HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-03-04, Page 8of _­ � '-R'- _­r"T-10""'Tw- W _ . ........ iiiiii1p""","""pm,.,"",".!,�- ­­ 9 -_ , , I . I"_ 11­1"�� musicb, ,ftht 1989 . II cliaten Now*- Ruam it � 0 � ..-.--.-. _ ­ ­ - � .­­­ -1 ... __ . 7 i;�` .1 I I I ­ 1. 11-11- ­.- .1, I— ­ _--1-__' ­­­ .... -1---1 ­- .1 ­ ­ ­­­ -1 ­­ ��" "; ............. ­­­ ­ . ''. I -----1 ___­__ _ I.. ____ - � I ---�._'­;��,;,.Z­­­_.. 1 �� . ... - 11.1. - 11 �- _ . . �,;; '. -,; " - .. -.1.-1-_'_., ­ ­.. ____ 1-1 . . 0110011- -1 ____ - .. 0. D. XeTA00ART . X D. NOTAGGART � �. To 1, � w o or .1" i . 0 � I 'hJ40TOggart Brosik . � - ­ BANKERS— , M 3rr 1r3 I . The News -Record box not a replar . collector and tonsiequently there bas. i , � 40en a tendency on the part of many " . I I I of our 'readers to Allow their ;subscj � :lp- A GENERAL tRAN'KINO BUSI_ Uou to fall into. arrears. I . � I The label on vourparior r'howz +lia' i ; P; *Ing In the World I VSUlto4 the rail, AO cast Into __ 'L ­ � �; ­ --1101 � ;;;4;:= *111 %OwT' xaIQ Forsythe. ,,'.N*o. in, ,-,.' ­ r. I—— . . �." , , - , 16-, ,,--- - r _r r" ­ ­ R __ r 14dilt-4 go r"Pit , I myself the occau. I dimly remetubc a ta*t oylug lailircalon of 11 I deed. We hadwi: adequate facilltleo for towing 'her. Didn't you tell h1m, , "If they stl;;It to their out-goodby," � - furB400 of light then a greot shook thudded through me, aula I JoSt con _ Mr. Burnett?" L "Where Is she. then?" Slade fired 00 �,Jwly. o1werved Tivildoo, op "Dr. Trpj)44).).",*�10 Captain V;L*14- , . so.-Ioulmesm. question at tileux like. a crow exallj, .1 son. `xou will ara) yotimelf and So , , with Ole la'tlx� * to makeg landlua." gl CHAPTF.H XXVI. . trier. . "Wityl 'we shipped Another crew on. '� "Yes. Or." rm Its � I'Mr, Barnett. " laded the surgeon, , ­ � I I i I ... I "I -.1 .. I .. - to gp. It wasn't feat, It wasn't pain. N.R the wardroom or the wol. Aer firsesit and Ilest,,alre tinit nooll. We ieo. sip." oompantors, I took Stock, Puiz, bad I .­J,N.'.% . �.., .... .;,11-6 , .. "I'll, X ,., .. - - . � ... _­ . . . .,.... �� - _.'1.._._' - - ��, x N � verine liad fallen # roltence. it bold .trier Slade bad buislied. were 111111W U;014 alld haven't veexi them shicV." 11811(itild wo be overtaken by the Va- I .uCalstala, Parkinson. stlir and "100d to"give- voll!" said the reporter. "After por while on tilt* highland and be uq- . Able to 17,tst Inleft to the beach. you Are � erect In big chair, Staring fixedly at it tit(- r,�'11':111)gS yoll'(I bad too.' It to Eeud no ri,scillug party up there uu- spot two, feet above tilereportio0is bead. wAO-It W4W'- . III tilt- ob, lists (Avared.1," . q tweined to ivelgl) a$ a judge weighs the "UY orders. Mr. sl.((Ie,*, said Ca I Pta 1113rit. Sir. unty lve nor,- facts so pleturestluely set forth. Dr. Par4lniwix, witil quiet digulty, : I I'Do,you-madeistand?I0 I Trellawl I- - # 1. 44rof Comm" Ql� I I, ,.. ",__ themselves With complete absorption, I to the roa ditig, -=S$ T1RAA0Ak;T,h4JX 4NV'KJU;7jr f . I -y me all all vo*.rou par I "Tes. sit,:! r ,4ate ,to which your paper W paid, We preferfed belog thfown ov�rboitrol now to trust that Polz had wisibed to visit Shadow. bad slouched far down Into returned the other. OBut yousa you , I himself. Only the regard of his Upon onw,the, light it- 1117,0 , . y *'To Case Or 44 attack .you Will at . , 1) � or several hundred nilles to *outbeast-, the forecastle And that I might fIL14.the I Once nod to another boat with lISCOUNTBI), DRA,,pTS IsSUEJ) would ask !You to read it carefully "a , a bow. , LOWE and should you be one of those in word, afterworks empt,y. eyes flxcd upon S�hxdels riltse, IIIINVAVP17� "Tile first night they were out." -Said Itzer.-I r ,,-. INTEREST AL ,D ON UE4_ 4rreau3 . I ingly and it tilt ouxtowily showed that Bartlett In A low voice. 7qr**.; , � , lVindly lot - us have your re- I thought rapidly.. It mightr be. possi- I I paused. At tile,roor of -the companion "Tos. sir." , . POSITS. SALP ic . htk wits thillidug, of tile uArrator astr '*Then .your second crew Is with . NOTE S, PUI ,,,,, mittance. r ble, to uptioutit-e I% e.silly false rpel;,ou. and looked back. A bre4thlesquess of � .vour '11'r. Trendou.. will you see Mr, Slaofe, � The single dollar 'not , then r excitement bold the p1rates; In a vise. "And . Way st b 1 17 bad fallen completely under the spell they're with Thrack-les Anil Ilulz and ';;1(4� frO of him, the best point f - I , olA of, 101; to tile 1�row, to, suit tile uhlp wit 11 vative, the otbel% first crew." sold Slade shat;lly, all(� I touch Importance to you, but to the rowing distance of some coast and I rom above the banging Jamp threw. latiolluaTA . . or AAEDI , of the tale. They $At 110 Children III a r Solomon. And many ,Another blAek r � offlee,where several hundred, of dollar$ to escape while the men believed them- strong - shadows across. their faces, , Tronsion begit4 I . I . are So locked up, It iR A matter of oelveS inany hundred miles, at sea, it bringing out the r dee lines, �Ccpntllat, theater, obsorbed. forgetful ,of the hearted scoundrel and brave seaman, ted. . I �'r I . 1'.1.1.1, I I . I would take nice calculation to prevent, Ing the dom p world arotwil them., wrapped tit at more Down there!" r I -11 suppose It would hardly doto take . . . considerable moment. r triailt passions. With their 1. him with 'is?" Pursued the command-' . - - - H, T. R,kNC'Z. - - - To those in arrears. we make this stwillelou, but as it Was the only rags and blood. their .unshaven faces. vivid element. At the close they stIr- Ile Polnted underfoot. Captain Park- Ing oflicer. . . . special 'call, and trust to Ile Iavore.d chance I resolved blion it Immediately, their firearms. their filth, they showed red add blinked, half dazed by the ab. IllsOtt VOKU find went to bis, Cabin. Slade . NOTARY PUBLIC,. -CONVEY- IlTbaCs. all ver,r wvll." I suldr firmly, rupt fall of the Curtain. I . rose. too. but his knees were unsteady. "it he Is roused now, even for a mo, r . ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL with your subscriptioix ai, tile. cafliest ,,but you can't get anywhere vvithoot In violent antithesis to. the'laimaculate Slude had told his story with fire, He tottered. and but for the swift aid Wellt-'f won't answer for the Congo. EST UR_ possible moment. white of Old Scrubs' Pablo, Its glltter- Q pit$$ even, Now I Queuces, 61r," sald the surgeon bluntly, ,ATE AND FIRE INS Address All c( , russ and its ,shining leather. I with something f iou ! of Barriett's, Arm wotild have falters. , I promunication&; to W. 1110- and I'm not going to put In two Ing b � "Surely You can have him, point out darted up the steps. he felt the sharp reflex. Ile muttered I with an(Jing place." said the captain. . ANq-E) AGENT, REPUBSEN- J. Mitchell, News -Record Offlee, Cliu- vears ond then keep my mouth shut "Overdone." s,ulsI Dr, Trandon a I , _, , I for nothing I wont a Share In the The contrast of the starry ulg4t with , uncertsillily beneath bits breath stud sOm" Ir"ItatiOn. "Cost you, something TING 14 FIRE INSURANCE ton, Out. 0, _ . . the r In strength. Foolish performance. Tura '*Oil Your responsibility.!", returned r SwAg-an even share with the rest or the glare of tho cabin 1prap dazzled- my glanced from one to another of Orm � I r . COM]PANIES. � r 3!ou..v eyes. I stood,ctock still for a momexii Clod face,$. Ili now." . . tile -6.tller obsthiately. -He's under DIVIMON " COURT OFFICE, . t 7 - opiate now.11 , I I . "Oh. that'll be all right," he cried. during which. the only.sounds audible ,,That's it I I.' be sold unsteadily. Slade tried to protest, but the surgeon - -CLINTON. � . A Woman's -Sympathy ..you �can have It." , ' There. passed through the gi:oup a would not bear of It laud marclied him "Be It so," said Captain . Parkinson .. Are you cliscou .ged? Is Your doctor were the singing of the winds through othr and 4 murmur. Some one broke incontinently to his berth, I after a time. . ra -a It anything was needed to convince the rigging. tile wasib of the sea and - teturnIng, 0, , ..I.., - , . 11 . k I ­ ­ - r --�-�_ ,bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain ­ . Into sharp coughing. Chall's. 'Shoved Trelidon reported. with . qoinl; in, they saw no sign of life � . dt we of the man's sinister Intentions. . growls or dis- . . I a heavy physical burden? I- know wh ,, the StusIll, Shapp click of Perdosa'o In- back., grated oil the Poop. r content. that tit$ patient was In a fever along the shore, Uvep the birds haot - . 0 these rnean to delicate wolliers"I ba,ve this too ready acquiescence Would have strument as lie -worked at the chest � . I deserted it. For the tinfe the volcang W. BRYDWA, . been dIscOum d."tQo; but learned how I I "Couldn't e pect anytial ... � I 11 Ir , t�o, been enough. 1, knew him too well, fr Presently I could see b - "Well, of all the extraorilluary"- be. x , Ing else," lie cure inyself, want to relieve dour bu , . . etter,. I look seented, to have pretermitted its Ac,7 . � dens. )Vhr not end the pain an qtop tile an a voice runituatlogly and 60ke, o turned, "Pack Of human Interrogation ;R I her II[xd bad the slightest Intention of ed forward and art for.puiz, but could 9 if th'ItY. Now and again there was a ,4kRAIST,,ER,, SOLICITOR I 4,06tor's b 11? I can do this for You and permitting m to. 00 free, he would see nothing of him and had just about short as If abashed at its own Intrac. points hounding him all over the . . w1j) If you will assist Tne. . e . r . spurtle of sit . � tIon of tile. silence. place.". poke from the cone - r , I foi NOTARY, PUBLIC, ETC. All you need do is to write for a free have bargained. concluded. that he bad gone fOrWard . t lowed by subterranean growlings, but, r - I IWFICK-Sloaae Block -Cl I I NTWX box of the remedk which has been placed The iligger called us to. mess. when .1 "That's all" repeated Slade, a note "What do you tbluk of his story?, � # In rny �iiss nds to be given away. Perhaps . We happened to. glance, Aloft, I on the Whole,, the conditions. were re,as- I this one box -wIII cure Qu -It has done. so ate to the Afte of Insletenoe In big voice, "Why don't asked Forsythe. I ers. If so. I sliall be, happy and 10CAblix, The chest was ,There,. to my astonishment, I made Out a r suring, I - .1 for oth � . . him out huddled In silhouette against � YOU Say something? Confound you, The grizzled surgeon drew el- 4' you Will be cured for Zo (the. cost of a � ' ostage starrip). Your letters held confl- , __"�. ' w�w dol),t you stay soillething,r, His gar. lighted It. took thre.e. deliberate Pell DY -PPP -Pin Wheel' or a ­.r9loatio, 83DOUTr ik� R&LN . KnUally. -writo to4lay. -fo, Ynr free tre,it- i the stars close to, the main truck, 1141 how." remarked Treadou disparag- I , . . --- ' p Irg. turned it about. examined the . . � went. WitS. F. *E CURRAH. Windsor. Ont. I.., � . I t What he was doing there I Could not speech rose husky and cracked.. "Don't � 11 r I I . : . I ash end lugl1r, "Ileal, rants size eruption would Conveys-weirls. t1omwAssloners, - . .- - . .... ZZ: % ��` Imaghle. However, I did not have you believe ItV I with concentration, and re. . . . I r, I I . ��'..,�i i'-.',;Yi,`0S � I . , "Hold on!" r said the surgeon. quietly. piled: - have winedr the w.hi>Io thing off the and . I "l, il'i" ".%'..,.,-*:'-,.':,,.,:1 I t . . "llan*8 tellin- a straight stoVy.f. map first wback." . .1 RftI EstAto . InSurance . I- i.. ..-.-,- :..::!.--:---.-.�-: time to bother my bead abou him "Na need to get excited.", . � . . , . further than to rejoice that he could I . Ageney. Money to loan . ... ... ... ... � ..... . "You think It's all true?" cried For,' As they. drew In It became apparent . , "Oh. well." muttered the repori . .. .f.i.".'" .:.,,'.,:-.,-.*� �er . 10 Rem k 11111 16i'll Lill lil;Magg's ..... - - , -i�.` ,-'.-'-.'.1.11,.:.1 not obstruct me. . � I that they must scale the ellff from the ..- '. .. I Ith a sudden lapse. "possibly .Too 143"110- .. . C. B. HALE -_ JOHN 1�00111T � I . . � ...I.: ..;:;. ;iq: . . . . I should very much have, liked to get w . boat. Forther to the South opened ,out ' . I, , a rifle and amlixubi think I'm romancing. it doesn't mat. "Hilinfib!" grunted the other. IT I I I 'TO -MANITOBA SASXATC ]H@WAN '.., 1. * . hold of tiou or - at I le A wide cove It I hat suggested easy beach .1 . 1. . ,---i ::,:i,i.,i: I water, but Ter. rllljlkq It's- all true.,- - . .�- ._-... , 11 doWt suppose I'd believe It ._J� . AND X I ..*., i!i1i , . , �ii least to lay In biscuit and . LBERTA. " .._-, ii" I . Inc. but over it book A cloud Of steam. , I I :. . '! q -'.-'-.,.'i 0. - .......:: self In your place," . . I Ali orderly appeared Bill knocked -At � I.....;lt . .,.-.-,.-i I for this there was no time. .it was . I . . � . The attractive - roitte is via .��;-. �:-'. --.,.:,-.-,--":� �,::',`.�-',' . . "But. we're heading -for the Island." DR$. GUNN & MCRAV. ::... tile captaill's cilbim � I .i,,. ,-.1 !::.-`.'. ,-, � hotabsolately I . . Chicago and St. Paul, Kinuca- .!..,-. . . �;; .. I essential. The dull glow . � *,Be- pardon. Mr." the I "Lava pouring down," said Trendon.' , � . ...".. --.-::�: �. . .; ad was sti . 11 visible. I had suggested Forsythe. - ' ' . 1. c- - I . � Dr. W, Gpm,, L.RX.P., L.R.C.4,1 pplis or- Duluth. . . .� I 1. ot the Isla . , . . Y� heard bito Fortunately at the. point where the . 10dilL � * , .. . S1:.'1;: -i,!: �:. , . "Thars so,"I cried Slade, ..Well; - mix,v, 'I'Mr. Carter would like to know cliff looked easiest the seas ran to*. . . I CALIFORNIA, MEXICG AND FLOR- i1i:`:. . - I .. toy pillar of fire,aud smoke to guide * . I . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;.; 11 . -%irl, .. � ­ . . that's all 1,10 rAlsbelleve how close In to k Volcanols, ilt-tlbg Ropes batl been brou -,' t. Aft�r some . . � . -, .i t. Believe o I 01114VA-Clutaltio . strcil� Cliotba., I Night JDA, . ::1 , - ...;; - - ., . , 4:14.. I me. Without.furtlier delay 1'. jerked as -Is as you like. tip pretty bad.' Sir." . . I h . I . � .. . loose tile pointer and. drew the extra , tnxx� Only get Percy I 11 Special Round. Tri . . t�-.., .1 - . _ . � � ... .. . - that Island. The .dainty maneuvering two of the sailors call* at. front do= of offltib'-ex Iro*' . I iii Tourist .% I dory alongside. . . I Darrow off . we'll Calitain Parkinson went on,deck. tot, 9414ed foothold and stun . I . 11 I I Rates in effect to . principal L . .1 * I have his version, * There arena" 'few lowed by tbe.rest, ­ - ,-. I I . g the ropes so : . dom, Rattenbury stml. . � . I had proce I . I., 1! .. tbat"thereipaluder of the,,ollse barka- . � . eded just so far In my . . . . , � - 11 . . I � Winter ilesorts'; for ,full infor- I I thlng$'l want to -find out about. *toy- - . . .. . . ,.. don was simple. Nor"was, ,b ma � seen I . . ' . . ; �1� . I . . movements when the most extraoroll- . .1 � . . I e t . . . . D1. T. T., XQUillop . . . . � � I. mation as to raltes"'route otc,, __ :1 I .1 91011,90 . I - � . . . I CIIAPTErt X.N V11. , - - of the cliff a harsh task. H an hour � ; , , . I I . .a . �...,:..:-.,; -�.t,..,.,.,;;.".,....I.-,:i:,�..',.'*.;;-,:.,:,: .............. nary thing - happened. I shall try to ' ' . � - off , 1 . T4 . ­ -i -;%ti;;;-..!-.-. 'R.�-_:;. � tell you of, It its aco�ursxtely as possible ­ "There are several that promise to Ile F�r.LING the way forward. the. After the lundfixg, the exploring -pilety � � , 41yerioty, pt Toronto. apply to � -, - .. . .....t::�...:".:..qi....,....,...W.;,;..'�,-. . . . . ' I , . . _. .. - _i! . . , . . . . . . . . Office hours at hosp4tail :- I I . F. R, Hodgens, ToWn. Agent. . ..... .,."V: . fairly interestin.-.0 said Forsythe on- . crulser was s inlight lu,u stood oil the Survillit.-Of the bill, where . � , ` , . 11.��f.., : and In ,the exact order of Its occur- , . oon c ", � . .. i. . . - .� .? - � I to 3 P. .m. ; 7 to, 0 9. m.' , A .* O. Piattison, Depot Agent. . . -.Rf., i ... � . . . - . . �.;Ii-,.!: : ;. reace. First's long. straight Short Of ,der his breath. ­ . I .� . killize of eross current4.1 flither the black flag waved over' . ­ I . � . I I or ­.,,­ ..,,',oi�-.%, . :: Slade tur aptain. ' "Have R] And thither she wai borne, a utter . . a -----..W I .� ... address J. Di McDonald, -;-;-.,;:-;:-;-.i;t.,.-,.....;�'.'.'-'.'- ­ White light shot �Btraigbt up through 1* � I - desolation. The vegetation was - - . - ', _ . . - I . .%.:.,..1...%-..-- ......., .11 . , ''I . . � . Mil"'.. %,%'.-`::::.:-.i.*. . D, P. A., Toronto. , I ..... �..,'.'J1l`i1,!j!:.'.':.� �: YOU any questions to put to *rae, Sir?" creature bereft of volition. Order fol� 'withered tO p .. . . lbi=a_ - ­ ,'i,�::AW,,7.-.. _ . -eat bet& . allid rags. even the thilest . .. --f! ... " ': the cabin roOf*, to. a gi ,bt. It . . . . . I -DR. J. W. SHAW- 1. . I . � . . :.�.,.-, ..;.:.....---..�...*t'.I!;.I:i:%;:�.:.:.�.:..�-,.; ... . he asked .formally. . . - I � lowed order like the rattle of quick fire weedllug In the, rock, ,crevices had been ' .. - I .:.'.,,:� ­ ...::;�.,;i:;;ii,.,.,itt��.'.-*,-,'.*,.'. shone through the.woodeii planks as * if I I . I I . . - . � _-;-`-;,--1. -1;%::1 1-i.n. iy light shines through glass. Just one momenVI Interrupted , . . . � . . . , - ..... I I . - I . ..'-1..' . an ordIna polsoliedby the devastating blast. . . . . I . . `� ;,. . . I ... . 1. . I . .. . . . By eoutraSt the surrounding blackness Trendon. "Boy, a pofiy of brandy for a In the midst .of thut deathly scone . I . I � -OFFICE- .. .,'.:."*�� uil'wasi ob6yed'with sometliffill more I I nj::�: . a . . . . Tile K111001PUtUal Fite :11.:... Was thrown lAto a deepe , Mr. Slade." � . I . than . � the flag seeined,lustinet with a sinister . . . I . ' . ' . � � .'..Y.'.. . . it . I r shade, and - The reporter 'drank the liquor And 11 'tho'Wolverine's customary smart-', . liVellness., Whoever had set It -therd' ., ' , . , . . RATTENDURY Sir. E)04, - anu .�. � , .-iV... . yet. he $4aft Itself was so�brllliaut as'. . 1. ess. ,Fronx the bridge CaptiIin ParUln- . ­ ' ... � . . . . I again turaeol'to Captain Parkinson, I s had accurately' chosen. the 'highest . . ­ . . � I insurance COMP . . . . I almost. for scotsib thiei'slght. duriously' . � on hifisself directed his ship, 1-116 face � . I , . I . . . . � . . . I . I . I . .. . . `0131Y about our' men." said tlie' com- , . . . . .1 . . . . � -CLINTON.- �-Farmi and Isolated Town Proporty- .. enough, It was defined Accurately. be-� . . � ­ .wait placid, his. bearing steady and con- Available- point on that, side,ot the..Is-, � 1".. . rhanding:601cer after it, little thought. .. ' '. I . . Ing. exactly in shape 'like 6ne:.of the I , .. fident, This in, Itself - was sufli - land, the spot -of all others Where It . ' .. . . � '* , , . - . . I I . - - . . : .AtUr 74,088 we,weut on deck aUa 71. :1, .. . . I Slade shook big bead. .. ..... I � . Clout would mak I e good Its signal to.the . . I I I � ' I . rectangular ttu Air shafts you sesi so earnest that the trulvar was. fit ticklish eye . .1 . , 111"in sorry I can't help You there. Sir." ' ' ' .. . I . ' 'locked. *and the men had as. yet been Often in city hotels., At the instant of . " Case. for it Was an iii.xionx of the.meu . . . . .� I . OFPICERS­' . . . of .any chance � fArer ,it poll. t6se ship. , � I D& 0. W.'. THOMPSON I. . � J-. 13. McLean, President, Scatorth.P unable to break into it. - Pulz proress- Its appearance the wind fell . Dr.- Trendou sold .that, you kne . less seas. For the Staff a ten foot fiall- . . . . . quite I � .w who. sailed tinder Parkins6its that the . . 0. ; Tho's. ,Fraser, Vice -President cot sortie skill to lockstulthiti - and' Calm., . . � I .. . . nothilid ats0utZ14dwards," . . I . � I ;Ing, finely polished, served.. A navuhd . : .. . , . . I ,9 . . . . . calmer that nevvous*.ftlau "grew the I . . . . PHYSICIAN A14D SURGEON Brucefleld P. 0. ;-T. E. Hays, Sec.' promised to experlibent later. . After 't -finine ' "Edwards'O". repeated Slade Inquir, more cause was there for nervousness . I I . ­ 1, ' - Alraos diately'ibe rectangle on - ingly . . 'I e . of rock globs stippdrted'it firmly. Upon � I LIPeCiAll attention given to' diseases Treasurer, Seatorth P. 0. -,: , % - mess ire-wout-'011i,de& Again; Tile. ls� the roof through which. the 1.1 I glitm4de . Ills.raini., still Absor.).d Ili the on the part Of Oth4s. " . . � . , the cloth. itself. was no design. 'It "i . ,cd the Eye, Ear, Nose aid Throat-- I . . -Directors- . : . , land.had dr6pped down 6) theAlbrizon. Its passage began to splay -* Ov's,nits willeb" lie had been %relating. � . I I . . . I .� . . . out like . I I I , . The approach was from the - south. of a dullblack, the hue of sooV CAp� ." . . . . . . I . I , , . . it ud - showed as, it lirlillant-glow under' lighted oil, although the-column,tetalu; grctPed backward. . -.'�-' .. 1. but . suspicious a . spects of tile watii tatii Parkinson. standing.a. few yards - . 1. . . I -Office And Residence- - *illiam. Shesuey, , Seafortb ,'Joh- I . . the Integrity pf' its *outllne.. . Triptidon eame. to his aldi . "Barnett .. . ' . � � . I . I -a dark ciallopy. I leaued over the rail,, ed - still . ­ � 01. viewed It with disfavor. .' ' ' . ' I. Grieve .Wiathrop,,'George Date, Sea 16OI,ing. ;it IL Bel I . . L I asked you about hlm� .too remember- .had fended the cruiser oui and around. ' � '711r) that Ogg." -di-red. � I . .� I HURON ST. SOUTH. CLINTON , . ow Ole the extra .rhe tire, If such It could be Called, ran . . I 1. . e stood prow Ott to a hold . . I I . . until now sh .he oi , . I I I . . . 11 " I forth " I An Wattv- - Harlock - John dory humped along. . The Idea came ir - . I .. . . . Congdon, the cockawalo of the g1g. � 8 doors west of the Commorciol hOtA. Beonewics, Broothagan ; J arness Ev 'Ith Incredible ratildity ,along the - headland at tile. northwest corner.of, I . . 2,11 'to tile that If I &ould escape that night . . It was wbon you rec&rered -coMelons... . . . . stepped forward -and' beg�an, to , Bees, , 'pains betwe e the plank.s foriva rd and ness.- Our -ensign.. took over chargq the Island. Above"this headland lay . .. work , - I . . - .1 . I Owtiod'; James Connolly, I vould row back to Percy I.sarro,iv. r' . I a dark pall of vapor.. In the shifting . . . . at tbefastenIngs, Presently he turned � . . . . aft until the entire deck was sketched of the'Laughlog. Lass." . , � � " . I . . , :� . � .. I : 'Holmenville. , The two of I could I lilke Allift to,live like a pyro�eclxnlc diisplay In thin, . . 110h,' of course. I was a little dazed, breeze It swa.�ed sluggisfil a grinning face to the coptaln, vs -ho . ,� . � .. � "I I I . . �r . . riv- y. ,heavily, I I �-DR. F. A. AXON, � . . I --AGENTS- I .6'n t1sh sind ,,, iellfish ond muttou. The id )]ties of litcaneescehee.- From each I fanev I, .� 1� . as It riding tit anebor like'&. andscape through � * I I � ., . . . � . ... -Jogy ship : was scanning the: I ! I I . .1 ,4 1 . . - . ' I . Robert' Smith I .-II)Idly detilled hself Ill illy 1*)rllltl. Of t1lesellnes then the. tire ,beg�xx again . . I . of the Air.. Only once d1dAt show'any ! his glass. (Successor to Dr. Holmes. 9 -larlock-; E. Hin-* 0o" 1, - . , - 1 I IINVe put Mr.'Edwards.irt . . .. � . ..� . . I 1. I . ) chley, .. Scafortb ; James Cummir os Frotil tile reillidlis or tile Goldpil Ilorn , -board when . I . I .113eg.gin' your pardon. Or." - he said. .. Specialist . in Crown I ag . . , . to spread. as fbougli s6aWk.lu u Is' . marked inovement. - . . I . . . . . I 1. P . e0l, eollml%(7t "Oil . I . .9 thro .Ivp,,ql-%t picked up the deserted sChooni I I I I . Ive I I 1.9 . . I � . I .. . I . ' �. . . I . I I ... � ,plalited. the captila. -, . Said , I . . . I . work. I I an . d- � Bridge Egmondville; J.. W. Yeo. Holmes- . � )Id . io kind of a .theI1Igl)I;s._ i . . .,.,. :- I i ., 1. � �:r.'Iex . � 1. I 'Ut's Spreading out toWard l'isill . "Well, what Is lt?" dellitinded Cap- ',, , . � . I I � I. � I � ... . . , I . .. ... . Barnett to his toll � tain kinson. - . _.. .1 . I I I I , . I .. . . I I . � . . .. . ville. I . . � ., . vnift.lif whIc.h.t.or r0o rree twithe qurn-�i .All took plave prictle.flly: fr, an ,in- "Pgrdoll tile," said the other. II,Afy . .. officers. gathered Pal- I . I . I . I - Ow I �. Graduate of the Royal. Collie of nier traides. ;rhxts we 11IN'llt tit d � . I .. � � "Beggits' your' -pardon, slr4 that ain't. 1 i . �. go Parties desirous w effect Iniur , . I I 'Ile, 'Stant, or time. ' 1. had' a' I aft. � . - , '. I 1. . . . . bental Surgeons of Ontario. Honor, . I. lance h some 4n' I I I .. . . "' 0I)PP*tIIl]ltY head'doesn't..seem to -work quite,dght. ; I .1. . . rightly no flag That'§ What you . � I �'. . ; I . . . '' graduate I I .or :kansact . other businest will be "" . (' or "ll"ills"r, of. the to �Illovfi .01'. to' Or.v out '.I rideed my - yet. !list a 'momeat,'please," Ile. sat, � I71me to'niovej, then. I grunted Tren. 1, . ,,. � " .. . L . . I . � , ' ' .. . I of University of * Toronto promp Sandivit-1) l"Its"Ilds'. wheilet. .0 passing -e" . . I . . don. . . .1; I I . . . . 1. -1 might. rightly call a garitient, sir. tV . - I . tly atteniled to on applicilbib 'r . perpopilow.A.' wei Imideiiiiate, t) the, s . I . Dental Department. Gradu I . 15. . . flenti with closed, eyes, *,You say van I . .A . . . ate of * the � trader could talze in,,: Qaek to civiliza- .1issic of'' litere otskiervationi - Up to now - pip o, T-10 others lo6ke.d At him bigul' gly. .An undsirshift, beggin"your pardon.", .. I I I . . . I . . . to any of the above officers addressed " . I . _k6d 110 the 14all.ning Lass. Whcrt?" I rhig * Chicago College.. of Dental - Surgery to., . tion There were'visitry PicIllents of there had been no i§ound. Tilt, ' ' "About as healthful -as Prussic acid. I "Black undershires a new one to . � ehicago. . I I I � I :. ,� . . Willd lie. asked presently, . s � . . I . . . � . . . � .1 ... . . .' - , I .their respective. postoffices.- - Lo3se. aucartatiltv lxli"fhd�sch4lilp Outit �penl� had falle ' I me.". muttered Tresidon. �. . . .. inp . I . I ' "Fou * -six ago, the. -first . .pected,by the director who live? � ,, .. .1 I I n. -Tbe'%vaters passed ilullo. those voleatile. gases,".'ekphiliised the. - i. - I Will be at the Commercial hotel . .., . .� . . I I I I ticeid. S . r�ftvo .days .1 � � - -surge I .11 '.`No.� sit; It '.ain'i rightly bi . . � . . . .. . 1. . � . A stilines' of 'death s6eme' -, . . . I Ort- I �. I ack. . . % . . . . I Baytleld,� every Monday from 10 a: M. , nearest the scene. .' .1 . 1. .. I sed to we less desperate . than trusting to I .:. ,. . . d V> thile."... - , �* . . . I I . Look," . . .. . 1. ­ .­ I I � . . . . . I . �. . I ... 1. I . .. I I . "Then . I -The ship edged on,and to Word. Pros- .. ' � . . . ­ � t6 5 b. M. . . .. � . � I . . . , Von Putisint'the .fire?" I . . ently tile singsong ,of the, Itindsmaxi ,. wreilchlog the object from Its fag- . . . I I I �. . . . :. . the Caprices ok,-these mon,� especially 'have descended on the shlp� , It. wall . . Tile circle' closed In on' Slade. with, ':teningq, be-..flapoed It violently. .'A:4��, . - , . . . I I I . d It I . . . . ,since they now..'ba fr e access to tile an xin blug forward of , . sound6d.� In measured . 'cloud of sdoty.dust, beaten out, spread , . . . . - - - broken by it sharp double .report. one I conscious hitc . . distinetbess - liquor -stor.-es, ,. . 1-� - - . through'tbe silence, , Then a sudden fie.; , . � . . I - AUCTIONEER -JAMES SMI T -H Li. Clinton News-.Recotd I I . : as. of the, fall of'a metallic substance,. .chairs. Ile had.fixed his eyes on thh. tivity'afid bustle forward. 'the. rattle of' about his: face. With A strangled �cry � . . I . . i ' I . . ­ I . . . While I leaupd.-over the rail engross- the other caused by the body of'Pulz, Captain. His mouth worked. Obvi- . . tile sailor cast the shirt from him and . '. - "' . ' censed Auctioneer for the County :� CLINTON _71 I ONT,- . . ed.ln these -thoughts one of tbi' black Which -shaken loose fro . in the truck - � I OusIY he was under W tens � Ity of en- chains, and the Wolverine was'at an- . . - Of Huron.. All orders entrusted to I . I . I . . . I chor.-., The captain cam dow . n frorn. ro I tied In agody upon the.irotind. . _ * . I I . . � thun.derctouds that,bad been gather-. by a Leavy roll, Bmashed agalast tb'p ' deav6r Ist keeping his. faculties set to . . ­ I 0 . . 'You foot!" cried Trelidohi.- "Statist, , .. � I , I �. I - in tit- and dl�slpxxtlng over'tbe issland dur- rail of th' splashed over- .: . wa ed .the bridge. . . back, all'of. . you.,, - , I . . . . 11 . . �. . me will *receive Prompt 9ttcuti011.- Tpring of subscriptiorx�$I per 'year ft . I ' the problem.' The surgeon teb . I , I Will sell either by percentage or advance $1;50 may be charged - 'if 'tag the entive -afternoon suddeuf,� glow- board. Some one. crie . . m ng. .1 "What do you .think, Dr. Wendon?"... . . . . . � d out.sbarply. . . . . 11 1. . . . I . . per sale. Residence on the Bayfield not so paid. No paper discontkitited , d. verh6ad Avith a. strar;go whlf:4 In � "There was no fire." got ' he' " he asked. . . . OpenIng'his medleine cagej.he b at . " . . e 0 - An instant, to i * d t cap- . I . I . .e tqr the entire crew t;trug- I ., More e.1t;pIfclt loquirY was not*bee- :15ver the rocked sufferer. -Presently Road, one mile South 91 Clinton.. until all.arilears are paid, unless at candeseence startlugly Akin to Dar- led out from the Companion way*, rush- tatil. � . . . . . . . . � .. I . I 9 . ; . essary , . . . .._1 the' man.sat tift. pale and abashed. . ., i . . ' . . tho opinion of. the publishex. The rowls� so called "devil flres.!' Straagef� ed in'grlin silence to tl* side of'tbe Slade leaped In his chair. ..No tire! _. Tbe�iiurgeoa understood what was In ,,TbaV§ bow poisonous volcanic gas I . .. . I . date to which every Subscription is )y enough; this IllumInAtion, unlike the vessel and threw themselves Into the lgbt I ,saw hor,* I tell' you. When I ' I � volcanic glo � . � . his superior's mind. . IS," said th6 surgeon, to his command- United.States Subscribers ,Paid is denoted on, the 1abeI4 " ' ws. appeared to. be east on tiea. ' ' ' . ­. . I went overbott.rd .she whs. ope, living . "Nevei ean -te' Ing . officer, -only lnbaled remnalits I . . . I . Advertising rates-Trankient -adver- the. clouds from without rather than - 11Y own Ideas were somewhat coixi- flame!" . . 11 about'velcanoes, �ir,,7 . . . ,� 1. . , will please note. that we have to . 0semsents,. '' I � � Shot through them froto Within, .48 tu. . . . he said. I I 1 . '. ". of; the du�ttoo.11. . I I I I I . . I . - .10' Cents per uoupAricl sed. -The fire had practically euvel., *"You lauded. In.. the small . -boat, "Of eo I urge;" , . - I the captain. "Aiii 'Ili* outlook for the man we�ft . . . pay one cent postage on:each pap- , were the other volcanic ondanad Knocked you senseless," s . Agreed - � I Ablie,for first iftsiertiorx�aurl 3 ,cents . . . . . . Ons- oped the ship. 1. thought to'feel It aid Troxidoft. I, . . . . . � er going to the Usited States. I p . or line to, Sequent. insert. �At the same .Instant I experienced a . ollcus - But -well. do .you recognize any of seeking.,, the captain tonsed. r each sub .. and'yet lily ikin was cool to the touch. "C slon .of the- brain.. Idea of . I, . � . I . . . I . - This means that, your subscrip- fou. Small. advertisqbnents; 'not to' sharp Interior revnisibn of some sort. The S - A - Paine might. haile been a retroactive. . , the symptoffis?"'. . . . . , I .Dead If he*s anywhere on thig high , .. , . ' tion must be paid,in advance, ,, 1,02t. ,, most briefly momenfary, but.,orl . Is ra I . hip's outilu6s became blurred, I hallucination.*, .- .. .. � .. "Want in4 A6 dlftgnose,.a' Ca I so Of lafid," 'declared Trendein%, I'LeVs look I . - exceed one inch, such 'as $I C a . dizzines o me, and .then all at � . � . � . � fit,fils fla'gpole." . . .1 .� . . ., . When you see yowr subscription 44 I. acter that sbook me, from bead t.0100. . i "Retroactive rod" cried the othe . ,..I earthquake , Sir?". grinned .. , . . . � Tilex�ooix I 1. Strayed," or "Stolen," ete., Ili- I had once'a great. desire seized and shook r I'She rulgist go gir today or sho.inig 6i lie exutultiod the staM "'Oame'frono . . - expiring -please remit $1.60 for Qn-, I . ....,no time to -analyze'these varl- 'my very. soot. I cannot. tell you tile beg your pardon, ]Dr. Treadoo, but fr . the beach," he prottoUric6d. "Waier - , ', � serted once for 35 cents and' . each Ous Impressions, however'. for xxiy at, 1, I ' behave herself for a century." - - . . ,. other year so that yolf*wlll hot, subsequent insertion'10 cents.. � .. vehemence of this deilre. It- was a you'd. se(ity. ber as t saw her-. Bar-; - - ,worn. - H'm I Maybe lie ain!t So dead . miss any V.-Ples; of The News7llw� tention was utmost instantly. distract. . I I . .1 I . . ­ 11. .. "Well, It's oil chance." said the other � . . . . Communiciagons intended tot publica- . madness. Nothing could stand In the nett!" '. � . I . ' either." . . . I . I or4. I . ed. From the cabin.eame the sound Way of Its gratifleation.' Whatever Ile tur . tied In . zkppeal to.his old i . I . cr cheerfully., "The man might be Alive.. "I don't qult:6 follow'y6u, Dr. Tren- . . . I . . tion must, as a guarantee of good of a sharp fall; then a man -cried Out, happened, I rullst-have water. it was quaintanee. , .1 .� . At any rate we must do exii, best on: * I I . ,� � faith, be accompanied .by.tbo navIe and on the heels or It Pulz darted from nof thirst bor yet a pu I "There wai§ no fire., Slade. "' reill I led that theory. What do ' on make of don," - . � ­ I . � . � I Y . - � . 7 of the vriter. .- .the cabin. .screaming -horribly. . *Wo e' rp6se to Allay the executive officer gently. "No sign that cloud Ott the peak?" , � 1. "Why. I guess islur man has flgvreti . . .. -�,_ .. . - the. v ry' real physical biiralng,� of ,.,Poisonous vapors, I suppose. this thing all Out. Brought this pole . . . . . I :66 VISARS' � . . . Were all on,decL-,,Apd as the little man � . . . of Ore that we could find; except that up frow the beach to -plant It here6 . . � . ' . W� J. MI,rdHtLLt . ..... - � . Thought, we'd have a chance to make � . EXPgRIFENCE- , . . rulffied toward the stern Handy Solo- 1. �.;:�..*.,.,.::,...,..,..""!*",�.,-*i,*,....,.,�.'..-'.�-,'-.,i.tg'.,,'.-. the starboard rail was blistered " I Vh, � � , .. - . sure just xxow�. �Seemed to be coming I V? heeause this was the best ob. . ­ Editor � and Proprietor, mon twisted. him deftly from his feet. � �,.'.,,'-..'!.'.,.*;�,;!..,,;,..,,.:.-'.*":..,.�*.�!', *!t., "011, *that was - from the volcanb." # servatiou point, No good as a perma- I I . I I . . .,;,;,. . "What Is It?" be'eried its be planed a -,.,'�.-".....":,;;,......"...�",:. said Slade. "That was nothing.01 right for us; Wind s shifted It zlut-6.1 . a . . . . -..,.-. ­. I .*'There Couldn't I be ­ nent residence' tbo(igh. Planted thio' 'I .the sufferer W the It . .. . "It W-14 all taere, was." returned Bar, I ,anything alive . .1 . eck. : i .. . . flag and, went back.11 � . I - � . � 11 � I I I I. .. . tip,there?" . � '.'__.-.,-;.­,.­._ " . .. . . &:F i1i.-iii"'.. .6i., Why didn't we see bIr,d_o6 the . � I But Pulz Could no � answer. fie shiv- I' I ; �ii:" X. .. nott. .. I - 11111 . .`,'i'j.'.'.'.'�, , 1: _ . . , "Not so much as A'bug.11 replied the I . . . � `t";.,?,.. � I I 4 .. L � Mi,ii run. this thing over," I . I h INAN 1111391RIF erel, stiffoned and lay rigid, his eyes . ,-.just let tile beach, then?" . I - . . MAN= . ..... ..; - doctor, positively. I . .. . . rolled back. %... sold tile free )once slowly, "Vou found I TRADC MAM91111 . -TIb1E,TABLE- . "Fits,"' - remarked .Thrackles Impa, . !. . . "Yet I thought When the vapor lifted "Did you notice A Cove ground to the I . DiEsioNs . , . . I the: sebouner. She wasn't afire. She a bit that 1 iiaw something.movingpo , nort I It? Oood refuge in case or fume*.Il . . I C0PVFuoA",r0&(.-' Traing will arrive at and depart ilently, . . . I � � didn't even room to have been afire. . . � "leg worth trying," Said the Captain, . ,Kn!ronegondtnirasketeligmddonom ton The excitement died, ttain was fore- "When was that, slr?Ol . I gickif ancertain our arinton free v9othe2,"s,&,y . front Clinton Station ag� follows ,* you put a Crew aboard -tinder your on. "Ton or fifteen allnutea bacWl - Putting OP his glas& , . . I,,, , i pt on is Probnbly ?a milinita. ed between the vlatini's !Ipg. After A I I I 0 .1,01) I � 08 ition'iest .,�%n AVB142. Past" BUFF ALO AND GODERICH DIV. little lie. reeovered. but Could toll us 41,gh. Edwards. 8torin twparated "We'll see soon . enough, ifil." Out In "Hold on, Sir: What,s.tht,s? i-lere � � ssent free. 014ost agoncy for securi atents. . rroin her. You picked her up ftgaill . I . I a Nunn & Vt. r6cein I ' - here." , * . ,atents ts"tt t rou h ng Going East 7.85 a, m- nothing of his meNtire. . Forsythe. ,'The ,vvina is driving it something. Look . I I speciamtUNWIthout arsse,intlst I it U7 p.m. After the dishes had been Swept dowrted. is that right?" dq�xlfn to the soutblird"I I Trendon pointed to a small bit 6t � . :: I "Day before .i-est6rdity triorning.11 Sullenly. reluctantly. the . Wood rather neatly Carved to the shape I 'I I I I $d0fific Alneficaso " Is . 5,15i P, 01- aside frorn supper Handy Solomon. air- "Then," cried tire. other excitedly, rorbiddlag 01311% it -rated weekIA Large?it eir- Going ,West 11,07 ?'I M, . n'ounced a second attempt toOpen the :;... .;. "tit(' fire %vas sinoldering sill the time. mass moved across the headland. All -of An Indicatory finger and lashed tO I .­ it, Y 13010TIM110 JOGMAL Tartas for I 9 44 .. . . i.'-1.1.'?_ : glasses Nver the staff at the height of ft maWs; face. ' Van MAYO PFQv498P*PWdv .Soldby 1.25. ll. In. cliegt� " � .� it brake ont,"and your men took to the e bent upon It. Without The others Clustered Around, . I sun eaters. 99 ti I ..,,-,-%,.,:-;:.., .% . '::: . taking his binocillar from big . t,40 I "Poncho. 'heroi va ,;.`::-"`.,.,.,-,._ '-'-',`i,.'.%"`.. -1, ! eyes I s $8 be's been a me. .... . �*MU &CO 060rog&"I, It 14 p.m. I ..... ... 1,�..:;:,.,.::::":,i,t,,".,,�.'�l�,.;.- _ water." Trendon began to ruminate silond.- "Ott, the devil!" cried Trefidon. illt . . _ , 08 "I right Well know -.t.;. ­,'.-.�.��,.W� .; - I'linpost4lble.11 said Barnett Now York 11.4, p, rn, clintile." gold be. . .;i .:1:1;1;-:I� .. I . ;11: - 1.1:;:�;......:.:..i.:i.�:;:..t; ... I.N... ! ., I , MOU 05 F St. W s6bi.*.... D. Ch ­ , ` ... III? lie cotild linvoi got to the beach. killist have got twisted. It's pointing . -1. A. ..... :1 '. . . , 'HURON & BRUCE DIV he's been it housebreaker, so be's got i.;!.., 'i�l:;;.�,)"*".,.,..,."";*,.,...I�'4 . V, I'Viddlesticks1l, said tile more down- . . LONDON, . I tile sabe for the job. and . . . No vapor.there. Signal, though. Per- stralglIt down." . . I— I .. Going South 7.50 a. in, 0, vou can kiss it. right Surgeon, I Imps, he, hadn't time. And I'd bate to . I'Strange flerforlaiance," said the esill. . � . 1, . it 44 A 051 , the book on thaL ....... � . "T hardly think Mr. E(livis s would ,I � I I k,. Going North I 11.00 a. In . I . It 41 . . gm p. m: , Pordosa., with ,I getti, leaned over the cover from behind And began to pick AWAY at the lOck With a long crooked Nvlric�, The otherg drew close about. I slipped aearer the door, Itilagining that in their riveted Interest I saw My Op- i ,0. . I �*� . . J J J .. �:. .. I . I : "., .." ' ..... .... .M. . �5,.. *P... . .. j:,*:- -1114 -1 . ::;j�%-;.:...;,�,p...V, lil.ii,.,.*:�:�".,.!.',*.!.t'.�I - ... I— .. I!. L".. I .... ;,� ., j. I.- -.� ... .." " be drIven overboard by it fire Wh011 did not oven scorch bis ship -11 suggest- . ed tile captain mildly. � I "It drove our lot overboard." Insist. ed ISIside. I'Do you think We were 4 [)act, of cowards? I tell you. when t,f,,,Ic good, men on that Caldron. ,last ag much risk here ' perb4lig. 'Only it 1300mall- . I I ,,There It is!" cried Forsythe. III 001-t " ., The highest Point!" DIIII gray wisps of murk, the (trier- U1,111. tioweVer, since It points that 1111Y., heave Aside thoso rodk,4, ineit.", . . The first slat) lifted brought to light . I . a cornet of 6xii,dboard, Thig On Closer . oxambration proved to be the Cover ot . . a book, The rocks rolled right and I a CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A alusplb and effeetivei tenledy tot portuility, To my Surprise I caught ." . . . � .F..., that hellish thing broke loo d 9WIT'd Of tilt$ 908(iolds cloud. were twist. left. and n4 tb& flttg.qtfttr. doprived. of Ift SUPPOrt. tottored SOIZO THP,OATS �AND C61116f][S a glimpse of logo disappearing up the , ­ � I I i I ... I "I -.1 .. I .. - to gp. It wasn't feat, It wasn't pain. ing And spiraling in it witch (lance and toll tile trove, fte ,� e6sablise thol germicidal toklad bi Ctesoletie T"T'll T a Roolining properties of 11150pary elm a � nd 316o. oompantors, I took Stock, Puiz, bad I .­J,N.'.% . �.., .... .;,11-6 , .. "I'll, X ,., .. - - . � ... _­ . . . .,.... �� - _.'1.._._' - - ��, x N � It wils-what's the use? You can't ex. a( -toss thd laildscilpe.. And. seen by Anatches re r banded to the c0tift. While the groond Jarred with lift'.e. Your dro st, or hopi us, iot- in iiitai* LUM1111h MUM go thisilted, Ageht#$ illfobttoal,, 4tilt gone on deck. This surprised me, tot, I should have I Z4 a attire eirew tht,ow Urvirmelves t1iito Plain A thing like that.11 "We cort, h tile orld glllxlpsc�v through it, so 1110thing Ottived darkly In the breofe. - � oceftslonal tremors and .tile Mountain . ____ ...... . . .thought every man Intr!rested enough In the sullposed tr6sutle to wish to be the eeA. WhIch I ,v&s now dimly consclous, but glow night Bill V,'dwardg VVA"h1ftpp04r- ed," mused Forsythe. - . Suddenly the volt ported And fled A I flag stood forth In the Sharp guilt, r1gl4 , palved 'forth A# vaporous tIlrentg he find the isargoort. Seated on a rock, gave . . w . J. T. I)awsou, formerly of Montreal , I present at Ift uncovering, and it an. I A craving for the liquid Itself As some. "And okatu ulght before (ast'i" said -and a0palling. It was black. "The I themselves With complete absorption, I to the roa ditig, 8110t his Wife and then committed Sul floyed m# A till motie. -The ijilecoss of thing apart from and unconnected with the e4ptaln, Jolly Roger, NY Gooll They'1014 - I cide fit Londoo. . toy V.Jaa demanded a Clear deck. How- ohythlog iefs�. Without hesitation stud I "What's thAtr" cried Slade, "Where come back!" exclaimed t06rotbe. It V .61111 IZAr Iiin w1us laWso or +1141r, oAp$� I I . wor, Ore w" hothIII& for it 1,161%, hitt . AS I thoulth It, Wf.kI,# tho Intlixt rta�orw I to the 1,4ughin't r.,Asg? laultshollatow2of � cro an CONTINtIft.) �. . I ru