HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-01-21, Page 8-ALE
Ha�ains for �'ur�rrth Weeks
t9Qu Yards Flannelette in ends t►f
Ae"airds, off' lose.
b 1200 ;yards fancy Striped li lannelette to [?ell .Satur.„
."day, Mooday and Tuesday, very strong weave, heavy
6.welgbt, 34 to 35 inches wide, fast colors, dark and
,+light,, fancy stripes. All in short longthe of 3 to 10 -
-,,yards. .A, great big table full of thein ready Saturday
grr�orllin; marked at prices for the end that will un-
Aoubtedly save you money.
12%c, for Lawn Instead of 20c
This Lawn A gas. intended for February selling.
It carne in a little ahead of time, just getting•here
this week, so we throw it out on, the counter Satur.
day morning at this bargain sale.
Very fine indialLawn, sheer finish, even weave, extra
strong. Note the 'width. full 4.6 inched; this is 8 to l0 in-
ches wider than the usual width of this material. SnwL
able for waists, dresses, .children's wgar, etc., and worth
easily every cent of 20c, Saturday.morning you can buv 1 A 1
ittit per yatd,...,.,.............................. ...,.. a
�. Priliings t5c 'a'Box
60 boxes Taney Fi illfngs, as widths and petterhs,
three frills, regular Ze, special Saturday morning per pox, .15
Great. Barsans in. Carpet. Salnaples
r 250 Carpet Samples from one. of Ca'nada's'biggest
carpet mll'ls. Just the thing for odd matte, etc. A
splendid range of patterns. ' Two prices.
At 254
150 Sample ends of extra high grade carpet, each end 1 pard
square, These satmples represent patterns that are tirade
in rugs only, and' of some de0gtis there are four or six the
sane, which pined together would made very good rugs,
choice per en , ... ............. . ..26
Brussels Samples 69e.
100 samples Brtjssels Carpet, dozens of high grade patterns,
qualities that sell at°$1,00 to 1.50 per yard: choice of the
samples commencing Saturday each ;.... ........ ....... ,60•
Sample. Doilles Less than Half Price -
SW traveller's samples of pure Linen Doilies, assorted sizes
and patterns. Each has, three or four small holes close to
one edge which ran be easily darned and not be noticeable..
Choice of these 500sainpies commencing Saturday.ai...... .
....:.....,. .,.,...... 3, J5.7 and .00
Which is a .good deal less than their value..
The Mffiingjry. • Musty Go
Miss Morgan 'weft for her h6lica3 s last• week and
and left an "almost empty..' show room behind -her. We `
are going -to empty It cowpletel,'v on Saturday; This is
how we .art) going. to d'o ° it.:. You have never had a
chance to buy millinery at such a price, but.we never .
carry it over one season to allothel.
Trimmed. Hatsi.45 ;
Just or 25. of them left.. Of coarFe ynu•know every one is
this seasoo's style. No use attest ting' to describe -them,
we -will just say they ai a worth at feast doubleAhe price the
ask for'them. Choice commencing S'e,turday each ........ 1.45
'An U ntrlmmied
}l Sha a 25c
Probably 15 or 2O untrimmed ' shapes. Ali good. and'new
this season; We want•to clear, them.. out before Saturday
night, • No matter what their formpr'pt ice, you can take
your ch ofee'cotnmencing Saturday at .Z5
•i? Coats ' at $7.65 ; each
Coats must go .now. If you want one. at.: aIl� this
winter, buy one of these and.save a lot of money, 'Just
17 in this spdciai lot, blacks, blues, browns and:greens.
This season's correct sty. les,. loose or semi fitting •backs,
man tailored 'every one of. them, no: two alike, regular
[12.50 to. $1.7.. Clearing at your. choice 7..65
ChIldtion's Coats at $2.25
10 only, Uhildren's Unats; tweeds and frieze," tiiostly dark
colors, full length. Regular $3.75 to 5.00: clearing Saturday
at each,... ...., .... ...... Z.3s
Ladies Fur Coes $25
Just a or -8 ef.thoul to sell. Astrachan Jackets, plain or with
sable collars and i eveers. or Electric-;', Seal Coate. plain or.
trimmed. Regular values are $35 to $45;• but vFe have' made
lip our minds we are not going to carry one of therm over
so offer you your choice commencing Saturday at.each... "25.00
Every coatjis backed with tour guarantee 'that duality
is first -era: s, and we are'.ready to make goad any-
thing that should go wrong.
A Fur Lined. Cent for $39
Three only, Ptir Lined Coats, shell good qualityblack :,bea-
ver, •black. collar and reveers, sleeves chamois lined', body
of good linin] with a strong serviceable fur. These coats
have got style to therm and 'll ' 1 d'd
wt .give sp en t service, each 39.00
Can You Use a Remain
There will be liundreds to sell commencing Sat-
urday.and every one a. bargain. Every remnant In
the store ba,4 been measured up and you will find all
on the remnant table Saturday morning marked at
prices that will surely sell them. If you can use a
remnant of any hind you will undoubtedly save
�'�loney looking over this table. full. Dont miss it.
Some of the biggest bargains of the season will be
on it. .
Llftbw HiEindkprnhlefs 4 for. 23c..
Ladies pure linen Re[ustitahed Handkerchiefs. imported by
ourselves direct from Ireland, hemetitched narrow hems,
very speciallir, #for..............r..,.r.*..,,,...•,.r..M....
R q
Any Article
Mr. W. tCanlipbell, Goderich, was in
Miss Mary lKcCau Windowat QUART ,
libi✓y of Blyth visit-
friend's in town last week.
mother, Mrs, Carling, "----�--�*-----�--•- Ladies' Astrachan Jackets,
Miss Effie Itathwell, was the guest of
Mrs, Norman Ball of the Base Linel
the forepart of the week. -
Mr, Mowat Chowen returned this
week from a couple of weeks' visit.
with frlends. in Stratford,
Miss Della Walker left on Tuesday
for a few weeks visit with friends
in Stratford, Harriston and Gorrie,;
Mr. J. H. O'Neil left last. week, for
.Stratford where he has secured a
position of reporter for the Strat-
ford Deacon;
Mr, and Mrs. T. R. Jowett of Bay-
Aeld and Mr,.- Fred. Tomlinson of
Brucefi'eld were among. those in town
Mrs. Hodson, who -has been vis+Aing,
her parents, Mr. and ;Vies. ,i , rola-
haffy of. town, returner t;i her
home In the. West on Mon'l.ty,
Rev. C. R, Gunne gave an• address 'to
the A. X. P. A„ Wingham, on Mon.
day evening, his subject being,
'`•Lefthandness'and the Left Hand,"
Mt.. W. Jackson a$president of -the
Canadian . Ticket Sellers' Assocla-
tion was in Toronto this week at-
` tending a meeting of the executive,
Messrs. H. Davis, W, McRae, C,
• Twitchell, J. Mackenzie and D,
Crawford accoritpanied the hockey
team Stratford on Tuesday evcn�
Mr. Dan. orris of Boissevain, ^ Man,,,
and Mrs, W. King -of the state, 'of.
Washington, formerly -oi .Blyth were
guests of Mr., James Stevens this
Mr. Frank. Walker, who has,. been, for
some months on the staff of the
Stratford Herald, is now visit+"ng
at his home, Mr. and' Mrs, Robert
Mr.. John Crooks left:. on Monday for
a. . three -months' : ,business trip
tihrough•, thq West in the interests, of
h+ior'xish & .Crooks, Huron's lead"
Mrs: C. E.. Dowding; Mrs: Ci D. Me.
Taggart, . Mrs' J. Fair 'and*. • Mrs:
W. •Bryd'bpe attended a -party given
by Miss , Killoran of Seaforth on
Monday evening.
Mr and Mrs. Jos. Ro1binson and
Master Curtis, London;- have been
guests At the residence of Sergeant
Welsh,. town, kand with Mr. and
Xrs. Alex, Welsh,' Bayfield• Liiie.
Mrs: W. King, 'Mr. R.� Mutcli; keeper
.'ot 1he House • of Reing-; end': 3.Ir.
Pied. Mutcli were hi Auburn , on.
Monday, attending' 'the funeral of
their mother,, the ,late Mrs. R.
Mutch Sr.'
Mr.. and Mrs.. L.. W.. Lavis and family,
left yesterday morningi.Vor Ostia 4'
where, they intend' in future to - re
side'.`. Miss Ross Lavis accompanied
thein and will remain there for. a
few weeks.
Mr. G. W. Sheeley, late superinten
dent of the Clinton rKnitting Com-;
., pang, has accepted' an'; eagageriieAt•
with a 'knitting company: in King-
ston. Mrs., Sheeley .will remain,herel.
for the present.
H. B. Combe and family .are
visiting this week in Mitchell and
Stratford an+d thence go • to .Kansas
City and St. Jo, State of Kansas,
where they will, spend the remain-
emainder of the winter.
Among recent studentd at the Bus.
iness r College are ' • Misses Macpher-
-son, •Kennedy, and F. ,Holland and+P;,
Izzard and W. Townsend, town
Gordon Siiiis; Blyth, and. Mr.
Hill from Taber, Alberta.
Mr. and -Mrs. Marry Armstrong mov=
W.: Do FAIR co. -
O tea •Cheapest —Always the Best
. N
I have sold my bus-
iness to Mr,, A , McKeon
Who gets possession about:
the first of March but it
is part of the agreement
that I reduce my stock
more than half before the
transf6r'so I am offering.
Harness, Blankets, Robes,
Suit Cases, Trunks, Etc.,
at greatly redu;3ed prices.;
This mill' .afford those
who desire any of these
-articles to save money on
the regular prices,
The stock Lis complete.
It 'Will pay you to call.
All accounts rendered.
must be settled at once.
Albert McBrien,
Joseph 'street. Soft • and hard ;water
in the house, cement cellar, . Kelso.
furnace, electric. light, good lawn
acre, cement walk • around house;
Part cash, balance at 5 per cent,
Just the place for a retired' farmer.
Apply. Pax 174,• Clinton P. O; 5'
Marcel Waving, Massage; Manicur-
ing. Hours of attendanco Fridays
and Saturdays; p a, tri. flirt° 9, p: i4i.:
Mrs. A, 'Cole 70 'Huron street,
License .District of West` Huron._
Notice is, hereby given. that A'. L.
Strome,, of the town of Clinton has
made application to transfer the lic-
ense for the premises in the town of
Clinton, known as, the Normandie
Hotel, to S. S. Cooper also, of the
town, of, -Clinton,: and that said ap-
plication will, be considered, at a
meeting of the Board of License
Co>nmissioners t0 be held. in, Clin_
..ton at 1.30 p, in, on. Thursday, the
'28th day of; January, 1909. [All pert'
sons, interested will govern thenisel=
ves accordingly, -:-A. Asquith; Lie-'
ense Inspector, Auburn. Dated Sat- .
urday, January 9:th, 1909.
Children's Bearskin Coats,
Ladies' Winter Coats,
Men's Coon and Fur. Coats,'
Fu>ir Ruffs, Muffs and Stoles,
Men's Winter Overcoats, Etc,
Wool Blankets, Rugs, Etc.., Etce
• !0 (,tapirs 2t' '
s87;„�Jga DO
, o Want'..,
iUrSeA...a.:t, 1S shF
LOCKErs This is :Your Opportunity
1 One set (ruff and muff) of immitation stone martin
beautiful thick glossy fur, muff is large pillow shape,
ruff' is fiirred ori both sides, trimmed with six tails,, 1 Q r.O
Miss uina McCourt left for 'r•iruatd
this week' whary she n.Vs secured
splendid value at $20, Saturday the two.............
Mrs. Galloway of Ingersoll has beer[
visit aig her sister, Mrs. Kenneth;
strong will. spend a Couple of weeks
at her home.in Ba field before
Y go-
cords of, pod Ma le wood
g. p , 22. inch-
es long, delivered ' at Public school,
ing to Goderich.
Councillor Clark, Hullett, was in
.Miss Emma Colclough attended the
One set Columbia,'Sable, large pillow muff, fto'inch
funeral of her cousin in 4oderich
Nlak.e, Good Presents and
doubtrequi' s K dark with- largge tails.
ail .price $25, ae or anyone Q.� Q
on Tuesday.
dition furnishes the travelling p%lrlic,.
with gooYl square meals, there being
will be received by the Council , of
Dr, and Mrs. Campbell of Zurich vise
no hotel in the village. He does
riot do this as a business :but mere-
ited'Mr, and Mrs, J, B. Hoover one
_ —
your choice of two styles in stoles,
les, heavy satin lined,
trirnn,ed. with tails. Regular price $23, the set for... 18.00
1y, as. an aceommodati4n•:and it. -is
appreciated by those who are •caught
day this. week.
One'Gerinan Mink muff and fancy" stole, made
Mrs. C. Barber and son, Jack, of,
at mid -da yin that section.
2? 'inches thiels, .to be delivered on
Toronto are at present visiting her
Mr. W. A. Suddaby of. 'i'nnsnto; re-
mother, Mrs, Carling, "----�--�*-----�--•- Ladies' Astrachan Jackets,
Miss Effie Itathwell, was the guest of
Mrs, Norman Ball of the Base Linel
the forepart of the week. -
Mr, Mowat Chowen returned this
week from a couple of weeks' visit.
with frlends. in Stratford,
Miss Della Walker left on Tuesday
for a few weeks visit with friends
in Stratford, Harriston and Gorrie,;
Mr. J. H. O'Neil left last. week, for
.Stratford where he has secured a
position of reporter for the Strat-
ford Deacon;
Mr, and Mrs. T. R. Jowett of Bay-
Aeld and Mr,.- Fred. Tomlinson of
Brucefi'eld were among. those in town
Mrs. Hodson, who -has been vis+Aing,
her parents, Mr. and ;Vies. ,i , rola-
haffy of. town, returner t;i her
home In the. West on Mon'l.ty,
Rev. C. R, Gunne gave an• address 'to
the A. X. P. A„ Wingham, on Mon.
day evening, his subject being,
'`•Lefthandness'and the Left Hand,"
Mt.. W. Jackson a$president of -the
Canadian . Ticket Sellers' Assocla-
tion was in Toronto this week at-
` tending a meeting of the executive,
Messrs. H. Davis, W, McRae, C,
• Twitchell, J. Mackenzie and D,
Crawford accoritpanied the hockey
team Stratford on Tuesday evcn�
Mr. Dan. orris of Boissevain, ^ Man,,,
and Mrs, W. King -of the state, 'of.
Washington, formerly -oi .Blyth were
guests of Mr., James Stevens this
Mr. Frank. Walker, who has,. been, for
some months on the staff of the
Stratford Herald, is now visit+"ng
at his home, Mr. and' Mrs, Robert
Mr.. John Crooks left:. on Monday for
a. . three -months' : ,business trip
tihrough•, thq West in the interests, of
h+ior'xish & .Crooks, Huron's lead"
Mrs: C. E.. Dowding; Mrs: Ci D. Me.
Taggart, . Mrs' J. Fair 'and*. • Mrs:
W. •Bryd'bpe attended a -party given
by Miss , Killoran of Seaforth on
Monday evening.
Mr and Mrs. Jos. Ro1binson and
Master Curtis, London;- have been
guests At the residence of Sergeant
Welsh,. town, kand with Mr. and
Xrs. Alex, Welsh,' Bayfield• Liiie.
Mrs: W. King, 'Mr. R.� Mutcli; keeper
.'ot 1he House • of Reing-; end': 3.Ir.
Pied. Mutcli were hi Auburn , on.
Monday, attending' 'the funeral of
their mother,, the ,late Mrs. R.
Mutch Sr.'
Mr.. and Mrs.. L.. W.. Lavis and family,
left yesterday morningi.Vor Ostia 4'
where, they intend' in future to - re
side'.`. Miss Ross Lavis accompanied
thein and will remain there for. a
few weeks.
Mr. G. W. Sheeley, late superinten
dent of the Clinton rKnitting Com-;
., pang, has accepted' an'; eagageriieAt•
with a 'knitting company: in King-
ston. Mrs., Sheeley .will remain,herel.
for the present.
H. B. Combe and family .are
visiting this week in Mitchell and
Stratford an+d thence go • to .Kansas
City and St. Jo, State of Kansas,
where they will, spend the remain-
emainder of the winter.
Among recent studentd at the Bus.
iness r College are ' • Misses Macpher-
-son, •Kennedy, and F. ,Holland and+P;,
Izzard and W. Townsend, town
Gordon Siiiis; Blyth, and. Mr.
Hill from Taber, Alberta.
Mr. and -Mrs. Marry Armstrong mov=
W.: Do FAIR co. -
O tea •Cheapest —Always the Best
. N
I have sold my bus-
iness to Mr,, A , McKeon
Who gets possession about:
the first of March but it
is part of the agreement
that I reduce my stock
more than half before the
transf6r'so I am offering.
Harness, Blankets, Robes,
Suit Cases, Trunks, Etc.,
at greatly redu;3ed prices.;
This mill' .afford those
who desire any of these
-articles to save money on
the regular prices,
The stock Lis complete.
It 'Will pay you to call.
All accounts rendered.
must be settled at once.
Albert McBrien,
Joseph 'street. Soft • and hard ;water
in the house, cement cellar, . Kelso.
furnace, electric. light, good lawn
acre, cement walk • around house;
Part cash, balance at 5 per cent,
Just the place for a retired' farmer.
Apply. Pax 174,• Clinton P. O; 5'
Marcel Waving, Massage; Manicur-
ing. Hours of attendanco Fridays
and Saturdays; p a, tri. flirt° 9, p: i4i.:
Mrs. A, 'Cole 70 'Huron street,
License .District of West` Huron._
Notice is, hereby given. that A'. L.
Strome,, of the town of Clinton has
made application to transfer the lic-
ense for the premises in the town of
Clinton, known as, the Normandie
Hotel, to S. S. Cooper also, of the
town, of, -Clinton,: and that said ap-
plication will, be considered, at a
meeting of the Board of License
Co>nmissioners t0 be held. in, Clin_
..ton at 1.30 p, in, on. Thursday, the
'28th day of; January, 1909. [All pert'
sons, interested will govern thenisel=
ves accordingly, -:-A. Asquith; Lie-'
ense Inspector, Auburn. Dated Sat- .
urday, January 9:th, 1909.
Children's Bearskin Coats,
Ladies' Winter Coats,
Men's Coon and Fur. Coats,'
Fu>ir Ruffs, Muffs and Stoles,
Men's Winter Overcoats, Etc,
Wool Blankets, Rugs, Etc.., Etce
• !0 (,tapirs 2t' '
s87;„�Jga DO
, o Want'..,
iUrSeA...a.:t, 1S shF
LOCKErs This is :Your Opportunity
1 One set (ruff and muff) of immitation stone martin
beautiful thick glossy fur, muff is large pillow shape,
ruff' is fiirred ori both sides, trimmed with six tails,, 1 Q r.O
Alp, a clals of the, town nd other ainder will come in during the wait, and our prices
friends' fa the iiidness poking months of February, March and areright,
after th of hvmseif and:tamily April, 4 steers rising 2 years, 1
during t laws, Durham bull call, thorobred, 10
The to Ike band have bought inaoths, 2 geldings rising 5 years, stat' d opposite Pogtoffice
another new sl a tzornbone and have 1 gelding rising 4 years, 1 gelding
decided to add a new bass horst in a rising 3 years. Sale at 1 o'clock.
few days. They are practising. two 'terms a. 8 months' credit on Turn»
nights a week and; give promise of ishing approved' joint aotes bearing
:being"in good shape -for the coining 6,per•0bAt. W- 11. Lobb, proprletork � W���s 0 Son
''. Gl'undry, aitctioncer, •
ed E.O. h on M
Goderlconday where
Mr, Armstrong has been.. working
splendid value at $20, Saturday the two.............
for some time past. ,,iVlrs. Arm-
be received tip 'to Jan. 31st for 3Q
Oneset.Itiverl4link.'imade.fronilargenaturalskins. .
strong will. spend a Couple of weeks
at her home.in Ba field before
Y go-
cords of, pod Ma le wood
g. p , 22. inch-
es long, delivered ' at Public school,
made on the bias,'.giving a handsome 'effect, would
easilyseli•for$26, mufi'andthrow complete .......;..14.95
ing to Goderich.
Councillor Clark, Hullett, was in
Clinton,— John . Cunningham ' S.ecre-
One set Columbia,'Sable, large pillow muff, fto'inch
town on : Tuesday. Ile is the only
merchant in Constance and in ltd
Nlak.e, Good Presents and
doubtrequi' s K dark with- largge tails.
ail .price $25, ae or anyone Q.� Q
dition furnishes the travelling p%lrlic,.
with gooYl square meals, there being
will be received by the Council , of
ai� accei ftilbie:
One German Otter set, large muff and stole .nicer
marked brown muff' trimmed with heads and tails
no hotel in the village. He does
riot do this as a business :but mere-
the: Township of Hullett up to Mon-
day, Feb,. 8th,` At 2 p. m. for sup-
_ —
your choice of two styles in stoles,
les, heavy satin lined,
trirnn,ed. with tails. Regular price $23, the set for... 18.00
1y, as. an aceommodati4n•:and it. -is
appreciated by those who are •caught
plying the following quantities of
Rock Elin .plank, 16 feet long and
One'Gerinan Mink muff and fancy" stole, made
at mid -da yin that section.
2? 'inches thiels, .to be delivered on
frow extra choice skies, equal in appearance to $1W
Mr. W. A. Suddaby of. 'i'nnsnto; re-
or before May 18t at the following JEWELER.
Ca.nadin mink. The finest set we have ever shown of `
this kind. Regular $3s; the set•for......,..,.,..,.:.,;.08
presentigg Mr, . Osler Wade, the li-
places ' 11100 feet at, Hugh H. Hill's
gisidator of the Thresher. Company,
1'000 feet at J. 8grr's, 1000 feet ati
has been in town the past week on
It, Clark's 100 . feet at Goo. Car -
Also One.
business in Connection with. the
bext's. The y lowest or any .tender
winding -up of the concern.,,. Mr. Sud.,
not • necessarily. aeeepted. .James '
daby spent a month here last sum-
Campbell, Clerk, Clerk's Office,.
$ 15,00 Sable Ruff for, ,, , , , , ; , ,, , , ,,, ., , , , 810.00
finer and then, as now, be was so
well treated that he didn't ask that
his stay bo shortened. I4e� doesn't
Jan. lgth, 190D. 00-3
1090 Marmot Throw for .., ..'....... ............. •7.90
• 1[3,00(lppossum.Ci.perinefor I1.00
know how long the business in bond
will necessitate his remaining this
Milch Cows and other stock, --Ur.,
....,:....,.;. .�.;.,....,.
15,u6 Astrachan Capering for ....:. ...:...........:... 10,00
W. H. Lobb has instructed the un
dersigned to sell by
Z1.00 Sable Ituff for ...,,................................ 15.00 '
public . auction
at lot 48, Mt. con., GoderWh tp:, on
0.00 German Otter Ruff for... , ........ . .. . ............ 8.00
Little Locals.
Tuesday, Jan. 26th, the following :
Try W. H. Wattsck Spot
7,60 stole for .......................................... 5.00
Mr. D. McLeod wishes through the
30 choice milk cows, chiefly Dur-
gam grades with a feww high grade.
columns ofJTlie News -Record to, thank+
Hotstoins, all of a superior inii'kirnd,
the. people ,of Ont, . ehurch,',also
type, 2 fresh calved *Cows, the reM5
Repairs dolls while you
Alp, a clals of the, town nd other ainder will come in during the wait, and our prices
friends' fa the iiidness poking months of February, March and areright,
after th of hvmseif and:tamily April, 4 steers rising 2 years, 1
during t laws, Durham bull call, thorobred, 10
The to Ike band have bought inaoths, 2 geldings rising 5 years, stat' d opposite Pogtoffice
another new sl a tzornbone and have 1 gelding rising 4 years, 1 gelding
decided to add a new bass horst in a rising 3 years. Sale at 1 o'clock.
few days. They are practising. two 'terms a. 8 months' credit on Turn»
nights a week and; give promise of ishing approved' joint aotes bearing
:being"in good shape -for the coining 6,per•0bAt. W- 11. Lobb, proprletork � W���s 0 Son
''. Gl'undry, aitctioncer, •