must be Darfow� Fin, Icky beastl, LeVs see if -It's Signed." � He whirled the leaves over to the � - last sheet, g1driced at It and sprang to his feet.. Tbere,'sprawled 16 ,tremu- lous characters, is bj .,a hand sbaket). . ,%iitbi.agony or terror, was written: - . . Look for me Ili the cave,. I . I . I I I Tlie bUllet 4ho . Is in the corner fur- , u1shed a slulster period �to the signa- . l tore. � I . . . I . . . . ..,Trendon handed the ledger back to the captain, i0o, took one quick.look, closed It and handed , It to , Congdon. . "Wrap'thdi lip , aiid.cairy.lt careful- , . ,. . � ly." .h I I I I I .. . . I 16 . . "Aye,'ayc, SIr,!' sald the cockswaln, swathing It In his jacket and tuckini; It under. his Arm. i ..� .� I . I ..,.Now to find that ca-ve.1"said Cap-. I taln PorRl�gou fo the stirgeoti... - ..'The cave in. the cliff. of cours6,11 said Trendon. : 11N,oticed.-It coming in, ­ , . I . , you khow.11 .. I . .1 . . . "Where?" . - . ... . .. . . . . I . . "On the.,nortb shore, ,about a. mile to ' the east* of here.". � . . . � - ,.. "Then weIt.cut,pirectly Across." - ..&Beg youY, paraou'"sir," put In. Cong- don "but I don't think we can make space. Captain Parklasou dropped, � down and peered Irl. but the evil odor. was too much for him, ,Ile yetired, , 1. . gagglOg and coughing. Trendon was gone for what seemed. an Interminable time., HIA Superior offiver fidgeted. un- , easily., At lost be.could stimil .it. no- . . .1 .. .. . . lQuger. .. . ­ ' ' : I 44Dr..Trendon, are you all..rlght.71 he . . . I shouted. - . ' . 1. o ,"Yup." answered 4 choked. voice. ' . I "Cu bbing bud dci�f e � . ' ' ' ..' I I Again Ahe. kupriel was dii [)air of feet appeared., then -the Sur- . . geou's.c.4unky tilkink., ,his head ariq tile 11 lantern. Once. tw I lce,�UdAhrlco he In- . ... . . . 'haled'de�W` 4.)' - .. 1. ­ . �,Piliew!" be go . s�oed. "Thought I was tough�. butphee-ee-ee-ew!" % - . I . .� . . . . II.Did'you'. find"-." . I . ., . "No. Sir. Not Darrow. Ofily.a poor ' devil. or a sea) that crawled 'in there to � . . I die." -. . I . . .� I . -1 I . . I . � I The exploration continued. .. -Half a mile.' its they estlinaied,'from the open . . � I they reached a unprow.beach shut ,off by -a perpendicular ' wall of ' rock; ' Skirt-, ' Ing this.' they returned on the ' other side, minutely examining every .I)OSSI- ble crevice-' When they again reached . . � the light of (lay they had arrived. at , , the certain roncluslon' that -no living man was within thos6 walls. Ll "'A44 the killing 9f,the doctor. Your patient seems to be a romantic gen. Im" - . "Amil the mope of 1)*rrow. TIold burol.", quoth Trondoo. 1,Pvrrow'* no, romance. Nothing fictioual about the 9109 And ledger." "True enough." said the captalAt god . fell to consideration., "Anyway." sold Trea,dolit vllporviisly. "I'd like to. have a1ook at those Dirol. roosts. Mighty like sign posts to. my , raluo", . � . ' � * "Very well," sa.'d the captain. 1.101 cost us Only a wetting. Run her In. ConsAQU." With all the cockswaln's skill ard the oarsimen'o tectinique, the passa$e of the surf Nvaii it, lively *rier, and 11ttIllt driblets of water marked the trail of the officers as they shuffled up the ., � . beacV. The two -slabs stood lqsR thou, fifty yards beyond b1gli water tide. Near - Ing them, the viqltol,j saw that jeaclit � � marked a mound, but not until they were. close up. could they read the oeat carving, on the first. xt� ran Ali follows: � Here lie" fjOLOMON ANDERSON . alias � . . .HANDY SOLOMON ,� Who. murdered his employe'r, his cdptaln and his shipmates and was found 4POA of his deserts on these shores, June 6, 1904. This slab is erected as a memento of admiring eattem . . by I the last of his, vl4tlms, �. - . "And you can )ties thd book bn tbat..% "Percy Darro�v fecit.11 saf4 tl�e sAr- geon. "You can kiss the book on that. 1:00, � I I � � . "Therk Slade was telling the truthl" . "Apparently. � Seems good corroloora- tion.11 . . The captain. turned to the other mound. Its slab was carved by the same hand.. � ,� ' . ), . I ,- Sacred1to the memory of an -ensign of the United ritates navy, Whose body. Washed upon this coast, Is here buried . - , - . I .. I , I I :` 11 . -1 . - 11 1. -1 I ", 1. 1. I . � ;7 , I � .. , I . I ,I . . - -,-_, . i 4'.00, 11 .. ! , , I'/, � k - I .,.. . I 11 I ",-It it , I.. , I � ... 11.,; V., I o _".. . . . " ,, " I _�_.,. ru 1 _­ 11), I I ", . . . v, . � . 6 .. I nv' .1 i M . _., ,�', , , " .� , I , I I .... .. I .0 � . _. . - I I . � 11 .. I - . 11 I I - ' � "BIlly Edmaj,ds,"I said the cap;ain.. � :with .all . reverence, , by strangp hands; . whose soul may Ood rest. "The sees shall' strig his rtqule.m:" ''Junb the -sixth.' MXMIV. .- . . � . I "Billy . E, � Owards,"I . -said t I be 6apialo, 1. I . .. . I Xery low . . ­ . . Iie,uncovereol. Tbo surgeon did like- . I . , wise . . -So f Or a � Space they stood with bared heads betwe(in the twin: graves.' � . . ! . I . ' . . . . . . CHAPTE R XXX, , . I MHE Surgeon spoke.first. . . ,� I ."Another' point,". said be. � ' "Dartow WAS alive within a . . � , few dayo.". .- � 11, , .1 I . , � � Cti.p�Ain .Parkinson - turned .slowly I away, from the grave. "You are ri.ghtl-" lid ' saidovith an effort..."Our business IS with the living. now.:. The de�d .. . I . s . I must� walt.11 . . � . , . "ll-lide and seek"'. growled Trendon. "if hCl's here Why don't boi, show, him- � I selt"011 1. . I I . .., , - I I . .. . . . . Th . e. ot � her shook bfs head. , � . . . ."Place .is all Arampled up with, foot- prints." said Treadon. - "He's ,plodded . ba . ck a . nd.forth'like a-prisonetAll a' . ccll."� , , . I . I . . .. k7he ledger," Said the captain. . "I'd ' . forgotteir It. That grave drove :every- thing else out of my mind," 1. I I 4113ring the book her%" called.Tren- . I don. . � I . . . I .-: Congdon unwrapped it from his Jack- . . et and handed it to him. The sailors cast c6rious'glances at'ib' :two -he'ad" I . . P St6nes. . I � �. I. . . 11,11ount -guard. over' Mr.w Zdwaidg' . . . grave," commanded the captain. � ','. - I . e co,%vain saluted and gave an . . I *order. One of the sallors steppcd�for- I . ward to the first mound. .. . � . 10. 4X.of - that ou6;" rasped the. officer., . "the other," . I . I I . I I . The man saluted and moved on. . . "With your permission. Sir," said I Treado.n. . . . . � - . '. � . �. . On a nod from his Superior officer he � opened the ledger -and'. took up Dar -s row's record. , . . �, . . -'Here It Is. Entry of JU116-31" . "Everything lovely.. SchoonCir lost to . sighL Query -to memory dear? Not ex- actly. Though I shouldn't mind having her under orders for a *few days.- Queer glow in the sky last night: it they'V.e been investigti'ting, they may have.got what"s coming to them. Voicano cKlilbiting fitel of ternpor. Spouted out considerable, fire about 9 p'dlock. Quite spectacular. but no harm done. Can foresee short rations of toba6co. Lava id valley. still too hot for comfort. No, sign of Dr. Sche.rmerhorn. Still sleep on 'beach." "'Not much there," suffred Tre.ndon. I "Go on," sald the calitaln, . . "June 9. Evbrilng.-Thick'and squally woather again. Local atmospheric con- ditions seem upset. Volcano still leading strenuous life. Climbed the headiand this afternoon. Wind very shifty. Got ail occasional whire of volcanic output. Ono In partleulnr would have geht.o. skunk to the camphor V tle. No living on the headland. Will explore cave tomorrow With a view to domlcile� Ilave come down to an allowance of seven cigarettes �per atem. � I "June 4.-E ,xplbrod cave tocIfty. Pull of dea(l seals. Not only dead, but all ,bitten ancl cut to ploces. Must have been lively doings In Setil Town. Not much choice between air In the cave and vapors from . tbo volcano, narring seals. everything sultable for light housekeeping. such its triltie. Undertook to clean holige. Drag - god late lam-onted out Into tho Water. Some sank and were swept away by the . sea puss. Others. I regret to say, floated. If,ound trickle of fresh water in depth of cave and little sand ledgo to sleep on. so far, A0 good" we may be lappy yet. If only I had my cigarette suliply. Once board a botanist pay that leaves of thd white shore willow intide fair hubstituto for tobacco, Fair substitute for '" X vontlea! Would like to Interview .0told botartlat. . . -DR. P. -k. AXON.- � . I a ... I .. . . ,. . . . . I ­ AP SXTS- I . . . � "Bere beglancth a vete chwptcr," said he . . . . . I � , it from this sidej Sir," ' � . . . � "Would a corpse. r&e to the surface ' ' ' . .. ". I I . I . . . . I � . . I � I quictIll, � I.. . . notT.7 - , soon In waters such as.these,.Dr. Tren- . ($uccesssor to Dr. Holmes.) � 1: I -ittriock,- E. ' Hin- , Robert Smith, � � I I t - chley,. Sea' fortlr.;� James: Cummings . . * . I 11 . Ansbery? WItiat have three donen uf.n . . . . . .�. . , . . . . ::Why N*o-beach; Sir. and tbd bliff's like.the I I . . .. . ',dqu?".asl,ed',-tb.e,.eaf)taiii. �:... . . . I . . I . 11. I *� hillr No telling specialist In Crown and Brid ge . . I - . * Hot - J*. rnes %rnor - ,W.. L itiville I . der.�Iil�ts to do with this?" �. . $tile, of a ship;, Looks to be deep water . I ­ ' - - '.. : � I M gbtr Sir. , .lit not . ­ . - . . . thAt." I ­ I work. I . . '. . �� 1. I . G raduato of the Royal College of , . .Ye . � , . '. .o . I � Ville. - . ..'� .. ! � .q. - . .. . I . . . . � * . . . "A inen'iorandiiin for uttitting prob- . . . .. . 0 . ahly,'.' suggested the. captain. - i -Try, . right into the cave's mouth." 1. . . I . . - . "Back,to .. the bout, then. Bring that I � ... . I . . I ' The captain rum.1nated, Then he beat.� I I Dental '. Surgeons of Ontario. Honot Parties degi.rout to effect insurance I I .. . . . . , . I.. .. . .. bere." .1 . � �. . flog along.11" " z 1. . . � I . . ­ . .. . � . his r1ston his kuee'. , I I , . I � *"The . . I graduate of University o5f Toronto or,ttansact other business. will be , . � promptly: Attended to, ouji,pplicatio . 1. : ,,Cheffilcal form'illue," ,so! ' � * A Treridori, ... *hed . The descent. was swift, at times, reoZk­ . . . less -but'tbe party embarked -without I .., . I otbpt cave!"" - �'c . . . , , "What cive?'O" asked - the Bur. Dental Department: Graduate" of the . . Ito any of the above officers addressed Vil! Can't maV6 "Pages.of lefti.' T e . . . .� � . . . 1. accident. , .Soon 'they 4iyere fol�glug ,other .1 . .. . geon. . . .1 . . I Chicago College of �Dental Surgery - . . . . Chicago. * - td their respbctiVe postofllices,, Losse , . � . -a thing of it." . I ' "Well,beWs something In'E,rigilsh.". . .. . . . .. through the water At -racing speed, the . - .. . .. ,,� � . . ... "The cave. where, they. killed. ,the �. . . . I . 1� ' Will be at the Commercial botel V6 inspected. by. �he director who li . . A . � . 'Good," said the other. �'By combin- boat leaping to the Impulslo'h* of-Ahe . . seals.'. . . . . . . . � I . q 1 1 . Bayfield, every Monday from 10 a. � In. .. , . . nearest the. scene. . . I . . ­. ... .. . Ing the hypersulphate of Irldium with .Sallointan's -strongest m6tiviisf, curiosi - , - . ty and the. hope of saving a life. . - - I ed Trendon. "Waft, "Surelyl" 6 xcialm . . . * though� : Didn't, Sladq Say It wits bew . . ­ . I to 5 P. m. . . I . . - the fumes arising from.oxide of copper . . � . . . I I I . . . and the point?" , , . , . I . . � . . . .; . . . I . . . ... I .. . . . . '. � - Clinton *News Dacord'.., . . - ,. I ated to 1000 C. and combining with he, ric acid ln'.tbe proportions described Pic . . . I . . . . . . CHAPTER. XXIX.. .� �. . .'twe6u-bere . . . � "Yes. Beyon.ol'the imall beach." "Nom cave there,", declared the Sur- - � .. - AUCTI6NEER-JAME8 S9ITnL1- . IN, GO I . In. fofinula x 18, a reaction, the nature. ITHIN. half. adhour the gig. had geon� positively. . ' . . . I censed Auctioneer for 'the Coilftty . .. -- . I . I CLI14TON - ONT. , ' of which I have not fully, determined. -performed reached the mouth of the cave., N . ., "There must, be, Con,rdon, -did you , W of Huron. All orders entrusted iW ..--- - ­ I . - �.. I * � I . follows. This must be with I Ag.the dockswaln.had predict- - � . I .. see an �dbenlng anywhere. in the cliff me will receive prompt, Lattentio, n- . I.:�... � Term'sof. subseription"$1 per year in extreme -eat e owing to the unstable na- . I � ed, the sed's ran Into' the lofty , � 0 . : . As we came alont?'! ' � Will sell either by percentage or . . . - .advance -, $1.50 * may be charged if , ture of the benzene compounds." ' ,,, entrance. ' Else,wbere :the surf fell.. . . . i ' . *tbrou' I . . . "No, Sir. This ls� the, only one. Air." pdr tale. Residende on the Bayfield not so paid. No piper disconel-unid Plerid Acid? Benzene coifi: . pounds? --whitelyj out the , gh the, arch . - . . "We'll see about that." said the cap-, Road, one mile south of Clinton.. . . I , until -all - aritars Are paid, unlesR at, . . . Those are high explosives," said Cap- .. taInTarkillson. "Wesbould have Bar. waves rolled' ujbbroken Into .a heavy � Stillness. Only As the boat hovered for , .. tain grimly. "Hena her about.. Skirt I . . . . the opinion of Ahe publisher ... The . . '. nett go over this." : . � . " . amoment at the face of the cliff could' , .the shore as near the breakers us you - . ' I . . . ' 11 . . . United States Subscribers date to which'every subscription is is denoted'on' the'libel. ,, . . . Here's a name under tbe-formula- Arbor. the exploring party'llear, fai,within, .safely CA _ . . ... n ' .. . . . The gig retraced Its journey. , . - . . .paid .Dr. &* Advertising' rites -.Tr nsicnk. Adver- - A. r0rdenter. Ann 31%11ch. . 1 -holt explains Its being, in. English. thi? hollow boom that told of breakers. . on a distant subterranean beach. . . "There's the beach, as Slade describ. . . will please note that we have to tisements, 10 cents per' nonpariel . . ',cents � Probably copied from a letter."' . . . . - ' "Run her In - eaW,11 came the cap- V - ed. It,". said Captain Parkinson as they.. . I . pay one cent postage on each PAP7 line for first insertio'n and.'3 . - � "This �must have been one of the, exr taln's "Keep -a sharp lookout ef Lme Abreast of the little. r6 ach of - I I . I . er going to -the Uttilted Statics. . . � line f* . � pler or, each subsequent insert' * i '' -perlmentg Ili the. valley that Slade told ' ­ I I .order. . . . I for hidden -rocks." . . 1. . . . � . I sand. . . . . I . "An . d what I a -re tbbse two bird roosts This means that your' sabtcrip- . I;n.' Small'advertiset6enta riot' to � us, of,", said the...cgptalri thoughtfully. . . I , , To the whfspering'plash* of. thii oats � � ' ? I ItV, Trend-oki", "See: lem tion must be paid -in , advance. exceed one inch such' as, . I'Ltist9" . � . I'StofenIil , "Why, see' here.'� he cried. with*some- . . they moved � froitn*.. sunlighi Into t1vI- on - asked. I sit that. paich of shore Dead again. When ypu see your subscription . i,Strayed," .or ettl.j- .111- thing like . exultatl'on, �Iltba fs what Dr. I I light.. from twilight. -Into darkness. Of . � I . . .. I expiring please remit, $1.150 I or all- . serted' once for* 35 cents and rich. . Sebermerhorn was doing here. He his 'a sudden the oars jerked'convUlsively. . I weed.'� . . . , A&AIts of wrec kage fixed in the sand." other year so that you will not .1 subsequent Insertion 10 cents.. , the clew.to; some explosive so terrific' . . A great roar, had broken upon the ears . . � ­ "Don't � tfil h so, Sir. Toq - . well miss any copies of The NeVS-Re0- . I Communications' int2nded for publica- that be goes. far out. of the ,world to of,the saildrs. The Invisible roof above � . I .0 � . . matched.". . . . ord. I . . tion mutt, as a gllaranteC.Of gODd expedment witli Its infinufacture. F6r . � beneath th, em. the .water . heaving . "We have no time to settle the mat- I I . faith, be accoiopahied- by. the name companions- he chooses. a gang of cut- I I- . them, the walls that hemmed them in, ter UOW," said captain Impatient - .1 .of the writer. � ' : ' . . I . throats that the world would 'never ... I called with a multiplication of reso- . ,the . ly. ."We must ' f.riol'that cave If, It Is � I __ - I ... � . . . . . � - I miss In tftso Anything went, wrong. I nance upon the name of Darrow, The to be found." ' . � I , 60 YEARS* ,i ' I . I ' I W. J. MITCHELL, I Possibly It was some trial. of the fin- . j boat quivered With the start of its oc- ' , - . Hovering just outside the final drag XPERIENCE -Zolitor aud'Pr6priet= ishod product that started the erupa ' 1. cupants. Th6 one .Or two laughed of the surf. under the skillful gilid- . I I 1. . .. . � .1 � J" ,tiou even. -Do you see'. , �. weakly as they realized.that what they of Con . - on;.the boat moved slow- ance gol ' ... I .... . . � ..Don't explain, enough." grunted had heard was no supernatural voice. I . ly alongtbe. line of beach to the line of I . � � . . r-. I . I . . � Ti -endon. "Deserted ship. Billy td, . it was the captain hailing for the. ma7 . cliff, All was Oped as th� day. . Tbe 111111111RIL C � I wards. mysterious lights, Slade And I . . I rooned man. , . . . blazing suit picked out each detall of � his story-an*y*,'expjoslveS In those? ,No vocal answer came, but an Inde- jut and, hollow, Evidently the poison- . . � . . � -TIMI-� � � , 711FRADIC MAR'" Good enough far as itgoes. Don't go I terminable space away they could beat . . ous ,%npors from the volcano had not I a 13-1 , DESIGN . COPYRIGHTs; & 1 ,TABLE- . Trains will arrive at and depar t far enough." - "it certainly leaves .gaps," admitted it low splash foil.)wed by a second and. a third. S�Imefblng .Coughed weakly spread tfieir blight here. for the face of -tile precipice, was bright vvith many ( Anyone sanding a sketch and desert 911� lonnial itilekly ascertain our olsinlon free w ether an from Clinton Station as follows '. � , . the other, .. % I � In .'front and to the right. Treudon's tj owers.. So.close in moved the boat Invention is probab" tions i3triettyconfld(3,�tp.it_$nk'Nt'Bldo�lomn lull" patents BUFFALO AND GODE RICH DIV. Ile turned over a few more pages. . "Vormulae. formulae, m hand went to his revolver. The men . conj e but- .that its ocellpallti,i sent free. Oldest a oneyforsecurin eatents. ir C Patents toon, . t9rouFth Nunn & o. receive - ast 7.35 a. m. Going t ned., One of them Swore In . . .1 . tekilles fit I , above tbe bloom. Bnt . itte',int, opttianoties,IwItboatcuar a mthe it It . � I 1 3,07 p,m. What's th1­7 Here are some marginal a whisper, � that which their eager eyes sought I scital : Merican, " . it, Is . 5.15 p, ot. annotations." "Slience In the, boat," sald the eap- wits S I till denied thbul.. No opening A handsome illustrated w6ek1jr, YArgest cir. % culationot I 110tentiflaJoarna, To . 1 Mklorr Going ,West � 11.07 A. Ill, It It 6 p. m, 1.2 "Unbehasslich.'! read Trendon. *,LeVs See. that local,18111ghly unsatisfftetory,' taln,in such buOTaot tones that the . men braced themselves Against the, ex- o a iling cliffslde, Not by so much as would adinit it terrier can 8 Yearopostago Prepaid, 11 . I I It (I M . "o 1 P' Or words to that effect Ill! Here '9 . peeled peril., did the mass of ro(-k and Itubble gapo. 'MUNN 9 Ce 3618,08d ' ' e A It. It . 11.28 p, m : where the Old niali loseg Ills temper. ',Light the ' lantern and Pass It to I "And Slade described tile cave a. ranch Omce. 65 V st- . 14 ir St ato . L . - . I LONDON, & 13RIJCE DIV. Listen! 'May the devil take Carroll Crum for careleqsl�blm-well, 'pig tile," came the order. "Keep below the . big enough to I -aw the NVolverille Into." I ..HURON . Going South 7.50 " rn' I I It . and d oig, s.' Novv, where do Carroll and gunwale, mell.'t I . As the match spluttered, "Do you see I . triattered Trendon. . . Up, to the point'6f the headland And . . )1 4-23 P- M- Cruln come In?" soniethloo, a few rods to port?" asked I I., m.; . it +i_ , ,,,,+ 81 -ink d1san. Going North t '. 11.00 lt. m. 94 It . 6.85 0. M, I . I � � I I . CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS ti A simple and Wcotivo remedy to* SORE THROATS AND COUOHS 1rhey combine the germicidal value of Cr#solena With the soothing properties of slippery elm idid fiod-. doe. Your dru sti or front us, i6o in at L11"11 9 1114 $ , , Limited, Agott, 96utrew. I)OL � . I 1. .. . .. ­......,­ � . Thomas 4, Flint was .sentenced ot 81t. Thomas last week to three yeam for bigamy. ' I'The.vlre It 'flrm -of analytical 40hem, Ists 11) Washington't said the captaU4 "When I wits ou ;be ordnance board I used to got their elre"llars", il,*Its in. �Vhatll More .Unglish? Worse than the German ibis Is." I The writing, beginning evenly enough , tit the top'of a page, ran Along for A , line .or two, thell fell, Sprawling In bilge, I-jkggod characters the full length. Troodon stumbled among them Indlg- Dually. . 1, liand 1, IONt" he read. 'It Is done, . Triumph '((Iermftb word.) Eureka, 99 ist gefullt. From the (can't wake out that word) of the InSDIrttlon-God-liko I the captain In Trendou's Our. ,,Ilalr of green lights," said Trendom "r,yes. Seals!" - I I ,,80itis, Seals! SealsItt Shouted the �walls, for the Surgeon had suddenly released his voice. And as the MOck* ory boomed the green lights dlsappear� col, and there was more splashing from the dlstftnee� The crew ant lip again. The lantern sproad its radlancO. It wag reflected from 'battlements Of falry beauty. Z verywbero the wallp were set, as with gems, to broad wales of vat -led and vivid hues, Daz2led at first, the eirtftrerl! soob were able to 111061. #I%" 4valln I no re,of the oub. . V .­ . pointment Walt; tile reSWC . i,Wtint Is your opinion ,now, Dr. Trendou?" asked- the captain of the older mhn. I ',Don't know, sir." onrivereol the 41IN geon hopelessly, "Looks as If tile CAVO tolght have been a hallucination." ,,I shall have something to say to * Mr. Slade on our return," said tb6 ctill- tain crisply. "If the cave was it hal- lucination, AS yO0 suggest, the seal murder waiii Action," . ,,Looks go," agreed the other. "And the MU40 Of thd captain, , How about that,"' .. 1" A -A -1411% -Af 4ha maft 0 added I . I; . is . .r I (O . . � f I � : I I � . 6___.Ah� ___ - - ____&___L, - __ __�_ __ L �t ___ . . - .- - . -.80&- ­ � aA-11- * __ __ ­ -­ ,----,r, 1`7 ill"'' 6 , . q . . , 4 _. . ___ -!0 1-.- T.,- .1 � --T--, . 7 ' - . I . ­ -� �Owl ­­ .1.1 - I � I � ___ r .. . I I . .. I !� � � I "The fellow If a tobacco Inaolne.11 4 I 'growleaTrej1don. Wing In big breast ' .. iwitt. ,orbe 4evor, be erld& bringlulp I r forth am vnpt.v hand. .1 81!eutly the ciptalu handed him *t : vlgar. "Tlitiuk,roi,l.sir.Ilbesaiti.11,gbt*. � Q It find cou"I'llued reading. ,&.1 . "I "-Tlvno� A ­P40 %L ootllpr to"r. ("fr. wwv e , , I , the lolosill4pol twx morning, 2POVA4, %* .. Como 'taking a day off.' LQ010"s foe sign � I Of lAugbilig Lass. noticed isometh, heliograplitrig tq me grom-,ttiv-wave. a. Y044 the'reef. ­ScemaIl to be Metal., I � guessed a tin can. Caught In the swirl. I it rounded the, cape. sLn4 .1 came down to I flick ithoro to meov It. lialfwlty down the . cliff I had a better view. I saw Lit Was i not a tin com. There was a, darYx body , , , 1. under it. which4ho waves were tosairg I .about, and pis tha metal moved with thO ; body .It alinted In the sun, Suddenly It I was borne In, upon me that an arm was It doing the signaling. waving to m.9 with . . I a 4prishtlx. even a jocular, friomd1liless. Then 1. saw what It really was, It. wax Handy Solomon and his steel h00%:. He .j was riding quite high. Every novir and . I strain he would bow and wave, lie .grounded .gently on thq sand 0each. I , � I . planted him promptly. Ftrist. however, I � � . .1. removed a bag of tobacco from his pookoL I I Poor, rotmM, and- Water -#9aked,,,�4Vt.­sVlI ,A .� 1, . . tobacco. Spoutj quiet -aftim,o6n,carvink .- I . a headstone for the dear departed, Pity. '. It were that virtuos so shining should be, ' . uncotrimemora,ted. Idle as. the speculation . I Is, I wonder who my next visitor will be, Thrackles. - I ' . hope, 14vidently some of them bAve been playing,'the par;: of Pan. � . qor.5. ften� tapt p$g�t An;tbe cave. Air . � . , . quite fresh. "June G. -Saw the glow againlast ulght.0- . . . . The surgeon paused In his reading. . � "That would be the. nlgbt or the 5tb,. . L � . I the,p night before, We . , picked her up - � I I empty." , . I "Yes," agreid Captifn Parkinson, - - I I "That was -the night Billy Edwards- . . . . Go on." I I . ,",saw tbei glow again, last night. Don't understand it, Once should have been. enough for them. This ii.mtter of board- . I Ing tobacco may be ,a Bad error� If Old I Spitfire keeps. on the way she has today,, . ore. It would bo % . .. I taw jesV'f� be; burned or s*allowed up With 9, month's supply of unsmokod ciga- . .1 rettes on one. Cave getting shaky. Still., I think I'll stick there. As between being burned, alive and buried allve��,T'm tor the, � I respectable and time honored fashloi of . . . intermerit. Bombardment was mostly to � the east ,tciday. but -no telling when it . may shift. I . "June. 7. -This. morning I found a. body I I rolling In the, surf, It was the body of. a I I � young man, large and strongly built; .1 � dressed in the. untform, .of an ensign of � ", � our navy. Surely a strange visitor to these shores! There was no mark of . I Identification upon. him except a cigarette ., I ..case graven, with .an.undecipherablemono- � I � gram in. Tiffany's most Illegible style of I I . 1. arrowheaded inscription. This I buried. .� I -1 with him and staked the grave wl.th a - ., headboard.. -An ofticer and*a gentleman. a �'. - I I . youth of friendly ways and kindly living , � .1 it one may Judg,e by the face of the dead, . I . 'and ',he comes by the -imtne.� ende- to the . � same goal,as.Randy Solomon. Why not? ' ' . . . . ..And .why should one philosophize in a * . . I I., ,. . t;c;i;ii-ifiiLt"i�ffi-iiZ--�ei');*;"i�ad? 'Hold on' � . . . . . . . � . Perhaps -just pbrhaps-it may -be read. , I � I . I � . The officer ,waLsjl)oj .19rig,'4eaO. gnslgns I I � . I I!, , . of'the Uhitea''StiWas fia;V9 �do'n4t':ivdndbr " I I about untravers,64 watdrs i&ne.' Thlare � . . . must be a warship somewhere In the vi- I .� . . cinity. But. Why, then, an unburied officer ' � I . . -floating,on,the oceanVI will smoke upon . . this luxuriously and, plentifully. (Later,) . . . I . , . No use. I can*t solve It.. But one thing . . I do. I I�pv.up a signal pole on the head- � land and cache tlils record under It,thip I . I . I . I .1 afternoon. , Vroni' day' �o. day, with the . ,� I klndl� lip-riiiieglon of the 4olckno I VjjI 1. � - I I I i add' to� It. ' B0 doingh! by � Old "i;pItfire. . ,. � � '.I .. le cloud Is coming down bn me. Also . . . I I . seems -to be moving, along'the cliff.. I will I . . � ,-., refirs *hastily to.my-priVato estate.in iho . . �: I cave. . ... .11 I . . . . . .1 : . , "That's; all.. e . teept the sc'eaw'fon the . � I . .1� I . . , . . . I last page.11 ,said'Trendon. .,"Some ac- 11 � . I � . ,� tion :of tb6 volcano . scare4l filffi� � off. . . I .., I � . lie . had . just 11me . to scra�N,l that last - . � . I � '41 . message and drop the book Into the. . ,,� I , cache. Tb6- question Is. - Did fie get ! . . . . . . . I � back alive!" ' ' ' . ." . . . . 1. , . 6,SladeJi the solution'," sold the cap- ' _ . L � 11 . . taln. "We must ask hitn,'! ' . � � .., I I . . I)— I . I 1. . I . � They ptit back to the. ship. Barnett . . . . , I I I . I ' I . was anxiously awalthig,titem. .. . � .1 "Your paticht -has, been In a .bud . . . . ­�, way, Dr. Trendon," he Said.' ' - ' - � .. I .. � � . ' . I . . . I - "What's .wrorij?" isked Trendon, . I .: . . I � � . 1- ;.. .. . . . . . I . frowningi . . . � . . .1 . . L -td "Ile�-calue up On dock , wild eyed and . , . . . staggering'. There was -a sheet, of 1pa- - I L I . 1. 1. i 1. per Ili his. hand, wfillch sieemed to have ,. - - ., I � . � , - I . some bearing on big -tr4tible. VVboin".be ,' foutid you'lliAll-gone to the Island with- I . I , I � ' ' .. It out, ' him he'began to rage like a, ma- - . . I . �. I . nlac.* 1 had to have him barrid ' d -down - . by � force. ,In'* the rumpus the ,paper. . I . I I . . . disappeared. 1 assumed the respou6-- I .. . . I � , . b1lity bf-giving hinj an opiate.". �. . .. .'� " . . Z . . . "Quite-. right." approved Trendon.' . ! . . . . ­ I � "I'll go do)vn. Will you come with tne� � I . . . . . � .'_ . . . sit-?" he sikIdAd the captain. . i I . . . . 1. .� . . They' found Slade.ln pFol'otind slum- . , ,�� . y . . . I .. �. - - ber. . . . I .. . 11 .. . . q*Woult do to Ntalce him, now." growl-. . . . � � � I � I ., ed Trendon. "Hello. what's b6rc?�' , � . I . . . I . Lying in the hollow of the sick Mania . . . *1 �� right hand. 'where It had been crushed . ..", to' a ball.- Was a ciudipled mass of trac- - - . . � ' I 0. ; .1lig paper. Trendon smoothed It out. - . . . . i . . . peered at It 'and p.qssed It to. the cap- . - . . I . ­tIllp. . � . . - ? 1. . . . . : . . 'Iles a sketch of an Indian 'arrow- I . . . ' I . head.". lie 610dimed In surprise at the A . . . . . first, glance. ."What are all these . I . . . . � r ­ � . , I Marks?" . .. . . .. . . . .- . I . I . . � � I . "Alap of the Island,": badged . Treu- , ., . . .t - don. . "Look 6ere.11 . .. . . . 1 . . ,� I . ­ .. Tile drawilig was a fairly careful ' I ' ' ' . I * ng sue . geogrophleal point$. � '), once sh6��l It as bud 1jeen of concern to the two , . . 1 3- . ear inhabitants. Tberewas tbo large,.�" I . . . . . cavern,. Indicated as they had, f6und It_ ' . . and at it point between it and the hted- . 1, . . . . land the legend. "Seal Cave." � ! "But Ifs wrong.." cried Captain Park- ' :� Inson,'setting finger to the spoto "We . . passed there twice. There's noopefilng,4' 11 .% I I "No guarantee that the& ijany not. - � I have lyeen," returned the other, �"Thls I Maud. has ,been Considerably Shaken . . Ili) lately. Entrance may -have been . I closed by a landslide down the cliff. . � . Noticed signs . myself, but didn't thl*k . of it In connection With the cave." . . I'Thqfs work foe Barnett, then." said 1. the captain, brightening. "We'll blow . up the whole face of the cliff If lieceS, sary, but we*ll get tit that cave.10 . . . I r Ile hurried -out-. Order'f011OWed or- ­ .. 11 '' der.. and soon tho'gig, with tile Cap-' . I taln., Trendon and the, torpedo expert. � � � Was driving for the Point trarked I�Sedl ' . . I., Cavell oil the map over which they , . . � I were, bent. I . . , I . ' I CIIAXTIDDR XXXI. to OIJ Say the InSt entry Is June . I � 7?" asked Burnett as the boat entered the light surf. . I .rd Teondon nodded. . i I "Thitt, wits the flight WO Bow Old I laqt glow and the big burst from. the . voloano, Wasn�t It'," . . . "Id"Plit. , . . � ,*The Island would have been badly I Shaken lin." , . *#N,,6i so violently but that the flat - Dole stood," sold: the-ea0taltit. "Thaft true. Sir. .gut there's been it good deft] of volcanic gas going, -Thu . mAn's beau bontlAd uO for four dftvs-" = Dig CONTINUED.) V %. - I �__. __ -A A.I I . . ,,, . I � I 6 ,