HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-03-04, Page 6SUPPLEMENT TO THE CLINTON ME 'EGA Clinton, Ont , March 4th, 1909. WEST TUCKERSMITH. Mr and Mrs. Duncan Ashton of Mr, Alf. Morton of Moosemin, Sask•t Mrs. R. W. McKenzie, Supt. of the mask. are visiVing friends hese. is visiting at the home of Mr. Frank Sailors' and Lumberman's dept. of Mrs. Roger Pepper ands Mrs. E. Plewes.the W. C. T• U., invited the Union to Walters were called to 1-lensall on; Mr. Samuel Switzer sold a good 4 - Tuesday last owing to the illness of year -aid cult to Mr. Butts of Hullett., hold their Ineet-ng at her residence on their father, Mr. Fairburn, who pass- Mr. Hawke of Clinton occupied the Monday of last week, to pay a little ed away en Weduesday• pulpit i't Turner's church on Sunday tribute to their retiring treasurer, afternoon. Mrs. E. P. Paulin. The meeting op - Mr Ernest Rowel'" • •,' ,)sbo:ne is ened at 3 p. m. One of the energetic .Live Stock Market. visiting his sister, Mrs. 3 G. Crich• ng theswinterth theof in Montreal wispend- ing Toronto, March 1st—Union Stock, daughter, Mrs. Lucy Tyndall of that 1 ards.—There was a lair run of cat Toronto Farmers' Market city. We refer to Mrs. Smeeth. The President informed them that Mr. tie offering at this nuances to -day, in- Mont one of the missionaries sent luduug a number of lu.,ds of good ex-! (Toronto, March seta) up to Algoma, had sent in his resig- poit cattle. 'there were also a few yuan lots of butcher cattle on hand, II Wheat $1.06 to $1.07• nation, and two young men have been but the number c f . er y . hotter• butch- Barley 60c to 62c. assigned his work. The W. C. T. U• Peas 90c. will hold a mother's meeting at the r is still below the diPrices Hay $12.00 to $13.50. pretty home of Mrs. Tutt, where the sur butcher cattle e werecie good amt Butter, dairy 26c to 28e. hags for the Lumbermen, and sailors nutc steady, mit hr h, r u east w Piex,cked Fggs 27c to 30c. will be their work, after prayer, that but certainly out any lower Yicicor Turnips per bag 30c to 50c. afternoon. A hearty vote of thanks attic, export,orto choice butcher er Potatoes 76c to 75c. was given Mrs. Patdin for her great lighte,sotgood enough for either purpose, sold around $4.75 to $4.80, Ducks per M. 15c to laic. assistance to them during her resi- arid for an exceptionally choice lot a Turkeys 14c to 15c. dence here, and before she came to little higher was paid, though the buy- Geese 12c to 14c. reside here, and regrets that she er declared even these were too high must leave them. Also a resolution was passed that the secretary write and would. not "dress well enough to Zurich Mrs. M. 11. Morris a vote of thanks h.+ he dehi a paying proposition or- for the interest she tools in the Sail - his part This, indeed, is the co n" Mrs. bred. Demuth was successfully or's and lumberman's work, during to alai it of all tar wholesale butchers operated on, on Wednesday last, for the enforced ar,;sence of Mrs. McKen- lht now, who allege that owing the ,hi�,h price of feed at the present an internal troufble, and she is doing nits from the work. Mrs. (Rev.) M. time farmers are nut teed ng _air - as well as can be expected. Gillavry was enrolled, as assistant rattle up so well as they might do Miss Lizzie Pollock of Drysdale lett in the Lumbermansand Sailors' worlc nadir other circumstances, and conse- last Monday fur a visit to Saskatche- in the North-West. Atter singing the wan. She accompanied her brother, Doxology, refreshments, tea and love- n,n;lc the nmstnC scarcity of w'''11 Mr. Samuel Pollock, who is a resi- ly cake were served to all, by Mes- i` l" cl ''rl Ii . dent of that Province, and has been dames McKenzie (of town) and her icevisiting here for a few months. sister Mrs. Leech of Holmesville. A 1•'x. ort -- Although there is a steady demand for good export rattle, prices Miss Iva and Mr. Hurley Weber vis- vote of thanks was extended Mrs. Mc- wore o-weir from l Oc to 15c lower than last ited friends in Clinton over Sunday. Kenzie for so kind'y inviting the W. week The decline is illy tthi •flv to th' The case of N. Al. ('anon the St. C. T. U. to her home. fact that the Oldlo markets vsel,h promoter, against Z. (1allagh- ha r net been any too good of late ,Ia Toronto lawyer, was dismissed On Thursday of last week, the Dan - r, priers here arc proportionately i rwith costs, at Toronto last week. cing class under the management of high. ('antin was immediately thereafter' ar- Mrs. J. J. Edward held a masquer- (fian :.reit•.•vs and a (•ckrin in steady ade dance in Oddfellow's Hall. Some de•maard, �;,ut very few offering. A good rested in connection with some min- costumes were pretty. ii ,:t , 1 c, -;!111.7 Stl'eni, a` out 1,(100 lbs., ing shares in Cobalt but was subse- so d at F'1.65. qui nt l y released' on bail. The trial 'the rim was f 1 loads with 1,315 has been set for March 1st. Miss Jane Clarkson Bell, after re - 31r. Peter Lamont left on Tuesday turning from a five weeks' visit at Lead of rattle, cal sheep and lambs, week for Dubuc, Sask., in connection Buffalo left on Saturday morning's 11t hogs, and 31 calves. with the sale of the stallion, Nateby train. having received a telegram front It stet y dem t. lOc to 15c lower, Grant. IIe expects to be back in two the Fargo family, to meet at Buffalo, but y demand. Wed- 11,114114,r—Steady demand for choice weeks, where they were en route, for the „ntchr, cattle. and priers steady A quiet wedding was solemnized in presidential Inauguration on Stocl,ers and feeders—Demand for town on Thursday evening last, when nesday. ,•well stock, but quiet for common Mr. D.. S. Faust postmaster, was un- ited in marriage to Miss England of teMr, . C. CraJ. bb,, ,, aaccompanied ae11Vsis- iss teff. i.n^ths—llarkct weak, and prices Dashwood. Mr. R A. Walmsly, colporteur of Beatrice Harrison on their leaving"i' the Upper Canada tract society, was th`s week for Simcoe, where the !asi harp—Steady. of tl„'1 h boas f t firm and 5 15c higher. Foci tn wncanvassing recently. Ilecits also f assisting in s0. millinery oestablishment. n have good pWelons are s lirt h„< 'l was e $6.�i5 I.o.b., and .' 5 1i d nn•1 vv:ttrrrd. •n the evangelistic meetings in the i]O1ry to from our midst,Harrison and fam- „i.l !--`I•:'et fir—, Evangelical church. y WEST TUCKERSMITH. Goderich•