HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-03-04, Page 3% qZ1 M -ft {* -,+4 . Y AtArCh Obt, 10% -- - � ---- I � ­-----­, ­ cuat" No"400"d, - . 3 - ­­ , ­­­ I 40.., � '"-lie 1, %pim wo Around the munt at In covert' Ton inues -s ere are nuaw;" Phi Rest* . I . with the 1p,001014 -r*r,e,�1,ri1-.,F,#-.,�.r -, 1­W.r.%7r . .,��.%r­ - ­ t, - Ottawa Cost About $43,300 ' Five Different Pathmasters and . - 4-- - ' *$I I (Wroxeter Planet.). . . Five Difforent Ideas* A large number of farmers and vil. . � 9 I� , 11 - I � . Ottawa, Feb. 20th. ed and 350 injured at railway crossings . — --- - lagers met in the Council Chimbers I � I I in the last Ave Years, and that recent on Friday evening lastil to ggaja dis- , During the greater part of Mr. A. W. Campbell, Deputy Minist-i County. Do yott Understand the :post cuss, the lafth talked of telephone. . r I I this fatal accidents had occurred at o allow any Council to .Mr. McKercher Piescuted the fact week the House has been, In supply, very crossings the er of Public Works for the Province tion 1? Do not i facts . \ which had previously of Ontario, gave the foil wing add. impose higher tAxes. It Simplyineans obtained frorn. Mr. Fos,,, ,of the Inde- I—. � '� ,CW,efly wting the reduced estimates been Proved most dangerotis b . �, of the Minister of Vobl:o Works,, and - Y like ress -before the Dumfries 0 Farmers' a greater ►waste. penolent Telephone I.. 11 .. 1, the expense Of civil Sowrument; . ,i disasters before. Club in Galt , "Wb r en. a proper business system IF, it is , Co., Toronto, guol - I y he Plant r . I 'The Good Roads question is not a laid down by the Council the - . I : �;, , There was no., obstruction or factious I The Dredging Rake off � . looney should be built and that the mouicip- . ", . . . .Criticism, but opposition members ex" I ' contentious One. I am 0, Civil euglp- is expended In a manner giving the at systera, would be the best way for . - 1, , '.. " I ' Mr. Pugsley ha�s been. formally ,ask- eer, by profession. I make sit gen best results. . 0 . � �� " .. .. . � prmcd themselves freely on many, allconcerned. Mr.Foxas,ke4i for 4 . !�.. , - -.,, v , 1), . ... 11 .;� '. ­�, .1. I ed whether the government intends to tion "Fancy what ithAt halt million spout map of the entire system, showing, tb I . . matters. , �s And give advice, but I do not 0 ----- have a full Inquiry Into the,question undertake the, laying out Of the r SYS- in the last ten years would %neaA. It location. of subscribers, lie places the . Immigration Returns. of the'UcAvity dredW�ag take-ofC (06i tem of good roads. . you do not believe theses figures are figures for building . 1935)r a r r , And equipping, r said whether the government is . "There is an impression abroadthat Correct you are at liberty to examine tweAtY-five miles of rural lines , And The light bread or the rt The, report of the Department *Of of the opiniqu that this money can the good roads movement means that the records for yourself, the village system at $94,�00.. Should � - leaden. � 'he Interior, brought down this week, be recovered by the Trea e must -be drawn out by the de "Now, what do we find ? There aro .cighty subscribers I loaf is a, matter of choke—not luck. A cut of Public W I . ers be jortlicoming . increase in immigration during t revenue almost goes Into hysterics, over the aaswor Is that tile. governmeilt has Partin ' worts A specified in the county 453 p.%thwasters. There ;there would be a reve u of $800 per . � r . be -made, all the inquiry necessary, but plan which is to cost a certain definite Is no general Plan. YOU Send' . the year, which after deducting Choice of m fiscal year. It announces the arrival has not .9 amount, I want you to distinctly Un- pathmaster out on his particular beat expenses leaves a Comfortable mar in I . , ahod—choke e of yeast - found the need Of cousultin ., operating in the twelve months ending. March tb�r Department of. Justice. Mr. derstand that the Department does. and he makes the road, As be sees fit. to � . � b t . 31st 14st, of 262,409 Ira . pay oft debentures. The. whoje I U .) above all, in the choice of , � -migrants, an pugsley says that since no evidence not dictate. or Jay down any plan. 'Ira every ten n . r ­ ,.een the Department It simply says that when the County different pathmasters And consequent- five years. the zer, She who . iucreasp, of $9,767 over ,the preceding of collusion betv . rides. there are five Plant would be cleared Ja less than . � year, And, the largest immigration r A . o, chooses , . tion, in and the Contractor has been found, Council designates certain, roads to be I ly Ave different ideas, One believes The municipal Plan is not a, new One, . I . -any. One year in the history Of Canada., ther0dre no attempt will be made improved they must go ahead � It This billet. b r d and fill- that a road should be fourteen feet has been tried and is proving sue - This goes Oil to Say that to get back the $35,935, ,%$ilch the prove them according to their ow.n1wide And the other it from cessful in hundreds of laces, w-beree - Royal Household Flour I p the recent movement Of POPUI`AtiO11tO-;'departme4t paid but which the con- idea and the Government pays, one-tfence to fence, 'but still one is as phones a , wards Canada has never, been equalled are found to be so great . an . ever# in theVnIted States, where' . e)tractor did not jet. third. of the cost. It is surprising the honest as the other. The felloNv with 'Advantage to, farmers that they woulc5 ' . . , "there was witnessed ,the mightiest The Government Is, - Satisfied. . number of people who are opposed tck'the narrow Idea Is followed next year not now be without them. The phone will not have t rgain . I . se they, 'magine that by a roan with a wide idea, and he (like the Planet) has come to stay, . wi th for, . immigration ever recorded. In the a . . . � �11`1, An agreement •,has been published the go;d roads are going to. cost 1 spends all the money in widening the And unless -something is done we will tune for successful nails ,of the world." The Deputy Mtn- signed by contractor Maye§ and by more' than they can afford. If you say road. . be . in ay I baki.nf left Ill the, backwoods, and , ;.�J t is inter, though writing in September, the middleman who got the xak"fi, that you whit, have your roads cost I "It you study the question yourself have to be content with some infer- I made from the finest,. selected Man- , does not think It worth while to say which provides that five.cents per $.600 a mile We will pay you .$300. 11 I You will find no Part; of the municipal Wr and exPeusiVe service, which is . I it year the immigra, cubic yard Out .of the fifty-five which I they cost $3,000, we will pay 11,000 1 tax so squandered As for roAds. I not what the people want. In con- . itoba wheat, wh ' tion, is only About `one 11%if of what 'I , ich contains more .that in the , the government pays shall go to the i If you become extravagant and thunk, 14I.n Ontario in the last ten years . sidering the question the farmers have11 , it .was last year, and probably less middleman for big assistance in pro- I You ought to have roads costing %,- 16,000,000 days And, $21,000,000 was been the inain object s it gluten (that q than in any of the past live Years, A Would be - gl . uality which makes , I .. . Nor does be, yet eXplaim how it'..' I curing further pontracts ,end generally 500 a mile, we will endeavor to pay expended on road work. It I bud little �;etter than useless to the vii- . ' Is for his services in connection with 41,500. The point I wish to make is that time and that amount' of Money lage alot bread ligh that the census emumerators of 1906 ` I �e- A Phone in a farm house . t) than any other wheat. I the departnient.' This sugge%ts ,coil-!tllis : when a County system is. es- at my disposal I would tinter a o be a, necessity. not a . I . could not find more than two-thirds . . - ,, is getting t t I . , � � union. There is L the further sworn ta,blished we expect the Council to use contract to macadamize every Toad w luxury, as is. shown by thou I it is milled 'under' the in of the immigrants reported to .leave " J sands . ost.. statement of the contractor that he sound judgment in determining what Ontario. WI . . gone in there during the previous. five -t , .4 ,improvements to make And wbatthey, "Because, they expend from-• three io are using them. . . sanitary conditlpns—absol I ) years. I. wen to Ottawa intending to, tender in I . . . I . ute purity . . [at. fifty cents, but that Mr. lvlc�&Vity will cost, and we will pay one-third, to lour thousand dollars, per mile in I 4 . - i%lr,. Mayes had gone 'on the "If I was to,.ask the question, Flow Oxford County is no reason *why Wat- is one very important quality which Turning to the details by nati.o.'nali- to whom I I , WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD, I � I . � ties we- find the increase of . im, mi�. advice of Air. Pugsley, advised him many pathmasters. in Dumfries, very erloo should do the same.' . I — . ' . . . . . the Ogilvie System of i . grants from Great Britain to. !be fit, to raise the bid to fifty -Ove cents and few would answer. Or if I was to, ask "You should' make roads to meet -.o-na Has Reached' Gold' Stan- milling guar- . ' � h 6, ' teen and A-balf per cent. - . I. . ..give Mr. Mc4lvity tbefive. It also how much money you spend on roads,. -the requirements, of travel: 'I 014. Must dard, Says' Harry Ellis of Fer- . . antees. There is no other flour . Immigration from the United'Stat- established that Mr. McAyity Went to (very few of you would know. Do you. design the roads yourself. We � Can_ Sits, For Stomach Trouble. . . in . ! * I . . es dee`reased,951 or two, per, c0it, . . i the 'Minister of Public ANIorks. after, really know what your roads are cost, not do that f6i yo; - .Do liot alter the - ` � I . Canada -.upon wh Immigrants from France numbered this interview and' before the. con- in you ? YOU, know their -condition. 'lines of travel. Leave the road's just Harry Ellis of Fergus,. ont;, saxs, I . I I . . . ich, so '.mu.ch is . only 2,071, A gain of 542 � . Finally, it is es -1 "I remember Addressing a..meeting as theyare, but improve them.' Pro -'``I believe that I.Nli-o-na for the . cure I spent re its perfect purity, I I �1- .awarded,' .. . ., . . I tablislied that Mr. MeAvity had no in this room ten years ago; I spoke dive for what you can afford.. Get,Of stomach trouble, is worth its � P. . - .1 . - ,These Increased the Most. . , investment. in the. dredging and that on, the improving , Of your. our. streets. some, one with - 'experience in road- Weight in gold. It cured me from - . . I ' he -got . tile $35,935. S -bice the man Whether. or not my gedvice Was taken making. Build -Ing roads is a most la stomach difficulty that seemed to. . ,Ask your grocer for 0gilVie's RoyaI 0 _ a I m . The Galician imm,.gration increased I Puzzle all 'other prescripi I Household—the flour that Makes light bread., from 6,313 to 14'268. . . . .. I- , w lo did the work did not get , ,the; you halve now better streets. 1: do simple thing. Let us have a - town- PU ,WuS and - . . . . . . . . ' * money, the proper place fpr it ' 'ap-'not suppose you changedyour method ,ship plan for a. system 6t roads. remedies. I :was unable tovat, the .. I � , . . I I Bulgaxian increased from .221. � -.to pears to be, the Dominion Treas4rvi I to a more expensive one, but,'simply out what is needed, and . spend it :on food would ferment and form gas and I ' . 2,529. � . though Mr. Pugsley, - whO 4ecommend' t more system. into your -,York. . I the - roads decided upon, A.nol I - W. I - . Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., timlited a recommended Pu ant. make a' serious pressure on. my - heart, .1 . � , IL I that any . syste ., . I . . . ..... . . 11101UREAL-, . . - Ch&ese from 9r, tO, 1, 884. � �1 the intervention' of 111r, INICA.Vity, "Now, sir, :th.(- whole movem�nt- in to say right..here ,in to I There was terrible pains in the pit of .. . . , , .1 . - . I Greek from 702 to 1,053, 601. would naturally ;lot be expected to go s not exactly outlay, raise more money would be oppbsed my StOmaell. I became weak, -drowsy, . . I . I . �� � . . * ' I . I . . I - Japanese from -.3,244 to, 7, think so. . . .. but to get the people to, spend+ the by m c. I � . I ,discouraged , and later. 1. ,jot nervous - I . . . . 8 0 . Russian, other .than Hebrew, from same to better advantage, so "If you continue .your. present meth- and Could not sle . I . , : I I ep or rest.- ,,'his ills- - � . . 3,09 to 6,281. . . . ,. I � A N-ew Department. . At tile, end.of ten. years, we may have od it will, simply be patch And re- wanting - ' . I . ­ - p . ease makes one feel like not .wanting I I . Armenians from 231 to 583.something to show for the mouc pair. The whole fault is in the sys- to see any human being and produce ' I I � Syrians from 337 to 7 3 21. The Secretary of .State gives no� 1. . I . T . 3 s . I ' . , . . . I I tice that the go spent. . i ; tem and not in -the money expended. 'melancholy anti forebodings'.. I wa _ Vernment is to estab- - - cl $ Hindus from 2,,�29 to 2,023. lish a- Department of E xternal. Affairs. I 411n the last ten years in VitLarloo You musthave tools, Th-.' Council told to try Mi -O na, arid when I com- ' Bukowinian from 1,429 to - 2-145. . County. there were ,373 010 day of can buy the maebinery . I We'are rapidly the number s . And you have menced oil the first box I had hardly - There was also all. .,.increase Of " tiliciltal ,statute labor. -.It was.'wort'h at least lots ..of . material to put on crushed any faith in it, 1��ut the first' two . ... .. 1. . . " . I . I of; departments and departmental . . I , . .''. Turks and Arabians. . I . , $1.00 a day,, Thoin you sh6ula have sione, si ' feet days'. -treatment mad the i i .. ­ �' ' ' 'heads and sub -heads in 'th,zse days. . , % inches. deep. and... eight c le p�yn in my .. . . The above nationalitieg- count for It . made improvements on your roads to wide,..'wbich would cost about ,�&qo stomach cease, and .t ' 3. C ----- - - account. will -be stated, that *some of the I . 0 nial- a . long . " 22,071 of the increase. ; . . . exi-8ting. ministers and deputies will the extent 61 $300,000. If you 'have per mile Ill Simcoe County the roadEg story short, the upshot of my I using NEMINIAM �= , . - I I I ' . 1. 'lie � not you. haven't. the results ,. that cost about $800 per mile aii� : condi- Mi-o*-na Was that it me wholly. - The increase in .immigration these control 1 new departments. The . . I . . . nationalities last mentioned, from tllb D�epartment of Labour was'establish might be ' expected. Calculate what ,tions in,Waterloo Are very. similar, and I now Can eat what I like. . and . Galicians• down, is under tfic Postmaster-Gofteral � ,results you would have it cue of .your It would be well f6r'the Waterloo when r4m hungry. T am an ardent . . 1A per".cent Rd U " but.. good, sound business farmers was . to * Council 'o appoint a columitt�c to ad e ()f Nei -o-' A.i , I -while the increase Of the total imm:' it., has d6,elopcd into'. �rx expens, . � . - 7,na. 1- . . Me or- . . gration is only 18 per cent. ,,, . . ganlzafiion,,�' and .When Mr. Mackenzio have 300,900 days of statute ' labor.. I visit .Simcoe and see -what they are I W-. S. *R, Holffies sells Mi-o-na Tab- - . I I . .. .. I ­ , King comes home . will have. ' Ayspupsi'a remedy that is ; � . . I � a nifilist- There are men in, this township, - as - doing in that County.. They have 440 let's, the I ..•. . . Mint .. a . . . -1 I - . Go',vernii i t- ak ng - -� * . I I . . I . � . . . . . . More About the , . I.. ef -at $7,000, .a deputy .at $5,000, in others. who Will do their statuto,miles of. road', and the le 1, M. .I such surprlsing cures . .. . . . . . . . . . . . I - . . '' i labor- faithfully. In some ic6tions'has, paid 1115,000 towards these good, 011t. Canada, for 50 cents a box, IgU'Ar- Down to date the building ,. secretary at $3,000, anti so. on.. Eq- labor . . . . i pal:developments maybe e. . .1 . . . cure, or money � . . equipment of the Royal ,Mint: cost ' indiff crent pathmaster and ;all they. do been increased. If so . I would . 1 $520,000. So Mr. Pugsley CXplain the Department Of External Affairs.' ' I tear tip your byla',V. . . say . . . . � . . ­ . . . .ed . I . I . . , is to put in their. time. The serious I . I . . . on Thursday, with the further'. state- . How Tliey-'-Decide. part is many fa:itliftilly and '.'We do not suggest more . Twenty-eight women, many of them and . working under anlioads.' Ask them if -their taxes had: them to moneq I I . . menu that the surrounding, .fence with . - . 11 I' ** . well,. while others neglect their Work work but more meth6dIcM1 VOrK..members of .prominent families, were two little. guard boxes &,.Ost $431500, The Minister. of Public Works has and those go to the Council, and as'kiBulld one mile a . yea,r. The Govern- given terms in prison . for rioting in � I . 1. . - . . � 1. I . I , . i ' I . The fence anc( guard zooms were not'j explained on what principle' tile - gov� for money * ment d6cs not I - . .. . o . I I . I . . . cost . acted .When it decided- I id . ed. not to 1 � t h have ,. . pay .6ne-third of the West-mingter; - .� . I .let by tender or they might have e6 ernment been'done by statute labor. ;' '' ,11costito relieve the pe6ple,01-taxation,­ I . , ' 'made less. The law. requires that,allworks, 90 'on with bpildings and, other works, I 4 , . I . - I I .. I .An, woman ber Way in- I I . . I . ,. ' I ,$ Last year -WateiloO CouritY., slicnV,but to encourage the making'Of bett- 6 �tfie City Hall at Philadelphia. and . .. I . I . I . . costing over $5,0.00 should- be put• up i ,put in last Year's estimates and prom -1 225 •669 on the roads, besides � the .stat- er'ro ds. 1� e 00 not try to tilauce the the . . to competition liut Mr.. Pugsley ex- . I oil * I v . A � threaten ii,sed' in, -tile eleeti campaign,- He . ed to kill the, MaYO,r unless be . . , I ,. zl . I utq . lab6r. It .1 had sugge�t6d'that Councils to ta4e: up' the system, but , . . .. . plains that exception is allowed in' says ministers met after ' the . . I suggested' - paid her fare to. Buffalo. ... . ... No, sple Is a sticcess Unless* . I I electi6h •'a' I you spend that money ten yea.ra. ago we Assist in e a W an. 00 Franklin MacVeag . h of t'hifca'g . o, will .1 ­ .. I I I . I � . � . . I. ... . . . . . I cases of grave emergency'. The eiq- . nd decided.to cut out ail . �. . . . . . . . .1 . . . I . the works for .which tenderg had : you: would., ,Probably have throwa, - ,me as. fast or as slow AN You wish, ., I be Secretary -of the Treasury, 111 - the . . . . . I ' . .. .. . . . , ergency in this case was that th6 " .which not hat. is a total ' -14 I I . . , I 'be"en called. "This, out,of the window, T I Tile., three principles of road.. mak- Taft Cabinet... . . . I . . Mint authorities had announced .the . . .b . is a -haphazard. , mi lion , . spent- si ' e. I War, ing , -Drainage •,-, -�-Drainar :. . % .. . . . ... . . ; weal adve*rtise'd' . 'in- the' . ..:1. .. I opening of establishmerk't' on a. . ccr� i method - of deciding on the relative ,of ;half. a t 111C ,ire : 1 . 2 . ,a; . . .. I I , .. . . . . I . .. . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . .. .. I . ,here last, yet an. examination of your 3—Drainage. First ero*n -the, .road,. I . . . . - � . . . . . ­ . . . I r . . I . . . tain day and then decided that . iV import. and'. necessity. of. public Works, roads• would reveal very little im- then make ditches .to contain the,wat- '.. . . . � .. . 100, . . . � . ... . I . . I I ­ I . . I. . . 1$ WARD, $ . . 1. . I . could not be . the ' fence . . . . . - theybave natural out. , .. kOO RE . •I I � . newspaper. . . . . opened until . I the, result depending upon,the activity ptovement. o - . . . . ier,and see that .. . I . I . . . . was built. In addition to the $520, -,.of respective architects and- other off- . "Don7t, raise money by debentures. lets, Proper shaping And. crowning is this p4pe'• * Will be . I .1 . ­ . . . . . . . . . . 000, a vote of $30,000 is taken . this,leers -of the' department.. . . ­ . . . I the .readers of i r. . .. . . . . . . . . I I . . . , . .. , Do'not. Overtax, but. for, goodness sake . the most ,impoftant - In Dumfries.' Ex- Pleased ' , to � ! learn , 1hat there . . . . . ­ . . I I ' - I I . I I ' year for a ' 'refiAery dquipilient, making . �. A Few Anno.uncementi., I . get a, qystpin that Will give returns ive roads are not necessary ;, six io, at -least one dreaded, disease that ­ V10- u. can reach the .PeopI6 a total cost of $550,000 ;fox an estAb"- .. � . . � I I . . - pens I . . i .. . � . . � . . � ... . . . for your ,money. It I hid that-, money. inches of crushed stone eight ' feet sc,en'ce. has ,been able to. cure in all - , . . . I . . . . I .� . I . • . - . . . I . lishment which Mr. Fielding undeto! The minister. makes these - further to ex send in ten years I .would masa- 1'wide:is just as good On this ' land as its stages, and thit is Catarrh: H . .. . . . . ... . took to provide for $300,000, � .and I explanations : � � I . � I I . i � . 1. all'a . ... . . . .. I. . I . I I dainize. ev6i' rod of road, in Watetlqq sixteen is in-tbe clay of Oxfo:rd. , Catarrh Curb is the'only positive cura, ' ,, . . . .� of . this - . district' . Y. 1. . . . - .. . . . . I .1 . ­ .1 �. . . . . - . I I . -Lbest , which last yoar'did $11,729 worth 61 Though the: v falling oil . � .. . . . I . . . . . now -known to the medical fraternity. I .. .. � . I .. . �. . I . . � 1. . . �.. I I ., . I , . .... I . I . ­ 1--.. .- ­�­­-- ---.-- - -�----- . I I . . . . . . . . work .it a cost for opeiat.,on, Of Some at the rate t)f a illillion a -month in . --- � - ,Catarrh being a constitutional dis- . . . ., . $70,000. , ­ I.. . July last, When supplewiltary, estim- ' - ' .. I . I . . . ­ . . ., . . . . I . ­ . . I ease, requires - a constitutional treat- . ­ . - throggh ThO News-4Zec6rd An Adaptation of, the. Tender ates were passed fdr eight* Hundred I menti. Fiall's batarrlr Ctireiig taken ., - � .. . . . 11 I � . � . d . I . .. .public works, f6r Which over. $0,00 The ""Wizard" of St. J ®Seipp internally,, acting directly. upon the . I I System. - . , - . . I . 0 '- . I- .. I I . . . . . . . . I 00OZ was voted, it was hot till , after I blood and mucous surfaces of � ,tile .1 I I . It is now stated that the cost of. the elketioris that ,.Air. Pugsley and . Taken II;, to in Toronto '.system;,, . th6reby destroying' the fount 1. I . . 11 . ... I . � . . I the new addition to the Parliament' his. colleagues found that th * e Works I � . . U . I dation of the disease,. aria giving , the' , . . I I I I 1 4) 1 1 1 . . . I .. . . . Buildings nearly completed is to, - be wodid ha,v6 to stand over for -want of . ... 1. - I . . . . .. . . . I I patient strength by building up , the I . I . � � . V . ' about $500,00.0. . The contract' Was money., �. . . I . I.... . I . . I 1 1� ,. I . . � � . , .. # . . - . .. .1 . . constitution and assisting nature in I . . .� � I 1. .. ... . .. .1 . . ..!. I . .. . . .. .1 . . . for $237,000, and ti.io CQ11trattOt has The gro.und for. new departmental .Sbinowhat of ai sensation NVAS - Placed Under Arrest`:. doing.. its work; The pioprietbrs have I . been paid in Addition $44,000 101' -ex- bullilings at Ottawa has nearly , ,ill sprung in the non -jury assizes 'this I About * half -past one Detective Ben.'so s6 muelr faith In its 6rative powers. . I tras, for which there Was no cOnlPe- been I bought. This land -, . vill- * cost 1 morning during, the progress of the Anderson took Calfitiry -into custody. ,that they offer One Hundred Dollars . . . . I.. . .. . . .. I . . I .. . . � I . . . . .0s: that n government n Detective Guthrie had been in for any case that it fails to cure. .•. . I tition." Mr. PugsleY stat .$80,- .$-800;000. Meanwhile the govern i suit ,. brought by Nareiss6 Ca tin 110 and . . I .. . 000 will be paid to the contractor for . Iles .-1,1 + +1, 141 "4 "I 1w u : lagailist Zib',x Gaillaglipr by the an- court ,,ill m6ming. . . . Send for list of testimonials. . I . I . . . . ... I I .. . . M � . ; .. � .11 , .11 11 I , —, . .11 . . . � .. 1. 1,1, . I . . . . I . . . I . . I . . I . d I ­� I . . . .. .� , . . 41 . . I . .. . I I I I I I , I . . � I � I I . . I V. )- ." run.a C; 0 Cc f nouncem the new Geological Museum for one site for a hotel across ille front of . ent of the, probable arrest of! Mr. Cantin Was -Arraigned bef6rc Address -. F, J. CHENEY & -CO., item only In addition to .the a, the plaintiff at the adjonrnn�ent. •- . Magistrate Kingsford' this afternoon', . . . - amount park, and so situated that. the G. I I and rel till March 1st, I cas . I I � Toledo; ,- 0. of his contract. It is pointed' CC T Ail. W . C., .%Vh , .11 ;-- Druggists, I 5C. Out Hotef, will' be direetly: lietw'Ll til,� I 0 ball - of .$100 ,being accepted. - - . SOid by all Drugg, by , for mmmmm" . I - .11-1 I . . . . � I . . . � . . . a number of members, and espec- new public buildifigs and the old ones, Appeared for Cantin, addressed his Take' Hall's Family Pills con- sally by those that are now ill Patlia- .6nipletely effaeing- one of the pew ediw- lordship : . , . . .� . I It is alleged that Calitin"appropriaf., stipation. . . I .. * . ---*V%o kow L-- - - Aak, ft"W11AIAA I I . I , . ed.0,000 shares.ot the American Sllvt,lr'- ment for the first time and and spoiling the appty.�-111(-"�' 011 '.'Before I go further in- this matter" King Mining Co. shares from Mr. become accustomed to the ways of Moth, The Grand Trunk p,,iys the'sald lie, "I would like. ' to 90 into the Gallagher's.office. He sold them ,to, this government, that this is % con- government $100,000 for the hotel in to the . Jahn. 1-1. Putterill, for fifteen years I HINAWARE , * regard transactions Anicri- Mr W - � N'. Fergusson, X. -C., who Ap- venient method of favoring . contract- site, 1. - . I I Ican S-.ilver King Minim, Company, .The I .2I -. ors Without Appearing to' depart from . For 8 double tenements or 10 vesid-1plainfiff and defendant b, ­came , mixed plied to Mr. .0rallager. for a transfer. . I I General Secretary of, the %*.0 C.A. in London,, is dead. " dead, , . I . . . I � I the tender -sygtefti. Any contractor (,he . - The result Was the discovery of the . . e8 at Kingston, lot 1.6 "subordin-'Itl this coulpany, and now in conn-�e­ loss, The warrant was sworn out with a pull can afford t-6 tender low ate) Officers (sergeants, ,drill i -,tion -,tion with some tramuction there is a, . . � . I The plans for the lease of.. the Wig- . . . . . . . I . I . . . When you need anything in Chinaware 9 this ,Morning. ., . � , W. if lie knows that he will receive from tors, etc.) At Royal Military C�011,t , Arrant . outfor the arrest of Mr. Narciase Cantin is a promoter liv- ' a ,4C ten to fifty. per cent, above his own the bas taken voter, in I cousin Central to the C. P. it. are rapidly nearing- completion. . . I I . I we would �.e pleased to'have you call and I government of Cautin, fact, fire officer is in court figures for work done at prices that $112 000 or.'$7,00'for each residelicc.' .Ing at St. Joseph, a littI6 French- . � now ready to talfe the plaintiff into' ocean ed: � I i Canadian village on the shore of lizko A Brooklyn man has invented a tog 'phone will .. I . . � inspect our stock.' Our prices will k I are privately : cu%tody the moment he leaves the ox. Huron in the County. of Huron.. Can - which prevent mllisictis . I please.' . The Level Crossing. , ]Now, all, these tr-insaetions are, ter- fm's various operations d6ring thd .. I between ships in a fog, . . I , Abu Repeat it �-I'Slilloh's Vura will Al. ribly mixed, and 1 think that criinln" boom of the Place as a nummer , to- . . . . '. -, 1. Mr. Lancaster 'has once 2nore got ways out., my Coughs and t-ol lv." ! al proceedings might have waited - till are w.01 known. The Govern- ' I I I . . . - ��il'. , I i.sort big I �Vcl crossing bill through -tile. , ithe civ,,,) ease is disoosed of,"; Mont built Wim a pier, And big hotel Stiff xeck� I . House. He Accomplished, this twice I . I-,Mo-anWbhle Mr, Justice Britton had Was also provided with waterworks. before, but the measure ,wag thrown A party of Indians were hemmed in pulled his chair tip and began to look' hotel is Aix immense structure, Stiff peck is Caused by rheumatism of the muscles of the neck, It Is . I . Our Stock of Watches, Clocks, I outdor destroyed sir file *8enate. This by water near Mvn,�ey, wh n a. train Interested. . I . which has, nevtr been . finished.-Toron- a ,top, d I year the Minister of Railways held it crew of tile. MichigAn et.11tra,l S ) &ton what (!oniplalnt is 411S warrant to News. usually 'confined, to one side, or to the back of the neck And One slide. 'While � . I . . . , Jewels Etc., is *Complete# up at the third rtaill0g, c",'Ailinina, ilivir train And rescued tile invit And I 811 .1 . I . s ed V' asked he. it it often quite painful, quiek, relief ,. . I . A *7 9 . Or, I - - that he wanted to get the views ( women' with tile Aid of o. hastily-con'l "The titan is 'here in court," , the Itailway (Ionimisslon; But After Atructe(l raft. � said � may be had by Applying Chamber- I . I —, � . I several days' reflection Ar. 01-rallaill . � I Mr. Curry. "As be and Mr. Galla,- HAVE VOV A HORSE ?. . I lain"s UnImetit. Not one case of in ten requires . . I I . ,rheumatism allowed the bill to pass witholit(tr- I I ghee. were in consultation. not long, 11 �ou, want to ktep him in shape, Itteatment. internal . All goods bought Vom us.,Will be engraved . , ­ ,. . then Opposition, and also without iv- QUE'STION FOR VVERY READN'.R. ago­�­" .neva let him guffo-r pain. Rub ()n, House his "I file ,CST Whin there is no fever and no swelling as in muscular and . f roe ot charge. in the ,Any result of Con- 1. MP01Y subrMenaed man who is .noted for' curing sultation, This We8k Mr, Lelinok, If you could find a, simple veo,et ')lo swore out, the Nrarraut,` qaVol Mr, strains', swellings' and stillness And , rheumatism, Chamberlain's chronic , .3 . Conservative member for Simeop., 101- rome4y -for keeping all organs hoAlthy Gallagher. "He is Mr. C. N, Wilber, sore muscles, Vor internal use in ,? - Liniment will accomplish more than any luternal treatment. For sale, .,by I . - lowed up the business by looving 9, and strongm-wouldn't yo. vje it prpsidpllt 0,, the .mining oonipany. Mr. curing Cramps and colic, Netvilln . 18 host all •druggists. . , rvsolutiary declaring it to -be. the duty Pills are harsh, cause. Pain And VnnCrt took 9,004 shares of h Perfectmarvel. - In eVttqy good train -4 I 1. I . Or the government to take action at sick stomach. Dr. Hamlltotvs 'Pills pa,uy,s; stock out of 'my office, but I Ing stable you'll rind nervile beckse I once. to ptoteet the ligople ginst are d1crent-they regulate and el,,anq 1 ha,vo nothing to do with this action." it 'keeps horses In Ulm and reduces . . . I I I ps. Co, N, ]iter, I further ql �iughtcr by level railway the SY-Stent 90 gently, act SO silently At one o'clock, when the court wl- the veterinary bill. Farmers, HAV1111 YOU UGLY WARTS ? V N 0 - . I crossings, A number of niembevq, all fou Scarcely realize You've taken med- Y)urned, Mr. Curry and Mr. N. 0, men and all horse owners should huyI Cure them with Putnamla Painless . '. cin the, opposition side support- 1101110. You are cleansed-apptiitO lyft- Smythe, X. V., niet ter .try and set. Nervillne rind prove hour invaluable. it ed this rewlutiom olWelltnI4 tiv)-n prove,q-solar clears�helped by, I)r. tip, the sult, but their efluxts, ,seemed is. ,Good for man or beast. 25e. lot X!Orn and Wart Extractor. Fifty Years . is � � J6 %val6t aitif engravbr, 18006r,�Ot Marrkgo Licetises . , I h a people, had been kill. Hamilton's Pills. Try a 25e, bol.. UIMVAilhfq. bottle ,.it all dealers. success a guarantee of Its merit. Beware of 'substitutes, I . . 00 No 40000040himpo 000*000 1qA0N1% Am A oimaio mom 0