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The Clinton News-Record, 1909-01-21, Page 4
4�1mto Nt�ww'll�'"t,ie 14 January slat, 1W - _ .. Ile New Fro uWey •�w • . � gO-ft�SAWV4%.p+ •+,•04W4,%4r4W0 1'... i prettyretldi took lace at star The farmers aloe the west side Mast• At li o'clock on Wednesday, ,evening i Misses Emilia and Annie Ste@nett- W,edlnesday ox'iast land in the last 6 ��/ o'elock an everting canccss.an vicinity of the of week a pretty wedding was san: Visited at the home of Mr. Geo.; week at the home of ?fr. A..Haller :Colborne bridge are mueh eVerelsed solemnized at the home .of Mr. and, Sparks of the Drownsona Line last ` 11 ' when his daughter, Miss Annie Agnes,, over the report 'that the proposed Mrs. henry DOwson, Babylon Ltne, week. became the bride of Mr. Harry new bridge is. to be hundred their of B081tiess in Q W nton one feet when youngest daughter, Sadie We are glad to hear that Mrs. Wiley, Sweet. The ceremony was performed shorter than the present one. They K was united in marriage to Mr. Ed -'Is ' s solo on the meted send we gape she __� by itev. Mr. Snowden, pastor rP the say that If such , is the case there is win Arthur Foster. of -Varna. R,ev 'will soon be able to be cert again. I 0 . Methodist church, Ilolmesvilie, In the bound to be a series of still greater A I -I. Brown performed the ceremon ,,� Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Robinson and 1 y It is some time since we flrat announced aur presence of about. forty guests. The ice jams with a conseiluent ba.eUingIin the presence of about forty of the Master Curtis of London are visiting. bride and groom were umattended, a of water and damage to :fences.:frterAs and relatives of the bride and friends tit this vicinity. o I.'l:A'SJING TOWN SA[,F,, t � d After the knot had been truly tied and The original bridge was sift fact shot --'groom. Tlie b y g' g y, ride was given away by I Miss Edith Stephenson of Virden, the company had extended to the ter than the present one• and they.; hex father and .was ,becomingly attired Man., spent last week the guest of in preparation for a move to the Wes Our stock has been scantly reduced, and ws are now in shape fora happy couple congratulations and gfiod% cannot understand the proposed • one fn a navy blue silk skirt with cream her brother, Mr. Charles+�tephensoa generalcletici tip, We .must close our doors: on or before the end of Feb. i wishes, all sat 'down to the wedding 'should be one hundred feet shorter,' net waist., Bath bride and groom of the Parr bine. ruary, and we hope by that time to have our entire stock of dinner which consisted ol'Ue season's Any one. crossing the bridge can 'even, were unattended. Mr. and Mrs, >!os-' • Mr: John Stephenson of the :Goshen lacy Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes converted into ready I cash. . delicacies. Some time wak then spent now forth some idea of how the ice; ter will take up housekceptug in the Line sold his horse the other day for o 0 in social amusements aftbr which Mr. jams accumulate later on tit Oaa• sea-, house owned by %vs. F1'.anailton oil the which he received a handsome sem. If you want to buy gond, reliable merchandise at wholesale a and Mrs, Sweet drove to their home son. f Parr . Line. ; -.,, r, • ` . I Miss Maggie Clark is visiting friends Pio` or evesn less, .now is the time,. We OAN and WILL a ,. on the Maitland concession where they Are you a News -Record subscriber ? , Mr• and Mrs• •.Ggorge :.+,aster left in Hensall t,hfs week. ,have taken up housekeeping. Their • for. their game in, Vrictirla B. C. this ? The contract for carrying Its , If not;: why not. � + y . & � q q • e P ce duri g the next few weeks that will mean a big a saying for you on your spring buying. numerous friends 'throughout the week .after a visit c1 some months Majesty's Mail between Drysdale and Russel Currie son of Mr. William PP g {avt�nsfa. illy most cordially wishwith -.and.- ,, .relatives around ICi en for'the ensuing ,term of faux Currie, who has, been the. � _ ' I an siclt list hem n ears of happiness And,, • • V r •, , y i years lies been . tendered to Chas. since f'hristmas, still rrryuires the Mr. TAill.4 S,Parks ,3 i Dont fall to Investigate this offer as it will certainly y prosperity: services of the doctor. I has, bpuglit the Laporte. Mr. J. Howard who has. on Monday Mrs. John Alexander re- farm of his .Uncle, �4lr..rllex. Sparks carried the mail back and forth over a be to our advantage. g ,ceiva telegram informing. her thatAt Ilia close of the Sunday 'school of the Brownsoii Line, .a,pd will get this route for twenty-two years, is f' - her brother, 1MIr. Geo. Phipps of near fn connection with the Methodist possession, •,the first;,,oI A,pril., There, now retiring owing to advanced. age. 0 Shop early while stock is well assorted.church, Galt, on Sunday, tho young aril X105 acres .in the - e,I ,Toronto had died that morning. The , place for which.a+'During the long term 1MIr, Howard i deceased is well remembered by many 1men class presented their teacher, fair price was. paid.'. It is five .miles proved ever faithful to duty and is All accounts must be settled at once: in this township., The family came r Charles Tebbit with a hand- from Bayfield, The+.aaCe owaler, we doserufng of.. a' pension, During the 0. some goldmounted umbrella, suitably; understand, may,lomte•,iil the. West, stormy . weather of winter the trip - Terms of sale strictly chsh. - here many years go from Whitby and engraved, accompanied by an address, The purchaser is a .sta-lwart young, has been very unpleasant but our re- , lived for a long period on the ,7th con. + . + Mr, 1i , H, Lobb paid a visit: to . an nvhat is ;now Mr, John Hud;e s up- yeoman and:there :: is..no doubt what tiring mail carrier gas missed but the Ingersoll district this week to ;ever that' the farm passed .into good ver p p per farm. Some years ago he moved y few trips. %WeAo a our new man 0 to near Toronto where he engaged . make another purchase of milch, cows, hands when ,he bought It. .He will will fill the bill as well as his pre- market gardening. fol: his auction sale which. takes place occupy the liou'se, just -at present decessor. PLUMSTEEL BROS5, I -, L. 0. L. No. 308. had an oyster sup- on Tuesday next. See ;�dvertiscment but we may imagine •from his ire- Mr. J. Tough is at present confined t. per on -Wednesday evening of last on page five• (guent visits -Clinton-way-,well of that to his home suffering from the effects a,,Rb,0a+•m•ti.m i•m�84%.8�i,e4 ni we ►giomgacs�va�m�,e ' week. There was a large turn -out of Mr. H. Jowett of Port' Flµron is, more anon, as some. body has Taut it, of a -cold'. . Mr Edward Bo ce • and • Miss Mar= The tele hone h • t 11 d ' • spendin a couple of w el• Ith i " � y ! thg brethern , and.all enjoyed them- .g c •s w us _ p . as.een ins a e inkovv%ftko VVVVVy^ � O P E S salves Immensely, as might be, expect- cousin, Mr. Geo, ,Burnett; , garet Jane Boyce .of near Blake spent eight d'we7liags along. the Lake Shord . -.11 11 ed. The oysters were prepared by Mr. and Mrs, John.Reld of Stanley at he.home,of••Mr. .James,]Road. They are a great convenience Mrs, John' Sheppard and Mrs. Thome spent .Sunday at the ]ionic of Mr. Boyce. : . , , and will be appreciated by the farm- SLIM PRICES• SMALi, PROFITS son which is tantamount..to to sayin John Stewart. Mrs. Moffat of lMIooselaw, .Sask., is ers • in the community.. Free concerts . $TOUT VAL1fli;S UICK RBTURNS B.00'K. STORE gHO,ARE . that : tbey, would .have sickled the There was no service at dole's at. present visiting .with liar .sister -in. are often• heard over' the wire,.•,both On.. Q . • OLINTON' ,palates of the most ,have. The church on Sunday,- Mr. Hiles having law, Mrs. H. McNaughton. vocal and instrumental music being .. • evening' was a most enjoyable one, in- .to attend the funeral of Mr. John I Mr.. and Mrs:' M. •Hiatt of 'Varna on the evening programs. .Organs; SIT03M 8z. ZX1U83:0 . EMPORz tTM_ deed, and the brethern are now think Pickard. Mr,,• HarnweIt of Varna was spent Sunday at 'the . home of Air,.. W. pianos etc, may be heard. for miles as. , ing that .there should be at least two to preach but was unavo, abf y unable Elliott. distinctly as if the listener were be- ' to be resent. Mr. Willie Clarke spent Sunda at side the `ifstrument. . such gatherings every season., P Y Mr, and Mrs. Joe he homo of Mr, ,Andrew :Dunk: n:. Swampers are `bus now ettin the • � _ On Tuesday • the annual. meeting o1 Robinsonon of Lon- i y g g . Goderich District L. O. L. was heed don spent Sunday at Mr. Alex. Mr, and Mrs. Will, Reid of Bay wood into shape., The' sleighing is EgIN 'SHOE . a a West Tuckersfan><th. in the hall of No, 189. ,there was a Welsh's. City, Mich., -who has spent the ,past rather thin for easy teaming. 0 off OMEN largo attendance and the report s Mr. Wm. Mason of Saskatoon Sask, I'two months •over hoc<s• on account. of ..Born, -To Mr, 'and Mrs. Jos. Rau . Miss Annie Modeland of Seaforth• .showed the order to be in a prosperous. is visiting friends ,i;n Goderich town her mothers ..illness, r8turiied to their ori Jan. 1'9'th, a daughter. • Just received a large shipment . of the Regina spent Sunda with -her cousin Miss condition: The election of officers re- ship. ' . - home on Monday. • , ' • . Mr. Edward Badour has • bon ht an g Shoe, a.stylish; medium priced ladies shoe; .equal in Sunday � . The A. Y. P. A. of Middleton's had' • Mr• John Reid.of the -Parr Line left acre of swam and is bus with five Gertie Crich. Isulted as follows: p' y style and wearing qualities to 'man 4 and 5 shoe. � _ Mr. Horace Townsend has re ted . 1 Master,' W, Mew, Benmiller. an oyster supper on Friday .. evening for Bap City- • - on ivIdnd'ay last where assistants . cutting the wood. We.wish y . g q j� u f last with a cod' attendance. The he intend's .staying for some 'time. Ld. success. -- Call ih and. See them before purchasing, we will be fifty acres on the 2nd con: to Mr. Deputy, (1eor,ge. Vanderbiurg, Port t; y _ p g, Frank Layton for a term of ears,. ' intend having angther contest.to-mor . __may; I _ pleased. to show them,. the will speak themselves. er s Hill. y y intend .flavin a � Rev, Mr. Cooper of Blyt�i .occupied Chaplain, John . 'woods, sorter's g ,other contest Friday , . . . _ evening. of.this week for which a fine + Hill, Auburn,- Valea�ine Ratz Made s Ladles axe ' P ` , the. pulpit at Turner's .church on ro raw gins, $id Blushers, mat ki3 top, stylish knees, rices Sunday afternoon. : 'Ree. -Secretary, (}ebrge: LeithWaite, p g ni has been prepared, Admis- • .. • p sion. ten cents, last .another of the • , S•?° and . . On Thursday • 1 Goderich, .This Wilk be the last Se1lstOt Mrs, I. W. Jones spent Sunday' with - Sturd H m ` Contest of. the season. Pioneers of this district': joined flick Ladies'legiita' Kid Bluchers at .......:..... :..2.50, 3,00 and 8.50 Pili. Secretary, John y, o Y , . great majority in tile. person of Mrs. .Ottawa;, .Jan, 16th.; -The senate vaI.- Clinton friends. , - Mr. and Mts. Willlam ":Y eQ celebrat=' . esville, • I Robert Mutch Sr.,.Bonn in `Aberdeen, Caney in the province of Ontario • was Mr. Edward . .Biewes of Moo'semin, Treasurer, R. H. Elliott, Holmes- ed their diamond ;wedding on' Friday , , Sask., is spendin a few weeks at his - • . ' last when there was a re -union• of the Scotland, in 183A she .came to .Ontario. filled at yesterday. s meeting of ' the with her husband• man ears ago.: cabinet council. 1M r.. ,Valentine,, '..the MUSIC DEPA $ villa. family. 'Misses- Mary J. and Minnie' y y g RTI'IENT old home here: D. of C., John McClure, . Porter's Y y For a ;time they, located near Whitby of Parkhill who. represented North came home from Vanco0.wor;;, Rogin'a y . y The News -Record gives the news of Hill. but it is n'ow 'soiuye; to * ,ye ars since Middlesex fn the last arlfament Our music goods are hard to keep. .in stock. they are so : , ;. , . Goderich township.. . ' ,. Lecturers, G. A. Cooper,' Clinton ; (Mrs..•Yeo) came from Mantiolia and }• I P was .. . Ben £tom Port Iluron, These t eth-' they came to' this vicinity .slid thirty appAinl ed to succeed the late Senator r' - - R:. Y. Cox, Porter's.. Hill. .. og ei ht .vests' since the located o the Mern r. e' .Newcombe fan papula '- have 'been in pro • er u ith Qouncillor John :Xao and g y. n e Th re are_ still three senator .. Y os Violins . GODERICH. 1.Revival sgrvices. P darm in East Wawano'sh near this • 1al vacancies, to be filled 'two. in Nova Sherlock -Manning avid . ress at ' Bethel _ church last. weak and' Nelson' on 'the . hgmestcad,; constitute ,, ' Organa and Pianos . •. Violin Su lies, g . . the famii , of the venerable con lc village; %Si.V years : ago Mr, Muteb Scotia . and. one in 1MIaznitoba.` It is PP Court Goderich rece>atly made a doit}� this. y P was gat) red. his; k'ather and now imderstoo'd however that' these v = • who have ,attained all .anniver&kr , a at>'on•to the hdI 1.'spital for sick chil0ren Miss Rhoda Beetles,'spent Sunday,' Y 'he ,has .been `oiaedlb the artner of cancies will not' 'e filled! for d s ' reached by very few.. . ?.•few very intii j y . , b 1 some ay . in Toronto. .. • +with Miss Edna .Rud e... ,.his }ors aitd .sgrrowk. .To, Mr., and et. The Nova Scotia - vaeanoies, are LACE WHERE _. YOUR DOLLAR ALWAYS DOES ITS DUTY . mate friends attended the rc-union, + iY .. ---.. . T 1VIrs. IVIutch; ei ht' childreib were both : awaiting, the return of Hoii. Mr.. . 11- !among 'the number . being . Mr: and g, g . _ P Vie• Mrs. Robert Ilanlcy;: Mr. and Mrs, 'Ro.>bert,'.keeper,of the House of Refuge,, Fielding from Europe. ��1R11 n �VMNYwVVW^AA " . C.lintorf James' on the homestead ;I .11 John Beacom, Mr. and Mrs: James 1Vlr. Ritz was born in St. Jacob"s, - I Switzer and. Rev, and Mrs.' 'Hiles. A William in :Auiburn , Freda in Clinton. f, W . . � . C Mrs. Poulton Cleveland Waterloo county, on Novem r i�th,: _ photograph' of the . venerable couple; + . ;Ohio ,; Mrs. 1848'; o German ' ',parentage. He was Bennett, Blyth ;'Mrs. W. King, Clin- i their family' and guests: was taken by , I married• in 1873 to Miss Mary. Y agars ton In'.The last few days' of her so- . A�'Grreat `$40,0'0 • ChO aq artist from town wha .also took a. .. Y iof New : Hanburg, The new senator •�olu ur i thi . four generation setting, jo n n s lnfe . Mrs.'. Mute . mad© early followed lumbering, settling. in . . ` `. : �. L• O.: L. No. 189 which rccci.tly the arrangements for her funeral and. 1.bought a set of car et. balls. i tak'n selected. the :palibearbr :yho 'were the I'the township of Stephen. 'In 1896 - he Q(,,Qt' wOYlieri STAPLE AN'D FANCY DRY �'IOODS ;.lots of amusement out. of the game same as :'those .who performed the�first ran for the House .of Commons, Sh The members' think' that in a tourna- same • sad service fox }ler' husband; :and was elected. He .was defeated. .. ,1 . with th ' .;<c i in 1900 by Mr, • John, Sherritt, ' .but Imane with 30fi and 115 the 'could win . w C e apt on of: John McShan-1 1. MILLINF Y FURS , .MANTLP.ES y •R nock: and Matthew Lockart who took � was, again . successful in 1�Q4. ltilr.• . THERE-VIND-0 SHO . Ifrom both. casilly. , Ratz retired from the field. riot to1. i Mr and,Miss ..: . 1 Sturdy 'mere the I the places -of...Thomas ,Nicbaaon ,and,. p Th was Anderson;. both ; deceased, ,the - last' general election ` . . guests of Mr. Fred: Middleton on . }ie •' � , T Wcre. •Thomas Brow,;. Thomas He is president of the Sorth RivQr . Friday last.. I , I. . Straughitn .. ;James, 13igginbottiam . Mr. James Mose had a successful ' ..•. +.. Lumber' Company. It. s the .equal..of al].p $5 grade that Robert Medd John iMleShannock and wood -bee this week. I. , Matthew • Lockhart: ' The funeral took C. . 1. Miss Edna Miller spent Sunday .at q know, or., we know or anybody` 5 BIG Mr. Harry Steep's. of the Bayfield place to Union cemetery, Blyth, on.+ . . • Line. Monday,. the serv%ces, being conducted'- Lagrippe s Vie,tims• .. else knows. - . • . I I by Rep.. J.' L. Small of Blyth and . . Miss Lizzle Burnett who was'home . for several weeks, retiurned to .Strath Rev. Mr. 14Ia 6. of Auburn, pastor .. , Every° pair .fitted With: Verve . ease" . roy on Saturday last. the Presbyterian church •of which the UHFT WEAK, . MISERABLE AND:'A . I The council -met per statute on: the deceased was. a devoted member for PREY. TO DISEASE • IN MANY heel t CU:Shlou. They . arae specie rub- . . 11th inst. when ;the' following gentle- Many years All the members .of the FORMS:, SPF!ec ALS men m d the family were present with the creep- ally light and` flexible anal all. G ' od'.a e necessary declaration of11 . ' office and property . tion of Mrs. Poulton, who blit recent- La starts with asneeze -- . p p y qualification :• year 1v returned' : home after visiting her and ends a Complication of trou= Welted. Samuel' Sturdy, reeve ; 'John Me-. • g p ' . Clure, tiV: H. Lobb, John Ra thwell mother for some time. The passing bles. It lays, the strong man, on his of Mrs. • Mutch removes from � our back i it tortures him with fevers. and. We . Carry all sit6s and W1C� 1 S. Special NO. sand John iV.. Yeo;:. councillors. The: . p 1---Wrapperette in nea.rly all .shades, minutes ` of last meeting read and; midst one of the few remaining pion chills,- headaches and backaches., ,It ' good' patterns; suitable for, sacques, wrappers or Child a}iopted. Moved by J,.w, Yeo, recon-. ears and one Who was tenderly bel'ovi-.1;eaves him a'prey to lineumonia; b`ron� - When buying• dont worry about "your ren's dreeses this- i splendid cloth ` arl dell by. John .McClure, That: the tot- ed' in the ..home. -circle and by a veep chiefs, consumption' and other ;deadly . t s s a s le d c o b and ig' re ul s1Ze, just ask to be fitted. . P,. y lowing account, be p`at. :' J; Brind�- large.drele of friends, diseases, you 'can avoid La Grippe 901d at t5c. Saturday's C1Ce )IC. ( The newt or anized.Sunda school entirel b kee in - - :- Y price ley, g' a el,.:$22.90 r, ,J Kidd, express, I y g y• • y Y. P ! your blood rich �15a ;' election expenses �5i� ;, J, Smi lu at the Baptist church is:.making sat-: and red by the :occasional use of Ar. See the window is la" of e r t d $ y . . S. goo dS'�. • '. : gravel; $8;28'; 1VIuntcipal World; 2 as- ?sfa to y progress. under.. the 'active. Williams .Pink.,Pi11s. If you have_ riot D a R mann ement of lMtr, \V. C. 'Robertson done this and the. disease las • '� ttJACK�ON. . sessment rolls $2-85--,1M onteipal World g o. , . p you . .6 copies; $5.00 , F, ,Lawrence express and his efilCient staff of teachers. Thcl low, you can banish all its evil after c Special No 2 -Striped Flannelettes in all shades. I congregation,. has inereased consider- effects with lis , p p. 35c. ; Thos. Ginn, error In collectors' .. tf same+great blood , °i Always Reliable CLINTON This is an A 1 cloth, full 34 inches wide, if bough$ In .ro11 $1. George Tebbutt, posting ably, proving the Mvis. in of the :building, , nerve restoring medicine, � • . , chahge of location, • .Here is proof of 'the wonderful the regular way would retail at 12ic, our rice for treasurer s . re ort $1.75 collection. power p p • I . Mr.'. Jag..Lansing of Clare, Mich of Dr, Williams' fink Pills over dig- postage and stationrry $2 ; treasurer, Saturday 9c. igan, visited his relatives here last ease. �, postage,. stationery .and financial re- tiveek.: .. . . . posts $8. Moved by W. H, Lobb; sec- I 1VTrs, Windmill of 14lanitoba is visit- r' P: E. Paulin, Collector o1 dus- �! . 'a•^• vim'%" � ►�+►w� '� v�,�� w w�•►+�•►� M onded b J.' Rathweli, That •the ` fol- toms at Caraquet, N. B,, sa s In 11.1 . Special IYo. 3 --Children's Coats dark. tweed y.• ing with her brother; Aur.• Wba. •Plun the winter of 1907 I had a very severe - I , lowing persons be fence viewers, lcett: +. neatlytrimmed for quick. sell aaturda t,98 rP u- poundkeepers and athinasters : fence , attack of la grippe, which broke me - q . . � y g p` 1Mtr, Samuel•1MIarshall left. an 1MIon-. 1�.ewJacket3 acriflced viewers No. . l 'Isaac Salkeld Geor a down entirely, I had to take to my,!bed lar 3.00. + g day for Vancouver. . Laithwaite John =nluerb NO', 2 I for'several weeps. During that timet ISuriru January Jolitn Sturdy, oh F. Hick, Jas. 6. 24. Mt, `i'm. Govter of , Sa'sk. called on g yyou wish a clear ouE over a old t c our store y' ' I employed a doctor, but without beige- � and to do so we give you all the lienefib, . Not r every old Jacket in our his friends here last . weep. fit fact I seemed to be ffered • I . iNo. 3; Hall. Rutledge, Alfred Neftel, t uc + getting Worse , - stock; brand new styles in fitting slid semi fitting. Every coat less Special No, 4 Ladies Shirts. These are e$tra I Mi,. W. Jones of North. Br a is i , than manufacturer's rices, Sizes ran $ . � , good value in Panama and Venetian cloths, neatly Iti son,tRobertNAcltes h,d. Wois J, John visiting with his brother, Rev,- A. ]✓•. front Sweats, and had no.uappa p Re from a2 to 40 bust measure, trimmed in dol.ors navy, brown and black;. NOW is i I,.ovctt � C. W. Williams Thos_ Chur-' J°nes. tete. I, was really a physical wreck. $ - , ► �'� � � i Miss E. Knox is visiting. relatives the time to et a cheap skirt and at the. same time et Ic]iill. Pour,'dkcepers No, 1, George at Brucefield. Williams'former occasion I had used Dr. g price g 1.Huller, No. 2; W. F. Hick, No. 3 WiiPink Pills for general debil- $ T.00 -Ladies Jacket, made frust excellent frieze cloth, in black' quality. Regular rice o Saturday rice$3.75.1 +! Mr. and Mrs, W Patterson Mr. and. only, January vatue X0.00 q y g P y ii Andrew McGuire, . No, 4, G. 'b: i'•oa •• ' ' its„ with great 'benefit so I decided to ,I $ � John dy W,. J. 1M1Ann en, tut y, wh Stere again try them, I sent for half a doz. '7,00 -Indies Jackets, in black, navy, dark tweeds, either semi fit-• . P No. 6, Isaac Salkeld. No, 8, John dy and Miss Annie Sturdy, who were g y ; ,tit 0 . ting or loose, January value 5.00 Parker. :The various pathmasters will en boxes and begun to use' them Special No. 5 -Furs be duly notified, The following mo- I accompanied by Aft. and Mrs. James once. When ta4ing the second ox I $,50-T,ad es Jssekete, in a beautiful blaelt cloth. extra ile�ty pions were passed : 'ghat J. R, I%1•�Y,aidlaw of Morris, were in Clinton began to feel ! y Mink Marmot Stoles; regular 13. i0 for 10.On on Wednesday of this weep attending quite a eliange in my weight, January value 13.00 ► mes receive $d0 for use of hall for, the funeral of the late Francis iVIcII- condition. I was able to walk« bout 10,00 -Ladies Jackets black green and navy; with self strapping, l Alaska Sable.l uffs regular 18-00 for 12.50 I municipal purposes for current ear. II ' ' ,the house and my appetite was int- ` g Y` PP g' 00 for' 1$.00 ween, semi fitting, January value 7.00 1 only Altaska Stole rE;gular 25. I That John Thompson he assessor, G.' proving. From that on I gained � �. W. Andrews collector, C#ea, i1o11and� ; niversary services in ebriWill be strength every day; and before the 12.00 LadiegJ'akeets, black only, wool kersey cloth with. bright Witt the Presbyterian thureh will be h self. trimmings, Januar value 8 60 . , . and G, P. Gould auditors John Coat' six boxes were done I was able to re- is , y _ , . _ held 'on Sunday next. when Rev. Mr, tin Ali i re -appointed on . Board' of health to's . turn to the ofltco and attend to my . Y4.00 --Ladles Jarkete: black or colors, euro wool ketsev cloth., calf • - 3 years, Dr.,' ftitcly, M. 11, O, Bp.) mann 'will preach at both services. work. Now I enjoy the best of health strapping, fly front, semi fff,'tit�ig, January value 0.50 Thetd will be a tea••meeting on the ,,Z: laws 1, 2'and 3 were read and passed. following0enin.. when addresses Will And although 83 years o}d; I afn feel- 15.00--iutdies J,ickets; black, itav br,lwn, reen, with sills `braid ;,The salaries for offleers tot currentin uite , K g !q young. I think Dr. Williams y' �:. �+ year are : clerk 10? trees be delivered' by Revs. Small .and Hart- .. • , tritnrnings Cir detf cloth strapp•inga,g ve[t+et collar or plain Lvery Courtesy and At . ,� $ , urer $80 Miall Pills a splendid medicine for cloth, January value 11;00. ley, Blytlt,p Cliarleswotth Clinton and collector $80, assessor $80, auditors Jp s ', troubles of this kind.'; ane and Mann of this M illage.l wus-,. 15:60 --Ladies Jaekets. bloc only,':heavy kersey Moth, a big seller., $5 caclt, members of council $; each is x,1,11 be-' farntshed by. the church Dr. Williams, pink ittllg are a January value 10.00.E . e : y y .g, bloo&making nerve restoring. tonle. ., :. - a _ !for each and ever da setting, $,25 ,chair and ilia Wingltam quartette so. ten►tion - Awaits You Here -each for acting as road eomwissionersy In this way they cure anaemia, ln& �-- � 1. Moved by John McClure, seconded by edat a first-class program is assur gestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, St. , g partial paralysis. Highest Prices fora Htfte and Bggs ,Jolie 1lathwelt, That this council cls � 'Vitus Banc© and • nota adjourn to' meet on the first Th are the best medicine in the gi• OP'LE8 NE & GARRINER T '' HENEW Monday fn. February at one o'clock. GCOERICH, Maorld for the allitients or rlliood�anit I N'rr b E 'WE' ST, { Tf►e number of births, marriages and womanhood, Sold by medicine Ileal- births 20 marria es 8. deaths 33. dente pin 1'tctoft street to 1M9r. Mc• six boxes for #2.50 front the kyr. Will• ,�l1LCe860ri tf1 Moi innnn cit o,t ii'deaths for 19088 err as follows .: 'Vers, W. .V. Ila s has gold bei: rest- ars or matt at iifl cents a bort, or v y �' Nixon Sturdy, Clerk, Murellip, lams' Medicine Co., 'Brockville,. Ont. " 4 •`,-: �w�,rtw W6,4604&e al,,,i�,,,,�.4&0%w•ftolft 1%e% 1%1%1,+�0A%W,laab a • . • t _ 1 . . 1.4 \ o 9 -