The Clinton News-Record, 1909-01-28, Page 8........... Uonpt Miss out' January, CIALS Our January Sale specials have saved money for many buyers. There are plenty of them to (to It for you 'too, if you don't put off your coming,too, long. Here are some of them. They are well worth coming after A. FEW OF OUR MANY SPECIALS. India Lawn, 46 inches wide, Tegblar.20e quality, is selling for 121c. Hundreds of yards of 34 inch Flannelette, 'fast colored stripes, in lengths from 3 to -10 -yards, is selling for less than its value. Traveller's samples Linein Doili6s, round and square, selling at less than viliolesale price.' -Half bleached Table Linen, good weight and quality, is selling at per yard 22c. Ladies Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, good quality, are selling at 4 for 25c. Ladies pure linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs' with narrow hem, are selling at 4 for 25c. $10 and $13 Coatp are sellingf6r each $7.36. Ladies high class Winter! Coats, regular eg . ular $16 to $25, are selling for Half Price,. Children'a. Coats of all kinds: are'selling for Half Price. All Nis- are selling for.exadly one -'quarter less than regular. $1.25 Black Taffeta -Silks are sellipg at .per yard Z8c. . $1.50 yard -wide Black Taffeta are Silk'8 s' elling at 95c per yard. ..Ladies Heavy Ribbed Underves.ts, regular 45c, are 1111111,.selling for each 35c. Hundreds of yards of English White Cottons,' imported by ourselves direct, are selling. in 5 ar. d', 10. yard' lengths at 5 yard ends for 40c 10 yard ends .for 80c 5 yard ends, for 45c. 10 yard ends for 90c' 5 yard -ends for 55c 10 yard ends for $1.10. Better cotton values we never offered Ladies Trimmed Hats, all this season's styles, are selling for each $1.45 Any Untrimmed Shape in tLe- show room is selling for 25c Ladies Fur Coats,. Astrachan and Electric Sea], $35 and $45 qualities are selling at $25 Ladies Fur Lined Coats in blacks and navys, high class qualities that you can depend oil -beyond question, are selling at one-quarter less than regular price. These are some of our January Specials,. They are und'oubted money savers and' you ,can make no mistake in taking advantage of these unusual offerings, n1l Sheet %osis 7c e&mnh 114 J14DUM7 I$* MOP THE POPULM, STORE The, News -Record will be Fridag and SaturdavwwLast Pleased to receive . items, such. 4 for 250 2 Dage of as engagements, weddings, pax- I I I ties, teas and other news of 9 for' 50c Personal interest, with the names of those.pregent, for this "Personal', column. The StockAwTaklong, items should be endorsed with IT is flux all the name of the sender—not for publication, but As,a mat, ter of-gqocl faith. 4 �00 N -EW Slaughter Sale of Furs, Fur Coats, Winter Coats, oo Wl Blankets, Mrs. D. Eckmier is visiting in Lon- I don. Remnants of Dress Goods, Prints, Flannelettes, Etc. Friday and Sat - Mr, S. H. Smith has returned from Toronto. but xt utit is all urday are the last two days of our stock -taking and they will be the Mrs. Farran was visiting in Goderich this week, TWO BIGGEST BARGAIN DAYS in our history. Come In and Rev. J. Greene preached in Fullarton " oil Sunday. G-0 0 D 0 o through the store, and If you don't see what you want,. ask for Mr. A, J. Morrish was in Toronto on It Jbusincss this week. e will have special privies on alflines. Mr. William Webb, left yesterday . to return to Elgin, Man. Dr. McRae of Brussels wa"s in town for a few days this week, 0. FAIR 00 Miss Jackson of Mitchell is the guest Wa 20 per cent. off Small Furs $63 Men's Coon Coats $3o of Mrs, J. McClacherty. Fridayand Saturdav we will give 20 MeWs untipppd natural Coon Coatg, ,made Mi$s%.N. Castelle returned, to her Often Cheapest —Always the Best cent off A, has Ruffs, Stoles, home in Fordwich on Monda Small Furs tme Fle'r, . from picked skins, 50 inches long, good big , y. Muffs, Oaperines, Scarfs, Etc., in sable, mar- collar, every skin prime. Coat guaranteed for Miss. Smith of London is at present year, , pot lynx - Isabella fox, etc. All. pt marked atked one earLsizes 40, 42 and 44 only. Regular $05, the guest of Miss. Grace Cluff. in plain figures, subjected to diseound of....... rid ' Reeve Gibbings is attending county ........ 20 per cent. off, 4 Saturday prices ......... 50,,00 I council at -Goderich this week. HE Our SPeClal $38 Coat. $29. $50 Co Coats $30 Mrs. Geo. David returned home this week after a short visit in London. Ladies beet qiiality Black Beaver Winter on Miss S. Campbell of Scaforth is vis- DUCED Coate, Pure satin quilted lining, loose back with Men's whole skin Coon' Coats good big iting Mrs. William Shipley' Huron Irge natural sable collar, A really beautiful collar, deep turred all Zee. Renu, coat and out special at $38, Friday And Satur- ria i400d color, Road, lar $50, Friday Saturday prices. 30.00 • Miss 'Lizzie Logan., Toronto, ft the day prices .......................... 29.00 guest of her'sister, Mrs. J. Ratten- $75 Fur Lined Coat $54 bur, $25 CalfSk n Coats $0 Mr. James Hamilton is around again Ladies Coats.black beaver shelf, withbils- Men's Brown Calfskin caded,runskrat lining, natural sable colldr. loose Coats, well made after a very. painful illness of two and good big lone coats, only .3 left. Regular weeks. back, Regular $76, Friday and Saturday prices....'.... ........... 014.00 $25. clearing price .................... 16.00 Miss Emma Morrison of Stanley was I have- sold my bus - for a week the guest of her cousin, mess to Mr. A McKeonLadles'' Winter Coats - I Astrachan Jackets Miss Mabel Cluff, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkin visited Mr, and who gets possession about at Cost and Less ... . I : Le Mrs. Palmer, Hensall, from Satur- the first of March but it Ladies beav ss Than. Cost day Until beaver Winter Coats, in black, blue,' Monday. 18 part of the agreement green and brown, only 24 left, in sizes 34 to 42, -Ladies Astrachan Jackets with self or sable Rev. Dr. Dougall and Mr.. J. P. Brown that I reduce my stock in loose and close fitting styles, trimmed with,collars, in aacques or Russian blouse styles, 36 'of, Goderich were guests of Mr. Jas. silk, military and draw braids. r Regular $7.50, 'to choose from. Regular $26 up to $75 ....... Stevens- on Thurs , day. more than half before the to $20. Friday and Saturday & Cost And Less. ................................. at less than cost Mr, -Linder St.. of Toronto visited transfer so I am offering $too Coat8 for $78 his daughter Mrs- -Doig, for* . a Harness, Blankets, Robes, $6 Wool Blankets $4.90 couple of days _last week. Ladies .Fur ianed Coats witbbest quality Mr. J. F. -Black, manag I er of the Din- Suit Cases, Trunks, Etc.,' navy blue beaver shelf, picked muskrat lining, Six only-, pure Wool Blankets, 8 pounds two stri collar, guaranteed for one weight, made from, the very finest wool, r 6808 eeii mfg: Co., Toronto, was the at greatly, redki-ced prices, Te mink year. Regular $100, Friday and Saturday inches, 6 Only left. Regular $6, Friday and guest of Mr. W. Jackson- over price Saturday prices...,. I ... ­ I.... L day. Sun- This mill. afford' those pr c� ..................... .......... 70.00 ...... 4.90. Miss Annie Cook has returned to her who desire Any.- of these $25 Coats for $19.50 - Remnants position in Eaton's, Toronto, after articles to save, money on- Ladies ack' Beaver'Coaje, 'Boston lamb RemnAnts of DressGood.9 from 2 to 5 yards. a three -weeks' holiday at her home the regular. prices. iDrices. lined, interlined with-rfib . ber I , brown marmot here Rewnants of Flannelettes, Cottons,', Prints fur colla od warm and stylish coat. Reg. Towelings, Sfici6tln Shirti s, Sateens,.* Etc.:, Mrs; E'. Rodaway of the Huron Road ular $25, Friday and Satur:day prices... 99.50 I I ' The stock is complete.' at about the Half Arl`ee Mark! js Spending a few weeks; with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Jackson of It will pay you to call. Chicago; Miss.'Pearl Catitelon has returned All accounts rendered .from Orillia and is visiting at the must be settled at- once, parental home, ..Mr. and Mrs. D, Cantclonls.- Mrs. W; G. Smyth goes to Goderich tomorrow where she will spend 'a Albert. McBrien, couple of weeks with her - daughter,Har ness Maker. Mrs: L. Doherty. Vincent Kelly and Lloyd Sooles of e Seaforth ),News stall came up,on, Saturday ' to see The News -Record's , L at improved typesetting, machine work.. Atflouncemed, Prof. Brown of Exeter. %vas in town on, Tues4y"the. guest of Mr. I.,. 0. vw� Flerning. The Prof. ig organist. of - the Trivitt Memorial church,' one" .of IL WiSh.'to annoUnde tb the the prettiest, and 'most commodious people of Clinton ;;ur- places 'of 'divine worship;' n the coun- -ty.. rounding country.that I �have Mr. John Wilf6rd.-of Blyth was in resigned my position with 10 cfrapi�f 21o. town on Thursday last attending 3 a Morrish a. (�,Yrooks for the pur- L I ,ineeting'i held in Ont.- St. church, in Remnant Do - of the Laymen's For- pose of going into . business 7.; the interests for my elf. ward Movement, in behalf of Mis- s .sioM. He was the convenor of the ani opening out in Fred meeting. Jack8on's old stand next to Mr. and Mrs. J Miller of the Line, Mr. R. J. Cluff's shoe* store, with WATCHES z.- and Mrs. E. S,WightmarA Sau�daoy of Outlook, Sask., and Mr. D. G'L a.brand new stock of woollens McLaughlig of Aberdeen,. South Da- and I will be pleased to re- H it I IN. D kota were visiting friends in Hib-ceive a call from' all old cus- bert last week report having a toM LOCKETS` good time. Captain and Mrs. Chamberi and Doiag all* ray own.c. cutting daughter, Mary, of Port Huron, and being a practical tailor l . Mich., were the guests, over Sunday will enable Of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil,. Mrs e me to g,iv.e the, . .... Chambers. being a niece of Mr, very lowest prices. O'Neil's. They came up 'to attend Being employed as cutter. the funeral of the late. 'William With Jackson Bros. for four, Craig of Goderich. Mr. John Ransford took charge of years; Hodgens Bros., cutting the services in the Anglican church, and managing the' tailoriig RINGS Owen Sound,. on Suti,�y morning department for four years, and . and evening last and n the after two years. with � Morrish & BRACELETS noon at ' QhatsworW On Monday evening he c6nducted a service - in Crooks, should be sui1 ficient SILVERWARE Brookholme, a sublirli of ' Owen guarantee of reliable .work. t Sound. The prerVious Sunday he 'I am also a memo of the Make.Good Presents and occupied the Anglican pulpit in c.,CUStOM Windsor. On each occasion his ser- Cutters Association are acceptable. mon was in ,the int6rests of the of America," which keeps 1;ts fLaymen's Vorw.aril Missionary Move` members. in touch With all meat. the new ideas coniinuall A. JrRiG Mr. Chas, Donaldson Of Thessalon, Algoma was in town Monday. H� Coming Out. y has been travelling agent. in that See the values I have before JEWELER AND 00101AN northern country for the Frost' d* purchasing your Spring Suit Wood Company ,for several years, ISSUER OF MARRIA E LICENSES has - resigned to accept the, elsewhere. agency of the J. I. Case Company, Yours truly, Racine, 'Wis., manufacturers of sep- arators, engines, etc. His territory FOR GOOD will' comprise Huron, Perth and Bruce and he will in all probability make his headquarters in Wingbam. go Sh,oe Mr. Donaldson is a successful agent goo, We Bar and the J. 1. ease people were, for. Lunate in securing his services. iring Air. A. H. Musgrove M. L, A., Wing- Repa*. ham, was in town yesterdayon hiliway to - Goderich as one of $1850 WILL BUY 'COTTAGE -,ON Try W. H. Watts & Son tation to wait upon tris he counta de"`� Joseph street. Soft and hard water y noun -in the house, cement cellar, Xb1so ell to ask for the usual grant to the — fur Wingham hospital. When Mr. Mus- nace, elbetric light, good lawn. grove goes abroad to advocate. the a0r4l, cement. walk around house. Repairs done while you interests of his home, town thePart cash, balance at 5 per cent citi- Just the -place for a retired farmer wait, and our PrlCeS zens thereof have every, confidence that he will do so neatly and con- Apply Box 174, Clinton P. O. 5 are right. vincingly. By the way in talkingWMterW0tk8 and electric light with • Stand Opposite Postoffice The News-Reeord, Mr. Musgrove, naidl SHAMPOOING, HAIR DIMSSING, that both were giving satisfaction Marcel WAVIng, Massage, Manicur- and were more than paying their Ing, trourg of attendance Fridays way, The street lights cost wing- and Saturdays, 0 A. m, tbli 0 p. in. ham $49 Per light for an all night •­Mrg. A. Corr. 70 Ituron street,' setvide, Clinton, wo Ho watts &. Son We 'have fini-4hed stock -taking and found. hundreds ,and hundreds of rem - mints .,which we are going to but on Sale Saturdag lWornind at 'Nine o'clock at prices which should clear every one before night. We don't want retrinants of any; kind of goods to accumulate In this store, so would sooner take about half their value and, let them go. Saturday Is the day. Foil `W111 Save Money on Every Purchase, CLUT-M . . I j We 'have fini-4hed stock -taking and found. hundreds ,and hundreds of rem - mints .,which we are going to but on Sale Saturdag lWornind at 'Nine o'clock at prices which should clear every one before night. We don't want retrinants of any; kind of goods to accumulate In this store, so would sooner take about half their value and, let them go. Saturday Is the day. Foil `W111 Save Money on Every Purchase, CLUT-M . . I . . I