HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-03-11, Page 5M_
vfttoa flewo-otowd Mach 110, 1909
til tin ' 11I1« 0049lich Towa*bjtk
an of fire 6th can, is Miss Lena Jordan has secute4 work Miss Tessio Crook has o to
,toward Lea of Lou4esboro was Pat. McLean Crook a gone
one of out heavy weights, that is few In Clintonand left MorAay to enter Miss
as milliner for another sex -
in our village on XOadaj. Rathw* 11 C. Hoare
her duti6s. there. S. C
am and Nates Miss Mabel GarvW of Clinton spent CAU him. For instance, while upon Do with Hodgens Bros.
Sunday with 4W mother in this, Vic-, over at Mr. Thomas Cole's of the 9tlJ% Mr. James young has returned . to I Miss Susie Acheson returned from Shoes
of wheat, and Qn A bet of raouer or left him. Mr. 1). B: Call)!4 of that city.
V� -wacom ig mating arrange -
`y; , . . ba
the other day he carried sly bags work again, Job's comforters having HamVton this week accompanied 4v �b4T70XQ =:h4VQn3;'CrZX.
Mr., and Mrs. S Tobbutt spent last
land Rl!4* V. 1 11,
mailules. he believes he could make it i� Miss Jessie Weston of: Goilerich
mcfits 6'TeMO401 his barn the COW419'teiri bushels. It's not Who Can beat spent Saturday and Sunday under the' with friends in Winsbara,and
stimmer, and beim somewhat of 4
New designs iu Ru Pat in this line, but who can equal other places.
98) carpenter lie ju,4y do considerable of parental root.
what he can don't too many, Mrs. N. W. Trewartlia, entertained
the work himself. speak at once. , o. Naw for 'her Sunday school class of, boys
stamped on good quality Mr. John Stirling left Monday
an;! I Mr. Wilfrid Biggm of Clinton visited Owen Sound where he has secured
of canva& Holly Mr. �Iich4cj Flic1c, who some time Friday evening last when 6j;y all
his mothor'. out Postmistress, the position on the "Turrett Capoll
d9na are forepa ago bought the McLeodfarra expects �s spent a verypleasant evening togct�-
Mapke Leaf der rt of the week. fireman. He is at present engaged is er. BusiNESS CHANG,
verY,'Po.pular. Complete Misses. Edna, and Beacom . of to move tberwn the tatter part of cleaning, and getting ready for navi-
Myrtle 13 next week. He -is -now a resident of A meeting, was held ilii the hall on 3
wiih oftfilge,, They make Clinton sp�nt Sunday at their home nL- gation.
here. Goderich and on Tuesday bight. some sale[Monday evening in connection wilth: 0 We
an -excellent rug, went u A. Macdonald's auction the Proposed municipal telephone Sys. wish W inform the people of Clinton and
I A meeting of the A. Y. P; A. was of Our boys I
to attend s, little 1 Mr. T
held! in. the Oran e' ball on Tuesday ei4 farewell, that some of his friends gave oil Monday was well attended and tem and the prospects appear to be
Door Mats, 2QCr him. everything was sold� The proceeds good for having, then scheme taken up. vicinity that I have bought out the Shoo Business yf
ening, I amounted to about $1800. We axe
l The following is the report I Of S,
I Several of the Mr. Otter Wilson died on Thhridsy sorry to loose Mr. and Mrs 'from Mr. Hoare.
Orange brethern from
Large size 35,140 45c here attended the' At Home glyea by last in his 61st year, He was born No. 3 for February, based on re , Murphy bodge.. 0'inton, OR Tuesday on the. Maitland con., Colboine town- aid from our midst, but what is Our clarity,, good depoxtineattandgelieral
loss will be a gain for another com- proficiency
Mat Hooks 2,0o I the farm now owned by Mr. The business will be conducted in the old stand 0
evening and,,%Iirepor.t a most en*oy sh P, OR his inanity, 5th class—Percy Munnings, Lizzle
able time. T. Pennington, but has lived in t
Mr. Robert Huck 1 -caves for the, toftship for many years. Miss Rhoda Bottles 'visited her Bedard. and we solicit. a, share of your patronage, and will do
ille parents on I Sr. 4th—Lorna Jervis, Charli
• mo0— west next week, for the Lloy�dmjniter What -is kinowA as the Holmesv c day last week. e Lav -
district. where' be intends to borce.- bridge .1 over the Maitland is now im-1 Mr." Stewart Macdoug% purchased is, Walter Nelson, Lorne Mc.Cartueyl,, all w0ban to give good value,
11 p rob sed for every dollar open
steaW. passible owing to the fact that. two from Mr. T. A. Macdonald, a c4est- Percy Olidd7on, Earnest McCartney,
spans, over 1.50 feet in length, were nut mare to mate his own. Mr. Pet- Ella Colelough, Albvrt Proctor. with US. We carry a large and well assorted stock
Sewing Machine I Mr.. J. H. L 9wexy Just A -,.valuable $
t t Delbert cow the' othet day, washed -away in the recent freshet, er Macdougall also bough he other Jr. 4th—Norman Holland, Delb
Needles Messfs. Hugh Archier' and, Rph Butts This will be a great inconvenience to horse. The - team Huller, Josepli Palmer, Lottie Lavis. bought feom the best manufacturers in Canada.
brought $400. It -
left' on Tuesday forr
the west, takiing the people of Colborne to in order to pays to keep the best.
Sr. 3rd—Stella Nelson, Carl Mair,
Sew machine need- with them ,ea Carload of settlers effects, reach their market. In Clinton it will Mr. Stewart Macdougall bas a vela- Frank Jenkins, Clarence Connell, Or- 0
Mr. Archer will go farm but Tvir. now necessitate their drivingt around able edw laid up with pneumonia and mand Alcock, 4 0
'P ittig, I Jr 3rd Clifford Holland, Harold n Saturday, M and con -
les, such as New Home, by Ber;mWer, which will more than Mr. John. Cox has one laid up. with I
Butts is expected home again shortly} Lavis. Beginning arch 'I 13th, 0
Singer. I Raymond, Davis Mis; Scott of London township, wh.A double the distance., indigestion. They are both improv -
and other makes may be has been visiting at Mr. Tyner's, is One of I gur school teachers. while re, ing. Sr. 2nd—Elva Proetpr, Verna Jer- tinuing for two Weeks' we Offer. the
cently I instructing one of her classes vis, Proctor..Palmer, Stewart Mair,
now visiting 14 nds at Blyth. I i Mr. W. Jordan is this week helping Roy Munnings Following Reductions in $hoes,
had from us in all sizes. Mr. Olin'Hillje son of Mr. George in, Canadian history, asked them who his uncle, Mr. Jas, Manning of C01- Jr.Al
Hill, leftieu I Tuesday for Taber, Alta., is the Premier of the Dominion, , rhe borne, who is having, a sale. Jr. 2nd vin Leonard, Leslie Hu;-
,where hi4;:Pjncle,, Mr. J, W. . Hill, for- children hesitated somewhat whenthei er, Milton Holland, Leslie Jervis, MEN'S.
Miss Jennie Young is working in Clifton Proctor, Daniel GlIddon.
moil of this -district, who is now do- I u his initials ; they are W.. L. weeks. teacher said,"'To help you, I will give
yo Goderich for a fzw we Part 2nd"Willianik Alcock, Fred. 12 pairs men's Patent Bluchers. dull top, reg. $4.00 for'. $3,60.
!hg well, we Are all very glad to bear. I $ i
Lavis, Bl4Qhe Nelson. . 9 pairs men's Box Calf Bale G W, regular 3,50 for ....... 2.85
Olin, however, intends to go . farmina,: In a twinkling every hand was up to No, on Rbil 85, average 30' 9 pairs men'S. Kid Bald S W, regular 3.00 for ................... 2.40
denote that they were ready to an —N. W. Tre
00.OP E IRS The following is the report of U. - S, saver. "Well, now Who is it?" she wartha, Teacher.
S..No.'12., Goderich '.and.., Hullett, for. President of the -County Show
1, A A -� back 1 _Anipr%'
..Dlj U R 0 1 jjfic the mouth ot;February %� I.
asked an no an came ite so
Sr. . 4th—Tots.1 -300-�Staalej- Chall- unanimously that it seemed to come
CLINTON ehg6r 201',. Albert Niel aqbliu 199.; As a shout) "William* Lobb -1"We- give
Jr, 4th—EddieMiller '255, Lois this little incident to show liow well
iChallenger 238, Lynn Mair 209, *j1,11j and favorably known throughout is
Lovett 196, *Ztt,%' Mcllijen'107,?ur,wortby equo cillox, who, no doubt
'4rd--wVaith —1farvey.
Sr. �o%l B�rtjn due course will-, be occupying the
Bea B reeve chair.
Beacom 1$7 I�aypld,. iggin 182, El-
dred MeBrien 173. , ' I We are pleased to learn that Mr.
Dr. William and Mrs. Sloan191 .Jr, 9rd—Jearkie - Miller 26-3, Secord George Conne'l was able -to be in Clin-
McBrien 225, Calvin Lo -vett 153, Aa- toon Saturday last after a severe
Dunn avenue, Toronto, ccli�br L --ed on, drew Lawson 7.0: loess of four months.
*Thursday the fiftieth anniversary of, Sr. 2nd—Nabe'16 Harvey 267, Teenle Miss Emma Burnett returned home
their Wedding, which took in Marquis, 266, Fanny Lolvett 2271 on Tuesday :after a few wcdkq 'visit
'Tucleersmith township, Huron county,: *Florence Lawson I . 24.. with. her sister, Mrs. Will, Townsend.
Jr. .2nda—Eldg Mair -220, Fred. of Stratbroy.
March 4, 1859. Dr. and Mrs. Sloan Johnston 176, Jim Johnston 106. A few of the many friends of Mr..
received the congratulations of many . Jr. 2ndb—jean Lindsay
say 221. and Mrs.- Joseph Currie presented
relatives and friends. Besides 02tal part '. 2nd—Dorothy Marquis 189,,them with a very beautiful clock and
from the family, many' - handsome iak. Florihall' rack oil Monday evening. Mr.,'Miller 153, Cora Miller 95. .Currfe 'having sold . his farm intends
ens of esteem were received from I Average attendwice, 25. Those mar-
ked with *i missed -examinations. taking. up his abode fn Groderich. They
friends. The elders and managers of J 0; Rands, Teacher, will * -be much. missed by -their friends
the Parkdale Presbyterian church,. of land neighbors.
The Ladies" Aid -of Coles r all the time Anc. trouble is becoming
which Dr. Sloan has been ,church
for years, presented him with a spent a very, pleasantsocial.. evening Mr. jaines. Stlell., more firtulyk, rooted,—harder to cure,
gold U per cent. Of headaches are the re -
with a- life membership by the Park- glasses. wL11 'give Oermanent.r6licf. 11 ented., yi the appointment more
mating the interests - of the, Huron The act directly oix th
dale Auxiliary of the Women's Poreig way. consul S. game an elegant 'program and the lid- ..e impure, •
weak at we
in the church on Friday last. %olic ItaN There is ju't one sure way, -to cure h
clock. Mrs. Sloan was presented suit of eye �. strain. ',Pxoperly fitted oung -ladies of' There - is no one active. in in pro -1 rheumatisms Dr: Williams' Pink Pills. S.- I
Mission Society, and with a lit Foreign you are troubled that ies have almost decided 1 to li County Stock' Show,' to be held: in blood-.' They purify.. and strengthen,, it
have anoth-
e mein- h. Taube, Eyesight Specialist, 4t Nor- 0 . , Clinton ii. April 1st, •than Mr.- James and
e i e ear future so. iobt outthe,causeOf rhe*unla-
bership by the Parkdale Auxiliary. of :inandie- Hotel on Thursday, March er such ev n*n- in the n Sne THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR ALWAYS QOES'lTS:DUTY
Our people, are becoming interested , 11, the, �,vrortliy president Mr.' tism.
the McAll M.,sslon. 118th, -ion Snell is 'olro' 61 •the best khown'! stock 'Mrs*'. S. Bail
Iin the telephone .question- and several. Newdastlb Creek,
breeders in. Ontario and - that th
mee.tings have. been held,, the ,last` On N. B., says.: a the summer of,l^,00.
sheep Of thl' vince have.for for several • I became -lanie.in my ankles, but thinly-
IMonday. "night. No .4cilsion � bar. yet she is Pro
-been I arrived at but it. may 'be that ..Years. been so sought after by Amer ing 1. would -soon get over the attack
the plan adopted'in Tuckers . mith and cai.i,.buyers is largely due to enter- I did not seeX medical ` aid, but. ' used mom
I . e t Of
oiher't6wnships may be adopted.jn prisinjg liniments• to allay the pain and swell -
asked this -paragrapli, Mr. Buell -gives malY'ing. 'Instead of'g6ttling, better the
breeders like the sidbIl"d
ouch Co���������m�m���m�m�m�m���m��
Tuckersmi-th the council will be ID
to issue debentures for the amount:re-, reasons for . believing - that the trouble. increased and I then
County . t y Fair to be heldonsulted
quired. The system will, therefore be ClintonOn On a doctor who it articular
5TAPLF, AND FANCY, DRY 'GOO DS' the date above mentioned, is agood
a municipal one, the council to mate rheumatism, and treated me for this PLUMSTEEL BROS.-
th�hg. fox. the farmers` it bylnp trouble. Instead MILLINERY FURS MANTLES the collections and pay expenses,
The t stock - ek in' d. of getting better the 0
Tuck6rsmith patrons will have con- among other things the bes� Pain and, the swelling became, worse
nee ion, th the .Bell Centrals ". at the county to the most..central.town until
t, and spe'etiv I was. hardly'a c t hobble ToBSal
d Hens. I It brings. pro c hu see about' house. On• rising. in. the
Clinton, Scaforth an all'. for.
which that-. Company , will' it. It naturally follows that whqn.:mornifig ..I was hardly,,able 'to b6iir
the stock and the bqers do thus con-1my weight, except in, Is the chanqe of a lifetim.e for YOU to secure new
ckarge of $3.50 per,year. extreme p4in�
'a successj gregate there is profit for the sellers. with-• seasonable Dry Goo
Mr. Thos. Macdonald hold e" w ds,.Cloth* Boots and Shoes at A
lHaving tried so much medicine, .Clothing,'
n. to th0nk J was 0
e on Monday.. - out. bcnefit. I
This Sto"re's, ful. gall' Hundrc�d§ of Mr. Snell's'brother farm- f3ega a almost your ownpFiChes.
1st and
The A. Y. P. A. is, having .a debate ors will. be in town on th� doomed* to be a cripple, One day' - a
. o Friday . evening.- In his efforts to Cousin advised'-rne to try Dr. -Williams a The stock mustbeeleaked during the, next few
n. ening.. wir.l.-Vish him success. 0
Mr. and Mrs. George Stirling spent make this the best stock, show I-,' Pink Pills:'"She said, "I take .. them
.0, Western Ontario,. ''weeks and low prices must, do it. Note a few'reduc-
Monday at Mr.. Joe Jarvis' .Holm every spiihg as a tonic for my blood, S,
Guarantee. and they m4loe a. new perso,� ojl)aiek�li tions and.remember
Mr. James- Mj6sc returned home, on After.
some persuasion I decided to � try, 4
Is a good thing to bear in mind. It guards you.against "What We Advertise we DO.
Saturday., Stanley, Township them. I had taken -three or four box.
s a Robt. Elliott enter- 0.
any possible dissati t Won. It means that your purchase• Mr. and Mrs es before 'I noticed 4ny change,, and a
tained a number of ,young people on MK. Robert Peni returned from. then Alseemed m an1deswere less Men's $10.00 Oyeicoati to clear at...#... $5.00
must give satisfactio, wor we will supply the remedy. St.— Thoipas' last -.Friday' accoMp
TUesday evening. anied painful. By the tifne'I had used a �fs Men's. 11.00 5.w
Men's 12.00 7.00
'h ported ,Thies ful In
Mrs.. Fred. Jervis and two chIIdren,.,by.Mr:'HObsbn ofthat- I-lacd.' W11110 few more boxes there' Was, a wond�r
who bad . been visiting 4 Mr. .; *11liam, away o purchesed two im ipmvement in my eondition. Not Boys' 2.50
Bove' 500 ...... 8.00
New Spring Coats Jervis, left on Tues4a?to.re to stallions.,. only did my ankles get Well, but I Boys, 0.00 -3.75
her home at Ditsbof�, Alberta.-- Mr.� and Mrs. H. Darrow of Bay- felt Jikd a different woman and had Men's .50 Fleece Underwear .......... 40
Never before have me been. able to offer. our trade Mr,' Albert Ad�erson, left for the field Suuday a . t the home o( not 'been so Well in years, In speak- Men's .05 Red Wool Underwear .40.
.spent. Fleece Uriderwear 55
such superior coats as we are showi Pi We oydininstep,,"district,. Sa9k., On Miss Maggie Wilds. ing' of -this to a doctor afterwards he Men's .75 and X
Cg for spring
spare no effort to secure the. hest that experience, skill nesd4 Messrs. ilison an, Williams' in 9
311/ - S ohn- said no doubt r. I 2jc new pr ng Prints, un re so patterns o choose tow a c
Thev 6nowing. is..thb report of sion "dellivered borseli'to Mr. Oliver had enriched my,blood, thus driving 12*c all Linepl� Tow .........
and money could make:,. and we. now offer .them to you 9, Goderich township for., ib Clinton on Thursday. out the painful ffisease.11
e Johnson of
•and, all lines of Dry Goods, Clobbing,Boote and Shoes 4t,
for your c1looshig. Every woman. expecting to buy this.. month of January mi. W. Evans. has taP00, one -bun,, . Not only rbetimatic..'-suferers but wholesale prices and less'
season should see our natty coats because, of their 6. 5thIrene Millar.' Bred maples, to start the sugar -mak all who have any troubld due to weak, �4
11 - . Sr.Ath—Emma C-ante'lon Ad . cla Sale Prices- Strictl 'Cash
m 'and watery blood or impure blood can y
beauty and excellence, Co e' n 6 bp;�.
Finlay, Annie Cooper, Etta Cole. A few of, the parents bf tue childroRla cure through 'the fair use -of: I ' )r.
or. not to buy. Sr. '3rd w -Edna Wise and Jean Mid- of, No.. 4, north, gathered � there last, Williams' Pink Pills, Sold by all med-
dleton. (equal), Georgina Hudic,' Tel -Friday afternoon to beat the scholars icine dealers .or b mail, at 50. cents
Y. ,
New Seasons Shade's lit Dress Good$.,ftnd Silks' rton Todd and Ar- debate on I a
esille Hudip, Mo -the. subject 'Resolved box or six boxes for $2.50, from the Dr
nold Millar (c*aI), Bert Finlay, Fred. that the eyes are more useful than Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville*,
4r hies Hudic, Alma Elliott. Ithe hdn&.11 The affirmative was brit..
8rd—Sadie Cook, Ralph Cantel- captained by Cora Nich Ison
Ow Direetoire SatirS in all Jr. .0 and the
the new shades; includin aprl on, Lloyd Millar, Roy Connell Oliver negative' by Roy Dewar and the way
cot, taue, old gold ang. pearl Cole. each scholar . took the platform and
6'rey. llso FrencbV'enetians, : Jr. 2nd—Emily Connell, Lola Hudle,' delivered his orher part showed that HAVE YOU TAKEN ADVANTAGE hiffon Panamas,,Tafteta Cloths, Earle Cooper, Charlie Cooper. . . there ham beets a lot -of ca'refgl study) 4 .. . I
Broadcloths and plain and fancK
Voiles. Ask to see our 54ine
Pt 2nd --Ed the Stirling, Bruce on their p art. After. listening an
12 pMrs Indies' Kid Bluebers. regular 3.00 goods at.. .....
112 ladies' Patent Bluchers, regular $,OU goods at,,.,.,
F. A.' Edwards'
.12 pairs Indiss'Kid Oxfoidal worth 140 at ......
Sr. - Pt. lit --George Middlotont W-11- the judges decided, in favor of the nog-
1.2 pairs ladles' Calf Bals', worth 1.75'at ....................
lie Marshal. ative by a narrow margin. The judges
Cold, 'Wet Weather Starts the ..Pain
jr Pt. Ist—Glddstone Grigg. were Colin jCampbell. atilt W. - Johns -
But the Trouble is in the.' Blood.-
12 pairs misses' Kid Bals regolat 150 at..,, ......
Cold, damp weather brings: on the
9 pairs irmisseFil Bals, regular 1.271at._. ..... I ........
Ladies' cloth. House Slippers at. ...........
twinges and pains .of rheumatism, but
Select the Corset betore the
Spring Gown,
Enrolled attendance So. Average 27, stab, The energetic , tmeher, Miss
is not the real cause of the -complaint
The trouble is rooted in the blood, aft�S
can only be cured- 1�y enriching - 'the
0- Special' Prices inti Boys and, Children's Shoes
blood and driving the poisonouns acid
out of the system. This is a great -
—B. J. Johns, Teachet. Hodgson, acted as chairman and is to
.medical truth, Which every -rheumatic
sufferer, should realize, Liniments and
outward applicati-ong-ohn't cure . the
We are congratulated daily
trouble --they can't reach the 'blood.
b c congratulated on the. good order
,The sufferer 'is onlywasting .,valuable
time in
Protuptl Attended 0
and good money experlment-
ing with this sort :of treatmc�nt—and,
upon out, spring showing of 1960,
The Ladies" Aid -of Coles r all the time Anc. trouble is becoming
which Dr. Sloan has been ,church
for years, presented him with a spent a very, pleasantsocial.. evening Mr. jaines. Stlell., more firtulyk, rooted,—harder to cure,
gold U per cent. Of headaches are the re -
with a- life membership by the Park- glasses. wL11 'give Oermanent.r6licf. 11 ented., yi the appointment more
mating the interests - of the, Huron The act directly oix th
dale Auxiliary of the Women's Poreig way. consul S. game an elegant 'program and the lid- ..e impure, •
weak at we
in the church on Friday last. %olic ItaN There is ju't one sure way, -to cure h
clock. Mrs. Sloan was presented suit of eye �. strain. ',Pxoperly fitted oung -ladies of' There - is no one active. in in pro -1 rheumatisms Dr: Williams' Pink Pills. S.- I
Mission Society, and with a lit Foreign you are troubled that ies have almost decided 1 to li County Stock' Show,' to be held: in blood-.' They purify.. and strengthen,, it
have anoth-
e mein- h. Taube, Eyesight Specialist, 4t Nor- 0 . , Clinton ii. April 1st, •than Mr.- James and
e i e ear future so. iobt outthe,causeOf rhe*unla-
bership by the Parkdale Auxiliary. of :inandie- Hotel on Thursday, March er such ev n*n- in the n Sne THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR ALWAYS QOES'lTS:DUTY
Our people, are becoming interested , 11, the, �,vrortliy president Mr.' tism.
the McAll M.,sslon. 118th, -ion Snell is 'olro' 61 •the best khown'! stock 'Mrs*'. S. Bail
Iin the telephone .question- and several. Newdastlb Creek,
breeders in. Ontario and - that th
mee.tings have. been held,, the ,last` On N. B., says.: a the summer of,l^,00.
sheep Of thl' vince have.for for several • I became -lanie.in my ankles, but thinly-
IMonday. "night. No .4cilsion � bar. yet she is Pro
-been I arrived at but it. may 'be that ..Years. been so sought after by Amer ing 1. would -soon get over the attack
the plan adopted'in Tuckers . mith and cai.i,.buyers is largely due to enter- I did not seeX medical ` aid, but. ' used mom
I . e t Of
oiher't6wnships may be adopted.jn prisinjg liniments• to allay the pain and swell -
asked this -paragrapli, Mr. Buell -gives malY'ing. 'Instead of'g6ttling, better the
breeders like the sidbIl"d
ouch Co���������m�m���m�m�m�m���m��
Tuckersmi-th the council will be ID
to issue debentures for the amount:re-, reasons for . believing - that the trouble. increased and I then
County . t y Fair to be heldonsulted
quired. The system will, therefore be ClintonOn On a doctor who it articular
5TAPLF, AND FANCY, DRY 'GOO DS' the date above mentioned, is agood
a municipal one, the council to mate rheumatism, and treated me for this PLUMSTEEL BROS.-
th�hg. fox. the farmers` it bylnp trouble. Instead MILLINERY FURS MANTLES the collections and pay expenses,
The t stock - ek in' d. of getting better the 0
Tuck6rsmith patrons will have con- among other things the bes� Pain and, the swelling became, worse
nee ion, th the .Bell Centrals ". at the county to the most..central.town until
t, and spe'etiv I was. hardly'a c t hobble ToBSal
d Hens. I It brings. pro c hu see about' house. On• rising. in. the
Clinton, Scaforth an all'. for.
which that-. Company , will' it. It naturally follows that whqn.:mornifig ..I was hardly,,able 'to b6iir
the stock and the bqers do thus con-1my weight, except in, Is the chanqe of a lifetim.e for YOU to secure new
ckarge of $3.50 per,year. extreme p4in�
'a successj gregate there is profit for the sellers. with-• seasonable Dry Goo
Mr. Thos. Macdonald hold e" w ds,.Cloth* Boots and Shoes at A
lHaving tried so much medicine, .Clothing,'
n. to th0nk J was 0
e on Monday.. - out. bcnefit. I
This Sto"re's, ful. gall' Hundrc�d§ of Mr. Snell's'brother farm- f3ega a almost your ownpFiChes.
1st and
The A. Y. P. A. is, having .a debate ors will. be in town on th� doomed* to be a cripple, One day' - a
. o Friday . evening.- In his efforts to Cousin advised'-rne to try Dr. -Williams a The stock mustbeeleaked during the, next few
n. ening.. wir.l.-Vish him success. 0
Mr. and Mrs. George Stirling spent make this the best stock, show I-,' Pink Pills:'"She said, "I take .. them
.0, Western Ontario,. ''weeks and low prices must, do it. Note a few'reduc-
Monday at Mr.. Joe Jarvis' .Holm every spiihg as a tonic for my blood, S,
Guarantee. and they m4loe a. new perso,� ojl)aiek�li tions and.remember
Mr. James- Mj6sc returned home, on After.
some persuasion I decided to � try, 4
Is a good thing to bear in mind. It guards you.against "What We Advertise we DO.
Saturday., Stanley, Township them. I had taken -three or four box.
s a Robt. Elliott enter- 0.
any possible dissati t Won. It means that your purchase• Mr. and Mrs es before 'I noticed 4ny change,, and a
tained a number of ,young people on MK. Robert Peni returned from. then Alseemed m an1deswere less Men's $10.00 Oyeicoati to clear at...#... $5.00
must give satisfactio, wor we will supply the remedy. St.— Thoipas' last -.Friday' accoMp
TUesday evening. anied painful. By the tifne'I had used a �fs Men's. 11.00 5.w
Men's 12.00 7.00
'h ported ,Thies ful In
Mrs.. Fred. Jervis and two chIIdren,.,by.Mr:'HObsbn ofthat- I-lacd.' W11110 few more boxes there' Was, a wond�r
who bad . been visiting 4 Mr. .; *11liam, away o purchesed two im ipmvement in my eondition. Not Boys' 2.50
Bove' 500 ...... 8.00
New Spring Coats Jervis, left on Tues4a?to.re to stallions.,. only did my ankles get Well, but I Boys, 0.00 -3.75
her home at Ditsbof�, Alberta.-- Mr.� and Mrs. H. Darrow of Bay- felt Jikd a different woman and had Men's .50 Fleece Underwear .......... 40
Never before have me been. able to offer. our trade Mr,' Albert Ad�erson, left for the field Suuday a . t the home o( not 'been so Well in years, In speak- Men's .05 Red Wool Underwear .40.
.spent. Fleece Uriderwear 55
such superior coats as we are showi Pi We oydininstep,,"district,. Sa9k., On Miss Maggie Wilds. ing' of -this to a doctor afterwards he Men's .75 and X
Cg for spring
spare no effort to secure the. hest that experience, skill nesd4 Messrs. ilison an, Williams' in 9
311/ - S ohn- said no doubt r. I 2jc new pr ng Prints, un re so patterns o choose tow a c
Thev 6nowing. is..thb report of sion "dellivered borseli'to Mr. Oliver had enriched my,blood, thus driving 12*c all Linepl� Tow .........
and money could make:,. and we. now offer .them to you 9, Goderich township for., ib Clinton on Thursday. out the painful ffisease.11
e Johnson of
•and, all lines of Dry Goods, Clobbing,Boote and Shoes 4t,
for your c1looshig. Every woman. expecting to buy this.. month of January mi. W. Evans. has taP00, one -bun,, . Not only rbetimatic..'-suferers but wholesale prices and less'
season should see our natty coats because, of their 6. 5thIrene Millar.' Bred maples, to start the sugar -mak all who have any troubld due to weak, �4
11 - . Sr.Ath—Emma C-ante'lon Ad . cla Sale Prices- Strictl 'Cash
m 'and watery blood or impure blood can y
beauty and excellence, Co e' n 6 bp;�.
Finlay, Annie Cooper, Etta Cole. A few of, the parents bf tue childroRla cure through 'the fair use -of: I ' )r.
or. not to buy. Sr. '3rd w -Edna Wise and Jean Mid- of, No.. 4, north, gathered � there last, Williams' Pink Pills, Sold by all med-
dleton. (equal), Georgina Hudic,' Tel -Friday afternoon to beat the scholars icine dealers .or b mail, at 50. cents
Y. ,
New Seasons Shade's lit Dress Good$.,ftnd Silks' rton Todd and Ar- debate on I a
esille Hudip, Mo -the. subject 'Resolved box or six boxes for $2.50, from the Dr
nold Millar (c*aI), Bert Finlay, Fred. that the eyes are more useful than Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville*,
4r hies Hudic, Alma Elliott. Ithe hdn&.11 The affirmative was brit..
8rd—Sadie Cook, Ralph Cantel- captained by Cora Nich Ison
Ow Direetoire SatirS in all Jr. .0 and the
the new shades; includin aprl on, Lloyd Millar, Roy Connell Oliver negative' by Roy Dewar and the way
cot, taue, old gold ang. pearl Cole. each scholar . took the platform and
6'rey. llso FrencbV'enetians, : Jr. 2nd—Emily Connell, Lola Hudle,' delivered his orher part showed that HAVE YOU TAKEN ADVANTAGE hiffon Panamas,,Tafteta Cloths, Earle Cooper, Charlie Cooper. . . there ham beets a lot -of ca'refgl study) 4 .. . I
Broadcloths and plain and fancK
Voiles. Ask to see our 54ine
Pt 2nd --Ed the Stirling, Bruce on their p art. After. listening an
Panamas at 05o.
Grigg, Tom Hudie, Jean Cook, hour and .a half to our comingiorators,.,
F. A.' Edwards'
Sr. - Pt. lit --George Middlotont W-11- the judges decided, in favor of the nog-
lie Marshal. ative by a narrow margin. The judges
jr Pt. Ist—Glddstone Grigg. were Colin jCampbell. atilt W. - Johns -
Select the Corset betore the
Spring Gown,
Enrolled attendance So. Average 27, stab, The energetic , tmeher, Miss
—B. J. Johns, Teachet. Hodgson, acted as chairman and is to
We are congratulated daily
b c congratulated on the. good order
upon out, spring showing of 1960,
and. good will maintained throughout
correct corsage. They are the
newest lines we can procure and
the debate.
Messrs. John and Samuel McBride
Beats Them All.
the prices range from 50c to $3.
Mr. H. Daev Is contemplating cut• were on Clinton on Saturlday last on
ting down his :bush in the near future. business.
Miss Thorndyke is back
Mr. Fin lands bear is growing' Mr.and Mrs. M. Xennedy left on
--Read These Prices:—
with us this season and
the Miss
wonderfully. Toesday for Goderich wherethen In'
Mr..John Roberton, head sawyer, tend to take UP their abode.
2 only AlisscW Skirts' I black, lgrc�
With of
McTavish, is�
intends going to the west this spring. Miss Ca�hcrino Stinson is visiting
is Mrs. Will, MeClinch-
extra quality, Cloth, silk
t rimmed, $3.15 for $2.50,
Our now postoffice all right un4 At her edusIA's,
for the op6nings, which
der the maldageracht of MI. Witmer. ey's of Clinton.
I only Lady's Black Skirt, 11 for 11,
will be an flounced later.
Mr. James Roberton is still on the' Miss Martha Taylor of Pott Huron,
104 out. who has been .7 spending the past two.
We are satl8fied you .hover saw such
Miss Deverell is again
Mr. Poster Wright is busy 1*ndi)ig1wecli8. in Stephen township, returned
out the lumber. on Friday last to the home of her
values as we Offer in underskirts,
They are, perfect in make fit and flu -
til char a f our Dress.
Mr. Robert Morrison is breaking his brother, Mr.' William Taylor, and left
'hortly 'be
ish. 750 for 650, 850 for 700, $1.00
for 80c, $1.15 for 95c, $1,40 for $1.15,
Making Dept, and will
I to 0A.Monday, to again return to Port
new driver And expects I
$1,65 for $1.35, $2.00 for $1.60.
tvor to
end give the most
able to drive down the, line,
Mr. Jobn Jackson. has rented Mr'.
11 ro
1,s. Mary Johnston, OC near 13juce-
- �iq
I Special Vilint Lantern Globes 3 for
careful attention to all or-
George R(iithby's farm.
field spent A few days t1io past week
90c, Aetna Flint Lamp glasses 8 for
ders entrq8ted to her.
and Mrs. W. Patterson wore at at the home of Treasurer Reul.
many friends on P rL- Mr' Taylor shipped a eat-
home to than
A great chance to got a first-class
day oweting md a very enjoyable tima load of cattle to Toronto on F riday
in daficinit,
07 -piece . Dinner set, $12 not for $9,50.
waq spent tnmle and last q
Mr. John Henry Is preparing for Miss Maggie brysdale of Hamill
fixing his barn land building a silo.. $p(-jjt the past week at the home of
Mr. J. Webster Is speculating as Mr. Ralph. StePeheftsOn of tha Parr
I A, Edwards, B old
usual, LiAe.,