HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-03-04, Page 2. 4
2 . I I Coston Nom-Roord - 11arch 4th, 1909
" "PUAITT— —APOU"07— A Word for Formen Wiveo, I
#6"*1"* , """I The st. Mary's journal does rzat The White
I think that alltbe improvements on Momm".0ma
the farm should be for the berielit, of U . A"d other oonstituonts of your bloW
I Th'e ""'" the men and puts lot th, k strong plea nty News Gathered , ore powerfully onrI9W omd. vitaliz*4
.. I
. I "PAIM010" for the farmer's wile. 'rho Journal by Hood's flarssparills.
. says in part : A deplorable, lack on . 11 Increases the red corposcles and
-as in all parta ,of Canada is I . j^ S waken otront the white corpuscles,
I A . and thus, protects and restores the
86'st fle 8 U/ ts, . =ce of convelfle.liceg that wp L for News,wRecord Re"ader I I health.
I- 14.11.1 . - 11 - ". W. ".. 111 .". tQ lightbri the burdems of the lious(,- . I It gurefs scrofula, ecxemla, eruptions, I
. wife and her daughters. Too many tat- I catarrh, rheumatism, Anemia, nervous- i
finers, in theiv Anxiety to improve the -l-ll— - ness, that tired feeling, dyspepsla, loss
ore, obtained from feeding 11
boroes And cattle when ther6 farm bul dings by equiliXog the stab- ;
. Grey Towmhl Semforth Hansall I of appetite, general 4eblItty and builds I
is An 4ppetiziog tonic given Ics,and peas with labor saving applian- ' up the whole system. I
- ces and devices, And by specially ar- P th ' 'Con I ' it effects its wonderful oures, not
along with the regular food. 011 David Davidson of the 1 4'14' I Mr. and Mrs. William ,Carlo have A pretty house Wedding was solem-
ro belijg and keep Any 9 . ' A has ta4en a Position in the mail order returned to their home -at V ,dmonton, simply because It contains sars.par 11
T .,ni. ranged feed chutes and Water sys- , 14"
%nAI into condition, feed v Ir.i4ed at tile home of Mr. and Mrs* I A
, tems, to say nothing Of laries, fences 19 y 0.1', , N department of tile Eaton store - In Alta., after an extendeld visit with John Johnston, Hensall, whah their but because It combines the utmost i
. remedial agents of inore than 20 dif- .
all(r.gateways, forget about the many ' Toronto., friends in this vicinity. second daughter, 'El-lZabeth, Was unit- ferent ingredients, each eatly,
Op repair$ that could bp 3iiade about the From The Xews-Rec rd of On Tuesday of last week Joseph Revs, E. H.* Sawers And D. Rogers cd in marriage -With Mr. Joba H. vtrengtbened an44 earl.h.4 Jr this
I Douglas ston" lovig house or the conveniences that could 01.1 a a
. VA , Prot . 0 1 Davidson, who spent the past, few assisted Rev, Mr. Larkin at the pre- Parke, a prosperous young farmer I pecull r combinatto .
A Full P411 for 7$ Coots be installed at little or no expense. March 5th, , 18-90. - months with relatives, left for big communion services on Thursday ev- Blake. At six . o'clock, to the strains Get It today of your druggist. 100 11 .
W. li n in any line are , Doses One Dollar. Prepared only by A""'.
. . . I . I—- . ) commendable, particularly, when the I . ]ionic in Arcola, Sask. Ile called on Piling and Friday , ftcrnoou . of last of E the wedding warch played by the C. 1. Ilood Co., Lowell, Xago., V, .q. A-
I 11 . - Clinton, March 5t1l, 1890. Toronto friends ortlits way. week. lbride's sister, Miss Margaret John- -- .
i Julprovementli means labor saying, it I , stan, the bride entered the tastefully . 11
% Dozens ol the best #% should not be forgotten that,- maWsj Mr. David'Welsh of Michigan, Who Charles Workman, of Morris has the I Miss S -Cott' of tile D'mcouaess'llomc, !,decorated drawing room leaning oa the !
first ,duty is to reduce the toil and bas beew in town for A ,Week or so misfortune to lose a gold Watch and Toronto, gave. An address in in- I I
, . th, a arm of ber father, The ceremony, I
Z Fartw4rs, use. it'. I The &f.2Lrch.RQ4 4n4 Gun.
:I . hardships of his wife and daughters to among friends has returned home. His chain one evening recently while lie terests of that work on Tuesday ev- which was performed by Rev, 1-,'. ,r,. I I
Do You ? - the minimum, 11 . young nephew Fred. accompanied was driving a rampaut bullock .from citing in the Methodist church. MeL. Smith took place beneath a I Vish and Patile Protection work .
. . i 11 throughout .Canada forms a prominent i
. : - . . . . him. " . Richard VarViff's sale to PeterBarr'sl '31r. Roy, Henry of Harriston wasibeauti6l arcit of white and greenwitu
60=NWXWU1NW- - .1 .1 I , , . .1 Miss Nellie Noble, Who was for a ill Morris. . . , topic in the ,Uarch issue of R04 and I i
In town over Sunday visiting . 1wedding bell of white roses, in the
considerable length of time a popular , with hi esence of About thirty guests. The Gun and Motor Sports in Ca'aada
FOR SALE ONLY BY A very pleasant surprise was, ex,ibrother, Mr. Henry of the Dominion pr ? '
assistant 'in Chris, Di&sollls book- . . , , I . published by W. J, Taylor, Woodstock
I U-109, MORE FROM store, Ila,; gone to k1roderich for - A perlemed by.Mrs. Angus. Brown of, Bank ' I . . bride Who was attired in .& lovely ont. In addition to A .sketch of the
I . In a few days she will Ivisit the 4th con. when A, Brussels firml Mr. Bottoms of Woodstoclk s cat 19own, of white satin with an over meetings of the.North American Fish. . I
0 -We S. .13, HOLMES 0 Yj friends in Woodstock and then pro- placed a'fine piano ill her home, a Sunday week wfth his sister, Mrs. ,oress of embroidered net, with bridal and Game Protective Associatton, the
3 I # THE GROW W'ST time' gift from bar parents. , veil and carried cream roses, lool4ed
* : I aced to. Columbus, Ohio, A. F. Cluff. . charming. Little Miss. Margaret Weis% organizations of-tliree provinces re-
* Mhaf g 0hemist. . . Mr. -James Reitb, the. senior mem- - . . I . — , Mr. Ale . x. 1%fackenzk left last weekimiller as ring,bearer was the,only at- 4Zeive SLttention while in Ontario. it
I . : COMES EVIDENCE OF THE bar of Reith Bros., Will leave w ith I :Wj4jtejCht; . for Goderich. where be has secured ii, tendant, she looked very dainty j,n- a likewise comes in for ,ipecial treat -
*##"#*"#"***06*#""##: GREAT -WORK DODD'S'KID- big larnily for British Col(imbia, to- rell , . meat. A . Ithough so rauch space is
, . position. * pink satin dress with 171let overdress , this 211portant Work of a! .
. I 1 given to'
day. .. I . - arnations d-
.-RELIABUATY — EXPERIENCE- NEY PILLS ARE DOUNIG. Miss. Mabel Morrison, wh6 has beerm. Miss rearl. Williams of Stratford is and carried' a pillow of c, ing the conservation of Canada's nat" . f
. I .. - . I . I Mr. George, McTaggart of the . Mol- 1i onto for a couple of We where the ring nestic4. Alter the .
0 l .11 I - I I . sons Bank, Morrisburg, Dundas coun- eki during her the gUest. oi - bar grandmothor,. Mrs. cercmon the ural, resources, spor.tsmea will not be
I\ Cyrille Maginel Cured of his Rheuma- ty 1101,10, mother'.s illness, has. ,returned S. Boyd, disappointed jo the usual fare provid- J
, 1, .,, Ont., is at the parental to sumptuous repast. The groora%, gift ed for i,hem. The Mon. Charles Scott
tism, And Diabetes by the old UP- Clinton, tbcsG days, being on thesick.Wingbara where'sho is workillf; Atthe Misses Mabel and Dorothy Hodgins, to the bride Was A nice piano, 'and to
- A GREAT SC , 0OL,1 Remedy, . . list. . . . millinery, . . . . .. I . tells in graphic language of,a success -
liable Kidney ' . daughters of Rural Dean liodgins, of the. ring bearer a go14 locket And fill moose h4t in, %New Bruns*-ick,
Great in Reputation, Results, Inl . Deputy-11"iVe Manning was in Ot- On Wednesday fast Mr. J. Wadel, Stratford visited with friends in Sea- chain, Alter spending a pleasant ev- ..
. . I . . while the Finest, Hunt of the Wolf
fluence and Thoroughness ! Now is Findlay, Man., Mar' Ist. (Special). taw,% I;st week giving evidence, be- o jio of our young mail,. entered tl3.e fbith and vici nity, for a few -days dur- I citing the happy couple drove to the .
. .
the time to enter the popular —Cyrille Maginel, a well 'known farm- fore Parliament in: A divorce ease as great array of benedicts.. A . s the hap, ing the. past week. home of the groom, the bride wearing River Hunt Club. is one ao sportsman
. I will read- unmoved. An incident of .
er living near here, furnishes evidence to Ilia .service of certain documents py event t o'k place some distance Mr. Blythe Stephenson left' to . cently A green bro4deloth suit -with hat o now in. progress in I
. . of tjio great work Dodd's Kidney lklls which came within his,Unowledge pro- from -here we are not posted as to thO for Winnipeg where he has secured a'match. The .gifts were numerous .and -Ontario should not be over-
, r=OTT , . I Northern
00'. .. arc doing in 'the West. . fes%lonally. Since his r6turn he has details but. congratulate them 0,11 -the position with a large, hardware firm. costly, looked, while Dr. Hornaday's Ideals
, . ' been so ill as to be confined to. Ills same. . I .
I . ..Of "I suffered from Rheumatism and house. . . I . . 'POrtsmallshil) will recOmmouff - I
*W1 . I One of the be t known and most 01 S I
TORONTO, ONT. . . Diatiates," Mr. 11aginel .says in telling I , . . . . 1, .Mr. Sillob of Manitoba, who was. . ... highly respected pioneers of this sec- themselves to all. A dcscri ption of I
. the story, ot lits'eure. . 411 -Ay sleep Wag . I I . hero spe44ing a fewweek's with . -beyond on Britigh,Coluu bla's new game preserve,
I .
. . . I . . i The Respomjhjjjty OfMotherS tion passed to the great
- brolien. and unrefreshing, and, V Was . I . friends, in. and 'around Whitechurch, 1 , Sunday. Peter Louttitt had atta,.ped .with many other articles, including A.
. .
I- and prepare for profitable employ . . e it' I March Dth, 1890- has, returned to the west. . aa Dau rs the rand age. of 84 years, He 6ame particularly good one on Fur Trading - .
.. . tired i -nervqus all the time. I was Surat" rhl .1 . .
meat. Our graduates- readily - bill , and . . . . . . I . .v ... .4 . ghte . 1. 9
. .
tain . good positions. Our Hand- treated bj a doctor but he failed to The young people Iliad a"da . noing'par., I Air. and Miss Taggie . of London. art I , , . to this country when a, you,pg man With Indians In the Far North, de- 1. . .
. some Catalogue is free. Write, for meP Reading, that Dodd's Kid- ty at the hall'on Friday cvw'mg ' and ,visiting, friends" around Whitechurch. (By ,Mrs. Ashlcy,of, LondesbO l to.) and settled on A farm which he clear- partments replete ' with information " . I
. .
ney Pills were good for lorick §edintent all present. . had, a good'time., . . 1, . . - I I led. His Wife . I .
one today. Students admitted at . . I I Dutton, irieb. 10.—On $atufday,. de- . predeceased him many and 0, special .account Of the Hamilton., i
I .
in,t,he urine, led inle to try, them, and I . . . I I .1 . I '
any time. College open tbe entiro * . Mr, Frank MclIveen- had a -bee draw- . . . - . -spite the very unlavorable condition .years ago, Ile.dispoged-of his .farm trap shooting tournament, make tip a . y
. after using twelve buN'e$ I'Amaswell Ing -wood oil thel8tb, and a dancing . . . ' . of the'.roads, a very'good number , and ,for several. years- has lived' in the' number appealing to .every lover of .
year. At_ .. .
. I as' I can possibly be. Dodd's Kidney , BeISrave . 1ensall it whit 'is known th0k grCat out -'doors and' one full of .-
party, at night at.which all enjoyed - .1 . .. . tended , the special meeting of ,tlj *suburbs of I ,
I . I I .
W. J. ELLIOTT, Pills, have inadc It Anew roan of meltheniselves imal6itsely.. . I . ' as , Peter Loattitt's Corner, 2nd Con. I vivid interest 'to them all. 1% . .. .
. , - I on's Institute, held'. in Fietch-
, Miss Eva, Hopper of Thessalon is WOM
. . Prilickpal. and I am thankful. . I I i Hay, on Zuri6i Ro'ad. His health had I ' I I I I
- . . . . . I I Messrs.- Fxank-and Thos, Tatellveen visiting her.friedds. ia I er.'s, hall. Airs. Asbl6y, addressed- . . . I
Corner Yonge and Alexander .Sts. . I - ' this locality. . till.been good till within a short tima-.o! I . I
. . . I Dodd's-Xidney Pills are no curea-;alljand John- McLaughlin disposed Of Th6 young lady has not been here :Since , meeting, her sub,',ect leing "Tile, Re- his d ' , , . . . . 4 1 . .
They cure 'sick kidneys , - I . egth. . I . . .
and that is all horses to a, buyer from lichigan, in a little girl and naturally' everything gpon jbility of Mothers ind Daugh- . I . I 60LONIST EXCURSION18;. I I
. . - '
. I I .
. . I . that'is. claimed for.them. - But sick Gddeficli, :and %of good .prices cons,.d- Will look I ters " Mrs. Ashley said the glubject John Dinsdale Was, appointed by I ..
DR. OVENS,, SURGEON, OCULIST.,'IcIdney . s a . to the toot of aumeroqs,,`d1l ering the statc of. the inarhet. . strange to her, . . . I i . . TO, PACIFIC COAST AND ME XIC011
. I . was one she spoke on from practicl ,the. Official. Board of Kip an Circuit,.1 I
will be at Holmes' Drug $cases - caused '!.),y imp4re - blood. Fo, r ' Mr. Joshua 11ill has returned from I 'Miss S. Irwin of . Etist Wawanosh . . .. I p . ' . .
Store, ' I al experience, not, knowledge culled, to represent them afthe f6ithcoming
Clinton, on Fridays, hours 11 to.4 v6U can't have pure bl6o"d with sick Yale 4 by and bernoice, Miss. St I .1' Daily until April 30t.h. The Grand . .
. V Mich,, Whither he -was calle ein, of Carberry, front books, as .she has beeli engag- mc6ting of the Dominion Alliance - at
I ,Van., were calling oA ,'.Belgrave I Trunk Railway System.'wifl issmeonc -
p. in. Jan. 29', Feb. 26, Mar. 26, kidney,s. It is. the work of the kidneyd. a .telegram. announcing. the'death of. a I . ad jr. missionary work among women Toronto on, the 3Td and 4th of March. 1 -ond-class colonist tickets . At I
June 18. Glasse j strain, il finpuiities out Ot the brother of -Mrs. Hill. We "tend - to friends recently, , . 1. ...., . . . way see . I
0, lJe . I I .. . . and girls for.nearly 20 years. . . Mr. Moir and sister- of-ncar Regina, low rates to VancouvQr, B. C. - Spo- .. I
. properly fitted, Diseases of the eye,. blood. Dodd's Kidney" lllilii in.re Dial thern' our. heartfelt. sympathy in ; this Mr. and Mr , W. C., Proctor .gave . . . . . I 1 .
. . . I . . . " I . . . Sask. are visiting relatlVes, here. Mr. kane, Wash. -; Seattle, : Wash.,; Portl
at * d: . an .at home to a number their ,. "Motherhood," Mrs.,- -Ashley said, . I I ,
ear, nose and throat treated. b bs becaus.e'it ir .'a .idliey. . Itrying. time,. .. -, . . . I , bf4 . I Moir has a bomestead!,near Davidson, -4 Cal, ; San
I MT. plid Mrs. Nelson..13inglialn cele- Belgrave and Morris friends, , wbo. re- was,the sublimest period of a wor I , lt ndl, ft. ; Los' Angcics :. . .
-- I they, cure Rheumatism because. it 1s I .., I . . jWbere--William. Colwili who formerly Francisc ', Cal
. I . .. - loo City' etc.,* . I
caused * by sick kidleys, failing to, brated the eleventh All' 3ajy- of port a very pleasant evening. ... . ritan's life, but ,is one. fraught. - W i tli . I 'O '.* 4 Max . . I
niver: I . . I . I - . . I D . I.,resided here has a homestead, * . :
. . I
11 HAVE the blood, the,.r wedding by giving a s . I lave re- great responsilijIlty. as the .trai,ning . . . . . Full jnfo,Lin%"Ion -from Grand Trunk I
THE SAMPSON BRAND strain tile ivrie acid out of . ,upper to'. Mr. and. Mrs. M - Hper I .. . ,. . . .
I .. - . . . . . I . I .
of Cement for sale, in large . and . ' '. .. 11 their friends. A .very qnjoyable time turned home After spending it couple begins 'with.. earliest breath oi' , IJ6. . . Agents. : . :. , - . I ..
I .
, I
. .
. .
. . . I . .. was spent. '. . ,hs .. ends. . in . Th&salon lVhcn the ineres ant tile cliUd ac- .. . I .1 I "INER. . . ... I . I . . , . .
small quantities.. There is no - bet- . . . - ...lot inont with fri . . t ifir: LETTER FROM A FO . I I
ter make of cement on the marke(. I . - I I I . . . . . I .Bruce Minds.', I I . quires habit. "Treat your babe,y.1 said . . .— . .R -TY -N I . . . I.. I .
, . . . I I
. 1. . . ... I .. . I and . . . . . . IMrs."Ashley, as you will when she - * . . I .
. . . I . I . il . .
. '
Office opposite ,G. T. R. passenger . I , . . .. I . .. . . .1 . 1. . . About,25 ofthe young people .01 19 a woman like, a hunian'bein. Tiara is a simple, intcr sti . . I - . I .. .- . 1 .
station. Telephone connection, . or . I ' Doi I . . . . I . .
. . .. . I -t-., , . G64crich Towryship, Alarch Ith, 1890 BelgraIV6 and vicinity drove down to with . . I sincere' letter from a.rugged pioneer of I . . . . .
. .
orders may be left at Harland Bros. !, ..O. ..", I- . 6 . . I . . . . Away idekij ,,, and dandling.. .Do. I aved . The danters andhardl . . I I.. . . .
. ., Z' ,..- . . . I I Alex. McGorwan's .on Monday evening not Ochurn'! tlie,cbild, but - give .it 149, Nvb.o br. I ' J %OOBS" .
bardware store. if more 'convenient. . - Mr. Ben.' Sheppard and MArs. .J. G. crf.. last week where tbay spent the . s ips* of the overland trial; -to 'Califor- I
' . . ral d . a s with. relativ . perfect 'restfulnes$, and teach it. to, . 'arrh -
JAMES HAMILTON, CLINTON.. . . es at the I ... . . .. I 1'everling very pleasantly. - .. . .. . contr - ilia, It. shol-114, Aplical to all cat . . , . I ,
e Nile. , sl I I . . .ol its nerves Regularity is onz . . 0 .
. .
.. . . . . . .- . Mis . s C. . Sliqllard of tbo'Nile.is , Joseph McCallum, -,vho andervvent ar.1 bf the a ' I . Victims. - - . ,:, . . I . .. t. f ..
.. ,. I vi .essenti I habits to teach..'la- .. .
. . In -Goderich at the Auction H Ouse - itiNg relatives ,in the township_,. I . operation inthe hospital, has ieturl * ied*,j.stea4'of feeding 'at any .or ever . y hour I - Santa 'Rosa, , Cal.,'. . May 5, InAS.- -OU 0 . . .
. . . 'to his home and is doing 'nicely. T
CEMENT FOR SALE.—I AM ' every -Saturday afternoon. We sell I . Iacdoriald, William Elliott, I . I . lof , tile day, -teac e of Bopth's Flyomci .(,16'.1 Buff.alo, N. :)(1,. - G01.0g.
. ,
.. Captain ';N I ' - . .
. .
Agent for Clinton and district for anything apa everything,' aa whcre A s6a of -James Alacdon,kld, 'ionic of' . Mabel daughter of 'Mr. and . 'Mrs. J. I regularity. A child ,.tip to tilree! Dear Sirs :-1 -was Afflicted with ' . . -
It . I - I .
- . 0
.1 I
I I —
I 11 ,
: I
0 #:
H 4
J i,'
IR'Ier; W. 0
, I
the NatA6 " great Ferguson, hag, been illan under thelmonths 'old should be fed every two. catarrh and tried a number -of remedies .. B 0 ., I ,
. I
. I
nal Portland Cement.Co., and at any time, Merchandise,' the lklacdo.ugall family,' and a . . I , I .
. . . . I arc. . . .hours, from 5. a.m. till 11 p.ni. TrcaU but received no ellcf.. I purchased an
makers of the best. cement in :, th Real B state,, Live .., Stock" Etc.' ,,many others at the 1-1111 havid :- bccli doctor's a . I
I . .
. . .1 . . 1. . . -is . . - balles. witli. regularity, anX the girls outfit of, Hyomei, and before I ha'd us- .
market. This is the ouly cenient ,: .,G, W. Beckett,' Auctioneer, V. suffering from :la grippe, Most, ot I mr s. B, -Wil.killsoh'of. Ripley N ited. . . * ' . . I . . I .
orporation of #,'It . nton , - . . . ... I I . ' : ed the -b(Atle I noted - a marked lelief. - . , I
used by the c * O. BOx, 183 Gotlorich. Phone them are getting.'Over, it., - ; ']let brothers i.JU and,J;'Walsh, last nd. boys grow ,t!p: With two- ellarm- . . . . M
. . ' , ''. . . .
. . . . I
in the construction of sidewalks, etc; -108 , . I.. . . I . . i 7, I I .. . I A 0- - . for . m6nthl.pr 86i and , I . I.. . I .1 I
I 63-6 ' Arl'obvious error crept, into,:, the week, . . . : derisfics-l-order and;. system 11, 1, used it'' I . 11 . I . 1.
. I I :. .
. ' . , . . ... . . . I . . .. . I " ' '' .1 I I - '' ' - -her' . I . . I I . - . .. I . SALE
—Mrs. T. R. Walker'. . 21 . I - '' . . " I 111 ,a 6 greatest respousibVity lies, -in thought I was 6ured -and stopped us . .
I . I I ention of,ihe -property Mr. .116nrY Rev. Austin -Budge of T1 over visi-' , 1. . . . . - "I I .
I . Young..Offerg for sale. Lot' 31:`con. ta& at th e - home of his lather. . the . formative ago,. between, 8 an ,15 ing it for a yeir or.so.- Thought I . . I
I I I I .4 . . . I . . I in Bell . . d . . . 1. I I .. - .. . . . . . .
. -
. — - .
The undersigned have securedthq
warehouse formerly occupied j,by
Mr. W. G. Pereln and ara on. the
market for all kinds of grain for
which they, will pay the highest
. .
possible prico. - . I
. . .
. .. . I - . ;
86 -was, all right but it sho,uld ' have grave rccently - , .. . I
, .
'yearsi wben. great, watchfulness should was getting catarrh again. I use -it
.. I . . I
. . .., . . I . I-
. .
stated it was & pio-pett -he I , '
.y which . Mr. and Mrs.. TisdaIL- - visited at the
* . ,
'.Nlr.' 'Mugford
lbr exercised'over the companionships every Morning, ind'keep.myself -clear
1. . - . I
W illeir diL,jg ' -hous of ei.tarrii. I consider. it the beat
hiers.. Sixtylfivp t -
, .
, . -. 1. t. .
. Finding it was going to be
- - I I :
I - "I
sold to .
some six . yeats Ilome-bf,the lafter's parerits at St,
' . .
- ,
and and Women in.the'.§tates inedicine. that .1s iise ii- 1 hive
. : impostsible-to leave olilitbri bp.
' I
, . . ."
ago a. d which has reverted to him. . I
1! . . Augustine recently. .
. I . . . : . 'I
again. ,. . Mrs.,
girls go.cat'arrh .
. . .
,q unknowin, gra%rcp every -year., and, tit 1 often recommended - it. to my f riends.
I ore spiin ,g trade w6uld be w6il
advanced, we hitie decided to"
. .
- ' . I
. . William Findlater has'..return ,d
1. I I . . .
I . I after spending a' month with. h.er'
.Canadian mothers, . '. ther"efore', cannot I am 81 years old. I came to Calikr
' * .
. remain here for the greator pat t * ..
. . . .
. , -- — . . .
. . I . daughter, in Detroit. '' . I .
.be too watchful 'in selecting thei cbm- nia, in. 3844, and of course Am not.. as
. . .
of their 'daughterti, not c1loos- vigorou . s as. . I Was 58. years ago. I lAy .
4A the spring busitiess. Otir'sale .
. having cleated out thegreatei;
. .
I I . .
. . Oayfield,'Afarch ith, 1890.1 , . ' , . . ..
. . I . I I I
. .
I I .
ing from . ,Popular . or rich, but -from I address is, &11 ,4tb Street. Yours
. . I
part. ,4 ,he sf Oak we had enables
'Is to 4 nearly a complete new
,- --- ,
. '
r. (. ,ra ' . I . .
M inger - has -been tip in . . the . .
I Dunganno.n.
. I
true character. Watch. over the'. ilater- truly, 1110ch. . .
, .
. . I .
Hyomel. Higb-o-ale), is
a to k Writ We Will COntibile
selling that to
. I
. northern part,of thed(juntry buying I -
I . . . .
Attire of the girl's reading ;, see , tivat (pronounc6d
. at prices Are sure
. . .
. . .
. l I,.: . I . .1 .. I .., . . I .
cattle. . . . -
nt6d by NNT.
only pure literat,are comes into their guan S. R. Holmes not
bAng us the business fur the bal-
. . - .
I . . . I
. I Miss Cora Roberts was visiting in
M,iss Lottle Marks, Fo, il,:Iy othlis, last
'for' mtarr'h; butloi grip,, coukils,
hands, As it is just as lmposs-,blc to ohlY . . . . -
,tnce of our Onto here,
. . .
. 11 I .
. .-.
I I 1- . .
God'eplch week. I
place, Was marri-d a , hortA;nid ago .
' .1 ` Air. 41. G. 'Allen made a business
Associate -with impure literature 'and cOldS, bronchitis and croup. . A .com-
'' impregnated W
not become with its int- plate outfit, including inhaler, costs
. .
t We have A complete new
in Oberffn, Xansas, to Mr. Vawter . .
, - trip to Luc'know last. Week. ' . .
a:. prominent business mai of that .
.. . I I I
I Mr. Jack Roberts, of the Sterling
purity as It is,to p_,-sociate. with , im- only $1,00*; extra bottles of 14yomel,
. . IUA
11 4. A 41 . U .1 if afterwards —eded cost but 50
io' "h er ,n !,% ?,,, t, (M ;,, s
n " .
! c " , _
ra _ , , ,
I r BoyW ady
_ _ . ,v . .
. I . , . . I I
. . 1.1, . . pj4ce. . . . I . . pure 1, "M ers an .. . Ut 11L, . . I . .
.' ' - .. I 1. - - I . . I . , . I . Bank, Auburn, spent Sunday .at his Jeristics . An a%niriable c6lit$ . I
. . . . . . I . . I . I pure ebara(# . . I .
. .
. .,
We will kecp on hand at our
'warehouse a supply of Bran, Corn
. .
.1 . I ,
. . I . . - . home here. .1 . . . . .question, for Canadian women to ' take . 1. I . .
.. . " I . . .. Miss Cecilia Pentland left on *'. LNI O n. . .. . .
. BENI I L.a:t it:—,,Shilo'h's Cijr(, will.. all tip, said Mrs. Ashley, .was the litcra-' . - . . . . I . I
Rep '
. . . . . . I I ..
I yntlthfe stilt slzlWe are giv ng
. ,. i
1. i - .
and Shorts. ,Grain talren in ex-
I I .1 .. I I . I . d d the
ay of last , week,to. atten alillin- tbre sold on as undesirable 990 GOLD'ON THE LAKE- SUP-
, . . . and uol I . ... -
I J . ways cure .'my coughs . 111,.i." . :, cry. openings irtToronto. '
particular altention to this hine.
Thore is the gr owing frova
I . . - I
change.c . , I
I A - . . .
. I I . - , , I I I . . . . Mr. Walter Walkora of I reading is apt to fall into. hands ther6, ERIOR BRANCH OF G. T. .
. I . . . . I . . . ..
I . I . , litcholl. has that Would.nover recolVe *it,otherwi'se. I P, RY.
I .. STRATFORM ONT.,.oO' . . . . I . - . . I I
. youth
16 to 18 vears who does ,not really
. .
. . I
- :
. . .
Ford & McLeod
' . . . . . I . ., I . ... . .. . been Visiting his brother .here. : She cited examples.',coming IA' : . . .
. This school'gtaiidis in the tote- . .. - her'
and best ' Part Albert. . - I . Mrs. Brydges of* Goderich hag bee, own experience - to show It ujiaesir-'V. Advices have been received by. the
front as the largest . visiting at' tile. home of I t at I
her, Passenger Department of -the Grand
feel like payihg'the price for a
tailor-made suit, yet Wants sorne.
thing befter than the ordinary
I "I
I 11 ..
. . . . parents able . reading matter' i's soi ctimes
practical training scho6l in West- Miss L. Burrows Godcri b, spent a here I . . . ' Trunk Ry. that all'indic,ations
ready-to-wear. .To ineot this re.
', given for sale on trains. . - I point,
. ein Ontario., We have three del few days with her parents lo*j 6y. . .
, I Mi.. Mann;ng of Crystal 'City Ila; . I to at least a moderate sized fusbi to
quiretnent, we bav nit.
in 6 telocted 0
lengths.. patterns of the new
,- --- ,
. . I
partments' : . . I .
. I . I I Mr. W. Young has kleen (.,n -'Ile sick been , visiting at the home. of Mr, R. Another directiart for' watchfulness ilia Sturgeon Lake Gold fields. as
"" itings . I
eredom .,and are having -
. .
Order 'Your
CO MM.t R C 1 A L, , SHOIRTHAND list but' g improN ing Again. 4.E. Manning of the Sterlin Bank. . in , others is in"the" decorum and soon as the 9now -is of! the ground to
I 9
. TELEGRAPHY. G. and 14. H. Hawkins -,vote, 10.,. On Saturday Mrs, Atmstrongpasseki dress. of the daughters. Do, not bring admi't of prospecting.
them Made tip similar to ordered
I ts In every dietait, These Suits
.T. .
appeal to the bovi who
. .
. -
I London one day last week, . Away in her 31st year. She had b 11 them up as slaves of style and van -Siurgcoa Lake is , located Thortheast
' All'departnleints are.in charge cif I
want to b6 it! It. , .
. . "11.
Mr. And. Mrs. John Quaid spent a a'resident of ,this village for labouteca ity. Teacb-them neatness in dress, of the .G.T.P. Ry. line, and is reached .
experienced instructors and the I
I 1. . . . . . .
Coal Now -
courses are thorough and pr few (lays visiting at Wingliltra. . year, formerly living on the' G'h -con. but -above, All teach thent liumilit and. through Wako station 160 miles west
actical, I a . . tile heartaches
Clegg, inspector for Many There
. . .
. .
. Mr. ,license of Ashfield, . . . modesty. of of''Fort William. is a carry
Our graduates .secure good posi- . . ..
. I
. .
. .
. North Huron, was in tile village le-, (Intended for last wcek,) (4 motliers are brought oil f torn -across the six miles from Walio sta-
tions, Students are entering every . . . . I - to
I 'Miss thinking their. to Sturgeon
I 2W
. . Piece Suits
. .
week. Write for our free catalo- centlY. Daisy Ryan spent Sunday at children juperior ti.on Lake, so that the
Place your order for your
gue at once. * '. . Mr. and "Nirs.- Nelson Pearson S'un-lier home here. . I others. Mothers make. a companion new gold fields. can- be conveniently
I Never before have We bad the
range of Boy,,,'2-Plece Suits we
... :
supply of coal with the under-
.. . dayed at Auburn with friends. . . 1, Mrs. Jones and Miss May have rc* of your daughters, ovtn. it it be, , at reached. by usirog the ser ice of -the G
1011liott & MOL Rehlaa Miss Rosella Schoenhals qpent a turned .from a visit to friends in Ayl- tile sacrifice of somd pleasures.. Teach T. P Ry. oil its.Lake Superior Divis:
at-eshowing this spring. The
bloomer knicker is a new featuee
signed and thus secure the low-
. .
. C few days with friends At Gud,arich- mert . . I them to sburl ilia loud laugh and loud ion.
in boys Iveall, We have, theal
est price and prompt delivery.
L .
. PRINCIPALS . I .. 11 Jack 11oVerts of tbe, Sterling, Bank dress. it is said the city slums Recent reports show thk t the crude I
I . IL I
WiLh the suits or in odd knickers.
Office opposite Grand Trunk
. . re- made up of country girls coming mining operations that: have bith-tto'
. I- . - Auburn, spoilt Sunday under the par- a. . .3 LU I
. Good Cough Medlcihe for Children, ental root. . without due teaching to ' begin life in.been conducted prior to the advent o(I
' ' L . I
Dnrability, Price And 8tyle tire
tile three
Passanger station. Telephone
. EDL F'OrItepS 'L ttention I I . Miss M. Ryan arrived' recently from the city.' Therefore, cOlIntly' moth- transportatio . facilities have yielded.
' n
WANT A The' sea'sou for coughs is lers*
Points we are. going
to gap the boys stilt trade
.. I
.and colds Baltimore and will spend some time talce Warningi Teacii-your girls exceedLugly
I rich returns, while. .the
. on this.spting,
now at 114,1nd and too much cAre cka' under the parental roof. - lie various temptations that lurk in tests conducted by the two i f I
not be used to protect thei children. Inspector 'Tom has strongly TCC6!11- 1 the city for them before they leave, compari", which are operatitig I
. I
J Hamilton
.at .
10 11 111Z Nl,',W DOUBLE A child is much more likely eon- niended that an up -to -data. school be, their safe country homes. I . 'present %how values of ab.,)ut $100,00'
. .
0 .
tract diptheria .or scarlet fever when erected in, our village. I But In training the daughter in per ton. .
NZXT TO THE, CLINTON 1"ILV' C- he has, it cold. The cure ' I
Tai 9
. ,
. .
- - I
quicker you Mr. Temple Clark, our tailor,. h,w;:the Art of home-makin t 0 that th'
TRIC LTOHT STATION. .1 9! he in tit- EXI)CAVilved miners claim 0
I I his cold the less the rislL. Chamber- decided to take a trip to ilia west and or Is doing tile. grn, tesL work, The prospects are better in Ille Sturg, on
Our titiloring'atock 6 erititely
F t
. I
laill's Cough Remedy is the sole re- if lie likbs thecountry make locate stability And sterling quatities otthe Lake District fliali, in the 1<1ohdilfe.
. ;
COMBINATION , DOUBLE PROCESS 11fance. of litany mothers, mid few -of some place out thcre .1 I randcst women characters Wetc gold fields other Well Itnown
new, and heing nly own autter.
and not having acutter's Balavy -
to enables as if) all
, ,And gold
1411VEIIRY THTINGr QROUX.D TWICE, those who have tried it are willing to Tile death occurred at E,Imira last made in tile, home. There. is no ac- areits, which are producing enorraoug I
piiy give you
ovdc.n,' d stilt At a tight peice,
use no other. Mrs. T. r, . .1-.Aarcher,
OVHR, CAPACITY THIRTY week'of Mrs. T. At. Bechtel, wbo bad compllshment equal to the art Of returns. It is Aported that gicat,
of JyWicy, W. V'a,, gay,s : ;-I bavc been ill only afewdays. The.decoas-Ilionic-malting. Give the girls SOInP-
. .1
T14E MARKET, $7 P811 TON,
DAOS PER 1101UR, RIJNNIING e-Mlitellient Prevalis In Port William
HIVE'llY DAY AND CHOPPING used Anything other thaft. Chami c.d was the ditighter of'Mr. James responsibility.. 'Do not become a set- and Port Arthur ovor recent finds in
Up.to-date F urnishingg.
DONE' WHILE YOU W&IT berlaill's (Iough Remedy for my chill Whyard of thigplace. Tho, funel%j vant to thefii. Teach them to do for the Sturgeon Lake District, and everv,
6RIND dren, and it has always given .
took from McOraw $tatum on you. Teach them, domestic, economy,
WR , ALSO ROLT, OATS, 11',9011 place other man on the street is Carrying it
F LAX AND MAXr,- WHEAT. AINTO satisfaction." This 'remed r contains ,
Thursday, last. for It the child is not acquiring some- bottle of nuggets front that district. 1,
no opival or other narcotic And may, I
CORN MEAL. , . , - I I I 11 ... I thing, to 'develop the mind and charac-i The Grand TrunIc Pacifle Rv, is ar.
LET 'US GRIND YOtIn NEXT be given as confidently to a child as . her, It is taking in something de-e'ranging transport ation faciliiies In
Orders left at 00-vifj & Rowltild's
adult. ,For sale -by all drug- , .
GRIST AND NOTE' THE' DtV- to all I I S—V—T—T—j,—j. ,l.lR—,c4.. trimental, for the brain is never idle. anticipation of the rush Which Is ex.
will be promptly attonded to,
FERENCH. WE* TRY 1110 A(',- 918t-9- Mothers, bring your daughters into pected to set in ,shortly.
, .
COMMODATE, OUR CUSTOMERS .- ,W.4.U..-*A--* Low rates to cartaila points in, Sas-1closer relationship to yourself, be
. I W-1,11 11 I .11.11 I'll .1,111.11 I
AS FAU AS POSSIBIX. . katelie-wan and Albtrta; via Chicagoitho intimate - companion of your
. I
. . - 1. I -1 .. , I
. 4.4
, :
uepmt jt ,- -,,Shilolfls Cure will al- or'Port Arthur, each Tuesday during
I dauiliter, And It will s; e you trially Repeat it 118hiloll's cure will 41- I
.1. 11 I I -1 "..'--1.1. 11.--
. fateven$'On
, ways cure my coughs and colds." and April. heartaches. . ways cure my coughs and coldt.."
. I -