HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-01-21, Page 6------%W-- 'k- 'P;-,,- , , T7757� , . I I � . . I � - . I � I I � 4 1 .61 1 . I � � WAnt0A ftwo-quemra , UnuAry lbt, 1909 .----­-­- -0010140010101M �A7 I I , I I I � - - 1 X 4 W'1- "", ­1_:1.X_T_Ao6i#. I 9- I I 1 11 M . III , y , , . . . I. I _���;�;��- I-.--- . ­ ­ , " ­ -1. --- _ . I X " ____� ___ I . .1 1. � - ____ I I I - ...­_­ .... ­ - IM _*_;W��, �=r .1, 1. 11 . I A POV 0 C'7 F--..-THERS. CANNI140 OF $ALVOK WHAT THE KIDN,EYS Do.. : I . t I .. � I * I � , it to, Roally 1�.Znvls_ r Th*n a Pound: The 11414thool Usoill In the V;X CoW . � ,, M, What Booth's Kidney Vitls 00, axe I PICKPOONCEIS UP UUMX40*4 vegotoplo Stons$. "Tbor# are vegetable jjtozw,�, ea'd .1 I I . � of L*Ad. I Fish C�"nlnj Industry. . log For Clinton, Out. people. , M41(f a, Orvat Deal of Trouble, For A 1001008t. "Woniw, that i,3, that grow in voge4bles. I � �11 I L � , The favorite question with the'. ikebioQ1 ownwitteemen Of Odea, time The Alaska Packera'Aspoolativa has issued an interesting work on salmon, .- All Ule blood'in tAle body passes Unsuspecting Travelers. "The American who travels in "Here is a tabashoer. It is founil in the Joint& of certain kinda of baln. I N,JAotqeax pers4na were iri$ureii in a' rail,�O, Accident %,eat T,ke was, we are told, "Which is t1lo � I which will go a long W ex- towardpro- . thro4gh the Kidneys overy three min- Europe and does not keep the- clowiit- , boo. It is SJW*ys round. and brown, . L � heavier, a pound of feathers or a Plaining to the uninitiga ed the yj uter,. watch on his valuabIcs i3 almost sure 1*0 this, Hers is the cocoanut stone. , I I - Pound of lead?" The first rash an. cc$$ And methods employed in tile The kibeys filter the blood. to be relieved '91 his personal belong- You find it in the endosperm of the 1.� ewer almost always used to be "A pound of lead." Then, of co6se, great industry oil ,the coast. . ' One of the most interesting ,ch n They Work litght and day to daily ramove, About 000 grains of Impute jiygos bby PickPOckets," said 4 man as Just finished atwo Year tour . -T4vAnQ,s0 0004111it. Round or pear ; sltspe4, it has always this nlilk white . I 1 I I .... I . from the older. pupils, would come ttke reply, ','Bolh alike." lains th� , MOT od. of preparing saliluou for market. matter. It they fail some part 0 this Impute Is left of the world. .. .1 "The light fingered gentry ,are no L hurter. like 4,PaArl. The smaller t ._ ;done, with its pearly I at .r is little ! U 0 a I 1. , I , � I . �, I , , I , . 11 It tnis question was ask ,-d to4ay the old time uorist Might receive 4 For the informat! pon. of thousand$ who . are not aware of the process, the matter in the blood, bringing on pain in the back, , tive. everywhere from London to Cairo. but I will give the p4lm for boldness tarnishod', is found in the pornegran. I 0#,e. It Is pure oarbonat3 of I' .. , # . . I I . 2 & doo itled I io 8 ... 11se, or the pound of fo4owing Is repr!nW- .. . I headache, d,Z L ziness, irregular bee art, and dexterity to the professionals ini,� I of These stories are formed from ssilhM- ' I .. '' loatherst eq5d,e4sily be proVed to be Salmou for conning purposes ,are , hot, dry skin, rheumatism, gravel, Italy, whore the plunder of pockets Otis and calioareous, juices ciroulatill(l, . . I . . - I 1, .. I - I theheavlor. Asim o 4axperiment ,;o .not caught by book and line, but in dropsy, deposits, in, .the uri*,. i3oothl,sl has been reduced to a :One art. I . in the Plant Organism, 'Yliey are file 1311 C.. I . L 0 ..... � . ... I . - ..", '', i., I � 11 . I , . r . .With any acenrate scales weigh out . , .,111 nelts V I 41-sehies or traps, and AM Immec, A y after catching brought Kidney Pills make. the filtering * 17, 1 And overcome Kidney trouble, attut ,in a c4refut. a . man and. did not, rie to read the constant warninks against w. I result Of a. diseased condition, Man himself, ybu know, occasionally puts forth I 1, I .11 I I -I ,.... ......", ....... , ..." ..� . iR pound of lead� using ordius, .ry shot to the canneries In boats, scows or - reds of Haron County residents $ hav-0 ____ ____ -_ pid.kpo4ets, and yet in thpi great stony growths, and they must 'be � � for convenience. Pour the shot into steamers. ii From these vessels the found tbla Floza of Venice I was xobbed of my removed or the human stone grow. I N,JAotqeax pers4na were iri$ureii in a' rail,�O, Accident %,eat T,ke '0114 Of the V:ns of a balAn � .m For ,the feathers light muslin bag will sm1mou are raised by elevators to tile, Ash dock. and given 4 thorough ex. out. Mrs- J. CODIC, of Joseph St., 0114-; e tter of credit for $10,00. There was art enormous crowd that had , or des in excruoia , .ting pain." . I _Guelph, I -ov , L n a train turned pAssepter coach ,o L :� be needed, and care must be takett that feathers and bag together do not ternal washing. In modom canneries they aro then . t.04, Out. says, , "After Suf1cring With a Severe at_ , . , turned out to hear -the bai4 pl* the day Lbeing Stinday, and I was V, �.- - - .1 - Ths Human Fineor Dow q. I er On its side,it.ud w4s dragged algilig, . Al I di:ptaace , iso Xr. George I weigh more than -- a. pound, When butcher4d and. cleaned b xitachinery W M, I tack of J4 Grippe, I my back was sc . jostled two or three times. by a huge . "I'm fond of the table d1wtej,11, , me ,. Dill , . for the bag 'of feathers I$ Put into the � , and after being critkoany exam! tender and weak tbati I could ocarcaly - black raustache, follow with a big said the Uble d'hot,eL fiend, "but they I of .fttoa 1A the only, passenger whose . . I " ji�iiqileo Are dangerollis. other p4n of ,t e b he balance th , eam, wm%. after a few Oscillations, come to aaa into brine tank* for final c,leana, lil - text got around. A conti4ilal dull, W"Ing Flual L s doing . ly, seeing that he wa Purposely,, I lost my temper and ad- it are rnining the manners of the Poo. . - . ple. The Other night I saw the pr.,.t. �. . ., . . . I . I Tost exactly lov el. , I * So far the "both they, pass into dripping tankso where all Use wa I ter is thoroughly down pain bad settled ifi tho regioAo,f I the kidneys L alld exte][11104 Around my drex4ec, 'a hot remark to him, . iihteh At he exclaimed, 'Pordon, mort. tient girl at a table across from, wo, I Tb� 14 w, was given to tlille . ains. car I I in ry� Aprtly ' boNre 6 o'clock i y"ter", verdict 411)[10" seems to be ,.proved. But . place .tho I I . draiiie4 off. From them the fish, , I . . 014M My head would ache iponstain . . tly , sieur,', L 4rQppe4 his umbrella at my no pretty I could hardly keep rity I . eyes off her. Shtp was dres.so'd. in . ( d . 'ay ',after400u, . I,- WUnce on, the receiver 91 an Air pump, with load and feathers nudi$- by endless obain carriersi, Ore , con- velyed to the on aehines,`*here , . Ulu I In, and tl,6r'e was,often 'A 41ZZLY I*IngL and spots appearing be eyes. for* My feet. and in stooping to get it msn� Aged In some wqy to pt my lettorof white, with a big whi I L I Ate hat cOvered I � wilh a white veil, and had love4 blue - . . I . I . ­ � I '' - � , I ­tIO-L. "r - ­ 1� . ­ ,- I I I � L turbed. Cover the whole with the glass bell jar and exhaust the air. c 01T U- a number of rapid y-ravolving i lar knives 4ivide the .salmon into I felt lausuld and, poorly In ;uy .9012'er- ali and I kue , ciedit,.althQugh it was in at inside pocket. It caused me a lot of troul � I eyes, and whola she had a ished eat. I . t . . W ' I ng her pear she licked every finger , . . ... , . . ,­;�; _'. , ".... � �1 o . I I- _01. 11, . . , �.�, L..;_- ­ L, , . . L '.� _.. Slowlythe feathers sink, and the . lead kicks the beam. The, pound tA pieces tho length of a can , - . For pound,'or half -pound tat. or . L ,health although w my siftess bad weakened and - dl�orderod L ' ble, the sending of many efiblegrams and some money, but I managed to sh . e had o , a both hands." . . I :1 I __ . , I I feathers is heavier than the pound oval.conit, the salmon is then pa*od the kidneys, I could not find-AnYthilt . 9 have the payment stopped, and the . . I I . 1. . . 0� � - .. ." I of lead. b band,.as no'proiotiosil machine for fillin these de- to beneAt ville, I learned of . Bo�t�ls thief proOted nothing. 141n. . I 1. . ... i. - I I 11 . I - . . , . . . ., I ' . ' ' , I The truth is that wbAt we call a I �Qund was not such in fact, for the . cans has yet ,,been . . v10 . . L Kidney Pills through an ggirvoritioera it _ en and procuring'a box at Mr. Holmes' Rome on last bristruss day , 0, wont out for a ride in the suburbij I , Repeat it :-"Slilloh's Cure will 41-' . . � . � ': � L I .11, . ­_ I . . . ittruosphere, buoys up overythiri$r . . _ Over 80 per cent. of all salmon I : I -A 11 --bines in 4he bigh al iv. Pharmacy I commenced .treAtiuent. to see some rare paintings in an old ways cure my couSbe and colds." . OP9. Ion chumh, wisliting w sale the country, I . � . I 'hed . within it, -in pr rt to the rAwk Of I,- 01 ­! I I time r took a.street car that was densely ... . _­ - I . ­ � _Vstab�is 1$79 . the object, and the feathers, being .Preforred tall cans. , L .t. was, a comparatively short � . L . � I -, __ .0 ,0,�A.�AW. of .n4� 11 7t; 41, 4u 1.� 11 . . For tall cans the salmon are led when I had been , relieved of the necked The nir urna retty, orlan � I .�- I �, . 11 � ,ta n ne uu" grains, ' . - . . 4.5. .. � I . sometimes . a , lucrative one, - but at . � _.... 1. I � . I . � .: . 1. � . I ar' "' I . I . I I . . . W100-10 .. -1. - .... I _-1 I I ___.. ... .. ­­­_ - I . .1 .. . . .. ... .- � - I . . 0 . I . PQuno co' 0 I 'O"t, y "' Of course, I I . - of the cockroach -catcher or "beetler," . . - I 1. . I �,i�in ' the pouu I ,ers ' . I . . . . . r. . . I 7 . I 1 240 stil, heavier than the. i I al� . I I � - .. . . � . . I . . _ Pound Repeat it :- 'Shiloh's Cure will , as he styles himself, is said to be - - - . . . I . � . I . I .i JZ61y , . � . . --- �_ . . -ve, - I - � . , I . . � I I I still more ,-Iucrati if somewhat I � . I I . . I . . nd colds." ,� I . � I I . . Oudo,us Sdhbol Customs. ., . .. I 1. 1. . I .� 11 .. . . Ct.%red 'of a.Severe Attack of Bron- Whited. ' . . . . I = I I . , * . I ' . I I --- I . . For the raodest sum, of half a crown . . � . . . . . Mexican school 1hasters iho�v the '.. . Edison at Murnorist. I- . . . . . . . . chitis by Chamberlain's I , eff I orts in . A great' � . . ; I Cough,Reuedy.� , '. * . the beetler will undertake; to % clear . . 4 . L,pprboiatiorli -of I a pub.ills . , . ir Tbo� Ameriea,u invontoi, T. Ai- - . Gil CY HAT COMING 1N. . I I ..; . . . . . � the .most. infested kitchen of cook- ,W.E'W-ANT TO HAND YOU OUR . .1 ouriOus mhnn I er. The diligent student , Edison, who is: at work perfecting A . I ... ". .. .. I '. . : I "on Octobeir ' lkh last, my litt, I . roachais'In'an houi or iwo�- All he o I - INTERES . TING .' 1� I I . " is- slowed' to -smoke A cigar during motol� powerful but small enough to. P as Flurry e . I . . . ,rince's .Headg*ar Caoe , I ' ed isthO the kitchen be Riven, � . I .. . . � � . . . . yea,r Old daughter 'Contracted' a requir . - .. I . I . I - the whole cliss bring the aetol M04SAr- Among Fashionable - Dresseis, - . p to him entirely L f or a couple of ' the lesson'. When )la:ue within a , tifii:6 I has given satisfaction, permission .10 'able distance. -of success,". is partly - L . . . . - one way ' Tall . hats of a. grey'�hue, grey.* top- ; severe cold which resulted in hours, after dark, 'and when' he leaves F R EE ' - BRO OX � CA I . I givelzi for �a general. smoke, ..and bven deaf in his right ear. In . case of bkorchitis," says Mr � s. W. G. . I L I � ­ . I . . ' . . . I . I . . --- .. I ... I . I . this �an advantvrgal;'ai it enables him 'Lexington,, Ky. - "She lost � r main. . . . . the little. Mexicans are allowed 6 pars, drab shells, or, il'there be any G. . he guarantees that not,abeetle shall . .. ; � 4 , . a . other name prince. of_ lbson, I . I . . light 01- cigarette,� for the - occasion. � to. -pursue his work undisturbed while by which the . , e His method -is a simple one. He, .fying Y.o � 611 Idir a ' '. . Xeedlo'o� W say, the schoolmaster surrounded by all Wales'. headgejw; ')is shown it Que, ,the powe , About Quall urs . . � r Of speech' Completely and I I . . 1, . . % . . . I " . . . the no'se of a busy bec, 'can' be desii,rnated,,: let,.it. 14e was I.:very.sick ' child, Fortunately mixes'a dertaiiI, potent. drug dear to ; Isuccessful Careei. . . . himselVilpokes-d-digar of a size and �sbop.-When offered an -infallible cure - ' � . . � . �, I# I � �L .1 . . .. I . kuown.that- the. article Is reviving !it' we -alad a:,bo'ttle' - of.Ohambeil;laiuls the palate of the cbckroach;-'and adds. . . � . . I'� . � . , . qViality flopartionate ,to his superior , .for his deafness, lid once. remarked, ' ' - of ru'm to 'th' mixture � then,' I.i I I . : I , il ' ' " Singland; that Phila- .a pint e . Pozition P But the schollLr4- are not Vhy� should I try it? Think of the. � popt arity, mL . i Cough Remedy. in ihe hoit 6 anil .gave. ' � To "ra the folly. of entering . bumitleft . . . , . . lot of. stuff Vd. I have to- listen to that. �delphla h"'caugfit on'. slow sis. h6i it. to her ,- . s - he. pourn, the decoction into shallow . , 33 a' . . - . . Mlowed. to4 drink, this ptivilege -being. I reimtation * 19, diid, tbat Tor ' I . aecording to the printed basins . and deposits -them in thb dark file" �0&ut a !,hpilloo I aucaifon­_aw. I . � . ` . . I � . . . . . i accoirded. to thei-maitei.on on 'his - I "don't want , ta. hear!" - On another . onto '"4 directions. On .the second . da d... , reftcl Guir rreo catalogt�e. . . - � ly. p,)itg adinit that there., in a fashion- . . 11 Y sbe, corner's. of the .room.. He retires an . . I . . . . . desk -he always keeps a- bottle -of. occasion a jvoilld-mbe wi�t said Ju, or- - � . , . , ' able .spasm in this direct -ion But it ,,was.a.great deal better, and on , the wai�ta� for ten minutes, and �vhea he � ' Why,d9alr6ble to securs'thts *%usfi4sa sduca4 . . . . . I 't . - Id tones ' .. 'fifth day, October 23rd,'she was cp,� , revisits thobasini; hi ffivariabIl f . inds Moo" at rorest.alty au* va.uqi�­ - . . I . liquor, which, when.eing y. occasion$, . I= f I guess be'd'bestr it .. only a� sijasin-, and ev(ln�ih- expert.% . I . . road 06talo . . *as I . . . . . : -much . dispute among � t e ­iIiinli.- The 18 .them full of struggling beetles'in an why the is rastassuls1ouses, Pro(" - - parents of him to have a- . won't admit that.it -is iiot,a rni,;guided , titely well of - her'co! d and. 'brohellitis, tie, I .. . � . -� his 80b.01ATS, .an - it' 48 -considered,. an inventor looked the young man who I ­ . 1. .. I ­ . I . . ' Jr. e. B je 1&4�i 0 . I . I . ,. , honor, to be able to'. fill I the - school- , itpoke .squarely. 'In the eye. "Y . one. I 1. . I . which ',,I. attribute ' 'to this splendid a4vanded state of intoxicaftoh� The. This IF ,sduates�road Csial000. � A. .. � - . . . I I . I . . Ut elil' There u -d racelk,ine. - I 4 recommend Clia - strong smell' of the, ru. ' combined Z DOOR explains in detail 40 , of . - . . se to b� a rio�cicl-d fashion . . .in, MZommo I Shorlh,,,&C ypa *,pt I mastior's bottle. �, - ' . -- ,. perhaps I should," he said; "b .. mberlabils' I ... glial. 08 . I . 1. h' F . tT no. . I . with their favorite' drug,-- palno .. h�r 4Av . I it . trates ..I 411F, . C, . . : . 11.1 . �, . �: 'k ' !" I r iri tall 0-roy'llats. bnt f`iey. have been Cough Relned uhreseivedly .its I have. to the, . - . . Instruotion am ouparlorl Shown value of - .. 4 . ., � not to -day, ,than, you , - - . . I . I T . _ .. 6 0114, I . . I . ..� : - J I � .1 .. . I very little.'in d6inand for seven years ' uttermost. cornerg of the floor- Business Educators' AsA I . . . I I . . . . . ... . . . . I . I . '. . I . � � . . I . . � or - more, They.' -axe Always - ' keipt in ,found it 'the surest, saest and quick- lug and entice� the orring.vermin to soolation's Diploma'. � . I - . . . 01*111,41, 1 . ... �, . . .1 Came Neat Choking to D&ath, - . . . Catt!e Undergricle. . §tock in the best hat stores', but tke. est cure.for. colds, both for children tQr undoirig, Thdy feast on 'the usdldrs.a.n.LYZ�.r. am. . I . �� . k I . � � . I .. � dr - are unable . logue . . . .. 14 speeml . .� . 110 . - � I d. I I The. live stock trittles report states demand .has almost.' died out, and, adults, of any I -have ever -Used." ,ougged'spifits. till'they I . . I . I ., Opesdiou , . e . A"little boy, the son -Of Chris.. D P -t -sovie incroast, is- notca I .. .. rdil rouh you. I 1. . . . I and � . . 1. ., , "I should' jvAgo -by the Friglish For sale by all Druggists. I walk, straight, and at intervals of Promptly. � .. . �� . I , . ' I � . .. . . tt Peterson, a. well hnown -;resident of sl+nly of live st6ok -from Can-, , newspapers that they are -coming in . . ., . . . ten minutes the.cat6hers clears 'the : I.. . i . � . ­ . � Mudeals city . . . ' , . . . � . trl,,_ blit ther quality, ii. deficielat as a h-ain, * It was the 'm6st b -coming hat � .. . . . . drunkards away and waits ofor .the Admht.d 11 I 1. The Forest . , I I I . batch. I Any Time . . . , the village of Jacksonville, Iowa, had rifl,. ' The. shortage compared to 190 G eldorly men everbrought out, Sir 1. . . .. next Not a .cockroach -will re- . I I Balnets A. Shorthand, Collep . , . . � I . a sudden. 'and violent attaci of croup. in s­)ip,ly from Montreal sinei May 'Tolin always worp otin. you. know, Admiral , Rojestvensky,, who ,. com- main, al -the and of -an hour. - I I � . . I ..,I., I I . I 140doni.-Ontarle. . . . . . . ' ' . Muth thick stringy phl�gm camo� up untountst6 13,0K .. . . I . -Ther"s mly one, Sir John in. Can-,manded the Russian fleet.at the. dis- .away , Ill-, * . . ad .� ,!rhe catcher takes the beetles J., wl wasurvalt. J. W., wasiamit: Je . , . . I . .CA: after giving Chamberlain's Cough ' - _* ___ . a. # he explained. ' ' . I I astrous* battle of the Sea o,[. Japan* ' in a sack, and *beh they have slept ' 401POL . . I . I I . in Pdatipat V164-pli . � . .. . "'It was. a f,whionsbln hat ofi the 1905 . . , - effects of their 44 � I - I . .. I � Remedy. Mr. Peterson say.4: 111, thial( -nivoroui; Ants. . � oft the i - .. . . the Car ' 91 is dead, , . . . . I . he would have choked to d6ath .ha,d .. d' ,., New York ,'Stock Exchinge eight ,QA . I . . � . .. .. I . I sellis' them at a penny a hundred -to . I 1. .. - . . . . � .� ... � . � . die subject of vegetarlarlisni'lia ten yeais'pgo, and it was alrn6st ne-*-' I . - " __1 . � ho te I - R . . . we not given him; this, remedY. I I , 'For ououpk6d a great deal of.attent! ". I . I . . .... .� . bird -shops, where the s ri� rs tl - I � I .. . ! _.. .. . i I sale b al'I'dru'ggist � s.- , , , . . � :, . - the -family. * One day the Olt, in . ry to' wenr oue fhcre, after Aug. . .. . i � �. I . , ..�� 11 I . on.beetles as long as t e y ;4 0 t!. . - . .. . . . . . � I . . , . . . . Y .I 11. . . � five-jear-old "9sa: i 'VIC) I, NVAA.Ts, ' - , * .' , ., . .. 1. . . ,. I I .. .i ­ . � . . . I . ., . . . , . I . . . . . . . . � � . 15, when Aho N-11 smods civinoi in. Any % HOW "TO REV v .. . . . � . I . , .".. I .. .. I :. . I . . I . . ­ ., . I I I . .,.. . . . I . . . . . I . . � I . , , e , . . I . ,. � � . � . ,­ , _. I � . . .in.is out walking..vyfth big elder sister', '. other soK of hitC wills lia'ble 'to b . I , ��, I I : rsatli .. � . . .. .. I . I � I . . . a 'd, off. , : , - I 1. . It's really, 'rinil'ic"' I . I -, Lady. . .,W a . . I I I . L . * . , . .. , I ... , ... , nd he meddled; somewhat t6b. fraely . krfocko . A Ve a Old . . . . . , . f * . I I 1. a s p matter to. 'e. The aittenti6n of . the.. class in his, - ' ' . - . � � I., . I : .. 11 . , , , , : ... .. � .: . . . . ' I I � � . , ; . . I , I The first step. has. ' been, I taken : tli� with the affairs of &.1arge.-coiotty of . "Tt'is .used as an ordin L,ry , business move warts�.aud .callouses it YOU al)� tory seemed to be. anywhere but on � . I . I a . : � � waid t�e. form on- , . or lorn ana'Wart ExtrAc- the subject in 11'arid; and the young ` . . . , . , . ,I r � I, . ants. �Ue deserted them rather. sud- 'hat. r fiever corld und stand why ply putnani,g C . . I I � Ati .. of ', an - lnterni� - aenly and came back to. his� j I , . � I . . - 1. . aide, -rubbin hi' 111toes a hivh hat -is cooler than a low One, . tor, ' Cure is certaiti-failure ituposo- teacher was getting impatient. . i, �� I t I'll . . . . tLonal Ship-ownerf; Won for' the re- .9 s bard i legs, 1140r. . I 1.* . I , .. . � . , ' it .. .. .. . I . I - I comp6tition a:n a' ously. - '. I 1. .. � . but ,it is. -All ro6d hatters carry. this ' 'a. 11 . "Children " - I . . . i . I I . . . ,. , . duction of th . � . , , * , I . .. sible-ifyovi. use. "PutuaTa she said, - "you'rhust , .. . � � . � I � I I " L .. grey 'toppers in stork." . , . . . . . �: � . . 1. ,pay better Ltention-to what you'are : - - . . . taining of freight elia . I ' What'sAhe matter?"' aske( sifi.er This authoritv' did not think there � � * . - . - .............. ............ "I'll, � . . I , 11 ,� -, 4� ­ � , , I �,, . rgen'. "Oh, nothing; only,theni.ants q in 11 . . . . I . I - � dbing. You cannot possibly do two . ... ... . . . . . . ' * � .. . . . . �. . � I . ., . , I . . . I . . was arty rule hbout wparing a. grey . . . I . � � - - . The r Alberta Legislature opened -yes- ' vegetilrians,." was'. the sea!�-;I'i If top hat, bid was I surorised to hear Lord Strathcona '' � things At the same time. No.one can ,]go , . .. . . . . terday. � . . ,reply of � the yo;i-Qgster. .. . ' ­ .iot I . , .has given .2ijowtiO do two .things at once." - .. . re people Would put their .the sum, mentioned, plui the I I . . . .1 � ... . . .� .. I .. . .. � . . .. 1. that the Pr4nce of Wa les wore - his tile U-nivEirsity. College Hgs' ital, Go ' ' . savings in the Debentures'of this - interest,"all 4 per c I exit..po . r annnim I L . .. . I I-. . I � .. - when goine'to churcl� in the mo,rn-. I 1. 1) W. -I At this' point a ,small boy. raised .' . � . I I'll I.... . ­ '. � � .. . ­ I . . � . I I 101 . L � . . er street, W.. C. ' ' -, �'. - ' his hand and.waved it fTantically in L '. Company, if th y realized the- at the ti i_ I , I .. - ­ �.__ seess" ing at Q.-4pe- ., . ., . . i . ... . . . "r. . - L . I . e I- nne of ex�irati6n. - - This . . 'L . . - � . I . I I L . . .. I . . . . ' I ' . . the tj � I this - promise . is secured by I over .. . . . . � I .. ... � ., ... . . " L . .. . . . -.--- - , , . . simplicity and -safeness of .1 .. '. . L� I- I ". . � I L . . . . . L . . . I . I L . . . . - � .. "Well, Willie, what '3L.."t?". she in- .1 . . . . , lie in - . ,. . . . .4 . I I . . I . . . 1. - I . . .. '. 4 _ I ' i � I . I quired., � I .. . I � . . form of investment.r, It merely $11,000,000 of asticts., ..t - .. . . . I . . - . � . I . : . I . . 0 . T14E INTERE, . means that one depos ts a certain..' . ter6st 'coupons attachal, are the I I . L � p L . . . . ISTING'ROUTE. -Please, teacher," said Willie ,$in i . . I ' . ' . � . . . .. . " L I I I I . ACIPeat it ,-" . "Shilolt'g . Curp wili * al- To Man . . . .. - . . . gran,ny, -kin..do'two thirtga : t46r * , one' y 1. amount -any sum, over L. $100- saine as cash and can be de . 2ouited ­ . ' - . ' . 11 itoba, Saskatchewan and Al- . t. L W - . .. L I . . . L . . - `0 " W� N T 'I N I FREE . , . I 'AL7t Quall� uc essfu I C � To ". th. li .117 I I . I I . . I., : - . . . WdYs cUr' my co�lghs"and oo'ldk" berta, is via' Chicago I seen,.her." . . . . I - with ,this - Company for a per . od � as stsch. lluron- & Z,ie 1)06C L' , . . . e . . . .1 , I . In. . .. I 1� " � :: r .. . . . -and 'St. - Paul "No, Willie,- 'T think you.must be " of titne, not lbss than one Lyear) � tum are'dn inqcstzma,�It of the. .. I I . . I . . .. . . . .1. ,� � Minneapoli I . � L :L . . . . I . �_ � - I s. or. Duluth. Throu h . the inistakert, but suppose I . I .. - I . �. . 9 . you , tell us . .preferably five, years - or less if h"hest class',anj the.� maii With . oelk­_'. .1; .,.�� I I � e . � . I lighted St Clair"T . I. . ... ; L � ­ I.. �. . . . . . . : . .. brilliantly , . unnel by what these two -things are," ­ .,.. . . . I . 0 . L . . .. . . .. . . The� Bobtail F1'ush .. .. . . .. Electricity w thout Smoke , . '.'Please, ma'am, 'she kin read. an' � . 'desired. The debenture ftrrrl small savings carl. share inAt, . . . I .1111 � L . .. 11 L . I * , I . 0 . I ) _. gas - or . . ' Capi" 1, L ' . . . . "Takei back the heitrt-'that th. tf., . I oute soak her feet all ler. onc*t." - which the defiositoi rOCCiVC& -is A equally as well as . the 4a ]at* . L . . I dust. secure pamphlet, "New R . . L . I . � . .. 11 !! ­ R 01,�i `11.1--�� � . . . . L . "P MiSe of ,N,; . I 1'.��.. -1e. saltig its he mournfuny laid . - ' N �;-;,% . ".. A PUk � your hands chapped . r , . to WityintpCgL and West" from .1 . pro ,the Comp*auy to pay Write for full particulars. . . F'Ii.� "' 6L 9 I . . nearest . . . . . . . I I ­ -.'��, �gli%,,,"g,g. A The ace of that suit on the table, I . I . .­­ .. ,,�.,�,.-'. . - ­ I . . . L .L . . I - I .. . . . r . I I 1. I . I . . 1. ?g.:n.,�:�', cracked, or sore? Have * What he wanted *as on . ,f,'.*�,.-,%k.-XW L CTrand Trunk -agent. .. I I . .. I lxll­'+,W.11��s: . - little .A- L I . I . L L L . � . . . . . .- I � ::.. :A*,�.. ,�,... .. .M.. . . . O.. ; 1111UU11111% 14,1=51110 Mups . . Cwth, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria 01 I . I - . . , . . sityported by zusi(lej_ the air to a c from large hoppers, which are attach, , .ad to the cutting machines, into ther beadachle and dIZZ1.114S.S. .. My eyes began L to 1 41 � P . , . . ut- and I wore an overcoat closely b I r ' , ' �. 16iiii4eliti , a 6Qon to 'Astlumlittes ab, 17 greater extent than the lead. � Relh r . oved from thin supporting - inod, filling machines.'the empty cans be� L ing conveyed to the fillers, by chutes clear and were SOOR stro". And well. Tho pain grad _ toned, . How on eArth the Tallow man - _ aged to ret to my .watch and make' / . . � Does it not seem more elTective to breathlt in a iuta.. their true eil�ht is made . evi, W 444t. . . , from the upper floors. I.Che 's _ . a#non, ually -I-Oft my back and, sides, and . I Itrengthented, I am. Very I 'to away W1 h'it will I , I . puzzle me -to my L . r r life's end, bilit Ike did theArick, as I r . � . , . rort0y, 0 �jFura 4isems' of the bre;Lthinq qrgang I tbous tatike the remeointo0p stomach1g, 'I thexiiiendered otti .9 'Iyanti. it cures because , Charles Reade propounded A aimi.� I lar' question in one of his novels. A first being'cut into cylindrical pieces, is by gentle pressug -9 of a piston plao- grateful Bootit's Kidney Pills for the speedy found on getting off the oar. "Had It .been only an , ordinary � . � sejtL- L;s carri6o,pyrr the disiaser4 suj,�.co ,,*!I,h I ' ey tolqnpil Rod con . � I , , #7-bMtb,;qLV1# 'p, . � ith 1% is stivaluible to mothers m � . . Jewish trader I' ruade to ask, "Which Is r the .heavier, a pound of feathers od in .the tall' canw in a nicer and - than could -be moral appetizing way . . relief glvm rat, and will gladly rc� comm tbem," So L lend Id by dDalers. timepiece Ir Would w3ver have said a rd f the 14 s , but it wa n u - WQ o 60 a a n . Iiisslit, 'chill'oelli't _ .., , . , I I � = .Tho4Lfa9ontuffllK1X0 - 6$ Slit ' � Or a Pound of *gold?" After awhile � ho explains to the satisfaction of his done bYL hand. . . In addition to one pound of fresh . Nice 50 cent3. Tho R. T. Booth Co. s Ltd,, Fort Erie, Ont.,� Sole Canadian usually fine one, and I valued it much more than'the $3W it cost me."' I ": L �'­ � "' L L. - - . L , ".. tendency find imnitill R.tc . -f. telief from coughs Qr in- C1010 ' . . audience of miners.that the feathers salmO it, each tall can contains one. of an ounce of table. salt, Agents, . � L . ­ . . __._.___ L . � flamed conditiontiot k�*, .. 'I, �. �. r . 0 I th,oat,,,, . are the heavier. I Gold, he explains, is weigheA by quarter which is put into the can before fill- . - . THE BEETLE HUNTER.- . .: I ;.._.­ .; . " :.:L L '..,..,: �:: 7 $01a . ) � I .% Ir ,,,,g,,,,, I 4 'A . §e,ndpostalforboo et. . I . I , I troy weight,, While feathers. are Weigh. r I eld by avoirdupois, and as the twelve .ing. . . ' L From t6 filling machines the cans � L . . - Two explosions ne of fire damp ' 0 . - r He dets ths Cockroaches Orunk and , ­.�:��j�:,: I ,�'. ... � Lxzmwxc;, I f . T � .. .11 � . 0 i-,.,,&",.:Jvg"g."L.I.Sm,�",P",, . . I'll, ounces in a pound troy contain only I are transferred to tables; where they are thorougbly weighed. and I and one of dd st, entombed 240 menin. Then Carries Th6m Off. , I . r ..*��, I I ��,.��',:�I:.�.; ... L.; ­ I . I'll. .. 4 rdupois rinspected, �,,,,.,, deficiency supplied. L - Hun aflan a 19 -mine, killing at - least -6af The trade of the rat ,cher is I .�- I �, . 11 � ,ta n ne uu" grains, ' . - . . 4.5. .. � I . sometimes . a , lucrative one, - but at . � _.... 1. I � . I . � .: . 1. � . I ar' "' I . I . I I . . . W100-10 .. -1. - .... I _-1 I I ___.. ... .. ­­­_ - I . .1 .. . . .. ... .- � - I . . 0 . I . PQuno co' 0 I 'O"t, y "' Of course, I I . - of the cockroach -catcher or "beetler," . . - I 1. . I �,i�in ' the pouu I ,ers ' . I . . . . . r. . . I 7 . I 1 240 stil, heavier than the. i I al� . I I � - .. . . � . . I . . _ Pound Repeat it :- 'Shiloh's Cure will , as he styles himself, is said to be - - - . . . I . � . I . I .i JZ61y , . � . . --- �_ . . -ve, - I - � . , I . . � I I I still more ,-Iucrati if somewhat I � . I I . . I . . nd colds." ,� I . � I I . . Oudo,us Sdhbol Customs. ., . .. I 1. 1. . I .� 11 .. . . Ct.%red 'of a.Severe Attack of Bron- Whited. ' . . . . I = I I . , * . I ' . I I --- I . . For the raodest sum, of half a crown . . � . . . . . Mexican school 1hasters iho�v the '.. . Edison at Murnorist. I- . . . . . . . . chitis by Chamberlain's I , eff I orts in . A great' � . . ; I Cough,Reuedy.� , '. * . the beetler will undertake; to % clear . . 4 . L,pprboiatiorli -of I a pub.ills . , . ir Tbo� Ameriea,u invontoi, T. Ai- - . Gil CY HAT COMING 1N. . I I ..; . . . . . � the .most. infested kitchen of cook- ,W.E'W-ANT TO HAND YOU OUR . .1 ouriOus mhnn I er. The diligent student , Edison, who is: at work perfecting A . I ... ". .. .. I '. . : I "on Octobeir ' lkh last, my litt, I . roachais'In'an houi or iwo�- All he o I - INTERES . TING .' 1� I I . " is- slowed' to -smoke A cigar during motol� powerful but small enough to. P as Flurry e . I . . . ,rince's .Headg*ar Caoe , I ' ed isthO the kitchen be Riven, � . I .. . . � � . . . . yea,r Old daughter 'Contracted' a requir . - .. I . I . I - the whole cliss bring the aetol M04SAr- Among Fashionable - Dresseis, - . p to him entirely L f or a couple of ' the lesson'. When )la:ue within a , tifii:6 I has given satisfaction, permission .10 'able distance. -of success,". is partly - L . . . . - one way ' Tall . hats of a. grey'�hue, grey.* top- ; severe cold which resulted in hours, after dark, 'and when' he leaves F R EE ' - BRO OX � CA I . I givelzi for �a general. smoke, ..and bven deaf in his right ear. In . case of bkorchitis," says Mr � s. W. G. . I L I � ­ . I . . ' . . . I . I . . --- .. I ... I . I . this �an advantvrgal;'ai it enables him 'Lexington,, Ky. - "She lost � r main. . . . . the little. Mexicans are allowed 6 pars, drab shells, or, il'there be any G. . he guarantees that not,abeetle shall . .. ; � 4 , . a . other name prince. of_ lbson, I . I . . light 01- cigarette,� for the - occasion. � to. -pursue his work undisturbed while by which the . , e His method -is a simple one. He, .fying Y.o � 611 Idir a ' '. . Xeedlo'o� W say, the schoolmaster surrounded by all Wales'. headgejw; ')is shown it Que, ,the powe , About Quall urs . . � r Of speech' Completely and I I . . 1, . . % . . . I " . . . the no'se of a busy bec, 'can' be desii,rnated,,: let,.it. 14e was I.:very.sick ' child, Fortunately mixes'a dertaiiI, potent. drug dear to ; Isuccessful Careei. . . . himselVilpokes-d-digar of a size and �sbop.-When offered an -infallible cure - ' � . . � . �, I# I � �L .1 . . .. I . kuown.that- the. article Is reviving !it' we -alad a:,bo'ttle' - of.Ohambeil;laiuls the palate of the cbckroach;-'and adds. . . � . . I'� . � . , . qViality flopartionate ,to his superior , .for his deafness, lid once. remarked, ' ' - of ru'm to 'th' mixture � then,' I.i I I . : I , il ' ' " Singland; that Phila- .a pint e . Pozition P But the schollLr4- are not Vhy� should I try it? Think of the. � popt arity, mL . i Cough Remedy. in ihe hoit 6 anil .gave. ' � To "ra the folly. of entering . bumitleft . . . , . . lot of. stuff Vd. I have to- listen to that. �delphla h"'caugfit on'. slow sis. h6i it. to her ,- . s - he. pourn, the decoction into shallow . , 33 a' . . - . . Mlowed. to4 drink, this ptivilege -being. I reimtation * 19, diid, tbat Tor ' I . aecording to the printed basins . and deposits -them in thb dark file" �0&ut a !,hpilloo I aucaifon­_aw. I . � . ` . . I � . . . . . i accoirded. to thei-maitei.on on 'his - I "don't want , ta. hear!" - On another . onto '"4 directions. On .the second . da d... , reftcl Guir rreo catalogt�e. . . - � ly. p,)itg adinit that there., in a fashion- . . 11 Y sbe, corner's. of the .room.. He retires an . . I . . . . . desk -he always keeps a- bottle -of. occasion a jvoilld-mbe wi�t said Ju, or- - � . , . , ' able .spasm in this direct -ion But it ,,was.a.great deal better, and on , the wai�ta� for ten minutes, and �vhea he � ' Why,d9alr6ble to securs'thts *%usfi4sa sduca4 . . . . . I 't . - Id tones ' .. 'fifth day, October 23rd,'she was cp,� , revisits thobasini; hi ffivariabIl f . inds Moo" at rorest.alty au* va.uqi�­ - . . I . liquor, which, when.eing y. occasion$, . I= f I guess be'd'bestr it .. only a� sijasin-, and ev(ln�ih- expert.% . I . . road 06talo . . *as I . . . . . : -much . dispute among � t e ­iIiinli.- The 18 .them full of struggling beetles'in an why the is rastassuls1ouses, Pro(" - - parents of him to have a- . won't admit that.it -is iiot,a rni,;guided , titely well of - her'co! d and. 'brohellitis, tie, I .. . � . -� his 80b.01ATS, .an - it' 48 -considered,. an inventor looked the young man who I ­ . 1. .. I ­ . I . . ' Jr. e. B je 1&4�i 0 . I . I . ,. , honor, to be able to'. fill I the - school- , itpoke .squarely. 'In the eye. "Y . one. I 1. . I . which ',,I. attribute ' 'to this splendid a4vanded state of intoxicaftoh� The. This IF ,sduates�road Csial000. � A. .. � - . . . I I . I . . Ut elil' There u -d racelk,ine. - I 4 recommend Clia - strong smell' of the, ru. ' combined Z DOOR explains in detail 40 , of . - . . se to b� a rio�cicl-d fashion . . .in, MZommo I Shorlh,,,&C ypa *,pt I mastior's bottle. �, - ' . -- ,. perhaps I should," he said; "b .. mberlabils' I ... glial. 08 . I . 1. h' F . tT no. . I . with their favorite' drug,-- palno .. h�r 4Av . I it . trates ..I 411F, . C, . . : . 11.1 . �, . �: 'k ' !" I r iri tall 0-roy'llats. bnt f`iey. have been Cough Relned uhreseivedly .its I have. to the, . - . . Instruotion am ouparlorl Shown value of - .. 4 . ., � not to -day, ,than, you , - - . . I . I T . _ .. 6 0114, I . . I . ..� : - J I � .1 .. . I very little.'in d6inand for seven years ' uttermost. cornerg of the floor- Business Educators' AsA I . . . I I . . . . . ... . . . . I . I . '. . I . � � . . I . . � or - more, They.' -axe Always - ' keipt in ,found it 'the surest, saest and quick- lug and entice� the orring.vermin to soolation's Diploma'. � . I - . . . 01*111,41, 1 . ... �, . . .1 Came Neat Choking to D&ath, - . . . Catt!e Undergricle. . §tock in the best hat stores', but tke. est cure.for. colds, both for children tQr undoirig, Thdy feast on 'the usdldrs.a.n.LYZ�.r. am. . I . �� . k I . � � . I .. � dr - are unable . logue . . . .. 14 speeml . .� . 110 . - � I d. I I The. live stock trittles report states demand .has almost.' died out, and, adults, of any I -have ever -Used." ,ougged'spifits. till'they I . . I . I ., Opesdiou , . e . A"little boy, the son -Of Chris.. D P -t -sovie incroast, is- notca I .. .. rdil rouh you. I 1. . . . I and � . . 1. ., , "I should' jvAgo -by the Friglish For sale by all Druggists. I walk, straight, and at intervals of Promptly. � .. . �� . I , . ' I � . .. . . tt Peterson, a. well hnown -;resident of sl+nly of live st6ok -from Can-, , newspapers that they are -coming in . . ., . . . ten minutes the.cat6hers clears 'the : I.. . i . � . ­ . � Mudeals city . . . ' , . . . � . trl,,_ blit ther quality, ii. deficielat as a h-ain, * It was the 'm6st b -coming hat � .. . . . . drunkards away and waits ofor .the Admht.d 11 I 1. The Forest . , I I I . batch. I Any Time . . . , the village of Jacksonville, Iowa, had rifl,. ' The. shortage compared to 190 G eldorly men everbrought out, Sir 1. . . .. next Not a .cockroach -will re- . I I Balnets A. Shorthand, Collep . , . . � I . a sudden. 'and violent attaci of croup. in s­)ip,ly from Montreal sinei May 'Tolin always worp otin. you. know, Admiral , Rojestvensky,, who ,. com- main, al -the and of -an hour. - I I � . . I ..,I., I I . I 140doni.-Ontarle. . . . . . . ' ' . Muth thick stringy phl�gm camo� up untountst6 13,0K .. . . I . -Ther"s mly one, Sir John in. Can-,manded the Russian fleet.at the. dis- .away , Ill-, * . . ad .� ,!rhe catcher takes the beetles J., wl wasurvalt. J. W., wasiamit: Je . , . . I . .CA: after giving Chamberlain's Cough ' - _* ___ . a. # he explained. ' ' . I I astrous* battle of the Sea o,[. Japan* ' in a sack, and *beh they have slept ' 401POL . . I . I I . in Pdatipat V164-pli . � . .. . "'It was. a f,whionsbln hat ofi the 1905 . . , - effects of their 44 � I - I . .. I � Remedy. Mr. Peterson say.4: 111, thial( -nivoroui; Ants. . � oft the i - .. . . the Car ' 91 is dead, , . . . . I . he would have choked to d6ath .ha,d .. d' ,., New York ,'Stock Exchinge eight ,QA . I . . � . .. .. I . I sellis' them at a penny a hundred -to . I 1. .. - . . . . � .� ... � . � . die subject of vegetarlarlisni'lia ten yeais'pgo, and it was alrn6st ne-*-' I . - " __1 . � ho te I - R . . . we not given him; this, remedY. I I , 'For ououpk6d a great deal of.attent! ". I . I . . .... .� . bird -shops, where the s ri� rs tl - I � I .. . ! _.. .. . i I sale b al'I'dru'ggist � s.- , , , . . � :, . - the -family. * One day the Olt, in . ry to' wenr oue fhcre, after Aug. . .. . i � �. I . , ..�� 11 I . on.beetles as long as t e y ;4 0 t!. . - . .. . . . . . � I . . , . . . . Y .I 11. . . � five-jear-old "9sa: i 'VIC) I, NVAA.Ts, ' - , * .' , ., . .. 1. . . ,. I I .. .i ­ . � . . . I . ., . . . , . I . . . . . . . . � � . 15, when Aho N-11 smods civinoi in. Any % HOW "TO REV v .. . . . � . I . , .".. I .. .. I :. . I . . I . . ­ ., . I I I . .,.. . . . I . . . . . I . . � I . , , e , . . I . ,. � � . � . ,­ , _. I � . . .in.is out walking..vyfth big elder sister', '. other soK of hitC wills lia'ble 'to b . I , ��, I I : rsatli .. � . . .. .. I . I � I . . . a 'd, off. , : , - I 1. . It's really, 'rinil'ic"' I . I -, Lady. . .,W a . . I I I . L . * . , . .. , I ... , ... , nd he meddled; somewhat t6b. fraely . krfocko . A Ve a Old . . . . . , . f * . I I 1. a s p matter to. 'e. The aittenti6n of . the.. class in his, - ' ' . - . � � I., . I : .. 11 . , , , , : ... .. � .: . . . . ' I I � � . , ; . . I , I The first step. has. ' been, I taken : tli� with the affairs of &.1arge.-coiotty of . "Tt'is .used as an ordin L,ry , business move warts�.aud .callouses it YOU al)� tory seemed to be. anywhere but on � . I . I a . : � � waid t�e. form on- , . or lorn ana'Wart ExtrAc- the subject in 11'arid; and the young ` . . . , . , . ,I r � I, . ants. �Ue deserted them rather. sud- 'hat. r fiever corld und stand why ply putnani,g C . . I I � Ati .. of ', an - lnterni� - aenly and came back to. his� j I , . � I . . - 1. . aide, -rubbin hi' 111toes a hivh hat -is cooler than a low One, . tor, ' Cure is certaiti-failure ituposo- teacher was getting impatient. . i, �� I t I'll . . . . tLonal Ship-ownerf; Won for' the re- .9 s bard i legs, 1140r. . I 1.* . I , .. . � . , ' it .. .. .. . I . I - I comp6tition a:n a' ously. - '. I 1. .. � . but ,it is. -All ro6d hatters carry. this ' 'a. 11 . "Children " - I . . . i . I I . . . ,. , . duction of th . � . , , * , I . .. sible-ifyovi. use. "PutuaTa she said, - "you'rhust , .. . � � . � I � I I " L .. grey 'toppers in stork." . , . . . . . �: � . . 1. ,pay better Ltention-to what you'are : - - . . . taining of freight elia . I ' What'sAhe matter?"' aske( sifi.er This authoritv' did not think there � � * . - . - .............. ............ "I'll, � . . I , 11 ,� -, 4� ­ � , , I �,, . rgen'. "Oh, nothing; only,theni.ants q in 11 . . . . I . I - � dbing. You cannot possibly do two . ... ... . . . . . . ' * � .. . . . . �. . � I . ., . , I . . . I . . was arty rule hbout wparing a. grey . . . I . � � - - . The r Alberta Legislature opened -yes- ' vegetilrians,." was'. the sea!�-;I'i If top hat, bid was I surorised to hear Lord Strathcona '' � things At the same time. No.one can ,]go , . .. . . . . terday. � . . ,reply of � the yo;i-Qgster. .. . ' ­ .iot I . , .has given .2ijowtiO do two .things at once." - .. . re people Would put their .the sum, mentioned, plui the I I . . . .1 � ... . . .� .. I .. . .. � . . .. 1. that the Pr4nce of Wa les wore - his tile U-nivEirsity. College Hgs' ital, Go ' ' . savings in the Debentures'of this - interest,"all 4 per c I exit..po . r annnim I L . .. . I I-. . I � .. - when goine'to churcl� in the mo,rn-. I 1. 1) W. -I At this' point a ,small boy. raised .' . � . I I'll I.... . ­ '. � � .. . ­ I . . � . I I 101 . L � . . er street, W.. C. ' ' -, �'. - ' his hand and.waved it fTantically in L '. Company, if th y realized the- at the ti i_ I , I .. - ­ �.__ seess" ing at Q.-4pe- ., . ., . . i . ... . . . "r. . - L . I . e I- nne of ex�irati6n. - - This . . 'L . . - � . I . I I L . . .. I . . . . ' I ' . . the tj � I this - promise . is secured by I over .. . . . . � I .. ... � ., ... . . " L . .. . . . -.--- - , , . . simplicity and -safeness of .1 .. '. . L� I- I ". . � I L . . . . . L . . . I . I L . . . . - � .. "Well, Willie, what '3L.."t?". she in- .1 . . . . , lie in - . ,. . . . .4 . I I . . I . . . 1. - I . . .. '. 4 _ I ' i � I . I quired., � I .. . I � . . form of investment.r, It merely $11,000,000 of asticts., ..t - .. . . . I . . - . � . I . : . I . . 0 . T14E INTERE, . means that one depos ts a certain..' . ter6st 'coupons attachal, are the I I . L � p L . . . . ISTING'ROUTE. -Please, teacher," said Willie ,$in i . . I ' . ' . � . . . .. . " L I I I I . ACIPeat it ,-" . "Shilolt'g . Curp wili * al- To Man . . . .. - . . . gran,ny, -kin..do'two thirtga : t46r * , one' y 1. amount -any sum, over L. $100- saine as cash and can be de . 2ouited ­ . ' - . ' . 11 itoba, Saskatchewan and Al- . t. L W - . .. L I . . . L . . - `0 " W� N T 'I N I FREE . , . I 'AL7t Quall� uc essfu I C � To ". th. li .117 I I . I I . . I., : - . . . WdYs cUr' my co�lghs"and oo'ldk" berta, is via' Chicago I seen,.her." . . . . I - with ,this - Company for a per . od � as stsch. lluron- & Z,ie 1)06C L' , . . . e . . . .1 , I . In. . .. I 1� " � :: r .. . . . -and 'St. - Paul "No, Willie,- 'T think you.must be " of titne, not lbss than one Lyear) � tum are'dn inqcstzma,�It of the. .. I I . . I . . .. . . . .1. ,� � Minneapoli I . � L :L . . . . I . �_ � - I s. or. Duluth. Throu h . the inistakert, but suppose I . I .. - I . �. . 9 . you , tell us . .preferably five, years - or less if h"hest class',anj the.� maii With . oelk­_'. .1; .,.�� I I � e . � . I lighted St Clair"T . I. . ... ; L � ­ I.. �. . . . . . . : . .. brilliantly , . unnel by what these two -things are," ­ .,.. . . . I . 0 . L . . .. . . .. . . The� Bobtail F1'ush .. .. . . .. Electricity w thout Smoke , . '.'Please, ma'am, 'she kin read. an' � . 'desired. The debenture ftrrrl small savings carl. share inAt, . . . I .1111 � L . .. 11 L . I * , I . 0 . I ) _. gas - or . . ' Capi" 1, L ' . . . . "Takei back the heitrt-'that th. tf., . I oute soak her feet all ler. onc*t." - which the defiositoi rOCCiVC& -is A equally as well as . the 4a ]at* . L . . I dust. secure pamphlet, "New R . . L . I . � . .. 11 !! ­ R 01,�i `11.1--�� � . . . . L . "P MiSe of ,N,; . I 1'.��.. -1e. saltig its he mournfuny laid . - ' N �;-;,% . ".. A PUk � your hands chapped . r , . to WityintpCgL and West" from .1 . pro ,the Comp*auy to pay Write for full particulars. . . F'Ii.� "' 6L 9 I . . nearest . . . . . . . I I ­ -.'��, �gli%,,,"g,g. A The ace of that suit on the table, I . I . .­­ .. ,,�.,�,.-'. . - ­ I . . . L .L . . I - I .. . . . r . I I 1. I . I . . 1. ?g.:n.,�:�', cracked, or sore? Have * What he wanted *as on . ,f,'.*�,.-,%k.-XW L CTrand Trunk -agent. .. I I . .. I lxll­'+,W.11��s: . - little .A- L I . I . L L L . � . . . . . .- I � ::.. :A*,�.. ,�,... .. .M.. . . . O.. ; - ' )u -cold cracks" which open . L I 1. � - . . ,. . .L , -Pucki . . . 1. . . . I . . . I . . ., , 11 � .. - - -1 . . . I ,� ,,, . .*". and bleed when the rJdn, is . I - . . . � . . I . . I I � . .. . . . , . - . . . . . . . I . . I . I �. .L. . . .1 J I .1; I'll, .."�w - _­.-A­X.11 ,A'- _...",-I -� ..-.� .... . .. R,--,�,:%,��.�,, qis" N , " '� 0, gl:�� --`,-`��?,'- - . drawn tight ? Have y on a cold Sore, fmst bite, chilm­ . . : Onoe., I I . t ' L ,,, . ��'Why, I didn't ku . I .ow . hat you and ' ' , I. � 'i.>ffi - The .war has issued orders . that medal ri ' cc i bbons are hot to.be I .. - I . . I 114Z. I .Z � Ak, � .."...., :,� ..� �:i�'-�Ii:�"`.�., .-.,!,..,;,�!-�.�`.:: _,f�.','�:��'�� I ... ."..., blairis, or a 1� raw " place 'Higgley were acquaintances." 40h. yes. He was my brother-in-law I I . warit, .. . k1a, jgckets, . with 1) , . :­ I �,�.:�!�i�;��,.* ':��;"'�:�'!�]:L. '-".L.�.'.�..:�:��L;!.!:j ':;'*....1...:L -J_�­�L",X,,,.::� ;;�'L�L�.. �5':��'���:;�:�.,::.":":'i:���:::;�:,:a W-11iCh at tirue.6, makes it � agony f6r-you to. ko about for awhile onc'e."-Elouston Post, . . . . . I . . . � . . I., . _ . I . . A white sparrow hag been.shot in ­ �­ I ...., I -,��iili -�� �, -� j;�:.�...:�.L�. ­.­ �.�,�� �11;1;`,,.i:­: - N.,X;,;�,:; �,­%.::;�:,�' . " '..' .: your household duties ? 1f . �L I Parts.ADotn,the *',Pfighest" 13uL . . . . . ilding, . . , .1 stackyard' ift Pointen Fen, Lincoln- 4 . I . . shire, , I ­ .­:.._', , : . ;... ": L �'­ � "' L L. - - . L , ".. s6 Zarn-Buk will give you I tTnel L S., I e am' is not contented with L � L . . - . . . . , . .. I . 1, �j : I . I., �: . . ;,."'... � �1].:L , :; ,�:. .... 1,��, 1, - , relief and will heal the .t. the *Astonishing height of the now * I Mr, �Vj I 11 ' L . , , Atli .Farslow, fot nearly for. 1 i . .: I ;.._.­ .; . " :.:L L '..,..,: �:: 7 : . damaged skin. - A n o i n' Singer building, which is at present ty Years mace4zitaret'of Kings ton, has, , ­.�:��j�:,: I ,�'. ... the LSore 1. I placesL at.night;' the' falldst in the world, but. bellove . . . 'ust died. I . . ... . ..*��, I I ��,.��',:�I:.�.; ... L.; ­ L 4-bd if it is the hanft, I Lthat monster hag -been '.conipletecl another still hi gher has been project. ,I . ' . . . I . I . . I ­ . . . I . . . q I . . . :.., 11 ;-.'-.': . I wear a paii- of old gloves qvernight. Z a rn ed:by the Equitable Life Assurance , � - - . . I . . . I � . : .. goad MRS'. yvit r c-9,2 .", .. . -:O u'k's .. society., This remarkable sky -piercer, , Repeat it,-"8hiloh" S" Care nill al� � . . � . . I " � I �`� � "� � . I " "' " . I I . � I i . I �� .-Erffin r N @`1111 I , '' . . . . � . . . . � . . � 6 ' I . . . . � . I Loa, n, & Saymigt Co., tondon, On'to . . . .. I . 1. . . . . . I. . . I I I . . . . � - ---,---..-. I , wlap�. ,-&a . . . I . . . . . . . . � 4 ' - a . . ''I J 0 1 � . "fie -New's Re.eb, --tild Clubs. ... . . I I I I . . . I . . . � . I � . . - * � I hii-i's .1 ilut CAP' 1-fidbQ1 . � I . , . : . : Ex0erilence. . . :- I I UAA Itealing essences which is designed to knock creation, Ways .Curc my coughs and ,!old8.11 ' . . � . . . I .. .. I . . 0 I I . I'll .,. will sink into the wounds, is to be actually twice as high as the ., . . � I . I I I . . . L Iffrit.Yelleii. of PortlAnd stiys:- .. end the striarting, and will I . � __ . � 1. S . . "I consid world-f6mous Singer building. The . __ . . . . . . . . -, . * , . I . . . er it only my duty to . building itself will rise to an altitude - ' ' . 6 "I . . . � tall you of the groat beliefit I .. :: �, quickly heal. . ' . I . . . . - ___� - , I . . � , . I .2, . I . . .... I have deri*ed from Zain-Bak. "My .. - I of 909 feet into the air, and with Its Archilchcon ',E , A. Seymour,. vicar 4 . L. � 1. . . . . . . . . ' bandit 'Were. 46 sore aitd_�crarked won orful healer And. sbOUIdL be in every � massive steel flagpole on the'top of Ilfracombe, . has died. . 7 . . . ' . Much good reading for little money. ,, that it W, its dome touch the giddy height of � TORONTO AND RETURN . as agony to put them into home." � I I I . . I . i Witter. When I tried to do so they L . 1,059 feet--nearihg a. quarter of & Dr. Gebrge Gore, F.H.S., tile emiin- . $3165. - � The gews4lRocdrd and Weekly' * L 1 inpipe-okie yi�iir __ $I.Ea Would. smArt and bum as It I 6a Father and DAUghter both mile, � Ont scientist, has died at 131riniagLam, . From .Clinto'n � Ct .49 Maill i nd t I 'st . . 46 I . . Weokly Globe; .... .. .... . ­ I I ... I . L65 . . . scalded them. I siome,i quite .,table MinsHatti. Cul'64- The plans of this building aldue . 1 n. his eighty-second year. . id I.t . I FAIlully Replild and Weekly Star- ... I.: 1175 1 . . tagetroli6f from anything I ,)at on Bertrand.Galesbuirg Out fill seventy pages of drawing -paper, ._ , � , , L. I with: 95 cents , added for admis- I Weekly Witnesi ­ - ...... 1, 160 them until I tried 72ta-Tink, and the writes :-1 Zint-Buk is the beat rjl�a W4"6 each sheet of which is 5 foot long A . � 1. 6.0 L . Win succeeded whan an elso had bavd,byetumd Evolry year . . '10" to L Ontario Horse Breeders :: I . 11 8un ....'.­:::, ­:. �: ....... ......... I I am troubled - L and 4 feet wide. Think of it I Foui� . . � ., I *Dlxhibftfon. Good going Jan. .12 44 . to .. V i.e.-. Prom .., � . ..... . . 1.15 � fAildd It closed the big truk., pv6 iwd srinsind nothin . . 4. 1 to . 6. � .11.,.11. 1. . . toen hundred square feet of paper , HOWt-S 'THIS ? . , 114 13, . I . I " I Advertit4er 1- ...' -'­­ 1175 I ­ -, _ . Ill ' limit, L . 41 It I .9 . p4trilling t�'orld - .... .. L ...... I . the infiauj=tion Land in eytirseonted to liftl tbem. ,until I frI64 alone is required to plan this, now . I . Return . .00 time heated tay' hiinds Zam-nuk. It is gutprisillig how quickly Jan. 16, 1909, It . it , � , . I . -up the sores ana men were forced t,& work ,every day ward for any case of Cat OALIFQRN. tA, - - I . this balin b4s. healoil structUro. One hundred and fifty lVe offer One Hundred Dollars Ro. P-tra);-t's A"Ilvot-mo. alitf . I 4dp�' L t,llalpra,yo 2`01 ` I Would. stronRL- recom- crikekst Mv father hasubed itforoeveral rly L arrh " ibat ' . . 1401110 MAR L mo,d it -tto, . for nea eight months Without in. It 49 . i,lkiue 2Z sillyond suffering 'f"m aillnonts aull injutiep and tilittlo that it cannot be cured Didly $ews,'Tt)r . I .6haPTwA Or cracked, hands. It I* A , ,nothing to f quil iV, . torruption Ili order to complef4 the Cur I by Hall's Catarrh MEXICO, It . d. onta..... ­. .1 ........... 230 . - .1 . . . . drawin , and it will take the Go,ve e. . . PLORIDA. I I . . id . d6 . Star " '.. .... I ...... ".. ...- 2101, 1 . . . I I . Globe , , ,, . I A dk_ . I . � � 74%.Jahsk, U eteelka �.for tham ehfibwng co" ftn* sbro : jbw upt. ,M)Ilvt, ftaeA wister tdknla� W44 ##rft*T, ! .11 _., I . 1, AdMw AxIm mt1wisdo ftd baok& ab*mjw& pdwp�es, rft� I , 1 . � "r*,0c, ewe. bUH4 brwsek *41A grow" uNd as ex , . . ' I .. . I L � � �'j ::* ise@104* ek- Of , tu Z"Piwilmr-0, � , ftwd& 1"M ADA, A,bili& 4.6w It lx� You are woolud I 0 ju")"0800041 *Vowdimm sphialt a" sovidision 1. . . I 4#*Od 01kis Jedw-s" is akw Aw. . I . I I . . I .11. - I— . I ­ _ . . . I ment official exactly a month t6,11 lVellild. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. IS L I inspect the plans; The building 0 le uilidersiglied,,have known F, itil, R � Ourld trip tourist now on gale to. I 'principal 'Winter Resorts, . 0 94 �. I .. .. '...., ... I I I . I "I rC4 I Mail id I ... ­­­ 1 � 1. ..... I 4.26 � . . World I . 44 ­ .. . ... 1. * a 25 . SUN9111NE. . 1. to have sixty-two storeys, and the J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and number of rooms will total believe him Perfectly honorable in Full iiiformation from- � .1 ' . 114 .44 , . .911tordav Nistbt 'i . , . . .. 2 50 L ': 11: Pree Press, London,_,_ * '' ­ `* '325 .many all thousands. L � . . Itranga . ations and financially able to ! P. R. 110d9orls, Town Agent, A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agent, ...':: � t . Free Pross, nvo"lng edlitiolt.. "..*; ".* , j" "' .* I � 2.75 r Noto Them large buildings ho*oger are carry out any Obligations made bV, L Awayeid with every wQ and P f 'con* Ills firm. , . � I A I I L It Whitt w,n * PLOWERS, VRVIT AND -it I stantly on the swing; this produces it . . sensation ttkin to sft�sidlaiess until Watding, Kinna-A& Marvin, Itt?t. I . I .1 )ft),U , . ' �, is not In this H -�4t, W e cah, supply at less thafi 6 wolold 00 you by sendirl-d direct, I I . . I .11. - I— . I ­ _ . . . I . _. � .. .. . ... . . ,. I Ithe occupants got used it, This Projected building, however, will be to hurricalao, f6t it.'nally, 0 URAMO MuggM811:01CUO, V. ITAII's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter. SUN9111NE. . 1. . . I . . . T LA -remitting, please do.00 1 DY ord,pr, Postal 1, � it .. able withsfiand a is built On the Principle Of 414d- , acting diroetly upon th� blood and incous surfaces Of thO syst0ift. Now is the time to visit CalifOrAla, XOXW, V lotida and r Noto .ExpreS8 . � or registered letter and aadr0.S'& , � '. I I bracoo. . I ITestimonials sent free, Price 75 the Sunny 'Souifi, ROW trip I . . I . . "M , 111. - � . . . -TAIII ORRAT SKIN4W CURB* � . vents per bottle. gold by all Drug- giqts. tourist tieko,ts, on sale to all principal winter vtesorta. . 6 . . I I` . V J. MITL"I'LL9 . r. , _. ..A I -.-:--1..__.._ i - , - 'I � Ili - ­ It' -peat it ._"8htlQll's CutO will Al- Tail�o Hall's Patrilly Pills for con- P. R. 110DOXINS, Town Agent, ", � Nwift i ­ ways Our., my COTA9119 %lid colds," � . stipa,tion. A. 0. TIATTISON, Do,pot Agent, T"18 NEWS-UPWOROf Wk clinton r I . . .. I I . . � I . . .. .. . . . . I I . .1 . . k� I . . # . f � . I 6 6 100 i 0 i � I _­­ - I , 11 . I I 11 . . I 1. I I A, 1001 _,______.,_,_._ ,__,__'_'_,_ I . .