HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-02-18, Page 7- �7_v-mw. N� � �� . I -ftbruvy .I sth, 19*0 01 0. WTAIQQAHT ! X. 1), WITAUGAUT y. pvr"4"� � bloTagg4rt. Brost � .. ,13AN11UUS- 0 16 C16611" %"" oft"o , � � __. _ �.. - . ­­ , Wr"""* � -1--_1-1.- .1 , -I , � I � , . , I PV" . � , W, i, A a-- , 11 VIC I T8�1 ... i,'w U ''. I I T� ,tl.-'4 M TPDV . I � . ... I :4 . I . I I 10" I � , dill � I , - � 'I , 1 . . I- 10, P � I 11 I I . The NOW0tecord ba not a regular V 9911009T And cowtluently there bas- - ' , b*4 4 tendency On the part of mavy . '4. G B IST- of our readers to allow their subscrip. . I NVRAT, �BANXIXG 131 - Uoix to 1411 into iarears. I -NV,SS TRANS4CTED, NOTES1 The label on your paper shows the date to which your paper is pAid. WO NECOUNTED, DRA,FTS ISSUED �vould ask!you to read it carefully, �W%71" - � . n4 should you. be One of those. in INTEREST ALLQWED ON %- a arrealp, Iftilly let us have your re_ , !POSITS. SALE J9dTZ$ PIJAC11- M'ttallec, , I The slngle,dq seem of . Ilar ma7'ndt s , I . . � - - much importance to you, but to the , , offlea.whore several buildradol dollars ,. � ........ , , _"__1_1___"__"1� _- - are 00 lookeil. up, It is 4 matter of - .. 11 � . __" ., I- considerable moment, , - - - H. T. RANCE- - - - .. To those fix arrears we make thil special .'-call,. And trust. to be favored NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- w � ith your subscription at Ilia earliest . 4N104 RI FINANCIA I L, REAL Possible moment. . VSTAT4,ANI) FIRE INSUR' Address, All communications to W. I �L I CE AGENT. REPRESEN- J. Mitchell, News-Recoril. Office, Clin- ""' . I � ING 14 FIRM INSURANCE4' ton, "Ont, I COMPANIES. I . I 9 . , DIVISION COURT Qqvoz, CLINTON. W. DRYDME. * . . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . NOTARY, PUBLIC: BTQ- "TICE-,%Osne lolock-,Cl INTON, __.__­� B30OUT & H&LB Convenwe're" 0001WAS31040ts, . Rml hitalie and Insurance , Agency. M046Y to loan. -- --- ­ . 0. 33. HALF. -- JOHN RI1)k;R)T DES. SUNN It DWRAE. pr. V. Gunn, L.RX.P., L.R.C.S., Edin. I 614ce-OutA1,10 strooll. Clinton. Night 0411111 at from 40" of office at rest- . , � dmee, Rattenbury street. I University of Toronto.' Office hours at hospital ,.- � I to 3 P. in. " 7 to 9 P. in. : a--DIL J. W. SHAW- b-OFFICE- RATTENDURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON.- bit. C. -W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGE014 . I 13pecial attention given to diseases of the Eye, Bar, Nose and Threat-_ � . -Office and Residence - HURON ST. SOLITI-L CLINTON . I doors west of thb Commercial hoteL . . - -DR. F. A. AXON. - (Successor to Dr. Holmes.) , Specialist in Crown and Bridge work. . . Graduate of the Royal College of . Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Honor graduate ,of University of Toronto Bei4al'Dephitinent. Graduate . of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery Chidago. - . . Will be at.the Commercial hotel Dayfield, every Monday from 10 a. m. , to 5 P. in. I . . � AU.CTIONEER-JAMES SMITH Ll - I censed Auetionee - r for the County of Huron. All orders entrusted to me Will rective prompt attention. Will sell either by percentage , ; or per sale. Residence on -the Bayfield Road, one mile south of Clinton. I � I United State's Subscribers . will please note that we haVe to pay one cent postage on each pap- er going to the United States. . � This means that your subscripo tion intst be paid in advance. _ When you see your' subscription expiring please rem!1$1.50 for an- other year so that,- you'will not mlis afty copies of Tha News­Rec, ord. f .,"kAm" - - - - . ,60 YEAR99 , krA ��� TRADE MARKS' I fyyl�� ,,Iu_ DESIGNS ! -h__ P.- . A )Illroj&�yjhw Yqk r Pit. Washinaton. D. . UPPINCOTT'S I MONTHLY MAOAZIM. A FAMILY LINRAIIIIV6 7ho Rest M Coot ularafte ' 12 06MIsLift NovcLsl YtA"LV . MANY ONORT ST01911ft AND PAPtRO ON TiftLy'lropift I1119-60 090, VtAn -, 90 &ft, A o6ot - -4146 cooTlNurho STO"Ite's I . I - I I ­ .. 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Treasurer, Seaforth. P. 01 ­ . . . . � . ., . � 1, ---rDIfectorsm--; ,. . ... . I � William" Shesney, ',Seaforth; J6h - . T . Grieve, Winthrop , George Dalqi Sea. toictli - .16hii, Watt, Harlock; . John Rennewies, Brodbagan ; James Evan Beechwdod; -James Connolly, . . . . I 'Holmesville. . I ' . :--AGENTS- . ' ' . � Robert. Smith, 11at-lock; E. Nin- chley, S6aforthf J�Lmeis. Cummings . Egrn . ondvifte.;. J. ,� W I .. Yeo. Rolm.es- . . I . . .. , - ville. ', * , . . . . 1. . ' Parties desirous vo effect insurance or tzans4et, * otfier business wit , I '. be promptly attei1ded-.tO_On, applicatio to any of the: above officers addressed - I . I I to their ' respedive' posteffices. Losse. inspected by the dir N.tor 'Who � li'vq'- . nearest the scene. I . � .. . . � � �. . 1 . .. I .. . �. . . I � . . � 1. � . . 0 .. , - . . . . . I . . Clinton News -IR . eord- . . . � ., .1 ; . CLINTON , - ONT � . . � - . � .. . I . I . I !170ms of subscription -$1 per year I in I advance $1.50 .May be charged it. not s . o paid. -No paper discontinued until all ati,eirs -are paid, unless at. . the opinion.. of the p6lisher.' The date to which every subscription,' is paid is denoted on the label', Advertising -rites-Trantacut mlver- . tisementst 10 cents. per, nolipariel fine for first insertion aud 3 cents per line . .1or. each subsequent ift.qert-.. ion. Small advertisements, not to exceed one inch, such as IiLost." d'Stray0,11"or "Stolen,!' .etc., in, serted once for. 85 cents and 'eAtch subsequent insertion 10 cents. Communicaii6its intended for publioam, tion must, as -a kuarant6e of � good faith, be accompanied by the* name of the writer. , . I � . � � .. . . W. J; MIT014ELL, ' ' . . Editor and, Proprietor . . � I . � I—— . .... , I I, ... . .. . . . . � I., .- I 1. . .11 11,1Nx-Al a 1 * I. 1i INAIIER 11110111 I gwd,:4115 . � -TIME TABLE- I Train.q will arrive at and . depart m n on as. follows :' BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV. Going East - 7.35 a. in, 41 It 1 3.07 P.M. it it . . 6.1.5 P. in. Going '.West I . 11.07, 6'. in. 44 41 1.25 p. in It Is 6.40 1 p.;;, it It . . 11m P. in. LONDON, :HU1tON & BRUCE DIV� Going South - 7. Ar a. m. it it � I . 4.23 p. in. Going North I I 11.00 01. in. 41 .It � 6.85 P. M. . e% L [.1.11.1 I I 1 -1-1-4 CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A Simple l6fid 096otlY6 ketubtly tot 908 THROATS AND COWHS The coingno th* gehnioldtil %,side of Ctoolbbb with. & oothing pftpartlab of APP07 61th atid llco� , =Your detti4lat or fribm us, 106 In AtAlbP& 11140 M--, 1,1101t4d, Agintf,340401101- 44t I . W""01" "" , LErA% M.­­�_­­.... .W­hi.W.*-".1-Wh-6m� , . ]Rev. James Wilson ,died xt Windsor 91116, Quo, . . .4.�*,_, - W.I.F.-.0F.; - . ,- � ­ I I I "Itu -, a I 40 - , , A - - -.0 W ."� . K *. 1 _..­"­ .P.0- - ­­ ­­ ­­­ I.. . I I" '10 � 0 r '. , -"�_."" , COPYRIONT. 1907. --:.-,-.-., I v .% . fina. clone so,rrow ime moment or our Installation, but I bad never ,noticed him before. Now I ogugbt myself Ils- toning tot, his Irregular recurrence, with every nerve on the quiver,. If be de - 1 layed by, ever so little, It was an agony. � yet when be did pipe up fits feeble ! atroln struck tQ toy heart, cold, And r I � paralyzfug like A, dagger, And with , r every Advancing mlopte of tbq night I became broader Awake. more teiwe. fairly sweating with nervousness. One night -good God, Was it only last week? It seems ages ago, another eit. [StencO, a state out MY from; this by the' wonder! of a transmigration at r least, Last weekl I did not *s'leep at All. The moon 'had r risen, bad Mounted the heavens And now Was sailing overhead, lay the � . . - fretwork of'its radiance through'the chinks of our rudoly built cabin I bad Marked off the hours. A thunderotoim . I . ramble . d And Bashed, bull.dowA 9ver the horizon, It. NV48 Many Miles 4i5 - tint. 004 Yet I do 40 floubt that Its � electirlea! influence had. dried the mots, r tuN Of our equanlmlty� leaving us rat. tling husks for the,w'Inds of destiny to . Play vP94, Certainly I ca ' o remeAlber � no other time In a rather wide expe, rience When I have felt Myself more . , ,r on edge, more . choked with the rest. less narnoSgloaa "..­ ­ . +h + 0 � .e,,, . . leaves a MAD'S tongue parched And,. hie � eyes staring. And still that Alifeinal orloUet or whatever It was: chirped.. , . I had thought myself Alone in MY I vigil, but when finally I could stand It no longer alld Melted aside my cov. . . . I erlag. with an q4th of. protest I was surprised to bear It4eho6d from all . % . opvt E-30..'� , - ' . . . ,"D- that crick9t:111,11 cried' And the dead sha4ows,_StIrred from I the bunks..Ano the hollow eyed.vlc� � time; of Insomnia crept out to curse I . . . � . I 1. . � . � I I I'M 11 . I : , ;.:� ., W." `... 1..#1--..._ I . ; I . ... �#P; . ... III., ; -11 . L ".. . � . . . . . .. : I .. .. .. . ... i I . . . . .. I "I I � I � . � . . . . ­ . , . . � . I . . .. . I .. 1. . . . . . . . I ­ .... � .. .. . "I I . I I , . � .. . � I . I .... . - . " .. ...... . . . . . . . . ... .. I .... �� .� ..... -, ­ I I � . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. . I I � . I . � : �' . * . I I _:i. � . . .... . .... I., ... . _.. . . . . . '.. . . . . . . !,. .,. ... . . .. .. . ­. . �: .%. . _ . I , I . : I... �U 1--1--_-.:. ::�!:-.. ,;;�. . . .. . L 11,= I I , I " LLLLLLLL: : . ...::,.-.. , , I ­` I .71:.. , ;.% .: ...... 1.: . 11 , . .......... . . . . I ,. I I . . . .1 7V . . te. dqrkneas th front of, its was -alive' . I , "With Aery evebalM. -, . , .1 . . I their tormentor. We organized an ex.r . pedition -to,h.unt him.d6wh. It was'ri- . 'diculous enough, sl . % strong in . en prowl- . I . -Ing for the life of ou6poor little. insect. . . . . We did not -find lilm'-. however, thoukh . . . . we succeeded In silencing him. , But . no sooher-were we back In bur bunks � thda li:e began ItAgaln, andsuch was ' L ,' 0 nirr the , tuirimoll *of ur . es that. .day found us sitting win ,about a fire, hug- . � � . gli.'.our knees., - . , .. � I . . I We Were go genpluely emptied,. not- . so much by. the cricket as by the two . Yedi'S Of ferM.entatloh, thdi n6t.6i)e of - . I . us stirrid to -ward breakfast. In fact, I not one -of - as'moved from the listless � attitude In which day found him until , � . of ter 9 - , o'clock. 'Then, we pulled our- . I I selves'together and cooked coffee'and . I salt horse. As a "significant .fact,. the . nigger left the dishes unwashed'. and . . � . . no one cared. . I . I .. '0andy Solomon--finall I y $book lilm- I . self. and Arose. % . ' .�.. I . I .. . * ' ' t "I'm sick -of tbis.,, sold h& .'I'M.go.. . , ., : . . .. . , in, seat huntlug.11 . , . . -They aro.se without a word. They . were sick of It, too -sick to deilib. We were a silent. gloomy crew Indeed as ,.we thrust. the' surfboat Afloat, clam- - bored In and shipped the . oars. No one . I spoke a Word; no one had a comment . to Make, even when we saw the rook� ery slide flit; the water white we were I still fifty yards from� the beach. We Pulled bacli slowly along the 0oftst.'. . Beyond the rock we, made out the en- ' . trance10 the dry cavel� " I I "There's seal . in theref" cr1ed*HftadY Solomon. "Lots of tom!" I. � I He* thrust the rudder oier, and we head d &r the cave. No-one express- ed an opinion. . I I .1 I I As It woo again blgil tide, we vowed In, to the steep�shore Inside the Cave'S Mouth and. beached the - boat.' The � place was fall of seats. We could, I heal, them bellowing. . . "Two of ,vou'stalid bete," shouted I Handy Solomon, I.Iftnd take them as the,V go out! NVOIl gi in and searo Ocin down to you."' . . I "They'll run .over ast" :screamed. pd1z. . . "No, they woWt. You can dodge no the aides v. "lea they go by," I This wag indeed Well possible, go We gripped out, ch1bg and ventured In. to the dArkness. . We advabeed four ftliroast,, for the cave wits wide enough tor that. -As We perletratedthe bellowing And bark - Ing became Moto deafening, 'It was 'Impossible to see, anythlagi although We felt Of! indistinguishable tumbling , mass receding before our footsteps, ThradkIes swore violetifly as'llo stunt. bled over a laggard, With uncanny abruptnAfs the: black wall of darkooas In front of us waii alive with, gory ey,611110, lftt seals bad t6A6lied*th6 . end of the oavo and bad turned fo*ard as, 'Wt. 160, iltopp4d, A little udeottato ; tl�jq )LOW. to Prog" . Pq ,U �_� * "kip"I' 441.0%U71.41111 sir"0116ts 40, r"l- in* among the *t000s In oddlek quiet =111-Ululature falls anitr9lAft. For 14010out I did not re4lizo wbat it COU14 be. Tlieu the light caught it down where the ulgoer waited, And- I SAW It was red, I A -t first the rooket of the sea]# was , overpowering. Now, gradually it Was 1061119 vlolelice. I began to bear tbo blRupbowles, ,ferocious criost. screams , - , ofauger burled against The . , cave walls .. by the men. The -thick. sticky swell grow stronger. the light aeowelf to . grow,dimmer. an though It could not buin In that fetid air. A seal cawe� , And looked- lip at toe. big tenrO rolling 5 0 -, � � 0�p, . ___ 1111-1-1- _.1.-.._...--1-11- frow her eyes. Toeu she 01pperet) � aue urst plan had 'been to get behind vjmless.ly away, out of her poor wits the baud and drive It slowly toward, with terror, Tbe sight Onlabed me. tbq, entrance to the cave, This wan I staggered .down the length Of the now qe0u. to be, lippossIble, The cav- . black tannol to the boat or4 was too narrow. Its 04" at thlA After a lon-, Interval a, little- three " point too, stee and the aulmals too . . . p , wqnthse. pup waddled down to the wa, , tbial'y qQugested. Our eyves. bovow- tees edge, caught sight of Me Au& , Ing accustomed to the twilight, 'now - 's ith . a squeal of rd"M. dive -3 1u. began to. make out 4tm17 the. Ipd1vI4- . Vqor little devil.t 1 WL'OU14 ;lot have oat bodies of the seals and the general IIUI.t blin for worlds, As far as I con0guratlon of the rocks, Or.* JAg bowider lay directly In our pith. 111�4_ � . , ;in , t"Iffil woo, t � he -only aurvIl-or of, � Itli,ow , that herd.' An island tin the shale of the cove's TW taeu soon appeared. one by one. floor. VerdoslI etepkd: to the tOP - Of tired, slO,epy .e,Ted. glutted, Walking 11); It for a better Inok. The men attempt, , a ,catilke trance of sittlet.r, They were ed to communleate tile4r Ideas of What blood alld.tatters from bead to 19ot, was to be done, bor vould, not Make and from drying red wasUiF peo,re4 'their themselves beard above the uproar. I bloodshot eyes, Not a, word stvw jeould see their faces contorting with they, bat tviubled Into 0 - . � e boat, push . I the' fury of twing baMed. A,bIg bull � 04, og.. And Ju a moment :we were Boat. made n Onell, to get. by. ,411 the ber4 . Ing in the full suaslalue Again. flippered after him, If he had w on .� ' . We rowed home to An abstraction, p4st. they walild. have followed As , . I ment Oerserk4 rq� the m'o , , .-r, rage had o4stinately as sheep and nothing oould � bo nod It r ,self out.. _Handy ,Solow��. bove stopped them. but the big bull - continually wetted his lips, like an ant- * .1 I Wept down beneath the clubs, Thrao- .in lickin At . a Its chops. %Thiackles stared kles hit the gulmal two vindictive Into space. through eyes drugged with blow" ufte� It bad imcgumbeo'- killing. No one spoke. . � . I I This settled the revolt, and .we stood We landed In the cove. and were stir. , I ais before. P�lz 04 Handy Solomon prised',to find it In shadow. The after. tried to.,converse by signs, but evittent-' noon was tar (ttivancel Over the hill , . ly fallod,* for thele fages showed ',4ugty we dra4lged ourselves and down to the I ' 1 ,409a. OnIlls, to 114 in the twi ight, per q spring.. T . . bere the men threV them. rolled and Ilt a cigarette, ThracUles, selves flat au& drank In great Sulps ,poced to and fro, and flienigger lean- . until they tioulil drink no more, We ed on big .club farther down the caTq. . . buflt,a fire, but the nigger refused to I ' They bad been. left at tb,q entrance,-' C04 , ' .. but now In JACk Of 170OUItS. IIA4,jolned "Some one. else tuto," he gr6wied. their companions. *, ' � "I cook Aboard.ship.11 , . . Now Throckles.' approached and Perdosa. who had hewed the fuel, at . .screamed hims6lf black toftig to bu. once became angry,� . I part some plpjp,, He - � , filled, bdt stool) 'th.r'qw � "I cut boom de-wood.11 be said. "I ed and picked up a stone and it ., do my share, Epf I cut beem, do wood I . � Into ttle: ma,81s. of ReAlk The others, un, �. You mus' cook. heem. de grubl" - . derotood- A shower of stones follow., But the n ' Igger shooklils. bead, and � ed' Thp.#nlmals mliled like cqttl4. . , I rer4osa *ent Into an eastacy of rage. I bellowed the l6ador.' bqt.'would not - lie kicked the tire to pieces. . Lie aC4. . face their tormentors. Finally aim old , tOred the unburned wood up Aid down cow flopped by in a panic.,. �1 ,thought the, beach. He even threw some of it, they would have let her -go, but. Ishe .1 : Into tbe sea. � . , , . died a It . ttle. beyond.. the. bull. No wore , "Eef Son, no cook beeta-49 grub'yon . . i followed, although the men threw . no bab 'my wood!" he shrieked, with sto4eq, as fast - And �as bard 01hey . . enough oai,hs to -Wink his sent. . I � wi�reable. Their flices were livid *Ith Finally Pulz laterfeW. . . . anger.. like that of aii- evil t6npored . "Here, you foreigners." said be, Wan with an obstinate horse. "quit It! .X*t up. .1 say! We got to I . . Suddenly Handy ,Soloragn put his . oat. - you let that WOod. alone or you*II . Dead down' and with a roar distinctly pick It up ' again!" . . . . . I audible. even�.'ibove the din that filled . ' Peidosa spring at him wI& a the cave chargid directly Into �he_ herd.,- semech.� Pulz ,was s - mail, but'nimble, v saw the 6insts cringe beforeblin. I . And understood rough and tumble saw filo'club 'rising and falling In4le- , ilghtlulK. Hemet Perdosals, rusb,with , criminatiely. And tb�q. the whole back two swift blowi.'a.shoft arm Jab And. of the cave seemed to rise and come. . An uppercut Then they ellnebed ' and . ., I � I .. 'at us. . . . . . In 4 womput Vero rolling over and. . , . This wits no chance of sport now. I . over just, beyond the wash of the surt; . � . . . but a struggle for very life. -, We real- . The row waked the nigger'fropi his Ized that once down there ould I be VF. sullon apstr4etion. He seemed to come - ' ' I , ' . i , no hopo� for white the seals,Wq_T_wpre to himself with *a start; his eye fell anxious tb escape than .to fight we � surpr1sedJy on the.combatiLuM then Ilt knew that their jaws were-powerfiql. . up'WIth an un.hQl.v joy.. He'drew big ,There was no time to pick and choose. . kfil& And crept Awn. on.th6 fighters. , . We.hlt out. wl . th all the strength.'abd It Was too. good an opportunity to 'Pay : quickness we possessed. It was like , Off the ?JexIcan..- . .. '... . ., :.; . * I , i a bad dream, .like struggling with an But Tbrackles luterferedgharply� - elusive hydra beaded monster. knee "Come -off!". lid commanded. 14None . ' Ill -h. Invulnerable. . We: hit. but With- � . � . . O' that!" -' .11 I . � � . out apparent effect. .New beads rose, . "G.6 to h -l!" growled the nigger., . , - . ' . . the press behind Increased. We gave . A gre at rage fell.on them -All, blind . . 1. We staggered, struggling des. and ter;�Ible, )Ike that leading to the ' . . . I perately to�keep our feet... ..,..,. .. � .. . slaughter of fbe.seals. Tbey.-fought . 116w,� long. this ' lasted I -cannot tell. ,,,. * WdiscrimInAtely, hitting, atvach other * It seemed hours. I know my Arms be.,. with. fist� and knives. � � ItlWas dIfficult I - .. . I . I . came,.leaden from, swinging my, club, jo -tell - who was - against �whom, The . . I Aly.eyes were full of sweat. Aly breath sound of -heavy breathing, Atill blows. pain in, I y - gasped. . A rharp W . th�, tear of cloth and grunts of punish, I . .. .knee nearly doubled me to the ground, and. Ment recelv6d; th4.,swirl of the.sand, . . � . i ' yet .1 remember clamping to the the heave of struggling bodies. -611 rIv- . 'not tbbugbt. that I Must keep feet. eted my attention, -so thai I did . ­ . I .my keep my feet at any'.cost. Then oil At . see Captain Ezra Selovei until fie,sio6d. - once I recalled the fact. that .1 ,wiij ' Almost at my elbow.. - 1. ... . Armed. ,, I Jeyked' out - jh�e short bar- ' "Stop!" be, shrieked In his high. relod reroiver and turned'if loose It! falsetto voice. . . � . . their' faces, . .. . . And would, you ' believe It t, v en . . . . . . , , Whether the -flash and detonation. through the blood haze of their com- ' frightened . them. � whether �' i�erdosit. bat the mi�n heard him and heeded? . . . .. still clinging to his rock.', managed t6 They drew', reluctantly apart. got tb, turn their. ittentfon� by his. -Banking ,f. '. their feet, stood lookingat him through' I I . . . f . ort � s or wh6ther, quite simp) � y. the reeking brows half submissive .And I Wall of dead finally. turned them book . lialf deflant. The bullheaded Thrack-les I do not know.' bat with,oue accord even took. A, half. step forward. but . they goveover the aftemp . t� . � .. . froze In, his tracks when Old Scrubs . . y . Solomon I looked at -once for. Hand. . - I looked at,him. - - � . � 1. I. . . . and wa's surprised to 4oe Min still . "I hire.'you men to . - - . fight When 1. tell olive. standing'uprigbt on a ledge the . yati to Lind only then," said the captain � , . . , I I other side of the herd.. ,His clothing. sternly. "What does this intan?" , I wjas literally torn to. sbrodgi and'he He -menaced them one After ddoth6r� Was covered with blood. But in this with his eyes, and one, after' anotho . I plight'he wAs not alone. for -When I thoy -qualled. . And, their plottings. ttirned toward. my" companions the, - y. their tbregti, their dangqrousne s. d - . . m is ' too. were tattered� torn and gor,*., We gloated like mist before the command were a dreadful crew, standing there. of this one resolute wan. These pfrates. .. . . In the halt light, our chests heaving who had.seemed so dreadful to me, bur rags dripping red. - � , now were nothing more than cringing' For .perhaps ten . seconds no one schoolboys before their mister. . 1. :. Moved. Then with ayell of demoolac And then suddenly to my borror 1. logo my c9nipantons e1nmIxered over watching closely. saw the oeaptalrl,si the rampart of dead seals and attacked eye ta,r4 blank. I.-arn sure the­iuen . . . . the herd. - ' . Pust have felt the change, though cer. I I I . The seals were now cowed And de-. to ' Inly they were too; far away to see. . I feaseless, -it was a slaughter. and the It, for they shifted by over So little most- debauching .and brotal A have from. tboir first frozen attitude. The pver known. I had hit but with the ' captain's fiantl sought his pocket. And rest when It bad been a question of they froze ngttlil4 but Instead of the defense. but from this I turned aside revolver he produced.a. lialf In a sick loathing, The men seemed .expected full brandy bottle, I .. .. .. I , � po � seessed of devils and of their unnat- The change In his eyes had crept Into ural energy. Perdosa cast aside the his features. They bad turned foolish - club And took to his natutal weapon. ly amiable. Vacant. confidin,g. I tlie knife. I can spe,him Yet rolling . ,,, .1,10. boys." paid he appealingly. ' over And over and embracing a big "You'good follows.'aln!t you'i flavb a cow, his bead jammed In oil ecstacy of ' -drink- IS good stuff. . Good 610 bottl'.11 I ferocity betwoeb the' aulmal's front 1-10 lurched, caught himself and ad - flippers, his loga cImped to hold hot vanced toward them, still with .the body, only big right hand rising And ' empty -smile. falling as he plunged big knife again . They stared at him for ten seconds, . and again, She struggled, turning him quite At a loss. Then- over and under, w6pt great tears and "Ile's drunkl". Handy Solomon fairly whined with terror and pain. breathed,-seartely louder than it wbia, I t'lually Abe Was still and Perilosa stag* PO* I . . golled to his feet, ;ly to stare abolit There was 'no other signal .givolL Inva drunkenly for a Moment before TbO' s0ring Ad with, it Old& Implylso. throwing himself with A itreeeb on.au� One instant I saw clear agaluft'the ;tll�r vIctim. . 1� waning daylight the bulky. foolish The nigger.419no did not jump into 'W'71119 form Of CaPtAfii 8010retw'the the turmoil. Ile stood just down the next It bad disappeared, :carried down cave. his club ready. Occasionally a and Obliterated by the rush ,of Attack- d1sotgAblUld high to oncapo would be Ing bodies. Xalves; gleamed, rnddv In I made. The liftet's lips snarled and the -sunset. There was no struggl&' I with a truly 'mu(I enjoyment be beat heard a deep grono. Then tl�e murder - � the poot atilmals back, . eta rose slowly to their feet. - _ ' I presst,4 against the Wilt horrified, . CUAPTS4 fAseltiated, unable tither to'ItiterfOre 1. 4*""""" .*V.V- _ 11 ot, to leave. Aftcir 'a 'little a tiny fol t Very stiff, and sore nnd hazp in . . ly I Was at the edge of the illamina- HAD plenty of timo to tu . 1 I Armth, loowltig otieh wowd0t.'b6A*A the drag -ging and my touque dry frow , Awo,v. i do not know wb.v 1 to BOW DA$t in feet it WOW Its � Uj 4111 not Ad go, blit tbi iid! I '04ilds ­ . I 'y I . that I reindhied Wfieft 5 0 -, � � 0�p, . ___ 1111-1-1- _.1.-.._...--1-11- .1 I 1. 7 -11 . L I ­­­ I was until Tuty N04 solow vaptala '111111111111"-i. -I..." - 11 . I _� . 1. I ­_ - I ­ -.1 - Selovor. Then I took to My beelp.'but . 13OWY- 'Randy 801011304 Still roilod 4 woo xoo* oorverod. I drew my revolv. the, vorm of his seAg. Tb* qMW-0 er. rMembered tb.st I bud empt" It $Qluod 10. frIglitholly of tbo kill er I In the seat cave ao4 lind tim# for *o� I fmavtasto4 the perromunct tW w,q4 More coherent mental proce)4sm A staccato yell%. -'. I wraoth*rIng weight ftag Itself on smo, , 04'rhoir opon wos tbWr #Wp, g , ,nd tbaW . I 491,140 which, I struggled as bard oks; � I a**# It,w*o tbo s I , ,w " w 'o , "' * 'ov I 1could, obrinkful; In anticipation frow, � AN') 1��!40"',, ter `*` �Wlo ", :,�W* the thirsty pluu�o of the knives, gow. ta 1; I 11119 the "r � � �: � ever, though tile weIgbt.Juere4,0ed im. Do;V: , It ,a the �t P� t4v� lifgh 4�0, tO farther struggle wam Impo"Ib1% J 'Moments bello 0 , wed 11andy 8919moo, Wag not harmed and In 4 few, found Myself, WriSts and Ukl& 1:1.0d, . , I tOr"ll 4ail plunged late t49 ,00 - beside 4 roaring lire. While I collected darkness of the canyon. I V Myself I, W-ro the $tatq of a boat be- � In$ shoved otr fro � . . in the cove and a I CUAP-TXH XXT. , � � few moments. later M44o 00 lights NN secQ444 offer. ooterluo tbo ' aboard the Laughing Loss. , M . Arroyo I Wall stumbling Along I ; � The looting party returned very, , . to an absolute, blackness. It . . shortly. Their plundering ,h,.4d gone , AIS00st seemed to me that t I I , a, -only 40 tar as liquor illud. Arm% , Throc. 0901 reach out toy batift ond,, tonell . . � kle$ I*t down from the cliff top a keg It, as one would, touch 4 will , , or patu , at the, end eta line. Peraosa and the, haps not -exactly that, for A wall I* , alogor e4.cb carried an Armful of the �l . , � hard, "Od this 44171(0801 Was, , on, 09ft 4 30-40 rifles. The keg wag rolled to the . Y10101upr, In the manner of eavelopla$ . I I - flre and broached. . hangings. Directly Above toe � ,. was Ill .. . The men got drunk, wildly drunk,, "PrQw, Jagged 404 irreg011ic 11010. PC . 60t, not helplessly go. A flame commu. SkY with stars, 11 Splashed In glio. - - , ulcated itself to, them thra"gh the , , brook, Onding' Ito watera stran0ly- , . Minor. The ordinary vharacterlatles, of warm, . rustled through the grooms, "MY � I .1. . their comp6sition sprang Into sharper bead back, Villa out, ban", extan,444. I I relief, The nigger became more sullen, as one makes his way through a bouseI o - �, ,, ' PerdOsa more snakelike. Pulz more I At 'light- There were no sounds ex. vfdQusly evil, Thrackles More brut , of, cept the tiolile Of the zpipb�urous, - � while Hapoy Solomon, stagi;ering Otroam.. .Successive bonds In the can. . I frow, his seat to the i5pen keg Au4 back yon wall had shut off even the - , , fa,in t . . . again. roaring fragments of chanty; est echoes ,of the bacchanalia on the -4 big red headgear contrasting with �is I . beach. I . . I smoky black halr and big swarthy bo,)k The way seemed touch longer than ' . � 1 : nosed countonaneq-he needed - no full- by daylight. Already In, my calcills- 11 I iber toncli. . I tion I had traveraV4 Many $Imes the - . ilivir evil passions were all awake, distance. when with a jump at the . . And the Plan. go Jong Indefinite. dqVQI- heart I made out a glow ahead And, 14 , Oped like a photographer's plate. front of It the upright lb$s of thil. . I"That's one gone." said. ThracUleq, 4. . S,ft , And now. the diamond muttered stockade. . . . To my surprise the gate was open. � , I rulz� . . I . I AscoDded the, gentle slope to 0e, ial- I . 'stumbled I "There's a' . ship upon the Vvinowar4. a � ley's level and ov'er a WAR - . I lying prostrate, shivering violently and wrf-ek upon the lee, � Down on the coast of The high' Bar. , 111104131ug� 4 � . I I . bare -e -e.11 , . I . I - bent over to. discover whom It I roared HintlV 1.14olqmofi. "It's the best . mIgUt be. � As I did. so a, brilliant light .. . nig4irs work w4evef did: � ItW6 Ist4if0a , ,seemed . to 011 -the- valley, tbrowink An � ours. Then It's me for a big stone Illumination on the man at r,ay req4 ' � . � � bouse In Frlscb. .0!4 1 . . I saw. It %�as the Pigger and perceived . ,. "Prisco!" oneered. Pill& "That'$, ap. at thgoame Inataut thgt he was almost . .You know. Yoll-ought to, travel. . Parts , bppide himself with terror. aip ' -es - . � " �... ,. . , . gy -for we and A little girl 1:6 loarn 'tb -, .0 , , rQlltd.' blif 'tdiethf- `01161:4fed, lirs li4me I I , 4 language from*,".. ' - . . .. coAtr Aqted 113 4 strQuj; v onvulsion. And . I � , "I get.40em a One ealiallo an' one I the black of his complexion bad fa&d � . .saddle an' hne Oi�s,".breOthed Perdoitt to o.Wa9bed out dirty gray. revolting " . - � sentimentally. "I ride and th e silver . . . . � to COUtOMPIAte. 1,1e felt. My tonek I . I . Jingle and & senorita lookll� � slutching Id4 * - . And ,sprang t9 his feot'c . ­ 1. . "What,you. walit. doctor?" they 4, , e- bv 'the shQuI.der As vt man clutching . Mantled of -the silent nigger. .1 resc9e. - ­ I . . . . . .. . . I . - . But - the nigger only -his eye , s .. "My Gawd!!' he shivered. "Lookl "I .rolled find. abook. his fiead� By and by he 4 .. . JDar it' ;I&"ig41q11* I I � . � . �. . . . Arose and dhioppeared In the dusk and I He fell to pattering In 0 tQngue.1%a_ ... .. . . . , - w,its no more, se6n.'. - , � . . I .,kgOwn to me�chirms, spells audoubt. . "D- fool!'!-. muttered Handy 0- I . Sol "Well. . . I ,Aat bad - � I . y to 9�xorclse � the devils t ' I , . holdof lilm - I follow�d thedlre�don TO on. here's to criniell, , , , , � , - - He -drank a d � oep-,cup-.of.tbe. raw I of hip X#ze and myself cried out . . . � , , . I .1 . , I 'doctor's ... runi'add staggered back to lili'seat 6n Tpe. laboratory. .sto6d In I � ' the solids. I . I I I .plain sight between the two:'00111131148 , . . I I I . . 14 'I am not a in%n WmWar, nor a prjva_� , . trer.' said- he. . - . . � . o f itea'm Vown straight. - dpwatil . �. I � I . . through.. the stillness, of, the .evening. ' - I � Blow high. bloV low: what cAre-wel It seemed bursting with ljglkt. Every : . . �But I -am a Jolly'pirate. and. 11.w sailing. . little leaked. It in generous , D ' for iiiy� fee.'..., * * I . 1. own on the .coast of the high Bar- .crack . stregais,­wlille the Main 11famination, I - . I.. . . . ' . . I . . ' '; . 'bstre- '- � . �awejP .- ,� appeared fbirly -to b be wallsout� - ... , . ulge t, . 'be' sank. .'"We'll . land in Valparaiso. ward. -this was.In -itself nothing e*- . .1 . � � . .. . . . I . ' Ian# we'll. go -every l�ian * hie Way, Land . � traordluary and Indicated only the Ad-' .1 . � . . I we'll sink the did Laughing Lana: pv . .tivity of those within. butwfille I'look- I . . � I I . .1 . deep the mermaids'0an't-find her."' I . . eA an Irregular patch of. Incandescence : - . . � . Thtackles. -on more, wood, an d stiod 11 , e ly.'gpla5betl the o,eliff,oppoplt4i '. I .. . . , , ,.. . ,piled . . .the fire leaped high, � � . . . . . F or a single, Instant the very. substance - - - I . *the "Let's get after-lew,,­ 'salii- fie.:;.-',.'-, - of rock'glowed ,whlte hot Then.'. . . . I . . "Tomorrow's Jew �Is, goodi," muttere4f, - � � fedin * the spot a show; -r of spiteful , . . .. :, . L , I Pulz. .".Les'.bav' Inothei- drink;*# . . I . .. . I iftakeg shot as from a pyrotechnic, and I I . . I . . "We'll stay here In see It. our. oil . . tile light' -was. blotted out as suddenly, . � . I . : . I . . . - I . ffleia' Pefoy -dou-'.�sh . ow up,,� paid Hall- I . dY Solomon. He threw back his hen . d as It! came... . , , I . . �� . . . �.. . I I 1. - . At 66 saw . e,,mome.ut'it appear!ed at . , - . . . . . r - . and roared. forth. a volume of, sound " � I another point, exhibited- the . shme � , . . . I . pb6nowenat,dltid. flasfied.ont'at still � . toward the dim stars. - I .� . . 1b � ' ' . . - * "Broadside to broaddide. the gallant shi I did lay, . . Pa� . . a fhlrd,place. and -so was repeated . � . . . . .here and' there With bewildering ra- I I . Blow'higb, blow low; what Care wel . pidity . until - the 'walls of the valley I � . . . Till the Jolly me,XX-o'.w%,r, shot A.be Plrat0's ' � 'crackled AD . I , . . 1. . -;tipat- sparks.' Abruptly . . I . . . . mast awaar, I . . I Down on -the coast of thb high Bar-. . I .d . . tbe�-darkness.-fcll. As'abruptly.it was , 4 ' * , I .. .� . I bare -e -e." . I �� . �. I . . - . broLeu.agaiii by a similar exhibition, .1, � . , , I . � . . , . . * . I 'I saw near me ir fl�e coal, dislodged . � I only thjs time the.fire was blue. Ride.. I ..., . I . I . ' , from the tire ; when Thilackles bad '"'Is followed .by, purple, purple.by rod. -. . . . . . .. - I . .1 . 1. . I . . I . . . I . . Thew ensued - thi� briefest - possible � 1. . . � . ­ .. � . -_ - - . I . , t . . .. . which a. figure moved across . . I � ", pause. Im I . I . 'light I . . , . I : I . . . I ' � the bdis of escaffing thrduglh the , - � I � � . � . : . 1. ".. . I I.. . I . ­... I I . ebinks of the laboratory. and then the, . .. ". . , . I. ,".., . _,.... i . . it -hole - valley blazed. '*Ith patches of - -., I . ' � ....." . . . . . , . , ' .. . I I varicolored fire. .It *a§ not a reflee- - . . . . ' .... . .... 1. ... � f. " , .� ­ - . I . tion. It Nv"-actual physical conflngra� . ' . . . I ... .... .. . - . I . I I _. -rock� In Irregular. . . . I 0on of. the 'solid . I �� .It ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . ..:. . . arena. Some of the fire shapes were . ... I most fantastic. And with the unex- .. . I ...... ...;-`.,(,%� I - __ pectedness of a liursting shell the stir-. ' ... . .1 I - ...:.. ` _.... �� , . %, - � face -of the gfodhil' 4efore our feet - . � I . * . ... -, 1. .;. . .. - � . I . I . jortickled Into il gllpstly, blue Came. . . . . . - In., .. � . The nigger uttered a cry- In .his throat, � . . � � il , ­ �`Im-.-.i � and . . . . , disappeared: I felt a sharp. breath I 1 . . . ... � .. I I . on niy neek. an ejaculation of surprise I I . ..- ::: j ... ... ...: � � . ' - . . . sit My ear..: It waa startling enough to I ' .....: .:7::::...--- I I . .."N...U.... 1i I, * . scarii the soul -out of a man' but I. . . t . � 1."', . - % m. .. .. .... �. -1-`_4�:01---`i-.R1'.` I... .. ­ , " -�.g ....'! .. - g, -&-%- -was Jug.t about' to step . held fast and . .. :-. � . 11 I m I forwiiii �w.hen. my. collar - was1wisted . � - . - - . " 1':;F;. 1".. , `... -N ".. , _ _ _ _ . � ., _�'..11 11", ... . . . I I light' from behlild I'raisied botb.luy . . ...... 0 . - , hands, felt steel and* knew thati. WAS . � _ .� ..... � �., ... , t��­- ; sp of. Y I . I . in the gva. Jandy. Solonion's claw. � - . I . :1 ­ ,­-­.... i . . . . . . I . .� -The sailor. had ind foul. 1. did my . . . . . . , ...'. .. .. . . I .. " best to twist Around, to unbutton the ., . .: . .. .Z � collar, but4 In vain. - I felt my *1nd , , '. ' - � � ...;%.: '' .. I ... ; il .... !, -.1 "' t . . . . . . ..; leatringbie: the ghastly'blue light was � . . . � . Rhot with rod. DI.stinctly I heat'd the. . :.4; �:� . '100:. . .."..... A'. - . I .;harp Intaken.bren th4. as Some wau*q, �� . , 11_`n1V._.-,­. ._,...�_-.... , .. 11 . new phenomenon met ills eye, and WS . . . . . great oftib as. be swore.. . . . I � I . I . � "By the mother of God." *he dried. . "It's the devil I" %, � . . : I . 1. � I., , 1, '_1 . � . . . I . 1. I . . Then 1. was jerked of! my feet And - e � . . . . . At the edga of the wash, I cotild-inake .th . e next I knew. I was lying on my , � . 1. . out somethlog'Vione. dim, limp. - - back, ,very. wet. on the� beach. The . . I _. . ' thrown , on the a em fu I of wood. An' , , � (111Y W118 breaking.'alid, fho men, quite I I . , I . . Idea came to me. I hitched myself to '80ber, Were 6.1k1bg rehomon.tly. ;, -, . . . the spark -and -iald'acrbss It the kope, . It was Impossible to MaRe out what I . With which, my wrists were tied, This, they said., but tie Handy Ssolotuo.n and I behind My *bati-k, was not easy, to Ito- . the nigger woeo.the centOr of discus- . . . I c.omplish, and twice t' horned my 81011 I could Imogine-the AUbject. I . I . . Wrists before I sutceedod. Fortlintite- fol t Very stiff, and sore nnd hazp in . . ly I Was at the edge of the illamina- ni� mind. ... My T peck Was latne from - tion and 44hind the gronp. I turned the drag -ging and my touque dry frow , over 6h .my side so that my back was toward the fli-6, Then rapidly I cast loose in� ankle lashings. Thus I wAs free. and selecting a moment, when universal attentl6n was turned toward the ruin Wrrol A rolled Over a sand dune, got to my ban4s and knees find � crept Away. Through- the coarse gross I crept thus to Vle very entrance of tho or, , my m feet, . In the middle distance the ilre leaped red. . Its gloW fell Intermittently on the ' surges rolling In, The Mon staggered or, Iny prone, either its gigatme 811. b6nettes ,or ag tottordem-oilloon nain*. .. *d by tho� light. The keg stood sd'nd autI substantla4 thd hub about, which reeled the, orgy. At the edge of the :� wash I could witko out something probe, dim. ftp, thrown oonstantly In now positions of WourifietlN us the . water ebbed and flowed bentatli It. I how ito arm thrown out: now daft i book. as though Old 86alw blot fe� vatishlIv. Tho drunkAr4a wotit 00#160 � � , . tile. choking, r, or some time I lay In a half torpor watching 66 11140 of davio dhmtge to theroae of sunrise, utterl.r Indifferent to everything. They- had thrown me down acrogs'ther first r1w, of the little sand clunes back of,the , . tide gands, and from it I could at once � look out lover the sea full of the rest'. less shadows of dawn and the land narrowing to the mouth of th.6 arr0l�o. I remember wondering . whether Cap. talu Selover were up yet. Then with L a sharp stab- at the heart I remeni. bered. I 1� I The thought,wari )Iko A dift 0 cold Witter to clearing My faeultles: I faW ed my bead. Seaward A white 9411. had tadkht the omt raye -of � the, I** boyond the, Cliffs. , Landward -1 saw With 'it eholw la viy.tht - oat --t 6$UX* . emerging from tbb A:ftyo. . At tIlAr eight I Made d doverat� AV tompt"to'khovo hof lh0ku 04 .*.%ot, Ate, (TO ax WNTIM40.1, � I I