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The Clinton News-Record, 1909-01-21, Page 1
BAPTIST CHURCH. .THE I,<QCAI, MARKET. l4lEk;7.'ING OF P. S. BOARD. Rchaird Ill Was Well The EDe>z'etic Ptelsden# 4f. The pastor's subjects for next Sun ! Wheat 92c to 94c..j The first meeting of bhe Public ° P'i"e$fr3nted., w day will be ; Morning, "The work of Oats 37c to 39c, school hoard. for 1309 was head last the Huron Poultry A.asocia t n Jai ' 91a Co to 'ills local company the Holy Spirit oni the Believer" ; ' Pegs 82e tp 81c. night when Mr, F. B. Flan was. p y which put on Evening, "Nothing to pay." There. Barley 500 to •530. again chosen chairman, The finance Shakespeare's tragedy Richard III, in will be a special song service in the Butter 21c to 22c, committee wid'1 consist of H. E the town hall on Thursday and Fri. evening, "Best Hymns" will be used. Eggs 24c. Rorke, C. B. Flale, and Dr. Evans 1greate day venings last fs entitled to very orjuq . err Live Hogs $6,20. while. J, •W, Moore, S. Kemp :and credit for undoubtedly ix waswEsLEy c><zURCH, � A FIVE TON SHIPMENT. J. E. Hovey are the property com-! la ever presented here, the most .elaborate and best staged Rev. W. J. Joliiffe gave a lecture mittee, Mr, J. Cunningham was re- p Y P ats�hQ l6ck euaelr VUt �Q� ' under t1le auspices of the Epworth,' "Artist Roberts tool. a photo on appointed secretary at a salary of � The new drop curtain and scenery League, Seafo"rth, on Tuesday even- Friday last of a big dray loald of fifty, dollars while Mr. W. J, Cooper � were used for the first time and their �] ing. His theme was "The Influence of hosiery prior to. Mr. Lock , Cree haul- will continue to be caretaker at $250 variety acid brightness enabled the coin- an� 411plairmareo Music." Ing it away to the station for ship- per annum. Mr. W, ,I, Hartley will pany to present the different scenes Next Sunday Mr, Joiliffe will op- went. It was part of a five-ton ' lot be P. S. L, examiner, Dr, Thompson, to the greatest advantage and by C. doubling the copy one of the London pulpits: sent out on that day: The hosiery a, member of the C,. I, board and Mr: � g Power of the footlights � • The quality will appeal. to people of good Rev. John S. Fisher of Lambeth company an are certain) energetic and W. Brydone representative on the an effectiveness was given to the q Y will P ,� P y y fS judgment and .prices will, convince you will preach in Wesley church next have been pushing their thoroughly Public Library bpard. spectacular part of the play that Sunday. 'up-to-date plant to its utmost, could scarcely otherwise have been that we are fair and square. At the Epworth League meeting on HURON. PRESBYTERY MEETS, attained. In the ghost scene green Monde evening Miss Florence qua. HOCKEY MATCH, lights were used. The wardrobe was y g The Presbytery of i:Itrron met in furnished far the occasion• by Messrs, ninghame gave a very interesting; The Stratford and Clinton teams Willis church, Clinton on Tuesd'ay,II , reading on the Pilgrims . Progress, 13th Inst, The b s' i A. & E McKenna, theatrical and Other readings are t° follow, )will try owonclusi evening, on the C localti lik y 4t iness transacted. fancy costumiers, ,Toronto, and were r g was mainly routine examination of • i , Missionary anniversary services will u will be as follows ; Presbytery records their re 'overs expected from a firm cf be held on Sunday, 31st inst, p y y +Payment of Pres- reputation, Goal, W. Johnsen tbytery Clues, "auditing ni treasurer's The ,music was supplied'' by the A. ClintonA BUSINESS CHANGE, Point; C. Copp ,Books and coiksideration of remits from �e:waler and Opdicrasi. � X. P. A, orchestra the most popular ' Cover, 'Ray Rum all the general" assembly. During, the af�+organization of the kind five have in Mr. Hugh.E. 'R4rlfe, Mr., Thos. Beacom has sold his gro- Rover, Bert .lohnson ternoon in connection with a banquet town, eery business to Messrs. Arthur Wings E. Sheppard and . H. White attended by representative laymen The audience on the Thursday even- take and A. B. Carr who Centre, Frank Forrester, from the congregations under the iuris= y Ing filled every seat in the hall and orb Ba field take , possession next Manklay diction of the Presbytery, very fine Baggeld. • Mr, Beacom has been engaged in this QUICK WOnK, addresses were delivered by Principal the second night it was even larger, I quite a few attendingboth erforman- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eagleson business for twelve years. For two t g Gandier and Mr. John _ A. Patterson, es, Amon those p g aeon Among � present were a came from Milestone Sask. a short .years Mr. James. Sheppard was as- Hooper of town wrote the( Usurance� K. C, of Toronto, on the .Laymen's nuitiber'from th.- vicinityof Brucefield ,time since, Intending � t spend some About fourteen months ago Mr, A. . sociated with him and for three years ' of Mr, H, ' T, Smith of Hensall for.lolution Missionary Movement.' These were and Londesboro,V The • icrest of the weeks with friends n and about Bay- his soft, the late William Beacom. `$1,000 who was then, io -good health, followed by a discussion among the audience was held from the first act field, While east their house*on their His genial, personality and straight- y g an w laymen present, �te+rminating in a res-and it deepened as the play unfolded, f p about 35 ears of age and Who took- arm at Milestone was Occupied by forward methods won .fox him a large supliortrni the movement, In g ed forward to a long life. <On Decem- breale:n out: into warm Iause at Mr, and Mrs. Engle whose home was trade which he i ow parts with, hay- the even, Dr. , andiar and Mr. Pat � g pP in North Dakota but who went over her 31st last he fell ill rad in two terson addressed a publle meeting on the really brilliant work of the Sevcx- to look after the ) ce Ing made u his mind to move to days was operated upon for appendi-� al players. p a during Mr; Victoria B; C: or some other point citiq. In ono week after the operation► subjects a4m to thine discussed during an Mrs. • Eagleson's absence.. The in the. sunset province, We will all lie•died, that is on Jan. 9th. Mr. latter afternoon. - latter. is a sister of Mrs: Engle. Mr. ie. sorry .to part with Mr. Beacom andl Hooper got the claim papers' filled ( LITTLE LOCALS, It1Cl1f>trtl IIX and• Mrs. Engle had five Children 'and his estimable partner,' They purpose out and on January 18th Mrs.. 'Smith yesterday Mfr. Eagleson' received a disposing of their fino' residence , on received a cheque for $1000. She was How does your sub to The News- telegram stating that :the house had Huron street, one of the best located surprised and ,yet very thitnkful for Record stand ? yy 6 ah been destroyed the night b.,fgxe , and and c°rnfortabie places in town, tlie. prompt action of the. Company Mr, ,Walter King still continues poor,4 X ,? that . 1VIra. En le P yti � Ge :N, g and four r:hildren The members ti# the new firm of and endeavored to express her ap- )y and liiS complete recovery is ant's tverc+ .burned to .death, the telegram Tyndall & Carr are well and favor-.preciation of the hind treatment of )expected until balmy spring i's with ..... saLd that the origin "of the fire was ably known..hcre,' Mr,. Tyndall partie- Mr. Hooper . and'the Manufacturer's us once more,t unknown. Mr. and Mrs. 'Eagleson', left ularly so for he has spent manyears Life Insurance Co, lie )represents. Mrs..W• J• Halnblyn will be at y) this morning for Mile- in town and vicinity: Mr: Carr until home Wednesday,. Jan, 27th, afternoon sy; } , stone, recently. resided at Blyth. A GOLDEN WEDDING. and evening and afterwards on -tile :. x_ Mrs, Harry .% Armstrong' of Clinton second Wednesday of the month. fs • the 'guest of her parents, Mr. and ONT...ST, CHURCH. Last Wednesday .was the fiftieth. an- The eustgiris coilectton in Clinton for .Mrs. A. Robinson. The MOLSONS - 1BAN :�niversary of the wedding dap of Mr; the nitre oaths ending The Young Meri's' Bible' •class of On- and Mrs. G. F. Counter, and )several m g Dec.pec.:31st last The ladles of St, Andrew's church INCORPORATED 1855• were $16,764.74, an increase, clyer the t .<., L" Home Mission Soviet wilted nu r� tarfo. street. S, S. have frierMs assembled to commemorate the, ,`" y+. a a m Capital - $3,500,000, Rest Fund $31500,00,0... po tponed corresponding their, social. evening from, Friday ' .of - occasion in the afternoon.: It was a p g period . in the previous i v { her of quilts: and made .clothing on this week to a weak later. manor of regret that the c year of $3,021.64 „< ", Tuesd'a,y .afternoon for !the. Presbyter- Has '65 Br. anches In Canada ! ff children of � It' is pr°posed to celebrate, next �: fan Missions ' and Agents and Correspondents in. all the principal cities The : League Missionary, meet' Mr. and Mrs.. Counter: who do not live• Jand-this in. the West. g in Simc°e :vete not able to . uly.12th yin Clinton and - this week 14Ir. John Tones , Jr. -returned home in the world: •for next�"Monday night'wcll'`take thq be •Messrs. Cutler and'Josh. Cook passed last. h for1o. of a discussion of; China's social A delightfyl: supper,!Was served and,% tbet p �,.:w I .. week from Port Dover where. he A 'GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. s ial w; : around the list and, already over "$20(} � spent the past .few, months, system, and reasons for its protract even was passed in Social hltat and, has been" subscribed. Sacramental services were t music. Mr.: Counter reserited Mrs, Willisheld in, e'd existence: There will also be .a P The officers and teachers. ol'R,, + SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT missionary exercise "Ye' are ,the Counter 'with a :diamond. ring and the St. Andrew s clitirch on Sunday. last, ++ coo 1e r 'With the .reef .diamond. of man S, S. gave the scholars of the'school the pastor, Rev. John McNeil.conduet- ` AT ALL BRANOiiES: Light of the Woxtd given by a doz- p p y a sieigh,.xide last evening from four in Preparator Seryico was held on en girls, At last. uieetin p handsome gifts.. It is hoped b their i g' y g g .ins ir- g P y. to six' _q clod: and afterwards. a. tea the Friday afternootti previous when Interest showed at highest CurKent. Rate. ingpapers were: given. on "Noble Men many friends that the )bride and groom iii the has of the church. 'Rev. Hiles of the d'' Of the Bible" by Misses Pislher, Ag. of 111ty, years ago may live -to enjoy Metho ist • church Ciiraton Branch t new and. Colclou Ii many "more .happy years to ether.-- : preached. C Dowding; Manager g ( Mr: E. J. i�oward.. ' St, Andrew's �huteh h Rev, Mr.' Cooper of Blyth occupied Simcoe Reformer.. &Ir:. W. R. Coon= as u t lased 1s.c ter 'of Clinton W a :son of the, mbdve Bagfield a, successful financial. 'year:. The midi- the pulpit. on . Sunday last, There. tor's report - shows a substantial bal- ntentioned COUP 0, were good congregations at both. ser Mr.. Inert Govenlock sand his. sister, As Richard lII, Mr. L: J, •Howard ante. The total receipts-. for the sax vfces and Mr. Cooper, created an, im- MAKING `BOILERS, Miss Rac Govenlock of Seafoxth were ,• were $8.82:66 and the ex y cession which will . ensure p a jar at-. gave evidence:of possessittg.�a drama- : penditures, READYMADE ORDERED> the guests,.of their sister, -Mrs,_ Wil- "tic talent of a very high girder and hi $857••75, leaving a %lance on.-hand. of- tendance should he on any future °c- Pn Monday Mr, Harold Bidwell tht� Liam' Fer trson a few da. s the seta y g • 524. •1: tt auditors pprr r casion have charge lessee. of, a onion of life Th shex g y p . portrayal ' of: GZoitstcr :deformed. in 8 Tea i ors were J.,' H. Reidl. CLOTHING lorrlsh (J Cooks CLOTHING g oi...the services. p . re week. Evan elist Mc rd ; Co's ` )ant be an : Operations. r g . Ha y opens services, plant, i; p M . Mr, Alex. McLeod pilot t iai of ,lar= body blit of a subtle mind wholly andi. J: Whaddon, • 1 hout scruple or reniorsr; was magna- 1VIr. George •Greenslade was in ,Loa _ in Meaford' next Sunday. Following dtivell is a boiler -maker", 'and as ieh . Public, school,. paid a short visit, fie nt and. fr • • t 1 " don on Monde ; " such was •for some time in the em: an eqt eat y the audience show y this . his next 'meetings will be. in On to his old home in. the village the' pd A" chariP.y ball and • an At '.Home' tario - St. church when strong helpful ploy of the `Company a year agog He ' appreciati(un hearty, applause: e its in past• ,Week, :r But it is not on[ "as 'a . that under cite " auspices of the •V'eribeSt .e ;services are expected. has already. secured :contracts that y player Club will be. iveti in the town hall : �o OVe�p will keep'the plant buts- for: •several �'''Valuable•horse 'owned by Mr:;Mr. is ;• he : wasstage gFAREWELL, Howard 'excels DEATH OF YRANC18 'MeILVEE•N. months 'and though starting William Lee of Godcrich and which managci. 'as ive13 and that everything .t>n Friday :evening, February. 5th: coats . 8 g with a. was being kept for the•winter'.by Ntr, moved "so stn'ooth)y )va -d4te tq' his The proceeds will be donated to , the. On' Monday morning •last � - death somewhat small :staff .he. expects to Alex, Robin' son of this village. d`ri+plied " erfeet arran ements d , 'l Sick Chlld'ren's Hospital - Toronto. ' s� p g and.capab a as After stock-taking we find Ourselves 'with a few claimed a well known citizen, . in the 'gradually increase the number. and dead' on, the street on Friday test. sistants. Everybody, welcome. -Come -and help will no, doukrt to time. branch out in- ! odd lines and odd "sizes in'overeoats. These are Tiew Person of Mr. Francis. McI)veen. Mr. Robinson was exercising the an Miss Grace Cliilf 'represented Lad n good' cause 'and •have a good "time. coats this season but in order to keep our stock Well He was..born-on'f1te: Base Lute near to other lines of the business as inial and w�rile .driving slowly. up the Anife. It was a difficult art y The At Home will be from .8 t0 30:30: ' .� Summerhill• was -three" years ago and well' stagger and ftp- but she did it so clever)as't to.play The" Deice. of admission-4111 be lift street he noticed it y o. leave y assorted every season,- we have deelded to clear., the was a son of the late 'rihOrns s . Mcll Mr, .and Mrs. Bidwell have been mediately he unipcd from " the cutter. nothing to be desired: Her great cents a couple, g . g ea balance of our Overcoat stock Out at greatly reduced 'veen, a native of .Ireland_ living in Stratford for some months: and caught it by'the head but it fells scene was the first in•the second act The annual meeting of the' Bayfield rices. -He married Miss Angelina" MCBrien, .Mrs. well, who had been vfsftfngl,and was, dead almost instantly. and in the first in the fourth she cemetery committee. was .held in the p daughter of tihe. late Jonathan Mc- in Hamilton, . arrived on Saturday. was also exceedingly effective. town •hall on Monday .afternoon, The Brien,, and. the settled' u on' the farm. They are at present stayin with Nix. """ "" "" treasurer's report for the ear was y P g .. As the Duchess of York Miss Maud: p Y opposfte.the homestead where they re- and Mrs. Frank Heiman but will take t Deverell skiilfutl )titer interpreted. tato "adopted, After which thefollowin of- w y u housekeeping again as soon as a re' fleets, we're elected : LondeSbt� U,1.�i.LIT mafned . until five years ago when Mr. ; f, p g g I part, especially sit in the fourth act five g 4 only, ere ate in good ma- Molive'en was stricken with paralysis suitable place can be procured. Mrs. Coventry, 'who has::been the where her spirited denunciation of President, ..James Thompson aerials, b and ire e, well wh ch necessitated his retlrementifrom'` nest -of-Mrs. Bell for the past few Richard electrified the audience. `Vice, T, J. Marks trimmed d made. yRegular WILL ENGAGE A.N ENGINIDE•R, Sec.-Treasurer $5.60, Far well price ..6.50 < . " the active work of the farm, and the days,. left for. Detroit last week to ' )Mrs. A. A, Hill played Queen: Elizaa . , •'A. E;, Erwin family took up their abode in 'Clin- j At a special meeting of the. town visit friends.. :. beth,: interpreting the part with ' Dprectors' i -John Middleton, Gabriel " ton.. coisned .held oil Tuesday .evening'' the -Miss 13ina Kirlr left for St. Thom-spirit and pathos. Elliott, Robert Hanley, • Goderich 8 only, O ercoats in "beater ma. " > To Mr. and Mrs. Mellveen two following report o€ f3hc ..�aterworks as Mo' d Wilbur Ford was the Prince of Wal �'nship.; John McNaughton and to on ay.. Thomas Brownett -Sianle Jam• tectal apd better trimmings, an sons were. born,. W. E,, Sec.-Treasurer committee was adopted : mr, .Frank Hibbert has: engaged' with les- and 1• red, the Duke'of York and y exti a nice coat. Regularly sold Lyon Chemical Company, Toronto,, Your committee ort .,waterworks. Mr. an r es Cain at $10 and �Il, Farewell rtes i !well did they represent •affectionate 1>Ibell with tore' president anti p and P. O.. of the Sterling Bank ih Lo she xp ` 'lads who preferred home and :mother vice-president, Bayfield," ........... , ............ 0.00 :yi„f% g having conferred with a dumber of Miss E. L ori is visitin the same.city, •s g. friends at to the pomp and.danger. of court. 11lfss Chesney of Sea#orth. is the a ,� � t•y�;y praininenb citizens in a Point meeting f -The-late Mr: Mcllveen was pf a beg leave t report as follows ;,First,i,acknow this week, J. 13, Hoover. was a dignified Lord guest” of Mrs. Cowie at present, 4 only, Coats in dark colors, one Yf f, tl + g T Mrs, W: Hiles returned .from visit Mayor, IT. B, Kerr. a handsome Rich= We are called. upon this week' to quiet retain nature and took no That this Rcommittee.employ a com•� ,. I . -� Ing friends at Leamin ton• and Comm. mond, Dr. A.xtoit. a".graceful 'Ft.e.l;ing record the death of an old residentof of our bit{ sellers this season, � ;:��• � part in .public affairs beyond serving osteal engineer to" prepare g g Regular price $12, Farewell as school trustee for several• years. laps and s eeifications c be haam, Herb Alexander a soldierly Lieu- this village in the person of Mr. eugh price .................. 13.5.0 P p in, accordance + , McLeod . w He was frank and kindly and much with bylaw No, 7 for 19017: Second Several from here ,'attended the play, tenant of the Tower, L McLeod as Who. passed away on Satur�. `N liked by all who knew him, ' of Richard II, given. at Clinton On Lord Stanley the, tactful irientl of day morning at the age of 131 years, That after Corresponding with several . g ( The funeral took. y 4 only. better Coats in blacks W" F For year$ he Was a member of tile-'engineers -we deem it advisable to em- `Thursday and Friday evenings ofilast both Richard and Richmond, A. Con � place on Monday im dark arevs, regularly sold y Summerhill Orange lodge and in re- to Mr, Willis Chi week:. lid the alert Catesby; W. 11. Heuston morning to' the Baytleld cemetery, at >814 and $16, Farewell price may: ` g' y ploy y , pman of Toroaito g if ion he was a Presbyterian, He was and that he be appointed. engineer for Have you got yours name nn .any. of j the astute .Ratcliffe, W. Grundy, Tires- -Rev. J:: McNeil conducting the •sekvic- .. 10.!+30, a staunch Conservative. 1 ? sel Clarence Copp, priest Edgar' es. 71he pallbearers were ' Messrs. """"""' said works, his remuneration to be as the petitions regarding the.postplfie;,' + + g John Ferguson; ,John Falconer, d:lam- f f O Earl t EoOxford, f W. Moffat ar: He never ,recovered from the strobe per .his arrangements with your co.m= If not,. hurry -up ! East, Blunt, es Sturgeon, ,.< Vis' of five years ago, though for a time mittee, namely four per cent, of the We are all [eased t° learn that and W, Johnson played the duel part g on, Jolin. Pollock,. Robert only,p of Tirrel and, the Duke of Norfolk, and William Elliott. 2 sable Muto s,Coats, with rover- . Y: he seemed to grow stronger. Of late cost of the said system. Third That , y The annual tnectin sible collars, a big improves- y , Mrs. C, W. Holmes who recent) left g of the Stanley mens over old style. in dark �. he failed fast and for some days be- in the event of the contract.price be- for Ottawa and who was under the District Ro al Searle rey only, regularly meld at r r fore his death he was in ata ,linconsei- img such as would not warrant y t Chapter L. O. Your weather. after leer' arrival there, is The ).olid Mayor. to was held in the Orange hall; Bay- 18, Farewell pace... f4.t�d r ous_ state.. His passing from this life committee to proceed with the work out again, y field,. on Thursday evening last when was calm and peaceful with all the or for any, other'vqz�urse, that the coil- • T. Sampson had the misfortune to--�•--.----- the following officers were elected members of his family gathered about tract with Mr. Chipman provide for et us thumb badly cut' in the e . to for r g >l the ensuing year : his bedside. ! pulper on Tuesdwy of this week. W. C. fir C,, D. C. Galbraith of N'o.. proper remuneration for his services The funeral took place yesterday afj in preparing said 'plans and specifica- • Mr. Hutton of the flout mills ship• p s' s ternoon and was largely attended. ' tions. Fourth, That the Mayor be ped' a car of flour this week. The 1 24, Bayfield Boy$ Overcoats : �'R l V. in C,, Robt, McMurray of .24 � , rs, , The services. were conducted' by Rev. authorized and instructed ,. to sign water has lit;en high for the Bast weeici Bayfield :a .,w Dr. Stewart, The pallbearers were the contract with Mr. Chipman as and Mr. Dutton has been able to run: )Chaplain, Rev, W. Ilind'e of No, 24 Vire have a good range in Boys � � ' ` : his three brothers-in-law, Albert. Mc soon tis the same is endorsed by the his mill by, water )tower, but it is ! � Bayfield. Overcoats, in assorted prices " Brien, X-301. Ball and James Malts, waterworks committee. lour again and stealn power will have+ ^: and sizes. which we are selling «ate Scribe, George Beatty of Nd, .1035, at proportionately cut prices. and three old and tried friends, 'Eph. Guarattteed bonds of the Thresher to be used. Most every infller Who Varna Butts, Marry Hibbs and George 1-1ill. � Company to the amount of $768-80 uses water power complains of a Among 'those from out of town who fell due an the 30th of bee, last and, shortage of water this season, .,, Treasurer, George Sterling of Na, 1 , 733, I3ensall attended the funeral. were : Mr. Robr .as the ligill4tor of tlia Company has The annual meeting of the .. share- t Herald at Arms, Robt. McKinley of ort Meliveen, Watford ; Mr. John and3 made no provision for the payment: of holders of the Londesbora Weigh Scale No. 84, Goshen ct �r Miss .Jennie McIloride, Cxrantori ; Mn these dobentures, the holders are tak: Co, was held at Mr. J, Brunsdon s 1st LeGtttrer, John Pollock of No. A Square Deal, for ,livery Man,,, George Christopher of Walton , Mr, � Ing advantage of the guaranteo and last Thursday night. The receipts � 24, Bayfield and Mrs, James Latdlex, Morris , requesting the town .. to pay.. Last of tiro year amounted to $72:00 after � 2nd I,ectrtrer, William Rathwelt of Mr. Henry Sturdy, Miss Annio Sturw ear's council made no levyfor this the wet hmastox s commission and dy, Mr. and Urs. W. Patterson and year's would have added one mf-It runnia g ex enses . wer© aid. The No,. ndu "Varna Mr. and Mrs. W, J. `MoBxien, Auburn, g p p ist Conductor, William 1�olloC '�''of ta'tiiti rate•-so that the fra�erdao pay- shareholders rea,lixed a "d�*fulend of 12 No, 833 'Goshen CROOKS Mr: Robert Mellveen of Watford meat will have to be made out of the per cent, The shareholders have now; , " MORRISH gild Conductor Charles poster of and Mr. Josiah, Mellveee of Saska-current account, Mhe council on 'Tues. received fr% dividends enough to more 13 loon,. Sisk., are brothers of the der l � . ' No. 1035 'Varna r day evening discussed the matter ands than equal shares paid at time of or- Inward Herald, Robert ReC imphey ItCCtt$islla>Eff I4�fr>d Afi'>ltir Clofhu►ltylfe Lensed, hips sisters being Mrs. James ' � g an end�avar will be made to eatnti to, ecti°ri. Thia is a good itrveatment. of No. 033, GahltotE jMairs, town, and 'Ura. John l+dcGabl�a deditit6 understanding with the ii= It is understood all stud #h this oofu t Outward '>llerald It, Bails + Mil'r �1 a. Hoover. e y of No, Of C'toaafteld:s, Alta. qu:tlator, palsy is•ltlr24, Dayllold.