HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-02-18, Page 3k,
,� �.�
.4. oi 11 , , J.A, �� . L 11
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" .
� 11 a � V �
"ftett Window Pad"
40OA4 X""--Roama
in CWmaaig the Timber Suppill is �
of .
Kept Cood Though the An i
It f%1,A* 11*#&~,Jft,ftft,ftft �
-M----------�-------,-,------,---,-.,--..-.-.--�,.-- ___,______W
,----...�---��--�.-.--,-.-.-.-.---.---.-I 0104-.W..W*A%�� xo= �_Aw_-
. - f;�
- 1!
� 11 -1
. � I I I
. I
- .
Ait"" P
I I- " . . i
I . i
- . ' "OU cannot bu� flour $to fine, �
CIOW fttblo, 1441:00t_ JkAX. been. AT-
OPM tM Doors luritead.
.. :L 1!
000e0t by A* Article JIL the Mail *ad
Even ilk Sommer, therefore, tbe,dM-
(�I;AWx, Feb. Stb, 1NO. ItWA of the ttees of
LL ,
11 . I . I,.' * �V, white, pure and nuttitious " I
Empirs in which *4 awarnious F,A*
_%lish physicim was quoted As- proA
erence between the Unt, of the body
44d that of the, surrovoling atimos-
The midn" estimates for the year I Parliament And U4010avof * three
Jo their number. Mr. Bordews ro$ol-
� I -
I 't .. il Royal Household, � under any other I
t- .
to4ting Against tbe present prazo for
removi4e"i0nailp. Not SO much weiglifs1with
pbere tuay be 50 degrees. Im Winter,
Open W1114ows, An4 water frolz�
beginning with next April, WM atloA setA forth that 16% is 0,4vis"o
brought grown OR Monday. At owe to appoint
� a seleovstAndinK conigait'-
� o
nameo � 11 I
- � . /
Attaches to his opinion as tuough bis I
owe were J,wowa to be that of a6
ins solid ilk the ro=,� tM difference
MAY be 84 -dogroes, He vositiaw :
, ,
tbo .government press And several teo'On Axtural rmurci who SbOU14,
m'4et9r* annoWed that A "i oI hAV0 Authority tO, enquire Jutoi *aO
... , I ' I .
I I � There is no othcr flour ion, canadao ,
distlupisluA modicol wAn. Ill# - It t1t
fair to Oc* or rolqct lit a xWeas As
Nature stops in And endeavors to
warm this night air And impede the
economy bad begun, as. the $o�yern_ conal4er. And report upon All io�gtters
want -was askcial; $or only -$110,484, '
' APPer�Aillllkg to tile C01180rVAtIOR &Ad
. I
I � 11�
. 0 I
� upon which half so much money,- Ja �
� 'Mmom
upoy 00
,, , a
, ppeAr to, coincide. with
400m Aid 'experience or t6,' traverse
current As much as possible by pro-
vlfti$ a, larger.heating surface at the
774, instead of $129,788,175 Appropri- � ,of
, t 'I
4eve lnfi�ft the nAti rosourees,
ate4'last sessloo. . Of Canada i4�lu ding fisheries, forest,
� . �
' 4
I I . . spent to ins re perfect, pu ity ` tt - * I IM
. u n ,ju
them Neftal Men, w1kother OVA- !back
sdehed -or ,,obscure, iko reluctant to
at the Mquth and nose iq the,
forip of wilgrged tonsils and adenoido.
But tht�g if, not the lioi� tifilf, of mines, miaera, 1, Water And othorpow-
js4lng. There wilt be supplementary erg," 4
11 , ,
I I I I Moment Wfiat ,hat , , � TI
think for a ' -
glie a dv1M,t9. th%,V�bli!�, wiO
, . qpt. 1",
tbrough thek newspapers. It Is U opiAist-
4 &We
. , 11, ;k child ,falls W. epp, with the
4in4w open. ftme, 50 degrees of
beat tiVft
latimates, as there wor l"t yo&j, I In 4, qompr
, 0 chenswe rovievr, the
and it is v
,kill W� cdVsP_1ro one b4tob. opposition leader pal;ited'o�t that the
I I I � . MMA$1 �
I. � -
. I 1,
1, I to the health of your househoM.. 4i . .
like to Sivo someWar, for nothing'
, I ""
it is - a vioUtlon of proll"AOU41
. .
must be with each lnsplr�-,
UQA from thO tQ04111'r region, for 041-
of current CrAtlm4tos with All the ost-
imatea of other years,
� I
cowervAtiop 4p
.. of thpae great resouve
'Old jo iiltli diveloomen
sbco w
, . . to to� give
, , , .
* . L
" 0 I
. I - .
I very it is that Hour,
, gift to t�lk ,�O tbo,� neWsV86PPrR ; ,w
�,Q# .
-timea In the
a' ,
000 t4mos 'In. the' b 7,200
.1 I - ,
A Comparison.
the greatest Passible odvwltajo, .to
,important y.our
. I _ I .
.for 401M* isili6ii ilbb&iont to,` A�1�".
, � , b
minute, . , our,
times during the eight hours steep.
seairati6tii and A vantim-
above all things, shoul' a . .
4 be kalwoO * .
, o"
doctor t %, , p �'t it
- An, free advertisit _
ii.Advertialfig ,At card rit0a. 46ej'LL;Wf�0A;j Ift
' '
.eii nO in perfect hi this is too, 1*
. �
. t4st year's main ,istimate -call�4 e4, heritage. .
� � for the. future . � I
� go. spoke of-the,jry t Work A�.�qln,-
for 4119,060,00a, aid there w, ere sup:- 4
. . .
- . I . I
. I I I � I
*714. pure, .
_b � 0, Marours 'Wood.
. W-9, t.ali4 freely t
I �; . I .
at lowered',
gre X strAIR, the vitAIMA I% I.
the throat give,
% wA and ulperation,
- pt,sh ed
'a es ,of more than by,the forestry service in
oremont,oy e #,i4t ,, I , . the
ites, '
� I I .
. . I
�1rd IA_�, the J40149fii Exprooll, $us,,
1 '41 ,d reason, therefore for. eati-
poo goo a
Or cQ1150 stion follows. .
I gt i
As tberq,.4-__,n9 s
1840 �$tj& United S�a, U
110 '000. ,'This , "d 131 the po ]Icy �
ypar's main f
Igs ' Oerma4y the su�
ate , t9,04p.000 less tho'll, 'J year's, -whereby
is . I . timber ' ply
� I
. I � . � . I � 1.
� � 1, - .
� . I
; � � .
I . � I . A . . .. I
' W_
.. . , hia Id
ej*JinS eqtity, F
, . . �
L - I—.- � . I � I ,
The -Twitt. oticho's.
_pqLpAtIAc , yotem,
4pplied to, ll.edt.o�n* '-wherellfbad -
is k1tered,
but tb� 4mou he Trans, is.mpre thafi kept goo d, thous;� the
tit voted for t
�ontiaental ,constxuctiou was $30,000,- . annual cut increases,
- , I ,
R 6 y a I
. . I
' . I— ,# I . .
, I
- I
a s e a, #1 d " F1 61 U'r , ,
i, . , .
tr air purified, I disinfected,
Q00 14'st year, and, this year onW $20 i
L, .
I land boated before being breathed, the
PpeaW,%..o .
, t,�coldp� influenza, pAeu-, sater9t ij tp� sleppwith tbi,' door
Some of the Points. .
000,0010 ia asked!, Outside of thil it "t � . .
S em � . I
. . I I
� . . � I
. . .. I I
_ .�'id,othdr kindriet and season- '404ii, .
%QnIa,� s
I . I . ,
AM . a - . -illnesses, the English doctor has- open, allowing, pure bilt warm aii. to
� . .1
from b4 Ali
there is. an iucrea:m I Mr. Borden' �POilltod Out that there
. I I
in the maii eatial4tes-1be govem- were no official sources, 911aformatiolt.
. . � � . I
I , I . . �
' . . 0. is the best .1 most wholesiDme;_m ost
. A;Qi,4�'- � 11s,and,pasoxgoi.
enter Ipi , t is asking for, $00,075,025 .Of car- from, whic
intoros,tin's ToMmOs tiz MARO Oil
i's llkol� to be puro tocause'lliep I ,,h pne. copld, leara thei acro-
1 .
I I .1 I . , . I I
. � . I .
. I.. . �. I
. passage&
t4p" qubijiiot at L, fill&� Air. 450 Ataeks of the many chances that fresh air, reint ,or Income oxpendit0wip. okhq tot- age oi tirier landi $a Caa;ida�, or of
those twin letiche's at ibe, heallthy '41 id.te last yeAr was gg,331,ogo lar- the approximate ctoantity of t er,
1. � ".
. ,
_� I carefully milled flour toi � be had i,4 .1.
, . . - . . .
ban -to enter, aid lit, Is nover.so told
Eiittishman-tho cold tub .and the Op- . .
IoFi 0
' as. ,air through the win4row. Cold air, I But of last Pei vote for or -how rapidly the land was depleted
Both bad Ili cold , .
. " . I
" . 0 pi �o " . I
� . e I . . tws co-Untry. The gi vie name an . .
, I d
pu window. are , .
, � � t� necessarily pure.a 'warm
it I a. jig � ,fir, nor
qat ent .Account 'a or ho I f loss was en-
more tbAlk $9,000,00 CoMPL
11 .1, , I
. 0 - � I . I I t I . . I .
weather, he Pays, , for- is, extremes .
*th4t. are �a r Impure." -
Of. temperature ,sogerous. I ,
� ,.
was Ili supplementary estimates,, so ,gated by forest growth,, or what to
I .
t * the main estimates are . $3-,000 - the destruction . ,
th a , by fire, .
. ,, .. 1. . I I . 0
�trademark ,ire.
I . � on cvery barrel and . I ..
.. .
Fro4b -air. weinusthaxe, of cou r se. I -How It Happens.
� 'i .j' air off I
but it should no 0 . 4 retrlo�er-
' 1.
000 larger than tbose of last year. � I lie spoke of the fish resources, -the
. Ilecessuty of their preservation, of. ..
.. sack -a .guarantc -. fr�ni 6 .. .-
e e. )maker ,
� .
Men who are at Work all day. In
ator. Cleanliness we inuit have, but ,
the opeft may site with
Public,WOrks and littorcst. - ' b6tier,mothods of -"conducting fisher-,
. .
�� . � . . .1 . I .
.. Z. - I
; . . I '
io" the, con*sumei. Tell
we -need not daily shook -the millio: air o(pon win-
I 11.1 V ,
of - nerves. -in the skin with cold water. dows, and take no such risks as tholse
. I
leg, of fish transportation and mar� ,
I There is an apparent reduction from . 1.
I�ots- . I .
. ..
� " .
... I I . I I . . your -grocer, I .
I I . I , ' . �
Tt�, is true that many People' 'are ho, pa.ss. the day in workshops or Olt-* 1$1-$,WQ,QOO
So w
the temperature is
to $17,000,000 in current I I -
expenditure for �Ubi works, and' Mr. Mr. Bordeu'�mpllxilzed_ the value.
' ..
11 KPLAK � . you .m av'e' Royal, Household,. . 11 I 11
-, .
IV ust h
I ,
. W . . . , - . I
I . . .. � .
where -1cept ,, I .
robustthit, they city steep in, ices, , Ppgsloy calli special attention to of Water. powers i� 6abaaaj Which
. ,.wotth notilig about.70 degrees. The day passed Int .
the opeh air, 1�ut it is I I , uttimite source ..'Of pow.
. to ..this fact. Butt the supplementary bill would be the .
ibe that do warm WlAin�s, has a tendency . 'all
. .. � .
%. � I I , , . . I . .. .,,A4V:.
% , , . . . I. I .
I .
I \ - - I 0 _- __ , 410 ' . .i
Ogilvie - Flour Mills Co imited . .
that many of .1 I I or for i�dustriQs', and 1rang,porta-
instance, 1. k o lqr-publip works last year. , .
I e
so, foxes, for and many Ina was 'Ir tioll W,libil. Coal and timb4might be,
600,006. if this happens agalo there
. I I
� . - . 09 . �
� �,. � . .. . . .1 I , , I I .."
. -11 , . .
. Noitreo., , �
kinds of birds, Distinctively' , - -
,proteet r0sPiratoiy. tracts tender. They are exhausted, and -which as' he said,
' . Will be very little saving. Moreover, - -
'peculiarly. to the
I I . .. . . . . . � . . . �. I I . �11,
I . . I � - -- � . -0 �.. . . - .
their bronclitil tubes, the ofie' Ili thus susceptible
. . a I a t ,
I i f fur, proi , freezing nigh . t air. If we brea tho larger,: part ot, thp mol%ei� "Will PtO,V'c a Mi13 be, sset' 0
breathing through a screen o, ,the � - � 'the people - of Canada than all
I � . � I . I .
. . I I .
. . . . . . � � -
.. . I . 1. � . . . . . � I 1. I
. .. � "
*16ilk hair o air is warme' last session.16l: small publ'ie works . . , our
vi4 . . .
�d u, . � '.
sually by the . a th; through the ilose, the . . - coal aid otbet Minerals, all 'oui troll., ,
than it, it is inhaled through t-40 i (Of which 806- items were In
. . � . I L � . . *,��I
� � I . . I I ��
I . . . I . . � I . .
.� . � ; - . I 1. I � i
elffug more '
. tall ' and in the other case by, du � plomentary list) was not . expended. gold, and* .silver .combined,", These
� . 11.9 in
the head under tbiq.wing- Why should mouth before ft - reaches the lungs ; I � . should 'be e ti ateA'Ana sheduldd and
� . . . . . � I I
,', _� _ , � - � " _. I 11 . I - a il � .. _ � . ". I . I a . .1 MEMO � 01101111=1 . . . . � . . . , , i. I
- .- I �� . -
,� I " . . 1, , , I
. al�,jg They . were electlon promikes - made to, i. ..
a �Pau;try to ei j lox. or a spar- but in either ease , It passes . 1. b6 brdkeA. . .. I I - . conserved as ax asset. .held lit trust,
rb inthe matter ofbardilio#4. . some extremely , sensitive surfaces. I . . . � I I I I
W .11 � � tot: thil whole: people.-. '
� - �
. . I . .1 I
. . . -
� '
' � i .1 "I
Ali earthquake and violent voloao!a . .. .1 ,.�
- . . . � ... X -M
. ,
. . I - � gs - n w '
W I .. , " " . I ,. Breathe througb. 00 nose and you pin I , Mr. Fieldilig's..borrowlin ire 0 11 To the end, that ;t4ose natural ieg-s
' . .
victims of cold Air. 4 risk Of nagal catattlit cold in . the i4eing heard from,in the annual chb,rgo. �
. '
. . . I . ources sh�uld-, �& understood . jild both
. "
I I I . . I .
, � I 1.
' 0abor , InveMor ot thi
The_ LA�o fdre. n I
. �
! I � PikLit CIA
. t "tie, A d�
6ruption has taken; place at �� Colima,. . . . . I
. . . . .
. I. ..�.,
Mexico - . r . I . I . .
. :
. � . "
. . � I I
.. .
I head and in(luenzo. Breathe throxigh Thd coutit;y Will iii, the coniluz year, . . � .
.. Orand cOnsgry'O And - Utilized, 14. Borden .
The open windoiv, 46i the doc-, . ' . � , terest
be. in Ili
shirt Waist.
. :. I I .I* Sensiti'vo to It -k , . r ..
P. J. Xienan, - President dE � the, I I '.
i . � 1.��.
the mouth. and you take chances on paying, on the
r ID osed that %Pajlil� ment 14ke so ''
tor, is., slaying .Its r tl6ns. of 1-huas.kv.ius' I p P me
. dead, aid If - the
I J,Diiefa OSborU Is
One thing which we must'learii
pidelity V I .
unding, Comp�ny,, doclares � � ,. . ;,.-,� I �
r - .
I itis, quinsy, or laryn. TruuR PaW I , n � Tt Ird' nished, . I I
� t6nsiIiQs,, bronchl I , ,, r , N 0 one It fi
le Id In the th
His own experii ii:Ls taught I it=, . a matte.t by topoifit,
wo men Of the nation --of .tile whole
� I r to
appreciate and rpspoct In -the, bi
that ,if ppralitted to tal, ...
ce charge bet 1. .. . �
. . :
he throdoll. both nose. ani considerably . more than - tile govern- . . ,6
. neaFly all. throat art gitis. . Broat I
. standing c6mihittee. Sir
' - I ment of'a
world. for Ih4i nuifter ot tbat-only.
big attitude toward light. This is
could, pay creditors and investors im, I I :.: ;1 r
.. : I . r ,
,t'rouble-,i . ,,
. . .
tt, u the morni . ng, -to . 11ch . is mot(trh �
. aid, you expose youirseli to atki .ment ,estimate cd - the whole chaTg3 Wilfrid accepted t�o proposition, but
, .OXL Of leted . .
notic d I I . r S . when the . r work -should. bib cothp
f these. or a combinat,
e 'that, 'more'
inew, their -Onpayable Indebtedness to
her they would *ear mourning. llands'
dIfforent Ites Dr.
- . from ou,p, wr_ "L _rt
Wood' i Aultoilingon In the Itouseceep-,
. . .
fuli in Six fii.bfitbS. . _ -)
. . � I . � �, 1: . I ,,,
. . I
. I . r . I., -
- % �. . I I ! . ' . . I 4-
ailment ,
r6tid the mis- 0 . . . I
one .
pr�esumpti`ve fi e . .
. I .
.. I .
,chlbf was done while the victim slep, them. . . .
t. . I
* , . suggested thiu..bno commIttea,
- * , . , I . r
. 'Qe at least
I Ity. .. and,. there wili , pr6babt� � .
. . A . Questl6i of Veraci �
n their arms for thirty .days and get
9 i I
from their husbands
er. - Lig Iscineof.them6ststimulAt-
Ing and attra'oftre tblugs'�n W07,*6'rld
I . r . .
I -_ ------.----- . - ;' r
1 .
, . . 11 , .. 11
. . r I
11 . . I I .- I
. . .
. r . ,
I I . � "
. �
. r
It.raust be bo= itimind that this . Pure, .Warm. Air, I
1S.Ahe time whea vitality?" is lowest. I - . . � I
. r .
. . . . eS, one fo.T .
r I . three, one, for.. fitheri , Mines
ere r r i6tion be-
T'lA is A. st iking, cont and minerals and r one for forest& � and I
. . .
.extra allowafices
r I .
And fat$6is and �br6theril to raise a
, '
glotfou�, monument over, her hi - A,11,
to ,us, dud tbe-bilghter the- better-
' r poor billiking tok,of a b0i
But to. a
� Repeat. It �J'Sfiiloh!s Cure . U;111 al- r . I ,"
� 1. . . � � I I 1;
. I
"i.: �.
ways, oure my c6ugh � s and Colds. ". � I .i. . ..
� - I I . -1
. :
is a.Keep, - the Tha,idi�scntial thing. is pure a'ir,. gLs tween, the statements,ol the. Premier water po . wers. . � , . � �
' I
The nervqus .. �Pptem.
. .. al: thr , . ., I , . . � I I
n is . griculturreou"thil - I I �
let, and-' aivr�," e�doctor says, ;-but so little atten- and the Minister"of.4 �
circulation qu , . � . . . .
'the women's clubs, ,too, fro Zailes.
ville to-Zatizibar. would drape their
. . r a
At 113 ak dazzling an . irritating is it IS. r
giiieful to: ug. - - - 'r - ' 11
' . . . I . . . . . �1. 'r, ,,
. . I r . I �.
� . . I � .
1% -
. � . . . I r � , .. 'r
S.., guard for a few hours. It -Js � I , ific . ventll� . tut ions of the governinent in giving , for Use -The
Ili 'r im- * tiOn has been paid -to Waitt, enti � Lee Efidfleld,� Rifle's Are I
I -
* . valits aflat,salary, I ,.�
. building ord"in- tile- Ottawa civil ser . Ross � Rifles for Cofd,. Storage.
therefore, thatAba -hours of in plaonilig',, and .
- .
= And put suitable *6olutions .461
'His thlet obj - ection td! the' -new wol1d
ch he finds tit' f , *
in. wilt m9el.,*If he couid
.. The Valte& Irish, Land. League, pas*_ . ., * , I �. I . ; .
ed a.'resoluti6h u � rigifig. ,that the Gael- ' - , - I I . - I ,��. .! .
pekative,; ��atlon'- � I , . . . � � :, .
� r moly difft-; increase Of $15,0'�ar ar. lie stat,Al. I . I
dl4p Aiiikd i6fbe, Sele6ted.lor jma,lc-� ary. houses that itis extre . � � V . The gov6rnmertt has :bought in -all
-ha ; io. j�t -pure air, from any'*',bere plainly. that the government had sup- .
ill tbat cull
. great loss on.thelr'miuu�tos,�
Mrs. oill6ra. Inv6rited. the feminine
. I
' . .
' .
words. ' I o
Put, It In .,would be. "It's .si
beastly He is born. a caveman Isubjects
- r I . � .r
Ic language be anto g the compulsory . . 'L r " -1�4
�. A . . , � ,
� , � .
- I
tok matriculation at t1le Na.-, . . I
inj ,expe -ralbooct . ,
, ,rimentg, - . 51,OOQ, rifles. from. tlie*.Rops, - Company,.
mijbi to a 'sei4e test* W'Whe" i '* otitside-. � ..Those, who are tortunite 'o.eibd �t the time that thearleasuie of . .
p . �
n the� body but I . of which. 18 000 : were. rbeei'v'
' �d last
6 *. , � I I
. . I .1�el
' ': - m"bi; ie6sie*S than one, ' bile t ttio L ver t - ' . . I . ' I . . . . . �
. According to f femi. j. Ill W he iial. via A Y. _.
n . . . . .
. I - . .. I I
� . . I .
, ' i ' I
'article '
its n .1
is . strung -to j,or. enough to, have roomy b: �
higbeft pitch, 01 V6 a; Is fi,�ed not last sessio, . affor& all thoriliol Year. The minister has 'Info:rmed Dr;
k f Ini.
filie opinion, no. 8*16 0 e
. . .1 .
rooms . . . I
which , bp occupies should . get. , -Chancellor Von Buelow and Sir.
. e risk'-ot breatil'IRS gold necessary. To quote his own words., I
I .
The idoo.tor, rempr4s, tilat the, tomper.�-, take the* doubt � I , ,� �, . W thlugton that *of. these on�.y. 6151-i
- or
llln� viedr and fenithine decoration has
plenty -of � "
, ,, sunshifie, this should never - .. . . I "', ,
I . . . . . Charles Hardinge, Under Secretary ot I ,.
k�ody in h is 98.4 air and. sleep Ing in a dratig-at, to "it wasliot tintit the aassiac�aticn .
tuTe of the eal.h . . , have been issued to the militia, and
. .erage � man in I ,this vll�)I- , W'*as :Worked out that vie bad details. .
degrees, and In Summer the air, day which thie av . -
ever o4baled thie,shirt waist. It is at,
. � I I . . most'
once the most .comfortable, the
be allowed to shine directly Into big
. the British Foreign Office W'a. coii- I
, 6yes or full upon, his face. .1 . . , f 11 ol�
2,830 to th corps. Some
. � I .. . . e,
temper4�ture, . may be` 90 deiiiees, lill- ite �x osps blinsell when be. Is. seized 4r'd knowledl;6 which, �V'ou;'ld prove ID
. . .p � . ' . were sent. oui� to. rille associations,.
ing su-4denly night -in bidrooms with, the open, WAi tad.-Miil 9-od us that the ii�hiedia,te b
I I .
becoming and 1be most addpiable ar.
. .
ticle, lu an lady*s wardrobe.' It is
week, which ,
ference. at Berlin - .. � :�
He has nelther-pigment in his ton- - I . . 1.
. of his. may have aii � important bearin am .1 �
der skin..no,r hair. on the top . 'g,
. !of nations. -"
,at,,, I . . . . �. . . . I . I and 1,000 to the Moulitdd Police, who
with c�peif -Windows f�6 EA degrees. .. , Empire. I - . . I � civil servants her6Jn.OttkWai ,will. -h sent them back. There are now in
� . ,
Out to anyL .
capi being drawn . I ex...
'pink littlt bead t6 �roteet- him against
. I . �
the light � rays It -is little short of
the rolitibils. the two ,.- I . .
� . - . . � � - � � .. _ 1.1% I
� I .
. . . . .. . . � We:,hoped and expected would c6nie to .
11 _. . 1.1 1. . 1. 11 � '. .. . � 11 - .: I . stord 38,73,Ross. rifles, which � cost,
� ,.
___ .1 I , this Act -of last - ye,ir, would
tent Illie.an xkccor4lou'.. It li
I . � , .
and I t Is laformal and everything that
. . -aualis �o lay an uinfort-6-
cruelty to .
� I , I .11 I . I �.,.�
. .. , . � ..., I, , .�� . . I . I 1. I,.,,
I . * L I
, - -by __
_ . I ;, . ... - with, extras arid -bayonets, over $31
, ... . . . I . .1 I I . I I . . be, added,. I . I .
. .. - .I . I �. 1k;. �: . . � ..: ' . L . . not' accruei�'i � Thei I
, . �
' I , each while the Militia is nearly all
' . , (, ' . \ C;we, decided that we -must take the - - . .
I - � . r ed' ' IV
- ar m Lee Enflelds� which, rith
The t H ome
, -
1 - - -'
lies between-. �t is suitable for. any.
, I �
. . *ftli tlieo6okli
't, " a
bl� '�, I .:
, - ,g , in a "a. ce . 1 �
.nate,:ba6Y.o.0 big bitok In aArollghltico:
perdmbulator or baby buggy so deep
. � . - I
and well padded that he canpot-even.
.1 .
, My FOR CA, .. . .. . . . I 4.,
1. R� �, . . . , I I I � ,
,44 " . _
. There is .'one certain. and I simpb�,. . I ". ".� : I '
. .1. . . . . .. � 1
. el*` m1n ode :
. I . . .., .L 9 - , , ..; , , � ,
.. .. . I . I . . � .
matter up'ail4 deal 'L with it now at 1.
- I -Ahe bayonets cost $17 --to $20 each. .
si a reception At the Goi
. �
460 or..
. ,
. , ., .
squirm,, to load him down With cloth*
I :.,
this annoyanci", "ya I , .
remedy for.. .. I . .. � I
. I .
. .1. .1 . I . . . I . I
. I . � I
� I � � � . .. . . I . I .
1. . , � I . . . I I .
*09 wlicn, *e;liad thef � -
the eatliest.occasi . �
I � The CZ ot-�Mr. Conince. �
inf6rmation.'t. Fei it, -t- . . .
o Mr. Fos
� - ,
L .. IN was sWple. )Irg....68,0
I ,
In ps or e�on.11ictually strap
, 1j. And wrA �. . I
me Compan'i4n - . . ,.
1, � . . I
. Feb ''
,,,it is to. drive little woodem - - I
I I . .
.1 - . . I .. . .. . �. � The cost of
.1 . . ... . .. . . 1. I I . . .. � . .or, Mr, . Fisher said ;, th'.s conclusion.. . . Dominion, government
I 11 in.torlbrence With -the,. voters' lists - in .
-A hou" Oi , , reached.. ' '.'Within.. thb� last mouth. -
'a house with__,of� pi�wer, and the tilike Is not far wai i
I . I .
born saw her hugb6nd's soft ,shlrW
' . -that .
and efirfed them' ' Proal - as one
him down so that he can lif ' n ' either
� t I
hand -nor foot and then to Wheel him
. .. .
. �
his little face
Xuaryl: ,
. � 'he pego -pr �., , 1
Pei into the ,ioles.., T . , � . _1 ee, .
, ,
1,v friction of the. ,�hob � sales. � :,�J
ent the � �, �V-�,jlli
..cement'; . � � z. I
� t wh .it will r, . � I , five riding$; in New ORtario is nbt yet
4out a dhimucy i &.1iouse with plon�y� bit. distaxi en ank first as a Agairk' Mr. Fisher said.: I
I .. . . - . . . '
. . . . . I knowm The $.Ails so far paid . -are
who has a surface knowledge of.the
, ,
I as but'n step to
-s6x W, 11. testW, it W
abouti'fin .bo0s : .
. e r
� turned uO to th' full gin e of the light.
� . .
. I .1 . . . I
will.do it'for you v0t. I � . �._ ,
Any cob#Aet,' . I -
. , � -
'your I
: akificitil light and heat and yet ,with
. -
.04t � bit of fire ; -a. house ivith6iit
source of'heit. . . .
L , . . .
. .. I :
.1 I 1� ... I . I'
, �
. . .
.. "We believed th4t'itho Arrangei $LJ0,4&5,, of which $4,439 was expend-
. ,tit
. I . �
. annexation.' Mrs. .Osborn Vent,to the
. '
and qvefi,',the� direct rays' of the sun..
ire is where the foundation' of
..restores; I .,�.,
cheaply andL it . , . . peace. of .
. . . -
I .
-wonderfu ' L . . I .. I '. I.,
quite lly .
I dut ashes ;' without Agin-
coa ; -with
The model twqntiq�h century lhome'oulsalafteg and mprg,ifiization of tho -ed Ion- Mr., Conince's, riding. of -Thunder
L �
_ . I � '
Mai w6w supplied her hus6and anAL.
. I ` "
many a case of loeadache, oi Irriiabio
. I
Mind 1. . ., I .11
. . .. I ... . ,. . . .
. � I . . . 'I .
. I
1 , ,..
i. . . . I , ,.. , "is, 34x3O feet two st6r- service �vo�ldl,�briink-`S4L a: Measure of Bay. The government - its - -
.gerOUS g4 ..Such ii te"be the hous at, -Caq OR � . . . man-
S" . I I .1 I
- " I I I :: ' * . I I
of to -morrow. ,*� . eys high, : With attic mid �basefilcfit relief to go -large a number. 'of IndiVid- ey's worth'. -in frauds: and krWries,
. I
in that she vilsNed a half d6i'"
tord,bf I . . regilliltioL en
' - 11 61M 66 n l;�&0-
ihlr� bu t
' Ith Its accom-
ne"ps, of fretfilluess-w
'. L . ,
&nylng ludfge�itliini.iOd ileciple'slin' i.
. I . .
I . . . . . . . 'r
- -,
- I I .
' .. .
. I I
I r . I .
' ' -
. That is, in al house ,a . . .
deed, an ide .. .1 And has eight rooms on.the two iniin W8 1n the seifvice that ii wopld - 'lle personation$ and ,otbor'crities growing
. � t � ference in -that one
Edison's idea of a cOn- ��166ient- t6 ,mc'k the demana'. But W6 out. of the inter
Litne WOrking plins'sare slight diver-
" ! &.
. ke�icl' '
es here anti there And with a
. the:Lfhces 6f these
�-fs laid.. - Look, at
rnderi,.. A - �,
Dr. Charles 11. . Ila Vill
I . . I . . . . .
kno" dentist of Sowmanville, hang�� I I
, �
it is not impossible to have, W with floors.. .While ,
I , - I I . -
. uto one %g li�Ve 16�i1 sifice, we Ila. A; our class�fiica- riding, which was the only $.eat in.
lj�tle. trouble one bas, just Aven corn- cro.te house to be'lloured'. i L . .1 I
cided* curtailment In their length. � 116
* -
poor little h0min'cocoons and ion wul
L see threi times oit.of five that wfille..
'hel I .
td himself in the ' lookup, where. .
. I , �
to *
I i ur
pr . t I its 0611-. ji6h corripleted that O' evpeetation .the five ihat tfic party, was; ,able'.
eted at. Carrolton, Ill. While thisL mold was .not ca�rried od. n , I . . 1. .. .
Aomuireil, She Insisted, and she' Won.
herself, -
. I .
they .are bravely trying to Make the
. '
fi a us removal � , 1.
. . ., . 1
. . .
,Atn4 struction,' yet: the. principal bui dibg,.'Ois not borne out L
bouse is wonderful, the average ... I I , . -and* we now pro-
' '
fe from . material was of concrete. The long- pose to romed� the dpfeet.'.1
. . .
I. ..
.carry. .. . . .1
. .1 . I . .
I .Slip woie them .She gave
them to her patrons, Or she.w'a's the
beft of -it And to accept It good, humor.
I odjyJheIr. tiny Vounteriances are wrlu,-
. : . .. .
an asylum., - 1. . �. . . . . ., I I .
.'. . I I . . . I
. . w . I
efican house will*in a
I . I
ow be:like it. I taid ' walls are of concrete,',
n . . . . .
. .. I L L
The Premier. Con#adi c ts,
. o lty,Was .42.
� .The Mai r i L _
. 11 I . . I I . . .
. ',
t1iost famous dressm0eir in �LNew Y60
and from them the millions of
I .146"Ooe wilversAl fro" of.pir
k id
I � .
- . _.. I I
, , , , LL. L, " , 1. I �
L.. . � � I I . _ � .
s- L
I .
"Wood is fast becoming to Thi k old ed
- ' bi6 in price to be ui� as right on, the ground as they we
too d . I
. . I . The. ' first'divisio'n of tho oo-
I This ,statement 1�lic'ea. tile Pr�mlor curred Olt Thursday:. when the whole
-shirt* waists tbiLt have covered and 1,
. . L - I ..
plexity and protest. . .
- By, all mea�s get the- baby Into the
- . . I
I . .
--- ail
. and . . L I 1. .
common building material,' Mid ilia quired so there was no waste of Ma,-' in an- awkward Position. If the gov- government. party voted down - Dr.
I � '
tim" . , � -terial.' the doors , are of hardwood ornmOnt decided in December to add Reidls' resolution in favor of fef�tm
is here when, for ecowl
made. attractive the .women of
. I I I I
world. 1. L . .
. open air day aid night, but see to it
that. his eyes are protected from the
---- - --- - .. _� �
I FLOWERS, FRUIT ANi3 ' .. I � . L
e already . ,
I i I ,
' . .. , .
I architects and contract- I and the Intorior'is finished in plaster .t341 145 a year to th�. salaries, � ol in tte management � of public tenders.
omy's sake, . , I .-OttawaL
Mrs. Osborn WRS A wom-
an In Many ways; Nyltb.nW -experience
direct glare. eltb,br by tood or, - -
- Sun
- , it.
cit by toklifing his back to
. . . . I .
. I . SUNSHINE., . , I . .
_ . .. . . I . I
t t dL
ors are figuring. to construct all'JAAftd- 1 and, Oak. such. a. house, requires but 2,1666' clerks, of .Whom 1,500 The pioposition. %ha, ep era should
I . . L - . *
I . �
and only the n etessItY for. action to
. . I I , .
. . . . I.. I L .,
I I 'Now. is . the time te visit . ... .�,
and concrete. As this little wood ,in Its,. constructio�t, The are -voters, ihi� decisiot! was.rex Il pui;h three respon-
ings of steel I . . I
L .
inlipire her she left the rank -SL of New'
. . .
' I .1, � I . . I - . I .
. Oalit&xila, 'Mexico, Florida, and I -
. I
supply of 60 he st is style of architecture is of plain, Mlb- arter, and in consequeAqe of� Sir %It- sible officers present was rejected ;L
. . I
al diminishes i co . * L '
. .
Vorko!s 4 our ttutidred and' with only
.RTeat-It :-t'Shiloh's Cure will ,al. �
_ .
. '- . L
L .
1. I .
the Sunny Southb Round trtp� . . .
1, 1:,
. , Mr.
-advancing so that everything posdible stantialmission tylle,:this. idea.beifig frids pf6illiso, One,we6k before the favor of an aniondmen t (raja
, .&O � to start.with built-up, a busl,.
ways cUre 'OUghs and uo.l.-N." -
My C
. . "
I tourist tickets on sale to. all. 1 � I . -4
. is being done .L t
Q� husband the supply ,carried aut, throughout the lateriDr, election, when he *as.sadly, in need Guthrie that the presont.governiftent;
. I � . I .. .
, ness that took an entire building, em-
I . . . . I . . .
Winter - ResdrtS6 . . 1. . . ��
. I .
and see that none 61 the'preolous stori
.. .. I vote
The house 14 fronted 'With a large of,votes. , . .. practice was 411 - right. The
I - 42t
V!oyed SM persoiii and enablod'her to
. . L
. . , . I
. I - I . I . � .L_ . ..
� . I
.principal . � .
Full .from -7- w .. I
ed heat Is wasted. . Mectricity., VIA-
,crated, by water power, is even now
. the. sto6d - 118 to 76, a majority of."
porch, end the Whole construction, or, Sir Wilfrid tried to get' out of
I .
; rather, - the: entire costo was less t1lan scrave by., flatly contradicting his col- which is. six, less than the iloWiniii
I . .
I e ta�te of fully halt a miltion. �
eare an . a , .
. Thig was her -material iowdrd� ,but
, �
. . 11
Against spitting his' � be-
.Information . �
. ' F. 9, HO)D60NS, Town. Agent.
� . I
1. . '$0,5'00 L * , I.. I . � . '.L -
taking fhe PlacO of coal as -a' source ,' -. . 1 � I � league, and practioally dtolaring that government majority, and a consider
I . . I I �
the' shirt waist, to shift It from. Its
-gun in Now York City. . I �
. . . .
A., 0. PATTISON,'Depot Apat, . .
I . . .. I
1. . .. � L I., . . . L I I I .... . L .1 I .1 .. Mr. Asher's stlatement was Jals'e.,1The able reduction. on the majotitiet ,01
p!qper Ate for a moment, was, her.
I - I .. .1 1011101 1111 I
� �!' .
I . . .. - L. I - I . I I I . . Prelfiler dectaredAbat the bill 61 -this the last. Parliament. . .
crown .. I . .
. I I . 1. I I I . . I 1-4 � . -.1.1
- . . 1W . . . . Year WAS . L . .. I . .
L . I . L . � � I . . not z. recent decision, � b�it I . . _LL___ L_ * .
I I - - . - .1
I I I . I . .
. - - - - - � 0WftA0%A^V%ft%~ %OWW~ - L I .. .
I _. � I I I . . . 11 . . I
, . .
. D� You'R'tARS.R190 ? L . ' I , I Confident that Turkey does not In- L was decided Upon last session� Flo' . '. � . . . �
� .. 1. .. I
. I I 0 has adinitted' that if the proposition Were I
tend to ' poiR hostilities Ilutgaria 1. . Repeat It :_�-Shiloh'g, Cure �vill al-
L . . � .. �
. . lee. LL�
I . Tragod L -
� T,�,* I
' . . I . I I . I . . '.
. .1. . . . I �
. .
. I
. This is the beginning -of Chronic , . cilio my coughs� and coi .,
h.or re'SerVe'S.. Inewr' ther6 would be. 1,sonlething in Ways
Cat�arrhl It'.0,ot Oei the result - is I ' . the charge that it Was a bribe. But- . I
To a woman thore, are tv�6 - trage-
I .. .
dies. L One' Is not,gotting thi�mftb qbe
. ,
I . C H
... I .
A . ... �11 r
- RE
' Vesht, Persla,.Ilc asserted that the resolutions werel I.-
doi �A � __ - I 1, . r
simpli remedy that Mg,ny. Revolutionists. at I . .
physicians ad`�WsO is to Slowly inhalb . , have murdered. the Governor If the Intended last spring. akid were infacti'
iorew, the other is getting him. The
first is, resignation. the second diallid
. . � . .
. . .
. . � I
. . . I
. I r . � . . .
, ! L . 1.
i Q0eeh Ale�`XAIIAM
� -kCatarrhozono'l a 'few tiuieS� each day.. � Orcivillce Aid i number of adini -,,I ' irse Of prepar -n the Xlog Edwa:rd
. I n cou I .,Atiou-" Thi. I vote. accorded a, warra Welcome in.
dofi,Nevt York Herald. . .
� .
. ythin.9- ' Chinawaro ,4
r Wb:eLn you , need an in :
hifig vapor of C�tarrhozone'-ttatbvc r . Premier gave tbq teison for the do] ay. Berlin list week. . I . I
,cures the Catarrhal condition ' an,dI An immense convention of the Unit- "But the resoi 'w6re nt)t ilit'ro, I .
I . I
. r �
. . I . .�
I . 1.
I . . � -you eall and �,
we would be pleised to have
li�aring improves at oricci tlegA nots- ed Irish League at Dubl'n A oted dovi Ti. duetld, ,and ' why, 00t I Evel!YbOY France and Germany ha�ve signed On
,6, bi Oats Are cured, For Cat-. a res6lution Instructing �Jlo. lr�th pa..- knows the reasom We had not. time ag reement �sottltng diftrenoes' c6n-
.1 .
L- i
I The. Buffalo Produce Eiebange was
� . 11
. 1. -.10111 .
1�� f
hispect our stook. -Our priceS will p101188 � . �
.arfhal dgifnesg, throat, nose and lung ty in the Commons to adopt d,j- to- do ItL . ", . I .
I ' . corning Moroccan affairs. r
1. r ,
destroye(f, and . twenty, commission
. .
. . . r I �
. . . r .
catarrh there is Vrobibly no remedy "ructionist tactics, . . . .
. r .
, � .
I . . . . I I ses wofi
Take Your Choice. , Vourteen coWs ;and four her
firms burned out on Wednesday of
. � .
r .
. r
. f you. . . . I
. I �
. .
,so efficient,
- .. .
. 1. . .
. L burned to death In the sts,blow of
last week. .
I I , . . I . . . 1. . . �
I . 1:
I L . . .
'. . ..W1�1 ..
. -
. I
Catarrh Cannot to CiAted With Lo-
The Vremler declaros that the Action tI. T. Evans, milkman, at Montreal.,
was decided Upon last session. Mr. L . I
, . ,
Repeat It,*.-I'Shil'oh's Cure w-'11 al-
. . . 1. ,-
. . 1. . r - .
' ;
r omploycS -
Three ;htindted ot the Colw cal_applications as they caniiot re�ch �Plahet says it was not decided Upon ' I
Way!$ Cure lay couglis a.1d roldh.� I
. I
I � I
I Our StOck ot WatCls"161-wal Clocks', 4
t at. St. 14enti the seat of the ;iJ,L§0age. r Catarrh IS, a 'Until the followIng December. .
,onial Bleaching Work. I I Chamberlain's Co�gh Remedy the
_' 'L , ' , , ' ' ' - ''
- - -, -_ .
. I . . i
. . I . I
it blood or constitutional disease,' and The Premier that this yet Lr s
have received. notice of distilisSal. . most. Popular Because it.-
tu order to �ure, it You must taie in-w'btll was designed froni the first to go
I J. b. Hill, a foiqlef merchant 61
I - . . I
Jewelary 4 EtcJs completeo .
ea to
is said the.plailt, Will be 11161 ti remedles. Hall's Catarrh 0 . iho Act O( Iemt Yeax. Mr� Vish. . is the Dest,, -
gre with
St. Thomas. died, 'at Ca I Igary last
, r . . , r . I
, "
i(agog. , I is: taken Internally and acts ' directly �r says that the bill Of last year wa-4 it I . have -sold. Cha:mbetls4W.q Coith
. I ..... .. ;,., .,.�w . I 1. . . �
Scott . y 0 P&StL eight yeAm and
-Prei , & S,;tsUajtheWan on.the blood and1rimous aUdades. expected to cover the whole case and ,Refiled for th
10 t,lallla Catgrih Cute is not a i,quack filike hIrther legislatloh unftee08sArY,,ftad it to be one of the, best sollilig
� . I
A lidsollor named PIOUH6 At � the
' r I � . I
All goods fvbin Us Will bt Ongr0ed '
in 11 . ,
vants the Domthion Gavel e'ajelne. It was proscribed by,,� one Tile Prefilier 'Sa79L the Whole matter medicines on the ma,rkei. For bables
� L
pi the tXpetk8e oLtaking care of the of ,the best OWYsteltug I'A this I , 0oxw- was settled long before, the election, I arA young ebildren there Is n6thing
Montreal Jait has; been pardoned and
0 .bought . ;
. I ..
firee of tharpoo
, .
Vand of fanatical DOUkhObOrs,' Sent try lor years ind lit a rtrgul4L 0feS_ and his Minister doolares, that It Was better in the lino of Coug L myraps, ,j
I A �
re ea ed YI timb to, gave bim -
It. � . I .
to his Province from Ontario,. I criptim It In composed, of iho b0st not determined till lonj after the el.!says Paul Allen, 1119dix Dealing; La.
lash. I 11,
I . �, . .
r L . . I tooles kiJown, combined with the beat ection. I This remedy ,iot onTf &koft the f*ughs,,,
. � I � �
. . . I
. L.
I . I . . L I
I -Ion, 0. P. Gtallam, has ifilOtfilt'd blood purifiers, acting directly, on the Aecorlding. to Mr, Visher's sta;tomeO and croup a.# combloo iamol* xpulllq�
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Colo_ fbe.eleetioti pi 'Was
Aft Thiltila, - Sh%ughtiossy that the 0. mucous surtim, The ,perfoet; , a bribe wid
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tu pl4gt� t Alid Uale, tot
I children, t S T,
I them to talto ro,t 1*1e, by aIt drug.
Ropes,t it :-"Shiloh's Cure Vill .M.
ways outt my coughsi And colds."
W.. Co r I
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*hat vr6duces s
oVer 'the ffiteroolontal Will 1%,t be Ueh Wonduful. T0841is
In outing Catarrh,. Sprid for tostiftlon-t
Mr. Borden, -
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,tongidered 'by the '136vallmelit uhtil fals freo.-P. J. 'CIM48W I . lift tons6quende of 0'resolut'otl m6v- are gpokell of A 'QUebed. 0018that
All ATrAngement is MA& (Or ty-teftdifig Toltdo, Mo. Sold Mr. Borden, ,and of a compre� Mr. Justlee Olt ollar4' mAy n4lito train
Aft Illicit still wag stiled at Stelitt
A'g*tU6 by Montreil dMeers, gild .109,
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� J6*016t viod, OttiptV6r. 1,440or of Marrista toledds"
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r,flittest, Attested 0ii, k charge lof tufi-
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:000hoth. . for conat' Tation. . 'front him, there will bit a reotganita- by Sir Loul-t4 Jor. te.
ntl* M r it .
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