HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-02-11, Page 5n
ForuAry 11th, 1909
=nt*4 Nom-Recort
I . 5
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. I M"r-FWTM"R41111. 11 . .. 1- -11 I , ... -P I 011 L, *
.1, I "Wett Towg.kslop
. 1r1r., L Mr. InichariT Blake ot Berlin visited
I I ,
. ,his numerous friends in th's vitialty
� , 1,
. V. alentines for''a, few days. .
i -
� ! ' Miss Bella Svode'rcocli has liceni ser-
. . 1011SIT ill with iblammatory rbeuma-
ForSt. Valentines t -ism. but we are. glad to say Sbe is I
. DAV. Feb, 14. .I improving. . I
- _� ; � 0 4 : - - , � ,� . I i . I 1. - �. . I I I I I ;W-_�
Live Mook Market. I FIW 0 0 0, * - - - "I$ P 9 0 P '_ __ - - - - - I'll i 0 1 0 . ... ... 11 . - I :
' - - - '
Toronto, Feb. 8th. R;ecelpts of live I I PE, RU-PNA CHEERFULLY RECOMMENDED .
Stock at the Tjn*o4� Yards werQ 47
car Joaft, consistin ,10 4 . RH. I
bogs, 130 sheep and 10 -calves. I$ � .
The quality W
. of fat rattle was *nI I
fair, generalfy, speaking, with lew, 7 I A Prominent Canadian Give8. Ins � I
� any, properly flni*ed lots ( J, it rience With QA IV -PIA-1r. EXPO- I .
of elfher I ca V" di ;'
. I � r. Qcoxge Audison continues in Mr. William Thomas,smith occupies Miss Teno, Macdonald, who accom- butchers' or exporters. 44AP .
I very. 'poor health. , the red brick house on- West street panled, her sister, Mrg, Donald Mar� . Trade was inclined to be slow, con. . Remedy r, or Catarrh. . .
. Wo'ba,ve now ondisplay, Mr. J. T. Rogerson purchased a fine owned, by ldr.'bl. Ca . Mr. SmUh tya to, her home at P , sidenng the light deliveries. Prieto 4-1 I I . - - - - � -, _ - ...* t
6 .*Ipley, has rol � . I I - 11
, - - , , _f - War -Z ..
our new stock .ofVaj6n� colt from, James Cartwright 1-�St came from Stratford,, with his fainily,. turned to her home here, were much the, Same as, cn Thursday ,chronic Catarrh Always Begins V#V.Fari�r, -'.�- do �f Compteiti
I �
� tin � last, With An Ordinary Cold. ,VQ.,,Queboe, hag been Inayer of 'Scotg,
.eg Consisting . Of novel_ � week, and i's oneof the organ fa.cto):y jtaff.1 Master John MUFA7, the only line- town for a, number of years. Ue is im
Mr. Bruce Medd also purchased one Mrs, Muir of Seaforth has been tile man we have to represent Goderieh I fillentlal regidout In septotown. a
I ties, awd fancy lines also i I from , past season the guest of her sister, on the Bell telephone circuit, Dealers rep . Exporters. the So $ays Dr. Hartman, the Ore' e in ,.44,
, ,. M
, r. Win. Hesk, I ort that prices for
comic and Valentine Post Mr. Thomas Adams still coatiAues ,Mrs. Dam Patterso , spent at. st widely known. :
. , u. Ilast week on duty here, He L4 t113, class -of exporters that are coming. to Living Authority On Ca- Us writes conoer4ju
Cards. Selo our display . to, Improve, Two sons of Mr. Noble -on West oldest son on Chief Con. " Xurpby of the Toronto a4d L'Aion StocIA Yards, ' tarrhal his lotter b , elows , g rorun%. jte4d �
, I . � are too bi$b, ,and that drovers in Diseases. ".. 0 . ,
� ,
,.Wl ,. �.&,.,Xg lrx�,'Ril'f',"�` � �,;;;Wl._ .
C..., Miss Rose"Wlalker entertained a tevr street, had beautiful ew h form. "7,7�,�-,�-���7",�'N-l��,�.�."�,� ,��i�iM:;-x, I
. in store and window. u N40W shoes t e local police , ust . ,
I . .,:i",.;",�:;.'::i'i::?"�f;',��, ��','�r�'4����;:-:-:.�:;::..;,.,�"��;:::::.;:;:;:;:*,
I . rI��...,-.,..:::�.�,��:::����.., . - _
, of her Londesbor( buy theur at lower rates. in tile couw , . .�i�ik."�'.';::
. .) friet - .!g-,.`.,.,i�ir1 :j":.x.�
�"*;�,*,.,.:�,�l;�:!3�"I"�-�.� ,�` "�i!� ,.�,
. -� ..,.'.'�.*.*��i.'-i!�.':�:�i.":..':�:�:�:!:�:I ..
.. � ening. r tils Tuesday ev. ous Oil Wekluest)47 Of last w0ck, and The friends of Miss,nayne ' HX first effect of w cold is a, thick- '11 � , *���i���i�.-'i*,.���ii�j:j�i�ii�.ill".......�-:11,
. _ will be try or he prepared to drop sor , �', -..i� I .�.'..
. ' . , ,�,m .., � ?.'�.ililii.�'i.`�ii.`i��- ..::i::i:
I . , X. � '�.-;:�j -..::i:g%,
we bopolthey can be abl,c to form a up Toning of the Mucous membranes of .-.',!�:-,:.:i,��.i�:.�,.:�:!�.*:�:�,�/ I :
. I—. � Z , 0� . sorry to learn that she ho :i:::::i�i:iii:j:�:j:�!i�ii�:ii��ii:i:,:::::�:j:�:�iii::', -*::*i::f.: I
, . - ...,*
I _f; been con- wore money when they 0.011 them, Ex,t tho-noso and throat. '.,.'��'*,:'.�:�*;;";��.'i.';�.'-.'�:.,',�,:�*'!i�.**'�,.i:,.,i I_ :,.,:!;.. I I
", � . Mr, Albert Bedford is visiting Boys' Snow Sboe Club. fitted to the house for tile Past three port steers' sold at $5 to $5.80 witl I I ., - �.-.
__ "I I friends, near Ethel. n, Thly gives rise to a discharge, of At .-,�*�l.*�'�-?'�-..-�*;:�.-���'�* �i��.%,�� I ,:..* ,
.� ., - .�i,.;�"��,-`�: . X '.;-.
X..;.X.X ...."...:,�.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:."*- .:j:.:.:.:;. � .., .
, �i*1*.iii�$j!j%: :�Xj:�;;::::;;::. ,::::; .. -
Mr. Pellew, formerly of Fort Al. I'Wee*s;, . She is so active in church and the exception of one 16t of. 12 seleetval least, A atuffin I ijii��I;j�..jij�iiii!i� , -:j;";! j; -
StRM ca$ of tile U;ksal passages. :.-,::;X;:;:.:;;,--:t�...,.......�,-.-........!�i���:..�i���i��]l�i��i!��:�!i:�zi:i:i;i:!.:: xx ..�,
I I , , ... ....... I 1..._.':*i ... -'i: :.--*.1,'
, pod 1181S, & Rgffq � Miss Lily McCool of lWingham Spent bert, but now of Stratford, I spend. cliarit ble Work that she is much mis. from Ive or six loads, that were sold 0 - , ... �:*i:; :
.. , a .
I , 5%11 Sunday under'the parental roof. - ing t s. . f motimea toyeroc , _-.,� ",iiMi!�� �
. .be season in town, ,and will, lie $pd. -companies the first ��.,:i,;�,:?*ii��:!;e.�������I������i�i�li,, :::::::�;--i:�:�:j:�:j:j:�:::, *,":::::.,:*:,i:::i:!:i::::..*,��
r , ...i�ii:i�:iii:�i.;;::. ..:. 1: ".
. by UcDt)nald &! Halligan at $5.65 ; &,to . _ :. ..
...:.::..;;:::.. ,
� . , �.;�..':_X.:+% ;.:::: ... :;jZ
. Mr. James Snell's well is now com- thinks In a short time . ack, also a feeling of languor, dull- ,����"k.*,:"i�.'i"..:..,.,,....,�i��i�.�i�iii. �:.,��!�i��..,:ii��.,!.'.- i�i�..�:i:...
.:ii..,.,.i�if���:i.,;�.�,*�l,,,::. -:..;::::::::.,;,:.�!.;:;,;: , � ..::
i.;,`��-'� ..:.:.:,:.:.:.:."....,..:.;.:.:.: i�i,;..ji�Xx
I . � i.."�..*i��i��i:ii���l�!�j�l:j���ji�!i
I , settle in God- Mr. And Mrs. 1ohn M=domld :�i�:i;iii:i;i:i:: ,;i�.ii�i�:.i�: I.` -
, I , "a ':'-.' .*.-i�i�..,i�i�..*�,.*'.-.........,....... ; .
I . . the tiones.. i?..".. -,-�.` .'.�� , - .I...
lil , has a -good supply of, erich' � are and anothar lot, of 11, sold by Ma7lice noes and aching of :;::::;:::::,:.:;:;:::::�:':i;i;i��'. .1.--.' -,.- - ..
I . "...... , ,
, New desi$ns in Rugs : Plet" And he , spending the season. in SttAtford, I & Wilson, at $5.40. Bulls. sold at $4: If , . -, .*. "i, .
��� � . ..N...�..: .... .. "i I
.K.......;.;,;.;.;.-.-.,......;. :.,...:: ::...
water. It is. 156 It deep andat the - .I . UQ attention is psA4 to Itt the mucono ., .--. � ---- ..X
: , . . bot -, .
1. stamped on gooct quolity, � tom, is a drill whic . Mr. Harry B100mer . of U.arriston Manager W, 'Logan of the I to $4.50, and. one of prime quality congestion is liable to spread down into ;.-11.'-'._13i-1'.�i1.'� .:
� h got last and in has be I ' , I . . Buffalo, ...
.. , , I eo or some. ti o dging CompaziY visited ' Goderich reached $5', but the general run was the larynx, producing hoarseness and ,-`�:.'Fi::ii� ; I
I j:.:jj::.�:::j :
L I of canvas. Holly and trying to -move �t the derrick broke. his mother, Mrs. James Munroe. We ,last' week and from $4 to $4.25. . i
Maple Leaf designs - are The drillers. * are moving, from Mr. - Was the guest.of his . � Into the bronchial tubes, producing a �;*::;-::::- ij:::::
I are sorry to state, that he has , , -�-,j::.j!.i.'. .ii: j;
. ::�:!:iii�ii...
� been daughter,,Mrs, ' Prime picked lots of butchere sold cough. . '` ;:,:;:;:::::-.:j I
' Snell's to Mr. Henry Adams'to decli� confined to his room for s me , ti vis Fred Murney. ge ailsa I �...,-`- - ?
. . � , N'.,..-*..: i:.':i:i*i:
very, popular, Complete Q MCI ited h -s mother,, Mrs t s.4.95, to - $5 ; loads of good, $�.5o ,Even when this occurs, many people '�;.';:!.:�::: i�'jii��:ji:i.i.i:i":!§ ..
� -
, . elk the latter's well which has gone. wit all att&(tk of inflammatory rheU- Clinton. . Rr Dark A " "`� 11, �
.h -0,1
I . .��% ...: ...... _-
,with t Ito, $4.85 i medium, $4 to $4.,40 ; com. pay no attention to it, �ii�!iii:ii:i��ii:i�ii�i���i�iii�i::�iii�i,�i�,�i.�',....,..,:.:i:.:...:1-1�,,,.�.,.
frin e they ma `*i�,;i,i:,:: .1-�*�,� f,i;::i'*.:,::.-_*..:: . i
9 � ke all. dry. It was bored by Harvey Beav- matism. ' ' F . . . "
- - '!�*.*:i .:-_�-1,_*-0-;:
� *,.i:; " "I!- ,� . '.
. - . ..1.
excellent rug, . qns,., I Mrs. John Macdonald o� Elgin Cot� M11,,, $4.75 to $4 ; ca. rs $1.60 -to Under such a 8 ."*� .-*.,-i: - :;:;:.;�:;:;:::::::::;.:.i:i��ii�.���;*;:�:-r,�� -,-.
, nue cIrcum tance , the con- .'.-1-.-`.e , :i:�i�..,.�*i�iiii.'�.,i.,.*��iii,.*.,!�ii.*.,.ii�:..',ii�.,i"�,�� I
*�:::j:j:j:j:j:j:j�.:j:j:j;.,:. �
I gestlon Is scome chronic, pro. :._::..:.:.. .;.;.;.;.;.:...V.......;.;.;,;.:.: .
Mr. Charlie COPP-WAS Ill last week. lage wnt.14st week V ei 11ablo to b �i�!�:i��i�:i .. . .,. , I -
,.: I.
tz,v. ,�,i:"".,..*.'-.*�*.-',,.-..:i:�:i:i:i:i�.,. . .:-.-.-.--- ,�
� . - Robt.. Vodden went ft duty at Mr. and , Mrs, Currie ot Goderich Mrs. .Itb . ducing a condi :!:;ji.�j�ji:,j �:iiiii;i�'.. . ::.:.:..
I I , Mr. her moth $240- .:,t:j:j$jijijijiji� I
. the, Royal Bank ,it Clinton B, Tho Milkers and Springers, tion of the Mucous mom- -, .�. .��*:!i�i��i�ii�, .
,%;:::::-� :.:.::::�..�.:��.��-i-.,:�':�:j:j:.. '. .
Door Mats 20a 1 . this week, township gontemplatQ leaving the larni At the lasmpgoti-f ' ..Abo t halt . a doze branes known. as catarrh. Catarrh lasts , *�:i:�i:i��ii!:,:�:.,:i:ii�:::-� I �
Mr., and. Mrs. Win,, Mccool visited , meeting of Goderleb .0 _ .rk )nilke6 and ��...-;:.,�.`..".,:�.;:i: - 'i�j;% .
. . and locating th,this town. . council C., 0, O. F. the faLlowitg Qj_ springen; sold at $3o to $60 each. 11 I a indefinite .,.,:i--,., I.- 'ii�ill"'i��`:`§-�i�i
I !i�ii.ii�i*ii�i�:.�
friends near Seatorth last week. -, -.-.::.::i�: .�fi. 11 ..... ::: ; .
- .......
ri CURE tOLDS t I M 0. Catarrh ` . ..'..'
. � 11 --:-,.-*.%':�'�;�:,:, . I �
Large size 35c, 40c, 45c , Mr. Thos. Nott paid a flyi.og vls�t Miss Anne Ca , �who has been in Oceis Were elected for the year : Veal Calves. ,:. ':i*: 1�
.. . I ,. I Orillia for some moAths, came - home, Chief Councillor-, John $crituge-oult� A limited numfoer of jVC41 calves.sold, PREVENT CATARRH, is essentially is . -
. , in Se,%forth last Week. - I Ate oondt- I 1. I
Mat Hooks 20c � I ill to, the residence of her parents, Vice Councillor, 0, W , Juchanan at $3 to $6 50 per cwt. . 11 chro I . " I
Mr. Edmund Crawford has been on Mr. and Mrs, M. Ca I � � , * tion and does not leave except so - .
. r), West street. Recorder, H. 0. Sturdy I . Sieep and Lambs. I thing Is done to relieve it. . 1410 ... .
. the � sick list for the past week, " Miss Jennie Wilson, who visited her Assista4t, James Dickson . A. wlight run of sheep and lam,fis vold ':�i�:�1�`:i�.':
Are'you a News -Record subscrib-or ? :�"-;!;�::::..::.: I
, ,inother, Mrs. Josej� Wilson O' . What should be done when a person . �, I
I u her Tkeasurer, 'Mrs. Love , at unchanged quotations ; Export ew,- .:,::,::-,!::::,-:,.: xj: .
The following Is the report of S- u . catches cold is to take a few doses Of �?:,.: . . . . . . . ,., ...... ,
. ". I
. �
I - ret ru from rnakfng her purchases. in Prelate, George Williams es, $3.75 to $4.25 ; rams, $3 td $3.25; rerun&. . I.".. r. '.*' . � I.... . -
. S. No. 9, ffullctit, for mouth f, . . I
, , x, .. a .... K. -
0 I New" York, for the X Dressmaking I Marshall, muel jjen,jn4j lambs,45-00 to $6.35'. il.' .�
0 0 0 P EWS' I I . ern, Sa, . `:;:.:.��. ..:`%-gk�
. I jfkzivaryl� . . tit, Saskatoon,, Sask., left � Taken at the onset, Peruils would ,:... . ; . _ I
. � Sr. 4th-Sebert Henry, Alex. Man- I establislime . � Warden, James We,.ia . . . . . � Hogs. , " . . break up the cold an . ." . . . . . . . . :: .... .
on, Monday I : ,d prevent all' the .
. �or that place, accompau� Tuard, R. - Ok - . Some. packers report a' drop in pric- . . . . . . . . . . . . !. . .
. C � ...... -.-
BOOK STORE ' ping, Murray Fingland, Willie Daer, led by, her mother, as tar as .e trainof symptoniewhichusually follow. ..'....'. I
I ". 1-`.'.'.'.'.
1, --rubst Patterson., - al, event from the I .
. r � Strat i ,The following goel es for hogs, while several drovers in- Bqt,'evon in cases whore the cold has . . G. ". PARKER,
. OLINTON . I Sr. 3rd -Ella Wagner, Roy Ro'ber- ford, where both .remained a,. COU0,10 Ottawa Journal will be read ,with in� I formed The World tbat'they were been unglect9d and I ___ . I . . i
. � , poarsoness or a
. . . I � . � of days, Mrs. Wilson coming to her; terest p,y the friends of Ali.v,s saltilts . paying the farmers.$Q.�js, the same as cough 'bag developed, Pertins, i I I
. . ton, - !'Ora F*nglanl, Rosie Mer, Wel- . it lizi; of the Saults Ho,use ;41 Mrs These drov .. from relied can be � , "I had several attacks of'oolds I I
.. . . . . ' Itor , homee a d Miss Wilson going oil last week. . ers came
, . � I . I . llngtoii Good' Wa 0 Wagner. . . I . _ '' C11"trIcs . upon to give promle. I and per- . , from time -to time and ftally.mi - .
- - Sr. .2nd-Willle 0 ,long .journey. � , .. . Young entertained 'at a delightful tea Western Ontario. There was, a repre- mancut relief. . . . . , f .
I . � � . � . . � od, . Dora Mpg- Miss �Macphcrson, ' formerly steho- I yesterda for her gpest, Miss Hattic sentative of a packing house on t, � he Thefrequencyof coughs and . colds In 0. severe .attack developed into ca- , . ,
. ridge. . . grapher and book-lieeper '. for the Saults ' y Go�erleh Miss Saults wa* Market who stated that he could got the winter ma . , tarrh. - I . I
. � of . keallertma a popular rem. ! g . I . ...
. LEARN DRESSMAKING IN TWO 1Jr..2'nd-KatieL-Wagncr, Gladys RO�)I- engine works, has�.rallied I I I was advised to . I
Weeks. -I t6a* everything from the ertorb, Janet Go"�icr, Willie Wagner, I sufficiently . becomingly attired in an Empire gown RnY hogs at $5.60 at country points. . edy for these ailments. . . . use your celo- I I
plainest shirt. waist to the - most Melburne Cox. ` I ,,to ensure her roqqycry when spring of pink.silk with silver sequin tritnm The*Messrs. Gunn and 11. P. Ken- A numberof thebestpeoploof vario . us . 'brated catarrh remedy, and. after - - I
. .
' . � .
elaborate toilette, including shirt Sr. Pt -2nd-Loslic. Ball, Henry Run- comes, : � . I rqin.g and fringe, Mrs. Young .being I nedy, report hog pkoes as toll,ows , cotmtries have given testimonials as to . 'taking three bottles I find myself . . .1 �
I I . Good, Minute Wagner, I . I cred, $6.75 at . the 'ralud of Peruna fit such cases, d, and I no longer, . ,
waists, sleeves, coats, skirts, wrap- king 'EddI6 ' . � I Our'ice, men are In a quaivilry.' The in Copenhagen blue with sleeves . ,and �Selects, fed and- wat � .1 . � . completely cure . � ,I i
. -
. I
pers, .childrens dresses, collars' etc. Olive W ig t. - . . good -ice -is gone and. they JcAOW .. not yok - f * ' the market, And $0,00 to drovers at, followed 11ce-_ , Buffer from catarrh or cold rl . , 1
r h I . � e o. cream net;'and insertion,of . . Dr. Hartman's . Adi 8.1 .
. . �
I r 098, � . - I
� Aver" go a#endanc 27., - I er again this lace a r fringe. �The drawing th . f.o.b., Mrs. : Restored to Health, - , tierfully recommenil . I
Why spend months at a dressmaking I if it -will form on,the riv ' country points, fo "I can'ch
. . a I q . I . - I . . . meno �.-. � �
, . season. � I I I . I . � 'Mrs. Samuelle Vigneau, Avre an Berd, Peruna ior colds and catarrh," .
shop where you will -only learn how - � .. . _F, C,jiess; -Teacher. If . , . � . 1. 'Toom.was tastefully done in pluk and - . . .. � . I " ' I . . : I
I . I 11. � . . Isle, do La 12da-daline, Canada, writes 4 e - 9 @ i. v .. . .
to baste, overcast, sew on hooks'and .1 . St. Matthias (Feb. 24thl'does not white titilips, the libraxy entire4y -in - . a f . � I
. . . , - . � .
I., . � I .1 "I write to tell yowthat I am perfectly. I' eruns, hjid'no other Medicinal I . . . Ili
eyes, all the little things you'' al- . I . . . . � . I.. . I . . . .1 I break * the ice, he- ha's lost his* aic', red and the. tea - ro.om. and tables withr Bahyve Own Tablets * � % . Well. I took only three bottles 0 f F
ready knew before you went there . - � and ice .Will remain un'o,token until St. sunset roses-.� Airs. Sifton and M . . ( your Value than, the promptness with which .i
. . . . . Londesboro. � I J.0sciJ4 comes (M � rs. A Blessing to Children , rerun& according to your advice and It rellevog common colds, It would �%. ' . - , ,
and at the end of 4 months, you . . . . I . . I - . I will pleas arch 19th), Ice Men Frank Oliver did.the hon6rs of the , . . 1. .. . . . . the directions in your book and it re- well worth while for Any family to keep, , .
will know no more- how to cut out . .e pay attention.t6 this- a:ug- iea tabl�. The girls assisting were A medicine that will keep bO)ies gitored my health.?' - ''. I . .
. . (Intended for. last isve.) � . . . . . . ..
a dress than you did the first day � . . . UFF. It is an old saymg.t . I Imiss Flossie Fielding', Miss Lily 9 . . . I �, it in- the house constati tly. . I � . . . I
Mr...James Lelper hag r . .a. and young children pltimp'and, ' good - - - . . . ". . . . . I : ... . . I . . .
. . -_
you went there, when I can teach � . ' eturned from 1�_ Sunday last was SePtuagesima Sun- gee, - Miss Marian, Ross, Miss ' Nellie I . I
. a budiness trip to, London - arid S trath- day,� and all the Chrfst' I . I I ,natured'., with a' clear eye and ' 'rosy . . . - . I -
you all about the cutting and fitting roy. . I While it the latter place he t . . mas deicorm alacquit, Miss :Marguerite Frechettet skin is. a ,blessing no,t only -to the -litt�le. - , whom -49 I I , . . I I . .. I . ' . I . I . I
.. I
in two weeks. Charge for full � . unit red You 'ties but'to.-mothers, as 'Well, Bab Is appened ion Goderich., . . I
I purcgiased .a fine Polled-Angu . s bull to), - ions .were taken do . Wn 'from ,SaLpt Miss Cq Parent, Miss Wi . 119 I . lip S H , � .
course is only $10, � � . . I George's, diurch, . . ' . - 0 y _".. . . . ... . . 1. . . . . . - ..
including a , 1jest . . I . , , � I and Wligs� Edith. 11aXent'O' M`r's; E.* J-'iO*n Tablets, ls,just such a medicine. .- :. * - I I I I . . � .. . � . . � . . .
. � Mr. J. Reid. � - I . . . . I A-sh.W.edneqday falls on, .the 24th of - �.Iharnfiers � ftliensed tbii ice 1: . .. a
Otting, system in use. A'teiw days W.. j. Johnston has purchased the , . . .,,cream- They care all't6 minor' ilmentg. of TAisi Daisy, - L. _R01ierts.,-* nursc4rk- I Mr.� Melvin Howell'has boug t tl * , � .. �
trial are given free of charge and it G. T. R. section hofig' � Ftbritiary -and. Shrovetide- fal . . h ier . . .
. . e. here and Is on the, Among - those, present were Mrs. R_ L. children . arid make � them - eat well, training at St. Mary s hospit'al in house:on Trafalgar st�eet. lately.ocieu- * . �
. . . .
students find it not all ladvertise I is day befoiti. -,It. is. .called Pancake Day ,] Borden, .Mrs. Chapleau, Madam . mtrolt, andJormery of, Goderich- . I . � I i
. r . t
I . � . . . � . .
� -comes early thisycari jt�r6deur and a. ni�intber of the, othpr of mothpis , married 'recently.to Eugene Kirchner, . Misi Alto Maedonald was the wift-
. . tearing. it down .� and wi.1' me the It I ' . 0iseII9 sleep w�ll* and play well. Thousands . i,was pied by Mt. Todd. . -
it to be they have privilege to stop �Iumbcr to side up his'liouse. , , ' ' use the Tablets, and praise . I
as there is no pay in advance. J.'Mrs. cliainbers and Mr; Dive, Cham-'.16ading ladi�s .of -the capital cjty.,� jth�m. Mrs,,.Loren2o . .Rose, ijaike Tal- Mrs- JOn Macdonald returned . ork e ' i of,tfie.annudl ptize given by Mis%.' : ' . . li
. I '116r. 'T. R. Edgertu .was suddenly beis' of Port Rob* ndinr' Policeman S.Inds 'now :uses mineral on, Que., says - , Satorday .
. inson are spe I . 4.6 from -, hei visit to Wood-'
will teach at Clinton from February called a:way ,on Monday to: att�nd :thi the - - Mrs.. . Cra I : , * . 11 cannot SAY too .. . . . Skimmings for the. pup. 1. taking high- 0 1 -
, 17th to March 2nd. All wisbing'to , I season With xig at 1. of to , stock. . . - . . . . .
,, fur, . ,� -the water instead wn water and we much- for Baby's Own Tablets., Thav6 - . . .. . .. I est stinaing in grammar, at the:�� ew�. I . �
� .
eral of his'sisiter-in-lawat Wallace& Hurd ' - it tnay. *ca- a cure,,in -his, case. proved their value ii:ii colic,.. constipa p I 1
4 learn b.e sure, to. see me. at Hotel burg- . :. ... . . ..� ji, Houge4, ' I . I . . . Itrust - . Mr. William Stewart c -f the -B, I
' I .''I 'rhe Mesd"" - . . . %til -c trance, 6xaminatlqn. The rize-' *i_ �
Normandie on ' ` " - . . ' �: . . -. I anies Bedford generously on - Sun�a . ' . .
- Tuesday, February Mr'. Tfios; S* q'uire intends accompany, - ,y' evening the male 6110it-tioir and other ch:Whood troubles," of Montreal -has' built a store .house sisied "of "A' pretty � vase.of. Tiffany ... I �
' ' Uh with ot'Victoria street church ' . . , I I . . .
,presented the Marine Sodial Cl were in, at- �Sold by medicine dealers or by mail. � I I. . glass. . . . . . . �
. -- ing Mr. 'Georp. Bedford on -'W4 return t . I I
16th, between 10 and 5 O'clock I a on -his. premises. . I
. I
Miss L. Paul I _w . I .he six pairs of '' curtains. m(ntionei tendance, with Mister -151illyard . . . ... 1. � ... I . � I . I I . 'I
� . 61 2 to Cannon City, Colorado. � - : ' as'at 25 centi a. box frotn� The � Dr.. . 1. I . I .- - __�_ � - I -_ � I . � I
� . . last weck� and Mrs. Bedford presented the organist. . Aefore.the. sermon they. Williams, '. Medicine Co., Brock ille, ' � r I . _�
I. I . Mr. Albert Rodfdrd-had the:mistor- the out glass bowl -won by, Mrs. Thos. sang "Victory. -All aloim" At the Ont. . 1. v 0 4WAW ft.,Ift 1"W14j,,4ft,1qk04%,4%eftW AftW,%W.qjjb. ftWI&AW 4ft~ft,qb 4fto,W 4b..ft
. . . tune to loose a cow last Sunday. 146, Swartz. at the 'last . . .1 ' � . 0 . . I . . I . . 11 �. I . .. . I .1 . I .I., .1 I I 0 1, *
. J. B. Hoover . progressi.ve euchre offertory -they sand exceedingly well � I I . I .. % . . . . . . �. . � ,�, . . . I. I .. . .
� . . I � I
. NtISOU Ball has had poor luck with . his stoqs, iarty. held by -the club, I Ithe inthem, "'Volunteers are wantoad,11 - I . �: � . . .
. - * .
. . _. . I .
� - diaving. had tw4b horses badly, hurt �y (. Five thougarid'.doliars wa:s the hi and at tfic'� close 'of the service- -they . � . .
. . . I . � .
I getting their feet, over the tie rope 14 est- bid for the'Rotel. Goderich *h ',- sang "Let'jesus. . come .. . I 1. * * , . . � - I
I . ., I . � en . mamages.''.., :: A . .
I .. I'. I , . m . . gh- . into your I I . . - -- I . " STCA ' . $
thestall.. 1. .. . it wasput'up . LA' . . I LLON I .
. at auction. Tivice that heart.," Mr, 0. 'AT. Copeland, of To ' ' . I .. I . I . 1. �i � I., I .. . I 1. . , . . .. .. I - # '*' . .
I . I . .. . I . . . 1. . � . . . � I
. 14r. D. Cantelon - shipped ,a carload; amQunt., was ..the: .r- MdRAO1V-8PROAT"Ai the manse . . . . I . . . 11 . . I. . .
� � I . sum voted Mr. �nto.j provincial' se,pret&ry', Ct r � . I I . . . I - % . . . .. I I . .. . . 1. . . . . . I ; . . .
. There' IS,*j of. potatoes. this week. , The iiiiirphies Smith as lb . . -_ th3 , Egniondville, 'on'. February 3tdt b, . .. .. I - " .., . � - ' ' . , . ,.. ., , " . ... I
. .1 - a an for buildiij the ho- Y, bf, C.'A�., gave a.-vtiiy fine address. ... . . Y. * . . .. :*..,: I I - - ' - I .
. ; R ' - �- ' ", � . - . .: , 11, . I . . . I .
. . -were supplied.-hy- Moon B . Thb funeral of -the'late, JaM03 , ., ev. Neil Shaw, Wilfrid J. Morr- . i. . I . .. . I I �. . � . . ..
. 11 .. . . . . .
I I * . I r4s-- �' .- ' tel'. The mayor and rcevv, Wete. dele I . 1. ow'. to Miss Margaret Mak. ,5proat,' , I ... .. . I a . 1 4 . .: � I .
11 � I ,
. I . . .
. Are you.. itiperstit ous? ' It. so'what gated .to go to Montreal to. interiiew': McLean took placo,from his late rjffil- . , , �. 11 � I . I . . . L I I I
I . . . I .. . . � . . . I . . � .
. . . � I I
. SaItfbrd'under the auspices . 14 I . . --- I ____; - , � . .
- weeks winteV we - are the.Graik Trunk and-Cahadiam Pacific dence at, . . . datightor . . I .,
. I I abou t the six ** I . I of Mr... Jame :Sproat . of . . . . �RS I . I 4 1 1 . I .
i . . L'' . . ..... .r . - I
to ,have ? The bear, Saw. 41s, sliadl�w, offleials in'the pro irtyj. but we un- of theAocal lodge of Orangetoen. The . Ttickersmith. I :, : . . $75 00 Men's Coon Coj%t4 for - . *' - 1. . ... .
. . I '. . . I :, .1 I I .1 �� .� . .I .pc . . y . * . . . . . . .00 . . . .
on Tuesday, . I .. .. I � I � derstaud they were not successful. - BELI�-TAYLOR-In Wawanosh, li 7000 At , '66 1. 1. . ............. 1W #' , . I .
. ; . I .' .1 pallbearers were A. M. Todd., W. R. .. . . I . :.-*-4-k-. WOOL I
. ,
ftev.'Dr. Sutherland and. T,- R. Ed -.1 Rev. Jj Small, 011'.ja'nuary 271 '. 6000 � , ts. 4$ , - . . . I : .. .
I .
Style I& I ' iL Mr.' J. T. Goldthorpe -has. mcu at ,.Pinder,. T. - D. Tichiourue,',. , David ' . I . , . . . .. .. I ........ 4 40'.00 # - , L
.getton.. Who have betwhold or, a sores work clen he side Wells and 'Geor , Mark, eldest daughter of'Mr. J. 37,50 Men's Wodj,6at'CoatR * L I . I L .
. . '. . .1 . . ge McMullen, On the L . - . . . . I ... 0.6 ..... � 27.60 6 : .
va services irk 'Meithodist � '
. . .. _ of. revi I I I . I the of the data to be erected by the easket 'wore beautiful floral emblems, L T;. Bell, to: -Milton Taylor of Mell- � . M (N) Me'n"s Black RusplAn Dog Costs . ' , .I. " 10.00. ,I .
' . .
. ch reh here, leave on Monday to con- ta, Man. ! - - . . I .1 1. 28.06 Men s -Siberian Calf Conts ' ' ";'. ' '. " " " .- - - . .. .
I . %.00 T .
. " ' . Maitland. Rivet Power Company, I among - them being a crescent of pinic . 25.00 Merile IDok (jdatsj. with Astrachan -collar ...L ....... �..'10.50
- duet L similar services at Berlin. - They I Mr J. Sh ' . grocer. .has sijld his gad white -ro,ses, the 'tribute, oU th ' CUMING-RICHMOND-la Blyth, o6l ' 3.5-00 Men's Galloway Coats . . . . .0 - .,.
. * . aw a L I I . .
, . I
I L . ' IL the business to � Mr. -Herne% of -Elimville. . Jan. . 20th, at the home of th6l - 30,00 Men 9 Hamster .. I .
. have been. very. .successful WAh . � Lined Coats, w .... 2500
� meetings here, , % - � .�!' - . I � . .I L. O.. L., boqUet of carnations from ith 66rman otY�;�ollar:: %'00 ' $0 ,L '
I .. . . biide� kjy� Rev. J. L, Small, Kate, 25-00 Men's'$ k. Litied Coatil, With Gernian otter collar ...... N-00 .
. . � I � as, n _ I
Solid I Mni J.L Shaw khas purchased from Mr, and-Wirs. Angus .Matheson and ' % . I . . . .
. I . . I . . 11 I
. .. I . . . . Frank Gibbs resumety work on, Men- h1r. 'Henry , daughter'of.Mr. and Mrs. N. Cuii* .. . 11 . . . I . I . . I
L .
. ; - Habel the house formerly fAmily, . wreath of Pliik . and white ros- : I . 1. . I � � . - .. . . . . .. . . � I
- . 1. .: - I . day with'the,V1. T. R,. bridge gang, . L ,_ , jng, to, Win A. -W. Richmond .of I I I � . I . - '.. .. . I .
. . I . owned - and occupied by'th� late Mr. Ps and carnations and i�ra Irpm, the . . I " �i . . I .. I .. .
e are,pleased to bear that Frank a Sha* L . - . I . -Laa, i : .
. . . . nd Xrs� $pence.. Mr. . W con- fa,mily, of the late James Wilson, -Glenboro, Marr. . . L .5000 ieg'Blitek fairl, Coa0with sa,ble revers and silk helt'. 38.00 ..
, I � � I I -
Caldwell Is ,sufficiently reto' 6.red - 10 templates . trying his fort%me in the and a wreath of, the same flowers, - . . I . . . 45 00 Ladleb' Black Ourl Coat. with'sable' revers only, at- � ... 35.00 $- - .� .
. be,. brought, h6m;. - .. .. . 1. I . . I . I . . � . . . Aipths. .. .., . � 22-00, Ladles, 'Qiiifted Coat. -with fur collar � ......... .. 17.00 .
- ... . . . . � I. . I West. ", . . . . from the Me 14 r. � L . � i . . .!! . . '' " - . .
. . . I . . . I. 1. I . . .Ewen Bros. Rev. ' .. . . . � . .. . . . . . . I . . . - . .
. . . L i Mrs. inott isi. we are, ver '' I., ; .. I � . _"" . . . _ . . I I
__ .
Comfort' W I . � I - �, , . , Len Ly, y .- - sorry, Millyard officiated -it the house -.and DAVIDSON-14 Grey., on February ' . I . : .. .,. . - . ...
. . . I : . .1 . . I . � . , to say, ver Ill from some . . L, id , I I . I . I . . : �. . .
� : . - ,, . � - . - ' . . ney - at Colborne cemetery,, ibe Orange sor- 2ad.i to Mr�, aqd. Mrs. Robert- Davw L;Do not nAss thiot "oTiOnTit.dnity of securinir . � ' ' L
. . . I . . .. I ' . � I . . ' . . . I , I- I . . , . . ..
. I . . " GoAtrich. � . trouble. . . L I I . 1 vice being held' afterwards. Mr. and idson, a daughter� , . . I .1. . . r .
. ,
� . . L . I , . �- . . . I I. PIRST-CLASS FURS , - - . 1.
' '? I . I ..The Women's Inst1tute met at 'Mrs.. .-Angus Matheson and family, Mr. SULLIVAN.-In . AfeX,illoo, L On -Ladlis,Coats. also Fur'Rufl�. Fur Stoles, Mufro a L . I . .
Ab6u� 6M on Siturday ev . . , . . , L Febd in Meii's or na 0.
I .eniing last Edythsholme, , the. residence of, Mrs. and Mrs, McCabe. and M.r. McCabe%s ruary 3rd to Mr., and�, Mrs. JaMed. L Capeeihesat-lesd than wanufacturees Prices.: . . . .
. I
fijr�,,WAs discoVored in the basement (fL bturney. About for . ty-five Members mother who Is also '' the mother ,of , ..-..Sulhvan, $ a daughter. , . . . . .... . . . . . I.. I... . . . . . L .
I .
I . . . I
. �
In Our Furniture -the store ;.of Cameron & Moore. -The. eirs- were* present, new men�bcrsjoiniug Mrs. McLean all :of . 4ftderich .' were ORTWEjN-At thi Bronson , U $ . . I .. 1. . i . .. . . . . . ___ I .... I . I .
I . I 110, ' $ L ' : �' , . . � � I . ! I . ,
. .
I . .
. . . � .
I I I . I ' L . � 1,
. I . . stock w - as almost completely df S.* at nearly every*rnecting. At ter the present ,at jhe funeral, The.' lafe . Hay, on -tile: Ast inst.$ LtQ Mr... and . . � . I
' '
. troyed. .the Are � oirig:bited in ' the'roll all and the do ' L Highest Orldes' r Butter.and ftgs. L
I . I . .to. . . .
- . - � . ' L - .0 xologY the business 'James McLean - wa:s'borti, in Ireland Mrs. J; Ortwein, W son.. I - , I ,..., " . . .. I . L . . .
, S�� I
. - POS ' . $ .
. � . th parents to .Canada RAU-At the Satible, Lkw, Stanley, . I . . I
I . .
. � . basement, ed . 'to be from : , the of the afternoon was taken up pretty -and-c=6 wi ibis TONE & 'GARDINER - I ,
furna : There is an 1xisurance �. of - �..-
I . .
I ce .. well With the antitial supper. The re- about thirty yea;rs ago and settled -in on the... 4th Just. ..to. Mr. and 'Mrs. 0 - �1- I .
,$14f000k. , - - , . . ceipts were not then all. in, but the Quebec. Two' yea:fs later -he came to Henry, Rau; . a son.. , I . . I . I .. . I .
. .� I . . . . . I
' I
Come. and inspeoi some . . I . . net ablounit is expected to .rea6 $40 SaItford'and married Miss Mary. L. � . . . . . . . I I . Successorg to AibXinnon. & CO.". BLYTH...
X_ . . . ' � . ' . . . I . . :, . .. . . � I . . -
* would be handed over to the A.jeCj',,,e. He was on carnest Christian . Deat4s . . . . .. I . . .1 I
our large stock Troln ; � . which . . � . . � * ,$ , � . . . I $ , . �
. . I . I a I 4D4%,'%.Ifah,,AWA%p'4&��IftA&qW'MWAW,ftW4%,A&Ahe%W'%,ftpl%,A%,4% 0%, -ft ,q . .
: McKilloo Township committe appointed to purchase fur- gentleman, kind and happy, In - big . , . �
. . I .
the leading manufac- � . . I I . nishings for the Y. M. C, A roomg, home and very .industrious. He is 9VTHERL�N10--4n Sdifortli, on Jan -i . . . � . �_ I.. . . � -_ . - . . . �
' � I Miss Rosa Smith, who has 'bcen as far as their finan'ees will lerm',t. A ipirvived 4 by his wife and their nVe 'ary 31st Mary Mag-da,lon McKayl . . . . .. , - � � .
turers of the pr6vince on, 6, Visit of a month's dur&tion' tO program is preparr-d for every meet� Phildren, three b6ys zind t girls. . . relict of: the, late Charles Suther- �� .*.*G-w�e-itw*-�q&@,qk.,@.qlb,e,qlb,e 6,4" Ax*6,4t�'o '4t*$,I%,@41b,*Aqt�,,&.Wo.11%�.,*-. . . I
� 4 tiler parents here, has returnel - . I . wo .. � . -: . . . I I.. . . I � ,.. . . . . . I . .
-and our prices will Western Canada. . tO ing by some of the members a d ' it i land, .aged 8R years and 10 mou ; . .. . ,. I ''I
. . n . . -, I I I 10 L . E , .
Miss Govenlock, wh fell tothe lot 0 Miss .Porter and , I I .. ths. . . . " .P V W. T EL BR084 , , . . I
suit you. o has lit -en in -Mesdames � Hamilton and James Mille)! .� . McLEAN-In SaItford, on Jartua-ty 0 � ., . I � . . , .
_�_ atives at WA Wks. Hamilton r' . years and 7 months, � I #
- � � ead a funny ",Tbe Wallaceburg Sugar C . 4 . a W' Sa ch. t. I �
Dakota for some years, is ivisiting hvl� Sugar"Beet Contracts # I
. mother to fill it which they did most credit- . . 27th, James McLean, aged 51
throp. a rel 110- ably. 'Mp"y SANDE, RSON-1n Wr 0 - Lea- Vis. *, - To R - `1 I -, .
. Quarterly niceting ''ser locs were artiole, entitled "A Suffragist on a Ltd. are out atter contracts from the . 0-?eter, on Jan- . # ;.�p I I . ,
'Circuit last Sabbath. reaa a description of ,a Flapjack - uary 31st, John Sanderson, -in his I
Note how our Morris hOld in Waitcn Eng�) 9quare.11 Mrs. Miller farmers to grow sugar beets to be do 0 Is the ehance.ot'a..lifetime for YOU to jecu 0 . new
Rev. 'Mr. Tyler officitted. - The or livered at tjie - .Berlin factory. The 78th year. . . . ; I r
at- Pancake party. Thebatter was mide company bag mad such a I sue 13OLGERL-4n Morris township, on a season
. .
and Arm Chairs sim-0. tendatic� at . the meeting was, . the February Ist, Nion Bolger, � of able Dry -Goods, Clothing, I Boots and Shoes at f
a vc�'y Of two cuPfuls of 11011r, 0110, teaspoon- the. business in ir ow dkstrietthat It almost your own pri.-eg. . .� . . .
� � . Ninga, Man., aged 73 vears.' I
; I I
Ply Make MI wis;h 'I" ful baking. powder, one-half - table- this year the farmers n i .1
. . MIsR Tossie Switzer of No. 8 sdhool poont . ul sugar, a I'Atle salt anA have voluntat- UcCracken�ln Cleveland, . Ohio, on 0 . redle � �
you're tired enough ble](IlloP, gets the largest salaxy paid., a in- ily written 6,000 acres to be grown January 250, Edmund' MeCrack- The stock -must be clen during the next few I .
ough milk t6 walkio a thin batter. during the coming year and thIs at . . t. � .� -
. w ces must do it., Note a few redue- t , .
. any teacher in the township, it being. Miss Porter's ' subject was the 7th practically no'expense t6the company en, formerly of Brussels, and bro- eeks'and- low pri" . . . .
to sit in them. 020 . i . .
* Golden Rule, "Self Control." It was whatever tiler to. W. H. -MeCraclken, aged i tions and rememb�r - . �
Air, Xlebert has ho,ight 100 acres - They earnestly hope tha,t th 1 .51 years. - . .
I A , . . from Henry Dennervics, th� price lw� an excellent $,election And ended' with same results wAl be obtained in Ber- SWITZEIR-In - WingliAm, I is I
Ing $6,200 and Alt. llcnno� ips h this trite Saying '1114e that .controls .lin as soon. as the factory 6 put into '+.Z.r Feb. 9nd, What we Advertise ' t,
. I 0, Ll 1�14 1 t I t. j . we DO."
a. krab6l1a JZ1 w. . .A RA "� f
,A, Ar 'We are sole agents
purchased tile 200 acre farm ,of J. .. OF S UC %AL U0111 he W110 U.) 09 Proper operation ajad the farmers are
. V� it city." A vote of thanIcs was giV0 -siatisfied, they will receive the saft
McIntosh, the
I 0 '-1 yv. .
MURCH-Th Wingliam, Feb., Ist, 1�1,d;.
Xen:tl , $10.00 OYercoatk to clettr at $U* . I I
for the famous Iter-
price. ti,�rced
L 1� on "1119
$110, e, have not heard %hat Air,
to Mrs. Murney for her kindness in treatment as hag )been extended to their
ward George MUrch, aged 39
...... L
, .. M on S 11.00 1.4 66 . ...". 5.50
bletils 120) at to
oules Springs and 0s-0
AfeIntogh intends don�,
, I
entertaining the members. The nc)Et patrons at ,'the
Wallaceburg. inten-
Meeting will t0c place at the.regid- tj it Of the company is to leave 1110
years. . I . I
I I � .
4 ... 1. 7.00
� oys, 3.16 of . do . '. 2.5()
i*5 - 00 1, L6t :::... I
I 'L
tormoor , M, ett tressess,
� . - !!
'L I .
.. I I I ... LL LL - __
Mr 0
ence,or s. T. H,. Trethoway who stone unturned to Make the business
gtneroualy offered her house. Supper profitable to the farmer, and will es-
I . "- ,
oys, .4.00
ib I$, ,
, I oys, 0.00 .. 1. 4 . 1q. 7 5
� . . tn*s �.50 Fleece ttridorwatti, 4..".10 .40
I . .
. 'both are Fully Guirianteidl."
161 ' I
wiX be setveif at 6 P. fil, Oft thl, firit tabliA the same custom as bag* been
Thursday in Match. ThatNs were found entirely satl.-Jaetory in their
' Otter for sale house- and lot, No.
164, Ontario - st,vect. 40or ,turtWei;
. ,, em's JZ Red Wooll'Undet-wear .,. I* ,.40
11 ugh's, - ,15 and At Fleece Underwear 615 I
. L .
. 'j^ . 14
. . ., .,
offered Misses McKay and Treth6wav own ,vicinity. All beets will be mp.1h.
I .
for the
particulars apply to A to%. Mon-
teith, Ki Jamcs,,j;1oAiAlt0'
- . '
12je no* Spring Prinbo, h dreds of patterns to' choose from At PC
. I
. . .
� .
L .
. I
-very pleasing ytogtam offe- is
ca ulactured into Sugar during tho montl
the Ce
,guests at tbe con^ rt i i -Odd(ell- of 00tobor and Novem�et and wth-
-open, or . 11`1
Clinton. I . 68
, I `�'
- f
1210 -
all Linen Uwielhig ....... q..4. ...... I.#..... ....*....6.146.4 86
al" all lineg of D Clothing' 1300 ' -nd Shoos
- . � -1
I .
ows ball. After the nAtl.nnal anthem ing left to be delivered to the factory
Lj j-- � I L, L � . .1 . i, 1.11 1-11.!j ,.-Ill I I . -
o at
le to it
Me pricesand less,
r &
� . .
In 06dM(h at the'Aueltion 1-10age
every Saturday afterno n. We sell
was sung to Iteshm(Ints were served; by during the Winter Weather. We be-
,Mrs Muthey-autl her friends. , � spkk.for�the Company VVety coiasid-
M;S. James
. 't
. L i
$1360 WILL Btjy " 46OTTAGLil 6N
- ., . I . . . .
I . . Sale Prices Strl�tly Cash.
anyth'ng and everyth'it4, anywh ere
Browh has ,registered eration from the larmer patrons and
at the, WDowell Homq:6 for the a ai;oa, trus;t that the venture 'Will be a, soct
Joseph street. Soft and bard water
in the house, cement eellar, Xelgo
I .
_ 1� �
I .
and at any time, Motubandls,,
I Miss Dora .Phelat, has returml from eess in every particular. As *4§40-
furnace, electrie light, good lawd 4
I i. - .
, .
Purniture attd Putteral
Real Ustate, Live 18toelr, 1'*tc:
6, w, up-oftett, Auctioneer, 11,
St. Joseph's hespital where she Ims laethurg COMPATly'S aerc,496 h*4 beell
bo.oft a jj,,jrso.tjj.trAjt9%9, She W964 secured they have'deeffied it, "14visable
hero, tomeftt Walk it'round house.
part Cash, balance itt 5 per cent,
Mi I
0. nox 183 Goecrieb. tho,,. 9
by Mrs. R, hel
108 � .. 63-a
aecotnpattied I it 06 to tratister tboir sta!f to the Berlin
was viaitfox her :s�ster tit Chiea,�6. territory to solicit acro"'go.
Just Q6 plate for A retired fatmqr,
Apply Boy. 114, Clintort P. 0. 6
. �
. 4 - ) -
I _.
91. _. - A �, -