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The Clinton News-Record, 1909-01-28, Page 2
it 2 f'ilfa 0A NOWS-It"04 onu ary 28th 190 lx-�,cc1�r>a et�-decoa►o�>Q"-ftty News . 11 'CoU , 0 n- 11 n since Mr- M.iehlhitil�i frlM! �tM4'le11 Tbie f l+[i bpi os#i HAIL a l(iui not lbseti H u ,�,� i Ns MEMW taarw Mrralthy fii�frnafi beds open d 141i'w� aa>aa►at Iters h.althy �dia+t tinfasa 1-7111111 W • eft left it lilait summer,. A wow or Iilt6. f� lir. l�urgl":y,orderird ' vim ,gti4w 4laodr•^'taM of l>ilao+t 8I 11 ago' the ortrnex, , ghat flood's sarsapariila »+akos, �" the shed to. be closed up, and naw, This great medicine Isis 44 sin- "Moompsome ci•tlie farmers feel indignant. or ant of hem went i:o far as to say' for ' , e siin - piirityfins +utd enprtc4inx tits boiood.�+� would not a pre its the only ten> i �i 4 now on the prcmtscs. This does- It cures r aurins , s in s wry oa - Wt seem falx, Mr, Murphy has a catarrh, rheumatism, anetnla,.:terttocis- g n an right to close the sheds it ho wants :to; "'"� . - ""' .""" - " , ess, that tired feeling, 4Yspepsla, loss I1. _ "-""""""" sat itppetite, *en�rai debltlty, d triilldas lira gbGainecl frotar iredin>r but this action on Iris part should not est W4WAnoah Constance 1 East WaWatkosh up the ectaie system. es. and. etttkle when Ili lead It effects Its wonderful cu;ee,. not hors . lead to the injury of .tiir. Murdock, . simply because it contains iiiarsaptttili. i , wolc given ns to be a tenant. Mr. Council met Jan. 11th as per Stagy The music for dancing tit the Marine;, Mr. Ed, Wifih,man is icenewing old ' but because it combines the utmost is an apgetiz ng a lar Cued, who happens remedial values of more th..4n 29 diit'er- 1 l h the refill is sore because his business , tute, The .newly eleeted members tools gocfal Club, on Wedncsd'ay evcui ig acquaintances here. it onft. Murphy fee ent Ingredients. It urged to buy any To firing and keep any ant• him b the pec-9YOU 'the necessary, oath of office, with was .furnished by their Orchestra, j Mr. Finlay Welsh had. a successful preparation said to be "hist as It�t' maI into .couditiou, feed Xt as toted away from Y - ple, Who of us wouldm t feet sore Reeve Medd in the chair, the minutes Piper Cxaigie, Albert Picot, violin, wood bee last Friday atternoon, you may be sure it Ia interior. costa under similar circumstances ? Wo of last meeting co;nfixmed, and Mr. Hugh Nicholson, piano, The RRobt. Lour has engaged with I1dx.1 leg to xaiit ' an3 yields. sl►e dealer a� y club also that evening thanked Mrs, Will. Waldrow for another month. Get it today of Your druggist. Pre At k P tA. op must submit, however, to the inevit FrQpcl `��1Q Ni9Ws-eCOI'c O Treasurers Statement showed a'baI- I �ou las S'�0. %I V. 0 a the will of the majority slice on hand o@ $450. 13y -Law No, 1 George Bissett for the gift of a cur- � Mrs, Alex. 'Morton is able to be qut ' » only b x. Hood eo„ I.oweit, able' nd�ra�#Y1,.$� , hion and Miss Skiaiimings for music of bed once more we are pleased to was passed appointing '.the same effigy• ' A Full poll f9r 7S Cent$ should b'e obeyed,January els last year,. except Auditor John `fCanada," and calendar for 1908., Aix i hear, i To accommodate the farmers' horses the Hahn stable is open as usual, be- Clinton, Jan. 20tb, 1890 •_ Webster being appointed in place of amicable settlement has been axxivedl Mr. John 11IcShattngck at Manitoba e8 ing now used. as a livery and feed 1V. Wilson, at, between the C. P. R. and thesis wintering with old neighbors and Dr. MC.Donald of 1litiml�l>!onk C10zens of the b stable b Mr, Walpole, who is xunfeed Mr. W. G. Smith was. on the sick Dawley family, with reference to the friends here. u8 It u fess Tnde endent of the hotel list for several days. Account o. f A. Anderson for taking property, exprgprfated by the coin -i :►firs Pearl To1T has commenced her Partners the b sin v deservicesot to all. Mr. ];rank Sheppard'is A. Walsh to the House cif Refuge, f 1�SadIE Postmaster Q£ and villin to i e i siway c n is piny at the hatbox. duties at S. S. Na. i&. We wish her Do YOU? g g$6.45 was paid, i every success, London. applicanits till the -capacity of the holiday trip. Wm. Fr was appointed Mr. Michael Cray, .one of our stable is taxed to its utmost, To. Mr. W, Jackson has dropped tl:e lat4 Township Solicitor, and Johai Cama- veteran citizens, but now of Guelph, Mrs. John Black o#�Vingham renew-, ="" -... � those who do not desire to put horses est lasbion la grippe., ed old acquaintances around Westfield Ottawa, Jain. 16th, -Dr. Peter Mac- 1 the church sheds aro all ott. was appointed caretaker of hall. came up to visit his daughter, Mrs. Ilast week. donald of Wingham has been appoint* E ONLY 13Y In the stab e: Mr« Robert Howard- .,.nd ,,on of h following cheques were issued : John Dean, and family for he holt- • FOR SALE open and any one desisting to use them; We are sorry to hear of the illness ed postmaster of the city of London, p Feed Blyth, were' callers at this office A. Anderson, expenses re A, Walsh, days,. returning to Guelph last week. welcome .0 do sq. ee t Ii. t nl • citizens were awakened on Fri- of Mrs. John Redmond, but hope to to succeed the late John Cameron. Q ' are perfectly v d last week: They walked o C u o I $6,45 ; R, Woods, damages, $3 ; Blec- Our i e i boxes are being placed fit these sheds d returned on foot, 111004 'will hear of hex speedy recovery, . The appointment was ratified rasa.. S1 1 , OLMEV with, an tion Lxpenses, $52 ; Municipal World day a. m. by the fire alarm being Mr, and Mrs, S. Noble of 14lintq,'eVening and will take effect, within a * ' so that farmers bringing oats w tell. election supplies, :assessment rolls, etc` sounded by some one at the court • them can feed them without waste,+{ , H Cook had the ittisfortaneIS15,50, and subscriptions, $5,75 ; St, hoose. The fire engine was soon on Man,, spent last week with the form- few days. Manf' ChemlBt, tris cod ;o s:ice his Helens' Public s10 ;Dungan- its way with the fire men to the bar- er s brother, James. i Dr. Macdonald e a wd Easwn poli- This is done, ive aro told, to meet the3`while splitting wood, i_Library,H. • demand for stabling,, which is said toil loot. He is around a ain, non Pub, Lib,, $5 ; Mapchester Pub. bar, where they found the steam barge We are sorry, to hear. that Mrs, . th titian. pa represented East (elect- o g I Dinsmore is not gaining any. strength for four parliaments, being first elect'•- *"*i*"a i►�NNNN**+s , be inadequate, and persons using the Board of Trade --Some rev- Lib., $u ; Wm. Bailie, '1 flay,, on Fin- in flames They succeeded in ex sheds are not to think themselves un" 1 Clinton. but • gradually, , growing Weaiker, ed in the general elections , of 18--77. - F,XPERIFrhTCE- a ent members having, been secured a IAAcial Statement, $2 ;Signal, print- tfnguishing the fire a#ter the deClcs Will Buchanan and 'Roland Vincent Subsequently he. was returned in -RELLASILITY der .any obligation, so long as t1ley i b,urned, but take reasonable care of the property. ; majority of them met Friday evet�ing' lug bills, Hei$1.25. 1 25 adjourned to. meet Feb.hadmadeits ways to theholdfox have the contract of cutting wood for 1881„ 1896 and 1900;. He raft .- ta Council adjo also in 1904 but was defeat - if. farmers stayed away from Durham last in the council chamber and elect- Bert Carter. lack -of shed accoinmo-�� as officers for 1890 Wm, Jack -[18th at 10 o'clock, at about, 1.3Q p. w the fire alarm �4The Sons of England" of Londes•. ed by Dr. Chlsholin, the Conner- VE14S SURGEON, OCULIST, on account of n ison President R. Holmes,. vice pres ��_�� sounded again, and when the firemen DR O hero, of which Mr, Geo, Snell, sr., 3rd vatfve candidate, after a memorable will be at Holmes Drug Store, .dation, ,as some allege tyd iso done jW, S,_ Swafilield, Secreta Wm. t reached the ,conflagration, nothing s hours 11 to. 4 and,are•doing, they needo l could be done. The wreck now lies in line, is: a member, spent an evening at fight. Since then he has lived retired Clinton, on Friday., Coats treasurer • As council Messrs: in Win ham. Jan. 29 Feb. 26 Mar. 26, longer, as the churches are willing I , . Grey Township. the river, Captain William Trethe- his home recently, g P. n°' Ja ' ' he's sheds used freely, and. Jas: Fair, John Ransford, .J. W. -Ix- The Farmers' institute held their ilie was deputy -speaker of the Haus April 23 May 21 June 18. Glasses to have their win R. Irwin, Gc0. E. pay, F. Jack- Harry and Joe Dunn, of Lauder, W'sY and his wife, and hisitbrotlier annual meeting in Auburn,. Tuesday, of Commons dorLng the aarliament of Ag have thrown them wide open °for the , Y 3 properly fitted, Diseases of -the eye, _. t ham Chronicle. son, J, C. Stevenson, Israel Taylor, . Man,, are the guests of J. ohn and Mrs. Chris had been aboard the. Tecum ,,. of last week the Westfield quartette 1900 and held the ofince until the use of all comers. Dir sell all the season, as their - cabin ' ear, nose and throat treated. W. T, Whitely, N. Robson, Wm,. Har- i Smith, q In S. S. No. i0 Isaac .Lake was was nicely fitted, .up, and work was were among the entertainers. House dissolved in 1904,, - _ --� -- land, D. Cantelon,' Mr. A, H. M;mnti. Mr. T?athew. Lockhart addressed, a Dr, Peter Macdonald was born of n Ing acted as Chairman, chosen trustee for the current term being done upon.ft every .day as � the DOES YOUR SIDE ACHE . [succeeding Angus Campbell. Robert owner, Captain T. 1I. Trethewayl„ was meeting of the Farmers' Institute at Scotch parents in Pfctou,. Nowa I RAVE THE SAMPSON BRAND tVliD the first symptons• appear, rtid Fogxest is the painstaking teachwr. only wanting for a car load' of lum- Port Albert. • Scotia, in 1&35. His Barents removed of Cement for sale, in large and Mr. W. J, Taylor of 'Toronto Unit- to Huron county in 1846'. In 1872 he with Nerviline-rub• it in deeply -'fakes At the Turiq )V11 school annual meet- her to change tfie cabin which would small quantities. There is no bet- versify assisted Rev. A. R. Jones ,in .graduated from Trinitq 'College, Tor -- q away stiffness -•removes all strain Summerhill, .Jan. 29th,• 1890..ing Win. Knox was cleated trustee give, to a gang of men to ter make of cement on the market, i the condition -is Harris. ,This school fit the bar a up for the coming sea- the service at Westfield on Sunday. onto, in medicine, setting up. his prat sseu er and inflammation, f h. Miss Harriet Rapson has returned' Oliver Iia i i h g tic© in' Win ham. He earl took an Office opposite G. T. R. pa g tonic ut. a Nervil}ne Porous.Plas- p ble left on lllonday tq resume his g Y connection, or. cht p from visiting at Mr. D, Cantelon's has a furnace and burns .coal. sons lumber' trade, Captain Will his) duties. interest' in municipal and educational . station. Telephone ter on the affected spot. This draws . e left at Harland Bros. arid7ather friends .fat Godex I I . I Last week Andrew Illsley, 14thtcon,, wife and brother, barely eascaped skink a airs in that town, and was elected orders may b out any..vix}ts or neuralgic trrttttton, left on a holiday visit with relatives their hives Mrs. Trethew y m g hardware store. if more convenient. heir cnted Miss -Jennie, Wallace whc .was ser-; Y f �"` ""� "�' i chairman of the school board, . conn restores the tissue to t vti ith inflammation of tlic and friends in the West. He will be her escape only, in her night attire,I cillos reeve and mayor. In 1887 he iousl ill w esC a throe h t • Hon• Mr, ,Emnicison has given not Y JAMES HAMILTON, CLINTON. Healthiness, .permanently cures sny y•s e re leased to sa xa ids away for a month or so. . 'and had to make .hex ap l y accepted the nomination cif the Liber- we 'kness or tendency, to patn,Nor� it lungs .i , w a p Y> p • g ' ice of motion for the ace uirement b a recovering, Misses Martha and Alice Wells, of the ,hatch . way, ,and Seeing a coat' a1 party and. represented the. rfdin stets bsorb all the deleterious ly g . ' Goderich . visited their friend Miss. hanging in tihe• vicinity with presence the Intercolonial of branch lines, and P g ine Pla a, for seventeen ears. In relf on he is . throw h 'the relaxed pores Some .tide .ago the young lad's, in will also' ask for details as to any of-. Y UR- secretions g , Grace Hutchinson, prev, * to Miss of mind she ,put it. on, her when she ' a Pxesb ferias," NEW MEAT MART.-HAVINGP fer received b the Govertitnant' for Y d the butchering business car- and when, used.along, along with .Nerviline takitng George Johnston s gdreq m bee I Alice's departure for New, York Where got clear of the barge. Only that.' Y h g y the sale of the road. ri n for some time b the itself, every .muscular pain, or ache to water,. gave her. a roll owned c s she fs training for a nurse, there was a little shant on the -- O4 y bank into the river. From toe e t I . must go. 1Vm: Moffat, of Brussels; has been beach, where they took refuge, until) During .1908' bank deposits in G"an- Colclough B. r o s.,, we respectfully..of this . and other causes ,ibe died on Jariies :Masters aged twist 't n e i - _ iengaged for a year by A. P. Alcr1r- help came,' she would have perished increased 578,087;400, canipared � g Y years, sclieit a share of the pa xo ag o Thursday.: This may be a ;ood thing u 8th con:' to assist n the farm. from Cold as no house .was near, . it .tvith•a decrease of $31;697;000 in 190.7; i was hcilled by a falling .tree in 1Vcrst thb public which we hope to merit thi r, o . «' , both for mare and:owner. Zorra: meats and . at it .,- Shiloh s Cure *ill, al- , Mr. Moffat and family "will reside in a hieing the north side of the river. The; i Gommereial discounts in Canada' de -i by keeping the Best of me Reye , . home at present vacant on. Mr. Mc- river was not frozen over, so that i creased $.14,.779,000 •fn 1908, -compared at reasonable 'prices. Give us a ways cults my coughs and �olda." -- - -----r • x T News,. 1.Arthur's farm. means of escape was cut off,) jThe TeH,.with a decrease of $9,989;000 ,fn 1907. chill. Our, shop is net to , he e. RESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS .Beatitiller .'John and Mrs:McFadden and dau�d" cu'mse'll Was insured for: $10,000,: only •The London .unemployed had avlash . C Q1odefteottvosem for Record Office.-T..T. & Bert Murphy: . ,Asimpl edr • ii� rrp ii ,'ter, wile sold their farm recently on a third of her --value.-.. (with the police in Berkeley. Square'. ` - - Yff 1 HAL Mrs, A. .Heddle is. now in attendance outh of Brussels SORIG THROATS AND COUGHS ttittte gravel road S Six, Chinamen were shot by he po-I. 'rhsy combine the germicidal salue.ol Ceesoisnd- / on Mrs. Jas. Long. The . latter is, .• ill move to that towix havin ,leased lice in' a riot fn a mine `n' th Trans- With the soothing properties ot.shppery elm and lioo- CEMENT FOR SALE.-( AM' W , •. recoyerin'•. slowly. . w g i e T an , `� g Y 4 ricer Your drugRist or from us, Icer in .etaumps Agent for Clinton and district for AT$QFiD. pN-l':_ a house on John. street from , W'•: H.:. Wary.of a Dollar 'Bill Vaal• iuvtiso,Wim QO.,:Limited, egente, uontrea. 4os gels . : STR The revival services at Zion have I Kerr. We wish them prosperity. the National Portland Cement Co., h. ' sc ool stands in the .fore- " been well.attendco so far.. Theyj will On Friday evening of last week a June ,1St -Paid, out .by bank cashier -- - — makers of the best cement in .the g y . front .as he :largest and best continue this week also. . sleigh load number n about thin of to. Irishman. Was . crisp a.ntd clean. . market. This is the only cement ' Miss Ruth Thompson s ent . last ' ,t practical traitning school., in .West= p p. . the. youth and bcauty, U04i Union .June. 2nd -Rested in stock}ng of . used by the corporation of ,,lititon. Sunday'witth Miss Vera Manning, - drove over. to the. comfortable horns ' ' • in tike construction of sidewalks, etci , ern Ontario. We have 'three de- Irishman s wife all day ,.ing. I ' Walker. 21 artnients ' : Miss Guff was the' guest of : Miss of Ari us Brown 4th con. and- spent -Mrs. T. -'R. W p Jessie. 01te on Sunday. last. ( g ' June 3rd - Still in stocking.' C.�ettingM COl23fERCIAL, SHORTHAND a most: enjoyable'evening', the tim0 rather warm, OB�. I , • NI, Schwanz had:' a weed bee ' ;last bein enjoyed in welt selected :: aures . I • TEI LEGRAPHY. g'g . J 1. AC . Wednesday and an oyste> supper at Ju 4th-llahcled ovoi t o inTlkailan.1 PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING AND All departm: , tst are• in char a of and Music. After. . a tasty _lunch had - 4 in rut g the ttight, been served by the ltosteys the .merry ' J:une 5th�Given to baxteutier , by Repairing. -The undersigned s experienced instructors ors -and Allan li'alker of Goderich ; � makes , to do all kinds •►f piano courslbs are, thorough .and practical, fid nest+isiGs licxe. Wonder what's company wended their wap homeward milkman for a glass of beer.. , . prepared iI thank}ng Mr. and Mrs: B owti.iox their June 6th -Remained in cash �ira,r,ci . and organ tuning and repairing, and Our graduates secure good •pori- the reason. - . g Miss Jessie Oke returned. home last ' kind hospitality. all"day. being a mss of practical experience tions. Students are entering. every ctfon. k. Write for our free Catzlo� I• �.r:_: _.... . , f June 7th. -Got ' wet while being' G o�.n !wout '" is able to guarantee aatisfa week. ., 1.week a#ter (visiting a few•. days with transferred. across bar' +o t hanfieur. J '. . Orders ma bo .left at W. S. R_ ague at .once: , . friends in-Goderich. ; 3 $ Tliere. is a lot.of d}rt. uti ine., . ' store.• -Ed. .T. How Ti 'c xv'ces re bet held elgraVe Holmes drug 1 Eva stt se i a , ng ` I • } j , • l June 8th. -Uncomfortable .all da;y in. ard, Clinton. • ..Elliott 4, I�CLaChl�] . . at:7..koiu and ...arc doing.-good.work, Afis. Sproat is visiting' a. sick. rcla- �� tch o ket.. 0 . PRINCIPALS Rev. Mr...B•augh has charge, Ltive %n ;Seafprth. ' t a p 4 1 . Won. it`s . , visited las sister ,.in ..Jule 9tli--Uvea tit n :11it,r:aite' !ay' - - W.. * ou Cliauliettr in,ehart in `a lar er bill•, of Busines.s. . _`' - t Sund g. g g . . . ` s . .. urnb x y 1. . . T ex y la a . �t/1Cldl1 Win: Wray spent Sunday last �tvi -b,� . NEW June 10th. -Rolled up among other jaR� �►T.�.fr�'{_�� �Dr' Chambers of Tiverton glees -backs of larger denominations. j . The first meeting of this year's] .Norman Brandon' of tit. '-Tarp's June `11th.-Given.to waiter .as ,tip. i . RAIN DEALERS Great in. Reputatioi), Results, ;•1n. council was held on, the. 11th inst.,i.ettended his aunt's Iuteral last week..Millionaiie did,;'.t seem to consider ' OF GR .. . . . AIN _ __ -_ fluence and . , Thoroughness l New is with all in present, The de- ____ Miss Tiamflton has returned to her me. of much value, SAL � the time to enter the popular , rations .of gixalificatigri and •officelhome in Carlow, after visiting '.her tiJune'12th:-Turned over to waiter's . . :- The undersigned have secured the were subscribed to, after which the brother, Dr. Hamilton: wife. . warehouse formerly occupied i by : ELLIOT,T 'following business was transacted. Nurse. McKnight -of St, .:'1'ary's. 'and June '13th.-Hainded to jeweler. with'. • Mr.. W. G. Perrin and arcs on . the 'Officers appointed -Clerk, F. Hes$ Nurse Code of Blyth visited. lust.week a lot, of other bulls ''by waiter's wife i market for all kinds of ,grain for d- • ., Sr. salary 5'150 ; Treasurer, T. John., kith Miss Porterfield of .lfarnock, : for- a magnificent diamond, i which they will pap the highest son, salary $115 ;. assessor, H. Llppy What m}Blit ;have' been serious,. lisp- . June 14th. -Another dreary. d.tiy : in possible price. �'JO$ONTO, ONT.• hardt solar $8d co}lectgr, John H.I g g• We are . putting our Ready-to-wear Suits . 4 y . , spend .onie evening last Week...4, large a hot little compartment (J the' h Y for - profitable employ- Schnell, salary $,75 auditors, Jacobi load of over twenty gentlemen and jeweler's large. -iron vault. . pt N and,. prepare p • BRAN, CO � A,`t� ter•. readily obtain Haberer and' Henry. Neel,, salary $6 ladies from . Morris were driving to .'June 15th. -Paid over in change to I. down to the lowest notch, and lt-wlll pa you to • _ menta Our .Brioni y . cod posit}ons. Our . Handsome 'data- each ; caretaker of hall, Elizabeth John Shoelf;,�tttoin's to spelid a social ' young. man who bought: pretty sol}- i y. Y SHORTS g to ue is free. Write for one to -day: Goetz, salary. $25. Board, of Health --n evening.. 'When turning uR the taire . ring, . I i g 1- Med}eat Health. officer,. Dr. Jos.. Wil- ravel road,. their horses -took fright June 16th; -Resting. in ..toung- mans buy ahead for spring. _ . We will keep on hand at out Students adtnitted at. any tiTlae.: Co gI warehouse a Supply of bran, Corn the entire year. son ]; sanitary. inspectors, Alex Munn,, and riff ,away; throwing the nhole pocket when thin and scrawny hand • Y lege open. Y East' C. Silber West• ; tnetribexs, load in a heap' in .the ditch'. • Fortun- suddenly . siezed me. Heard former and Shorts. Grain taken In - ex- t + Fir at: FYed,_ Baker, 3., years,. Sr' Spencer, . 2 �- d atel .nolle of them wcr0 seriously in- owner yell, "My pockets have been � regular r r% a 0. S. 1tS OI' tJ•QQ change.: .: W. J: ELLIOTT,.7 T . 1' p j y, . Corner longe -and Alexander streets. years, A. Case 1 year. The allow- jured. picked 1'" - • Men egu a ances: for the members were fixed at The • annual meeting if the Presby-' June' 17th. -Turned over to, greasy. << 10.00 ". - 7:60 . ,'d --" - .. X2 for each. meeting and , the inspect terlan church was held un Tuan- proprietor of grog shop .1 it For & *XcL� tors are to receive 25. cents per hour ,. , . i p day afternoon ,of List w(cit fit t1„y June 18th. Exchanged for plug of. cti 0,(`}0 I �.I.while on duty. ahsgnce of a pastor,. 1:�(,r J, ilfcCal. 'tobacco. i NTER . The council adjouzned to meet on r o;abt'• 14111- June 191th.---Dropped into coutribu-, �t 16,00, i� 12.00 . _ - _ - lam presided must .rccc.T y .. '- SIONWednesday the 3rd da of Fcb., at 2 y Y antes were repoxted'',n gond: shape and tion box of church by owner of toxic-' • p. ES o'clock p. m. the church clear of deb9 '[lie .tatLtte+r. co store. ., order01:1 of calling a pastor was discussed ; aC- June .20th.-^14Ifnistex held me a111 day) I. . bion will;be.taken at a congregational in his Angeis, frequently examined T o a� d Three-piece Su Opens January,.'4th in all depart, . irients of the . CENTRAL BUSI- LETTIrR FROM , A FORTY-1'INER• meeting at an early ' (late, rte, 1, a'vin Closely. I goys W #'! .p ' • Church is ;associated wli}>r J3et t ave. June 21st: -Paid out to farmer by i Coal Nww . its NESS . COLLEGE, . Yonge . and'. . Gerrard Streets, Toronto. Our I3erc is a simple, intCresting and" Bqv. 1VCr. Wisbart at llru,•cu's is the preacher's wife for three pounds of i - - Catalogue, ue explains our ' supe#_ sincere letter from a ruglged pioneer; of Moaeratorl ,$900, is the salary propos? (butter, J Regular +. 4 . ority, . iri Equipment,. Staff, '49, who, braved the dangers and hard-, ad to be paid to w}iorver. the eholec.as , June 22nd: Carried. about twenty, : . e 0 SU 1 �S t'Ol" e l l.er7�. Place your order for your. 112ethods .and Results. You" ships. Of the overland trail to Califor minister may be, stiles over Country road in farmers cc' e7. / 5 a 2.60 supply of coal with the under- are invited to Write for it if nia. It should apeal to all Cataxrb On Sunday last there passed away pocket, Considerably shaken len signed and thus secure the low- Interested In the kind of school victims. ' at he. Home of her brother it; Bast June 23rd.-'J'laced ,in a woolen sock, I. c� tc 'work which brings best success. � Santa- Rosa, Cay., May 5, 1908. Wawanosh, a most highly respected June 24th. -Farmer sewed up end ai► .�"J,40 �'�� est price and prompt delivery. Address W. H. -SHAW, President. Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo., N.Y. lady, Miss,M. J. Brandon, She had sock holding me and. outer niorey and '� 7.60. " b 00 Office opposite Grand Trunk . bear. Sirs :-�-J was afflicted with been ill for about two years, and put it in' an old tin can., ' S p passenger 'station, Telephone catarrh and tried a nuiniter, of remedies yet death came rather suddenly at Julie 25th. -Can buried in f4trtYscr'a cc . 10,00 �� '7.50 . but recei ed no relief. I purchased an last. Deceased was born in • West •cellar.. Cluess he thinks' I am a connection. >tiiwelll�lrwutii -_ � �' . • outfit. of Hyomcf, , and before I had us- Dwillimbury, 68 years ago, and moved "dead one." i -.: _ . _ ` Winter Terni Opens ed the bottle 1 noted' a. marked relief, With ]ter parents to the farm on wbichl June 30th. --Still buried !A Cellar. . • I used it for a month or so, and.she died, in March, 1862, 'Slee was I suppose I will spend -the 'rest of Iainiltot.' - January 4the thought I was cured and stopped us- kind, faithful and devoted, and nursed my life here. -From The, Bohemian Furnish fins t for year orYso. Thought I her father, a brother and sister Magazine for January. o�� P�)]tS �e��� � ��r�X`5i�1>dgS • Ing n y gasgettingcatiirrli again, I izse it threugh their Iasi; illnrss, Ilavin>;W 0 �t'b ... trnined byenr arrangement than any ery morning, and keep myself clear been among the early settlers., she y Clea �,i>t. S a le Pr1►CeSt.. other in ontarlo, Great demand for otic I of Catarrh. I Consider it the best was widely knoWn, and In hose days To CUitE' SNI.PPLING COLDS. [aduatca ii% Susinoss obilege'Ctarhers. . . P' medicine that' is used, I leave tools especial interest in the Tss}on- � .Private, tieerotaritfe of .Amort, Ex. Catarrh comic tib .The easiest and pleasantest cure � I$ nte, Theombtxiimant of the most Tux• often recommended it t0 my friends. ary work of the Methodist Methodist Church,. ` `• ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP• t pert Mod ern 9y stoma known in Ilnal- - t nese S once. Vv a Invite cotnpari%on, I ani 81 years elm, I came to Calitor� l of which she was a consistent mem. "Catarrhozono" rvliich fills the iiosC, PLY NOW. THP,BEST IN Three i apartments. manned by skilled inial in 1840, and of course rim not as her nearly all tier lifC. There now throat and lungs with healing balsams THE MARKET, 47 PER TON, instructors, vigorous as I was 58 years ago. My remain of the family three brothers- and pine essenCes that ;ci,'1 a cold in-' BUT IF ORD9R1;D AND PAID g y' oittmercial Steno rdphy, address is 841 4th Street. Yours'. S. Brandon of Morris, f2ev, 'W. Ji, stand You CXperlelictl a pleasant Ll POR 13EFORE MAY 31st, A DIS- Telegraphy - truly, W. Mock, of ('ort Colborne and J. A. on the sensation of relief at once. Soreness, ' . cO11 cation and Irritation,te leave the Ee COUNT OF 40 CE NTS' A TON ad , also ,two sistois, Mrs. 8 WJLI. DE ALLOWED. 1V#Ail C�ttr%o% in all l3nstnos% College lxyomei (pronounCem high-o�sile) is homestead ' acrd nigh school subject%, ; guaranteed by W. S. 11. 1'-lolmes not nruce of Drayton and Mrs, 'C, Proc- nose and throat, the lteacl is cleared Orders left at Ds tsk & Rtlwli>t 'o only for catarrh, but for grip, roughs, tor, Dclgrave, who all cherish kind and every, tiace of 0014 0r Catarrh _ t tte �, 'CLINTON colds, bronchitis and exaiip. A tom- recollcationa of their departed slater, is cured. Catarrhozotte is so sire, so�''�LI�'•TO�°. will be promo ly a ##eel . BLISI iI�S 0 .+ , g, r . pleto outfit including, lltittaler, costsThefuneral took plane on fiuesd'ay to pleasant, such a safe remedy for win- airily 51.00; extra bottles of 13y0mei,,tbe Brandon eemetet:y, r,crvled being ter ills that you rani afford to do t�BO. SPO'I`'JPON, P41:1torrAn. t tw rds needed cost but '50 conducted b now, G, W. Rivers, a� without it. Sold by all dCaleits, 25t . it a a , wvy S.X 0 '�q'�''OA8a Cotttsl, fluted by go#. 1V. aurw:�ah. and J11.a9, flet Catixrzliazaiie to -flay. . _ .. ... __ - _.. l'" -