HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-02-11, Page 4M I 1MI 11 4 Oo4esich Towillst4p 13o4ai4 Township A' very pleasant evening Was spent We are glad to learn that Vaster 4t the home of Mr. janws Switzer on Bertiowise is improving After a long Thursday of Inst weak when aho,.it siege, of sielintss and- that Frauu. ill twenty young people assembled and !Ott is also an the fair way to rie- whiled, o, few hours with games aad'covert' other amusements. ' 1, Mr. William Yee', who recently cele - Mr. Thomas Marquis, who lived for brated his diamond wedding, has been so many year$, on the 7th con., died, Ill the past week, but we are glad 10 At Suspension Bridge am Thursday bear that he !so getting tilptter. last. About a mouth ago his broth The Recorder wishes them success or Brown passed away. Both resided and extends an invitation to . come at too Bridge and had been ill for agafil.—Brocliville Recorder. 3A%ay ingaths and the end was expect, The, debate which is to tale ; place vd. They were nephews of Mrs. John between the A. Y. P. A, of St. Jam- AlexallAor at this township ani of Mr: es' church and the other two cliurclips George Phipps, who died near Tor- of the pariall'bas been postponed untill auto 4 fortnightThursday next. ago. %r, Wesley Marquis of Hullott is the only sur Mr. Ben. Lindsay And his mother iiv4ig, brother. The remains were yj the spent SuAlay at Mr. Alex. Welsh's. taken to Goderich on Monda funeral taking place from the . Grand I We are All glad to licar that Mr. Trunk station. Mrs. Mar rued Marquis, who Harry Steep s ,returned from h4 from Clio - survives her husband, is a daughter of ton hospital - bale and hearty.. Mr. -William Blake ­ of C OA-40rue- Mr. qh.as, , -Switzer entertained a , her of his friends on Thursday ev- Mr. W. H,, Lobb returned on, Satitr-,nuin ening Auj all "report an en'oyabla day from A. business trip to Brock-- e. ville and Leeds county. He says the t'in eeting country down there does not 'begin to Last Sunday Was quarterly in at Cole's church. Rev. Hiles spoke compare With Huron but the farmers Are wealthy because they have ,or on the sacrament of the jords sup - years confined their jonergios .qlmost, per. entirely to cheese and bogs. There is cheese factory',every%two, or. three miles and the farmers keep from Suininerhilt twenty to fifty cows, some haviA&oiA hundred. Mr. Lobb believes our, farm- Mrs. C. BP400M, is 'visiting her ers could do, even better than those of mother, sister And friends in Col - Leeds if they, would go much more borne. extensively into tbe.same o been lilies and he I Mt§s -Charlotte olborne has is• doing his best . to bring about, -the home from Clinton for the past fort - change, having in the, past two mon- night. has hired with M tbs, brought in over eighty superior Lew Johnston r. • dairy cows. His third carload Arrived C. -S. Lowery for the coming season. last Saturday and consisted of two Alex., Sloniall'. of Clinton has eh- Ayrsbires and twentyrone Holsteins.. gaged with Mr. Goorip, Hill for next, The following from. the Brookville. summer. This will be Alex's' second Recorder refers to h1s; trip : year with Mr. Hill. Good emyloyer, Messrs. . W. H. ,Lobb of Clinton, faithful 'employee. Huron county, . and.Habel . Wilson, of I Mr, Thos. McCartney is AbI6 to be White Oak Middlesex county., left Around "again aftor'two week's illness., town today y' for their respective homes The w�,,ndstorhi of last Friday blow vith two carloads of first , -class dairy, the corner off the roof of Mr. Jos. -tows. They dame here on •Tucs;AaY Wafldn%.barn. last and employed Mr. Mi H. -Bissell to go with. them to Make purchases and duffing the afternoons of Tues- Dr. E. C. Wilford Wins More day and Wednesday they succeeded - Ill picking up fifty, very fine cows, Honors. It certalmly qpeaks, well for U6 breeders of dairy stock in those unit,- Dr. E. C Wilf6rd, who Went over td ad counties when f,armeri from the -Edinburgh; Scotland, to take a speci- extrexhe western counties of the pro- al course,has passed his w&mination vince, come here' for:stoelc to b ild up with honors, being one.of the twenty their dairy herds.' l to do so out of 106 .*1ho 'wrote. 'The Messrs. Lobb and Millson I . n . 'armed Dr., is a: son of Mr. - John Wilford, of the Recorder that many .of the Tarin- Blyth and graduate of the, Clinton ers of the west Are. go.ng. more , bitin- Coillegi4te Institute, passing -> his sively intb, dairying 'than . . heretofore ,2nd class and matrioulatlon from that anV,, t1litt . they want to lay the found,, . institution, 'He.,thqn taught for, one tions for herds of good- milkers. They and a halt* years in, No. 7, Hullett, ' have certainly got 'them, r and they when he resigned to enter u -on his ` were not the kind of men who would medical studies in ToroutoUnIverm, multi , rly., words over a. dollar or two' city. His Jour years course was a on the price when the animal suited -very, successful one And! o6whe rounds] them. - it out by hjp:Edinburg experience and Council met' on February 1st witli'6xam., :wh-.ch entitles him to add L. R. C. P., L." R. - C. S. and S. F., P. G. members ' all present. Minutes *at last Dr, Wilford is I spend- pass�d., Mb,,- after his. Mime. meeting were rcad d . ­ I v �Antog 'a 'few 'weeks' visiting carious ed by John ' Rathivell, secon-led by, John McClure, ' That the following Points - -of interest, throughout the, Old changes be made ; John Connell,Land but- is expected home some time poundkeepqr In place of J. Parker ; next month... The News -Record con- Louis Proctor pathmaster in place grAtulates him - on his worthily-Woik of W. Findley. Moved by W. H., success and . predicts. Lobb, seconded by J.' W: Yea, That the following: accounts be paid ., J. (jalt, postoffice,,box $1 ; 0. Lindsay Work' and Worry $2,; auditors'_ $1,0 ;% atid.itors, and' stationer 25r,,;. J. Fraser; gravel "Mmakens Woi en T M $4.90. Bylaw No. � 'was resounded Uorrowing money at 6 per dent. law No. 4 was read and passed bore 14ew. Health 'And,. Strc,ngth:' .Can Be rowing. money from . Rqy.al Bank of Had Through. the Use at Dr. :will - Canada at 5 per cent. per. %millm. jamsl.'Pink Pills. Auditor's report read and 0ass6d, It is' us6lesw to tell a hard-wipirking Adjourned to meet on the first Mon - woman to. take Jife.'.easily and n t 'to day in April at one. o?cl . Oda. . �-Ni%011-wotky. Buit,it Istlie4uty.-of Cory, Sturdy., C16rk; 11 . . .. . I . I womati1o. save her strength. a . s . -much Mr. and Mrs', Isaac Itathwell' of as possible -,. Ao.' take her -cares as Grey township visited at Mr. Ben, llilitly, as.: may -'be and to build I up. Rathwell's this week The following is .the report. of S-.1 S. her sys'tem'. t0"tM e'etlany' unusual., do - o. 4 for January,' based on Attend- , mends. It is ,her duty' to herself an - No. her family, for her future health ance, ddemeaiior and AM r- s— upon, 5th .vias Beulah - =ti Vora I . I To guard against -A',:,eomplete, break. 'Lob6... 4th class—Harold Lowery, .Map dow1l. in. health the -blood must -be kept rich and red and pure.. No other' Sinclair Frank -..Lobb; . Nellie Towns- hend. medicine does this so.,well as .,Dr. Williams.'lie Pink. PCIs for Pale People., TowltisheddHellen Nesbitt. Lulu Sr. 3rd—Is ' abel Sinclair, WilWillias'This medicine, Actually taakts new , Lobb. red blodd, strengthens the nerves, je. - Stores the. appetite '.and keeps every Jr. 3rd—Alvin Townsh-'nd, E Brett ' organ healthily toncd, up. Women Lowery, Herbert Sioddart Mamie . *1 . I ;, cannot always rest when they, should, 1131ggin. *N but they can keep, their strength and Jr. 2tid—Emma. eiblttb Beryl I . disease away bytho- occasional Huck. keep disc 'Part 2nd­011vc� 8todd use of Dr. Williams" Pinlo Pillsi which Lobb: • Stoddart. Joy have dc*e, -more to lighten the cares '01 wreak women than any other mcdi. Part 1st—Morgan Jones, Gracie cine., Tebbutt. . ''I Mrs. Jaines'll. Ward, iord's Co -le, The'following'is the'report.of S. S. No. 9, Goderich Tp.lor the month. �N. B,.,,.,says ,—',About - two 'years ago . I I suffered so much from nervousproso of January 'Itration that I 'was little better, than 5th—Irene Miller, a helpless wreck. I suffered from Sr. '4th—Emma Cantelon, - Adel& headaches and z constant feeling. of Finlay, Annie Cooper, Etta Cole, I dizziness. 'The least unusual* me ve Sr. 3rd—Edn3rd—Edna-Wise, jean Middle -i , ton, Aln%14E4 Mott, Arnold Millar,'Bert? would startle me and set my, heart Finlay, Fred. Hudie, Oeoigina . Hudle, palpitating violeatly.'. I hail little Or Tellesille Hudie, Morton Tod&. no - appotite'and grow so weak that I as hardly able to drag myself e.0at -fr. 3rd—Sadie Cook, Ralph Cantel. w on, Lloyd Millar,. 011ie Cole, Roy could not 'do any housework. In I 40Y 'every Way I , was in a -deplorable con. Connell. I Id ition. As thc. medicine I had been .it. 2nd—Lola Rudi,o,., Earl Cooper, Charlie Cooper. Cooper,'taking seemed to do me no hood, my Jr. Pt. 2nd—Tom Iludie,' Edith husband got a supply. of Dr, Williams' SPink Pills. I had only been taking Stirling (equal), Jean Cook, Bruce Grigg, Harald Emmerson.' . the Pills for a couple of weog.is when Sr. Pt. lst--Oeorge Middleton, Wil- I seemed 'to feel somewhat better and lie Marshall, this encouraged me, to continue the Jr. Pt. 1st—Gladstone, 4rigg, treatment. From that oil my strpns�tli( gradually, but surely returned, and in —8. J. Johns, Teacher.., the eodrWe Of a few more weeks I ward The following Is the report for U. Once Word a well Woman, able to, do S. No. 19, Godbtleh and Hutlett for, my own bouseWorko and feeling bet - the month of January, the names are ter than I bad done for years., I have in order of morif since remained well ithd I feel -that I 5th --Ferri Beacom. owe My good -health to the healing `Sr. 4th—Statil6y- Challengero. Albert p6wet-1 of -Dr. Williams) Pink P1110.,11 MeLaughbil. Jr. 4th--9ddle Millar, Lois Challen-1 li'very other weak, aidkly, worn-out %dr Etta 'MoUrldn - Lynn - Malt., woman, shouM-follow the example of 1fra. Ward,and give Dr. Williams".Phik :Sr. 8rd.:­E dith ihrvey, Ilaold Big- gin, BertBe&e6hi, -Eldred MbIlrich, I Pills 0, fair trial. these Pills Will J , r. ud—Jennla Miller, Secord 'Ate. send new blood coursing through the 13rfai, Andrew Lawson, CaMil Lpvctt, litins and bring brightness and energy Sr. 4fid—>!lorence Lawson, Teenid to the weak and despondent.. Sold by all, medicine dealers orb mail at 60 Marquis., Mabel Harvey,, l• army Lovett. Mair, Pred. Johngtonj cents a bet from The Dr. Williamilf Jim Johnston. I Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. Sr. 11t. 2ndt-joah ljini;gy, blive I Wright. Jr. pt, glid—Da,rothy %Xhuls, P.IoM Dr. Mallet reports th 0, WAM 8f I melting of Iron ores by electricity in Miller, Cora Miller, 1. s —Miss Jennie Aands, Teacher Sweden. ■ 10 cunt" Nows-Imecor4 I Iths, 1909 13 The Entire Purchase Amounting to Thousands of Dollars To'be-Positivelg Sold Without Reserve! 4 we announce to the people of Huron County the purchase of Messrs.: Hodgens Brothers Dry Goods Business,, and. pur-Dose giving the people, of the county 6 chance to buy good. staple Dry Goods in some cases less than manufacturer's prices.. With the exception of the Carpet Department (sold to Tozer '& Brown) and several lines, disposed of to, parties out of town, we've beeu. able to collect. an assortment of goods which we know the people will appreciate. WE'VE GOT THE: GOODS—We bought the stock at a• price less than the big vholesalers can sell them and we, are goin9 to offer sou ,a obance-of a lifetime! The :Big directly opposite the town w Watch for the big sign and Sale` will be -held in'our own store n hall. h e. Bros. stock moved don t forget y•our,. oursei., for we state, here. positively. EvettI'dollar's worth of. Hod1gens to this store. will.be. turned Into..cash. Our big purchase of Spring Goods will be pouring in to us, any. time now and we haven't room for two -stocks in one store. -Sale. starts at our own 9 n7t.: forget store. Wednesday Morning" Feb. 17th, at 8 o'clock, the 'Big W Come with the oiroW4s. Store will e closed 7Kondi�y and Tuiesday before the s4le in order't6 get om. ever thiagarranged for immediate disposal. iteAbe t wn hallb -along your The Big Sale'Starts" Wedne4day morning, 'Feb.. 17thi at our own store opposi 0 Bring -friends And lay in a stock. for spring . It will. pay you. well. •Afta -of ar. e. Most" Extraordind rg Dr G ods*Bard lns� --the Ye Now Read the 0. Little Things You Need 81c Flannelette- 5c 35c Cashmere and Wool Clearing Every Fur Now_ 180 yard 1 9.9 Stripe Flannelette, 8-je . glial- Gloves 15c Every DAy.., ......... . fly ...... .......... Do you want a stylish Fill.? If so,. this will be your -Cashmere and Wool Gloves. chance. Not L -to sell,: but every one in first-class sizes; per dozen ....... C 237 pairs runny -to 4 81 A Low e assortment..of 'all the- popialax conditidne. Here [a Che list foe, Cilperines, Stoles.; dia, Ta e. 3 for ........ ....... 50 ndfw White In p u 56 Pine brass or steeli , 2'for..i .................... be 121e White Oc� kends worn, this year, 'almost 'all colorFa. Throws, -M ffs,.Etc.� "e'and35c,.sale.price re .alar prico-25 .5cThimblesii 21ot ...... ........ ......... 5c OW yard§'Pl�ln white Flannele tte two ua 1tv, -00 Furs for 5c Tape Lines. 2 5C . 1 $25. ..... $15 W or three diff�rent widths, best� 1*2jc q 11 R60 rioo Hair Pins ....... le ...... -1500 .............. 10.00 'Lawn Handkerchiefs. 10 for ...... 25o for ........ ....... .0iiij,..Crompton's. Corsets 506.. So 9.00 50 He ks'and'Hyi-s, 2 for... ........ 110 pairs Crompton's Corsetq in three or i3 I .. 1 1200 ... 8.00 Black Scotvh Vingering Yarh;,'jpeLr,pound -75c 12%c Print Sic ;d �4?ur styles that sold up to $1 per pair. sizes l8r to 23, the entire lot to go at .50. .l'0.-00 ... ... 7.0.0 M yards CanidiAn- And English Prints 40c and 50c..White Vesting 2.5c. beat 1210 quality, light and dark colors White Vesting •-in! seven or eight.. for..,. ......................... -bet $1.25 P C. Corsets b51`C ; 140 yards fine beautiful designs that sell everywhere at and 60c .40 pairs only of th6 farrinus P. 0. 0 fee... 46 or- $500 Worth .of Ribbon to sell per.yard. sale pr andard--Shirting 101c rets, sold everywhere at.$L.25, made with hope L%upporters attached, best s,r andiTd $1.25'Black- Peau-de-soie:Silk 90C SWL yards Standard Shirting, checks and $1,25'quality, #411 sizes on sale now. at per We have xot $5CO worth Ribbon to'sell.. 6W yds stripes ....................... .......... . I I mediurn and dark. best I2.j and 15c pair.. 4 coli inch Taffeta- Ribbon in -%invest every color you' JustI00 yards in. the lot, HodgensBrosi best$1.25 qualities.' sale price ................. .19j, way ask for. Just the thing- for hair ribbons, millin- Black Peau -de sole Silk, beautiful glossy black; clear. lie and 40 ery, etc. Regular price 2Sc, c per,yard, sale Lng ......... v boo price. . L ................. ............. .: 850 to $1 Dress Go6di 49C Several other big Silk BArgAfns nS Hodge Broth=ers Stock of 750 yards Dress Goods, including colors loc Lace and Ribbon per yard 2CL of black, brown, navy, myrtle. etc.0 and $1 and $2 Urf&rskirts $1,25 light colors. A splendid collectioi2 of Hosiery, all to be Cleared L 50 seasonal cloths.' Hodgenis Bros. reg price Lace and Ribbon remnants, ranging in price '68 Black Sateen and Moreen Underskirts that sell was froid 5c to 25c per y4rd. Ypt! will have to hustle for 5c and 6 1 per yard, the entire lot, on 35o I And'46c Cashmere. and fine Worsted at l0L75 and 2.60 41%ch,your. choleeL of any "ingth. now sale at per yard;.. ........... .40 them, per frard ..... . ........ .......... .. ox for..... ................. Stockings all At per pair. aa 85c and 90c Table, Linen 0c. HighrClass Dregb, Goods dt.... Fine- Embroideries .10c Pr_ Great Bargains will be offered fast ibre6. pieces, fullbleached fable Linen, Bargain , ices, in gir.1a.and boy�Lcas . mere, wor- 10 inches,* -vide, guarantkid pure linefi.. Hodg ; one 13Ms. - 300 yards Cambric and Swiss Embroidery and in- --fid OW, geed. and wool. Hosiery, as we section in at least 'a, dozen •- designs, regular selling Salept we; ......... .08 500 yards finest Dress Goods including. price 85c a Chiffone Broadcloths, PaLriamas, Vol]", *ill, not be able 't0 keep all the price 15c, 18c and 20c per yard, sale price.... .10. 65c EmbroiderLl Linen 45c Serges, Ca6hineres. etc. All the fashion - 3' colors And cloths that sold at $1.15 to. different 11 ies sold by 11odgens Three - plece . h pure white Eirnbrold . ery Linen,' full 1.50 per yard, all 014 Salo at per yd.. .010 Bros, as well as the brands al 75c and 85c Corset Cover Ea)broidery yard wide, lhree'diffemtt weaves, regular Price 65C ready sold 'by.this store . per yard, A, cl . eating il!-ici, ...... ..... rfur I nball's, Watson's and Pen -.L Battenburg Centre Pleees 190 ►man's Underwear to be sold Ten patterns tine Swiss Corset Cover Embroidery handsome designs, regular 75c and 85c qualities, 19-3 hand.niade.Battefiburg Centre Pieces in at least Six d' rent designs that sold up to 40e and 50c each at Clearing. Prices Extra Special. sale price •..•....:...... ...'•,.....I........... all one price ........... ............ ati Now to your cliance to get a supply of the I Wool Blankets—just a'few left. pesb winter underwear and hAV6 Your Dress Ginghar s at 7-c $2.50 -Nottingham Lace Curtains $1.40. , choice of the three best brands Made in Canada. 'Curtains, We have taken the entire lob of Hod. $5L00 Wool nlft'bketS $3.75 About 15 pairs in, all, Nottingham Lni6e U Rens Bros. Dress Ginghams that sold at 4.50 •3.25 81 yards long, 50 to 61) Inches wide, in floral designs, 12je, 15c and 18o per yard, and have laid ge ign Children's mid misses Wool Underwear : not over three pairs -of avy one kind, Hodgens 4.00 ....... 3.100 price 50 per pair, stile price ......... beat qualities, In almost all sizes, that sell out the entire lot to goat the ridiculous tip to 75c At garment, All one price. .371 price of per yatcl... ......... 407 Lace Curtains 39e 15c Irish Crash Toweling Joe 'AlImItodntimberof odd LaceCtivitains on Sale #it $1.25 Underwear 890 Best 25c, Art Sateen 15c You cannot buy Toweling at wholesale prices like this, but never mind that, this is your chance. per pair.. ............... .., *39, Women's fine All wool vests and draw. 200 vard a best,.23o Art Sateen to all, the or" In white, natural and cardinal, the leading color combinations. Just the 200 yards beat Irish Crash Toweling In several diff' h6sot itandard $1.25 Underwear clearing'at thing for cushions, comforters, dtapery.# elrent weaves, the best 15c quality ()a stile at per yArd Women' s •$13..50 Winter Coat's for $5 ...... iies etc,, never sold less than 25c, anywhere; ..................... * ....... 410 A chance like this seldom occurs. Just l5Tri thelot all going now Atpea yald....., women's 6tyllith warm Winter Chatty, all new styles, Best 50c Stoovkings for 37b in brown, lilack, nkLt.v green, and a tp* tweeds, rag. RiLrIS. 20c Cotton Batting 15e White Lawns, Cottons and Sheeting all alar valuer;0ale price each, &.00 20 pairs women's,Arid boys Cash. $12 and 18 , s mere and all Wont Stockings, In plain or I bale only. best Snowflake and Ores• to be Sold at Low. Prices rill, the very beat 60c quality, all one Ildeo cent Batting, the vera largestsiretolls Misses sinal Girls Coats' $3.9-0 14 only, hilsses and jela Winter Cnfttg v in a variety' 18c White Lawn Me of gond' styles, t4golav value $5.0, O.W acrd 7.50 0ach, 001118 White Victoria and India tAwiti, IM lthd 40 clearing the lot .......... ......... 3.00, inches, tegulde Ifloyard, sale price ............ 1191 Women's Skirts $2.95. 21 Women's Skirts, two or three go'hil, styles, plain black and navy And solvie dark and light greys. ll fpst- Bargains Some splendid Bar Ins will be lar value to $5, Clearing. them at each..... .. 2,026 offered in Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Oftla $3,50 Skirts $1.49 Unbleached and Bleached Cottonst About, 90 Girls Skirto, OL11 good 6tylQA slid Clotho, In almost all colors. You cannot buyi the goods Alono for the pflech'. 1.40 .. . ........ ... ...... . ..........