HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-01-21, Page 6------%W-- 'k- 'P;-,,-
, , T7757� , .
I I �
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- . I
� I I
� 4 1 .61 1 . I � � WAnt0A ftwo-quemra , UnuAry lbt, 1909
.------ -0010140010101M �A7 I I , I I I � - - 1 X 4 W'1- "", 1_:1.X_T_Ao6i#. I 9- I I 1 11 M . III , y , , . .
. I. I _���;�;��- I-.--- . , " -1. --- _
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.1, 1. 11
.. � I *
I �
it to, Roally 1�.Znvls_
r Th*n a Pound:
The 11414thool Usoill In the V;X CoW
. � ,, M,
What Booth's Kidney Vitls 00,
vegotoplo Stons$.
"Tbor# are vegetable jjtozw,�, ea'd
I I .
� of L*Ad.
Fish C�"nlnj Industry.
log For Clinton, Out. people.
M41(f a, Orvat Deal of Trouble, For
A 1001008t. "Woniw, that i,3, that
grow in voge4bles.
I �
�11 I L �
The favorite question with the'.
ikebioQ1 ownwitteemen Of Odea, time
The Alaska Packera'Aspoolativa has
issued an interesting work on salmon,
All Ule blood'in tAle body passes
Unsuspecting Travelers.
"The American who travels in
"Here is a tabashoer. It is founil
in the Joint& of certain kinda of baln.
I N,JAotqeax pers4na were iri$ureii in a'
rail,�O, Accident %,eat T,ke
was, we are told, "Which is t1lo
� I
which will go a long W ex-
. thro4gh the Kidneys overy three min-
Europe and does not keep the- clowiit-
boo. It is SJW*ys round. and brown,
. L �
heavier, a pound of feathers or a
Plaining to the uninitiga ed the
watch on his valuabIcs i3 almost sure
1*0 this, Hers is the cocoanut stone.
, I
I -
Pound of lead?" The first rash an.
cc$$ And methods employed in tile
The kibeys filter the blood.
to be relieved '91 his personal belong-
You find it in the endosperm of the
ewer almost always used to be "A
pound of lead." Then, of co6se,
great industry oil ,the coast. .
' One of the most interesting ,ch
They Work litght and day to daily
ramove, About 000 grains of Impute
jiygos bby PickPOckets," said 4 man
as Just finished atwo Year tour
-T4vAnQ,s0 0004111it. Round or pear ;
sltspe4, it has always this nlilk white .
I 1 I
I .... I .
from the older. pupils, would come
ttke reply, ','Bolh alike."
lains th�
od. of preparing saliluou for market.
matter. It they fail some part 0
this Impute Is left
of the world. .. .1
"The light fingered gentry ,are no
L hurter. like 4,PaArl. The smaller t
._ ;done, with its pearly I at .r is little !
U 0 a
I 1. , I
, �
. �, I
, I , . 11
It tnis question was ask
,-d to4ay
the old time uorist Might receive 4
For the informat!
pon. of thousand$ who
are not aware of the process, the
matter in the
blood, bringing on pain in the back,
tive. everywhere from London to Cairo.
but I will give the p4lm for boldness
tarnishod', is found in the pornegran. I
0#,e. It Is pure oarbonat3 of I'
, # . . I I . 2 &
doo itled I
io 8 ... 11se, or the pound of
fo4owing Is repr!nW-
.. . I
headache, d,Z L
ziness, irregular bee
and dexterity to the professionals
ini,� I
of These stories are formed from ssilhM-
I ..
loatherst eq5d,e4sily be proVed to be
Salmou for conning purposes ,are
hot, dry skin, rheumatism, gravel,
Italy, whore the plunder of pockets
Otis and calioareous, juices ciroulatill(l, .
. I
. - I 1, .. I
- I
theheavlor. Asim o 4axperiment ,;o
.not caught by book and line, but in
dropsy, deposits, in, .the uri*,. i3oothl,sl
has been reduced to a :One art.
I . in the Plant Organism, 'Yliey are file
I . L 0 ..... �
. ...
I . - ..", '', i., I
� 11 . I , . r
.With any acenrate scales weigh out
. ,
.,111 nelts
I 41-sehies or traps, and AM
Immec, A y after catching brought
Kidney Pills make. the filtering *
17, 1
And overcome Kidney trouble, attut
,in a c4refut.
a . man and. did not, rie
to read the constant warninks against
w. I
result Of a. diseased condition, Man
himself, ybu know, occasionally puts
I 1, I .11 I I -I ,.... ......", ....... , ..." ..�
iR pound of lead� using ordius,
.ry shot
to the canneries In boats, scows or
reds of Haron County residents $
____ ____ -_
pid.kpo4ets, and yet in thpi great
stony growths, and they must
� �
for convenience. Pour the shot into
steamers. ii From these vessels the
found tbla
Floza of Venice I was xobbed of my
removed or the human stone grow.
I N,JAotqeax pers4na were iri$ureii in a'
rail,�O, Accident %,eat T,ke
'0114 Of the V:ns of a balAn
� .m For
,the feathers light muslin bag will
sm1mou are raised by elevators to tile,
Ash dock. and given 4 thorough ex.
Mrs- J. CODIC, of Joseph St., 0114-;
e tter of credit for $10,00. There
was art enormous crowd that had
, or des in excruoia
, .ting pain." .
I -ov
, L n a train turned
pAssepter coach ,o L :�
be needed, and care must be takett
that feathers and bag together do not
ternal washing.
In modom canneries they aro then
t.04, Out. says, ,
"After Suf1cring With a Severe at_
, . ,
turned out to hear -the bai4 pl*
the day Lbeing Stinday, and I was
V, �.- - - .1 -
Ths Human Fineor Dow
q. I
er On its side,it.ud w4s dragged algilig,
. Al I
di:ptaace ,
iso Xr. George
I weigh more than -- a. pound, When
butcher4d and. cleaned b xitachinery
W M,
tack of J4 Grippe, I
my back was sc
jostled two or three times. by a huge
"I'm fond of the table d1wtej,11,
, me ,. Dill
, .
the bag 'of feathers I$ Put into the
� ,
and after being critkoany exam!
tender and weak tbati I could ocarcaly
- black raustache,
follow with a big
said the Uble d'hot,eL fiend, "but they I
of .fttoa 1A the only, passenger whose
. .
I "
ji�iiqileo Are dangerollis.
other p4n of ,t e b
he balance th , eam,
wm%. after a few Oscillations, come to
aaa into brine tank* for final c,leana,
lil -
got around. A conti4ilal dull, W"Ing
Flual L s doing
. ly, seeing that he wa
Purposely,, I lost my temper and ad-
it are rnining the manners of the Poo. .
- .
ple. The Other night I saw the pr.,.t.
. ., . .
. I . I
Tost exactly lov el. ,
I * So far the "both
they, pass into dripping tankso
where all Use wa I ter is thoroughly
down pain bad settled ifi tho regioAo,f
the kidneys L alld exte][11104 Around my
drex4ec, 'a hot remark to him,
iihteh At
he exclaimed, 'Pordon, mort.
tient girl at a table across from, wo,
Tb� 14 w, was given to tlille
. ains. car
in ry� Aprtly ' boNre 6 o'clock
i y"ter",
verdict 411)[10"
seems to be ,.proved. But
. place .tho
I .
draiiie4 off. From them the fish,
. .
014M My head would ache iponstain
. . tly
sieur,', L
4rQppe4 his umbrella at my
no pretty I could hardly keep rity I
. eyes off her. Shtp was dres.so'd. in
. 'ay ',after400u, . I,-
WUnce on, the receiver 91 an Air
pump, with load and feathers nudi$-
by endless obain carriersi, Ore , con-
velyed to the on aehines,`*here
, . Ulu I In,
and tl,6r'e was,often 'A 41ZZLY I*IngL
and spots appearing be eyes.
for* My
feet. and in stooping to get it msn�
Aged In some wqy to pt my lettorof
white, with a big whi I L I
Ate hat cOvered I
� wilh a white veil, and had love4 blue
- . . I .
I . � I ''
- � ,
I tIO-L. "r - 1� . ,- I
I I �
turbed. Cover the whole with the
glass bell jar and exhaust the air.
01T U-
a number of rapid y-ravolving i
lar knives 4ivide the .salmon into
I felt lausuld and, poorly In ;uy .9012'er-
ali and I kue
, ciedit,.althQugh it was in at inside
pocket. It caused me a lot of troul
� I
eyes, and whola she had a ished eat. I
. t . . W
' I
ng her pear she licked every finger
, . .
... , . . ,;�; _'. , ".... � �1 o . I I- _01. 11,
. . , �.�, L..;_- L, , . . L
'.� _..
Slowlythe feathers sink, and the
. lead kicks the beam. The, pound tA
pieces tho length of a can , -
. For pound,'or half -pound tat. or
. L
,health although w my
siftess bad weakened and - dl�orderod
L '
ble, the sending of many efiblegrams
and some money, but I managed to
sh . e had o , a both hands."
. . I
:1 I __
. , I I
feathers is heavier than the pound
oval.conit, the salmon is then pa*od
the kidneys, I could not find-AnYthilt
. 9
have the payment stopped, and the
. I
. 1. . . 0� � -
.. ."
of lead.
b band,.as no'proiotiosil machine for
fillin these de-
to beneAt ville, I learned of . Bo�t�ls
thief proOted nothing.
I 1. . ... i. -
I 11 . I
- . .
, . .
. ., I ' . ' ' ,
I The truth is that wbAt we call a
I �Qund was not such in fact, for the
. cans has yet ,,been
. .
v10 . .
L Kidney Pills through an ggirvoritioera it
_ en
and procuring'a box at Mr. Holmes'
Rome on last bristruss day
, 0,
wont out for a ride in the suburbij
I ,
Repeat it :-"Slilloh's Cure will 41-'
. � . � ': � L
I .11, . _ I
. . .
ittruosphere, buoys up overythiri$r
. . _
Over 80 per cent. of all salmon I
: I -A 11 --bines in 4he bigh al
Pharmacy I commenced .treAtiuent.
to see some rare paintings in an old
ways cure my couSbe and colds."
OP9. Ion chumh, wisliting w sale the country, I . �
. I 'hed . within it, -in pr rt to the rAwk Of I,- 01 ! I I time r took a.street car that was densely ... . _ -
. � _Vstab�is 1$79 . the object, and the feathers, being .Preforred tall cans. , L .t. was, a comparatively short � . L . � I -, __
.0 ,0,�A.�AW. of .n4� 11 7t; 41, 4u 1.� 11 . . For tall cans the salmon are led when I had been , relieved of the necked The nir urna retty, orlan �
.�- I �,
11 � ,ta n ne uu" grains, ' . - . . 4.5. .. � I . sometimes . a , lucrative one, - but at . � _.... 1. I � .
I . � .: . 1. � . I ar' "' I . I . I I . . . W100-10 .. -1. - .... I _-1 I I ___.. ... .. _ - I . .1 .. . . .. ... .- � - I
. . 0 . I . PQuno co' 0 I 'O"t, y "' Of course, I I . - of the cockroach -catcher or "beetler," . . - I 1. . I �,i�in
the pouu I ,ers ' . I . . .
. . r. . . I 7 . I 1 240 stil, heavier than the. i I al� . I I � - .. . . � . . I
. . _ Pound Repeat it :- 'Shiloh's Cure will , as he styles himself, is said to be - - - . . .
I . � . I . I .i JZ61y , . � . . --- �_ . . -ve, - I - � .
, I . . � I I I still more ,-Iucrati if somewhat I
� .
I I . . I . . nd colds." ,� I . � I I
. Oudo,us Sdhbol Customs. ., . .. I 1. 1. . I .� 11 .. . . Ct.%red 'of a.Severe Attack of Bron- Whited. ' . . . . I = I
I . , * . I ' . I I --- I . . For the raodest sum, of half a crown . . � . . . .
. Mexican school 1hasters iho�v the '.. . Edison at Murnorist. I- . . . . . . . . chitis by Chamberlain's I
eff I orts in . A great' � . . ; I Cough,Reuedy.� , '. * . the beetler will undertake; to % clear . .
4 . L,pprboiatiorli -of I a pub.ills . , . ir Tbo� Ameriea,u invontoi, T. Ai- - . Gil CY HAT COMING 1N. . I I ..; . . . . . � the .most. infested kitchen of cook- ,W.E'W-ANT TO HAND YOU OUR .
ouriOus mhnn I er. The diligent student , Edison, who is: at work perfecting A . I ... ". .. .. I '. . : I "on Octobeir ' lkh last, my litt, I . roachais'In'an houi or iwo�- All he o I - INTERES . TING .' 1� I I .
is- slowed' to -smoke A cigar during motol� powerful but small enough to. P as Flurry e . I .
. . ,rince's .Headg*ar Caoe , I ' ed isthO the kitchen be Riven, � . I .. . . �
� . . . . yea,r Old daughter 'Contracted' a requir . - .. I . I . I
- the whole cliss bring the aetol M04SAr- Among Fashionable - Dresseis, - . p to him entirely L f or a couple of '
the lesson'. When )la:ue within a , tifii:6 I
has given satisfaction, permission .10 'able distance. -of success,". is partly - L . . . .
- one way ' Tall . hats of a. grey'�hue, grey.* top- ; severe cold which resulted in hours, after dark, 'and when' he leaves F R EE ' - BRO OX � CA I .
givelzi for �a general. smoke, ..and bven deaf in his right ear. In . case of bkorchitis," says Mr � s. W. G. . I L I � . I . . ' . . . I . I . . --- .. I ... I . I .
this �an advantvrgal;'ai it enables him 'Lexington,, Ky. - "She lost � r main. . . . .
the little. Mexicans are allowed 6 pars, drab shells, or, il'there be any G. . he guarantees that not,abeetle shall . .. ; � 4 ,
. a . other name prince. of_ lbson, I . I . .
light 01- cigarette,� for the - occasion. � to. -pursue his work undisturbed while by which the . , e His method -is a simple one. He, .fying Y.o � 611 Idir a ' '. .
Xeedlo'o� W say, the schoolmaster surrounded by all Wales'. headgejw; ')is shown it Que, ,the powe , About Quall urs .
. � r Of speech' Completely and I I . . 1, . . % . . .
I " . .
. the no'se of a busy bec, 'can' be desii,rnated,,: let,.it. 14e was I.:very.sick ' child, Fortunately mixes'a dertaiiI, potent. drug dear to ; Isuccessful Careei. . . .
himselVilpokes-d-digar of a size and �sbop.-When offered an -infallible cure - ' � . . � . �, I# I � �L .1 . . ..
I . kuown.that- the. article Is reviving !it' we -alad a:,bo'ttle' - of.Ohambeil;laiuls the palate of the cbckroach;-'and adds. . . � . . I'� . � . ,
. qViality flopartionate ,to his superior , .for his deafness, lid once. remarked, ' ' - of ru'm to 'th' mixture � then,' I.i I I . : I
, il ' ' " Singland; that Phila- .a pint e .
Pozition P But the schollLr4- are not Vhy� should I try it? Think of the. � popt arity, mL . i Cough Remedy. in ihe hoit 6 anil .gave. ' � To "ra the folly. of entering . bumitleft . . .
, . . lot of. stuff Vd. I have to- listen to that. �delphla h"'caugfit on'. slow sis. h6i it. to her ,- . s - he. pourn, the decoction into shallow . , 33 a' . . - . .
Mlowed. to4 drink, this ptivilege -being. I reimtation * 19, diid, tbat Tor ' I . aecording to the printed basins . and deposits -them in thb dark file" �0&ut a !,hpilloo I aucaifon_aw. I .
� . ` . . I � . . . .
. i
accoirded. to thei-maitei.on on 'his - I "don't want , ta. hear!" - On another . onto '"4 directions. On .the second . da d... , reftcl Guir rreo catalogt�e. . . -
� ly. p,)itg adinit that there., in a fashion- . . 11 Y sbe, corner's. of the .room.. He retires an . . I . . . . .
desk -he always keeps a- bottle -of. occasion a jvoilld-mbe wi�t said Ju, or- - � . ,
. , ' able .spasm in this direct -ion But it ,,was.a.great deal better, and on , the wai�ta� for ten minutes, and �vhea he � ' Why,d9alr6ble to securs'thts *%usfi4sa sduca4 . . . .
. I 't . - Id tones ' .. 'fifth day, October 23rd,'she was cp,� , revisits thobasini; hi ffivariabIl f . inds Moo" at rorest.alty au* va.uqi� - . . I
. liquor, which, when.eing y. occasion$, . I= f I guess be'd'bestr it .. only a� sijasin-, and ev(ln�ih- expert.% . I . . road 06talo . . *as I . . . . . :
-much . dispute among � t e iIiinli.- The 18 .them full of struggling beetles'in an why the is rastassuls1ouses, Pro(" - -
parents of him to have a- . won't admit that.it -is iiot,a rni,;guided , titely well of - her'co! d and. 'brohellitis, tie, I .. . � . -�
his 80b.01ATS, .an - it' 48 -considered,. an inventor looked the young man who I . 1. .. I . I . . ' Jr. e. B je 1&4�i 0 . I . I . ,.
, honor, to be able to'. fill I the - school- , itpoke .squarely. 'In the eye. "Y . one. I 1. . I . which ',,I. attribute ' 'to this splendid a4vanded state of intoxicaftoh� The. This IF ,sduates�road Csial000. � A. .. � - . . . I I
I . . Ut elil' There u -d racelk,ine. - I 4 recommend Clia - strong smell' of the, ru. ' combined Z DOOR explains in detail 40 , of . -
. . se to b� a rio�cicl-d fashion . . .in, MZommo I Shorlh,,,&C ypa *,pt I
mastior's bottle. �, - ' . -- ,. perhaps I should," he said; "b .. mberlabils' I ... glial. 08 . I
. 1. h' F
. tT
no. . I . with their favorite' drug,-- palno .. h�r 4Av . I it
. trates ..I 411F, . C, . . :
. 11.1 . �, . �: 'k ' !" I r iri tall 0-roy'llats. bnt f`iey. have been Cough Relned uhreseivedly .its I have. to the, . - . . Instruotion am ouparlorl Shown value of - .. 4 . .,
� not to -day, ,than, you , - - . . I . I T . _ .. 6 0114,
I . . I . ..� : - J I � .1 .. . I very little.'in d6inand for seven years ' uttermost. cornerg of the floor- Business Educators' AsA I . . . I I .
. . . ... .
. . . I . I . '. . I . � � . . I . . � or - more, They.' -axe Always - ' keipt in ,found it 'the surest, saest and quick- lug and entice� the orring.vermin to soolation's Diploma'. � . I - . . . 01*111,41, 1 . ... �, . . .1
Came Neat Choking to D&ath, - . . . Catt!e Undergricle. . §tock in the best hat stores', but tke. est cure.for. colds, both for children tQr undoirig, Thdy feast on 'the usdldrs.a.n.LYZ�.r. am. . I . �� . k I . �
� . I .. � dr - are unable . logue . . . .. 14 speeml
. .� . 110 . - � I
I I The. live stock trittles report states demand .has almost.' died out, and, adults, of any I -have ever -Used." ,ougged'spifits. till'they I . . I . I ., Opesdiou , .
. A"little boy, the son -Of Chris.. D P -t -sovie incroast, is- notca I .. .. rdil rouh you. I 1. . . . I and � . . 1.
., , "I should' jvAgo -by the Friglish For sale by all Druggists. I walk, straight, and at intervals of Promptly. � .. . �� . I
, .
' I � . .. . . tt
Peterson, a. well hnown -;resident of sl+nly of live st6ok -from Can-, , newspapers that they are -coming in . . ., . . . ten minutes the.cat6hers clears 'the : I.. . i . � .
. � Mudeals city . . .
, . . . �
. trl,,_ blit ther quality, ii. deficielat as a h-ain, * It was the 'm6st b -coming hat � .. . . . . drunkards away and waits ofor .the Admht.d 11 I 1. The Forest . ,
I I I . batch. I Any Time . . .
the village of Jacksonville, Iowa, had rifl,. ' The. shortage compared to 190 G eldorly men everbrought out, Sir 1. . . .. next Not a .cockroach -will re- . I I Balnets A. Shorthand, Collep . ,
� I . a sudden. 'and violent attaci of croup. in s)ip,ly from Montreal sinei May 'Tolin always worp otin. you. know, Admiral , Rojestvensky,, who ,. com- main, al -the and of -an hour. - I I � . . I ..,I., I I . I 140doni.-Ontarle. . . . . . .
' '
. Muth thick stringy phl�gm camo� up untountst6 13,0K .. . . I . -Ther"s mly one, Sir John in. Can-,manded the Russian fleet.at the. dis- .away , Ill-, * . .
ad .� ,!rhe catcher takes the beetles J., wl wasurvalt. J. W., wasiamit: Je .
, . . I . .CA:
after giving Chamberlain's Cough ' - _* ___ . a. # he explained. ' ' . I I astrous* battle of the Sea o,[. Japan* ' in a sack, and *beh they have slept ' 401POL . . I . I
I . in Pdatipat V164-pli . �
. .. . "'It was. a f,whionsbln hat ofi the 1905 . . , - effects of their 44 � I - I . .. I �
Remedy. Mr. Peterson say.4: 111, thial( -nivoroui; Ants. . � oft the i - .. .
. the Car ' 91 is dead, , . . . . I .
he would have choked to d6ath .ha,d .. d' ,., New York ,'Stock Exchinge eight ,QA . I . . � . .. .. I . I sellis' them at a penny a hundred -to . I 1. .. - . . . . � .� ... � .
. die subject of vegetarlarlisni'lia ten yeais'pgo, and it was alrn6st ne-*-' I . - " __1 . � ho te I - R .
. . we not given him; this, remedY. I I , 'For ououpk6d a great deal of.attent! ". I . I . . .... .� . bird -shops, where the s ri� rs tl - I � I .. . ! _.. .. .
I sale b al'I'dru'ggist � s.- , , , . . � :, . - the -family. * One day the Olt, in . ry to' wenr oue fhcre, after Aug. . .. . i � �. I . , ..�� 11 I . on.beetles as long as t e y ;4 0 t!. . - . .. . . . . . � I . . , . . . .
Y .I 11. . . � five-jear-old "9sa: i 'VIC) I, NVAA.Ts, ' - , * .' , ., . .. 1. . . ,. I I .. .i . � . . . I . ., . . . , . I . . . . . . .
. � � . 15, when Aho N-11 smods civinoi in. Any % HOW "TO REV v .. . . . � . I . , .".. I .. .. I :. . I . . I . . ., . I I I . .,.. . .
. I . . . . . I . . � I
. , , e , . . I . ,. �
� .
� . , , _. I � . . .in.is out walking..vyfth big elder sister', '. other soK of hitC wills lia'ble 'to b . I , ��, I I : rsatli .. � . . .. .. I .
I � I . . . a 'd, off. , : , - I 1. . It's really, 'rinil'ic"' I . I -, Lady. . .,W a . . I I I . L . * . , . .. , I ... , ... ,
nd he meddled; somewhat t6b. fraely . krfocko . A Ve a Old . .
. . . , . f * . I I 1. a s p matter to. 'e. The aittenti6n of . the.. class in his, - ' ' . - . � � I., . I : .. 11 . , , , , : ... .. � .: . . . .
� . , ; .
. I
The first step. has. ' been, I taken : tli� with the affairs of &.1arge.-coiotty of . "Tt'is .used as an ordin L,ry , business move warts�.aud .callouses it YOU al)� tory seemed to be. anywhere but on � . I . I a . : � �
waid t�e. form on- , . or lorn ana'Wart ExtrAc- the subject in 11'arid; and the young ` . . . , . , . ,I r � I, .
ants. �Ue deserted them rather. sud- 'hat. r fiever corld und stand why ply putnani,g C . . I I
Ati .. of ', an - lnterni� - aenly and came back to. his� j I , . � I .
. - 1. . aide, -rubbin hi' 111toes a hivh hat -is cooler than a low One, . tor, ' Cure is certaiti-failure ituposo- teacher was getting impatient. . i, �� I t I'll . . . .
tLonal Ship-ownerf; Won for' the re- .9 s bard i legs, 1140r. . I 1.* . I , .. .
� . , ' it .. .. .. . I .
I - I
comp6tition a:n a' ously. - '. I 1. .. � . but ,it is. -All ro6d hatters carry. this ' 'a. 11 . "Children " - I . . . i . I I . . . ,.
, .
duction of th . � . , , * , I . .. sible-ifyovi. use. "PutuaTa she said, - "you'rhust , .. . � � . �
I � I I " L .. grey 'toppers in stork." . , . . . . . �: � . . 1. ,pay better Ltention-to what you'are : - - . . .
taining of freight elia . I ' What'sAhe matter?"' aske( sifi.er This authoritv' did not think there � � * . - . - .............. ............ "I'll, � . .
I , 11 ,� -, 4� �
, I �,,
. rgen'. "Oh, nothing; only,theni.ants q in 11 . . . . I . I - � dbing. You cannot possibly do two . ... ... . .
. . . . ' * � .. . . . .
�. . � I . ., . , I
. . . I . . was arty rule hbout wparing a. grey . . . I . � � - -
. The r Alberta Legislature opened -yes- ' vegetilrians,." was'. the sea!�-;I'i If top hat, bid was I surorised to hear Lord Strathcona '' � things At the same time. No.one can ,]go , . .. . . . .
terday. � . . ,reply of � the yo;i-Qgster. .. . ' .iot I . , .has given .2ijowtiO do two .things at once." - .. . re people Would put their .the sum, mentioned, plui the I
I . . .
.1 � ... . . .� .. I .. . .. � . . .. 1. that the Pr4nce of Wa les wore - his tile U-nivEirsity. College Hgs' ital, Go ' ' . savings in the Debentures'of this - interest,"all 4 per c I exit..po . r annnim I L
. .. . I I-. . I � .. - when goine'to churcl� in the mo,rn-. I 1. 1) W. -I At this' point a ,small boy. raised .' . � . I
I'll I.... . '. � � .. . I . . � .
I I 101 . L � . . er street, W.. C. ' ' -, �'. - ' his hand and.waved it fTantically in L '. Company, if th y realized the- at the ti i_ I
, I .. - �.__ seess" ing at Q.-4pe- ., . ., . . i . ... . . . "r. . - L . I . e I- nne of ex�irati6n. - - This
. 'L . . - � . I . I I L . . .. I . . . . ' I ' . . the tj � I this - promise . is secured by I over .. . . .
. � I .. ... � ., ... . . " L . .. . . . -.--- - , , . . simplicity and -safeness of
.1 .. '. . L� I- I ". . � I L . . . . . L . . . I . I L . . . . - � .. "Well, Willie, what '3L.."t?". she in- .1 . . . . , lie in - . ,. . . .
.4 . I I . . I . . . 1. - I . . .. '. 4 _ I ' i � I . I quired., � I .. . I � . . form of investment.r, It merely $11,000,000 of asticts., ..t - ..
. . . I . . - . �
. I . : . I . . 0 . T14E INTERE, . means that one depos ts a certain..' . ter6st 'coupons attachal, are the I I
. L � p L . . . . ISTING'ROUTE. -Please, teacher," said Willie ,$in i . .
I ' . ' .
� . . . .. . " L I I I I . ACIPeat it ,-" . "Shilolt'g . Curp wili * al- To Man . . . .. - . . . gran,ny, -kin..do'two thirtga : t46r * , one' y 1. amount -any sum, over L. $100- saine as cash and can be de . 2ouited . ' - .
. 11 itoba, Saskatchewan and Al- . t. L W - . .. L I . . . L . .
`0 " W� N T
'I N
, .
I 'AL7t Quall�
uc essfu I C
To ". th. li
. I
I . . I., : - . . . WdYs cUr' my co�lghs"and oo'ldk" berta, is via' Chicago I seen,.her." . . . . I - with ,this - Company for a per . od � as stsch. lluron- & Z,ie 1)06C L' , .
. . e . . . .1 , I . In. . ..
I 1� " � :: r .. . . . -and 'St. - Paul "No, Willie,- 'T think you.must be " of titne, not lbss than one Lyear) � tum are'dn inqcstzma,�It of the.
.. I I . . I . . .. . . . .1. ,� � Minneapoli I . � L :L . . .
. I . �_ � - I s. or. Duluth. Throu h . the inistakert, but suppose I
. I .. - I . �. . 9 . you , tell us . .preferably five, years - or less if h"hest class',anj the.� maii With .
oelk_'. .1; .,.�� I I � e . � . I lighted St Clair"T . I. .
... ; L � I.. �. . . . . . . : . .. brilliantly , . unnel by what these two -things are," .,.. . . . I . 0 .
. . .. . . .. . . The� Bobtail F1'ush .. .. . . .. Electricity w thout Smoke , . '.'Please, ma'am, 'she kin read. an' � . 'desired. The debenture ftrrrl small savings carl. share inAt, . . .
I .1111 � L . .. 11 L . I * , I . 0 . I ) _. gas - or . . ' Capi" 1, L '
. . . . "Takei back the heitrt-'that th. tf., . I oute soak her feet all ler. onc*t." - which the defiositoi rOCCiVC& -is A equally as well as . the 4a ]at* .
L . . I dust. secure pamphlet, "New R . . L . I . � .
.. 11 !! R 01,�i `11.1--�� � . . . . L
. "P MiSe of
,N,; . I 1'.��.. -1e. saltig its he mournfuny laid . - '
�;-;,% . ".. A PUk � your hands chapped . r , . to WityintpCgL and West" from .1 . pro ,the Comp*auy to pay Write for full particulars. . .
F'Ii.� "' 6L 9 I . . nearest . . . . . . . I I
-.'��, �gli%,,,"g,g. A The ace of that suit on the table, I . I
. . .. ,,�.,�,.-'. . - I . . . L .L . . I - I
.. . . . r . I I 1. I . I . . 1.
?g.:n.,�:�', cracked, or sore? Have * What he wanted *as on
. ,f,'.*�,.-,%k.-XW L CTrand Trunk -agent. .. I I . .. I
lxll'+,W.11��s: . - little .A- L I . I . L L L . �
. . . . . .-
I � ::.. :A*,�..
.. .M..
. . .
O.. ;
1111UU11111% 14,1=51110 Mups . .
Cwth, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
01 I . I - . . , . .
sityported by zusi(lej_
the air to a c
from large hoppers, which are attach,
.ad to the cutting machines, into ther
beadachle and dIZZ1.114S.S. ..
My eyes began L to
1 41 � P .
, . . ut-
and I wore an overcoat closely b
r '
, ' �.
16iiii4eliti , a 6Qon to 'Astlumlittes
ab, 17 greater extent than the lead.
� Relh r .
oved from thin supporting - inod,
filling machines.'the empty cans be�
ing conveyed to the fillers, by chutes
clear and were
SOOR stro". And well. Tho pain grad _
toned, . How on eArth the Tallow man -
aged to ret to my .watch and make'
. �
Does it not seem more elTective to breathlt in a
iuta.. their true eil�ht is made . evi,
444t. . .
from the upper floors. I.Che 's
_ . a#non,
ually -I-Oft my back and, sides, and . I
Itrengthented, I am. Very I 'to
away W1 h'it will
, I . puzzle me -to my
L . r r
life's end, bilit Ike did theArick, as I
� .
. rort0y, 0 �jFura 4isems' of the bre;Lthinq qrgang
I tbous tatike the remeointo0p stomach1g, 'I
thexiiiendered otti .9 'Iyanti.
it cures because ,
Charles Reade propounded A aimi.�
lar' question in one of his novels. A
first being'cut into cylindrical pieces,
is by gentle pressug -9 of a piston plao-
Bootit's Kidney Pills for the speedy
found on getting off the oar.
"Had It .been only an , ordinary
� sejtL- L;s carri6o,pyrr the disiaser4 suj,�.co ,,*!I,h I
ey tolqnpil Rod con . �
I ,
, #7-bMtb,;qLV1# 'p, . � ith
1% is stivaluible to mothers m �
. .
Jewish trader I' ruade to ask, "Which
Is r
the .heavier, a pound of feathers
od in .the tall' canw in a nicer and
- than could -be
moral appetizing way . .
relief glvm rat, and will gladly rc�
comm tbem," So
L lend Id by dDalers.
timepiece Ir Would w3ver have said a
rd f the 14 s , but it wa n u -
WQ o 60 a a n
'chill'oelli't _ .., , . , I I � =
.Tho4Lfa9ontuffllK1X0 - 6$ Slit
� Or a Pound of *gold?" After awhile �
ho explains to the satisfaction of his
done bYL hand. . .
In addition to one pound of fresh
Nice 50 cent3. Tho R. T. Booth Co. s
Ltd,, Fort Erie, Ont.,� Sole Canadian
usually fine one, and I valued it much
more than'the $3W it cost me."' I
": L �' � "' L
L. - -
. L
, "..
tendency find imnitill R.tc . -f.
telief from coughs Qr in- C1010
. .
audience of miners.that the feathers
salmO it, each tall can contains one.
of an ounce of table. salt,
Agents, . � L
. . __._.___ L .
flamed conditiontiot k�*, .. 'I, �. �. r
. 0 I
. are the heavier. I
Gold, he explains, is weigheA by
which is put into the can before fill-
- .
.: I ;.._.
.; . "
:.:L L '..,..,: �::
$01a . ) � I .% Ir
I 4 'A
. §e,ndpostalforboo et. . I . I ,
I troy weight,, While feathers. are Weigh.
r I
eld by avoirdupois, and as the twelve
.ing. . .
' L
From t6 filling machines the cans
� L .
. -
Two explosions ne of fire damp
' 0
- r
He dets ths Cockroaches Orunk and
, .�:��j�:,:
,�'. ...
� Lxzmwxc;, I f
. T � .. .11 � . 0
i-,.,,&",.:Jvg"g."L.I.Sm,�",P",, . . I'll,
ounces in a pound troy contain only
are transferred to tables; where they
are thorougbly weighed. and
and one of dd st, entombed 240 menin.
Then Carries Th6m Off. ,
I . r
..*��, I I
... L.;
I . I'll.
.. 4
�,,,,.,, deficiency supplied. L -
Hun aflan
a 19 -mine, killing at - least
The trade of the rat ,cher is
.�- I �,
11 � ,ta n ne uu" grains, ' . - . . 4.5. .. � I . sometimes . a , lucrative one, - but at . � _.... 1. I � .
I . � .: . 1. � . I ar' "' I . I . I I . . . W100-10 .. -1. - .... I _-1 I I ___.. ... .. _ - I . .1 .. . . .. ... .- � - I
. . 0 . I . PQuno co' 0 I 'O"t, y "' Of course, I I . - of the cockroach -catcher or "beetler," . . - I 1. . I �,i�in
the pouu I ,ers ' . I . . .
. . r. . . I 7 . I 1 240 stil, heavier than the. i I al� . I I � - .. . . � . . I
. . _ Pound Repeat it :- 'Shiloh's Cure will , as he styles himself, is said to be - - - . . .
I . � . I . I .i JZ61y , . � . . --- �_ . . -ve, - I - � .
, I . . � I I I still more ,-Iucrati if somewhat I
� .
I I . . I . . nd colds." ,� I . � I I
. Oudo,us Sdhbol Customs. ., . .. I 1. 1. . I .� 11 .. . . Ct.%red 'of a.Severe Attack of Bron- Whited. ' . . . . I = I
I . , * . I ' . I I --- I . . For the raodest sum, of half a crown . . � . . . .
. Mexican school 1hasters iho�v the '.. . Edison at Murnorist. I- . . . . . . . . chitis by Chamberlain's I
eff I orts in . A great' � . . ; I Cough,Reuedy.� , '. * . the beetler will undertake; to % clear . .
4 . L,pprboiatiorli -of I a pub.ills . , . ir Tbo� Ameriea,u invontoi, T. Ai- - . Gil CY HAT COMING 1N. . I I ..; . . . . . � the .most. infested kitchen of cook- ,W.E'W-ANT TO HAND YOU OUR .
ouriOus mhnn I er. The diligent student , Edison, who is: at work perfecting A . I ... ". .. .. I '. . : I "on Octobeir ' lkh last, my litt, I . roachais'In'an houi or iwo�- All he o I - INTERES . TING .' 1� I I .
is- slowed' to -smoke A cigar during motol� powerful but small enough to. P as Flurry e . I .
. . ,rince's .Headg*ar Caoe , I ' ed isthO the kitchen be Riven, � . I .. . . �
� . . . . yea,r Old daughter 'Contracted' a requir . - .. I . I . I
- the whole cliss bring the aetol M04SAr- Among Fashionable - Dresseis, - . p to him entirely L f or a couple of '
the lesson'. When )la:ue within a , tifii:6 I
has given satisfaction, permission .10 'able distance. -of success,". is partly - L . . . .
- one way ' Tall . hats of a. grey'�hue, grey.* top- ; severe cold which resulted in hours, after dark, 'and when' he leaves F R EE ' - BRO OX � CA I .
givelzi for �a general. smoke, ..and bven deaf in his right ear. In . case of bkorchitis," says Mr � s. W. G. . I L I � . I . . ' . . . I . I . . --- .. I ... I . I .
this �an advantvrgal;'ai it enables him 'Lexington,, Ky. - "She lost � r main. . . . .
the little. Mexicans are allowed 6 pars, drab shells, or, il'there be any G. . he guarantees that not,abeetle shall . .. ; � 4 ,
. a . other name prince. of_ lbson, I . I . .
light 01- cigarette,� for the - occasion. � to. -pursue his work undisturbed while by which the . , e His method -is a simple one. He, .fying Y.o � 611 Idir a ' '. .
Xeedlo'o� W say, the schoolmaster surrounded by all Wales'. headgejw; ')is shown it Que, ,the powe , About Quall urs .
. � r Of speech' Completely and I I . . 1, . . % . . .
I " . .
. the no'se of a busy bec, 'can' be desii,rnated,,: let,.it. 14e was I.:very.sick ' child, Fortunately mixes'a dertaiiI, potent. drug dear to ; Isuccessful Careei. . . .
himselVilpokes-d-digar of a size and �sbop.-When offered an -infallible cure - ' � . . � . �, I# I � �L .1 . . ..
I . kuown.that- the. article Is reviving !it' we -alad a:,bo'ttle' - of.Ohambeil;laiuls the palate of the cbckroach;-'and adds. . . � . . I'� . � . ,
. qViality flopartionate ,to his superior , .for his deafness, lid once. remarked, ' ' - of ru'm to 'th' mixture � then,' I.i I I . : I
, il ' ' " Singland; that Phila- .a pint e .
Pozition P But the schollLr4- are not Vhy� should I try it? Think of the. � popt arity, mL . i Cough Remedy. in ihe hoit 6 anil .gave. ' � To "ra the folly. of entering . bumitleft . . .
, . . lot of. stuff Vd. I have to- listen to that. �delphla h"'caugfit on'. slow sis. h6i it. to her ,- . s - he. pourn, the decoction into shallow . , 33 a' . . - . .
Mlowed. to4 drink, this ptivilege -being. I reimtation * 19, diid, tbat Tor ' I . aecording to the printed basins . and deposits -them in thb dark file" �0&ut a !,hpilloo I aucaifon_aw. I .
� . ` . . I � . . . .
. i
accoirded. to thei-maitei.on on 'his - I "don't want , ta. hear!" - On another . onto '"4 directions. On .the second . da d... , reftcl Guir rreo catalogt�e. . . -
� ly. p,)itg adinit that there., in a fashion- . . 11 Y sbe, corner's. of the .room.. He retires an . . I . . . . .
desk -he always keeps a- bottle -of. occasion a jvoilld-mbe wi�t said Ju, or- - � . ,
. , ' able .spasm in this direct -ion But it ,,was.a.great deal better, and on , the wai�ta� for ten minutes, and �vhea he � ' Why,d9alr6ble to securs'thts *%usfi4sa sduca4 . . . .
. I 't . - Id tones ' .. 'fifth day, October 23rd,'she was cp,� , revisits thobasini; hi ffivariabIl f . inds Moo" at rorest.alty au* va.uqi� - . . I
. liquor, which, when.eing y. occasion$, . I= f I guess be'd'bestr it .. only a� sijasin-, and ev(ln�ih- expert.% . I . . road 06talo . . *as I . . . . . :
-much . dispute among � t e iIiinli.- The 18 .them full of struggling beetles'in an why the is rastassuls1ouses, Pro(" - -
parents of him to have a- . won't admit that.it -is iiot,a rni,;guided , titely well of - her'co! d and. 'brohellitis, tie, I .. . � . -�
his 80b.01ATS, .an - it' 48 -considered,. an inventor looked the young man who I . 1. .. I . I . . ' Jr. e. B je 1&4�i 0 . I . I . ,.
, honor, to be able to'. fill I the - school- , itpoke .squarely. 'In the eye. "Y . one. I 1. . I . which ',,I. attribute ' 'to this splendid a4vanded state of intoxicaftoh� The. This IF ,sduates�road Csial000. � A. .. � - . . . I I
I . . Ut elil' There u -d racelk,ine. - I 4 recommend Clia - strong smell' of the, ru. ' combined Z DOOR explains in detail 40 , of . -
. . se to b� a rio�cicl-d fashion . . .in, MZommo I Shorlh,,,&C ypa *,pt I
mastior's bottle. �, - ' . -- ,. perhaps I should," he said; "b .. mberlabils' I ... glial. 08 . I
. 1. h' F
. tT
no. . I . with their favorite' drug,-- palno .. h�r 4Av . I it
. trates ..I 411F, . C, . . :
. 11.1 . �, . �: 'k ' !" I r iri tall 0-roy'llats. bnt f`iey. have been Cough Relned uhreseivedly .its I have. to the, . - . . Instruotion am ouparlorl Shown value of - .. 4 . .,
� not to -day, ,than, you , - - . . I . I T . _ .. 6 0114,
I . . I . ..� : - J I � .1 .. . I very little.'in d6inand for seven years ' uttermost. cornerg of the floor- Business Educators' AsA I . . . I I .
. . . ... .
. . . I . I . '. . I . � � . . I . . � or - more, They.' -axe Always - ' keipt in ,found it 'the surest, saest and quick- lug and entice� the orring.vermin to soolation's Diploma'. � . I - . . . 01*111,41, 1 . ... �, . . .1
Came Neat Choking to D&ath, - . . . Catt!e Undergricle. . §tock in the best hat stores', but tke. est cure.for. colds, both for children tQr undoirig, Thdy feast on 'the usdldrs.a.n.LYZ�.r. am. . I . �� . k I . �
� . I .. � dr - are unable . logue . . . .. 14 speeml
. .� . 110 . - � I
I I The. live stock trittles report states demand .has almost.' died out, and, adults, of any I -have ever -Used." ,ougged'spifits. till'they I . . I . I ., Opesdiou , .
. A"little boy, the son -Of Chris.. D P -t -sovie incroast, is- notca I .. .. rdil rouh you. I 1. . . . I and � . . 1.
., , "I should' jvAgo -by the Friglish For sale by all Druggists. I walk, straight, and at intervals of Promptly. � .. . �� . I
, .
' I � . .. . . tt
Peterson, a. well hnown -;resident of sl+nly of live st6ok -from Can-, , newspapers that they are -coming in . . ., . . . ten minutes the.cat6hers clears 'the : I.. . i . � .
. � Mudeals city . . .
, . . . �
. trl,,_ blit ther quality, ii. deficielat as a h-ain, * It was the 'm6st b -coming hat � .. . . . . drunkards away and waits ofor .the Admht.d 11 I 1. The Forest . ,
I I I . batch. I Any Time . . .
the village of Jacksonville, Iowa, had rifl,. ' The. shortage compared to 190 G eldorly men everbrought out, Sir 1. . . .. next Not a .cockroach -will re- . I I Balnets A. Shorthand, Collep . ,
� I . a sudden. 'and violent attaci of croup. in s)ip,ly from Montreal sinei May 'Tolin always worp otin. you. know, Admiral , Rojestvensky,, who ,. com- main, al -the and of -an hour. - I I � . . I ..,I., I I . I 140doni.-Ontarle. . . . . . .
' '
. Muth thick stringy phl�gm camo� up untountst6 13,0K .. . . I . -Ther"s mly one, Sir John in. Can-,manded the Russian fleet.at the. dis- .away , Ill-, * . .
ad .� ,!rhe catcher takes the beetles J., wl wasurvalt. J. W., wasiamit: Je .
, . . I . .CA:
after giving Chamberlain's Cough ' - _* ___ . a. # he explained. ' ' . I I astrous* battle of the Sea o,[. Japan* ' in a sack, and *beh they have slept ' 401POL . . I . I
I . in Pdatipat V164-pli . �
. .. . "'It was. a f,whionsbln hat ofi the 1905 . . , - effects of their 44 � I - I . .. I �
Remedy. Mr. Peterson say.4: 111, thial( -nivoroui; Ants. . � oft the i - .. .
. the Car ' 91 is dead, , . . . . I .
he would have choked to d6ath .ha,d .. d' ,., New York ,'Stock Exchinge eight ,QA . I . . � . .. .. I . I sellis' them at a penny a hundred -to . I 1. .. - . . . . � .� ... � .
. die subject of vegetarlarlisni'lia ten yeais'pgo, and it was alrn6st ne-*-' I . - " __1 . � ho te I - R .
. . we not given him; this, remedY. I I , 'For ououpk6d a great deal of.attent! ". I . I . . .... .� . bird -shops, where the s ri� rs tl - I � I .. . ! _.. .. .
I sale b al'I'dru'ggist � s.- , , , . . � :, . - the -family. * One day the Olt, in . ry to' wenr oue fhcre, after Aug. . .. . i � �. I . , ..�� 11 I . on.beetles as long as t e y ;4 0 t!. . - . .. . . . . . � I . . , . . . .
Y .I 11. . . � five-jear-old "9sa: i 'VIC) I, NVAA.Ts, ' - , * .' , ., . .. 1. . . ,. I I .. .i . � . . . I . ., . . . , . I . . . . . . .
. � � . 15, when Aho N-11 smods civinoi in. Any % HOW "TO REV v .. . . . � . I . , .".. I .. .. I :. . I . . I . . ., . I I I . .,.. . .
. I . . . . . I . . � I
. , , e , . . I . ,. �
� .
� . , , _. I � . . .in.is out walking..vyfth big elder sister', '. other soK of hitC wills lia'ble 'to b . I , ��, I I : rsatli .. � . . .. .. I .
I � I . . . a 'd, off. , : , - I 1. . It's really, 'rinil'ic"' I . I -, Lady. . .,W a . . I I I . L . * . , . .. , I ... , ... ,
nd he meddled; somewhat t6b. fraely . krfocko . A Ve a Old . .
. . . , . f * . I I 1. a s p matter to. 'e. The aittenti6n of . the.. class in his, - ' ' . - . � � I., . I : .. 11 . , , , , : ... .. � .: . . . .
� . , ; .
. I
The first step. has. ' been, I taken : tli� with the affairs of &.1arge.-coiotty of . "Tt'is .used as an ordin L,ry , business move warts�.aud .callouses it YOU al)� tory seemed to be. anywhere but on � . I . I a . : � �
waid t�e. form on- , . or lorn ana'Wart ExtrAc- the subject in 11'arid; and the young ` . . . , . , . ,I r � I, .
ants. �Ue deserted them rather. sud- 'hat. r fiever corld und stand why ply putnani,g C . . I I
Ati .. of ', an - lnterni� - aenly and came back to. his� j I , . � I .
. - 1. . aide, -rubbin hi' 111toes a hivh hat -is cooler than a low One, . tor, ' Cure is certaiti-failure ituposo- teacher was getting impatient. . i, �� I t I'll . . . .
tLonal Ship-ownerf; Won for' the re- .9 s bard i legs, 1140r. . I 1.* . I , .. .
� . , ' it .. .. .. . I .
I - I
comp6tition a:n a' ously. - '. I 1. .. � . but ,it is. -All ro6d hatters carry. this ' 'a. 11 . "Children " - I . . . i . I I . . . ,.
, .
duction of th . � . , , * , I . .. sible-ifyovi. use. "PutuaTa she said, - "you'rhust , .. . � � . �
I � I I " L .. grey 'toppers in stork." . , . . . . . �: � . . 1. ,pay better Ltention-to what you'are : - - . . .
taining of freight elia . I ' What'sAhe matter?"' aske( sifi.er This authoritv' did not think there � � * . - . - .............. ............ "I'll, � . .
I , 11 ,� -, 4� �
, I �,,
. rgen'. "Oh, nothing; only,theni.ants q in 11 . . . . I . I - � dbing. You cannot possibly do two . ... ... . .
. . . . ' * � .. . . . .
�. . � I . ., . , I
. . . I . . was arty rule hbout wparing a. grey . . . I . � � - -
. The r Alberta Legislature opened -yes- ' vegetilrians,." was'. the sea!�-;I'i If top hat, bid was I surorised to hear Lord Strathcona '' � things At the same time. No.one can ,]go , . .. . . . .
terday. � . . ,reply of � the yo;i-Qgster. .. . ' .iot I . , .has given .2ijowtiO do two .things at once." - .. . re people Would put their .the sum, mentioned, plui the I
I . . .
.1 � ... . . .� .. I .. . .. � . . .. 1. that the Pr4nce of Wa les wore - his tile U-nivEirsity. College Hgs' ital, Go ' ' . savings in the Debentures'of this - interest,"all 4 per c I exit..po . r annnim I L
. .. . I I-. . I � .. - when goine'to churcl� in the mo,rn-. I 1. 1) W. -I At this' point a ,small boy. raised .' . � . I
I'll I.... . '. � � .. . I . . � .
I I 101 . L � . . er street, W.. C. ' ' -, �'. - ' his hand and.waved it fTantically in L '. Company, if th y realized the- at the ti i_ I
, I .. - �.__ seess" ing at Q.-4pe- ., . ., . . i . ... . . . "r. . - L . I . e I- nne of ex�irati6n. - - This
. 'L . . - � . I . I I L . . .. I . . . . ' I ' . . the tj � I this - promise . is secured by I over .. . . .
. � I .. ... � ., ... . . " L . .. . . . -.--- - , , . . simplicity and -safeness of
.1 .. '. . L� I- I ". . � I L . . . . . L . . . I . I L . . . . - � .. "Well, Willie, what '3L.."t?". she in- .1 . . . . , lie in - . ,. . . .
.4 . I I . . I . . . 1. - I . . .. '. 4 _ I ' i � I . I quired., � I .. . I � . . form of investment.r, It merely $11,000,000 of asticts., ..t - ..
. . . I . . - . �
. I . : . I . . 0 . T14E INTERE, . means that one depos ts a certain..' . ter6st 'coupons attachal, are the I I
. L � p L . . . . ISTING'ROUTE. -Please, teacher," said Willie ,$in i . .
I ' . ' .
� . . . .. . " L I I I I . ACIPeat it ,-" . "Shilolt'g . Curp wili * al- To Man . . . .. - . . . gran,ny, -kin..do'two thirtga : t46r * , one' y 1. amount -any sum, over L. $100- saine as cash and can be de . 2ouited . ' - .
. 11 itoba, Saskatchewan and Al- . t. L W - . .. L I . . . L . .
`0 " W� N T
'I N
, .
I 'AL7t Quall�
uc essfu I C
To ". th. li
. I
I . . I., : - . . . WdYs cUr' my co�lghs"and oo'ldk" berta, is via' Chicago I seen,.her." . . . . I - with ,this - Company for a per . od � as stsch. lluron- & Z,ie 1)06C L' , .
. . e . . . .1 , I . In. . ..
I 1� " � :: r .. . . . -and 'St. - Paul "No, Willie,- 'T think you.must be " of titne, not lbss than one Lyear) � tum are'dn inqcstzma,�It of the.
.. I I . . I . . .. . . . .1. ,� � Minneapoli I . � L :L . . .
. I . �_ � - I s. or. Duluth. Throu h . the inistakert, but suppose I
. I .. - I . �. . 9 . you , tell us . .preferably five, years - or less if h"hest class',anj the.� maii With .
oelk_'. .1; .,.�� I I � e . � . I lighted St Clair"T . I. .
... ; L � I.. �. . . . . . . : . .. brilliantly , . unnel by what these two -things are," .,.. . . . I . 0 .
. . .. . . .. . . The� Bobtail F1'ush .. .. . . .. Electricity w thout Smoke , . '.'Please, ma'am, 'she kin read. an' � . 'desired. The debenture ftrrrl small savings carl. share inAt, . . .
I .1111 � L . .. 11 L . I * , I . 0 . I ) _. gas - or . . ' Capi" 1, L '
. . . . "Takei back the heitrt-'that th. tf., . I oute soak her feet all ler. onc*t." - which the defiositoi rOCCiVC& -is A equally as well as . the 4a ]at* .
L . . I dust. secure pamphlet, "New R . . L . I . � .
.. 11 !! R 01,�i `11.1--�� � . . . . L
. "P MiSe of
,N,; . I 1'.��.. -1e. saltig its he mournfuny laid . - '
�;-;,% . ".. A PUk � your hands chapped . r , . to WityintpCgL and West" from .1 . pro ,the Comp*auy to pay Write for full particulars. . .
F'Ii.� "' 6L 9 I . . nearest . . . . . . . I I
-.'��, �gli%,,,"g,g. A The ace of that suit on the table, I . I
. . .. ,,�.,�,.-'. . - I . . . L .L . . I - I
.. . . . r . I I 1. I . I . . 1.
?g.:n.,�:�', cracked, or sore? Have * What he wanted *as on
. ,f,'.*�,.-,%k.-XW L CTrand Trunk -agent. .. I I . .. I
lxll'+,W.11��s: . - little .A- L I . I . L L L . �
. . . . . .-
I � ::.. :A*,�..
.. .M..
. . .
O.. ;
- '
)u -cold cracks" which open
. L I 1. � - .
,. . .L , -Pucki
. . . 1. . . . I
. . . I
. . ., , 11 � ..
- -
. .
. I ,�
,,, .
and bleed when the rJdn, is
. I - . . .
� . . I .
. I
I �
. .. .
. . , . - . .
. . . . . I . .
I . I
�. .L. . . .1
J I .1;
_...",-I -� ..-.� .... . ..
R,--,�,:%,��.�,, qis" N
, " '�
0, gl:�� --`,-`��?,'-
drawn tight ? Have y on a
cold Sore, fmst bite, chilm
. . : Onoe., I I
. t ' L ,,, .
��'Why, I didn't ku
. I .ow . hat you and
' '
, I. �
'i.>ffi -
The .war has issued orders .
that medal ri ' cc i
bbons are hot to.be
I .. -
I . . I 114Z.
� Ak,
� .."....,
�:i�'-�Ii:�"`.�., .-.,!,..,;,�!-�.�`.::
_,f�.','�:��'�� I ... ."...,
blairis, or a 1� raw " place 'Higgley
were acquaintances."
40h. yes. He was my brother-in-law
I I . warit,
.. .
k1a, jgckets, .
with 1) ,
. :
':��;"'�:�'!�]:L. '-".L.�.'.�..:�:��L;!.!:j
':;'*....1...:L -J_��L",X,,,.::�
;;�'L�L�.. �5':��'���:;�:�.,::.":":'i:���:::;�:,:a
W-11iCh at tirue.6, makes it
� agony f6r-you to. ko about
for awhile onc'e."-Elouston Post,
. . . .
. I .
. . � . .
I., .
_ . I .
A white sparrow hag been.shot in
I ....,
-,��iili -��
�, -�
j;�:.�...:�.L�. .
�.�,�� �11;1;`,,.i::
N.,X;,;�,:; �,%.::;�:,�'
. "
.: your household duties ? 1f
. �L I
Parts.ADotn,the *',Pfighest" 13uL .
. . . . ilding,
. .
.1 stackyard' ift Pointen Fen, Lincoln-
4 . I . .
shire, ,
, : . ;...
": L �' � "' L
L. - -
. L
, "..
s6 Zarn-Buk will give you
tTnel L S.,
I e am' is not contented with
L � L . .
- . . .
. , . .. I
�j :
I . I.,
�: . .
;,."'... � �1].:L ,
:; ,�:. .... 1,��, 1,
- ,
relief and will heal the
the *Astonishing height of the now
* I
Mr, �Vj I 11 ' L . , ,
Atli .Farslow, fot nearly for.
1 i .
.: I ;.._.
.; . "
:.:L L '..,..,: �::
: . damaged skin. - A n o i n'
Singer building, which is at present
ty Years mace4zitaret'of Kings ton, has,
, .�:��j�:,:
,�'. ...
the LSore
1. I placesL at.night;'
the' falldst in the world, but. bellove
. . .
'ust died. I
. .
... .
..*��, I I
... L.;
4-bd if it is the hanft, I Lthat
monster hag -been '.conipletecl
another still hi gher has been project.
,I .
' . . . I . I . .
I .
. . I
. .
q I
. .
11 ;-.'-.':
. I wear a paii- of old gloves
qvernight. Z a rn
ed:by the Equitable Life Assurance ,
- - . . I . . .
I � .
: ..
goad MRS'. yvit r
c-9,2 .", ..
. -:O u'k's
society., This remarkable sky -piercer,
, Repeat it,-"8hiloh"
S" Care nill al�
� .
. �
. .
I "
I �`�
� "� � .
I "
I i
. I
�� .-Erffin r N @`1111 I , ''
. . .
. � . . . .
� . .
� 6 ' I
. .
. .
� .
I Loa, n, & Saymigt Co., tondon, On'to . .
. ..
I . 1. . . .
. . I. . . I
I I .
. . .
- ---,---..-. I , wlap�. ,-&a . . .
. .
. .
. . . . �
4 ' -
a . .
''I J 0 1 �
. "fie -New's Re.eb, --tild Clubs.
... . . I I I I
. . . I
. . . � . I �
. . -
� I hii-i's .1 ilut CAP' 1-fidbQ1 . � I . ,
. :
. :
Ex0erilence. . . :- I I UAA Itealing essences which is designed to knock creation, Ways .Curc my coughs and ,!old8.11 ' . . � . . . I .. .. I . . 0 I I
I'll .,. will sink into the wounds, is to be actually twice as high as the ., . . � I . I I I . . .
L Iffrit.Yelleii. of PortlAnd stiys:- .. end the striarting, and will I . � __ . � 1. S . .
"I consid world-f6mous Singer building. The . __ . . . . . . . . -, . * , . I . .
. er it only my duty to . building itself will rise to an altitude - ' ' . 6 "I . . . �
tall you of the groat beliefit I .. :: �, quickly heal. . ' . I . . . . - ___� - , I . . � ,
. I
.2, . I . .
.... I
have deri*ed from Zain-Bak. "My .. - I of 909 feet into the air, and with Its Archilchcon ',E , A. Seymour,. vicar 4 . L. � 1. . . . . . . . .
bandit 'Were. 46 sore aitd_�crarked won orful healer And. sbOUIdL be in every � massive steel flagpole on the'top of Ilfracombe, . has died. . 7 . . . ' . Much good reading for little money. ,,
that it W, its dome touch the giddy height of � TORONTO AND RETURN .
as agony to put them into home." � I I I . . I .
Witter. When I tried to do so they L . 1,059 feet--nearihg a. quarter of & Dr. Gebrge Gore, F.H.S., tile emiin- . $3165. - � The gews4lRocdrd and Weekly' * L 1 inpipe-okie yi�iir __ $I.Ea
Would. smArt and bum as It I 6a Father and DAUghter both mile, � Ont scientist, has died at 131riniagLam, . From .Clinto'n � Ct .49 Maill i nd t I
'st . . 46 I . . Weokly Globe; .... .. .... . I I ... I . L65 .
scalded them. I siome,i quite .,table MinsHatti. Cul'64- The plans of this building aldue . 1 n. his eighty-second year. . id I.t . I FAIlully Replild and Weekly Star- ... I.: 1175 1 . .
tagetroli6f from anything I ,)at on Bertrand.Galesbuirg Out fill seventy pages of drawing -paper, ._ , � , , L. I with: 95 cents , added for admis- I Weekly Witnesi - ...... 1, 160
them until I tried 72ta-Tink, and the writes :-1 Zint-Buk is the beat rjl�a W4"6 each sheet of which is 5 foot long A . � 1. 6.0 L .
Win succeeded whan an elso had bavd,byetumd Evolry year . . '10" to L Ontario Horse Breeders :: I . 11 8un ....'.:::, :. �: ....... ......... I
I am troubled - L and 4 feet wide. Think of it I Foui� . . � ., I *Dlxhibftfon. Good going Jan. .12 44 . to .. V i.e.-. Prom .., � . ..... . . 1.15 �
fAildd It closed the big truk., pv6 iwd srinsind nothin . . 4. 1 to . 6. � .11.,.11. 1.
. . toen hundred square feet of paper , HOWt-S 'THIS ? . , 114 13, . I . I " I Advertit4er 1- ...' -' 1175 I
-, _ . Ill ' limit, L . 41 It I .9 . p4trilling t�'orld - .... .. L ...... I
. the infiauj=tion Land in eytirseonted to liftl tbem. ,until I frI64 alone is required to plan this, now . I . Return . .00
time heated tay' hiinds Zam-nuk. It is gutprisillig how quickly Jan. 16, 1909, It . it ,
� ,
. I
. -up the sores ana men were forced t,& work ,every day ward for any case of Cat OALIFQRN. tA, - - I .
this balin b4s. healoil structUro. One hundred and fifty lVe offer One Hundred Dollars Ro. P-tra);-t's A"Ilvot-mo. alitf . I 4dp�' L
t,llalpra,yo 2`01 ` I Would. stronRL- recom- crikekst Mv father hasubed itforoeveral rly L arrh " ibat ' . . 1401110 MAR
mo,d it -tto, . for nea eight months Without in. It 49 . i,lkiue 2Z
sillyond suffering 'f"m aillnonts aull injutiep and tilittlo that it cannot be cured Didly $ews,'Tt)r . I
.6haPTwA Or cracked, hands. It I* A , ,nothing to f quil iV, . torruption Ili order to complef4 the Cur I by Hall's Catarrh MEXICO, It . d. onta..... . .1 ........... 230 .
- .1 . . . . drawin , and it will take the Go,ve e. . . PLORIDA. I I . . id . d6 . Star " '.. .... I ...... ".. ...- 2101, 1
. . . I I . Globe , , ,, . I A dk_
I . � � 74%.Jahsk, U eteelka �.for tham ehfibwng co" ftn* sbro
: jbw upt. ,M)Ilvt, ftaeA wister tdknla� W44 ##rft*T,
! .11 _., I . 1, AdMw AxIm mt1wisdo ftd baok& ab*mjw& pdwp�es, rft�
, 1 . � "r*,0c, ewe. bUH4 brwsek *41A grow" uNd as ex
, . . '
I .. . I L � � �'j ::* ise@104* ek- Of
, tu Z"Piwilmr-0,
� , ftwd& 1"M ADA, A,bili& 4.6w It lx� You are woolud
0 ju")"0800041 *Vowdimm sphialt a" sovidision
. I 4#*Od 01kis Jedw-s" is akw Aw.
I .
I I . . I .11. - I— . I _ .
. I
ment official exactly a month t6,11 lVellild. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
inspect the plans; The building 0 le uilidersiglied,,have known F, itil,
R �
Ourld trip tourist now on gale to. I
'principal 'Winter Resorts, .
0 94 �. I .. .. '...., ... I I I
. I "I rC4 I Mail id I ... 1 � 1. ..... I 4.26 �
. . World I . 44 .. . ... 1. * a 25 .
. 1.
to have sixty-two storeys, and the J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
number of rooms will total believe him Perfectly honorable in
Full iiiformation from- � .1
. 114 .44 ,
. .911tordav Nistbt 'i . , . . .. 2 50 L
': 11: Pree Press, London,_,_ * '' `* '325
.many all
thousands. L � . . Itranga . ations and financially able to !
P. R. 110d9orls, Town Agent,
A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agent,
...':: �
t . Free Pross, nvo"lng edlitiolt.. "..*; ".* , j" "' .* I � 2.75
Them large buildings ho*oger are carry out any Obligations made bV,
Awayeid with every wQ and P f 'con* Ills firm. , .
� I A
It Whitt w,n *
stantly on the swing; this produces it . .
sensation ttkin to sft�sidlaiess until Watding, Kinna-A& Marvin,
Itt?t. I .
I .1 )ft),U ,
. ' �, is not In this H -�4t, W e cah, supply
at less thafi 6 wolold 00 you by sendirl-d direct,
I I . . I .11. - I— . I _ .
. I
. _. � .. .. . ... . . ,. I
Ithe occupants got used it, This
Projected building, however, will be
to hurricalao, f6t it.'nally,
0 URAMO MuggM811:01CUO, V.
ITAII's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter.
. 1.
. . I . . .
LA -remitting, please do.00 1
DY ord,pr, Postal
� it ..
able withsfiand a
is built On the Principle Of 414d-
acting diroetly upon th� blood
and incous surfaces Of thO syst0ift.
Now is the time to visit
CalifOrAla, XOXW, V lotida and
.ExpreS8 . �
or registered letter and aadr0.S'& ,
'. I I
bracoo. . I
ITestimonials sent free, Price 75
the Sunny 'Souifi, ROW trip
I . .
I .
. "M , 111. -
vents per bottle. gold by all Drug-
tourist tieko,ts, on sale to all
principal winter vtesorta. .
. . I
I` .
r. ,
_. ..A I -.-:--1..__.._
i - , - 'I � Ili -
It' -peat it ._"8htlQll's CutO will Al-
Tail�o Hall's Patrilly Pills for con-
P. R. 110DOXINS, Town Agent,
", � Nwift i ways Our., my COTA9119 %lid colds," �
. stipa,tion.
A. 0. TIATTISON, Do,pot Agent,
T"18 NEWS-UPWOROf Wk clinton
r I . .
.. I I . . � I . . .. .. . .
. . I I
. .1
. .
k� I .
. # . f
100 i 0 i � I _ - I , 11 . I I 11 . . I 1. I I A,
1001 _,______.,_,_._ ,__,__'_'_,_
I .