HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-03-04, Page 5Atomb 4tht tW CJW*A N6vo-Rocor4 ., . ­ ___.. ---.-- ___.____ - _ _ - — , _ - , I . 5 LsOhury, UcUlop Towal04 -The many Irleads ,ol I'Also '"We I The Ladies' Aid Society ol Bethel McCulla, will be sorry tollear of her Wit their annual tea,-meotiug on Fri - illness,. b.vt we w L week. Uere was ,. , isitlier a spift.dy re- day evening of i4 st C'CoVer , .y. an, enjoyable time. The a,ttendailco, Miss; Mabel Rinit has roturzk bovoe however was not as pod as usual. , aft , or A V10A with friends in . Seatorti, Mr. Mattliew L,yncb, oup of t . .he eat- -and vicinity., I . . ly settlers ne4r Bveebwood, died last , .. week. Ife was, ofirish birth and: in I . . . t miss Mamie XcEwell of WinglAam, religion a Roman Catholic. Mr. J,yn Mr- Wilmer Smith has -had A line Mrs. Andrew Duff and daughter, The, Baptist Sund4y School is mak. J7e says: I I ha ,e been a bi0yeli8t for over : I . Buslnc4 I . , .s, College spent Sunday under I , I . ch was a good, kind bearted man. bard -wood floor, rc-lal(k on his Art Miss Annie, are the guests .of the...U,9 most pleasing progress, They flive years. Zaa spring I CaU914 cold causin.g. the %rental rool. . Job , n Leeming, who is ,ttte,uding a store. I , former's .do-Lugkiter, Mrs. Charles Tup ,Iavc recently purebased an organ and ,ratarrk, X toCk peruna,, and gn ,Well. Ar - Knox church choir and Lilworth L . . M' e . ' , . cur. neg, Hudle hat; returned, ,,,,,,,, college at Stratford, spent , ea -t per, who, resides near WiArtQn, Mrs. W.C. Robertson h . , ome After a. visit : oftea recomaf sd,porulta to vly friencj$." I b Vith trioU44 In gue combined $ awe a 'concert' pointed organist, and she is assisted . , . ,tGoderich last Sunday at home._ on We. learned on Sunday 61 the death by the Reid Bros. with their two vio- . I I ­ .11 -1 .: township. l , I I J. J. Irvine paid a pleasant Visit to MOnd-ly evening 'Of last Week- Rev. of Air. J I .yr. John Searlett paid A call to I . , , , I , ,k. Anderson presided through- I ohn, Bates, late caretaker of , . t0lin,ton friend% qu, iTh lyieuds in Seatorth. He spent three James . the Public school, He was only three lins., The congregations are keeping, . . . ursdal; la . . . ,,r . St, days JAI the town. , out the evening. The first number on days succumbing to an attack -up im good shape and the practical , .,, - ; -X*. , o . ,I !F - . I ­ . - _,__"__M__", George Dundar. has been appoWted a the program WAS a fine Plano duo by preaching of tile pastor i 1, ­- Z .'': :::::K: , I , pleurisy. I IS much ,cn- _.; I , X. ;- . . ... -%`X, "I',"",',,"", ....:: i I .. county constable. He is a KdOd man Miss Dyke and Professor Jordan . Joyed. .: , ,:11,11 :: '­ , , , '4 .1 . I . . 11 . . . . I . Vocal solo by Mrs. Buggins,,. "I thinic' On Wednesday of last week at, bigli, i i: i;ix .i liii `, ; I !: '' "%t"R9VMT1OCK LUMBER FOR -SALE— for the job. , T , , 'Ar I .. ii . , . wl ' . i .." A1111.1", ii. -, ::. .:,: .., -1 - - . ­1.'.'. ..`;.".1 . ) k limitO , aiuou t of .choice hem i thee im the nig,bt,,, Iliss Heinicke noon, one of the prettiest and largest ..';,0, , , t , 1. , ...: : :!:iii iiiii !i".:-i .. - Robert Gray of Dasllwood w s vis- 0 . . . .%, V, I . ;:;j .. .:-:-: . - ii:,ii: i:- : :;...-% -:-: ..ii iiiji*, `, . lOck which can be sa*ed t . 11 accompanying her With a V , .C,',, ­ . ".. t . .": I I . %:i iiif . ,iii iii: ii: ii . i!ii :.:.- *..C::5... . jolin obil. weddings of the season was solemniz. F, , , , ......"......:::: ::*"**""-"**,....,.; l, o o,rder. Iting friends And.relgtives in Me' ; fol. s r X*f , I ;, i.Zx?ii ,eg I , .%,:, ..: -"o , e ' '10: , I .; ....... % i I . Ulolt, Bruceffeld. . I . otes -:;:-:-: f i i ; i i i, . F'r further particulars address Me- for I gato, and Mrs, Andrews presidin ed at ".Earnseliff" the, home of the ffil : .2i*if *i . g at , . I 9 of four days .. .:.:...::::::;::*,:Z..:::., .:.:.., . three , .., 1 *..* ..,.....".....,..i ..:.:,:; 1-:. , I . ' . xecently., , the Piano. A vocal -duett to 1 Mrs- The funeral .of'th 2 th 1 14 It WILL ..::." . ­­..... . , We'll Osi, Oaypeld. - , - els parents, Captaiii, and e Mon S 0 ..... ' 'i' .i.: .i.;.i,:":. i$ C Br , brid .. . . , 7?"%X- At the last meeting of the business - , llowed - - - . _Mx, ... :.:.;.:.:. . I . ' "Morning And Night" well rendered b Malcolm Macdonald, the contractiaZ daughter 91 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bos- IiELF YOU :.:.;.:: ... rn::: I . board of, Walton Methodist circuit * a ,y ..'.'. :.:;i.::i.:. -Z:'.%.,., . .....":...1 , ? I I . I ...... : - .. *- :::Ii - 11% '. : .?4 .. -1- - I ­­.. 11 ­ . . . parties being, their pongest daughter, senberry WAS beld froin here on Sat- Praise j* .Miss Olive- Smith As "Morning", all , ;­ .. 1. "... ; unanimous Invitation was evcteiMed to . d . PE-qu-NA .,.1...... .. 11 - , . FOR I.,"...., : ... X:. X ... . .... . Miss Urtel as "Night", Professor Jor. Miss Christena (Tena): .%nd CAPtaill urday last to Grand Bonk Per deatW _.*_ ....- AUCTION SALE OF TOWN PROF- Rev.. IT.D.. Tyler to return to the, 11.1. erty.--On Raglan St., 31 nton, o a dan accompanist, Miss Robert McK y of the g "Two took Place last .,Th*rsday.. CATAftitff . . I . `< K*; 11 I , it circuit for notber year. This is Mr. , Florence Tu ) IN ALL PART'2 ."', , , I P Pit 3YST914 I ...:: - ./ , Young, dWighted Macks" eldesat son of our Harbor Ir. Harry, Pe ..::, . ,Saturday, Matcli 43th, at I o'clock Tyler's first year at Walton.. all with a very Rose of London, visited spru-474, I I — : . . lir A-LIOVICS I ..; . 0- ur., the property belonging to the % pathetic reading depicting 41A Scene Master, Captain Dan. And Mrs, MC- friends here last Week. I . . COLD$ I . I K - The bride, who came into . . . Joks, . . ,,estate o At Sea." A pretty. vocal solo. Was ay . the Mr. and Mrs. John ,Gilmour of I I R F I . I i of the late I,. Rutledge, con- . nicely. rendered by Miss Urtel, a -ad a d1rawing room, on the arm of .)let Moosejaw, Sask,, expect to leajve for ... , . I -alsting of Lots 72 73, 74, (3 acres the -date of S . .. ... C I D, 0.16. ; ) Remember - L. Taube's father, who gay.e b Builds ' "I '' $ : very well executed piano, ,,,olo, by Miss er Away, were. a their western home on Friday after a , . . . in the - town Of C110011- Oil the, Visit to Clinton And it, there is any-' Sommerville. Vocal dluett 1451or. . . I Eva very dainty costume 61 soft white two or three months' with friends And . : property are about - 100 beating thing whatever wrong with your gyc- ' silk, over white taffeta, the Skirt I , . : lruit,trees, of Apples, piums, . . . ning Rise" was splendidly rendered by relatives here, I ... - I . , . pears sight; .make it a point to w0ult Miss MoVittio, and Mr., Jordan ',But being formed of two parts, the . : and peaches, of the choicest varieti. - . . top Miss may Beattie' of near Westmin- I UP I 11 .. . 1. 'CO . him at Normandle 11iltel on'Tpiois4ay, , part havi I I . day 9hall come and van ng rows of Valenciennes in- ster is at present visiting at the ... . 6§,; also a lot Of small fruits, such March 18tb. I , -ish nightJ1 . :. .4 1 . 11 I The reading by Mrs. J. East Jordan sertion running diagonally, and up homes of Mr. Scott and .as, Swann, . I I as Strawberries, raspberries, etc. . . J I . , - ,L "The )%wan Song" was. ti And down the ,front. -The lower - part Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McKenzie d1f Wo r1l Me It Frame Jiti0se And frame barn. The I . i ;e "'iece de. . l I . I .1.11 1. . iesistance" of the even'ng—such . consisted of two rows,of groups of Brandon, 1N1xn.,- Are visiting r. latives . , I . , . I I property, will. be offered on, bloc, or . I ap- , e . , . 1 ; . I in is.oArate parcels, to suit I Kee Child a W;H plause was gi .four small tucks, a row of the iI4- around Bruce,field for a sbort time, % , , I , I I ' I pur- P ,, . re, - ven her. Miss Heinieke , chasers. T,er,ms of Property made ' I . . gave a.. lovely violin so,,O, Mrs. An, sertioR running between the grOuP$,Mrs- McKewzle is a daughter os Mr. Out , , S ., . A,n occasion and 4 . at dose of .gentle' la -ca- drews acco panist. Miss McDonald , pretty deep bem at bottom, the David Bell of Tuckersmith. .1 I I I . . m I . . I t 1) . I - - on day of sale., Also at tive such as Baby's Own Tablets *it,' ex-ecut,eq the Piano solo "Fan aisie g a deep flounce, which Miss Nancy Kenniell is visiting Mr. .. . . I " .known whole formill ,same time and place, stock and im- clear the stornach, and bowels of all Hungroisc,l . . -plement,s will be disposed of, Terms- In tL larilliant manner. was joined to the bottom of the Ull- and Mrs.. J. T. Reid this w el. , Systems. - I , (, I I , ' offending matter, and will keep little She is a regular 911maestro" per shirt, with one row of insertion. ,r - . . c . C . . , L I A I, Strictly casli.—Xrs. E, Rutledge,- ones well And happy. For this rea- 11110 waist was full in. front and beau . I . . N I I : , .- playing. Miss Dell Nairn delighted. . 7 propfietress, Jas. A. Simitli, auc. Ison the Tablets sliquld be kept in with her pretty vocal I all tifully intersected with Valenciennes . . I I I t . . tioneer. . I . . solo I'Remem . Stanley Township. I - MR. JOHN P 11 i Ni - I . . . 11 every home. Mothers have the guar- ber Somebody Loves you. Dears" Mr, insertion and pearl trimming, as were . %AnA . ­Anko ^Afto% ­ . . I _ . antee of. a government AnaTyst that Jordan' accompanist. Barnster Blair tile elbow sleeves .which were.flnished Mr. anty Mrs., ' . . . . - I I 0 1-1. Drehman (if Tpay- Mr. John Ferrault., 8W Davidson. streett.Boulevard Sto raul,uear Montreal, , I this medicine contains nd opi I with VAlen lace A directoire sash of, held spent Sunday at the home of . . . ! ate Or rcndered the reading "The G*:ove Canada, writes: I . I . . . . . tOMOICE COWS FOR SAIX.—THID harmful drug, Nts. Goo. McLeall,lStake" in as yacy. a, sty e as. he did. broad white 'satin, with three large Mr. W. ,Johnson. 141 have been a bicyclist for over five years, and last spring I caught cold ! . . I undersigned will have for pril I I I rate 'Springfield, N. S., sairg":-111 lr, ye s'The lRide of W' bows and streamers, finished With Miss Nellie Watson spent a We' and did not take anything for tt, for I t I asthr Cavefidi h11 ek in , hought it wasnQt, bad enougit, but it ; t sale, at his premises, Holmesvillejused Ba yls Own 'Tablets and know few nigbts Previo,us. A very s a knots and white tassels falling, to tile Seaforth with her . came to catarrh. I was so disconraged. tbab I didn't know what to do. I . ' . , pretty . sister, Sadie,' who , I on Monday and Toes - I I could not sleep; I I I siday of next them to be a cure for all the minor piano duett, was given by tile Alisses bottom, completed, with long whl e,,is attending the Collegiate there. . . always IsAt firedand. troubled. . . week, March 8th and - 9th :--m-Twenty'llls of cffildho( kid elbow gloves, the bride's costume. I began"to take )Aeruna. After I bad takqri. ohe bottle X felt 1 . od. I rccowmeiid them Somerville, and 'Edis. Mrs. Bugglns I . . M!$$ O'Lova Penh,%le, "Finally . . I I head of choice young cows, ih. g d' ' , 1 who silent a , better. I took another ones andnow law well. I would like to always feet oo to 41 mothers." Sold by .medicine kinidly rendered' ' another voca,l solo Two bridal roses beautified her coit- month -down at St. Thomas, speaks a - - I . . @ I do to -day. A often recommend Peruna to my friends.11' I . I condition, calving in .'Jarch And dealers'or by mail -At .25 cents a box "Greater and deeper shall thy true fu er one placed on the .left side, and very highly of the pl . I . 1. 0%0%~%0%0%0%11%~ . . I ace and will - . . I - I April.' They are mostly high grade from The Dr, Williams' Medicine. Co.,' love grow.,, T , a loyely one at the back and in her left hand probO;yly return e're long, . - Invigorateg one . I . I .bell followed I Close Confinement, lost strength and Durhams, and a few grade 1-Tol-'Brockvi"10, Ont, . . chorus by the choir, in lull,, who, were'Sl'e carried, a lovely4 bunch of . bride Mrs. L ' Clark spent A few days 'Rogers,'Ohtd quicker and more permau6utl I 1. I . I . . . . . I , Mr. G. W. Woodbury, 7 . . . y .t4as . I - agus fern. . formerly. Capt' of the anytbing I know. . . I steins. Terms cash or negotiable . I . vited tip to the Platform, -,v ere roses and aspar, . .. I I I I in I h Thet brides. last week the guest of 1.1,rs, 1 PA ', . n Mn and Center : , , paper. -George Holland. . I .. . , t1se. maid, a chosen friend oi the ' bridel'of the Saublei I . . "It gives one nerves of. iron- 4nd ., . . chairs were - lirepared. for - their . . I HiramCollege Basket BaIlTeam,writes: I - I I . lages wore a lovely ` 'costume of Brusselsi, Mr. Dave. Cowa, - . I 4,Tliere are times in the life of every museles of steel, and assists the mental. . I , . Marr* Mr.. Jordan presided at the piano. . I , . I I - '. . us .who has been ill . . . i . I . . 1. . - . When the applause Was ended,_ Rev.. net,. made in directoire style, .'tile Since New Years With dicum . atic to studentwhen excessive study and too activitles'together with the physical tok . I . . . MacKAY-McDONALD-In Goderich James Anderson' . skirt of which had -groups . ' '- close confinement and attention to the a wonderful -degrea,"', . . I . rose, and said ,that Of'4 small or, is we are glad to say, Able to be obj;eot In View Will tell on your health. The athlete knows the importance ' 3 VALUABLE FARN I on February 24th, at the residence prizes were to be . offered t , tucks at. ,some distance fro . I . _. 1. I . . of . of' the bride's' . 1. wo meni- . other, with d ill each around again.. ­ I . -I have found that when.bocly and being in fine form.. Peru &IS a valipkIlle, . I I .n -w * . - parents, %by ReV. ,bers of the choir, one '31r. Cutt ' for .. . s cOP hern at bottom, tile] Mr.* and Mrs. Valcolin McE.Wen of mind Alike are, Weary and refuse to assistant toAnyone who wishes to kee,T . . . 1, BY TENDER . Jas. A, Anderson, Roberts, eldest faithful attendance at all tim s durii* waf. t being'fluished in front, fn.,Eton I thst- -?-nd con.'Stanley went to. lJondon Work, a low dose .of. Peruna restores himself iwvlgorous health . . I I . on of Dori . A . Id and Mrs, Ma:eKay, service' e . . .every qayo a 1 -Collinson Farm : Part Lot 11, s . . . .on ,Stuiday's ,and week tiLlys, 'Jacket style, wi-th three rosettes of today to atte!id tile wedding oftbeir . . I I . . - — -_ I . . . . . I . Third concessions eastern division of . to Christe.na;, youngest daughtcrof and to Milss,MeVittic for the . great the net .it equal d' -,stances from cath, liepliew, ,Dr., Albert Aikenlicad of , .. - - -_ . 11 . .. . . Malcolm and M I rs. Moi L )onald. ' the. choir., and other and ruching of the. s I. . . _. I __1 I ' __ . . , I . . I the township of Colborne, ning , I : assistance she ]ends . anie; theiHonsall, but1ormerly, ' '' 44, FOR SALE*, A GENERAL STORE .. I ctintai ' I I roke being formed of Btucefleld, to AUCTION. SALE. -AT LOT I I . . .10Y acres more or less, well ui tied AIKENHEAD-ARMITAGE-In. Lon- coilgregation with ,her pleas', ng . of Cluily lace, and 'Miss. Blanche 1, . -eq p . I I . * 'voices - . . . Alberta :Armitage of - Bayfleld - Line, .Goderich 'townsllip Mail ' - ; . -: lends the, elbow . match, . pearl tri,,n . - .. . . . . ,C1 . with buildings. 'don oA.- March 4th, at tile ho and.the aitt,she , . ,sleeves to' I . I service in conne ti)n. Poskies- ; . I me choir in . - London. . .. . . on Thursdays Mar...ilth, of the ,lot-, Sion any time. For - further p t u . - ; . . . Cox Farms : (a) -southerly 6Q ,, of. the liridq's pRrents, Dr. Albert.niany ways, The prizes were music anifigs being used, on botli,.yoke and I The iollowing, is the standing of the . , ar le 0 . , - - . I . . I . sleeves. . A. t1trectolre, sash of to . . I lowing : Florses-1 driving horse : lars.apRly. at The i4ews-Rez,)rd 01 j. . acres of lot 21, concession ,6, - towhsh; ps Alkehhoad. -of Hensall, formerly .of books bound in, mdrrocco with title of. . ve., ,pupl,'Is ot' No, 4, Stanlc for the non- 'xising 5 years ' ' 7mare lice. . . . . . . , ,. equipped with all far 8rtibefl I .. h i brocaded, ciel like . . . . I of lGoderich, old, . to Blanche Alberta eac n gold lettars. T116 book given . .. blue ribbon,'worn , th Ot'.Feb . old' ' I diivirig . . . . . . . .1 . i . . .. ., . . . ruary,. The roport* is based rising. I -years oft ­1 horse'rising - . . . . . . I . . 'D I I . . I buildings. ' '. Armitage of London. . . .,Mr. Cutts contained' 70 Sc6tch .. songs, - the bride's an.d blue ribbon band, with! -on" attendance, and general efficiency : - years.t ' I . . . I . '. . . I . . . . ­ . )Id. I horse 16.y6rs ,.old, I I I 0 . (b)-80 acres, lot 20, voncession- 5 MacKA ( --1-1,OD'GES.:- At Melville and to Miss. MeVittie. Was from one small rosettes at: each .end, over her I 5.tli-Cora Nicholson, Robt. Greer, horse 8 years. old, ' I I . . I , . I iownship of Goderich, no bu-.Idinp- Manse,. Brussels, on Fe .1 ootain - ing 30 'American - s6ngs, both. coiffurej and .elbow gloVes of winte I I ., . I 1. . . I - I 1 heavy draught -. . . . . ... ' b. 2.1th, by c Roy Dc'wax, F ' red. Watson. . . go c Ing rising 2 -years old. Cattle- FOR SAL9.-THE UNDERSIGNED . " - I (a) -(b) have. been always owned to -a Rev. A'. C. Wishart,:Angus McKjyj recipients woke delighted, Air, - Cutt kid$.. completed the costurile... I She I 4ih-Ltittie Greer,. ..Archic.Dewar, ..4 co `b0 in 41t, e house . and Idt, - . No. . I . . 11, . wo ` 8tr I 'turn! . ng-,VeW. pl asj' car.ried Alarge bunch 'r;pi ' . . . . 11 ws miliposed to 61 , ofter, for Sal . * "jgether and prejr&666 V uld'be given : of asslitir: ,'S* k "t' Lik­ 'fe, ug. tb.ink4.-. .Th inl . . 0 nk -roses.' Victor Evans., ... .. . . .rs risin ars) 2 steers- rising, . 194, Ontatio street. .For- further . I . 6i g,, as .", 0 . , Cy, . . . - . .stee I e . , . I . . I to tender for tbese'two together. I' daughter Mr. .Geo. Hodkes .. of came a delightful endin-g 'to! the PrO7 The groomsman,, Mr, ..DQnaliX Macdon- ,S i. 3rd-Rdirtild.-. . PenhaI6,-, Ne I II-nefteyr. rising. I y I I . I I * eil .3 years, 1 particulars apply to, Alet. M6 . .. . . ' These three farms are oftereo' undelli - Grey - township. . I gram, tea.being prepared in the. tea ald, 4 cousin itif thi bride as ,eat, n- .., I. I . I 1. . s. well as $Parks, Florence Scotchmere, Lloyd .thorobred.1-lerpford bull 16 months' teith, 'Kippen or Ja es Ha-lil . . . 11'rO I Oms, by tile Christian Endeavor So- tile . I - . 11 I . .. . . ) In . Aton, 1. . I I , mortgages and the holder being in MaCKAY-RUTLEDGE - .At Mel- . I . . . groom, 'wore boii-tinieres of bride Sco,tchmere. I . . . . old, 1 Jbinder, I mowers I steel.'rake, Clinton.' 1. . . . . 6&—a I ... I . . . . . . . . England desires to realize upon them . . ciet , and nut 'sandwiches., 'egg .sand- roses.. Rev, James A Anderso n o f - Jr. 3rd ... Evclyn Scotchmere, .Eva i. 12 -hoe- drill, 12 plate. P,t. lot. 5'1 . - . I I . & . I' . , T I I .: - . . fidated at the wedd lng'ceremony. Thi . . . . .. . i . . . . I I . . h d. several kinds of jelly lind . I Dewar. Will — — . . It . ville Manses on Feb 21th: by - Rev. - . wic es. an I I . . . I lorthwith . - '-, A, C, .Wish art, Dohald J. Mae- 1. .. It e . I . . . -bridal ParVv entered the drawirigirooi,l I also, b offered Lfor saI6, , 'At . . . . . I .. ..i . . . . . $ cent. od.accep- , - prepared ox a . Sr. 20 41a* ' I ace- Sale at I ' . . Terms : Ten per chocolate cake were f".' Kuy of Whitechurch, and 'ida I, . A . I . . yet' Sparhs'. Ruth Hus- same Vine and pl ... ' ; tance'of tender, balance in cash or .jt ,_,vir. NVM* 4urprise to all, ; .. . ,to the -strains of Lollengriif's March, ton, .. I 1 6,000 VACTS ABOUT CANADA'.'. . ' I . Rutled is daughter. I I I I I o'clock. Terms : 0 mos. credit mor . . 94-1 . - . * - . I . . . . . . I . I . . k . . . 'I Mrs. ftoss',of London -i-s the 9 Xlrs Angus Macdonald' presiding at i r . per cent. discount, -Jas. A. ' The 1909 . partly upon. mortgage as may be Ar- Rutledge of Morris township. . ' uest " , . . 2nd­m,-Susic Westlake, Walter , 5 .public will welcome the 11 . . anO, and took their places;' uIl- Westlake, . . ... . -, I ­ I . I I * ' . * , .ranged. WAD& LL-MULLIGAN-A.t tile, . . of her daughter., Mrs.. .Aumbodl, Brock the Pi' Smith. , I . I revised. Edition'of this valuable book- . . . , No tender necessarily accepted. - I I . I I resi- Street. . .. . . der an-4.rch, where palms in, . .. . . I . . .. . I . . . I 'Pt. 2nd -Clifford Scotelinicre, John . - . - I . . . - I I PrOlusi011 . . I . lets ,i0ibb. has been happily .described - . dence of -the bride's Tnoth r, oil W Were plated iind lard' i ' t , -_ I I ' , 4 Tenders received until the 16th day '. 'Feb. I th, by ev. C. - C t c return ,our thanks.to our 6n,tri . *r d . interes o - asparw. Watson, Bertha'. Westlake. . 1. ' , . .. . . .. .1 , '. ' d ... _1 , *.k .r . . . I . : . .1 'R * .' Jeakins . . . 11 . as a, tabloid encyclopedia of- Cana. a.. ,, - . : ,, , * - I of March 1909, . . . . I I -WW . . . I butor af.Woodstock, for,.postino U S ,it gus fe, In. ad V"es 'of whit,eand -oink pt, is -'dfia, Stoichmere. ': " . I I * It is unique and dover. ifi it I I Xr_ ­ I.. '' I of -11 of . I -3 . - , I t- E . . 1. IG 'fie . , 1. I . ... gham,. John T. Wadt roses . . I , :,­ . . '' s I . I ' i! For further particulars apply, to I i and ;, giving the soir,b-re' day a live- ':, , , --J,Dais B. Hodgson, Teacher.? . 1, ... '. . ode " h , , , , . . . . , Miteel a . E. .. . . . .. , wor,e(Y-Out by its: ... ' ­ .:' . . .. - , , larg let * ,copy of the Fcb...number .of 1,Ro, .1 . I .. y . . I b as I k . . lurchy t4 N . I , I-rangemeni s I ; - Henderson & Davidson, Vendor's Sol- I I I ' . Gun," and a copy - of the Woodstock ly effect. After all the bridat COD- The following.ts. the,., report : 'S ' ' . J I third daughter of -Mrs. -E. Muli.ig. . .. . . . I . . 11 Of - : (lavin . Green,' Hamilton St. Ii s compiler, 'Mr. Fiapk Y6igh, -of Toron- I 1. . , I A, 4citors,, 24 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, ' . , .1 a - I .. ,gratulations Vere over the I I . a . . . .. I . . . .- .r 11 . Daily - Eipiress.-:. . .... . . . . brida;l p4r- 1 S. .No*. 3, .S tariley, fqr ,.the m* At curios, in. which our 'readers, to, the well-Iiinown writer. -and lectu,r I I , . , . . . of Morris townsllip - . I : , and many guests sat down to tile I onth .. ot. sever, . . . . . I . * Out. . . I . In the list of guesbi'that -Attended' ty ,February, .It , is based , 4pon. m e amonip the being e already . been . 11 . 6 6 ­ ) . 1, . . I .1 I ­ weekly, . bav , . I . . . . . . 11, . 1. . . I . . . rd er, 30;000 copies I I .. I I. . . the 22nd Regiment - MilitEi7y .B ll 6ride's -table '4nd , one placed ,opposite exam'inations' : ... . . a' core of pitchblend .from 'Which radi- sold.' The*. Kesborces, wealth iiid I I ; . . . I — I i. . I I . Birth . I - -I which was. -. "Brilli s I . I I . . - . . . .... .q. . . _- a ant Function". to it.. The menu was g4ite,equal , to . . I. . ' . .. . I . .5th Clas,, .-Lebnard H.Pard, Fred. um is.extracied-. It is.. found in one business .of the' country are given in , .. , . . . ; . :$1350 WILL BUY COTTAGE'' ON H'ECT69---In Exeter, on - Feb. `9.1st held at "The' Armories" NVo* baliquet., o Imirising. turkey, hams and . I . . . .. " , . ' , ' i odstodk, . . with rice(l Reid. , . . ­ I . . I . 1. I locality' in Cobalt. It p6rtakes:Oi. a a' concrete fokin- . w I -a fact in a, Sentence. * . . . . . Joseph street. Soft and hard water' to Serg't . and Mrs.. Hector . . , ,. , a one, evening recently;. . we note the roast beef in the meat. line Sr. 41li-Mailel ,Clarke . I I - . ' . . 'I ' . ms Aedorated : ith ivery.fine Polish, and is as blaclo, as. Its Mr, Haman- Greenwood, M.P. for York . I . .. I . names of Mr. and Mrs. Will Gundry, Votat66s, green pL $ W Jr., 4th-r;wPiyaa V;ylor', Ruth - Reid . I in the house, cement cellar, Kelso daughter: .,* . I . . , . . , . . t narn pit h, Mourning jewelry might Enj. says: "It is an ell en . . .. . * e . . " furnace, electric light, good lawn + BLACK -I . ofi .February (the - latter., gowned crepe do ,,"the, Wandering Jewl: 'pickles salads Maggic -Parsons, Minnie Tbilpet. * be carved'o 'U't 0 1 F"Ilenc to, c7 I I .. a Goderichi : , , . fAt. He also has, - a a 'keen Canadian like myself."- A . ' * " I . ' 1 -acre, cement walk around house.. . 23rd, to Mr., And Mrs. . chene and Major Shawi and 9r, And.. and sauces, olives, ba anhg . on' lettuce Jr. ftd samuel . Lawraspil, Wilbur core of tharpure white marlil . C, foundicopy may be had! for'25 cents f * ' . 1, . . . I I rom . Part cash, . balance at 5 per cent. Black, a Son . - 1. Chas' . Mrs George McTaggart .ill' of'. Cljn leaves, jellies. with nuts, trifle, ,.orah- Johnson. i .. . i - . . . . .. I . at a distance of Aboot. .300 feet, when the Cana(4an . Facts Publir' - . .. . . '. n ing At I trill's salt W - elle . ; * . hi,ng Vo., .. . . . I Just the place for a retired farmer, it6ss"In Goderich townsti p, on,F(.;)- ton... T here . were 46o .invited guests ges and white grapes ot forgetting Sr. 2nd -E, unice Reid, A$ort Leitch. drill I I I . . I . I I . . I . '! . . . . present, . . 'iins,. little Patties'of butter and Jr. 1. . 16'67 Spadi . na Ave., I I Toronto. . . I 'i Apply Box 174, Clinton P.. O.. -5 i ruary '24th, - . ' ,b . 2.0---Ninian Heard, Russel ..Tay- - - I . . I . :, , . . . . . . I I to '.Mr.: and' -.Mrs. Col. Williams of Guelph, .Mrs, Ale- 0 . I . . I . . . I I .c. cheese, not I rgetting.the 'bride's .And . . I .— - I 1 I . lor, Frank Boyce. . . . , -_ . I - I I I . 11 . . James Ross, a son.- . . . - . 4 . % . I . . , . : , i , I . - ' I . T. . I . I ­ I ,Gordon of Kincardine, ,wag la'st week bri-demaid's cake at the passing Of ' Pt. 2nd-R.uby Tiyl . , . . I "O **" . . .,, I I I . .1 '. . I . I ' or! I , 411s*""".""""O "."*000.*#"44"##"#4s0 . . 1. . I . .1 . I... . . . % I I the gu st%of her sister,* Mrs.1 (Capt.). which the - health of the bride was *1 I J, B. Hoover . - .1 . . , % TENDERS WANTED. - . TE NDERS. , : - , . Deaths - - . I . I I . L , Those. wh st in 'spelling . . . .. . , be received by the council ol , - - : - , e. .. * jMurdoch McDonald, Lighthouse Stj drank, - : In water or wines As each during the month arb , . . I . .. . ­ . Nelson Ball., , , will I - - I I . I - . , . .' . , ' . I . ' I . . I NOOREr ISE 0 'Fe 'Mt. Robert Clark was obliged to, re- guest chose, after a congratulatory ' . - ( - , . .. I - . . I -10t -Ift Bavflold n. 5th -Fred. Reid. . . I. the township of Hullett up to ,2 , . . . . I . . t . . I 25th, - Theodore *John Mooreliouse 'Move -his ice house from the harbor*'Slieech was made by Rev.* Mr. An- . r .. . . . . P. jr, ' Oth March . . 4th -Mabel. Clark0, Pearl -Taylor. 11111. . 1. I . . . . I , ..,--- . _190 And, now,he has had it. p . derson and a hearty ,clap of the . I - k. on Tuesday the . .. 1, . late ,iWon ,L - I hand's . . . . . . ­ 11 , " . 3rd-Sani. Lawrason, I . . 1* I I I I for, the building of concrete Aged 75 yearsland:10 months'. , 07 lot he purchased Oh. Queb d . given -by .. all- present. -'The waiters . .. . I S,D0 .. I I .1 to support , hree small 11 an - Fob . ee .St. I . 2nd-Eunied Reid. I 11 . 1. . I 1. . : X abutments JORNSTON ln Goderic I * :: . . . . .. .1 . , . I . . I 1 Master Daniel, . Macdonald is head were all in gala - costumes and per- - -_ " ­ . 11, , steel bridges. At the seme timb ruar .20th;'John 11. Johnston, ag, . . . I E. L. -Goldthorpe, Teacher. I . 'a I . . I . , I I . clerk.,in HoWell's%-hardware store. ' formed q7tifte a task,,serving over 80 . *. . . .. . I , ,. :It . . . . .1 I , , 11 teilders will be received foic the. ed 84 years and 11 months. , ... , - g't . parents of,both b . . . . . , . '. ) . , .1 , , 1. . r . . .1 . .. I . I -Mr. and Mrs: Joseph Currie.o[ . ' jcsts,' The., ' . r1de . . . I I . . , I ; I . I I . , ' God ' _. I , . - of the' Said ORAY-In Go'derich on t' . .1 1, . - . . . .steel superstructure .- I , Ftbruar 23, erich't6wn'ship.- bave-made up their and gruotA ,Were present at the wed- - . ' I . I., I ( . I . - . I . I . - bridges. Length ' between Mrs. Iklison Gray, aged 72. years. I . . ­ .. V I I . . . . three . .. . . . c V Are your glasses . right 9 Vision .0 . . .. I ­ I '. I . . . minds to r6tire from farm and .changes as all things. do. 'Consult S .1. . . 1. I 0 , , abutments being as follows : No. 1, ' life, ding, Al(;Sdaiji s _. ac.donald'and McKay, 4 A . . CARL -In Goilerich, on February 1, ,have purchased the fTe .brick residence tile .former wearing a pretty -costume. . ' - 1 .6 , . I . . . . . .. . . I . . : "I a low tress 40 ft. span. No. 2, ' . I I . . L. *. Taube , at Normandie Hotel 0 I A .., /. -11 . I . . . . ; . a . Annie, diughter of Al. Carl. With ruchies ot white . I I - -beam bridge, 3 rails 16 ft. span,, I )on PiCton street, built "Ind at Present; Of black silks Thursday, March 18th, .. I . It -. . I . I REID-1n Seaftifth; on Fehruary'21st, 0 cupied by Mt. 'and Mrs. HIftehin,,011. at neek, and wrists, brooch and. . . I * 11 / I . No. 3, a beam bridge 3 rails, 1.1 ft. e gold . . . .. 0 . : . . . . . . W; 0. a rs I I . . - ­ . . span. Roadway 14 ft. widO Ali of Reid, ged. 65 yea ' Plan- chain, and..IHrs. McKay in black s:.Ib' . i . . aiid 5 Mr. Harrison, foreman of the, , . I $_ . 11 I . I ! I , . I . . I . I . I . . a, a pretty . . months . ing mills is having resideme. with ',"hite silk waist, and deep white . I --, Ri-g ht I . them to'be finished complete with . I . TO FARMERS AND OTHERS * . 0, 0 . 0 cement floors. Specifications for th BRUCE In East Wawanosh, Pel;i. 2m, finished on Biock street. Eje and his lace. collar, -and cuffs, heavily ein- . . I . . L , -_ .4 .— tvmkv-) . . . , . 11 Alex -Bruce, age.# 8 t family Are ii broidered' with large xnargueritvs, and 'have on IiAnd, a complete . , . . . . I . I I cement work can be seen at the years. . OW living In it. . I . ilve* sto ek I . - ' I Mr. Will.% .CarILfig 'ol'Exetei ,, Va,s wearing handsome brooch, and goldi I . I ., I ' 11 clerk's office, Londegboro. rlhe.low- DUFPIELD-In : Wingliam, on Vell . . 6 , of Corti, Md Feed , of -all kind, also ' I A 'good horsd is worthy of a fine saddle—so. . ' last week the *,uest of his si ter, Mrs.. chain. Mrs. Angus McKay and Miss'Flour, Bran, Shorts, etc. wAich we %, - mo . . est or any tender not. necessbrily 23rd, James, I Duffield, aged , 7-1 I . . I Skimmings,pi-ayed several piano selec- . .a 'good picturg' demands, a good. unt. Let I accepted. -Jas, Campbell, Clepc 64-1 yea'rN. ' . . . I . I J.. East Jordan. 11 . will deliver to,any .part of the -town. I I . I Mrs, Doty has been in Toronto for tiolls after the-ban(loet. Iffie groom's m . . W.,,G . SMYTH, Clinton, every nook .aiftf`corner of your home be beautt-1 I . - JA'RIEISOX-In East. Wawanosh, Fettli. some time. . . . I .. . gift to the ,bride was a handsome pair , . . . . .1 I . . I . I 24th,.Thos. Jamieson, aged 83. - I .. Miss Clara Dark is impCov'nek ni6ly of cuff Pinks, and to the bride's maid, * - . . . . . I tied. .Brink around your liaintings And. etch-. I . I . I . . . Z5 1. . 1. . 1. . I . I . . I tXING-InUluev,sle, an Petr.-uatv 15th, at Alexandra hospital, where ,ill(, was a sun burst of pearls. Tho'bride's go- . . ings and we will convert them into . . ' " I . .. . Co - . / 'Goderich. . L . . . . Ploren X' dailght r of ling Away costume was of a beautiful . I I . . n M Illgsjj`Y 1<. operated upon, -and relieved -of a' Very . . _4k3Fv)V:r-ST)C0 . 3waATJyX-r S. eowso I ' Gla$ses Perfect . aged 8 large turnor, . I blue - I . . Mr. a d s. . . ing, broade.loth ,vith gilt buttons up- Mrs. Will. Helwig (nee Miss Flor- I . for near . years, 2 months. I We have very Much Pleasure in re- oil Per eoat, and dome crowned t . ur- ,once Thompson, ol Lucknow) - of Au- no matte'r how costiv or simple its littings. I , 'land on Vebruar lian, 1 A -of her A far L0,11TTIT-In, Culross, Y turning thanks to EL J. Barker Pewse, covered .w*th variegated pansies. burn, Was the guer I -Our extensive stock of specially seleded Picture # I I 1%4 itmeaftwenionce of 14th, Ellen Louttit, agdt A great many guests drove to the G, - . I I . 80parefie diappos cove - - And 8 itionths, . 0 38 proprietor of . . "Whig"' T. R . stat on V t I t I ridal party, law , Tratalgai mouldings cannot fail to give permanent pleas- , , Mrs, Robert Jones . years ,. tile Br't'sh I 1 1 to b , rizoadinif wid diptAnce Kingston, for-sonding u.1 a coill'illImen- street. . . I . 1ji avold.od by disir WILSON- --Ia Centralia hu'ding the . customary ova:tIon befor , I 1* tire. I I , I . Jouble vision i9lasses. . . on Sunday tary copy of "Canadian. Hymns Anti ' W11% Harry Stowe, Xinggston street . ­ . 1. . I I . I " 4whiich i0fdrd perfets 1. Feb, 21sti James ftson, aged 88 RMh writers," Ileatly bound[ In dark the train left at :1 P. in. for Toron!l - -yard filled With cord- -,--.- ____ - _ I I r imeiii worls . guests from ,it distance were I . I I O.I.P41t.tro beelftfif 6rar. , . years. I - I green linen faced 'paper and taSten"d to' -"'he , wood. I I .. . I . i . 1 =., . , . s sister, Mrs. J. Macdonald . 11 , -ell bride', I I .. I I . - ,GIBSON-In Brussels, on Feb, ).jth, with bows. of ribbon to mat ft d 'he S railord ; Miss Kate Macdonild,J The following item will be of, in- . . , ", == r . I I.. , late golden harps with crimson maple leavi of roit ; Mrs. Go V , . I I Sarah Irgram, relict of the bride's inald of Dot r terbst to -our citizens :: 1 rs, Reginald, t. Hoover & Ball I . , . I . I James Gibson, in her 08th y6ar, es. ork the cover,. . don of Kincavd',ne and Miss, Creech, Harrison received for the first time vxtz . .tmi AI&T I 'Big on Fob ' At Knox church Ott 24th VL , tv T.Lwvrx -AL.tj X)1U MaTo- .11 I­1B,NDZRSON-ln MeKillop, ,b, th e Pine P.iver. Captain ROjert Macicay'on Friday at'the home of )let mother., . . I I . I I. 20th, Helen 14triderson, wife .j . Ladies' Aid of that chbreh held' a 5 and his bride returnod on Friday cv.'Mrs. Bruno 'Robillard, 106 S't. Nichol- - . . I - ,, . I . George TAL Dickson, .* 'clock tea, in Ilonor ,of -one of thelt I I s train fro Toronto, and were as street, Ottawa. Mrs; Harrison **"""*"*""""""""64,060"4"""""***",i ! . . . aged 82 years 0 emng. in I I ­ I ­ I . . . . I I -1 - ­ 111 . . __. ,_ .", . .. I and 6 wonths. - I 've —_ . I . I 11 " . I most actu members, Mrs. .1. C, given a reception, At the residence of looked winsome In an LI'militt Kown . --__-_^_-W__ . I I . . . I , , I . I :. . . GRARAM-In Godlerich, on Ftlituary Harrison who is leaving her old'home the groom's parents and many gue h esse satin, frimmed I I I. . I . * , . Do . a . 06 a f sli. with old fflet lace. Mrs. Bruno Robil- . 1. I L. .. ­ . 11 I . I - I 64th, nald Grail in, aged t -Goderich or 1S,',mcoe. Many com- were Ito,ited lo be present. Relre ; I I . . I years. . Pliments were paid her, and prayers mento, Were served at 8.30 and later lard wore. a costume of a.mothypt silk, i _ - - --- -_ I I .. . . . - - trimmings I . I L ' I f . rich, o ,' Fdb. offered up for her f:itore balip"Iless, the bridal party went to their now with rich of lace. The == = 11 1%1 r. They pkesented her with a handsonic- i4i I - . ; . 28th, Morey Cooper; 'Wife of rp. idencp on BrltanWa T oad. Thq drawing. roorii was fragrant with %luau . . . . . ­ . GIN - P LLS , t I . . . . - " ?""t I I . . .. 11 . I William Blat-kford, aged.67 yftTs. ly, bound book ',The Well of Time," wedding elfts consisted in part of tities of red' carnations and Willis. "MrA li 11 ! I ."8- . In Goderich oil Fob. . 28th, the "author of Which is Rev; Dr. lovely furniture.' c-hina 'and cut glass, - dining room . I 1 alresIttat as good 1. . I I . . I . . .1 BATT!, . I The, polished table in tile, . . ". for th's I P I I Jolln Batel. Xhowles of Galt, Mrs. Harrlson wag with spoolis an etc. in silver. al ddet I ­ .. I I , looked lovely With Its beautiful,centre . . . I ­ . .1 HOWELL-Ift Goderich on Fob,* 29tb, A180 the reeipient of a little "Birth- . . Pieces on which tested a pretty has- aa thoy tire for the Xldn ys, It tb,ove Is troUble in reWittibi u , . . . 1`1004, 'I I I I I I -Torbert, - son of Mr. and day Pook," gift of Mrs. Gibson and . Miss Plorence Neville (,)I Napanee., ket of roses shaded candelabras, and, -YOU ho,Y6 to 94tup, three or four tIM69 or wlte4ct during thonig' if $'he . A,, 0 GRIGG I I If."verest I week of her a -alit, I tirf];o J0 hOJ And I Js I Mrs. Melvin Tlowell, ixe;ed 2 years, Mrs. JallIes * Wilson. Every member was tile guest 'last the Inevitable tempting daintles, Mrs,, beal4ing--4in Pills will quickly rollevo the ouble. I . t'dwAaAd ,Jl*wolikit SUMM N' RV I L L P' -I ft MeXillop on present wrote' her name in the boolc Ml's- NOille,'and cousin,, Miss Dora They tato the kidneys and heal the irritated blAdder. 5 .& x -i I , I - '62*4 600diastl ,. I *e I tit. A Plidall. ,Jean Pigeon served the Ices, while Afottg.M -At #At do0otsor setit on 3%oolpt Of Pried I ,. .. , . Feb, 26th, , Dickson Dicitsoft, opposite the dAt of ht'r bir Mrs. Devirie, served the, toa and cot- . Sam) , I .. CLINT0140 ONT, . , p1s ftee DEPT. A. _MT10ML 0400 & CHEM. to. wifia. 060, . I I daughter of Mr, atul Mrs, ti.yeh, lovely 5 O'clock R\a was prepared for Dr. Percy Tye of HURA16 Wan the fee. Tile young g*rls assisting, were if you MAds b , . I I 11 M I bwdi ik thit t TOWNTO . -10 I gues isses Gendron, O'Leary, Valiquette, I - I 11 I Summerville, aged 21 years And tile ocoulon, and a most pleasing re. " t of bi.c; parents, 1,1e looks wo . . per_. ­_­­­.­....­ 11, _-..-1-...._..-.. 1.141611-11 11.1 , 1111"W I I ,, I I . I ­ 9 months, 1 I ujiiou hour was spent., dpriully well, 411d CAM1110 IlPdard." ... a I I - . - " I I 1 __4 . _1-1 _­ ... ­ I -,-,- "."I — I ­ —1 ;;;_ii ..'.111 _-1 ... _.- __.. ".., _ __ ., _. I 1. I 111­1 ­ ; , ; ; - .;;;;; ; ­­ ­­ ­__., ­­­­ ft I. Aubwa Mrs. X. A. Munro has A Bicyclist Recomm' given tile postoluce. Is '. The travelling Medicine CornPany 0.0 . . ,bad to Skip because the people of Pewro "C110 . Auburn were too 6mart for them. . . . , . Those who, store ice nere -now have . a good supply on hti-d I. I—— _11 .- -%