HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-02-25, Page 40
M I4o '
February, 25t1i►,, 15 9
v T4 ,ITT ,�
. Suimi norl> 1. Godelich'�`+o'rav40h >ry le
j!rTr, "nit >vi BLOOD
Miss X. A. WoLtl:fns a ,visiting at, . rs. Alex. Badour, who On Wednesday+ evening of last week �, ,,. ,,��yy,,
Stamped s� Alr. J. C"tirrie'>q, of Goderich townsh'Tt lyane lived for many years ul:on," the at the hour of a o'clocX the home of $4,0 $4.00
`"" 'file Ladies' Guild, *of St. .Peter's Nattlatid con., have atrcided to MOvrh Arr, and Mrs, John Howard was the Responsible, for Nearly all of 'the
• church met at Mrs. 'f'. Beacom's an to near ".^+gratia where they will i,'n-'scent'• of a quiet but pretty vveddin.
Wednesday last. 'Elle next mectia 949e in the .hotel business with ..a � 1•iisexy Women Kndure. ��
and Rugsy g ceremony, the occasion being the
*411 be at Mrs. Clcor a Bill's, #rather of ILir. Badour's, Tlie leave
g y matriage of Miss Sara,, to .las. A. is
The L. O. L. meets next Monday eatures
1n a few days so an Monday evening Pollock, a prosperous young farmer of IIihnetyaw-omeni3Oat of a, hundred. """""�"°°"'-`""""""'"""'"'"�""'-
night. a 4un�bcr of their friends met at thei>i of Xduran township, Bruce county, � f nmfstakable are elle signs itif ,,too @w designs 11 bugs, I Miss. Rands and 1112, J. T1. Lowery- home to spend a few ]tour's se4cially', after the nuptial ,knot was se --We- little blood." he «: Of all that lady
will take part in a debate in Middle- ere the. parting tame. They 01 not T coker sex a tis- @ a &dj uses, wears or Natio uathin :
.st&miPed ATI. good quality .. ly tied by Rea. Aix, Paridsan X. A. sailed at all ages b the evils result- is TXiore vital x(1' h r .
o a a of and ton's church on Friday evening, y allow the occasion to pass withoutiaf t`arna and congratulations. extend- xa frontbloodlessness,e .daily' comfort fh4n properly
o f c uv- s. Holly l,y n Several from this vicinity attended showing in a tangible Way 1 leis, a -i g from fire girl
,fitted shoes. It decades the question of how she
U4 le Le&f .ti@slgT;,3 9,re' the social ivcn At the home of Mrs.'preciatioa of Mr. and Mrs. l3adourlGd the assembled guests kretook tient- who is vveai: and languid, with dull
j g ;selves to the spread of delicacies fur eyes, pale lips, 'fitful appetite shall finish each LIS {ylletheplxQdiifl iiia
VQpy popular. Complete lAtulholiand at Holmesvilte oni truesdayf as tine following address rtad by • , and �
nished for the occasion. Tile bride pa><pitating heart, to tite woman who ha or Vested, and comfortable.
evening. Reeve Sturdy, will show : lap
With fringe, They Tlnak@ • . >, was tl}ade the. recipient of ma�tiy feels "hexer well " with
pains . in the
�. y � Mr. and Mrs.. Samuel Noble of lliin- Po Mr, 'and. Mrs, 13adoux : useful .presents, .among them being aback and across the shoulders, faint -
&TI flcell8ilt rug. to, Man., . and Nlrs. Moble .of the Hur- tacit p +fends,--lt is with `doep re- gift train tine nciglhboxs, who, to the in its. and aching b,
Not One Wolman I>t>l Eight
an Road, near. Clinton, visited Mrs. gret that we learned you were about number of lift • few evenings g g nim s, And 'Eater � � I3 Properly I~it,>~��. .
QQ1" l�Ials c `' HigtSins...on 111toihda 1 0 leave plat township which has be<n i' a g pre- at life's turning paint, nervous d,sor-
t party to Proper Shoes,
I 6.An A. Y. p. A. Yd connection with your home fox s 1 many years. I vious, assembled as a surprise art dens and heart troubles maize great .
IJa1' $size Sl1 40 cS .ae St. Peter's church has been organized By Sour friendly disposition, yqur anei presented the bride to be with calls an a woman's stxengtli,
' with the Yo110vvir. officers ; ' willingness to .do with others a4 ou a beautiful dinner set accompanied by At all ages Dr, Williams' 't'ink Pills If You will i ve us a little extra t` e
1, t �iooks rUc President, J. H. Lowery would have them do unto you; you Miss S. gear are especial>� valuable to the female ower I day, W . will fit your scientifically g fife foltovcfn address g , y r feet scleritificall some
i .. Ho d, Drysdale .
Secre are*ss
X. Tyner - bare Miss lands •ships,made warm and lasting Extend -I Dear Sara, -We, your friends and sex,for
in abundlone anceess the the r ch, red accurately to S pair Af � a11d
e t '' We havei gathered acquaintances of the, vhe,nity of Drys. blood of health. '.they, fill the starved:
-0 . Treasurer, D. Barr � g feted. here tonight- to dale and' surrounding country, have meet once more- soc,,all to express g y veins with new blood so that enfeeb- •
The society will have a social meet- y' P assembled at your haute to -night, pre• led bodies are strengthened,
Ing g y 0111 sorrow at the'severance of the vious to your departure from. our IEL.jNI�O "HOE
in in the Orange -hall nest ,Thursday g weak S Your comfort Will
��' e�1'Iil 1`IaChiae evening.. htie and wish you, hapPiness - and midst,. for the ,purpose of showing yott nerves are fortified and robust lieafth
Sewing Xr. and Airs. C'. Dale, Huron Road, success in the future. II is restored. cease from that hour
+visited her • parents, Air -'and Mrs. I Mr. 71 dour we ask you ,to. accept +fn this Simple way, our great appreei•.
this gold-lheaded cane, and you Mrs, ation of your past services and of the "Mrs. E. Smith, Windsor N. S„ says.,, r George Johnstone, the forepart of ,then �-- ----
' mane lasting impressions which you A, few years ager my health began
Badour, this fruit dfsh, neither for have left upon our memories, by your] fail. I suffered greatly :from in- .
vVeel' their intrinsic value but as tokens: of ward troec,;les and in about a, ear's
'Sewing xtlaCl11114' need- g kind courteous and friendly div osi-' y
• • ; Bert Bambrid a Of Eb,st • • Hutlett
. 'les, Sikh as New HRfpe visited 'friends. about the village on the esteem of your ofd Goderich town- ' y P time my, whole system was almost a
'' g ship friends, tion. ( y "REO
Singer, Ra Tgontl Davis sundae. I 5t By the active Parti you: clave taken. wrecb. "Nfy brood had turned to water ON
Mr. John -Sturdy sold one of his
2 Russel Colborne has. engaged with in all things which have tended to nd my heart had become so badly ci '
y Mr, W. Nesbitt for what, we believe' s last Neck to Mr. ffected that T could scarcely go about. AlwayS Reliable rr CLINTON
and other makes rfla e - working horse advance the welfare of -each, and all of
had from us in all size", is the fourth season. Oliver 3ohnson of Clinton and is now n fact life had almost iaecome a .
( us you have Won for _yourself a name,
( Airs. Robert Thompson has been 11. °n the lookout for another, � worthy of all praise. Therefore, dear' burden, and there seemed little hope
The Goderich township vs, Colborne for me, one da a friend asked me
for some days her many friends else friend, as a recognition of y
game of bowls on Friday last resultoa g your vale- I if l had tried Dr, WEliams' Pincic Pills - - -- -• - - - ---
in where will be sorry to hear: -, a tictory for the latter,, due to one able labors we ask you to accept this and told t
1 Mrs. •John Colborne is also indispos 1 players, Lou. 1<faske, , "dinner set" not for its Value but o me that she had been in al- 5 W1�w1rIV . .�VMV1ry Ny i
of Their>=1 r,.hkfng! y most the same condition l was. and
ed` five "strikes.'' rather that it may, serve as a token . .
Alisses - I3dna and Myrtle '.Beacom i ,. Our townslhfp was re-? that, fife .Pills had restored 'her to
COOPER'S Clinton.y presented by Nixon Sturdy, Herb of our respect to, remind you of the her present splendid health. I took SLIM PRICESO"
' came haute from Cfor Sunday,, �manp hippo days eve have spent , t6- SMALL PROFITS
�I.ampxey, ,Jahn Newegnibe, George cobra a from what Inv 'friend told me STOUT VALUESAREH
BOOK . ° TOR ( NI> s. N, Bingham arrived frotth Mon- �Lcithwaae, John iPorter, James ,john- gether. g IC N
tan" an Saturdaq 'to visit friends stone and Oswald Ginn, Although 'you are "Lout to depart and began to take. the pills: I teak 0S i2
CLINTC>N here. ( The Goderich township quartette,
front us' to make your home ' in a them xegu:arly for several. months, J
Miss Mabel 'Garvie, ,Clinton, visited consisting of Thos, Macdonald and land distant from the place of your eontantly growing stronger, and the' TOR 1vttTsxCt E'1V1PpR3: C rZX
her mother on •Sunday. William Whitely, 'violins, and Herb childhood• and .tliv many precious xneti% internal troubles from which I , had
.i ! Miss Al.. .Scott of 'London },ow' ;l Dories which endear you to home we been -afflicted were disappearing, and Our I.aniprfsv, flute, fui nfsiied the 'music y A t7it nal
has been the uest of Miss Trier. i trust that the same fond' feelin of my whole system seemed to have .
...... ! g y for. ,t .,,all in Blyth on !±riday even-�
I Aliss Minnie and Ogle Miller, also ing-last, The music was. o, lc. said love which united us now may con- gained new strength. I wanted to,
3 ill for the incorporation 1' .'Miss Ethel Mahaffyj :C''inton,.Vfsited, the da cer. h. f' tnue to abide and'tltat +find's .richest make certain that there would he no�rllar
b oY ' . t le h n S whirl . hs the usual wet return of he trphbla and I continued Sale
Great Northern Railway has beeli 'in- friends in Hibbert fora few days- the dlet ,Wlien .our orchestra is cai;aged, blessfug may continue w:5th 'pou: .
g est week. The returned hom4ci0n- to take. the Pills for a time. after I
troduced' in the Manitoba ?Le Legislature p e ..' y x 1ti*', William Crooks returned home -Signed in behalf_of your friends and had nail 1 'recover d. 'Ci c Commences Friday, Feb. 5th
y y e v e I •." .
and this is thought t0 signify the be- dap and report. ,a, goad time, ,on ',Iotid'ay #roln a forthiaht's visit neighbors, lVnh. Rowson and Chris Have• roved for e f wli. - .
Iginning g Mr. D. G. McLaughlin 'cif Abeideen, Hau ti P ys I tit Dr. Wirt' -.� Specia.l Bargain8 in Childl`e>ll'S Sh0 S`
inn_n of Mr. James J, Hili' s great' to 'his sister at`I,inwood who liar' . g liams' Fink Pills n .do e
railway scheme in the west. , South l5akota, . wllo has been Visiting been •: err ill. ,<" , After the presentation : pad been rG- , I have rec- . �____�r .
fri,errds in' -and around Clinton. for a Is onded, to in fitting word's of thank- omnlended diem. to a number of snff-. .
. O,n riday evening; a debate will be. p g cri,ng people, 'and those who have giw �'Ve hao•e be ,
couple 'of months, left for home on fulness, the baskets were . unloaded been
fortunate in securing several lines in Children's
-""- P held n fife Middleton. 4, �h, , en them a fair trial have proven with Shies which live can sell at less than inannfacturer's ricos, This
THE BIG STORY I ti �NIonday, .He is always sure of a car- subject to .be : "I?esolved that a and all present joined heartily inlnvak- t , p s is
N MARCH. dial welcome when he comes; me that Dr. Williams Pink' Pills are a rare chance to secure a supply of children's .Ehoes for the spring
union of Canaria and the Clnited Stat-- lug . away with their contents. Tlhe and suuhmNr.at Bargaiti prices: The folio
is a few. of thepbar-
�, Miss'''Minnie Wallace; 'formerly. of + ,r rest of the ''evenin was pleasantly fust what they are recommended to g
A Knight Errant in Broadway is es would Lc expedient for, Canada. g P y' ' • „ gains we offer, See Our Window,
this vicinity, was married recently fn 'rhe .aflirmattve will be' `ttiken by spent in games and music... be. r , '
the story of a certain Englishman's 50 airs child's Kid Button Shoes, patent toe cA
the Presbyterian church at°Battle- 14liss Johns. and ,John an:r Tercel. 1`'Cid- After a fete days'.visiting iii .the Soidby all medicine. dealers or 'hy, p p p, turu.sole, regularly •
perfidy when he took root in Walt Isold at 75c and 85c fill Sizes from 3 to 7 Feb, S41e rice a0c.. .
street. This is only incidental, how- ford, Sask,, to Mr. Rottirt J Cowan;: cileton of Middleton's, ands hho n^gat-• neiglhbortiood the Happy couple left mail at .50:Cents a box or six boxes 15 pairs child's Chcicalate BAIa with ti,e"cA' turn pp
formerl of Vancouver $, 'C. but + p. t n a so e. 5 and 6'
ever, to the central characters, a {jinn- y. + , frP by Rett Holines Of T101mi•Sville for their Koine followed 'by` the . best for s2;50tl from, the Dr. Williams Med- regular price 90;'. Feb. sale price e,5c,
ny English girl of mettle and a oung now engaged 'in the real; estate • bust -'and J;: Il, Lciwery and friss 'Bands wishes of a large circle of friends: Trine Company, Brockville. 12 pairs child's Tan- Slippers with how, reg: price 85c, Feb. sale 65c.
y ness at Battierord, The numerous (.of Sicminorlifll.. Th" i"iif,e `V f;l `': be All our felt lines at greatly reduced prices.
American who has 'red bland .enough � '
friends''here of the faiVr bride will:'unite prfhici 15 pairs women's Patent Baas, Goodyear welt, reg, $4, sale price $3: .
to rise above his early, environments, pal Haittey °# ClintOu, : , 3o Heavy Rubbers and SOX at cost. '
which threaten to suck him down, with The trews -Record illi extending- Stanley ' Township- When the Mercur •`Several other lines at bargain prices.. .
The story 'is full of action in present- good wishes. �•
day affairs and quite characteristic of HolmesVlille., Those fronn' the `Vest. who have been
Crawls ]Down Theg Save mane b bu ir.n our su 1 now.
Mr- Holland's best style and will, Four children were:• drowned while yisithiig friends here during the ' win- Y y y• g.y pp y
appear in Lippincott's Magazine. .fol skating oil Sand Pond,., at ?lorwooa, O'Ii. Saturday night last, ;Wrsicy, old•: ter lie aotiv returning, Among ahem Stag b the Coal .
March.' . - i Rhode Island. es't son, of ' Mr. and. Mrs. Thos,: L1- I are : William '.Kyle ,who returns to . - . •
�, liott,. passed quietlp tiway'to thatlS.tronie, Alberta.; this week and next lain. THE PLACE WHERE •YOUR :DOLLAR ALWAYS DOES ITS DUTY •
I ,*I
-• .. .j l%and where no . serrow dwells. He 1 week Mrs. Hector Reed to Kenton, •
�. t was .taketi ill in Novenl;cr and ou h -Matt: ' and DIr.' find Mrs. John Gil To the, Editor of The News -Record :
1.ever thin g , LM^MI► VWIIIIN�1V111AA/YM1/�NVW1A/��1/Aftft 1
p g possible Was, .done to .. re- ,mour. aand • child to Moosejaw; Sask . • Dear 'Sir, -Please find enclosed a
store, him to health again Ile slowly ylr. Forrest returned to British, Coil ost .
5 passed'dovvn the .dark Vale,- I imbfa this ' week and leis. wife and. p al Order ,for $1.50 to' help � The e•v�"%WOQ..�. l",• .-� Ift .W, .W,�,qh,�,:%,r,,�,�,�,. �„
`- O. he News -Record air the :way; . It. is nice . �a
bore his sufferfugs , vvitli great pat' i family will return in April, • On Fri- to get a letter from -home each week
. fence. FIe leaven to mourn his de- day evening . this: i quote cele-
in: this wap. 1Ye are wintering very r $
RY GOODS parture. This sorrowing parents- and.brated the.fifteenth anniycrsary of nicel "WhIle.we have had." few•dis-LASTCA T ,N
1.. . , one. brotlher, David �W, who resides: at ) their wedding. in the borne of Mr, and y' .0 ,
agreeable Iia s there has t n �'-!1. - _ .
MIL'LIN'ERY FURS MANTLES .. Ashgrove, B. C Thelargely attended .firs. Joim Cameron,. Mrs Forrest's g y no been _
.1 rarents., A lar much severe cold. • 28 below -zero is
I•fimerat took place on.Tuesday afters p. gel, and happy:company the coldest to ate Hawn v r ,
. noon, the services bein eonductdd ; of friends and nei arbors were resent . d e c , when . ._:
!; t?yI li p. the mercury begins .to orawl.',,.down , -F 0 .:.
Rel : Mr, Sno+uden. Tlrc allbcarers spending a very -pleasant time fn aU14 T . . . I . - .... I .1 . r . .�.$L> .
P r . - g; we stay, b,om'e ,by ithe' Coal• bin: The �„/
• (were..7ames McDonald'; Tl>otuas ISI es, movie, etc, until about. midnightI, I.. ,. :
rural mail man brings- 'our .mail. daily.RS. '; 1, ... I
We want our C%ood Wild+; Batt, L, Yeo.D: Sturdy, `John, Tor -when a' sumptuous wadding suliper ;
i � except 'on Sundays. We also' get the ,
'' •anal . John I•Iuller., ` The friends was served to which ample, justice $75 00 Men s Coon Coats..for0.:,;�
r nc
a e
. y by telephone, als the 70fA . '
„ . from a� distance. who. attehded the fun-: was` done, . All join in•wishing them' m ;. " . , 60 0�0
market flail p
danly'vveather.forecasts for ttiventy four] . 60 00. „ ; 40,00
aS wells Your'atrona�i a �eral were Mr. ,and Mrs.. White, Tara,; Icoptinued prosperity and many mo,xe hours' ` 37.5U Men's " ' '
g ou s ahead.- Yes, our rural abeam- WombAtCoats ,,, ;,; .27
- (,Michael Daly,• Wfarton and N.' Eili:ott • Happy years of married life.. .
- + modations are somewhat improved W 00 Hen's Black Russian Dog•Coats . , 16.00
. • ' Claverling, . a, cousin * ci deceased. • . . I c r , thirty 28•W MMen�s Siberian Calf Coats , , , , , ,23,00
Air, 'and. Mrs. E. Acheson,,were call- sears a omwhen vel had ole encs D Coats.- Astrachan collar ]9.60
'1,5.00 Dog Co
y g a go th rip 35.0(! iklen s Galloway ()Oats, .. x,.00.
New WhI r .,. ar. IL .�ers on friends in anf3 around Ilolmes- COAStaACB five miles to Fargo for our' mail. 3000 Men s Hamster Lined Coats, with Glerman other colt
ar . 24.00'3
Ville on Monday: . r That 'was when we considered' the MAO Men's Sask. Lined Coats, with Gennari otter collar..,... 19.00
We have ust passed into stock all our new 1. Alis Florence •Hunkin "ol,Fullarton
p Sunday last was missionary 'Sun-{. mosquitoes more of a benefit than a _
Gowns,• Skirts,. Corset Cov' rs and Drawers, and day, our spent a few days' with her cousin, ---�- .
preaching in , the, detriment ; the -more more mosquitoes- the.
p l y morning an g ,bliss Anderson. 50.Op'L'adies' Black Curl Coat with sable revers and silk belt..'3i3
Round be leased to s race ahem to. pu. 4ur i . g a Mr. R: %lolmes ave a$ . ..
faster our Oxen travelled. to, the post 00
- o
Miss Maggie. AIcDonald;: returned onf � 4i 00 Ladies Black Curl Coat, with sable revers" nl at.....,..'35.00
rices right good address •fn theevenin which g office. We . • have• cite a number of y+
p �' . ; . : was"much appreciated: � . 'Thursday fast from an extended,t1sitlgod 'Tory !2.00 Ladies,: Quilted Coat, with fur collar ,,. ., 17.00 $ . .
g o
. Miss Bertle Graham is spending , I With
merly of nllayb Stanley} and 'vicinity,
th her
parents Staff". �. for
- ,. --
Mabe this store our .head natters' for • s rin few .'days at. Win-tlirop.- ' Mr. and Mrs: Duncan Tudor spent icli townshi s -the' Macfarlanes And- '
Y ,:...q p
• Mr. and Mrs. -James Snell and tvIto (Sunday tho guest of the lady's par- ersons, .Cox', McNefllys, Sherritts, Do not miss this opportunity of securine'
hhytng �visited'at W. Stanley's orb Friday last ants at lIolmesville. Eb'fotts Curries Macdonalds David- I I ' - FIRST -GLASS I~URS . . i
• * friend's . in .honor of her daughter, Mrs. EpwQ;r#h Laelagtlre wild in time see pthe error of his way , Successors to. .McKinnon & Co., B L i TH .
Remember every article we have >ls .new '
James Reid. aid. vote the good..Tory ticket at
. . - .. .
I' Mrs.. Andersoh of Michigan is the xecutive Meets your next election:
nest pf her sister
New Net Worsts ' " . 0 ftwl%� ft`,1%W-1W1%W14tb11"VV1� $ , : .
Mrs, I; Leonard meeting,�of "the executive of the Itespeetfully' Yours, -----
`also her nephew, Mr. King, Kenora.. Ggideriee District e executive
Leagueof the
I 10 Just a`fevi of these, but all brand new , tip -to. Mr. and Mrs; Stan' loy sand Mr: and as a•�a•dire.el�m�ealelae m�m�ai�vm�aeoa��i,S.gt*ei�a.&.4gb,e•vm
17 hold in*With thi on Saturday last, all ED. JOHNSTON,
date goods, the ver; latest`tieS1 0CTti grid best uali- Mrs. Jas, Reid, attended fife silver any the members except�Miss Bailie - and
niversary of Nit. and Mrs. A. E1coat. Dr. Dougall being resent. Formerly of 7,uricllI Ont, PLUMaTENL BRAS
tics. See these in 1118 window, The members of St. John's church' g g p ,
• It was decided not to hold a sum-
. 1. held a .social. .
�, at the home ot'Mis. +mer sellool .this year .but to, have a a
" +
Mulhoiland on Tgesda venin + Morris TO' , ship
larger number from the district at-
Whether you intend to bile or not we s ecall y evening. onJ 1
18 TOWN 10.-,t
p y Mr incl' Mrs, .Ionics Reid teff' tend the Missionary Normal school at. Art, Samuel Walker Jr. of the fitln ,. Sa
invite you to call and %nspeCt our display. Tuesday for their hotile, in Hamdota, ?St Thames Some member of the .
. L Miss E. Keys of :Yale; Mich,, and I - Mr. 'Willie Taylor and sisters enter-
sons,. Sterlings; Johnston,. Etc, They!
in Men's; or Ladies' Coats; also Fur.. Ruff's, Fur :Stoles Muffs and ,
�i'V� hat we Advertise we Do."
Men's 10.00 U crenate to tear a . .w
, $ V c t , ... $5.00
Mens 11.00 •+ .0 ,,,:,: SIM T,'
Miss A. Keys 0f Varna were .. the. tamed a' few friends on Friday even-
are all good farmers and making , a
• Caperines at less than manufacturer's Prices,
of James ;Graham and William Ing. '
piece of money . We call them up
including Dregt�enl9,`,gilt, piClues, 6 Ike and all the
Stnaley last Week. +• Mfss'Annie McDonald of Staff" is at
occasionally'aiid have a. good Canuck
'' ' .
° ` " T
n : ..
I4ofdsworth . is . visiting lien Present the nest of her sister, Miss
I- g g +
visit at long range .over the phone.
Hi hest Pricers Butter acid E . ',
$ $$'s
s ..u0 Fleece VnderwoAr ........ .40
Men'" .05 Iced 'Wool VndertveAr .... .40 1�
son, Prof J,. Holdsworth' of Philadel- Maggie McDonald.
j pHia. ;
Yes, we noticed in' ,last Week's .paper
where that ordered to.
to tako effect Iliareai 1st. He has err
Mrs. Stanley entertained a few
gentleman you
choke off -his a er ti ht uick' He
• * friend's . in .honor of her daughter, Mrs. EpwQ;r#h Laelagtlre wild in time see pthe error of his way , Successors to. .McKinnon & Co., B L i TH .
Remember every article we have >ls .new '
James Reid. aid. vote the good..Tory ticket at
. . - .. .
I' Mrs.. Andersoh of Michigan is the xecutive Meets your next election:
nest pf her sister
New Net Worsts ' " . 0 ftwl%� ft`,1%W-1W1%W14tb11"VV1� $ , : .
Mrs, I; Leonard meeting,�of "the executive of the Itespeetfully' Yours, -----
`also her nephew, Mr. King, Kenora.. Ggideriee District e executive
Leagueof the
I 10 Just a`fevi of these, but all brand new , tip -to. Mr. and Mrs; Stan' loy sand Mr: and as a•�a•dire.el�m�ealelae m�m�ai�vm�aeoa��i,S.gt*ei�a.&.4gb,e•vm
17 hold in*With thi on Saturday last, all ED. JOHNSTON,
date goods, the ver; latest`tieS1 0CTti grid best uali- Mrs. Jas, Reid, attended fife silver any the members except�Miss Bailie - and
niversary of Nit. and Mrs. A. E1coat. Dr. Dougall being resent. Formerly of 7,uricllI Ont, PLUMaTENL BRAS
tics. See these in 1118 window, The members of St. John's church' g g p ,
• It was decided not to hold a sum-
. 1. held a .social. .
�, at the home ot'Mis. +mer sellool .this year .but to, have a a
" +
Mulhoiland on Tgesda venin + Morris TO' , ship
larger number from the district at-
Whether you intend to bile or not we s ecall y evening. onJ 1
18 TOWN 10.-,t
p y Mr incl' Mrs, .Ionics Reid teff' tend the Missionary Normal school at. Art, Samuel Walker Jr. of the fitln ,. Sa
invite you to call and %nspeCt our display. Tuesday for their hotile, in Hamdota, ?St Thames Some member of the .
' "
i.i a
. "
Man. after spending two months' with �executsve will visit each League at
the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. date
rine is attending -.a business college.
Ile .spent several years in the west.
, d. .Is the chance of a lifetime for YOU to secure new: - #
�i'V� hat we Advertise we Do."
Men's 10.00 U crenate to tear a . .w
, $ V c t , ... $5.00
Mens 11.00 •+ .0 ,,,:,: SIM T,'
as earl a as passible with that
y 'and other friends. y '
Staple i
On Wednesday 0Y last' weep William
DryClothin Boots and Shoes at a
0 seasonable Dr g,
object ill view, It was also decided
._ to make fin effort to organize Leagues
lVilkinson of. the dthr line delivered
seven hogs 8 months old that weigh-
4 almost your Own prices.
including Dregt�enl9,`,gilt, piClues, 6 Ike and all the
. in all the . churehe in the district,
Porter's Hill. � -will
rd 1010 pounds. Ire received °;102 for
a The stock must he 'cleared during the next few 0 "
° ` " T
n : ..
The next convention be held in,
Sept, or Oct. at a place pat yet
the bunch.
� weeks and low rices must do it. Note a few redue-
0 p
s ..u0 Fleece VnderwoAr ........ .40
Men'" .05 Iced 'Wool VndertveAr .... .40 1�
Norman Macdougall of the. "Porter's deriCied upon,
On the 3rd inst, the nuptial 'knot
tions and remember .
' "
i.i a
. "
A Feature t►f o'itr Store is the constant .arrival
Oi new, up-to-date goods.,
hili Ramblers, who lias such a love . .. - ,
for Nig distance running, has again
entered into systematic training and A STRONG POPULAR $014OOL.
should give a good account' of himself „ „ -,
• ''In union there is strength.,, In
far somC aI his work out this year;
went a muitsttrde• of eourxcrllors there is
vas.ucd in St. John's church, Brus-
sels by Rev,: Mr, Langford between
t"Ihar•Ies 1�Icnry Workman. of Morris
' and Margaret A.t eldest daughter of
Air, Alert, Conon of the 5th Line.
�i'V� hat we Advertise we Do."
Men's 10.00 U crenate to tear a . .w
, $ V c t , ... $5.00
Mens 11.00 •+ .0 ,,,:,: SIM T,'
Newollurs and Belts
hxr$,, ti
;,. The neWesf' qi the new in this line bf "nods,.
over wisdom." These are two Of themany
nit at lastidcda�iiapiav,
y n to intends en
tering tt taco on MAY for reasons why young people corosld'Gr it
Y t o the
The Westport IVlirior. speaks as fol-
lows about I�.. U. Walker, van of Air.
Men's 12.00 ...,,, 7.00
,� ,g
Bos 3.76 , ., d
Bogs' 600' �i �c ei
' ', . c
including Dregt�enl9,`,gilt, piClues, 6 Ike and all the
champsonshi , hest, to attend Canada's Clreatest
p of Western otrtario
'�irnnuel Walker. 0f tho fifth Lino "I',.
+ c. =r -
I Boyd 1l,Ofl ;,,.,.. R,7n
0 Nfen I
° ` " T
n : ..
o t,ilar oo'ds so much in df,Waad now,
p p See
and Is qui r Chain of ,high-grade; modern, actual
quite sanguine qnI winning. business; schools Clinton Ble9iness
M O, W, Potter #s laid "
U. Walker, Principal of the public
school, has tendered ifs resignation,
' g n'
s ..u0 Fleece VnderwoAr ........ .40
Men'" .05 Iced 'Wool VndertveAr .... .40 1�
rn '
' '1, ",.
>the&8 for Ourself
up with a g
soy and Ravin recenei a nab Collo e whose aiew advertisenrent ap.
+ g ty
to tako effect Iliareai 1st. He has err
Men s .76 and .$,. Fleece fJnderweAr 55
, %. . ,
. �
.. ,�
4i `„_ ..
,.., ...�...�.w.�. _ _
. ears iii this Issue, it 'S Worthy
cut on a barb wire Ienee. p , I y
a wort
cePted a position it tiie staff f the
p o a o
12 C now Si •
print' I'rhnte, hundreds of patterns to choose from At she
;.. ,
' •'
Urlli` ]�YiCeB are thrl I01iV'CS---Q d�itj+ Considered
Wesley Vanderburg and Norivan link.
� M:nedougall spent Sunday wcc�k i -a " �- '" ''""""' ""�"
ltublie school in li'est Toronto."
A very enjoyablo evrntng �vsis sprat
12ie all Linen Towell»a............... S d .., , i .. , Y . , ....:... , . n ... $c
and all lines of Dry Goode Clothin 'noote and Shoes ar,
�� ',
'• t� '
11 :,; ,
r ,r o
i., by a cave-in iii. a gravel pit at 1Cer- ', a daughter of the late Robert McCut- fur cap and Mrs. 11atlna with a sable t
y _ . .. wood, eheom, who was of Irish descent, • ruff,.
'• *fir% bel+ICraibdlb,l+Ibdl.dl11;>lb'Ai�S41�b-lt*4bAi�1Ib4Al'cfMb��lbi
., : ,
onFriday last at tine Koine of Mr.
wholesale p rices anfatless.
Anznther octogenarian who this pass
Abram Rrydges of the 3rd tine where
a large company assembted from L.
Sale Prices Strictly Cash.
Captain A, W. Porte ,iropped
, rd to her reward" Is Elizabeth McCut-
O. I:, No. 873 to do honor to Air,
.at London, . •
cheap, tri
' I Widow of the late W1111ain Mil«
jler. Tile deceased was 34•
and Mrs. George Hanna, Who- are
`�"• -- 4u ._ _
.john 11, kenning was killed
James Lyons buffered a Broken
years and
' and three months of age. Site Was 1.orit
leg ift 1825 in Manchester, I nglalnd, being land
soon.to leave for the West, An ad-
dress was read oft behalf of the lodge
Mr. Manna was 'presentees with a
. ' '
e L BRu ,r
i., by a cave-in iii. a gravel pit at 1Cer- ', a daughter of the late Robert McCut- fur cap and Mrs. 11atlna with a sable t
y _ . .. wood, eheom, who was of Irish descent, • ruff,.
'• *fir% bel+ICraibdlb,l+Ibdl.dl11;>lb'Ai�S41�b-lt*4bAi�1Ib4Al'cfMb��lbi
., : ,