HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-02-25, Page 5M�,
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February ISO, IM
CAW04 Nova-Rec*M
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-;.. Ammillilill � -
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14-O.""'I"'ll-0 . . . . . . . . . $0#0$$06#""#"""##", Godarloh. 304forth . 1 4 �
, I rTbe, NeWS IPIVM (; 0 . I Oil Thursday evening &)I last u ( (.*r,, .,l Mrs *s An Of ,'Clinton was ____ . ��� !M41 r ,. I . �- .. - � I
Kriox'churcli tte Valentine tea, was the gii,',t'�To Mrs� Thomas Brown for I 11 I
odelicb , ,
beld� under the auspices of tile Ladies' a few aays last week. ( I E R -w '
I 11 I Aid of that' church. Tea was, served Mr. John McIntyre or Clintonspeat = jwNA lrc ,7 1
. 401$R A. *KPIMINUS, Cgrrespoadent � in the Lecture Hall, Where t, tables a few days here last week, - I I . - - " U j A::) EFFIC ENT � .
vc, I U -,5a 1 �
IV w to set, three very large one$ and Mr. Robert Scottlot B icalo, is , - . �;;iil;�::l I I I - __ I I
. . I u .1 I "Si 1 1 10 I 11:�:. .. I I sllll� 1� M - Milli - . I . . �
I �
I , Z threQ smaller ill .
0.1 .11 *_ .* , size, all laden vith home on A visit with %M,ly O A Q1=4Q
4", ##". 019_�l ,", *1llllo"*#"*#"_ 0.4 40"I **"� 0 "_ %-. . . his I . j -
. every thing necessary for a high tea, Harpurbey. � IN KELIEVINING ALL CATARRHAL DIS-ErU_;7V.^7W
The 11th Anniversary of -the death j On Tuesday evenfrig; of last, I week, and the Ladies' Aid served ,every one I A.Irs. Thos. Mulligan of Grand ,_ , - - . I �
A h 1: m ous Y About $W�.00 m- a s Forks, North Dakota, was here to at4! .,i���"*i��'.*'��."-.,..,L�i�*i��.".*..�i;i��.i����;..,��I��..'-�..--'.�ii:i���;�;������:�i�����.'���;�..'�,'�i.�ii��,-,�i;;.",.-,.;.,..,�.,]����i��,.*..-'-.�..,.,..,.*",,-".. .,:�!!:�..:;,:.��:��..��:�.!.�., ,;"7j� .- _ . - -
- of Franveg Willard was liobserved. ia I the Marine Social Club held allot e ost gener I , :;, . - ; ... ;-.:.;.__ I
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'remPer4lice ball by the local Temper- -box %ocial, .which besides being .en- netted by the tea. A very good pro- tend the funeral other father the lat - -, -, - - ��;������..'�:���i�i�����i!:����.-,.,.��.-'��!.*������!��;;��!�i.*'..',.,�!�i!��f���i��i��:�i�i�i!�:i!i��i�i�i�i��ii�i.'��:����i�f:��..'�!�...'�:���i�i�:����:i�!;��i:�:�������;�� :;::��:�����.�����;��:;,��i�:�:��������:.;��:i:. .._ , I.., :. . !`,�. .. ..
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;anee wo.,rkers. X " . .�i��':��.!��;�,�:-���:�:�;i,'.'���:��,.',!�;�i������i,'��.,'.-.'i..* ...,
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.rs. 'James Harril joypd to the full, netted'p6 nice round ��,.��ii���...*,*�'I'�l..'..,��i�i�i.,���ii.,:��.�������..--..�:,�:,,*..,7�:�.:i�.������,--..�if���:.�-::��:i�I����;�i��:�.-','�i�ii��ll'�����������i����'.--..,...,,.,���������i.-.'.'����.,i;�:�;f�����l::: ... .... �. ... .... I.. 1. - , '' *, :, ... �,
, , . gtam followed, __ �.
- Thomas X ..X.._;,.:%.. ..;.7. .;�. - � - - - .. .�::! ... . � :: . .:;::;.":::;::.;::.:.:::;:.:.::::��-.*',i�:::::*
ii1op to.wit- ��;�i:;��;:;��:�::�� � - , .. �.,!, 11
�jaim sum with Rev , cQuaid. - of XoK '���:::::.:;:.:.:.i.:;:::::�:;�::;.;.�,:.,:.,;:;:,:::�;��:', .:�:::.:.:'::.:;',::,::,:;.":::::::: -, ...,- .... : � ''.:.;;,�::.,.;:;:�:.:;:;::::.:.:.:.:..:;�;;;7
- 5't r, Ali - - - , �j�. ,;:;:::: _.;�:,, . ...."..-, �, .
;gave a reading entitled, "God's C - They had of course . ,,�.., , .�.;;;-:;
, A, delight- ."*Ii������-11--�i�i�iilfli-.'*�..'�i.'i�*-.,�i�������..,-i�i��..ii�if ,,..���.,:�:���i�,.,�,��������.������������iii..*��.�� I I
I I Oerson, as chairman. The �rogram ship. �-.*�������i��.",..,���.'������,:�::::��:��������i�i�� , . . " '. . ..::, �:t�'�...1j.:.:.:.;.!::: ...
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U ae of, progressive euchre ;.:::-..::; ;�,.:.,:.;,:.*..�i�������:i��:����;",.,�;�,-'.���i.."i����i.:����������;;.,� , . �i
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hs o, be, obedient to 101 gar and WAS Opened by the Misses Irigs Iyar- Miss Stobte has gone on an extend� ...; -:1: . . .... , . � I
:�,'�i�-.,���ij�.--�����������������;i��;i������;���i���� - .. �:�i�:::.'.-i���:,���,*�:�i�:�i:��:�:;�;i��ii;�;�:�!iii:i, :. .. . I - .: "., .:.- :. .::" '' t i
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. n :. i���".*�.*�!����i���:;�:,::�..."i�.���. . : .. , �, ..
. Iiia will." Mrs. Dougall also gave .aftet 4roffee was served with luncheon, nock, A d Hotta Clark, who Alway i�iiii�:i�i�i���i�iii::ilii:,.��ii�i�:���i��iiii ������:i�����i����;:;:.:.:;�:::�:.:.,.:::::;::;::::.::::,.:;:;:::;�:::�:,:,.: ':: ... � ',::.,.,. 1.1-11,
.s ed visit with I riends in Xilton, Ham- ��.��i��ii�i�:����i��.'-'i�i�i!:�i�i .:.,;::.,%::::::.:::;:::::��;.;::.:::.::::;:::,:::::�i:i:�;i;::;:��:::::::::::.:;.�:�:::;:I :. ��' .. ''...;.7. I
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;A reading. Mrs. Colborne sang a 1very pleasant even- Play their duos so, beautifully togeth- ilton a d T r to . .::ii��:i�:i�:::i��:i�i:i��:�i:j: .1: .... .::!ii�,:�*::�i�:�i�:::�:�::�i:��.�:��::��.,:::.:::: ". '. ,
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,Pretty sole, "PPace be still." Mrs logg in the usual inanner. er. .Barrister Blair, gave a. very! A new bowling alley is to' be open- :�:::;;-::::: . .
wj... j%l , James J*. Anderson sang In good,voicie I The Steinbach family have removed :thrilling reading, entitled the "Ride ed ill Seaforth this week in the Store :::;j:j:;:; I
A I L, il .l. Mr I ..'.'.::� I . .
. 4 *
v elame, iil:orri ere. , Mrs., rau- o . ansias City. .."...
I ,, . - of Waster Cavendtsh,,1 and although recently occupied by Mrs. XeC.Amirt- �: � I , . .1
:�, . , ,
I 14a. Acted 44 Organist. The president, I Dr. Clark is' to be congratulated on yery long, he read it well, M,astcr oud. The proprietors'are E. J. Mur- ` .. .. .� . I
: .. . I
Mrs, Brown, said that it was due tO, his management of the Horse S - Walker recited very pleasingly Phy and W. Winters. Mr. i3ames %C_ . . . �
how I Keith :j:... I
Alair model, Frances Willard,. that ,0,11 held here on, Ttle'sday of last weela at I'Irl were rich." It Was hi,. '� ill ..� .
' cat the Colborne ,, first Nficheal, the veteran bowler o the ,.'.,*il�*
-out of which so, far there are s ethod in his undertaking., :.*:j: It
round missionaries are being, s House stables, There pl�jblio appearance, Miss Velma gaye "green," Is to have the honor of roil- -
_ , ,
� . even was m and I a pretty instrumental solo, with good Ing, the first' ball on the alleys. i:::�
lvolnen'of the W. C. T. U. . ' be had"the pleasure of seeing that execution. Organist J. BAst Jordan, Oil Saturday morning week about :i ... I I
The Philathea Bible Class of young those who, read his announcement . I 1.*.*�
' I . I III I gave two fine piano. selections, du :!:i .1
. I .
. . .
0,jbe local papers felt assured Of tile tile evening. Mrs. (Rev.) 'Anderson, from their slumbers by the lire alarm. .. .. I
ladies olf the now 'BaPtIO churcIv gave ging five o'clock our citizens *ero A. roused 'k",
St. Valentine "Sock",11 ,social To the success Of the Fair, The tow 101, 1.
n 01 very ptetty, but exceedingly sad vocal It was discovered that .the house of , ...
I ,
.Baraca :..: : - I I 4
,, Bibl ';qla�s of your g men - Clinton was represented by Mesgrs. ,Sol() "The Old- Country." Rev. 4s. Mrs. Tagrill was orifire. The promot .:
, e I . I on . ':
Monday evening, 15t4 February. We Oliver Johnson, Hirmn Hill, Ephraim I.ramilton read With fln� Scotch 4c- action of the fire lillyrigade,beld, the - :..';' - .. ,
were surprised to And such *Butt, William Tlsber,, Charles Wallis, eel check and i "'.., �
. - A truly . iit 4� chapter from 4'Mrs. McCreary," flames in only 'the kitchen I
Picturesqtre� lecture -room, bunting red, Clini ; H. Bendford, Exeter ; Rob- "The Social" and a gobd read:ug from was completely destroyed. The main,
Vhite 4nd. l6lub forming a callopyt ert McMillan, 'William Cudnioie, J'am- Mrs, , Warnock "Sowing Seed 1 1 w lbaw building was considerp,bly damaged .
. little ,candy booths ith ruche es Atchlj.l Seafortli, and Franlr Al- uy," "God Save the. King" was sun but is repairable'. . .
wl S ot .
vhite muslin draping them, 4n4 Small lea, of Goderich arid Seafortli ; John by all, Professor Jordan presiding . 1:1 ili: 1 ii 1 ::::::t:: I!:: . I
4agg, And red hearts, neatly arranged,ii Galbraith, Brussels , James . I i i: I 1 1 Ill i: I 1: : ii I
upon the bare stone I ' Evans' At the P14110. Airs, S. Clark, had a, � . i ,�l ill �i I , 18:;!11::�111:111 . I
1igh and low . Beechwood; George Hill, Summerhill; part of ad With the , : .
walbs- A red -heart hung over the, oll Peter.-MackenZie. Luckno\v ; J.r C- Valentine �itle pages, of ....' 'The . Ladies , Be . amiller I ____ . .
I 0 7
Can, SO that the musiclans'arkill, sing- Johnston, Bluevale ; John, Mallough, Home Journal." � Miss Belle Reddle, is recol;vcriug SISTERS OF THIT)dbdo SHEp"MR0, moN*RE4L___ wm�! . .
. I 11 1. __ . .. � , mliIii,1111111,
� .
ors, might be charmed thereby, - Rev., RWA-rt McLean, Jamer, McCluskey, ail The Misses Claft and Chrissie Carri fr6m her illness. I . �
Mr. Jones acted gs chairman; ani be- of Goderigh ,and Bell Allen Of Cobalt, bell Are in Toronto., to attend the Prayer meeting last wee% was held , HOSPITAU AJA OYER THE CONTINENT FIND IRE-RIU-NA TALUABLE IN TREATING ALL CATARRHAL DISEASE,q, I .
I �
rgram told ' his and Goderich ; �Ab. Riatoul, Wingliam, I Faster millinery opening. They are at the home ot,Mrs. Mohritig., CATARRH of the respiratory organs . I 71 49031 experiencing mueb fatigue. - IT . ow I calk. I I
and Rundle of the same place,..and: an stants of Miss N"ellie Dortogh's Rev. George All . . n aliment in Canada for we to Montreal, Nov.
audience that the motto of the Bac- � 1, � , assi Is a commo I
ara Bible Clailis was, I 'We do things', away Saskatoo ggin or Seatorth .und.Perunn a relief in several walk a mile easily,
� 4. n, Sask., was 4,epre- millinery show rooms here. .. t least two-thirds of the year. cases. . - .
-and well they ' laW the large floor - as- 8ented by George McCutcheon, A 4no had charge of the service here on a We can ssjv It Is & g66d ionic and.we to "Through those three cases we de6im
. I At Steelton, Sault Ste. Marie on :�und�y evewrig This condition Is no doubt caused by ' make known to the public � tl I
sisted by some outside help in order team, mateli0d, heavk draught, weigh, - . are very thanktal. . . xe, ef� �
. the long, severe winters expertenced.in flotency of your remedy." L
0 � of Feb. Ing over 3,000 lbs.i -owited by ,her birthday Feb, Ilth, MISS olivette The farm 'ecefitly owned by Mr. . _ SlAiFters of the *00odShephord. . .,
to be ready for the . 16th , James � this part of the continent. . Hospital St,John, of St. Soll ..
ruary. I-7,, youngest daughter of Mr. and James Manwng has now passeW into . I .
Mr. Clutton of SaItford. th6i, H476en Of''Port Albert, and ilred by Mrs. I I When catarrh ones fastens itself upon Frovhieo of Quebec. . I
. _,,Orace J. .. Therefore, when Peruna was discev- the system it becomes an obstinate dis- e .
led in I Horton of that city, the .hands of Mr. William Long. Mr. : . I .
� I
.prayer. The first No.' on the A well ' kliOwlt imported horse, Owned Was married af the Baptist Parson. Manning inay go.. West � . .. . ored by Canadian people to be a reliable oil a teivradleatej . .11 Alat r letter received from the same : I
. program was a song b Alto. Buggias by Fe arlo '' . � . . S .
y , � , rguson, and Son, 04 w WAS age at 6 P.'ili, , by . .the Rev, 1J. remedy for'these eatarrhal diseases. . . . Institutlon reada as follows: . I . :
%,In Life and Death I'll Love Time, I I rouch . li'dMikedi and .-Meets great ,NT. The ingiribers. of the Pure Retreat., it A.systemic reniedy-;orle thatrell .�
Allen Qf'Stee,iton, ,.to. at once became A*pop'ular medlelne,,11ot every in 447'hriie weeks -ago 1wroto.to -telf . I
credit'. upbu the, county. . Horse buyo , M= - � J, D.wisiori'of the Soils 'of Tomperatice ternal or- -is an you, how satistfictor . .
. Miss Henicke playing a violin' ob-ligikt4 r ,,,�. , only ainong individuals and In famili0st absolu, a gan, , of the be , dy 'y we found I I . 1,
and Mrs. Jamed Andrews Lethbridgeof Owen, Sound,now of received a package of Oranges from btit In the great hospitals, where It was r=e sity. , �
. the -Orgill Archibald lot Seaforth, 'one Of .the best i Savult 8 t . e. Maric. The bride, : was Martin Stewart,.- - who when living I . just such a remedy, Perans, We recommendit highlyfor - t',�;... q
' ' Western. Ontario, . used as a pro,v - :
accompanist. Mrs. Jorda then made known buyers - -in . it colds, coughs, catarrh and neuralgia. - . -
tr I . entive and relief In ban searches out the cause of the disease, .
, said tliat the. show of Huron horses, 4'ressed In a' handsome co"Stume of here was an active. member Of this I . 1 I . . 941 have iised itinyself As jlb tonic wlth�, �
let debut, as a rez:de,r 'Lot .1909i de� Copenhagen'blue voile, trimmed with Division,' INIr. Stewart is now in Cal4 dredis 'of cases. .1 .. .. I .fi�aling. and strengtheril . bg tile mucous the best resal ts, taken as directed, half , . "I".
light�ing . the audience -with.her solli on 16th February was one of the best �blue silk and fancy white .waist The4e, Institutions. do not 46sltate� to membranes,.and thus giving INTature an' .a teaspoonful every half bour-10 ; . I
stirring "Lasca". .10rgarript COQI�', ever , seert. Nr,. Hiltidle o& Wingliam . of ifornia from whence U16 oranges came. give their endorsement of . the relri opp' � . I
then followed with the -pretty, patjlot�,, bought 11 and 6,1togeth . Brussels net. The wedding was very Mr. Stewart was located . at Peach- . ortunity to perform her part of. the Mrs. Etta Booker, Dundurn, Sask., .
., er 211 eban-d � . . �
I . gc which has been so helpful in the treat- restorative process. . . I I
ie Irish solo, "Rory Darling," Bari hands. .1� I . � I lquiet. The bride it will, bex9riiember- land, B. 'C. -,.and just, lately wvut Ao ment of their poor,and Sick. , . .. . . N. W. T., Carli writes: � I . I . . I 1.
rister Blair was'then ca . .� Mk, Park's Sil ' ' ' . led was one.of,thelist of 11 . . I � ..;� I . 1. One of the many hospitals which havo 141 suffered with internal catairb until' I . . � . . I I
. Iled: to, give ver.Goods. gale,, .Was � , passengers California. ' . . . Among these insfiltutions Is that *of found Perunaotyalusin treating old and I wrote t6 Dr. Hartnatt, , and after tak-' .. . . I I I
. .
an address in which he . praised not very niuch : pi upon the King EdwarW, AOcn"slie was. tile lious �9(Mrs. J.,.'White was the Sist . . I n I I
I atronizedi aiiho, gh I . . e . ers of'Good Sbepherd,who gave obstinate cases of ca arrh Is the Hospital Ing treatment a1s he advised, I can say .
. I I . I I . . t I
Auctioneer Beckett' )vrecked- last season, near Southamp-,burned�.tb- the groundone night re- the followin; endorsement. . I I ' . .1 _ . .
. the Bar'aca Bible clasg,for Adhering I p offered ' gold'nd I .. �
I a ,tort -_Mr. Horace J. Horton kept -.a-cently,' Tlie-Aire is -'supposed to have The peruna , St. John, whowrite as follows.: + I I am now aured of this most trying �
so well to their motto, 'Mrs, B i silver to Who ever was'lucky enough . 601"Pa . 1. 66 I . :
ug- . nyf - ,We are happy to tell You that Your ainiotfon, for which I am truly thank- �4
* to store here for years, and belongs . to '.started from the kitchen range. 3�krt .1 .
gins then gave her fAvorite solo$ have the right nuini,ye'rs to match . b Columbus, Ohio, - Peruna has -given us satisfaction. Three ful. I think Poruna the best medicine 1,
I I . I ...
Fleeting Years" with violin. -an' + the numbers put -upon the kold� and the Hortons ot Leeburn, and abr.6th- ur 'Ross, who was visiting hits If.Lunt, , *jf4iring. used Peruna jor thle pjist tow patients haTe tried it, one 68 years old .
� d or- ' er of Mr. Joseph' Horton, . .r . - . happ . I . . . ' . for catarrh. I never fult- better In my, ,
. silver pieces � of. money. Picton, St M s. Wbtfte� ened to awaken :,just months, for bursick and poor, we are Renoui Dupuis, afflicted with entarrhi is life than I do at present.?, -
.gan accompanists, 'followeli by a vio,- . MISS Ruby I �. . . �
. .
� Pon in time to rouse. ind secure *the safeil ' , .1.
hn solo, well exectited by Miss Hein- . t1and - of Dungannon,, out. of 202 Our best wishes for 'a happy-, �uturo, � � happy to W that It has given us great mu h relleved, m6ro than ho. has beon .
I he: bride and g a . I � I for . es number of years. . . . Peruna not only promptly relieves . I .-
icke, Mrs., Andrews Pliesilill 'at the .names worrAlie gold piece half ,j'sOv_ . .,room. of tlic.Other 6ccup, nts. . I satisfaction., - . . . ,
% . . . I : coughs and volds in.their first sta �,v
. �
creign And the. four Silver coins 'vvore . . . . . . I . . � ., . . . . A 4A young girl, 15 years old, 0 gest " ... . i
4)rgan. Mrs. Jordan was then. asked ' � , Mr, Lionel. Parsons,was Ill, Toronto* - . . . � .� . . The Slateirs of the awd. Shepherd, had fin but Is equally pronipt and efftient for
I .
I . I
. by request, to give 'another ,reading, won by 'Messrs.. Charles Bladi� j, Ij * ast week.. .' . . . . . ' . ' �. I .1 .1 � .. . . I .� I . I August,20, 1903. . . obstinate cough, which half a bottle of catarilial 4isoases- in the chror3i�lo stage.. �
. . . . 'Miss - Cp�u6n§ I . I . Montreal Perana caused 6 disappear, . . . I . �,
and chose "Childhood" arid"Mrs, . _. . I .1 .. . of i.,ourso, it Is only' reasonable: *to, - -. , 1
Poster, Mrs. � D, C.' Reid , . is in Tor nto put . .
prero atiV6 of , .T., � Live Stock Wrket. . - 'After a'dclitinued use of the remedy, "As tomyself, tWo"bottlbs haye eon- sup . . . .
. 9. 0 s I � . I .1 � .
I chasing 'millinery goods. . for Mig I I I-- I . . ..;. ' � . � ,thisinstitu,tibrill, bus foxind no reas ihAt Perurt&'is ' poso that,& great doal lbsi mediclaiii': . . d ... .
I .
asking question , at arry.hour & the Polley. all of to,ivn, , . I ' 11c,ameronts milli I . , on to vinced -me magnillwat wi . 11 be llece$sary to cure it slight attack . . . I . I t;
morning" and -Mr. Cook sang .,the. Mrs. Martin,. Essex- street, has � re- I nery, establishment. Toronto,. Feb,` 22nd -.-The receipts Of 'its good. opinion. df the remedy. I as . a tonic. ''. . I I
last No. on the am' ". I lieved Oigaiiiist Jordan, . I . . Rdv. Joseph Elliott has returned -live �tock at-the.Unipft X' , change .. . - I .. . of catArrb: tbou would'.be required to . . . . � I
progr. "Loie s . when. absent ' , .. - Ards ,,' we a and expresses its gati . I .�
Sweet." The "Baracall Bible class from Knox church choir. - , . . from his visit to Ottawa. , 4 F . sfsc�lonl lu the fol- I . SdBofore the treatmenC, I could not reliev tbo-atlment after Ithad, been M. � �
I . . .� 1 36 car loads,. ,consisting ot 791 cattle,, - la*Ingtoiras: I ' ' . �. . I. . .. 1. . . I
. .. I
passed the' refreshments which were � Miss La-wren'te left on Mondlay, 15th I I Malcolm McLeod f�ll recently . on &7'sheop and iambs arl Calves, � . �. 1: . .1 .. . . walk. for.&. -quarter.of art..b6lar withohtilowedoto become chidnic. ' I . . � . . . . �
" . . I . . � . . . . , I . . I
I I . . I
.. I � . I . . .. . P �.. . � ,. .., . . . . . .. . . .. . . : I .. .
- .
-Aaftlity bam sandwiches, all,kinds qt Feb., to visit friends in Buffal�� ,the slippery sidewalk And broke one, There were several , lots Of good . --= � - __Te"n�_ . . . � I
Miss' G ce Smith, lef t 'last I ' week arm' . '. . .. � � .- �_; - . . ___- - _Tn"!" I .11,
-Cake, tea and coffee. Muc.li'merrime'ijt I ra . . . . I . I butchers and "port-`cattl�, but more � . e . . . . . . .. . I . . . . . .�. I . . . I .. ... 14
a rvi f9r.Toronto, C " . . . .. Marr - ' ,I" �Tw,'. �e Goderiche : I .- I- I. . It
_ -
ng�,aftei which . Mr. to attend the . millinery Mrs. , Odle, who 'intends r'maining of th6.liglit Medium clas�s., : - " . ., lages "' . 1. The Mauretania .crossed, the Atlatill . .
, Mid to ,puirl 'for some. time in Toronto, bas giyen � . . I.. I I I. I I I ' . . . . ! .'1*,1V
. I I - . I . - . . .
. I pr I o- openings Siase miltinert . I I . .. . westbound irV four days.,,. seventeen .. . ! ..,
Tom Murppy of Kingston' was � ;.y * I Trade -was slow, ,because the droverg CONVAINP-NVALLACE411. the Presby� 0 ' ,,44
21ioted to- the dignity of. St. Valerl goods ' for the BrIantford firm - I -or ,the Goderich"Agericy to Mrs. Elliott I . . ' . aths , in.-. Goderi,ch Monday I hours arid Arty minutes, brea *1n ,t
I . I I , knowing there .was a light run, � held . . I . . ..k ,.g . wo. ,�
'whom. she is head litilliner.. . I .. torian church at'Bittic�ford, SaSk,;;,'m.6'rmng are , #lose, , of Mrsv. Gmy, 'records. � � 11 . .. � �
I . I
. ' . I �. . . I
es Auctioneer, and 'if .*e merriment M; . . . who should lia�6 been at,"Gleeholmel otit, for higher -- prices. The 'butch . I . . . ,�
. . . ers . , on " Jan. - 27till Minnie Wallaq6j grandmother * of Mks, F. J . Butland, I . . I . � . .11 . . . I . I ,., � I �.. �
I � - .
over the tea and.cofl�e, was �gre.A, iss Bila .Rerl Sister, 6f , T-A....West -street,.on Thursday last, bu; ind.dealers,*on tho,otherrh4nd, would . f6rincrIk of Clinton, -to Robert J. at. the Age , of '72i ai Miss _. � I - � . . I
. L ,It
I Mr. Murphy, being the.�ouj of wit," PaOirt, and, forrill b6ok-keeper for meeting with an accident in Toronto not pay.fhe bigh'prices asked,*6ocause . . I � . I I . . . �
I : � .
brought the house dowrl well as Mr. -Pai)lin, callic'up this ii1onth from . � . I 6 b C.Owari Battleford,- ..' � ' - i Annie Carl, daughter. ol X. Carl the P . 4E . A 'GkNtRAio F-roim, � . . , N
last week,, she will 'if.-alile tOIea1v0 they saw 'that- th - ulk, of *tb6 cattle. BELL-DUNKE-At "Cedar Crest," .W.6st str e�' Cooper., - 1, I Oli SA I . I
' I ,
ilghl 1, i the city be at "Giceholme" to -day to,- . e . es, ,�
. the cakes, which he kept up -a's Ill' Zurich, lier.,home, .to.lielp ',%Its' Paulin � on sale w6r&. not 'of the I quality that -- ' I . . . . - Maii serviel.o in counectian, Pos�k - . . .1 . . ��
- . . . . . , �1.
. he c uld before they Caine ao*m- prepare. for the, trip'out West Mr*� wait -upon. several patrons, of Mrs. . Elmira, Ont., reslidence o� the , '.. . . I .. . . 'ti c: For further +1 I . I
0 , ill out at a high anough . I . Sion any . in - Pal' uell-
� I .votild -]Lt. . per- . I - - � .
-as . I � - , . I I . . L I
Master Elliott, only son 'of Rev-'Valllin having.:com I I , C010S., � : ,: " �, I . I varrint them,paying such bride's parents on Feb. l8th, by . . . I ' ' ' I .
I , b. to tile. "Cone usion , 4 , . I , . * . , � . c6ritage to` . . . I. . . I . lats apply .at The Nows-aeaord 01-,� .
. . I . to -go. Into- . business and . , , lliarr took qi ' . Rev. Mr. Roodhouse, Elva Ethel, . . . I . � . I . . I I
. ,
. , , Mi
.in(] . Mrs, Joseph- Elliott,. is at school I . , , seiile� '- in I jirs. Thornas � I . L'Ite '111,prices'as wCro askedl..Tfiis and " . I - 'FINE LIGHT' COLT fic6. I I . I . I . I
. , I this, . � . 11
. . . . rOR SALE--�-A , . . ... . ..
, � .
at Point aux. Trembl' ., He will so some of. ,tile. -new pro . vmdes. . Both oil leaving Victoria �trcot church Oil alone was. the -calls of �lio, slow xnar- , second .daughter of Mr. and- 1mrs., I n I g I three . , years . I and I �' . . � . I 1. � � . . . . . 1. .. I .. : . , � '!� .
. es . I on . . . Sunday even, . . I . , ... . . 1, � I 1.9 ... .� . .. Jacob Ounke, . .to. John. Aedgley risi . siredt. from - . � 7. . � I � � - .1. 1. I . . � ,. � I �1
Mr. ud Mrs. PAU11n, .. were extremely ..ng last.. : . -et. . . � I � ,. Sirdhey sajle�-Wrh, Proctor, .1.1 I . . . .1
be able to accompany his mother on . . 0 . .. I I -1, .. : . .. I , �6r. . .. :1 .� :� - � � . . .
. - -
her next visit to the continent -m: active in church work; and will 6&r- . The. It T. of T. - election 'of -officers, Considering'I � . . Bcf.l.of Lloydril Sask-, formir . HOI I I . . . . . I , I .1 . .,. . . . -
I . - as- - . .1he- quality prices were. , inesville'.' .,, . ,.R �' ' ' .. '' .` .
:. .. .erly. qf.Clinton, Ont." . I I I . TENDE S WANTED.. �. TENDERS' I .. .
ter Elliott 'speaks very good French tainly 'be - . irl �yt �many - in the took plaft this month'at their hall �not` higher. -than last webk. ' . ., . � .1 ' ... I . . 1. .� . . . . - . __ . 1, ..
. , I I I .1 I . I .
. I .. . I � . . � POLLOCK-HOWARD---�On * 1.7eb. 17th . . . .. . will be ,received bY. the'covricil of:, - I I � I I
210w. � I � . I . I congregation * of .Vxorth ' North strect,.,&nd are as follows : I .. . . 'P . � . . - . . . � . � I . 19 . . - .
. . , I street- chur6h . .. . I . .- . . Exporters... . '- I. at *the residence'of the bride'i Par-; .. .� . � 1. I . . . I .the township of Hitillett up Ao : a - , '" I
. I
The Daughters of the Ent r Tlie�- S ' -'In:,bustriess. circ.bs.. .,:. *. I * . Vice -Councillor, .Ernest Young . - . I . � . I . I . ... . . �1.4. ..� , I. '. p.m. on Tuesday - the , 116th . Mareb., *''' . I .. I ��
on Monday, of last weell the � * " OR � �
PI 0 met �Ad Also . . . . 1 . . Se*iect Councillor, John Nowell . I ' - *load' 'and nly i ' . b A V., - ..
. . I Theie was one * 0 ,one . .- ents at,, Drysidale. .y . le Mr F RENT -HOUSE AND -BARN ON ' . I �
I -Court i. aint George` . church. 'choir . - . . . . I . ' IP09 for the building, 'of concrete-* .' .
e' . . . S . -Financial See., Miss Wiggins , � load Qt" 211 export cattle that reached, � b.av-Idson,, Sara daughter.,of Mr. I Frederick street foir�terl Will . sell' 'a . Lhree- �small '' , * ..' I ..
. . I
1. .
. their. - . .But they, were th and !Mrs. i hn. oward, tk) .,Tames al. 0 old effects! including piano. � steel dges. ., , "I I �-L
House, th officers were till .prescrit,.renderea -a vory',Axie concert ,at- ; . $5.60 . e best seen IH . . I h usch . butments ,to --: support I
' -'he esday Cve, or , � .
,,. .I. Eliot, at, me 6n, Tu Rec.-Se etal . . . 0 1 . , �
but the treasurer, Mrs.. %I ning, week., Xrs. E. Young on thli.market for some 'tini -being . A Pollock, of Huron township 'in . bri At thei.seme titi : .
wihowe are sorry to say was " in great, many- ' Herald, W. McCrathey ' . All Accounts owing to undersigni tenders will. be -received Joc the.' I
_A ' - People -, attended . . . coru-:fed. arid weighing 1$OG lbs..: qhey the county of Bruce. - " - .. . - must. be settled 'at on6e:M-rs. T. R. . . . - , , I . . .
idisposed. The � electioll of officers and - the decorations � Chaplain, Rev...T. -A. Abderso& . , were'sold by 'Aunn-& Lev. ;kho' --�DAVIDSONAt t d man., . . . steel superstructure. of A lie . said, I .: ,�
. . were .,cry. ' ' I lick. . AMESS .h ,e Wajk�,rj Clinton. I . I .. I , .: ,
took place,. and -all were rC-'electedi pirel consist! Guard, J. L. Waltirs. .. 11 .1 . � , I I. I
. � . - - . . . e h ice reported- 'was. a Hensall; 6in. � 'Feb. � 10th, by V . � three bridges.. Length' between, � .
. R.9 of tri�colored burit I I Lev.. .. . I � . . I . ..
Mrs. W. E. Kelly to act as ge�ret�ry,l Ing, al Canadian And Britis;i ...flags. . Mrs. Thomas Marquis has returned ' " ' ' � - . . �.. . .. abutments being as .follows : - 140. 1 , - - ,..,. . . . I I
. I . . load of'21 steers, .1330,' lbs. �,.' each, U. F, -Met, Smith, EllLaIll Jane � I . ... . *1
until the return of Aliss Acheson,, who Tw6 tables were placed .a t to Niap'ri) .N. -41(-. 'and After disposinpl; . . .. . 1. . I . low tre* - *. ' ... . .
' ... .. . , t.ane end of sold by Corbqtt'& Hall, at $5.10 per Davidson to Waltel: Joseph Aiu- : . I . . . a ss 40 ft, span. No,! 9, a I . ' . " �
with Mrs. Johm Acheson ,are. spending the. hall, one *the (lifarl table sup- I of the property of hei latto'�usiiand Cwt.,.'gnd.,,.$j0 on 'the lot ; Maybee & - ess- .. I . ' . . AUCTION, SALE ' AT'LOT 44. : beam bridge, - S rails 18 It. spanq . , �. '.
the season in Toronto. A§- secret-aryl,crintended by. 'Mesdames Clark and k p *her resideRte iniWilsoti.sold 6ne lot of 15 steers, 1200, TWISS:-- McLENNAN-Irl Brari , Bayfi Line,. Goderich io,�nshi; NO. .8-t a beim- bridge 3. rails,' 14 ft- ,
. � 1. 0 1 Ooderieb. Her I daughter remains here.. . , on 4 l6ld . . .. . .i�,
protem, Mrs. Kelly wrote up, Arl B. 8mith' Thic . other was the � . . lbs. coach, of -very choice ,quality -at on, Feb. '1�thll. Ltzzie, daughter: of Thursday, gar. '11th, .0i.the jOI_. . span.. Roadwa : 14 it. wide. All of ' .. I
I. I . . ,y . . ,
* .
read her splendid -report on the-experl "Candy" table sweetly .nanaged.- .byl. Misr, Marquis of Chicago who came U.40. These, ,were the only, three lots Mr. Donald McLerl to Fred. . lowing'� If6rses-1- driiing horse -them to be finishea comp'letp with .11 . , .. .�.
- in here to attend the * her i ' 540 Itnid, over, 'the rest . rising 5 years oldi.1 driving-aiare 0 I ,
diture of the 1. D. O. E. lunds, - the Misses Emily Sit i ephard, and Con-, Auneral of that reached $.. , Twigs of Soaf6rth- '... I . .. . I emerit-floors. Specifications for the . . I . �
'eluding all bills for the necessaries ,stance Holt. The , Blac"'tone , etches- I brother, the. late Thomas 'Marquis. of selling, at,�5.11,dowrl to 11, for mldi�- * . . . I . rising I years aild, I -horse rising 5 cignent work can be seen at . the I '. I ., 11
requi,red' for the hospital. 'tile secre- tra opened. the Program with one .Niagara N. Y'., has returned to. her I um light 7exporterg. Bulls sold, $5 for ', . B, � years old, - 1, horse - 10 y", rs '. I I k' � . , �, �,
I of - I I .. irths, - .. .� I old cer s oftlee, Londeabbro. The iol*- - � ,
to,wrlie a- letter'their delightful, home.'. . . � I . � �. - . -sq . ,
selections, followed 151 . est, or any teader a6t, nece . kirily -
. . I . Tile , medium,light exporters., Bulls sold McBRIENL-In ..Clintort oil Veb-22fid h.orse 8.16ars old, 1 .heavy -draught ' . � ..
to the Board o e hos-� a fine duett I 'The, Pilot". well render. i .prospects for. ..the 'Conil Cole- at.$4 to '$4,,65, the bulk .,elling at $.I . I -,golding ,rising 2 years old. Cattle- accepted.-Jas..'Campboll, Clel �44 ' .
. �
pital, to sanction, the bd-kdiug,,a two ed by Messrs bration of the 12th of .July at . Clin- . . � . I .. . to. Mr., and Mro.. HarVey.'%cBricn, ,i co . . .. � . .1 . . I .1 . ." .
. . Fred. Stufdy And Eeg- .. to .$4.25. w . . . . . I I . ws supposed to be in calf, - G I - . I : . , �-:,
Storey -.,,Ing to it, which Is now, - � i ., 13lac'kstone,: 4 MISS ton is loonling -up , very successfullv� � I , . . - a 'daughter. ' * .. � . . _._______�:. .
.. . . . steers rising .�,years, 2 stecrs rising, . � .. . . . . .1 .. . .
. ' Hemsttidge . I .. � . , . I . .. , � 11,4chers. . I .V I Rqi!, GodieriChl itownslio . .. . . I .. .1
necessity. At ,this Puncture we advis sang in sweet lWe hope noi maywar its bright- I . 1. . I E SOW -I I �,
voice "Ho - carle, . I I . 4 . . ..
- mel' D. .. �. I .. . ' 3 y". ts, .1 "Aicifer rising I year, I CATTLE FAIA.__rTHE SEAFOR`Ii� . . 1� . I
A the D. 0. E. to finish the Wing Home". Miss Heini TIOSS, I .. . . imime, picked heifers and steers 1050 ., � .
., . . .on Foll 10.1h, 16 . Mr. 'a -rid, M.rs. horobred ,H I
eke gave a.pretty . . - . . . i . erefdr4 bull 16, . .. .1
s I to, 1150 'Ibs,, - were ,quoted -al' ' : � t. ..,months' horse and.cattle fair will be held ott . .
with a tower, so that the hospital violin select -ion, followed by ��' comic At. Victoriq street chufth on Suri being . James:Forgusonj a' SOM . ,. . . - .
L . . � w till $1.85 -to $5;10 ; loads of go d, LINDSA-Yi.�Iil Goderich,township or(� ., old,. �_. jbinder-, I moweir, I stool take, ' WedneWay,' Feb. 24th. 'An Auction. . I � I .i .1
a I .
would be known, at a great . distance song ablytrendered by 'Elarold Black- evertil�g*last Rev. Mr. MilIyard chose o I 12 -hoe- drill, 12,plate. Pt. lot 51 . 'gale will be,heta in donnedtion for .. I
,over town. The secretary also ,xead stone... ",Tlil Old Oaken. Bucket," was for' his slik1ject, i'T,Iic judgement". acts. $4.50, to $4.85 ; meditrin light cattle, Fcb� 22nd, to f4r,' And Mrs. Wil- .will also, be offered tfor sale At. - the convenience of. persons wishing ' ... �. I
a $4 tu' $4.40 ;. common, $8.60 to, $1 't . liam' L. Lindsay, a son, . ,time and' place- Sale' ' ' , I 1. t dill of their stock in that I I . .
letter from the I.D.O.E. heild. office hailed' with del-ght, tile 4uartette of the apostles 17�30,81, . "And the . 6W,4, � $3 to $4.25 f. with a .Very tow WELS-H-In 'Lower � Wingliam on same � . at 0 � : ,
aiking .that the Ahmeek Chapter - to'urlio rende'red it' being Messts Charlc�' times of this ignorance, God 'Winked I ood- enough to export at, $4.40 !' *can- Feb, 14th, to Mr. and Mrs, o'clock. Terms : 0. mos. credit ' or I - manner. Several buyers from & I . . . . �
Contrik,wte a donation toward purchas.- and Harald and Reggio Blackstone andA af, 'but upw -contril'andeth all. tri . . . Waltet 5 Per cent,' dlscouftt�-Jasl .A.'I. A
I , ' distance will be pr.esent.-Thos. I
Ing the tenor chime, a-, Canada's iund Freid. ' Sturdy. After . the Tableaux every where to repent." , 113ccause he ners and', common COWS, U.N. to $2.rj .Welsh, a son. 11 Smith. I . . � .� .. � . , , j Brown. . � . I I . � . �
to the chime of bells being donated by "The- - Children'S Home" ,in two hath apPointed a time'" And etc. .His 75;'bulls $3. to $4. � .1 I. AUMSTRONG-At' Lofidesboro, on �. � ... .. . I .. - - . . . .. .� . � I I . . .
the 1. D, 0. E. to. Nelson's moraory-. parts Miss Eleatlor Hays r4i be- sernlOn-WAS based ow. -five substantial 'Milkers and SPringers. . Pob� 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. ., 0. , - . ..-
I I W � . .
' - . . � .. . . . I � . . . ."
'There were 79 Patichts in the hospit- two6n cach-"Pirt, * , a fine cholus was points -. -Tile Judgement; Ctirtainiy of A. limited number sold At $35 to'$52 Armstrong, a daughter. .. . ---*"**"***"""**"*"***"*"*""#*"*"#" I . .. .
. I - .
. . . . .
. . . � . . I . . i
. - us leach and -better quality would .� have MOSS -At tile home qf her, mother, . . . I . .1 I I
al during the year. Regret was also sting by the choir, "All Hil ye tile Judgement, University of it, The ) . I I J, B. Hoover Nelson Ball - .
.expressed bY the I-D.O.E� at' I their Proc",,' an -Intermission was given in Sacred thoughts and Actions will be I sold cur -more money.. . . .� I Mks, William * Riley, Londesboro, ' . . . I ... - I . . . � I � .� .. . . . I
I . . . ,
- ' . Moss, " . I .
last meeting,* at not having Mrs, M. which refreshments .were served. -The as Photographs upob. paper and Chrisj Veal Calves. � . on Feb., "rid, to. Mrs. Fred, I . . . . . . I
H. Morris, to help oil the hospitil Waterfall, ,9, trio by At a: daughter. I . . . . .. � . I I . . . I
,sses M, 'Weils, will be the judge 'and His Judgement Prices steady at $3 to $7 per cwt. ' - . I I V., . I I . 1� OF . I . . I .1 I
Nork. . I .. lWestlicad and B'drie Tyc delighted -all will last for Eternity. The'sermon . . Sheep and Larftbg. . .. . . . . I . I I
We talce the .. liber I ty of poblisht3l; ill the 2nd part Of the . . progr.-tm, as was:a very able, one.. and the congrogcw Rccvj'pt4 light, prices Arm. Grain- . Deaths .1.. I I '-- � I I I Do ., . . � .1 'J__�
thisAittle item.from the daily Herald did the Violin arid Piano trtb, aly cx� tion was very large. The quartettC fed' lambs, sold 'At $6,50 to $7 per MeIEOD--4n Goderich on Feb, 1�tb, I I S .1
,of ,Stratford, 4th Feb. ;Goderich -,-s Muted by Mr' arid Miss lleinick'e and choir of male voices sang a, beautiful cwt, , common larnbs* $6.50 to $6 Norman McLeod'. . . . .1 j;, I .
. I .1
� f r_ The other numbers hymn "Take the name Of Jesus Vith per Cwt. ; export owes, $4 to $4.50 � MILLER -In Goderich on Feb. "loth, .... � I .) . - I
.b.ore to -night 'i'Tbe Sailors 11 othe .Afrs. Andrews. .- . - - �
wise known as.the "Alaes'," ,%vill take were the gallant qfiartotte I . 'Yo Mar- you" ari'd "He will keep the joyous rani $3.25 to $3.`75. ' . . I Elizabeth McCutclivon, reli . � � . W, I d I . I . � I . :
. ,
a jaunt down from Goderiell to-wtght ibers of England" heavtily slarl by bells ringing for ,,%)u,l' Organist De . the late William Miller, Aged,. 81 11 A., I t .i
' . . I
Hogs. - !� . . . I I
to play the returiN game with the Joe- tile. Blackstones and. F. 14tutdy ,. " aluil Lernme Millyard executed A, lovely years and 3 months.. I T 1.
, , I .
al intermediates, and that there will Alto r Selection by, tile Bla6kstone organ solo -at the offertory, On Sith- Gunns and H -P. X6miedy reported McNAIR�-In Grey on F61i 4 1 . I I :
- prices unchanged At $6.60 for'selects, '#' I I 10ki'Altal . . .
� be something doing, is assur%�il. That Orellesti'a with tabl�atix "Ye School day next the cho.r will be composed McNair, aged 36 years %nd 6 � .
13 to 8 shot, which, by the way, is Days o( tile 01den Ttine" and a tried- of the young lady singers of Victoria fed aod watered at market, anil'$0,40, months. . . 11 .
I � . . * I : (1�
the %cat showing ever made against ley by tile choir, with the-hational.,,'4t. church. . I TURN91ULL-Till Stratheoria, ' ,%lborta 1, I - ht - I -
tile loth, Noll * I -
(4olderich in their bwri. - f,o,l)., cars at Country points, I to . I I I I I 0 R'og 4 . 4
1 ,
to a close one of I Services were held in Victoria d6vers. - . on Feb, "i th, Marion Kirkwood, to- .1 I I, t4i I - .1
, � - -little lien coop, Anthem" brought. . . . I . . . . . . , . I I I . !
must be effectively 6iminated, , ' , and the - mosf lielli and successful en- church on Tuesday and Wednesday of - � . . I fict of the late Walter Turnbull, . * ' I -so . I ,
the Indiana Are tile, boys to ,do, it.ty tertainnients over held Al �5t. Gem- this week, and will be. volitiritied to- . formerly of Waltorl aged 11 years . 'A .good .horge, ig worthy of a fine Aaddle
and the barA played "Tile Campbells go's S. S. Hall.. Much of the success' morrow evening (Priday,) . bahy's Oww`Tshleta � and B.'months, . , I � Jr
. . a good picture demands, a good mount. Let � .
are coming" and "Borl Dundee." of the progratii is given io'th� organ- Miss Elliott of Dungannon was t4c Will Cure,Vour baby MeQUAID-In MeXillop on Feb, 14th, cortie - e
We. note In the Xingston Whig j*t is list, Mrs. Cogt4woll, vlin llam�d A -lie guest of Mrs. S. Knuckle, last week. . . Thomas J. McQuaid, aged 60 evet-Y nook and r of your home be beauti-i,
,proposi�d that a strict rule"b(i "made Chorus s ngers arid got up the pro- Miss ROSO Jones ot Calgary, is th if your little ones Are subject to, years. � , * tied. Bri g around .your paintings. atid etch -
for ill liquor 1drinkers guest of her cousin, Mrs. (Capt ) iWili, colic, indigestion, C ,"GOR -In Eginondvill OA ,
in 6c, .1,,t. ,,;. grant. Revi. Mark Tprrtbull' presided, . , onatipation, worms MeGRE 6 I ings and "we will cohvert them Into
to carry licenses on wbMi the hoWill as chairman, . Glundry. simple fevers, ot ,other minor Ail- Feb. l6th, Constance VeGregoV, t . I . I .1 �
photograph is printed, and if the, itoldi Master Creil Lynn, our elever little, , Miss Jennie Proudfoot Is now coni. itictits of childhood, give ,them. Baby's infant. daughter' .of iAr. and 'Mrs. 1. A.XmX8WXC a8nATj",jrZ . w�OTS, , i
, �
'er gets Intoxicated, his license' will, elocutionist, was very ill last week pletely recovered ' from her attack of Own TWets, and see h0V ,quic,Uly the Frederick McGregor, aged 1_- �
: , ' I . ,- ..Year " no matb�r how costiv or simple ItA fittings*
be. fii away for a period of thirty but we Are'llappy to state that he typhoid fever, trouble, Will #180000. But better And 8 months. I ..
, peftser of is now quite better. - . . - C. Harrison will I -in Seaforth on 1416 � th, Our exteneAve staCk of speelally seleded picture I �
,or forty days, but the d1% I Mrs. J CAV, totlatill, all Occasional dollie of TaMetA MCLFIOD . ia'
the liquor must be under the'jiirisdie� Mr. James Ste , wArt of the W. C. Simcoe, at an early date, as the Miss-, given to well ebildreh wilt keep these Williatri (1, McLeod, aged 67 �csra. t�iouldlngs cannot fail to give permanent plefts- .
- it Flotir -ower ave g dd Position$ in troubles away, Mrs.-Alla'a A,.MAO�IBROADFOOT-Ift Ttickoismith on , � . �
tion of the V.S. LegWiaturei arid litills ii having a 4, dog es Rarrit.on h, 0 . ,. . .
. , :,Ulrt. , 1. .. � - . .1 �, I
I 1. I .1 . 11 . .
-the L40. does not veto it. tht, new ft'Oftl 1114 cellfit on Arthur street to that town, Arid Mrs, tlarri,4011, intends doftaid, Island River, X. B., SayS : Feb: 15tli# Alvin Hold, katil Son . "I ".. � , �� ..... �� � I I 11 I... 1. � .1 I ______.__.__ 11 I— . I � .
bill Will Pasi- What they are aux1oft the main d1raln, to carry off the I talking up her rosidence -there. 1"MY baby suffered gtti* from eon- I of Mr. and Mrs.- William Broa6. I � 006111 I "
* q+
11 I
.1.5 to make laborers, water that has laid there lot some Oil Saturday night oceur6d the deatIt 8tipation and stomach #6016 khd toot, aged a w�eki.� '
to. aceomplisli .
and dtheTS tire of bettig watelvill so days. of ail. old li of the town in'the Baby's Own Tablets cure� him. I at- CARDER -tri Blyth !oit Vlob, l8th,
ttrilctly-artill will in that way give Mrs, 11alsey Park and her head wit- personlot John 11. J .
, . ohn3ton at the ways keop tfit3 Tablets -in the homot Dr. (larder, aged 71 years, 1, Hoov' e, r & Ball -. - ''..
up the babit of using stimulftnts- ljj)t�r, Allss Coltingon, are ift Toronto age of 81 years, It months and 10 how," Sold by medielito deaters ot L-ILLIOTT-In, Holmesville, on 'Feb. ,
. Njiss 11odge, after spending ".me.attotiding tile lyffilinery openings, arid days. Mr. Johnston was formerly �k by mail at 25 ii a box, from The I 20th, Thomas Wesley, son ot Air. VtT1tW:tW.&�R= .&ITJO VLVXV3ZTL&Tj 30XX=01W0:a8
trionths! at her home her(%, his r0turn, ptirchaSing goods ,for the coming carpenter, but for a good many ,years j, Dr. Williams' Medicine ' Company, I Thos. Elliott, Aged 30 years and � . I
It. I -1
led to qloronto. . SM $011. I had been living retired. Brockwillet Ont. 3 months. #*"*4441""4"4*4444"**4440444""****"****"
. . I . I
0 . . I .. 1,
I t I
. . I . . . 11 I - 1. 1--1-1-.- . ".��.1-1.1-l'..",..�,��"...-"."...,.-�,,-.,,-,��,--��"".�....",-..,-,--.�.------ -