HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-02-11, Page 3I
IF14broary 11th, 1190
a .
111141111111- __01 11111ft
, . I _. -1.1-11, _ _ -_1 1 --i _ . I—— 1. I -1 I
Report of Clinton - , conscleAte ,which, is one of the foutilia- I I .
. tious of American "life. You, are e1w. Report of Couatt; .
titled to know whether p4 iria , a seeking% . . , -
School for Januarg, your suffrage is a mail of clean .and council Co I
I - P upright life, honorable in all his 4eal- ' I . mmittees,
I ings -with his fellow$, find fit by quall- - . . . ;
. I fications and purpose to do, well i4 the . I..
I I - . great offico for w1lich he is A candi- The following report of the Pro. extra COWrCtC $5 .Per cubic yard, ex- , I . . - I I CHALK dust is fin* and, I
The following is the report of clin- Elsie Cousins 77 date , but youi are not mUtlea to tile cavating $1.75. 1 . I white, but it won't
t9lk PlAblie School for JAAW,ii.ry 109. Lucy Edmorlsou- 76 know matters which, Ile purely between ceedings of the late meeting of .. I I
. Fred. Lawrence 76 bim$Olf And big Maker. icounty council are continued from We recommend that th6` tender of I . . I . . make good. bread. Fine, .
. First Divislont last -issue: D. Witherspoon be ,a . . A.W2V__7
. Rena Lepipiogton 75 It it is proper or legitimate to op- , ocepted for the 11 LL . I
. concrete work, for 110mesville bridge, ' White flour is all right as
I Only those whose nxioes. 4 ppoarlbave) -0. Chidley, Teacher. pose A. man for being a, Unitarian, AS on motion of Messrs' 14!ckie, and according to plans and specification , . I
taken EintrAuoo 4 aladlajg fjr tl.(, Mort- . was John Quincy Adams, for instance *a Geiger That our copy of the; 000011- for 4 lump sum of $3500, extra co,A- I 11 I far as it goes, 'but if it
, . Fifth %visiom .
I th : . as is the Rev. Edward Everett Hale', dated Statutes of Ontario shall be crote at $5 Per cubic yard and extra 11 I .
Na'dorie Arnow S1 Junior 90nd , pros . . I I .lacks nutrition its other I .
I ,ent Chaplain of the Senjt, , $kliij obtained by tile clerk, And sent to tile excavatinx at $1.75, . ....- - t . I
I 10iora ,11DArr 81 Eva Carter 4 518 an American, ot. whose lite all good Reeve of 11 * . qualit eS aMount to nothing I
. ..9 Sissie Baine. eAch Mun'elliality, 'A the That our engineer see bliat the nee,
. Fred, Sloman - 9 518 Americans are proud-tb I of same essary agreements 4re Signed . the ..
, 8 , I . en it W;,uld county So 14004 As PuMiCAtIon. .
. e " , .; Winuic Draper . 498 ,be equally propev to support or, Op- is completed, And that they the liguld,ed I by , as ;
-X(Awey ftlploy N contractor,, both for the i ement and I far as baking is a.
Maggie R4 - - Joe Nelson 493 : pose A m iii eev' - that all , I
. , a
73 . because of his view. on over to, succeedial
SSOM. , 4 r Cal, And superstruqture work, and- that the 4e,;i - I corocd. .1 I
Elsie " May Rutledge 483 justification by. faith, or the method lormer motions respecting this matteis I , .
0z -"'Ar"uh4r 71 . posite cheque be retained until con- I
, Laura MacDonald! . 70 Nellie WAtkins .1 4!3 0 of administeri m e be rcacin1ded. We recoMmentd, that the tracts are completed satisfactory to ' .
Lizzie Ford (A Nora Kennedy 473 gospel of salvation by .works, It you Ins of the Motion, lie carried our eagineer,-0*vill, 1. I
- truttloriv . Geiger, Chair- Ing
ByArd Rill . 67 Willie Blacker 459 .Once -enter On such a careerr there is out man. Roval 1110inseh Old Ho -
0I.Adys Proper fis Percy Ladd 447 Absolutely no. limit at which you Can Re Motion of Messrs. McEwen, and V - . ...
I falio Doberty . . 435. legitimately top. The Holmesville bridge Will be 10 .
Grace Walkor li-Al; W 0 Gallow for grant Lot $20 for decoration feet ,wide ,and the Gulley, bridge .14 . - ' I
, Morwernow Judd 63 Harold Hill 429 So Much for your objectioll to Mr. of equrt house square that the sum- ot feet. , . I is not Only the - finest and ' .
ANstila Hoare go , Maida Armour 4,13 Taft because -he is a UnitaTian. $IQ be granted. . I I .
. I . Willie Webb 6L , I _L.. -Stevens, Teacher- for your I ,objections Now Re motion of Smith and Reiss.grant. Total receipts $195,345,39, total qe% . . Ill, purest of dours but Om
. to him because ponditures $103,13.7i.80, leaving balance . .
Clarence Paisley ZI yqu think his wife and brother to; be of $10'to Central Woman's institute, ific most. nutrili
I I Sixth Division, Roman. : we recommend thaV the sum of $10 be on band' $2,207.49,, and county rates . OU4. It is. ,e-
. Catholics. As it happened,. unpaid f13,876-36. The amount ex- . ll
second Division . Senior Class , ' they are not ; but it they were, or if ,granted. Also that, a grant ot'$25'to peaded on roads and bridges -account I milledAby a *rocess whilich -
Maud Rutledge lie were a Roman Catb . olic himself, it each Of the Public' Libraries
. I Jr. 4th 014ss. 07 . , p the -dV1 .
. . A , was $U,377.57k or $3,615.40 more than 54ves YOU alro,f the Atarl-, .
. ' 'County, we recommend that the sum .1 I
. Elmer Beacom . 80 . Kathleen Dowzer . 4- 9,j ought not affect in the glightest de- , estimated or levied. The over expon- . ., .
I George McTaggart . Jennie Balues 93 gree a of $25 be granted each. AI§o that diture on all the accounts belng, 634,_ . I . tious, -
I I 79 ,ny Man's supportingi him -for tho, I I properties of ,tho .
Irene Wilken. 77 Mary Chidley 92 position of President. You say that e n Huron Poultry ' I . . .
, I .
May Colclough Nellie Kemp 92 Iltbe mass Of the Voters that are not Association. 50, this sum will have to be provided 0 Wheat in the best fqr1n -for . I
. . . 73 I Re motion of Messrs. Watson and for in the rate, this year.. The SinkinI6 I I . I .
Milton Cook 73 * Loota Harland 92 Catb0lics - will not. support a man for Funds 'low amQuIlt to'$08,829* 4 d. all. I your Use, YOU can get it -
I. . I - , .1
92 . any, ciffice, especially for President of da . .
I . Marion Gunn 72 . Erskine Evans I , , Goverilock, That all Spring Shows 'a Of this sum is invested in farm mort- e . .
Marale Hall 72, . Lots Holmes . 91 the United States, who is a R . e e. granted th gages excepting $1 . ,370, which is I . firotn Your grocer. . . .
,. Lena Holmes 71 -Buol Higgins . 91 Catholic. it each, if they fulfil the conditions Of the Savings Bank. . Lin . 4% . .
I . I ,the statute, in that behalf. We Alit I . .
ch. be granted tosutih goo!- . The En incer's Report, 108 . .
. Edna Wasmaim 71 1 Leona Nediget . so , I believe that when you say -this that W ea gr . . 0 %Bvle Floor WAS Co.. I&
Sr. 3rd Class. . Al 90 you foully slander - your follow coun- et a show in Spring of 1909 -9 . I 40MVAL
Laverne Cook 71 . In.% Trowhill so trymen I do not for,one moment b les as hold , I herewith . I
,Harvey Harland . . 70, 1 , Frieda Wallis I , c- except Clinton, as they Irave no Fall . . submit my report for. I .
, . your CoAsIderati6rit . . I I . .
- Laura Mermell . . 1 88 liqve that the mass of our fellow cliti- 'Show there we recommend that twis , it contains the I I . . I .
1 67 Mildred Cook 88 zenis, or that any considerable nit - rant be $26., ior 'of orders, issued since my last . . .
. Leona BR,ott I . in 9 - I numl . I . :." , . .
, . .06 Elmo Doherty 88 ber. of*our fellow citizelils, chn be in- Re letter -of §Ccretary, of Winter report.,dated Doe, 2all, 19ft . - __ - . .1
. - .
. - .
. I .
. Lulu Howe . 06, - ' Charlotte . SheeleY 87 . fluenced .by suicli narrow'bigotry as to As instructed I have advcrtis ,d- for I . I . .
. Lillian Mennel, 62 Junior Class : refu . .pair at Guelph, respecting prizes ofi . Air, Borden proposes to call A con- The steam
, . . So to votefor any thoroughly up- Arthur Barr. We recommend that , tenders for the erection of a now . I . .. er Sbimosa will leave, o
- . vention, of the Conservative party for Brookly .. I
Ptussell, Moore 6, ;4 . Bessie Chowen 94 right and fit mail becausche happens where the Secreta over the MAR- . X
-Lizzie M . , ,bridge, to be erected , the,whole Dominion shortly.L .4 for 'Ching next week ith ,
' Mabel Marshall - * to have a particular religious Creed, Fair at Guelph sends a certificatb to I J five thousand Chinese corpses. , .
acpherson, Teacher. . 9z) ry of the Winter land r ver known as the Holmesvilld . - .1
. Marion Gibbings , 89 h a lion sho,uld never be be presented bridge, also one oil the Like - . .. ,
Third Division I Hanna Argent tO the coillicil, showing . Road, .. . . I I - . .
89 treated Aga reason for ei.ther support- that Mt. Barr is entitled to -any Goderich township. . . Dr. James B, An - igell, President . of . I . , , . , ,
. Aileen Armour I 89 in . iii candidate for -a amount, be paid oyek-and not I examined Gxahamls bridge. on th the - University of M I
Senior Class. , . 9, or opposing . I I , Ichigan, wil :re:- i I
Harvey. Walker . Hattie Greig . . ' 87 . before. . .c I . . I Repeat it :-"Shiloh's cort., Nvin at- .
90 . Political office. , Lake Road, _Ashfield township, and 1. s gn some time this month. I . . .
Elsie Hibbert , . 88, 1 George Evans , I so I Are you Aware -that th . .. Re application Goderich, Wilighain I find that the - railway com I I . . . - I . . . 1, ways cure my coughs and colds.11 . I -
I ,. . ere are sever- and Clinton hospitals for grants of. . Pany, or I . I . I
. .
1, Olive Moore . 86 Dorothy Rattenbury. . 85 al .states in: this Union where - the I . I contractors in building their bridge The coronei's jury that met at Jer- I . - .
Alma J.udd . . Claude Higgins - 83 . $400 each. We recorpmend that . till$ seyville found that the dealln of four. ' .' . . .. . . .
79 . .. majority of the people. are now Cath- cou'licil - give each &'grant of - $f have placed thd abutment so as to . I . I . . I . . . . 4
Florence Cousins .- . . . -Hattie Courtice, Teacher. olics I I should re I 100 on close up the water space of the coun- members of the Vapsickle family - ' . .
.77 .1 I - . probate ill-tlic:sev- .charitable groundsi and that -In. future . . in I An information lias been laid. against .
. .
. Gladys Cook . 76 . . Seventh hivipion crest terms the Catholier. ilv those tIip .local .m.unIcipalities,':iend thbir in.; Jy bridge to twelve feet- which-. .was . thetr burning house was due to SURO - Mr Laviguour, Independent candidate . ..
Taylor Walker - . . P . . . states (or . I . . I cation,"and there WAS no, susp,!Ciort 01, in *Quletacc Cen . I . . .
. 71 , I . - in any otller-.states) *Jj6. digent patients twenty- ono fee , the ,Ykter s treating daring .
I i where theyLlin1y. choosei I . t . , pace Maly . 1.
. .
. Cola Beacom . 7(1 - Sr. Class, Marks obta,'uable 250 * refused to vote for the most rit man paying -for such patients at such rate no* be too narrow and a new fiTidge foul I play I ... ,, . -.1 . .. I . . I J the' elebtion. . . I I . I . I
. .. . . . . . . I I
. . . . I I . .
' M a be, a -Prote;s- as. the'officials 6f,such municipalitt ' he spring. . . . . _____ -_ - - - .
Carman Hoare 70 - arjorie Barge 229 1 . maY have to be'ereated int N . I . ..
Irene Gould . . .. 67 Alex. Agnew . 2947 tant, and my dondemnatioll Would. be may agree upon.* . : I . I es 1. There are a number of - sma ' 11 bridges, t" I 11 s . . - I . . . '. .. , . I .
166 . . Elsie Gractis . 222 - extl S testants who, Re Circular from, J. R. Robertso ' that may have to berenowed this 11 74 . I .
. - . . I . . I in, I ... . . .1 . . I
. Arnold Rathwell 65 . .,Pearl Gould . 213 uAder reversed clxculn'st;in cs, refused' malking an app coming summer, but, I -think, it would .... . 1, . .
Junior Class. . . . ,eM for aid to .the Na- ; I .
- . . I . ..Wilbur Welsh . . 211. ': to vote for a Catholic. ., tional Sanitarium Associa . tion, . we re- it Well to. &WAit th.e'spring freshet b4- ; . I I AMP .: *1 , .
. I
Frank Rice . . . ,sl . *.Cecil PC' . . . . . fore taking . any . action . ., I . & 1.
. . m I . .
. . Ckett 198. In pubilo'life. I am happy, to - say commend that ,nin *action be taken, .as I I . IML 1 .
Helen Rodaway .76 I Frank *Sinith . I . . . . .
I .. , . . . 198 . that I, have know . miatly Inch Who we are Creditably informed' that - the! Some of the iron bri ' -. re i; . . I I
' . . -
I 1. . I
I - 70 Orval'. Murphy - - I I 105 - " * , tkuirc. new floors this' . ; . .. I .
, Viola Cook . I Agds .will .
I ' . .1 wqrc.olefted, and consta - .. . . I I .
I . . . . . . ,,ntly re. elected above institution accepts few, it any iseason. . I .... .
. I It I. - . . I
* . 1;6 Jr.- : : I . to bffice in distric 11 At ludigeot,pationts -free 61 k1arge I I I - . . I . I - . . .
Wm. Appleby . I Class I , , I . , I '42
I . I . I .
. Chas. Thompson . . ' . I . . .ts w ere the gre, r . . "I'll, I'll, I .
G5 , - -Murray McNeil I., I - majority- of their co ' -Report' of, *Executive -Committee. 'f I 1 1 1 1 1 I
Austin Martin . Lyda. Liver . more. . . nstit cfits were. of -Re circular received from omrftft lcct . . . . I . I I., .. I I X .
. . I ,r I . . I I .... . I P/ . . I
. Arthur Grant . . .. 62. , - a different religious * belief.. I know] jefiresch tin&. the .. Ontario Muntel0al R . . I . - . . I . I .
R,lith McMath . . - . , I c claim of, - ]Kenneth CaMer,oh .for -i I I 11 . .
, ,
Anthony Yesbec . . . . Catholics who have for niany yearslAsst5ciition for.tho. betternient of con-, SUM Of so for prizes obtained by hi 01 . I I I
601, Josephine yesbee . .. ' . , I . . . * . Z I . .
Harold Holmes . 59,., . ..Harry Lawrence . .. . . repr scrited constituencipli inainly pro sumptiveg,- we. recommend that. this . lrowem!. Associm I I I . . I I .... . . I
, at Ontario : -Fruit ex . I .
. . . , - ! testaLnt and Protestants I I T I
. .1 . , . who havo1oricounicil appoint Dr. Milne, Dr; Smith,"tton in fall. of 1908 we recommend ; I I I "I'll I I
56 . Merritt Nediger . . . . I
I - .
I .
I . . - . . . . . many years represented cloustituciticies I Dr.: Gallow and Dr. ,Gunn, as a. dele-ithat the-sunizbo'-paid, Owing , N1_ When you have'any deep-seated'piain in- the . . I
o . . I . o I n- t' fact, that while the count ' I 'AN, - , I
Mav Nickle 5.3 . Mary- Rathwell ' . - 1. mainly Catholic.- and among tho'Con. gafibn to wait .'o licGoveinment, to the .. ,
Vi let Argent ' . 5 ,I) James Walker, * ' . I . . . I .y Jailed. In I '
gressineii whom - -I 'knew.' particularly some time in the m ofith of February,',thc ,attempt to, have, a comprot . ition 11 joints, the back, the wrists, or.elseWhere, place .
. ' . , . . .
I I .
. -Janet Wilson, Teacher * e. Teacher. W&I'was ope man'of Jewish, faith Wbol to urge a . go . vorhment'g. .1 r anti. to . t 0 1 st , or. .
. . I I . . . ! M. Wilts . , . I . 4 liberal. supply of. Zam-Buk on the fingers, , :
. I . . . . .. I . . .. In , i year, - * Mr. - Camcron. not being , . , . - . 1. .
. Fourth Division . . .1 . . : .. I . . E i,,,,h tb Dfvisio . n I I represented, a district in *hkodh there above .Institution,, -and alio to urge aware of that fa.ct,.,shippvA his :fruit .I, on. the palm .bf the hind, and .rub it in. The . .
, - . .
. . I 1 . . I were hardly.any Jows'at ali. . .. the interests l[if the county' of , Huron to Toronto in good faith arid -.Was penetrating powei 'of 'this "' embrocittlon- , .
Senior Class : . . Sr. ("lass * ., .. . . . . . I . . . I . .1 .
. I
t ' . I . Eva Jacobs . . . . All of these wen: by their very ex- as a suitable location foi-a Consurrip- . I .
Margaret MeTaggar : I 1. awardW prizes to amount -named: .' -, k Mling" kills. pWn and removes. stiffness. . .
. . 92 * . . .. isteneQ in political life,-ieIute:, the tive Sanitarium, aiiId'that- the expe.n- - . , . . .
Harry Shaw Ug ' -Ethel Vasmau - . I I , Re letter of J. a. Wri-ht, with re- *.. ' . rubbings. ofthe affected parts with
` slander York have uttered againist your 'SOS, of the delegation be -paid by the spect to "Dunlop Park" C, we fully ap- . . I .. ound , , . .
L . . . I
Percy Wheatley 6, , . I - Agnes N Ialker . - . . fellow Americans. . . '.. . . . . . . .county . . I I . 1. . . . preciate the I fact, that the late .Dr. this wonderful balm will diive'out Ml pain,
. I . . . . . .
. I
. I
Emily Cuiler I . 89 . . Olive McBrien. . J believe that .this RoPublic'will en7 * ' . .. - Dunlop was an eminent I ' reduce swbRing, strengthen the' skin and .
Lila Mitchell * . so. . Ettio Argent . . . ' .. .. . . . Report of Road and Bridge Com- ,pioneer ,of the - .
' . . . . dure for many ,aturies: It so, th-.re - . I . tissues kenabEng them to 'resisti cold, and .
Willie Cook : 1. 8S - : - Cleta Dupf6rd - - -' ' I . . I . _9r . . . . . mittee.- . . county, and that his pame is worthy - - .
.1 . . I
. . . . . . . . will - doubtlegs be 'its Presl-- % , . I 0.1 . I.. . - I .
. Charlie Cantelon . . 86 . , Robtic, Shrenk :.. .1 . I I . I . . :, among . . - - . I of public recognition and while.we .%I- I d.amp better during the winter ni6ath ), and
. . I . . I ' . .
.. I I . . m I . 1. de4ts, I Protestants. and Catholics and,. ': We recommend petition si ried. from so a ppreciate Mt - Wright's .
. Aleda Seeley I . '85 ,'. - ' . George ShipleT I .. I. 1. . . 't I i . . .g . . . . ehterpyase I 1: restore perfect. elasticity and looselaess. . . .
. . 1. I I
. k . . I . .. 1. very probably at some ime, owg. the township of -East and West Wa- in bring' ' betore the .. . .. I . I . ..
Clara Twitchell., I 83' :Newton Ellmonson. . . ' J . . I Ing _thc. .1 matter . . . . . . . .. . . . . . I
- ' I
. . I - . . -ently 'tried, while. Pros- WftnOSII, asking for 'bridge, or"bridg- council W . I . . . . ... . I I . . .; ' ! . I.. ,, . .. .
' I . . I .have consist , . I 0 Are o[the opi'i n'. 'that . .. I - .. .. I
I . .
Eleanor McKenzie . 79 - ,. Jr. ,Class': .' . . . I .. I . .. , ac a *,fellow es .on concessions. 1.14 1 , 1110 . . . . . . I - i - I A . N . D STEAM.
. 'derlb, to t -in relatio to , . and, 5 be ,not'the town of Goderich 11 I
Hartley Managhan .79 Hattie Livermort . ' . I C it n sh * 1,0i .. - or, the towashipl - ... . . , . . I . I I
.. . .1 I
I . I I I athol' 6 faith, ag I - opel - apoll at ,) ouid .be . I R , DID '
Albert Shier : ' . .. .. Americans of C.' : granted, as the . . .1 Colborne (or both) shouild take the 1. I FOR RIM. .
.79 , ' . Cecil McIntyre I . I . ' I . . I .. . . RXPE IEJ4CE. .. - " .. I I
. ' " .1 I . I . _ . .
. I
. .. that -any.future, Prosident''who haP-.made to .the county judge, according iniative in the- - shoul I . % , . . . . . .
. . ' . . . . . I . mattor; d Such .. - . . - _" . I .
I .
Austin Nediger . . is.. George Walker * . . . I i Pons ."to be- a Catholic will act to- to t he Ontario Statutes ' 903 OX, Page. action be, desired I . I .. I . . Mrs. Francis Wynit, of . . . Mr`P V. Wells, of . IT' . 11, Ogdenstroet, Fort .
* "Anna Grealis . .. . I I , I
'Carmen Turner . 77 . ' . . * - . by .the Public": I " , - . 1,
. . .. - . . ward big fellow - Americans f Protes- 104. , .. I . In ' 25, Guy A.Vanue, Mon- W-filiain ont, says -""Following ni . I
Junior Class : . . 'Alkiel'Kaufman I ; . . 0 1 I I I itP lo aliotY, - and- We therefore -recom- I I . trell.). says:w-'*X bavb . dutlesln'altenah,g to *y-assenger trains. I
. . I . . ' , -wet .ti)rough *Itbraffi deam
. . . . tant faith. Had I lollowed ariy .other We recommend, that the resolutioh nichil. that this coil ell take ho'Ac . found Zitm-Buk most often get ands .
. Jack Houston, 97". -Alfred Glazier . . I . . ,n tion *. : .. soothing and .valuable 1thei.Aterinwinter). *Thiswithhoursulf
. . 1. ' ' Francis Yesbec .1 I . . course I should have felt that 1. wail pigged by. th townships of - Grey ,and in t - *. ' . . . .. la a very.batt ciu,e of, - qu.& tin iveliauries in summer. ,was tio . , I. I
I he matter at present. I- I d .
Larvae Langford . 1 92 , I . unfit to represent 't ic AmeriCa-a0eo-.McK!IIop-b& granted , and that.. our . ' . I I rheumatism, and -also for o he cause of my eontricting rbeu .
Willie Gould I . I . . Re circular 'from "Sack Chilaren's . .
8-11 Charlie Fulf6rd . I *. .;. , stiffness of JointA and ,matism lo ,both kneft left arm, and .
I ..ple.. ' : - - - . - . clerk tii ke the necessary. §teps, accord- . muscles. I sulj'ered-lonR shoulder. . I .
, - . I I I I I e recommend that same . and acutely from rheu- longer w tk. and wi-s laid oft on thirt e . . I
. .83 : l E arl 'Johnstone. . .. . . I . .. Ing to Statutes. . . . . I 1.140SPHal, ivi . o This got he litid that I (;ould iTo .. .
. . . . .
Jessie Watkins I .1 . . I In my Cabinet at *the present."MoTfl- * I amoUnit 6f- grarit -be made'as last . . . moti0m.and tried one diVerent oceaslora forneveral we, kh dur-. ... . ,
I 78 . I C.: A. Taylor .'Teacher. o'lit . I . I .. I liniment after another In Ing wbieh 1 was under the treatment of I .
. . I I We recommelid that Mr. John Swief's, year viz - - : - . ': ". r If U -- . * , ,
. I - : . I . I. . . . . there....sit- aide by side - Catholic . $20. 7 . , .
. . ..* . . I . . I . . . . - Claim be granted,'as tbe.county t-ingi- 1. . . I .1 . valn, I also took-medt-. mylloctor, l4eemed to got little I a 7 . . " I
. - I . .. I . cines internally, but It :hetter. no matter wbat I tiled, and tb 8 ... .
.. - . I . I . and Protestant, . Christian anla .low- 1 'a ' , , '.' Prisoners' Aid remained for Z&m-B k to eirect a care. . was my gtater when Zam-lltik was remm- . . . .1
. ' neer has a receipt ,in full from owner Re I,
.. I ,7 . . . . , - W . . Pp JOAtion of ..I wirm avpply , . ... I .
. , .1. I
. . . I . I , 7 . . ..., ,eadli man Chosen. because in* my, belief of land. . I . . I . I I Association , we recohimend- * .the r6 ing this balm whenever t .hiended to me. I lald In a supply and to . . . .
' I I cige.,ofi. bc - I ' , It tlleae-1164 and fiallia of I-h-umatigin coin- n,v tereitt joy it began to eure me. I rub-
. ' . . he is peculiarly fit to exer Re motion - by -Taylor. and Medd re-, ainou . Ing on, 6r roit any of the Rtirrooss. ` . 1. ' It -well in every nimlit,-and when a I ` , , .
I . . I W
I - ' I _ , nt.$10 li . granted. . , . -d
.. . nt .Ro*ose ' It , . I half of all opt'licople the duties of . . . . "Ttic re,itilt wimtritily wonderful. Zam-Ruk buxe. hud been uFed found I w 1:12. I I
. . Preside I . . . trding wina .b uilt t I - Re ' I it to penetrate to'tbi very %cat of w from the bahiand simnemsof rbeu as
. . 1, .. . I I I . the. office to, which I haYe. appointed, 9 . . brake to q b 0 order of Eliza Jane Robinson, a scerne 0 mat) -m. . I I ..
. . . . ..e .. . . . . I - In . no casv does th3 mart's rati- hold snow on ' all . county bri gos we destitute chilli -under 4 years of I 'ago pain-,,drivinsr them out completely, and I apt I bave,bad no more troublo froml the . I . I
I . . . him. . I . ' . L now quite CurW ' - "` dWase.' . . .L , . I
recommend no action'. - , . I . ' . - I I . I .
I ... I is Broadili 1n'ded 0 i 'aflueribe, his no motion - . in . . L' .
o g! us belief in a" way :, 14.)y police,. agfstrat , wh 6 *ordered her . . I .
' . . . I
L . I . .1 . I I .1 . .. . . I dlischarge of his duties, . save as . it . - Glen and Sturdy .regard- CoMmittM . ent, atL Scaforth,, receive .the . . OXXV0.071111 Co' Plhl Cure .. .. At'Jit, spirains pi 8 . ' I . . .
. I I I I . I I . I ' I ' Zam- Bub is a p -for- cul!s, burns. brVi ' I I de * . . .
. L .. . . I . ling the new L steel bridgi3, k 13 1 . . .
. . . I . I I Makes him more eaja J:o act . justly I nOWh: as sum of $1.50 per Week, the *amount to .fmt-ving gores, iticerti, sM1dsi'b1opd-pn;sonin,1, OICZeM4, sw.bo, chappod hanez cola L .
I I I . L' . . L *
. . I I . . - . I . . I . . . . I . . . SLt , .1 67-acks,'chilbbiblis, rhogivorin, sea sorrs. bad leg, disoased ankles, and. all 1Z er . . I .
Men. .' L . . . I I I . ... . of Goderich and Anley, we recorrit- is .,&sso, , , 0 Partgaffecte iteurelf beurolglial . I I
requested to give Influcticing a political electi-in. But I . Itlic . RathWell bridge between township b,e assumed by the county. . . If
We have been . and uprijht in his relations to all L I . . . I .
.1 ,,a_ skin d,isovws and i,dwirs. Rall 5rd well into to d.
. . . I. . I Re circular oU. Good Roa I ,),Itt,uln4lisy m,atid8eirrisco'. A 71 druopisis and stores sell at 50 c. box, three /br $17'Ti - - I
space in our columns for the follow- flow tbat - the c pai g ..is ri v ,n Mond no action i6"he' taken't"IL Jun' I .. . ..
I am L P bve . UL The game .principles that have ,. ObT. - I . Ir I . .e Von,- no aetion,taken. . : ... . 1, or post free foom 26i?.'-Buk Co., Twvnto, for pr;ee, -)?ef?zge the . .
, Ing .11 L iined in appointing the members o', I . L . . I . I I I . harnifi4 irAiWilons somitilfi sreprlwnled t :be, jiwt i" go . .
letter miritten by. Preside t ,Roose- there 'is opportunity. , for Mon calmly t, I I . session. .1 - ow!
4 Motion of 0. A. Reid and . Re motion of Messrs. Irwin ,and :. . . I . .
velt, and though its publLcatibn is b6- to conside'r,whiffier such oropositionsMy Cnilaiinet, the highest officials -tinder "E"a" Taylor, askinj for .grint of $50 - for . I
lated, it is possible that, many'* . regarding foot bridge.known as the . . I
I . ok-.Qur as those -you rna kti. in your. letter'itic, the 6ifficials to whoralls -instructed =mrAChd` trans 'i;sjOh and $25 f§rL ' I
' - lead, I wish, to invit41hem to theL work 61 C . - al .. . SaItford bridge, w r to MI .
I readers have not yet seen it,: .. . would . arrying out I th . no, aC
My Dear -Sir :- . . . . . , tion. be,'taken. . . I I . . . . ountY Fruit ExhAbition, at I . .
. colilsidft them, and -I.haVe Lseleeted portant pollift of my 4draln'stratio I prolliiiclal , Horiicultuml Satitbtles, - . A
. your.lettet to . L beeauge You , I L
anSwCr - are the.pr - The following tenders for ..super- E
[ have received your letter, ifunnIng W06 . , . I
. . . ad .01cg upon wh.ch all goo structure ,xhibition li:t Toront6, in fall. of I the ,
in part as folil.ows : . vance both, ,tile objections col-Amonlv Americanig ShovId act in Choosing,' . were received :' , the . I
. ..
While lit. in claimed almost : urged' against Mr Taft -namely, "thad Vit,riter Bridge Co. Kineatiline I I Present year, your, Coin' mit.tee, (While. TKF_ OftEAT S,K1N-CUFkE.- . . .
unt.versally that religion should he is a Unitarian . and also th . I wliether say election or- appolatmeni to .. .. . ,not opposing the gratitl yeCoMme,hd - , __1 - 11 . . 1. . .-- . . I r,
-_ .
not enter into politics,.. y t 'suspected of - sy at he is fill any office. from the highest to the Holmosville. bridge - , $11,200 that It, be deferroift -till June !meetifig, - M . - - - -.A#.
mpathy witit the Cath- I west in the land. . I Jenkitnis and Dresser Co. Sarnia * ! - I . I . . I
there is , no denying, thlt olics. . . I . I . HolitneaviN bridge ' . ... hen.a. better estimate of -fruit pros- . .11, . wommon -- ! ! -_ 11111111111111111111111F . I
I I * Yours truly . . . . $-.12,300'w ts can be made tharr at tile mn!!!! . I -, . ,
. I . I . . . I I . . Pros— . . . I . . I
it does, and the mass of the vot- . ):ou ask that' Mr. Taft -shall, I'leti I. . Theodore Rodsovolt - Gulley bridge . . 2,19A Poll . . . . . . liw*4111111 --A-AV#WVW4V
. ent tmic. . 10~00 W%Awh
ers that nee ' not Catholics will tlle.wor,.,'d k1low ;What, Ili$ * religious . Ur. -J. 0. Martin, Dayton, Ohio. Hamilton Bridge CO. . . ow~ . OW%AAAA I I
. .. .
Aot support a man. for any office, lbelictis." ThIsIs purely his own pri- ' ,. I . . . ,I-Iolmesville bridge - 12,09,9 I - Re 'motion of Messrs. Gibbings and 1. . ,
I . I . .1.4 ROWS fo ch to the several .
., . I .
. I le. I I
Ated States, who,is . a Roman tween him and his 'blaker, a litaiter, . Hill & Co. Mitchell I And Horticultural Soc' ' . I
. . CURE FOR CRrAXY -SHOES. ties in .the county which hold,exhibi- . . .
Catholic. . for his own conslipace ; And to rellofte 11olmosville bridge I 11LI995 CHINAWA , --. - I
especially for Presidunt of th6 Uu, I vate conceril,-,. a nd it is a. matter bo- * - . ... Gulley, bridge, I 11,199 I Agficuiltural, ' I . RIE
Since. Taft has been nominated : it to be made. ublic under penalty of "There is one certain And simple 'Gulley bri&ge . I . 2,285 tiou during the year, As to a grant . . . . I . I . .
for President by the Republican 'political discrimination Is to negative rernedy for thi's annoyance,". says Stratford Bridge Co . I of a similar amount to eaqh of . the - . . . .
. . . .
I Party, it is being circulated and Itbe first principles of our governillent, Woman's. Home Companion for Veb- Holmosvi.Ilp bridge' . . 12,250 Parmer's Institutes' in thq 6ounty, we 11 IC When, you iieed anything inChinaware . . . . .
I,; constaitly urged as a. reiason ,-,Vllicli guarantee complete .religious ruary. "It is to drive little wooden Gulley bridge I 2,185 recommend that both of the gratits.be I . I. , . . I . . ' I I
for not voting for Taft that 110 is I )!bOrty And the right to each man to pegs Into the Solos. The pegs pre- made. ' . . . , . we Woula, be: pleAsed - to haVe you, call and - I .
' . . .
.an iiffidi,l (Vnitarian) and hia wife, tact In religious affairs as I-,ij own c(),,. ivent the friction of the Isboe Sole$. . we recommend that the tender of A., . .. . I . ' .. I . . , I . . .
I and ,brother Roman Catholics, - , I Science dictates, Mr. Taft never ins,.c- Any eolAi4er Will do it for 101A very Hill.4 Co. be accepted for sopprstruc- . . . - . I . inspect our*stock. -,' Oar -prices will please . .
I ture of Nollmosville bridge for the . . I . . .
If his feelings are in sympathy led my advice in the ni ttOr, but it he clicaply And it restores your peace of A Common Cold, . . I I . .. I
. ;vitll the ROMAn Catholic Chutci; ,had aiked it, I shoulaft have empbat. mind quite wonderfully. . sum of $11,99-5, We also. recommend , ' ' . I you. . I - -
' '
,on account of his wife and ,,brother lically advlqed Idtft against, thus stat. . a h f A. Hill & Co. be - We Claim that It catching cold'could . . .. . I I ... L . .
11 .being Catholics, ,that would be ob- ling bubliely his religious beii,ef, I .. Accepted for superstructl6in of Gulley be avoided some of the most danger- . . . I .
: , , jectionable to a sufficient number 1 The demand for it statement of a A numiber of ch.inges in tho judiciary bridge, lot the sum of $3,296. ous and latal diseaseg would never be . I I
*woA#,ot voters to defeat him. On " th.. ; Regarding Graham'a bridge ilk Ash- board of. A cold diten forms a, cut- I .1
, vandidate's rcligious. belief can have, are spWien of at Quebec. Olie it; that eld, we recommend our Stock of Watches, Clocks, I ..
-other hand, it lie is fin Infi ,el, - . ' -that the R. R. ture'lied lot germs of infectious dis- . . I I
I 'no meaning execilit that there may be Mr. Justice Girouard miny rettre from Co. be Asked to noti,(Y 6ur engineer CAses, Consumption, pilounnonia, dip- . I I
,that Would he suircAo mean defeat. i I&A A. .
I I Idiscri,litination for or .Against blun be- fhe SUPterile Court And be Succeeded and tha Move of tile township in theria ihd Searlet fever, four of the ' 69 is domp
. . . I am writing- this iotter or efrige ot that belief. Di.wrim-nation'by ,Sir Louis Jotte. A in most dangerous and fatal diseages, are I I Jewelery'll, Lt C I . lete# . ,
the Sole purpose of ghilig Mr. which they. ' bad locate bridge. . . I
against the holder of one NVII -incans future and 'that Our Clerk klift the of this class. The cliftute bed fornied .
. 'Taft an opportunity, to let, the I - . - I . .
. I retallatory discrimination against. mmij ". I co . by tho.c IdJayors the developmoat of . .
wprld'khow what It's religious be-* . of other f . mpany notice to that vilect. I A . . . I
. aiths. The inelijtable rc * Chamberlain"a Cough- Remedy the Pollowing Art the tenders Tectiveil the germs of these diseases, that I ' . I
Ilef Is. , stilt of entering voon such It Practise Most Popular Because 'it for conerote wbrk of the 11olinel.ville All goods bought Irom Us Will b6 engr4vad
I received Many Such 10ttcrg ald . wouKinot othorwise find lodgmeftC " . . .. ..
would be aft abandonment of our rOrd is the .Best, - bridge . . There is'little Alligor, howgver, OA Anyl. I . .
", ,yours during' the M,MPO:tr,n,'ei l' (' SH'Ifrcedoni of conscience and a revorsi . I tree 0 charge.
! on "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough P. McManus $10,109. Ge0r9c Noble of there diseases being contraeted I %,
11 III! g dissatisfaction with Mr. 'Taft oril, to tho dreadful conditions of rell i4loug: Remedy for the. Post eight years and. I $0,.60 per cubic yard and tot e01VAt- whon a .good 'expectorant cough Mod- . .. , I I
. tl. relig:oua grounds , some ot them On ' dissension wlif ch in so MAUV 13,08 Ond it to be One of tile best selling Ing $3.75 per cubic yard. 1. A. Hems. ielrie IN6.ChambeflAins Coiigh Rom- - '1 _,''. , , _ I . 11_-t__ ,
.1 the, - ground that he wag A Unitarian, i have. proved fatal to trite. liberty, to mediellies on the market, Pot babies worth $5,100. Extra concrete $5 per,.lody is used, It, cleaus out these Cul- k
. -1
I at . 1A others on , the grounds that lie truC roligQ r -and to all advance In and young children there Is notUtIni.X,cubic yard, exeAvating 0 per cubic ture beds that favor tile developMent . , I il, I
I . i
n' -
. . %6s, suspected to Ite ia sympathy with'elvilizatloh. ,better -it the 11*e of cougMyraps,", yard. Frank Nagle $6.40 per eubje.Of the germs of those diseases. *rhat . '
I Catholics. ., 1 To discrimin.ite against a thorou ,h_'Sgv ' I yard. Archie Cousiflig $5.16. W11111% is Why this remedy has liroved so uni- I
. a PAU1 Allen, Plain Naling, LA. .
. I 4; , 711 I did not answer way of theRe let- ly upright (Rizen becaune lie boloi%%A T 1$1. r011iedy not only our I Young $5.26, lexC00,0139 $3,60-' D'- Vorsally successful fit. prevouting pneu- W.W 6 no CON'ster,
tots duriyig the campaign, because 1, to Some particular Church, -or Jecause, Auld crou so colninon """ ,
I .P "' th""Oug in ' Va htOon V.25. Goo. Bark1by $5.05. roonia. It tot only cures your coltil .
. 'reg rded it as, ati outrage evert. fo aglo like Abraham Lincoln, lie has not rhildren, ,but is plegs;t tltmr'n vou III 4 , I
A, ft and g!af f0pri .14. Hill $4, excavating 40bts LO *9 ' ickly, but Iftinimizes the risk of con. Jowelerind Psittsv6r, Istoot 61i mitelaka Lice"111"
fate st0l, a question as .it Males rpIkq-'AvowPd his alleglance to any 61mb, therd to tal..'e. T ot 80,10 I)y all drug- I Looby $5,15, 61tril toticrett 4 John, t aeting . these dangerolis diseases, :
Jous tonvictiong, with the, purpbse of IS an 6utrage ag4019t, hat liberty of gistg, - . . . -
. Gaftnoy $1.4,11. D. Ivitherq"'i or sale by all drugglstLs, I , A,04-04,010--A,,A-,Oi-m-w-iO-N-Ik.,i A "L AL A , 0 o A A NA 0 A A A ik ., , .. I
I t % I c. . I - - - - - i-A-0igo . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ __ I
e -